#Hyperfixation coming in STRONG
fitz-and-simmons · 7 months
Google Search: How to politely explain to your professor that he broke your brain by assigning Castlevania and that you have watched the second season four times in the past week... and that you gamified your to-do list to "earn" new episodes since that seems to be the only way you're capable of making progress on your PhD applications current
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sea-buns · 9 months
wow... what a season. it feels weird to say that this little 6-episode side quest, in all of the 19 seasons of d20, is one of my favorites they've ever done but it just is. it had all the stakes and humor and drama that you could possibly want, all balanced with an incredible cast of players. the table chemistry was excellent, the characters were so perfectly themselves, the TROPES were OFF THE CHARTS!
i can't quite remember the last time i finished something and ached so sharply for there to be more. i just know I'm gonna be thinking about this one for a long time
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kami-kun1003 · 6 months
TWST fic writers stop reducing Silver’s entire personality to just “sleepy boy who falls asleep all the time and is sooooo sleepy and tired and did i mention he sleeps a lot and also he loves his dad” challenge (impossible) (gone wrong)
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Me: *existing*
Also me: *thinks too hard about hazbin or helluva*
Me: *implodes*
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tiagems · 9 months
Punkflower girlies, it seems we're in a bit of a drought
Not to worry, I will keep the tag alive with my shitty thoughts
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carmyboobear · 2 months
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i feel completely normal about jeremy allen white and the bear
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aceofwhump · 10 months
I was thinking about this last night after I rewatched Recovery (cause I like pain I guess. That movie makes me sob so much. It's such a good movie but my god is it emotional) and you know what? David Tennant is the best at crying/emotional scenes. In my opinion no one compares to him. His acting is so visceral, so real, so heart wrenching it never fails to make me sob. He goes all in every single time.
I mean look at these examples from Doctor Who, Einstein and Eddington, There She Goes, Single Father, and Recovery. No one does sobbing like this man.
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I mean his pain noises are also out of this world good but his sobbing/crying is unparalleled. I could watch this for days.
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pawzofchaos · 1 year
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Cringe things
I am so normal about this cast
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itsalwaysforyou · 11 months
jafar raised jay to be slippery and selfish but jay knew there was strength in numbers and decided to trust and love and hope despite everything else. and he protects these people that he finds, the only things his father can’t take from him, his own treasure he guards like the lion’s head at the cave of wonders.
he’s the last one out, there to watch their backs, as close to them all as their own shadows. he’s their third eye, always hyper-vigilant, always on the look out. he knows when to start a fight, and when it’s best to leave it alone. it’s nearly always best to leave it alone. he wrangles them all back in, keeping them safe so they don’t have to worry about injuries or repercussions or consequences. his job is to keep them safe, and keep them alive.
and yet, in auradon, with no brawls or street fights or leering parents or turf wars or rivals or enemies, what is there to protect them from? passive aggressive comments? pastels? afternoon tea? what is a guard dog with nothing to guard? jay has built his entire life, his entire self, around servitude. if it’s not his father, it’s his gang, always the helping hand and the shoulder to cry on (metaphorically, of course) and the reassuring presence. without any of that, he is nothing.
he is the thief that gives. the boy desperate to hold on to his only sense of purpose. it’s all he knows: give enough away and they might let you stick around. chameleonic, knowing exactly who to be where and when. the charmer, the heartthrob, the villain, the protector, the liar, the snake, the attacker. anything you need. he can be anything at all, as effortless as breathing.
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richtkin · 3 months
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this is insane. i feel as though i need to seek professional help.
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digitalmidnight · 7 months
Times Tom and Jerry kiss list [as of 2023]:
Total of 36
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Pick your era:
Classics (1940-1967) 21
The Tom and Jerry show (2014) 8
Misc (movies, comics, and the other series that had only small amounts of kisses) 7
Or just look under tag "Tom and Jerry Kiss List"
Some fun facts, Reasoning and the Grand List below the readmore!
*If I missed one please provide the name of the episode and year/what series it would be in so I can find it and add it. Does not count hugging, nuzzling, blowing kisses, licking or foreheads knocking together [unless there is a kiss sound effect]. Does not count Tom or Jerry kissing anyone else [ie. Tom kissing Toodles]. Only counts instances of kisses, so if Jerry kisses Tom 7 times in the same scene, it only counts as 1 kiss.
Fun facts:
The era with the most kisses is Hanna-Barbera with 16, followed by The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) with 8 and Chuck Jones with 4.
Tom initiated the most kisses by 8! Tom initiated 21 times and Jerry 13, with 2 kisses listed under other/undetermined*
Counting only classics, Tom initiated 14 times and Jerry 7 times.
Counting everything but classics, Tom initiated 7 times and Jerry initiated 6.
The only era with more than 1 kiss that Jerry beat Tom in initiating kisses is The Tom and Jerry Show (2014). Tom initiated 3 times and Jerry 4 times, however one of the ones counted under Jerry is technically accidental [episode Kiss and Makeup]
There is little to no overlap in their reasoning for kissing. The only overlap is in the accidental category.
The only Tom and Jerry movie with a kiss between them [as of 2023] is the Tom and Jerry Movie (2021).
Their first kiss is in the third short released, The Night Before Christmas (1941)
Their latest kiss is in Tom and Jerry in New York, episode Dream Team. Released July 1st, 2021
Kisses by era counter:
Hanna-Barbera: 16
Tom and Jerry Show (2014): 8
Chuck Jones: 4
Tom and Jerry Tales: 2
Eras with 1 Kiss:
Gene Deitch
Tom and Jerry Dell Comics
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show
Tom and Jerry Kids
Tom and Jerry Movie (2021)
Tom and Jerry in New York
Kisses by reasons counter: Categories subjective to me
Thanks/Please/Sorry: 9
Friend Proof: 7
Personality Change: 3
Tom's reasons with 1 kiss:
In Love with different character [Springtime for Thomas (1946)]
Accident [Guilded Mouse Ille (1967). First kiss was accident, so counted under accidental.]
Taunt 4
Glad you are back/Glad I am back: 3
In Love: 2 [The Brothers carry the Mouse (1965) and TJ Show (2014)'s Bottled Up Emotions]
3. Taunting someone else: 2
Jerry's reasons with 1 kiss:
Distraction [The Night before Christmas. Initiates by holding mistletoe and inviting Tom to kiss him]
Accident [Tom and Jerry Show (2014) Kiss and Makeup. Throws himself between Tom and Toodles to save Tom. Accidentally gets kiss on cheek from both.]
Other category is for stuff that I genuinely struggled to find/write reason for OR it's kinda unclear what/who it should count for. For instance, in the Tom and Jerry show (2014) episode Return to Sender, they were pushed together by a wizard and forced to kiss. Other is not counted under either Tom and Jerry and so is not in the counter.
Hanna-Barbera [1940-1958] 16
The Night Before Christmas (1941) While running from Tom, Jerry spots mistletoe tucked in the wrapping of a present. He grabs it and holds it over his head. Tom immediately stops, to which Jerry points at the mistletoe and then makes a kissing gesture. Tom pouts, then becomes bashful, then gives Jerry a kiss. (Counts under Jerry)
Sufferin' Cats (1942) Jerry previously made Tom jealous by kissing another cat [Meathead]. When Meathead tries to eat Jerry, Jerry does the same move to Tom. He jumps on Tom's shoulder, kisses Tom, sticks out his tongue to Meathead, then snuggles Tom.
The Million Dollar Cat (1944) Tom gets a million dollars so long as he doesn't harm Jerry. When Jerry follows him to his new home, Tom goes to attack him when Jerry points out the telegram. Tom kisses Jerry's cheek, then tries to flee.
The Bodyguard (1944) Spike becomes Jerry's bodyguard after Jerry saves him. Tom chases Jerry with a pipe all the way to spike. After seeing the teeth, he picks up Jerry, kisses his cheek, puts him in a baby carriage, pretends the pipe is a musical instrument, then runs.
Mouse in Manhattan (1945) After discovering the solo city life sucks, Jerry runs back to his home to find Tom still asleep. He rips apart the letter he wrote Tom then peppers him in kisses, to Tom’s complete confusion.
Springtime for Thomas (1946) Tom sees a pretty cat [Toodles] in his neighbors yard. He gets heart eyes, kisses Jerry (who is jealous and offended Tom isn't chasing him), then calls out to and waves to Toodles.
The Truce Hurts (1948) Tom, Jerry and the dog [Spike] make a treaty to be friends. When Tom sees Jerry about to be attacked by an alley cat [Butch], Tom saves him then kisses his cheek before letting him go.
Heavenly Puss (1949) 1. Tom can only get on the heavenly express if Jerry forgives him. Jerry rips up the certificate of forgiveness, so Tom is about to hit him. When the devil appears and tries to encourage Tom to hit Jerry, Tom smothers Jerry in kisses.
Heavenly Puss (1949) 2. The events of the episode were a dream. When Tom wakes up, he gives Jerry many kisses and nuzzles him, to Jerry's confusion. (Counting under Thanks)
Jerry's Cousin (1951) Muscles scares Tom enough that Tom kisses his feet when he whistles as a sign of deference. Muscles then gives Jerry his outfit and tells Jerry he only needs to whistle. Jerry whistles and Tom kisses his feet. (Counting under thanks/please/sorry)
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 1. Tom gets hit on the head and thinks he's a mouse. As a mouse he offers Jerry cheese, then retracts the offer and eats it himself. When Jerry goes inside his mouse hole, he tries to follow. To Jerry's surprise, he kisses Jerry's cheek the shoves himself in the mouse hole.
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 2. After being annoyed with Tom acting as a mouse, Jerry tries to hit his head and return him to normal. When he succeedes and Tom is back to normal again, Jerry is so happy he gives Tom a large kiss on the lips.
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 3. Tom is hit on the head again by his owner and returned to being a mouse. When Jerry goes to sit on his bed in disappointment, Tom goes in the mouse hole and kisses his cheek, then steals his bed.
Hic cup Pup (1954) Spike will beat up Tom if he wakes Tyke. Jerry straps horns to his feet, goes to where Tom is waiting outside his house hole and gives him a big kiss under his nose, barks, and then they chase.
Little School Mouse (1954) Tuffy, after passing how to outwit cats tests by being nice to Tom, teaches that cats and mice should be friends. Jerry shakes his head in disagreement. Tom nodds his head in agreement wirh Tuffy, takes off Jerry's dunce hat, then kisses Jerry on the forehead.
Mouse for Sale (1955) Jerry is treated as a dancing house pet so long as he is colored white. Tom eventually paints himself white and the owner agrees to let him in "but you must promise to be friends [with Jerry]". He gives Jerry a little kiss and nods. He then dances to beat up Jerry.
Tom and Jerry Dell Comics (1949-1980) 1
#106 (May, 1953): Tom abandons chasing Jerry and Tuffy in favor of trying to hunt a bird. Jerry and Tuffy get jealous and try to dress up like the bird so Tom would still technically be chasing them. Tom shoots the "bird" and a woman gets angry at him for hunting it. Jerry and Tuffy go to rescue Tom from the woman by scaring her, she lets Tom go. They chase briefly before Tom catches them and gives Jerry a kiss for helping him out.
Gene Deitch [1961-1962] 1
Buddies Thicker than Water (1962) Tom is freezing and starving while Jerry is hidden in a penthouse. After Jerry drags him inside and warms him with a heated blanket, Tom gives Jerry a kiss on the cheek. Jerry then makes him instant food.
Chuck Jones [1963-1967] 4
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (1964) Jerry invents a potion that makes him go fast and eats Tom's food before he can. After eating the banana, he tries running away in the peel. Tom picks him up and peels back the banana peel. Jerry gives him a peck on the lips, then escapes right as the potion fails.
Ah, Sweet Mouse Story of Life (1965) Tom gets stretched after chasing Jerry down a downtake pipe. Jerry helps him escape by blowing the air horn. Tom thanks him by giving him many kisses on his forehead. Jerry wants more kisses, but Tom realizes Jerry tastes delicious and tries to bite him. Tom is still long.
The Brothers Carry Mouse Off (1965) Tom puts on a costume and perfume to look like a female mouse. Jerry instantly falls for it and kisses his hand and arms. However, many other mice also fall for Tom, and so Jerry continues kissing a path away from Tom. Jerry then watches the disguised Tom get chased by a bunch of cats as the camera pans to a heart on the tree and then the end credits.
Guilded Mouse ille (1967) Tom gets blasted back to the stone age. Tom is about to clobber Jerry when Jerry offers him the bone he was nibbling on to share. While nibbling, Tom accidentally kisses Jerry. Realizing he is tasty, he gives Jerry several kisses on the cheek. Then tries to actually eat him. (Counting under other)
The Tom and Jerry Comedy show (1980-1982) 1
Farewell, Sweet Mouse: Tom floods Jerry's mouse hole, the resulting water pushes him into the rain and pops his balloon, leading Tom to gleefully think he drowned. When Tom gets back, he looks at a picture of him and Jerry, imagines Jerry as an angel, and Angel Jerry kisses picture him's cheek. (Counted under other category due to it being a Jerry kiss, but Tom's imagination.)
Tom and Jerry Kids (1990-1993) 1
Hawkeye Tom: in a move that's a similar to Sufferin' Cats and A Mouse in the House , Jerry puts himself in Tom's hands then kisses Tom's cheek before sticking his tongue out in taunt to a bird.
Tom and Jerry tales (2006-2008) 2
Abracadumb: Tom was looking for Jerry under cups, but Jerry was on Tom's shoulder. Before Tom can retaliate against Jerry, Jerry gives him a kiss on the cheek and gets caught between Tom's hand
Don't bring your pet to School day: Tom tries to eat Jerry. Tom's owner tells Tom to say he's sorry to Jerry. Tom gives Jerry a kiss on the forehead. And again. Once more that's more of a suck and then he eats him.
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) (2014-2021?) 8
Bottled Up Emotions: Love potion (in bubble form) hits Jerry and he falls in love with Tom. Kisses his nose. Kisses his hand when Tom tries to shove him off. Kisses feet when Tom tries to push him away.
Return to Sender: Flower shop owner picks Tom and Jerry by scruffs of their neck, sings "take a chance, to romance", then forces them to kiss
Splinter of Discontent: Tom begs Jerry and Tuffy for help as Tyke has a splinter and Spike is threatening to hurt him. Jerry agrees to help and Tom kisses his feet.
Catitude Adjustment: Tom had been under a spell that made him too clingey/nice to Jerry. At the end of the episode they get him back to normal and he chases Jerry again. Jerry makes a stop gesture, Tom leans down and glares, Jerry gives Tom a kiss with a heart to Tom's confusion.
From Riches to Rags: Jerry, after losing to Tom all day and going to bed starving, has a dream where Tom is his servant and Jerry harasses Tom until they get into a fight. After getting hit by a chandelier he wakes up, runs downstairs to Tom who is asleep, gives him a hug and kiss on the nose, lookes sheepish, kicks his nose and then the episode ends as they chase one another.
Kiss and Makeup: Toodles (Called Misty Makeup Marvin in this short) has magic and wants to kiss Tom with this evil Lipstick in hopes to mind control(?) him so she can retire in the haunted mansion he lives in. Jerry and Tuffy have been trying to prevent this kiss from happening. When Toodles goes for a kiss on the couch, Jerry jumps in between and gets a kiss from both of them on the cheeks. Then Jerry turns into a bat.
Mirror Image: Tom gets stuck in the mirror dimension and there's an evil mirror Tom in the real world. Tuffy, who is trapped with Tom, tells Jerry to make the evil Tom touch the mirror so they can get out. Jerry does so, and Tom escapes with both Tuffy and Jerry in his hands. He gives them both a kiss on a cheek before laughing at his mirror self's misfortune.
Pumpkin Punks: Jerry is hiding in root vegetables, popping out to taunt Tom, then going back underground. When Tom gets tired, he pops out and gives him a kiss on the cheek with lots of hearts (then waves and runs away so Tom can chase him)
Tom and Jerry Movie (2021) 1
1:33:50 Spike, Tom and Jerry begin to chase and start to destroy the wedding. Human cast gives them disapproving look. Spike apologies and Tom kisses Jerry to show they are friends. Tom closes ending curtain then goes back to chasing Jerry
Tom and Jerry in New York (2021-) 1
Dream Team: Tom dreams he's in a basketball game against Butch, but due to cheating/skill he has no points. Jerry climbs into the ball and helps him win, however becomes very dizzy. When he topples out of the ball, Tom picks him up and gives him several kisses. Then he gives the real Jerry an ice cream bar, to Jerry's confusion. (Tom's imagination but we're counting it under Tom kiss)
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scrawnytreedemon · 4 months
Seriously tempted to make a highkey detached headcanon/pseudo-analysis post regarding Zant and gender. Probably a bad idea.
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silvercaptain24 · 6 months
*grabs Kaladin*
I need to shake this man around in a washing machine in my brain
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thelastlivingme · 1 year
Sonic Prime is a good show. Have a guy who definitely doesn’t rollerskate.
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the-blazing-star · 7 months
Nevermind, I don’t care what happens in s3, all I need is for Gabriel to call Beelzebub “Bee” and all my mental illnesses will be cured.
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silverdrws · 7 months
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