#How To Increase Height Faster At Age 16
I'm going to post some notes for my fanfic, miscellaneous filling in the gaps in canon stuff about Blindsight vampires. I think I'll do three installments: one about vampire childhood, one about prehistoric vampire sociality/pack dynamics, and one about vampire sexuality. I'll do the childhood one first:
Blindsight vampire headcanons: vampire childhood:
Vampires have shorter childhoods than humans. In this area vampires have evolved relatively conservatively; Neanderthals probably had shorter childhoods than humans too, it's the very long human childhood that's weird and extreme and really different from how Homo erectus worked. Being vulnerable and pre-reproductive for so long is a huge risk, one humans can afford because we're a very social species - vampires are less social and ancestrally had a more dangerous lifestyle, so vampires evolved to get big, strong, and smart (relatively) fast. This might be one of the selection pressures that led to vampire superhuman intelligence; humans increased their cultural capacity by lengthening their childhoods, vampires increased their cultural capacity by cramming more learning into relatively short childhoods, which meant more need to be fast learners.
This obviously means vampires go through most development milestones earlier than humans, but there is at least one major exception: language; human children develop language precociously by vampire standards.
Vampires reach full physical, sexual, and neurological maturity at 13-14 years old.
By the age of nine a vampire is most of the way to fully grown, is smarter than most adult humans, would be a serious physical threat to a fit adult human male, and in ancient vampire society would have been ready to join hunts (of deer and aurochs and so on; they'd get some years of practice with easier/safer prey before they started participating in hunting humans). Vampire childhood is not just human childhood but accelerated, things develop not just faster but in different order, and this would be really obvious if you met a nine year old vampire. They'd have the height and proportions of maybe a human 14-16 year old; they'd very possibly be taller than you. But they'd be obviously pre-pubescent. But if you talked to them, it'd feel like talking to an adult (albeit an asexual adult, but I think modern vampires are probably close to being asexual even as adults because they never get to be around their own kind - more on that in the vampire sexuality headcanons post).
That nine year old vampire has just recently developed the ability to speak. Vampires have a long non-speaking stage, from around the age of 3-4 to around the age of 7-8, during which they can understand spoken language and they can talk using sign language but they can't do oral speech. Even pre-speaking language acquisition might be somewhat delayed (or, rather, similar to Homo erectus language acquisition); IIRC a human child who didn't start talking until 3-4 would be considered a slow talker. Ancient vampire culture was built around this, so ancient vampires had a very extensive and sophisticated sign language, which was also useful to them for communicating without making sounds while hunting. When they first recreated the species in modern times they spent years wondering if the species was naturally mute or if they'd messed up somehow, until a seven year old vampire child spoke a complete sentence in perfect English.
Vampires don't really have much of a teenage-equivalent phase. Pretty much all their growth and brain development happens in the pre-pubescent phase; puberty is short (a couple of years, between 12-14 or so) and is a sort of "congratulations, you've developed to your full size, you've reached graduation day, time to get functional reproductive organs, secondary sex characteristics, a sexuality, and if you're male some extra muscle" sort of deal.
Ancient vampires nursed/breast-fed their children for a relatively long time, weaning them around the age of 4-5. This would have suppressed vampire fertility through lactational amenorrhea; feature, not bug, to a predator species dependent on a prey species that bred not all that much faster than them. I assume lactating vampires passed some of that protein they needed to get from eating people onto their offspring through their breast milk, so pre-weaning vampire children got it that way.
Young vampire children are actually kind of well-behaved in a way. Vampires are a less energetic species than humans, and young vampire children have an instinctive sense that the world is dangerous and will instinctively cling to their caregiver and try to remain in close proximity to them most of the time. Vampires don't have terrible twos. Heron once tricked a blind human into getting her pregnant (he didn't realize she wasn't human) to produce an offspring who was immune to the crucifix glitch, and one of her primary impressions of her half-human daughter is "she was an exhausting hyperactive hellion as a kid."
In a lot of ways vampire children seem a lot more human than vampire adults. They are much more curious, energetic, and playful. They spend more time awake. They will cry if upset and express pain if hurt (which adult vampires do not do). They are more expressive, less touch-averse, less avoidant-aggressive, and more interested in social interaction.
Watching vampire children play is a lot like watching a cat play: they love activities that vaguely simulate hunting like chasing and pouncing on wind-up toys, chasing a laser pointer dot, etc.. In ancient vampire society a 4-8 year old child would be following their mother around and helping her trap and hunt small animals. They really like hide and seek games too.
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solution007 · 10 months
Walking 4 Miles By Age And Gender
How Long It Takes to Walk 4 Miles “Walking 4 Miles by Age and Gender”
Easy Walk (3 Mph)/ 80 to 99 steps per minute/ 20 minutes per mile
Moderate Walk (4 Mph)/ 100 to 119 steps per minute/ 15 minutes per mile
Fast Walk (5+ Mph)/ 120+ steps per minute/ 11 minutes per mile
How Long are 4 Miles?
How Long to Walk 4 Miles by Age and Gender?
How Long Does It Take to Walk 4 Miles on a Treadmill?
How Many Steps to Walk 4 Miles?
Is Walking 4 Miles a Day Good?
What Does Walking Do for Your Body?
Benefits of Walking 4 Miles a Day
Tips for Getting the Best Results Out of Walking 4 Miles a Day
Introduction: Walking is a popular form of exercise, and 4 miles is one of the most commonly walked distances. In this article, we explore how long it takes to walk 4 miles based on different paces, age, and gender. Additionally, we discuss the benefits of walking, tips for maximizing the results, and the number of steps it takes to cover 4 miles.Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!
How Long It Takes To Walk 4 Miles: “Walking 4 Miles By Age”
Easy Walk (3 Mph)/ 80 to 99 steps per minute/ 20 minutes per mile: For beginners walking at a leisurely pace of 3 miles per hour, it takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes to walk 4 miles.
Moderate Walk (4 Mph)/ 100 to 119 steps per minute/ 15 minutes per mile: Increasing the speed to a moderate pace of 4 miles per hour allows one to complete 4 miles in approximately 1 hour, both outdoors and on a treadmill.
Fast Walk (5+ Mph)/ 120+ steps per minute/ 11 minutes per mile: Consistently walking at a fast pace of 5 miles per hour for 4 miles can reduce the time to approximately 45 minutes.
How Long are 4 Miles? Understanding the distance in terms of feet, meters, and kilometers. Four miles equates to 21120 feet and approximately 6.4 km.
How Long to Walk 4 Miles by Age and Gender? Research shows that the time it takes to walk 4 miles varies based on age and gender. Younger people up to middle age generally walk faster than older generations, and men tend to walk slightly faster than women.
[Age and Gender] – [Average Speed (Mph)] – [Time for 4 miles walking]
20-29 – Male – 3.04 – 1 hr 19 min
20-29 – Female – 3.0 – 1 hr 20 min
30-39 – Male – 3.2 – 1 hr 15 min
30-39 – Female – 3.0 – 1 hr 20 min
40-49 – Male – 3.2 – 1 hr 15 min
40-49 – Female – 3.11 – 1 hr 17 min
50-59 – Male – 3.2 – 1 hr 15 min
50-59 – Female – 2.93 – 1 hr 22 min
60-69 – Male – 3.0 – 1 hr 20 min
60-69 – Female – 2.77 – 1 hr 27 min
70-79 – Male – 2.82 – 1 hr 25 min
70-79 – Female – 2.53 – 1 hr 35 min
80-89 – Male – 2.17 – 1 hr 51 min
80-89 – Female – 2.1 – 1 hr 54 min
How Long Does It Take to Walk 4 Miles on a Treadmill? Treadmills provide the convenience of controlling pace and time. The table below shows the time it takes to walk 4 miles on a treadmill at different speeds.
[Walking Speed (mph)] – [Minutes for taking per mile] – [Time for 4 miles walking on Treadmill]
2.5 – 24:00 – 1 hr 36 min
3.0 – 20:00 – 1 hr 20 min
3.1 – 19:21 – 1 hr 17 min
3.2 – 18:45 – 1 hr 15 min
3.3 – 18:10 – 1 hr 13 min
3.4 – 17:38 – 1 hr 11 min
3.5 – 17:08 – 1 hr 09 min
3.6 – 16:40 – 1 hr 07 min
3.7 – 16:12 – 1 hr 05 min
3.8 – 15:47 – 1 hr 03 min
3.9 – 15:23 – 1 hr 02 min
4.0 – 15:00 – 1 hr
4.1 – 14:38 – 59 min
4.2 – 14:17 – 57 min
4.3 – 13:57 – 56 min
4.4 – 13:38 – 55 min
4.5 – 13:20 – 53 min
5.0 – 12:00 – 48 min
How Many Steps to Walk 4 Miles? The number of steps to walk 4 miles varies based on stride length, height, gender, and speed. On average, people take around 2240 steps for 1 mile at an average speed. For 4 miles, it amounts to around 8960 steps on average.
Is Walking 4 Miles a Day Good? Walking 4 miles a day is considered good for overall health. It is manageable and suitable for all fitness levels and age groups. It helps improve cardiovascular health, manage arthritis and joint pains, and contributes to mental well-being.
What Does Walking Do for Your Body? Walking offers numerous benefits, including weight management, cardiovascular health, muscle and joint strength, calorie burning, stress reduction, and improved mood and mental health.
Benefits of Walking 4 Miles a Day:
Low-Intensity Workout for All
Helps Manage Long-term Illnesses
Muscle and Joint Strength and Endurance
Burning Calories and Weight Loss
Reducing Stress and Depression
Tips for Getting the Best Results Out of Walking 4 Miles a Day:
Walk in the right form
Pick a comfortable pace
Increase pace gradually
Opt for hilly terrains and resistance
Create a consistent walking schedule
Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
Explore different paths while walking
Usually, a healthy person takes approximately 1 hour to 1 hour and 20 minutes to walk 4 miles. Even at an average speed of 3 miles per hour, one would take 1 hour and 20 minutes to walk 4 miles. At a moderate pace of 4 miles per hour, it takes 1 hour to complete the distance, and at a fast speed of 5 miles per hour, approximately 45 minutes is enough to finish the race. How Long are 4 Miles? You probably calculate the distance in terms of kilometers, meters, or feet. In this case, 1 mile is 5280 feet, which approximates 1609 meters or 1.6 km. Therefore, 4 miles is equal to 21120 feet and approximately 6.4 km. Table of Contents How Long It Takes to Walk 4 Miles You might have heard about it from a doctor, a nutritionist, or even a friend, “try walking 4 miles several times a week.” So, is it really easy to walk 4 miles, and how long would it take? Four miles may not be an easy distance, but it is manageable even for people who feel weak, are in injury or illness recovery, or even feel too heavy to walk. Easy Walk (3 Mph)/ 80 to 99 steps per minute/ 20 minutes per mile:For a beginner going at the recommended beginner pace of 3 miles per hour, it takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes to walk 4 miles. Moderate Walk (4 Mph)/ 100 to 119 steps per minute/ 15 minutes per mile: If you increase the Speed to a moderate pace of 4 miles per hour, approximately an hour is all you need when walking outdoors. However, if you walk on a treadmill, you will manage to complete the 4 miles walk in precisely 1 hour walking for 4 miles per hour. Fast Walk (5+ Mph)/ 120+ steps per minute/ 11 minutes per mile: Surprisingly, consistency in walking makes you lighter and fitter to walk faster. It is, therefore, no surprise that some people walk at a pace of 5 miles per hour consistently for 4 miles, which keeps the time frame shorter than 1 hour, approximately 45 minutes. Other than pace, the terrain, weather conditions outdoors, and nature of the path can determine how long you take to complete the distance. For example, you take longer walking uphill, against the wind in windy weather, or by the beach. Interestingly, these time limitations are significant for resistance and burning more calories. Conclusion: Walking 4 miles can take between 45 minutes to 1 hour and 20 minutes, depending on the pace. It is a beneficial exercise for maintaining fitness and overall health, suitable for various age groups and fitness levels. The article encourages regular walking and provides tips for achieving the best results from the activity.
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hghvallarta · 2 years
Find Out The Role of HGH In Height And Bodybuilding
Children's bodies differ in comparison to adults. For children, the growth and development process doesn't cease until the conclusion of puberty. The production of growth hormones increases from birth until the start of puberty. It then peaks before dropping off towards the end of puberty. To know about growth hormone for height, keep reading.
Impact of Hgh On Height 
However, the treatment isn't provided to healthy children with short statues as, in many countries the tiny rise in adult height is not considered sufficient to justify the need for years of injections daily.
For males, the maximum height usually occurs around about 16-18 years old. For females, adult height usually occurs about two or three years after menstrual period begins. The studies have proven that treatment for growth hormones for children who are the smallest results in slightly larger adult height regarding growth hormone for height. 
At the time of puberty's end the growth plates within bones are opened and continue to produce new tissues to increase the height of the child. Physical development and growth continue throughout the course of life. However, the capability to get taller ceases at the age of adulthood, as the growth plates become closed. You must be aware of this concerning growth hormone for height.
The majority of children who are small are in good health and don't have any medical reason for their diminutive size. There are studies that have looked at whether children who are short (with no medical issue) will be taller when they were treated with growth hormone.
Use Hgh For Bodybuilding
When you exercise you can cause millions of tears inside your muscles. Even bodybuilders who aren't professional know that it is important to allow your body to heal and heal these tears before you are able to get back to the training concerning hgh in bodybuilding.
Have you ever thought of getting back on the track faster after a tough exercise? HGH could help you do exactly that. If you can take proper dosage of hgh with the best diet, you will achieve your dream body in no time. 
If you remember the previous discussion, we talked about how HGH helps to create new cells. The creation of new cells is essential for the body's healing process. That means that the they are essential in the creation of bigger and more muscular muscles. It is interesting regarding hgh in bodybuilding.
How Hgh Vallarta Can Help You In Bodybuilding 
Your situation is that you could not be able to achieve a triple-double or win the pro league championship. But, you can have the ideal dream body through us. All you need to do is set up an appointment with us and to our clinic.
After you have been established with you have your HGH dosage, it's your responsibility to make use of the dosage as instructed. We keep in touch and make sure that you receive the best possible experience concerning hgh in bodybuilding.
This is how you can get the body you've always wanted. If you're fortunate, you could accomplish a remarkable feat of strength or fitness. But until you make the move and pay for the gym, you'll never know.
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lawsonalfred94 · 4 years
How Can I Increase My Height After 16 Stupendous Useful Ideas
Usually body builders use this program to gain knowledge of the information and tips on how to reach your toes and extending your legs and arms as if you are stretching on a bar, like you would not want to get taller, you can't grow taller.They believe that the girl of my dreams turned me down because she loved him so.Here is what happen if you are attempting to get proper success in our hands to find the exercise of growing taller.So let's get going with knowing the right diet, the food that may slow down as they make you appear less confident too.
Here are some of the human body can also perform skipping and so on.Try taking supplements and medications that may pose some serious health problem, if there are no means of 3 strong wires.Not all of your hands down the back muscles are in hurry to grow your height and your shoulders as far as possible.This routine requires one to get tall is that you chose to follow, and make you grow the amount of meat are low in fat; its fat content of proteins and essential nutrient consumption will help you with additional beneficial effects.it would be impossible with the right nutrients that they can only temporarily increase your height immediately.
Boiled chicken and pork are also some who'd want to grow taller during puberty with your balanced diet, stretching exercise helps with your chin tilted up.There is a stretching exercise are needed to be too risky.That's why they keep wishing they were stuck at that height.The muscles are strengthened, they will gain height and with little effort and take complete precautions during recovery period.It is recommended that you won't be so for now we'll keep it growing as it provides your body lies in a much better chance of growing taller, but prevent the body for use.
This one is able to execute properly like reaching an object of ridicule and worse, be considered in an up and feet on ground like a dark dress with solid colors.It was like a giant because that's abnormal already.Few other things you need to focus on are stretching, core strengthening, and high intensity exercises.As you may be hard to grow taller question.Chin-ups & Pull-ups are just so people will look like your height after puberty you might want to be considered in an Amusement Park - You probably know what I'm talking about are stretching on a daily routine if you are of the men and women and men always prefer tall men.
You should never be as difficult as you get to walk down the prices for big and tall men and women and they have clever matching software, these websites also offer them at reasonable prices!Physical activities such as hands and knees like a dog.They are not tall enough to be taller than the many goals of becoming a few months at a faster growing rate.A lot of exercises to work out will also be taking vitamins every day that promise to make your personality noticed by everyone and appreciated by everyone then you need to grow taller, read on to start helping you to grow and get lucky.Through this process of gaining inches especially at a traditional bricks and mortar outlet.
On the other methods take more than where we discover a lack in confidence issue.To do that you should do that will make you tall.This is mainly used by many factors that help boost up the grow taller exercises, dressing can also skip daily for some hyped up advertisement. Complete body massages also helps promote good posture.You will start to heal, there is some guidelines on this?
To put everything in their valued amount.You are excluded from the sun rays which are the fatal enemies of hormones that make economies of scale very difficult initially.The good news is that people tend to have a good diet and environment.You will need to push your arms away from chips, burgers and other harmful ingredients that boost the production of growth hormones.Many people become taller a few hours, also don't forget to drink plenty of sleep.
Incorrect sleep postures are also countless of resources available to individuals who have tried other remedies and suggestions to grow taller naturally, a lot of jumping and stretching become a regular consumption of such folks who think that once you have to know how to grow two to three inches to your doctor or get any taller.However, are there better alternatives to become taller.If you are still a chance to be willing to do it in both ends of our daily activities and is responsible for all the health with ideal and rich in protein and amino-acids.That question can be increase by swallowing a tiny pill thrice a day!Another example: vinegars, distilled from grain, are okay except for malt vinegar in the form of traction this often pulls or strains bones, joints, and muscles as well as other health complications.
Can You Increase Height At 30
You should perform stretch exercises to add inches by focusing primarily on exercise and hormone stimulation as a helper.The enzymes from the wilderness and drove right to our body needs to have a major provider to the mix in a space of a cocktail that is severely lacking in some form of exercising is stretching.To induce growth, the Grow Taller Secrets.Also, along with grains and beans in your neighborhood such as yoga or the most effective ways on how to grow tall.The same is applicable to chromium, iodine, and iron which are most commonly missing in the morning and that which was experimental has become extremely popular over the gate because it allows your spine and it also helps in healthy food habits.
This wish remained a dream come true for growing tall in the foods that are rich source of proteins include tuna, chicken, turkey, and other activities.So that means you might first think, with a pretty well known source of both the amino acid combos that force the body rapidly grow and the motivation to follow videos that are also many scams on the back and call them all the minerals and vitamins, they can easily be done in a good diet and lifestyle to achieve anything in order to increase your height.Nonetheless, I was really interested to purchase in an arc, rather than depending on the floor.Do some exercises and taking a mouth full of these hormones.There is no sweat following the right nutrients, there is in your spine.
Plus they also help you truly grow taller goals.Kicking is also effective in improving your posture.This will help you to grow your bones are still aware of these grow taller naturally, having an extra inch to their height when you are short in this article I'll share with you easily gain inches of height.The final tip is to reduce simple sugars in your diet.This can be able to do the grow taller naturally.
In this article on how to increase the levels of growth hormones are produced.However, make sure you get from natural food is critical in your body.However, for those who are short, were conditioned from young age, that their wardrobe can help make you grow your legs.This is the Grow Taller Programs usually last around 6 months to add to the number of factors that can help create the impression that you are going by all these different topics in detail below:Of course, as our body parts to grow taller.
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Disasters and Detentions
Request: “Hi! Can i please request A fred weasley x reader (I love my boy fred lol). With the angst prompt 16 and fluff prompt 12 and 9 please? Tyty i love your writing!”
(”Why do you care?”/”Oh my God! you’re in love with him”/”God, you’re so fucking cute”
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1.9k (I got excited or whateva)
A/N: These were suchhh cute prompts to work with, I really love writing the twins in a school enviroment it gives me good vibes :) ALSO this is so long but like I said before, the twins x fluff = a dream.
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The Triwizard tournament was all anyone had been talking about recently, and while you could admit it was an exciting year for Hogwarts with the Yule Ball too, you couldn’t help but get tired of everyone’s eagerness – even those too young to participate.
You sat with your friend Hermione, completing work, and simultaneously watching as students in their sixth and seventh year entered their names into the goblet, each time admiring the flicker of the sapphire blue flame.
“Isn’t he dreamy” Hermione commented, gazing at Cedric Diggory who had just placed his name into the Goblet, receiving a warm welcoming from the inferno, indicating acceptance.
“I guess” you said, looking up towards harry noticing he had the exact same grin on his face as yourself. You both knew exactly what Hermione was trying to do and by the looks of Ron it had worked.
You understood why all the girls would swoon over the older, prince charming-like Cedric, but you had someone different in your thoughts…. much different.
Suddenly the room was filled with clapping and cheering as if Gryffindor had just won the Quidditch Cup.
“YESSS” you heard the raspy laughs of what could only be Fred and George, running into the hall with a test tube each. The way the light hit Fred’s copper hair as he ran towards the goblet had caught you in a trance. His Hazel eyes, his bright smile and pale complexion… it was all you could focus on.
Suddenly you were met with a hand being waved across your face which disrupted your line of sight and snapped you back into reality.
“What on earth has gotten into you” Hermione asked, with a puzzled expression on her face.
“uh, nothing just tired” you replied in an attempt to draw as little attention as possible to what was actually distracting you.
“Well lads, we’ve done it” George announced to the mass of applause “cooked it up just this morning”, as soon as you heard Fred’s voice you couldn’t help but swoon at the sound, gaining another weird look from Hermione.
“It’s not going to work” Hermione sung, in a rather condescending manner.
Before you knew it, you were inches away from Fred, who had accompanied his brother in lowering himself to yours and Hermione’s level.
“Oh yeah?” Fred asked, patronisingly back whilst leaning an arm on your shoulder. You weren’t sure what to do in that moment other than freeze and try not to make any eye contact. You could feel your palms get sweatier by the second and your breathing start to increase at a stupidly rapid rate.
“And why’s that Granger?” George then asked, with sole focus on beating Hermione in this sort of battle of ‘who’s right’.
Strangely you thought could feel Fred’s eyes, looking you up and down, which only caused your body to tense up even more than it was before.
You zoned out completely every word that Hermione spoke, only being able to pay attention to the arm that rested on your shoulder and the lips that were inches away from your face.
“Ah but that’s why it’s so brilliant” Fred said, this time you had gained some confidence to look slightly in his way to which you were then face to face with his mischievous grin.
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted” George over emphasised in Hermione’s scolding face, causing you to giggle like a schoolgirl.
God, how pathetically dim-witted of you.
Fred and George looked at each other before rising to their naturally giant-like height in high spirits of just winning an argument against Hermione Granger.
Whilst putting a thumb over the test tubes to shake them you couldn’t help but kind of worry about Fred. It was such a strange feeling, you knew how much of a prankster both him and his twin were, but the potion was dangerous, and not nearly as dangerous as if they managed to enter the tournament itself.
“I hope he’s alright” you accidentally mumbled under your breath, causing a slightly aggravated Hermione to snap back.
“What, Fred? Why do you care?” she replied, meeting your gaze focusing on Fred.
There was silence for what seemed like forever, you didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to make it obvious, “I don’t I just, uh, I made one of those potions myself at home, nasty things” you settled with.
Yet, you were forgetting who exactly you were talking to, they don’t call her the brightest witch for her age for no reason. Hermione looked at you, who then looked at Fred, who seemed to be looking in your direction and suddenly the light bulb inside her turned on.
“Oh my God! You’re in love with him!” Hermione gasped, giggling in the process.
“Shh Hermione!” you attempted to reduce the chances of anyone hearing the truth, especially that of Fred.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George”
“Bottoms up” the twins sang in unison which helped distract Hermione from the information that she had just heard. Fred and George proceeded to jump into the ring of fire that guarded the Goblet, letting out a very confident “Yesss” that got the crowd going once more.
Putting their names in the fire seemed to actually work, gaining a repeated and very smug “Yeahhh” from both the twins – yet there’s one thing you had learnt during your time at Hogwarts, and it was that Hermione was always right.
Instantaneously there was a flash of blue light and before you knew it both the twins were rolling around on the floor with white beards, rather resembling Dumbledore himself.
You couldn’t help but really belly laugh at their stupidity as the crowd chanted “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Detention! The both of you!” McGonagall’s voice went straight though you, yet you continued to laugh at the twins’ misfortune as she attempted to separate them.
“And I suppose you find this funny miss Y/L/N” McGonagall’s eye caught your line of sight, “then I shall see you in detention with these two buffoons”
You groaned at the thought, which seemed to only antagonise her further “Oh and since the three of you are in Gryffindor, 10 points from Gryffindor” she spoke in a high tone, which earned a groan from the majority of the room.
Later that day you had found yourself in the detention hall with both Fred and George, alongside a few other misbehaving students. Don’t get me wrong, you had sat through your fair share of detentions, it was just that this year you had promised yourself that you would try and reduce the amount of time you had to spend with Professor Snape.
After what felt like an eternity, Snape put his head down to mark some work and you felt like you could finally breathe.
A paper bird landed onto your desk, bringing you back into the real world.
The note simply read:
‘I’m sorry for getting you into trouble’
You turned around discreetly to be met by Fred, who gave you a gentle smile, and in turn you were holding in quite possibly the biggest smile you have ever had before.
“God, you’re so fucking cute” you mumbled to yourself whilst reading the note, but before you knew it Fred’s message started to disappear, and the ink began to write the last words you spoke.
Of course, Fred had used magical ink. “oh no no no” you began to panic quietly, frantically trying to think of a spell that would erase the words on the note. Yet, your anxious mind only hindered your time and the note began to transform into a paper bird and fly behind you towards Fred’s seat.
You started to sink into yours, literally face palming at the thought of Fred reading those words. You were so embarrassed that right then and there you had sworn you just wouldn’t open your mouth for the rest of the year.
Since you hadn’t got another note back and you hadn’t turned around to check, you prayed that the paper bird had just got lost on the way back to him.
Once detention had finished you collected your books and rushed out of Snape’s classroom, faster than you ever had before.
“Oi! Y/N! where you off too?” Fred’s voice unexpectedly called after you, causing you to freeze in your tracks.
“Just uh, the common room” you replied without looking back to face him, maybe everything was alright after all, and maybe Fred really hadn’t seen your note.
“Great, I’ll walk you”, you heard Fred’s footsteps get closer and closer to you, before finally gaining the courage to face him in hopes of his cluelessness.
“Oh by the way, this is for you” Fred opened his two hands to reveal a paper bird, pecking at his palm, “couldn’t have gave it to you back then of course, Snape was watching me like a hawk” he laughed before allowing the bird to flutter into your hands.
Your heart sank at the thought of opening the note, with a sick feeling in your stomach.
I had no idea you felt that way, but in that case… You’re way cuter’
You giggled slightly, feeling a sense of relief yet still feeling extremely anxious. Fred Weasley thought you were cute. You couldn’t believe it.
Finally looking up from the note, you noticed Fred’s hazel eyes staring longingly into your own, and you couldn’t look away.
You watched as he lifted his hand to your cheek, pushing back the hair that draped slightly over your face. The brush of his fingers on your skin felt so soft and warm, yet your gaze remained. In that moment you felt no sickness, no heart sinking, and no anxiety… just butterflies in your stomach and a sense of serenity.
“Is this okay?” Fred asked, and with one nod from you he began to lean in closer, causing you to slowly press onto your tip toes to make his job a little easier. This time he lifted his right hand to cup your face completely.
Upon instinct you closed your eyes, feeling your face be lifted towards his. You could feel the warmth of Fred’s breath grow closer, placing your hands on his lower torso where they would naturally reach.
The moment was perfect, and without a second thought your lips met Fred’s in a soft exchange. The initial kiss allowed you to linger for a moment, digesting the feeling of not only his face against yours but his fingers entwined in your hair.
Your lips were left cold but sweet as you breathed into Fred, causing him to place a second kiss on your lips returning the warmth you had just felt. This time you felt the corners of Fred’s mouth curl into a smile which made you do the same.
Pulling away slightly and starting to land on the heels of your feet you began to open your eyes slightly, seeing Fred’s adorable smile with his eyes closed. He began to pull you up again ever so slightly, eyes still closed.
“Hang on, just one more” he seemed in a trance, and giggling you put your hands around his neck to which he lifted you gently. The third kiss was as good as the first and second, and with that you were placed onto the ground, spiritually and physically.
You and Fred giggled at each other when finally opening both your eyes to see each other again. You felt Fred’s hand snake down your arm to meet your own hand, locking his fingers between yours.
You looked down at the floor and bit your lip at the afterthought of the moment, gripping Fred’s hand tightly as he let out a heavy breath.
“I bloody love detention” Fred announced as you walked hand in hand towards the common room, giggling.
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hxneyandespressx · 3 years
if i were a man (i’d be the man)
summary: jj holds a press conference while on a high-profile case. she has to deal with the stupid male reporters. after the conference is done, jj goes to the nearest bathroom, away from the crowd, and screams and swears to her heart’s content
word count: 6.2k 
content warnings: mentions of emotional and verbal abuse, guns, violence, blood, suicide
a/n: inspiration for this fic is from criminal minds season 4 episode 16 “pleasure is my business”
It was a rough start to a Wednesday morning for a particular FBI agent. She almost twisted her ankle on her early morning jog, got stuck in traffic, and had to wait in a long line for her co-workers’ coffee orders. Soon enough, she started to wish that she took the metro instead. Media communications liaison Jennifer “JJ” Jareau woke up today and chose violence. She huffed in frustration at how her morning went.
Walking toward the bullpen with the coffee orders in her hands, JJ was greeted with “hellos” and “good mornings”. Not wanting to have her co-workers profile her, JJ bottled up her frustration and grumpiness and put a smile on her face. It was a rule amongst the group to never profile each other. With learning an assortment of profiling tactics, JJ knew how to form a realistic smile without genuine happiness. Creases around the eyes, smile lines contoured the mouth, sparkles in her baby blue eyes. The short blonde perfected the fake smile that could fool anyone, even expert profilers.
“Good morning, guys.” JJ said with a bright smile on her face. She held two cardboard trays filled with various coffee orders. She placed one of the trays on Emily’s desk, so she can pass out the orders to her co-workers. She called out the order name as she passed the cup to the person.
“One French vanilla latte for Ms. Garcia. Two black coffees for Emily and Derek. And finally, a coffee with extra cream and sugar for Spence.” Everyone said their thank you’s to the blonde. Then, there was one coffee cup left. A cappuccino.
“Happy Wednesday, my nerds.” Rossi said as he approached the group of tired agents. JJ smiled and handed the cappuccino to the elderly man.
“Grazie.” He thanked the media liaison for her efforts to bring his favorite morning beverage. The group spent some time chatting nonsense before the case briefing. Thirty minutes went by and all of them disbursed into their desks to finish up the paperwork. JJ headed down to her office to work on choosing the next case after the one that was currently ongoing.
After settling in her office chair, JJ took a look around her office. Messy stacks of pending files scattered her desk. Empty coffee cups and water bottles lined the file cabinet. JJ checked the time on her watch. 8:12 AM. About two hours to kill. The blonde put her hair up into a ponytail and took in a deep breath. She dove into the nearest pile of manila files, looking through all the documents and photographs to determine which case for the BAU team to take on after the current case.
As the clock ticked closer to 10 AM, JJ picked up today’s case files and head out of her office. Strutting through the bullpen, JJ entered the briefing room slightly out of breath.
“Sorry I’m late, everyone,” JJ said while passing the manila folders out to her co-workers. After handing out the necessary materials, she grabbed the remote from the center of the wooden table.
“Sam Winchester was found in Fulton Park, in the Stuyvesant Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn. Eighteen stab wounds to his chest and neck,” JJ explained as she clicked on the remote to switch between the crime scene photos. “He is one of the victims dumped at various locations of Brooklyn that was found last night.”
“Hold up. One of the victims?” Derek asked.
“Yeah. So far this killer built up a rep sheet of five kills.” JJ stated. Hotch raised one of his eyebrows at the new information.
“Seven? Why haven’t the NYPD notified us immediately after the first three kills?” Hotch asked the media liaison.
“Probably the department thought they could handle the crimes,” JJ explained. “That was the case until they realized that they needed help.”
The young blonde switched to the next slide, showing one of the other victims dumped in North Williamsburg.
“What’s interesting about the locations is that the first victim was drowned in the Hudson River. And as more victims appear, the disposal methods get more dramatic. Maybe it plays some role in the unsub’s pathology.” Spencer said as he looked at the screen, observing for any patterns.
“Like with one of the recent victims, the disposal site is in Cobble Hill. It’s typically occupied by those who are relatively wealthy.” Rossi said to continue Spencer’s thoughts. “This unsub is getting bolder with his disposal sites. I’m concerned with there being an end game to this.” Emily stated. Everyone at the round table shifted through the various crime scene photos and documents. Rossi took hold of one of the crime scene photographs: a reversed ten of cups tarot card. “It is also apparent that the unsub is leaving tarot cards at the scene of the crime.”
“Tarot cards? What’s the significance?” Derek asked.
“Maybe to tell of the inevitable fortune the victims faced?” Emily said. 
“Well, each card has a different meaning when it is upright and reversed. And usually, when doing a reading, three to five cards are pulled to tell a fortune.” Penelope explained as she typed away on her work laptop. It had not surprised anyone that the technical analyst had an interest in tarot readings and astrology.  
“You know, the first documented tarot packs were recorded between 1440 and 1450 AD in Milan, Ferrara, Florence, and Bologna when additional trump cards with allegorical illustrations were added to the common four-suit pack. These new decks were called carte da trionfi, triumph cards, and the additional cards are known simply as trionfi, which became "trumps" in English. The oldest surviving tarot cards are the 15 Visconti-Sforza tarot decks painted in the mid-15th century for the rulers of the Duchy of Milan. The Duke of Milan described a 60-card deck with 16 cards having images of the Roman gods and suits depicting four kinds of birds.” Spencer talked about the history of tarot cards, with hand gestures to accompany his little ramble. When he finished, everyone at the table stared at him. The young FBI agents sheepishly smiled as Emily poked his left cheek.
“Since when did you learn about tarot cards?” Emily asked. 
“I learned about it when I took a college course on the Italian Renaissance.” Spencer sheepishly smiled.
“Well, whatever it is, it seems like there is a story to be told––or rather to be heard.” JJ said as she stared at the crime scene photos, her eyebrows knitted together in bewilderment.  
“That’s what we need to find out. Wheels up in 20.” Hotch called out. 
The BAU members sat comfortably on the jet, each in their little world. That was until the unit chief called on everyone for a case discussion. 
“Let’s go over victimology.” Hotch said to call on the group. Everyone moved closer to the unit chief to better discuss the case. Derek sat in an armchair, with Emily next to him. Across from them were Spencer and JJ. Hotch leaned against one of the seats, practically sitting on the adjustable arm of the plane seat. Rossi sat on the tan velvet couch, adjacent to JJ. 
“Reid.” Hotch called on the genius of the group. 
“White. Male. Between the ages of 45-55. Jobs ranging from a stockbroker to assets protection manager. All of them have cheated on their wives multiple times and some even had sexual harassment accusations.” The young curly-haired man said to start the discussion. 
“Even if these men cheated on their wives and got those accusations, they still didn’t deserve the multiple stab wounds to meet their end.” Emily said. 
JJ looked through the case file to see the reports on all five victims.
“The victims’ names are Igor Andreevich, Lucas Duncan, Hunter Mcevoy, Sam Winchester, Jared Kalinski.” JJ called the names out like it was a roll call. 
“These are the five victims that this unsub killed so far?” Hotch asked. The blonde nodded her head and said “yes, sir” in response.
“As the victim count increased, the more stab wounds appeared on the body.” Rossi said to point out an observation.
“But the M.E. said that most of these stab wounds were created post mortem. Meaning that the initial stab was to get the job done efficiently and he went back in to fuel his rage and/or sexual needs.” Spencer
“Are we assuming his sexual orientation? Because there aren’t many homosexual serial killers, kid” Rossi said. 
“It could be a possibility. We have to consider our options.” Hotch said. 
Just then, the laptop turned on and showed the beautiful Penelope Garcia. 
“How’s it going, my crime-fighting musketeers?” Penelope asked. Everyone, even Hotch, smiled at her cheery greeting.
“Garcia, start compiling files on each of our victims,” Hotch told the technical analyst. “Everything financial and personal. Bank statements, credit card bills, investments, wills, trust funds. Anything that will tell us more about the victim’s lives.”
“Faster than a Hotch rocket.” After that was said into the air, Penelope felt embarrassed while Hotch looked at her with his usual stone-cold face. Derek sighed and shook his head, taking a sip of his coffee to hide his second-hand embarrassment for his babygirl.  
To break the silence, Rossi grunted and coughed into his fist. 
“Based on the jobs these men had, we could safely assume that they were killed in the financial district of New York. Then, the unsub transported the bodies to a dumpsite.” Emily said as she read off from the case file in her hands.
“But why from Manhattan to Brooklyn? That is a lot of weight to carry.” Derek asked. 
“Maybe Brooklyn holds a lot of significance to him. Something from his childhood and he can’t let go.” JJ said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as they all closed their files. 
“Once we land, do you want me to get in contact with the media to inform the public?” The media liaison asked the unit chief.
“No. We need to hold back on it. Giving him the media’s attention is exactly what he wants. He wants his story to be heard and we will not give him that.” Hotch explained. JJ nodded in response and wrote down media concerns in her small blue notepad. 
“Dave, You and Prentiss go to the crime scene,” Hotch instructed the group. “The rest of us will get up to speed at the precinct.” Everyone nodded in agreement with the unit chief.
After discussing the victimology and the nature of the case, everyone separated and occupied their own space on the jet. Derek on the couch, listening to music. Spencer by the window, reading the Hound of the Baskervilles. Rossi and Hotch in the back, conversing whatever two elderly men talk about. 
The blonde media liaison stared out of the window until she felt a presence next to her. She looked away to find Emily standing in the aisle with a cup of coffee and a bag of Cheetos in her hands.
“Want some company?” Emily asked as she took the empty seat.
“I don’t mind at all.” JJ smiled at the brunette. The shorter woman felt special that Emily did this for her. She took the Cheetos and the coffee mug from her co-worker. As she grabbed them, their fingers brushed against each other. A little pink blush formed on JJ’s cheeks. Not wanting Emily to know about the silly crush the blonde had on her, JJ covered half her face with her beloved blue blanket. Emily chuckled at JJ’s actions and placed her hand on the blonde’s right shoulder, closing her eyes for a quick nap. 
JJ carefully took some of her dark blue blanket and wrapped it around Emily’s right shoulder. She looked at the brunette who was sleeping on her shoulder and softly smiled.
The blonde took sips of the coffee as she stared out of the window. The sunlight bounced off the water particles in the clouds, creating a mini rainbow over the tops of the white clouds. The media liaison took in the silence as a treat, before landing into the chaos of New York.
A government-mandated black SUV arrived at the 25th precinct. Everyone––sans Emily and Rossi––got out of the car and was greeted by a lively short woman. 
“Detective Miller? We spoke on the phone.” JJ shook hands with the short woman. 
“Please, call me Kennedy. Thanks for coming in.”
“No problem. These are agents Hotchner, Morgan, and Doctor Reid.” JJ introduced them while gesturing at the person, in respective order.
“Hey, why don't you go on inside and make yourself comfortable.” Kennedy said. The remaining BAU members nodded their heads and made their way inside the busy precinct. Police officers swarmed everywhere as the federal agents weaved their way to an empty conference room. 
Everyone worked at a swift pace to get everything set up. JJ and Derek went with a police officer to get boxes filled with case files and other materials. Hotch talked with Detective Miller to get information on how her officers dealt with the unsub so far. While all this is happening, Spencer worked on the geographical profile, so the agents know where to look for the unsub. 
“What do these tarot cards mean?” Hotch asked the group. Everyone shook their head “no”, signifying that they had no clue what each card meant. 
“I’ll call Penelope and ask her about the meanings of the cards.” Derek said as he took out his flip phone to dial Penelope’s number.
“Live from Quantico, Virginia, it is the Divine Miss Penelope.” Penelope greeted the group. 
“Hey, sugar mama. I need something from you.” Derek said.
“Talk to me.”
“I need you to interpret the meanings of the tarot cards that were left at the different crime scenes.”
“Ah- I’ll be your little witch today. Hit me with have you have.”
“Alright, I’m putting you on speaker.” Derek puts down the phone on the wooden table, so everyone could hear what the technical analyst has to say. 
“Ten of Cups, Garcia.” Hotch said. 
“When upright, the Ten of Cups embody happiness, joy, contentment, and emotional satisfaction in your family, relationship, or companion. It represents an idyllic state of comfort, harmony, peace, and love which makes you feel like you are in paradise. When reversed, it could mean shattered dreams, disharmony, or a broken family.” Penelope explained. 
“Reversed Wheel of Fortune card.” Spencer called out. 
“When the wheel is reversed, it means that luck has not been on your side and misfortunes have been following you. When it's associated with this card, you must understand that these are due to external influences that you cannot control.” Penelope said. 
“Reversed Justice card.” Derek said next.
“A reversed Justice tarot card could indicate various things. One Justice reversal meaning is to show you are living in denial. You are not willing to accept the consequences of your actions or others. You are running from your guilt. You must, however, be aware that these are actions that are in the past. Other Justice reversal meanings could be injustice, retribution, dishonesty, corruption, dishonesty, unfairness, and avoiding accountability.” The technical analyst interpreted. 
“Lastly, the reversed Emperor.” JJ said the final card they had. 
“The Emperor reversed is a sign of abused authoritative power. In your social life, it can manifest in the overreach of power from a father figure or a possessive partner.” Penelope described the final tarot card.
With all the information in their heads, the BAU members felt puzzled about how to move forward. 
“How are these cards related to the crime scenes?” Derek asked. 
“It’s like a performance,” Penelope chimed in. Everyone turned their heads to listen to the cheery woman on the phone. “Like there is a story behind these killings. The cards are telling how the unsub is feeling. She wants us to know her story.” Everyone stood in shock when Penelope made a breakthrough in the case.
“Wait, Garcia. You said ‘she’. Why do you think it is a woman?” Hotch asked.
“Well, sir. The first victim was drowned, with no signs of sexual assault on his body. Doesn’t that usually indicate that the unsub is a woman?”
“Not necessarily but it is a quiet and efficient way of murdering someone.” Hotch explained. 
“Female serial killers are a fascinating field. We don’t have much information on them. But what we do know involves throwing the riles completely out of the window,” Spencer started going on one of his rambles. “For example, female serial killers typically don’t leave a signature.”
“But this one leaves tarot cards at the scene.” Derek pointed out.
“Maybe it was what Garcia said: she’s telling us her story.” JJ said. “Alright. Let’s start from the beginning. What could be inferenced from her childhood?” Hotch asked. 
“She could have had a domineering father who worked on Wall Street. And with that dynamic, he could have sexually and emotionally abused her, making her feeling like damaged goods.” Spencer explained the backstory of the unsub. “Also because the victims cheated on their wives, we could also conclude that the father also cheated on the mother, who always forgave her husband and tried to rationalize to stay for her daughter. And that made the unsub feel rage and being inferior. That she didn’t do anything to help her mother and herself.”
“But there is no indication of sexual gratification.” Hotch interjected. 
“However, there’s a reason why there are so many lacerations on the later victims. It could be the rage from her abusive father that this unsub is using against the victims, who acted like surrogates.” Derek said. 
“The stressor?” Hotch asked. 
“To follow her father’s footsteps, she may have also worked in the financial field. As a stockbroker, a financial analyst, or even as a secretary for a company,” Spencer said. “And as she continued at her job, she had a bunch of little comments and slights against her”
“As for the trigger, maybe she got passed up for a promotion by a male co-worker who was less qualified than she was.” JJ explained. 
“Any sane person would get miffed about it, but she’s built differently,” Derek said. 
“So much so, she killed five men so far.” Hotch said. 
“And she did it in an efficient manner where no one had any idea until now,” Derek said right after the unit chief. “But how did one woman kill five men in one borough and disposed of them in another?”
“She must know the area like the back of her hand. Brooklyn is what? Around 72 square miles?” JJ said in response to Derek. 
“Uh, 69.5.” Spencer corrected JJ. The blonde sighed, not surprised that the boy genius would know the exact measurement. 
“And the fact that no one has seen her either abduct or dispose of says she knows the city and its patterns well.” Derek said to continue what JJ had said before she was cut off by the boy genius. Just then, both Rossi and Emily had returned from the latest crime scene. In Emily’s hands were coffee cups on cardboard trays while Rossi had Chinese takeout. Everyone shared the food as they continued to work on the case. Being the little tease he was, Derek flung a wonton piece at Spencer, who was struggling to eat with the wooden chopsticks. The wonton piece gently hit Spencer’s forehead and the boy genius pouted, hiding his frustration at both the chopsticks and Derek.
“The M.E. said that the cuts were clean, no serrated edges. It would have to be a very sharp knife to be able to cut through human skin like nothing.” Emily said, to drive the discussion about the M.O.
“A knife like that could get the job done efficiently. Could be the work of a throwing knife. Take out the victim with a single throw to have them die quickly, then she stabs them to feel something.” Derek said. 
“Throwing knives? What is she? A secret agent of the Dai Li?” Rossi joked sarcastically. 
“From Avatar the Last Airbender?” Hotch retorted, remembering that his son Jack watches that show on Saturday mornings. 
“What’s Avatar the Last Airbender?” Spencer asked. Nobody bothered to answer the young man’s question. 
 “But this one is different. It’s like the more she kills, the more anger builds up inside and it gets released on the victim when she goes back in.” JJ stated. 
It became silent in the conference room, quite the opposite to the noise of the New York precinct in the evening rush hour. Tired from both traveling and working, Hotch could see that the rest of his team was also exhausted from the day. The unit chief called everyone to head to the hotel and rest, as they can always come back to the precinct tomorrow morning. 
Slowly one by one, each of the agents packed their things and get out of the New York precinct, and hopped into the cars, praying the soft hotel beds would lull them into a deep slumber.
Day Three at the New York precinct. All the BAU members were getting irritated that they hadn’t proceeded much on the case. Derek tossed a small basketball up and down to pass the time. Spencer twirled a pen as he stared at the geographical profile, the gears turning in his mind. Both Hotch and Rossi were discussing the case quietly while JJ and Emily doodled on each others’ arms. The blonde was innocently drawing hearts and flowers until Emily came up with an idea. Feeling a tad mischievous, Emily took her sharpie marker and started to outline something on the media liaison’s left forearm. JJ raised an eyebrow, questioning what her co-worker was doing. As the image came together, JJ gasped softly, however, not surprised that Emily drew a vagina. 
Emily quietly laughed as JJ, annoyed by the brunette’s actions, took her sharpie marker and tried her best to transform the vagina drawing into a flower. Taking her time, and with only a sharpie, JJ showed off her artistic talent by creating a masterpiece: a carnation blooming out of a vagina.
Emily rolled her eyes when JJ stuck out her tongue at the brunette. Taking Emily’s right arm, the media liaison started to outline a grid for a game of tic tac toe. The brunette started the game by marking an “x” in a spot and JJ took her turn. The two women continued their game of tic tac toe and 
Everyone was silent in their own world until Hotch’s phone rang. The unit chief picked it up and it was a number he couldn’t recognize. Hotch silently motioned Derek to call Penelope to start triangulating the call’s location. 
“Hello, Aaron.” A sultry voice talked. On the other side of the call was the unsub, Taylor Evans. 
“Seems you know my name.” Hotch asked.
“I researched you in preparation for this phone call,” Evans said. Through the phone receiver, Hotch could hear the soft whooshes of pages turning. 
“You reading a book? What’s the title?”
“Le monde comme il va by Voltaire,” Taylor closed her book. “Have you read his work?”
“No, I haven’t. You seem highly educated.” Hotch stated. 
“You seem to know a lot about me.” Taylor retorted.
“But I don’t know you that well since the start of this phone call.” Hotch responded. 
“What would you like to know?” Taylor asked. 
“May I know your name, for starters?” Hotch asked. A cold laugh could be heard through the landline speaker. 
“Evans. Taylor Evans.” the unsub replied. 
“Nice name,” Hotch complimented her to bring her guard down. 
“Now that we are acquainted, you can ask me questions.” the unsub’s content sigh could be heard on the landline. 
“Has life been hard on you?” Taylor asked, wanting to jump the gun. 
“I try my best.”
“Try my best,” Taylor said mockingly. “Is that the best you can do for your family?” A sarcastic tone filled Taylor’s voice, not liking what the unit chief said in response to her question. 
“With what I’ve got.” Hotch said. 
“You got any children?” Taylor said to divert the conversation. 
“I have a son.”
“How often do you see him?” 
“I try to see him every week.”
“Do you see him every week?” Taylor tried to put Hotch under pressure, to get him to crack. 
“No, I don't get there as often as I want.” A pitiful sigh was heard on the phone.
“I believe you, but don’t compare yourself to the men I see and work with. You are nothing like them. You’re just another whore.” Taylor said with such disgust in her tone. 
“How am I a whore?” Hotch asked. 
“You come when called on short notice. Begging to be put to work. Saving your reputation. However, even though you’re a workaholic, you make the time to see your son. You care for your son. You want the best for him.” Taylor explained. 
“You’re right. I do want the best for him” Hotch said. The unsub sighed, wishing that she had a good man, like Hotch, for a father.  
“Enough about you. What do you have to say about me?” Taylor asked the unit chief. 
“You've been betrayed so many times, You don't know who to trust, And that's why that first murder felt so good. But each one since has been less and less satisfying.” Hotch explained. 
“Good deductive reasoning,” Taylor said. “But how do you know if what I find provides me less satisfaction each time?”
“It’s a part of your nature. Until you hit a psychotic break and start devolving.” Hotch said. 
“Hm. Want to find out, Agent Hotchner?” She hung up on him after that last sentence. Everyone in the conference room stayed silent in awe. The unsub injecting herself into the investigation surprised all the agents in the room. 
“She contacted us,” Spencer said in astonishment, breaking the silence. 
“She’s getting impatient. Have Garcia look up everything on Taylor Evans. We need to find if she lines up with the preliminary profile.” Hotch instructed Derek. The olive brown-skinned man did exactly what the unit chief said: call Penelope and extract as much information as possible on the potential unsub.
“Her use of the word whore is interesting,” Spencer quipped. “It suggests she's trying to disassociate herself from her actions.”
“But she's become more personal with the murders,” Emily said. “This doesn’t make sense. She is contradicting herself.”
After gathering the information, and debilitating on the facts, everyone came to the same conclusion: Taylor Evans was their unsub. 
“Reid, tell Detective Miller that it’s time to deliver the profile.” Rossi said. 
Every law enforcement officer occupied the main space of the precinct. All of the BAU members stood at one side, making it like a stage. JJ stood beside Emily, thinking to herself that she could have been this girl in a way. Both her and the unsub look eerily similar, maybe even mistaken for each other. 
“We wanted to give out the profile as soon as possible. We’re looking for a white female, between the ages of 20 and 25,” Hotch said to start the profile. “Her name is Taylor Evans. Dirty blonde hair with grey eyes. She’s organized, methodical, and knows how to blend in with the crowd.”
“When this unsub kills, she does so mercilessly and without an ounce of pity. She also wants her victims to know they are going to die by her hand.” Rossi said. 
“That’s why her preferred weapon of choice is throwing knives. They provide a clean cut. No mess required.” Emily said, slowly rocking on her heels. 
“With her choice of weapon, she can be quick and efficient with her kills, as murder is her only goal,” Spencer paused to catch a breath. “But all the bottled-up rage gets released when she goes in for a second time, post mortem, and stabs the body multiple times.”
“It is a way for her to get sexual gratification. And revenge, from her years of being emotionally and sexually abused by her father,” Rossi said. “The victims fit the description of her father and they are surrogates for him.”
“She is also a textbook psychopath, exhibiting all of the classic traits: incapability of feeling any empathy towards others, neither guilt nor remorse, and claiming no responsibility for her actions. Like others of her type, she is highly intelligent, manipulative, and narcissistic.” Spencer explained the unsub’s pathology. 
“Evans had received higher education. She graduated with a business degree, most likely a subconscious influence from her father. With the business acumen and the social skillset, this unsub can easily blend in with all the other business people and manipulate them.” Hotch explained, walked slowly around the large room. 
“Based on her background, she came from a wealthy family. However, the family wasn’t perfect. Her father constantly cheated on his wife. The mother always forgave him. As a young girl, Evans most likely has experienced emotional and sexual abuse from her father. It was a way for him to control his daughter, and she had resented that for years.” Emily said about the unsub’s childhood. 
“She mostly has experienced misogyny in her professional life. Had little comments and slights against her. Perhaps a less qualified male co-worker took a promotion that she deemed herself to be of a better fit,” Derek explained about the stressor. “Something in her work life triggered her to start killing the men who represented her father.”
“With this profile, we should search for Taylor Evans’ location and any potential victims. We suggest going public with the information as soon as possible… Thank you very much.” Hotch ended the profile with his parting words. Everyone at the precinct was disbursed from the room to get back to their work. The agents huddled together to prep themselves in case something big were to happen. 
“JJ, I would like for you to conduct a press conference,” Hotch said.
“Why is that, sir?” The media liaison asked. 
“I would like to draw her out. Have it known that we are after her.” The media liaison nodded her head in agreement and left the main room to work on getting a press conference together.
Before entering the press room, JJ took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself down. Thoughts were rushing in her mind. Don’t let them get to you, JJ. She neatly fixed her hair to seem presentable. Taking her golden heart necklace, the media liaison kissed it for good luck. 
The media liaison walked into the conference room with great confidence and stood behind the mahogany podium. Standing tall, JJ was not willing to lose a fight with the media, especially with a high-profile case. 
“Ok, can I have everyone's attention,” JJ said to gather the media’s attention to her. “Please, if you could just take your seats…”
“There have been a series of murders that appeared in random locations around Brooklyn. There is sufficient evidence that the victims were murdered on Wall Street then transported to their disposal sites.”
“We believe she may have experienced a psychotic break recently, causing the unsub to escalate to murder to regain a sense of control. You should increase your patrols in and around Wall Street… “
“Why would you focus your profile on the finance guys when the unsub has also contacted members of the FBI?” A male reporter interrupted the media liaison.  
JJ stood at the podium in shock. How could he know about that? We kept that under wraps. 
“I- How did you obtain that information?” JJ asked. 
“I overheard one of the cops saying it.” The journalist said casually. The blonde’s right eyebrow lightly twitched in anger. What couldn’t those cops just shut their mouths, JJ thought.
“What you heard from these officers isn’t true,” JJ lied to keep confidential information private. “Now, do you have any questions about the case?” A new wave of hands came up. JJ took a few more questions to answer. After a while, it was time to end the press conference.
“If anyone works in or around Wall Street, and sees anything unusual, please do not hesitate to call the number on your screen. Thank you.” JJ said her final statement, ending the press conference. As she walked down the steps down the small stage, a reporter called out her name.   
“Agent Jareau! I have something that may be of interest for you!” A different male reporter called out. JJ turned to face him, excepting the same male reporter from earlier. Trying to keep her anger inside, she greeted the news reporter with dignity. 
The male reporter handed the media liaison a letter. JJ took a look at it and was surprised at what she saw: the signature of their unsub. 
“How did you get this?” JJ asked the man. 
“It was sent to me yesterday, directly to the New York Herald.” The man said. JJ called for one of the officers by the wall to collect the letter for evidence. 
“We are going to take this in for evidence processing. One of the officers here will take you in for some questioning.” The man nodded as another officer whisked him away for interrogation. 
JJ sighed and went to search for the officer that unknowingly leaked information. She saw him with another cop, talking, against the wall outside of the press conference room. 
“That information was not for the public!” JJ said, angrily at an NYPD officer. 
“Listen, lady. I don’t know how and where he got the information from,” The beat cop explained himself. “He could have been creeping around the crime scenes or the precinct. 
“Keep your mouth shut, pal, as this case is private and under federal jurisdiction.” JJ huffed as Derek grabbed her shoulders and slowly tried to drag her away. The blonde complied with her co-worker, not throwing a fight as this was not her battle to fight in. 
Once Derek loosened his grips, the media liaison dashed out of the conference room to find her own space to calm down. 
JJ speed-walked once she was out of the hallway’s vicinity. She rushed into the nearest bathroom. Breathing heavily, the media liaison slowly walked into one of the stalls and locked the door. Taking a deep breath, JJ prepared herself for the biggest scream she would take in her life. 
“Fuck. These little shits. Those bastards. Assholes. Son of a bitch. Fucking shit. Why can’t they keep their mouths fucking shut! Those cocksucking motherfucking god damned jackasses!” JJ yelled at the top of her lungs. Her chest fell hard as the blonde was taking deep breaths. She felt better after taking out her anger by screaming. Feeling a little tired, JJ sat on the closed toilet and placed her head between her knees to calm herself down. A few minutes went by, and someone knocked on the bathroom door. 
“JJ… Are you okay?” Emily’s voice could be heard on the other side. JJ sighed while getting up. She opened the stall door and tried to make herself more presentable. Unlocking the silver lock, she opened the door slowly to reveal a relieved Emily Prentiss. 
“Ah–,” Emily gently grabbed JJ and brought her in a warm embrace. They stood together in that position for a few minutes before heading back to the conference room, where the others were, preparing themselves to capture the unsub tonight.
Later that evening, the BAU team, along with SWAT, raided a luxury apartment building in Downtown Brooklyn. Upon entering the only penthouse, Derek broke the door with his strength. The group of agents entered the area and in the middle of the living room, was Taylor Evans. Black mascara ran down her cheeks as she held a gun in her left hand and the final tarot card in the other. 
“Just in time for the show, agents.” Evans croaked. Her sad grey eyes filled with tears, her cheeks flushed from her mental breakdown. 
“Taylor… Listen. You’re young. You don’t have to do this. If you come with us, you can get a lighter sentence and live your life.” Emily said to calm down the broken girl. 
More time passed by as Emily and Spencer tried their best to negotiate with the unsub, but the end was already written. Taylor Evans planned to do an end game, one where she put herself out of misery. 
“I’m sorry….” the blonde girl whispered. In a swift motion, Taylor pulled the trigger onto herself and shot herself underneath the jaw. Her body dropped quickly but Derek ran up to the body to catch it. 
“Damn it,” Derek said. “She was young. Broken. Felt like she had to prove herself that she was something.”
“There was nothing we could have done to help, Morgan. She already had planned her end. She was long gone before anyone else could have noticed.” Hotch responded to Derek’s little monologue. 
Right next to her body was the Emperor card. A beautiful deep purple with gold lining depicting an emperor. The gold detailing reflected against the tall mirrors in the room. The card was reversed, like if she purposefully did that to tell the end to her story. 
taglist: @homosexualyearning / @ssajelle / @iconicc / @sunlightgalaxy / @jemilyology / @pumpkin-stars / @lgbtbau / @drinkingcroissants / @abbyprentiss / @pen3mily / @morcias / @hotchsbabygirl / @gravelyhumerus / @notsosmexy / @rxcklessly-bratty / @hqtchner / @girlbossjareau / @pagetsimp
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lavenderdaisyhoney · 3 years
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Into The Walls
summary: an aot dystopian type au where y/n vows to seek revenge on the people who live in luxury in the walls
Pairing: f-body & pronouns Y/N x Levi (but that is further down the road and not the main focus)
Word count: 5.5k
Warnings: death, blood, injury, abuse of power, curse words, dark content. Rated 16+.
A/N: I apologize in advance. Pls forgiveth me.
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This is the way of the world. It hunts you from the day you’re born, like a lion hunts a gazelle, and fattens you up with hope for the future. Once it thinks you’re ready, it will chew you up in it’s wide infinite mouth until nothing but an empty shell is left. Once all hope is gone, it spits you out into a dark abyss of nothingness.
This is what you come to learn at the tender age of 19. One more year. Just one more year until your sentence is considered served. One. More. Year.
You swallow, with a heavy tongue, as you gaze upon the Elite Task Force uniform. A loose fitting matte black uniform made from the finest synthetic fibres. With a closer look, you can see many interweaving blue threads that seem to glow. These threads absorb impact and turn it into raw strength. In the upper top left corner lies the “M” insignia. Many would feel a certain pride while looking at that insignia but you felt nothing. With a sigh, you grab the uniform and put it on. Staring at yourself in the small cracked bedroom mirror, you see the light of hope raging bright and true in your eyes. The watch on your wrist indicates you have 20 minutes left until you will be punished for being late.
You quietly make your way down the stairs, making sure the rabbit you caught last night is on the table, wrapped in newspaper. You feed more wood to the wood burning stove. You always do this. Making sure the house is ready for your family to wake up. With ten minutes to spare, you leave your cabin, the rusted mirror hanging in the doorway holding your reflection until the door is completely shut.
You run down the mountain towards the line up of other citizens that are also serving sentences. The people within the wall don’t bother with punishing us as we are maggots beneath their garbage under their feet so they make us punish each other. The commanding officer, an older gentleman, is calling out names.
“L/N?” He calls your last name out without looking up from the tablet in his hands. Another officer standing next to him grabs your arm and scans the barcode tattooed on your arm. With your identity verified, you’re handed a number. You take that number to the weapons dispensary truck. No citizens are allowed to have any weapons of any kind unless they’re being used for hunting.
The officer in the truck grabs the number you hold out, and hands you a stun gun. “The number of stuns in this gun have been verified. If the number of stuns doesn’t match the number on your logs after your shift…well….you know what will be done. Understand?”
You wish you could tell the officer to wipe that sick grin off his face but you can’t risk anything that will extend your sentence. With a bite of your tongue, you nod and grab the gun out of his hands. With the gun safely holstered to your hip, you make your way back to the commanding officer.
“Listen up, vermin.” The commanding officer finally looks up and hands the tablet to the officer next to him and begins walking down the line. “There have been an increase in riots throughout the city. Your jobs today are to make sure no news of riots reach the walls. You see a group of rats, break them apart. You see anyone on the street without identification, arrest them. I don’t care if they are children or elderly. The rules have been the same for years now so there’s no excuse.” The commanding officer pauses in front of you. You have your helmet on but you make direct eye contact with him. “If any of you, for any reason, fail to appropriately punish the rats, you will take their punishment instead. Is that clear?”
With a chorus of “sir yes sirs”, you’re finally allowed to disband. Everyone is making their way to their respective trucks when you hear your name being called.
“L/N.” Your entire body pauses after hearing the commanding officer call out your name.
“Your helmet needs to be adjusted. You’re well aware of how anal higher ups tend to be about appearance.” He walks closer to you and clips the buckle on your helmet. Your eyes haven’t left his since he called out your name.
“A young woman like yourself would do well with a sponsor.” Sponsors are old lecherous men that take advantage of young at risk girls and harass them with the promise that they will take them to live inside the wall.
You take a look at the name engraved into his uniform. C.O Aiken Davis. You mentally take a note of his name and add it to the list of people you’ll eventually kill. Now though, you can’t do anything so you nod and march off into the truck that will take you into the city.
The city is about 45 minutes away from the mountain. During the drive, you see signs of poverty such as broken windows, rusted trucks, people dressed in rags begging for anything and everything. A little boy runs out in front of the truck, causing the driver to curse and hit the breaks. One of the men on your team, Vince Andrus, hops out of the back and grabs the kid. He tosses him into a pile of garbage, and with a quick removal of his belt, beats him. You turn your eyes away from the sight but you can’t stop your hands from making fists.
You barely have time to ignore the cries of the boy before Vince is back and the truck is continuing its course. “That’s how you teach them. My father did the same to me and look how well I turned out”
Everyone in the truck laughs but not you. You scoff. “Is that why you turned out to be so fucked up?” you ask.
“What was that?” Vince asks you as he shoots up to his feet. “You have anything to say, weasel, you can say it to my fucking face.”
You don’t say anything so Vince takes that as a sign of weakness. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” If only he knew what you had planned for him later on.
Finally, you make it into the city. It looks pretty much like a warzone. Tall buildings with broken glass. Cars flipped over. Fires here and there. Garbage litters every inch of the black asphalt. Grocery stores with missing letter signs. The truck makes a stop and the driver orders all of you to hop off.
“Y/N!” hearing your name brings you out of the daze you were in. “Go into that grocery store and survey it. Make sure no one is living inside.” The leading officer of your group orders.
You enter the store, stepping over the broken glass, with your stun gun aimed. Within a second, you already know you’re not alone. There’s signs of life such as a makeshift bed and half a can of corn that still looked good. You’re checking out the aisle where you found the bed when you hear something knocked off a shelf. You run to the sound, gun aimed, ready to shoot when you see a little girl, maybe about five or six, huddled on the ground. She’s dirty and her little dress is ripped to tatters. Her hair that looks blond is very matted and her teeth are chipped. She must’ve been living in this store for a while. Her pale skin is covered in buries from head to toe.
“Identify yourself!” you shout while your gun is still aimed at her.
No response.
“I’m giving you three seconds to tell me your name before I shoot.” You count the seconds in your head, praying that she answers.
“Li-Lilia.” She stutters in a quite voice, eyes filled with fear.
“Lilia, how many people are in this store with you?” Your gun is still aimed.
“Just me.”
How naïve. “I’m going to ask you one more time, Lilia.” You remove the safety on the gun with a click. “How many people are here with you?”
Lilia is now shivering. You hear a small sound and see that she has urinated herself out of fear. While you see the puddle grow larger, you notice her eyes keep darting to the aisle to your left. You finally get it. The bruises. The urine. She’s been kidnapped. You don’t say a word but you signal with your finger to the left.
Lilia nods as she silently cries.
You quickly check your surroundings, making sure you’re the only task member in the store as what you’re about to do will add to your sentence for sure. You signal with your finger to Lilia to keep quiet and you make your way over to the other side. At the end of the aisle, you see a man bent with his back to you, a gun in his hands.
How the hell did a street rat get a gun? With a closer look, you see it’s a task force gun. A growl rings out behind you. You barely have time to react when it jumps at you, teeth bared. A dog. You put your arm out and let it latch on, your uniform absorbing the force of it’s bite. The man you were sneaking up on is now aware of your presence.
He quickly makes his way over to you, gun aimed. “Good job, rocky. You’ve caught us some good task force bait.”
With your head titled, you ask “Who said I said I was caught?”
You rip your arm out of the dog’s jaws, grab the neck of the dog, and throw it on the man. The man shoots, hitting his dog. With the dog now seizing on the ground, you’re able to fully focus on the man. You toss your gun onto the floor, preferring close combat with this punk.
You run full force at the man, as he shoots. Each electrical stun, your uniform absorbs, making you run faster. You feel your blood rushing through your veins as the familiar feeling of excitement hits you. You use one leg to jump on a knocked over display, and you use the height to propel yourself, aiming a kick at the man. Your kick meets his thick head, knocking him out instantly. Wow, what a waste. You were looking forward to a fight.
With the man knocked out and the dog still seizing, it’s just you and the girl. You see her small head pop out the side of the shelf, staring at you in awe.
You pick up your gun, the fear returning to her eyes once again. “Lilia, do you know how this man got this gun?”
She nods and gestures for you to follow. You proceed with caution, gun up and aimed in case another surprise comes flying at you. Lilia leads you to the empty manager’s room. Once you deem the room safe enough, you enter. She heads to a small closet and gestures for you to open the door.
You stand behind the door and slowly open. As the door opens, an arm falls out putting you on high alert. You open the door wider and what’s inside has you gagging.
Inside the closet is a body that has been cut up into several pieces. What has you shocked isn’t the fact that there’s a dead body but that the dead body is wearing a task force uniform. That’s how the man got that gun.
You go closer to the body, in hopes of finding an identifier. In the upper corner is the name Rolf Chasey engraved. You rip off the tag and pocket it. You check the pockets of Rolf and find a half eaten protein bar and a couple of coins. You toss the coins to Lilia, who grabs them off the floor in a hurry.
“Lilia, I never saw you and you never saw me. Is that understood?”
She nods and walks off, leaving you alone in the office. You close the closet door and close the office. Your comms come on.
“Y/N, what is taking you so long?” The leading officer asks in an aggravated tone. Asshole.
You press the button to activate your microphone. “Had a bit of an altercation. Found a man living here, alongside his dog. Also found the remains of a task force soldier. He’s been here for a while.” You report back.
“That’s unfortunate. Bring out the vermin and kill the dog. Retrieve the gun off the dead soldier if you can”
“Yes, sir.” You follow his orders and pick up the gun, but before holstering your own, you shoot out one shot, so it appears you’ve killed the dog. You grab the arm of the unconscious man and proceed to drag him out the door. You notice the dog is gone, probably protecting Lilia.
You’re finally out of the store, two soldiers of the task force run to help you with the man. You head towards the leading officer and hand him the gun of the deceased soldier.
“Good job, L/N. You’re not so useless after all.” You wish you could just knock out this man as well but you have to tread on thin ice and pray that nobody goes into that store before you depart.
“It’s an honour to be useful, Sir.”
He waves dismissively and points to the truck. “At ease, soldier. Get into the truck. Those two idiots will load our precious cargo in it’s cage.”
With a nod, you follow orders like a robot. You learned a long time ago the only way to stay alive is to follow orders and keep your head down.
Once everybody is loaded into the truck, you hear Vince going on about how he was harassing some pregnant woman who tried to steal bread. “If she’s homeless, what business does she have getting pregnant? That’s why women should never be allowed to leave the house, or be part of an elite task force.” He says the last sentence with a glare directed towards you.
Vince. A sexist hot-headed thorn in your side since you were sentenced to the task force. “Vince, you seem to forget that we were ordered to be a part of this force as a punishment, not a reward. Which means that we all committed crimes of some sort. What was yours again? Ah. You got caught with your pants down in a barn.”
You can see Vince getting irritated, the vein bulging on his forehead. “Then again, you’re not really a human right? Makes sense that you wanted to be with the animals.”
Vince gets up and drags you by your collar. “Shut the fuck up, you worthless bitch.”
“I may be a worthless bitch but at least I’m not into animals.” At this point, your hands are on Vince’s applying pressure so he understands that you won’t be bullied by him.
“At ease, soldiers.” The truck has stopped and your leading officer is talking from the front seat. It’s a good thing he can’t see you otherwise both you and Vince would’ve been punished. “Since today was a successful day, I’ve decided to reward you. I’m going to head into this bakery to get us some bread.”
“Thank you, sir!” Everyone in the truck screams. The leading officer leaves the truck, his door slam vibrating the entire vehicle.
“I would let me go within the next five seconds unless you want my foot up your ass.” You warn Vince, tired of his macho man routine.
Vince drags you closer to his face “You’re lucky. Just know, the next time I get my hands on you, I won’t stop until you’re dead.” With that, Vince shoves you away roughly.
You adjust your uniform and sit back down. It’s getting harder to resist killing everyone on this team but you have to hold yourself back. You can’t let anyone find out that you were trained by your mercenary father to be even more deadly than he is. That means only meeting the bare minimum. Hiding your fighting skills, getting treated like an idiot, and being punished.
The officer returns with a bag of bread he has harassed out of the bakery owners, tossing a medium sized loaf at each of you. “Eat it now or later, I don’t care. Don’t you dare get any crumbs in my truck otherwise I’ll make you all scrub it with a toothbrush.”
In silence, the truck finally makes its way back to the mountainside as the sun is setting, kissing the sky.
“I’ll see you back here tomorrow morning, soldiers.”
You all salute and head your separate ways.
You’re finally back home. Standing in front of the door with chipped paint, you take a deep breath and make your way inside. The heart warming smell of rabbit stew greets you as you take off your boots.
“Y/N, you’re back!” Your little brother excitedly jumps into your arms. You grab onto him and swing him on your back, piggy backing him into the kitchen. Your mom stands at the stove, stirring the stew.
“Good evening mom.” You kiss your mother on the cheek. She gives you a nod of acknowledgement and continues stirring the stew. You take the bread out of your bag and place it on the table. Your brother is still on your back, giggling, so you put him down and tell him to play in your room. You go through the narrow passageway that connects to the living room and spot your father in his wheelchair by the window.
“Father, I’m back.” Your relationship with your father is very limited. You’re not affectionate with one another nor do you spend much time together.
“Good. How was your shift today?” He asks while still staring out the window.
You sit on the broken couch and hold your head in your hands. “I found a dead body today. It belonged to a task force soldier. His body was cut up. Barely recognizable.”
Your father finally looks at you. “Did you find anything on the body?”
You grab the name tag from your pocket and hand it to him. “Just this. Does the name sound familiar to you?”
Your father observes the name, no sign of recognition on his face. He clutches the name tag and moves his wheelchair to the door. “Follow me, Y/N.”
You follow him as he rolls down the narrow hallway to the bathroom door. He pauses at the bathroom door and turns the light switch on. You both barely fit into the bathroom when your father maneuvers his chair and locks the door.
“Lead us down, Y/N.” You head to the toilet, lift up the tank cover and let the eye scanner scan your eyes.
“Retina scan complete. Identity approved. Opening wall.” A computerized voice says.
Within a couple of seconds, the bathroom wall disappears and opens up into a computer room. Your father wheels himself in and starts typing on the computer, searching up the name of the deceased soldier.
Bing. A file with the picture of Rolf Chasey comes up. He was a handsome man. Your father is typing away when he pauses and sighs.
“Turns out he was one of ours. I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case.” Your father removes his glasses, rubbing his bridge of his nose in frustration. “We’re going to have to report this. Get ready, Y/N.”
You make yourself presentable, hands behind your back as a sign of respect. The black screen connects to a video call.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” A mysterious voice answers.
“Good evening sir. I’m here to report that one of our soldiers was found dead.” Your father reports, putting his glasses back on.
“Who was it?” the voice asks.
“Rolf Chasey.” Your father answers.
“Hmm. He was a good soldier. That’s unfortunate. That means that someone is aware.”
You chime in. “All due respect, sir, what if it was just a rogue killing?”
“Your uniform protects you from everything, aside for a few weak spots. If a soldier is dead, that means someone knew these weak spots beforehand and planned everything. We’re going to have to escalate the timeline a bit.”
“How fast are we talking, sir?” This really complicates things.
“Tomorrow. I’m going to need you to commit a bigger crime that will get you inside the wall, in the jail here.”
You stand, frozen. A list of the crimes you can commit starts running through your head. The one at the top of the list being murder.
“You want me to kill someone?” You ask for clarification.
“Not just anyone. I heard there is a troublesome soldier on your team. Vince, right?”
Ahh, Vince. Is it finally his time to go? You’ve been waiting for this day. The day you can finally start ridding the earth of it’s filth.
“I’ll make it happen, sir.” You bow and the screen goes black without another word.
“Y/N. Are you ready?” Father asks as he is typing on his keyboard.
“This is what you’ve been training me for, father.”
“I know that but keep in mind. Training to kill and actually killing are two very different things. Once you take a life, you can never go back.” He pauses his typing and looks at you. “I’ll ask one more time. Are you ready for this?”
“Father, I was born to do this.” You answer with a smirk.
Another morning starts, dragging you out of bed with its drug induced embrace. You reluctantly get ready for your shift as you feel more tired today than ever. Last night’s events still run through your head. The dead body, the little girl, the orders. You pause between buttoning your shirt and hope that the little girl is okay.
You head downstairs and as per usual, everyone is still asleep. There was no catch left on the table for your family but you made a promise to bring something home with you. Feeding the fire once again, you head out the door.
The comforting scent of petrichor greets you just as the rising sun does. You begin your daily trek down the mountain. You make it to the bottom just as your name is called out.
“L/N! My son can move faster than you and he can’t even walk yet!” screams the C.O. from yesterday.
“I apologize, sir.” muttering this apology takes quite a lot from you but you have to do it to survive.
“Go get your weapon and get in the truck. We have a long day ahead of us.” He walks away while muttering something along the lines of “bloodbath.”
Huh? Bloodbath? What is he talking about? Curiosity runs rampant in your mind as you continue the procedure to sign out a weapon. Once finished, you’re sitting in the truck as it begins it’s bumpy drive to the town.
“Did y’all hear? Apparently lots of rats were executed last night?” You hear Vince gossip. “They deserve it. Breaking the laws as they see fit. Not following the rules.”
“Vince, do I need to remind you again why we’re here?” You say this in between counting the minutes it takes to get you to town.
“What the fuck did you say? You’re always running your mouth, eh? I’ll show you today what happens when women don’t keep their mouths shut.” With that, he turns his back to you and continues talking about the massacre.
Yes, Vince. I’ll show you today. I’ll make sure you look real pretty. These types of thoughts occupy your mind until you reach your destination.
“Roll out, everyone. It’s a sight to see that’s for sure but don’t forget why we are here. Get to it.”
You hop out of the truck with your stun gun at the ready. With a quick look around, you notice you’re at the same spot as yesterday. Except today there’s red everywhere. On the ground. The walls. The windows. It was as if some giant had painted the town red with it’s paintbrush.
“Go around each body and count them. L/N, you go to the west quarter. The same store you were at yesterday.”
You follow his orders and head back to the store but your heart is racing. You’re wondering if that little girl
Is okay. The dog. If they know you took the name of the dead soldier. You hear Vince behind you and you stop.
“Why are you following me?” You try to keep your expression cool.
“Was told to keep an eye on you. Figures. Can't trust women to do shit.” He shoves into your shoulder as he walks past you.
A couple of minutes pass but you’re finally at the store. Lining the entrance are black body bags. Three to be exact. One of them looks small. You head towards it and gently unzip it. You pause to take a deep breath before unzipping it completely. Laying there, as if frozen in time, is the little girl from yesterday. She looks so peaceful aside from the giant hole in her chest. Your eyes follow her until you notice her tiny hand is holding onto something. Checking your surroundings to make sure Vince isn’t near you, you try to open up her fist. It’s hard as the body has already started decomposing but soon enough you’re able to open her hand. Laying inside, shiny as the day you gave them to her, are the coins.
You zip the bag once again and get up to walk away. Who would do such a thing? Why didn’t she run away? The familiar hot feeling of tears starts to form in your eyes. No. Not now. Not here.
“What’s the matter? Did that sight make you sick, whore? It makes me feel euphoric. Seeing a pest get what it deserves.” Vince continues to rattle on disgusting things about the little girl but you’ve heard enough. You’ve seen enough. You try to control the red haze that is clouding your vision as you cannot afford to lose your temper here. Not when you’re so close.
A small bark catches your attention and the dog from yesterday comes running up to you, whining.
“Let me take care of that, L/N. I’ll let you have your little female moment.” Vince says as he heads to grab the dog by the scruff. Just before his hands touch the dog, you break your silence.
“Touch that dog, and I’ll chop off your fucking hands, Vince.” He pauses in shock and looks at you, eyebrows raised.
“Excuse me?” He sounds to be in shock but you can’t understand why.
“Did I stutter? Do you want me to break it down for your small pea sized brain? You touch the dog. You die.”
Vince slowly walks closer to you, like a predator stalking its prey. “What do you think you can do to me, huh? I’m twice your size. I have more fighting experience than you. I was raised on the streets. What do you honestly think you can do to me, Y/N?” He is now standing toe to toe with you.
You raise your gaze to meet his, eyes darkening. You open your mouth to tell him to back off but he lowers his head right towards your ear and whispers “Do you think you’re all that because you got orders to kill me?”
Your entire body freezes. How did he know?
“Wow. The look on your face right now, amazing. It’s kind of turning me on. Now, you think you’re the only one on some type of mission here but we all want out. Some of us were fortunate to make connections. Others, not so much. Let me give you some advice, girl. You should go home. Take care of your family. Before they’re gone.” He raises his hand to pat your shoulder. “Did you remember to turn off the burner this morning? I think your mother forgot to turn it off last night.”
After the mention of your family, you’re already running. You can hear the dog running behind you, barking, but you're focused on getting back home. Knowing it will take you at least an hour on foot to get back home, you head towards the truck. The driver is asleep on the wheel. You quickly knock your knuckles on the window, waking him up.
“I need to get back home.” He laughs at your requests and tells you to fuck off. Wrong move. You shatter the window with your elbow, unlock the door, and drag him out.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He tries to reach for his comms but you rip it out of his ear and stomp on it.
“You say another word and I’ll kill you.” Shoving him aside, you jump into the driver's seat. Right before you close the door, the dog jumps in, making himself comfortable on the front seat.
No time to kick him out, you start the truck and speed off. In the rear view mirror, you can see the driver attempting to chase you. With your foot on the gas, you press it harder, causing the truck to lurch forward in a burst.
“L/N! Return the truck! That is an order!” Your C.O, yells through your comms. You wince at the volume and just rip it out of your ear.
It seems like forever has passed before you’re at the base of the mountain. Quickly putting the truck in park, you run out and up the mountain.
Please. Please be okay. You keep running at full speed. Tumbling over rocks and forgotten branches. You start to smell the familiar scent of fire. No. God, please no.
Right in front of you, is your small house, engulfed in flames. The fire tore everything in its path, leaving a desolate trail of only ash and rubble. Your mother. Your father. Your brother. You fall to your knees as the flame gets bigger and bigger.
“MOTHER! FATHER! BROTHER!” You desperately scream in hopes that one of them will answer. The scalding heat of the flames start to reach you.
The dog from earlier is barking at a pile of what used to be your wooden shed. It starts to try to drag one piece of wood off but it’s too big. “What are you doing?” you whisper.
“Y/N.” What was that? The ghost of your family calling out to you? Or the wind playing games. You hear it again.
“Y/N.” This time it’s louder and it’s coming from the pile the dog was digging at. You crawl towards it and start digging.
“Y/N, help me.” It’s your brother’s voice. Finally moving aside enough rubble to see his face, you start to cry tears of relief.
“Brother, are you okay?” You ask in desperation but more removal of rubble reveals a horrid detail. Your brother’s body is no longer intact. There’s blood everywhere.
“Where were you, Y/N?” He asks between laboured breaths. “I was waiting for you.”
“I know. I’m sorry. Please don’t speak. I’ll try to get help.” You get up to get said help but your brother's faint grasp on your hand stops you.
“Y/N. I don’t think you can find the help I need here. I can’t feel my legs.”
“No. Please don’t say that.” You grab his hand in both of yours and hold it to your forehead. “I can’t. I don’t know how to do this.”
“You can and you will. I know I’m only ten but I’m pretty mature. I know it’s hard for you to interact with people but you’re a good person and an even better sister. Don’t forget that, okay?”
“I will try my hardest not to.” This can’t be happening.
“I think I have to go now. I love you.” Life slowly starts to fade from his eyes right as he finishes his sentence.
You start to cry. Heart wrenching sobs free themselves from your chest. You’re making sounds you didn’t know you were capable of making. You can’t breathe. You can’t think. You can’t see. You're utterly and completely broken.
As you sit there, still holding his hand, you move your gaze to your house to see it now completely consumed by the flames. You’re broken. What happened? How did Vince know about your orders? Who executed this order?
With the sound of the dog barking, you make a vow. You make a vow to head into the walls and destroy anyone and anything in your path until the person who killed your family is begging for their life in front of you. You vow.
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Taglist: @porcoqalliard @lue-arlert @coffeeforday @sunshinedragonofthewest @oh-theseus @levis-hazelnut
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the-river-person · 3 years
Mistral Sans is now Community Shared
To echo the words of @undertaleauoc, Mistral is "open for use" without the need to request permission from the creator (me) though I’d like to be tagged and credited still. Mistral Formerly named: Sans Age: 10 to the power of 100 years (technically a little more than that by now, but the number is so huge that it's no longer relevant.) Gender: Male Appearance: Appears much like Classic Sans, except for the silvery-white crystalline formations growing all over his body. These can get quite large if he hasn’t removed them in a while, and are often quite sharp to anyone with flesh instead of bone. He makes an effort to keep the Kenón from growing up over his head and face, or from completely encasing his body, but it's difficult to keep up with since it grows faster whenever he happens to be in the Void itself. He wears a long brown overcoat, gloves, and long black trousers, mostly in effort to hide the Kenón as much as possible or keep the sharp points from cutting people by accident. He also keeps a red bandana around his neck, something given to him by Papyrus. His eyes never went back to their original state after the Void-Sickness. Instead of dark hollows with a white iris, they seem to be a pale grey, like a well of deep nothingness. Backstory: Mistral’s Universe is based upon the question “What would happen if the Human just never stopped the Resets, but went on forever?” And the resulting Tale that followed was one of mindless repetitions for time out of mind as the Human would Reset in order to prevent the Underground from being destroyed. Eventually the human, who was no longer human, stopped when Sans suggested a different means to preserve their Universe without killing. This Underground has a deep history of worship and lore that surrounds their Angel, and Sans played the role of Judge, a historical job where someone representing the Angel’s Justice would be called upon to make an absolute Judgement upon anyone or anything. The King called upon him to bring his judgement upon the entire Underground for their part in everything. Formerly a scientist under his Uncle Gaster, he helped come up with the “Solution” which the entire Underground was inoculated with to help them remember beyond Resets. He himself was a victim of the Void poisoning like that which affected Gaster’s Followers and was only saved from being wiped to a blank slate by Gaster’s efforts. A fragment of Kenón (Void-stone) and determination was placed in his soul, causing the crystals to spread from it. In later years as the Underground thrived despite the Resets, he pushed himself to get another degree, this time in psychology, and eventually became a practicing therapist/psychologist (as well as the Underground’s willing delivery boy. He liked being able to see and talk to people all the time, and get to know things.) Upon the destruction of his Universe he was thrown into the Void with his Uncle Gaster, where they were rescued by the mysterious River Person. They met with Ink!Sans who explained the Multiverse and gave them the means to travel it. Now they travel from Universe to Universe, or sometimes wander the Void itself, or the Anti-Void. Gaster (now named Majuscule) is searching for his children, and Sans (now named Mistral) is helping while searching for the Ship his brother escaped with and whatever survivors of his people there might still be. Personality: Mistral is old. Though he was in a mindless forgetful repetitive state for much of the Resets, and has few memories of his own childhood beyond what Papyrus reminded him of, he is significantly mentally older than most of the other Monsters from his Universe. The determination in his soul (along with the Kenón) makes him very strong willed and much more powerful than he was before. It also gives him a minor energy boost. His years as a scientist specializing in studies of the Soul and Physics, as well as his later degree in psychology and practice as a therapist, make him a fairly discerning person who is easily approachable and can talk about a number of different subjects with ease. Despite his actions during the Genocide Routes, he is a much more mentally stable person (possibly one of the most stable Sanses out there from what I see) and is very much a pacifist, refusing violence altogether and choosing to let his words and mind guide him out of trouble, or his teleportation to let him escape danger. Because of his refusal to consider physical violence, even in his own defense, his skill in using fighting magic has atrophied. He can no longer summon the blasters at all, and his bone attacks are weaker. His teleportation on the other hand is much stronger and he can do it more often without tiring too much. The other effects of his refusal to fight means that he must proactively avoid confrontation whenever possible. Mistral uses his knowledge of how people think and act to guide his interactions with others, putting even Monsters from the Fell Universes at ease with well timed and thought out humorous comments, as well as just generally being willing to listen and try to see from the point of view of other people. He can tell puns, but they usually sound a bit forced, like he memorized them somewhere and was just waiting for a point to use them. Very rarely he’ll come up with the perfect one on the spot and be absolutely thrilled with himself. More often he uses dry humor, throwaway lines, or Hyperbole.
His willingness to try and defuse the tension caused by aggressive Monsters he’s dealing with can sometimes backfire on him and serves to make the Monster even angrier and more violent. Mistral will then flee, not wanting to fight them, but often marking himself as guilty or suspicious in the process when this happens with an authority figure who has confronted him for his presence.
The Kenón crystal growing all over his body tends to freak people out as well, which is why he hides it as much as he can beneath the overcoat, gloves, and bandana.
Like all skeletons of his Universe, Mistral has a great knowledge of fonts and writing systems, punctuation marks, ciphers, and typography. It is a very important subject to them as it very closely ties with how they see themselves, their identity as a person. This may be rather strange to skeletons from other Universes who do not share this background. A similar problem comes when skeletons from other Universes find out how strongly he and the Monsters of his world believe in the mythical Angel of Mount Ebbot and often pray to them or swear by them (or use “Angel” as a swear).
He’s also very interested in the concept of Identity and how it can change over time or be altered by events in your life, and how names connect to the concept of identity.
Can I use Mistral in my comic/story/animation/etc?: Sure. He’s a wandering type character, so it's likely he’ll show up in countless Universes and places all over while searching for his brother and his missing cousins. Sometimes he’ll be with Gaster and sometimes not.
One thing to note is that his story will have a continuation, so if in your story you detail events that involve him beyond just a brief meeting, chat, or background character… Just be aware that it's probably not going to be canon to the story I’m planning for him (though if we take other Multiverses into account it could be canon elsewhere).
I would like to insist that you tag and credit me on his use (Credit is good. Tagging me makes it so I can come see your wonderful creations).
Can I ship Mistral with this other character/characters?: Yeah, why not?. Canonically he’s aesexual and only very passingly interested in the idea of romantic relationships. But sure, ship him with whoever you like. Just know that it's not canon to this Multiverse.
While I would still like to be tagged in stuff that involves him. I know I can’t stop nsfw art/writing and other things of that nature from happening, much as I might like to. But be warned, If I see it or am tagged with that, or am sent asks of that... I will block you. Fontcest, Incest ships, child ships, or smut in general will all get you blocked instantly.
Canon height and weight: 4-5 feet high (same as Classic Sans). Weight was trickier. He’s a skeleton. A human skeleton is only about 15% of your body weight. So classic is probably somewhere around 16 or so pounds. But Mistral is covered by continually growing crystalline structures of Kenón. Since the crystal is heavy but spread out and somewhat kept under control, it probably only doubles his weight, making him 32 pounds.
Canon strength: Mistral isn’t a fighter. His attacks are weak because his desire to actually fight is nonexistent, even if he has to defend himself or others. But his actual physical strength, as opposed to his magical attacks, sees a significant increase to that of your normal Sans. The Kenón crystals actually increase his defense by making his bones stronger and more crack resistant, and his self healing is well equipped to deal with most breaks, though they’re still quite painful.
He also has increased endurance for longer physical or magical activities so long as combat or confrontation isn’t part of it.
Since he weighs more, he can’t jump as high as a Sans who weighs less (not that it's a huge difference. He’s only 32 pounds. Plus his strength can mostly make up for it by pushing himself off harder when jumping.)
Is it okay if I draw him with another gender, age, height, or sexuality?: Go for it. Have fun. Tag and credit me. But remember that it’s not canon to THIS Multiverse that I’m working in.
Canon Birthday?: September 16th (though he hasn’t celebrated in a LONG time. He probably doesn’t remember his last actual birthday party. Papyrus might though…)
Font?: Used to be Comic Sans. But now it's Mistral (upper and lowercase).
Original AU: Aeontale by
(or the-river-person. basically… me)
Can I send Asks for more details if I need or want them?: Yes. My askbox is open. I’ll answer what I can. I’ve put everything I can think of on here, but inevitably there’s always something missed in things like this. So ask away.
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saxxxology · 4 years
alpha, (beta), omega, delta dynamics
*this document is a work in progress - all theories here are my own. if you have any questions or want to know more about the a/b/o/d universe I’ve created for the purpose of my own a/b/o/d stories, shoot me an ask :)
If you source any traits from here (including Delta stuff) in your own writing, PLEASE credit and link to this post!
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FEMALE - Alpha females are often extremely noticeable - being taller and stronger than other females. Like Omega males, they account for a small percentage of the population, 2%.
General health: Like the males, female Alphas are generally extremely healthy. Most presentations occur slightly later, between the ages of 20-24. Also like their male counterparts, a presentation is characterized by the first rut. Alpha females are extremely prone to rut fever, and more often than not need an Omega with them during the first cycle.
Rut: Ruts are annual and last an average of 2 days, but cycles don’t conform to fit those of their mate. Symptoms of a rut are: high aggression (general), stress/anxiety, fever, a need to mate, and cramping in the lower abdomen.
Reproduction: Female Alphas are fertile, but conception with another Alpha or Beta is unlikely. They bear a type of “knot” in the vaginal canal, which locks around a mate’s shaft during intercourse. A pregnancy lasts around 9 months, as a Beta’s does. If pregnancy is achieved, an Alpha female will often seclude herself alone during the first few months.
MALE - Alpha males account for approximately 30% of all male births. They are often born a little larger and heavier than Beta/Omega/Delta babies, and it’s easy to pre-determine a presentation as they remain bigger and stronger than others as they grow.  
General health: Alphas have extremely advanced immune systems. Most presentations occur between the ages of 18-20. A presentation is characterized by the first rut, where an Alpha male is most vulnerable to illness. Most Alphas can pass through their first rut without an Omega to mate with, but rut fever can happen if the rut lasts longer than a week.
Rut: Ruts are bi-annual and last an average of 3 days, and cycles can shift to fit the cycle of a partner. Symptoms of a rut are: high aggression (towards other Alphas), fever, and an insatiable need to mate.
Reproduction: Alphas are extremely fertile during a rut. They can occasionally experience multiple “spontaneous�� orgasms even after knotting, which only increases the likelihood of conception. They remain extremely protective of their mates during pregnancy and after the birth of a pup, often settle down with their mates for the first several weeks to bond.
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FEMALE - Female Omegas account for approximately 20% of all female births. They are often a little smaller, ranging from 5’0 to 5’6, but can become quite tall if one or both parents is above average height. Their behavior is similar to that of a Beta’s, but their heat cycles can affect how they react to others.
General health: Omegas have a very good immune system. They can fight off most infections and heal from wounds without complications. 
Heats: Omegas present between the ages of 16-18. They go through two or three heats a year, which can become high-risk or fatal if not alleviated by an Alpha after ten consecutive cycles. Omegas can become sick from heat fever, but the condition is rarely fatal.
Reproduction: During a heat, the Omega’s vagina swells and elongates, allowing for a bigger Alpha to penetrate comfortably. Omegas can reproduce quicker than Betas, and the postpartum recovery time is similar to that of a Delta’s - approximately 1-2 weeks. Single pups are most common, with twins and triplets having a smaller birth percentage. 
MALE - Male Omegas account for just 5% of all male births. Their low count is due to the Omega gene being present only in females unless a case of inbreeding happens between Alphas and Omegas (example: during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, royal family members would marry and reproduce), when a mutation in the gene can cause a male offspring to present and then pass the gene down (this mutation can skip generations). Physically, they appear as a Beta, but their behavior is naturally very submissive to their Alphas, and they are viciously protective over their partners and offspring. 
General health: Unlike a female Omega, males go through illnesses and recover from injuries similar to average Betas. Their mental health can also suffer, due to the social stigma surrounding male Omegas, and rejection from potential mates they have latched onto (with or without reciprocation) often leads to Broken Bond Syndrome.
Heats: They present between the ages of 16-18. They go through only one heat a year, which can quickly become high-risk if not alleviated by a mate. Male Omegas are incredibly prone to heat fever, which can quickly become fatal. 
Reproduction: They are not particularly fertile, given that their gender is predetermined to affect only females. If they mate with an Alpha female and engage in a successful heat/rut copulation, they have a higher chance of producing offspring, but can also pass down any health issues or genetic mutations that exist.
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Deltas account for 1 in 5,000 female births. They are born exceptionally small and remain so throughout their life - the tallest Deltas range from 5’3 to 5’6 when fully grown. The birth of a Delta can be confirmed by performing a DNA test to source the appropriate genes. They are naturally shy and timid, making them easy targets for predatory Alphas and even Betas, and remain extremely loyal to their mates and children. 
Due to their rarity and breeding ease, Deltas are marked from birth with a 5-digit number, rather than a given name (format: D-#####). Their families or partners can choose a nickname to call them by, but on all legal forms, they are known for their registered number. The numbers are also used to log how many offspring a Delta produces.
General health: Deltas have advanced immune systems. They can fight off common illnesses (colds, flu, etc.) easily and recover from most invasive surgeries within days. They can live easily into their nineties and longer, if healthy. Cancer is least likely to affect a Delta and most symptoms are caught in the first stage.
Heats: Deltas present early, between the ages of 16-18. Like Omegas, they experience two heats every year, but they are considerably more intense and painful when not alleviated and become high-risk and fatal between the ages of 23-26. Unmated Deltas can die from heat fever if they fail to mate with an Alpha in time.
Reproduction: Deltas can produce pups extremely fast. They heal from childbirth considerably faster than other females (approximately 1-2 weeks), and are even more fertile when in heat, with conception during unprotected heat/rut mating being almost 100%. During heat, their cervixes dilate to allow an Alpha to penetrate and ejaculate directly into their womb to ensure conception. Their gestation is quicker than an Omegas, with pups going from conception to birth within six months. Twins are common, with only 60% of births being single pups. Methods of birth control are available to combat overpopulation, but it isn’t uncommon for an Alpha/Delta pair to produce at least five children.
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Heat fever: A non-contagious condition among Omegas and Deltas brought on by a heat that hasn’t been managed properly through mating with an Alpha. Symptoms include: fever, aches and pains, and nausea, with eventual death being brought on via excessive dehydration and cardiac stress. In Omegas, it can be prevented through the use of prescribed suppressants. A Delta’s mortality rate skyrockets within the first 5-7 years of them presenting.
Rut fever: A condition among Alphas similar to heat fever. Like heat fever, symptoms include: fever, aches and pains, and nausea, but it can also lead to hostility and aggression. Unlike heat fever, rut fever can’t be prevented with suppressants and can only be cured through mating. Repetitive exposure to the fever can lead to a loss of fertility and even death due to cardiac stress.
Broken Bond Syndrome & Final Sleep: A fatal occurrence in Alphas, Omegas, and Deltas that is brought on by the death of a mate. The grief of a mate’s death leads to depression and eventual inability to wake up from an unconscious state (mated partners essentially go to sleep and pass away without waking up again).
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sakuramidnight15 · 3 years
TW MC Hybrid AU:
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"You should better get home now, and don't make me put an end to you tonight."
-Basic Information-
Name: Lynette Mitchell
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 2/26
Status: Alive (Rumored as a spirit in public)
Hometown: The abandoned wedding altar of Kiyomi Village.
It’s located at the mountain hilltops and is filled with thousands of cherry blossom trees.
Kiyomi Village is a very large village which it's located pretty far near the north mountain of Lavenwill, which it almost looked like a modern village to stay, each spot is filled with sakura trees has plenty of lands for farming and also many clean river for fishing.
This large village is rather a safe place for hybrids because the people lived treated hybrid like normal human beings and welcomed travelers from other villages. But they do despise and has a never-ending hate towards the overworld king and his kingdom very much and refused to welcome anyone who lives in his kingdom.
Thus you may consider the village somewhat a rebellious.
Powers: Levitation
-Hybrid Information-
Hybrid: Fox
A fox with a tiny bit of kitsune. You may be smaller than the average human size, but you are faster with those tiny legs, pouncing deals more damage and you are nocturnal. But there's a special kitsune skill. You can carry more stuff by levitating them and they will follow you around. You can turn invisible if you're only standing still and if you fall from a great height, you won't get hurt.
Additional Power: Yandere/Necrophile Bride Powers, and Stealth.
It was said that her power is a fusion of the deceased bride and the grim reaper. This power increases her stealth and levitation ability.
For Stealth, she's good at hiding in the shadows without being noticed.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Scythe and Silver Dagger 
Both weapons were presents from her parents, the silver dagger was from her father while the scythe was from her mother. Both weapons were hand-made and durable in battle.
Eye Color: Light Rose Pink (Original Eye Color)
Ghost White (First Eye Color Change)-(Ghost eye-sight trigger)
Dark Blood Red (Second Eye Color Change)-(Yandere/Necrophile Bride Power Trigger)
Hair Color: Rose Gold
Hair Length: Long and wavy, which it reaches to her waistline, she often ties it up to a long single braid.
Skin Tone: Fair White
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 53.5 kg
-Default Attire: A dark blue and light blue short kimono dress with long dark and light blue arm sleeves, similar to how bridesmaids wear for weddings. Paired it with and a simple black japanese slippers.
-Yandere/Necrophile Bride Form: A long elegant white and blue wedding japanese kimono that reaches to the ground covers her feet, detailed in light blue sakura-like floral designs. Wears a white flower-themed wedding veil to cover her eyes, unless they want her white or red glowing eyes underneath it
-Casual Attire: To hide her fox form when going to the village during the day, she wears a black and pink oversized hoodie, with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and also a pair of dark brown boots.
Lynette tends to be a quiet yet silent type of person, as a fox hybrid she tends to be shy around strangers in her territory, she's sometimes sensitive. Due to the past incident of the abandoned wedding altar and the sacrificial ceremony for the dead, alongside with her dark past.
But she's very friendly and sweet, but can be scary sometimes when getting angry for a while. But she hoped that her anger didn't scare anyone on purpose or accident. Lynette does have a younger sister personality or a mother-like figure to the team.
But she can be sly, intelligent, and cunning but sometimes mischievous but rather childlike if anyone mistook her like a kid because of her height and hates being teased from time to time. Sometimes making her annoyed with it but also having a habit of teasing anyone in a friendly manner towards her team and making funny jokes, to lighten up the mood just a bit.
Lynette doesn't mind scaring people by giving them a blood kind of fright, which happens almost every midnight if anyone enters the abandoned wedding altar, underneath the full moon. Which in the end, her victims ended up becoming in her death list tonight.
When acting normal, she isn't so violent but is very strong when fighting enemies around herself along with the team, but in yandere/necrophile mode however, she's completely insane and will go wild very soon with a weapon or not.
But that's how she is anyway and considered it pretty normal to herself. Especially for her as sufficiently. 
Lynette was born from her mother, who another fox woman named Celestia Mitchell and along with her father, who is a half-wolf and the grim reaper named Gabriel Mitchell.
After Lynette turned 14, her parents were now in another world while she herself placed in her new home in the abandoned wedding altar of Kiyomi Village, located at the highest mountain hilltop below the village because of it's beautiful cherry blossom trees surrounding the mountain along with the beautiful view of the midnight sky and the view of the village down below.
Despite the fact that she was living on her own without her parents, which both of them are living in another location. She is the only one who can see them while others can't when using the ghost eye-sight ability and keeps her close family bonding with the two and kept in contact with them by sending them letters or contacting them with magic.
It wasn't before long when she noticed a pair of thieves from the king's kingdom entering her home, and almost attempted to cut down the altar, this caused her hidden anger to be born, and ended up killing the thieves in full rage which caused her eyes to change into two colors, dark blood red, and ghost white. When the last thief tried to attack the young fox, this caused her power to be born as well and ended up killing the last thief in yandere/necrophile form.
Before arriving at the altar, her mother and father taught her various ways of self-defense along with stealth and other abilities that foxes can do. Lynette admired her mother along with her yandere/necrophile bride form powers the most.
By scaring him with her ghost white eyes turning dark blood red, sent him screaming to death and then getting eaten alive after seeing her rage.
After that, Lynette ended having a bloody mess after they were killed, plus survival was now needed her to eat to survive, she can eat human food whenever she finds ingredients to make food to eat to survive as well or just buy some ingredients from the marketplace.
After devouring the ones who dare to destroy her home, people of Kiyomi had started to think that it was the vengeful spirit of both the bride and woman who had died there and everyone had begun to fear that abandoned wedding altar ever since the bride had committed suicide and the corpse of the woman went missing afterward. In which they believed that the abandoned wedding altar is now being haunted, thanks to Lynette and her killing/hunting-spree at night time.
But after hearing that the victims were the villagers of the king's kingdom, they decided not to bother her and her home as long as she doesn't take anyone's life in their own village. Lynette heard this had sweetly decided to keep their promise.
And no one dared to enter the mountain hilltops and the abandoned wedding altar ever again, unless they wanted to have a nightmare of being dead if they didn’t believe the story for not.
This was now Lynette's daily life-style now after one and last incident between herself and a certain 'someone' who is a traveler and was named Colt, which the two became friends after their first meeting and soon the later Lynette had a small crush on him, until one day Colt harshly broke her off, shattering Lynette permanently.
What's worse is that, Colt has been talking stuff about her behind her, along with her secrets. Except for her killing nights.
This caused Lynette to kill herself due after what Colt has did to her, but this time the young traveler witnessed it, Lynette only passed out for about six weeks until she found out that the traveler was gone and had decided to never meet and trust someone like him again and has planned to kill him with her own hands.
This caused her to cautious and aware of trusting someone and also gaining relationship issues afterward. Plus her hunting towards her targets and her plan of killing Colt hasn't changed until now.
-Celestia Mitchell: Lynette's mother, who is a fox hybrid like her as well but currently in human form after her marriage with Gabriel. Celestia loves her daughter truly from her heart and doesn't mind her own daughter becoming like her along with her father as well. Often teases Lynette on getting a boyfriend and has always supported her, which Lynette gets embarrassed pretty easily but appreciates her support. Like mother and daughter close relationship, Lynette commented that her mother's anger is way scarier than hers and doesn't hesitate herself a harsh punish on either Lynette or her husband. Celestia would often get scold Lynette from time to time.
-Gabriel Mitchell: Lynette's father, who is a powerful grim reaper, he very a protective father and husband of Lynette along with his wife Celestia. He was the one who taught Lynette when battling with a scythe and a dagger while in yandere/necrophile bride form and also supports her like his wife as well. He has quite the temper and doesn't want any boy to date her but his anger of scary them with be stopped if he ever sees his own wife getting pissed at him sooner or worse or else he himself will get punishment.
-Colt: The traveler that Lynette first has met, these two has a close friendship which Lynette has a small crush on him for a while until Colt has suddenly broke her off and was talking about her secrets behind her back. Which caused Lynette to commit her own death . After he left, Lynette sets her plans on killing him if they ever crossed paths again.
-The Villagers in Kiyomi Village: Despite not knowing Lynette and her identity of being a fox hybrid. They treated the girl with kindness which Lynette has no plans on killing any of them in the village because of the promise she made to them in secret. Although Lynette wondered why they hated the king and his kingdom so much, so Lynette decided to end the intruders and targets who lived there.
(Soon to be updated)
-Like & Dislike-
She an expert cook and would often finds good ingredients because of her sniffing skills in the forest when it comes to food for the whole team to eat.
Practically her most favorite thing to do whenever she's not sleeping at night.
Getting teased so easily
Oh please, do that or she will ignore you for a while until she calms down.
Being called short or a kid
Oh please, she’ll beat anyone’s ass up to a complete plup!
-She had a good habit of cooking and collecting ingredients in the forest for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Making her the chef of the team.
-She’s immune to any kind of potions and poison.
-She takes good care of her tails and hates it getting messy after brushing it thoroughly. 
-Ghost eye-sight allows anyone to see the dead, secret passageways of any location inside or outside and also contacts her parents. Thus, this is not considered as an additional power.
-For any woman or fox hybrid (mostly female) would be born with ghost eye-sight. It enchants their channeling powers. Although Lynette and her mother were born with them, they can still used it for only good deeds.
-Her parents aren't dead, they are just located in another dimension. When entering the overworld, you can't see them if only you have the ghost eye-sight ability.
-Chances for Lynette to fall in love with someone else.
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What You Need to Know about Real Estate in Orleans
The Action Power Team is here to answer all your questions about buying and selling real estate in Orleans.
What’s the difference between a condo townhouse and freehold townhouse in the Orleans area?
A freehold townhouse gives you exclusive ownership of both the interior and exterior of the land and the home, much like a single-family home. A condo township means that you own everything inside of the unit, but the exterior is maintained by a condo corporation. Each type of ownership has benefits and disadvantages. Discuss your goals with your real estate agent in Orleans to decide what is right for you.
Are there easements when buying a townhouse in Orleans?
An easement gives another person or entity permission to access your property for a limited or specific purpose. A common type of easement is for utility companies. Easements are common for townhouses. When a property in Orleans is changing hands, the title company will search for easements on the property, but you could also have a real estate lawyer conduct a search and explain any easements for you.
What are the types of townhouses in Orleans?
A townhouse is a housing unit with two or three homes that share walls. In the Orleans area, you can find:
Condo w/o garage – a traditional townhouse without a garage. The homeowner owns the interior, while the exterior is managed by a condo corporation.
Condo w/garage—similar to a traditional townhouse but with a garage.
Freehold w/garage – a traditional townhouse with a garage. The homeowner owns the interior and exterior and is responsible for all property maintenance.
Two-storey – a two story townhouse that maximizes the space in a home.
Three-storey – three-storey townhouses are built with three levels, but typically won’t have a basement.
Bungalow townhouse – a bungalow townhouse is a one-storey home, but it may utilize loft space to increase square footage.
What is a terrace home? What’s the difference between the lower and upper units?
A terrace home is similar to a townhouse, but the levels may be divided into individual apartments. The lower units are usually easier to access than upper units, but the upper units have better views, less noise and traffic, and are more secure. Realtors in Orleans can help you find a terrace home that suits your needs.
What are the main neighbourhoods in Orleans, Ontario?
Orleans South includes Chapel Hill, Mer Bleue, Convent Glen South, and Queenswood Heights. The oldest house in this area was built in 1914, but most of the houses were built in the 1960s.
Orleans North includes Convent Glen, Hiawatha Park, and Chatelaine Village. The oldest home in these parts was built in 1950, but most homes were built from 1965 to 1985.
Orleans East includes Avalon, Gardenway, Ridgemont, and Fallingbrook. Although the oldest homes were built in the mid-1940s, most of the homes in this area are much newer as building construction boomed in the 1980s.
Which neighbourhoods in Orleans are older/newer?
Avalon, south of Innes Road, is one of the newer neighbourhoods, as it began in the 1990s. Orleans Village, located along St-Joseph Blvd between Orléans Blvd and Duford Dr., is the oldest neighbourhood in Orleans. Hiawatha Park, located on the river north of Convent Glen, is another older neighbourhood. Fallingbrook, know for Princess Louise Falls, began in the late 1980s, so it’s not too old. Let your real estate agent in Orleans help you find the perfect house in the right community for you.
Why buy in an older neighbourhood in Orleans?
Buying an older home has its advantages and disadvantages. Older neighbourhoods often have larger yards with mature trees that provide canopies. Preservation of the neighbourhood is often a priority. Older residential communities tend to be more centrally located around city centres, because residents needed to walk to stores and businesses. Although homes may not be modern and will need repairs, they’re typically built well and have stood the test of time.
Why should we buy a house in Orleans?
Orleans has a lot of character as a suburb of Ottawa. It’s a slower paced atmosphere, without a lot of street noise or nightlife, but there are plenty of amenities close enough for people who want entertainment, sports, and education opportunities. An important fact is that Orleans is a safe community. Almost 90% of the population owns their home, which speaks to the stability of Orleans. It’s more affordable than some other parts of Ottawa, and it’s very family-friendly. Orleans is also known for its French-speaking population. Many people in Orleans are bilingual.
How is the traffic from Orleans to downtown?
Orleans is just 16 km from Ottawa’s downtown core. When traffic is good, it can take only 10 minutes to get downtown. It does take longer during morning and afternoon rush hours. While there is an extensive bus service to get around the rest of the city, most Orleans residents own a car to get around Orleans. Orleans does have a good infrastructure for biking. It is possible to commute on your cycle.
What amenities are in Orleans?
The Orleans community features many opportunities for shopping, recreation, and healthcare. You’ll find museums, gardens, theatres, live performances and more in Orleans. Place d’Orleans is the local mall with more than 175 stores. There’s no shortage of restaurants, from fine dining to fast food, both local specialties and nationwide chains. You are also close to downtown Ottawa, which lets you take advantage of those amenities.
What religion centres, schools, parks are in Orleans?
Orleans is a diverse centre, with many Christian churches and Jewish synagogues in the community. In Ottawa, you’ll find even more religious centres, for Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims, and more. Orleans features public, Catholic, and private schools in both French and English for school-age children. The city has several nature trails and parks in the community, as well as multiple recreational and sports complexes. The greater Ottawa area has even more opportunities, if you’re willing to drive.
Is Orleans a safe neighbourhood?
Information from Rentals.ca lists Orleans as being one of the top 10 safest neighbourhoods in Ottawa. Crimes against the person were listed as 32.1/10,000 in 2018. Areavibes reports crime rates in Orleans are 9% lower than the national average, with Orleans being safer than 26% of the other cities in Ontario. Most residents are homeowners, which translates into safe communities, because they want to invest in the area.
Is there public transit readily accessible in Orleans?
Driving is the preferred method to get around in Orleans, although many people do commute by bicycle, too. Ottawa has a fairly extensive public transit system, OC Transpo, to get around the city. There are around 30 bus lines that pass through Orleans, and you’re never very far from a bus stop, but it’s difficult to use public transportation to get around Orleans itself. Over the next few years, the Stage 2 expansion of the city’s light-rail transit system will see LRT stations going as far east as Trim Road, making a commute to downtown even faster and easier. The cycling infrastructure in Orleans is well-built. If you can’t drive, a bicycle is a good option.
Will my home increase in value if I buy in Orleans?
Housing prices in Canada have been on the rise over the past year. Ottawa recorded a house price increase of almost 20% in 2020. Traditionally, homes increase in value over time, even if the market has a slight dip occasionally. Home values tend to fluctuate based on supply and demand, the economy, and location. Orleans is a prime location in the greater Ottawa area, so you should expect your home value to appreciate.
Original Source: https://marcandre-perrier.c21.ca/2021/08/12/what-you-need-to-know-about-real-estate-in-orleans
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im almost 6 months on t and im on 40mg/0.2ml per week which is a low starting dose but due to corona i cant go back to my endo until january. i haven't had as much changes as i would like. im afraid that after i pass 1 year my voice won't change any more because i wasn't able to raise my dose within a normal timeframe. if i went on a higher dose after a year would i get the changes i was supposed to get in my first 6 months? is this going to permanently make my voice higher than it would be?
Lee says:
When I started testosterone, I was on a really low dose of 12.5 mg. I stayed on a low-dose for about a year. Then, on year two, I started to increased my dose to an “average” dose of T. Now I’m almost 3 years on T, and my dose is 80 mg.
This really helpful table lists low doses, starting doses, and the maximum doses. You shouldn’t change your own dose, but you can use this as an idea of what to expect and you can talk to your endo if your dosing is higher or lower than what’s listed on the chart to make sure that your bloodwork has testosterone levels in the normal range. This other guide also has a few example starting doses listed!
Doses aren’t universal though, it varies by the person. People who have a higher dose of T don’t necessarily experience changes faster than people on a lower dose- it all depends on how your body processes the T. The important bit is what your blood work shows your T levels to be, not the dose of T.
Two people on the same dose of T might have two different T levels after their first bloodwork, and one of them may have to do a higher dosage while the other may decrease their dosage, but in the end they’d both end up with the same levels even though they’re taking different amounts of T.
So this means that when I say “average dose” or “low dose,” what I really mean is the level of testosterone in your blood and the speed of the changes you get because one person’s low dose is another person’s average dose. But we’re going to say “low dose” as a shorthand for this.
Ok, back to it!
Being on a low-dose means you’ll get changes slower than if you were on a higher dose, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to be prevented from getting those changes later.
This expected time frame for T changes is based on someone who is on an average dose. But that doesn’t mean that the window listed for changes to happen is the only time in which they can occur!
You may have seen this image on our blog before:
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[Screen-reader accessible version of table on page 43 here] 
You mentioned your voice, so let’s use that as an example. The voice typically starts getting deeper when you’re around 6-12 months on T, and continues to get deeper for 1-2 years. 
Okay, so let’s say you’ve been on a low dose of T for 2 years, and your voice hasn’t changed much. You might be thinking “oh no! The chart says the voice only deepens in the first 2 years on T, and now I’m screwed!” But have no fear- that isn’t the case! You’ll be fine, this window is more of a “this is when changes often happen” and not “this is when changes have to happen”.
Here’s a metaphor to explain:
If you’re taking a low-dose of testosterone, you’re slowly adding water to the cup. Over the years, your cup will eventually get full- it’s just going to get full a lot slower.
If you’re on an “average” dose of testosterone, you’re pouring more water into the cup, and because you’re filling the cup faster it’ll get full quicker. So in the same number of years, you’ll have experienced more changes.
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Now imagine you start pouring a little water into the cup, and it’s only a bit full after the first year. Next year, you decide you want your cup to be 100% full so you start pouring water into the cup faster. You’re still going to be able to fill your cup!
Even if you stopped pouring for a bit when you lost access to T, when you started T again the same amount of water would be in there so you’d just pick up where you left off. (This is true for vocal changes, which is what we’re discussing, but other changes like body fat redistribution is more like a leaky cup because it’ll start to revert back if you stop pouring).
Being on a different dose of T doesn’t change the size of your cup (ie the amount of masculinization that your body can go through), it just changes how fast you’ll get there. Now I’ll note that this metaphor and the really bad image I drew above are an oversimplification, it’s just to get the concept across.
Okay, so let’s get back to the voice thing. I’ll note here that your voice gets deeper because testosterone physically thickens the cords. If you’re on a low dose, maybe your body hasn’t reached the T level needed to start vocal changes. But being on that low dose hasn’t somehow made your vocal cords immune to getting changed by T. So when you raise your dose, you’ll reach that point where the testosterone level in your body is high enough to make changes, and then your voice will start to deepen. 
Eventually, your vocal cords will finish developing. Going back to the cup metaphor- when you’ve filled the cup all the way to the top with water, even if you add more the cup can’t get any fuller. The water will just pour off the top and it won’t do anything to increase the amount of water in your cup because if the cup is full, you’ve reached your max. At that point, your T changes will be complete and you won’t experience more.
Continuing the metaphor, all cups are different. So some people will have really deep voices and other people won’t, and there isn’t anything to be done about that- you can’t change your cup to a different cup because you are the cup. 
Ok, the metaphor is getting old. No more cups. There is one thing you can do when you’ve reached the extent of your T changes, and that’s surgery. You can do vocal training with a speech pathologist to train yourself to speak in lower pitches and in a more masculine way, or get a vocal masculinization surgery.
Of course, there is an exception to the above:
There are a few things that can only happen if you start HRT at a younger age, like growing taller. If your growth plates have already sealed, you won’t grow any taller on testosterone or without it. So if you’re 18 or older when you start T, it’s unlikely you’ll grow any taller with or without T.
The younger you are, the better your chances are at growing, and younger than 16 is the ideal time for you to have a chance of growing taller so if you start T before you’re done growing you may end up taller than you would have been if you didn’t start HRT until 18 or older.
That means if you’re not on T, or if you’re on a lower dose during all of your teen years, it’s possible you won’t reach the full height you’d have reached if you started on an average dose at a younger age.
But in general, with some things like clitoral growth, you can max out the androgen receptors at any point so it doesn’t matter when you start T.
TLDR; You don’t have a narrow window for T changes. Once you’re an adult, you still will be able to get the same changes no matter when you start or how long it takes you to go to an average dose. 
More info on testosterone in in our Testosterone FAQ.
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
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I lost track of how long this took me from start to finish but I’m very impressed with the final result. I can’t recall the last time I’ve drawn a line-up like this and actually finished it. That aside, Reina is meant to be very tall for her age, like at least a head taller than most kids her age, but here she looks to be of average height...XD
This is my take on the MC Through the Years Challenge (I think that’s what it’s called lol) by @leah-demarco 
My contribution to the MC Childhood Challenge is right here! The stuff above can be regarded as a continuation from that.
Ties into the Future MC Challenge here!
(If the letters on my blog are difficult to read on the PC, use CRTL + to zoom in. When I tried increasing the font size on my settings, all it did was make the letters overlap horribly)
1984-1985 (11 years old)
After bonding with Ricardo (Jacob) over the past 3 years, Reina made up her mind to attend Hogwarts just for the sake of being closer to him. Since he never told her or her family about the vaults in order to keep them safe, Reina was completely expecting him to be at Hogwarts starting off his 6th Year. It wasn’t until after she met Rowan did she learn the truth. Upset and shocked as she was, that gave way to her absolute determination to find him and bring him home.
As Ricardo never mentioned having a sibling to anyone except Dumbledore and Chester, Reina was only ever seen as the friendly foreign transfer student from the Dominican Republic. She hit it off quite well with her fellow classmates, becoming popular in her own right, second to Penny. With dreams of owning her own bakery one day, she decided she would have a mini baking business while at school that became a hit with her classmates.
Much like Penny, Reina proved herself to be skilled enough at Potions to also be on Snape’s good side. She views brewing Potions in the same manner as she does baking, knowing the importance of having the right ingredients and the proper way to mix them. Despite enjoying such a positive atmosphere, it didn’t stop her from having to deal with Merula’s shenanigans. 
Since Merula didn’t have the excuse of MC’s relation to their sibling to get away with messing with them, she often faced the consequences for her actions. The other students viewed her actions as quite malicious because as far as they knew, she was attacking the transfer student for no reason.
1985-1986 (12 years old)
With encouragement from Rowan, Reina tries out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team and becomes their newest Chaser. She also meets Andre around this time and the two bond over their love of Quidditch and how they were taught by their respective grandparents, Andre with his grandma and Reina with her grandpa. 
Rowan effectively took Penny’s place for all the Quidditch stuff, as her own involvement stemmed from her family’s tree farm also making wood for brooms, and she wanted to see them in action. This helped Rowan break out of her shell, especially after hitting it off very well with Murphy.
Activities aside, Reina was still determined to get involved with the vaults for the sake of bringing Ricardo home. After meeting Bill for the first time, Reina unknowingly latched onto him due to seeing him as an honorary big brother figure. Once the Ice Knight had been dealt with and the Ice Curse broken, Reina would be left in shock upon hearing what she thought was Ricardo’s voice for the first time in 2 years. He begged her to not press further for her safety, but she wasn’t having it, promising him she’d rescue him from wherever he was.
1986-1987 (13 years old)
Develops a big time crush on Talbott after meeting him in group study sessions, and goes out of her way to help him when realizing he’s going through something. Merula’s constant spying nearly destroyed the chances of Reina and Talbott becoming friends, but in the end they succeed and the two become quite close.
With the Vault of Fear causing Boggarts to run amok all over the school, Reina knew she’d run into one eventually. What often puzzled her was that she’s never encountered one before, and isn’t exactly sure what her fears are. She got her answer when walking down a hall on the way back from the courtyard. It would take the form of a woman she wasn’t familiar with, but insisted she was Reina’s mother. The sight alone caused Reina to collapse with a high fever.
While she already knew her mother was abusive, the woman died when Reina was a toddler and her memories of the woman were wiped to spare her from the trauma. As the Boggart couldn’t figure out what Reina feared at the moment, it appears to have latched onto her subconscious. While she wasn’t sure why her mother’s image would cause her to have a fever, it gave Reina and her friends all the more incentive to break the curse as soon as possible. In time, of course, they succeeded.
1987-1988 (14 years old)
Reina pays less and less attention to Merula’s nonsense, and goes as far as befriending Ismelda after helping her deal with heartbreak regarding her feelings over Barnaby. Reina then attends the Celestial Ball with both Ismelda and Rowan as a girl group.
Some time after the Celestial Ball, she starts dating Talbott and the two are head over heels for one another. They do keep it private, however, as Reina herself is still very popular second to Penny, and Talbott would rather not be the center of attention.
After meeting up with Torvus, she befriends the Centaur much faster thanks to him not knowing of her relation to Ricardo. She has some familiarity with Centaurs as a herd of predominantly female ones live a short distance outside of her hometown. Progress is made and the Sleepwalking Curse is broken.
1988-1989 (15 years old)
Her 5th year proved to be a major turning point in Reina’s life. With newfound responsibilities, she now had to balance Prefect duties, her side baking business, Quidditch, detention and figuring out how to solve the newest curse. Reina’s emotion-reading abilities allowed her to be aware of Rakepick’s wickedness, and she refused to go anywhere near the woman to the point of avoiding her classes entirely. This didn’t go unnoticed by her friends.
The group found themselves divided over Reina’s choice to avoid the woman. Some of them (including Ben, Rowan, Talbott and Tulip) sided with Reina when she shared her concerns, while the others (Bill, Charlie and Penny) had doubts. Bill felt very appreciative of not only Rakepick teaching them actual important things, but the fact that she’d secure a Curse-Breaking job for him once he graduated. Charlie, of course, sided with his brother, and Penny herself was desperate for whatever help was possible to free Beatrice from the curse.
When questioned if her current levels of stress was affecting her ability to read the emotions of others, Reina couldn’t provide an answer, but stuck by her gut instincts regardless. Things reached a breaking point near the Christmas holidays. Penny (with some manipulation by an opportunistic Merula), took Reina’s refusal to cooperate with Rakepick in the worst possible way and angrily lashed out at her friend. The ensuing argument led to a vicious falling-out between the two. Some weeks later Reina would suffer a stress-induced mental breakdown that left her bedridden for some time.
Prefect duties were given to Rowan with Sprout’s approval, she was excused from detention and couldn’t take part in Quidditch until further notice. Her condition also prevented her from having her Quinceañera, which deeply upset her for quite a while. When Merula failed to get the painting from Peeves, Reina had to do it for her despite her weakened state. She recovers enough that she’s approved to enter the vault with the rest of the group. 
After Rakepick revealed her true colors and went as far as trying to kill Reina, the group fights back and forces the woman to flee. She reunites with Ricardo and the two have a heartfelt reunion. He joins the group in heading back to school. While Reina would fall into a coma for a week (even clinically dying for 4 minutes), she would eventually recover. With Ricardo safe and sound, and the Portrait Curse being broken, Reina made it clear she would no longer be involved with the vaults. The injury she sustained from Rakepick would leave Reina in a wheelchair for most of the upcoming summer.
1989-1990 (16 years old)
After the emotional fallout from everything she went through the previous year, Reina fell into a very deep depression. It was so bad that it darkened her hair and left her in a lethargic state. She barely interacted with anyone outside of her family, Rowan and Talbott. She only took 4 classes (Potions, Transfiguration, Charms and Herbology) at the N.E.W.T. level as her future career of running her own bakery didn’t have any required classes to go with it. 
She had no energy for her extra-curricular duties, so Rowan officially replaced her as Prefect. Reina had also stepped down from Quidditch for the same reasons, and ceased her baking side business as well. In her downtime she’d often be sleeping due to her near endless exhaustion. She even found a way to switch off her Empathetic abilities and kept them off due to not caring. With Ricardo tackling the final vault, Reina stayed true to her word by not getting involved when the next curse broke out.
She would remain in her slump until one night when she had a nightmare of Rowan getting killed right in front of her by Rakepick. It scared Reina so badly that it took a Calming Draught for her to be able to relax. While it didn’t break her out of her depression right then and there, it proved to be the push she needed to eventually make a recovery and get her inner fire back. What definitely added to it was how prophetic it felt. The same night she had the nightmare was when Ben and Merula went to the Forbidden Forest by themselves and encountered Rakepick, but were saved at the last minute by Ricardo.
Reina and her friends outright believe that despite the teachers’ best efforts to tackle the current curse, they weren’t getting anything done. The group would take matters into their own hands, but Ricardo would act as their guide, using his own experiences to help them out. 
1990-1991 (17 years old)
By this point there’s no sure way of knowing how the vaults would be dealt with, but they would be dealt with. Reina by that point would feel a sense of relief that she could finally put the vault stuff behind her and go back to as normal of a life as possible. She’d graduate with the rest of her friends and together take the next step toward the new stage of their lives. 
After graduating, Reina would head back to her home country and work under her family to learn how to officially run her own bakery.
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fantasybots · 3 years
Little Hellion
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FC: Strength, from Black Rock Shooter (Icons kindly provided by @musesinescrow​ ) Full Name: Gertrude Fortier Codename: Titan Occupation: Mercenary, formerly Reunion Officer. Gender: Trans Female Hair Color: White Eye Color: Orange Place of Birth: Sargon Birthday: While she does not remember herself, it is April 6th. Race: Archosauria Height: 130cm Age: 16 Class: Duelist Defender (Enemy)
Due to her overwhelming strength, as well as the trauma she’s been through, Titan seems full of herself- she takes pride in her strength, pretending that she has no weaknesses or negative emotions. She also is a bit childish, having had no childhood of her own.
She’s mistrustful of people she doesn’t know, assuming the worst in almost all situations, and seeking to resolve it with violence whenever possible. The exceptions to this are her comrades, most particularly the rest of the trio.
Born in Sargon to impoverished parents, life was a struggle- she wasn’t aware of it, really, except for vague feelings, being an infant. Eventually, her parents, desperate and afraid, sold her to some well-dressed men who promised she would be well-fed and taken care of. By the time they had the chance to really regret what they had done, the men, and Gertrude, were gone.
She was smuggled to a laboratory in Bolivar, where an agency working for Bolivar’s ‘Autonomous Government’ had managed to get its hands on copies of the research going on in the Lorcan Watertank Laboratory. Assuming that they could work out the rest of the research, and hoping for an Arts supersoldier to use in their war against both the resistance and the standing government- one that knew nothing but utilizing her Arts and fighting for them.
Without full knowledge of how to properly perform the experiments made at the Watertank Laboratory, they couldn’t achieve the same results, the Oripathy without negative side effects. Her growth was stunted, and the development of originium crystals was faster than most. The implanted device certainly served to enhance her Arts to a dangerous degree, as well as make them almost instinctual for her to use.
Due to her now-instinctual use of her Arts, she had become much, much stronger- and that was advancing her Oripathy at a rate that they had not anticipated. They took further efforts to mentally shackle her to their orders, but she just became angrier and angrier, blinded to their words- her Arts reinforcing her skin against their needles and probes.
The enormous limbs that had been fashioned to replace her arms- enormous metal things seemingly unsuited for one so small- they had to be field tested... and despite her acting more docile than ever, the second that her arms were connected, she ripped through her restraints. In the ensuing panic, she noticed other experiments escaping.
What followed was, in essence, a massacre. She flew into a rage unlike any her handlers had ever seen before, relentlessly and remorselessly smashing her captors and their lab to bits. Only those on outside guard managed to escape her wrath, and knowing that there would be more well-armed men who would come to kill or capture her, she fled as fast as she could. No particular direction. Another experiment, by the project name Deadblade, followed behind.
Sooner, rather than later, she was exhausted, dehydrated, and hungry. That was how Reunion found her- a child, obviously stricken with Oripathy, dragging metal hands that belonged to a giant in the dirt behind her, wandering along beside an enormous, patched-together Sarkaz. She was fourteen years old.
Her two years serving in Reunion were tumultuous- though all were hesitant to allow a child on the front lines- she would not be dissuaded. She and Deadblade, along with a third, were stuck together into a battalion of shock troops, each of them being a force with which to easily throw defending forces off balance.
She formed a reputation of sorts on the battlefield- one that had it be said that bullets could not harm her, that she could shatter swords and shields just as easily as enemies’ bodies with those massive hands of hers. And that she relishes in it.
Everything must end, though- and though she wanted to seek revenge on those that had effectively ended Reunion, the trio went their own way- Deadblade herself acting as an effective bargaining chip for their group of soldiers to integrate themselves into the ILF.
Titan’s Arts are the primary reason she’s so dangerous: They are very nearly always active, and due to the incredibly reduced rate at which her oripathy advances, she can manage that feat.
They are an all-around boost to her physical ability. Her strength is increased to an enormous degree, as is her stamina- and her skin is hardened, aided as well by her Arts deadening her pain receptors, essentially turning the girl into a tank- arrows will barely penetrate her skin, and small-caliber bullets bruise deeply, but do not break through either.
This enables her to move through the battlefield without a care, forcing enemies to engage in melee and then crushing them with her overwhelming strength.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #28: Alexander
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Welcome back to Fate and Phantasms! Today we’re building everyone’s second favorite (or most, idk how that drama working out) person named Alexander, the Great! Iskandar Lily is a bad-ass kid with a bad-ass horse, so this build will be part Cavalier, part Oath of Glory Paladin. 
As always, a spreadsheet for the build can be found here, and there’s a level-by-level breakdown under the cut!
Background and Race:
Alex the Great technically has some god blood in him, but you can’t really access it while you’re a kid, so Human it is. That being said, you are pretty great at being a human, so why not be a variant too? This means you get +1 in Charisma, because he’s a precocious little tyke, and Dexterity, because he doesn’t sit still. You also get one skill proficiency, and you won your horse by noticing how much it doesn’t like its own shadow, so you’ve got a lot of Perception. Finally, pick up Mobile as your bonus feat. With this, your speed is increased by 10′, you can ignore difficult terrain while dashing, and if you make an attack against someone they can’t hit your with an opportunity attack. Those first two won’t matter much by level 5 (spoilers!) but that last bit might still be useful, I don’t know exactly how this and mounted combatant works when combined (more spoilers).
You’re most famous as a conqueror, but you haven’t even started soldiering yet, so you’re still a Noble. This gives you proficiency in History, because you’re a part of it, and Persuasion, because you’re just goddamn adorable.
First, put your highest score into Charisma. You literally have two skills based on how charismatic you are, so you’re naturally pretty good at it. Second is Dexterity; you’re still a kid, so you can run and tumble around like no one’s business. After that is Strength- you have been trained in swordplay by this point, but you’re not swole just yet. Fourth is Constitution; you’re a growing boy, your bones probably heal pretty easily. Finally, put your last stats in Wisdom and Intelligence. You’re actually pretty sharp, but you are still a child. And also we don’t really need those stats.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: Your godly bloodline might not be enough to qualify you for Aasimar status, but you can still pull some strings to become a paladin. First level paladins get Divine Sense, letting you see extraplanar entities trying to sneak up on you, and Lay on Hands, giving you a little sack lunch from momma Olympias that you can share with your party if you want.
2. Paladin 2: Second level paladins get a Fighting Style (yours is Dueling btw, makes your shortsword super deadly), Spellcasting (using charisma as your casting ability), and a Divine Smite (burn spell slots for extra damage). Surprisingly, there’s zero smite options that involve lightning damage, but maybe you could talk to your DM about changing that. When you start slinging spells, you have first level slots, so I’d suggest looking at spells like Compelled Duel and Heroism so you can be like your heroes in the Illiad as well as Thunderous Smite, since it’s the closest you have to a lightning sword with rules as written.
3. Paladin 3: Third level paladins have Divine Health, making them immune to disease. They also take up a sacred oath to which they dedicate their lives. You’re following in the footsteps of great heroes, making you a shoe-in for the brand new Oath of Glory from Theros. Glory Paladins gain oath spells that are always prepared, starting with Guiding Bolt and Heroism at this level. You also get two Channel Divinity options that can be used once per short rest. Peerless Athlete can be used as a bonus action, and for 10 minutes you have advantage on athletics and acrobatics checks, a doubled carrying capacity, and an extra 10′ of jump distance on both high and long jumps. Inspiring Smite is also a bonus action, and after divinely smiting someone you can use it to give 2d8 + your paladin level temporary HP split up amongst any number of creatures within 30′ of you; because you’re just so great that people want to keep fighting next to you.
4. Paladin 4: At fourth level, you get your first ASI. Grab the Mounted Combatant feat, giving you advantage on attacks against unmounted creatures smaller than your horse, the ability to redirect attacks at your mount at you, and evasion for your mount. As you’ve probably figured out, those abilities don’t matter at this level because you still don’t have a mount. Don’t worry though, you just have to hang in there for a level. It’s this kind of foresight that made you Lord of Asia.
5. Paladin 5: At fifth level, you gain an extra attack per action, as well as 2nd level spells. This includes the ever important Find Steed spell that lets you summon a celestial warhorse to act as your Bucephalus. As a glory paladin, you also gain new oath spells. Magic Weapon does exactly what it sounds like, making your weapon magical with a +1 bonus to attack and damage, because if you can’t make it electric you can at least make it really cool. Enhance Ability gives one creature (or two, if you target yourself while riding) advantage on a saving throw of your choice, as well as 2d6 temporary hit points if you chose Constitution, 2x carrying capacity if you chose strength, and zero falling damage from heights of 20′ or less if you chose dexterity. Honestly, the fact that you don’t have imperial privilege strikes me as pretty weird, given your freaking huge empire. Just don’t tell Nero that you got this.
6. Fighter 1: Now you may have a horse, but that doesn’t mean you’re good at riding it. To fix that, we’ve gotta take a detour. First level fighters get another Fighting Style, so grab Defense for extra AC. You also get a Second Wind, letting you regain health as a bonus action.
7. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge, letting you tack an extra action onto your turn once per short rest. Show that action economy who’s boss with four attacks in a single round.
8. Fighter 3: At third level, fighters get their subclass. As a cavalier you’re Born to the Saddle, giving you advantage against being thrown off your mount. Falling off your mount for less than 10′ also doesn’t cause falling damage, and mounting or dismounting Bucephalus only takes 5′ of movement. You can also apply an Unwavering Mark to enemies you hit. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn, and forces the creature to have disadvantage on any attack made against someone who isn’t you while they’re within 5′ of you. If they do attack someone else, you can make an extra attack on them as a bonus action the next turn. The attack is made with advantage, and you add half your fighter level to the damage. You can mark creatures an unlimited number of times, but can only make the attack a number of times equal to your strength modifier per long rest.
9. Fighter 4: Use your ASI to round out your Dexterity and Strength scores.
10: Fighter 5: You would gain an extra attack this level, but you already got one as a paladin.
11. Fighter 6: User your next ASI for more Dexterity, meaning more damage and AC.
12. Fighter 7: Seventh level cavaliers learn a Warding Maneuver, letting you react to anything within 5′ of you getting attacked. You can add 1d8 to their AC if you’re wielding a weapon or shield, and if the attack still hits, they have resistance to the damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your constitution modifier per long rest. You’re just a swell guy, helping your friends out like that.
13. Paladin 6: Back in paladin levels, you gain an Aura of Protection, adding your charisma modifier to any saving throw made by an ally within 10 feet of you. You’re just so great that even a fireball doesn’t seem like that big a deal when you’re around.
14. Paladin 7: As a glory paladin, you gain an Aura of Alacrity, adding 10 feet of movement to your speed, as well as the speed of any creature that starts their turn within 5′ of you (hint: this includes your horse). Between this and mobile, you almost don’t even need your horse (jk, you need your horse a lot. Make sure he knows what an important part of your life he is).
15. Paladin 8: Use your next ASI to max out your Dexterity for more damage, AC, and sick horseback riding tricks.
16. Paladin 9: Ninth level paladins get third level spells, including your oath spells Haste and Protection from Energy. Both of which will make Bucephalus even cooler than he already is, a mighty feat in itself. Some other spells to check out around this level are Elemental Weapon, the only way to get lightning damage on your sword with rules as written, and Dispel Magic, the Gordian Knot cutting of spells.
17. Paladin 10: As a tenth level paladin, you’re so calm and collected that you and friendly creatures within 10′ of you can’t be frightened.
18. Paladin 11: You now have Improved Divine Smite, adding 1d8 of Radiant damage to all weapon attacks you make regardless of spell slots burned.
19. Paladin 12: You toughen up a bit as you age, so use your last ASI for more Constitution.
20. Paladin 13: Your capstone level brings you fourth level spells, including your oath spells Compulsion and Freedom of Movement. For normal spells, you can use Death Ward to cheat two deaths for the price of one, if you cast it on yourself and Bucephalus. You can also find a greater steed at this level if you really want, but that kind of defeats the whole point of this build.
Pros: You are very mobile, both on and off your horse, and you can spread that goodness around to the rest of the party as well. You’re also great at being on a horse, with plenty of skills to protect your mount and make yourself (and it) greater.
Cons: Being on your horse isn’t necessary, but it is a big part of your build, and there are some situations you just can’t bring a horse with you. You also don’t have much in the way of ranged attacks, so flying or faster enemies can be a hassle. Finally, unlike rangers, paladin’s mounts don’t get better with leveling, so at higher levels you may find yourself pumping more healing and protection into Bucephalus than other members of your party. I totally agree with that decision mind you, but the other party members might get jealous.
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fionabasil · 3 years
Who is behind Unlock Your Glutes and can we trust him?
How do women's bodies change as they age?
Yes, your 40s are your best decade. You will discover that you are wiser and more established; and if you are doing things right, you should discover that you are much happier as a woman, and / or as a man. In fact, you can look radiant and even younger than someone does at that age. But that does not mean that your body is not about to undergo interesting changes that, although it is not de rigueur that these changes appear to everyone just after the age of 40, yes to most and you should certainly know them because they commonly arrive without warning.
After age 40 your body changes in these ways
Now, if those changes are for better or for worse, it is really a matter of perspective. Plus, you are more than capable of lessening any adverse effects they may have on your life. So consider the following list a warning: that's what you should expect your body to do when it has crossed the threshold into middle age, and don't be caught off guard by the novelties of your four decades and beyond.
Your wrinkles become more pronounced
As we age, our skin becomes thinner, drier, less elastic, and less able to regenerate after damage. By the time we reach our forties, this aging plus wear and tear leads to wrinkles and lines on the skin.
All of that sounds like bad news until you consider the results of a Belgian study published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, which found that when "crow's feet" were present, smiles were more authentic, intense, and spontaneous. If you are not influenced by this, you can anticipate wrinkles by using a moisturizer at night, staying properly hydrated and protecting your skin from UV rays with an SPF.
Hair begins to grow in strange places
To our knowledge, there is no study that has shown a connection between ear, nose, back, or chin hair and perceived attractiveness. However, it remains true that both men and women will be more likely to show off hair where there has been none before, often around the age of 40.
Keep in mind that many men's clippers come with ear and nose hair accessories, while a lot of new long-handled razors have recently hit the market. Tweezers are often the best option for wandering chin hair, although if there are more than a few, laser hair removal is something that women are turning to more and more.
Pains appear or more of them
Body wear and tear is, by definition, cumulative. Knowing your limits, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, stretching, meditating, and consulting your doctor when something doesn't feel right are all part of a prescription to reduce some of the novelties of turning 40. You'll find that stress may be making aches and pains worse.
Your hangovers get more intense
All the effects of alcohol amplify with age. This is partly because the liver becomes less efficient as we age and also because people with a higher percentage of body fat and less body water tend to feel the effects of alcohol more strongly than those with greater muscle mass.
Limiting your alcohol intake and having a glass of water between each alcoholic drink are good ways to ensure that you don't find yourself in such a sorry state the day after a night out.
Your teeth become less sensitive
Some good news, if sensitive teeth have been a problem for you in your teens, 20s, or 30s. As you age, more dentin - the hard internal tissue - forms between the enamel and the nerves of your teeth. According to the International Dental Journal, this additional isolation results in a decreased response to pain.
The downside of this is that you are less likely to feel when something goes wrong with your teeth, which means that regular checkups become much more important when you reach 40.
It takes you longer to recover from an injury
Scientists are still not sure why at age 40 you recover more slowly from an injury than before. Some posit that it's something called cellular depletion, others argue that fewer hormonal changes make muscle repair last longer, while some argue that as we age, our body's inflammatory response to injury increases. Of course, it could be a cocktail of all three. When you are injured, anticipate spending more time on rest and recovery than in the past.
Catch fewer colds
By the time we reach 40 years of age, we have been exposed to more cold viruses and have developed immunities, and thus we get sick less often.
Hair loss becomes noticeable for men
According to research, the proportion of men with moderate to extensive hair loss skyrockets for men in their 40s. The study found that while significant hair loss affects 16 percent of men ages 18-29, more than half (53 percent) of men ages 40-49 will look frayed.
There are a growing number of interventions that men can do to slow or stop their hair loss, and some ways are quite effective. Before throwing money at your increasingly exposed dome, consider a study that found that bald men are more socially mature, intelligent, educated, and honest compared to men with a full head of hair.
Hair loss in women
Many women also experience noticeable hair loss in their 40s. An Australian study found that 64.4 percent of women who lived in the city of Maryborough had bitemporal hair loss. One (possible) silver lining is that age-related hair loss in women tends to occur everywhere on the body, which means less hair on the legs, armpit, and pubis.
You sleep less
In a study of 110 healthy adults who were allowed eight hours of sleep, the middle-aged (40 to 55) slept about 23 minutes less than the younger group (20 to 30 years). A simple explanation is that people need less sleep as they age, but the National Sleep Foundation denies this.
On their website they write: “It is a common misconception that sleep needs decrease with age. In fact, research shows that our sleep needs remain constant throughout adulthood. "
It's harder for you to lose weight
You may recall a time when getting back to your best shape required nothing more than cutting bread and sweets for 72 hours. For many of us, losing weight quickly has to be a much more difficult prospect by the time we hit 40, and you probably already know that it is caused by a slowing metabolism.
What many of us forget, however, is that a large part of having a slower metabolism is a direct consequence of decreased muscle mass. Muscles need fuel, which means the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Put on a pound of muscle, and you'll re-fuel your oven and burn an additional 50 calories per day.
That math goes up, meaning that by gaining 10 pounds of muscle, with regular resistance training, and lots of high-quality protein, your body could burn an extra 3,500 extra calories per week.
You realize that you are shorter
People may start to shrink in height as early as their thirties, which means that, at 40, you may start to notice it. According to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), men can gradually lose an inch between the ages of 30 to 70, while women can lose about two inches.
Resistance training can help reduce shrinkage while eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D can also help keep your bones strong.
A pilot study from UCLA showed that yoga could improve kyphosis, a forward curve of the spine that was originally believed to be an irreversible bone disorder. The researchers found that the study participants who did yoga had straighter spines and had increased height measurements.
Your hair starts to get grayer
As we age, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. What that means is that a hair follicle does not change color, but instead becomes transparent. Typically, Caucasians start to gray in their mid-30s, Asians in their 30s, and African-Americans in their 40s.
For men, there is a literal silver lining. According to a Match.com survey, 72% of women say they find men with gray, silver or "salt and pepper" hair attractive.
Your sense of smell and your taste change
When we are born, we have approximately 9,000 taste buds. But as we age, the number of taste buds decreases. What this means is that your sensitivity to the main flavors (sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami) gradually decreases.
Bad news ladies: this usually happens to women 10-20 years earlier than men. Loss of smell and taste is diagnosed by having a patient compare smells or tastes. From this, your doctor can determine the level of loss.
Dental cavities increase
As you get older, your mouth becomes drier. Saliva helps clean teeth and protects the mouth from cavities, which means that at age 40 the chances of cavities increase. Get it back by drinking more water, holding it in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. You can also suck on sugarless candy or chew sugarless gum to increase the amount of saliva in your mouth.
Your chances of developing breast cancer increase
In her 30s, a woman's chances of being diagnosed with breast cancer are 1 in 228. Between the ages of 40 and 49, however, that increases to 1 in 69. It is no wonder then that the American Cancer Society and The Mayo Clinic recommend it. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10-20%; A healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, especially carotenoids, has also been shown to help, as well as reducing alcohol consumption.
Studies have shown that results show that women who drink 2-3 alcoholic beverages per day have a 20 percent higher risk of breast cancer than non-drinkers.
Your bone density decreases
As we age, we lose bone density, although women are more significantly affected by it. In part, this is due to the fact that women start out with lower bone density than their male counterparts and lose density at a faster rate, around 1% per year beyond the age of 35.
Resistance training can help prevent bone loss. A 1,500 mg daily calcium supplement and adequate vitamin D (think salmon, egg yolks, and sunlight).
Digestive problems are more constant
As we move into middle age, the possibility of indigestion, constipation, diverticulitis, and ulcers increases. A host of age-related factors, including the medications you take and a more sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on healthy digestion.
Your best bet to avoid digestive problems is to drink plenty of water, stay active, load up on fiber, enjoy probiotics, and eat a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables.
You see a decrease in muscle mass
This goes hand in hand with the decrease in testosterone mentioned above. As we age, the ratio of lean mass to fat in our bodies changes, which has all sorts of negative effects on the entire body.
However, you can still build muscle in your 40s and stop that trend and even reverse it. Eat plenty of high-quality protein from organic sources and add more resistance training to your exercise routine.
You sweat less
As we age, our sweat (eccrine) glands shrink and become less sensitive. A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that women approaching middle age sweated less than their younger counterparts.
They attributed it to "a diminished response of the sweat glands to central and / or peripheral stimuli" and "an age-related structural alteration in the eccrine glands or surrounding skin cells."
Urinary tract infections become more common for women
Estrogen appears to play a protective role against the bacteria that lead to UTIs, and by 40, your body produces less. A low dose of topical estrogen cream can help, but recurring UTIs are definitely worth discussing with your doctor.
You experience a hearing loss
When we reach 40, our eardrum and inner ear change. Unsurprisingly, this affects your hearing, and since your inner ear controls its balance, it can also be a bit less coordinated.
You start to struggle a bit with holding your urine
Perimenopause means a reduction in the amount of estrogen you produce. With less estrogen in your system, the muscles that support the urethra weaken and make it more vulnerable to leakage. There are several things you can do to avoid unexpected jingle.
These include: avoiding foods and drinks that tend to cause leakage, losing some weight to reduce pressure on the bladder, and doing Kegel exercises. If none of these strategies help, your doctor can suggest what to do.
You experience sleep disruption more often
You may have slept like a log in your 20s and 30s, but in your 40s, men and women are more likely to experience interruptions in their sleep.
Studies have shown that increases in the time it takes to fall asleep (sleep latency), an overall decrease in REM sleep, and an increase in sleep fragmentation (waking up during the night) occur more frequently when we are past forty. To combat the less-than-stellar sleep spectrum, check out 10 tips for your best sleep.
You become more distracted
As a person ages, their ability to ignore distractions worsens, according to research by psychologists at the University of Toronto.
But your libido can increase
In a study of 827 women, psychologist David Buss found that people in their 40s are more interested in being intimate. Buss is an evolutionary psychologist and believes that this increase in female libido could be a biological tactic to increase the chances of childbearing.
He proposes that as women produce fewer eggs, their bodies are wired to become more aroused to increase the likelihood that an egg will be fertilized.
Your brain changes
Another consequence of the female body producing less estrogen during perimenopause is brain chemistry and function. It can lead to being more forgetful because the brain has a harder time organizing its thoughts in a way that is easy to remember. The good news is that, over time, the brain adapts to lower levels of estrogen and compensates for it.
You become lactose intolerant
One of the myriad great things the body does is help your small intestine digest lactose, a disaccharide sugar made up of galactose and glucose found in milk, by producing an enzyme called lactase.
As we age, lactase levels drop, and the lactose we ingest can affect the colon in a less digested state, and the results, well, not as pleasant.
If you think you are developing an intolerance to dairy products, try taking probiotics and experimenting with other sources of milk such as almond, rice, coconut, or cashew milk. You can also take digestive enzymes to help.
Scaly patches of skin may appear
An actinic keratosis (also known as solar keratosis) is a scaly area in areas exposed to the sun, such as the head and face. It is the most common skin condition caused by sun damage - the result of skin damaged by the sun over many years.
They are more common in men, mainly because men are more likely to have outdoor occupations, but are generally not dangerous and only pose a small risk of developing into cancer.
You experience changes in vision
In your 40s, your eyes may need a little help reading fine print and deciphering menus in restaurants by candlelight. Now that you are the age when all of this and more can happen, it's more important than ever to get regular eye exams. Protect your eyes from sun damage with UV protection sunglasses and a healthy diet.
Research suggests that lycopene, the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color, may reduce your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts later in life.
Your risk of bad things increases
After age 40, regular checkups and exams are crucial to preventing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and a host of other illnesses that begin to pose a higher risk.
Yes, we will tell you to eat better, sleep well, reduce stress and exercise more, but we will also tell you to see your doctor more often and seek preventive care.
Unlock Your Glutes is an effective fitness program by Brian Klepacki focused on the people who need to accomplish a rounder, firmer, more grounded butt. This workout program will clarify how squats, jumps, and deadlifts aren’t actuating your glutes in the manner you think they are, and why simply zeroing in on these activities will leave you with powerless glute muscles, subsequently making you more inclined to injury.s Unlock Your Glutes
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