#How To Become A Virtual Assistant
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Looking for a way to get ahead in your career? Advance Virtual offers virtual assistant courses UK that can help you develop the skills you need to be successful. Our courses can help you learn how to manage your time, communicate effectively, and provide quality customer service. Join now.
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todaysfoodandremedy · 2 years
How can housewife earn money from home All of us know very well how homemakers and housewives are doing some of the most important works, as a managers of the household, and also taking care of their homes and family. Along with this busy job, where is not a single day rest. Although, you are a housewife, a work at home mother, or a home manager, if you want to earn money with job now you have many opportunities to earn a lot of money from work at home jobs. Fortunately, there are a lot of opportunities which housewives can do at home and earn money easily, and we are pity sure these are will not affect your routines and family, these are very simple and easy tasks flexible, with no investment at all. How to work at home tips click here
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enby-of-the-stars · 1 year
Ever just see some graphic design for a website and be like
"Wow how the fuck am I supposed to take you seriously when you pull crap like this"
My eyes started glazing over everything
A graphic designers nightmare
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theendorisit · 26 days
apropos of nothing, I made Tape-E
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Who is Tape-E?
During one of the TMA livestreams (trying to remember which one), a fan question was asked ‘Is there a mascot (for the Archives or the show itself not sure)?’ One of the team suggested ‘Tape-y?’, to which everyone else responded with ‘Oh no!!’. So I thought, oh yes! So yeah, this is your fault 😘
What is Tape-E?
As Mr Bonzo is a parody of Mr Blobby, Tape-E is a parody of Clippy (these last two names rhyme).
Who is Clippy?
Clippy was a microsoft office assistant, introduced in 1997. He was a little virtual paperclip (officially called Clippit, but that name never caught on) who sat on the bottom right corner of the page, and was programmed to give advice in popup speech bubbles when certain actions were taken. For example, if you wrote out an address and ‘Dear’, Clippy would say ‘Looks like you’re writing a letter. Would you like help?’. The name Tape-E in the livestream seemed to be referring to Clippy, as there are many similarities in the behaviour of Clippy, and the actual tapes/ tape recorders in-universe:
always on by default
appears at inconvenient times
provides help you do not want
hated by (mostly) everyone
watching you with cold dead eyes
enjoyed by nostalgia and retro seekers
Why make Tape-E?
As I am of the same generation as some of the RQ peeps, I unironically loved Clippy and Mr Blobby as a child, and it gives me great joy to imagine, in the TMP universe, Sam getting a little pop up: ‘Looks like you’re trying to code a case file! Would you like some help with that?’ In our world this would be impossible - Windows NT (as the official name) was dropped in 1996, one year before Clippy was born, BUT there is voice recording on TMP’s ancient computers, so it’s not totally impossible! 😅😁
What are cassette tapes?
Just a little recap for those who didn’t grow up with tapes: Cassette Tapes contain information embedded in magnetic tape, wrapped around one spool and attached to a second spool. When played, the spools are turned by the machine and the magnetic tape is wound onto the other spool, the information read out through speakers as the magnetic tape moves through sensors. As the magnetic tape can contain different information depending on the direction of tape movement, you can flip the cassette tape over in the machine, and play the tape again, hearing another load of information. This concept is never utilised in the show, but it does mean that cassette tapes have A-sides, and B-sides (as Vinyl records do). Here, of course, this stands for Archivist-side, and Brutalpipemurder-side. On occasion, the magnetic tapes would become damaged, or bent, and could be pushed out of the cassette, causing a horrible noise, and terror to small children who were only trying to listen to their Just William tapes. When this happened, a pencil (or in my case, my little finger) could be jammed into the spiky spool ‘teeth’, to rewind the magnetic tape back into the cassette. Maybe that’s why the eyes are red? 🩸 I am very glad that the TMA tapes are magic, and record endlessly, never need flipping, and never get chewed up by the hungry machine.
Why is the name Tape-E?
Canon answer: the name stands for Tape-Eyes. Possibly Tape-Entity? Undecided.
Actual answer: Tape-y, Tapey and Tapie spellings look weird to me. I think Tape-E looks best.
Why a tape and not a tape recorder?
if you can crochet a tape recorder, you’re a genius and I love you.
What gender is Tape-E?
I might refer to Tape-E as male sometimes because that’s how people often referred to Clippy. But Tape-E is whatever gender Tape-E feels like being.
Why now?
Why not? also now is a good time because TMP episode 15 is an excellent episode
*What’s going to happen to Tape-E?*
I’m going to gift it to Jonny sometime, if we get more cons or book signings. It’s his fault this exists after all. Plus you can write whatever you like in the speech bubbles! Hopefully I can give it calmly? But maybe Tape-E will be yeeted in his general direction in a fit of ADHD-fuelled social anxiety. Only time will tell.
Tape-E is a pattern and design created entirely by myself. The inspiration and world building from whence it came, is entirely the genius of @jonnywaistcoat Jonny Sims, Rusty Quill @rqbossman and The Magnus Archives, which is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a creative commons attribution, non-commercial share alike 4.0 international license.
Clippy was invented by Microsoft and Kevan Atteberry, who now illustrates children’s books.
Mr Blobby is an adorable abomination, created from a fevered mind.
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plumlace · 5 months
Personal Assistant - EARLY ACCESS
Upgrade your Sims' lives with the revolutionary "Personal Assistant" mod! Introducing a sophisticated helper that not only autonomously manages household chores but also offers a range of interactive tasks to make your Sims' lives more exciting and dynamic. Your personal assistant is a hirable NPC from the 'home' icon in your phone.
Please read entire description!
Key Features:
Autonomous Household Management:
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Your personal assistant takes care of the basics, from taking out the trash to reading to toddlers and infants, ensuring a clean and nurturing environment for your Sims.
Rapport System:
Each interaction will cost a certain amount of rapport you have with the personal assistant. You can gain rapport with the personal assistant by praising them and giving them tips. You can lose rapport by reprimanding the personal assistant. Each task will have a specific rapport level needed for the personal assistant to complete the task.
Access a menu to choose specific tasks for your personal assistant, including:
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Write Blog Post:
Let the assistant craft engaging blog posts, with a chance to earn your Sims some extra Simoleons based on the post's success. Requires 75 rapport.
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Sell Canvas Painting:
Your personal assistant can market and sell finished canvas paintings, contributing to your Sims' financial prosperity. If the personal assistant fails to make a sale, they will become frustrated and try again. Requires 80 rapport.
Water Plants:
Keep your garden flourishing by instructing the assistant to water plants regularly. Requires 30 rapport.
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Cook Food:
Delegate meal preparation to the assistant, ensuring your Sims enjoy delicious homemade dishes. Requires 90 rapport.
Order Groceries:
Simplify shopping by having the personal assistant order groceries for your Sims. Requires 75 rapport.
Pay Bills:
Ensure bills are paid on time without any hassle, as your personal assistant takes care of financial responsibilities. Requires 50 rapport.
Check Email:
Stay connected and informed by having your assistant check and manage your Sims' emails. Requires 30 rapport.
Check Social Media:
Stay up-to-date with the virtual world by monitoring and updating your Sims' social media accounts. Requires 30 rapport.
How to Use:
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Hire an NPC Personal Assistant through the phone under the 'home' icon.
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Choose from a variety of tasks and interactions to tailor your assistant's actions to your Sims' preferences and needs. You can select up to six, and you may also revoke the task by clicking it again to deselect.
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Public access 2/13
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To hunt or be hunted
Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Shocker! The bleeding heart princess turned out no to be so rainbows and sparkles, she keeps a secret, a soul she owns, a bet and a terrible terror that keeps the demons inside the Hazbin Hotel well fed. Warnings: Blood
Honestly? I don't know if continuing this, let's see how it goes, otherwise I'll arrange this to be a one-shot with another end, and continue other works.
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The dust kicked up every time you jumped to avoid the thrusts of her trident. It was becoming more and more difficult for you to move, with the blood falling down your side, your vision becoming cloudy, your back getting closer and closer to the destroyed foundations of what was once a building, until you were trapped.
Falling to your knees you looked up at her red glowing eyes, the two beasts fell to her side, their growl resonating deep within your bones. “I gave you a chance” she sure did, “I wanted us to be friends” her trident fell against your side, only one of the three knifes grazing your skin, “But you just had to, right?” tears fell down her eyes, straight into the dirt under her heels.
“I…I underestimated you” you coughed out blood with a smile, “Go ahead, kill me” she proved to be more of a challenge, you should’ve picked your fights a bit wiser. “You are lost, Y/n, let me help you” she stilled the trident, trying not to deepen the already open wound, “All this fight, and you still want to help me? Why?” you growled, “Let's make it fun, how about a bet?” your lion ears perked up.
“Ten years, you'll work for me at my Hotel, and if I can manage to convince you to find something good to do with yourself, I’ll set you free” she ignited a warm yellow flame on her hand, it danced around her palm without hurting her, “What will happen after if you fail?” you hesitated to take her hand, “You tell me” she already knew your answer, “I’ll kill you” she smiled, her eyes relaxing and shifting colors, “Sounds fair to me”.
You finally took her hand, the flame shifted into a dark hue going up both hers and your arm, the deal sealing itself on your eyes, changing them from red sclera to a black ones, your pupils remaining a white-silver hue.
It was a big relief when the trident left your side, the already warm metal left an uncomfortable empty and cold feeling, “You’re awfully confident” you shrugged, placing your hand over the cut, “Well, we have a long time ahead of us, don’t we?” she took it upon herself to support you on your opposite side, helping you stand from the debris.
7 years later
When the hotel fell apart you received an order, “Take everything inside and take it to safety” and so you did, all that was pictures, pets, luggage, everything, you gathered it far from the fight, then she told you to stay put until further notice.
You took a walk around, trying to go unnoticed as you were ordered, going into your phone adding a lot of new kitchen supplies into a virtual cart, when a groan made you look towards the Radio Demon’s crashed studio. After taking a hit of Adam’s guitar-axe, you thought it was amazing that he remained alive,
“Princess, Smiley is alive” your connection through your deal was truly an advantage when far away, “Try to see if he’s okay, try to stay out of sight, and if he needs assistance, help him” he was obviously not okay, but you had an order, so you made your way across the sulfuric smelling debris, until you reached the door of his studio, pushing it lightly, shadow launched at you, attempting to scare you away, failing terribly.
“I have an order to check if you are, quote unquote, “okay” demon” the shadow smiled and moved away, allowing you in. Shadows painted over your body a veil, which he could not see through, only the silver light your eyes emitted.
You peeked to your right from the door to see Alastor sitting on the floor, back against his desk, trying to hide a big gush on his chest with his hands, “Are you “Okay”?” he shot you a look that you could call a ‘Fuck you’ and a ‘You have to be kidding me’ mix.
“Are you in need of assistance?” again he didn’t answer directly, he just growled making his prongs a lot bigger, “This intimidation skit will not work on me sir, so answer, yes or no” his ears bent down and stayed flat behind his head, “No” he muttered, refusing any help from your part, “Okay then” his shadow opened the door for you, after a small curtsy to the gesture, you moved away from the rubble, the rocks making tiny crushing sounds under your heel.
His shadow caught up with you, mimicking a stop sign with his arm, “What?” then he made a figure with Alastor’s shape, a needle closing up his wound and then the same demon all smiling and walking, “So you want me to patch him up” the shadow nodded, the smile wider and cheery, “What’s in for me? He refused help, why would I go through all that trouble for free?” then he checkmated you with Charlie’s shape, he threatened to tell on you, “Good try joker, but you ain’t got shit on me”.
“Wait, yes” you heard the plea from the echo that the radio cabin made.
You made your way back to the demon, as soon as he saw you he took a look at his shadow before his prongs grew any bigger, then at you taking off his shirt, he continued growling and whining until you got fed up with the static and the guttural noises, “Dry up, will you?” an old way to say shut up and a heavy smack in between his ears took Alastor by surprise, turning his static into light jazz music.
Coming out of the veil he could see your hands, the tips of your fingers were a burned black color, your hands a much lighter color in contrast, light yellow, he would dare to even call it pastel, but due to the poor light he couldn’t decide on hues. Your nails were retractable ones, he noticed how you stopped before you touched the fabric of his coat, your nails went back into your fingers and then you proceeded.
 “I’ll stitch it up, but that’s all, if you shower avoid extreme temperatures, and apply alcohol near the edges to keep it from infections” you instructed while partially removing his garments, leaving both his dress shirt and coat hanging down his elbows. The shadow provided you with a curved needle and suture thread, a very resistant one at that.
“What the blazes!?” he shrieked when you undid his belt, only to tie his hands behind his back with it, “I don’t want you messing my work up” you explained, making a pop with your mouth at the end.
As the needle went through his skin, you found weird not hearing a single peep off of him, then you discovered he was biting his lip, to the point it bled down his chin. “If you need to yell, do so, you’ll only hurt yourself if you continue doing that” his ears went back again, like a plea to make the pain go away, at the same time that embarrassment shot against his spine like a lightning. Then he yelled into the opposite side, to avoid receiving another smack.
When you finished closing the large gash, the shadow wrapped it up in bandages, “There you go” you stood up, dusting your knees before turning on your heels. He cleared his throat bitterly to draw your attention to the fact that he was still tied up, only to receive a disinterested giggle and your utter lack of concern.
“I’ve killed pests for less than this attitude you’re insulting me with” he thought that with an implied threat he would get rid of his binds and also get a little sign of fear from you, sadly his magic was weak, and so was the remaining strength he had, so he couldn’t free himself no matter how much he tugged on the leather.
He had a little bit of hope he could induce some authority toward you, but all he got was his hair pulled backwards and the cold steel of an axe pressed against his neck.
He took a couple of seconds to ask himself, how come you were behind him in less than a second? And also swallow the fact that now he was the one being threatened.
“Knowing how to pick your fights, may save your life one day” The edge Of the blade made a sharp noise while being dragged up slowly up his neck, stopping under his chin. “You’ve chosen badly twice in a day, and barely walked alive of the first one” you tugged just a little bit harder on his hair, just to place your authority over his will.
“Tell me, are you dumb enough to bite the hand that stitched you, and die because your bruised ego and your big mouth are taking control of your rational thinking?” you couldn’t measure the amount of hate his stare held, but he attentively took your advice at heart, so he relaxed his eyes and his smile turned less demonic, only answering your question with a soft no with his head.
Withdrawing the axe from his neck, you used the point to let the buckle lose without breaking it, allowing the belt to fall down his wrists. “Start picking your fights more wisely, boy, afterlife 101” you mocked while ruffling his hair right in between his ears.
“Now, I don’t think someone will ask, but if they do, we never had this conversation, rep wise” he nodded, “You better-“ his tongue tied on itself, he reckon your face being inches away from his, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul, deer-est” you chuckled at your own wordplay, while all he could do was stare at your eyes.
“Who are you?” You assumed for a long time that hell had already forgotten you, after thirty years without making yourself present, who wouldn't?  Plus, he looked a lot younger than you, he lived on earth at least ten years longer than you, lucky bastard.
“No one” before he could make an attempt to grab the veil, you jumped out the door, disappearing from his sight into the mountain of rubble.
When Alastor made his way back to the new Hotel, he felt tempted to ask around about what he just witnessed, but preferred to keep his mouth shut. He wouldn’t admit in front of the others that the Radio Demon got assisted and handled as a whiny child, so instead he remained the smiley guy he is.
All the rooms got sorted later in the night, with a snap of his fingers everything in the new room looked exactly as it did in the old one. He placed the ruined coat and dress shirt on a chair, resorting to a grey suit he had lying around, “I should start broadcasting” he muttered to himself, making his way to his brand new station situated in the left wing of the Hotel.
After a few hours he came back to his quarters to refresh, when suddenly a sight caught on his eyes before he entered the bathroom. His red coat patched with an almost religious delicacy; he could barely notice the new red thread that tied everything together. Even the broken parts of the tail of his coat were fixed, it looked almost exactly the same as it did when he bought it in his time being alive all those years ago, the same with his dress shirt.
Next to the fixed items there was a note that read:
“Now you may kill looking real spiffy. Regards from in between the walls.
PS: Thank you for not telling on me.
- Axe-man”.
No one would catch the Radio Demon blushing, but Alastor didn’t mind at the moment.
Part 2
*Dry up: shut up
*Spiffy: An elegant appearance
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merakiui · 7 months
I am E A T I N G the accidental preganancy trope like good soup 👏 I’m so curious how that would be for more “hardass” characters who are hyper-focused/hyperfixated on their life and goals like:
-Azul, Jade to an extent, Rollo, Riddle, Vil
(Honorable mentions: Leona, Malleus, Jamil, Idia, and Deuce)
Like they could be doing SO well in their lives and are successful businessmen, mafia bosses, doctors, priests, etc etc lol (or are starting their young adult years!!!) and a baby is just SO OUT OF LEFT FIELD I LOVE IT lol
:o !!!! I think most of them on the list would take responsibility by marrying you or offering some form of assistance and support, whether monetary, emotional, physical (or all and more).
Rollo is a man of tradition, so naturally his first thought is to assume responsibility by marrying you. I think Riddle might think somewhere along the same lines because rules are so engrained into his being, and knowing how his mother is she likely views accidental pregnancies with such hateful scorn. Riddle thinks he's breaking a rule by not marrying you and he panics a little as he frets over how he'll tell his mother of this because it completely ruins her arranged marriage plans for him. But then it's almost a blessing in disguise because it gives Riddle the chance to make more choices for himself and have more autonomy over his personal life and relationships.
Malleus and Deuce are the characters who are the most thrilled with the news. They're both so in love with you, so an accidental pregnancy doesn't even feel like an accident to them because of how accepting of it they are! :D in Deuce's case, he looks so amazed as he asks to feel your belly (regardless of whether you're already showing or not) and he looks so excited. Does this mean he's going to be a dad now? It totally means that, right?! Omg he can't wait to tell his mama!!!!! And Malleus is so overjoyed. Very happy dragon hours. >w< he just radiates ebullience, but no one can truly tell because his expressions are often misread. But Lilia knows and he's very happy for you and Malleus.
Knowing Azul, he finds some way to work a child into his life. He's always making plans for the future, and while some aspects of these plans may be set in stone he can make changes when necessary. Maybe he's not entirely pleased because he's so worried and anxious, but then it hits him that he's going to be a father and ohhhh he's so soft. T^T I think Vil is much the same when it comes to his future. He's also highly determined and won't settle for less. For him a child is a surprise. He may not have planned to become a parent at this stage in his life, but he isn't complaining. Vil doesn't care what the media will say. He'll do his best to shield you from them so you can have a healthy, happy pregnancy and carry to term. He is so supportive!!!! Whatever you need or want, he'll get it for you.
Idia panics. T_T oh, he is so not ready. So unprepared. Filled to the brim with anxiety. What do you mean he's going to be a DAD????? That feels so impossible to fathom for him. He's just a gamer (and super intelligent tech genius who is renowned for his accomplishments, but that's besides the point). >_< you can't expect him to be S-tier at parenting when the only thing he's ever raised in his life are high-scores and virtual pets. ;;;; he's putty in your hands. You can do whatever you want; it's your body, so he won't force you to do something you don't want to do. If you do decide to keep the baby, he's poring over reputable sources online in an effort to understand how any of this works. He doesn't want to tell his parents because he knows how much they'll fawn and how eccentric they can be. Mama Shroud will share all sorts of stories from her time when she was pregnant; if you ever need anything, the Shrouds provide! You're set for life. And Ortho's excited to welcome another member into the family!!!
Leona has to warm up to the idea because kids have never been his priority. He takes responsibility; he's not going to be a scumbag or a deadbeat. Absolutely not. And he provides more than enough for you. If his brother's wife thought he was mistreating you, he'd never hear the end of it. But also Leona would never dream of mistreating you. Sure, the news is a bit of a shock at first and he's not too keen about raising a child with you, but that's just life. It's always going to be shocking when you least expect it. He may not be fond of it in the beginning, but when those feelings hit and he realizes he's a father and he's bonding more with you and feeling the baby kick and tumble around inside; it's genuinely so soft and sweet,,,, yeah, maybe this isn't so bad...
Jade........ he lives for surprises like this. To say he's pleased is an understatement. He is brimming with excitement and he wants to tell everyone and no one all at once. This is such a pleasant surprise! He cannot stop grinning because the two of you share such a wonderful secret now and he's going to keep it from everyone for as long as he can just so he can see them get shocked. You're probably in on it, too. >:) the two of you are so devious. I think he's the most relaxed with an accidental pregnancy, and his composed attitude definitely eases some of your initial fears. You're so relieved he's not upset, but then how could he ever be upset? You've created life together and he loves you. Oh, did you not know about that? :3c like news of your pregnancy, Jade's confession is just as sudden and shocking. (The two of you have lots of fun gaslighting Floyd when he visits and starts to take note of the subtle changes to you, which you both insist nothing has changed. It's all in good fun. Floyd's going to kick Jade's ass after the truth comes to light. How dare he not tell him he's having a baby with Shrimpy!!!!! That conceited asshole!!!)
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twig-tea · 5 months
Love For Love's Sake Marketing vs Reality
I cannot get over how misleading the description of this show was compared to its actual execution of the first two episodes. This will be pretty spoiler-free if you are reading to decide whether to give the show a try!
The summary: "Twenty-nine-year-old Tae Myung Ha experiences a bewildering twist of fate when suddenly finds himself transported into a fictional online game where he inhabits the body of a ninteen-year-old character. Soon, Tae Myung Ha embarks on a quest within the virtual world to bring happiness to a character named Cha Yeo Woon. Despite his humble upbringing, Cha Yeo Woon has managed to excel in the national track and field championships, maintaining a remarkable reputation among his peers due to his handsome looks and athletic physique."
What I had taken away from that description that had made me wary: The importance of the age gap; lying to a character to fake affection in order to win a game.
None of the original description is a lie, but the emphasis is all wrong and it excludes some key details that make this show so good.
First: The character MyungHa is tasked to make happy is not just any character; he's the character in a novel MyungHa has just read, and he's the character that he says he identified with most (and who he was rooting for and was annnoyed got a sad storyline and ending). So when he's going up to YeoWoon expressing affection, it's genuine. He really does already know and like this guy. That's a HUGE difference for me, and it changes his mission from a Big Lie into a personal mission. The thing I like most about this show is the heart. The fact that MyungHa genuinely wanting YeoWoon to be happy is (it seems) the triggering event that transports him into the game, not a bewildering twist of fate but a direct response to his articulated wish, is a key part of that heart!
Second: Myung Ha is not out here as a 19-year-old trying to seduce YeoWoon, he wants him to be happy because he sees in YeoWoon similarities to who he was in his teens. The thing that has MyungHa most excited about being 19 again is his grandmother still being alive. The age gap is only a thing in how MyungHa is treating YeoWoon like he's a little kid, which annoys the hell out of YeoWoon because his character is only 1 year older.
Finally: YeoWoon has no friends. It seems true that he's famous on campus and that he has fans (e.g. KyungHoon's sister) but they don't approach him and it doesn't prevent people from hating him. This description makes him sound like a popular guy.
The description on MDL also includes this paragraph: "Cheon Sang Won hails from an affluent family and becomes emotionally entangled with Tae Myung Ha. His involvement adds complexity to the developing relationship between Tae Myung Ha and Cha Yeo Woon. Ahn Kyung Hoon, introverted and reserved, supports and assists Tae Myung Ha on his mission within the virtual world."
We haven't enough of SangWon to draw conclusions yet, but based on the failures of the original description to capture any of the the things I love about the show while highlighting issues that don't (to date) actually exist in the show, I'm going to reserve judgment and assume this is also misleading. It would be pretty antithetical to the very heart of the show that's being set up if Myung Ha, through his actions, caused a different character (SangWon) to become the sad second lead. I'll be really interested to see how this goes and how/if this show will address this issue.
TL;DR: The marketing material: Age gap romance with a Big Lie The actual show: video game isekai granting an earnest protagonist a chance to create a fix-it AU for his favourite sad side character.
Anyway. Glad the show turned out to be so off from the marketing material because this is way better!
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tearwolfe · 4 months
after doing some mixing and matching, i've figured out a full cast for the monster detective AU! minus virtual singers, because i still need to figure out what to do with them. i might make them evil...
this is a world where magic and monsters exist, however, people are very hush-hush about it. monsters that go bump in the night is more of a scary story parents use to get their kids to go to bed early..
major roles in this story are detectives, monsters (mostly the shape-shifting kind like tsukasa), magicians, monster protectors, demons, and our primary antagonists! well, the state of their antagonist roles might change later on. i don't really have a chronological story for these guys, it's moreso just a world i can play with whenever i want!
since it's long, i've written everything under the read more!
note: rui is a private investigator and tsukasa is his monster sidekick. if you need an explanation on them, you can find everything in this post.
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akito & an — another detective duo. these two used to work alongside rui, however rui split away from them due to differences in work ethic. also, akito and rui are exes. take what you will with that.
on occassion, they will have to work with rui (and tsukasa).
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emu & nene — emu comes from a long line of magicians. she is talented in magic and uses it to put on performances at theaters around town, a large one of which her family owns. nene, a friend of rui's, befriends her and begins learning magic from her.
magic isn't a known thing in this world, however, nene learns of its existence through rui's strange encounters. thus, she suspected the use of magic in emu's shows (herself knowing how certain tricks are supposed to work).
now, nene works alongside emu as her magician's assistant in shows. with both of their knowledge of magic, though, they've been known to assist rui with cases.
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mizuki & ena — mizuki is a phantom thief, operating during the night to steal riches from wealthy individuals and institutions. ena is an artist and helps mizuki, keeping their identity a secret, even from her detective brother. the two live together.
mizuki and rui were formerly friends, but rui was never aware of their thievery. though, at the time, it was on a much smaller scale.
although they are not very skilled at magic, the two have managed to accomplish some amount of dark magic.
these two are the primary antagonists.
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kohane & toya — both are monsters with similar transformative abilities to tsukasa. kohane's transformation resembles a hamster, meanwhile toya's is more akin to a cat.
toya and akito were once friends during their youth (though akito was not aware of toya's status as a monster, he just thought he had a weird sense of style). a crackdown on monster inhabitants in the town caused toya to leave for a long while, never giving akito any answers. during this time he befriends kohane. the two eventually meet akito and an in the current timeline, after tsukasa and rui become a team.
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honami & shiho — both girls are shapeshifting monsters. alongside saki, the two of them live with ichika.
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ichika & saki — saki is a monster like her brother. however, her transformation is much more powerful than the other shapeshifters. this leaves her often fatigued. unlike the others, she does not need a hat to kick off the transformation. ichika is a monster protector under the guise of an investigator. she keeps an eye on her girlfriends and other monsters in the area.
haruka and ichika often find themselves working together, so they are good friends.
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mafuyu & kanade — these two are demons summoned to assist mizuki and ena's malevolent deeds. despite her status as a demon, kanade is actually very nice and refuses to harm people or other monsters.
ena and mizuki have become considerably close with them.
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haruka & minori — much like ichika, haruka is a monster protector who disguises herself as an investigator. minori is a monster that she saved from a hunter, and now has vowed to stick by haruka's side and help other monsters.
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shizuku & airi — airi is a talented magician who became friends with another magician, shizuku, during her studies. she later learns that shizuku is actually a monster who was able to use a mirage to disguise herself.
finding empathy in shizuku's position, airi agrees to team up with her to help make the world a better place for monsters. the two later join haruka and minori.
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luna-baby01 · 10 months
Luna Gets the Biggest
You're stuck in bed full-time now, and you're not even pregnant... yet. It's been a year since you gave birth to a record-shattering set of vigintuplets that caused you to be put on bed rest by your doctor only a month in and get up to 1300 lbs. just before you gave birth, completely immobilized by your staggering pregnancy, your pregnant stomach pressing so hard into the ceiling that you were worried you might break through it. You had thought that you'd get above half a ton when you got pregnant this time, but you smashed that barrier with a combination of twenty whole fetuses spurring you on to eat yourself into a massive boulder of matronly maternal flesh and having virtually no significant movement during your pregnancy, stuck in bed, pinned down by your heaving belly, a turtle stranded on her back. An enormously fat and pregnant turtle, for sure. 400 lbs. of baby and amniotic fluid came out of you that day, slightly under a third of your total body weight.
The damage had definitely been done to your body, though. Being 900 lbs. postpartum left you stranded in bed, unable to get up without assistance, probably for the rest of your life. You lost a significant chunk of that, though, "slimming" down, if you could even call it that at this point, to 800 lbs. simply because you could not maintain that weight. Though even your non-pregnancy appetite was the stuff of legend now and your metabolism had slowed down significantly from what it was before your first pregnancy, there was simply no way you could eat enough to keep yourself that heavy. It wasn't even a question of breastfeeding, that alone wouldn't've been able to put a dent in your poundage, you just simply could not eat enough to keep yourself that fat without a clutch of babies in your guts.
Since you now have forty children, your house had now become too small for your absurdly large family and you had to move to a much larger one, having the walls of your room broken down to get your fat ass out of your old one. It was much more comfortable for you, your husband, and your teeming flock to be in such a large house, your children having enough room to play both inside and out, including with you. You couldn't do much. You couldn't even get up on you own power to see them, but your kiddos went over to you and loved their how soft their big cuddly mama was, and most importantly, they loved you. Of course, your new bedroom was much larger than what you were in at your old house, able to accommodate your mass as it was... and if you got bigger.
You and your husband weren't dumb, despite how overloaded your brain gets during pregnancy. You both knew that you were going to get pregnant again, and soon. Even though you're so fat you can't walk, your husband putting another ridiculous number of babies in your belly without incident would be inevitable, and you two chose your new house with this in mind. More room in your bedroom for you to grow and more bedrooms for your ever-increasing number of children. Your house was a mansion, which thankfully your husband was able to afford. How he was able to afford what only very few people on Earth would be able to buy was anyone's guess, but you decided to keep yourself ignorant of that fact in case it was something less than savory. You had more important things to think about, like getting your guts stuffed full of food, children, and dick. The one thing you missed about your old house was the creaky floorboards, but that wasn't really your concern then since you weren't able to walk anymore, anyway.
That did not keep you from thinking about how much of a dumb, bloated, fattened breeding sow you were and were going to become soon again, your entire existence dedicated to nothing but feasting, gestating, and fucking with absolutely nothing else on your mind during your pregnancies, a goddess of fertility in human form. A veritable human termite queen. That was when you were the happiest, and you were going to be that happy again. Both you and your husband were ready for you to grow even larger than even the behemoth you have become now. You're a greedy girl, your size alone made that obvious. You wanted some babies in your guts and you wanted them NOW!
Your husband, solely devoted to you, your children, and creating more of them, was rearing to get at you just as much as you were at him, even though you were a complete whale at this point. He had to do all the work, making you quiver underneath him. He got his jollies out of this, too, your soft body a waterbed of flesh bouncing around with each of his thrusts, you two waiting for his seed to turn your belly hard once again as it swelled with a new brood. Both of you were screaming in ecstasy. though thankfully (or perhaps it was something you missed) your moans and yelps during the throes of passion didn't cause as much of a commotion like they used to, with both your room and your house so big that those screams woke neither your children nor your neighbors, of which you had so much land attached to your house that you basically had no neighbors who'd be able to hear the freight train of fucking going on and make noise complaints like last time (something I forgot to mention).
"Get me pregnant, get me fucking pregnant!" you shouted, thinking of nothing else but your husband and the absolutely gargantuan cow he was going to turn you into with this new batch of children you were so eager for him to put inside you. "Make me massive! Get me all the way to a ton! Make me break down the walls of this room! I'm nothing but a baby factory designed to swell with children, and it's all for you!" the latter an uncharacteristically unselfish statement of you to make while in the middle of the horizontal mambo. You were greedy, and you liked being greedy. Your burning desire to swell enormous with child was driving you to this, but you did it for your husband, too. "Fill me with your seed and your children! FILL ME UP! FILL ME UP!!!" you screamed, about to know pleasure like you had never experienced before. The two of you, like all those other times before, did this for at least a week, keeping yourselves quite busy, waiting for the inevitable outcome.
And that moment was realized. A month after those marathon sessions with your husband, you found out you were pregnant again, because of course you were. You simply could not keep yourself from getting pregnant and turning into an enormous breeding sow. The cravings your new brood gave you had you eat yourself up to 900 lbs. again, your voracious maternity-induced appetite showing itself on your body once more. Your doctor, who had to keep himself from screaming at you for getting pregnant again, just wanted to make sure you were healthy at this point. And of course, the moment of truth you and your husband were waiting for had come. Waiting for the announcement of just how pregnant you were going to be and how massive you were going to get drove you insane, your mind pregnant (heh) with anticipation. Your doctor struggled to get a clear reading on the ultrasound through all of the fat on your stomach, but he got it. Forty embryos had been detected. You were having quadragintuplets. That thought sent you into orbit, having a set of consecutive orgasms on cue, your eyes rolling deep back into your head. You screamed at your husband that you'd get past a ton during the first of those steamy fucks that got you in this state, but now you think you were going to surpass even that. Thank God you got that new house, eh?
At the end of the first trimester, you were the size you were when you gave birth the last time, growing exponentially with each pregnancy. You were 1300 lbs., your belly more than three times the size of your body with forty fetuses inside of it, spurring you on to grow fatter and heavier with each orgy of food your husband helped you push past your lips. Your mind was truly mush at this point, both pregnancy brain and arousal driving you mad and unable to think about anything else other than getting food in your stomach, growing your babies, and lying back with your husband inside you making you scream wildly every few hours. The two of you simply could not be stopped from going at each other, or really your husband since you were powerless to stop him, but holy Hell, did you not want to stop him.
"God, I'm getting massive for you!" you screamed during one of the steamier fucks you had then. "I do nothing but have my face, womb, and pussy stuffed! I'm gorging myself all day long and getting fatter & heavier with your babies! They're making me so hungry I just can't stop! MMMM!!!"
"Are you going to get to a ton and burst the walls of your room like you said you were?" your husband replied, wanting to drive you as mad with lust as possible.
The two of you made a serious mess of your bed, coming down from a high that was simply indescribable. You HAD to keep doing this. You just had to.
The end of the second trimester was even better. Your stomach was now twenty feet above your head, and you still didn't come anywhere close to filling the confines of your room, making sure to make that room as large as possible to accommodate your ludicrous pregnancies. This was not normal, but you were used to things not being normal ever since you first got knocked up with decuplets and ate yourself into an elephantine food balloon. You were truly a hippo. A heifer. Fattened up at the irresistible insistence of that legion of babies kicking at you to keep on gorging. Your husband made good on his promise, keeping you filled up both with comestibles and himself. You obviously couldn't reach around to pleasure yourself anymore. You had that happen before when you got so heavily pregnant you couldn't reach around your stomach, but that became permanent since your got pregnant the third time, with you already so fat and so pregnant that that would never become a possibility for you again. You were burning with a need that only your husband could fulfill because you couldn't do so yourself, and boy did he do his best to satisfy you. Even you two were shocked at how you were able to go at it so many times in one day, let alone at all. Your husband practically never left your side except to order all of your chefs around or bring the children of yours not currently gestating within to you when you wanted to see them or they wanted to see you, marveling at the mountain of a woman your husband had turned you into, knowing that there would be twice as many of them as there are now. Your pleasure was completely at the mercy of your husband, something that actually got you turned on more than you thought it would. You needed him, and he needed you.
Time went both slow and fast for you. Slow enough for you to savor being trapped underneath a boulder of a belly and an avalanche of fat, but it was still too fast for you, knowing that it would all be over in just a few months. You wanted to be this pregnant forever, not wanting to shrink back down ever again. You just wanted to keep a gaggle of children inside of you forever, growing ever larger for all eternity, but you knew that wasn't possible. That thought kept you going during the rare instances when your husband wasn't waiting on you sexually, which you needed constantly. It's a nice fantasy, but it couldn't be made into reality. Or could it?
That thought would have to be set aside for now, though. You had finally arrived at your due date, and just like the last three times, nary a contraction had graced your uterus. Your stomach, hard as a rock even with all that fat on it, surged thirty feet above your head. You were truly nothing but a machine designed for glutting on fattening food and making babies. A complete lack of self control when it came to food and sex got you here, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it, nor did you want to. You were in horny delirium at all waking hours, your babies growing fat in your womb making you wonder how much more food you could stuff into yourself, the hormones they controlled making you salivate at the thought of wiping an all-you-can-eat buffet bare, a one-woman swarm of locusts. And this was all your husband's doing, your mind being manipulated to this extent to crave both food and sex at all hours of the day, and all because he stuck his dick inside you & fertilized you with his seed. Forget about a human termite queen, you were way past that at this point. Your gargantuan body filled with babies took up almost a third of your room now, but still you wanted to get even larger, consequences be damned! A ton came and went. You were more than 2,000 lbs. of breeding sow filled with babies making your bed groan under your weight whenever you moved slightly or even whenever one of your children kicked inside of you. The loss of not hearing the floorboards creek underneath your girth whenever you waddled around more pregnant than ever was more than made up for by this. And it was only going to get better.
The time for your customary induction two weeks after your due date had arrived, and you were somehow even more massive than before. You grew more quickly in that time than you ever had before, your belly rounding out to a total of thirty-three feet thrusting above your head and gorging yourself up to a long ton. You were physically ready to give birth, but not mentally. Not that you weren't mentally prepared for the struggle of giving birth, that wasn't it. Unlike the last three times, you weren't mentally prepared to stop being pregnant. You didn't want to know of anything else but pregnancy, constantly growing until the end of time. You had to figure out how to make that happen, Lord knows you've already accomplished the impossible with a quadragintuplet pregnancy and reaching a weight never once held by a human being before. But right now, your body had to get those kids out of you, and you brought forty new wonderful lives into the world.
Lying there, exhausted from the ordeal of childbirth and just there no being not exhausted from being so fat, you were already thinking about how you were going to get knocked up again, and this time permanently.
I have reached my ultimate form as a 1 ton baby factory🥵🥵🥵
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kurooo-is-here · 6 months
Honestly, I'm interested in the yandere Drayton headcannons if you still have them !!
Ask and you shall receive :)
Yandere!Drayton x Reader headcanons
Warnings: Obssessive behavior, implied death
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Drayton as a yandere is interesting because virtually nothing seems to change on the outside. He's usually smiling or laughing, cracking jokes, calling himself "the Drayster", etc. But deep down, he has to hold himself back every moment he's with you in public. If someone even brushes their shoulder against yours, his smile gets thinner and his grip on you tightens just a fraction-- though it's virtually unnoticeable to the untrained eye.
The Elite Four are honestly terrified of him, but try not to show it. He kept getting stronger after meeting you, even beating Kieran in a rematch. His battle prowess has become unmatched in the school. They don't know how this could've happened.
Drayton is obsessed with you. He loves you dearly-- he could NEVER hurt you, but he wants to keep you close to him. You are his prized treasure, his songbird, his *everything*. And if he has to keep his songbird caged? Then so be it.
If you make a new friend, that friend might mysteriously "drop out" within the next month. You'll never see them again. You don't really question things at first, but after awhile, you notice the pattern of events.
One time, Arven came to visit you. Before he could even shake your hand, Drayton was behind you, towering over you, extending his own hand to shake Arven's.
Poor Arven tried to tell you something was up, but Drayton intercepted him every time without fail. Arven left fearing for his own well-being.
If you thought normal Drayton was protective, yandere Drayton is 100x that. If someone were to hurt you, oh boy.. Every scratch, every bruise on your body... would be paid back to that person tenfold.
On that subject, Drayton is exceptional at torturing people. He might have to break a few bones, but he always gets an answer if he wants one. His Pokemon assist him in this process, as they're able to easily crush bones and body parts beyond repair if Drayton says the word. If the person ends up dying? Oh well. The bodies are never found.
He's a mastermind of manipulation and he intends to keep you happy and safe in his arms for the rest of his days. He'll keep up this facade as long as he has to.
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no-psi-nan · 9 months
Why Tousuke (Akechi x Kusuke)?
Akechi can beat Kusuo, and by extension, Kusuke, at many games, which gives Kusuke a new rival to focus on
Similar intelligence levels but in very different areas, so they can respect, admire, and actually learn from each other
Roughly same age (~2 years difference)
Kusuke can't lie to Akechi and Akechi doesn't lie, so they'd actually be able to communicate lol
Akechi has a strong moral compass so he'll #influence Kusuke towards fewer weapons of mass destruction
But also Akechi is a lunatic so he would think it perfectly cool and awesome that Kusuke made a cat with a hypodermic needle eye (such efficient packaging, you've managed to fit an enormous quantity of equipment into the compact and adorable body of this robotic feline– a sharp gaze indeed!)
Akechi & Kusuke collab on making assistive devices for Kusuo (without any built-in traps 🙄)
Kusuo, Kusuke, and Akechi all now get TWO playmates. What sorts of insane games will they play??
Akechi & Kusuke doing research on psychics together and helping the other characters discover/develop their powers
Akechi could probably get Kusuke to sleep more than 17 minutes a day or w/e lol.
Kusuke finally gets a real friend and cuddle buddy and maybe more...
They're both somewhere in the aromantic + asexual spectrums and Akechi would totally know how to figure out and navigate those feelings.
Akechi wouldn't be freaked out by Kusuke's bizarre fascinations and kinks or by his occasional need to lock himself in the lab and make something insane
Parallel play in the laboratory or Akechi helping Kusuke with experiments & builds <3 Akechi cooking real meals for Kusuke on occasion and often preparing fancy little desserts to share.
Completely insane date nights. Visits to advanced nuclear reactors. Jet pack excursions. Giant mech battles. Billionaire yacht party where someone gets coincidentally murdered and Akechi gets do a "whodunnit" for realsies. Stealing something out of a museum together. Kidnapping politicians who are making very bad decisions. Eating at both Michelin 3-star restaurants and holes-in-the-wall. Cheating casinos. Debating the morality of cannibalism until 4am. Tour of Europe. Fully immersive virtual reality games.
They PVP psychoanalyze each other for fun.
Most intimidating aura combo of all time. Local blond menaces.
They steal each other's clothes all the time and it becomes an increasingly elaborate game to add security measures to their closets. Until they accidentally end up obliterating each other's closets at the same and laugh and have to go shop for new clothes together.
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[ Succumb to my propaganda... ]
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girlactionfigure · 5 months
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The Heroic Nanny: Erzsebet Fajo
She saved the entire family
Erzsebet Fajo was a brave young babysitter who saved the lives of her employers – a family of four – during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944.
Erzsebet Fajo was a Slovakian girl from a poor family who emigrated to Hungary by herself at age 13 to work as a nanny. She found employment with the Abonyis, a Jewish family in the small town of Bekescsaba. Parents Laszlo and Margit treasured Erzsebet as a member of the family, and she became like a big sister to their two children, Zsuzsanna and Ivan.
In 1941, the family moved to Budapest because of anti-Jewish persecution in Bekescsaba, and of course Erzsebet went with them. Despite the violent turmoil engulfing Europe, life in Hungary was relatively normal for the Abonyi family. Hungarian President Miklos Horthy had an alliance with Hitler’s Germany, but was reluctant to enforce Nazi decrees against the Jews. That reluctance, plus Horthy’s secret attempts to strike a deal with the Allies, led Germany to invade Hungary in March 1944.
The country was now run by the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross party and the situation for Hungary’s Jews got very bad very quickly. All Jews from the moment of birth were required to wear a yellow star prominently displayed on their clothing. Erzsebet, who felt like a member of the Abonyi family, wanted to wear a star too even though she wasn’t Jewish. Instead, they sadly told her she’d have to leave their employment to save her own life – non-Jews weren’t allowed to work for Jews. The Abonyis knew their days were numbered. Ten year old Zsuzsanna tried to convince her parents to commit suicide rather than be separated and murdered. Of course they refused to consider such a drastic act and tried everything to get out of Hungary but they were trapped.
At that point, young Erzsebet stepped up to become the family’s savior. Zsuzsanna remembered, “How (could) she save (us)? She didn’t have any money. She didn’t have an independent life… It (was) very sweet, but it (had) no validity. But I was wrong to think that. When the siege of Budapest started (and) virtually every home was ruined and bombed down, she was in the streets trying to get false papers.”
Erzsebet visited the Abonyis every day, bringing them food as well as medicine and other essential goods. She took all their valuables and brought them to an aunt so they wouldn’t be plundered by the Nazis.
On October 15, 1944 Laszlo Abonyi was arrested at his home and taken to a deportation center, where he awaited transport to a brutal Nazi slave labor camp.
Determined to save him, Erzsebet boldly approached the Red Cross and somehow obtained a letter of protection that she used to get Laszlo released. She knew the Abonyis were not safe in their home, and not sure what to do she pleaded with a local priest for assistance and advice. He helped her get letters from the Vatican which made the family eligible to take shelter in a building in Budapest owned by the Apostolic Nuncio. The Abonyis sheltered there for a few weeks, until the facility was attacked by the Arrow Cross. Storm troopers forced all the Jews outside and prepared to shoot them on the banks of the Danube river. Somehow, in the chaos, Erzsebet helped all four Abonyis escape.
For the next two months, Erzsebet found hiding places for the Abonyis and obtained forged papers for them. She continued visiting each member of the family every day, even though they were all in different parts of Budapest. Finally Erzsebet found safe shelter for the family in a “White Cross Hospital” – an apartment building packed with bunk beds where families targeted by the Nazis were hiding out.
Hungary was liberated by the Soviet Union in January 1945 and the Abonyis were able to return to their apartment. After the war they legally adopted Erzsebet, making it official that she was a member of the Abonyi family. They sent her to school so she could get a good education, and left her a third of their estate. Zsuzsanna and her husband left Hungary following the failed revolution of 1956 and moved to the United States, where Zsuzsanna became a respected writer, professor and founder of the Holocaust Studies Program at the University of Texas. She maintained a close correspondence with her adopted sister until Erzsebet’s death in 1995.
Erzsebet Fajo was honored as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem in 1986. In her testimony, Zsuzsanna said, “Driven by the desire to save us, Erzsi defied the Germans. She saved us from death, saved my brother and me from becoming orphans and my parents from the worst anguish that can befall people – the loss of their children. It was her strength and heroism that gave us life, allowed us to grow up and eventually have children of our own.”
For her astonishing bravery in saving the life of an entire family, we honor Erzsebet Fajo as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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sukunasun · 10 months
I am OBSESSED with Spider-Man Suguru …. YOUR MIND
he's such an ominous figure when he's got the mask on but turns into a nerdy grump when he takes it off. kinda wanna see him in thick-rimmed glasses and sweatpants, lazing around and recuperating from his latest mission. sleep deprived and a little weary, the languid motion of him tossing and turning in a creaky bed made up of duvets and pillows he's stacked strategically, covers pulled over the bird nest atop his head. doesn't want to think about detangling on his off day.
but you like the suit. always had. in another life, you see him crouched on a rooftop, silhouette highlighted by a neon sign, rain pelting against him. how menacing. suguru's got angst brooding within him. withholding the chance to move on, or rather he doesn't intend to. so what if he's become obsessive, talking to screens and dreaming about you. modeling his holographic companions after your figure, your face, your voice. spent forever getting it just right. coding a line or two or a hundred and changing the input repeatedly. the first draft appears before him then. not too nice, not too mean. perfection glowing before him with the same smile you wear, flittering over his shoulder, snuggled up to his cheek, fitting in the crook of his palm as you give him updates on everything. "they're having a sale at the supermarket," says virtual assistant you, and he actually does make a trip there. buying himself a nice box of stock for dinner before he realizes that it's the first time he's actually made himself a meal. a year late but still, it's better than takeout or vending machine natto.
although, he would still prefer a tangible, physical you that isn't made up of glitching pixels. to caress skin and flesh, kiss the very breath from you and feel it graze his own lips. puffing out gasping cries and guttural moans, exhaling his name in exaltation, he'll swallow them up.
he's had a bad day. you can tell because he's abandoned the hot meal and even hotter shower for this. storming towards you with heavy steps and his heavy breaths puffing through his mask. why should you fear spiderman. hero, and saviour of the world. that he's been teasing you, taunting you. so what if he's got your wrists tied up around a tangle of webs. only after he's pulled from you a scream and the third orgasm of that night do you wonder.
spandex serves its purpose when it's hugging muscled arms so strong, bending and straining tight as he cages in, looms above you, his weight steady you can't help but to surrender to how good the pressure feels. the tilt of his head is condescending, enough to show you he isn't impressed, "you made a mess," suguru doesn't even try to be sympathetic. merely stating it as if it was all your fault for squirting all over his oh-so-precious suit. you'd question him on the occasion at hand, he'd been the one who wanted you to come undone on his dick.
legs locked tight behind him, his cock slides in just that bit further, deeper. a surprised squeal slipping past your lips. "easy now," you used to tease whenever he's gotten too eager, too hungry. but you're at a loss for words when the roles are reversed here. especially when the sharp point of his fangs skim over a patch of skin he's come to know as one of your most sensitive spots. right where it won't hurt you too much, he determines where they should sink in and leave behind no more than two perfectly formed puncture wounds, no bruising, no blood. well, maybe just a little, the iron tang he laps at is addictive. is alive.
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