#Historically speaking
muffinlance · 5 months
I'm sorry, this was bothering me enough to send in an ask.
The stupid question is: how strict is Earth-Kingdom-is-China vs Fire-Kingdom-is-Japan generally? I mostly ask because although none of the canon characters use real Japanese names, but it feels like everyone uses Japanese names for Fire Kingdom and Chinese for Earth, which makes Chinese Wanyi for Zuko's ship not fit in.
I mean, the waters are muddied from China's historical domination over the area, and it's a really great pun, but I woke up and my brain wouldn't let go of the entirely petty issue.
Ugh. Sorry for the stupid ask, especially since I don't come bearing any like funny trivia with to mitigate with. Please feel free to disregard as well, especially since I'm too cowardly to link to my actual tumblr account.
There's absolutely no strictness, because that's a fanon division anyway, and not one I adhere to. Fanon is fake and we can make of it what we want, and I want the pretty ship name!
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formulatrash · 3 months
haven't been this fucking insanely furious at Williams since they fired Damon Hill halfway through 1996
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tianshiisdead · 4 months
Japan shaves just about everything. He doesn't think more hair=more manly. He infact has a whole different idea of what is manly compared to western countries or most countries in general. He also likes flowers and floral patterns.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Not so much an adaptation observation but just about the series in general. But y'all. Can you imagine if Aang's powers hadn't activated in that storm? And he just fucking drowned?
New Avatar born to the Water Tribe. Cycle continues. But for the rest of time, when Avatars are consulting their predecessors, there's just this poor dumbass kid like, "I don't want to talk about it."
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zacksnydered · 9 months
I ddon't think Batfleck is unique in this case. But I love it when the concept of heroism is that the only answer to true evil, to complete fascism and pure pain and destruction, is to kill it.
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9w1ft · 2 years
all famous people have that fear no? Like beyonce, madonna, etc they all had been dislike and had to deal w crazy fans. It is part of the gig and yet they have public family🤷‍♀️ I see more a huge burden to have to live your life w this huge secret. Always in fear of a little mistake can blow the whole thing.
My guess it has more to do w the powerful family involve in this. Lowkey it is probably scary to make them your enemies.
i mean sure, but i think the angle i was highlighting is that taylor has spent her career presenting herself as straight and when someone like her suddenly says she’s not, and, as a woman, if she stops dating men, that triggers certain demographics of people, and could enrage them in a way that her closeted life has kept at bay.
i will add that i understand what you are saying, however, that’s not necessarily the logic by which taylor’s mind operates. closeting is scary but it’s a known quantity for her and something she has ostensibly spent her whole life perfecting (to the point of writing songs about it) whereas coming out is the unknown.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 3 months
Ah, I see people remembered Hokuto's birthday this year. Did anyone remember Kaisei's, on February 4th? And will anyone remember Shogo's, on the 11th?
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mike-wachowski · 8 months
reblog and tag ur answer so I can see please :)
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the-force-awakens · 6 months
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The Church on Ruby Road // The Snowmen
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frogchiro · 7 months
Thank you bby!♡
And yes, Lord Commander Ghost :(( He and his troops have to rest and their place of choice was some backwater village in the north, though he supposes it could be worse since it wasn't a slum like most villages he encountered on his journey.
What really caught his eye though were the giggles and splashing of water when he walked near the lake on the outskirts of the village. He supposes that curiosity took the better of him and he decided to investigate...to find you.
Sweet little naked you who splashed around in the water along with other young maidens, naked and carefree like some kind of water nymphs. The other girls were pretty, sure, but you were just...something else, something that made his cock stir in his breeches; be it your soft-looking clear skin that glistened with droplets of water, that angelic giggle of yours or your curvy, soft figure with nice thick thighs, full tits and broad hips...
Those will surely keep Simon up at night later when he's resting in his tent and jerking his hard, leking cock to the thought of you moaning and writhing underneath him as he thrusts his dick inside you, huge scarred hands bruising your hips as he growls and roars in pleasure, promising to breed you with a nice strong baby and take you away from here back to his castle♡
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little-pondhead · 2 months
Your Ancient History, Written In Wax
Danny knew he should have put better security around the Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep. It wasn’t even Vlad who opened it this time! The fruitloop was too busy doing his actual mayor duties because for some godforsaken reason, the man got re-elected.
No, it wasn’t Vlad. And it wasn’t Fright Knight, either. Nor the Observants. Who opened the Sarcophagus, then? Danny didn’t have time to find out as Pariah Dark promptly tore open a hole in reality and started hunting Danny down.
The battle was longer this time. He didn’t have the Ecto-Skeleton, as that was the first thing Pariah had destroyed. The halfa had grown a lot over the past few years, and learned some new tricks, but apparently sleeping in a magic ghost box meant that Pariah had absorbed a lot of power. The bigger ghost acted like a one-man army!
Amity Park was caught in the middle of the battle, but the residents made sure it went no further than that. Vlad and the Fentons made a barrier around the town to keep the destruction from leaking. Sam, Tucker, and Dani did crowd control while Danny faced the king head-on.
Their battle shook the Zone and pulled them wildly between the mortal plane and the afterlife. Sometimes, residents noticed a blow from Pariah transported them to the age of the dinosaurs, and Phantom’s Wail brought them to an unknown future. Then they were in a desert. Then a blazing forest. Then underwater. It went on like that, but no one dared step foot outside of Amity. They couldn’t risk being left behind.
It took ages to beat him, but eventually, Danny stood above the old ghost king, encasing his symbols of power in ice so they couldn’t be used again. He refused to claim the title for himself. Tired as he was, Danny handed the objects off to Clockwork for safe keeping and started repairing the damage Pariah had done to the town. The tear he’d made was too big to fix, for now, so no one bothered. They just welcomed their new ghostly neighbors with open arms and worked together to restore Amity Park.
Finally, the day came to bring down the barrier. People were gathered around the giant device the Fentons had built to sustain it. Danny had brought Clockwork to Amity, to double check that they had returned to the right time and dimension.
Clockwork assured everyone that they were in the right spot, and only a small amount of time had passed, so the Fentons gave the signal to drop the shield.
Very quickly did they discover that something was wrong. The air smelled different. The noise of the nearby city, Elmerton, was louder and more chaotic. Something was there that wasn’t before, and it put everyone on edge.
Clockwork smiled, made a remark about the town fitting in better than before, and disappearing before Danny could catch him.
Frantic, Danny had a few of his ghost buds stay behind to protect the town while he investigated.
He flew far and wide, steadily growing horrified at the changes the world had undergone. Heroes, villains, rampant crime and alien invasions. The Earth was unrecognizable. There were people moving around the stars like it was second nature and others raising dead gods like the apocalypse was coming. Magic and ectoplasm was everywhere, rather than following the ley lines like they were supposed to.
Danny returned to Amity.
The fight with Pariah had taken them through space and time. Somewhere along the way, they had changed the course of history so badly that this now felt like an alien world.
How was he supposed to fix this?
In the Watchtower, The Flash was wrapping up monitor duty while Impulse buzzed around him, a little more jittery than usual. The boy was talking a mile a minute, when alarms started blaring an alarming green. Flash had never seen this alarm before, and its crackling whine was grating on his ears.
Flash returned to the monitor, frantically clicking around to find the issue, but nothing was popping up. No major disasters, no invasions, no declarations of war. Nothing! What was causing the alarm?
Impulse swore and zipped to a window, pressing his face against it and staring down at Earth. “Fuck! It’s today isn’t it? I forgot!”
“What’s today?” Flash asked. He shot off a text to Batman, asking if it was an error. The big Bat said it wasn’t, and that he would be there soon.
“The arrival of Amity Park. I learned about this in school; the alarm always gives me headaches.”
Flash turned to his grandson, getting his attention. “Bart,” he stressed. “What are you talking about?”
Impulse barely glanced over his shoulder. Now that Flash was facing him, he could see a strong glow coming from Earth. “The first villain, first anti-villain, and the first hero,” he said anxiously. “They all protect the town of the original metas. They’re all here.”
“Here? Now??”
“Yeah? They weren’t before, but they are now. The first hero said there was time stuff involved, which was what inspired me to start practicing time travel in the first place.”
“I’m not following.”
“It’s okay. We should probably go welcome them before they tear apart Illinois, though. The history I remember says that some of them freaked and destroyed a chunk of the Midwest during a fight with each other.”
#dpxdc#pondhead blurbs#liminal amity park#I’ve seen stuff like this in the mhaxdp fandom and I eat it up every time#basically the fight with Pariah caused the town to jump through time a little#and while they THOUGHT they were keeping everything in#shit leaked out and tainted those points in time#so technically#historically and genetically speaking#Amity Park is the origin point for the meta gene and Danny made history as the first hero#because Clockwork is a little shit#everyone embodies a basic ability and it has grown from there#the flash family are direct descendants of Dani (speed force Dani for the win)#Dash is the reason super strength exists#so on and so forth#go buck wild#bart learned about it briefly in history class in the 30th century#practically hero worships them#booster gold knows about them too but in contrast to Bart’s excitement#booster is fucking terrified because there was a period where Amity Park rebelled against the US government#and he’s from that specific time#he learned to fear phantom because he lived during that part while Bart is from farther in the future when those issues got resolved#guess who’s chosen to welcome the town? >:)#if you’re wondering what happened to the GIW#they turned into the branch Amanda Waller runs#Danny is the first hero#Vlad the first villain#and Dani the first anti hero#there’s an arc where Danny is trying to fix things but clockwork won’t let him into the timestream and all the heroes are horrified#because yeah Danny is the OG but if he goes back in time to fix his ‘mistake’ what will happen to them?
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setaflow · 27 days
People in the comments of the Assassin's Creed: Shadows trailer becoming armchair historians trying to explain why Yasuke shouldn't be a protagonist actually are hilarious. Like besties this is a franchise where people can control eagles with their minds and a good 5% of the population are descended from evil psychic aliens. I THINK we can expand on a story of Japan's only-recorded African koshō without it jumping the shark.
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cfserkgk · 2 months
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Young Maomao and Lahan siblings AU where there was no misunderstandings between Fengxian and Lakan in the beginning. They are very similar but they would never admit that themselves.
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official-crab-posts · 5 months
hey everyone, i know this is a silly gimmick blog but i feel i need to clarify that zionists aren't welcome here. people who think the violence in gaza right now is in any way justified or proportional to october 7 and support the genocide being committed against palestinians need to get off my blog. leave.
people who use this situation as an excuse to be antisemitic also need to get the fuck out of here. it is never okay to be antisemitic and trying to use your support for palestine as a shield is pathetic. i dont want you around and i do not like you. when i find you i will block you. save us both some time and just unfollow me right now.
i just wanted to make my position clear. free palestine. 🇵🇸
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gayemeralds · 8 months
silver knowing about dr miles prower, esteemed engineer and quantum physicist, whose research over time travel he’s read a thousand times over, and regards him as a personal inspiration for his travels, not realising the scrappy mangy 8-year old kid that follows after sonic is his personal hero is so funny to me. silver wakes up in a cold sweat realising he mugged 100 time nobel prize winner dr miles prower when he was 8.
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carmeloffie · 2 years
uquiz! what type of trapped in the narrative are you.
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