#Her lyrics are pretty good though at least because anytime someone covers one of her songs it's a million times better and personally
timespacedrain · 5 months
Olivia Rodrigo is fascinating to me because somehow her music manages to be more boring than Taylor Swifts.
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idol-trickster · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
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OOC: I would have loved to answer this IC, but deciding what Trickster/Ji-Woon would listen to takes tons of headcanon space in my brain, which would take too long to think about to properly reply.
But since I got two of these I'll double the song amount and give you 10, straight from my Spotify most listened to! (I promise not to make duplicate artists' spots, so I'll list the "Top Song" and mention others from them.)
Zico - Freak This has been in my top songs for 3 months (since it was released) It overthrew Any Song, which was reigning supreme last year! She's a Baby is also one I adore a lot, Balloon & Being Left always hurt my heart (Dean's vocals are fantastic), and not to mention Anti is such a strong statement song.
2. Block B - Her This song, choreography, video, and aesthetic make me happy! Very Good is my gateway song to BB, but I've listened to Her more often recently. Their sub-group stuff Bastarz's whole I'm a Mess album is super sexy, and it's a treat anytime I get to hear P.O.'s vocals!
3. Enhyphen - Drunk-Dazed Sexy, Hype, and Catchy! It was great to see the performance in person, and one of my favs right next to Fever and One in a Billion!
4. DPR Ian - No Bluberries DPR as a duo is so talented and they work hard to self-produce! Though this song mostly DPR Ian is one of my favs for the tone. Scaredy Cat comes in right next to this one, but honestly, all their songs are REALLY my style. (They have a nice Indie sound)
5. Kai - Peaches "Pretty girl you're like peaches~" It's such a lovely song and I love the soft sound. It always gets quickly stuck in my head if I listen, and Kai's concept seemed so cute. I always remember how happy he seemed to have released this song, and that he wanted a fantasy feel.
6. Wonho - Ain't about you King is conquering the English vocals, and with such a sultry and good duet, they really balance out the song. The beat reminds me of being trendy and as if it belongs in Dislyte!
7. PRETTYMUCH, CNCO - Me Necessita The boy band sound with Spanish lyrics and a reggaeton beat made this a big hit on my playlist. I love it so much! Their other song Would You Mind is so fun and has such an 80s-90s sound it makes it a fun listen!
8. Salem Ilse, TXT, Alan Walker - PS5 I'm a console gamer, so this song was relatable! The vocals are gorgeous and the beat's so catchy, I end up humming this song a lot.
9. Vaundy - Tokyo Flash This just has such a great sound. It's very indie sounding and has a great melody to lyric composition. Everything compliments so well.
10. Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better Honestly, this song always makes me sentimental and grateful. I'm putting it here because I think everyone needs to hear this at least once. No matter how hard things get, and how un-ending it feels, it's always nice to have a positive outlook; sometimes when it doesn't feel like you're reaching any goals, something as nice as spending time with someone you cherish and having a good time is what we should look forward to, to enjoy our lives. It's a reminder to not forget the love and support we receive, and look forward to good days! Maybe to be kinder and take things easier on ourselves and make our happiness an important goal. (But other than that, I really adore Lisztomania from them too)
--- PS. As a bonus song, I adore "Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Japanese Version)"; it's hit my no.2 spot on Spotify, it's so classic! (and I discovered the Japanese cover from Tokyo Vice)
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Lovejoy's new single: call me what you want
Review? Thoughts? Analysis?
Table of contents:
how it literallly sounds (review/similar to)
Some of the lyrics and my thoughts kinda
Theme/topic/similar songs
personal thoughts/questions/criticism
Sorry English is not my first language and I don't often formally analyze songs (and never in English).
You may notice several parts have "similar songs" and that is in part because what I do most with songs is make playlists with songs that are similar and discover new music.
Musically it's really fun. The singing is a bit rambly like a crywank song (especially the bridge) and the rest reminds me of James Marriott's music. The drums sound cool (like always). Also the el-guitar, the el-guitar sounds pretty cool (it is that right?).
Some of the lyrics (via genius):
I never was a fan of the internet She never felt that safe in her own head We both hate the news
The news can be negative, I'm very good at analysis (sorry lol).
You can call me what you like As long as you call me
This is the title. I really do like this actually. I can relate this to anytime anyone has ghosted me or been unavailable for calls or I've been lonely (then directed at anyone). Also "you can call me what you like" as a thing is funny for me because I really enjoy a lot of my nicknames, and being called something different than your name can often make you feel connected to people, at least for me. One example could be from that one film "get in loser we're going shopping", that probably made that friend who was called "loser" feel good and like they were on good terms, yk?
But you can't stay awake forever No, you can't stay awake forever
I wanna stay awake forever. Or really really not. Love hearing someone else talk about it, even if the context isn't the same.
I'm not paranoid, I'm a realist I know you're gonna kill me
No cause paranoia can be so real sometimes. Fuck paranoia. I don't have a big paranoia problem, but when I have many issues piling it does occur yk. Also, "you're gonna kill me" can mean emotional death too if you want, and that's pretty applicable to a lot of stuff (school, politics, friends, etc etc).
The song is mainly about insecurity in a relationship. It also talks about paranoia, cheating, "[her] kissing the skin under [his] lips" - which I don't really understand (like is that a thing? what does the average person think about that?).
It reminds me of Mr. Brightside, because of the way the jealousy is written. The description of what she's doing (kissing people). Also Wallow's Drunk on Halloween, with the wondering if a partner is thinking about other people. I'm sure there are hundreds of songs about these topics. I should mention tfb's Legit Tatto Gun because according to Genius the song might be making a reference to it. I'm also reminded of tfb's Lipstick Covered Magnet because of the desperation and like kinda "anything is ok" mentality (though I think that one is more about abuse in relationships, idk).
Things I don't personally enjoy/understand (personally):
I've had too many arguments over having critisisms of things that aren't necesserily flaws, but mostly personal preference and therefore I'm just disclaiming that this is my opinions and thoughts and questions. This is me relating this song to my own life, goals, insecurities and how much I'll listen to or enjoy it.
Basically, if you have any thoughts on any of this that aren't just "let people enjoy things" or "not everyone is like you" my ears are open, I like talking about music. (can you tell I've been hurt before lol).
I was surprised to hear christian lyrics ("the feel of grace of God goes you"). I'm an atheist, and even as a person living in a majority (protestant) christian country I do not understand the meaning really. I checked genius, but I'm still confused (anyone is invited to tell me what he's talking about btw).
One thing this song does is use the whole "I hope I'm the only one she'll see tonight" which to me seems overdone, but probably mostly because I'm (non-amorous) aromantic. The line kinda makes it difficult to relate to non-romantic contexts or non-interpersonal stuff. Also it makes it difficult to relate it to a polyamorous context, not that that's something I do especially often (though it can be fun).
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Venqua Week:Music
“When you-gah! No, that’s not right. When- ugh! Come on Ventus, you can do this!” The boy said, frustratingly tuning a guitar. He had been at this for months now. It all started when Namine moved into the Land of Departure with him, Terra, and Aqua. The boy had stumbled upon her drawings and by extension, the arts itself. He was completely hooked. Outside of fighting, Ventus didn’t have much time to explore possible talents. He was determined to find a hobby he was good at! It took all of ten minutes of Namine teaching him about color theory for him to realize that maybe literal art wasn’t his calling.
That’s when Namine recommended music. Seemed like a good idea. He didn’t want to brag, but Ventus always thought he was a bit musically inclined. Between dancing and the ice cream beat machine, he thought learning an actual instrument would come easy. Wrong! It was critically difficult! Three months into learning guitar and his confidence was was fading like the golden sunset that washed over him as he sat at the edge of the trio’s stargazing spot. Ventus played a few more strings and sighed. It didn’t sound off. Honestly it never was. The problem was his nerves. Ventus was trying to be a perfectionist with the only song he’s been able to learn so far. All for a special someone, Aqua.
He had always had certain feelings for his friend, but expressing them was beyond impossible. Any time he tried to show her a cooler, more mature side of himself it never worked out. He’d either screw up really hard, or Aqua would do her pretty little giggle while patting his head like he was some sort of puppy. He was not a puppy darn it! Ventus wanted to at least be a cooler, older anime. Something like a fox or a leopard. Just once, he wanted to leave Aqua speechless. He thought a singing to her would be his best bet. His face face grew redder at the thought of her listening to the song in awe, her deep blue eyes captivated by his feelings.
“Geez, I’m so hopeless.” He said, covering his face. Ventus turned his head towards his master’s keyblade that rested peacefully just several feet away. He wondered if Master Eraqus had any hidden talents? No way keyblade wielding was his only gift. If Aqua’s fighting style was any indication, the old man was probably a bunch of fun on the dance floor. The thought of him doing even half the moves Aqua did was enough to make Ventus laugh lightly. Once again he strummed his guitar. “Oh master, you think I stand a chance?”
“Stand a chance at what?” A voice asked from behind. Ven’s face went bright red, then pale in a less than a second when he realized it was Aqua. She smiled her beautiful smile like she always did and held a crown of flowers in her hand.
“A-Aqua!?” He stammered, “W-What brings you up here....!?” He wanted to hit himself right now. The answer to that was quite literally in front of him.
“Changing out Master Eraqus’s flowers” she answered anyways. Aqua walked over to the memorial and did just that. The old ones weren’t dead yet, but their color was obviously starting to fade. Still, they looked rather pretty. So pretty in fact, Aqua took it upon herself to sat right next to ventus and hang it around neck. “Wow, I’m a little surprised it passed your hair so easily. I thought it would sit on top.” She teased, ruffling the wild dew.
“Hey! It’s not that spiky! Also my head would have to massive for it to sit on top!” He pouted. Why is always a head rub!? This time he was minding his own business and still wound up like this. “Do you have a thing with my hair or something? You’re always doing stuff like this.”
“Of course. You always pout and turn red. It’s cute.” She answered, watching him get redder. Aqua couldn’t help herself. Teasing Ven like this was just irresistible. “So, what is it that you were trying to stand a chance in? Maybe I can help?”
“What? Oh! Umm it was nothing! Just talking aloud is all.” Lying was not a strength Ventus had.
“Really?” Aqua said sarcastically. She reached over to the guitar in his arms and ran her fingers across the strings, making a subtle but pleasant sound from it. “Nothing to do with the acoustic currently in your hands?” She looked at the blue eyes that were inches away and avoiding contact. Aqua tilted her head, a bit confused by Ven’s shyness. “Ven, I’m not a mind reader. Tell me what’s up?”
“If you read minds then you know mine only has you in it.” He thought to himself. “I’m just having a little trouble with a song I wanna sing. I learned all the notes and everything, but I get anxious anytime it comes to playing the whole thing.”
“How come?”
“I’m...self conscious is all.” It wasn’t a lie but it was certainly vague. “Any time I think about singing it the way I intend to, I get worried if it sounds bad or if I look like an idiot.” Ven could feel his heart beating so loudly that he was afraid Aqua might here it. Here being this close was nothing new, yet it too much to deal with.m right now moved back a little by pretending to readjust how he was sitting.
Aqua could the boys hand fidget a little. He wasn’t kidding at all about feeling anxious. She had never seen him so flustered when it came to things like this. Aqua had caught him a few times over the past few months really putting an effort into learning when nobody was around. She had even secretly caught him sneaking off early in the morning to find a place to practice. Learning this song must’ve been really important. For Aqua, that only left one response to this.
“Can I hear it?”
Ven was going to have a heart attack. “What!?”
“I wanna hear it.” She repeated, “We’re often our own worst critics. If you only play with no one around then you might always think it needs improvement, so let me hear it. I’ll give my honest opinion!” She said, excited to listen.
“That’s the one thing that scares me!!!” Ventus could not believe this was happening. How was he supposed to explain to her that she couldn’t listen because he was doing it all for her!? She even gave a valid reason for helping! “Oh, no I uh- you don’t have to do all that! Hehe, I just-” he stopped when he saw Aqua move to sit on her knees. His crush sat patiently with her hands resting her hands on her lap, a heart stealing smile still on her face. Here she was. Here they were. Two people bathed in the golden light of a sunset. Warm air and breath stealing views anywhere you looked. A gentle breeze made Aqua run a finger across her face. All attention was on him. Well, no time like the present right? Ven stood no chance of resisting with a face like that.
He sat facing her, legs crossed. He new his face was still red and the sound of his beating heart hadn’t gotten any calmer. However, a comfort came from that with a mix of excitement. An honest truth about his feelings. He really had fallen for her and wanting nothing more to express his feelings with all of his heart.
“Aqua...can I ask a favor?” He somehow managed to say. “Can you...close you eyes while I sing to you?”
The request was surprising but understandable. This was more about sound then sight anyways. “Okay.” She closed her eyes in earnest. “Ready...” For some reason Aqua felt herself get a little embarrassed as well. She hoped it didn’t show on her face.
Ventus took the deepest breath he could. Mustering his resolve and composing himself, Ventus began to strum.
🎶When you walk away, you don't hear me say
"Please, oh baby, don't go."
Simple and clean
Is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go....🎶
Yeah, Aqua could totally feel herself starting to blush. Ven was only a few lyrics in, but she couldn’t think of a time she heard a more stunning voice.
🎶You're giving me, too many things, lately
You're all I need, oh~
You smiled at me and said...
"Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?"
When we are older, you'll understand what I meant when I said
"No, I don't think life is quite that simple"
When you walk away, you don't hear me say
"Please, oh baby, don't go."
Simple and clean
Is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go🎶
Ventus felt his nerves melt away as he kept playing. His mind was too focused on the notes to worry. Too focused on the girl in front of him. He was starting to find his stride.
The daily things, Like this and that and what is what
That keep us all... busy are confusing me~
That's when you came to me and said
"Wish I could prove I love you but does that mean I have to walk on water?"
When we are older, you'll understand it's enough when I say so
And maybe some things are that simple.
His serenade was unexpectedly cut short. Aqua had reached for his hand and stopped him from playing. Ven’s heart skipped a beat. For a moment, nothing but dread filled his thoughts. Did she hate it? Why else would he stop him midway. He would’ve asked, but Ventus couldn’t find the words. Not out of fear, but because of the look on Aqua’s face. Her calm demeanor was entirely gone. A the warmest smile Ven has ever laid eyes on was on her face with rose red cheeks. “A-Aqua...?” He finally spoke.
“S...sorry.” She spoke, “it’s just...well....” finding the words was a little difficult. Aqua couldn’t help but laugh at her own skittishness. “You confessing to me like this might be a little more than my heart can handle.” There, she said it. She watched a Ven’s eyes start getting bigger and bigger while his face tried rivaling hers in terms of red.
“Y...You knew I-”
“Of course.” Aqua giggled, “I watch you just as much as you watch me you know? Because...I like you...too. A lot.”
Ventus must’ve been dreaming. Chirithy has to have put him in a special dream. It’s the only way this made sense. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Like he was one to talk.
Aqua rubbed the back of her neck, “I’m not very good with this kind of stuff. Even though I had a feeling you liked me, I just couldn’t find the nerve. Then I started thinking about how I could be wrong and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I kept finding reasons to keep quiet. But next thing I know is I started thinking more and more about these feelings sense we got back home and I-” Aqua jumped at the touch of Ven’s hand grab hers. She’s glad he did it, or else she might’ve rambled for hours.
A pressure weighed on their chest. One that was slowly pulling them together. The two of them couldn’t speak, only lean closer. They wanted the same thing. They knew it buy all the blushing moments and not so secret glances. Aqua moved the guitar away from Ven to get even closer. Ven invited the approach by tugging her hand closer to him. Her face had to be only inches away. Way to far for his liking. Aqua finally spoke.
“I think we should both close our eyes this time.” She said, flustered by her own suggestion. She was glad she managed to say it though. The moment his eyes closed, Aqua understood why he asked before. Filled with ease and courage, Aqua pressed her lips against the ones that had just serenaded her moments ago. Neither kept track how long they remained like this and neither cared. The only thing that mattered was it had finally happened; and it was only going to keep happening for many days to come.
[many thanks to @venquaweek because fun fact, I’ve had this music idea for three years and never wrote it 😂]
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Please Don’t Stop the Music
Wanda Maximoff x Stark!reader
warnings: i made a joke abt taylor swift in this but im not actually being mean to her so like im sorry to any taylor swift fan and actual taylor herself bc ik shes on this app so ah hah hah pls dont be mad
a/n: not to worry at all!! requesting gets a little tricky sometimes, especially with different creators, im more than happy to take your request though!! 💖
prompt: anonymous: “Wanda x Stark!reader anon - sorry about that!! I am new to requesting dsfdgf - but, for a plot, would this work? Wanda and reader are spending time alone and bonding (Wanda playing guitar, reader listening and trying to distract her with jokes or somethin), and maybe Wanda starts to cover a cheesy love song? (idk what songs you like, but maybe... Taylor Swift-esque sfdsd), and the reader realizes that they're deeply in love with her and it ends with them confessing? (1/2)”
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The Compound was quiet, others were there, but taking care of their own business. You and Wanda had gotten a day off, which was a nice change. No training, no fighting...hell, you didn’t even have any chores. It was going to be a wonderful day for the two of you, plenty of time to bond.
Now, when Wanda got here, you convinced your dad, Tony, to let you take Wanda out on a little bit of a “build-a-new-life” shopping spree. She was going through a lot. Being experimented on, losing her home, losing her brother, moving to the United States, becoming an Avenger. It was all a lot to take in. Not only did she need a distraction, she needed to decorate her new room, make it her own space.
She told you that when she was a child, she played guitar. You took that as “I would like to have a guitar,” so you bought her one, as Starks do. It was a bit of a toxic trait from dad, but it didn’t hurt much. You got a joyful “thank you” from Wanda, and it warmed your heart to hear her practice. She was actually wonderful, you had to admit. And she loved having you as her audience.
“Ugh, you’re amazing. A true inspiration, I have to say. God, I wish I were half as good as you.” You ranted through your compliments, leaving Wanda blushing and covering up her beautiful smile while she did a little wipe of her nose. She was cute when she was flustered.
“Oh, stop that.” She giggled as she readjusted her capo on the neck of the guitar.
“No, no, I’m serious! Taylor Swift played at my Sweet Sixteen, and let me tell you, she ain’t got nothing on you.” You emphasized your point with a series of hand gestures, you sure knew how to get a girl to laugh. “Oh, you think I’m joking?”
“Here, I know a Taylor Swift song.” She positioned her fingers onto the correct frets and began strumming away, alternating her hand position and humming the melody. It was a breathtaking experience that made you want more before it was even over. You couldn’t begin to fathom your feelings for Wanda because they were always growing stronger, but now you were certain that you were in love. Your dad would get a kick out of that, considering he’d been teasing you about your little crush ever since you met Wanda. You denied, denied, and denied, but it looks like you were wrong. There’s a first time for everything.
Wanda began to sing the lyrics to Ours, leaving you absolutely speechless and sappy once you heard her voice start the chorus: “Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine, and life makes love look hard...” You began to stare at Wanda’s both sweet and concentrated face, you were so tempted to interrupt with a kiss. The next minute or two seemed to fly by, because she was suddenly done. You gave her a personal round of applause while she jokingly took a bow. “Thank you, thank you.” Wanda pulled the guitar strap from behind her and set the instrument aside.
“God, I told you that I’m always right, yeah?” You watched her nod. “Good, good. Well, you’ve gotta believe me on this. You’re voice is stunning, I felt like there was some sort of angel sitting in front of me.” You told her, she wasn’t so used to getting all these compliments, they made her so unbelievably happy. “I can’t believe you’ve been hiding that pretty singing voice from me!”
“You talk too much.” She shot at you, but you always had some sort of comeback.
“Oh, I’m aware. It’s another famous Stark trait. You’re gonna have to get used to it.” You made sure to let her know. There was something else she needed to know, though. This was a good a time as any, just needed the check something really quick. “Hey, FRIDAY? Anyone heading near us anytime soon?”
“I suspect they may be a while. Your dad seemed to have had a ‘minor’ lab accident, the team is taking care of it now.” Your father’s AI explained, you didn’t expect anything less from Tony. At least you didn’t have to rush anything or push this back.
“Wonderful, thanks, FRIDAY.” You scratched the back of your neck nervously, and you didn’t get nervous often, especially when talking to someone. Wanda was a special someone, though. Stark charm, please don’t fail me now. “So, Wanda, I have to say, it’s amazing spending time with you.”
“Aw, thank you, y/n.” She smirked and tilted her head, that always gave you butterflies, you nearly lost your train of thought.
“Right, yeah, well,” you began to stutter out words, “I just...I mean...”
“Are you alright?” Wanda asked, causing you to tense up a bit.
“Let me start over.” You took a deep breath, this was it. Let’s go. “Okay, Wanda. I love spending time with you, it’s actually hard for me to be away from you. I’ve felt like this since I met you, the real you. I didn’t know how to tell you, but I’m getting a little bit antsy holding this in, you know?” You gave a little shrug, seeing her carefully listening to your speech. “We’ve been spending so much time together, it’s only convinced me more and more that I...I’m in love with you.” You let out the official words and watched her expression change from concern to something more...soft.
“Really?” She quietly mumbled, you gave her an eager nod. Wanda suddenly turned excited and jumped into your arms, nearly knocking you over. “This is wonderful! I have to say, I feel the same. I was getting worried that you wouldn’t like me, but this is better than I could have ever imagined!” She hugged you and pulled back a bit to face you.
“Does that mean I can kiss you? Because I’ve been dreaming of doing that for a long while.” You couldn’t help but watch her lips for an answer.
“Be my guest.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy //
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
metempsychosis: t. holland series (pt. 3)
a/n | we’re finally getting to the good stuff :-) now that i’m turning this into a submission for a competition i’m having to change all of the names and tenses (bc i can’t submit “y/n” to professionals) so hopefully there aren’t too many typos !
synopsis | A young couple whose lives were both lost in a tragic accident are reincarnated as new people. As they collide as strangers in their second lives, they must try to make sense of the innate connection they feel.
cw | reincarnation au. language, fluff, a lil angst, flashbacks. this one ain’t too sad. 2.6k words.
Read part 2, join the taglist
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{ He took a gulp as he opened the door to see her sweet face waiting to be let in. “Hey, glad you found me,” he laughed nervously, arm reaching up and over to scratch at a nonexistent itch on the back of his head.
She wandered through the doorframe, taking in the smell of his apartment, counting the dirty dishes in the sink, smiling at the family photos he had on display. “I’m glad we’re finally getting around to having a movie night,” she grinned back.
“Sorry, you know how crazy school has been-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Chemistry this and med school that. I can’t believe I’ve found myself swooning over such a nerd.”
“Says the girl who prefers numbers to real people.”
She gave him a dramatic slap to the shoulder, feigning offense. “Just put on the movie before I ditch you for some spreadsheets.”
He gave her lower arm a lighthearted squeeze and guided her over to the couch, putting the tape in and plopping down next to her. He grabbed a blanket off of the armrest and whipped it up in the air, letting it fall spread out across her lap. She looked surprised at his intuitiveness. “I remember you telling me you can’t watch a home movie without a good blanket,” he said.
Her eyes crinkled at the edges at his attention to detail, picking up the corner closest to him and motioning for him to take half of the quilt. “Then you shouldn’t, either.”
The rom-com had an argument scene between the protagonist and his love interest where they disputed over who took what side of the bed the first time they slept together. He laughed at the silliness of it all as she sank further into his body as their chests rose and fell.
“Do you think we’ll need to pick sides of the bed?” he whispered as the scene changed.
“This is only our second date- I won’t be sleeping in your bed anytime soon, mister,” she smiled, stare still pointed at the screen.
“Well, fine, but it seems like this is a conversation we need to have if we have any chance of making it,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Let’s just pick sides of the couch then!” She looked down at her own lap, then at his. “I’m on the left side right now, so I’m claiming it as mine.”
“Wait, I didn’t even get a chance to experience the left side!’
“This is your couch,” she rolled her eyes at his playful tone.
“So I’m just stuck with the right?”
“What other option would there be?”
He huffed in disapproval, but as time and movie dates passed, he had carved his own dugout in the left couch cushion that fit him like a glove. If he ever wasn’t on the right side of her, looking at her side profile from that specific angle, he couldn’t help but feel out of place. When they did finally share a bed, there was no need to fuss over who took which side, and no matter how many new couches they went through in different moves at different stages of their life, he sat to the right, learning to keep a throw pillow on his lap to anticipate her inevitably lying down and resting her head on it. }
You walked over to Tom, the soft padding of your feet against the wooden floors ringing out as the only sound in the suddenly quiet apartment.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Uh, coffee, if you have it,” he replied, still clutching the throw pillow in his lap.
“Really? At 8pm?”
“Yeah, caffeine doesn’t affect me, I have one of those recessed genes or something.”
You shrugged and obliged, happy to have something to keep you busy as you paced over to the kitchen to brew the coffee, holding your hip. Tom swiveled around to watch you work.
His words sliced through the silence. “Are you feeling any better than earlier? You seemed pretty off in the car-”
“I’m fine.” You didn’t want to replay the emotions you felt while Tom was driving in your head, so you cut him off before he could keep talking about it. “Here’s your coffee.”
He took a sip and burned his tongue, scrunching up his face in such a cute way that you couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, sitting down next to him on the couch.
“Fuck, that’s hot!” he started fanning his stuck out tongue like it would do something, the corners of his mouth tugging into a smirk when he noticed you were laughing.
“I’m sorry, you literally just watched me brew it...” You shrugged, still entertained by his dramatic display.
The mood changed then and you were finally able to loosen yourselves up, able to chime in with conversation, exchanging eye contact that didn’t make either one of you nauseous. Now that you had the chance to look into Tom’s eyes for a little while longer, you was able to see just how mesmerizingly milky they were.
He continued in a panic. “I can’t lose my tongue! That’s how I make a living!”
You raised an eyebrow at him and he shot back a face of realization.
“That did not come out how I meant it to.”
You giggled again, pulling a blanket over your lap.
“I meant because I sing-”
“Yeah, Tom, I figured.”
You both had laugh lines splaying across your faces and you felt yourself settle back into the cushions a little easier, growing more used to being in his presence. Once you had given it a chance, you and Tom actually got along quite well.
“Speaking of which, can I hear something?”
“You want me to play for you?”
“Well, I’m an artist and you got to see my work...so, yeah,” you smiled, poking at his shoulder.
“Um, I don’t have my guitar,” Tom blurted out an excuse, because he was currently terrified of singing to you; you already made him excitedly nervous enough.
But you weren’t letting him off the hook that easy. “Isn’t it just in your car?”
“...so you saw it, then.” He sighed in defeat, getting up to get his keys.
“You’re really gonna make me sing for you?”
You smiled and nodded at him.
“It’s the least you can do now that I’ve graciously opened my home and my coffee pot up to you.”
He shook his head as he laughed and ran out to grab the instrument. Once he was settled back down on the sofa, you watched him with your head tilted to the side as he became lost in the strings, tuning and then strumming onto them a truly beautiful melody. He saw you in his peripheral so seemingly enthralled watching him play, your bottom lip half bitten as you focused on his hands and fingers moving.
“Well, truthfully, I haven’t come up with anything good in a few days,” he said, still in denial that his dreamy muse had abandoned him. “So what’s a song you know? I’ll just play a cover.”
You pondered for too long on the question, thinking your answer would hold a lot more weight about your character than it actually did. Tom was far from that kind of deep thinking; he was too busy taking in the way your wavy hair framed your hollow cheeks.
“How about ‘Iris’?” You took a chance on one of your favorite old songs, assuming he wouldn’t know how to play it.
“Ah, a classic.” He started to pluck out the first few notes, and you were amazed that he already knew it by heart. But where you expected to hear the lyrics come in, Tom stayed silent. He looked over to your confused expression and stopped the music.
“Aren’t you gonna sing the words?”
“It’s not really in my range. You can though, if you want?”
You sat upright. “Me?”
“Well, if you wanna hear the words that badly,” he shrugged, grinning at you.
“Ugh, fine.”
“Wow, she paints and sings?”
“Hey, do you want me to or not?!”
He chuckled at you, loving how rosy your cheeks had gotten, and started the song over, his hands on autopilot.
You sang the first few words of the first verse, and upon hearing your voice, Tom’s jaw all but fell to the floor; he was completely awestruck.
That voice. He knew that voice.
{ He sat slouched on his barstool, listening to someone do a country song a great injustice up on the microphone.
“Why did you drag me to this, mate?”
“To a bar?”
“To a bar with an open mic. I can’t listen to a Beatles’ classic being sung off key for a third time tonight.” He popped the top off of another beer and chugged it down as another amateur made their way to the front of the room.
The girl on the stage started to sing and he all but did a spit take. Her voice was incredible, melting into his ears like smooth butter. And once he turned to look at her, well, that was all it took. He had waded through the bar crowd so quickly that she was barely off the makeshift stage when he approached her, blurting out “Hi, you’re so beautiful, I mean, your voice, I mean...uh, can I buy you a drink?” and kicking himself afterwards for not even trying an ounce to playing it cool. But it didn’t matter; one look was all it took for her, too. }
Tom racked his brain as you continued to sing, your voice echoing through the apartment like an angelic aura. That was it, he thought, she sounds like the singing voice in his dreams—and the day he’d met you was the same day he’d stopped dreaming—no, no...that wasn’t possible.
But he couldn’t shake the eerie thought from his head. Were you trapped in his brain until he met you in person? Had his angel manifested itself into the beautiful singing girl sitting next to him?
He stopped the song halfway through as he felt a rush of copper through his forehead and down to his nose. Shit.
“Um, where’s your bathroom?” he shot up and covered his nose with his sleeve, his guitar haphazardly falling onto the couch behind him.
“Down the hall, first door on the left,” you answered, confused. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just gotta-” Tom bolted down the hall and shut the bathroom door abruptly, uncovering his face in the small mirror to see a familiar trickle of red pooling above his upper lip. When he reentered the living room after cleaning himself up, he hadn’t realized that his blood had stained the collar of his t-shirt.
“Tom, you have...” you stood up and made her way over to him, touching your finger to his shirt. He looked down in horror and sighed heavily.
“Yeah, it’s…I’m sorry. I get these nosebleeds.”
You smiled up at him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay. I might have an extra shirt lying around, if you want it?”
Mortified but infatuated with how warming your touch was, Tom smiled back. “That would be great.”
You came out of your room with a t-shirt in hand. “This is the only one I have that will probably fit you,” you shrugged, tossing it to him and trying not to let your smile show as he stretched to take off his shirt right in front of you, revealing quite the body underneath. You pretended to busy yourself with something, anything, so he wouldn’t notice that you were watching him—but he did, and he didn’t mind it.
Tom’s phone lit up with a call in that moment, and he picked up to hear the tow trucker on the other end.
“Hey, sorry to let you know we won’t be getting out to your area for another few hours, turns out the truck lost its own tire on the freeway and we’re stranded,” the voice said, causing Tom to pace around the living room, speaking curtly with the man on the phone.
“Okay, right, thanks, bye.” He hung up and turned to you, pouting.
“My insurance is shit,” he shook his head. “They won’t be here for hours.”
You feigned upset, but neither of you were too unhappy about the opportunity to spend more time together.
“...do you have anything stronger than coffee?”
You winked at Tom as you made your way back into the kitchen. “Coming right up.”
You passed the night away, mixing your coffee with rum and childhood memories with the anecdotes of a broken heart. As the hours trickled by, you sank closer on the old couch; you kept track of Tom’s heartbeat, watching his chest rise and fall in rhythm, and he kept losing his train of thought in the gold specks of your eyes.
You opened up to him about your disability, and upon seeing you become so open, so vulnerable with him, Tom couldn’t help but lean forward, place a light hand around the shape of your cheek, and capture your lips in his own. Upon the contact, you both felt as if you had been delightfully tased—and it sent your head reeling.
You saw fragmented scenes in your head—images of flashing lights, a shouting couple, a tender, loving kiss frozen in time. As Tom pulled back, the fantastical man in your head followed suit, and you doubled over on the couch as a shock of familiarity churned your stomach at the realization that the man had been a dead match for Tom.
The flashes continued, and the girl on the receiving end of the kiss became less pixellated; you felt the warmth of a lifetime of memories flooding your system as you registered that the girl in the images was, in fact, you yourself.
Tom held you upright as you held your face in your hands, shaking your head softly. “y/n, what just happened? Was it the kiss? Did I read the room wrong? I’m-”
“No, Tom, it wasn’t you,  I just…” you trailed off, bolting up from the couch and quickly pacing to the kitchen. “I need some water.”
He watched you from his seat with concern, readying himself to run to your rescue, just as he heard the loud, startling sound of a horn. The tow truck had finally made it.
“You should go,” you said, refusing to turn around and look Tom in the eye for fear of making any more sense of what she’d just seen.
“Please go.”
“Please tell me I can see you again.”
You thought on that for a moment, frightened but unready to let go of this mystery.
“Okay.” You remained staring out of the kitchen window.
Tom stood up and silently exited the apartment, closing the door softly behind him, wondering where in time and space he had just lost your thoughts. As he arrived home much later and finally succumbed to sleep, he wasn’t able to rest long as he was visited by his own nightmare.
He had been in the driver’s seat of his car, unidentified noises pinging here and there as he heard someone mumbling, unable to discern their words. He turned to the passenger, his vision lagging as it made its way to her, and saw none other than you, yourself but not, crying softly, the vividness of your features making the dream feel more like a memory. As he tried to lend a comforting hand—the arm in his dream seemingly extending a mile away to reach you—the car was hit with a blinding force, and the vision went black as he was jolted awake.
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hello!! I hope you like this one! I’m sorry that I couldn’t respond to you comments in the last chapter, I was really busy... but I loved reading them!!
Ps. Sorry if you find grammatical or vocabulary errors in this one!
Chapter 18: God save the Queen.
Draco corroborated his theory about how all things nice seemed to be at Grimmauld Place, when Sirius gave him all his vinyls for Christmas.
He honestly couldn’t understand how he lived so long only listening to the Weird Sisters, when something like Led Zeppelin even existed. The muggleborns must’ve think that wizards just had awful taste in music.
There were a lot, Draco couldn’t listen to all of them... He chose what he was going to listen to without even looking at the box, he closed his eyes, took one vinyl out and put it on. Randomly: he found Queen.
It was a Saturday, there were a few more days until New Years. The four of them were drinking some hot chocolate near the fireplace. He asked if it was alright to put some music and everyone agreed.
Draco got up from the couch and crossed the room to get to the record player. The box was right next to it; the blond boy closed his eyes and chose one. He opened his eyes. ‘Queen. A day at the Races.’ Draco looked at the cover, curious. There were animals surrounding a Q with a crown in the middle. He took out the vinyl and put it on the record player.
The blond boy also chose the song that he wanted to hear randomly. He would look at the grooves on the vinyl and chose the one he wanted, and it was a rule that he could not look at the titles of the songs. Potter teased him for it, said that he was the most weird person ever; Draco tended to ignore his comments on the matter.
He chose the groove and placed the needle on it. Suddenly, a man’s voice with the sound of a piano filled the room. Mr. Potter gasped.
“Listen to this,Padfoot. I feel sixteen again.” The man said with a bright smile.
They had been having this moments, Potter and him noticed them (which was a big thing because scarhead never noticed anything). The green-eyed boy looked at them, Draco could swear that he was smiling a little. Mr. Potter stood up and offered his hands at Sirius.
“Dance with me. We haven’t dance in so long.”
His cousin widened his eyes and turned to look at the two boys sitting next to him. Draco extended his arm and pushed him off the couch, as Sirius glared at him.
Mr. Potter took his hands; and placed one on his shoulder, while the other kept being intertwined with his. Then, Potter’s father put his other hand on Sirius’s waist.
Draco could see that his cousin was nervous... Sirius kept looking at Potter, who was still sitting on the couch. The green- eyed boy raised his mug up in the air like saying ‘cheers’ before taking another sip.
Ooh let me feel your heartbeat (grow faster, faster)
Ooh ooh can you feel my love heat, ooh
Come on and sit on my hot-seat of love
And tell me how do you feel right after-all
I'd like for you and I to go romancing
Say the word, your wish is my command
They started to dance. Given the fact that Potter was a horrible dancer, the blond boy was rather surprised when Mr. Potter began to move his feet marvelously. Sirius followed him, there was this complicity... He could tell that it really wasn’t the first time that they had danced like this.
Draco loved it all. The smile on both of their faces, how they mouthed the lyrics the whole time... From that day on: he adored listening to Queen.
The following day he discovered ‘A night at the Opera’ and cried while he listened to ‘Love of my life’. Potter found him out right sobbing on the couch, as he stepped out of the floo, when he returned from the Weasleys.
“Malfoy...? Do you want me to call someone?” The blond boy shook his head. “You are crying... a lot.” And Draco just snorted, trying to clean his tears with the back of his sleeve.
“It’s just this bloody song.” He took a deep breath and ended up coughing (again), petals falling on his lap (again). “Fuck.” He took his wand and vanished them. He looked at the boy standing in front of him... Potter had a worried face on. Draco sighed. “You asked me what does it feel. It feels like this song, the lyrics, the music... It feels just like this.” He said as a tear coursed down his cheek.
Potter sat next to him, and rested his head on the back of the couch, looking at him. His eyes were so green, so beautiful. Draco looked away.
“I know I’m pathetic-“
“You are not.” The boy interrupted him. “It’s special. I don’t think that everyone loves like you do. I wish I could love someone that way, someday at least.” He said with a soft smile on his face.
“Believe me, Potter, you don’t want this.” And he got up before he started to have a coughing fit next to the boy.
Given the fact that Potter had spent Christmas’s Eve with the Weasleys, Ron was spending New Year’s Eve with them. This was really good news, because Draco missed him immensely.
Weasley arrived to Grimmauld Place on the morning of New Year’s Eve. Mr. Potter must’ve greeted him and guided him to the kitchen, because Sirius and Potter were still sleeping, which wasn’t new, they always slept in.
Draco was baking a cake, he had asked at the begging of the break if he could be in charge making the desserts for the holidays. ‘Killer Queen’ had just began, when the weasel found him in the kitchen; singing while he cooked.
She keeps her Moet et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
"Let them eat cake", she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
For Khrushchev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline
This song always reminded him of Pansy. Since the last days he had listened to Queen non-stop, he almost knew all the lyrics to every song he liked.
”Extraordinarily nice...
She's a Killer Queen”Draco sang as he turned around to look for a clean bowl. That’s when he saw Weasley standing there, smug smile on his face. The blond boy put a hand on his chest. “For Salazar’s sake, weasel! Announce yourself, you almost gave me a heart attack.” He hissed.
“Harry told me that you were spending all your time listening to some muggle band, I thought he was having me on.” Draco grabbed the bowl as he responded.
“They are amazing. I only have the albums from before Sirius moved with the Potters; but maybe when Mr. Potter can claim his old house again, I could listen to the rest of them.”
They talked for a while. Ron told him that he wrote to Granger a few times, they still were a little mad with each other but still, it was progress.
Draco was finishing the cake when Potter and Sirius entered the kitchen. Tired and narrowed green eyes were looking at them. Potter was still on his pajamas, his hair was more of a mess than usual. He heard him mumble something like ‘coffee’ as he sat in front of Ron. He clearly wasn’t a morning person, Draco huffed.
“First you should say hi, Potter, that’s your best friend.” Said the blond boy as he passed him and Sirius their mugs and the jar of coffee.
Sirius poured himself some coffee and asked were Kreacher was. Draco explained to him that he needed the kitchen so he was probably cleaning upstairs.
“Isn’t a little too early to be listening to this?” Potter said and the blond boy snorted.
“It’s eleven a.m, Potty.”
Remus came to have dinner with them too. They spent the entire time laughing, The Marauders told them some of the pranks that they did at school, and even though Draco already had heard some of them, he enjoyed listening.
Potter seemed happy and that was enough to make him feel happy too. The daffodils were making him ticklish, but in a good way, which was a relief because he was fucking tired of coughing petals.
They got to that awkward conversation about Draco’s situation, because Remus knew little about it. The blond boy was hoping they would stop talking; this days, it seemed like it was the only thing he talked about. The questions were always the same ones. ‘How can you be sure?’ ‘Does he know?’ ‘Is he from school?’ He was half listening to the conversation when Weasley spoke to him.
“What about Parkinson’s comment the other day?” They looked at Draco, expecting an answer. He arched his eyebrow.
“What comment, weasel?” His friend pulled a smug smile.
“The one about your Prince Charming, ferret.” The blond boy tried to fight the blush on his cheeks. If Mr. Potter or Sirius saw him like this they would tease infinitely. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“Are you blushing, little cousin?” The man asked in an amused voice. Then, he looked at Ron and Potter. “Who is it??”
Potter crossed his arms and huffed before answering.
“It’s no one. Ron is just being an idiot.”
“Are you kidding me?? You thought it was Blaise! My theory makes much more sense.”
Draco frowned at that. Theory? Oh for fuck’s sake. He groaned at his friend.
“Is this what you write in that stupid notebook? Candidates?”
He was so mad he could curse him. He didn’t need to be fucking saved by anyone.
“Well, yeah, you won’t tell us and I want to help. Sue me.” The redhead responded.
“We are still waiting to know who this Prince Charming is.” Said Remus as he ate a pice of the cake that Draco baked.
“Ron is talking about Nott but I think it’s bullshit.” Said Potter in an annoyed tone. Sirius raised his eyebrows and Mr. Potter smiled.
“The one that woke you up!” Said Potter’s father and Draco passed his hands over his face; tired.
“It’s like no one listens to me. He didn’t do anything to wake me up, I just did .” And then he turned to look at Weasley. “It’s not fucking Theodore! I don’t even know why you thought that.”
“See??” Said Potter. “Cross him off that stupid list.”
But Weasley didn’t drop the subject.
“For a bunch of reasons!” And Draco wished to die when the weasel started to list them. “You are close to him, you defend him; I’m sorry but if he didn’t do anything and you woke up that just proves my point, and also...” He saw the doubt in Weasley’s eyes. Draco new he wouldn’t like to hear the rest. “Well, you did put him on your list with the highest score (10/10)... and you wrote straight and then put questions marks right next to it.”
His face was on fire. He wanted to kill Weasley right there. This was probably the most embarrassing moment of his life. The Marauders were looking at him, trying to restrain their amused smiles, because they saw that the blond boy was angry. Weasley was still looking at him, waiting for him to answer. Draco looked at Potter just for a moment; the green-eyed boy was looking at him, disappointed.
The daffodils got upset really fast and Draco couldn’t contain the coughs. He covered his mouth with his hand to prevent the petals from falling on the table. He vanished the daffodils and looked up. Now, Potter had this disgusted pained look on his eyes.
“Bloody hell, I’m right! It’s Nott!” Said Weasley, with a triumphant laugh. Draco was about to call him a clueless idiot, but Potter spoke first.”
“How is that a good thing? Are you stupid?” The green-eyed boy was livid. Then he turned to look at Draco. “What the fuck do you see in him?” And he just couldn’t find the words, his emotions were too mixed up... He was angry at Ron, amused by his stupid theory, happy that Potter defended him. The flowers were like crazy; he couldn’t stop them, he coughed again.
Potter excused himself and left the room. Weasley sighed.
“Don’t worry, ferret. We are going to help you with this. He’ll come around.”
He just kept looking at the door... worried. Then, he heard Remus talk.
“I think you might have a chance with this. I remember you two being the little terrors on my class, partners in crime.” Then he turned to look at Sirius and Mr. Potter. “They reminded me a little bit of you two... but in a Slytherin version.”
Draco couldn’t understand how everyone had come to the wrong conclusion
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thirsty-x1 · 4 years
Future Love | Lee Hangyul
hi, can i request a single dad! hangyul (*cough* featuring kid!dohyon) oneshot where he falls for the reader, who’s dohyon’s kindergarten teacher? looking for something generally fluffy but i’m also not opposed to smut in this 👀
↬ Pairing: Hangyul x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Fluff, slightly suggestive (?).
↬ Warnings: none.
↬ Word Count: 2.9k
↬ Song Recommendation: “Future Love” by Katie.
↬ A/N: Honestly the whole karaoke part was added by me because the second I listened to Katie’s song that scenario came to mind and I wanted to fit it some-fucking-where and this was cute enough.
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The bar was crowded, a few bottles sitting on the table as the rest of the guys around it cheered for the person that was currently on the stage, singing their heart out while trying to dance according to the rhythm, obviously too drunk for it. The atmosphere was lively, the laughs and screams filling it but all Hangyul could do was stare down to his phone, fingers quick to type a reply each time a new message came in.
“Yah, could you leave that? Spend some time with us, dude.” Yohan was pretty out of it, pouting slightly as he tried to steal the phone away.
“I will in a bit, I’m just trying to make sure Seungyoun doesn’t fuck up… don’t really trust him being a babysitter.”
Wooseok let out a small sigh. “I wanted to stay with Dohyon but Seungyoun insisted that we both needed a break.”
Seungwoo laughed at his tone, moving the cup on his hand and watching the liquid swirl. “We all needed to spend some time together. Besides, Dohyon loves him, I’m sure everything will be alright.”
Right as the older finished saying that, another message flashed on the screen:
2:15 a.m.: Just wondering, but would mixing chocolate with ramen really hurt Dohyon?
The headache was making way on Hangyul as he typed back (“Didn’t you say that he was asleep? And don’t do that.”), anxiety starting to form at the pit of his stomach while Yohan read over his shoulder, laughing out loud before trying to tell the others what he had just seen.
2:17 a.m.: I said “just wondering”, of course he is asleep
2:17 a.m.: I think he just woke up from you being so annoying
2:18 a.m.: Now I have to make him sleep again
2:18 a.m.: Go and have some fun while I’m here being the best uncle in the world
As if on cue, Seungwoo took the mobile phone, tapping on the screen a few times before putting it on his pocket, it being the sign that he wasn’t going to give it back anytime soon. Hangyul sighed, hoping his kid made it through the night and swallowed what was left on the cup before focusing on the new contestant that was on the stage now.
The song was slow, not matching with the whole bar at all, the chattering almost drowning the music, but it wasn’t enough for him to not hear the voice that started singing. The words sounded slightly slurred, probably due to the intake of alcohol, and somehow it made the feelings to be transmitted better, the nostalgia tingling on his sides.
Lyrics that matched his feelings with a steady beat along with a sad voice… that was all he needed to get his mind out of whatever Seungyoun was doing, his undivided attention going towards the girl that swayed on the stage. Something about her overall vibe made him smile to himself, the rest of the boys coming to a halt as soon as they saw his expression, and Hangyul just knew he fucked up.
“Go talk to her!” Yohan’s voice was starting to become annoying and if it wasn’t for the little self-control he had, plus the fact that he could beat his ass, he would have already snapped.
“The song literally talks about wanting something new. Go, both of you need it.”
Hangyul scoffed at Wooseok’s comment. “You need something new.”
Seeing where everything was going to, Seungwoo stopped the rest, his hands slamming the table delicately. “Just go and talk to her, what’s the worst that could happen?”
The younger shook his head, frustration making his way. They wouldn’t completely understand, being a single parent wasn’t easy and his schedule didn’t really leave any time to maintain some kind of relationship, and having an one night stand didn’t feel correct anymore. Explaining all that seemed too much, especially with the alcohol setting down in his system, so he simply excused himself as he got out, ignoring Wooseok’s warning about the cold air might make him feel worse.
He inhaled, letting the breeze fill his lungs before throwing his head back, his mind going empty as he stared at the stars above. A smile spread on his face as he remembered the way Dohyon’s eyes resembled them, usually whenever he listened to music or saw him cooking his favorite meal, making grabby hands whenever he felt cranky and wanted to be lifted up, or his squeaky giggles whenever he put him above his shoulders so that he could reach the cookie jar. There wasn’t a single moment he regretted, his son really being worth it, but there was no use in denying that he felt lonely at times and there was nothing that could fill that place, not even the kid’s chubby cheeks.
“So you are alone too, huh?” The voice made him turn around quickly, his face burning up as he saw the same girl that was singing inside before in front of him. “The night is so lovely, though~”
“Ah, yes.” If possible, he would have slapped himself right at that moment.
“You know what I hate the most? That people pity us for being alone. Is it really that bad?” Hangyul eyes opened wide at the sudden conversation topic, but she continued. “There is a reason for us to be like this, why do they try to set me up with random people? It makes me feel worse…”
“I know, right? I have the same problem. My friends behave as if they knew what’s best for me, almost feel like I’m a baby in their eyes.” His whole anger was leaving his body as he complained, the alcohol making its work.
“Yes! Exactly! It makes me mad but also somehow guilty! I have other priorities in life and I’m not always thinking about getting laid.” He nodded, snorting at the last bit of information. “I mean, it wouldn’t be terrible if it happened, but it’s not at the top of my list, y’know? What’s at the top of your list?”
Doubt filled him, not knowing if mentioning it now was the best thing, but since the situation didn’t seem to be leading anywhere not innocent, he was honest. “My kid. He’s five, and honestly lights up my days like no one else does.”
“Oh, married or single, or something else?” He couldn’t help but to chuckle, surprised at her boldness.
“Let’s leave it at single. What about you? What’s your number one priority?”
The girl seemed to be in deep thought, or otherwise fallen asleep. “My career. Well, my students. I get a kind of satisfaction that is pretty different from any other kind… makes me happy, really happy.”
Hangyul raised his eyebrows, not expecting her to be a teacher since she looked rather young, or at least around his age. “But the loneliness still lingers, doesn’t it?” When her head turned abruptly, he felt a slight pinch on his stomach, regretting adding that last part.
It wasn’t what he expected: the way that her eyes suddenly dropped to the ground, a sad smile on her face as she nodded before suddenly cheering up, changing the topic while making it obvious that she was trying to avoid deepening in the previous subject. Honestly, he didn’t want to either, feeling already pretty exposed and simply followed her, laughing at her random jokes and smiling to himself whenever she did the same with his.
Time seemed to flow effortlessly between them, the air not feeling cold anymore, maybe due to the blush that covered his cheeks. It had been a long time since he felt that comfortable talking to someone, talking to a complete stranger, but the warmth that she radiated made him feel at ease, his barriers breaking down as she let him see more of herself. He tried to memorize her face, the way her hands moved when she talked, her exaggerated expressions as she related a story… probably was the alcohol that made her be so open, or maybe that was how she really was, he couldn’t tell, but he found it incredibly charming.
“Whoa, your life is indeed pretty interesting…”
He giggled for the twentieth time. “Is it?”
“Yeah! Would make a really good movie.”
A smile spread on his face again, being the first time that someone reacted that way instead of saying something like “I’m sorry you had to go through that” or otherwise feel some kind of sorrow towards him. He turned around to reply to her, about to ask about her life before he met with her lips pressed against his, confusion swirling in his insides before he returned the kiss, his trembling hand resting on the nape of her neck as he pulled her closer, the taste of soju on the tip of his tongue. Her hands tangled on his hair, playing with it as she bit on his bottom lip, sighing when he pressed his body against hers. Hangyul wanted to blame the alcohol for what was happening, but her mouth was more intoxicating that any other liquor he had ever tasted, making him fall and give in to her taste, the control slipping past his fingers without him caring one bit about it.
“Yah, we have to get going, Seungwoo ended up throwing up– oh.” It was the annoying voice again.
“What is taking you so much? Oh.” The second annoying voice joined. “See? I told you, both of you needed it.”
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After some unnecessary debate on whether they were right or not, Hangyul finally made it home, only to find Seungyoun laying on the floor of the living room with Dohyon on top of him, three cups of ramen empty on the table as well as some chocolate wrappings. Better not to ask or he would beat someone’s ass again, so he carefully picked up the small kid, shushing him to sleep as he took him to bed, coming back and slightly kicking Seungyoun as he got back, throwing the trash away.
“Ouch, what– ah, you are back.”
“Told you to not give him that.”
“He hated it, isn’t that good? Now he won’t want to try it again. You’re welcome.”
Can’t argue with his logic, or more like didn’t want to do it. He still thanked the older for taking care of Dohyon, gulping down a glass of water as he let him stay in exchange for the help, heading for the shower despite the tiredness washing over his body, trying to sober up and erase the memories. Right after he finished, he laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling while wondering about what her name was, eyes closing with the doubt wandering on his mind.
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“Get up, sleepy head, time to go.”
Dohyon complained but sat up anyway, his hair sticking up in every direction as his tiny hand scratched his belly. Hangyul laughed, grabbing the brush and quickly controlling the chaos, holding the outfit that Seungyoun chose (because Dohyon liked more “uncle’s style” rather than his) and chuckling as the child nodded approvingly.
Half an hour later, they were ready, Dohyon still eating the last bits of food on the car as Hangyul drove towards the kindergarten. First day of school and everything seemed to be perfect, pride filling his chest. Little moments like this were the ones that made him feel satisfied with himself, the smile on the small kid being all he wanted. He parked the car, got out and held out his hand until he felt the tiny one hold it back, walking towards the entrance and scanning the place.
“Are you excited for your first day?” He was actually trying to sense if he was nervous, but seeing Dohyon’s expression, he was so happy about it.
“Yes… I hope I get to make friends.” His eyes opened wide as he looked up to him. “Maybe someone else likes music? Or ramen with chocolate?”
Hangyul could feel his eye twitch. “Ramen with chocolate?”
“Ah, right, uncle said to keep it a secret from you…” He proceeded to shrug his shoulders as he walked confidently to the entrance, eyes smiling at who he thought was his teacher while Hangyul made a mental note of maybe killing Seungyoun.
He kneeled, fixing Dohyon’s clothes before kissing his forehead and wishing him a good day, standing up and bowing to the teacher, freezing on the spot when he saw the same girl from a few weeks ago standing in front of him. Her eyes reflected the same panic that his, suddenly turning his stare to the small kid without paying one bit of attention to the tall one as she grabbed Dohyon’s hand and waved the other one, the child imitating her and saying goodbye to his dad as he disappeared behind the doors.
The whole rest of the day was spent with him trying to plan what to say when he went to pick up Dohyon. Should he pick him up? Maybe he could call Seungwoo and ask him to do so, although Wooseok would definitely complain about why he never trusted him with his kid, the reason being because he would never stop bothering him with how good he is with children if he did. Seungyoun was out of the discussion, and maybe since it was Dohyon’s first day the best was if he went to pick him up… he was driving crazy, until at the end he simply gave up, deciding that maybe he was overthinking it and maybe she didn’t remember the whole thing and was simply acting flustered because she remembered that he listened to her sing while being drunk. Yeah, that must have been it, for sure.
Time passed slow, his brain melting as he waited for the clock to hit the closure hour, jumping out of the car as he saw some kids getting out. He waited at the entrance, eyes scanning the place in hopes of finding her, his heart beating a little bit faster as he saw Dohyon being carried in her arms, feeling a bit jealous of the way she was staring at him with loving eyes while pinching his cheeks. As soon as he saw Hangyul, he let Dohyon on the ground, hurrying him to grab his coat and stepping in front of him, fists closed tight as she looked to have mustered all her courage.
His eyebrows shoot up at the simple greeting. “Ah, hi, yes, hello, I-I’m Hangyul, Dohyon’s father.”
“Yes, he talked about you quite a lot.” A cold shiver ran down his spine, hoping that whatever the child said was good. “I’m y/n, Dohyon’s teacher from now on.”
Her hand was extended between them, the slight tremble being too obvious and the shyness in her voice while pretending to be firm made him hide a smile, giving a soft grip to her hand and blushing as she bit his lip trying to hold back her giggle. Her attitude was so different from that one night, but it was still utterly adorable in his eyes.
“Could we exchange numbers? Just in case an emergency happens…” Ridiculous. Absolutely pathetic
“Ah, of course, we were going to ask the parents for them anyway.” Wait, it worked? “But, uh… the rest of the mothers seem to be taking a certain interest in you.”
“Are you jealous about it?” His voice dropped low, gulping when he realized what he had just said.
“Dad, what are you two talking about it? Can we go? I have to complete the activities before it’s time for my third meal.” And at times like these, Hangyul was thankful he had a small bundle of happiness to take him off awkward situations.
“Yes, it’s better if we go, you’re right.”
He walked with Dohyon to the entrance, telling him to go to the car as he turned around with the slight tapping on his shoulder.
“I might be jealous. A bit.” Her cheeks painted in the loveliest shade of red before skipping back to the building, picking up another of the kids that was crying.
Hangyul shook his head, smiling dumbfoundedly as he got in the car and immediately looking at his son.
“So you talked about me a lot today, huh?”
Dohyon denied it slowly. “I talked about uncle but my teacher kept asking about you.”
He was conflicted about whether he should be happy or sad, but decided to ignore that as his phone vibrated with a new message.
18:14 p.m.: Dohyon-ie already had his third meal.
18:14 p.m.: By the way, he kept asking if I tried ramen and chocolate?
Was this real enough?
18:16 p.m.: Maybe I can help you find out what he means one of these days?
He pressed his forehead against the steering wheel, ignoring for a while Dohyon complaints as he waited for a reply, his heart beating faster as the minutes went by.
Y/N (Future Love):
18:21 p.m.: Sounds like a good plan.
Whether he did a little celebration in the car was a secret between him and Dohyon, and maybe every single person that walked right in front of it.
“So, I need you to tell me about the recipe that uncle invented.”
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Yes, it ends abruptly and yes, I didn’t intend for it to be this long but still loved how it turned out. What a good daddy.
| Masterlist |
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tenglows · 4 years
sweet aftertaste
summary: it’s late at night and student!ten and his friends are left with nowhere to go; ending up at the bar where lounge singer!reader is performing.
inspired by halsey’s song and video “finally // beautiful stranger”
if you want to see an edit based on this, click here!
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“so what are we supposed to do now”
yangyang sighed and sat down on the sidewalk
being downtown at half past two am with nothing to do was definitely not in the boys’ plans.
but it was now, considering they had been kicked out of the house party for breaking an (apparently) very ancient porcelain vase
“it was totally sicheng’s fault though”
but no one really cared about who was at fault, there was no time for that.
what bothered them more was that no one wanted to go back to the dorms yet
but it wasn’t like they could just go and crash another party
they just know the people at their college
and well
the big party was that one, the one they surely didn’t dare to put a foot on again
ten kept looking around the deserted street no one was really familiar with while the others bickered in the back
he found it nice, even if it felt a little bit lonesome considering the hour and all the small houses showing no sign of corporality
there were no many shops in the block, and if they were, they were closed and dim
until ten caught sight of a small pub
a classic, old-fashioned with a wood design and a few hanging lights that were the only source of brightness in the view
he signaled his discovery to his friends and they all looked at each other for confirmation before excitedly nodding
they didn’t encounter themselves with a rousing ambience when they entered the bar. just a typical bored bartender and some grown men devouring peanuts and beer at the counter
ten’s eyes focused on a small stage, a guitar placed on the wood floor. some holes making it look like it was gonna collapse anytime soon
some of the others got themselves some beers and when they were in the middle of asking ten if he wanted something,
someone’s unknown steps made that floor crack. the slow screeches made ten’s gaze feel trapped in curiosity
it was you
a student who struggled to pay rent and had to resort to singing late at a local bar to generate any sort of income
it wasn’t always this late, though
but that day you also had to cover your coworker’s shift at your other job
and yeah, you could have just told the pub’s owner that you would just play the following night
but it wasn’t just about the money. the truth is that you loved singing. of course it wasn’t a lie that you would prefer to make more out of it,
but sometimes a heartfelt praise from a costumer was all you needed to get the energy to raise that guitar all over again
you were surprised at the sight of more people than you would have thought taking the hour and location of the place into account, but it also made a sigh of relief leave your mouth
after all, performing for an empty audience always left a bittersweet aftertaste in your stomach
you smiled at the expectating boys that looked around your same age
and one of them smiled back. you weren’t one to get nervous when performing, since you were more than very used to it
but somehow the way his face glowed when he smiled made you relax your fingers and grip, that you thought were already relaxed
you introduced yourself and started strumming the guitar
ten, meanwhile
had never seen a purer face
and each melody that left your mouth had him more lost, more captivated
he listened attentively at the lyrics you had mentioned you wrote yourself
you sang about your grandmother and the stories she'd tell you about living in germany. how her own grandfather would tell her that the freckles on her face resembled stars
you had such a way of talking about her that made ten's chest throb. in that moment, he believed that he knew her. how she seemingly always smelled like coconut and how she baked the most delicious cakes ever made. he imagined her living in germany and picking the same flowers every evening, her hair dancing with the wind even though in reality, he didn't even know which color it was.
the ballad ended with a final strum and at that point ten was convinced that the guitar was created solely with the purpose of being touched by your fingers.
of course he and the boys exploded in claps and cheering, the men he had noticed when they first entered joining them too
ten could swear he even saw johnny shedding a couple of tears
and it was understandable. you had something and ten wondered if you had the power to brush the strings of all their hearts at the same time you did so with the guitar.
ten eyed his friends and he pointed at you as he sat up from his chair
them smiling knowingly and telling him they would wait for him outside
"hey um" he started, his hands in his pockets as he went through posible ways of starting a conversation "my name is ten, and i really liked your performance"
he mentally shouted at himself for not being able to hold eye contact with you. he was not a shy person, he was actually very outgoing and had no trouble in meeting new people
it was funny, then. how for some reason you made him nervous and he oddly made you feel at ease
"thank you so much. i actually wrote that song not so long ago, my grandmother helped me"
and that's when it all started.
you talked to him a little bit more about your grandma and he told you he had a similar relationship with his aunt, sharing stories about each lovely woman
you found out he was a dance major and didn't hesitate to tell him that was admiring
he also guessed you were a music major, and commented that you were doing a great job if it was that easy to sense there was more than just natural talent in there. you apparented like you knew a lot about what inspires you
that made you feel content
and you also asked yourself how a stranger had successfully seen through you that much
but something about ten just felt right
and you weren't sure if it was your overflowing emotions, or the late hours of the night or the lack of sleep you had gotten lately
but before ten you had never seen a mouth that you would kill to kiss
after a bit more of chat, you and the beautiful stranger decided to exchange numbers since the bar was closing and ten had to go back to his friends
you had to come home to your roommates as well.
(the next day at work, your co-worker who you had covered was tripping over her words to apologize all over again. she knew that the change resulted in you performing at a later hour, and was scared that that might have been prejudicial for you.
you just hugged her with the biggest grin on your face. and thanked her. she had never seen you smile so wide)
for both of ten and you, it was good news that you kept in touch since then
you learned so much about ten in a short period of time.
he also sang (he had promised he would show you sometime. and once, as you were falling dozing off on the phone with him, he started singing a lullaby when he was convinced you were asleep. you totally weren't. and his voice was velvet through the line)
he loved to draw and he did it marvellously. he had showed you some of his artworks and you always begged for him to explain the meaning behind it. but in the majority of the cases, he himself didn't even know it
you also learned that he used way to many smiley faces when texting, that he drank iced tea as his life depended on it, and he always dreamt of the ocean.
you soon came to know that ten was the sort of person you learn new things about each day, and you never got tired of it
it was scary
you didn't have much experience feeling this things
this love things
you had had some crushes, of course. still, they were all innocent crushes who either faded into thin air or turned into short-lived flings
on top of that, you never were a scaredy-cat type of person
at least that was what you thought before ten,,
because now you had received a certain text from ten that made you drop in the trash the carrot you were peeling
"i want to see u tomorrow :("
"i have my two shifts ://" (you were never really one to use emoticons, but i guess that's one thing you inhabited from ten)
"i can go watch you perform, if you like"
"i would really like it"
so now it was friday and you found yourself almost at midnight, at the bar you knew perfectly, but now you felt as if it was a completely different and new space you had never breathed in before.
you were tapping your foot in the stage so much the floor was actually breaking down even more. you decided to stop, you couldn't afford being nervous over ten's pretty face
you tried to distract yourself fixing some last things on your guitar, when you heard someone getting up on stage with you
"woah, it feels nice seeing everything through here"
"i know right? i never get tired of audiences. i like knowing that for a few minutes everyone is aware and probably thinking about the same thing"
ten looked at you with shiny eyes. you were truly the only source of brightness in the view
you obviously had to include the grandma song when performing (ten sang along and some giggles escaped your lips).
and then proceeded to present a new song you had just finished retouching the night before
ten raised his eyebrow and he looked even more concentrated than before, probably thinking about how you hadn't mentioned any new song you were working on
the song was about him
about the wish of ten letting himself fall in your arms
and although the lyrics could be a little more straightforward, you knew ten would get it anyways
he always did.
you had finished and now the following jazz singer was filling the room with a tranquil euphony
ten asked you to dance, it was a slow song and your hands found their way to his shoulders, his hands steadily on your waist.
"the song was beautiful" and there was something in the way that he said it with a shy but cheeky tone that indicated that you were right, you knew he had realized. and you were more than glad than he did.
"you know, you can join me singing anytime. you said you liked how it felt"
"i wouldn't mind taking up that offer"
in that moment you knew
you knew that it was finally safe for you to fall.
you had sung about wanting ten to feel secure enough to let himself drown in your embrace, but what you didn't know
is that he had already fell
he had made himself at home in your arms and was waiting for you to open the door too. and now you had
so it went on
after day that, ten went to every single one of your performances
and you also went to see him whenever he had a dancing show
you praised him so much every time he looked like he had red dye all over his face
he had sung with you at the bar multiple times already,
all his friends coming to see the growth of the young romance
"you should be thanking me for breaking that stupid vase!!!!!" yeah - you really liked sicheng.
you never experienced that bittersweet aftertaste of an empty audience ever again
because now ten was always the audience,
and you were his
and that's all you needed.
he's right here now,
and you think he'll stay.
(also, ten soon became your grandma's favorite person to bake cakes for.)
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mobius-prime · 4 years
221. Sonic the Hedgehog #153
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Oh god, is Sonic, like… okay? Is he all right up there? What horrific manner of trouble did he get himself into this time to have his face become deformed like that? Also, I like how this cover implies that Sonic is being hunted down by someone shooting lasers or something, when literally nothing even close to the sort happens within the issue. I know it's perhaps getting a bit stale to point out every time the cover art doesn't reflect the stories inside, but dammit, it makes me laugh so I'm gonna keep doing it.
Songoose (Part 1 of 2)
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Jason Jensen
Eggman has a new agenda to enact. He's offered Nack the Weasel a large sum of money in exchange for assassinating someone very important within Knothole, and despite Nack's apparent reservations about waltzing into a place where he's wanted for quite a few crimes, he seems pretty jazzed to accept the offer nonetheless. Within Knothole, Sally has arranged a mock battle training exercise between the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix to strengthen team bonding and combat skills, and oversees the training along with General D'Coolette, discussing the various combatants' strengths and weaknesses.
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Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. In fact, at that moment they get a call from the king and queen, still halfway around the world, and apparently the king is also exhibiting similar symptoms to the general, prompting Sally to muse on whether their illnesses are related. She wonders if they should cut their trip short and return home, something which the king is against but the queen tentatively supports, but the conversation is interrupted when suddenly, the general seizes up and then collapses onto the ground. That's… probably not a good sign. Worse still, "Antoine" doesn't even seem to care, though of course we know why.
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So this is actually a plot point that's kept up throughout a lot of subsequent issues - apparently, Tails' crush on Fiona is still going strong, despite the fact that he literally "fell in love" with a robot duplicate of her which had nothing in common with the real her. It's honestly a very weird detail to seize upon, as while Fiona being a real person and a unique character in her own right is interesting, and the fact that she's joined the Freedom Fighters even more so, Tails trying to like… flirt with her and become her boyfriend is just a bizarre place to take it, especially considering the age difference. I mean, don't get me wrong, I know it's not uncommon for a kid to end up with a crush on an older teenager, but multiple writers from here on out write Tails as being actually infatuated with her and unable to "let her go" after her robot duplicate broke his heart. It just doesn't feel like Tails to me and it's frustrating, to say the least. But anyway, moving on, everyone agrees it's a good idea to go to Mina's concert tonight and disperse. Sonic catches up to Fiona and tries to explain that Tails looks up to her, but she just makes a snarky comment about Sonic being one to talk about respect given how he acted the other day towards her - yeah, apparently he still hasn't told everyone that it was his evil double flirting with all the girls. Also, we never actually saw Evil Sonic come on to Fiona before, but I guess it just happened offscreen. She then admits to him that she hated him for a long time for leaving her behind in Robotnik's prison camp all those years ago, but changed her mind after seeing him sacrifice himself for the planet during the Xorda invasion, making her realize that he never left her behind on purpose. Aww, that's actually nice! Fiona has the potential to be a really interesting and complex character, and, well, honestly she's one of my favorites of the later comics, so I'm glad to see her getting more screentime.
That night, Sonic and the others show up backstage at the venue to give Mina a friendly pep talk before her show. She hugs Sonic, thanking him for the encouragement, and Ash immediately becomes very jealous and butts in to remind everyone that he's Mina's boyfriend and band manager and that she needs to go to the stage now, prompting a clueless Sonic to wonder what his problem is. However, Mina's performance actually kind of reveals that Ash has a good reason to be suspicious of her interactions with Sonic, as the sappy, lovey-dovey lyrics of her songs all reference the color blue in various ways, and are clearly influenced by her previous infatuation with Sonic. But things aren't as happy and peaceful as they seem, as a suspicious figure lurks in the crowd…
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So Mina was Eggman's target, huh? Strangely enough, Nack, with a totally clear shot to the stage, misses and hits a tree several feet above and to the side of Mina. Like, it's not even played off as "oh, he was trying to make the tree fall on her, or someone bumped his elbow" or something - he just straight up misses for no reason, sets the tree on fire with the blast, and then tries to make a run for it. Some assassin you are, especially considering your alternate name is Fang the Sniper! Sonic, Bunnie, and Ash immediately race onstage to check on the startled but unharmed Mina, and Bunnie focuses on putting the fire out while Sonic races after Nack, catching and knocking him out easily. Nack wakes up hours later in Knothole's jail, where Sally and Sonic attempts to question him on his motives, and he decides to be all flippant and act like it's no big deal that he was caught, as he'd rather spend some time in prison than ruin his "cred" by giving up the name of his employer. I'm sorry, Nack, but what freaking cred are you even talking about? Like what, are you gonna go around telling prospective employers that your skill set includes missing a target forty feet away, setting a random tree on fire, and then immediately getting arrested? Sally merely points to the cell across from him, where he's quite perturbed to see the three other weasel associates who helped him kidnap her a year ago, and she invites him to go ahead and spend his time in jail sharing space with them after he knowingly left them to take the fall for his failed plan. Of course, he spills the beans on Eggman immediately.
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Well… I suppose that's not even out of character for Eggman, considering his original counterpart also hated music. Sally decides to assign Sonic as Mina's personal bodyguard for now, while the other Freedom Fighters keep an eye out at the next night's concert to make sure nothing comes near Mina. Ash isn't pleased at all with Sonic being close to his girl, and stomps off, with a bemused Sonic commenting to Mina that he's pretty sure her boyfriend doesn't like him. Gee, what gave you that idea, Sonic? Sally's caution is warranted, however, as back in New Megaopolis we see Eggman preparing his next plan of attack in the wake of Nack's abysmal failure - he's rebuilt Heavy and Bomb, and is ready to sic them on Mina! Man, it's been a while since we saw those guys, huh? Now that I think about it, after they got reprogrammed by Eggman before, Sonic just kind of straight up killed them when they tried to attack the royal family, and no one seemed upset about it at all. Well, maybe with them back, they'll get a chance to be freed and find redemption… or maybe the writers still don't care and they'll get fridged again. Guess we just gotta wait and see!
Fairy Tale (or the Adventures of Pirate Sally)
Writer: Romy Chacon Pencils: Art Mawhinney Colors: Josh Ray
Wow, it's been quite some time since we last had a "telling a bedtime story based on real events in the storyline to kids" episode, huh? Apparently, Rosie's three young charges have caught a bad cold, and as she brings them medicine to try to help them sleep they all start begging for her to tell them a story. She's reluctant, claiming she's not good at stories, but relents when they persist in asking. She invents a magical world of pirates and wizards, where the "Elfen Fox" falls onto "Pirate Sally" and "B-Bot's" ship, having had one of his two magical tails stolen by the "Rogue Assassin," who doesn't really live up to her name if all she's doing is going around stealing things. Man, what is it with wildly ineffective assassins this issue? Pirate Sally and B-Bot decide to help out the fox, and along the way meet their new allies Ant the Foole and the Blue Knight, who help them defeat various baddies based on the main villains of the comic's storyline. Finally, they make it to the Evil Wizard Kintobor's lair, whom they fight against as a team and help the Elfen Fox take back his missing tail.
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I actually love this story, entirely because of the way the kids just start roasting Rosie's storytelling skills as soon as the whole thing is over. Hey, look on the bright side Rosie - now that they're preoccupied with coming up with a way to fix your terrible story, they won't be pestering you for more anytime soon!
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borisbubbles · 5 years
2010s Eurovision: 365-361
365. Amaia & Alfred - “Tu canción” Spain 2018
[2018 Review]
God, Tu Canción was so awkward. Both of their voices are pretty jarring to me, especially when put together, but the real weak point here is the romance at the nexus of this borefest. Or rather, lack thereof. It really is remarkable that, even though Amaia & Alfred were a in a relationship at the time, they are barely a step above Nodi & Sophie (who weren’t a couple as much as they are people) in terms of genuine affection? 
And then of course I remembered that Alfred started courting Amaia once it became clear she would win OT and rep Spain in ESC 🙃 while Amaia had no attention for Alfred whatsoever (her profile vid not even mentioning him, while showering fellow contestant AITANA with infinite praise lolol) 🙃 and of course once they got together they constantly probed both press people and fellow contestants about whether they liked them and/or their song 🙃 I think this is one of the few fairy tales where the happy ending WAS indeed the break up, which happened, as everyone should’ve predicted, well before the end of the year. 
Now if someone could give me the lowdown of Amaia x Aitana because *that* budding romance is one definitely worth shipping~
364. Tamara Gachechiladze - “Keep the faith” Georgia 2017
[2017 Review here] BORING AND PREACHY. Good lord. What could I even add to that cover-all description, honestly? It’s annoying and life-ending. 
"Keep the faith” also is one of those ~Tasteful Ballads With Deep Meaning~, however I’ve spotted that it has two of the defining characteristics of Basic Bitchdom: 1) its ‘deep meaning’ kept changing as time went on (from Anti-War to Female Empowerment lol) (and honestly, if you’re willing to completely overhaul what your song is about without changing the lyrics, then what relevance does your message even hold?) 2) the peppering of “cool moments” throughout the staging which weren’t cool at all, and bordered on lame. I already mentioned the off-screen cape throw in my 2018 review, so I’ll leave you with this ineffective and not-special special effect:
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Sacha Jean-Baptiste gotta Sabotage Baptiste, y’all.
363. Maria Elena Kyriakou - “One last breath” Greece 2015
One of those songs that I have chalked down as “Offensively boring/boringly offensive” in my notes. There are plenty of dull, lifeless “power ballads” such as this one, none of them even remotely engaging, but this one has to the blandest of them all. I think it’s supposed to rip off “Rise like a phoenix” but it does such a poor job at this I’m not even fully certain. What I do know is that “One last breath” takes the *dullest* characteristics of any Céline Dion song and adds to the mix poor diction, a generic story and no act whatsoever. 
This makes for some of the most inert three minutes I had to sit through in this decade (if you too have ADD, you’ll understand exactly WHY I find endless ballads so aaaaagonizing especially when I have to PAY ATTENTION for ranking purposes ugh ugh ugh) and for that reason, I’ll gladly chuck it onto the Hate pile :) 
362.  Julia Samoylova - “I won’t break” Russia 2018
[2018 Review here] This is such an awkward entry to be writing about. I have no problem with sending disabled people to Eurovision in itself, but it for some reason it never works out? There’s always *some* fallacy that makes the overall experience uncomfortable and/or boring to sit through. I am more patient with the challenged entrants than most people are though, so in case you’re wondering, I *won’t* be ranking “Aina mun pitää” anytime soon. Such charity I will NOT be granting to Miss Julia Samoylova however. The song is rubbish, the staging weird and distracting, the singing shockingly subpar for someone with so much talent. "I won’t baaaaaaaaake” was a trainwreck, and  painful to sit through.
However, what bothers me the most is the backstory. 
You see, despite Wiwi’s protestations that Julia wasn’t a pawn used by Russia’s self-serving government (I would protest the same if they gave me 1K worth of formaldehyde), she 100% totally was. Russia chose her because they wanted to clown Ukraine and paint them as heartless antagonists in their conflict. It was a petty, politically-motivated decision on their behalf and Julia herself was not only fully aware, she was also a-okay with it. She even performed in Crimea on the night of the 2017 semifinal!! So while part of me feels really sorry for Julia’s humiliating herself in front of millions of people, I can only show so much mercy to a Putin puppet, sorry!
361. Rambo Amadeus - “Euro neuro” Montenegro 2012
Lol, what is this even? It barely counts as a song; if I’m honest. It’s like... a lot of random anti-financial crisis scat? The most notable thing about “Euro Neuro” is that it’s one of the wittiest Eurovision entries while simultaneously being one of the *least* funny. I don’t hate it, I think? But I also cannot get through it without cringing, so bye. 
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softpink · 6 years
A Year on Spotify: 2017
100. Fat Lip - Sum 41 - I can’t believe this song invented music.
It’s none of your concern, I guess I’ll never learn I’m sick of being told to wait my turn
99. Energy - Drake - I love being part white.  This was a go to gym song when I was in a bad mood, which was A LOT over the summer.
I got girls in real life trying to fuck up my day, fuck going online that ain’t part of my day
98. Bad Girls - M.I.A. - Erin and I always listen to this song while driving anywhere together, even though we are the two least bad people I know.
Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well
97. Nerve - The Story So Far - You know, I used to always complain about how the self titled was their worst album.  In the past year, I have found that I actually like this album better than What You Don’t See. You set your pace, I’ll keep mine too
96. Seventy Times Seven - Brand New - Too bad Jesse Lacey is a TRASH CAN and Brand New is CANCELLED.  I’ve honestly just stopped listening to Brand New near the end of 2017.  Too many of the song (Maradona, Sudden Death, Sic Transit Gloria, etc) made me TOO uncomfortable. This song is still better than There’s No “I” In Team tho Have another drink and drive yourself home, I hope there’s ice on all the roads And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt, and again when your head goes through the windshield
95. Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac - This song STILL slaps.  I’ve never cheated on someone, I’ve never been cheated on, but damn this entire makes feel like I’ve done both of those thing excessively.
Loving you isn’t the right thing to do How can I ever change things that I feel?
94. There, There - The Wonder Years - This is my PEAK anxiety song.  I’ve never had a song that encapsulates what my specific anxieties feel like so well.
I’ve got my heart strung up on clothing lines through tenement windows in mid-July
93. Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift - This song is so GOOD. Have you ever been hooking up with someone in secret? Ever had to end things with someone when you didn’t want to? Ever only have fond memories of someone? This is the song for YOU.  I remember listening to this song a lot freshman year of college in the fall, how long ago that seems.
Say you’ll remember me, standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe Red lips and rosy cheeks, say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams
92. Goodmorning - Bleachers - I am pretty sure I dream about Mike more than anyone in my friend group.  I will have these intense, real dreams where I can feel him.  I will have hazy, abstract dreams where maybe I can’t see him, but I wake up and I know he’s there.  I have nightmares about the accident.  I have dreams that are just a movie reel of our old memories.  Sometimes it’s wonderful, getting visited by him, but sometimes it can almost be debilitating.  This song captures that feeling perfectly.
Woke up, I’m in the inbetween, honey One foot out and I know the weight is coming, because I left it by the bed last night Open my eyes, and I stare and pray for light Always one foot out when you say goodbye to the one that you love, one dream away from the  ones above That’s such a rhythm in my life these days, so I hold on tight and I learn to behave
91. Using - Sorority Noise - Not gonna kill myself 2k17
I stopped wishing I was dead, learned to love myself before anyone else
90. Bugatti (Remix) - Ace Hood - This is a defining song of my friendship with Will.
I’mma say this, fuck it I’ll say it: if you got good pussy you should always have your rent paid
89. Falling In Love Again - Joyce Manor - I remember when I had my first time with Michael, this song was stuck in my head.  I remember his sports themed wallpaper border in his old bedroom.  I remember looking at the streetlights reflecting off of his window pane.  I remember total bliss.  I remember his soft kisses, how held me so close afterwards.
I think you’re funny, I like your friends, I like the way the treat you I’ve got some money that we could spend, not that you’re like that I’m falling in love again I’m falling in love again
88. Nasty Habits - You Me At Six - I miss old YMAS. I wish Night People wasn’t wannabe Black Keys junk.
I’ve got you breathing all heavy and deep, gasping for air and down on your knees You’re in love for only as long as you want to
87. Shimmer - Moose Blood - I remember sending this to Molly, I want to send her my deepest apologies.  This song is so sad, I’m glad it doesn’t apply to my life anymore.
It’s been awhile since I saw you You don’t look the same, you taste different too
86. Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen - This was the first song we listened to on the DC roadtrip.  That was one of the best weekends of my life, I can’t wait for all the places Maddy, Will, and I go in the future.
Oh baby, take me to the feeling I’ll be your sinner in secret When the lights go out, run away with me
85. Something Right - Microwave - This song makes me irrationally sad?
Last night you told me you were pregnant My throat collapsed, I couldn’t breathe You said there’s a little man inside you, who looks a little bit like me
84. Reckless Love - Bleachers - I love having to come to terms with emotional and sexual abuse! People fucking suck!
So give me a chance to remember, what I’ve given up to defend you I have burned my dreams away, to stand in the broken shadows of your reckless love
83. You Tore Out My Heart - Tiny Little Houses - I remember listening to this a lot in August.  August was a hard month.
I’m so tired of being afraid, and I’m so sick of wasting away And there’s no truth in whatever you say You tore my heart out again and again
82. The Let Down - Seaway - This is their best song
Oh it’s all the same, if you feel the same we’ll never change
81. Meet Me In the Hallway - Harry Styles - THIS! ALBUM! DESERVED! MORE! It’s so good.  It’s the best thing anyone post split has put out.  I listened to this album non stop when it came out.  This song sounds like a dream I’ve had in the past.  This song sounds like hoping for that late night text, this song sounds like longing.
We don’t talk about it, it’s something we don’t do Because once you go without it, nothing else will do
80. Closer - Chainsmokers - I know everyone hates this song but I like this song whoops
Four years no call, now I’m looking pretty in a hotel bar
79. Local Man Ruins Everything - The Wonder Years - This song has gotten me through every single rough patch in my life.  Anytime that I’ve needed to move on from something in life, this is THE song.
I don’t have roses in the closet, but I’ve got pictures in a drawer It’s everything left in me not to stare at them anymore
78. I Think I You Were In My Profile Picture Once - Modern Baseball - This song used to remind me vaguely of Scott way back in the day, but now it is purely a Mike song.  I remember laying in my bedroom with all the lights off after the funeral and just listening to this song. It’s funny how drastically things can change.
Covered in bottles with the stench of a loss of life And I know that it’s quite heartbreaking we won’t speak like this again
77. Blissth - Sorority Noise - Emotional trauma: the song
You’ll always be like a nightmare to me, and I’ll always be begging for sleep
76. Don’t Take the Money - Bleachers - Do you ever have a song that just makes you feel alive? This is that song.
You steal the air out of my lungs, you make me feel it
75. 10 Bands - Drake - This is the best song off of If You’re Reading This… This is THE Drake song to listen to while driving in rain at night when you’re pissed off.  I can’t tell you how many times this summer I would drive around blasting this song being pissed off.  Also, my favorite lyric to this song? Iconic.
My ex asked me “where you moving?” I said onto better things
74. I Wish You Would - Taylor Swift - I don’t remember listening to this that much this year? This was a genuine surprise to see.  I DID listen to this a lot in the early fall of 2015, when things were in a weird place with Scott.  Once again, that feels so long ago geez.  I remember feeling like this song was all I was ever going to feel like.  Thank God for moving on, Thank God for change.
It’s 2 A.M. in your car, you pass my street, the memories start You say it’s in the past, you drive straight ahead You’re thinking that I hate you now because you still don’t know what I never said I wish you would come back, wish I never hung up the phone like I did I wish you knew that, I’ll never forget you as long I live
73. 505 - Arctic Monkeys - Has a song ever given you anxiety, made you sad, and made you want to get laid all at the same time?
But I crumble completely when you cry, it seems like once again you have to greet me with goodbye
72. Chicago Is So Two Years Ago - Fall Out Boy - This song makes me want to punch every person who has ever wronged me DIRECTLY in the face. You want apologies? Girl you might hold your breath until your breathing stops, forever The only thing you’ll get is this curse on your lips, I hope they taste of me forever
71. Out of the Woods - Taylor Swift - I love Bleachers.  Anyway, I love to listen to this song while driving by myself late at night, it’s a very surreal feeling.
Looking at it now, last December We were built to fall apart, then fall back together
70. Dakota - A Rocket to the Moon - If Molly or Bethany is in the car, this song is never skipped.  I miss power pop.
I know that she barely knows me, and I’m fake in love with her It’s like I’m singing karaoke, and I forgot the second verse, but I can make up my own words
69. Harvard - Diet Cig - Remember when my ex, who I hadn’t spoken to in YEARS decided to send me a long ass message apologizing for shit that I no longer desired an apology for? Remember when this happened in a fucking Denny’s? Remember when at the end of the message, he somehow managed to make it all about himself and his annoying ass liberal arts school in the woods of Vermont? 2017 was the year of people not being able to Leave Me Alone.
Does it feel better in your ivy league sweater? Put your work shoes on, and talk about her at your shitty job. Does it feel better in that cold Boston weather? Fuck your ivy league sweater, you know I was better.
68. Corrigan - Sorority Noise - I remember listening to this song while driving to the job I hated.  This song has nothing to do with working a dead end desk job, but I always seem to associate it with that?
I will never be the one you need I only hope to be the solid ground beneath your feet I will never be the turning of your leaves I only hope to be the one you call when you can’t sleep
67. Fall Into These Arms - New Politics - This was also a surprise, I don’t remember listening to this a lot this year.  It is on a lot of my playlists because it’s catchy af, so that must be why it made the list.  I remember listening to this in fall of 2015 (honestly, what WASN’T I listening to a lot in fall of 2015) while feeling like I was drowning in poor choices.
Fall into these arms, and spend the night with a stranger like me
66. Style - Ryan Adams - This song is HOT. Also my favorite line really resonates with me. This has been in my top 100 since 2015 when this came out, it’s SO good.
You’ve got that long brown hair thing that I like You’ve got that good girl faith and ass so tight
65. Right Back At It Again - A Day To Remember - Wow I love being emo? This song always reminds me of the Cheektowaga gang.
So here I am, right back at it again, just like I always said
64. Pretense - Knuckle Puck - There are about five KP songs total that I enjoy, but this song SLAPS. This was another song that I would listen to a lot in August of this year.
Consider this the repercussion of the actions you were never properly punished for Due to an overbearing demeanor brought on by your own self awareness Your credibility is a half empty glass of salt water that I watched you spill over and over and over again Go ahead, make me the bad guy
63. Grapefruit - Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties - This is THE SADDEST SONG TO EVER BE WRITTEN.  I listened to this whole album a lot throughout this year, it’s such a good depression album.
In all my dreams, I’m in the house that I grew up in I’m trying to be half the man I know my dad is, or was I see me as a father, looking over a daughter Who grew up to be just like you, and now It’s just a thread I can’t hold onto It’s just an open wound
62. HUMBLE. - Kendrick Lamar - This was a go to gym song for the first half of the year, but honestly by the second half of the year I was way more into DNA.
Girl, I can buy your ass the world with my paystub
61. Doses & Mimosas - Cherub - Lol @ the time I went to a RAVE in 2017.  As someone who has never done drugs and doesn’t plan to, I don’t think I will be going to a rave ever again.  I did watch someone do cocaine right next to me in the middle of Town Ballroom.  Shit was wild.  Anyway, Cherub sucked live but I still love this song?
To all the bitch ass hoes who hate me the most, I hate you too
60. Your Graduation - Modern Baseball - This is another one of those songs that I thought I would be stuck living for the rest of my life.  I remember listening to this song on a constant loop for MONTHS my junior year of high school.  I remember making Scott listen to this when we were both very drunk, and for the first time in his life he actually APOLOGIZED to me.  NOW, fast forward to 2017 this is just a song that I like to jam out to.  I love positive growth, I hope I have even more of it in the coming year.
You weren’t the only one who thought of us that way I spend most nights awake, wide awake I never thought that I, that I would see the day Where I just let you go, let you walk away
59. Hands On Me - Ariana Grande - I’m gay
Skirt off, keep the high heels on
58. You Are In Love - Taylor Swift - The first time I heard this song, I cried so hard. It is truly Michael and I in a song. It’s so perfectly us.  It’s so beautiful.  Every single word in this song resonates with the both of us so much. I remember laying in his bed with him late at night, and he just held me while we listened to this song together.  I’m so corny, I love my boyfriend so much.
Morning, his place.  Burnt toast, Sunday. You keep his shirt, he keeps his word. And for once you let go of your fears and your ghosts. One step, not much, but it said enough. You kiss on sidewalks, you fight, and you talk One night he wakes, strange look on his face Pauses and says “you’re my best friend” And you knew what it was, he is in love
57. I’m The Best - Nicki Minaj - Whenever I want to drop out of school, I think about how disappointed Nicki would be, and I keep chugging along.
To all my bad bitches, I can see your halo
56. The Downfall Of Us All - A Day To Remember - It’s 2017 and this song still slaps
Duh duh duh duh duhduhduhduh duh duh duh duhduhduhduh 55. We All Float Down Here - Four Year Strong - It’s 2017 and this song ALSO still slaps.  I regret not going to their 10 year tour this past year, smh.
Too bad you never did have the guts to know where your heart should go
54. Septemberism - Man Overboard - This is song is the face of the early 10’s pop punk movement.  This the best pop punk song that will ever be written.  I only own Man Overboard merch. I remember feeling the floor buckle underneath us at Webster when they played this on the farewell tour.
I hate you, you should have picked up the phone tonight
53. If It Means A Lot To You - A Day To Remember - WOW I LOVE BEING EMO.  Remember when Molly and I were both crying to this song during their set and NO ONE noticed?
I swear I’ll never be happy again, and don’t you dare say we can just be friends
52. She’s Out Of Her Mind - Blink-182 - California is a bad album, but this is a great song.  It always reminds me of my sister, I can’t wait till she moves back to Buffalo.  It’s not the same without her around.
She’s got a black shirt, black skirt, and Bauhaus stuck in her head.
51. Out Of The Woods - Ryan Adams - This is better than the Taylor version, and the Taylor version is one of my all time favorite songs.  This songs sounds so different than the original.  It sounds so hopeless and SAD.
Two paper airplanes, flying, flying…..
50. Second Letter From St. Julien - Sorority Noise - While on the drive to the Sorority Noise concert: “Hey Maddy, what if they open with Second Letter?” “Nah they wouldn’t do that.” As you can imagine, that is exactly what happened.
And if you’re with God, am I making you proud by waking up each day?
49. The Waterboy Returns - Modern Baseball - For reasons unknown, I would always listen to this while driving to school this semester.  I can’t tell you why.  This song is a Mike song, so I was rolling up to 8 AM nursing lab in tears lmao.
It’s been a lifetime since we spoke last, I have a thousand things to say
48. Appointments - Julien Baker - This song makes me feel like I’m drowning, but in the best way.  The entire album was my favorite of 2017 and I am sure that every song will be in my most played of 2018.  She’s just too good.
Nothing turns out like I pictured it, maybe the emptiness is just a lesson in canvases
47. St. Joe Keep Us Safe - Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties - As a born and raised Catholic who is very close with their parents, this song makes me an unmeasurable amount of sad
I’m sorry Aaron, I know this year has been hard. If you’re hurt then you’re hurt, no I won’t make it worse, I’m always in your corner
46. Too Good - Drake - This is one of two good songs of Views.  
You’ve got somebody other than me Don’t play the victim when you’re with him
45. Feeling This - Blink-182 - This song makes me feel very sad, and brings me back to the summer when I was sixteen, depressed, and making terrible life choices
Fate fell short this time, your smile fades in the summer
44. Sundress - Tiny Moving Parts - This song reminds me of Robin and The Boys Cabin Trip 2017.  It was SO much fun this year.  It was a weekend of absolute fucking around.  We swam in the lake, we kayaked, we shot off BB guns, we cooked meals together and just bonded. Making jungle juice, playing pong in the yard, shooting off fireworks, popping champagne and getting Owen a graduation cake, doing shots of expensive tequila. Ben spending the night wrapped around the toilet, cleaning up plastic cups while everyone was still asleep in the morning because I was only one awake early in the morning.  Doing the Tops bottle return of shame, with a cart full of rattling bottles and cans.  I loved every second of that weekend.  I love that I’m still close with my high school friends, I love that I can still call them some of my best friends in life even if we don’t see each other too often.
Grab my hand let’s dance, like we used to in high school These are the golden years, let’s spend them holding beers One hand on the can, one hand in your hand, that’s my idea of romance I love you, at least I used to
43. From the Dining Table - Harry Styles - Wow I miss Haylor. This song is sad, like most songs I listen to, go figure.
Maybe one day you’ll call me and tell me that you’re sorry too Even my phone misses your call, by the way
42. Back to Back - Drake - Look, this summer was a whole bunch of bullshit and I’m glad it’s behind me
Trigger fingers turn to twitter fingers
41. Break Your Heart Right Back - Ariana Grande - This is an UNDERRATED Ariana song. It’s catch af, this was also a go to gym song this year.
I should have saw it coming, I should have saw the signs But I wanted to believe you, just you, you said you wouldn’t lie
40. Fourth of July - Fall Out Boy - All of my favorite FOB songs are written about Mikey Way
I wish I’d known how much you loved me, I wish I cared enough to know I’m sorry every song’s about you The torture of small talk with someone you used to love
39. Your Best Friend - Seaway - I lied, this is Seaway’s best song.  A great song for when you’re annoyed with people who you don’t want in your life anymore.
I hate when you whisper to me that you think you should be the one who could be taking me home Because you’ve got problems, and I never asked to solve them
38. Forever - Drake - I LOVE BASKETBALL
37. Touch It - Ariana Grande - This concert with Maddy was an out of body experience honestly.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  This also started our tradition of post concert Jim’s.  This was one of the best days of 2017.
Remind me why we’re taking a break, it’s obviously insane Because we both know what we want, so why don’t we fall in love?
36. It’s Okay - Pentimento - Personal growth: the song
And it haunts me, every single world you said But I never thought I’d say this….it’s okay
35. The Place That You Love - Have Mercy - Being lied to sucks, I listened to this song a lot when all of that shit hit the fan.
So why’d you do it? Why are you selfish? Why can’t I trust you anymore? Where’s the sorry? No pity party, when you come and knock on my door
34. Moonlight - Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman is a pop masterpiece, also I love my mans
He’s so bossy, he makes me dance Trying to sit in the back of his whip and just cancel my plans Sweet like candy, but he’s such a man
33. Cool - Gwen Stefani - Fun fact: The first time I realized I was attracted to women was when I watched this music video! Also this song is the ULTIMATE at peace with your ex song, and I am really happy to say that I believe I’ve reached that level of zen in my life
And I’ll be happy for you, if you can be happy for me Circles and triangles, and now we’re hanging out with your new girlfriend So far from where we’ve been, I know we’re cool
32. Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift - This is honestly the worst song off of Reputation, but I was just very excited when she released new music so I listened to it a whole bunch regardless
Maybe I got mine but you’ll all get yours
31. Heart Out - The 1975 - This song reminds me of the couple months between when Michael and I met, and when we actually started dating.  Specifically reminds me of the night of The Wonder Years show, March 5th 2016.  I remember him having his arm around me in Town Ballroom and feeling like everything was right in the world.
You’ve got something to say, why don’t you say it outloud? Instead of living in your head
30. Your Deep Rest - The Hotelier - This is one of my all time favorite songs.  This song punches me in the goddamn face every time I hear it
Your lack of love for your dearself is sapping all of us here out Trace your roots back to the ground, work out the problem for yourself
29. Thinking About You - Ariana Grande - I cried during this song at the concert.  This song is about masturbating.
Had me arching my back, had my eyes rolling back Now you love me so good, I wish you would hurry up and come back
28. Me vs.The Highway - The Wonder Years - Remember when they only played this at the Buffalo date? I almost blacked out, I was so excited.
I remember me at eighteen Naked in your parent’s basement, young and careless, watching you blow smoke rings
27. Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper - That Park & Rec scene with April and Ann singing this? Yep.
If you’re lost you can look and you will find me, time after time
26. Solo - The Story So Far - This is the best song off of the self titled don’t @ me
I wish you’d just call, and we could hash it out I could tell you what I’m so mad about
25. Disappeared - Sorority Noise - No song has ever explained long term grief like this one
I let my hair down today, and I took a shower for the first time in what felt like weeks
24. Happy Birthday - Tiny Moving Parts - I don’t smoke weed, but this song definitely makes me feel like I do
Getting stoned in the back of a car, you have no idea where you are But you’re satisfied with life, and you don’t think twice of it
23. New Scream - Turnover - I’m really glad I’m finally in a field of study that I feel confident and happy in.  When I was in the transition between Fredonia and nursing school, I was stressed out and sad. I felt so lost, and I would listen to this song all of the time for that year of my life.
Adolescent dreams gave to adult screams Paranoid that I won’t have all the things they say I need
22. Better Man - Little Big Town - I can’t believe Taylor Swift wrote one of her all time best songs and GAVE THAT SHIT AWAY!!!
You’re jealousy, I can hear it now.  You’re talking down to me, like I’ll always be around You push my love away like it’s some kind of loaded gun, boy you never thought I’d run Sometimes in the middle of the night, I can feel you again But I just miss you and I just wish you were a better man
21. 6 God - Drake - Another go to gym song AND driving around while in a bad mood song.  This was Drake’s last good album smh
And just like every single other thing in my life, you can have her when I’m finished
20. Die For You - The Weekend - Do you really get in a fight with your partner if you don’t listen to this song?
Even though we’re going through it, and it makes you feel alone Just know that I would die for you
19. Humming - Turnover - Molly told me to listen to this song when Michael and I started dating, because in her words “it’s the ultimate lovers song.” and holy fuck, she was right.
Show me why you’re always smiling, laugh again and make me fall in love
18. Settle Down - The 1975 - This is the best song off of the self titled, no question
You’re cold and I burn, I guess I’ll never learn
17. Wild Heart - Bleachers - Strange Desire as a whole is a very important album to me.  It really got me through Mike’s death, and continues to to do this day
Now everything has changed, and it’s only you that matters I will find anyway to your wild heart
16. IV. Sweatpants - Childish Gambino - I think I listened to this every single day in the month of August, holy shit.
You’re faker than some sweet and low
15. Our Apartment - Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties - I remember being SUPER SICK at this concert, and Michael took care of me so well the whole time. I love my peach so much oh my God.
I found enough of your hairpins to build you a monument, a statue to loneliness
14. I’m Serious, I’m Sorry - Jeff Rosenstock - The lyric I’m about to share is my autobiography and I’m going to get the entire thing tattooed down my ribs like the Jasey Rae girl. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve screamed this bridge in my car while driving by myself down the 990.
Were you supposed to not go to college? Stay in your mom’s house on the computer Googling grief cures, talking to no one Waiting for life to start feeling better Waiting for pain to not be a constant
13. A Change Of Heart - The 1975 - Such a good “I’ve moved on” song
You used to have a face straight out a magazine, now you just look like anyone
12. …Ready For It? - Taylor Swift - I’m gay
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby
11. Two Ghosts - Harry Styles - WOW I MISS HAYLOR
We’re not who we used to be We’re just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
10. I Don’t Fuck With You - Big Sean - I’m so glad this made the top ten. Thank you to Big Sean for CLEANSING us with this song.
Everyday I wake up celebrating shit, why? Because I just dodged a bullet from a crazy bitch
9. I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers - This song has been integral in me coming to terms with grief and bettering myself as a person.  This is the ultimate hype track.
I chase that feeling of an eighteen year old who didn’t know what loss was
8. Love Me - The 1975 - This is the song that really got me into The 1975
A decline in the standards are what we accept
7. One Last Time - Ariana Grande - This is the most underrated of all of her singles, smh.  It’s so good?
I don’t really care if you’ve got her in your heart I really care is you wake up in my arms So one last time, I need to be the one who takes you home
6. Your Ex-Lover Is Dead - Stars - This song takes my breath away. It’s so fucking real, it’s so accurate. I love this song so much, I’m surprised it isn’t higher on this list to be honest.
It’s nothing but time and a face that you lose I chose to feel it and you couldn’t choose I’ll write you a postcard I’ll send you a note, from the house down the road from real love Live through this, and you won’t look back There’s one thing I want to say, so I’ll be brave You were what I wanted, I gave what I gave I’m not sorry I met you, I’m not sorry it’s over I’m not sorry there’s nothing to save
5. No Halo - Sorority Noise - This song reminds me of Shawn, I think about how he didn’t come home for Mike’s funeral a lot.  This whole album meant a lot to me, and Citizen cancelling their show and Sorority Noise playing a full set is one of the best things that happened to me in 2017.
So when you show up to my funeral, will you be wearing white or black?
4. Sex - The 1975 - I didn’t realize I listened to this much 1975 this year, lol
Now we’re on the bed in my room, and I’m about to fill his shoes But you say no, you say no
3. Bonfire - Childish Gambino - I listened to this during every workout I did this year, it’s such a pump up song
Tell me how I suck again my memory is hazy
2. Somebody Else - The 1975 - This song sounds like Depeche Mode and I am in love with it.  It’s so pretty, and my sister and I would listen to it together all of the time.
I’m looking through you while you’re looking through your phone and then leaving with somebody else I don’t want your body, but I hate to think about you with somebody else
1. Cutting My Fingers Off - Turnover - Let the record show that if Michael and I ever break up, you can find me on my bedroom floor listening to this on an endless loop
To make you go, to make you go, I never wanted to make you go You might be a stranger now, but I just wanted to let you know that I meant what I said
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furederiko · 4 years
After a brief detour through Shanghai, London, and Berlin, it's time to land on Dai Teikoku Gekijou once again. The stage is set for our main cast to take the spotlight! Furthermore, these 5 songs (Track 7 to 11), are representative of each character's personality, traits, or even backstory (so... SPOILER alert?). Basically, the meat of this album. You'll likely hear these tunes in full once you've successfully secured their solo endings, right? And throughout, the BGM version usually accompanies them during the playthrough. Let the song show begins!
Otome Nandesu yo (I'm a Maiden) by. Sakura Amamiya (Ayane Sakura)
First on the lineup, is the leading lady herself, Sakura. And, I'm not sure how to put it, but from a purely subjective viewpoint, it's my LEAST favorite of this set. Elise left a big shoe to fill following her one-woman Opera. And Sakura just couldn't keep it together, that we had to step down into an idol-mode or some sort. Sorry, no offense to idol fans out there! Different people, different tastes, and my idol phase had gone over the rainbow. If I have to be honest, I only heard the short MV I posted above (first one released) only a few times, before forgetting about it completely. I can't really understand why. Perhaps, it sounded generic? Sakura Shinguuji's image songs weren't a stand out in "Sakura Taisen" and "Sakura Taisen 2" either. Nevertheless, I enjoyed both "Sakura" and "Haru ga Kuru". I have even recorded my own covers for those two songs! They told the tale of naivety and sincerity, of a country girl who went to the big city and burdened with the fate to be a hero. Comparing those to New Sakura's solo is unnecessarily unfair, but it also can't be helped. What is the message of this song? It's about a girl who reunites with her childhood friend (Captain Seijuurou, who else). But she's no longer fond of the idea of him seeing her as a younger sister figure. But she couldn't say it, because *drumrolls*, she's now a maiden. My memory is fuzzy, but I believe Kouhei Tanaka-sensei had already confirmed that this is, in fact, an "Imouto" song. Hence the reason why my interest is not that high. Fortunately, the song took a delightful tone the moment that harmonica came along (which was after the first chorus, on the 1:30 mark). I actually DID enjoy it more because of it. I also liked the bridge part, and how the final result sounded less like a pop song. But that final line? Why did it feel needy and/or desperate? *sigh* Oh well, at least Sakura already did wonders with "Shin GEKITEI". I admit Part 3 doesn't really start off on the right foot. But worry not! It definitely gets better...
Onna!! Matsuri no Kokoro Iki (Woman!! The Spirit of the Festival) by. Hatsuho Shinonome (Maaya Uchida)
Time to get fired up again! And seriously, I dare you not to shake your body or smile as soon as this song begins. Because you certainly would! On a glance, this sounded and showed the traces of being the Kanna Kirishima's style of the new generation. But with one obvious twist: It's... AWESOME!!! Kanna is a good character, but her solo numbers rarely appealed to my taste. Suffice to say, this song took the best parts of her numbers and blended it into one spot. I've always loved this song ever since the MV came out. And this full, almost-5-minutes, version with extra arrangements just sounded... MINDBLOWING. One would argue that a bulk of this song was instrumental, with Maaya Uchida as the Matsuri's (Festival) Miko shouting her commanding cues. That is undeniably true. But listen closely, and you'll get why I or anyone would dig this. If you have been keeping up with me, you'll know that traditional tunes from various countries fascinate me. So it should come natural that I'm a sucker to festival songs like this. Especially with that mix of heavy metal rock guitar building up towards the dynamic duo of the energizing Taiko beat and an iconic whistling of Shakuhachi that added the authenticity of things. Wagakki Band, anyone? Aaaaaahhhhh... and Kouhei-sensei just HAD to slip in that speedy CRAZY-sounding piano bit! *applause* Just like Lancelot's song, this made me feel like I was being transported to Tokyo or Kyoto, attending and witnessing an actual Summer celebration. Uchida, a good singer, didn't perform this in her smooth vocal style. But she shouldn't! This is something you sing at ease while plainly having fun. Being all out and letting loose is basically the key! For the first time in Sakura Taisen's music history, I've bumped into a song that I simply don't want to sing along. Instead, I would DIE for the chance to participate in that Taiko play. Oh my, I need to see this in a live performance. You TOTALLY need to hear this! And dance along if you will... PS: If there's any gripe about this, it's when Hatsuho and the background voices are yelling "Oisa!" (literally means "Hey!"?). It tends to sound "Oisa, Osa, Usa, USO, USO, USO!". "Uso" means "Lies", and ends up giving it a misogynist feel by accident. The message of this song is that a woman is the spirit of the festival. Girl power! Feminism! But then there's these choir of ALL MALE that seemingly shouts "Lies, Lies, Lies!". That's pretty contradictory, eh? I know I'm totally making too much of a big deal out of this, but it honestly bugs me out...
Ninja Azami (Azami the Ninja) by. Azami Mochizuki (Hibiku Yamamura)
We haven't left Japan, as indicated by another tune of Shakuhachi and Koto, preparing us for the next performer. It's a familiar tune that many have heard in "Naruto", "Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger", or other feudal Japan-themed series. And the title had already said it all. This is the biographical description of Azami, as Shin Hanagumi's resident ninja-in-training. But as soon as it entered the verse (as you could hear in the MV), the sensation changed pretty significantly. No longer a serious Shinobi song, it morphed into the franchise's usual playful little girl song. Yes, even though Azami is technically older than Iris Chateaubriand, Coquelicot or Rikaritta Aries! She mentioned her hobby on practicing the various ninja scrolls, and even her love to eat snacks like Manjuu during breaks. Yare yare... With just 3:28 minutes, this is the second shortest song after "Shin GEKITEI". Obviously, the tempo does play a role in that. Hibiku Yamamura is a Sakura Taisen fan, yet she had the shortest solo number in the album. Somewhat ironic, isn't it? Nonetheless, she did a fantastic job. In fact, her unique voice remains consistent throughout the album, and that's worthy to be praised. I liked the traditional Japanese feel in this, but it also had too many speaking lines for my taste. Still, I'll gladly take this bouncy and head-bopping fun tune over Sakura's anytime. PS: Both Yamamura and Ana's VA made guests appearances more than once during the monthly Teigeki Report, which apparently will still going next year (probably until the TV series airs?). So you can hear them sharing personal experiences and stories on those videos. It's insightful, that's for sure!
Kaereru Basho (A Place to Return to) by. Anastasia Palma (Ayaka Fukuhara)
Goodness! I've been itching to arrive to this song. A good song is one that tells a story. Just like the previous songs, this one does the same, but with a deeper meaning and values. Ana is most definitely the "sexy Onee-san" archetype of this game, complete with having a curvaceous figure (reminds me of Rangiku in "BLEACH", wait a sec...). But personality-wise, the Greek lady gave off this mysterious, unpredictable vibe. She's like a mix of mature Maria Tachibana, with a vibe of Glycine Bleumer and Soletta Orihime's European presence, but with a cloudy past of Hanabi Kitaouji, and the hidden sides of Reni Milchstrasse or Subaru Kujou. If I had to describe it in one word, she's puzzling. However, there's one trait that she's been constantly identified with: she's an actress. It thoroughly commanded the message of the lyrics. But I digress. Was the whole song really all about Ana's passion for acting? There seemed to be more than meet the eye. From what I gather, there's an underlying hint of a journey of sadness, past events or eras that had emerged and faded, beloved people that had come and gone. In short, she basically acted her way through the ups and downs of her life. A coping mechanism, perhaps? Laughing away loneliness, a facade of her true emotions. And what did she mean by "A Place to Return to"? Was it the stage, or acting, or just like many of previous Sakura Taisen's heroine: someone to go home to? Or someone who can finally discover and understand her real self? I need to either play the game or watch the TV series to confirm that. Now that I'm older (and wiser? Naaaah), this is my idea of a good song. It asks you to listen, pay attention, and also feel challenged to try to figure it out. This was the longest Shin Hanagumi and solo song of the album. You'll understand why it needed to be that long to be good. The moment that alluring piano intro kicked in, and the violin started to seep in, it's classy and elegant as hell. Ayaka Fukuhara stated that this was a challenge to sing, and indeed it is. It should be. Even though the vocal range wasn't as demanding as Elise's opera, the pitch work was exceptional! She gradually went from a lower tone to higher and higher. It sounded like the aura of the room changed every time another verse began (due to the modulation, as well as the flow of passion and emotions), seemingly depicting Ana's many masks. And those sharp notes? Oh my, oh my, OH MY!!! No wonder Subaru's VA, Mie Sonozaki (who is a prolific singer herself) congratulated Fukuhara on doing such a fine job. This is another highlight of the album for me and my favorite Shin Hanagumi character song by far. Now, where can I get the off-vocal version? Because I totally want to try singing this song... PS: Similar to Elise, voice-wise, Ana is one of my favorites due to her range and distinct pronunciation style. She can go mezzo-soprano and heavy, but also high and soprano. I strongly enjoyed that versatility is utilized wonderfully in this song.
Rondo (Round Dance) by. Clarissa Snowflake (Saori Hayami)
You're watching a European-based fairy tale romance. What happens at the end, when the one true love has been found and all evil that stands in the way has perished? They hold a gala, where everyone waltzes into a happily ever after... That is the core of this whole song, a composition that Kouhei-sensei described it as feeling "like a movie". As a character, Claris fancies herself reading books (nerd alert! Hahaha), and I think many of her scenes in the game takes place in the library. But she also writes stories and loves to fantasize about a paradise filled with mermaids and magical elements. Perhaps because she alone wields a magic book. And her dream is to dance with someone while surrounded by those things. Those are the essence of the simple but poetic lyrics. I admit, when I first heard it, I was taken aback by the decision to putting this track as the final Hanagumi song. But now it makes perfect sense. It easily serves as a calm and astonishingly perfect capper to a series of solo songs, a grand celebration to conclude a colorful parade. My knowledge of reed or woodwind instruments is poor, so I couldn't tell if it was an Ocarina or another type that played in the intro. I'm not sure if that's native to Luxembourg too. One thing for sure, the medieval melody would naturally pierce through your soul, until that graceful combo of Lute or acoustic guitar (again, sorry if I'm bad at names) and harp soothed you into a more familiar space. Then suddenly, the song changed tone halfway through and turned into full folk song mode. Yes, the Kouhei-sensei style I told you before. Someone on Youtube mentioned that this reminded him/her of Disney's "Tangled". Well, I can attest that the catchy interlude was very true to that notion. To think that this song arrived while "Frozen 2" is still playing. Such a great coincidence! Saori Hayami is a great singer, known for her gorgeous legato siren-like vocals. Just like Ana (oh hey, fellow non-Japanese Shin Hanagumi), I'm beyond happy that this song fully made use of her unique charm. Especially once it got into that royal ballroom dance chorus, reminiscent of Orihime's image song. It didn't take long for me to imagine Claris as the protagonist, dancing with her prince (or princess, if that's her thing. Right, Hallmark?) in a grand finale of her fictional story. Speaking of which, I'm still confused as to why Hayami's name is always placed at the end. Even though the promotions clearly showed that Claris is one of the first members of the team. Could it be that she's a "special cast member" type, like in Hollywood movies? That would make sense... Another highlight of the album, another personal favorite (that I've been humming and singing unconsciously on repeat), this clocked as the second-longest solo of the album. But just like the previous number, I doubt anyone would complain. You only need to close your eyes and just start swaying left to right, back, and front. Take your beloved person's hand, embrace him/her tightly, and just follow the musical flow. Dance the day or night away, with much joy and passion! PS: The official MV wrote the title as "RONDE". I still go with "RONDO" because pretty sure that's a typo, considering even the French (one of Luxembourg's official language) equivalent is "RONDEAU". Rondo itself is a musical form that refers to a theme that keeps coming back around. But in Japanese, the kanji can also be read as "RINBU" which means "Round Dance".
Next: the final part of the review, featuring voices old and new, and my overall impression...
Video is available on SEGA Official Youtube Channel. "Shin Sakura Taisen" is produced by SEGA, and RED Entertainment. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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skiinggray5-blog · 5 years
Rent Live Recap: A Stellar Show Despite Injuries and Pre-Taped Controversy
Rent is one of the most beloved musicals of all time. For us -- TV Guide writers Megan Vick and Lindsay MacDonald -- the 2005 movie was our intro to loving musical theater. We then sought out live theater productions and began a more than decade long love affair with the world of Broadway (we also get why people hate the Rent movie, but that's another story).
So, when Fox announced that Rent would be on its live musical event agenda, we were both excited and terrified that this piece of art could become Twitter fodder instead of a celebration of the show. The casting didn't do much to alleviate those fears with quite a few wildcards in the mix. It wasn't until we saw the dress rehearsal on Saturday, Jan. 26 that we saw what an impressive job Fox, this cast and crew had managed to pull off.
The dress rehearsal was also where star Brennin Hunt rolled his ankle during the final commercial break, forcing production to try and make their way through the closing numbers with Roger remaining stationary on the apartment table. That dress rehearsal ended up being most of what fans saw watching from home on Sunday, so the roadcast wasn't really live, except for the last act where the Fox folks were ultimately joined by the original cast of Rent to close out the show. We, as two die-hard Rentheads, recapped the show below.
We'll Pay Next Year's Rent with Jordan Fisher's Star Power
Lindsay: I appreciate everything that Jordan Fisher does and have since I covered his season of Dancing with the Stars. He can sing. He can dance. He's adorable. Let's put him in everything.
Megan: I heard a rumor that Ben Platt was offered the role of Mark in this production and to be honest, I kind of held it against Jordan that he wasn't Ben. That was a mistake, and I am making a formal apology right now. This kid is going places. Additionally, I'd like to say that I've never been very invested in production design Emmy awards, but if Rent does not win for this immaculate setup, it will be a travesty. This set is SO freakin' cool.
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Hark the Herald Angel... Dances Really Well!
Megan: Okay, the part of Angel requires so much and in 2019 you can't just ask anyone to put on a great outfit and wig and call it a day. I think that Valentina has the right spirit for Angel -- sweet and sassy. I mean, those dance moves are killer and I feel like she's the guardian this group has been looking for. However, vocally...
Lindsay: Vocally she's just not as strong as we'd all hoped. It's hard to out-sing a live audience who knows all the words and is singing along with you, so I can excuse most of it on a combination of nerves and noise. You're right, though, that the spirit of the character (and hell yes, those dance moves) are technically speaking more important to the show than Angel's vocals, so at least Valentina's got that in her corner. Just stand by for, "I'll Cover You."
Tango Maureen Felt More Like a Waltz
Lindsay: You know who did not disappoint here? Jordan Fisher. While Brennin gets my love for recreating a Roger-clone worthy of the original Broadway show, Jordan Fisher has stolen my heart with this totally new and unique version of Mark. His Mark is more whimsical and playful thanks to Jordan's natural charisma, and that charming little grin of his saved a number that would have otherwise been kind of a "meh."
Megan: Jordan is the MVP of this production I think, but there's someone who didn't hold up their end here. I love Kiersey Clemons. She sang her heart out in one of my favorite movies last year, Hearts Beat Loud, but this felt shockingly off-kilter. The thing about Joanne is that she's a powerhouse voice. If she's taking charge of Mark in this scene then she needed to own it, but it felt like she got overcome with nerves. She can do better, I know she can.
Rent Live Actor Brennin Hunt Injured During Rehearsal
Tinashe Can Take Us Out Anytime
Megan: Girl. GIRL! "Out Tonight" is my favorite song in the whole show and it is so much more challenging than people think. You have to have a serious range to hit those high notes and dance like Mimi does. Many have tried and failed to pull this number off, but Tinashe showed that she has some real star power here. It was so amazing in person, but the sound mixing during the broadcast made her sound a little off. This was the moment where she turned me into a fan, though.
Lindsay: Was it sound mixing or just her dancing too hard? I agree that the song is super difficult and she danced her ass off, so I'm willing to forgive a few vocal missteps.
Megan: Fine, but then she kills it during, "Another Day." She sings Brennin under the table.
Lindsay: Look, I'm going to go to my death defending Brennin Hunt and not just because this poor sweet thing broke his foot in the name of art. I have literally never heard someone who sounds so much like Adam Pascal's Roger in my life, and in a show where some other really drastic changes were made, anything that harkens back to the original is appreciated. Plus, he's just got that raspy bad-boy thing DOWN.
I'll Cover You(r Ears)
Lindsay: Music nerds will notice that they appear to have fiddled with the arrangement of this song to give Collins (Brandon Victor Dixon) some of the difficult harmonizing work and Angel the easier to achieve melodies when it really should have been the other way around. It's not something I'm going to get particular about though since the stronger vocalist taking the more challenging notes is just good sense.
Megan: Thank you for this education because all I had was, "Oh wow, this is... not great." There's no amount of sashaying to make a song like this work if you can't hit those notes. I've seen worse, but this is definitely not a "best of" moment of the show.
Over the Moon for Some Hudgens
Megan: When people say they were nervous about this cast, they are actually saying they were nervous about Vanessa Hudgens because of that infamous Hollywood Bowl performance of Rent, in which she played Mimi. It's been years since then, but could she really be weird and powerful enough to pull off Maureen? Yes folks, yes she could. As soon as she hit that extended note in "Over the Moon," my fears about Hudgens being able to rock this vanished. I have never been so glad to be wrong!
Lindsay: The Hollywood Bowl performance still feels too soon to bring up. Naturally, seeing her take on an arguably more difficult part in the same musical was daunting. Living up to Idina Menzel's legacy is a pretty tall freaking order after all. And then she just SHOWED UP! I've also never been so happy to be proven wrong about my own expectations because Vanessa killed every single moment of "Over the Moon" from the vocals to the acting to the mooing. Bow down to your queen, peasants.
La Vie Bo--What?!
Megan: I've had 24 hours to process this and now a clear view of the choreography and I still can't help being offended by this version of "La Vie Boheme." There are two Rent tracks you can't mess with and they are this and "Seasons of Love." I understand some lyrics weren't going to make it due to broadcast standards (like Benny saying puke instead of piss), but there were other changes made that don't make sense. Where was the order sequence? Is it really "La Vie Boheme" if you don't get to yell "WINE AND BEER!"? The theater fans at home had to be so confused during a number we were all looking forward to and I'm not okay.
We Ranked Every TV Musical Event, Because of Course We Did
Seasons of Who Are These People
Lindsay: Aside from Keala Settle hitting that incredible note in the final run, "Seasons of Love" was bullsh--.
Megan: Wow. I said there are only two songs you can't mess with and they did it with both? They gave iconic parts to chorus members. This is the prime sing-a-long part of the musical and I am just so frustrated with how both "Seasons of Love" and "La Vie Boheme" came out. They are too iconic to be treated like this.
Take Me, Take Me, Baby!
Megan: THAT IS THE KIERSEY I CAME TO SEE! I told you that she was capable and that's the kind of electricity I wanted. "Take Me or Leave Me" is my second favorite so I am so glad it came together like that. And I'll say it again, Hudgens is owning every minute she is on the stage.
Contact High?
Lindsay: I'm torn between being glad that they left it in (the movie removed the song completely) and being just confused about why they chose to do... that. I get that they couldn't get away with the usual bump and grind that number calls for but it just didn't totally work for me. Strangely enough, it was the only time I thought Valentina's vocals were on solid ground
Megan: I know there are a lot of Rent purists who were angry that "Contact" was left out of the film, so I give Foxcredit for going there and including it, but I also didn't need it? It's interesting but it just feels like such a disconnect from actually losing Angel, which is a pivotal moment in the entire show. It takes an extra beat to get that sadness. I would have preferred a full "La Vie Boheme" than what they did here.
Just Because You Love Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Doesn't Mean It Needs a Movie
We're Not Crying, You're Crying. Just Kidding, We're All Crying
Megan: Brandon was one of the people I was most looking forward to seeing in this production, knowing that he took over for Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr in Hamilton. I knew he had to have pipes, but the "I'll Cover You (Reprise)" is by far his shining moment in the show. It's the first time I've been misty-eyed all show. Absolutely breathtaking.
Lindsay: Honestly, I forgive this show everything after that knockout performance. For the most part, Collins was consistently good, but not a showstopper or scene-stealer. That changed real quick when he added in the soul-crushing pain of losing Angel. Mad props to Keala for the assist.
What You Own Is Our Hearts
Lindsay: Guys. GUYS. "What You Own" is totally the turning point for the final act, and I cannot stress how important it is to nail it. And holy cow this one did! This version had all the bells and whistles including crowd surfing, ladders, and possibly one broken foot. Poor Brennin. Never the less, the energy in the room was nearly as pitch perfect as the voices of the two heroes who shall forever be known as Brennin "Do The Damn Thing" Hunt and Jordan "Sweet Baby Angel" Fisher.
We Should Tell You, Brennin's Injury Is Really Unfortunate
Megan: Ugh, this poor guy. Look at that cast! I know it's really sad that this cast didn't get to put on their final show as planned, but I also can't help snort laughing that they kept a close up of Roger yelling, "NO!" when Maureen and Joanne bring Mimi in from the cold... and then he doesn't move to get her. I totally get that Brennin couldn't get up, but oh my god, it's awkward watching him stay on the table instead of doing anything to help bring her in. That being said, he sang for his life in "Your Eyes." Damn, boy.
Lindsay: He'd taken a couples stumbles in the taped show, but I've got to say, he really redeemed himself with this. There were definitely some parts in the middle where he was overacting, but I got back on the bandwagon after that serenade.
2018-2019 TV Scorecard: Which Shows Are Canceled? Which Are Renewed?
Megan: Okay, I can't even pretend to be composed enough to come up with a witty section headline for this. We just bore witness to the original cast of Rent reuniting all on one stage and it was absolutely beautiful. I cried when we saw them do it at the dress rehearsal and it's just as magical on screen. Something about that just felt holy. Idina Menzel will forever be queen.
Lindsay: Once the original Broadway cast started posting photos from the set of Rent everyone knew this was coming, but it was still just so magical to watch that wall lift up to reveal the faces and voices we've loved for over 20 years singing that epic final number. The only thing that made it even better was Adam Pascal leaving the herd to go hang out with poor, immobilized Brennin. Thank you for watching that miracle take place with us, and remember to always measure your lives in love.
Source: http://www.tv.com/news/rent-live-recap-a-stellar-show-despite-injuries-and-pre-taped-controversy-15486493590065382/
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sadheartsongs · 6 years
twenty one pilots • trench
hello and welcome to this blog. this is supposed to tell you about beautiful new and probably older records, depends on when i’m going to listen. haha. for now, i thought the perfect record to start this thing is the new twenty one pilots album. whoop whoop.
twenty one pilots • trench
i’m pretty sure that i wasn’t the only one who wasn’t on twitter, instagram and all that stuff like everyday in the past year, following theories, listening to their old stuff and impatiently waiting for the hiatus being finally over, one day after it started. i understand all of you, seriously. this band saved so many of us and made our lifes so much better, disappearing this way hurted a lot of us. anyway. it came to an end and this record came out, along with a lot of tourdates - if they’re playing near you, GO. it’s expensive but worth every penny. i can’t wait for my date(s). <3
• jumpsuit: i can’t believe how much i hate pressures of a new place roll my way. jumpsuit jumpsuit, cover me. // i remember listen to this song for the first time so well, this feeling was like the end of a very confusing time, the start of something new, like a new sunrise when you look up to the sky and feel relief and everything is finally going to be alright again. well, i think this was the perfect choice for the first single because this sums up the whole record pretty much? and it basically makes the perfect transition from blurryface to the new era like - spirits in the room, friends or foe? felt it when i’m young, feel it when i’ old. i’ll be right there but you have to grab my throat and lift me in the air. (well, i seriously so can’t wait to hear this part live) this are exactly the parts tyler has  always painted black on his body while being on stage. well.
• levitate: don’t feed me to the vultures ‘cause i’m a vulture who feeds on pain // i admit i’m probably going to jail because i listened to the leaked version. oops. but u feel me when you’re listening to this right? i’m always in awe when tyler starts rapping like this, i don’t understand how the twitter people always have this one on the last places on their trench ranking? have u ever listened to this song? and please think about the fact that josh also wrote lyrics for this, APPRECIATE IT; DAMNIT! and the ‘welcome to trench’ part at the end, how can you not love that. this song represents the beginning of the new era, the start of something wonderful. show it more love.
• morph: for if and when we go ‘above’, the question still remains, are we still in love and is it possible that we feel the same? // a lot of people say that morph is their favorite and i can totally understand. the shoutout to blurryface, named nicolas bourbaki (i really like that name), the ‘not done... josh dun’ part, you won’t ever get rid of that earworm again and catch yourself singing the lyrics in every situation ... and i love it when tyler hits the high notes. i like the alternative vibe of this. this is probably the song of trench. i guess that could be a single one day, remember my words. 
• my blood: when everyone you thought you knew deserts your fight, i’ll go with you. // the fourth song we got to hear - i already fell in love with the few secods we got to hear in that spot haha - the fact that tyler most probably wrote this for the clique makes my heart melt so much. the fact that he loves and needs us as much as we need him. and they were so afraid that we all cold be gone while the hiatus. fuck, we’ll never leave. do they know that i was grown with you? we’ll go with you, wherever this may be. we’ll hold your light, we grab our bags and go with you. and we’ll stay, you don’t need to run. stay with me, my blood. and again, i love those high notes, damn. 
• chlorine: sipping on straight chlorine, let the vibe slide over me. this beat is a chemical. // ahhhhh. here we are, my favorite song on this record. i knew it the second the song started and it hasn’t changed since then. i seriously just love everything about it. the beginning ‘so where are you? it’s been a little while....’ well i think that would’ve been the perfect first song for the shows but who asks me, haha. the beat, the lyrics, tylers voice, the fact that the whole song is about his time staying in dema (at least i guess so) - i’m running for my life. that he compares living with blurry / nico to sipping on straight chlorine. i love the slow part at the end. i’m sorry i forgot you. favorite song. i hate it that it’s not on the setlist. give this gem more attention. give it all the love you have. love love loveeee.
• smithereens: but if i’m feeling someone stepping towards you  can’t describe just what i’m feeling // how beautiful is the fact that tyler wrote this beautiful song about the love iof his life, jenna? you know i had to do one on the record for her like this. this is seriously the cutest thing ever, they have such a luck. i hope that this is forever. i followed jennas midnight cooking the past year on instagram, now we know that she did this to support tyler on writing and recording and this is so fucking heartwarming. if there’s one otp in this world, it’s definitely tyler and jenna. all the love for them, all the love for this song.
• neon gravestones: i could give up and boost my reputation, i could go out with a bang, they would know my name // fuck. fuuuck. this song hits me everytime i listen to it, real deep. the warm fuzzy feeling you got while listening to smithereens goes into a cold, freezing wind. a lot of the twenty one pilots songs are about (the thoughts of) suicide but i think this one is the one who hits hard the most, which gets you thinking about everything and everyone. i can’t find words for how this song makes me feel. but he’s so right with his words.’you mourn for a kid but won’t cry for a king - if i lose to myself, you won’t mourn a day and you’ll move on to someone else’ it’s actually like this, if someone ‘famous’ dies everyone is like oh my god i’m so sorry i was always such a big fan and stuff and the next day everyone has already forgotten about them. the world is so false and fake those days and that’s a pretty sad fact. and i hope, i pray (and i never pray usually) that we really never, never, never have to read or write such stuff about them. this is the kind of song you can’t listen to while doing something and just sing along. you have to get in and get in deep. and think about it.
• the hype: nice to know my kind will be on my side. i don’t believe the hype // am i the only one who thought of ‘wonderwall’ instantly? damn i love indie-influenced songs so much and that’s one of the reasons why i like this one so much. don’t believe the hype, it can be over anytime soon. or go on for months, years, forever? we also don’t believe the hype. but i’m happy that the hype exists so i got into them and this is one of the best things that happened to me the past years.
•  nico and the niners: east is up, i’m fearless when i hear this on the low. i’m careless when i wear my rebel clothes // the second song after the hiatus. i’ll never forget listening to this for the first time. i’ll never forget walking through london a few days later, singing this song the whole time. if you haven’t followed the dema thing during the hiatus this whole song might won’t make much sense to you. (but the video, maybe!) the whole thing about nico (bourbaki) and the niners (bishops) is pretty confusing but that’s the thing about this band, nothing is ever easy or instantly understandable. there’s much cryptic stuff and theories and you’ll be in conpletely or not at all. and its worth it being in at all. and you’ll have a earworm of this song forever, isn’t that amazing?
• cut my lip: though i am bruised faces of contusions know i’ll keep moving // i read another review of trench lately and they said that this one is a rather ‘boring’ song. well, i don’t think so. i like the kinda rebel attituide tyler has there. and another kinda indie-influenced vibe. and high notes! and the ‘i’m a lion’-part... they said it before. i like lions.
• bandito: i could take the high road but i know that i’ll be going low // bandito is the motto of the tour. the bandito tour. i love this. and this song is my secret favorite on this record. it has to grow on you, at least it had to grow on me but once it got you, you won’t get it off. ever. i love the slow beginning of the song and how it gets faster at the end and this is like the feeling you have shortly before your favorite band coes on stage and you get ore and more excited with every second. ‘i created this world to feel some control’  this world - trench. trench is the place where we can go. some kind of sanctuary. we all need a trench for our own.
• pet cheetah: my houses the one where the vultures are perched on the roof // oh dear. seriously, i don’t know what to say about this one haha. i like the beginning of the song, most of it but the ‘i got a pet cheetah down in my basement...’ part? the hell? haha. what the fuck? this song is like to personalities talking to each other in one head, maybe fighting or making up or whatever... i’d love to have this kind of drugs yo need to write this stuff and end up putting it on a record. but, i like it, it’s something you wouldn’t expect and that makes it special and kinda loveable. but i need to know why he called the cheetah jason statham.
•  legend: you’re a legend in my own mind. my middle name, my goodbye // tyler wrote this song for is grandpa who passed away lately. this ís one of the worst things that can happen to you if you’re a lucky one and be good with your grandparents (or family at all.) i love the ‘you were one of those classic ones’ part, this sounds like a own classic. like something you’ve already heard before, something you know and makes you feel warm and fuzzy. but the lyrics makes you sad again, it’s a bad feeling when someone you love suddenly don’t kow you anymore. but you have the memories, nothig can ever take this away. and there will be a day when you’re having lunch together again.
• leave the city: they know that it’s almost over // the last song on this album.in time i will leave the city but for now i will stay alive. this is like a metaphor i guess, there will be a time where we can leave the ‘city’, the prisons in our head, dema, whatever got caught us up. and until then we have to stay alive, better times will come. or at least better feelings. and if you’re lucky, you’ll end up far from home. in trench. in trench you’re not alone.
• • •
i guess the long wait and even the hiatus was worth it - for me, this is the album of the year. or more. i know i can’t write a objective review about this - i’m way too much up their asses for this haha - but if you need an album, which makes you cry and smile, dance and think, make you feel alone and not alone at all at the same time, listen to this. just close your eyes and listen to tyler singing and josh drummig. it will take you to a better place, you can forget about shit for a while. everything will be alright in the end.
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