#Hello Tuesday
oldfarmhouse · 9 months
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Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup -
via amazon/pinterest.com
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apixellife · 8 months
Hello Tuesday
sass-[crimson-heels]-bloody-ed- -♥- sass [crimson heels] bloody ed. @ the mainstore [L$50 for Hello Tuesday event only] Includes the following pieces: ♥ C/M/NT ♥ heels ♥ materials enabled Compatible with the following bodies: ♥ Legacy ♥ Maitreya ♥ Reborn ♥ Kupra ♥ GenX here’s your ride:…
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alderaans · 2 months
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Why are you worried about me? Because I want to protect you. Lovely Runner (2024)
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bromcommie · 3 months
tbh I still think Brock Rumlow was an interesting character and upon further examination way more unsettling a villain than most to me because like. Let’s be real, the second you lay eyes on Robert Redford as Pierce monologuing in his pristine suit and glass office high up in the sky he just screams Evil Politician! at you. You can see it coming a mile away. Meanwhile Rumlow is….Just Some Guy. On the surface, he’s just some side dude. He’s not enhanced, he’s not in some major position of power, he’s just someone who’s really good at what he does and seems dedicated enough to the work and functions well with his team. He respects Steve, might admire him even, but not so much that he gets starry eyed like everybody else. He’s lighthearted but focused, he’s no nonsense, he’s the everyman Steve can relate to way more than spooks like Natasha or Fury.
And okay, maybe what Rumlow does for a living is beat intimidate and kill people, but it’s not like that’s the primary objective, right, because SHIELD are the good guys and this is what Steve does now, too, anyway; except that Steve doesn’t really use any weapons other than the shield, he holds back, he doesn’t carry a gun anymore which is usually fine since he’s dangerous enough without it. But when that leaves him vulnerable, he’s covered: Rumlow’s got his six, and he does it well, and he earns some of his trust. This is familiar to Steve.
And maybe Rumlow’s a little too good, fine, maybe he shoots a guy in the head within the first fifteen minutes of the movie when he doesn’t necessarily have to and then cracks jokes immediately after but that’s alright too, because that guy had Steve at gunpoint and that guy was Bad whereas Rumlow is One of the Good Guys just doing his job, right. Rumlow’s joking around because he’s used to the violence, they’re all used to it, and this is just how it works. They’re just soldiers doing the grunt work and following orders, and this is familiar, too.
Except that they’re not soldiers and this isn’t a war, except that the work is for an intelligence agency whose job it is to hoard and steal information and monitor civilians and orchestrate and sabotage and meddle in internal and external state affairs. Except that the Good Guys, in reality, are extremely grey at best. Except that many of the Good Guys turn out to be Nazis on top of everything else, and it’s not that far of a stretch.
But when it’s all starting to unravel, you’re still thinking well maybe some of these guys didn’t know. Maybe they didn’t do it out of individual belief, and if faced with the right choice, they can be redeemed.
That is until you realize that Rumlow maybe didn’t respect Steve and what he did so much as what Steve could do if only Steve weren’t “weak” in other ways, if Steve had chosen the right side. That it not being personal is less a cop out and more a taunt the same way just following orders has always been, for Rumlow and many many men that came before him and will continue to come after. Until the vault when, by the most charitable of interpretations, Rumlow looks at the Winter Soldier letting himself be smacked around and crying and getting shocked like he’s maybe a little unnerved (if not just downright fascinated) by the whole thing, but not enough that it really changes anything for him, because the end justifies the means and it’s not really his problem, anyway.
Until Sam shows up and Rumlow looks at him like a bird of prey and says This is gonna hurt with a fucking smile on his face, and then you think: shit, man, obviously. How was it not clear from the start.
To me, what makes someone like Rumlow a good villain, even a side one, is not that he’s straight up Insane & Evil™️ or suffering from Tragic Backstory Syndrome or all hopped up on magic superstrength juice or whatever, but precisely the fact that he’s Just Some Guy with a cockroach survival mentality who operates well within the established system and just so happens to be really good at his job - a job that he might’ve even joined thinking it was for a good cause, or because he had something to prove, or simply because it gave him one hell of an excuse to be a bully. Because he either wholeheartedly believes in HYDRA or he just doesn’t give much of a shit either way so long as he gets his due in the end, and both are just as bad.
Because when you strip away all the grand scale superhero theatrics, you’ve seen this before. You’ve seen Rumlows in your school and in your neighborhood and in the military and the cop car patrolling your street. They’re the ones who sometimes say or do somewhat offputting shit but you figure it’s fine because they’re otherwise real nice or charismatic or normal looking, or maybe they work a job that’s framed as helpful or protective or inherently good despite the power dynamics at play, or they share your background and interests and you chat about the weather being crap this time of year.
And every time one of them turns out to be a violent, hateful piece of shit, you’re still somehow surprised then, too, when you really shouldn’t be.
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tesb · 8 months
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Today, victory is mine. — Grand Admiral Thrawn in Ahsoka: "The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord" (2023)
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amirahsoka · 9 months
i love how everyone is collectively in shambles after “hello, snips” like it’s a universal emotionally damaging experience for each of us
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hood-ex · 6 months
Dick actually had a cool scene today as a one-man ambush. If only he hadn't been wearing his stupid shirt like that 😩.
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #109
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andromeddog · 1 year
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baumer and friends
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the non inclusion of Kon here is so funny to me
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like there is very clearly an empty spot where he could have been and there is literally no reason that i can think of not to include him. like does Ollie just not remember his ass. what is this. it's so funny for no reason
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Taika + making me take Critical Damage
for @viagc
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apixellife · 11 months
Hello Tuesday
Sass [Crimson Heels] ♥GenX ♥Legacy ♥Maitreya ♥Reborn ♥Kupra-♥- sass [crimson heels] @ the mainstore [50% for Hello Tuesday event only] [L$50 for the Neutral Pack ONLY] AUG 1 Includes the following pieces: ♥ heels ♥ materials enabled ♥ 4 color sets (w/ 7 colors each) to choose from Compatible with the following bodies: ♥ Legacy ♥ Maitreya ♥ Reborn ♥ Kupra ♥ GenX here’s your ride:…
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pumpkster · 1 year
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moetshander · 1 year
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Tim Stoker Tuesday: season 3 edition 
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kyoshi-lesbians · 2 months
aang looks so cute in the kyoshi warriors make up
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heroesriseandfall · 9 months
The rolling eyes is kinda a weird thing to point out about Talia but also. You roll your eyes like your mother. You’re allergic to emotional confrontations like your father. I do think you’re perfect and also very 14 years old.
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Batman and Robin (2023) #1
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hood-ex · 6 months
Dick referred to Bruce and Alfred as his fathers in one breath.
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #109
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