#Heel Jake Awesome
simpforfandom231 · 3 months
pregnancy PT 4
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yeah don't mess with momma gina....she will grind you to sand under her heel. This is also the last part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake and Leighton stepped through the front door, their backpacks slung over their shoulders as they entered the house. Regina was in the kitchen, her expression still bearing the remnants of her earlier encounter with Principal Johnson.
"Hey, Mom," Leighton greeted, moving to join Regina at the counter. "Need any help?"
Regina glanced at her daughter, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Sure, sweetie. You can start by grabbing the flour from the pantry."
Leighton nodded eagerly, darting off to retrieve the requested ingredient while Y/n approached Jake, a curious look in her eyes.
"How was school, buddy?" Y/n asked, leaning against the kitchen island.
Jake shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, you know, same old, same old. But I did see Principal Johnson looking like he'd seen a ghost."
Regina chuckled darkly from where she was working at the stove. "I wonder what could have given him such a fright."
Jake grinned, his gaze flickering between his moms. "He was practically shaking in his shoes."
Leighton returned with the flour, setting it down on the counter before glancing between her brother and moms, sensing that something was amiss.
"Did something happen with Principal Johnson?" Leighton asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.
Y/n chuckled softly, exchanging a knowing look with Regina. "Let's just say your mom knows how to make an impression."
Regina flashed a wicked grin, her Regina George persona in full swing. "I may have had a little chat with him earlier."
Leighton's eyes widened in realization, a smirk playing at her lips. "Ah, I see. That explains why he looked like he'd seen a ghost."
Y/n laughed, shaking her head at the antics of her family. "Well, whatever you did, Regina, it certainly left an impression."
Regina preened under the praise, her confidence radiating off her in waves. "What can I say? I've still got it."
Jake turned to Regina, curiosity dancing in his eyes as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Mom, what did you do to Principal Johnson?"
Regina grinned mischievously, relishing the opportunity to regale her son with her daring exploits. "Oh, you know, just a little chat to remind him who's in charge around here."
Jake's eyebrows shot up in surprise, impressed by his mom's boldness. "Seriously? What did you say?"
Regina leaned in conspiratorially, lowering her voice dramatically. "Let's just say I gave him a taste of the old Regina George charm."
Y/n chuckled from where she was setting the table. "She may have scared him just a tad."
Leighton joined in, adding her two cents with a playful smirk. "Yeah, Principal Johnson looked like he'd seen a ghost."
Jake couldn't help but grin at the thought of his mom single-handedly striking fear into the heart of the school's authority figure. "Wow, Mom, that's awesome."
Regina's smirk widened into a proud grin as she tousled Jake's hair affectionately. "Just remember, kiddo, never underestimate the power of a George."
Y/n's comment about Regina's attitude being "hot" prompted a playful grin from Regina, who leaned in closer to her wife with a seductive twinkle in her eye. "Oh, you think so, huh?" she purred, her voice dripping with flirtatiousness.
Y/n chuckled, feeling the warmth of Regina's proximity. "Definitely. You always did have that irresistible mean girl charm."
Regina's smirk widened as she leaned even closer, her breath teasing Y/n's ear. "Well, lucky for you, darling, you married the queen of mean herself."
Leighton and Jake, witnessing the exchange, exchanged exaggeratedly disgusted looks and mimed gagging, prompting a playful swat from their moms.
Regina shot them a mock glare before turning her attention back to Y/n. "Ignore them, babe. They're just jealous they didn't inherit the George charm."
Leighton rolled her eyes dramatically. "Please, mom, spare us."
Jake chimed in, his tone teasing. "Yeah, I think we've had enough of the George charm for one lifetime."
Regina smirked, playfully flicking Jake's ear. "Watch it, kiddo. You might need some George charm to get through high school."
Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the banter between her family members. "Well, love, looks like we're raising a couple of comedians."
Regina winked at her wife, her tone dripping with mock arrogance. "Hey, it's not easy being the coolest moms on the block. Somebody's gotta keep the kids in line."
Regina and Y/n couldn't resist a little flirtatious banter, their playful dynamic shining through as they teased each other with affectionate jests.
As Regina leaned in closer to Y/n, her voice dripping with playful seduction, Leighton and Jake couldn't help but make exaggerated gagging noises, their faces contorting in mock disgust.
"Ew, seriously?" Leighton exclaimed, wrinkling her nose dramatically. "Do you guys have to do that in front of us?"
Jake chimed in, his tone equally dramatic. "Yeah, we don't need to see all that mushy stuff. It's gross."
Regina shot them an amused smirk, clearly enjoying their reactions. "Oh, come on, you two. You know you secretly love it."
Y/n chuckled, reaching over to ruffle Jake's hair. "Yeah, admit it. You're just jealous that your moms have such an amazing love life."
Leighton and Jake exchanged a look of shared horror, feigning revulsion at the idea. "No way!" they exclaimed in unison, earning a playful eye roll from Regina.
"Alright, alright, we'll spare you the lovey-dovey stuff... for now," Regina teased, winking at Y/n.
Regina stood at the stove, carefully stirring the contents of the pan as she prepared dinner for the family. The aroma of the meal filled the kitchen, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Suddenly, Jake piped up with a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, Mom, did you know we can hear you and Mama's 'activities' at night?"
Regina's hand faltered for a moment, almost causing the pan to slip from her grasp. She shot Jake a scandalized look, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Jacob George, I swear..."
But before Regina could finish her sentence, Leighton burst into uncontrollable laughter, doubling over with mirth. "Oh my god, Jake, you can't just say that!" she managed to choke out between giggles.
Y/n couldn't help but join in the laughter, though she felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Alright, that's enough, you two," she said, trying to regain her composure. "Let's keep it PG at the dinner table."
Regina attempted to muster her best stern expression, but the corners of her lips twitched with the effort to suppress a smile. "Yes, please refrain from discussing such... topics during mealtime," she said, her voice tinged with embarrassment.
But Jake wasn't done teasing yet. "Sorry, Mom, couldn't resist," he quipped, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Just trying to keep the mood light around here."
Leighton, still giggling, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, lighten up, Mom. It's not like we don't know you two are crazy about each other."
Leighton and Jake exchanged mischievous glances, their eyes alight with mischief as they continued to tease their moms about their nighttime activities.
"Seriously, Mom, we could hear you last night," Leighton said with a smirk, her tone teasing.
Regina's eyes widened in shock, her embarrassment reaching new heights. "Leighton Marie George, I cannot believe you would say such a thing!" she exclaimed, attempting to maintain her composure despite the rising heat in her cheeks.
Jake joined in with a laugh, unable to resist adding fuel to the fire. "Yeah, and Mama was like, 'Oh, Regina, you're so...'" he trailed off, making exaggerated gestures with his hands.
Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at her children's antics, though she felt her own cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Alright, that's enough, you two," she said, trying to playfully scold them while stifling her laughter.
But Leighton and Jake were relentless, their teasing only growing more exaggerated with each passing moment. They exchanged knowing glances, clearly enjoying the reaction they were eliciting from their moms.
Regina attempted to regain control of the situation, her stern expression faltering slightly as she struggled to contain her embarrassment. "I cannot believe the audacity of you two," she said, her voice wavering slightly.
Y/n couldn't hold back her laughter any longer, joining in with the teasing. "Oh, come on, Regina, you have to admit, it's kind of funny," she said, unable to suppress her grin.
Regina shot Y/n a mock glare, though there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I suppose it's a little amusing," she conceded begrudgingly, though her cheeks remained flushed with embarrassment.
Leighton and Jake exchanged triumphant looks, clearly pleased with themselves for successfully teasing their moms. They continued to banter back and forth, reveling in the playful atmosphere of their family dinner.
As Leighton continued to tease her moms, she couldn't resist mocking their voices with exaggerated gestures.
"Oh, Regina, you're so... irresistible," she said, mimicking Regina's tone with a dramatic flair.
Regina's face turned a deeper shade of red, and she wished she could sink through the ground in embarrassment.
Y/n, meanwhile, was in fits of laughter, unable to contain herself as she watched her daughter's antics.
Jake joined in, mimicking his sister with exaggerated gestures. "And Mama was like, 'Oh, Y/n, don't stop,'" he added, his voice a comical imitation of Y/n's.
Leighton took it a step further, imitating her mom's moans with exaggerated sounds. "Oh, Regina, yes, right there," she said, her voice rising in pitch as she mimicked Y/n's tone.
Regina buried her face in her hands, unable to bear the humiliation any longer. "Please, Leighton, that's enough," she pleaded, her voice muffled by her hands.
Y/n, despite her embarrassment, couldn't help but find the situation hilariously absurd. She wiped tears of laughter from her eyes as she tried to regain her composure.
Leighton, seeing her moms' reactions, couldn't help but giggle at the sight. "Come on, Mom, it's just a joke," she said, her tone apologetic but still tinged with amusement.
Regina finally lifted her head from her hands, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "Yes, well, some jokes are better left unsaid," she replied, her voice tinged with exasperation.
Jake, catching onto the teasing momentum, decided to join in, mimicking his moms' supposed nighttime activities with exaggerated gestures.
"Ooh, Regina, that feels so good," he said, his voice a comical imitation of his moms' voices.
Regina's eyes widened in horror, and she quickly slapped the back of Y/n's head, silently urging her to say something to stop Jake's antics.
Y/n, caught off guard by Regina's slap, turned to her with a bemused expression. "What? Me?" she exclaimed, rubbing the back of her head where Regina had smacked her.
Leighton, finding the situation increasingly hilarious, couldn't resist adding her own joke. "And don't forget about the bed—it makes noises too," she quipped, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at Leighton's joke. "She's got a point," she agreed, unable to contain her laughter.
Regina, feeling increasingly exasperated by her family's teasing, slapped Y/n's head once more, this time with more force. "That's enough out of you two," she scolded, her voice tinged with frustration.
As Regina attempted to regain her composure by busying herself with the dishes, Y/n couldn't resist the urge to tease her further. With a mischievous grin, Y/n playfully slapped Regina's bum, causing Regina to freeze mid-motion and shoot her wife a death glare.
Regina's eyes narrowed, and her lips formed a thin line as she coldly threatened Y/n, "You're skating on thin ice, dear."
Y/n chuckled in response, unfazed by Regina's icy demeanor. "Aw, is someone feeling a little embarrassed?" she teased, poking fun at Regina's discomfort.
Regina raised an eyebrow, her tone becoming more seductive as she retorted, "Embarrassed? Please, darling, I could never be embarrassed."
Leighton and Jake, who had been observing the exchange with a mixture of amusement and disgust, couldn't help but groan in unison at their moms' flirtatious banter. "Gross, moms, seriously," Jake muttered, rolling his eyes.
Y/n simply laughed at her wife's attempt to save face, knowing full well that Regina was feeling a bit flustered. "Oh, come on, Regina, admit it—you're blushing," she teased, winking playfully.
Regina huffed in mock indignation, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Fine, maybe just a little," she conceded, finally allowing herself to relax.
With the tension broken, the family continued their evening with laughter and light-hearted banter, grateful for the moments of joy they shared together.
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borzoilover69 · 6 months
Dirkjake fic recs?
calvariae - tony artreactor cw for talks of suicide, average toxic yaoi, epilogues-ish. starts off with a spectacular rant from dirk strider abt how platos a little bitch and ends in a way that had me sitting on the sidewalk on an afternoon remnicising like an old war veteran
empty nester - conejita cw for grooming mention, toxic yaoi, alchohol, so on so forth. literally the brograndpa fic of all time hands down, this fic is one of the best dirkjake fics this year. literally could not recommend more.
integuement -drew lifevoid jake eats a deer. dirk likes breaking into houses. somehow, this started a rather heated debate between me and my friends about how to get blood out of a cableknit sweater. what else do you need to know to get to read this? please read this. 10/10 fic.
head over heels - space gays that arent in space cw for lobotomy and suicide attempt, unhealthy relationships also nsfw. also onesided dirkjake. Dirkcentric. i really do NOT recommend reading this if you arent in the right headspace. otherwise its great.
bones of black marrow - aka that one insane html dirkjake fic CW for a lot of things including cannibalism gore nsfw weaponry seizures just a whole handful of stuff. heed the tags. interesting story story though i read this during work because im not a pussy. Really long.
upgrade - hotelroomservice & rykitty cw for suicide attempt grievous injury err death and fucked up ness. will have you sitting back in your chair by the end staring up at your ceiling. based on the movie of the same name. really really really awesome.
lunar calendar - tony artreactor cw for mentions of sex as selfharm, selfharm, alchohol consumption, REALLY unhealthy relationships, post-epilogue stuff, so on so forth. this fic was genuinely my fucking 9/11 dirkjake wise. like everything was different after reading that fic. literally everything. It probably made me insane.
and last but not least... shag, emotionally devastate - tony artreactor this is up there in the hs fanfiction bible for shit youve just GOT to read. it deals with post-canon in the most ripsnortingly funny way ever and is what made me genuinely love the idea of dirk and jake absolutely taking the mic out of each other both physically and verbally. it had me snickering and sending this to my friends like "OH MY GOD" and served as inspo for some of the facade and points i want to eventually make with LE jake when i get around to it. im so serious i cannot recommend it more.
New additions!
Its not enough to love the unreal - sloan twistedglossographer.
CW for attempted murder. Jake thinks dirks going to leave him and does something about it. Most BPD jake thoughts ever that latched in my brain like parasites
one of us was supposed to kill the other- sloan twistedGlossographer
CW For cannibalism and outright murder and gore.
Jake actually kills dirk and delivers a stunning brain process on how cannibalism links around to love and other shit dirkjake genuinely is like babies first spoonful of canmibalism love metaphor inspired by some posts i made. It really builds off of cannibalism as love its so awesome.
godspeed and happy readings.
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jjunie-0 · 2 months
True love…
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Summary: Heeseung has been your crush longer than you could remember, But of course you didn’t have him easily. He was head over heels for your best friend, Ivy, When would he waken from his daze and realize YOU were his true love?
Heeseung’s Pov
“Or just a dumbass called Lee Heeseung” Jay mumbled, earning a glare from the older.
Sunghoon spoke, “Okay, but be honest, has Ivy looked in your direction ever?”
“Yea!, remember the high school graduation party?, me and her danced and everything!” Heeseung said in an excited voice. “If you don’t like Y/n let me go chase the love of my life!” Jake blurted, heeseung stared at him.…there was a feeling inside of him.……could it be jealousy? No, of course not! That man was head over heels for Ivy, he couldn’t feel jealous about his friend trying to date his crush’s friend! Heeseung was spiraling with thoughts, yet he finally spoke “Do it, get that annoying brat to stop coming towards me.” Jake was surprised at his answer, “if you say so, the woman isn’t really that bad! She’s sweet, kind, cute, fun, awesome in general!”, heeseung groaned at his reply, “she’s neither of those, she’s a dumb little bitch who won’t leave me alone!” Jay coughed, “You do know those 3 boys she’s always with right?, they’d practically kill you if they heard you just now.”, The older rolled his eyes, “May I remind you, those 3 boys are 03-05 liners. Along with the brat herself! They ain’t gonna do shit.” Sunghoon, Jake, and Jay shared a glance with each other.
Jake was determined to help Y/N fall out of love with heeseung, It broke him seeing her tears fall because of his best friend.
She had just had the best night of her life with her best friends…No! She considered them her brothers. The night was filled with laughter, cuddles, crying (Watching twilight), ice cream which they fought over which flavor, gaming, and chaos! She’s never smiled this much in her life.
“Let’s play monopoly!” Jungwon suggested and sooner than he expected all four of them were gathered around a monopoly board.
“HE’S IN JAIL IM NOT GIVING MY MONEY TO A CRIMINAL!” “JUST GIVE HIM THE GOD DAMN MONEY!!!” “THATS NOT HOW YOU PLAÆÆÆY!!!!!” “Why are they fighting?” “SHUT UP YOU STOLE MY LAST RAILROAD!” “ARGGG!” Was a good way to put how the game went, let’s just say Monopoly ruins friendships. Later that night, all of them, Riki, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Y/N were cuddled up watching ‘The Lorax’ since Y/N was crying half way thru twilight. Riki smiled softly watching the other three sleep, thinking ‘I’d give the world just to see them happy……’
Read part one and till make more sense lmao, I’m feeling abit insecure about the writing 😅
Taglist: @leaderwon
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vanfleeter · 5 months
Black Smoke || L'amour En France P1 || JTK
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Characters: Jake Kiszka x Fem!Reader Warnings: 18+, minors DNI. Angst. Fluff. Language. Dirty talk? Smut. Allusions to public sex. Mentions of sex toys, vaccines. Fingering (fem!receiving). Oral sex (fem!receiving). Penetrative, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it). Mirror kink. If I missed anything, please let me know so I add it! Author's Note: Bare with me, I don't know if I translated languages correctly. And apologies for any grammar mistakes, I tried to catch them all.
Black Smoke Masterlist
‘I’ll be home at seven. Wear the red dress again.’
And so you do. You swore not to look at the time because he always makes it home on time. You sit there on the third to last step on the staircase, waiting for him to walk through the front door. A pair of headlights shine in through the window and you perk up slightly only for your hopes to get crushed when they turn and disappear from your view. Sighing, you give in and pull out your phone. The screen lights up and the time stares at you in bold, white numbers.
He really is late.
Not a single call. Not even a text.
The time soon ticks to eight o’clock and he still hasn’t shown up. Dropping your purse on the hall table, you slip out of your heels and make the trek back upstairs to the bedroom. This isn’t the first time that he’s been late. Ever since the opening of his gallery, he’s gained a lot of traction with his business. Shoots booked nearly every day, he’s been spending a lot of time either at the studio or the gallery space editing photos and meeting with clients. You’d give him grace if he were thirty minutes late but a full hour?
Slipping out of the dress, you put it back on the hanger and into the closet before sitting down at the vanity and taking off your makeup. Your mind couldn’t help wondering back to Jake. Where is he? Is he okay? Then the worry sets in and you find yourself grabbing your phone and calling his cell. Straight to voicemail. Odd.
You can hear the door opening downstairs followed by his footsteps running up the stairs. You sit on the edge of the bed with your legs crossed in front of you and your arms crossed over your chest. He appears in the doorway and stops. “I’m so sorry..” He starts apologizing to you as he walks the length of space between the door and the bed. “I swear I left early so I could make it back here in time and you know me not to use excuses but my phone died and I didn’t have my charger and I got stuck in traffic and–” He sighs, his shoulder dropping. “I’m sorry..”
You shrug your shoulders and stand up from the bed. “Okay..” You walk over to your side of the bed and pull the sheets down.
“Okay?” He steps up to the bed and leans over with his fists pressing into the mattress. “You’re not going to yell? Get mad?”
“Why would I get mad?” You ask as you climb into the bed. “I mean.. It’s not the first time you’ve been late for our plans.. Disappointed? Sure. Mad? Nope.”
“Let me make it up to you.”
“Please let me make it up to you.” He says as he crawls onto the bed. On his hands and knees, he makes his way up the bed and gently rests his body on top of you. “I’ve missed you.” He kisses you as he squeezes your body within his arms. “And I really wanted to take you out tonight, I had such big plans.”
“Let me guess, a photoshoot in the middle of the street?”
He chuckles. “That is not a bad idea actually, but no.. I was going to take you out to dinner at this pretty awesome restaurant and then bring you home to shower you with love..”
“Hmm, as if you don’t already.”
“And then I’d present you with these..” He pushes himself up onto his knees and leans backwards. He unbuttons his suit jacket and reaches into the inside pocket and produces a paper envelope. He hands it to you and stays on his knees while he watches you open it. His eyes sparkle as he watches you look at the contents inside.
“No..” You say, shaking your head.
“It’s France.”
“It’s your job.”
“Only for a few days and then the rest of the two week trip is all ours.” He says. He hovers back over top of you and gives you a gentle kiss. “It won’t be as hot and steamy like Africa but..” He presses his lips to the backside of your ear and nibbles on your lobe. “Imagine having sex in a French vineyard.”
“Isn’t public indecency illegal like…I don’t know…Everywhere?”
He chuckles and pulls his face away, but still close enough that your noses can still touch. “Not if it’s a private vineyard.” He says. “This shoot is going to take place at a private vineyard owned by the client.”
“Who exactly is your client?” You ask.
“A big shot business man from New York who’s going through a midlife crisis and wants to have a vineyard,” Jake laughs. “His words, not mine. The shoot fills Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday–but he leaves right after the shoot on Wednesday and is leaving us the property for the rest of our trip.”
“But.. Why?”
“Because I want to treat you to a well deserved vacation, plus I want to make up for all of the lost time. I haven’t been around much as of late and I thought this would be perfect for the both of us, so he agreed to let us stay there for a romantic getaway–and besides, to have you out in the middle of a vineyard? I’d be in heaven.”
You giggle and brush the ringlets of his wavy hair from his forehead. “Do we have to wait until France?”
“You think I can wait?” He presses his lips against yours and slowly but roughly grinds his hardened cock against your center. “I want you now..”
Releasing your hold on him, you lay out your arms on either side of you on the bed. “Then have me..”
The flight to Paris was daunting but at least you had Jake beside you. By the time you made it to Paris, it was already the middle of the afternoon and Jake’s gently shaking you awake. “We’re here.” He whispers in your ear. “Come on, I think he sent us a driver.” And sure enough, the client did send a driver to retrieve the two of you from the airport. Jake chuckles at the sight of your eyes growing wide as the driver brings the two of you to a limo.
“Inside is stocked with the beverage you had requested,” The driver says. “Mr. Beaumont made sure of it himself–he wants everything to be to your liking.” He takes yours and Jake’s bags and brings them to the trunk.
Jake reaches for the door handle and yanks the door open. He graciously bends over in a polite bow as he motions his hand towards the opening of the limo. Giggling at his silliness, you kindly thank him and slide into the limo. Jake slides in after you and shuts the door. As the driver climbs into the front, Jake clears his throat.
“Do you mind if we..” He motions to the open window.
“Not at all, sir.” The driver says.
As the divider rises and clicks into place, Jake pulls you onto his lap and kisses you. “Thank you for coming with me.” He says. “I fear this trip would have been rather tres beau with you.”
“Working on our French, are we?”
“I heard they don’t like us speaking it, so let’s just keep it between us.”
“You sound sexy when you speak French.”
“Well it is the romance language.”
“Actually,” You say, placing your index on his lips. “It’s Spanish.” You adjust your position on his lap so that you’re straddling him with each leg on both sides. “Hazme el amor, Jacob.” His jaw falls slack and you can feel him growing hard beneath you. “Or..” You lean in close to his ear and whisper, “Fais-moi l’amour..”
He chews on his bottom lip and allows his head to drop backwards against the plush leather of the seats. “At the villa, I promise..” He pulls you in for a kiss when soon turns feverish as he pushes his tongue inside of your mouth. But just because he promised to make love to you at the villa, doesn’t mean he won’t have a little bit of fun with you at this moment. Sliding his right hand away from your ass, he moves it to rest between your two bodies and circles your clit over the fabric of your underwear. He silences your moan with another kiss.
The ride to villa seemed rather short when compared to the defiling the two of you did in the back of the limo. He had you in the palm of his hand, both literally and figuratively, the whole ride there. Constantly edging you, and teasing you, all the while whispering dirty things into your ear and finally letting you cum as he keeps your mouth covered, muffling your cries.
A knock comes on the divider as the driver announces your arrival to the villa. Removing yourself from Jake’s lap, you fix your dress and your hair as he straightens out his clothes. Jake pops the door open and climbs out and holds his hand out for you.
“Bonjour!” A male’s voice calls from the top of the brick stairwell. He’s dressed in a white linen top, a few buttons undone, accompanied by a pair of matching white linen pants and sandalwood colored loafers. His bushy, white hair covers his head while the same white hairs fill out on his face in a mustache and goatee. “Welcome to my lovely vineyard!” He jogs down the steps and across the lushish, green grass until he’s standing just a few feet away from the both of you. “Jacob,” He laughs with outstretched arms. “So wonderful to see you again, I can assure you that you and your beautiful wife here will have a wonderful stay here.” The two of them hug, sharing a few laughs before pulling apart.
“Mr. Beaumont, I would love for you to meet my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N.” Jake says as he introduces you to his client.
“Ohh, girlfriend.” Mr. Beaumont chuckles. “The two of you just seem so in love, I thought the knot had already been tied, my apologies.”
You give him a gracious smile and a nod of your head. “It’s alright, Mr. Beaumont–although wife does have a nice ring to it.” You say, looking up at Jake and winking. He chuckles and intertwines his hand with yours.
“Well, come come! Let me show you around the property and let the two of you get settled into your room.”
You weren’t sure which part of the whole place you loved more. The lengthy rows of vines with ready to harvest grapes, the giant wine cellar that houses barrels and barrels of aging wine, or the room that was designated to the two of you. Jake couldn’t help but whisper to you in the echoey hallway of all the things he plans to do to you once you're both behind closed doors.
“I do hope this room is up to your liking.” Mr. Beaumont says as he leans against the doorframe. “I call it the Lover’s Suit.”
Both you and Jake look at each other and a growing smirk appears on his face.
“Well, make yourselves at home. Catch some sleep if you’d like to. Dinner will be ready at seven, but I’ll be sure to send someone up to wake you should you fall asleep.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Beaumont.” Jake says as they shake hands.
“Jacob, please call me Charles. Mr. Beaumont is my father–a wise man I’ll admit–but not quite the man I want to be.”
Jake chuckles. “Of course, Charles. We’ll see you downstairs for dinner.”
Once Charles is gone from the room, Jake locks the door and starts to unbutton his shirt the rest of the way before pulling it out of his pants and slipping it off of his arms. He walks over towards you and pulls you to him. “You heard him. Let us make ourselves at home, shall we?”
Once fully undressed, he lays you on the bed and presses his body right up against yours, his cock rubbing deliciously over your folds. Resting your legs on his hips, he adjusts himself between you before pushing his cock inside of you. He stays put for a little while, allowing you to adjust around him. Once you have, he slowly begins to move his hips, pulling himself out before pushing back in until there’s a steady rhythm. He doesn’t try to silence you, wanting to hear you voice out loud just how good he makes you feel.
Turning your head to the side, you catch a glimpse of the two of you in the mirror that rests on top of the vanity table on the other side of the room. You loved to watch how fluid his body moved, how his muscles tightened and loosened with each movement. You could see the round curvature of his ass and you bit your lip before turning your head back to look at him. He wore a smirk on his face.
“We look exquisite, don’t we?” He says through labored breaths.
You can feel the familiar warm feeling start to grow within you as your walls fluttered around his cock. He hums with a smile and pushes in a little deeper with a singular roll of his hips sending you both over the edge and into the fiery pits of your orgasms.
He rests his head on your chest as he brings himself down from his high. You can feel his heart racing in his chest. No doubt that he probably feels yours too.
Pulling out, he lays on the bed beside you and draws you in near to him. “How much do you want to bet that they probably heard us?” He says.
“I don’t want to know if they did..”
He chuckles and runs his hand down your spine and back up again.
It didn't take long though for you to fall asleep from the way he soothingly rubs your back and the now calm rhythm of his heart beat. And when you awoke again, it was because of him kissing you as he brushed your hair behind your ear. You groan and turn over onto your back.
“Time to get up.. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Dragging yourself out of bed, you stagger over to your suitcase but Jake clears his throat. “In the closet..” He says as he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. “One of the maids came in not too long ago and hung everything up. She even took your dress to be steamed.”
“Oh.. That was nice..” You reach for your dress and pull it out. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“If you don’t mind me prying,” Charles takes a sip of his wine before clearing his throat. “How long have the two of you been together?”
“Not very long,” Jake responds. “Like six months?”
“Oh really?” Charles says, his eyebrows rising in interest. “You act like you’ve been together for a long time.”
“Guess we just fit together well..” Jake smiles at you from across the table.
“How did you two meet?”
“A photoshoot for a mutual friend. We got to know each other pretty well that day..” He reaches for his wine and takes a sip, but not before giving you a smirk. A light blush paints your cheeks making him chuckle. “I was enamored by her the second I laid eyes on her. She’s my muse..”
Charles smiles and leans back in his chair. “My wife, she’s the love of my life. We met through a mutual friend as well at a party thrown for the Senator’s birthday.”
A young maid steps into the room and walks up to Charles before whispering a few things into his ear. He hums in agreement and nods his head.
“If you’ll kindly excuse me, I have some things to tend to. In case I do not see you the rest of the night, I will see you tomorrow.”
With leaving the two of you alone in the dining room, it becomes awfully quiet, save for the clinking of your silverware as you cut another piece of steak. You can feel his eyes on you, watching your every movement. When you finally do look at him, he has a wicked grin plastered on his face.
“Dare I ask why you’re looking at me like that?” You say as you set your fork down on your plate.
He clears his throat and grabs the cloth napkin to wipe his mouth before setting it back down on the table. He glances at the butler that stands off to the side of the room before looking back at you.
“Come on, I have something to show you.”
He gets up from the table and meets you at the end of it. Interlocking your hands together, he pulls you from the dining room and down the long hall towards the back of the villa.
“I found this when I went exploring..”
“When did you go exploring?”
“While you were sleeping.”
You pretend to be offended that he would explore the property without you. Though your giggles say otherwise, a smile spreads across his face.
“Trust me, you’ll love it.”
He brings the two of you to a wall painted with purple and pink flowers and blue ones scattered in various spots. Running his hands along the detailed wall, he stops in one particular spot and presses his right hand inwards and pushes the wall forward. It opens like a door into a secret passageway that leads to a narrow staircase leading down.
“I don’t even think that Charles knows about this area,” Jake says as he swipes away the remaining cobwebs that he had missed on his first exploration through this area. The door closes behind the two of you, engulfing the passageway in darkness. Jake fishes around for his phone and turns on the flashlight. “Come on..”
“Jake, where are you taking me?”
“Just trust me, you’re going to love it.”
He continues down the passageway before coming to a stone door. Letting go of your hand, he leans against the door and pushes it open. The sound of the stone moving and scraping against the floor echoes through the empty chamber. You hear him fumbling around the room until a flame illuminates his face. He lights each torch in the room until the orange hues light up the room, making it easier for you to see what’s inside.
“Oh my god..”
“I think whoever owned this property–way before Charles–was a little kinky..” Jake chuckles.
Mirrors cover each inch of the walls around the room. A stone altar is placed in the middle of the room. Old, rusted looking devices are placed strategically along the surface of it. You shake your head and fold your arms over your chest.
“No way, am I allowing you to put any of those inside of me.” You say. Jake’s laughter bounces off of the walls and walks over to you. “It’s not funny.. Those things are covered in cobwebs and rust. Look, I know I'm up to date on my tetanus but that’s just gross.”
“I never said a word about using those.” Jake says as he walks up to you. “We don’t need those anyways.” He presses his front side to your back side and sways both of your bodies from side to side. “Although this isn’t exactly why I wanted to bring you down here.” He pulls away from you and takes his phone out of his pocket. “I forgot to grab my camera, so this will have to do.”
“Jake, I am not your client.”
“No, you are not,” He says, shaking his head. “You are my muse. There’s a difference. Now..” He reaches for your hand and guides you over to stand in front of the mirror. “The reflection tends to show us the truth,” He positions just the way he wants you, facing towards the mirror. “I want you to look into your own eyes and find what your truth is.”
He moves your head slightly closer to the mirror, so your nose is nearly touching the reflective glass. “Just like that.. Perfect..” Placing his phone up to the mirror, he angles it the way he wants it to look. You can hear the sound of the shutter on his phone as he captures the right photos that he wants.
After getting the ones he likes, he repositions so your back is facing the mirror and turns your head so you’re looking at him.
“You know, if you had a twin, I’d be screwed.” He says. “One of you is my weakness but two? I’d be dead.” A grin breaks out on your face and a giggle leaves your throat. “Candid shots of you are my favorite. Your smile is perfect.”
Pushing away from the wall, he puts his phone into his pocket and lowers himself in front of you. He moves your legs apart and bent your right knee. He pushes your dress up your right thigh. “Hold..” Standing back up and stepping away, he looks you over. Stepping back up to you, he reaches for the strap of your dress and pushes it down your shoulder and tilts your head backwards so it's resting against the mirror. He steps away once again, giving you another look over. “I love it..” Retrieving his phone again, he takes a few more photos.
But that’s all he can do before he’s stuffing his phone back into the pocket of his pants and pressing you into the mirror. He pulls your dress completely up your legs revealing your naked center. He slides his fingers through your folds and sinks them inside of you. A moan escapes your lips and your head falls against the mirror.
“Does that feel good?” He says as he slowly pumps his fingers in and out. No words can form, only another moan as he scrapes his fingers along your walls.
It’s only been a few hours since the two of you were connected and you find that you’re still sensitive which brings you closer to your orgasm.
“Jake.. I need to..”
“Do it..” He breathes into your ear. “Soak my hand..” He pumps his fingers a few more times and soon you’re releasing right into his palm. “So beautiful..” He kisses behind your ear and works you through your orgasm. The feeling of his lips against your skin and the movements of your fingers has you teetering on the edge of another one but before your second one even comes close, he’s withdrawing his fingers and licking his hand clean.
Taking you away from the mirror, he brings you over to the stone altar and bends you forward, over to the side. Reaching for your head, he turns it to the side so you can see yourself in the mirror, completely submitted to his will. Through the mirror, you can see him drop his pants and stroke his length a few times before lifting your dress back over your hips and lining himself up with your entrance.
Slowly he pushes into you, both of you moaning as he fits himself perfectly inside. His hands find their rightful place on either one of your hips and he holds firm as he begins moving his hips.
“I totally brought you down here to fuck, after catching you watching us through the mirror of the vanity.” He snaps his hips roughly against your ass, plunging himself deeper inside of you, eliciting a small yelp from you. “I will admit though, it does look pretty hot watching us fuck..”
You’re growing increasingly closer to your second orgasm again. Your walls tighten around his cock as he fucks even deeper inside of you. He slides his right hand from your hip, around to your front side and rubs his middle finger against your clit. His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he watches your eyes roll back into your head and a high pitched moan fall from you.
“Come on baby, I know you need to.. I need to…” Jake’s breathing becomes labored until he falters. His hips grow stiff and his length inside twitches. “Come on..” He thrusts a few times before he’s finally spilling his warm seed inside of you just in time for you to release your own. He falls against your back, his warm breath cascading across your neck. “That was amazing..”
Not long after, he pulls himself free of you and straightens back up and pulls you with him. He tilts your head and draws you in for a kiss before turning you around and holding you close. “These next three days are going to be absolute torture..”
You hum and trace his bottom lip with your index finger. “Don’t forget, you get me at night..” You say before kissing him again. “Shall we go back to the room? I don’t know about you, but now I’m exhausted..”
Jake chuckles and nods his head. “Yeah, let’s go back.” He intertwines your hands together, lacing his fingers through yours and the two of you exit the mirrored room and make your way back through the passage and to the main quarters of the villa.
tag list:
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold @jaketlove @mackalah @lexii-nv-c @em-gvf01 @katiegvf @joshkiszkaenthusiast @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasmommy @objectsinspvce @gvfmarge @heckingfrick @bluemeadows77 @laneygvf @sacredmachine @jordie-gvf-admin @gvfpal @killerqueengvf @jaketlover @jordinlkiszka @alwaysonthemend @hellowgoodbye @anythingforjtk @hi-hi-hello11 @anthemofgvf @gretasfallingsky @songbirds-sweet @wildbluesorbit @klarxtr @stardustsecret @sunandthemoontwinflames @everyglowinthetwilightknows @sinsofstardust @sparrowofthedawnsworld @josh-iamyour-mama @dannys-dream
Want to be added to my tag list? Reach out to me! :D
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
you're right, we havent given mr jake jensen a lot of attention lately 😔🫶🏻 can we get an E for him?
We are all on the Jake train now, y'all...
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From this dirty ask game, which is appropriately named and thus MINORS DNI.
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I feel like I need to say this before we get started--
In regards to the previous discussion of his sexual routine: to be clear, you didn't make Jake cry because of attempting to set time aside for him. He just really didn't like the idea maybe not having already spent time--good time--together or romancing you, etc, that would make you feel the need to schedule things. Things that aren't a specific date out and so forth. He knows he over-reacted. He sees that now. He just had gotten a bit lost in work for a week. Instead of interrupting him then, you set aside some time, and then he kinda lost his shit thinking he'd neglected you or that you thought that...
It's fine. He's fine now. He still hates the idea of scheduling anything but trips though.
E - Extra Info
Jake really, really likes strip poker, but it's pretty obvious he just wants any excuse to be in his boxers. Dude doesn't really like wearing clothes (except he's perfectly fine still having his socks and boots on?? so definitely no foot fetish there). That might be a bit of a thing, actually. If you rock some awesome shoes--be it high heels or platforms or the chunkiest combat boot known to man-- you're not taking them off for sex; you're stuck in those till he's done with you. Period.
The question of if he seduces you back came up in the previous ask, too, and absolutely, yes. He's just...so fucking awkward about using pickup lines and stuff that Jake's seduction is more like...showing his enthusiasm instead of a well thought out plan. He'll take over, he'll take what he wants, but ultimately, he's very sweet about communicating what it is he's excited for.
Like you wearing his bulletproof vest. There's lots of straps he can hold onto. Or his leather gun holster, nothing underneath. That works both ways because he'll wear that for you and nothing else, too.
As we all know, Jake really likes to laugh. He enjoys those moments of levity even--and maybe especially--during sex, so if you do use something on him or make a game of it, it's a big turn on to him that he can be comfortable and goofy and you're still ready to fuck him because goodness knows that's all he wants in the world.
Does Jake have any dark fantasies or desires?
Hmm. Really good question.
I think what I'm getting at is that he is a real tit-for-tat man; if he has any desire to bring it to the bedroom, he's open to whatever it is being done to him. He would never ask you to go through something he wouldn't (degradation, humiliation, roleplay, anal, whatever). If I've said it once, I'll say it again: pure. switch. energy.
He's not the most articulate about these things. He still blushes and chuckles when certain things are brought up, no doubt, but he's just, idk, interested. If you wanna try it, so does he. He'll even research the fuck out of it and buy all the supplies and be ready.
Just. Don't. Schedule. It.
The only organic thing in all of life that Jake gives a fuck about is intimacy. That's gotta be organic or it takes the fun away. He needs the fun. He needs the laughter.
Thank you for asking!
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I love him so much.
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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Piercer!Jake thought below the cut (mayhaps this will become something later). I saw this on tiktok and immediately thought of Jake, so-
You hear a male voice call your name from the doorway and immediately look up to acknowledge him. He flashes you a quick smile and motions for you to come closer to him.
He is undeniably beautiful, instantly captivating you with his smile and softer features - though, enhanced in a few places by some facial piercings.
“You’re getting your nose pierced, right?” He asks, glancing down at the paper in his hands and then back up at you.
All you can manage in response is a quick nod, but he seems unfazed. Turning around on his heel, he leads you back to one of the rooms, where everything is already set up just so.
“Okay,” he starts, laying the paper aside and picking up a purple marker. “Sit right up there for me. All I’m gonna do right now is mark your nose, okay?”
You’re lost in the way he’s talking to you. So gentle, yet confident in his words and actions. Probably because he’s done this a thousand times.
“Okay,” you reply, taking a seat up on the table, watching the way he moves about the small space.
“Alright,” His fingers just barely graze your jaw as he tilts your head. “Look straight ahead for me.”
Carefully and skillfully, he touches the felt tip of the marker to the side of your nose, creating the smallest little dot. He pulls back and examines it for a moment, before nodding to himself and stepping back from you.
“Check that out in the mirror for me,” he smiles, gesturing towards the mirror. “If you want to move it, I most definitely can. It is your face, after all,” he chuckles lightly.
You look in the small mirror and take in the placement. Of course, it’s perfect.
“I love it right where it is,” you tell him. very much pleased with the placement.
“Awesome,” he nods with a grin. “Jump back up there then and we’ll get you pierced!”
The nerves start to bubble up in your stomach as you plant yourself back in your previous spot. Not because you’ve never had a piercing done before, but because you’ve never had a piercer so fucking handsome. Ever:
Truly, you’re half convinced he’s not real.
“So,” he chimes, his raspy voice pulling you from your daze. “Do you have any other piercings besides your ears, or is this your first?”
“I have a few,” you answer him, engaging in his small talk, watching him pull a pair of dark blue gloves over his hands. “This is obviously my first facial piercing though. But I have my bellybutton and nipples.”
Although you’ve rather boldly finished your sentence, you can’t help the flash of shock and embarrassment that washes over you, once your brain processes what you just said.
He is notably a little red in the cheeks, as well, but not nearly as flustered as you are.
“Well, this should be a piece of cake for you then, huh?” There’s a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, fighting to be seen, as he tears open the packages for needle and the jewelry.
“Ready?” He asks, taking the needle in between his fingers and turning towards you.
“As ever,” you smile, trying to act cool in favor of pulling yourself out of the hole you just dug… and fell into.
Tediously, he takes your face in his hands and places the needle over the mark he’d made.
“Aaand…Here we go,” he says, giving you the brief warning before swiftly pushing the needle in.
You cringe, eyes beginning to water, threatening to spill out over your cheeks. Nice, you think to yourself.
Reaching for the little stud, the needle is quickly replaced with the jewelry and some of the pain instantly subsides.
Much to your surprise, just as your eyes open completely, his thumb makes a short pass over your cheek, swiping away a stray tear that had fallen, immediately making you turn a deep shade of red.
“Don’t stress, love,” he grins. “Happens all the time. It’s normal.”
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woodandwaxwings · 6 months
Behind Blue Eyes
"He couldn't help but look at him and search for those familiar blue eyes he had come to love only for them to be not there, for doe brown eyes to be in the place of his favorite watercolor blues."
Warnings: PTSD attack towards the end. loosely described though.
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Y/n sighed as the bus he was taking stopped outside Jericho's bus stop. Now he had to commit to leaving Florida and the other peculiars he had grown up with, went to war with. Now he was in Vermont in a small town nobody but peculiars and outcasts would give more than half a shit about. Y/n smiled as 'you can tell she's a princess' from some Barbie movie he had never bothered to watch came from his phone, garnering odd looks as he picked up the phone. "Hey, Claire. I see you've finally learned how a phone works." Claire laughed on the other end, "Shut up! Are you there yet?" Y/n could almost imagine her twisting the honey-blonde curls she let grow out between her fingers. "I just got off the bus in Jericho. Do you know how far Vermont is from Florida? Really far." Y/n walked down the streets of Jericho, probably looking like he had just escaped an old film with his luggage bag he'd had since 1939 before being sent off to Miss Peregrine it was garnered in stickers Abe had sent with his letters to Emma. His outfit didn't help much despite Jake taking him shopping not long after arriving in Florida. With his flare jeans and corduroy jacket, he looked like someone had let one of the characters from That 70s Show loose in a mall. And his tattoos of course didn't help the strangers in small town Jericho from staring.
"How's school in Florida?" Y/n asked Claire as he entered a small coffee shop. After all the traveling, he was thirsty and tired and could go for some coffee. "Oh my bird, it's awesome! I've made so many friends..." He let Claire rant as he ordered a coffee from a long-haired brunette boy behind the counter. Y/n smiled and gave the boy a "thank you," as he handed him his coffee. He heard someone yell at Claire over the phone as he set down in a booth facing the entrance of the coffee shop. "Hey, Y/n, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, ok? Remember, don't be weird. Mwah," He smiled as he shut off his phone after she hung up and drank his coffee to regain the energy he had lost from the travel. "Where'd you come from?" Y/n looked up from his coffee to see another brunette boy with short hair. "Florida," Y/n spoke, her German accent pushing through his words making the boy laugh as he sat across from him uninvited. "Diese Schlampe,"(this bitch) Y/n murmured to himself. "Doesn't sound like it," The boy across from him said.
Y/n rolled his eye as he looked at the clock, "Ich habe keine Zeit dafür."(I don't have time for this) He said as he stood up and grabbed his bag, the boy across from him standing as well. "No seriously, where'd you come from." "Germany, then Wales, then Florida." He said as he pushed passed the boy in front of him, leaving the coffee shop and the annoying boy behind. He had only been there for about 30 minutes and he was already starting to hate this town, but a promise is a promise. He watched a different bus stop at the bus stop and several kids in uniforms exit. He knew he was supposed to get on that bus but as he looked for the driver's eyes, only for them to be concealed by dark sunglasses he decided right then it would be a better idea to walk to Nevermore. He'd take possible haunted woods over wights any day. He began to walk in the direction that the bus had come from, his fingers shaking as he had to turn his back to the man, mentally preparing himself to trigger his peculiarity hollows be damned.
"Well, look who decided to step out of the 40s." Y/n turned on his heels as he recognized the voice from behind him. "Yoko, hallo." She and the girl on her side walked up to him. "Was machst du in Jericho?" (What are you doing in Jericho) She asked him. Y/n vaguely remembered Yoko from his early years in the children's home before it became his loop. Her fathers were friends with Miss Peregrine. "Wieso bist du nicht tot?"(How are you not dead) She asked as she looked him over, noticing that he was 17 and not 13 or dirt. "The library is gone." He answered in English, noticing Yoko's companion's confusion. "It's real?" Y/n shrugged, "Was real." Yoko noticed his eyes darting back to the bus behind them. "Er ist ein Mensch." (he is human.) Yoko said and watched as his shoulders relaxed. "Benutzen Sie den Bus. (use the bus) It's faster than walking." Y/n nodded as he walked past them and got on the bus. "Another bus ride," Y/n thought to himself as he sat down and the bus began made its way back to Nevermore.
"Sorry for scarin' ya' kid." Y/n looked away from the window and to the bus driver. "You're not the first peculiar kid to try walkin' to Nevermore instead of getting on my bus." Y/n nodded, "Sorry for assuming." The bus driver shook his head as he stopped at the school, "Never apologize for being safe." Y/n nodded as he got off the bus, "Thanks for the ride." The bus driver nodded, "Just doin' my job." Y/n gave the man a smile as he walked through the front entrance of Nevermore. He sighed. If only Victor was here with him if only this was 20 years ago. "if only"s could go on forever, but here he was alone. "Hi," He looked down at the boy who spoke to him. "Hi," He looked the young boy up and down, he could only be about 14. "I'm Eugene Ottinger, peculiar. Principal Weems thought you would be more comfortable with one of us leading you around, and I was the only one available." Y/n nodded as he ranted he reminded him a lot of Millard. "I heard you came from a loop. Is that true? I've never been in a loop before. What can you do? I have a psychic connection to bees," Y/n followed behind him as the young boy guided him around the school. He suddenly stopped, "This is Weems's office. She'll get you enrolled and show you to your dorm." Y/n nodded as he knocked on the door, Eugene leaving him behind.
"You must be Y/n L/n." A tall blonde woman, who Y/n assumed was Principal Weems, said as she opened the door. "Come in," She pulled the door further open, letting him walk into her office. "Very rarely do we ever get peculiars here." Y/n nodded, "Most of us stick to loops instead of school." Weems nodded as she sat behind her desk. "School doesn't start for another 3 days so you should have plenty of time to get situated." She said as Y/n looked around her office. "Do I have to buy a uniform or are they provided?" Y/n asked as he finally sat down on the other side of her desk. "They are provided." Principal Weems set a paper down facing him, "You've already registered so no need for any mindless paperwork. I'll give you you uniform before showing you to your dorms and then your roommate can give you a tour of the school." Y/n nodded as Miss Weems stood and grabbed a purple box that was set off to the side. "Nevermore's welcome package," She said as she handed it to Y/n. "Shall I show you to your dorm room now?" She asked but it wasn't really a question as she opened the door to her office and gestured for him to exit.
"Nevermore prides itself on being a diverse learning environment for all of it's attendants." Weems began the welcome speech spiel. "You'll find that all of our outcasts intermingle well," Her words were said in a tone that screamed 'behave'. "And that is something our school would like to continue to pride itself on." Y/n nodded as she walked down the dormitory halls, "You'll be rooming with Ajax Petropolus." Weems said as she opened the door to one of the dorm rooms, "Who does not appear to be here," She mumbled under her breath as she let Y/n into the room. As Y/n set his suitcase and "welcome package" down on the bare twin bed on the right side of the dorm a boy rushed into the room. "Sorry," He said to both him and the principal as he fixed his beanie. "Hi, Ajax," He stuck his hand out for Y/n to shake and that's when he really got a look at him. Shit, he was screwed. The universe must hate him because he couldn't help but look at him and search for those familiar blue eyes he had come to love only for them to be not there, for doe brown eyes to be in the place of his favorite watercolor blues.
"Y/n," He finally said when he realized he was staring, hesitantly shaking his hand. "Cool," Ajax said, seemingly oblivious. "I'll leave you to get situated," Weems said as she left, shutting the door behind her. Y/n then stepped back and walked back to his side of the room, "What happened to your previous roommate?" He asked as he opened his luggage bag, placing the framed picture of him and Victor face down on his bedside table. "He graduated," Ajax said as he sat on his own bed. "So what's your deal?" Y/n paused in his unpacking, turning to face his roommate, "What?" Ajax shrugged, "Y'know, what's your thing? Are you a psychic? Werewolf?" Y/n nodded, "Oh. I'm peculiar." Ajax shrugged, "Well I wouldn't say peculiar, but you do dress a little weird." "Bist du dumm?" (Are you stupid?) Y/n asked as he shoved his clothes into the dresser drawer that also seemed to be a table. "Excuse me?" Ajax shook his head. "I'm peculiar, as in that's my thing." Ajax just gave him a confused stare. "Forget it. Aren't you supposed to give me a tour of the school or something?"
The gorgon shot up from his bed, "Right! Sorry, forgot." Y/n felt almost disoriented as he watched Ajax. Everything about him was exactly the same but so different to Victor, like the reflection in a distorted mirror came to life. "So this is one of four dormitory halls. There are two girls' dormitories and two boys' dormitories." Ajax begins as he exits the room, expecting Y/n to follow him and he does. "Nevermore was founded by Nathaniel Faulkner in 1791, the dormitories being added on in 1840 and were renovated in 1940." Y/n nodded as he followed Ajax down the stairs to the courtyard. "I'm not going to have to memorize any of this, am I?" Y/n watched as his brown eyes went wide like a deer in the headlights, "Huh? Oh, no. It's just a bunch of crap." Y/n looked around the courtyard to find it almost barren. "I figured there'd be more people here." Ajax looked over the courtyard as well, "Yeah, most people will be showing up tomorrow to get unpacked and stuff. Oh yeah, um, this is the courtyard. Mostly everyone eats their meals here." The two walked around the courtyard to an Edgar Allen Poe statue. "This is our statue in tribute to Edgar Allen Poe, I'm like 90% sure he was like an alumni."
"I don't give a shit about Edgar Allen Poe," Y/n said as he looked Ajax up and down. "Do we have to wear our uniforms all the time?" Ajax shrugged, "I mean most people tend to wear theirs while on campus." Y/n nodded. "So is that a no? yes?" The two stared at each other for a moment, and then a short blonde girl approached them. "Hey, Ajax!" She spoke excitedly. Both boys turn to face her as if being snapped out of a trance. "Oh hey, Enid. " Ajax looked between the two people in front of him. "Enid this is Y/n." HE pointed to Y/n and then pointed to Enid, "Y/n this is Enid. She's a werewolf." Y/n nodded and stuck his hand out for the girl to shake. Enid shakes his hand but doesn't let go of it. "Oh my gosh!" She turns his hand over so the back of his hand is facing upward. "I love your tattoo! Is it real?" Y/n could practically imagine a tail wagging behind her. "Yeah. A friend of mine chose it for me. She said to just use my peculiarity with it whenever I miss her."
Ajax furrows his brows as he leans to look at the thickly lined butterfly. "What can you do?" He and Enid asked almost in sync. Y/n smiled a cheeky smile as he placed his other hand over the top of the one Enid still had a tight grip on. "Wach auf."(Wake up) He whispered before removing his hand to reveal a live black and white butterfly sitting on his hand where the tattoo was. Enid giggled as the butterfly flew up to her nose, following Y/n's eyes as he mentally guided it. "Cool," Enid mumbled as it sat on her face. She jumped as Y/n swatted his hand out to grab the insect and the two watched as the tattoo faded back onto his hand. "Sweet. It's kinda like Xavier's powers." Y/n nodded despite not knowing who they were talking about. There then was a sudden boom that resembled a cannon being fired or a boulder falling. Y/n's heart picked up as he squeezed his eyes shut and slammed his hands so hard over his ears that they began to ring. Memories he wished he did a better job at pushing down came flooding to the surface as he grew lightheaded.
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thewrittingratt · 2 months
okay awesome, thank you so much! and i agree, there’s a serious lack of charles content on here ❤️ would i be able to request a charles boyle x younger fem!reader who starts out a a new detective at the 99 and charles really obviously has a crush on her. she makes some throwaway comments about wishing she could be a mom and start a family and find “the one” and charles is convinced it’s him. maybe he ends up manipulating reader or baby trapping her during a hook-up (with no smut of course) or he kidnaps her even? honestly you can change it however you’d like for your comfort levels! and i’m fine with anything, also. thank you so much and let me know if you would like help brainstorming:)
A/N: I'm gonna be honest took a little bit of thinking but I like how this turned out! Sorry this took a little while but the power company decided to work on the power lines today
Also reader has a sister
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It all started on a Tuesday.
A Tuesday that Charles would never forget. The blinds and the door to Holt's office were closed, indicating that something was up. Charles had asked what was happening "There's someone new joining the precinct. Fresh out of the academy." Gina answered from her desk.
The door opened and to Charles it felt like time frozen when he saw you. You were an absolutely gorgeous young woman. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Y/N L/N. Our newest officer." Holt introduced you. Your smile would forever been burned into his mind.
It was like he knew he'd never want to see you unhappy. "Thank you Captain." you said as you looked at everyone. Then it happened. Your eyes met his. He thinks he stopped breathing before Jake hit his arm. "Dude, she said hi." Jake informed him. Charles let out a breathy "Hi" and you smiled even more(if it was possible)
It had been a few weeks since you joined the precinct. And it was obvious to everyone that Charles was completely head over heels for you. He'd stare at you from his desk, in meetings, on cases, hell even when you were interrogating a suspect.
But one day you didn't show up. He found it suspicious. You never missed a day so far. So he was worried. What happened? Was there an accident? We're you sick? He needed to know. So obviously he asked Gina.
"Hey Gina. Have you seen Y/N today?" Gina looked up from her phone "Oh yeah apparently her sister's having a baby." Charles only nodded. You had a sister and he didn't know? He though he knew everything about you. After all you were a very open and honest woman.
The next day you returned and Charles couldn't have been happier. I he could but not when he saw you showing Jake pictures of your sisters kids. "What are their names?" Charles asked from behind you, scaring you a bit since you didn't hear him walk behind you. "That one's Henry and that one's Seth." You said pointing to each of them when you said their names.
Later you were still talking about your nephews. "Geez. Why don't you just have a baby?" Gina spoke up, clearly annoyed. You looked at her "I wish I could have one-" you were interrupted "They why don't you Y/N?" Jake asked and you gave a shy smile "I guess I just haven't found 'The one' yet." You answered.
Charles lifted his head from his spot at the coffee machine. You haven't found 'The one' yet? Could he be that for you? Would you ever consider him? Even if you were younger than him? He thought about it most of the time.
It was the perfect daydream: You and him with one- no two kids, you cooking while he sets the table while the kids watch tv. He'd massage your feet when they got sore. He'd go to the store in the middle of the night for your cravings. You'd look so beautiful to him no matter what. He'd-
"Ow!" Charles yelled as he was burned by the coffee he was making. "Oh! Charles, are you ok?" your angelic voice asked "Yeah. I overfilled my cup." he explained as he watches you get some paper towels.
You helped him clean the mess as you spoke "I was wandering if you wanted to go to Shaw's after work? Me, Jake and a few of the others?" god your smile was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"Uh- yeah, yeah sure." he stammered as he watched you head back to your desk. Could this be his chance? He sure hoped so.
Turns out it was in fact it was his chance. Everyone was so drunk and you just kept going on about wanting a baby in your drunken state. He didn't remember much from that night but he remembered leaving with you.
The next morning when he woke up he was holding somethin- no someone. To be specific, you. He was holding you. And when he went to move you woke up with a 'hmm?'. He frozen.
What was he supposed to do? Should he say something? He didn't know what to do so he just lay there until you did something. Which wasn't for another twelve minutes but he didn't mind as long as he could be this close to you forever.
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A/N: I hope you liked this. I'm just running out of ideas rn. so I'll make a pt2 later! but I hope you like where it's going!
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ofthecaravel · 3 months
I’ve been thinking long and hard about how Girl Van Fleet’s stage outfits would compare to Guy Van Fleet, but tbh I don’t think they would be that different.
She would wear the same jumpsuits as Josh, but part way through the show she changes into a sparkly white dress with a floor length flowing skirt so she can twirl around. The tops of her outfits would still be super open cut and it has to take a lot of clothing tape to keep her boobs from falling out. She usually doesn’t wear shoes, but she has a pair of embellished white slip ons (just like Josh’s) for when she goes to the b-stage and to the barrier.
She would absolute rock in Jake’s black cropped sparkly jacket. Underneath she has sparkly black bra. Instead of the pants, though, she would go for a matching mid thigh length skirt and fishnet stockings. Of course she also has the Chelsea boots (which are sparkly)
She would look awesome in Sam’s red outfit. Instead of having a suit jacket, she would have a sports bra like top with a thin strap on her right shoulder and a full sleeve with a wing for her left sleeve. She would have a red stone in her belly button piercing. Her bottom would either be a pair of short shorts or a short skirt. She would complete the look with a pair of knee height high heel boots. The whole outfit is red and sparkly and she looks like a ruby.
I think she would look good in Danny’s outfit with the sparkly silver mesh and gray scarf across her chest, and tbh I don’t think she would change much about it. She would wear the top as is. Same as Jos, it would take a lot of work to make sure her boobs stay in place. Instead of the white pants, she’d go with a pair of white short shorts. As a drummer, she’s gotta have practical shoes, so she wears a pair of sparkly white vans with her outfit.
it is TRULY so satisfying to know there are people who fully 100% understand my girls 😭😭 like literally zero fucking notes, you nailed it, down to the littlest details like jos' outfit change and the boob tape for her and dani lmao. my favorite details are sammis one sleeve wing jacket (i wanna draw that) and janie being in anything black and sparkly. bravo
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ambrossart · 10 months
Paper Men Writing Update + Patrick Teaser
As most of you know, I'm REALLY STRUGGLING with this next chapter. I actually had a good, long cry about it the other day. And it's not because I feel pressure to get it done (you all are the most patient, awesome people and I know you're willing to wait). I just get really frustrated when I lose my confidence and my voice, and I feel like that's what's happening now. I'm second-guessing everything and it's showing in my writing.
I know this is only temporary. I know I'll figure everything out eventually. I just needed to vent for a second.
Anyway, 29 is not done yet (sorry). I honestly don't know when I'll be completely happy with it, but in the meantime...
Here's a teeny tiny Patrick teaser. If you haven't read the first preview, I highly suggest you do; otherwise, you might be confused.
How did I get here? Evelyn wondered. How did I go from sitting beneath the stars with Victor Criss, from watching him point out all his favorite constellations and trying to commit them all to memory, from gazing into his eyes, seeing the reflections of so many stars, and thinking, This is it. These are the only eyes I’ll ever wanna get lost in… How did I go from that, from such simple, unwavering certainty, to 
Evelyn was sitting on the floor of the science lab now, curled up and cowering in the shadow of the assigned lab table that she shared with Mallory Stone. (We have a reading assignment due tomorrow, don’t we? Yeah, I think so…) Foggy as her memory was, Evelyn could hardly recall how she had arrived there. She remembered, vaguely, wanting to go to the restroom. Wanting to wash and scrub all the makeup off her face. Wanting to claw the curls out of her hair and smooth it out just as it was before. She remembered wanting this so badly that her feet started moving by themselves, slowly, wobbly, as if she was sleepwalking or lost in some drug-induced stupor. Evelyn only made a few steps before she heard… something. A soft, feminine clicking sound. Heels, yes, that’s what it was. Mrs. Lafferty’s heels. She was finally returning from her smoke break and mumbling about having to wait around for a tow truck. Someone had taken the air out of her tires (Henry Bowers, she falsely suspected), but Evelyn wouldn’t learn this until three days later, when Mrs. Lafferty stopped her in the hallway and asked if she was okay.
“You left so suddenly the other day, I thought there was some sort of emergency.”
“Oh, no,” Evelyn said stiffly, too stiffly. She had to remind herself to smile. “No, I just had to get home, that’s all.”
She couldn’t bear to let Mrs. Lafferty see her like that, to let anybody see her like that. When Evelyn heard those footsteps coming down the hallway, she sprang into a blind panic. She started twisting and pulling, twisting and pulling on doorknobs, praying that one of them, please God one of them, would show her some mercy and open. Out of the six doors she tried only one was unlocked. One. Desperate as she was, Evelyn never bothered to question why. She slipped inside the darkened lab, comforted by its silence and emptiness (or so she thought then), and found safety within its sturdy, familiar walls. 
Evelyn licked her lip again. Her blood tasted salty, metallic, and slightly sweet. 
I never should’ve gone to the library that day. If I hadn’t then maybe I wouldn’t be here right now. Maybe I’d be off studying somewhere with Jake, and blushing when he pulled his chair closer to mine. Maybe he’d ask me out. Maybe I’d say yes. Then we’d be dating and I’d become the First Lady of the Student Council. (That does have a nice ring to it…) We’d date all through college, probably get married after I graduate, then we’d have some kids, get a dog, and—boom!—there’s your Christmas card, Hannah. I’d have a lovely, perfect life.
Why didn’t that sound more appealing to her?
Because I’m stupid, she thought. Because I just had to go to the library that day. 
She went there to type up her summer essay, and when she came out—
It didn’t mean anything, Evelyn.
No, it didn’t. She saw that now. 
It wasn’t romantic. It wasn’t special. Henry didn’t kiss me because he liked me. He kissed me because he could. Because he felt like it. Because my feelings don’t matter to him. They never have. 
Evelyn felt her eyes begin to water, but she did not cry. She would not cry, not over him. 
You need to stop, she told herself. You need to stop pushing. You need to stop forcing. You need to stop chasing after people who don’t want you. It always ended the same: with her feeling hurt, angry, embarrassed, disappointed, and so very tired.
Evelyn leaned back and felt a gentle warmth kiss the side of her face. At last, the sun was finally setting on this horrible day. It dipped beneath the half-pulled blinds, poured into the room, and painted the floor a burnt, bitter orange. The color reminded her, strangely, of fire.   
I’m done, she thought, and this decision didn’t come easily. Evelyn had to reach deep inside her heart, breaking through layers of thick bone and protective tissue, in order to find this tiny… seedling. Yeah, that seemed like the best comparison. A tiny seedling like the one she had in Mr. Wallander’s eighth-grade agriculture class. (Henry let me copy…) Evelyn’s seedling was supposed to grow and blossom into this beautiful, colorful flower, but it never did. It just shriveled up and died. And Evelyn didn’t know if it was her fault, if she had watered it too little, or too much, or if it was just a bad seed right out of the package. It didn’t matter anymore. It was dead. Now Evelyn had to dig out, rip it out from the ground, and throw it into the—
Mr. Beecroft’s chair groaned against the floor. Someone else was in the room.   
Evelyn stifled a gasp with her hands and ducked down, dropping her head into her shoulders. Her brown eyes bulged with fright. The door was unlocked. Oh my god, the door was unlocked!
Footsteps emerged from behind the teacher’s desk. Closer. Closer. These weren’t the quick, delicate steps that Evelyn had heard in the hallway. These were heavier and unhurried. They crept forward with a slow draaaag and clump, draaaag and clump. 
The footsteps stopped behind her, on the other side of the table, and now the temperature felt like it had dropped ten degrees. Evelyn’s bones froze with her next breath. She stayed quiet, listening, and heard the slow pull and push of respiration. But it wasn’t her own she heard. No, this was coming from over her right shoulder. Evelyn turned her head towards it, lifted her chin, and saw
(the Cheshire Cat)
the slow-blinking, heavy-lidded eyes of Patrick Hockstetter. 
His face broke into a soft, sleepy grin. “Hey,” he said, “it is you… I thought I was still dreaming for a second.” 
Dreaming? Evelyn thought. What do you dream about, Patrick?
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this is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever written (not self-deprecating, just objective, I'm awesome, I love myself, blah, blah blah) but I'm sharing it bc the richjake fandom needs to be fed.
inspired by this post (link may or may not work, I'm bad at tech, it's by @theabyssgazesalsointoyou and the gist is rich wearing jake's clothes and jake loving it but I like...twisted the idea. a lot. for my own purposes.) and one of my headcanons that I can't say without spoiling the whole thing. kinda. whatever.
anywho here is this fic. i wanted it to be like 700 words but it's 2611 and I'm not giving you any hints as to what it's about, just read it!! for me!! anywho enjoy
Before moving in with Jake, Rich had spent almost every night at Michael’s house. Despite being hesitant to let a scarred arsonist sleep at their house, Michael's parents had grown to accept him as almost a son within days. He did chores, went to family events, he even started to rival Jeremy’s title as their favorite friend of Michael’s. He didn’t quite snatch the spot before Jake invited him over for dinner one night and, instead of just cooking Rich pasta, gifted him an entire bedroom and house key. (To please Michael’s parents, Rich had always called that night ‘the great kidnapping’)
Rich was endlessly grateful to Jake for letting him move in, happy to not only have his own space but also to get the privilege of waking up to see that gorgeous face in his kitchen every morning. He wouldn’t have it any other way, really.
But there was still that small part of him that was only sixteen, and though Jake gave him independence and a new type of love Rich had never thought would be directed his way (it couldn’t be romantic, Jake was straight, but there was this glowing adoration in Jake’s eyes whenever he looked in Rich’s direction that made Rich forget about the SQUIP and fire), he couldn’t offer the same familial love Michael’s household could. 
So, no more than once a month, Rich would spend the night at Michael’s. It wasn’t the same as it had been before—Rich was a guest this time around rather than a resident—but Michael’s parents still lit up at the sight of him and spent the entire night feeding him and playing board games in the living room. They asked about school, girls, boys—all the things Jake subconsciously knew and didn’t need to ask about. Rich, grinning, would happily answer all their questions while Michael (sometimes with Jeremy, sometimes alone) would do something or other in the background, completely unentertained. 
Rich looked forward to those nights. Jake knew he looked forward to those nights. Which was probably why he decided not to tell Rich he had a 101.8 degree fucking fever.
“Since when?!” he whisper-yelled into his phone speaker, holding it close to his mouth to keep as quiet as possible. He was hiding in Michael’s bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub while Michael and his family ate dinner. He was supposed to be with them, but Brooke had been texting him non-stop for the past ten minutes, and considering their friendship mostly consisted of group events and choosing each other for group projects in classes they had together, he decided it was probably urgent enough to sneak away from dinner to see what the hell was going on. 
“I don’t know!!” Brooke whisper-yelled back, mimicking Rich even though she had no reason to keep quiet, “He was complaining about having a headache earlier?”
Rich ran a stressed hand through his hair. He could hear his heel tapping against the tile floor, though he was completely unaware of the motion. He wasn’t—he wasn’t that overprotective, okay? He knew Jake could handle himself in almost any situation. But he also knew Jake was probably the most independent person he’d ever met, and if he texted Brooke asking for help (technically he’d asked for, quote, ‘love and affection’, but for him, that was practically the same thing), then he was probably on the verge of death. So yes. He was stressed. Not panic-attack-break-down kind of stress, but reaching not-abiding-to-speed-limits-on-the-way-home levels.
“Is he gonna be okay on his own?” he asked, knowing full well that whether or not Brooke said no, he’d probably still end up going home anyway. He thought mournfully back to the wonderful meal Michael’s parents had prepared for him. Honestly, with the image of Jake all alone at home, it suddenly didn’t seem that appetizing. 
“I don’t know, probably. He said he threw up.”
“Fuck. Okay. You don’t need to go over, it’s fine. I’ll be there in twenty.”
“Are you sure? I can probably—”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure. He’ll probably be embarrassed as fuck if he finds out you had to come over and take care of him.”
“He literally asked me to.”
“He’s not mentally stable right now, it doesn’t count,” Rich replied, already getting up and opening the bathroom door. 
“Fair point. Don’t tell him I told you, by the way, he doesn’t want you to know.”
“Seriously?! That ass—” he glanced down the hall to see Mrs. Mell looking at him curiously. “ —jerk,” he amended.
“Shut up. He was being nice, wanted you to enjoy Michael’s house and all.”
“Of course. I hate him. I’m gonna go now, I’ll text you when I get there. Bye.”
“B—” her voice cut off before she could finish. By the time she’d realized he’d hung up, his phone was already in his pocket as he walked back into the dining room. 
Mrs. Mell was giving him an innocently hurt expression, clearly confused as to why he left dinner just to take a phone call in the bathroom. Rich felt guilt well up in his throat—-this house was quite possibly the closest thing he had to a real family—but Jake. Jake took priority over every other thing on this planet, no matter how loving or kind.
“I’m really sorry,” Rich said, walking back to his seat only to stand behind his chair rather than sit down. “Jake’s got a fever and I can’t—I gotta go make sure he’s okay.”
Mrs. Mell #2 (not Rich’s least favorite, just the second one he was introduced to) frowned. 
“Aww, sweetie,” she said, “Are you sure you have to go?”
“Yeahh,” Michael said, voice drawn out by the excesses of weed he’d done before Rich arrived (Jeremy had been over, Rich didn’t want to know what they’d been doing in that basement), “Are you sureee?” 
Rich was positive Michael’s parents didn’t notice his sarcasm.
“Yeah, I know, it’s terrible,” Rich said, deadpan just to piss Michael off, before turning to his parents. “Seriously, I would love to stay, but he’s a total mess. Can we reschedule for next weekend?”
Even as he said it, even as they were offering to let him take leftovers home with him, Rich was drifting towards the door, mind already focused completely on Jake. He slipped his shoes on as quickly as he could and left, offering goodbye smiles and adult-leaving-an-adult-party waves (since moving in with Jake, a lot of the things he did seemed a lot more adult now. Small talk with strangers, paying bills, going grocery shopping—growing up wasn’t nearly as life-changing as he thought it was going to be. Most of the time, it just consisted of snuggling with Jake on the couch as they did homework together).
He didn’t let his fake smile falter until he was pulling out of their driveway messily, hitting the brakes too hard when he realized he was going too fast and forgetting to switch on his turn signal until he was already rounding the corner out of their neighborhood. He considered texting Jake, but he didn’t find the time to pick up his phone between buying cold medicine from CVS and searching the isles for Jake’s favorite snacks and an herbal tea that was advertised to reduce congestion. With no update as to how Jake was doing, he ran a few red lights and ignored a few laws that were probably important for the safety of everyone on the roads on the way home.
“Jake?” he called the second he opened the door. The whole house reeked of sickness, the blinds pulled down, the lights off, and the kitchen messy. There was a pot on the stove with ramen still in it, a half-eaten pop tart on the island, and a couple of bowls on the counter. Rich cringed. Jake was a neat freak. Not a good sign. 
Rich dropped his bag of stuff on the counter and cast a glance at the living room as he passed, just in case Jake was on the couch. He wasn’t.
“Jakey?” he called again, this time a bit gentler. He knocked on Jake’s bedroom door, not waiting for an answer before opening it. 
Empty. Jake’s bed was a mess, the covers pulled off and all the pillows gone, but there was no Jake. Rich went as far as to check the floor on the far side of the bedroom, but that was as spotless as it had been this morning. 
Okay. That was fine. This was totally fine. Stress level: phone-in-hand-to-call-the-police. Slowly reaching the-love-of-my-life-died-and-I’m-going-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-mourning. 
“Jakey? Where are you, bro?”
The bro felt heavy in his mouth, mixed dangerously with the pure, soft, obviously romantic concern.
“R’ch?” Jake called, voice so hoarse it gave up on the ‘i’ in Rich’s name and slipped right into the ‘ch’ that sounded more like a ‘k’. Rich, previously unaware that one person could sound so completely helpless, stumbled from Jake’s room and into his own, drawn to Jake’s voice like a fucking cliche, metaphorical magnet. 
“Jesus Christ,” Rich breathed. Jake was on his side, piled under both Rich’s comforter and his own. He was shivering, his face both pale and flushed with sickness. Alone. The fact he hadn’t called Rich—he’d just planned on staying here by himself—
Rich, who’d dedicated months to undoing all the damage Jake’s parents had done, sent up a curse directed both at himself for failing to notice Jake was sick earlier and Jake’s parents for leading him to believe he couldn’t ask for help when he was like this.
At least Jake had found comfort in Rich’s clothes, apparently. Four of Rich’s shirts were strewn across the bed and one of his favorite hoodies was being used as a pillow. Another was being used as a stuffed animal, Jake snuggling it with his mouth and nose burrowed in the fabric. Rich, for the life of him, could not figure out why Jake would do such a thing, considering he could hear his rattling breathing from here.
“‘M not feelin’ good,” Jake said, muffled by the shirt. Rich laughed incredulously as he knelt next to the bed and pressed the back of his hand against Jake’s forehead. 
“Yeah, buddy, I can tell. What’re you doing in my bed? You trying to get me sick too?”
For some reason, that seemed to upset Jake. His breathing quickened without deepening, and Rich could practically hear Jake’s snot leaking onto Rich’s hoodie. Disgusting. 
“No,” Jake whispered, his voice cracking, “No, Richie, I’d never, I swear, I—”
“I know, I know, it was a joke,” he replied quietly, making a small ‘shh’ing sound to try and soothe him.
Rich could see Jake frowning even behind his sweatshirt. As gently as he could, he reached for the fabric to take it away from Jake’s mouth, hoping it could help him breathe easier. The second he tried, though, Jake made a whining sound and shuffled away, hugging it closer and letting out a tiny sob. 
“No? Okay, that’s okay. But don’t you think moving it will help you breathe?”
Jake shook his head ‘no.’ Rich frowned. Okay, different approach then.
“You’re getting snot all over my sweatshirt,” he said, plain and simple if not a bit accusatory. He sounded so much more apathetic than he felt. He was playing this ‘straight boy who doesn’t care that you look so small and helpless and oh my god I want to kiss you,  wait, no I don’t, I’m straight’ character really well.
That, unsurprisingly, got Jake to let go of it long enough for Rich to pull the sweatshirt away and add it to his growing pile of laundry. There was shuffling behind him as Jake tried to sit up. 
“Do you need anything?” Rich asked, turning back to Jake, “Soup? Medicine? A… Jake?”
Jake was upright and crying. Straight-up tears pouring down his face, eyes red and lips pursed pathetically. He was clenching the comforter against his chest and trying to hide his face behind it without getting snot on it as Rich had previously complained about. 
‘What’s—holy shit, what’s wrong?” 
Rich shot across the room, searching Jake for some injury that could cause him to fucking—
Rich had never seen Jake cry before. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to run and hide, to protect himself from such an unholy sight, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Jake here. Alone.
“‘M sorry,” Jake sobbed, collapsing forward onto Rich’s shoulder. Rich could feel Jake’s fever through his shirt and, not caring if he got sick, wrapped his arms around Jake and pulled him closer. “I didn’t wanna—I just missed you so much, and you were so so far away and you’re so tiny—”
Instinctively, in a desperate attempt to return some normalcy, Rich squeaked out, “I’m not that short!!”
Jake shook his head and cried harder. Rich ran a soothing hand through his hair. 
“You’re so short your stupid sweatshirt doesn’t fit—”
Rich paused. 
“You—” Jake rasped through tears, “—you always wear my stupid sweatshirt when you’re sad and… and I thought it might make me happy if I could smell you, or pretend you’re here and not at stupid Michael’s, but—but you’re so small it doesn’t fit, and I tried to hug it but it wasn’t enough because I was cold and you’re warm and if you were with me I would never ever be cold, so—so I came here and I didn’t mean to mess up your clothes ‘nd make you angry.”
If Jake continued like this, Rich’s heart was going to erode away into nothing but Jake Jake Jake. He was going to get a false sense of hope that nothing could break. The world was already more golden than it had been before, already so much brighter despite the fact Jake was crying. 
“I’m not angry, idiot. I just wanted you to be able to breathe.”
Jake’s sobbing ceased. Nuzzling deeper against Rich, he whispered, sounding childish, “Are you sure?”
“Of course. Of course, dumbass.”
Jake tried to laugh with relief, but all that came out was a coarse groan and unhappy sigh. Rich kissed Jake’s forehead as he untangled himself and laid Jake back down on the bed, ignoring Jake’s protests. 
“I’m not letting myself get sick, but I promise you, you can have my entire closet until you're better, yeah?” Rich said, unable to stop his giddy smile.
Jake gave him a sleepy but content sound of agreement.
“I wan' that stupid shirt with the nerdy science pun on it," Jake breathed, already drifting off to sleep.
If any other sick person in the universe was asking, Rich would flip them off and tell them it was his favorite shirt and no one could touch it. No one was even allowed to eat spaghetti at the same table as him while he was wearing it. 
But it was pretty, smart, perfect Jake, so Rich took it off its hanger and gave it to the poor guy to snuggle with for the next three days. 
(And if, while Jake was still delirious with fever and sound asleep, Rich snuck from the house and to Target just to get a sweatshirt for himself in Jake’s size, then no one needed to know. If he had to hide his smile behind his hand when he walked into their apartment a week and a half later to find Jake cooking dinner in that same sweatshirt, then only God was his witness. If he was so overwhelmed at the sight that he grabbed the drawstrings and dragged Jake down to his height to kiss him, then that was between him and Jake. 
And everyone else. Because Jake, apparently, felt the immediate need to brag about getting ‘Rich fucking Goranski, like the hottest guy fucking EVER to kiss me, Jenna, he kissed me. Me!!')
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blueonwrestling · 5 months
Quick little catch up on Rampage here, one of the best formatted Rampages in a long time in my opinion.
A great upper midcard match with stakes, wheeler yuta has evolved into such a great snot nosed toerag little shitebag heel, great moves in this with a super divorce court and a double arm capture suplex.
An awesome showcase of a main event talent that doesn't completely job out the lower card act, but doesn't go 50/50 with him, clearly Swerve is just so far above everything but Matt Sydal still rules and I would love to see him pushed up against Kyle Fletcher for the ROH TV title for Supercard of Honor.
A nice hardhitting women's match between an established act and a new up and comer, I think especially Aminata has fucking just got super good strikes, something i complain alot about in womens matches is they just dont hit hard enough, the Queen hits like a fucking truck.
And a nice feel good fun tv 6 man tag to finish the show, the Dark Order should return to being babyfaces, and I think them or another midcard babyface tag team (Acclaimed) beating a heel trio in the main event of Rampage should be your usual style, also big shoutout to Jake Hager for taking the pin, ill never be against this guy existing in AEW, man is happy to lose to anyone constantly.
Also shoutout to Jim Ross aswell for doing great commentary, via his podcast grilling JR he's started on daily insulin shots, completely changed his diet and been teetotal for the past 3-4 months., he was dealing with low blood sugar which was massively effecting his mental clarity, which is why """Grumpy Old Man" JR was a thing.
A great rampage.
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typical-simplelove · 2 years
Stardust Reblog Challenge - September & October
My life has been so messy and busy recently, so here are the past two months of @natrace's challenge. Be sure to check out all these really awesome fics. This is organized by fandom.
Top Gun: Maverick
This fic (Bob Floyd) by @callsign-phoenix
Butterflies (Jake Seresin) by @almightyellie
Picking Up the Pieces (Bob Floyd) by @marvelandotherfandomimagines
Bookstore Lover (Bob Floyd) by @samwlscns
Like the Movies (Jake Seresin) by @ilyasorokinn
This headcanon (Jake Seresin) by @fanboygarcia
Icarus and the Moon, Part 2 (Jake Seresin) by @reverierogers (I can no longer find the links :(
Hey Pretty Girl (Jake Seresin) by @callsign-marlie
Fall, part i (Bob Floyd) by @samwlscns (I can no longer find the link)
The Only One For Me (Jake Seresin) by @saintlike78
Head Over Heels (Bob Floyd) by @rosesvioletshardy
The Happiest Man Alive (Bob Floyd) by @footprintsinthesxnd
Less Misery, More Company (Jake Seresin) by @seresinhangmanjake
Die A Happy Man (Nathan Mackinnon) by @fallinallincurls
This, this, this, and this headcanon by @laurenairay
This blurb (Oliver Ekman Larsson) by @ilyasorokinn
Out Of Ten (Tyson Jost) by @antoineroussel
Breathe Me In, Breathe Me Out (JT Compher) by @laurenairay
Strawberries on a Summer Evening (JT Compher) by @laurenairay
Watermelon Sugar High (JT Compher) by @laurenairay
All These Days I Never Thought (Tyson Jost) by @laurenairay
I wanted you to fight for me (Elias Pettersson) by @ilyasorokinn
Easy Like Sunday Morning (Erik Johnson) by @fallinallincurls
Gonna Break My Heart (this city) (Tyson Jost) by @antoineroussel
Swain (Pierre-Luc Dubois) by @sorryjustafangirl
This Love (Freddie Andersen) by @ilyasorokinn
You're the King, Baby I'm Your Queen (Erik Johnson) @antoineroussel
Big Brother, Eli (Frederik Andersen) by @ilyasorokinn
Unnamed Cale AU (Cale Makar) by @boqvistsbabe
Fire Escape (Cale Makar) by @bqstqnbruin
Back to the Ball (Tyson Jost) by @ilyasorokinn
One Chicago
Right Time, Wrong Place (Jay Halstead) by @resanoona
This blurb (Jay Halstead) by @resanoona
Right Time, Wrong Place (Stellaride, Jay Halstead) by @resanoona
This blurb (Will Halstead) by @resanoona
Ride (Jay Halstead) by @resanoona
Murder Next Door Series (Jay Halstead) by @resanoona
Could Never Forget (Kelly Severide) by @resanoona
Gift of Family (Will Halstead) by @resanoona
Halloween (Will Halstead) by @resanoona
Babysitting (Kelly Severide) by @resanoona
Promise (Will Halstead) by @resanoona
A Girl (Will Halstead) by @resanoona
This blurb (Will Halstead) by @resanoona
Positive (Jay Halstead) by @wordsandupstead
Snowstorm (Jay Halstead) by @resanoona
Band of Brothers
A World Without Color is a World Without You (Eugene Roe) by @softguarnere
Learn to be Loney (Ronald Spiers) by @softguarnere
With Your Head on My Shoulders (Richard Winters) by @latibvles
Beside You (Ronald Spiers) by @liebgotts-lovergirl
The Summer I Turned Pretty
This blurb (Conrad Fisher) by @kolsmikaelson
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foreverrandomwritings · 11 months
@laracrofted started a rockin awesome Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) tag game!💜✨
Thank you @sylviebell and @wkndwlff for the tag in this amazing game. Sorry it’s taken me so long to complete it. Adhd is so fucking fun yay! Okay now let’s get started💜✨
Claim a speak now (Taylor’s Version) song for your fic pairings💜✨
Tagging: Anyone that would like to participate💜✨
Enchanted- Natasha "Phoenix" Trace and Controversially Young Girlfriend
They were both so unbelievably unequivocally enchanted with each other the first time they met. They both walked out of the store with excitement and hope in their chest. Natasha regretted not saying more, not expressing her attraction to CYG as well. But you best know that the next time she saw her she spilled her guts like lava out of an erupting volcano.
This is me praying that This was the very first page Not where the storyline ends My thoughts will echo your name Until I see you again These are the words I held back As I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you
I Can See You- John "Ramble" De Luca and Mystery Man
So Ramble and Mystery Man obviously work together so they have to keep it professional. They have both been watching each other but neither of them have noticed yet. They both desperately want to be together yet fears are holding them both back. Mystery Man has yet to come out to any of the team and Ramble is afraid to make a move for that very reason. Also when they do eventually get together things are kept under wraps for a while.
’Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me And I could see you up against the wall with me And what would you do? Baby, if you only knew That I can see you Uh-uh, uh, uh And we kept everything professional But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like They keep watchful eyes on us So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet You won't believe half the things I see inside my head Wait 'til you see half the things that haven’t happened yet
Foolish One- Jane "Mute" Hall and Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Even the title screams them I mean come on now. They both are head over heels for each other. But neither of them have said anything because Fanboy thought that Mute was with Ramble then he thought Mute was gonna go after Hangman. Then Fanboy goes on a date with someone else and Mute gets discouraged. One day they will laugh over the fact that they were so foolish with each other. The only exception to this song is that they actually end up together.
You know how to keep me waitin' I know how to act like I'm fine Don't know what to call this situation But I know I can't call you mine And it's delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof 'Cause when my head is on your shoulder It starts thinkin' you'll come around And maybe, someday, when we're older This is something we'll laugh about Over coffee every mornin' while you're watching the news
Timeless- Jake "Hangman" Seresin and Plus Sized S/O
They were meant to be and no one will ever change their mind. They love each other more than anything. I could put this whole fucking song in here because it fits so well. Even if they were in a different century they would be together. Plus the fucking photos come on guys that's literally Jake's favortie thing to do. I think it's 100% possible that Plus Sized S/O would stumble into an antique shop and find books and books of photos and be blinded by the similarity to her and Jake. Jake also definitely writes her love letters. Now to pick out what exactly to put down for this. I picked a tiny chorus even though this whole song is so them coded.
In a crowded room a few short years ago And sometimes there's no proof, you just know You're always gonna be mine We're gonna be I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made And you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless"
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twosroos · 2 years
miss me more [ch. 1]
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roos says! oh hell yes. this is like,,, a month in the making? the request was so simple, but I got way too ahead of myself, as i do. this is also the first time i'm writing a x hangman??? how dare i. anyway--
desc: after a horrible break-up, you decide to develop a new (probably unhealthy) habit. Then, you're called about attending the Navy's annual Gala... and revenge could never look as good as you did that night.
main characters: jake "hangman" seresin, natasha "phoenix" trace, bradley "rooster" bradshaw (all characters are referred to by first name)
tws: a lot of sex talk, past fwb, alcohol, cursing, physical altercations
September fifth, 2022, was the day your life went to shit. You were a lieutenant, coming home from a spontaneous second deployment where you had the absolute honor of being given a team leader role. The mission was tough, though not as challenging as the mission the other pilots in the squadron you technically 'belonged' to, the Iron Daggers. Despite belonging to the group, considering your time with them would last around two years before you moved on to another long-term deployment, you felt like an outsider. The group had its cliques, and you were not in them. Not that you particularly minded, you had never been a super social person anyways, and your boyfriend hated the men of your squadron. So, back when he controlled your life, you had no choice.
You can remember that all you wanted to do at that moment, coming home from two long deployments, was to lay down in bed with your boyfriend, Andrew, and tell him everything that had happened since you last saw him. The morning sun was still chilly enough to wear a hoodie as you drove home from where your car had sat, parked at the base, and that should have been your first warning. Hell had frozen over for your return. That was what it felt like when you had gotten home to two cars in the driveway. You naively assumed it would just be one of his friends and still happily made your way inside. The heels at the door gave you two ideas— he’s into drag (which you had been hoping for, honestly, that would’ve been awesome) or he’s cheating on you. It was sadly unsurprisingly the latter, which you found out when you saw her standing in the kitchen in your old Navy crewneck, with Andrew sliding his hands under its fabric to kiss her good morning.
That had been about fourteen hours ago.
So now, you sat outside the house in the golden hours of sunset. A half-finished Titos in hand as you watched the sun dip its way over the Pacific, just like it had been for as long as California had been above the ocean’s surface. One of the nice things about being stationed with your boyfriend was the fact that you both could pay for the rent of the house, and the past two years in it had been great. But now, because he was gone from the picture for good, you were realizing you would probably need to move back on base or to a hotel soon. Or take another deployment, and throw your stuff in storage or your sister's basement again. 
Your hand slides to your face, the deck suddenly feeling claustrophobic. With little grace, you force yourself to stand and make your way inside. Once in, you realize the walls around you feel even tighter, but you stomach the uncomfortable feeling as you drop your half-empty cup in the sink and slip down the hallway to your room. The sheets are in the wash, going through what is now probably the fifth cycle, and you notice how bare your walls are without all of the easily removable pictures and decorations you had hung up with Andrew. They now sat in the trash can on the side of your house. Less to pack when you undoubtedly had to move in a few weeks. But despite that, there was still one thing you had kept from your time with him, a nightly ritual. That was the one good thing he had instilled in you. A morning and night ritual. Everything else, you just now decided, was shitty, and you would never do it again. No more late-night movies, changing to wear the dresses you knew he liked, singing each other songs while you cooked dinner, slipping away your deep red lipsticks for the softer shades you knew he died for, playing stupid games to win silly prizes you’d cherished, kissing goodnight and good morning, and dip kissing for long goodbyes or greetings after deployments. There would be no more binge-watch sessions during thunderstorms to curb your anxieties, hiding away your records in favor of letting him play his music, and especially no more slow dancing in the kitchen while baking cookies.
Your night ritual, though? You’d just have to adjust it.
Right now, you found yourself digging through your suitcase to throw on athletic wear. This had been your ritual, running to forget any sort of stray bad thought in your mind. You’d run until your legs went numb, then run back home, and it would kill you in the morning but you’d do it again the next day. You grabbed a water bottle from the bottom of your kitchen cupboard, filled it with water, and told yourself that you wouldn't run until it got dark. You slipped out the door, locking it and hiding the key in your usual hiding spot before you let your shoes start hitting the concrete after a quick stretch.
When you got home from the run with the darkness curling its cool air around you, you felt wrecked. The run itself was nice, five miles long and at the same pace. Once you find the key and shove it in the lock, you stumble inside to flick your lights on. After ordering delivery on your phone while digging out your smoothie maker, you throw in your post-workout powder with some fruits you'd found in the bottom of the freezer and some smoothie mix in the cabinet. You amble upstairs after the delivery and start the bath, letting it run while you down an entire salad. It's not too late, only about nine-ish by the time you sit down in the bath and let the warm water embrace you like a hug while you dump half a bag of Epsom salt in just praying it might help your muscles not die in the morning. You drink the rest of your smoothie, reading family updates on Facebook while your cousins text back and forth in the gossip group chat you have.
Then, your phone rings, and you notice the number is from one of the admiral's offices on base. So you answer the call as quickly as you can after fumbling a bit.
"Hello, sir?" You speak into the phone, trying to keep the splashing of the water you're into a minimum.
"This is Admiral Bates, I'm looking for Y/n L/n?" 
"This is she," you smile, "How can I help you, sir?"
"I just wanted to inform you that the Navy gala will be taking place in California this year, and there will be brief awards ceremonies for both of your deployments. It will be on September thirtieth this year. We're hoping you can make it." He says and you smile, 
"Of course, Admiral. I'll do everything I can to be there."
Now, most people didn’t think of the word ‘revenge’ when they thought of the Navy’s annual awards ceremony. But, you did. Taking from your callsign of 'dare devil', clear as day. The weeks leading up to the Navy gala (which was a glorified awards ceremony) had been filled with drinking, realizing how shitty Andrew was as a boyfriend, talking to your sister for hours on the phone, and running unnecessary amounts. You were in better shape than you'd been in years, and maybe running to the point of overexertion every day was extremely unhealthy, but you didn't care. On top of your workouts, this made your muscles show, and you liked the way they looked in your strappy dress
The dress code for the ball was simple, your Dress Whites (with the pants or skirt) or a white evening gown. You had chosen the latter, as most of the women you know usually did. The dress you chose was perfect in your eyes, a spaghetti strap square neckline complimented the dresses skin tight corset-boned top that flared out into a straight-lined skirt with a considerably high slit. You paired the dress with a diamond stud necklace, drop-down diamond earrings, and sparkling heels.
(And, of course, the red lipstick you had dug out of the bottom of your makeup bag.)
You looked like a movie star as you entered the ball, your newly manicured hands clutching your small white purse as you found your way to your table. Admiral Bates had told you that you'd be seated with your original squadron, most likely between Halo and Harvard, and you just hoped somehow you could squeeze in some sort of awkward conversation. Despite trying to keep a neutral look, your eyes anxiously scan for any sign of Andrew. He was Navy too, though not a pilot, and you were lucky bot your deployments had been to Fightertown around the same time. But now, knowing he was possibly here, you felt like the most unlucky person in America.
Well, excluding the girl who just spilled wine on someone's dress whites on the other side of the room. 
You hear a low whistle and turn your head to see none other than Jake Seresin grinning at you. He looks just as cocky as you remember him, a glass of something dark swirling in his hand, his Navy ring shining in the low light. Your thumb absentmindedly comes to tap against your matching one. The same year and everything. From age eighteen to now, Jake Seresin had been nothing more than a royal pain in the ass, a thorn in your side, hot coals under your feet. 
You wanted nothing to do with him.
"What do you want, bags?" You sneer, tilting your head with a disgusted look on your face. Internally, you know you're being cold because your heart is still aching, and his flirts might just end up with his lips on your collarbones if you're not careful. It wouldn't be the first time you'd both been in that position.
Jake gives you a sleazy grin, not easily deterred by your assertiveness, he speaks in a deep thick southern drawl, "Nothing much. Just surprised your little helicopter boyfriend let you out of the house looking as gorgeous as you do. He always hogged the view for himself."
"Andrew and I are split since he was sleeping around with civvies," You scoff, setting your bag on the seat of the chair with your nametag on it, "and besides, who says the view is for you? I thought we'd agreed after Top Gun that whatever we'd had was stamped out like cold ashes."
"I don't let go of things that easy, sugar." He grins at you, taking a long sip of his drink, and your flat neutral gaze certainly isn't making him feel anything other than awkward.
"I do." You say calmly, but before you can continue your rebuttal, Javy and Mickey appear on either side of Jake.
“Ah! Little Miss Dare Devil!” Javy grins and you laugh, walking around the table to give him and Mickey hugs. Besides Callie, they were the two you got along with the easiest. Mostly because all three of you loved video games and sci-fi.
“Hey Coyote, did you ever finish that book?” you ask and he nods, before happily launching into the details about the latest sci-fi series the three of you had read. Across the table, Natasha awes at Jake's defeat, and you get sent a decently nasty look from a few other members of your squadron. Both squadrons.
“Can't get Y/n to be swooned by your cockiness?” Bob chides, a glass of water in hand as he hands Natasha her margarita. She laughs at Jake's look of defeat for a second time and then she takes a long sip of her drink before licking the salt off her lips.
“Shut it, Statler and Waldorf.” He grunts and Natasha rolls her eyes.
“Your scowl looks more like those Muppets than we do.” 
Before they can continue to make fun of Jake not being on his game, Bradley comes up behind them with a glass of draft Coors Light. He typically drinks the bottle, but here they only had drafted beer, so he had to settle for what they had.
"Is Y/n seriously at our table?" He asks, and Natasha shrugs, taking another sip.
Jake follows suit, hoping the alcohol will take off the edge of the night, "What's so bad about her, Roos?"
"She was so stuck-up during our mission. Like, sorry that your family is full of Naval Aviators and you're still a terrible pilot." He scoffs, "And then she jumps ship to be the team leader on another mission when she wasn't even picked to fly in ours, what's the deal?"
"Sounds like projection to me," Bob murmurs to Natasha and she chuckles, turning her dark-eyed gaze to where you stand with Javy and Mickey, laughing and carrying on without a care.
"You just fly too slow, Rooster. I said it once and I'll say it again." Jake gives him his signature cocky grin and Bradley glares daggers across the group. If looks could kill, he would've killed Jake a long time ago.
"Wanna know something interesting," A new voice chimes and the group turns to see Callie walking up with Reuben, Logan, and Brigham, completing the whole squadron aside from Maverick. Callie continues to talk as the boys greet each other, "Her boyfriend claims they were in an open relationship, which is a lie, she just got him early this month sleeping with civvies."
"Ain't he the one who pissed off your wizzo, Harvard?" Reuben says, turning to look at Brigham who nods.
“He’s a jackass. I never had a clue why Y/n dealt with him. He’s gonna get himself killed or thrown off a boat one of these days.” Brigham rolls his eyes, “like, for real, he got suspended a year ago for excessively flirting with a pilot on a ship to the point where she requested to change deployments.”
"Andrew Van Walsen, right?" Callie says, turning her head to where she spots him mingling in the crowd, "What's his callsign again?"
"Van Walsen's callsign is Cynic." Bradley pulls his chair out and takes a seat, "fits him."
"Very much so." Natasha rolls her eyes and plops herself down in her seat next to Bradley, Bob following suit next to her. The rest of the squadron slowly filtered in as presentations began, and you happily took your seat between Halo and Harvard just as you were told you'd be. And, though you had greeted everyone as politely as possible as soon as you sat down, you were still getting pretty nasty looks from your past teammates and elected to sit in awkward silence. After about an hour of polite clapping and half-paying attention, Maverick took the stage with Hondo.
The first half of his speech was just explaining the awards you would all be getting, plus special awards for those who had flown in the mission. You listened, and then made your way to the stage to be awarded a small patch of your squadron's name with your callsign embroidered in it. Another thing to add to your jacket and you watched as your teammates received ribbons for their uniforms and applauded happily when they were given other awards for certain things they'd done.
The rest of the night passed in a blur of short-lived conversations and drinks, ad as you swing back around to your table to grab your bag, Andrew is standing there and watching you.
"Go the hell away." You go to grab your bag and he snags it from the chair and pulls it to his chest.
"Andrew, come on!" You groan, "Are you seriously gonna be like this?"
"You're telling the whole Navy that I was cheating on you?" He growls, moving closer to you, and you stare at him and refuse to step back as he growls in your face, the smell of alcohol on his breath.
"I've told no one, you know I'm a private person." You go to grab your purse and he lifts it above your head as he shoves you back. From across the table, Jake's head perks up at the commotion. 
Before they can make it there, Andrew laughs as he stares you down, "And red lipstick, Y/n? Seriously, you look disgusting in that."
"Alright," Jake says from across the table, before quickly making his way over to where you stood and reaching forward to rip your purse out of Andrew's hands.
"Hey!" Andrew says before Jake slams both hands into his chest and sends your ex-boyfriend crashing back into a table with a few wine glasses on it that beautifully splash against his uniform like an avant-garde painting.
"Don't disrespect a woman, or I'll find a way to disrespect you." Jake sneers, placing a hand on your waist as his other hand slips your purse into yours, and his fingers drag along your skin for a moment before he turns with you in his grasp and begins to leave the venue. You wait until the two of you are outside, too content in hearing Andrew's pissed-off shouts behind you before you turn to Jake with a look of anger.
"I don't need you to fight my battles, Seresin. I already told you I'm over everything that went on between us." You pull from his grasp, despite how badly you wish to keep feeling his heavy-handed presence.
"I'm not trying to fight your battle, Y/n." He says softly, eyes scanning you, "I don't trust Andrew as far as I, or even ex-pitcher Bradley, can throw him."
"Then why did you come up behind me like a fucking guard dog? That's the shit you did in college--"
"If you keep bringing up our whole college-age shit, I'm gonna start thinking you're not over it." He scowls and you snort.
"Despite being a bit cockier, you're still the same protective Jake I met when I was eighteen. It's kinda hard to forget it all." You admit, face flushed, "And you're still the best I've ever had."
"It's hard to match me," He grins, and all the anger floods out of your body because even if half the squadron didn't like you for some reason, you still had sweet Jake to help you out. You open your bag and begin to fish out your phone to call an Uber when Jake's hand returns to your waist, and in the shadows, he starts to slide it down.
"Seresin." You warn, and he grins at you, slipping a toothpick from a pack in his pocket into his mouth.
"Alright, doll, I won't do anymore..." He hums, "But, red is my favorite color and I've been told it compliments my skin."
"So you go from telling me to get over college, to trying to get me to sleep with you?" You accuse and he raises his hands in defeat, which makes you laugh because this is exactly what happened every time you two met. Even in The Hard Deck that first night. He'd used the pool stick for far too many jokes and had claimed if he got a bullseye with his eyes closed that you'd have to sleep with him. The team had thought he was joking. You knew there was a bit of seriousness to his request, but you hadn't done anything since college.
And even if you wanted to, there was a very very strict no fraternization rule and right now you couldn't afford to lose your job over something as trivial as Jake Seresin's overactive sex drive.
"I promise I'm done now," He says and you tilt your head at him with a fake annoyed look that makes him chuckle before he continues, "Just let me drive you home, Y/n. My truck's right around the corner, and I'm still a bit worried about Andrew."
"Okay, but don't ask to come in when you get to my house." You give him a soft smile, and he nods, his hand lifting back up to the small of your back as he guides you back into the crowd. You catch a sour look on Bradley's face as you pass him and Phoenix standing off to the side, and you turn your head away, deciding mentally that you didn't need his shit today. Because Jake's hold on your waist was enough to make you feel somewhat whole again after Andrew had scraped out a large section of your heart.
You prayed your heart wouldn't use Jake as a rebound to fix the hole that would inevitably tear its way back into your skin, like a worm eating an apple.
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The flying four reunite
(Aricka x Bradley, Aricka and Jake; Aricka and Robbie)
(Special appearances by: Maisie and Sienna Bradshaw; Pete and Penny Mitchell-Benjamin, Natasha Trace.)
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Aricka nods along to the song playing in the radio of the familiar first-gen Ford Bronco, which just happened to be, “Country Girl,” by Luke Bryan. Her currently blonde-highlighted hair was pushed out of her face by the breeze, and one of her hands was held over the gearshift by one Bradley Bradshaw, who, like something out of a Taylor Swift song, had a “one hand feel on the steering wheel.”
This was the first time the pair had been together in six months, having been on separate deployments. They hadn’t even had a chance to see their kids yet, since Aricka’s mom was watching them and they were currently at the Hard Deck, where Aricka and Bradley were heading.
Being back home, being back in the car that Aricka and her now-husband had shared so many memories in, sent a wave of nostalgia through her, and made her curious as to why they were being called back to Top Gun. Bradley had fixed the car since they had been gifted it, and painted it a new color of blue, but it still had the same homey qualities as always, and Aricka was glad to be back in her so claimed passenger princess spot.
They come to a stop, but Aricka remains seated- she would get the mock scolding of her life if she didn’t let her husband open her door for her and help her out of the vehicle like he had for any occasion since their first date their senior year of high school.
Bradley does as expected, and she can’t help but slip her arms around him for another hug, soaking in the warmth of having him back in her arms. “Ready to see everyone?” He asks, seeming to know
Aricka nods. “Ready to see my parents,” she says. It was always difficult, Aricka being such a daddy’s girl, being separated from her dad, being that he was the first person to really want her in his life. Bradley was the second.
The pair walk into the bar, and their eldest, Maisie Nicole, was the first to spot them, her eyes lighting up as she darted over toward them, her twin sister hot on her heels. Maisie jumps into her dad’s arms while Sienna fell into her mom’s embrace, both twins eager to see their parents again for the first time in a long time. “Cici!” Aricka exclaims, holding her baby close. The girl had grown in the last six months; she was almost taller than Aricka by now.
“Mama!” The girl exclaimed back, not caring that she was 13 and technically shouldn’t still be calling her mother that. “You’re back! And early too. Are you all done?”
“No, no, my starshine. Dad and I got called back for a special mission for Top Gun.” Cici must have just noticed that her father was indeed standing there with her mother, because she let out an ear-piercing sound and leapt into his arms next,
“DADDY-!” Maisie folded into her mom’s comfortable and familiar hug, having missed the moments when she could seek her mom out for a quiet hug and a forehead kiss.
“My baby,”‘Aricka whispered. “How’s my little duck doing?”
“I missed you mom, it’s not the same when you’re gone.” Maisie perked up sooner than Sienna did, “Uncle Jake: auntie Nat and uncle Robbie are here already, and Jake brought our new uncle Javy with him!” Aricka grinned at hearing her oldest claim Jake’s wingman so readily. Javy was a great man, one Aricka, Brad and Robbie knew would have their childhood friend’s back on the land, at sea and in the air.
“Uncle Javy didn’t believe uncle Jake could hit the dartboard with his eyes covered and uncle Jake proved him wrong,” Cici said with a familiar, Bradshaw brand smirk. “It was AWESOME!”
“Okay: kids let’s let your parents in the door,” Aricka looks up and grins when she sees her mom standing at the bar; a familiar smile on her face.
“Mom!” It was her turn to greet, walking around the counter to hug her, an exception made only for Penny’s husband, daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren. “Dad not here yet?”
Penny gave her a confused look. “You don’t know?” She shakes her head no. “Of course you don’t- they wouldn’t have told you. Your dad is on his way but he’s- he was in a work related accident.”
Aricka knew her dad was prone to the occasional accident every now and then but for her mom to phrase it like that instantly had her internal worry system running full tilt. “Do we know the details?”
Penny tsks and shakes her head; “Classified government information but if you remember he was working on a super important project.”
Aricka remembers the details vaguely. “That dark star thing, right?” Penny nods. “I hope he’s okay.”
“He’s fine, he’s just ready to hug his kid again.” Aricka whirls around and beams as she sees her dad standing there, and throws her arms around him. Pete Mitchell, callsign “Maverick,” or to Aricka, “MavDad,” or just “dad”, and to his grandkids, “Papa Mav” wraps his oldest kid in a tight hug; and for a moment everything from the last six months faded to oblivion; and Aricka was a little girl behind welcomed home from school. “Hey mini-me,” he says; and she giggled at the familiar nickname.
“Hi dad.” She felt the familiar material of a brace under her dad’s shirt and she gave him a worried look.
“I bruised a few ribs in that accident your mom was telling you about. It’s mostly just bruises and scrapes but I’m fine, kiddo. I promise.” Aricka accepted the explanation for the moment, just relived her dad was still alive and relatively in one piece. “Go see your friends; I know you missed them.” He sends her off with another hug and a kiss to the forehead, and Aricka drifts back over to Bradley’s side.
“I spy with my little eyes a certain WSO and pilot,” she says. Bradley follows her gaze. “How hard do you think it is to sneak up on Robbie now?”
“Just a little bit, but if anyone can do it it’s you, sweetheart,” Bradley says; the vote of confidence making her beam as always. She walks over, trying to be as sneaky as possible; Robbie having not seen her yet, and slides her arms around his waist excitedly as she exclaims,
“Hiya Robbie!” Just like when they were kids. The stealth pilot managed to jump out of his skin at that but when he noticed who it was he quickly returned the hug,
“Aricka Bradshaw you little menace-!” She laughs and hugs him as tightly as possible,
“I’ve missed you-! How’ve you been?! How’s Lemoore?”
“Boring without you guys but I manage,” he says. Bradley walks up at that moment; and that’s when Jake noticed the pair standing there.
“Bradshaws! As I live and breathe,” he exclaimed, and Aricka ran around the pool table to hug her other childhood best friend; who immediately scooped her up and swung her around. “You look stunning as always Aricka.”
“I’ve missed you too Jakey,” she says. Bradley shakes his head; a teasing smile on his face.
“Hangman. You look- good.” Aricka shakes her head. Oh boy. Here we go.
“Oh I am good, Rooster. I’m very good. In fact,” here he ruffles Aricka’s hair: much to her chagrin and complete fondness, as she shoved him playfully, “I’m too good to be true.”
“You didn’t tell me you were stateside,” said one Natasha Trace; and Aricka winces. Oh Bradley. Never anger your real wife or your work wife.
“I wanted to surprise you-!” Bradley protested. Nat goes to take a shot at the pool game, and hits Bradley in the stomach with the pool cue.
“Now I’ve surprised you; too;” she says with a familiar smirk, and Aricka laughs outright at the look of stunned pain on Bradley’s face.
“Good to see you, Nat,” he says, patting her shoulder.
After a little while of catching up and talking about the new mission, Aricka spies her husband wandering over to the jukebox, bending over to unplug it, and she grins as she follows him over to the piano at the end of the bar, letting Bradley tug her down into his lap as he wraps his arms around her to begin playing a few keys, “any requests, m’dear?” He asks, aviators slipping down his nose. She pushes them back up, kissing his forehead for a moment, before saying,
“Play our song Brad.” He grinned, and she knew if his sunglasses were off he’d wink at her before launching into the song that defined not just their relationship, but Bradley’s parent’s relationship.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane-!” He cues her in with a tip of his head and Aricka joins,
“You broke my will, but what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” The two couldn’t contain the smiles on their faces as their friends joined in, singing the song at a loud and proud pace, some of them unable to hide the laughter in their voices,
“I laughed at love 'cause I thought it was funny
You came along and you moved me honey
I've changed my mind, this love is fine
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” Everyone drops out so Bradley could sing direct to Aricka,
“Kiss me, baby, ooh, feels good-!” As she laughs and kisses him again as the song instructs, wrapping her arms around him and singing,
“Hold me, baby
Well, I'll still love you like a lover should-!”
“You're fine-!” Bradley
“So kind-!” Aricka.
Imma tell the world world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine-!”
Maisie and Sienna walk over, the aviators parting so the kids could sing with their parents, and Bradley noticed, saying,
“May-May, Cici, sing with the family-!” And they all sang the third verse,
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm getting nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, you're drivin' me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” Maisie and Sienna laughing and clapping their hands like they did every time their dad sang this song.
Pete and Penny stood back at the bar, watching the scene with equal looks of pride and nostalgia. “They remind you of anyone?” Penny asks. Pete nods.
“Reminds me of us. Of Nick and Carole. Too bad they’re on that anniversary honeymoon of theirs. They’d have wanted to see this.” The scene before them reminded Pete of another diner; of another piano, where two kids sat on top, the little boy holding the little girl’s hand as they sang the same song they were currently singing, but it wasn’t Bradley playing or singing, it was his father, and Charlie had been there, as well as Aricka’s twin brother Jeremy.
“Kiss me baby
Ooh, that feels good, baby
Hold me, baby-!” Everyone but Aricka stops singing as she looks at Bradley she says,
“I wanna love you like a lover should-!”
“You're fine, you're so kind
I'ma tell the world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine-!” The pair were continuously lost in each other’s orbit, even the music faded for a moment as Aricka and Bradley looked at each other with an unreadable expression to anyone but each other.
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I get nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, you're driving me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” The song finishes and Bradley looks at Aricka for another request, but the girl in question merely leans forward to lovingly kiss her husband, resulting in various reactions- hoots; hollers and wolf whistles from everyone present. “Brad Brad, you big stud?” She whispered. Bradley knew what was coming but played along, keeping both arms wrapped around his wife.
“That’s me honey.” She laughs and leans her head against his shoulder, saying,
“Take me to bed or lose me forever.” Bradley pulls her up so her legs are across his on the piano bench, looking her in the eye before replying,
“Show me the way home, honey.” Not that she needed to. Anywhere Aricka Mitchell-Bradshaw was; that was Bradley’s home.
And it always would be.
So- this was supposed to be more centric on the four friends but ended up being a cute fluffy Aricka and Bradley fic.
Oops-? 😅
Anyway, I couldn’t sleep so have a fluff story!
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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