#Heartrender Husbands
basil-hallwardx · 1 year
Ivan and Fedyor, who decided to retire after they saw the mess the Darkling was making, are now sitting on their porch watching Ravka burn. “Should we like … do something?” Asks Ivan, sipping kvas and Fedyor, cuddled up in his lap with a blanket and for once not a morning person just scoffs and starts snoring slightly and that is why they weren’t in the second season. There. Fixed it.
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feastofchildermass · 7 months
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Ok but I need to talk about this.
Maybe it's just because I'm coming from a lot of regency-to-turn of the century fandoms, but this little moment kinda means everything to me.
Ivan knows Alina. He spoke to her outside the carriage, there was an exchange. He was there in the general's tent, that's all established.
So they're all in the coach together and Ivan is being himself, not saying anything, looking out the window. They've been riding in silence. Because Fedyor can't just start chatting out of nowhere.
He and Alina haven't been introduced.
He's being polite! It's phenomenally rude to start having a conversation with someone who doesn't know your name. He already knows hers, she's a known entity, but she'd never met Fedyor before.
Ivan is being difficult and ignoring social mores because he doesn't care to talk to Alina. It's Fedyor who has to nudge him. Fedyor who has to remind him that this is a chance to be pleasant and social with the fucking sun summoner.
Then Ivan gives the absolute barest minimum, which is all Fedyor needs to start talking about keftas and the second army and philosophy.
Fedyor is a well-brought-up and polite young man and I will fight for him forever, thank you.
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lumiology · 1 year
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savethegrishaverse · 4 months
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We'd like to wish our favorite grumpy Heartrender the happiest of birthdays! We are so proud of you Simon, and look forward to all that is still to come!
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reallifegenya · 7 months
Knowing I will never get to see Julian as Fedyor and Simon as Ivan anymore is hurting so bad. Someone please make it stop.
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booker-le-livre · 1 year
Listen, season two was great and all, but the question that still remains is WHERE ARE IVAN AND FEDYOR!?
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stormkpr · 1 year
Seen on Twitter and needs to be seen here too
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anxiousqueerperson · 1 year
Fedyor,to an enemy:Fight me! Ivan,in the backround staring at the enemy:If you do so much as touch him i'll make sure you never see the light of day again
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year
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(from Julian Kostov's Instagram)
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namespara · 1 year
To anyone who hasn't seen it regarding Ivan and Fedyor in season 2:
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They haven't been forgotten which is a huge relief!!! And if this show survives another season we might get to fuckin SEE MORE OF THEM AND NOT JUST AS A SIDE NOTE!!!
Also Julian Kostov deserves the world. Peace
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stromuprisahat · 2 months
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 11 -(Leigh Bardugo)
So the Darkling sent his second-in-command and some random dude in red to guard the newfound Sun Summoner? Wasn't he a part of Aleksander's inner circle like it seems in the show?
Let's see:
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Shadow and Bone- Chapter 14
So his assignment was new. The only other time we see him, is during the carriage ride in chapter four:
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That indicates some level of familiarity between the two. Non-verbal communication of this kind usually requires you to know what the other's thoughts on situation will be. Sure, you can glance at a total stranger and know you think the same, but it's much less common.
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He's no rookie. He's either able to figure out the situation by himself, or he was taught what it looks like.
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His reaction to Alina's denial is patience and reason. That makes him more thinker than mindless repeater.
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Now it's starting to look like a pattern. Ivan and Fedyor have non-verbal communication as a part of their common language.
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Fedyor doesn't have an amplifier and it's a sensitive topic for him. Ivan's smug cunt about being daddy's favourite.
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Ivan's threatening, while Fedyor's the one to think about socio-political impact.
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Again, Fedya assumes the role of a teacher.
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He's interested in Alina's life. Polite and friendly.
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I love that if we put this together with his show!personality, it makes him into:
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Alina's "How can KILLING save people?!" confrontation fits into it nicely.
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Fedyor's interactions with Ivan are so vague, they could be interpreted as co-workers trained in the same place or professional couple able to separate work and private life! WHy?!
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In crisis, Ivan's ordering Fedyor, not "Kaminsky". They're on first-name basis.
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With them, or AMONG them?
To sum up what we've learnt- Alina figured out Fedyor's only good, but not important, because he doesn't have an amplifier and Ivan's the one calling shots.
Both is circumstantial evidence at best.
Ivan and Fedyor are friendly at least.
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buffaluff · 5 months
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my yearly heartrender husbands contribution is nigh! gotta keep up my union dues, you know ❤️🖤
this drawing is for this season’s @fivanevents secret santa and my giftee is none other than my pal @sparklingrainbowdragon ☺️
this is from their fic which you can read here! (I hope you don’t mind me illustrating this story over and over again 🙏)
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lilisouless · 1 year
Aww, grisha love
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Okay Tamadia doesn’t actually have a show content but at least the selfie is something ,UPDATE: now there is one, click on the image to see it full
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gay-destiel · 11 months
heartrender husbands <3
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made two versions
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reallifegenya · 1 month
It’s been now 3 years since Shadow and Bone premiered and I am pretty emotional about that. It’s been 3 years since I fell in love with Fedyor and Ivan, 3 years since I found comfort, 3 years since these two characters saved my life and I will be forever grateful 🫀
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little-cereal-draws · 11 months
I need Fedyor to get injured and Ivan to heal him
It’s an ultimately inconsequential injury, nothing that a quick trip to the healers can’t fix, but it hurts really bad. Fedyor tries to go find someone to help him but Ivan insists he can do it. Ivan’s not the best healer but he brushes his fingers over Fedyors warm skin anyway and struggles to stay focused on the task at hand. Fedyor knows it’ll be easier to get a professional but he stills under Ivan’s hand and watches as his brows scrunch in concentration. He loves Ivan so much; the fact that he’ll struggle through trying to heal him even when everyone knows he’s much better at destroying things
Idk idk just the intimacy of healing someone is getting to me
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