#Hayashi Misao
la-belle-histoire · 5 months
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Countess Hayashi Misao, 1902.
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robbarracuda · 2 years
Manga First Impression: Ichigoki's Under Control!!
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The third of 4 new Weekly Shonen Jump titles is out this week, coinciding with the final issue for the 2022 calendar year. The series is called Ichigoki's Under Control!! and unlike the previous two titles, the premise is pretty easy to explain because it's a gag comedy.
Kai Ichigoki is a teenage boy who gets mauled by a gorilla, but is revived as a cyborg by his childhood friend Misao Chiisaki, whose diminutive size allows her to pilot him from the inside like a mecha.
...that's the joke. ...it's not really a funny one.
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Compared to the other comedy-based titles in the magazine right now like Witch Watch, High Schooly Family, or even the action comedy of something like Mashle, this one feels set up to fail from the get-go. ...And then I realized that the author is Seiji Hayashi, who previously wrote for the magazine with another gag comedy called I'm From Japan, which might very well be one of the most painfully unfunny things I ever attempted to read when the first three chapters came out as a part of the old Jump Start initiative from VIZ Media.
I give it 6 months.
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no-nakajimayuya · 2 years
M1. フィクション
M2 ドキュメンタリ
M4. 苦楽ララ
M6. D・T・F
M7. あんたがたどこさ
M8. 綺麗事
M9. チャプター
M10. エンドロール
Bass.Vocal. Shorter Takagi
Guitar. Katsushiro Sato
Keyboard. Yuta Ikeda
Sax. George Hayashi
Drums. So Kanno
All Music & Lyrics by Shorter Takagi
All Arrangements by BREIMEN
Band Recording Engineer:Yu Sasaki
Assistant Band Recording Engineer: Yuki Ishida / Naoki Kawashima
Vocal Recording Engineer:
Tomomi Ogata (MUSIC FOR MUSIC)
Mixing Engineer: Yu Sasaki
Mastering Engineer: Kentarou Kimura(M1,M2,M4, M5, M8, M9) / molmol (M3,M6,M7)
Band Recorded at:
Music Inn Yamanakako (M1, M2, M3, M4, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10)
Studio Dede (M5)
Sony Music Studios Tokyo(M7)
Vocal Recorded at:
Mixed at: CASINO Studio & Studio Dede
Mastered at: KIMKEN STUDIO/molmol
Drum Technician: Genki Wada(M1,M2,M4,M7,M9,M10)/Kokichi(M5,M6,M8)
Art Direction & Design: 2025
Assistant Director: Kentre Takagi
Photography: renzo masuda/Goku Noguchi
Lighting Director & Lighting Operater: Ibuki Katagiri
Set design:
Hair & Make - up: Riku Murata (OFF)
Stylist: Yuya Nakajima
Artist Manager: JP
Artist Manager/Senden bucho: TOKIO
Assistant Manager: Yudai Sakai
Exsective Producer: Misao Ishida(SPACE SHOWER MUSIC)
A&R: Hironori Sakuma/Ayano Nakada(SPACE SHOWER MUSIC)
Promotion: Tomokatsu Fukazawa(SPACE SHOWER MUSIC)
Digital Promotion: So Kiyama(SPACE SHOWER MUSIC)
Special Thanks: Shunsuke Fujiwara
Hiroshi Kawasaki
Naomi Toyoshima
Ryo Konishi (From CRCK/LCKS, ZOO-MIN-SHA)
Yu Seki
Mamoru Fuminashi
Ayu Takao
Ruri Nagasawa
Goku Noguchi
Gakushi Okamoto
GuitarShop Hoochie's
Cure Kaito (From MEMEMION)
Masaki Horiguchi
Mr.Watanabe (Music Inn Yamanakako)
0 notes
Badass Ladies: A Compendium
For International Women's Day, a selection from my #badass ladies tag:
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Margret the Adroit, 12th century artist
Lilian Bader, WWII pilot
Mary Delany, 18th century artist
Rachel Pringle Polgreen, 18th century hotelier
Licoricia of Winchester, 13th century businesswoman
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Emily Davison, Edwardian Suffragette
Nicolaa de la Haye, 12th century Sheriff of Lincoln
Grace O'Malley, 16th century pirate
Edith Cavell, WWI nurse
Misao Gamo, Countess Hayashi, Japanese noblewoman
And, of course, the traditional queens regnant kickline:
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tact-and-impulse · 4 years
behind the scenes
I was so busy, but this blog is 5 years old! To commemorate, I’ll share notes and thoughts on some of the stuff I’ve written, like a behind the scenes look. Also, I’ll do anything to not think about my apartment right now.
Eating Together, Drinking Alone
Originally, Hiko was going to be responsible for some of the foreigner killings, but I thought this was too close to Kenshin’s past and it made more sense for his backstory that no one could personally be blamed. It’s easier to blame a specific person, something less abstract, and a different kind of personality would result from that trajectory. For Hiko, who removes himself from the world, the world itself had to be at fault. A natural disaster seemed to fit.
I expanded on Tae’s personality, since I think what we see in canon is her customer service face. It’s the nicest, most self-effacing version of oneself. She’s still pleasant of course, but she’s also brave and lively and that’s the side I wanted to showcase more. Not drastically different from her public face, but a different face regardless.
I never intended for Hiko and Tae to kiss. Sorry! Part of it was that a lot of period dramas don’t necessarily have kissing, and part of it was while I was writing it, I wasn’t really thinking of them together in a physical sense. I was more focused on their emotional connection and actually getting Tae to fall for him. Also, with how intensely private Hiko is, any intimate scenes would be fade-to-black.
I fully believe that kids aren’t a requisite for a happy ending, and I hint that Tae would probably have fertility struggles anyway because her sister and mom did. However! If they did have a kid together in an AU, I imagine it’d be a daughter who’s ambitious and confident and the epitome of “hi I’m here to ruin everything”.
The line “You’re not business, Sekihara” caught me by surprise when I was rereading earlier this year, because I don’t remember writing that? But it’s so swoon-worthy? Damn, good job, past me.
In the epilogue, when Keita mentions “Aoshi and the girls”, that was supposed to be a setup for a work about the kids. So, Aoshi and Misao have three daughters, who are rowdy and energetic and exactly what their dad deserves lmao. They’re a bit on the younger end, closer in age to Keita and Sumire. Their names were Narumi, Ruriko, and Sorano!
The Master and Her Pet
The master of the other dojo in the tournament, Ishii, makes a cameo in At Arm’s Length, in one of Koshijiro’s teenage flashbacks!
From what I recall, the alcohol that Sano sent them is sombai, which is a strong liquor with herbs. I’ve never had it, I just read descriptions of the taste. It seemed to be suitable because I imagine he’d be in the part of the world it comes from, and since it’s a rice based liquor, it would be palatable to them.
One of the reviews thought that Hitomi is pregnant but she’s not. Tbh she’s down to smash any time, but Kazumasa would never have sex before marriage. Also, it’s funny that while the guys are in the parlor, having a deep conversation about what it means to be a good husband, the girls are upstairs talking about the logistics of 69′ing.
With These Hands
Things may seem off in regards to Kaoru’s residency, but that’s because I used the Japanese version, which is different than here in America, and because I was younger then, so I didn’t know as much about the process. I’ll probably rewrite and fix things around when I have time!
I kinda threw Soujiro under the bus, but I wanted to use him as a stand-in for what someone told me. Over the years, I’ve also realized that while it may be true, I’ve been more receptive to the same advice when it comes from a woman, because it’s a matter of firsthand experience. Otherwise, it just sounds like the person is contributing to the problem, despite their intentions.
There’s an in-story reason why Kenshin is so forward towards Kaoru, and it’s not necessarily romantic (at first), but yeah, it’s on purpose!
At Arm’s Length
To be honest, I don’t put a lot of stock in Freudian psychology, but it’s not coincidental that some of Koshijiro’s personality is similar to Kenshin’s. They’re both introspective, protective, idealistic, peace-loving. It’s the kind of personality that would believe in Kamiya Kasshin and its success.
Hayashi rice was a thing around this time, and the wine in it would have been off-putting to Koshijiro.
I wanted to explore why Koshijiro would fight for an end to the shogunate’s oppression, and the logical conclusion was that his mom was a commoner. Also, it made sense for his name. Miyo had just turned 20 when she had Koshijiro, and Keiichiro was in his 30s. I do have an idea for an omake about how they met, once the main story is done.
I’ve dropped some hints but Kyoko has lupus. When I was first starting the story, I didn’t really have a good idea on what her affliction was, but as I learned more, it really fit what I wanted for her (chronic, fatiguing, possibly explaining why Kaoru’s an only child, and eventually fatal at a young age in historical times).
Kyoko fell for Koshijiro when he said he wouldn’t forget her name. She’s used to being shut away and isolated, so that little reassurance meant a great deal to her. It was a crush that deepened when he got the books for her, and she cried a lot when he had to leave.
Kyoko’s parents are supposed to be a contrast to Koshijiro’s. Her parents have fallen out of love and now hardly tolerate the other’s presence, but aren’t able to separate without harming Kyoko in some way (though their staying together makes her tense too). Meanwhile, Miyo and Keiichiro can’t physically be with each other, but they’re still immensely fond of and attracted to the other. Koshijiro is just awkward around them because he doesn’t know how to deal.
I’ve written the last line already, like in 2017? So, yeah, there’s no way I’m dropping this story.
Life’s Blood and Burning Sunsets
Akane’s cousin in the WWII AU was intended to be Kagari. RIP.
I was originally going to write a spinoff about Aya, as an Inspector investigating Akane’s sudden disappearance and finding out that Kougami was her dad, but it looks like canon is going in a different (less angsty for the OTP) direction and I’m on board! Aya’s name is written as “truth”, though I imagine it’s a popular name for her generation, except written as “color”. Also unintentional, but I didn’t realize until recently that her name has the A from Akane and the -ya from Shinya. Lol.
Storm Clouds of a Faraway Sky
In Chapter 3, the rice riots really were a thing! The chaotic atmosphere fit the riots from Season 1, so it made sense to set the story in that specific year.
I stayed up until 2 am to write the last prompt and man, I don’t regret it. I still reread it now and then.
Originally, my gut reaction to this scene was “They’re married! They’re married!” But logically, that’s probably not the case. This was to just reconcile the two lines of thought. Having Arata as our narrator made sense because he’s an outsider, he doesn’t really know either of them, so he’s working from the ground up. And of course, there’s room to speculate.
I don’t know how many people will catch this, but the way I write Tomoyo for most of the story is that she’s essentially wearing a mask. More specifically, the mask of Satoru. In my mind, she’s internalized him so well and for so long, it’s difficult even for her to drop it. Her true personality is very straightforward and direct. It comes out in little moments like when she’s crying at night, or the scene when she says “I didn’t like it when Shinya started, and I still don’t.” I was going to reveal this via a flashback when she met with Professor Saiga at some point, and he notices this, which instigates her strong dislike of him. But I couldn’t find a way to naturally put it in. Maybe as a separate oneshot someday?
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theroyalhistory · 5 years
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Lady Hayashi (born Misao Gamo, later Countess Hayashi), 1902
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azulaceroacidy · 4 years
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Me conocen como Azul Acero... Porque el nick  Azul Acero... bueno hace demasiado tiempo hice un dibujo de una muñeca ya que soy fan del anime, como tal crear personajes es algo normal para nosotros, le di ese nombre decidí que Azul por tranquila  y también cálides lo que representa el color y Acero por fuerte , dura decidida y difícil de romper y quebrar... 
 soy Mexicana, Mido 1.60, Tez blanca, ojos cafes claros cabello un poco largo hasta los hombros y me lo pinto de rojo o Morado ya que son mis colores favoritos y ahorita lo tengo de color morado. 
Naci el 1ro de Arbil del signo zodiacal Aries, toco el piano y me gusta el chocolate y los dulces, también me gusta mucho cantar y bailar aun que no soy muy buena...
me gusta mucho dibujar y me gusta el anime/Manga/Comic
Tengo muchas pareja favoritas de diversos animes,series o libros
They know me as Steel Blue ... Because the nickname Steel Blue ... well too long ago I made a drawing of a doll since I am an anime fan, as such creating characters is normal for us, I gave it that name I decided that Blue for calm and also warm which represents the color and Steel for strong, hard determined and difficult to break and break ...
 I am Mexican, I am 1.60, I have a white complexion, light brown eyes, hair a little long to the shoulders and I paint it red or purple since they are my favorite colors and right now I have it purple.
I was born the 1st of Arbil of the zodiac sign Aries, I play the piano and I like chocolate and sweets, I also really like to sing and dance even though I'm not very good ...
I really like drawing and I like anime / Manga / Comic
I have many favorite couples from various anime, series or books
aqui algunas de mis parejas favoritas / here are some of my favorite couples
Naruto/Hinata (Naruto/Boruto) Arnold/Helga (Hey Arnold) Gray/Juvia  (Fair Tail) Hikaru/Misa (Macross /Robotech) Nick /Adalind (Grimm Tv Serie) Ami/Laurence (Mujercitas libro/Anime) Jaime Reyes/Bart Allen (Young Justice - Justicia Joven) Yuki/Shuichi (Gravitation) Hiroki/nowaki (junjouromantica) Kai/Gaku (sukisho) Cecil/Bertia (Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku/Manga/Novela) U-1146/AE3803 (Hataraku Saibou) Arturo/Gwen (Merlin Tv Serie) Meruem/Komugi (Hunter X Hunter) Akkun/Non (Akkun to Kanojo) Mayu Arita/Harada (Death Parade) Elias Ainsworth/Chise  (Mahoutsukai No Yome) Aoshi/Misao (Rurouni Kenshin) Ken/Miyako (Digimon 02) Kyo Soma/Tohru Honda (Fruit Basket) Minato/Kushina ( Naruto ) Koga/Ayame(Inuyasha) Tatsuya/Minami (Touch) Asuma mutsumi /Kae Serinuma(kiss him not me) Otani/Risa (Lovely Complex) Decim/Chiyuki (Death Parade) Moriko/Sakurai y Lily/Hayashi (Net-juu no Susume) Retsuko/Haida (Aggressive Retsuko) Vegeta/Bulma (Dragonball Z) Sasuke/Sakura (Naruto) Taiga/Ryuuji (Toradora) Takane/Hana (Manga Takane to Hana) Ran/Riko ( Manga Hana ni Arashi) Trunks/Mai (Dragon Ball Super) Ed/Winry (FullMetal Alchemist) Ryuuichi Kashima/Maria Inomata (Gakuen Babysitters) Shinichi Kudo/Ran Mouri (detective Conan) Takeo Gōda/Rinko Yamato (Ore Monogatari) Shouta Kazehaya /Sawako Kuronuma ( Kimi ni Todoke) Haru/Shizuku (Tonari no Kaibursu-Kun) Kyōya Sata/Erika (Okami Shojo to Kuro oji ) Sakura/Sahoran ( Card Captor Sakura ) Saya/Hagi (Blood + ) Nozaki/Sakura ( Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun ) Yui/ Hinata (Angel beats ) Seo/Wakamatsu ( Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun) Gajeel/Levy (Fairy tail ) Io/Tsumiki (Acchi Kocchi) Naoki/Kotoko ( Itazura na Kiss) Tatsuya / Minami (Touch) Miketsukami/Ririchiyo (  Inu x Boku SS ) Meliodas/Elizabthe (Nanatsu no Taizai) Sana/Akito (Kodomo no omocha)   Kanade/Otonashi (Angel beats ) Chrono /Rosette (Chrono Crusade) Momo/Kairi (Peach Girl) Tsubasa/Sanae (Captain Tsubasa) Ban/Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai) Rinne/Sakura (Kyōkai no Rinne) Joe Shimamura/Francoise Arnoul  (Cyborg 009 ) Banri Tada/Koko Kaga (Golden Time) King/Diana (Nanatsu no Taizai) Chihiro/Rea (Sankarea) Kenshin/Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin) Hak/Yona(Akatsuki no Yona) Chii/Hideki(Chobits) Haruko/Hanamichi (Slam dunk) Romeo/Juliet (Romeo x Juliet) Yusuke/Keiko ( Yu Yu Hakusho) Shunsuke Aoba/Natsumi Asaoka  (Kabocha Wine) Ranma /Akane (Ranma ½) Ranze Eto/Shun Makabe (Tokimeki Tonight)
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Viscountess Hayashi, later Countess Hayashi, née Misao Gamo, 1902.
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
An updated status post
(please say something if you catch a mistake)
1st Division: Provide overall directions and leadership of Future Foundation
Leader: Kyousuke Munakata
2nd Division: Manage day-to-day operations of the Future Foundation, construction of facility; expansion of organization; military and peacekeeping force
Leader: Mukuro Ikusaba
Mamoru Fukao
3rd Division: Human resources, include scouting for potential members and personnel assignments
Leader: Koichi Kizakura
Members: Naomi Kizakura
Mahiru Koizumi
Daisuke Takai
4th Division: Research and develop medical techniques
Leader: Seiko Kimura
Members: Mikan Tsumiki
Tamiko Takai
Kyoji Nakamura
Sadao Irunami
Hiroko Hagakure
5th Division: Intelligence, Inquiry, and Counter-Espionage
Leader: Chisa Yukizome
Members: Maemi Watanabe
Amaterasu Hokama
6th Division: Policing, including riot suppression and investigate special crimes
Leader: Juzo Sakakura
Members: Akane Owari
Leon Kuwata
Mondo Oowada
Karma Graves
Rogue Kimyona
Takumi Hijirihara
Misaki Asano
Mekuru Katsuragi
Miho Amagawa
Shin Tamuro
7th Division: Information System security and administration; Research and develop therapy to cure Despair
Leader: Miaya Gekkougahara
Members: Richard
Neku Hayashi
Junpei Yokozawa
Orochi Kamisaka
Taichi Fujisaki
Kin Takei
8th Division: Long-term stable food procurement
Leader: Teruteru Hanamura
9th Division: Armament R&D, Production, and distribution
Leader: Sonosuke Izayoi
Members: Sly
Yae Kamii
Denbe Katayama
Malcom Suzuki
10th Division: Assistance in reviving education and culture
Leader: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Members: Ryouta Mitarai
Toson Shinko
Mukuro Shirotama
Kaede Akamatsu
Akiko Sugiyama
11th Division: Assistance in restoring agricultural in disaster area
Leader: Daisaku Bandai
Members: Santa Shikiba
12th division: Assistance in restoring infrastructure; such as transportation, communication, and public facilities.
Leader: Great Gozu
13th division: Frontline Food and Resource Distribution
Leader: Jin Kirigiri
Members: Aoi Asahina
Nekomaru Nidai
Maki Harkuwa
Akagawa Atsushi
Misao Fujioka
14th Division: Public relationship; spreading news of Future Foundation’s activities to the public
Leader: Kyouko Kirigiri
Members: Makoto Naegi
Hajime Hinata
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Susumu Mizumoto
Angie Yonaga
Komaru Naegi
Mami Asano
Special Branch: Despair Method Investigation, Investigation of Despairs, Future Foundation Court & Prison.
Leader: Ethos Oroya
Members: Chiaki Nanami
Damian Miraz
Kamui Focsfang
Ryokai Araki
Aiko Umesawa
Daiko Kubo
Karen Kisaragi
Kotomi Ikuta
Ryota Someya
Shoji Yoko
Soshun Murasame
Sosuke Ichino
Suzuko Kashiki
Second Base:
Leader: Ryuu Nagata
Members: Rantarou Amami
Kaito Momota
Shuichi Saihara
Itsuki Ginmaku
Sankakuto Keiri
Rina Kirishima
Kobo Okanaya
Peko Pekoyama
Umeko Nagata
Takemichi Yukimaru
Yuta Asahina
Sayaka Maizono
Ryouko Otonashi
Toko Fukawa
Tenko Chabashira
Himiko Yumeno
Miru Kitagawa
Ryoma Hoshi
Sam Foster
Unknown Branch:
Yasuke Matsuda
 Sora Nagata
Takashi Hayashi
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Ibuki Mioda
Yuuko Mori (captured)
Michael Hyde
Celestia Ludenberg
Nagito Komaeda
Natsumi Kuzuryuu
Maverick Storm
Jirami Senkou
Nakashima Atsushi
Monaca Towa
Shigeko Onishi
Miu Iruma (Not actual Despair)
Kokichi Ouma (Not actual Despair)
Donald Ripper (Not actual Despair)
Masaru Daimon (captured)
Kotoko Utsugi
Jataro Kemuri
Nagisa Shingetsu
79-B yet to be released:
Kotone Okuda
Yumiko Hashimoto
Chieko Arishima
Fumio Numajiri
Robyn Hutchison
Ayame Ichimonji
Haruhi Matsushima
Hiroaki Yamahata
Etsuko Hanabusa
Sonia Nevermind
Gundam Tanaka
Gonta Gokuhara
Tengan’s group:
Leader: Kazuo Tengan
Members: Kirumi Toujou
Korekiyo Shinguuji
Tsumugi Shirogane
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portraitofwoman · 5 years
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Misao Gamo, Vistountess Hayashi (later Countess), presented at the court of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, March 1902.
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