skyland2703 · 2 months
Javelia visits the Dino Charge dimension for one reason or another, and they end up followed back home by a baby Stegouros. They keep it as a pet and name it Waffles. Chaos ensues.
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(Art by @alphynix)
“I know we caused an inter-dimensional anomaly, last time, but by any chance… did the two of you cause an inter-dimensional anomaly this time??” Javi had not expected to hear this sentence, this early in the morning. The inter-dimensional jet lag had still not dissipated, and here were two guys, suited in green and black spandex, breaking into their bedroom.
Javi rubbed his eyes, sitting up in bed, and then gestured towards where his girlfriend lay sleeping, beside him, and then turned back to the two guys, the black spandex one of whom had spoken, he signalled them to shush, with a finger on the lips.
The guy in the green spandex leaned closer, and whispered, urgently, in Javi’s ear, “dude. We need to talk.” And there was something so threatening in his voice that Javi immediately got out of bed, pulled on his fluffy puppy-dog slippers, and walked out of the room with the other two guys, still in his boxers and as they reached the living room, Javi found a hoodie and pulled it on. (Unnecessary detail.)
“What happened” he asked, rubbing his eyes again, trying to ward off sleep, and then gestures towards the kitchen, “do you mind if we make coffee while we talk?” He yawned, “and please suit down. Nobody’s gonna attack you here.”
That made sense, the two rangers suited down, and Javi found himself blinking at a very amused Chase and an equally annoyed Riley. Javi grinned at them, “hey guys! Want coffee or tea or green tea or cocoa?” He offered.
“I’d take coco—“ Chase was punched in the stomach by Riley, before he could complete his statement, “not the time, hotshot.” He murmured under his breath and then looked at Javi, “Javi, I appreciate you getting up this early in the morning, and offering us beverages, but this is important…” Javi looked at him curiously, and comically, Chase echoed the exact same expression, despite knowing exactly what Riley was about to say.
“Did you and Amelia… by any chance… steal a baby Stegouros from the dinosaur museum when you guys popped in to drop us home?”
Javi raised his eyebrows, “we… didn’t steal a dinosaur…”
“SEE? I told you Riles! They wouldn’t do that!! The mama Stegouros must be here for some other reason!” Chase was quick to jump to Javi’s rescue, and Javi saw Riley rolling his eyes in a very ‘i love you, Chase, but I can’t deal with this right now.’, an expression Javi was very familiar with, because he got it once in every two days from Amelia.
“Mama stego— WHAT!?”
Riley pulled up his Dino com, and showed it to Javi— in the middle of the night, a giant dinosaur was rampaging through the city like Godzilla. It was a Buzzblast report— and Javi realised him and Amelia, actual Buzzblast journalists, AND Power Rangers, had slept through the entire thing, with their phones on airplane mode, and probably wouldn’t have found out about it until after midday, if
“They don’t have the dinosaur, Riles, let’s go—“
“Wait, wait—“ Javi stopped the two rangers, “i didn’t say we don’t have the dinosaur, i said we didn’t steal the dinosaur. Waffles is right here!”
Both Chase and Riley, as if on cue, asked, “Waffles?”
“Yes! The stegou—“ Javi beamed, then gestured them to come with him, finger on his lips, to tell them to not make any noise. The three boys tiptoed back into the bedroom where Amelia was sleeping peacefully. Javi pointed to where he had been lying, and it took a bit of straining of eyes when finally the Dino charge rangers finally saw it. The tiny baby stegouros, sleeping peacefully in Javi and Amelia’s bed, cuddled up close with Amelia.
Riley was about to burst like a hydrogen bomb, and Chase and Javi realised it just seconds before it happened, giving the two black rangers time enough to drag the distressed green ranger out of the room before he screamed and woke both the dinosaur and the girl up.
They were out into the common hallway of the apartment complex, near the elevator, when Javi and Chase released him, and he let out a scream that would probably not only wake up Amelia and Waffles, but the entire neighbourhood in a three mile radius.
“ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS?! DINOSAURS ARE ENDANGERED!! ITS A FEDERAL CRIME, ITS A FELONY TO STEAL AND HARBOUR A DINOSAUR IN AN ARTIFICIAL ENVIRONMENT WITHOUT THE REQUIRED CLEARAN—“ Chase’s hand was over Riley’s mouth again, smothering the remainder of the rant, while Javi tried hard to not laugh, because he knew Riley would puff up like a pufferfish, and might even start crying in angry tears— something Chase had told him happened when the anger got out of control.
“In our defence…. The lil fella just followed us home through the portal”. Javi looked like a mischievous kid, trying to prove his innocence, with his arms tied behind his back, his feet rubbing the carpet under them, “he spooked us when we closed the door of the apartment earlier, today— we decided to keep it as a pet. Waffles is a nice name, no?” He asked, positively beaming.
“I like Waffles!” Chase chuckled, while Riley tried to say something, but wasn’t allowed to, with the two boys still holding their hands over his face before he actually woke up the entire neighbourhood, “I’d have probably named him Pancakes!”
“Waffles was Amelia’s idea. I wanted to name him Marshmallow.”
“Waffles has a sister! Maybe we can call her Marshmallow, no Riles?” Chase made the fatal mistake of letting go of Riley’s mouth, and the green ranger screamed again, “IF YOU TWO DUMBASSES ARE DONE DISCUSSING FOOD NAMES, THERE IS A VERY ANGRY MAMA STEGOUROS ROAMING YOUR CITY, JAVIER, LOOKING FOR HER BABY. WE NEED THE STEGOUROS BACK!” Riley’s face was absolutely red, and Chase leaned in, and gently pressed a kiss to his cheek, immediately deflating more than half of the anger out like he was an angy balloon.
“Relax, Riles, baby,” he hummed, and Javi watched in amusement, as the kiss and the little chant worked like magic, and Riley calmed down.
“What I’m trying to say, is that we need the dinosaur back so we can save all of our asses.” He said, finally.
“You wanna take waffles away?” Javi made puppy dog eyes at the couple, and Chase almost melted, before Riley said, “yes.”
“Amelia’s gonna be mad…” Javi said, in the same tone, and Riley raised his arms, “we can get her a cat, or something. This is more important—“
“What is more important?” A feminine voice echoed from behind them, and the three boys turned around to find the red ranger standing in the doorway of their apartment, still in her bedclothes, the little dinosaur wrapped up in her arms like a little baby. She looked annoyed— and none of the boys knew they could deal with the wrath of Amelia Jones…
We’re gonna pretend this is in the aftermath of @gayferret420 ‘s Chiley landing up in Dino fury universe AU. Javelia went back to drop them off, and this all… happened…
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themundanemudperson · 10 days
Dinosaur Yuri
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hesploro12ischia · 3 months
So, I had incident, and since I don't remember my password, I can't sign in on my computer with my normal account, so...
Wassuppppppppp my main is @hesploro12
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paleopinesofficial · 6 months
Adding onto Hesploro’s dlc idea, there could be a rocky cliffs or smth like that to add all the Pterosaurs! And you could use the same rock breaking mechanic that are being used in the current game! They could help with fishing or being used kinda like crop dusters and water all your plants in a farm!
Also firewatch character with a sauropod or some dactyls would be cute
Love the idea of Pterosaurs and rock breaking around cliffs! Adding this to suggestions for the team if we're ever able to make more!
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skyland2703 · 1 month
You remind of an Irritator, in that you’re strange, and I don’t if it’s a good or bad way, but I like you either way.
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Seeing this notification was very confusing…
But HOLY SHIT IRRITATOR IS A DINOSAUR— this is like Doofinshmirtz’s “inators”. Name a dinosaur about ANYTHING. also I appreciate this <3 I like being annoying to the extent where you go “are they good? Are they bad? Who knows!”
You’re the best 😁
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skyland2703 · 23 days
There’s a dinosaur called Ceratosaurus, which is always decimated by Allosaurus in media.
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skyland2703 · 3 months
What’re your top ten favorite dinosaurs? Just curious
This is a childhood list, so its not very edited, but ten year old me was obsessed with dinos— SO!!
Brachiosaurus (Then PR made me find out Titanosaurus existed??)
Pachycephalosaurus (I could never type this correctly)
:3 (I dunno much about them but i love em all the same >//<)
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skyland2703 · 3 months
There’s this tiny Thyreophoran (Thyreophora, or armored dinosaurs, is the group that Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus are from, so the two genera are cousins.) called Jakapil, which is a very basal genus of Thyreophoran, as in its closest relatives are Scelidosaurus, Scutellosaurus, and etc. cause I cannot think of more than those two. Said closest relatives are from the early Jurassic, meanwhile Jakapil was walking in the Argentinian deserts at the same time Spinosaurus was… Spinosaurusing since the Spinosaurus is very inconsistent in what it was like. Jakapil was around the size of a cat and it was very adorable, but its body was covered in armor plating.
The Jakapil was discovered and named around 2012, but its description was done ten years later in 2022. Its full name is Jakapil kaniukura which Ja-Kapil means “shield bearer” in puelchelan and kaniukura means “crest stone” in Mapundungun after its uniquely deep jaw.
Onto my actual point per se, I was thinking it would be funny if Amelia and Javi found out about it, and. Uhh something something plushies?
Idk after the first part.
Amelia looks at *——all of what you said above——* and then stares at Javi, “how do you know that—? Did you actually look it up?”
Javi giggled, “no— not really. A friend of mine texted me this entire thing because he saw me buying stegosaurus and ankylosaurus plushies at the toy store and thought I loved dinosaurs”
“Which you do” Amelia suggested.
“Which I do” Javi affirmed, “and so I thought it would be fun to tell you that our dinosaurs, indeed, were cousins.”
“Yes” Javi nodded, and she then interrupted again, “wait. Did you just say you we’re buying stegosaurus and ankylosaurus plushies?”
Javi giggled, then blushed, “well— I saw a pink ankylosaurus in the toy store when I’d gone to get a birthday present for Poppy’s first— and i couldn’t resist. Then I stepped into the dinosaur aisle and never really saw the light of day after that…” Javi explained dramatically, receiving a punch in the shoulder from the red ranger, and yelped “ouch” then continued, “so I technically got you the ankylosaurus. And I found a green triceratops but then I thought ollir would be offended seeing that, so I didn’t buy that. Then I was just about to check out when my eyes fell on a.. you guessed it right… a black stegosaurus— WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!”
“And where are the plushies right now?”
“On my bed. I cuddle them” Javi explained, “they’re a pair. Do not separate. Share my bed if you want the plushies”
“I already do” Amelia said, looking around at the way the two of them were literally tangled up in her pink bedsheets, watching Mary Poppins at the moment.
“At my place” Javi placed the condition, and Amelia rolled her eyes, “fair enough. And?”
How did she know there was more to the story— OH the info dump from earlier— Javi chuckled, then continued, “So… After my friend introduced us, I found the Jakapil absolutely adorable.”
“And…?” The way Javi said it, Amelia just knew there was something in it that he wasn’t telling her. The mischief in his eyes showed.
“Well… it’s about the size of a cat.”
“You said that already. And??”
“I got a plushie custom made for it” Javi said, flushing, as he watched Amelia’s hands flying to her mouth, “you did NOT—“
“I did.”
“And…?” Three was still something he wasn’t telling her.
“There’s two of them. And i customed the colors to be… red and black” he said, looking like the human version of the awkwardly blushing emoji.
Before receiving a flying pillow in the face from her.
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