boba-beom · 3 months
Happy present x together day <3
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piosplayhouse · 14 days
i'm sorry about what those people made you go through on twt and i wish it hadn't escalated like that or that they'd stop to think abt what they're doing before becoming so aggressive, it was very unfair and you didn't deserve any of it
maybe there's no helping them, but i drew tarsier bingqiu if it helps you feel a bit better!
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wegc · 5 months
since i am ribbon anon….
perv chan using a dildo on reader, and the top of the dildo has a ribbon wrapped like a bow on it. and she got her sanrio stuffed toy all turned back , to avoid seeing perv chan and his soft gf doing the nasty. ORR
he wraps a ribbon like a bow on the base of his dick and takes pictures of her while shes sucking his balls, the bow very close to the camera (w her consent duhhh)
since i wanna be soft i wanna add this, after theyre done and he puts her to sleep… he says sorry to all her stuffed toys, takes one of the panties she soaked cos of his teasing in his bag and goes back to his room/apartment to masturbate.
sorry im ruined!!!
JWKEKSOSOALWKWH chan would find a coquette gf so cuteeee i feel like he’d be obsessed with u wearing pink and ribbons and being so feminine in general because he’s so masculine💗🎀💕 u guys go together so well so of course he’s indulging in your ribbon obsession and not only tying a baby pink ribbon around your dildo but also around your wrists to bind them when he fucks u from behind <3 !!!!
he also finds it so cute when u turn ur plushies around to protect their innocence AAA :(( so OBSESSED W THIS <3
bonus points!!! he apologizes to you too because he can’t help but be so rough with you :( doesn’t mean his cock doesn’t start swelling when he sees the bruises and marks on your spent body tho!!!
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attex · 2 months
You think fp and lttm have some self soothing behaviors?
i have been regularly thinking of answetring this ask (it was sent 3 months ago.) but i kept fucking forgetting. i think they do tbh but theyre akin to how they move around their puppets by default, yknow how some people move their hands when talking its like that for their Thinking in a way. it can be like when someones mumbling/talking to themselves cuz theyre really lost in thought or something. (insert joke about italians here) this applies to every iterator with a functional connected puppet...
this is just advanced headcanoning btw, read more cuz its kinda long and not formatted well
for the cringe siblings though i headcanon five pebbles would be touching his robe fabric a lot (especially post-rivulet where hes more concentrated on his own puppet and tries to use it more to ground himself to his own body), he does that out of stress usually as another little external representation of his emotions- i imagine a lot of the structure straight up moves and has a lot of its parts basically shifting and wiggling around, its more involuntary but i think pebbles moves and bundles up his cables that are normally used for local data transferring. he doesn't have much to reorganize within him internally a lot of the time (anymore...) so he basically moves his devices for it for the sake of the sensation of having/doing some sort of action
i think moon sometimes gently rocks her puppet back and forth when under-stimulated. though she usually lands back to staying very still (she does this before her collapse too anyway, she meditates in a way have you seen how she moves her puppet to the middle of her chamber and closes her eyes and has her halo move gently etc. AHHHHH its so cuteeee) also i draw her with hair like wires so um :) she braids them sometimes or caresses them. shes much more disconnected from her entire body so its Something to do at least. she will hold and look at the pearls or other items that creatures end up bringing to her also <3 post-rivulet she gets a lot to do with her structure. she very often rumbles parts of her to hum sounds and such, she does this with her puppet too but its more akin to humming a melody for the puppet lol. while every iterator can has a near-constant background hum and noise caused by many things, moon explicitly alters her internal humming to match external things she is experiencing- (unlike other iterators who don't usually have their internal "rhythm" match their external environment as well) i believe she developed this habit to be more in tune with her environmental location as it helped with not causing as much harmful interference to all that is around her (she has an older, not as performant/optimized can so she needed to adjust to function better), its beneficial for her workings too lol! her organic parts do need to be in tune with the life surrounding her to be able to keep stable.
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Welcome Home Website (Part 2)
alright im now back to investigating the Welcome Home website !! so exciting !!
everything under the cut
so i went back to the homepage and i realized that 'hey, the animation of home is like the other animations across the site, can i click it?' and turns out yes
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'C' and more audio from Wally
lol its just him saying 'Welcome home!' and laughing, which is cute but kinda ominous
so im assuming all the bugs are videos where you can hear Frank and the other neighbors talking to each other, and its also from (presumably) Wally's perspective
while all the animations of the little doodles are audio clips from Wally
which is interesting !! ive opened the other doodles that i've found and yep the titles definitely spell a sentence
'I' 'will' 'Will' 'Help' im gonna assume that every word with a capital letter is the start of a sentence, so there's at least 2 or 3 sentences
i have re-opened all the secrets that i found, now moving onto the next page, which is the About Us page
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aww its Frank and Julie !! so cute !!
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the blue heart leads to a tab titled 'a'
hm. more talk of eyes he says that he has more eyes than before, and that we (well he says 'you' but im pretty sure he means 'you' as in us, the audience) keep drawing his eyes which can allow him to see but it is still he can't see
so i think that means that the spread of Welcome Home and all the fanart also somehow spreads Wally? his essence?? can he see through all the fanart??
found another bug, its a mantis (i think)
nothing too different about the About Us page besides the obvious lol
ok so ! i was wrong in my initial assumption that all the videos would be Frank and another character, because this one on the About Us page is of Sally and Julie! which is very very cool, Julie is so cute and Sally is fun
lol in that situation i would totally be Sally LMAO
now next page, a new page titled 'Media'
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also bug spotted
the interview !!! wow !! also name drop on the interviewer, his name is Rick which is a name i think has been mentioned before?
its not nevermind got it mixed up w the name 'Ronald Dorelaine' lol my bad
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this is so cool and also i love them theyre so silly
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ok so there wasn't a lot of song but !! still really fun to hear this and hear everyone interacting
so the mystery audio of Howdy, Barnaby and Wally buying hot dogs from his store is so cute !! theyre all so cute
help me Julie and Frank love their dynamic
'Your marigolds really are very very rude!' IM CACKLING
i love Sally
also is it just me or does Poppy sound british
all the audios are sososoosos cuteeee
now im done looking at the Media page, time to check out the bug video
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u can see Wally's hands in this one
more glitching once again on Wally's name
i wonder why
alright !! thats it for now, i'll probably continue again tomorrow
there's just so much to do and so much to see on the site now !! i've only gone through half the pages
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wittyworm · 11 months
What do you love about snare?
theres so much i could say but
its that theyre two boys who have been so so hurt by life but still love with their whole hearts for the people they care about.
i dont think either like to dwell on the past too much and mask it by being showy and silly but goddd i love thinking about them taking the time to open up and understand each other, realizing just how much in common they have. raised by abusive single fathers, who they still love!! and with what feels like they weight od the world on their shoulders. idk i feel like theyd just GET it.
i love the thought of them playing off each others humor, their banter is so funny, because theyre on pretty equal playing fields tbh, thry both rely on entirely luck related strategies, theyd be SUCH enablers for shenanigans.
i also really love!!! that otogi honestly thinks jou is cool!! jou is oblivious as hell about it but (insert image where otogi is blushing and yelling JONOUCHI FIRE IS REALLY COOL) (insert duel links line where he says jonouchi is tough) (insert THAT duel links clip you know the fuckin one)
like their first interaction is what a lot of their relationship gets boiled down to in fandom and it makes me sad. otogi immediately apologizes and feels terrible about it and spends the rest of the manga and mostly sub, anime trying to make up for it. even going so far as to help pay for the trip to bring shizuka down to see jou play in battle city after her surgery.
i also think about the two of them working at the coffee stand together in DSOD a lot!!! i want some coffee shop au shenanigans!! they seem like they have a lot of fun its so cuteeee.
god idk theres so much i could say about them
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razzmothazz · 4 months
for the pjsk ask game: 8 and 12 for ena! (if you just wanna do one, 8 is priority!)
8. fav out of unit relationship - basic answer but THE SHINONOME SIBLINGS. INSANITY. but if we dont count familial relationships then AIRI!!! again, basic but theyre so sweet and silly with eachother and the new ena card with airi helping her with her hair AHHHH ITS SO CUTEEEE UR HONOUR THEY LOVE EACHOTHER SO MUCH!!!! < 333 the besties ever. and maybe they even kiss. sometimes.
12. fav stamp - hard choice but i have to go with this one
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she looks so nervous my girl does NOT know how to apologize sjdhhsjskdbd
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lunarcry · 9 months
reading emus 1st bday card and haruka called emu her dear friend ;v;
more talk(mostly lines tbh) cuz im AUGRGH
emu running in the hallways -> running into mafuyu (like. Seriously they put their sprites so close so that mustve been an almost crash LOLLL) -> emu immediately getting the (terrfied) face iiiiiiiii
Emu: (Her eyes weren't smiling at all... But still, she wished me a happy birthday!)
first part of her talking with her siblings now that i finished pt1 but
Keisuke: Okay, Private Emu. Your mission is to go to school as ordered. Emu: Roger! Private Emu will head out immediately!! (goofiest nyooming away sound) Shousuke: And don't cross any streets without looking first!
felt that A Lot Older Than The Youngest energy in my heart
Emu: What?! You guys made all these?! That makes me super duper extra happy with a cherry on top!
shes so cuteeee LOLLL
actually tearing up though i love wxs sm,,,the stage where it all began,,,IM SO EMOTIONALLLLT_T the way theyre going all out for emu augh thinking about that card where the mascots are glad she met her friends,,,,
Tsukasa: Correct! And Nene was the one who suggested that we do something special to celebrate. Emu: This was your idea, Nene?! Nene: Um, well... I knew you liked surprises, so I thought that it could be fun... But Tsukasa and the others are the ones who gathered everyone to help...
Emu: (From up here... Everyone's smiles looks so sparkly...!) Emu: They put a big smile on my face, so now it's my turn to do the same for them! I don't want to today to be just about me... I want to make it a super special day for everyone...!
Mafuyu: Happy birthday, Otori. I know it was brief, but I'm glad we had a chance to talk. Your fun and energetic personality has this way of cheering up everybody around you, so I hope that doesn't change moving forward.
Haruka: It was also easy to tell how much you love shows and seeing everyone smile. Airi: Totally. I hope you get more and more chances to make people smile with your shows, Emu. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.
Nene: Yeah, she has so many friends too. Having Hoshino and the others to help out was nice, but I was so nervous when I asked them about this. Rui: But it was worth it in the end, right? Nene: Yeah... Especially since I got to see Emu smile so much.
Hinata: We're happy to see you surrounded by so many wonderful friends. I hope you get to have lots of fun with them in the future!
;_______; emotional
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alirienn · 1 year
what are u waiting for. tell us the oc lore.
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AA THANK U ;__;!!! those r dutchman's pipe cactus! everyone in this universe has an associated plant
uh oh i've been enabled lskdjfsd theres so much where do i begin... for starters her name's iphyll, her family got roped into a cult and now she's trying to escape with the help of these guys
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from left to right adia (spider lily), aricus (aster), mera (jade vine)
adia is the mc of this story (memento mori) and it centres around him investigating strange incidents around town bc he thinks his hated scientist older bro has something to do with it (spoilers he's right, lol) it leads to him meeting aricus, who claims she can see the future, and later iphyll & mera who are both trying to escape the cult
they're all good(?) friends(?) (debatable)
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flesheater headcanons!!!
(this is my first time writing sry!!) tw for a bit of gore, violence, mentions of SA, etc
flesheater647!!! (aka sanyo) they're the quiet anti-social type, prefers to keep to themselves
oh but when it comes to you, theyre OBSESSED
i can imagine them like getting you animal bones or skin of whatever the hell that is as a gift or smth for ur like birthday or anniversary
i can totally see them getting flowers that are made of screaming people like IHRIGJIJTG its so silly
they'll protect you no matter where you go, and cuz theyre digital and can inhabit the physical realm, they can easily do that!!
theyre incredibly smart so they'll help you study for those hard ass tests
they'll write poems and songs about you, UGH ITS SO CUTEEEE :3
they're true form looks like a combo of a shadow creature who has like a doll mask or smth thats kinda broken, IM CALLING IT CANON!!!
since they can change forms, they'll probably change into your like comfort character and act like them jus for u<33
they're very violent and have an unpredictable nature, and youre the thing that calms them down
youre the eye, theyre the storm type stuff!!
they dont call you the typical nicknames like honey, sweet pea, love. nah, they call you maggot, creature, skin possessing walking bag of flesh, and my personal favorite, their red rose (only normal one LOL)
they always can be with you since they can travel through the internet/electricity
they draw things for u and keep u dry when it rains by formin into an umbrella!!!
that's all for now, thx!!!
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
🤖 here!!!
Yoooo nah nah nah ur so correct on the orb heating up.... so cuteeee wahhhh
ALSO THE SPICY STUFF... 😳😳 going insane for it..... love it love it love it.
I've been feeling not too well the past couple days so ima talk about more soft and wholesome stuff.... he knows and can tell when ur anxious but he doesn't really.... know how to comfort people? I mean being around for so long and not getting close to anyone definitely did not help BDJSB. So he just kinda. Tries to make you laugh or even some fun teasing and stuff!!! Idk!!! I'm so normal about him.
Also quick note about the way his mushroom cap is animated because I'm insane: his head turns are so much more smoother than the others in the gang? Like the animation is pretty smooth regardless but his seems more refined which makes me think that either A) the animation team went really in depth to animate his body cause its different than the typical human puppet or B) its a 3D model?? Which is also my theory for the final episode of Part 1 with Bear-O, where it straight up looks like a 3D model was smacked into there. It's pretty cool.
More insane stuff I think about: Brett and Myc have soooo many parallels. Like. They were both bullied and/or outcasted and more hypersensitive to others but they went in two completely different direction and I think about it a lot? I've been wanting to post an analysis on it but. Beweh.... tired. Like Brett needs to have everyone like him whereas myc just went "Fuck you guys!" And peaced out. I'm so normal for this show.
Omg i hope u feel better! And i will indulge you with my Myc ramblings 💗
Oh he sooooo does not know how to comfort people. I think his immediate response to feeling bad and negative emotions (like sad not angry) is to retreat and get away from it, they make him uncomfortable and he wants to get out of the feelings as soon as possible! Buuuut once hes with his s/o, he eventually realizes he needs to help somehow, but he doesn't know how!!! So, he will just sit in their company, like, be around them and just hold, let them vent or wallow, and like u said, crack jokes. (Hes just like me fr)
The 3d model thing is an interesting headcanon to have! I personally dont agree and think the animation is just like that, its smooth and fluid. Comparable to how smooth all the particle effects are in the show.
AND YES! Wow! Agreed!! I also really think it has to do with WHO bullied them as well, with their reactions!! Brett, bullied by his family, HAD to trust them because theyre his family and he doesn't know any better, ALSO dealt with it in a more healthy way. Myc on the other hand, bullied by peers, knew he could leave and get away from the situation but held onto that in a very toxic way.
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mochirules · 2 years
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originlist · 3 years
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art is by negisi-a on skeb and you WILL see them
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amorisastrum · 3 years
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Help I love them so much
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maraczeks · 3 years
community s6 thread pt 6
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en-boyz · 2 years
enhypen fic recs :))
-more will be added as i continue to explore the world of tumblr :P
-please read the warnings in advance on the actual writers work as i forgot to put it for some of them, thank you happy reading!
ficrecs masterlist
smau (series) <33 : children of divorce
oneshot (slight smut) : predictable predicament
one shot 29k words (HOLY SHIT THIS WAS DO GOODDDD theyres slight smut): brothers best friend
one shot: we’re dating (not really)
smau (AKDHAKDHAJDHAJS) : trust me
one shot: only you, my girl
one shot(THIS IS SO GOOD ALSHAKD has smut): how to get back at your ex
smau: what’s your number?
smau(READ THIS RIGHT NOW.): you, me and the moon
one shot : pas de deux
one shot (roommates to lovers-it’s so cuteeee) : break these walls
one shot(true beauty vibes it was so good ahh): real you real me
smau (ITS SO CUTE HELP): twitch rivals
one shot (it’s rlly long BUT ITS SO CUTE): unlikelihood of falling in love
oneshot: your name
one shot: how to fake date ur bsf
one shot : happen stance
one shot : let’s make a deal
smau(ARGGHHH IVE GOT A THING FOR SLOWBURN HELPPPP) : maybe we could be together
one shot(UWU) : your name
one shot: ready…set…touchdown! tutor?
drabble: 6.22
sunghoon, jake, heeseung smau : pick and choose
enhypen individual one shots: attention please
smau(ITS SO CUTE HELP): heart, me<3
one shot: lost cause
smau(THE REASON IM ALIVE): all clear
smau(incomplete BUT SO GOOD): love dive
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