biohazard-inevitable · 5 months
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Can i request something where reader gets spot a poodle, a small one, the toy poodle breed. I think he'd deffo have a small dog strapped to him with that baby front backpack
Reader getting Spot a dog!
Imaging that the dog also has a spot or two on their fur
Shorter post for today since I gotta juggle a bunch of stuff today!!
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The dogs name is dot
Or dottie
Short for dorothy
Loves the dog, so much
Baby talks the dog
"Did you know dogs are more receptive to that baby voice people use-" "did you make that up or-"
Gets (steals) the highest quality food and treats for his baby
Probably also does raw stuff when he has the time to put things together
Does research to make sure Dot had the best quality of life
Gets on the floor to play with her
Baby backback
Front pack?
granted dot isnt explicitly a poodle here, so
Admin doesnt know much about dog breeds <\3
Gets loads of accessories and shit for them
Loads of walks and outdoor play!!
Prompts him to try to make friends (while hes disguised) to find them some dog friends
Great furparent
Gets very emotionally attatched to them as well
His best friend :(
Okay byyyyyye that's it I gotta go make meatballs
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allsketchesnononsense · 2 months
i wanted to cosplay her at some point in the future but i’ve never tried my hand at prop making or anything of that matter really so i can’t wrap my head around any like basic concepts to make the psychopomp itself 😭😭
sorry for taking abit to answer, wanted to make sure I was at my PC to answer so I can give Exact Images n stuff of what I got/used
warning: you're gonna need some serious power tools for this. alotta bits I had to get help from my dad bc he has SO MANY hobbies that involve power tools lol
For the base:
you need a good helmet. n finding one of those ain't easy, so you're probs gonna haveta Make Do with something you can cut parts off of.
I used something like this, but cut off the parts that jut out at the ears and the lip at the front. The internal bit that keeps your Actual Head from touching the Actual Helmet is VERY helpful bc (atleast w/ mine) it wasnt a layer of foam or anything that'd be finnicky, it was just straps.
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theoretically could also use a cheap-y baseball helmet though obvi you still gotta Mutilate it
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For the accessories™:
The antannae are actual extendable radio antannae I harvested from an old boombox n another thing, but you can buy JUST the antannae online
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the megaphone/satellite dish bit my dad helped me cut n gut a car alarm type thing and attatch it w/ this silicone stuff he had on hand
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And the headphone pieces on the sides are a set of vintage radio headphones I found at a thrift store. these to be exact (they're not v rare n go for 10-30 bucks on ebay)
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Though any old, chunky headphones could easily work. These were just what I had on hand. And, as a useful thing, the metal prongs connecting to the headband were perfect to easily bolt in place on the helmet and keep them flexible for easy putting on and taking off. The little radio speaker-y bits on the outside I added my dad had laying around though obvi not 1000% Necessary
And that's all really for the easily bought supplies
The front plate is Literally just a chunk of sheet metal he happened to have on hand, and added the bolts to. The fifth bolt in the middle is the only Functional one that actually attatches to the helmet
And the bit keeping the wires in place is a piece of plastic we melted to shape, painted accordingly, then hot glued in place. Added the screws to make it look abit more Cohesive with the rest of it.
The staples specifically on mine are holes drilled then w/ v thin wire fed through and twisted and trimmed.
Some smaller seams n details I added with super glue since it gave a v subtle raised effect, and bc it cracked in shipping I had to super glue some of the cracks back together Anyways lmao
also had to do alot of spraypainting to get it the right color. Make sure to paint the "accessories" seperate before assembly bc trying to tape off everything could end up Annoying and that way the metal bolts and the plate can retain their orig metal color to add contrast.
Also make sure you get Matte paint, bc it'll look goofy shiny. Preferably something meant for outdoor use bc those will have the more gritty textures you're looking for n its easy to find.
For any extra scuffing n details I did some dry brushing w/ grey and black acrylic to add depth. Best way to do it imo is add some drybrush with a scrappy old paintbrush then wipe away some with a paper towel
or just use a paper towel with a v tiny, thinly spread bit of paint
Hopefully this helps atleast some!! If you need more detailed shots of my helmet for better reference just lemme know, I just dont feel like going to grab her rn for a photo shoot lmao
Good luck w/ your helmet!! n be sure to post it lots when you're done!!
It'll be sick as hell to see how your interpretation turns out!
just be careful bout wearing it too long
start seeing things you're not supposed to
knowing things you're not supposed to
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cosplayassistant · 2 years
costume reference hunt : Engineer Mark !
below the cut, you will find an assortment of references as well as an analysis of what I could find for Markiplier's Head Engineer outfit from In Space with Markiplier !
yes I'm doing this because I'm back into Markiplier and I want to make this cosplay why do you ask
( all images are screencapped from iswm part 1, iswm part 2, and the bts video ! )
let's get to it !
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thankfully, the base itself isn't that difficult. it's just a tan one - piece jumpsuit with pockets ( one on each side of the chest, one on each upper arm, and two on each leg ) and white zippers. a pretty typical pattern for a jumpsuit ( there's an almost perfect one sold by simplicity patterns here, which can also be found on amazon & the like ) . it's hard to get a clear view of his boots, but i'm fairly sure they're just black work boots. he wears a while shirt under it all ( you can see in the bts video that it doesn't really have sleeves ) .
we can also see the belt, which is a black belt with a silver buckle ( with a funky little circular design on the front ) that seems to clip at an angle. there are also little cases / pods ( four on each side in a square pattern ) strapped to the belt on each hip.
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with some better close - ups to the upper portion of his jumpsuit, we can see the patches as well as his pins. for some reason, some of the shots have mark with his orange patch on his lower right hand torso as well as his shoulder, but sometimes the torso one isn't there. i have no idea if that's an error or intentional, but. it's a thing. and it happens.
anyways ! he has a little blue pin on his collar ( which i'm having trouble figuring out what it's meant to be; i think it's a cube of some sort but i have no idea ) , as well as a little space Chica pin!
he has a patch on the left - hand side of his torso that's just a white rectangle with a black outline that reads M2702 in black ( which is his number ) .
we can also see his lil hat ! he only wears it for the very beginning of the loop, but it's still silly ( affectionate ) . he has an invincible ii pin on it that seems to match the pattern on his left - arm invincible ii patch. otherwise it's just an orange beret with a black bias along the bottom.
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here are some better views of the patches !! funnily enough, the best view of the invincible ii patch was on mack's uniform lmao
the blue one ( left arm ) is the generic invincible ii patch that all of the crewmates have, while the yellow and orange one ( right arm ) is i think only for mark ( it's probably meant to be specifically for the head engineer ) . it has the same M2702 that his chest patch has.
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and then there's the gauntlet ! ( mack istg why do you keep having the better views of everything )
it has a white upper part with silver detail on top, and the bottom half ( presumably made of fabric; to keep it in place ) is black. he wears gloves ( not sure if they're attatched to the gauntlets ) , though Mark's are partially fingerless ( pointer, middle, and thumb aren't gloved ) .
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the opposite hand has a funky little holder for mark's lil phone - size device. it honestly looks like one of those phone cases where it has a front flap that holds back; or, just. one of those phone cases you use to keep your phone propped up in your car. tbh this could be a modified phone holder made for running. either or any way, has a case that's strapped to a gauntlet that goes around his wrist, atop his glove. you can get a sort of better view of it in the other images on this post, too.
aside from that, he just has his bangs swept to the side ( though they could be a lot messier if you're going for a look later in the loop ) .
and, that's the look !
hope this helps !
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raespark · 4 years
That Allister cosplay is outstanding!! How did you make the mask and the gym symbol+endorsements? I'm planning on doing an Allister cosplay in the future myself
Thank you so much, and happy to answer! I took lots of pictures through the process so I’ll answer this in two parts.
“How did you make the gym symbol/ endorsements?”
So the first thing I did is take a TON of screenshots I have almost 300 screenshots of reference images of allister and the gym league trainers and the pokejobs logos and so on to get good references for all the logos I needed.Once I was done taking all the screenshots I spent hours tracing them to the best of my ability to create these images: (Not all of these were the final versions which were modified right before printing, apologies)Gym Logo - QUAY/ Gym Logo
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XXA - Sponsor (This is the logo for MC Insurance, Allisters Sponsor)
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291 - Number
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ASTSA - Name (This is the new pokemon language for Onion, Allister’s japanese name)
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The square with the diamond - This I nicknamed the “NIKE” cause its the logo for the spotswear company in game
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Galar league logo - Galar League logo (this is the logo thats the red and blue pokeball with white marks, and “galar league written underneath it)
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And then I put together this ref sheet to make sure the logos looked good together color wise, and some of the colors were still altered later but it all looked pretty good
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And then once the logos were all set, I printed them onto heat transfer vinyl and let me explain why I did that specifically. The fabric I used was polyester, which is the kind of fabric that sports jerseys are made of. I did that because the gym’s uniforms are based on soccer jersey’s so it felt fitting!IT WAS A HUGE PAIN I DONT RECOMMEND ITbut now because of the fact that it was polyester paint wouldnt’ work on that fabric because of how stretchy it is and the fact it doesn’t absorb moisture easily. So we printed it onto heat transfer vinyl with my cheap ink printer and then I ironed them onto my clothes! I made sure they were placed correctly by first taping them to my clothes and making a note of the location before ironing it, and then once I was happy with a placement I’d carefully iron it on. This vinyl seems kinda cheap and like the ink might come off with too much water so watch out if you choose to use it. There are also printable iron on paper for other types of fabric as well and are cheaper iirc!
Same goes for the dots, thos were all cut using a CNC/ off brand cricut (just a bunch of circles all at once) and I placed them by hand using painters tape and trimmed as needed to make the designs:
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Hopefully that was helpful!
“How did you make the mask?”
So this ones a little more complicated to answer because its not complicated but its not something everyone can do.
So we started on this one before the game came out, and before I’d gotten to Allisters battle in the game but we had enough reference material to figure out the general look of Allister’s mask, so we made a 3D model of it that we planned to 3D print (my bf has a 3D printer and a CNC and helped me a TON for this project) and did a test print of a tiny mask to start to make sure we were happy with the 3D model (here is the tiny mask in my tiny hand, we affectionally nicknamed it “mini mask”)
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Now after we had the 3D model we had another issue of how big does it need to be? I have a round head on my own so I didn’t need to modify the shape of the mask thankfully (one time my fat head came in handy!) But we needed to figure out how big to make the mask to make sure it “fit” correctly.
So we tried cutting out a circle with paper in a few sizes until we thought we found a good size for my face (which for me was a little over 7 inches)
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went and bought a styrofoam dome from the craft store in that size to make an EVA foam dome and then checked if that fit my face (later this worked fantastic as a way to transport the mask as a protective shell around it) I don’t have a picture of this EVA foam dome but all it was used for was putting it on my face and making sure it went over my chin and such. Once we had that we were ready to start printing the final mask. 
Once the 3D model was scaled for the final mask, it was too big for my bf’s printer to print all in one go so we split it into 4 pieces. Each piece took about 9 hours to print, and a few of the prints failed and had to be redone, so after a few days of printing it looked something like this:
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for those who don’t know much about 3D printing all those beams are the supports that lets the printer print raised surfaces like that and have to all be removed. So after about 2 hours of pulling plastic with pliers it looked more like this:
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so we left small gaps in the edges of the mask so that we could put metal pins between each piece to help hold it together so we cut our metal pins and assembled the mask and it was starting to come together!
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So from here we melted some plasitc onto the seams (plastic welding!) with a wood burner and - wow that looks gross
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but trust me its better than gaps in the mask. so after a bit of sanding here we entered the rounds of priming it with spraypaint primer and sanding it for like an hour and doing that again, occasionally using bondo putty to try and even out those seams and those rounds tended to look like allister just murdered a village:
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but you can see compared to the previous image that the mask is a lot smoother! This was the final round of sanding and you can tell that most of the layer lines from the printer have been sanded down! You can almost not see the seams anymore! (though now they’re also very red but they’re very smooth in comparison to the beginning trust me…I sat there sanding for many hours for this)
But after this all that needed to be done with a final priming in grey, and then painted it gray!
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While the paint was drying, we prepared some masking in the design of allisters mask which if you don’t know what the full mask looks like I wanna reference this from the collectors guidebook (which I just now got my hands on today but saw these on twitter)
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So we cut out a sticker sheet in that design and placed it down with some painters tape to keep that part of the mask gray and then it was painted white, and that was the painting done!
For the black in the eyes, I got a scrap of black fabric for cheap at joann’s that I picked up and pulled and it was a very soft polyester/spandex material that you’d use for pantyhose so i’m sure you could also cut up some of those for a similar effect. But when stretched you can see out of them. 
So we made small rings the same shape as the inside of the mask behind the eyes, glued the fabric using super glue to that ring (and the mouth as well) and viola:
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and then the final step was to get that mask on my face, and basically we had some rings on the left and right sides of the inside of the mask that I attatched some elastic too, and then needed to glue a third strap over the top of my head. and sewed it all in place and put some craft foam along the forehead and chin inside the mask for some cushioning and it was done! 
I really hope that was helpful and I tried to make sure I took lots of photos along the way so I hope they were helpful. If you have other questions feel free to ask! Sorry for the novel but just wanted to be as detailed as I could be!
Thank you for your nice words and best of luck!! Allister is a detailed boy but he’s very fun!
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fedoraqueen · 4 years
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During leave on Courescant, Clone Captain Blueberry is called to aid Commander’s Fox and Thorn in a daring rescue mission to save those too injured to be effective for the Grand Army of the Republic and euthanized. Their goal is to give them a new chance in recovery.
Blue stared at his feet awkwardly. He rarely felt this nervous but other Commanding officers brought that out of him, He nervously glanced from his feet to his side. Thorn is sprawled over his chair looking bored and staring off into space, he quickly looks back to his feet feeling very small next to the commander. " So-" Blue jumped to his feet at the sudden noise and backed away quickly, Thorn stares at him with wide eyes. Blue flushes, " Sorry... I wasn't expecting you to say anything..." Thorn chuckles and straightens out, " I'm sorry I scared you." " You didn't scare me, I was surprised." " Oh I'm sure." " I'm glad because that's what happened." Blue sits back down, slightly less nervous. " As I was saying before, Do you know why you're here?" " No. Honestly I was told Fox wanted to see me and that usually translates to 'you did something wrong' which to be fair, while on patrol I did break formation to help a nice lady with her groceries." " You're not in trouble, just don't mention that to him." Blue gets a confused look on his face, " Then why am I here?" Thorn lowers his voice and leans down to be closer, " We need you to do the guard a favor." Blue stares at Thorn for a moment then scoots away mind racing, What favor? There are a LOT of favors for me to do. I can cook is it that? I didn't bring any food to cook Them! Do I have time to go get some- Fox stepped out of his office and waved them in. Blue nervously stepped inside, Thorn close behind. Fox sat down at his desk and motioned to the chairs infront of him, Blue hopped up into one of them, sinking into the too plush beaten down seat. " Thank you for coming Blueberry." " Thank you for having me." He wiggles forward, fighting the chair. He glances to Thorn who was casually leaning back, crossing his legs. He awkwardly tried to mimic him without sinking further into the quicksand chair. " So you're probably wondering why you're here." Fox says, staring into him. Blue nervously laughs, feeling like he's being interogated again, " Y-yes sir, what's this-" " I've always thought that your battalion was useless." Blue deflates and sinks into the chair, " Oh." " And you aren't exactly what I'd call commanding officer material by any span of the mind." Blue sinks even further into the chair, wishing to shrink into nothing and never be seen again. " Fox." Thorn says bluntly. " Sorry. I need to ask something from you blueberry." Blue raises a brow, still sulking in the puffy chair. " Depends on the favor after calling me and my men useless." " I need you to take one of our guards." Blue sits up suddenly and intently, " Who is it?", He liked helping guards. " You don't have to-" " Fox. Who is it?" Fox sighs and starts pacing, blue stands and offers his arm out to stop him, " We can take them it doesn't matter-" " No one can find out about this, The chancellor has ordered that defective clones from the guard are to be... well." Fox suddenly looks much older, like he was on his last legs, Blue knows the look well. " They're to be euthanized." Fox spits out angrily. " Like I said we'll take them no questions asked." " Will your general though-" " I can handle the fallout if she doesn't agree, and the only reason she wouldn't is because I didn't properly get the paperwork done." Fox gains a look of relief that changes into concern again, " We'll help you smuggle Him out of the hospital." Blue nods slowly, " What happened to him? Why are we getting him..." " There was an accident during a patrol in the lower levels. A forklift fell from one of the upper levels... Both arms were severed, we lost a few good men." Blue feels sick, he wouldn't know what to do if he got his limbs torn off. He shakes his head out and rubs his eyes, feeling himself tear up at the idea of what fox lost. " I'm sorry fox... do you need a hug?" " ...." " W-was that weird? Did I say something weird-" " A hug would be nice." He says softly. Blue pauses not expecting that response but goes for the hug, standing higher on his toes and plopping his head on Foxes shoulder. " I know how it is Fox." Blue says softly. " Just promise he'll be safe." " I Promise he'll be fine." Fox squeezes him tighter, Blue struggles to not to squeak from the sudden pressure. Blue feels his feet leave the ground as fox stands straight, Thorn chuckles from his position in his chair. " Don't crush him Fox." Fox pulls away quickly, dropping blueberry to the floor. Blue stumbles back then promptly falls over, Fox coughs into his arm awkwardly, blushing slightly. Blueberry sits up from the floor rubbing the back of his head. " Ow..." " I'm sorry, that wasn't proffessional." " We're Brothers fox, and I've been thrown further than that," He springs up to his feet and rubs his hands together excitedly, " Let's focus on breaking your guy out." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue was sulking outside the Hospitals back door, crossing his legs as he awkwardly sat on the speeder. Fox and Thorn had been in there for an hour getting their brother and he was getting anxious, not to mention the calls from Recovery one with messages of ' If you're not here in fifteen minutes I'm feeding you to paulo'  ' Did you fall down the sink at 79's?'  and his personal favorite  from Paulo ' Thahali says Rex kidnapped you back to the 501st, please don't go with them I'll miss you.' He did message them back but kept it vauge ' I'm bringing a surprise' He set down his communicator and glanced around the alley, It was covered in filth that he could smell everything in it. He closed his eyes and took a gentle breath in, Rotten fruit, putrid meat, death, rot, Fox and Thorn's boots. He coughed at the last one and rubbed his nose, trying to get rid of it. Clone stench always got to him, it reminded him of too many failed rescue missions. He glances back to the door, no one coming out, he slips off the speeder and closes his eyes again. Focusing on His brothers scents he shut his eyes again. The trail starts here then they stand by the door, then they go inside, there's other brothers and civies in there, two twi'lek, three torgruta, five clones. They go up a flight of stairs... He lost their scent after that, nose twitching in disappointment. As much as he hated using his extra sense, he couldn't help but use it. He was surprised he didn't end up with a name like dog or hound. A smashing sound breaks him from his dazed thoughts, he spun towards the source, spotting Thorn and fox with a third brother paired with a fourth, both wrapped in a blanket. He tilted his head. " I thought there was only one." " We couldn't leave him. General Fisto caught us and had us take him as well." Blue nods, already hearing the lecture from Thahali. He helped them get on the speeder, carefully strapping the drowsy recovering brothers in. Thorn took the drivers seat, Blue hopped into the shotgun seat only to have Fox lift him up and set him in the back. " Hey..." " You're fine in the back. Lets go." Thorn laughs and pulls out of the alley, merging into the flow of traffic, heading towards the recovery ship. Fox was shaking in his seat, looking from side to side. " Fox are you okay-" Blue sets his hand on his shoulder. " We're in so much trouble, Palpatine's going to kill us, we're all going to die." Fox started to hyperventalate. Thorn pats his back, soothing him from his position, " He'll never know fox. We'll be fine and Hodge will be safe." Blue  zones them out and perks up, finally getting a name for one of the newbies, he peeks under the blankets and finds a brother with no arms and another with no legs. The armless one was sprawled out as much as he could, shaking slightly but still asleep, Tattoos of circut boards cover his shaved head, paired with scruffy brown stubble. He was a bit smaller than most Clones but he was still large enough not to be considered a mini clone such as himself, Hodge started snoring softly, still asleep. Blue carefully covers him up again, turning towards the other one. He's met with a mop of curly black hair and a massive scar on his face, with a healthy dosage of drool coming from his mouth. The brother is missing his legs from the knees down, fresh scars and teeth marks scour his flesh on his neck where an obvious bitemark lays. He was definately above average, or would be with his legs still attatched but he still had stature. Thorn pulls over into another alley and turns the engine off. " what are we doing here?" " We're going to recovery on foot." Blue nods and helps unload his brothers into a hovering bin, Fox guides them through the back alleys to recovery zero where Thahali stands, tapping her foot. Thorn curses under his breath and fox freezes. Blueberry walks around them and perkily walks to Thahali. " Hello T-" " Cargo hold. Now." Her eyes are narrowed into slits; she looks at the other clones, " Hello Fox, Thorn, Just bring them into the medical bay, Whiskers can help you there." The two commanders pull them into the ship, Blueberry attempts to slink away after them. Unfortunately he's grabbed by the force and floats after Thahali into the Cargo hold. She sets him down in one of the open crates and leans on it, glaring down at her captain. " Do you want to explain to me what happened." " Well Fox said I needed to go to his office and it turns out the chancellor has ordered instant termination of non functional clones and I thought that was what we were supposed to do-" She holds up her hand in a 'stop' motion, he looks down and away. " I don't care about that. Why didn't you tell me?" He rubs the back of his neck, not sure what to say. He didn't really think about that part, He had wanted to go and get the target as fast as he could, he was on a search and rescue mission again and managed to succeed this time around. " Well?" " I... I didn't think to." He says, scratching at his neck now. " You didn't think to." She hisses. He winces, starting to get more nervous, You failed. you failed her. She's going to send you back to reprograming. " N-no?" She puts her forehead down onto the edge of the crate, " Do you have any idea on how worried I was?! what if they caught you?! they'll put you back in that Pen!" He shrinks back a bit, " Hindsight is 20-20..." She grabs him and pulls him into a tight hug, he winces and stiffens. " Just... don't do that again. We're partners." She starts to cry, " I don't know what I would do if you were sent to prison or to Reprogramming or anything." He relaxes slightly and nuzzles into her neck, hugging back quietly. They stay like that for a moment before she pulls away, wiping her eyes. " Let's go meet our shinies." He nods and gives a little laugh, " Master Fisto sends his encouragement." " Then we know they'll be good with us."
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Early Ink Hell, Chapter 2: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Welcome to Early Ink Hell. It’s essentially my “canon” backstory for several ink creatures, showing how they interacted and became the way they did before Henry arrived.
While both Sammy and the Butcher Gang will both have chapters from their perspectives, this is mostly going to be about Alice Angel.
This is an Alice-centered chapter. Next is a Sammy-focused chapter.
Everyone was silent as Joey and Sammy walked. I didn't why, but I did the same. Sammy looked troubled- a little scared.
"Where is she?" he asked.
"Just a few cages down," Joey replied. Then, they ended up in front of me. "Here she is."
"We don't know if that's Susie," Joey corrected.
"I am," I replied.
"Be careful," Joey told Sammy. "That could be the demon talking. Well, you know how we figure out who's in control. Shall we?"
Sammy hesitated. "There must be a better way. Susie, tell me something that only you would know."
Joey cut me off before I could say anything. "They share memories, Sammy. You know that."
Sammy sighed. Then, he pulled out two pairs of shackles. The two of them got into my cage and overpowered me- Joey holding me down, Sammy attaching the shackles to my wrists behind my back and to my ankles. Then, they carried me out. I didn't make it easy- I'm made of dense ink, so I'm hard and heavy, and I writhed the entire way, kicking and screaming. These are the two men who slit my throat, and if Sammy had found reasonable, I did not want to know where he drew the line. Still, eventually they got me into another room, and strapped me down against an operating table.
"Can I at least speak to her first?" Sammy asked.
In that moment, I saw him as my ticket to freedom. "Sammy. Remember our first date? You were playing it cool, said you had two tickets to that music festival and no one to take. I wasn't having none of that 'playing it cool' junk so I asked Jack to join you so that you'd confess, and it worked. And by the end of the night we were making out on a picnic blanket. You remember that? A demon wouldn't have. I promise you- it's me, Susie!"
Sammy just kept looking at me with these soulless, disappointed eyes, like he was having to tell me something he wasn't looking forward to telling me. "Susie, I know you're there. And I do remember. But the demon does, too, and we need to know if it's in control. The only way to know that it's really you is to make you have a sudden, verbal response to something- sudden enough that you couldn't disguise your voice. In other words, we need to make you scream."
I was panicking, writhing against those binds. I screamed something to Sammy about the first time I'd been to his home and met his cat while Joey Drew approached me with a knife. I screamed for Sammy to make it stop. There was no pain when Joey sunk the blade into my chest- it felt wrong, but there was no pain. He put his two hands into my chest, and I stopped writhing for my safety. I felt something that I hadn't felt for a long, long, time- my heart racing. I hadn't even known that I still had a pulse. He split my chest apart as though it were made of clay, and reached it. He pulled out this writhing black heart, still attatched to my chest by a white tendril, which stretched as he tore my organ four feet away from my body. Never have I felt so much pain. I saw white light, like I might have been dying. My screams must have been audible for miles.
"She's definitely not demonic now," came Joey's voice. My vision was still really fuzzy, but I felt the heart going back into my chest four hands smoothing the black ink over my chest, making it look like new.
"Does that mean she can come out?" Sammy asked.
"No. She could still go to the police about this. And even if that weren't the case, she's very dangerous. Her demonic side could come out at any time, just like the last time. It's for the good of everyone that she stay locked up."
Sammy came back into focus, and he looked nauseated.
"Sammy, please talk to me," I begged. But he looked back to Joey.
"I don't even want to think about this. Joey, please just put her back in her cage. I never want to see her again."
"Sure thing," Joey said, "there's nothing we can do for her now. I promise, you'll never have to think of her again unless you want to.
I never thought of Sammy as so cowardly. He didn't want to face what he'd done. I didn't resist on the way back to my cage. Once I was back inside of it, my cage was given a new label, painted right in front of it in black ink: human-fronted. I'd seen those labels. Some of them read "toon-fronted, some read "demon-fronted," and some read "human fronted." This is about what I would have guessed, but until now I didn't know what they'd meant.
The two of them stayed a while and experimented on some toon-fronted ink creatures, then left. The worst part is that Sammy seemed happy with some of those ink creature experiments. I'm just so disappointed in him.
Day 46 since I last lost count,
It was Saturday today, and that's the day that Thomas pays us a visit. He did, today, but he brought some ugly news with him: he'd been fired. At the end of our recess period, he hugged me goodbye, petted some of his favourite Borises, and said, "Well, I might as well give you all an extended recess and leave a nasty surprise for the next guy. I'm going to leave every last one of you that I can trust out in the open." A toon-fronted Barley clung to his leg. "Not you. You're going in the cage."
After he put away all the toons that he didn't trust to be out without supervision (I helped him with this), he turned to me. "Susie, do you think you'll be alright to stay out on your own?"
"Yes," I answered. I don't even hear the demon anymore, most days. It rears its ugly head sometimes- once I even had to be put back in my cage because I'd tried to collect some thick black ink from a drippy Charley in order to fix my hair. My action, of which I am justly ashamed, but the gave me the idea. I wasn't expecting it to cause him that much pain.
So, finally I'm on the outside. And I should tell that Thomas wasn't the only one being laid off- so was all of GENT, apparently. So, while a part of me wonders how long it'll be before I lose this degree of freedom, another part of me wonders if the walls are falling in around Joey Drew. Maybe we'll all be let out soon. I hope so.
Day 47 since I last lost count,
I was wrong. Joey seems to have hired on a new team. I don't know what their company name is. I just know that today, two men in burgundy uniforms were dragging in a new ink creature. It was humanoid. It was all black. It was, by the sound of its voice, Sammy. And they put him in the cage right across from my old one. I had been out in the open at the time, as I wasn't expecting any visitors that time of day. All I could do when they came was to head to sides and stay still, hoping they wouldn't notice me. The two toon-fronted Borises weren't as wise- they went right up and tried to greet them. The two men took a while to get those two locked up, and I snuck into a cage and closed its door while they were distracted. Thankfully, they didn't notice that my cage was unlocked. They rounded up all the other toons and put them away, and then left.
Sammy was in the cage directly across from mine. I didn't really know what to say to him. What do you say when a person betrays you, then ends up right back in your situation? I started with, "what happened to you?" in a neutral tone.
"It’s... hard to explain. You see, me and Joey worship a demon. That demon wants me in this form, and I am in no place to object. Though, I do hope my lord will set me free soon- both from this body and from this cage."
"Your... lord...?"
"The ink demon, Bendy. He will set us free, Alice. He will set us free."
I felt the demon in me echoing his words. "Did... Joey tell you that...?"
"Yes. Words of comfort. After the ink began to take effect. You work differently, I assume, since you're a sacrifice. But my lord is very powerful. I imagine that there's hope for you, too. Can you forgive me, Susie? And come join me in prayer so that we might summon him?"
"No. No, thank you."
I left my cage after that. I don't know if I feel vindicated by this or not. To be honest it's strange- even though he's talking nonsense, it still seems like Sammy to me, if you know what I mean. Well, I ended up talking to him again, that evening, about things other than religion. Of course I'm still angry at him, but there's no sense in making enemies with someone you're trapped with.
Day 81 since I last lost count,
I don't really know how to describe what happened today. In less than a single second, it seemed like texture just went out of the world. I rarely talk to Sammy these days since he can't seem to talk about anything but his lord, and him talking about his lord seems to give the demon some sort of stregnth, but I did today because I thought he might know what was going on. He didn't have a clue.
Day 95 since I last lost count,
It's been two weeks since our vision changed, or whatever it is that happened. No one has come to visit us. It would be strange if GENT (or whatever company thereafter) had gone without bringing anyone new for this long, or if Joey had gone this long without experimenting on us, but the fact that both stopped at once really makes me think that something is afoot.
Also, my demon is back, and it's trying to convince me that something very dangerous has happened and that I need to give it control so that it can keep me safe. When it first started talking, it made sense, but now it's spewing all kinds of nonsense about Joey Drew shoving us into a pocket dimension and a very powerful Bendy ink creature with no presence other than a demon's having escaped. It's just pathetic at this point and I wish it would stop.
While Alice lay helpless in her own prison, Bendy was escaping his own.
Bendy had spent over a month, maybe two or three, locked into a giant machine designed to keep him captive, built by a company even less scrupulous than GENT. He had been chained so tightly to the walls that he could barely move. These had been annoying, but he'd managed to escape them in a matter of days. The chamber he'd been put in, he'd determined, was large and circular. The walls were too thick to simply walk through, so he'd begun scratching and tearing at them, day and night. Those walls had been a full inch of steel, then a full inch of ink, then a full inch of steel. Amazing how foolish these people were, thinking that corruptive ink would slow him down. He was corruption. There was nothing that ink could possibly steal from his body or mind. After weeks of work, he'd finally broken a hole in that first layer of steel. The next step towards his escape was to allow that ink to suck him in, and travel through it to find an opening. The ink demon lost more time than he cared to admit on that before finally realizing that his containment chamber was entirely airtight. He'd have to spend another several weeks breaking a hole in that second layer of steel if he ever wanted out, this time working through that first layer, and through the layer of tar-like ink. Finally, he made it, squeezing his body out of a hole the size of a pinprick.
There was a final, laughable "barrier" between him and freedom- a river made of ink. It might have stopped any other ink creature, but for him it was not even an obstacle. He walked over it like a God walking on water.
While Bendy didn't get weak from hunger, he did feel hungry- so very hungry. And he could hear the faint shuffling of a number of souls, all resting in one place very nearby.
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wat-the-cur · 6 years
Organ-canons for Weyezri!
Oh boy! 
Headcanon: It should go without saying that Six would need some sort of therapy, proceeding the events that lead up to the activation of his implant and the painful aftermath. It is always assumed that Ezri and Six would grow close, through her treatment of him. What I have found recently, is that my view of exactly how these sessions would draw them closer, has changed. I do not doubt for one moment, that Six would carry immense guilt and shame as he recovers on DS9. This would not only be because he had survived, where other, loyal followers of the Founders had not, but also due to an older, deeper knowledge of sin. The sin of being unable to shape a faith, that matches that of his predecessor. With that being said, I no longer think that the resulting desire to be someone, other than himself, would dominate his mind, as much as I did. When I recall Six’s attitude in TFATGR, I note that shame is most definately present, yet, there is also a very clear sense of pride. He not only knows that he is unlike any other Weyoun, he insists upon it. He is not Five and he is not Seven. Painful though it may be for him, he is Six. 
Who else do we know, who is struggling to remain apart from the identities that have been forcibly laid upon her shoulders? Ezri and Six certainly seem quite similar, when you first begin to compare them, but they are more alike than you may initially think. Ezri, like Six, carries the characters and memories of other, more numerous and vivid, in comparison to those that he hosts. Not only does she struggle to maintain a sense of herself, what with all of these other people ebbing through her, but she has all of her closest friends treating her as someone she really is not. She tries to tell them, that she is not anybody else but Ezri. Once she has broken through the barrier of Six’s mutism and finally gets him speaking comfortably, she is shocked as she hears her own thoughts tumbling from his lips. Six is not Four, Five, or Seven, but everyone treats him like some, other number. It hurts to be Six, it is divine to be Six. Six is Six, but Six does not quite know how to be Six. This is was the moment that closeness, that intimacy first burned, like the flame of a single candle. When they first saw themselves in each other and realised that they were no longer alone. This was the opening of the gateway, onto a perilous path of self realisation, that identities would be discovered and nurtured. They knew as they embarked on their journey, that they need not walk it alone. 
Heartcanon: This is a bit of an odd one, but it really warms my heart! I have shared headcanons, before, about the Vorta enjoying nudity, for it’s celebration of the forms that the Founders have granted them. In attempts to recapture his pride in the Founders, in his faith, Six begins to abandon his clothes, once sealed in his quarters. There comes a time, when he feels that appearing  undressed before another, would be a great expression of honesty and adoration for his gods. One afternoon, when Ezri visits him for therapy, he greets her at his dining table, as naked as the day he emerged from the tube. This level of worship took a lot, a lot for him to muster up the courage to do.
This image of a Weyoun, seated nonchalantly at his table, completely and calmly nude, has a most disquieting effect on Ezri. She has no idea what the purpose of his nudity is and thanks to Dax’s previous hosts, a naked presence means only one thing. As she stammers her way through the initial small talk, her head is bombarded with memories from Jadzia, Curzon, Emony. Memories of strangers in her…their bedrooms, sprawling and grinning and waiting. The excitement, the hunger, the pleasure was not, is not Ezri’s. Ezri is not Jadzia, or Curzon. Ezri does not want so much unfamiliar flesh in her bed, against her own. The sight of this new, foreign body only asks her again; ““Hello, are you Jadzia Dax?”…”No, no I’m not!”
Her discomfort must have been obvious, even to Six, because midway through their session, he rises from his chair and redresses, before seating himself again. The incident lingers in Ezri’s mind for weeks, never letting her rest. What did it mean? What did he expect? Why does it frighten me, so? Why can’t I just ask him about it? Ezri keeps shaking herself for her irrational fears. She is the therapist, after all, could she not just ask him about it? It takes weeks of stiff, cold therapy visits and hours of berating from Julian, for Ezri to finally breach the topic in Six’s presence. It is not until Six begins his answer, that she realises how little he has spoken, since it happened. 
After Six explains himself, something hot expands in Ezri’s chest. She barely has time to feel guilt for her assumptions, before she realises a sudden change. A change in how she views his form, her own form, the meaning of a body laid bare. Their bodies no longer mean sex, or seduction, they mean something of a stronger, warmer flavour. She undresses him herself that afternoon, not to make love to him, but most definately, to let him feel loved. For the first time in a long time, Ezri feels comfortable in her own skin. 
Gutcanon: Ezri and Six’s relationship cannot be said to be a popular one, on board DS9, especially among certain members of the crew. 
Junkcanon: As I have stated before, I believe that the Vorta are void of anything that could be described as ‘sex organs’. Their groinal areas are blank, but for a coverage of thick hair. If Ezri and Six were to have sex, Six would usually employ the use of attatchments. He would also be sure to do his research, as he is numb to sexual pleasure, himself, he would want to know what he could do to satisfy Ezri. Imagine Six, seated on the end of the bed, in his strap-on and his spectacles, reading up on a few techniques on his PADD. Just because he cannot experience the act in the same way as Ezri, however, does not mean that he does not enjoy it. He still receives the warmth and tenderness of the closeness and vulnerability, that makes his limbs weak. Ezri, of course, could not be happier with the arrangement. I think that they would both also enjoy the feeling of hands running through their hair. Ezri is a topper, by the way. 
Spleencanon: As this is not a canonological ship, or even relationship, then I would have to say, that they met at all. I would have loved it, if Ezri’s first contact with a Weyoun, was with Weyoun Six, instead of Seven. Think about what a contrast that would have been, to Jadzia’s first contact with a Weyoun. It would have set up a completely new and conflicting impression of Weyoun to the Dax symbiont. 
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