18arte · 6 months
empoli city natale
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Empoli si trova in toscana from italy, citta' natale, con mercatini, luci, negozi,colori.
Parte 1
Dicembre 2023
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gundamcalibarney · 8 months
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pippuns · 2 years
Would Alwynn give nicknames to all their Pokemon? If so, would they keep a theme or just whatever came to them?
alwynn names any pet they gain after food so they absolutely would name all their pokemon and all of their names would be bad
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phlurrii · 4 months
Silly side thought:
do you think Giratina tries to use logic themself into acting with complex emotions when talking to/interacting with Meau?
after finding out about the neck wound, Giratine would go like: "let's see, based on what Meau told me I should be incredibly worried for her well-being right now. And I should definitely visit her to check if she's doing okay."
and like other things that lead to silly brother-sister dynamics among two immortal gods.
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Yes. He does. It’s adorable. She loves his effort, very much, they are dorks.
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hoofpeet · 1 year
ouuguuh … it would be cool if lik (going off the tags of this post) … there was a story reason as for why all the pokemon are attracted to the gear station :3 maybe theres a super ancient pokemon beneath (or somethinng similar IDK ! THEY GOT XURXITREE HOOKED UP TO THE WIRES annd its lik ghost stories lik Oooh theres emptty trains ! and spice is lik Thats not me doing it .) like its SOMETHING tahts drawing them there , whether it be another pokemon or some sort of life force or energy
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THOUGHTS .... Okay giratina specifically loves trains for whatever reason and starts hanging around railyards as soon as they get invented and protects the trains from harm, seeing them as part of it's 'hoard.' Even though it's ??? weird at first the railroad workers eventually just accept Giratina's presence since it's not harming the rails or anything and it eventually becomes kindof the patron saint of trains, later becoming an influence for the design of some trains and Giratinism kindof just becomes a slightly ironic tradition for railway workers .
--> Giratina eventually hibernates in an abandoned tunnel in gear station (possibly unbeknownst to Ingo & Emmet) which attracts a lot of various types of pokemon to the area . Some of which start working at the station
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abyssonance · 10 months
Guys I have a fucking vision for how Altered Giratine sits with them six leggies
Who wants to see it
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ghostypetrainer · 1 year
So is it like being possessed by giratina made Ingo more like giratine. Like sharing headspace made giratinas anger and resentment leak into ingo? Or maybe being powerless for so long left him angry? Both? And like why didn't he try to contact emmet when he came back? Is his memories scrambled as well?
Ingo's memories are fine! I do think I've answered the second part of this ask in other posts, so I won't get into it beyond that.
But yes- being possessed by Giratina for so long definitely left some side-effects on Ingo. For the most part, he's the same person he ever was- but he notices that he's quicker to anger and has more of a temper. Which is... not something he's thrilled about! I mean, I don't think anyone would be, but Ingo is known for his politeness- even if he does have a bit of a snarky side, if his interactions with Melli are anything to go off of. But there's a difference between a bit of snark and a temper!
It's something he has to grapple with, since it doesn't seem like it's going to go away on it's own. He has to learn how to control it, and not let it get the best of him. Which he is determined to do! Because Ingo is still Ingo, no matter what. He doesn't want to hurt anyone.
(But sometimes it's easier said than done.)
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startistdoodles · 2 years
So Giratine is protective of his brothers. How angry do you think he was seeing his brothers in that much pain?
Also how much did the chain hurt Dialga and Palkia?
From what we see in Pokémon Generations and in Platinum, it seems he was prettyyy angry. Angry enough to emerge through dimensions and drag Cyrus down to the underworld, where you have to follow it and calm it from its rage.
And from the way Palkia and Dialga struggle when they are trapped by the red chain, it seems it hurts a lot. It probably burns immensely :(
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solo-stef · 10 months
Parlavo l'altro giorno con una donna italiana trapiantata in Germania da diversi anni, con due figli ormai maggiorenni ma che, al momento del trasferimento in Germania erano adolescenti, e sono rimasta allibita dalla quantita' di agevolazioni che la Germania offre quando si hanno figli, a partire dal fatto che, fino a tre figli, lo stato ti eroga 250 euro /mese /figlio. Duecentocinquanta euro al mese per ogni figlio. Poi non parliamo delle infrastrutture che hanno, le scuole ad esempio restano a disposizione degli studenti per tutto il giorno e organizzano tante attivita', e' un vero luogo di aggregazione per i ragazzi. Qui da noi le scuole sono inaccessibili sempre a parte durante le lezioni, ma perche'? Per l'universita' lo stato ti eroga un prestito, che serve per la retta universitaria e per l'alloggio, che varia in base a quanto lontano da casa vai a studiare e che lo studente puo' rimborsare al 50% a partire dal quinto anno dalla laurea, anche a rate da 20 euro al mese (il restante 50% e' a fondo perduto). Per ogni ordine di studi, comprese le universita', il materiale didattico e i libri sono completamente gratuiti.
Io sono shockata.
Certo, ora la Germania ha il problema che tutti si laureano e nessuno fa l'elettricista o il giardiniere, ma insomma. Hanno valanghe di immigrati che possono essere impiegati in questo settore. Perche', al di la' di quello che ci racconta questo governo, gli immigrati non ce li abbiamo solo noi, solo che noi li sfruttiamo, loro li formano e li inseriscono nel mondo del lavoro.
Ma la Meloni, invece di andare a fare le giratine nel mondo, ma perche' non va a prendere appunti dai tedeschi?
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vhalesa · 2 years
What one legendary Pokémon or mythical do you think each of Revue girls would have if they were to have a legendary?
Excellent question.
Futaba and Kaoruko: Latios and Latias. Partner pokemon and they have each other's colors. Not sure if you know the tcg tag team card where latios and latias form a heart? I thought that fit them.
Maya and Claudine: Zacian and Zamazenta. Yeah, the doggo gfs! Mostly because I like them, but also consider this: Maya gets the elegant Zacian and Kuro the more the brute force Zamazenta. (And Kuro might be annoyed that Maya gets the sword xD). Also again colors. Yes Kuro's eyes and Maya's ribbon are enough for that.
Mahiru, Karen and Hikari: Cosmog for Mahiru, because they're both beans and bc Mahiru has Lilli vibes. Karen and Hikari get Solgaleo and Lunala for uhm..sun/moon aesthetics or whatever. Mostly I wanted the ot3 to have a pokemon trio and this was the best fit.
Nana: Giratina. Here I was torn between Dialga (time control), Celebi (time travel and bringer of peaceful times) and Giratine (distorted world). But Dialga doesn't look as cool and Celebi is way too happy/positive. Sorry Nana, but the movie was really dark.
Junna: Type: Null/Silvally! Alternatives were Keldeo or Calyrex (bc of smarts), but eh. So I'm quite happy I found something fitting for her after all, because Junna is maybe considering herself quite normal in comparison to the others and struggles to be good enough.
Also have these concept sketches I did!
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
Tuned into OC Sunday while coincidentally working on an OC x Canon phone wallpaper cause I'm incredibly self indulgent ✌🏻
But that's not what I'm crawling into the asks about abshsjdksk
I saw Sierra and brain went "aye! I also have a revived by legendary OC why don't I share her" her name is Flora and her story starts about half a century after the events of Legends. The distortions still happen on occasion but no where near as common as during the game (where it could be potentially one an in game day if you get RNG blessed). This is also more or less during the transition between legends and platinum, where in platinum Giratina steps in to prevent the end of the world. Anyways- During one of these stray distortions Giratina peers into the overworld and sees a young woman. She's naturally on deaths door when they finds her. Gira decides to do a thing, giving her essentially a drop of their power. Giratina is more or less unaffected by this as they still have plenty to spare, meanwhile the young woman it's more than enough. This act revives her and changes her appearance giving her gold hair ans bright red eyes, as well as some abilities that are being work-shopped currently (rn its affinity to ghost pokemon, being able to pop in and out of the distortion world, and potentially using weaker ghost moves but that one's on the fence).
Buuuuuut alas- this ended up with the young woman losing her memory. Whoops. Giratine quickly realizes this and is just "oh fu-" and calls in a favor with Shaymin to keep an eye on her so she doesn't get herself killed again and potentially help her regain her memories while traveling 😮‍💨 This is actually part of why she gets renamed Flora! She ran into some nice folks who had asked her name amd the poor girl essentially bluescreened- and so since she had Shaymin with her the people she ran into called her Flora and it stuck. Essentially Gira found this human and said "mine now" and now acts as her dad. And yes Volo eventually ends up as the weird uncle here as I fully subscribe to the immortal headcanon shdhdjd (This ended up long whoops I apologize-)
I mean first off LET’S GOOOO OC x CANON
sierra 🤝 zephyr 🤝 flora
getting revived by legendaries
well hey, it’s better that shaymin is looking out for her than uxie!! also, a family can be a big space worm-owl, a shady merchant, and some human with amnesia 😤😤😤😤😤
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picavecalyx · 1 year
"You're a funny little one, aren't you?"
The abysmal wyrm has leaned down to face silva, a tendril from its back, VERY carefully patting her head. // @limbosent
Funny little one? She wasn't sure if she'd describe herself like that! Most people wouldn't even call her little! Silva was, after all, quite tall for only being around 14. Though she hadn't really grown in a while, had she...? Perhaps it just happened in spurts. She didn't mind it at all.
Even so, the girl looked with a curious amber eye up at the pokemon before laughing a little. It even seemed like she let out some kind of purr when Giratine went ahead and patted her head.
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" maybe!~ but i prefer tu just say i'm silva!!! bagatella silva! "
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the-last-of-alto-mare · 9 months
happy munday! hope you're doing well :D this is your free space to ramble about something you've been wanting to. is it a game? an oc you love? the food you had yesterday? feel free to share something good that's on your mind, I'd love to know~
((I'm planning a Giratine character.....because I have no self-control...I don't know what it is anyway...))
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Firenze, Renzi: "Il Governo pensi ad abbassare le tasse, stop a giratine show"
Il leader di Italia Viva: “Alla manovra mancano 30 miliardi”source
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buff-babbye-blue · 7 years
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I wanted to do one of these for a while and decided to make it when my buddy @pikachumask made his.
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kuroko99 · 3 years
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Team of legendaries that l sack every link battle with
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