#Germanisches National Museum
lebedame-wegelagerin · 5 months
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And here, as promised to the dear @vinceaddams come a lot of extant Garments from my recent Visit at the German National Museum in Nuremberg. I am trying to give as much Information about each Picture as I can though unfortunately not all of the Pictures were taken by me and I could take Pictures as extensively (including Info Signs) as I would have wanted, lest I be abandoned in the Clothing Section. Also the whole Section was awfully dim, which made it rather difficult to read some of the Signs. The last three Pictures were taken in a different Section, thus the more pleasant Lighting.
Servant Livery, bavarian Court, mid 19th Century (left); Servant of the Count of Cannotreadhisname, first half 19th Century (right)
Woman's Folkdress, Lötschental/Wallis (Switzerland), Museum dates it 1830/1905 which is an awfully broad Range, but maybe it was altered later; shows wonderfully how late 18th Century Styles were preserved in european Folkdress that came to be in the 19th Century proper
Various Men's Garments throughout the 18th Century, as there are Closeups of each, the respective Detailinformation will be provided further down.
Men's Spencer, c. 1810s-1820s, Linen and Cotton, the Sign didn't say it explicitely but due to it's Placement in the Exhibition and comparable other Pieces I have seen, I think this is more of a common Man's Piece of Clothing.
Three Men's Shirts, various Shoebuckles, a cocked Hat, a Periwig and what I assume to be a Hair Bag. This Display Case had a rather badly illuminated Sign, so sadly I have no further Details about the Pieces.
Justeaucorps, c. 1695, Wool, Silk, Metal Trim.
Waistcoat, c. 1695, Silk, according to the Museum it was worn together with the Justeaucorps, which seems to be a nice Colour-Combination.
Breeches, 1790-1800, Silk. Very pretty Pair, but the bad Lighting doesn't really let it show.
Habit à la francaise, c. 1790, Wool, Silk, Embroidery (What a Material Specification...). I really like the Combination of those subtle dark on dark Stripes and the Embroidery.
Tailcoat, c. 1790/1795, Cotton, Silk, Linen, really peak 1790s Look honestly.
Very wide Court Panniers, with Pocket Hoops and Crinoline in the Background. Alas no Detail Information for this and the next two Pictures.
Frontal View of the Pannier. I suppose I have to get one of those at some Point, if only for how extra they are.
Three Pairs of Stays, two from the Front, one from the Back. Sadly I don't feel confident enough to Date those and I have no Pictures showing the Info Signs well enough.
Lots of pretty Dresses that were exhibited in another Section of the Museum. The right one is a Robe à l'Anglaise, but that's all I can tell.
Another beautiful Anglaise, notable for being preserved in its Entirety with original Ruffles.
More pretty Dresses. Unfortunately due to Time Reasons I have no Pictures of the Suits displayed across the Dresses in the U-shaped Display, though I have to say one of them had a very much not authentic Lacebib hanging from the Neck...
That's all the cool Clothing Pics I have, at some Point I will return and take loooots more Pictures from all the Angles too. Also at some Point I might write to the Museum about the Lighting, there surely is a better Solution when having your Objects barely visible with unreadable Signs while still protecting them from UV-Rays.
Bonus-Pic 1:
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Me, in historical Dress, c. 1750 (minus the Shoes), standing in a historical Kitchen.
Bonus-Pic 2, for the Boat-Crowd:
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Beautifully detailed Modell Sailing Ship, early to mid 17th Century if I remember correctly. Interestingly enough all the little Sailor Figurines on it were very much early 19th Century in Style, so I assume the previous owner had those added at some Point, before the Museum acquired the Model in the late 19th Century. (The Incongruence sadly wasn't addressed on the Info Sign, so I might contact them about this too.)
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illustratus · 2 years
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Germania by Philipp Veit
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sainted-places · 2 years
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Interesting pieces in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg.
1) Fool's Scepter, German or French, last third of 16th century
2) costume of a Harlequin, German(?), 18th century
3)detail: crucifixion of Christ, Bamberg or Nuremberg 1480/90
4) Girdle book of Hieronymus Kress, Nuremberg 1471
5) chained book, German, 15th century (iron chain to prevent theft)
6) "Hutkreuz" military head protection, 17/18 th century
7) Base of a doorhandle, iron plated, 15th century
8) Anatomical model of a pregnant woman by Stephan Zick, ivory-wood-silk-borcate, around 1700
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memories-of-ancients · 3 months
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Knee / leg brace, Germany, mid 16th century
from The Germanisches National Museum
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cy-lindric · 1 year
hi! i hope you're doing well!
i really loved your 17th century outfit, and i was wondering: what would you call the blue jacket? like the name of that garment as a component of historical fashion? i want to make something similar in a textiles class, but im having trouble looking for patterns without the garment's name 😅 if you made the garment yourself, do you have any pointers as to where i could find a good pattern (for historical accuracy)?
thank you for your time even if you dont end up answering!
ps i love your art soso much, esp sundown <33
Hello ! This type of split buttoned up cape is called a casaque/cassock (I know that word describes a lot of different types of garments, especially religious habits and some types of eastern european clothing, but in the context of 17th century western fashion afaik that's how it's called).
I actually used a pre-made pattern for that one because I was running out of time, it's from Reconstructing History , you can find it as paper and pdf. I do enjoy the cut of most of their patterns whenever I don't feel like drafting something entirely or I need a starting base.
Originally, my main reference was this piece from the Germanische National Museum. The catalogue has a lot of views including a top view that was very useful. In the end, I liked the "winged" version from the pattern (wings being the shoulder pieces often also found on doublets of that era), so I went with that.
Posting this publicly in case anyone's curious ! Hope that helps !
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barbariankingdom · 2 years
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Great helmet / Topfhelm of Hans Rieter. Date: 14th century. Medium: Iron. Collection: Germanisches National museum, Nuremberg. Such helmets were worn by mounted fighters in battle and tournaments in the Middle Ages.
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eddy25960 · 7 months
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Albrecht Durer - c. 1509 Germanisches National Museum, Nuremberg, Germany
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tberg-de · 1 year
Die Suche nach der Varusschlacht in Kalkriese
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Wir schreiben das Jahr 9 unserer Zeitrechnung. In einem langen Tross mühen sich römische Legionen durch die noch unwegsame germanische Landschaft. An einem strategischen Engpass zwischen Bergen auf der einen und Mooren auf der anderen Seite des Weges werden die römischen Soldaten und ihr Tross von vereinigten germanischen Stämmen angegriffen. Diese große Schlacht geht als Varusschlacht in die Geschichte ein.
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Kalkriese oder die Suche nach der Varusschlacht Als Ergebnis der Schlacht wurden drei römische Legionen aufgerieben. Die Germanen vernichteten 18.000 Soldaten im Dienste Roms und deren Tross. »Quintilius Varus, gib mir meine Legionen wieder!« soll Kaiser Augustus gerufen haben, als ihn die Schreckensnachricht erreichte. Die Weltmacht Rom war geschlagen, aber noch nicht besiegt. Der Cherusker Arminius hatte es geschafft, die Germanenstämme gegen die Herrschaft Roms zu verbünden. Damit wurde Arminius wohl zum ersten Helden der deutschen Nation. Er wurde zum Mythos, ihm zu Ehren wurden Denkmäler erbaut und prunkvolle Schlachtgemälde gemalt. Aber auch seine Person wurde zeitweise für ideologische Mittel mißbraucht. Das Rad der Geschichte drehte sich für Rom und auch für Germanien weiter. Die Varusschlacht wurde mehr und mehr vergessen. Nur bei einigen Geschichtsschreibern fand sie noch Erwähnung. Schliesslich wurde die Schlacht ganz vom Schatten der Geschichte verhüllt. Viele der antiken Quellen gingen verloren. Wenige überlebten in klösterlichen Bibliotheken. Ab dem 15. Jahrhundert wurden die Schriften von Gelehrten wieder gefunden. Nur über den genauen Ort der Schlacht schwiegen die antiken Quellen. Heimatforscher und Gelehrte machten sich auf die Suche nach dem Ort der Varusschlacht. Irgendwo im Teutoburger Wald soll sich das Drama der Römer zugetragen haben. Über 700 potentielle Ortsvorschläge kamen durch deren Forschung zustande. Doch keiner konnte die forschenden Zeitgenossen überzeugen. "700 Theorien – doch keine führt zum Schlachtfeld" fasste der westfälische Archäologe Wilhelm Winkelmann 1983 den Forschungsstand zusammen.
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Archäologische Funden brachten Hinweise auf Kalkriese Dem Engländer Tony Clunn gelang 1987 mit dem Fund von römischen Silbermünzen und von Schleuderbleien die Kehrtwende. Erstmals lag ein unstrittiger Beleg für die Anwesenheit römischer Truppen im Raum Kalkriese vor. Im Herbst 1989 begannen die großflächigen archäologischen Ausgrabungen. Die Fundregion Kalkriese gehört somit zu den wenigen größeren Fundstätten römischer Zeit in der Nordhälfte von Deutschland. Ob sich die legendäre Varusschlacht hier tatsächlich zugetragen hat, ist noch nicht zweifelsfrei erwiesen. Jedoch geben die Funde im Zusammenhang mit den Unterlagen den Anhaltspunkt für diese Theorie. Die Forscher graben, forschen und untersuchen weiter. Infolge dieser Ergebnisse wurde im Jahr 2000 der Museumspark Varusschlacht errichtet. 2001 wurde dieser Park mit einem Museum ergänzt.
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Grund genug für mich diesen bemerkenswerten Ort einmal zu besichtigen. Nur vom Selbstsehen und -erleben wird man schlauer. Also einen Tagesausflug zum Museum und Park Kalkriese geplant und umgesetzt. Heutige Museen sind längst nicht mehr die verstaubten Antiquariate von vor zwanzig Jahren. Technische Neuerungen und ein Konzept, welches den Besucher mit einbezieht, lassen Geschichte lebhafter erscheinen. Zudem wird der Besucher zum Interagieren aufgefordert. Ganz anders als die Sammlungen der alten Museen, welche man nur betrachten durfte. Modernes Museumskonzept zur Varusschlacht So überraschte mich auch Kalkriese positiv. Nicht viel ist aus den alten römischen Tagen des Jahres 9 zu finden. Die vorhandenen Funde werden aber anschaulich präsentiert. Auch das Landschaftsbild im Park und die Forschung zur Varusschlacht werden entsprechend berücksichtigt. Möglichkeiten zur Interpretation statt bloßer Rekonstruktion ist gegeben. Entstanden ist somit ein offener Denk- und Assoziationsraum, der den Besuchern einen Rahmen für eigene Gedanken, Ideen und Reflexionen eröffnet. Im Besucherzentrum des Parkes erwirbt man die Eintrittskarten. Ein kleiner Museumsshop findet sich hier ebenfalls. Weiterhin bleibt in diesem Gebäude noch ausreichend Raum für Sonderausstellungen. Hat man seine Eintrittskarte gelöst und sich ein wenig informiert, gelangt man durch das Gebäude in den Park. Hier kann man sich entscheiden, ob man dem Weg der Römer durch den Park folgt oder lieber das Museum besucht. Ich persönlich rate jedoch dazu, erst einmal mit dem Museumsbesuch zu beginnen.
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Das Museumsgebäude selbst ist schon eine architektonische Meisterleistung. Der gesamte Korpus des Gebäudes wurde mit Stahlplatten verkleidet. Das verwendete Material stellt eine Referenz an die archäologischen Funde dar. Die schlichte Form und das ungewöhnliche Material setzen sich später im Park fort. Anstoß für eigene Interpretationen In der Dauerausstellung zur Varusschlacht werden hier geborgene Funde präsentiert. Die Räume sind großzügig dimensioniert und eingerichtet. Zusätzlich werden das Leben der Germanen und der Römer betrachtet. Ebenso wie die gegenseitigen Beziehungen dieser Völker und die Geschichte jener Jahre. Multimediale Effekte, Videoinstallationen und Objekte laden zum Entdecken und Interpretieren ein. Der Besucher wird angeregt, selbst zu denken und zu interpretieren. Gelungen finde ich auch die Überleitung in unsere heutige Zeit. So kann der Besucher unter anderem einem Gespräch zwischen Arminius und Varus lauschen, in dem sie sich in heutiger Zeit über das damalige Geschehen unterhalten. Nach dem Besuch der Dauerausstellung hat der Besucher die Möglichkeit, den Aussichtsturm hinauf zu steigen. Oben angekommen, erhält man einen wunderbaren Ausblick auf den Park und die Umgebung. Hier ist bereits ein guter Ort, um das soeben Erfahrene anzuwenden.
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Nach dem Abstieg rate ich den Weg der Römer zu erforschen. Auch dieser Weg ist mit Stahlplatten belegt. Wie die Vergänglichkeit der Zeit sind die Platten unterschiedlich verlegt. Wind und Wetter beeinflussen das Material. Manchmal tauchen Schriftzüge auf, eine Hommage an die Überlieferung einzelner Quellen. Der Weg ist gesäumt von mehreren Pavillons, in denen die eigene Vorstellungskraft und Interpretation gefragt sind. Ein Landschaftsschnitt und ein germanischer Wall geben Aufschluß und eine Vorstellung über die Gegend. Zudem erfahren Besucher mittels eines ausleihbaren Audioguides zusätzlich Wissenswertes über diesen geschichtsträchtigen Ort. Mein Fazit: Ich war über diesen Besuch sehr erfreut. Man sollte sich aber bewusst auf den Ort und dessen Geschichte einlassen. Nur so kann man die dargestellten Dinge und Fakten interpretieren und die aufgeworfenen Fragen beantworten. Das Museum ist für Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen geeignet. Jenseits von einer trockenen Museumsatmosphäre wird viel Raum für Erleben, Entdecken und Mitmachen geboten. Aktuelle Informationen über das Museum erhältst du unter diesem Link. Read the full article
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armthearmour · 3 years
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A breech-loading Swivel Gun,
OaL: 49.2 in/125 cm
Italy, ca. 1450-1500, housed at the Germanisches National Museum.
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excelsi-or · 3 years
welcome to svt (pt. 8)
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Hellooo friends~~ how are you all doing? Hope you’re well and getting hyped for the comeback soon. The 24th can’t come fast enough!
chapter 8: last kisses
w.c. 2.2k (little fluffy, little angsty, little bit of thieving & hacking)
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8
Present Day
Seungcheol pokes his head into the gym and finds Jihoon and Mingyu sparring. ‘Hey.’ He catches Jihoon’s eye. ‘Need to send you out. Where is she?’
Jihoon grimaces and spins on his heel to grab his water bottle. Seungcheol gapes at Mingyu as the taller man crosses the gym to meet him at the door.
‘They got into some sort of fight,’ Mingyu explains. ‘Soonyoung hyung told me to find,’ he motions with his head towards Jihoon, ‘because you sent him and Seokmin off.’
‘What do you mean some sort of fight? Why can’t I get a hold of her?’
‘Jihoon can’t either. Which is why he’s pissy, I think.’ Mingyu glances over his shoulder as the sounds of Jihoon pummeling into a punching bag echoes towards them. ‘He won’t tell me what they got in a fight over though.’
‘So, the lovebirds are fighting, and no one can tell me where half of this team is?’ The nickname was Jeonghan’s idea. Both halves of the lovebirds had protested this name, but Jeonghan had insisted that the amount of times they’d gotten out of trouble by feigning being in love warranted the name.
Mingyu shrugs. ‘Jeonghan hyung might know.’
Seungcheol shakes his head. ‘No. Hannie tried to get a hold of her and couldn’t, so he sent me down here to get him.’ He juts his chin towards Jihoon.
‘Yeah, I think you’re gonna have to send someone else,’ Mingyu hums.
‘Everyone else is out and this is a big one.’ He sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. ‘I might just have to hold off.’
Mingyu’s eyebrows rise to his hairline. He knows that Seungcheol and Jeonghan put the lovebirds on the hardest jobs, but he’s never known them to back off a job. There has never been a time, until now, that a job was only fit for the lovebirds.
‘See if you can get him to tell you what they’re arguing about.’ Seungcheol glances at Jihoon before turning back towards the hall. ‘I don’t like when any of you are out on your own.’
Mingyu wonders at that last statement, but goes back to Jihoon. He holds the other side of the punching bag and notices Jihoon’s swings get harder.
‘So, gonna tell me what’s wrong?’ He grunts at the hard punch that reverberates through the punching bag. ‘Alright. Message received.’
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Miss #1
‘You don’t need me to come in for this one,’ she says.
They’re parked in a carpark near the Germanisches National Museum. There is no view of the museum from where they’re parked, but they’ve been in Nuremberg for five days. They’ve seen where the newest exhibit will be set up and she’d gotten information from an employee that there will be a fancy opening night. They’d watched the circulation of security guards during the day and watched the cameras to see their rounds at night.
They’re prepared.
Jihoon stands in the open passenger door, watches her face turn up to look at him. Her mouth moves, but he doesn’t catch the words. It takes him a beat to register that she’d been speaking.
‘Sorry, what?’
Her brow furrows. ‘Maybe I do need to go with you.’
Jihoon shakes his head. ‘No, no. I’m listening. Sorry. What were you saying?’
She waves for him to get closer to see her computer screen. She points out the various cameras on the map, where he needs to stand to stay in blind spots. ‘It makes my job a lot easier if I don’t need to loop cameras. Good?’
He turns to face her and she’s a lot closer than he realized. Her eyes drop to his lips before meeting his gaze again.
He takes a step back. ‘I’m good.’
She nods. ‘Good.’ She smiles. ‘I’ve got your back and I’ll be right in if you need me.’
‘I’ll holler peaches if I need you,’ Jihoon says as he slings his backpack over his shoulder.
‘That’s the code word we’re using tonight?’
The bag of peach candies she’s been munch on all evening are visible in the cup holder. Now, she just smells like them. ‘Yeah, I like it.’
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Miss #2
They take the stairs up to the roof and keep low to use the cover of the roof’s edge. The abandoned industrial complex in the city is notorious for shady dealings. And kids are currently dying at the hands of street drugs that are passing through. Seungcheol had heard through an outreach program coordinator he knows that some huge buy is happening soon.
Soon is today. And Seungcheol found out exactly where it was going to happen.
And that it wasn’t a buy, but an exchange.
‘We can only take one, we can’t take both,’ Seungcheol had said.
‘We’re already going to start some other shit in the city by doing this.’ Jeonghan had argued. ‘We should just stay out of this.’
Seungcheol shook his head. ‘We’re taking the drugs straight to the police this time. We’re not going to do what we did last time.’
She’d exchanged looks with Jihoon. He stood in the doorway of Seungcheol’s office, leaning against the door jam. She’d taken the seat across from Seungcheol; Jeonghan sat on the edge of Seungcheol’s desk.
Jihoon had lifted an eyebrow, encouraging her to say whatever was on her mind.
‘What if we just take both?’
Seungcheol shook his head. ‘And risk your skin? Hell no.’
She laid it out for them. That by taking one, there would be bodies. Taking both would still mean bodies. ‘There’s no way to prevent casualties. It’s drugs. There will be casualties regardless what we do. But if we give the evidence, give the names we know, we’re giving the police more to work with to prevent less bodies on the street in the long run.’
‘The logic isn’t sound,’ Jeonghan grumbled. ‘We can’t guarantee the police will do anything with the drugs. Doesn’t matter which drugs we give them.’
‘We’re definitely guaranteeing body count,’ she stated. ‘But how many bodies do we want on our hands?’
‘Taking one bag of drugs, that’s it,’ Seungcheol had said. ‘But I’ll let you choose which one you want.’
She shrugged and backed off. ‘Got it, boss.’
Hence why she and Jihoon are now at the top of an abandoned building across from where the exchange is supposed to happen. She adjusts the baggy clothes that Minghao had styled her in.
Jihoon is going to be on the roof with a sniper rifle just in case.
‘You’ll be okay?’
She nods, tugging the large beanie to cover her clean roots. ‘Yeah. Just a grab, is it not? We just need to decide whose we’re grabbing and how I’m going to do it without being seen.’ Now that they’ve arrived, they can see exactly how the drop will go. With everyone armed, with the drugs likely being dropped in one spot and swapped.
‘I can fire at a window and distract them,’ Jihoon says now. ‘As soon as they step away from the stuff. And you can swoop in and out when they go looking for the noise.’
‘You’re wearing a bulletproof vest, yes?’
Rolling her eyes, she lifts the hem of her shirt. The bulletproof vest is visible. ‘As you requested.’ She straightens to walk back to the stairs.
Jihoon grabs her hand and tugs her down to crouching. She lifts her eyebrows. ‘Don’t do anything stupid. Please.’
She squeezes his hand. ‘I’ll be okay.’
Jihoon hesitates to pull her closer.
She watches him sway towards her before staying determinedly away from her. She squeezes his hand again and heads to the stairs.
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Miss #3
She pokes her head into her bedroom, where Jihoon has made himself comfy for the night. He’s sat at the desk with his headphones on. Gently, so as not to make him jump, she touches his shoulder. ‘I’m heading out.’
‘Wonwoo and Mingyu need me on their job tonight.’
Jihoon frowns, nudging a headphone off to hear her better. ‘To do what?’
She chuckles and uses her thumb to smooth the furrow between his brows. ‘To hack the security system and keep the surveillance rolling. They have guards who watch their cameras. And Mingyu needs Wonwoo for the safe inside.’
‘Stop pouting,’ she chuckles. ‘I’ll be safe in a car nearby.’
Her name is called from the kitchen.
‘Don’t wait up for me, hmm?’
Jihoon nods. His hand rests over hers on his shoulder.
She waits.
And then he pulls away.
It’s the first time he sees a flicker of disappointment before a smile appears.
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Miss #4
‘You were out with Jeonghan hyung for a while,’ Jihoon comments as she climbs into bed.
She yawns. ‘Yeah.’ Wincing, she adjusts herself on her back. She’d gotten a solid kick to the back the night before. ‘He wanted me to try on all these fancy evening gowns.’
‘Fancy evening gowns?’
She shrugs and regrets it immediately. ‘Yeah. Seems like—’
‘We’re going to be going to a party and you’re going to have to flirt with someone to get what we want.’
She glances over at him, hears the jealousy and annoyance in his voice. ‘It’s part of the job.’
‘Yeah, I know.’
‘So why are you upset?’
He could lie, but he doesn’t. ‘I just don’t like it.’
‘Ah. Well, I can’t say I’m particularly fond of it either. But unfortunately for us, it’s a useful tactic to get someone to trust you enough to get close.’
They lie in silence for a while before she slides out from under the covers. ‘I’m, uh, gonna sleep in your bed.’
Jihoon’s eyes lift from the video he’s watching on his phone. ‘You’d rather we sleep in there?’
She shakes her head. ‘No. Just me.’ She smiles a little. ‘Just feel like I’m going to be rolling around a lot to get comfortable. This bruise is killing me.’
‘Oh.’ Jihoon nods. ‘Okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to go, and you can stay in your bed?’
She laughs and shakes her head again. ‘No. You’re already ready to sleep. That’s fine.’ She lingers for a beat or two, eyeing him carefully, before leaving. ‘Goodnight.’
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Opportunity lost?
‘Are you okay?’ Jihoon asks.
They’re on a flight home.
‘Yeah, I’m fine. Why?’
‘You were just…’ He shrugs. ‘A little snippy earlier.’
She’d snapped at him over something mundane. It had caught him off guard.
He watches her tongue poke out to swipe at her bottom lip.
‘I’m just… tired, I think.’ Her gaze goes out the window. ‘Sorry.’
Jihoon has noticed her anger but doesn’t know what to do with it. Sparring is more aggressive, she doesn’t share as much as she used to, and she’s quiet during dinner. But he knows she still has his back; that hasn’t changed. But everything about their personal lives has.
‘Is it about us?’ he asks after a moment.
She stiffens but doesn’t respond.
Got it in one.
‘I get it if it’s that.’
Her voice is hard, almost menacing. ‘I hope you’re okay with me saying that I’m really not interested in discussing this right now.’
Jihoon makes a point of looking around the empty plane. The only other people on board are Minghao and Jun who are in the cockpit. ‘When would be a good time then?’
‘When I don’t feel as if I’m going to light you on fire with anything you say to me.’
Jihoon’s eyes widen. ‘I didn’t realize you felt that strongly.’
Her gaze moves back to him. Murderous is the only word that comes to mind. ‘Just back off for now Hoonie, I’ll get over it.’
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Present Day
Mingyu’s eyes narrow. ‘So, you aren’t speaking because she’s in love with you?’
‘No, we’re not speaking because she wants to light me on fire.’ Jihoon takes a swig of water, his arms resting on his knees. ‘And I don’t know if I want that.’
‘Being lit on fire does sound sexual.’
Jihoon sighs with a roll of his eyes. ‘I don’t know why I even bothered to tell you.’
‘Sorry, sorry. But seriously, hyung, it’s a little crazy that you guys haven’t acted on what you’re feeling. It’s obvious you love her too.’
Jihoon shakes his head. ‘I’m not ready.’
‘Well, you could tell her why.’
He looks over at Mingyu. The younger man is watching him carefully. He smiles a little. ‘What? You think I’m only in SVT for my good looks? I can read you just as well as you can read me.’ He nods. ‘And you love her, but you won’t tell her why exactly you won’t kiss her.’
Jihoon gapes at him.
‘Cause that’s the problem, right? She gave you all these openings to kiss her, and you didn’t.’
Jihoon hums. ‘Maybe you’re right.’ He takes another swig of water.
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steellegacy · 3 years
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Model for the Tomb Sculpture of Nikolaus Herburt Odnowski, 1550-1551 ⠀ Workshop of Pankraz Labenwolf (1492-1563), Nürnberg Materials: Limewood, polychromed 🏛 The Germanisches National Museum in Nuremberg, Germany ⠀ 📝 The work imitates a popular type of Italian Renaissance tomb sculpture. It served as a model for casting the brass figure found in Lviv Cathedral. ⠀ Nikolaus Herburt Odnowski (1482-1555) belonged to the inner circle of the Polish kings Sigismund I and Sigismund August. He was Starosta of Lviv (a royal official), Advisor to Queen Bona Sforza, Count Palatine of Sandomierz and finally Count Palatine of the Polish residence in Cracow. He's buried in Lviv (the last picture – bronze Tombstone in Lviv) ⠀ - - Деревянная модель надгробной скульптуры Николая Гербурта Одновского, 1550-1551 гг. ⠀ Мастерская Панкраца Лабенвольфа (Pankraz Labenwolf), Нюрнберг Материалы: липовое дерево, полихромия 🏛 Немецкий Национальный музей в Нюрнберге, Германия ⠀ 📝 Эта фигура послужила образцом для изготовления бронзового надгробия, находящегося в соборе Лемберга (австрийское название города Львов). Работа соответствует популярному типу итальянских надгробных фигур эпохи Возрождения. ⠀ Николай Гербурт Одновский (1482-1555) - польский шляхтич, государственный деятель, меценат, принадлежал к ближайшему окружению польских королей Сигизмунда I и Сигизмунда Августа, староста Львова, советник королевы Боны Сфорца. Похоронен во Львове (надгробие на последнем фото). ⠀ #Odnowski #Одновский #надгробие #TombSculpture
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fionamccall · 5 years
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my18thcenturysource · 5 years
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A little appreciation post for the riding habit and the way we all (especially women) never get tired of the military fashion inspiration.
Mustard riding habit reproduction, 2014, by Nora (from the Shadows of my Hand blog)
Blue riding habit, 1750s, Victoria & Albert Museum.
Riding waistcoat, 1740s, Germanisches Nationalmuseum.
Riding habit, 1770-1775, Victoria & Albert Museum.
“Portrait of a Young Woman of the Fortesque Family of Devon”, ca. 1745, Thomas Hudson, Yale Center for British Art.
“Baroness Ulrica Fredrika Cedercreutz“, ca. 1770, Gustav Lundberg, Finnish National Gallery.
“Portrait of Sophie Marie Gräfin Voss“, between 1746-51, Antoine Pesne, Charlottenburg Palace.
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sainted-places · 7 years
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the Visitation (Mary and Elisabeth), sandstone and clay, PI.O. 2401, Germanisches National Museum, Nuremberg.
around 1420
The unborn babies (Jesus Christ and John the Baptist) are shown in the bulged bellies of the holy women.
Maybe @sixpenceee can take a look at it, it´s quite unusual for the visual habit of today.
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peashooter85 · 6 years
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Roman parade helmet, 2nd century AD
from The Germanisches National Museum
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stevenlangex · 5 years
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#Profile #Profilepic
#Germanisches #German National #Museum
#Nuremberg #germany🇩🇪
2013 -2014
#Reminisce all the places & faces & things through which I've been
#Year 8 of #TheNeverEndingHike 2018 - 2019
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