#Genitivi dies in the end
larkoneironaut · 1 year
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My Tevinter Nights art project 🖋️🔮:
—Genitivi Dies in the End—
written by Lukas Kristjanson
Not me continuing this project almost 8 months later 💀
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misculenica · 2 years
Solas' True Name thoughts
Okay, so.
From Tevinter Nights (specifically Genetivi Dies in the End); we know that the Antaam (Qunari) are looking for Solas' true name - because it would allow them to exploit Solas' weaknesses.
And a lot of people (including myself) thought this was a little bit of an anomaly from what we understand of the world of gods/spirits/people etc. It's just kind of weird.
There are 2 ways to look at this, from what I can see;
Knowing his 'true name', it may be possible to track down other iterations of Solas; his past actions/methods to predict his current/future plans.
Knowing his 'true name' will give them some literal power over him, like how we (irl) might understand the summoning/banishing of demons and the like.
1 sounds a lot more reasonable than 2, but hear me out.
In Origins, there are codex entries concerning things called 'The Black Vials'
Why is this important, you ask?
Every one of them involves a person being bound by using their 'true name' - and we know this was done because you have to kill the people who were bound (who became revenants).
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True names and how they relate to binding individuals is not a new concept.
We know that people can be bound (by their true name).
So I'm just going to say, I am very very-veryveryvery- interested to see what comes of this.
My understanding of these entries is as follow;
these were people who were undead bodies possessed by desire or pride demons - that were then bound by phylacteries (vial of blood to track mages) and probably blood magic. These were entities that are considered 'boss level' enemies to fight - therefore, it makes sense that they were bound/sealed away where nobody could find them instead of killed (mmmm fascinating... wonder where we've heard this one before........)
The Antaam must then believe that 'Solas' and 'Fen'Harel' are new names for a person who once was, someone who's body was taken over by a desire or pride demon - and since Solas means pride - I don't blame them one bit for thinking that. Hell, a good chunk of the fandom theorizes that Solas is actually a pride demon (/spirit of wisdom) who took physical form. So; if they found out who the 'original body-owner' was, they could bind him 'for eternity' because realistically; the Qun 1. doesn't really stand a chance of killing him, and 2. they don't kill their mages, that cut out their tongues and bind them. It kind of fits.
Now, this could all be me with my late night tinfoil hat and corkboard mentality stretching the dots with my need for answers, but I very much like the prospect that we'll learn more about Solas, and what his 'true name' is. Knowing the Dread Wolf and his views on the idea of people being 'bound' especially 'bound for all of eternity'.
Please let this come up in DA:D, please.
Sorry for the long post and grammar/spelling errors.
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
So, is the Randy Dowager issuing reprints of old material because Brother Genitivi is in hiding and doesn't have time to look for new material? 👀
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mrs-gauche · 3 days
Let's talk (some more) about the Red Lyrium Idol
So, if there's anyone who actually read all of this and is for some reason still interested in even more ramblings, here is Part 2 of my way too long tinfoil theory/summary post about the red lyrium idol, and I swear, it's the last one. 😂 Again, I just needed to get this out before we might get the first real trailer TOMORROW and I'm proven completely wrong, because that's just so funny to me. lol
(Note: This post was written before the title of DA4 was changed into "The Veilguard", so the implications of this title for the narrative were not taken into account for any of this. 💀)
The Phylactery Theory
"A phylactery is a vessel, often a glass vial, containing the essence of a magical being. The Circle of Magi and the Chantry use small phylacteries filled with blood, to track down mages that turn apostate."
"Phylacteries, ironically, are a form of blood magic. When a templar wishes to track down a fugitive mage they will use the phylactery as a way of homing in on the fugitive by way of a "hot and cold" situation, i.e., the phylactery glows, becoming brighter the closer it gets to its respective mage."
In Tevinter Nights, the Carta assassin described the idol to feel rather heavy, like there was "liquid inside". In the 2018 teaser, we see glowing cracks creeping up the idol's surface.
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Inquisitor: "You don't need to sacrifice a slave's life to make a dagger." Solas: "I suppose it depends upon the dagger."
(- Solas when talking about blood magic)
In DAO, the Arcane Warrior specialization can be unlocked while doing the "Nature of the Beast" quest line, in the Lower Ruins of the Brecilian Ruins, south the Elven Burial Chamber. Inside a small chamber which looks like a ruined library, there is a broken stone altar. A phylactery is hidden in the far corner of the room. When you touch the phylactery you experience the memories of an elven arcane warrior who has remained trapped inside of the phylactery for centuries. It offers to teach you the secrets of the arcane warriors in exchange for setting its spirit free by placing the phylactery on an ancient altar.
In the "The Hunt of the Fell Wolf" poem in JOH, there is an idol that seems to possess a spirit that is connected to a demon wolf in a way that he can only be defeated if both him and the idol/spirit are destroyed and struck down at the same time.
As demon-stone was shattered, Ameridan struck true: Beast and spirit—both felled at once, Though neither hunter knew.
The Black Vials are six small glass phylacteries that can be found around Ferelden. When the Warden takes a vial, the glass fractures and releases a hostile revenant. A revenant is a form of undead that is created when a powerful demon, usually that of desire or pride, possesses a corpse. Upon their death, each revenant drops a scrap of vellum/codex entry that reads:
"Bound by your true name, no mortal hand shall reach you."
In the Tevinter Nights story "Genitivi Dies at the End", Rasaan and the Qunari were searching for Solas' "true name".
In the final chamber of the Solasan temple, there's an ancient inscription that reads:
Faintly carved into the stone is a figure bound in chains. Two other figures have turned their gaze from the central image. "Pride in our accomplishments and in our hearts. That same pride became (a word meaning corrupted or altered) within him, he sought to claim (indecipherable), cast from favor and so he was bound." "Hidden from mortal eyes, death lies within."
A codex about an encounter with a revenant, 5:71 Exalted:
"[…] The descriptions of the creature's abilities were eerily similar to those our brothers at Marnas Pell encountered almost a century ago […]"
Solas' hideout in The Missing was located in the Deep Roads beneath Marnas Pell.
Cole's comments in Trespasser suggest that Solas was bound to Mythal.
"He did not want a body, but she asked him to come. He left a scar when he burned her off his face."
While Solas seemed to have burned her vallaslin off his face, could there be a chance that he is still bound to Mythal by his true name? Could it be that he is still bound to whatever part of Mythal is trapped within the idol?
Again, the ancient spirit in DAO can only be freed from the phylactery if it is placed on an ancient altar.
So, the question is, if the idol is indeed a phylactery containing Solas'/Mythal's blood and a part of her spirit that needs to be placed on its original location/altar to free her, and if it was ripped off its original location, then where did it originally belong?
The Place Where It All Began
In 2018, we got the first DA4 teaser, showing the idol in various close-ups as well as the focal point of this mural.
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Look at how the idol is suspiciously placed in the very center of the circle/tambourine which we assume to represent the Veil.
Now, what else sits at the center of the Fade that is ever present and visible but cannot be reached?
Right, the Black City.
Again, the idol is very likely depicting Mythal's death.
Now, tell me, where do you think was Mythal murdered?
Or rather, where do you think did the Blight originate?
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I'm convinced that the Black/Golden City is/was Arlathan. The place where the false gods were imprisoned when Solas created the Veil. The idol/blade was likely forged after Mythal died. The 2022 cinematic clearly shows that the Blight started to spread from the center of the Golden City before it turned black and began to consume the rest of the world, but seemed to have then been contained by the Veil preventing it from spreading further.
"Had I not created the Veil, the Evanuris would have destroyed the entire world."
Corypheus is physically covered in red lyrium. We can assume that he turned into a blighted creature when he entered the Black City, which was already black and corrupted when they opened its gates.
Red lyrium only began appearing throughout the surface of all of southern Thedas in crystalline nodes following the opening of the Breach.
In Future Redcliffe, a year has past with the Breach still open and the red lyrium has spread everywhere.
It is proven that the Veil is inedvitably getting weaker alltogether, and that it will eventually come down at some point, regardless of Solas' actions.
The Veil getting weaker correlates with the Blight spreading further. If the root of the Blight lies within the Black City, and if the Blight was contained/prevented from spreading further through the creation of the Veil, and if the seven Old Gods are connected to the seven imprisoned, tainted Evanuris and serve as seals to the seven gates/mirrors of the Black City, then this banter and these visuals make a lot of sense:
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Seven semi-circles with two of them still “lit” and the “tambourine”/Veil looking more broken with each new update….
Seven Old Gods/Evanuris that were banished when Solas created the Veil…..
Seven mirrors shattering….
Seven gates of the Black City, which Kordillus Drakon prophesied will someday shatter and cover both the mortal and spirit realms in darkness….
Solas: Your Order… the Grey Wardens… Blackwall: What about them? Solas: The Wardens see themselves as the world's defense against the Blight, do they not? Blackwall: Yes… why do you sound so skeptical? Doesn't everyone know this? Solas: When an Archdemon rises, they slay it. What will they do when all the Archdemons are slain? Blackwall: Retire? Solas: Without Archdemons, there can be no Blights. Is that the reasoning? Blackwall: Right. Where are you going with this? Solas: Nowhere. I hope they are correct.
Varric: Give [the Grey Wardens] some credit, it's not like you can study the Blight safely. I may not like everything they've done, but without the wardens, we'd all be blighted by now. Solas: They've bought us some time, I will grant them that.
DA4 will likely be set ten year after the events of DAI. And the Veil has gotten even weaker/Solas might succeed in tearing it down.
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In Tevinter Nights, Solas claims that whatever he's going to do will "save this world".
Maybe the idol will solely be used to destroy the Veil and merge the World and the Fade, in order for him to, quote, "casually reshape reality".
BUT, you know what was proven to be the ultimate power source for Dreamers to reshape reality in a time before the Veil?
Say it with me.....
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Great. Dragon. Blood.
So let's go back and assume that the idol is a phylactery that contains some part of Mythal/blood and that Solas is somehow still bound to by his true name. Mythal was likely murdered in the Black City, which might've also been the catalyst for the Blight. Solas might want to enter the Black City with the idol. Again, the ancient spirit in Origins can only be freed from the phylactery if it is placed on an ancient altar.
So… What if Solas plans to bring the idol back to its original location and free her spirit?
The Mother's Return
"Why did Mythal come to you?" "For a reckoning that will shake the very heavens."
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At last, let me put on the tinfoil hat one final time and break this all down.
*takes deep breath*
The fact that it is Mythal's mosaic that is revealed to be on the platform in that final fight with Corypheus (symbolically surrounded by red lyrium!), the same ruins that were once the foundations of the Temple of Sacred Ashes.
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The Sacred Ashes of Andraste, which possesses healing qualities "unsurpassed by even the most powerful spells".
Andraste, who was said to be too weak to bear children, but then miraculously was able to give birth to two daughters later in life. Almost like something came into her life that enabled her to do so. Like, for example, drinking the blood of a Great dragon.
Andraste, who might have not only been a mage, but also an Old God Baby like Kieran, carrying the soul of Dumat.
Old God souls, which a certain person seems to be particularly interested in collecting.
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Not the Maker, but Mythal being drawn to Andraste's Old God soul, like a moth to a flame.
Andraste becoming Mythal's host, but that host ultimately burned at the stake, so she had to find another one.
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Fast forward a few hundred years. Mythal has found another host in Flemeth, who just so happens to make a bargain with Calenhad Theirin, making him, again, drink the blood of a Great dragon, to gain special powers, leading him to become the first king of Ferelden.
So she watches the Theirin bloodline, until the fateful day Alistair gets almost killed at Ostagar. So she swoops in again, nudging the course of history by saving Alistair and the HOF.
Next up is Hawke, whom she saves so Hawke could find the idol and free Corypheus, setting the events of DAI in motion.
In DAI, if the Inquisitor drinks from the Well of Sorrows and you listen very carefully to the super creepy background noises while playing the audio backwards, the voices of the Well will tell you to "Stop her" and something else that sounds like "She speaks the Calling".
The Calling. A voice, a song, dreams that will haunt the Grey Wardens. Just like a certain idol does.
The Calling, which will force the Grey Wardens to go mad and join the Darkspawn as a collective hivemind to wake the Old Gods, but only after they consumed the Archdemon's blood in the Joining.
A being controlling people as a hivemind?
Like the Titans guiding their children like a collective mind? Titans, whom Mythal was the first to kill and mine their blood and something else to create bodies for her own people.
"The First of my People do not die so easily." (- Solas in Trespasser)
An Archdemon cannot be killed, because their soul will just transfer to the nearest soulless darkspawn. Transfering the soul. The secret of effective immortality.
How do you kill an Archdemon?
By drinking their blood, slaying them and taking in their soul.
What is an Archdemon/Old God?
A dragon.
What WAS Mythal?
"The new ones are faithful to Mythal, but do not understand what she was in her fullness."
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Mythal's entire image is based on that of a dragon, a form that in ancient times was reserved for the gods. Because before the Veil, it was the dragon's blood that gave those dreamers the power to shape reality, so powerful that they came to be worshiped as gods. But, I think, not only had Mythal the chief role in the pantheon because she had great dragon blood within her, but because…
Her true form IS actually a motherflippin dragon.
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So. What did the Evanuris do in order to KILL Mythal?
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They slayed her, drank her blood and each of the seven obtained a part of her soul, but instead of getting killed themselves, they sought to become essentially invincible through both Mythal's blood and the tainted Titan blood/red lyrium.
Let me quote this wonderful post by @virlath from a few years ago.
With her conquering of the titans, I think it’s likely that her blood is a part of the blight and the red lyrium corruption. Mythal ran the elves' lyrium operations. She had a connection to the titans and their children. She also stole knowledge of the Void from Andruil. Combining all this knowledge it makes sense that she could use this to her advantage once she was imprisoned and corrupted, because she had a connection to both dragon's blood and lyrium. She just needed a physical aspect- Flemeth, and now Solas, to act out her plans. The use of dragon fire in Dark Fortress is further indication that the combination of dragons and lyrium results in a massive power nexus. I think it’s possible that red lyrium is simply lyrium tainted with dragon's blood. More specifically, Mythal's blood. This is why dragons were strictly reserved for the evanuris in ancient elvhen times- because the key to their immortality and power was dragons and more specifically, great dragon's blood. Mythal had strict rules about taking on the form of 'divinity’. I think this was likely because dragons and dragon fire/dragon's blood was the true source of the evanuris' power, and is what allowed them to appear immortal. This could explain why the old gods are so inexplicably linked to the evanuris in the lore. I think the evanuris each had a dragon- an old god, and they each used dragon's blood and dragon fire to make their dreams into literal reality. No one could infiltrate their dreams because only they had access to the power of dragons, which they claimed was their right.
Before BioWare settled on dragons, the Archdemons were supposed to look very different.
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Meaning that, each of the seven Old God souls…. is what?
Yeah, I think it's all Mythal's.
Again, WHAT did the voices of the Well tell the Inquisitor? WHO speaks the CALLING?
It's the voice of the one who's the real owner of that soul. The one who for centuries has been trying to gather the scattered pieces of HER SOUL, driven by nothing but vengeance.
"So Mythal endures."
If the idol contains a part of Mythal, and if Solas used the idol/blade to trick the Evanuris like in Dalish legends, maybe it was because they were desperate to destroy the idol and get rid of Mythal once and for all.
Remember the visions described in Trespasser.
“Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!“ “In this place we prepare to hunt the pillars of the earth. Their workers scurry, witless, soulless. This death will be a mercy. We will make the earth blossom with their passing.” “The runes say the Evanuris fought the Titans. They mined their bodies for lyrium and… something else. It’s not clear.” “They made bodies from the earth. And the earth was afraid. It fought back. But they made it forget.” "For a moment, the scent of blood fills the air, and there is a vivid image of green vines growing and enveloping a sphere of fire." “For one moment, there is a vivid image of two overlapping spheres; unknown flowers bloom inside their centers. Then it fades.”
A sphere of fire… you mean, like the SUN? You mean, Mythal actually creating a MOON, just like in Dalish mythology?
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Bear with me here.
We established that Mythal mined the Titan's blood, which I believe was then used for centuries in combination with her fire to create bodies for her own people/spirits. On top of that, I believe that, after her victory, Mythal used part of a dead Titan and lifted it into the sky to use it as a "cornerstone" to build the capital city of Elvhenan, Arlathan, on top of her "enemy's corpse".
I believe that in the moment of Mythal's death, her blood altered the Titan's blood (which also sundered the Song) and that something happened to the moon that she had created, which in turn led to the unbridled power of the sun to corrupt part of the Titan that the Golden City, Arlathan, was build on, as well as both their blood. And that's when it turned black. That's when the Blight was created.
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Elgar'nan is the God of the Sun in Dalish mythology. He was likely the main instigator behind the Evanuris' betrayal and Mythal's murder.
The sun imagery keeps appearing throughout DA4's promotional stuff.
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If the Old God Lusacan is connected to Elgar'nan, they would represent two polar opposites. The God of the Sun and the God of Night and Darkness. Again, Kordillus Drakon prophesied that the seven gates of the Black City would someday shatter and cover both the mortal and spirit realms in darkness.
"All the world will soon share the peace and comfort of my reign."
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“Lusacan, the Dragon of Night, calls to you. He lives where it is darkest and waits for the day he will rise. Drink of his blood and know the power in darkness: either fear the Night or wield it.“ "The darkspawn yearn to awaken and corrupt Lusacan to start a new age of darkness.” “A night that will never end”
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But why does this need to happen? Because Mythal needs to act out her vengeance upon the ones who murdered her and doomed the world with the creation of the Blight.
"She was betrayed as I was betrayed! As the world was betrayed!" "Mythal clawed and crawled her way through the ages to me, and I will see her avenged!"
Solas wants to save his people no matter what, and for that, the Veil needs to be torn down, resulting in the World and the Fade becoming one again…
But, to truly restore his People, I believe that he needs the Mother to come back.
Mythal represents both Justice and Vengeance. If justice is corrupted, it will turn into vengeance. Solas makes no difference between spirits and demons.
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"I am sorry as well, old friend."
That last line of Flemythal to Solas. It's so simple, but what does it truly mean? Why is she apologizing to him?
Is it because none of this would have happened if she didn't die and everything that happened to the people and the world was because of her downfall? Because it was her who started all this in the first place with the death of the Titans, stealing their hearts and corrupting their blood?
With her gone and no one left to keep the false gods in check, if it hadn't been for her death, Solas wouldn't have been left with what seemed to be the only choice?
Is she sorry for everything he had to endure, from her giving him a body against his will, twisting his original purpose, to him having to live with the guilt over the death of a world and an entire civilization for a thousand years?
Or is she apologizing for using him?
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"An eclipse as Fen'Harel stirred."
"Cry havoc in the moonlight. Let the fire of vengeance burn. The cause is clear." (- Solas reciting Mythal's invication)
She knew that Solas would do anything at this point to undo his mistakes and save the people he doomed. She knew exactly what Solas would do when he came to her in that after credits scene in DAI. She knew that he would need that power and the idol to complete his ritual in order to tear down the Veil, but to what end?
Without the Veil, whoever controls the dreams controls reality.
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v-arbellanaris · 11 months
"genitivi dies at the end" is actually so funny as a concept because you can literally kill him in dao. he died in the beginning
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felassan · 2 years
BioWare describe the new cinematic as an "in-game cinematic" ("not actual gameplay"), a "work in progress cinematic" and a "key cinematic". In the blog post they say "we wanted to close out this year with [showing the new cinematic]" - I wonder if this is communicating that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will not be present at The Game Awards 2022?
The blog post repeats the 2020 teaser trailer tagline, "The Dread Wolf Rises", and the motif of waiting for Solas to make his move recalls an earlier blog post where they said "Rest assured, Solas is placing his pieces on the board as we speak." This language always reminds of Solas' chess match with The Iron Bull. And of rooks (the chess piece) & therefore of his Tower tarot card, and of the Red Book with wolf & tower in its emblem.
Stylistically and with Varric's voiceover, the new cinematic is reminiscent of the Varric-narrated cinematics in the Dragon Age Keep and in DAII when he tells Cassandra the story of the Fifth Blight in relation to the Champion in the opening, and the cinematics he narrates in DAII that bridge the Acts. Could this be the introduction cinematic to DA:D? Returning players know who Solas is, but new players need that grounding.
"Elven god of lies or heroic rebel against tyranny? Depends on who you ask" is reminiscent of Codex entry: The Rebel God.
The Dalish use "Harellan" to mean "traitor to one's kin," but the word does not appear in any elven text before the Towers Age. The ancient root-word is related to "harillen," or opposition, and "hellathen," or noble struggle. The Dalish call Fen'Harel a god of deception, but I posit a far more accurate translation would be "god of rebellion."
What he rebelled against is a story lost to time. In Dalish legends, Fen'Harel seals away the other deities out of love of trickery. If we understood more ancient elven, we might find earlier versions of the Dread Wolf's story give him a more nuanced motivation beyond spite.
—From A Treaty on the Pagan and Heretical Customs of the Elven, by Senallen Tavernier of the University of Orlais, commissioned by Empress Celene.
God of deception, or god of rebellion? God of lies or heroic rebel? Which version of the story is the truth? The truth is probably somewhere in-between.
The title of the video on YouTube, "Who is The Dread Wolf?" reminds of Rasaan in Genitivi Dies in the End, in search of his "true name".
Regarding the cinematic itself:
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The first painting recalls Solas both as Hermit and Hierophant. He's in the same position as he is in the Hermit, carrying the same staff and enhaloed by concentric circles, sun-like. Meanwhile the rolling hills on which he stands, golden leaves and lighting are more like the Hierophant. Then the screen darkens and the sun becomes a (full) moon. Interesting to see that here the Dread Wolf's eyes are Red like the Tower card again, not blue as here.
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The howl at this point reminded me of the howling wolves in the background when the Inquisitor is lost in the snow, and the overcoat and pin here are similar to this outfit.
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The golden geometric patterns remind of the 2020 trailer where the "Dragon Age" logo was gold in color, over a black background and sun-like background. It also reminds me of sacred geometry (which "is associated with the belief that a god is the creator of the universal geometer"; "the belief that a god created the universe according to a geometric plan"). Anyways, here is where it gets really interesting. We are no strangers to the concentric circles motifs and these patterns: the Golden/Black City in the center of the Fade, surrounded by a hemisphere barrier which represents the Veil. The Golden City turns Black right as Varric says "Solas imprisoned them". Is Solas doing this what caused the Golden City to turn Black, corrupted and Blighted? Recall Duncan in the opening of DA:O:
"The Chantry teaches us that is the hubris of men that brought darkspawn into our world. The mages had sought to usurp Heaven, but instead, they destroyed it. They were cast out, twisted and cursed by their own corruption. They returned as monsters, the first of the darkspawn. They became a Blight upon the lands."
Hubris is defined as excessive pride, and when that cinematic shows the Magisters returning to the world Tainted, there's a peacock feather shown (a symbol of pride). pride, or Pride himself? If the Golden City turned Black when Solas imprisoned the Evanuris, then this seems to imply a connection between Solas locking the Evanuris away (or more specifically, between Solas creating the Veil in order to do so) and the origin of the Blight. Creating the Veil, an unnatural construct, is connected to the Blight beginning. A fan theory which existed prior to this cinematic to be sure, but still cool to see here.
And so is the Golden City blackened With each step you take in my Hall. Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting. You have brought Sin to Heaven And doom upon all the world.
-Threnodies 8:13
According to Corypheus, the Golden City was already Black when they reached it, and the throne was empty. Was it the hubris of human men, or the hubris of one man, Solas, that brought doom upon all the world in the form of the Blights? The world he woke up to in DAI was a nightmare world, to him.
Also of note are the seven symbols arranged around the outside of the ring. It's been speculated based on previous versions of the 'hemisphere with some spheres lit and some not lit' image that the lit/unlit hemispheres represent the Old Gods, two still sleeping. And while they may still be connected (Old Gods-Evanuris), we have seen these symbols before, in Trespasser atop elven mirrors and statues, and in mosaics. They're elven, and so the symbols, and therefore the lit/unlit hemispheres, actually represent the Evanuris, minus Mythal ('dead' at the time) and Solas himself. Two specifically are immediately recognizable:
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which... 😬 oooh we in danger
As for here
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it's hard to tell, but maybe he's holding the red lyrium idol here? And does this show the past, Solas creating the Veil atop the mountains in the Frostbacks where Skyhold now stands ("the place where the sky is held up/back"), or is this future him destroying and taking it back down? Maybe both.
Q: Why does Varric say "he wanted", not "he wants"? And what's the golden disc in the center of the circle? It's more central than the Golden/Black City. Is the City perhaps not the center of the Fade after all?
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shivunin · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @greypetrel and @demandthedoodles! It might be misleading to call this part of a WIP because upon editing I fear I may have to cut this bit. But it's too funny to toss into the void and it doesn't fit with anything else I'm working on at the moment, so here's part of a letter exchange between Varric and Fenris post-HLTA.
A series of letters passed between Skyhold, a dead drop on the border between Tevinter and the Free Marches, and northeastern Ferelden: 
28 Kingsway, 9:41 Dragon
Hawke is fine. 
That’s how she wanted me to open this letter, so there: Hawke is fine. In my personal, expert opinion, I think it’s bullshit. She has that look about her—the one she had after Leandra died. You know the one I mean. 
I’ll let her tell you herself, because you’ll never believe me if I try to explain. I wouldn’t believe myself, to be honest. Her trip down the mountain keeps getting delayed, but officially she’s headed to Weisshaupt. She said you’d know what she meant by it. 
Don’t bother asking me why I’m the one writing to you and not her. I asked her the same thing and she wouldn't give me a straight answer. 
As for the Inquisition: I wouldn’t bother. Sort of get the feeling there’s too many folks here you’d rather avoid. The whole “castle on a hill” thing makes this place hard to sneak away from, I can tell you that from experience. We have good people here. They’ll figure this whole thing out. 
She refuses to stick around. Said she has a promise to keep, and she wouldn’t take any coin no matter how much they offered her. Between you and me, I tried to talk her into taking it—they’re good for it, and she might as well get something in exchange for everything else, but you know Hawke. She got that look in her eyes and said she’d have the loan of a horse and nothing else. Wasn’t really sure what else I could do. 
Just—take care of her, would you? 
Your friend, 
10 Harvestmere, 9:41 Dragon
You are mistaken. Where is she?
15 Harvestmere, 9:41 Dragon
You know everything I know. Would it kill you to sign your letters properly, by the way? You have no idea how many of these things I send and receive in a day. 
She left, is all I know. Didn’t want to be too specific for reasons I’m sure she’ll explain for herself.  I’m not keeping anything from you. She said what she said and she hasn’t written to tell me otherwise. I don’t know what to tell you, Broody. Maybe go where she sent you and wait. 
Listen, I’m set to go out on a set of missions in the next few days. They’ll pass on any messages, but I might not be able to answer right away.
Your friend, 
18 Harvestmere, 9:41 Dragon
Hawke was not there. Nobody was there. Where have they put her? If you cannot give me a straight answer, I will ask you in person. 
And finally, an undated and unfinished letter tucked inside a writing case in a Hinterlands encampment:
I can’t tell you anything you didn’t read in the first letter. 
Hawke left Skyhold in one piece. If I use the Inquisition’s agents to track her down, then they’ll know where she is. She explicitly asked me not to do that. So I’m not sure what you want me
The letter ends in a large, angled splotch of spilled ink.
(Originally, this was followed by a scene where Fenris is shaking Varric by the lapels. Despite being very funny, it didn't quite fit right, either. Alas. Someday.)
Tagging (no pressure as always, lmk if you don't want to be tagged, etc.): @daggerbean @dungeons-and-dragon-age @brother-genitivi @ndostairlyrium @idolsgf @gvnseylike @palipunk
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I didn't love seeing Brother Genitivi (ironically) alive in Brother Genitivi Dies In The End (Tevinter Nights), because I killed him in my first playthrough in 2009 and in every playthrough of Origins since. So I get how people who don't make Alistair king (or have him die), who hand over Isabela, who killed Wynne/Leliana, etc feel about the books/comics. I'm also a person who isn't sure if they'll play the next Mass Effect if it's a post-Destruction game (why would I play someone else's worldstate). But I think that the books and comics are there to inform us, not overwrite our own stories.
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dreadfutures · 2 days
Tonight in the DA fanfic discord I'm reading out loud GENITIVI DIES IN THE END from Tevinter Nights. We're making our way through the whole collection of short stories in prep for DA4. :)
Two stories away from my all time favorite, Eight Little Talons! I can't wait.
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amaryllis-sagitta · 14 days
Embracing Dirthamen’s Gift of Prophecy: DA Dreadwolf Lenormand Grand Tableau (2/ ?)
In this part, I focus on the traditional gendered signifiers in Lenormand, which in this specific reading look suspiciously like antagonists.
Major Figure 1: Snake-Woman
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The first row of the spread kicks off with the Woman in 1st and a Snake in 2nd – a femme figure with major importance to the plot. They are portrayed as charismatic, layered, possibly deceitful or covert in their actions – likely a spy. They will bring about a temporary scheme or a contrivance that turns out to be more trivial than it seemed in the beginning. Shocking and groundbreaking revelations of some private or confidential information will be made to the party (Scythe in 3rd, Key in 4th). It might as well be that the entire mission is a setup to get the party to the Woman, so that they can sway the protagonist to their side.
Moving a little further to the cards that surround the Scythe, it seems that the Woman’s agenda, known to be very rigid, is now upset about their progress being too slow, or they worry about being unable to adapt to an inevitable deep change (Moon-Tree-Stork). This is why the Woman is determined to take radical steps – perhaps even go for a kill to resolve what they consider a serious security issue (Snake-Scythe-Key). Looking at the Snake-Moon pair in between the Woman and the Scythe, we are warned that this person manipulates and deceives for a living, since the Moon in Lenormand represents career, long-term goals, purpose and achievement-based reputation. This person’s greater goal, motivation and calling is more complicated than meets the eye. Their interactions with the protagonist might involve layers of deceit, riddles, and tests of mettle.
They might promise to redeem the protagonist from their threat of punishment. The protagonist will receive a promise of relief from some worries and a chance to start again. The party making the offer is depicted as strong and grounded, and the promised fortune would be long-lasting (Clover in 5th + Child in 6th). But as it turns out, this vision or promise of a reward is not what it seems (Stars in 7th). The protagonist’s lack of experience, their naivety or agreeableness lead them to be deceived or manipulated. The contract – quite possibly to assassinate someone – that is sealed from that place of misinformation, might turn into the greatest problem the party will have to eventually deal with (Ring in 8th, chained with Mountain in 25th).
Now let’s take a look at the column where the card lies. When paired with the Coffin in 9th, the Woman figure will request the party to end something permanently, or to proverbially bring some skeletons out of the closet. The thing in concern is presumed to be overdue, rotten, or it’s literally contained and buried deep underground. Within the Dragon Age context, it would have something to do either with the Blight and the remaining Archdemons, or with ancient elvhen ruins, like the ones explored in Genitivi Dies in The End and The Missing. With the Clouds in 17th following, the party might hope to gain some clarity and respite from trouble from completing this assignment, but some information in the context is being concealed or repressed. The hidden or withheld part is possibly how persistent and difficult to remove the problem is (Mountain in 25th).
A straight diagonal line from the Woman card leads through the Moon in 10th, Dog in 19th, Bouquet in 28th, and the Book in 35th. This figure has a reputation of someone dangerous, radical in their methods, someone who can attack swiftly and cut where it hurts most. In this position, the Moon card gives a major warning that cooperation with that figure, linking one’s purpose to them, might put the party in a deadly danger.
With the Moon and the Dog in 19th, they are perceived as fiercely loyal to their friends – yet, with the Dog being in the House of the Tower, there’s an extra warning message that they might actually try to isolate the party or lead them astray from their true goal. The Tower as a house meaning also hints that this person occupies a high position within some rigid, highly organized structure. This profile reminds me of Rasaan, who has appeared in comic books and Tevinter Nights – the second person after the Ariqun within the Ben-Hassrath, who searches Northern Thedas for traces of Solas’s ancestry and his “true name” in hopes that these can reveal his greatest weakness to the Qunari.
The Woman figure will eventually offer previously unknown, reliable information that is central to the Man (Bouquet in 28th + Book in 35th) and has vital importance to the entire story and the future in general (since the Book is one of the cards in the shorter Line of Fate, which is said to have predictive significance)..
Now, for a final look at some hidden motives in the cards knighting the Woman. With the Tree in 11th and Garden in 18th, the figure is shown as strongly dependent on their network, public connections and a certain role or front they have assumed. Our attention is brought to the well-being of an ancestry, a society or a widespread network. With the Tree in the House of the Whip, the well-being of the structure in concern relies on a high level of discipline, but it might as well be cyclically put into question due to tensions and conflicts. If my interpretation is correct, it would confirm the repeated rumours of inner strife within the Qun.
Major Figure 2: Book-Man
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The Man card lies in the same row as the Birds that represent the protagonist, so there’s a subplot directly connecting them that I already covered in the 1st part of the reading. In the column starting from the Man card, we have Garden in 18th through Moon in 10th and Snake in 2nd. It appears that the Man, too, relies on their network and a certain public facade. They, too, have a reputation of someone dangerous and radical. They appear to be operating openly and purposefully towards certain results (Garden + Moon), but something about that impression isn’t entirely transparent. The Man’s motivations and concerns are covered by the same cards that clarify the Woman’s place in the reading (Moon + Snake).
Interestingly, the Man’s “portrait” (made of up to 8 surrounding cards) is more complete than the one of Woman’s. On the left, representing the past influence over them, we have Clouds in 17th and Mountain in 25th. It seems that the Man had recently come out of some stalemate and changed their mind about some problems of his being irremovable. A more intuitive approach to the Clouds in the House of the Stork might represent a literal transformation in the clouds or in the sky – which makes me believe the Man card represents Solas.
In their present situation, they are building a network and gathering allies; albeit, since the Man is in the house of the Book, they would remain concealed and indirect. In the nearest future, it seems that the Man’s old ally or friend, who has been skeptical towards him or has gone their separate way, arrives with an epiphany that heralds The Man’s success, or at least fills him with confidence (Dog-Rider-Sun).
A diagonal line from the Man goes through the Dog in 19th, Stork in 12th, Clover in 5th. They might pose as an ally to some organizations. But another meaning is the one we’ve already seen in relation to the Woman, since both characters’ diagonal lines meet at this exact card. It seems that both the antagonists will try to separate the party from other allies and the true objective, and pit the protagonist against the other side. The symmetry between their respective columns makes it look like they’re jousting, charging to confront each other halfway. Interestingly, these are the two columns starting the spread, and almost everything else happens outside them, as if both these parties had tunnel vision on their rivalry!
The Man will offer an alliance to bring forth a new beginning colored with spiritual profundity – a long-term, fortunate change of circumstances that they consider to be a necessary condition for thriving and well-being (Clover in 5th). They might receive reluctant help from an agent who's skeptical or cold towards the idea. The change will feel upsetting, chaotic, ill-considered, or carried out impulsively (Dog in 19th + Stork in 12th).
The Man is knighted by Tree in 11th, Anchor in 20th, and Letter in 34th. Interestingly, the Man and the Woman figures share the knighted Tree in 11th, as if the information in that particular area was the crux of their tug-of-war. The Man likely aims to make something in this regard widespread public knowledge, and the Woman might be counteracting to keep it hidden at all costs.
The pairing between the Letter in 34th and the Sun in 33rd makes it look like there is an abundance of absolutely priceless lore to be revealed, that ultimately validates the Man and figuratively shines the light even on things they might have been unaware of (looking at the Clouds-Man-Sun diagonal surrounding them). These are the cards in the Line of Fate, leading up to Bear in the House of the Cross – could this be a confirmation that this arc culminates in a revelation of Mythal as the ultimate antagonist?
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merrybandofmurderers · 10 months
more thinky thoughts for tevinter nights
The Streets of Minrathous: i really quite enjoyed this story. neve was a very interesting character to follow, and i liked getting to see more of how the templars in tevinter work, plus some bits of what the remains of the venatori are up to. i have no real complaints about the story except that it just didnt have the same spark as others i enjoyed more
also, i never felt any real sense of urgency? and maybe it's becuz this was neve telling the story after the fact and she's just of a pragmatic, even-keeled mind, but the story maintained a consistent steady pace, never dragging but never picking up either. i think this might be one of the reason it didn't quite hook me
The Wigmaker Job: oh boy, oh boy!! when i tell you i fucking loved this story. an excellent delicious peek into the crows and their inner workings with a good fucked up and evil antagonist. and lucanis!! my love!!! the all black outfit, the confidence oozing from every pore, the swift and decisive competence, and yet the heart underneath~ i am weak for this man
and the way he and illario play off each other, their banter, their contrasting characters, was utterly delightful. lucanis is calm and collected and focused, with natural instincts that speak to experience, but he's also very sympathetic. whereas illario seems irreverent and indulgent but has a more mercenary mind. the poetic cinema of it all~
Genitivi Dies at the End - i have come with proof that i am not unfairly biased against krispringle becuz i actually kind of enjoyed this story. it was still a little awkward and difficult to follow at points, but was much more readable than Callback. i enjoyed getting to actually know the characters rather than being inundated with meaningless cameos. and seeing a bit of how the remains of the inquisition are looking into solas and that running over into the qunari's hunt for solas - and hints of perhaps some schisms within - was all quite intriguing. so, was this story well-done? debatable. did i still find it fun and interesting? alas, i did
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yukirandom · 2 years
Tevinter Night Short Stories Review
Won't really spoil anything, just some quick thoughts.
Horror Masterpieces - The Horror of Hormak, Luck in the Gardens, The Wigmaker Job
Also favourites: Three Trees to Midnight, Genitivi Dies in the End, An Old Crow's Old Tricks, The Dread Wolf Take You
I've chosen favourite stories but I love all the new lore! So excited to see these new places and interact with these cultures.
I love Patrick Weekes' writing, their rhythm really keeps me engaged.
I knew about Horror of Hormak before reading and it really didn't disappoint! I cried when he appeared. What I didn't expect was even more horror. Luck in the Gardens almost had a cosmic horror vibe and Wigmaker Job, damn... I don't even have words for it. It's completely brutal. I really hope we have horror pieces in the next game, Bioware was always great building tension so we find something absolutely horrifying at the end, and without jumpscares!
Nice to see werewolves again in Hunger. Genitivi Dies in the End was so fun! I'm very biased towards the in-universe writers, it's one of my favourite things in DA.
Old Crow's Old Tricks is everything to me!!! Not only we have an old woman as protagonist but we finally get some justice for elves 🎉🎉 I was smiling the whole time I read it. And it was beautifully written. It's a shame Arone Le Bray has already left Bioware.
Eight Little Talons is so long and for what? I think the plot is quite interesting but I had a hard time focusing. Teia and Viago's tension did not help 😴
The Dread Wolf Take You aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I loved all the different characters telling their stories and the ending... Damn, always under our noses.
Now I'm all caught up on the stories to watch Absolution! (watched the first episode on the premiere and quite liked it, it's a shame it's gonna be so short)
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adastreii · 4 years
I only ever played Philliam, a Bard! in the Dragon Age: inquisition multiplayer and boy, finding him in Tevinter Nights is a trip.
He is a shit and I love him. 10/10 worst Bard in Thedas please let me read more of him.
I also really enjoyed the concept behind the way he played, trying to hit the notes in the right sequence to chain attacks and buffs. It felt fun, and different, even if the aoe nature of it got a little annoying after a while.
Tbh I just want more Philliam being terrible at everything.
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muchymozzarella · 4 years
*me after reading the short story, Genitivi Dies In The End" from Tevinter Nights*
Genitivi is so relatable as a freelancer
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felassan · 2 years
Some brief wonderings on Dragon Age: The Missing #2.
so it's Solas that they're looking for after all, sometimes the most obvious/simplest answer is indeed the one hh.. Varric and Harding are basically getting their own Wolf Hunt DLC. I'd be so excited if the two chars on the front cover behind Harding are Crows, Teia and Viago!! (they look so cool) and I'm thrilled Scout Harding gets her own cover page 🥺
Lady Chrysanthus seems to be a new char. 'chrysanthus' is part of the scientific name for a species of crocus, meaning goldenflowered, and was also the name of an early Christian saint. I wonder if elements of her character design such as wardrobe will be gold-themed? I'm assuming she's a mage. and what is her angle - is she remnant Venatori trying to entrap Varric and Harding, or one of the Tevinters who oppose the Venatori? maybe she's aligned with the Viper, or is a contact of Dorian and Mae's?
for the Crows, well, per The Wigmaker Job (which also takes place in Vyrantium) someone mysterious has been hiring Crows to take out a bunch of prominent Venatori. maybe that's why their paths will "cross" in this comic, especially given Lucanis and Illario had been hired to take Venatori out in TN and then in the short story The Wake with Illario, Teia and Viago Lucanis has died (or 'died').
In Genitivi Dies In The End, the adventuring group were on their quest in the Deep Roads by special commission of the Inner Circle, an expedition to find the true history of the elven pantheon. their expedition report was sent to Varric - maybe this trip into the Deep Roads and so on regarding Solas is him following up on some of their findings himself?
and :D we're in danger. Varric and Harding went into the Deep Roads in pursuit of Solas. so some lead they and the Inquisition remnants had placed him, an agent or interest of his down there. Solas in the Deep Roads.. why? what plan, or concern, of his takes him down there.. Rasaan and the Antaam were down there looking for details about his true name, the Genitivi expedition was down there looking for details on the true nature of the elven pantheon. shattered fragments like ancient elven libraries are down there, maybe there's knowledge or an artifact that could be found in one of these fragments that he's seeking. or it's something to do with the Blight, which he seems concerned about in DAI (we worry about a Double Blight, maybe he's checking how bad it is down there or he's heard about the Ghil pool darkspawn/Ghil labs). I'm reminded of the Fen'Harel statues in the Deep Roads (Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 1):
Now the Qunari bring me down into the lightless depths, and for what? Because the nursery rhymes I remember from childhood make me an expert on ancient elves.
These statues are old. Better shape than anything I've seen on the surface. Many of them are for Mythal, though. And Fen'Harel. Not in a spot of honor, but guarding, attending.
Protector and All-Mother, why are you honored here, so far from the light of the sun? And why was the Dread Wolf at your side?
and Codex entry: Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads:
A new vision appears: elves collapsing caverns, sealing the Deep Roads with stone and magic. Terror, heart-pounding, ice-cold, as the last of the spells is cast. A voice whispers:
"What the Evanuris in their greed could unleash would end us all. Let this place be forgotten. Let no one wake its anger. The People must rise before their false gods destroy them all."
and also for some reason of the Architect? ancient mage beings skulking around in the Deep Roads doing or looking for who knows what.
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theaologies · 4 years
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No more dragon age books only squeaky cats now
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