dokidibi · 1 year
something i haven't seen anyone mention about the Puss in boots: the last wish
there are plenty of stories about someone trying to cheat death, but I don't think I've ever come across a story before where death doesn't play fair either. and the fact that the wolf just casually admitted it? loved it
and the twist is hilarious: you would think that he has some pretty good reason for trying to kill Puss before his time has come, but no. Death just got fed up with watching this dumbass cat waste his lives in incredibly stupid ways, and decided that this arrogant lil bitch needs to get his ass whooped
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
long distance never works out you two are bound to break up
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maturiin · 10 months
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finally watched the nice guys (2016) today
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bobsayshallo · 10 months
I think Jaime Reyes just ended the "everyone is beautiful but no one is horny" curse because he 110% got laid at the end of that movie
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onebadnoodle · 2 years
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hear me roar
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vertigoartgore · 7 months
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Tom Hardy as Max Rockatansky in 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road
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verityblack · 1 year
Me while watching a good portion of the new dungeons and dragons movie:
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baggy-holmes · 2 months
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my review for Monkey Man
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blukiar · 1 year
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🐺"Pick it up-"         🐱 "-If you dare!~" 
Really enjoyed working on this one! I love the thought of them being the perfect duo, an absolute, unstoppable force! My top 2 faves of the entire movie
Like I said before on my twit, I wanna draw everyone from the cast (except big jack) but it won't happen immediately like this one tho as I do wanna draw other things first
That being said, I really love how this one turned out! the bg was a bit of a challenge tho
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ferydraws · 3 months
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can you hear the music?
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So I saw Bucky F*cking Dent yesterday at the Fantasporto Film Festival. I thought that this was probably the only opportunity to see this film on the big screen in Europe (hope to be wrong !).
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The theater was almost full, the film was in English and Portuguese subtitles.
The audience laughed, a lot. People were also very attentive during the moving scenes and there was a lot of applause at the end.
I'm a bit biased (just a bit)but I really loved the movie. The novel is my favorite so I was a bit anxious to see how it was going to be adapted. It was funny, moving, and it gave David his best role so far. Never saw him more alive and genuine. The banter between him and Logan Marshall Green is nice.
I laughed and cried and I'm super proud and happy for David. People seemed to like the movie. Hope it will be released soon at least in the USA because it deserved a lot of love.
Update : thank you so much for being happy for me. Love you all 💚
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Batman vs TMNT is peak crossover for both series.🐢🦇
I seriously loved this movie and have been thunking about it since I saw it a couple days ago.
I've been trying to watch anything and everything I've missed to fill the turtle void and I'd always strayed away from lile this because I was worried about the writing. However I was so happily surprised that the movie was actually really good! It could have fallen into really our of character writing but they were fantastically done!It was really refreshing to see a Bat family dynamic.
Theres so much to say about the movie but mostly as a fan of both TMNT and Batman it was very faithful to both.
All the villian designs were great and they had some banger lines like Ra just flat out calling out Jason Todd! Or how I really felt Shredder was a formiddable foe and not just a crazy cartoon ninja.
The comedic timing too had me dead.
This movie has quickly become one of my favorites!
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May type up more about it later but man do I LOVE this movie.💙🧡❤️💜🦇🐢
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roshellow29 · 7 months
Idk why but I feel the need to rant about trolls band together so here's a warning for SPOILERS.
TL;DR I'll be talking shit about major conflict parts in the movie that I wished were handled differently >:((((
Please take caution (and a deep breath) reading this because I'm very bad at making sense when I ramble ok? Ok les go
The movie was great, loved the songs and I enjoyed branches family shenanigans, including supportive girlfriend poppy I've been WAITING FOR THIS (ifykyk)
But here are some things that bothered me that they could've definitely done differently
1. JOHN DORYS ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC- jd is great. He's actually my favorite! He's a cringefail boyfailiure and I love him for it. In the movie, his whole thing was that he was basically an ass who didn't listen to his siblings and always pressured and bossed them around. Cool, that's established. What's not is, Why??? It's really the whole "perfect family harmony" thing I guess.
Because later in the conflict he says that it was "hard being responsible for four younger siblings" (which bitch me too were litteraly the same) and that all they needed to be was perfect. what I don't understand is why? Why the whole perfect harmony? Where did it come from? They didn't say it was a big thing or that other bands did it? Would it get them more fame? Would it mean that they're perceived as the perfect brothers or something?? Also, why wasn't the grandmother more involved with the kids?? Did she pressure him to care for his siblings because their parents weren't involved or something? That's just one thing that's not really explained to me ig 🤔
And the whole thing that bothers me with jd is that he doesn't do the cliché "branch I'm sorry I was an asshole brother, and I wanna be a better troll to you and our bros. And blah blah blah" like they skip that entire potential jd apology??? I was expecting that with a hug?? I WANTED A HUG WITH BRANCH AND JD OK. He genuinely cares about him!!! You can see it, he really does. He's just bad at communicating. Like extremely - so they skipped that and just made him go, "We'll follow ur lead branch," and that's it.😐 no apology. No proper character development. Just him going "ok yeah I'll follow u one time." LIKE HUH. (This also includes the other siblings cuz they dipped on branch the same, and none of them said sorry!!)
OH and another thing. WHY WERE CLAY AND BRUCE SUCH ASSHOLES TO JD. ESPECIALLY CLAY. like I completely get it, he was an asshole, he pressured and bossed you around, we know that. But that was 20 PLUS YEARS AGO??? Like no you don't have to hug him but damn why r yall so cold???
I'm thinking that because I'm p sure they went no contact at all after they broke up. So how r they so sure he's still the way he was before?? (I mean they were kinda right but still) like you could've been super happy and then get disappointed later when trying to practice hitting the note. It would've made more sense to me idk. Like it just bothers me that they straight up ignore him- it's mean! (But I can't be too mad I mean they all have their reasons ig 🙄)
While we're on the topic of the family, on to my next point.
2. ROSIEPUFF AND HER DEATH. I think it was handled HORRIBLY. Like the whole movie I was just like "plz don't skip over it plz don't skip over it." And then branch drops the bomb on them right (which still caught me off guard like damn) and THEYRE DUMBFOUNDED, GREAT. And then after that there's NOTHING. NOTHING!?!??!?!?!? they don't mention it they don't apologize to branch for what he went through they don't take two seconds to mourn her they're just like "wait she dead?" And then fucking move on like. Why???? they don't question how, they don't question when branch was living in solidarity for 20 years, nothing. and I'm mad as fuck because that was part of Branches entire CHARACTER ARC in the first movie!! They don't mention he was gray they don't mention he didn't sing they don't mention anything. He went through that for 20 YEARS, ALONE. and they don't mention it. I rlly hated that- like they rlly didn't care.
Third smaller topic that I thought was gonna happen
3. I thought clay was gonna end up going, "actually yknow what, I AM fun" and then embrace himself because hes most definitely goofy. But nah they left him trying so hard to convince himself he's serious, and tbh he just came across as branch 2.0.
Alright moving on!!
4. I'm mad they didn't include a little flashback of viva and poppy being inseparable until the escape happened. Like I know popps was an infant but at the same time troll kids talk the day they're born, so it would've been nice to see them be together at least once before they separated.
I WANNA DECK PEPPY IN THE FACE. you lost your daughter and instead of MOURNING her and spreading her memory you decided to act like she didn't EXIST. WHY. like he was obviously depressed and sad but why didn't you tell poppy stories of her when she was a kid or something? And keep her memory alive??
(And sure. There's the thing with "They weren't gonna give poppy a sister until now" but I feel like they could've at least made poppy remember a small flashback is what I'm saying.)
Idk. I just wish it was handled differently like why is peppy keeping so much shit to himself lmao.
Oh yeah and then there's just my little nitpick and it's that I wish they included the troll leaders in the wedding sequence ok they're all friends they should've been invited ok I just wanted to see them again 😭(totally not saying thus cuz world tour is my fav but I am)
Anyway, yeah! I think this is just what mainly bothers me about the movie. I just feel like the conflict was handled poorly. But either than that it's still a good watch. I like it a lot :D
If you read this far, God damn you like to read, and thanks for dealing with my stupid thoughts!
If not, that's OK lol.
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firefox-official · 1 year
genuine congratulations on being alive for the release of sky high 2005. cutting it close but you made it
hey thanks man!
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rudikawhy · 1 month
I watched The Fall Guy yesterday...
... and I would again without hesitation. At first I wanted to see it because of Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, but as soon as the movie started, I knew I would love it, no matter the actors (though Ryan and Emily made it even better).
[The following will probably contain spoilers]
The shots, the cuts, the way they talked, the way it was built, just the whole vibe the movie was giving me within the first few minutes was perfect. I would have guessed that it was a funny movie, but for some reason I didn't expect it to be that funny. I laughed so much. It felt so good. And the best part: I didn't care if I was the only one laughing or not.
I loved every second of it. Most of it was funny, or action, that I couldn't take too seriously (like, I wasn't 'afraid' something bad would happen, for some reason not even when Jody kept on letting Colt set on fire), but then when it came to "real action", when it came to the part with Tom Ryder and his other stuntman, it actually also got thrilling for me. I even believed for a good minute or so that Colt actually died (well, I actually didn't allowed myself to believe he survived, so I wouldn't be too sad if he didn't).
Okay and next up, the unicorn. No matter how many times it appeared, it was still funny. And I believe it would've still be funny if it went on further for a little bit more. No seriously, it was so random, and it wasn't constantly there it just kept appearing. Until it didn't. Bye Bye unicorn.
Then: when the CCTV footage showed Colt leaving the hotel room of the dead stuntman and he covered his face with his jacket as soon as he spots the camera - funny. Though I probably laughed too hard.
The split screen talk. I mean the phone call as such was really nice, and a nice change from all the action. They started it as a business call, and went over to a personal conversation. And the split screen added comedy. I can't really say what made it so funny; that they talked about using a split screen while using one, or that they were mirroring each other's actions. Anyway.
Taylor Swift. I felt that so much. Not actually because I was never in a situation like that, like Colt was, but the look on his face when he started the car and All Too Well started playing? That was so true. Also I heard that was actually Ryan crying because he didn't know they were already filming. I love that even more. And that montage of Jody and Colt during All Too Well was just so sweet and beautiful, and then it's cut back to Colt in the car and he is crying. Give that man a hug, please.
Emily sure can sing. Just saying. That karaoke song/performance was beautiful.
Okay and now last but not least. Can I just say how good both Emily and Ryan looked in this movie? Even when Ryan was covered in blood stains. He was still looking so good. And Emily anyway.
Also now I kind of want to see Emily Blunt with Tom Cruise's face. But on the other hand I don't because that's probably disturbing.
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vertigoartgore · 1 month
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Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor vs the Terminator (the T-800 model). Art by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira).
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