raayllum · 1 year
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3x05 / 4x08
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sashaisready · 7 months
Chapter One - The Mouse
Under the Radar Masterlist
Warnings: 18+, smut, some angst, drinking and getting drunk
Wordcount: 2551
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‘Click clack clack’ went your keyboard. Your eyes darted between the two monitors as you typed up research on the location you’d been assigned. The information you’d pulled together was to be used in a mission briefing for a field agent, so it was essential that you included all the background they needed while keeping it concise. Some of your colleagues dismissed these reports as trivial admin, but you never underestimated their importance. You understood that an agent needed to know exactly what they were getting themselves into when they were out in the field. 
You leaned back in your chair as you proofread the text, carefully tuning out the steady hum of the office noise around you. 
Your eyes briefly caught his from across the office floor. Bright blue, ocean blue even. They seemed to sparkle back at you, even in the dreary office lighting. He shot you a hint of a smile so quickly you were barely sure you’d seen it. You smiled back, but he’d already walked away. Typical Nick…always throwing you a few meagre crumbs….
…but still, you’d always gobble them up gratefully.
Nick Fowler. One of the most respected and appraised agents in the CIA. Suave. Unflappable. Fearless. If confidence was cash, Nick was Bill Gates. Everyone in the CIA knew of Nick. Everyone wanted to work with him. 
…but none of them knew you were sleeping with him. 
In fact, none of them even knew who you were. 
Quiet, unassuming, you. Assistant. Hard worker. Tech whiz. Research expert. Your briefing reports were some of the best in the CIA. Thorough. Assured. If someone needed a drive decrypted, they asked you. If someone needed hours of surveillance footage analysed, they asked you. In short, you got shit done. And you got it done well. The agents relied on you to do their jobs. 
Yet in spite of your impressive output, you didn’t have a reputation like Nick’s. No. Nothing like it. Your colleagues barely knew your name. You were the quiet one, the shy one. The little mouse diligently working away at her laptop in the background. It was almost as if being a constant high performer meant nobody was ever impressed. It was just taken for granted that you’d work at the standard you always had. 
Not that you minded too much. The idea of being the centre of attention didn’t really appeal to you. You liked working with computers more than you did with people. You didn’t always know the right thing to say, you weren’t charismatic like Nick. So you didn’t really mind blending into the background, quietly working out of the spotlight. It was safe. Comfortable. 
Still…you couldn’t deny that you sometimes dreamed of working out in the field. Of actually going to the locations you wrote the reports about. Of completing a mission, finding your target. Using actions rather than writing text. Wielding weapons rather than wrangling computers. You knew you were smart enough. You knew you were resourceful enough. You knew you’d probably do a good job of it if you just had the chance…
But you didn’t.
So you kept on. Typing away like you always had. Occasionally dreaming of a different life. Unseen. 
Nick had seen you though.
You’d written a report for him a few months ago. It was detailed, comprehensive. You’d cross referenced previous missions in that area and pulled historic records to give him the full picture. You’d meekly knocked on his office door once you’d finished, holding the binder in slightly trembling hands. Nick always made you nervous. Maybe it was his prowess…or maybe it was the teeny tiny crush you’d developed on him over the years. You occasionally stole glances at him from across the office, marvelling at his chiselled jawline, the strong line of his back. You once saw him in a tight white t-shirt after a training session, sweat dripping off his taut muscles, and you had to rush back to your desk to calm down.
Not that you’d ever really spoken to him beyond emailing him his documents and occasionally making him a cup of coffee (he liked milk, not cream, only a dash - the colour shouldn’t be lighter than a walnut).
He’d eyed you with interest as he called you in, watching you carefully as you reminded him of your name (you were sure he wouldn’t remember) and handed the report over. 
He picked it up and flicked through as you moved to leave and he asked you to stop.
“This is good” he’d said.
You had smiled in response. “Uh…thank you, Agent Fowler. I worked hard on it”.
“Call me Nick…”
“Oh yes. Uh…thank you Nick”.
I can see you worked hard” he said as his scrutiny switched between you and the report. “The assistants don’t normally pull the archives for these things…”
You nodded. “Yes…well I thought the context was important as this is quite a sensitive area. I thought it would help to…uh….paint the full picture”.
He nodded back solemnly. His face was impossible to read. “I agree”.
He put the pages down and looked up at you. “I appreciate people who go the extra mile”.
You had blushed slightly, the weight of his full focus leaving you uncomfortable in a way that wasn’t altogether awful. You weren’t used to being the centre of anyone’s attention, let alone someone like Nick Fowler.
“You coming to the drinks tonight?” He asked.
Ah yes. The famed after work drinks in the Irish pub downtown. Most of the department went every week, the agents too if they weren’t out on a mission.
You laughed awkwardly. “Oh…uh. No…it’s not really my scene…”
He stared back at you, unperturbed by your response. “You should come” he said plainly. “I’ll buy you a drink as a thank you for your hard work”.
You laughed again, assuming it was an empty gesture just to be polite. You didn’t want to inconvenience him. “Oh you don’t have to…I mean it’s fine I-“
“Great. So you’ll come” he said, his face stony. 
You just nodded. What else could you say? ‘No’ simply wasn’t an option. If you’d learnt anything in all your time at the CIA, it was that Nick Fowler didn’t take no for an answer. 
He went back to his laptop and you took your cue to leave, unsure of what exactly had just happened. But one thing was clear, you’d be there for happy hour tonight. With Nick Fowler…Who had invited you personally. You disguised a smile as you went back to your desk. 
Later that night you sat nursing a drink at a busy table as your colleagues chatted and laughed rambunctiously. You didn’t quite fit in like the others did, but you smiled in the right places and laughed along. Some of them had even said it was nice to finally see you out, which somehow felt like both a compliment and a jab at the same time.  
Nick was circulating. It made sense, he was in demand. You watched as he seamlessly moved from table to table, making people laugh as he regaled them with war stories from the field and bought everyone rounds of drinks. You felt stiff and uncomfortable in this environment, but clearly this was his natural habitat. You marvelled at his poise in this scenario, he was in his element. You supposed this was why he was so good at his job, he could adapt and thrive in any context.
He hadn’t spoken to you at all. Certainly hadn’t bought you that promised drink - but that was okay. He was busy. He probably forgot. No big deal. Eventually you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, thinking about curling up under your blanket at home and watching an episode of your comfort show. You didn’t want to say you were leaving, knowing your colleagues would drunkenly berate you for heading out early like the goody two shoes you were. So you snuck off and headed to the exit, pulling your coat on as you mentally went through what you had in your fridge at home. 
“Leaving so soon?” Said a voice, and suddenly you collided with a wall of muscle. You gasped, peering up into the arresting eyes of Nick Fowler. Your heart pulled in your chest. 
“Uh I’m sorry Agent Fowler. Uh yeah I was just..”
“I told you, call me Nick” he scolded. “You can’t go yet…I need to get you that drink.”
“Oh that’s okay…you don’t have to. I was just doing my job I don’t need to be thanked like that-” you babbled. 
“What are you having?” He asked casually, as if you hadn’t just declined.
“No really it’s fine…I should really get going-”
“If you don’t tell me I’ll just pick for you so…hope you like vodka soda”.
“Ew…no” you scoffed, then frantically clamped your hand over your mouth when you realised how rude you’d been. “Oh god, sorry I-“
He just chuckled. “Well. That’s more like it”.
So you’d relented and he got you a drink. And another. Then one more. Then suddenly you were in the corner of the bar telling him a terrible joke as he watched you with amusement, his hand propping up his chin. His eyes were on you again and you had quickly discovered how much you liked being on the receiving end of his gaze. 
“…and so the CIA agent said, that’s no Russian intel, that’s my Uber Eats account!”
He groaned and rolled his eyes. “That is…terrible”.
You laughed in response, even through your tipsy haze knowing that his eye rolling would’ve crushed you if you hadn’t knocked back those drinks. But you had, so you merely grinned at him.
“Oh hush. Lighten up, Agent Fowler…”
“Right! Saint Nick…”
“You mean Santa?”
“No!” You scoffed derisively. “I mean you’re the great Nick Fowler…agent extraordinaire…loved by all. Basically a super hero apparently…”
He smirked. “But you don’t think so, huh?”
You scoffed again, your slight inebriation igniting a confidence you never knew you had. “Of course I think so! I read the report from Belarus, heard the story about Vienna…saw the pictures from Edinburgh too. You’re so damn good at what you do it’s…intimidating.”
His smirk grew wider. “Oh, really?”
“Oh shut up” you spat. “You know exactly what kind of reputation you have. Hell, you revel in it. Take tonight for example, you’re Mr. Cool…making everybody laugh and buying drinks like a hotshot. You love it”.
He chuckled. “You got me all figured out, do ya?”
You shrugged, downing the final drops of your drink. The alcohol all went down way too easy. A small voice in your head squeaked in panic telling you to stop talking, but you somehow couldn’t.
“I guess! Am I wrong?” You asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
“There’s more to me than you think” he explained, his gaze suddenly all the more intense. “It’s important that you all of people understand that”.
You blinked at him, confused. “Huh? Why me of all people?”
“Because,” he said calmly. “Your opinion means a lot to me”.
You laughed. “What?? Me? How many drinks have you had - you barely know me…”
He doesn’t blink. “I know you’re smart. I know you’ve been here five years and you’re the best assistant we got. I know that your work makes your senior colleagues look like interns. I know the department basically falls apart when you go on vacation. And I know that, despite all these facts, you don’t get half the recognition or reward that you deserve”.
You swallowed, shocked that he knows anything about you…let alone something like this. “I..uh…”
“…so yes. Your opinion is important to me. Because I respect you immensely and I wouldn’t want one of the smartest colleagues I have to think I’m just some CIA frat boy who thrives off being ‘Mr Cool’…as you so eloquently put it”.
You gawp at him open mouthed, unable to fully grasp what he’s just said. The sheer fact that Nick knows who you are, that he knows all that you do is dizzying. Here you were thinking you were under his radar the whole time…just like everyone else’s…but of course you’d underestimated him. 
“I….” You stammered. “No…I don’t think that. I think…you’re a brilliant agent, who deserves all the praise he gets”. You were earnest now, all joking forgotten.
He smiled.
“Well…that’s nice” he took a sip from his whisky. “Wanna know what else I think?” He asked quietly, leaning in so your faces were almost touching. His cologne practically seeping into your shirt. 
“W-what?” You whispered. 
“I think you’re very pretty” he said lowly. 
You gasped, unable to hide how flustered you were. You tried to speak but no words came out, you just looked at the floor - any previous bravado from the alcohol immediately snuffed out. Your shyness was back in full force, you simply didn’t know what to say. 
He seemed unperturbed.
“So…” he sighed, picking up his coat. “Am I taking you home?”
And that’s how it started. He’d taken you home and leaned in on your doorstep. He’d kissed you and you’d kissed him back. Your heart had felt like it might burst. You were vibrating. You couldn’t believe this was happening. 
You invited him in and he kissed you again. He moved onto the couch where he’d pulled you onto his lap and nibbled on your earlobe. Your hands surveyed his shoulder blades as you melted to his touch and he pulled a way for a moment to check you weren’t too drunk for this. You weren’t. The alcohol seemed to metabolise the second he’d called you pretty. Your head was clearer than it had ever been. This was all you had ever wanted. He’d grinned and said soothing ministrations into your ear as his hands explored every inch of you and his mouth became acquainted with the softness of your skin. His fingers in your hair. His moans against your lips. The cocky, suave Nick Fowler became a different man as he worshipped at the altar of your body and cooed and coaxed, watching you intently with those dangerously blue eyes that seemed to see you entirely. All of you. 
He held you tightly as he fucked you in your bed and told you how beautiful you were, how good you felt, how wonderful you were, how perfect it was to be with you. You almost cried tears as you came that first time, overwhelmed with pleasure and your head spinning with the revelation that Nick wanted you the way that you wanted him. You vowed you’d remember this moment forever as he spooned you afterwards, his chin resting on your shoulder as his heavy breathing morphed into gentle snores and you drifted off to sleep in his arms..
And now?
Idiot. What an idiot you’d been. How foolish to think he saw you how you saw him. A few nice words and he had you in the palm of his hand. How easy it must’ve been for him.
You were simply Nick Fowler’s dirty little secret. A hidden shame he didn’t want the rest of the office to know about. 
And the worst part was...
…You always came back for more.
>Chapter Two - Beige
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thedevilsruby · 3 years
Strays Stick Together (Sierra fic)
Sierra walked down the street, chomping hard on the ham, mayo and cheese sandwich she had acquired with the leftover pocket money she had managed to save.
It didn't matter where she was going, her fifth foster mother and father were drinking (at two in the afternoon, no less) and arguing about stupid Tauros-shit she didn't really care about. She was moody because of this, and ignored anyone who tried to talk to her.
She was turning a corner when she heard a sudden loud bang, making her jump. It was in the alleyway next to her. Curious, she decided to tread carefully into the alley.
What she saw broke her heart.
It was the tiniest and skinniest Houndour she had ever seen. It was whining desperately as it sniffed empty containers and wrappers, it licked any amount of crumbs it could find. Sierra knew that wouldn't be enough to fill his empty belly.
Looking down at her half eaten sandwich, she knew what she had to do.
"Hey," She said gently. "here, boy." She gently knelt and placed the sandwich on the ground, stepping away so he could have his space to eat.
The Houndour looked warily at Sierra, but recognizing food and not being picky, it ran over and gobbled every bite it could gratefully.
Sierra watched with pity. She knew what it was like to go hungry. Some nights with her other foster families, she was lucky to have meals at all, other times they would forget to feed her entirely.
But this little guy had no one to feed and shelter him.
"Hope things get better for you, little guy." Sierra sighed before turning to walk away.
That's when she felt tiny teeth grab the end of her pants and little whimpers. She looked down to see the Houndour now pulling at her pant leg.
Her heart shattered entirely. "I'm sorry, that was all my food. You ate it." She said. But then the Houndour leapt up on her leg and pawed, whining to be picked up and hugged.
Seeing those sad eyes, Sierra couldn't resist. She picked the little Houndour up and couldn't help but feel worse when she felt how light he was. How long had he been out here?
"You're unwanted and unloved too, huh?" She asked quietly, petting his head. "That's okay, I am as well."
The Houndour yipped and licked her cheeks, making her laugh. "But who wouldn't love you? You're so precious!" She grinned.
Looking around, she made eye contact with the Houndour. Sierra knew she needed to be the one who would take care of him.
She ran back home, never letting the Houndour down, even just for a second. She managed to get past her already buzzed foster parents and grabbed all the fattening foods she could out of the kitchen, feeding everything she could to Houndour slowly so he wouldn't get sick.
Weeks went by and he slowly started gaining weight. Sierra would split her meals with him, and when she finally had some money, she took him to the Pokemon center, where she was relieved when he got an all clear on diseases and tests. He was hers to keep.
Or so she thought.
Her foster mother had discovered him sleeping in her bed while she was at school. She had gotten an earful, keeping the Houndour in her lap as she glared at the floor.
"We took one stray in, we don't need another. If you can't accept that, then get out!" Her foster father yelled.
"Fine!" Sierra snarled. "This place and you guys are full of shit!"
When she packed her suitcase and kept Houndour in one arm, her CPS case manager, Harriet, sighed. "Sierra, you can't keep the Houndour. There are foster homes who won't accept Pokemon."
"Then find one that will or kick me out onto the streets!" Sierra snapped. "I'm not giving up my only true friend!"
He was a stray and so was she. They needed to stay together, because they were the only ones who truly cared about each other.
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ghost-in-the-hella · 4 years
63. “I need a place to stay.” PriceMarsh
Roughly 1 million years later (in fandom years), here it is. 
CW for homophobia and implied domestic abuse. 
When Chloe answers the door at 9pm on Christmas Eve, she isn’t expecting to see her girlfriend. She especially isn’t expecting to see her looking tear-stained and puffy-eyed in her best church clothes, soaked to the skin and carrying a hastily packed backpack. 
“Kate! What’s wrong?” she asks, heart immediately hammering anxiously in her chest. 
Kate barely manages to get the words out. “I need a place to stay.” 
“O-of course, yeah.” Chloe holds the door open and steps back, ushering her inside. It’s too cold and rainy outside for Kate to be standing there without a heavy coat. 
“I’m sorry,” Kate starts babbling as soon as she’s over the threshold. “I didn’t know where else to go; the dorms are closed until after New Years and--” 
“Hey, hey,” Chloe says soothingly, pulling Kate gently into her arms. “I’m glad you came here. I just wasn’t expecting you, that’s all. But I’m glad you’re here. I missed you.” 
Kate hiccups something between a laugh and a sob into Chloe’s shoulder as she hugs her back so hard that Chloe’s ribs ache. “I missed you, too,” she mumbles wetly. 
“What’s going on?” David barks from the living room over the sound of the television. “Shut the damn door, girlie; you’re letting all the heat out!” 
Chloe gives Kate an extra squeeze, feeling the way she tenses at David’s gruff voice. She kicks out one foot, pushing the door loudly shut. 
“Who is it?” Joyce asks, poking her head out of the kitchen, her hands still dripping soap suds. Her eyebrows rise in concern when she sees the state that Kate is in. “Kate, darlin’!” she exclaims, leaving the kitchen and wiping off her hands on a dishcloth. “What’s the matter?” 
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Madsen,” Kate says through a fresh wave of tears. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your family so close to Christmas. I’m sorry I didn’t call ahead; she took my phone.” 
Chloe’s heart sinks down to her toes and her head starts buzzing numbly. Shit. She’s been dreading this moment ever since she and Kate started dating. “Your mom?” 
Kate nods, looking heartbroken. She turns to Chloe. “I didn’t mean to tell her anything,” she says in an agonized rush. “It just slipped out. One of my cousins came out over Thanksgiving, and she was talking all about how he was going to hell and I just meant to defend him and… and… It just slipped out.” Kate’s mouth tightens into a pained snarl. “She was just so convinced that none of her perfect daughters could be ‘like that,’ so convinced it was something his parents did wrong and that he would go to hell, and I couldn’t let her. I couldn’t let her keep saying those things as if she wasn’t talking about her own daughter, too.”
“So she kicked you out,” Chloe says numbly. 
Kate nods again, and Joyce’s frown deepens as she sweeps in to put her own arm around Kate’s shoulders. “Well, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, Katie, darlin’. I’m sure your mother will come to her senses--” she glares at Chloe when Chloe snorts angrily “--eventually,” she continues determinedly, “but until then you just stay right here with us. Have you had supper?” 
Kate shakes her head. “Th-thank you, Mrs. Madsen. I’m sorry to impose, I just didn’t know where else to go; the dorms are closed over break.” 
“Never you mind; it’s no imposition. Chloe, would you set up a dinner plate for our guest?” 
“Yeah, ‘course.” Chloe lets go of Kate and looks her up and down. She’s sopping wet and shivering. “You wanna grab a shower and warm up while I’m heating the leftovers? You can borrow some of my pjs if you need a change of clothes.”
“Thank you,” Kate says once again, pressing her cold lips gratefully against Chloe’s cheek as Joyce returns to the kitchen and starts bustling about in the refrigerator. “I managed to grab some things before she locked me out, but I don’t know if I’ve even got a complete outfit apart from what I’m wearing.” 
Chloe scowls. “I can’t believe your dad let her do this. And on Christmas Eve; what the actual fuck.” 
Kate shrugs sadly. “He tried to reason with her, but when she gets like this…” She sighs. “Maybe he’ll be able to talk her around, eventually. At least enough that I can go back and get the rest of my things.”
“He’d fucking better. And if he doesn’t, we’ll break in and take them back,” Chloe promises. 
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” 
“Parents kicked you out, huh?” David says, suddenly looming in the doorway with a nearly empty beer bottle dangling from one hand. “That’s rough.”
“I… Yes, it is, Mr. Madsen.” 
David nods contemplatively, eyes darting back and forth between Kate and Chloe, and Chloe wants to go over and smack his eyes shut. “Well. Sorry t’hear it. I s’pose we can fix up the couch for you ‘til the dorms reopen.” 
It’s more than Chloe expected from him but less than Kate deserves. “Kate can stay in my room. We’re both adults.” 
David’s expression sours. “Miss Marsh can stay on the couch,” he replies. “Your mother and I already tolerated enough shenanigans when that Amber girl used to stay over. This isn’t a bordello.” 
Chloe’s anger flares and she steps forward to say something well-deserved but ill-advised, halted only by Kate’s gentle hand on her elbow. “I can sleep on the couch,” Kate says. “I don’t mind. I fell asleep on the bus ride here; the couch will be much more comfortable, I’m sure. Thank you, Mr. Madsen.” 
Step-douche nods at that and disappears back into the living room like some vile ghost. Chloe wishes he’d fuck off and find some other house to haunt. Chloe’s distracted from her thoughts by the soft, cool press of Kate’s lips on the corner of her jaw. Kate slips her fingers into Chloe’s and gives them a squeeze. “I’m going to go shower and get changed. Maybe I’ll feel a bit more stable then. We can figure everything else out afterward, okay?” 
“Okay,” Chloe says, turning to kiss Kate back, just a light peck at the edge of her lips. “I’ll heat up some food for you. We can talk it out once you’re warm and dry with a full stomach.”
Kate nods. “I’m probably going to cry a whole lot,” she warns. “I feel sort of numb right now, but I don’t know how long that’s going to last before I break down again.”
“I’ve got two good shoulders,” Chloe tells her. “You can cry on them all you need. I’ve got your back, Angel.”
Kate already looks a bit teary when she pulls Chloe in for a hug. “I should be calling you Angel. You’re the one saving my life here. I don’t know what I would have done tonight if I didn’t have you to run to.”
Kate wouldn’t have to run anywhere if it weren’t for Chloe, but Chloe knows that if she says that out loud Kate will only deny it, so she gives Kate a squeeze and sends her upstairs. Chloe busies herself in the kitchen, trying to focus on setting up the best dinner she can for her girlfriend rather than on the bottomless anger welling up inside of her.
“I just can’t imagine,” Joyce sighs. “And on Christmas Eve, no less! I thought you said they were Christians. What good Christian woman would throw her daughter out on Christmas Eve?”
Chloe shrugs because if she speaks she’ll only shout, and she doesn’t want Kate to hear her yelling and get upset.
Joyce stares at Chloe’s tight shoulders for a moment, her brow furrowed and jaw tensed in contemplation, and she gently takes the plate from Chloe’s hands and puts it into the microwave. “You know that I love you, Chloe. Don’t you?” 
Chloe nods, feeling like she might cry or be sick or very possibly both. It isn’t fair. Kate’s the good one. Kate deserves a family that loves and protects her. She deserves better than her mother’s rejection, her father’s inadequacy, Chloe’s bony shoulders to cry on, David’s barely-there tolerance. She deserves the world, and Chloe doesn’t know how to give it to her.
“Oh, Chloe.” Joyce pulls her into a gentle hug, and Chloe’s upset enough that she lets her, sobbing wetly into her mother’s shoulder before she can stop herself. “Chloe, Chloe. We’ll take good care of that girl. She can stay here as long as it takes.”
“I’ll talk to David. Don’t you worry about anythin’, Darlin’.”
Chloe wants to say something cutting about why hasn’t Joyce ‘talked to David’ about not berating her constantly, not invading her privacy, not smacking her around whenever she talks back to him rather than take his shit. But she can hear the shower turning off upstairs and she doesn’t want to get them both kicked out on Christmas Eve with nowhere to go. “Thanks, mom,” she mumbles, wiping her eyes as she pulls out of the embrace. The microwave beeps and Chloe goes to check on the food.
Kate comes downstairs a few minutes later with damp hair hanging around her shoulders, wearing one of her own sleep shirts paired with a severely oversized pair of Chloe’s pajama pants. She’s rolled the cuffs several times and they still drag on the floor. She looks soft and sweet, and Chloe just wants to wrap her up in the protective warmth of her arms and keep her safe forever, never let her go. Chloe draws back the chair in front of Kate’s steaming dinner plate. “Hope you’re hungry. Joyce always makes enough food to feed the whole town around the holidays.”
Kate sits and picks up her fork, giving Chloe a bigger smile than Chloe would’ve expected considering how traumatizing Kate’s night has been so far. “You know, I wasn’t sure I would have an appetite at all, but I’m actually famished.” She scoops up a big dollop of mashed potatoes and gobbles it down, closing her eyes in bliss. Chloe has to smile. Kate really is just too cute. She reaches over and thumbs away a smudge of gravy at the corner of Kate’s mouth. “Your mom’s a really good cook.”
“When she has time, yeah. I, uh. I’m actually a pretty decent cook, too. Had to pick up some of her skillz when it was just the two of us and she was pulling doubles at the diner all the time, y’know?”
“Hmm, good to know.” Kate slowly sets down her fork. “You know… I keep thinking I should feel worse. I should feel worse, shouldn’t I?”
“Probably hasn’t sunk in yet.”
“Maybe. I keep thinking: I should be breaking down, my mother threw me out of the house, my sisters were crying, she’s going to tell them horrible things about me, my father failed to protect me… Most of my life is in that house. My phone, my computer, Alice. But all I can feel is relieved.”
Kate nods pensively. “Relieved, and grateful.” She shrugs. “My family knows now. There’s no big secrets left to hide from them. I can stop worrying about what’s going to happen when they find out, because it’s already happened. I can just be my complete self now and not have to worry that it’ll get back to them somehow.” She places her hand over Chloe’s and smiles softly at her. “And grateful because I have you. Because I have a place to go and a person to go to. So many people don’t have that, but I do, and I’m so, so grateful that it’s you.”
Chloe sniffs a little even though she’s not crying - she’s not - and shifts her hand to lock her fingers with Kate’s. “I’m the one who’s grateful for you. I… I wish I had a better place for you to go. Without…” She flails her free hand inarticulately. “Fuckin’ family drama. Without having to look over your damn shoulder in case Sergeant Dickhead’s getting his rage on.” 
Kate squeezes Chloe’s hand. “Maybe… Maybe this can be a good thing. Maybe it can be an opportunity for both of us. I was thinking that when I graduate, I’ll want to move out of my parents’ place anyway, find an apartment of my own… I was, um. I was planning to ask if you wanted to join me.” 
Chloe blinks rapidly, struggling to keep up. “Wait, like… Get an apartment together? Like, move in together?” 
Kate nods shyly. “If you wanted. And now… Maybe it makes sense to start looking sooner. I don’t know if they’re going to keep paying for my dorm room now that I’ve been kicked out, and if they don’t… I mean, even if my dad is willing to keep paying for it, it’s probably better for me to get some distance.” She blushes. “If you want to, of course. It’s okay if you don’t; I didn’t mean to spring this on you so suddenly. I was going to work up to it, try to get a sense of what you wanted to do, if you even wanted to live with me--”
Chloe leans over and kisses Kate hard on the cheek to interrupt her spiral. “I’d love to.” 
Kate lights up. “Really?” 
“Really. Seriously. I can’t think of anything I’d like better. Our own place? Just you and me, able to decorate shit the way we want, to not have to lie or hide anything or walk on eggshells to keep from pissing off our parents?? Hella yes, I want that!”
“We probably won’t be able to afford anything too nice, and we’ll have to get jobs, but--” 
“Fuck, I’m game if you are. I’ll wait tables at the fucking Two Whales if I have to.” Chloe shuts up so that Kate can kiss her. “You and me, Katydid.” 
Kate rests her head on Chloe’s shoulder. “You and me. We’re going to make it work.” 
“Hell yeah, we are.” Chloe presses another kiss into Kate’s wet hair, and she sits and holds Kate and, for the first time in years, looks forward to the future.
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taesbetch · 5 years
01 | Den Of Hybrids
Pairing: BTS  x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 5.1k
Summary: Taking care of six hybrids can be a pain in the ass but when a stray needs y/ns help, y/n brings him home to his new family. Follow Y/n as she tries to help Taehyung (The new hybrid in town) fit in and continue to keep the other six alive along with other troubles that life brings.
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“y/n. hey, wake up!”
You groaned as your body was shaken furiously by the one and only jeon jungkook. That fucking bunny was the end to your peaceful rest almost every morning. Hearing growling next to you, you awaited the routine argument between your eldest hybrid and your youngest.
“Y/n I’m hungry” Jungkook whined as he continued to shake you back and forth. Answering him with a groan you desperately tried to fall back into the slumber you were so rudely pulled from.
“Jungkook, fuck off and make your own food!” Jin growled his ears perked up, suddenly wide awake.
“I’m banned from the kitchen remember, she said I was never allowed to touch cooking supplies without you or Namjoon present” Jungkook answered, unbothered with jin’s annoyed tone as he continued to tug at the white sheets covering your body.
“we’re trying to sleep” jin grumbled as he rolled over, placing the pillow over his head.
“well if you slept in your own bed, you wouldn’t be interrupted,” Jungkook said sassily as he placed his hands on his hips, a small pout making its way onto his face.
A small growl made its way from jin’s lips but that was all he replied with knowing that jungkook held some truth in his statement. Knowing that Jin only slept with you because your attention was mostly occupied with the younger hybrids you let out a sigh and decided to give him some peace and quiet by distracting the alert bunny.
Jin was the first hybrid that you had bought. You may have been sixteen but lying about your age to save what was classified as a ‘senior hybrid’ didn’t seem like a sin to you. ‘senior hybrids’ were often overlooked as they are said to of passed their ‘prime’. Which to you seemed like utter bullshit, to put a timer on someone’s ‘prime’ was stupid as each person is different. When you saw jin argue with the person selling him because they forgot to pack him lunch you knew he was the hybrid for you.
“Okay, I’m up,” you said as you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Slipping your feet into the slippers sitting by your bed a yawn escaped your lips as jins arm tried to pull you back into bed.
“Breakfast!” Jungkook cheered as he bounced around excitedly.
This is when your day starts. This is when the chaos begins.
With jungkook happily escorting you down to the kitchen, you smiled as he looked back at you every couple of steps, making sure you were still following him. When you first were left the mansion of your grandmother you felt a little overwhelmed. And though you had Namjoon to help you out the idea of keeping a mansion alive scared the living shit out of you.
Namjoon was your grandmother’s hybrid, he pretty much watched you grow up which is why the two of you have such a strong connection. When she passed away, she left everything to you, her favourite grandchild.
As you made yourself and jungkook some breakfast you smiled at how far you had come. When you were first given your fund trust, you had panicked. 500 million was enough to keep you more than comfortable but you didn’t want to become one of those kids who did nothing and had everything.
So, you used the money given to you for the house maintenance and your hybrids and used your job to buy yourself clothes and anything materialistic.
“Bacon and eggs! Baconnn and eggs!” jungkook chanted as you brought his plate and yours over to the table. the two of you sat down, jungkook in front of you at his usual spot.
You watched fondly as the boy gobbled up his food. When you turned eighteen you had seen an ad for a sixteen-year-old rabbit hybrid being sold for nothing. This waved major warning signs as these hybrids were usually sold into trafficking rings. Immediately, you contacted the owner and told him you would take him. When you brought him home to Jin your dog hybrid and Namjoon your lion hybrid you were a bit worried he wouldn’t do so well as bunnies were prey animals, but the young and energetic bunny had a blast. Quickly figuring out that his knack of destroying things was the reason his owners gave him up you took extra pre-cautions, knowing that you would never give this bundle of joy away.
Looking at the empty chairs you realised you had let time slip by. Getting up with your plate you began to cook breakfast for the other hybrids as jungkook skipped upstairs to get ready for the day. Letting the food simmer, you began your marathon around the house to get the hybrids together.
Each hybrid had their rooms altered to there needs, all of them had a second floor and special functions.
Since you were on the first floor you ran to Namjoon’s room first “Namjoon! Breakfast in ten!” You yelled as you swung open his door. You smiled as you saw him awake and dressed as usual.
“Ill plate it, while you wake up the others” He smiled as he turned towards you. sending him a flying kiss you raced to the next room. Hoseok was your horse hybrid and boy were you in over your head when you got him. A horse hybrid needs access to the outdoors and needs to have the freedom to shift whenever they need. they also have dietary needs and must eat twice as much as any other hybrid.
“Hoseok! Breakfast in ten” You shouted as swung his door open, slamming it shut just to make sure he wakes up. Hoseok was a stray; he didn’t like talking about his past so you didn’t push him. As long as he was happy and healthy now, you didn’t mind that he kept that to himself.
Running up to the second floor of the house you skipped jungkook’s room as he was awake and ran to jimin’s slowly opening the door as you didn’t want to scare your second bunny.
You got jimin and your cat hybrid Yoongi at the same shelter and clearly, something shady was going on as jimin is scared out of his mind and Yoongi is cold and aloof. the two had obviously reacted differently to the shelter and were now reacting differently to you. Jimin, although frightened and timid was making an effort to connect with the others, he loved cuddle time but would never confidently come to you and demand it. Yoongi, however, was often pouty and moody, sending you glares and swatting your hands away when you would try to come near him.
“jiminieee” you cooed softly as you walked into his room. The boy would often shake under his bed, terrified after being woken up by loud banging and shouts of breakfast.
Kneeling down you smiled softly as you saw the boy with his favourite blankie wrapped around his head. He tried his hardest to smile at you even though his body shook with anxiety.
“breakfast in ten sweetheart,” You said as you backed up, giving him room to crawl out. Watching him crawl towards you, you gave him his morning hug laughing at how utterly adorable he was. Leaving jimin’s room you ran over to Yoongis, knocking obnoxiously hard just to annoy him – he didn’t like it when you entered his room so instead you shouted from the outside. “Breakfast!!!!!” you yelled knowing your voice would also alert the semi-awake dog hybrid in your bed on the top floor.  
Running upstairs you gave Jin a head rub as you walked past each other. The sleep hybrid going down to eat, you going up to get changed.
Pulling off your pyjamas you quickly changed into a jumper and some leggings. Today was restocking day, which means you need clothes that are comfortable and clothes you can move in. taking all seven hybrids to the shops was maybe the hardest thing you’ve ever done but in order to get everything everyone needed, they all had to come.
“Good Morning everyone,” you said as you strolled downstairs, still slightly tired but ready for the day. The group mumbled a good morning back as they ate their food. Walking around the table you gave them all kisses on the head.
“Don’t forget your lists, we leave in an hour” you said as Yoongi fought of your love before giving up and letting you kiss his head as well.
“in an hour!”
You jumped in shock as jungkook appeared out of nowhere, pouting his lips and whining like the baby he was.
“yes jungkook, an hour. I’m not leaving any earlier” You said sternly. There have been a couple of times when jungkook has pleaded you to take him early. His need to get things done not coinciding with the schedule of everyone else, but boy was it hell.
He whined again before stomping back up to his room to occupy himself for the next hour.
Your work as an author meant you were able to take the hybrids anywhere at any time, they wanted. However, for poor young jungkook re-stocking day was set which meant that he would have to wait today, something he was not used to at all.
“Y/n, I put the mail of today on the table, I can go through it later if you like” Namjoon suggested as he put his plate in the sink, checking the other hybrids plates to see if they had finished.
“That would be great, thank you,” You said gratefully.
Turning around you watched as jimin shuffled towards you, his ears low and a soft blush covering his cheeks.
“yes jimin” You smiled ass he played with his hands.
“c-can you h-help me with my list” he asked as he pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket.
“Of course I can! Come here, let me see it” you said as you signalled for him to follow you to the kitchen counter.
As he passed you the list you were shocked at how little was on it. This may have been jimin’s first re-stock day as you only adopted him a couple weeks ago but you were sure you made it clear that they could put anything they wanted down.
“s-s-sorry did I put to much” he whined as a small tear escaped his eye. Your heart broke as you denied his assumption.
“no actually, there’s barely anything on here. In fact, these are things you need but…where’s the stuff you would like?” You asked him as you grabbed a pen laying near the sink reminding yourself to scowl jungkook for leaving things on the counter.
“things I…like?” he asked quietly, his mind drifting into deep thought.
Seeing Yoongi glide through the living room you signalled him over. Even though he rolled his eyes in annoyance he made his way to you, wondering what it is you wanted.
“Yoongi, can I please see you list?” You asked as jimin started writing things down. Yoongi passed you his list, his eyes watching you carefully as you looked at it.
“nawh, you guys, its okay too put more – anything you like you can write down,” You said as you put his list on the table. Yoongi looked at you in shock before confusion covered his face.
“anything?” he asked.
“Yeah! Jungkook has a 6ft basketball hop on his list. Usually, I approve the lists beforehand but this time I’ll let you guys have fun. Go nuts, whatever you want mkay!” You smiled as you placed your hand on jimin’s head.  
“Okay team. This is the plan.” You said, turning the car off. Here you were at the best shop ever. Towns had everything you could ever need. hybrid needs, human needs, clothes, food – EVERYTHING. So here you sat in the parking lot. Your black van filled with your hybrids, ready and excited to shop for there things.
“Jungkook, your shopping with me. Namjoon, you and jimin will go together and the rest of you will go alone. We’ll meet at register 5 in an hour and a half.” You said, looking at everyone seriously. This wasn’t a game. Oh no, re-stock day was the most intense days ever.
“Understood?” you asked. They all nodded before everyone made their way out of the car, racing towards the shop's doors.
You chased after jungkook, knowing exactly where he was trying to go.
“No, bad bunny” you said as you gripped his arm. Jungkook whined as you got a cart and dragged him to the clothes section.
“Y/n!! let me check if there a new addition out” he pleaded
“We aren’t here to look, we're here to shop and get out. Checking out new additions isn’t on the list so it's not happening today” You stated as you threw things he had on his list in his cart.
“Okay well, can I check if they have my hoop! Sometimes they have one in store” He suggested his excitement clear as he bounced slightly, his smile wide and his hands clenched into fists.
You looked at him with your hands on your hip. The bunny had a knack for not giving up so you knew you’d lose this argument eventually.
“Okay, fine. Go check out if they have your basketball hoop, but if they don’t – you come right back here okay! I'll be here, in the medication section, where you left me. Okay?!” You asked as he squealed with excitement.
He nodded at you waiting for you to give him the all clear.
With one last sigh, you waved him off, watching as he ran away happily.
It had been ten minutes and you suspected your hybrid had gotten distracted, knowing that you shouldn’t have trusted him you started moving out of the hybrid medication aisle, getting ready to hunt for your youngest when-
“Y/n! this man wants to take us away!” Jungkook shouted as he rushed over to you, holding the arm of a hybrid you had never seen before and being followed by who looked like a stray catcher.
They stray hybrid looked at you, his eyes pleading you to help him. Looking at the determination in jungkook’s eyes you soon realised there was no way this stray was being taken away.
“Sorry sir, is there a problem with my hybrids?” You asked as jungkook dragged the strange hybrid behind you, glaring slightly at the neatly kept man. He certainly worked for the government.
“my apologies, I didn’t know they were both your hybrids,” the man said eyeing the dirty stray standing next to your well care for hybrid.
“I just adopted him, that’s why we're here, we're getting him what he needs” You stated giving the man a friendly smile. He looked at you understandingly before nodding his head.
“my apologies then, have a nice day,” he said. Before leaving he shot the unknown boy a dirty look before walking away. You watched him go, making sure he was out of earshot.
“Nice to meet you, I’m y/n” you said as you analysed the boy. He was tall and had ears that resembled your dog hybrid, by the look of his clothes you could tell that he must have been on the streets for a long period of time.
The boy looked nervous, he remained silent as his gooey brown eyes dropped to the floor.
You looked at jungkook who just shrugged at the boy’s behaviour.
” I told him he could stay with us” Jungkook smiled happily. You looked at them in shock not knowing quite what to do. Obviously, you weren’t about to let the hybrid go a night without shelter, but his situation was unknown.
“Do you have a negligent owner?” you asked softly, not wanting to upset the boy. He gulped before nodding his head – jungkook giving him a sympathetic look.
“how long have you been on the streets?” you asked, anger filling your body of the thought of this poor boy not being cared for.
“half…half a year” he whispered his eyes watering. The pain in his voice was enough to have you making a decision on his future. You were going to spoil him as much as you spoiled your other hybrids and love him as much as he would let you.
You sighed before wiping out your phone, people piss you off. If they couldn’t care for a hybrid, they shouldn’t have gotten one. They are half human, they have emotions.
“would you like to stay with us. Say the word and i can adopt you” you asked, your eyes soft as the boy struggled to look at you.
“Y/n’s got connections! If you’ve been neglected, they look at your last visit to the doctor! And if you haven’t gone in a while, an owner like y/n can take you in because she’s the best!” Jungkook explained enthusiastically.
“a-are you sure? Wouldn’t two hybrids be too many?” he stuttered his eyes wide with amazement.
Jungkook laughed as you gave him a cheeky wink.
“there’s six of us, silly” Jungkook laughed.
“Yep! And we’ve got room for one more, so what’d ya say?” You asked, your thumb hovering over the call button of your hybrid centre friends.
“i…I would like that” he answered, his eyes dropping back to the floor
“Than its settled, what’s your name and what kinda hybrid are you honey?” you asked him as your phone rung your friend. Bringing the phone to your ear he looked at you and jungkook before gulping and answering.
“er,im a dog hybrid and its taehyung, Kim taehyung”
“Jungkook, go help taehyung pick out some clothes – call Namjoon and tell him were extending the time to two hour- oh hey!” You said to jungkook who nodded at everything you were saying before your friend answered the phone.
“I need you to check out Kim taehyung’s doctor appointments – the boys coming home with me,” You said as the two hybrids walked off to the clothes aisle.
“Is this real? Am I really going to get adopted?” Taehyung asked jungkook as jungkook chucked clothes at him.
“Well duh, Y/ns not just gonna leave you here. And once she’s decided you're going to be a part of our family, there’s no way she’s going to let anyone take you away” Jungkook stated before placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.
“Welcome to the family”
As everyone loaded their things into the van, all the hybrids cooed over how adorable taehyung was. Jin was thrilled to have another dog hybrid around and jimin seemed excited to have someone the same age as him.
You smiled as you left the parking lot, the voices behind you getting louder as taehyung conversed with everyone. It was nice to hear them getting along so well with the new addition to the household. You didn’t want to tire him out but the builders you called were still getting his room together, so you would have to stay out a little longer.
Good thing you knew exactly where to take them.
“Why are we here?” Yoongi groaned.
“the builders are at our house. y/n said their building taehyung’s room” Namjoon answered as he patted taehyung’s back happily.
“you’re gonna love it! We have a pool and quad bikes!” hoseok said excitedly.
“a-and Y/n is really nice!” Jimin chimed in, knowing how taehyung must feel. Jimin remembered when he first joined the family, hearing from the other hybrids that Y/n was friendly really helped him settle in and now that he knows for himself how great of an owner, he thought he should do his part and help taehyung.
Taehyung tuned in at how genuine each hybrid sounded. He was still completely flabbergasted at how someone could care for six hybrids. The boy always believed that each human had a love cap. And once they were out, that person was no longer capable of loving anything or anyone else. But as he looked at the other boys laughing with each other – clothes on their bodies, the car packed with items they wanted and their love for you evident – he thought that maybe he was wrong.
“Hoseok! You need to shift!” You shouted as you packed away the last of your shopping. All the hybrids ran around you, putting their stuff in their specific spots. You smiled at taehyung as he watched in awe at the house’s operation.
“Put your stuff down here, ill take you to your room in a second,” You said as hoseok walked into the kitchen, his face twisted in protest.
“Ugh! Nooo I don’t want to!” he whined as you walked over to the hybrid maintenance cabinet where you kept all the hybrids medication. Each person had their own cabinet filled with health care for when they got sick. Each hybrid has their season of sickness when they need extra vitamins to make sure they’re in tip-top shape.
“The Doctor said three times a day” You stated as you labelled Taehyung’s container, putting everything you bought for him in there.
“Y/n! Y/n!” jungkook yelled as he bounced over, dragging a very afraid jimin behind him.
“I feel fine I swear!” Hoseok answered, hoping he wouldn’t have to go.
“you said that last time and you got sick. I'll take you to the field, you love the field!” You answered, looking at the horse hybrid, there was no way you were going to budge, he was going to shift no matter what!
“Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!” Jungkook repeated bouncing behind you. Taehyung looked between you and jungkook in shock, wondering how you were able to ignore the hybrid behind you.
“I do love the field…” he nodded, finally coming around to the idea of shifting.
“Namjoon, you’re coming too” you yelled to the man sitting on the couch. His ears perked up as he looked at you excitedly.
“Y/N” Jungkook shouted loudly. Taehyung was absolutely floored, if he had shouted at his owner the way jungkook just had he would have been punished, but here you were standing calmly as you addressed Namjoon.
“really?!” Namjoon asked excitedly causing you to laugh. He was a hundred percent the most mature but it was moments like these that you loved, when he let his childish side show you loved it.
“Of course! I haven’t forgotten about you” you answered as he jumped up doing a small happy dance.
“both of you go and get ready!” You exclaimed as you shooed them off. The two of them running to their rooms.
“YES, my dear hybrid bunny. Whatever is the matter?” you said turning to the boy who had been yelling at you.
“Can I take jimin and taehyung into our gym?” he asked, a pout on his lips. You had to put a lock on the gym room and hide it from jungkook. There was a time when jungkook would live in the gym, it so bad that he would steal dumbbells from the gym and hide them under his pillow, so he could lift in the middle of the night.
“I’m gonna toughen jimin up” he said as he fake boxed jimin’s arm, hitting him softly.
“Hey, don’t hit your brother! You know he doesn’t like that” you said as you pulled the boy from jungkook’s energetic wrath.
“I dunno kook…can you take Jin? Jimin hasn’t shifted in a while so I was thinking of taking him to the fields and taehyung just got here” You explained as you scratched jimin’s ear.
“ugh, fine” he grunted before walking off to find Jin.
“What’s the field?” Taehyung asked shyly as hoseok and Namjoon came back with backpacks.
“well y/n opened up a business. She created a placed where hybrids can shift outside safely and be supervised and cared after” Namjoon explained as he grabbed the car keys.
“Do you wanna come? Even if you don’t have to shift it’s a nice place to relax.” You asked as jimin went to pack his bag.
Taehyung nodded, agreeing to join you.
Watching hoseok frolic around you waited outside a changing room for Namjoon to shift so you could collect his clothes. As your lion strolled out you smiled before rubbing his fur. He was stunning, and everyone agreed as they looked at him in astonishment.
You liked to make sure that their shift bodies were just as well kept as their human bodies, they were a half-half after all.
“joonie, we need to get your mane trimmed” you stated before picking up his clothes. With your back turned you saw the lighting behind you change before hearing the voice of one of your workers.
“Hey boss!”
Turning around you saw the glowing skin of Jackson, a very dedicated worker. “Hey Jackson! Do you mind giving Namjoon mane a trim?” you asked as Namjoon walked in circles before stretching his body.
“Of course, I can, I just wanted to say thank for letting me bring my cat to the social den, she’s a lot happier” he stated as he too gave Namjoon a pat. Jackson was without a doubt namjoons favourite worker.
“well she can come anytime and don’t worry about paying, ill cover your membership” you smiled at him.
“Oh- wow, thank you so much, wow I really appreciate it” He gleamed his hand coming to his cheek as he blushed with shock.
“You’ve been with us for years, it’s the least I could do. also, don’t be hesitant to bring her with you when you work. I would hate for her to be separated from you for such a long time” you stated as Namjoon circled you, rubbing his head against your hand.
“Thank you very much, I better take this big boy before he dies from anticipation,” He said with a chuckle.
You laughed before giving Namjoon the signal that he can go. The two of them left as jimin entered the changing room.
“What’s the social den?” Taehyung asked you waited for jimin.
“it's for new hybrids and their owners. You pay a membership and you go and socialise with other hybrids and their owners. It’s a good way to make friends and help your hybrid adjust” You answered.
Taehyung nodded before looking around nervously.
“you...arent gonna make me go are you?” He asked. You laughed before shaking your head.
“I think you’re surrounded by more than enough hybrids at home” you replied. Grabbing jimin’s backpack you pulled out his holding sling and slipped it over your neck like you would a handbag.
“What’s that for?” Taehyung asked.
“full of questions, are we?” you joked “Jimin is a very shy bunny so he prefers to chill with me, this way I don’t have to hold him, and he can hide if he gets anxious”.
A white bunny tried its hardest to push open the changing room door. You quickly opened it for him with a soft giggle as you bent down. Opening the pouch for jimin to hop into, you helped him out adjusting the sling so he sat comfortably next to your stomach.
Taehyung smiled as he watched jimins head pop out of the sling.
“Let’s sit and drink tea like the rich bitches we are”
As you sat and watched Namjoon play with the other lion hybrids at the observation café taehyung sighed in contentment. You checked on jimin who was having a little nap.
“You’re right, this is relaxing,” Taehyung said “So you run this place? Is that how our house is so big?”
Your heart swelled when he said ‘our house’ it was nice to know he was coming to terms with the adoption.
“well I run this place, but It doesn’t cost to come here. The only thing that requires paying for is the grooming and this cafe. But day-care is free. Our house was given to me by my late grandmother, she left me the house and Namjoon” You explained.
Taehyung played with his mug as he nodded his head.
“so, do you do a lot of hybrid work?” He asked as he watched the people in the café, their smiles matching the ones he had seen on his hybrid brothers. He had never seen this much happiness before. It was odd for him.
“I do own seven hybrids” You laughed “it would be strange if I didn’t try and help out where I could” you shrugged.
Taehyung hmmed in agreement before taking a bite of his sandwich. You were going to as him a question about his past when you saw hoseok coming back from his trail run.
“Looks like its time to go home” You said before carefully standing up trying not to wake your sleeping but failing miserably.
When you got home you immediately took the gym keys away from jungkook much to his dismay.
As the hybrids gathered in the lounge to watch re-runs of keeping up with the Kardashians a letter that sat on the counter caught your eye. Its electric blue envelope sent shivers down your spine, the design of it bring back memories of someone you would rather forget.
As you picked it up, the laughs of the hybrids halted as they sensed the change in your demeanour. Reading the letter, your stomach filled with dread. The news the letter presented made you want to vomit in horror.
“what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked worriedly as the seven boys waited for you to explain. Turning around to them you let out a huff of frustration.  
“Aunt May is coming over”
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mindymusejottings · 7 years
Not Safe For My Heart [Part 1]
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Chapter One:
Have you ever met someone and knew instinctively they were going to ruin your life?  Where just looking at them you can see the impending doom looming closer and closer.  I did the day I met him.  He looked like trouble and he was, but he was also so damn charming.  Charming, sweet, and handsome.  He was the kind of handsome that made your insides shiver from nervousness and had you stuttering over yourself like a silly little middle school girl with a puppy dog crush.
I would have given him the world had he asked, but instead, he broke my heart. That lying, no good, cheating, asshole broke my heart and that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is, I let him.  It wasn’t the first time he cheated on me.  It was the fifth.  It wasn’t the first time he degraded me. That happened every day since our second month together.  It wasn’t his first time raising his voice nor his fist.  Although he never actually hit me, I was always fixing a dent in my wall or cleaning up the mess from whatever broke this time.  I let him treat me like crap.  I let him walk all over me.
...I don’t even know why.
What I did know was the feeling of some random guy’s lips on my neck and his wandering hands that felt like heaven.  The feeling of his want pressed up against my backside as he swayed us to the beat was enticing and the fuzzy warmth of alcohol running through my system was a welcome feeling. I didn’t care about propriety that night.  I didn’t care at all about my resolve to never give myself to someone I didn’t know for sure I loved.  I didn’t care if letting this random, handsome man’s hands wander and grope made me look like a slut or a whore.  I just didn’t care.
I wanted to be loved even if it was just for one night.
A gasp escaped my lips as his fingers brushed just under my left breast and I felt him grin against my skin in response.  “You wouldn’t happen to be here alone, would you?” his husky voice asked against my ear.
“And if I am?” I questioned him, “What would you do?”
His dark chuckle sent pleasant chills up my spine. Those large hands mapped my curves for what seemed the hundredth time that night, sliding seductively down my hips to the ends of my short dress, teasing the hem and the sensitive skin beneath.  “Anything you want, princess.”
I lifted a hand to his cheek, my fingers admiring the sharp edges of his jaw appreciatively before threading into his thick black hair.  Pulling him closer so our mouths were only centimeters apart, I whispered, “Make me forget.”
His lips met mine in a searing kiss as his well-sculpted arms wrapped tightly around my body, pulling me flush against him.  “I can do that, sweetheart,” he murmured against my lips.
Everything after that was a blur of motion, heated kisses, wandering hands, and sinful pleasure.  He was gentle but dominating.  Loving, but fierce.  It didn’t matter that this was my first time with a man.  All that mattered were his hands on my body, his lips against mine, and the euphoric high he skyrocketed me towards over and over again.  By the time he was done with me, I was spent.  I was so tired and yet I felt so content.  Whimpers left my lips at the feeling of a warm cloth gliding against my skin.  I vaguely remembered his plush lips brushing mine as he whispered, “Shhh, sleep.”
And I did just that.
When I woke the next morning, I was sore.  Probably more sore than I had been in a long time and, when I finally managed to pull myself up out of the coziness of the bed, I noticed how shaky my legs were.  This was all so new to me.  I’d only ever heard stories from co-workers or past friends, each telling me the best sex left you wrecked the next day.  Being a virgin for as long as I had left me with very little to go on, but I ventured to guess they were right.  
Images of the previous night’s events streamed through my mind at a million miles per hour.  Every touch, every kiss, every thrust, and it left me blushing madly.  I could still feel his lips if I closed my eyes and concentrated.  Glancing behind me, I realize I was alone in the room.  His side of the bed was cold to the touch and listening carefully lead me to believe I was completely alone in his home.  
My clothes were folded thoughtfully and placed on the dresser across the room, and though it took me a few tries to get the strength up in my legs to get over there, I managed to get dressed in record time.  Making my way down the hallway into the kitchen, I took a moment to really drink in the spacious apartment around me.  It was spotless.  I’m pretty sure you would be hard pressed to find a speck of dust anywhere.  Despite everything being so meticulous, the apartment had a warm and welcoming feeling to it.  I was slightly startled to find a note stuck to my purse on the gray granite countertop. ‘There’s breakfast in the microwave for you.  You might have to heat it up a bit.  Leave the dishes in the sink when you’re done.’
There was indeed a full breakfast plate in the microwave and I was more than mildly confused why he was being so kind.  I appreciated it, but I was incredibly confused.  I had never heard of a one night stand playing out like this.  From the limited knowledge I had, once you woke up you simply dressed and left.  Nevertheless, I was appreciative of his thoughtfulness and gratefully gobbled down the breakfast.  Despite the note telling me not to worry about the dishes, I disregarded it and cleaned up my dishes, leaving them drying on the rack beside the sink.  I found one last note posted to the front door on my way out letting me know about the key above the door jam.  I locked up and left the building as quickly as possible.  As I glanced at my watch, I nodded in satisfaction.  My internal clock was quite prompt thankfully, and I still had time to run across town to my apartment and properly prepare myself for my work.  
An hour and a half later I successfully arrived on time and settled into my desk with my cup of coffee.  There was a new pile of documents sitting on my chair when I arrived, so I made short work of sorting through them and putting them in order of urgency.  
“Good morning,” a voice called to me as they passed by my cubicle.  I glance behind me to see Kyungsoo offering me a warm smile and wave as he settled down in his area next to mine.  
“Morning, sunshine,” I grinned up at him.
Kyungsoo chuckled as he pulled out his laptop and set it up.  “I see you don’t have any oatmeal again.  Did you forget to bring it with you?”  Ah, he knew me so well.  Kyungsoo had experienced many a morning of my grumblings while I shifted around for some semblance of sustenance.  After a while, he made a point to have something extra in his desk drawers for whenever I did forget my breakfast.  Fortunately, this wasn’t one of those times.
“Nope, I actually already ate.”
Kyungsoo looked over at me with a baffled expression.  “You have?” he asked, his doe eyes widening in shock.
I scoffed at him and pouted.  “Is it that strange?”
“Uhm, yes,” he said with certainty, the perfectly arched eyebrow only adding clout to his statement.  “You always eat here unless you forget to bring it with you.”
“Touche,” I shrugged, but then smiled up at him.  “I got up a little earlier than usual.”
Kyungsoo’s expression screamed that he knew there was more to the story, but he didn’t push.  We worked in silence for nearly twenty minutes before the front doors to our suite swung open and Chanyeol came bouncing in.  I glanced at Kyungsoo and chuckled at his disgruntled expression.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like Chanyeol, it was just that every time Chanyeol bounced anywhere there was usually a reason behind it.  A reason he would either endlessly go on and on about or that we would find out later--usually when he pranked Kyungsoo.  I was still mildly surprised that Chanyeol was still alive.  Kyungsoo might be sweet natured and calm for the most part, but his wrath was legendary.  Literally.  Everyone in the building knew to not get on his bad side.  There was nothing colder than the death stare Kyungsoo could muster up if you were on his shit list.
Just as Chanyeol plopped himself down across from Kyungsoo in his assigned cubicle, much to Kyungsoo’s chagrin, and opened his mouth excitedly, Kyungsoo leaped up from his seat and held his hand up to stop him.  “I haven’t had enough coffee to deal with you yet,” he muttered and quickly escaped to the kitchenette in the back corner. Chanyeol deflated slightly and turned to me with an expression reminiscent of a kicked puppy.
“I haven’t even said anything yet…” he trailed off sadly.
I smiled at the young man and chuckled.  “Oh, don’t mind him.  You should know by now he just needs copious amounts of caffeine running through his system in the mornings.  He just got in a little while ago.”
Chanyeol instantly brightened up.  “I have information,” he practically gushed, a proud smirk stretching across his lips.  I noticed the tips of his ears go slightly red as Kyungsoo slipped back into his seat and leveled the chipper male with a look that clearly portrayed his inner thoughts.  “Oh, it’s not a prank or anything,” he quickly added, with a sheepish glance at the still disbelieving young man across from him.  
“Go on, Chanyeol,” I called his attention back to me with an encouraging nod.  
“I know who our new boss is going to be!”
“Seriously…?” Kyungsoo droned monotonously.
“Seriously?!” I grinned, leaning forward.
As Kyungsoo and I paused to look at each other, Chanyeol tried his best to decide whether or not to feel happy or put off by our simultaneous, albeit mixed reactions.  “If he’s this excited, do you really think it’s a good thing?,” Kyungsoo deadpanned.
“Well, we don’t even know why he’s so excited,” I pointed out.  “Chanyeol did know Jongin before he started and you two are practically besties.”  Kyungsoo glared but didn’t protest.  I winked at Chanyeol, who grinned back happily.  “So who is it, Chanyeol?”
“He’s a good friend of Jongdae’s,” someone smoothly interjected, causing all three of us to turn once again towards the unit entrance.  There stood our Department Head, Kim Junmyeon, looking just as dapper as always.  Sometimes I question why he never became a model.  The man was only a few years older than the rest of us and handsome as hell.  He grinned at us and sauntered past us towards the empty office where our new manager would be.   There wasn’t much in there other than a nice desk set up and a gorgeous view of the office courtyard from the wall of windows across from the doorway.  “He will be starting two weeks from now.  You should all get very excited,” Junmyeon smirked at us as he turned to lean against the doorframe. “He’s a great guy.  Incredibly capable, intelligent, and he while he runs a tight ship, he’s open minded and compromising.  He’ll be a perfect fit.”
“It sound’s like you know him as well,” Kyungsoo hummed, sipping on his coffee.
“I do, as does Yixing,” Junmyeon replied with a shrugged.  “We all went to college together.  He was a year ahead of us.”
“Do we get a name?” I asked curiously.
“Kim Minseok.”  Everyone turned towards the doors as Jongdae came waltzing into the unit, his arms carrying several large pieces of machinery.  Junmyeon and Chanyeol moved to help him set everything down on the back table.  “He’s been my friend since high school and he was my roommate up until he moved to Shanghai a few years ago.”
“Shanghai?” I heard Kyungsoo ask behind me.  
Jongdae nodded as he took his seat across from me.  “Yeah, we have some friends who live out there.  They used to go to school here, which is how we met them.”
Junmyeon nodded, leaning his arms on the top of the cubicle wall and added, “Yixing actually introduced all of us.  Three of them started a company together out there and they offered Minseok a temporary job with them to help get them started.  Of course, that turned into a long-temporary job,” he chuckled, shaking his head.  “I mentioned our open position in passing about a month ago and he applied.  Said it was time to come back home.”
I laughed and gave Junmyeon a sideways look.  I knew the man a bit too well to believe he just “mentioned” the position on a whim.  “In passing or more like a not-so-subtle nudge?”
The older male burst out laughing and just shrugged coyly.  Jongdae scoffed up at the man.  “Definitely not subtle, because the way that Minseok phrased it was ‘Junmyeon asked me to come work for him, so I said yes’.”
Junmyeon turned on his heels and headed for the door, glancing back at us with a wink and a smirk.  “What can I say?  I know talent when I see it, so why let a golden opportunity pass?”  We all just chuckled and watched the man disappear down the hallway towards Yixing’s office.
As the morning continued to pass by and the four of us powered through endless heaps of paperwork, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to this Kim Minseok person.  I’d been working for the company for nearly three and a half years and we had never been able to keep a unit manager longer than a few months at best.  Kyungsoo once said that position had to be cursed or something.  Since I had come on there had only been one good manager, but he left after only four months due to a family tragedy.  We had all hoped he would come back, but he never did.  If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have Jongdae in our department.  The guy had the brilliant idea to have one of the IT guys stationed permanently in our department, doubling as a data analyst.  Honestly, everyone was relieved.  It meant less running back and forth to the IT department.  The work we did was highly confidential, which meant every time we needed our data analyzed we had to compile and sort it into zip files and then transfer it over to an encrypted flash drive before we could run the stupid thing over to IT.  
Not that IT wasn’t great or anything.  In fact it was filled with a bunch of hot tech guys.  There was Byun Baekhyun, Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin and their insanely hot department head, Zhang Yixing.
“We’ll see how long this one lasts,” Kyungsoo shrugged, turning his attention back to his computer screen indifferently.
Jongdae huffed, a large pout taking over his lips as he glared at Kyungsoo.  “He’s not like the others!” he grumbled defensively.  “You’ll see.”
Indeed we would.
Two weeks flew by.  There was so much work to do, I hardly had time to think about anything other than the massive piles of paperwork that never seemed to disappear or lessen.  Of course, when I went home at night that was an entirely different story.  Despite our encounter being two weeks ago, every time I closed my eyes I could feel his touch, smell him, hear his voice in my head.  His face never left my mind and as pathetic as it sounded I found myself looking for him in every guy I passed on the street or in the market.  It was almost maddening.  The town I lived in was small.  Not so small that you would know everyone’s name, but small enough to see the same faces on a near daily basis.  Of course, this also meant the chance of running into my ex, but I decided I would cross that bridge when I reached it.
I hadn’t spoken to him since I ended our relationship and had a one night stand that apparently I would never forget.  As wonderful as the night had been, when I returned home from work the following day, I was immediately reminded of why I had left the previous night.  It took me over an hour to pick up the mess that was my apartment, lamenting the irreversible damage to several pieces of decor.  I only kept one of them, a mermaid clutching her tail and resting her head against it.  It was a beautiful piece and something my mother had given me before I moved to Korea.  The statue had split in two, effectively decapitating her, but I managed to sit the pieces just right so they leaned against one another.  You could tell it was broken, but I didn’t care.  It served as a reminder to myself not to take that asshole back.  Maybe he was right and I wouldn’t find anyone better than him, but that didn’t mean I had to be with him either.  
Kyungsoo had been such a sweetheart, coming over after I told him about the breakup and helping me remove all traces of my ex from my apartment.  He called Jongdae, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol to help him rearrange my apartment.  I told them it wasn’t necessary, but all four of them insisted that after a bad breakup change was refreshing and a good way to start from scratch.  One of them must have blabbed to Junmyeon because I also ended up with fresh decor as well.  “If you’re going to switch the furniture around then you have to change your theme as well,” he had said when I asked what he was doing at my apartment last weekend.  The man had entirely too much money considering all the stuff he ended up buying, though Yixing ensured me he had kept Junmyeon from going nuts.  I was grateful to them all honestly.  Our office was a small operation made up of the ten of us (if you include the incoming unit manager).  We were pretty much family.  I had thought it was weird that I was the only girl in the office, but the guys always reassured me there were a few positions open in IT that were waiting for the, and I quote, “perfect nerdy girls” to fill them.  We were more family than coworkers, spending as much time with each other outside of work as we did in the office.  Even Jongin and Sehun had shown up a few time already to drag me out of the house.  They both had dogs, so we frequented the dog parks together often.  “Nothing cures a broken heart like the unconditional love of a dog,” Jongin said as he practically shoved one of his dogs into my arms.  Truly, I was grateful to them all.
The day our manager arrived I woke up with an odd feeling in my stomach.  It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, just odd.  Of course, I had brushed it off as remnants from the un-pure dream I had just experienced for the umpteenth time since my one night stand.  When I got to work, Kyungsoo already had a steaming cup of coffee sitting on my desk and my oatmeal already made.
“Special occasion, Sunshine?” I grinned at the male.  
He grinned back and shrugged, “I saw you coming in from the window, so I figured if I was going into the kitchen I’d just make your breakfast for you.”
“Aww,” I cooed, hugging him, making him squirm and sigh.  “Aren’t you just the bestest cubi-mate ever!”
Kyungsoo scoffed as he finally managed to pry my arms off of him and leveled me with an amused expression.  “Don’t get used to it.”
Chanyeol and Jongdae entered together about fifteen minutes later chatting in hushed tones and sneaking glances at me, twin smirks pulling at their lips.  I glanced at Kyungsoo for answers, but he gave me an equally confused expression.  We watched as the two sauntered over to their desks, still giving me their weird ‘we know something you don’t’ look.  I only started to get worried when those looks melted into shit eating grins.  “Oh my god,” I groaned looking around my desk and pushing away from it hurriedly.  “What did you two do?  Kyung, is there something under my chair?”
Kyungsoo’s chair rolled back and I watched him lean over, sharp eyes inspecting the underside of my chair.  “No, I don’t see anything and I didn’t notice anything different about your space when I got in this morning.”  
Even with his reassurance, I didn’t feel any safer, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Chanyeol was snickering behind his hand at this point, barely containing his amusement, while Jongdae just motioned for me to come closer.  When I only narrowed my eyes at the male, he rolled his and sighed.  “We haven’t played a prank on you.  It’s not even your turn yet.”
“Wow, cuz that makes me feel so much better,” I droned, but rolled forward nonetheless.  
Jongdae’s grin was downright evil by the time I reached my desk once more.  He leaned as far forward as he could, dropping his voice into a low whisper.  “You’re in trouble.”
I scrunched my eyebrows together and shot a glance at Kyungsoo, who shrugged.  Very helpful, Kyung, I thought.  “What do you mean?”  
Chanyeol let out a bark of laughter, startling all of us into looking at him like he’d lost his damn mind.  “You really don’t know!  This is going to be great!”
“What are you talking about?  What the hell did I do?” I questioned them exasperatedly, which only made them cackle wickedly.  Before either of them could answer, or really before I could strangle the answer out of them, we heard the door to the office open.  The four of us turned to see Junmyeon strutting into the office proudly.  
“Ah! Everyone is here, fantastic!” he practically gushed with excitement.  It was amusing, to say the least.  With a clap of his hands, he announced, “I would like to introduce your new manager, Kim Minseok.”  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion at that point.  In walked a man who looked like he had been sculpted from granite, a masterpiece from God himself.  Only I knew that face.  I knew those shoulders, those hands,  I knew what his hard chest felt like and I knew how sinful those thick thighs of his were.  His sharp eyes swept over the room before they locked with mine and I knew he knew, too.
                        …. I slept with my boss.
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thefatnoona · 7 years
Monster Woo: 261 (pt. 1/5)
She tapped her feet impatiently. Tucking a stray hair behind her right ear, she checked her watch for the umptieth time. The first day of the student exchange programme had not gone well by her definition, what with missing the one and only bus that went to the university, having to wait another 30 minutes for the next bus, getting lost within campus grounds and arriving 20 minutes late for the first class, being hungry for lunch and realising that she had forgotten to grab her wallet which was right on top of the dresser, getting more and more lost amidst the labyrinth of seminar rooms and lecture theatres for the remaining classes, and now, it did not seem as if she would reach home at all to have her first meal of the day.
Murphy’s Law was clearly at work this time.
She pressed her headphones tighter over her ears, immersing herself deeper into Crush’s mellifluous voice. She glanced at her watch again nervously, aware of the increasing pain on her shoulders due to the backpack that seemed much too big for her body, and of the inner walls of her stomach creating a mini rock concert by themselves. It was a miracle that she survived the day at all, partly due to her trusted red Nalgene bottle and the fact that there were plenty of water coolers located within the university.
“Finally!” she muttered under her breath, as the blue number 261 bus drew nearer to the stop. Scrambling to get to the front of the line (which was really non-existent anyway due to the law of supply and demand: low supply of buses versus high demand from the countless passengers), she managed to get a foot into the bus when she felt a push to her backpack. She just about managed to stop herself from falling flat face down by grabbing the bus railings by the entrance door. Her headphones slipped and rested awkwardly against her neck.
“괜찮아요?” the bus driver growled out in Korean. “Are you okay?” he then asked in slightly accented American English. His voice was deep and raspy, a stark contrast to the sweet and soothing sounds of Crush.
“네, 괜찮아요 아저씨,” she replied hastily. Despite having taken Korean lessons for a year prior to relocating to the Land of the Morning Calm, she still felt anxious in communicating with the locals. “I’m alright. Thank you, 감사합니다 아저씨.” She could feel the blood rushing to her face, a picture of embarrassment for all to see.
“Okay, be careful. 조심해요,” said the driver. The shades that were shielding his eyes, as well as his tattooed hands and fingers, projected a menacing aura that reminded her of the mafia and assassin movies from yesteryears. Having done a compulsory Modern Film Studies module, she could not help the comparison as she tapped her shiny T-money card and picked up her pace towards the back of the bus.
Murphy’s Law seemed satisfied to cease its play, as a single, lone seat appeared to have been saving itself for her right beside the bus exit door. She sank herself gratefully onto the seat and dusted her hands, suddenly realising the pain from seared fingers and slightly torn skin on her left palm. Oh well, at least she would be getting home after all.
A week passed just like that. It was amazing how quickly seven days could whiz by inbetween classes, a gazillion homework assignments and tons of notes to read. There was so much to be done in a rush that suddenly, she forgot to feel hungry.
It was on the Friday at the end of her first week, when her “sunset” class had ended for the day, that she was once again waiting for the blue number 261 bus. She had managed to gobble a bowl of noodles as a late lunch cum early dinner prior to attending the 6.30pm class on Advanced Semantics, but trying to stay awake and attentive throughout the entire 3 hours after an extremely long and tiring day was nearly next to impossible. While the other students celebrated the end of their last class of the week by gearing themselves up for a weekend of partying, she was counting down to the moments that she could hit her beloved bed and run a marathon of The Big Bang Theory episodes that she had missed.
A half-crescent moon shone proudly amongst the wisps of grey-silvery clouds in the night sky, pulling her to switch to Dean’s acoustic version of “D” on headphones. Spotting the now-familiar numbers on blue approaching the bus stop, she stood up from the bench and was surprised to see that no one else was following suit.
Boarding the number 261, she recognised the man at the wheel with his tattoed hands and gangster-like shades. If he had felt likewise due to her embarrassing misfortune from the other day, he displayed no indication of it other than simply giving her the usual once-over as she entered the bus. She tapped the fare, thankful for his silence, and headed for a single seat near to the exit. Feeling the wind on a warm, summer night prompted her to give a little sigh to no one in particular. She checked her playlist, added a few more songs to it and braced herself for the 45-minute bus leg of her journey home.
She could not fathom the reason for her stiff neck. As far as she had known, her pillow was neither hard nor soft. It had seemed to offer just the right amount of support for her aching head and neck. And why was she unable to stretch her entire body flat on the bed?
“저기요! 일어나! 너 여기서 잠들 수 없어!” someone seemed to be saying over and over amidst Simon D’s unexpected falsetto. “아가씨! 일어나!”
Frowning with closed eyes, she yawned and tried to make out the source of the voice. A gruff-looking man with his shades removed, greeted her sight. The sleeves of his white uniform were folded all the way up just above the elbows, revealing tattoos that fully adorned both of his arms. He was kneeling in front of her, giving the impression of a proposal gone wrong.
She gasped and removed her headphones immediately. “Ah! I’m sorry! I must have fallen asleep!” she rattled off unconsciously in English. Gathering her backpack, she looked around and discovered that they were the only ones in the bus.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” he responded back fluently. “This is the bus terminal. You must have missed your stop a while back.”
“Oh no…” her voice trailed, as she stood up and glanced through the windows at the surroundings out of the bus. There were other buses parked nearby, most with engines off, a few with the headlights still on while their respective drivers did some final inspections before calling it a night. “How do I get home from here?” she wondered aloud, more to herself than to the intimidating person before her, who had by now risen to his feet and proven himself to be quite the fit giant next to her. “Can’t I just take this same bus back?”
“This was the last bus for the night. You can probably take a taxi home,” he replied, crossing his arms, revealing taut veins that peeked out cautiously among his tattoos. “Where do you live?“
“I live at…uh…” she checked herself before giving away the location. Why would she tell personal details to a complete stranger? She was alone in a foreign country and rule #1 from Korea 101 probably stated: Do not give your personal details away to a stranger.
“Look, I can call a taxi for you. It will take some time if you’re okay to wait,” he offered.
“Oh.” Her eyes opened widely and she followed his lone figure as he alighted from the bus. “Thank you. How long does it take to wait for a taxi?”
“Hmmm…says here close to 20 minutes. Doesn’t look good for a Friday night. It’s too early for the clubbers to go home so the taxis don’t like to respond,” he replied, his eyes glued to his handphone screen, referring to a taxi app. “I guess you’re not the clubbing type, huh,” he said, taking in her appearance. Faded jeans, an oversized white T-shirt, Nike trainers, a messy ponytail and a pair of black glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. “You seem like you prefer reading to clubbing.”
“What’s wrong with reading?” she demanded, feeling confident and annoyed all of a sudden. She glared at him from head to toe. It had been a long day, she was tired as hell and she sure did not need any shit from anyone at this point.
“Nothing’s wrong with reading, chill. I was just making small talk. Don’t bite my head off,” he said, raising both his hands, which were large with slender and ridiculously long fingers. “Sorry if I sounded rude.”
She glimpsed to her left and bit on her lower lip. “No, it’s okay. I’m sorry too,” she said, recovering herself instantly. “I’m just exhausted and I just want to get home as soon as I can.”
“Look, would you like a lift?” he asked, eyeballing her with a furrowed look. He seemed pretty intense all of a sudden. “I’m not sure if the trains are still running at this time. Plus, no matter how safe this country may be, it’s not so safe for a girl like you to be out alone at night.”
She inhaled deeply and exhaled rather roughly. Just 10 minutes to go before a new day arrived, according to her watch. She should probably throw rule #1 from the imaginary Korea 101 out the window already. “Alright, sure. Thank you very much.”
“Just wait here a bit while I go sign out.” He motioned a little clearing next to her, then disappeared within the confines of a stuffy-looking single-storey office. It seemed like forever until she heard a whistle and caught him gesturing for her to follow him. Walking a little bit behind, she drew in her breath sharply when her eyes chanced upon the massive beauty that stood before her.
“You…ride this?” Her eyes appeared even bigger behind her glasses. “It’s…huge.”
He gave a low chuckle, grinning. “My baby’s beautiful, huh? Hop on, I borrowed an extra helmet.”
Grabbing the helmet, she fastened it on her head and lingered beside the Harley Davidson softail chopper, unsure of what she was supposed to do next. He was already on the bike, helmet securely in place and tightening on a pair of leather gloves. How was she supposed to get on?
“What are you waiting for? Come on, hold onto my shoulders and get behind me. You want to get home soon, right?” he said as he turned to look at her, again with that intense expression. “Where do you live? This baby will get you there in no time at all.”
“Is that where you live?” he nodded his head in the direction of a tall building opposite of where he had just stopped the chopper. Upon hearing her grunt, he held her waist unconsciously while she steadied herself back on the ground. She gasped and swept his hand away. “야! 뭐야?!” he burst aloud in Korean.
“Don’t touch me!” she snapped back.
“I wasn’t doing it on purpose! I was just helping you get off the bike!” he growled. “Is this the thanks I get for sending you home?”
Silence ensued between them before she bowed her head. “Sorry,” she mumbled, her ears going red. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m not…”
“Not used to being touched by strange men?” he cut her off. She stared at him in wonder. Did he just read her mind? “Yeah get off your high horse. I don’t touch strange women either.” He held out his hand expectantly, looking smug.
She was rooted to the spot, just staring at him blankly, wondering what he wanted. He snorted, then got off the bike and stepped up to her up close, towering over her with all of his 6 feet plus stature. Bending down to her eye level, he looked at her squarely. She could smell cologne, stale cigarettes and minty sweets from his even breath. She froze when he touched the helmet strap framing her face. “Stay still,” he ordered softly, his voice coming out low and raspy, before removing the helmet off her head, all the while maintaining eye contact.
“Oh…” she let out meekly. “Th-thanks.”
“I’ll see you around,” he waved a hand coolly. “I’m Woo, by the way.”
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herperlo-d · 7 years
How To Be A Saviour Without Trying
In which Tseng meets Cloud way before CC and as a result, saves the future.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 3]
Chapter 2: Acknowledge that Adults are Stupid
Cloud watched the strange man struggle down the tree curiously, hands still scratching Fenrir behind the ears, the idiot wolf rumbling lowly in pleasure, head pressing against his hand more insistently. Really, this greedy, idiot wolf. Cloud thought, completely exasperated. The other wolves around him whined piteously and nudged Cloud as well, looking for their own ear rubs, but he batted them away with short pats on their snout. His eyes were trained on the man currently stubbornly muscling his unresponsive body into moving. Sharp eyes caught the moment the man slipped and fell and Cloud sighed in annoyance, bringing out a Time materia to cast a Slow and lowered the unconscious man onto the floor. Stupid adults. If he needed help he could have just said so. Cloud stuffed the materia back into his coat pocket and went over to the man, the pack following closely behind him.
Cloud knelt beside the man, quickly cataloguing his injuries- a multitude of scratches and gashes, primarily on his arms and legs, and a nasty looking burn along one calf- met a dragon before this then. So you’re stupid and unlucky. His skin was pale and cold to the touch and judging by his actions, his fingers and toes were numb too. Frostnip edging towards frostbite. Cloud decided and sighed at the stupidity of adults. Who on Gaia goes to Nibelheim with such little clothing?
In his tent in Wutai, General Sephiroth sneezed loudly.
With a grunt, Cloud swung the man onto his back like how his Ma showed him- right arm around his left shoulder and right leg over his right shoulder, body lying across his shoulder blades. Staggering to his feet, Cloud turned to look at the wolves again. They looked back at him, eyes glancing worriedly between him and the man on his back. Cloud huffed and resisted rolling his eyes,
“I’ll be fine, you worry-warts. If you guys hadn’t attacked him I wouldn’t have to do this, now would I?”
The wolves whined again, ducking their heads with ears pressed against their skulls and their tails drooping low on the ground.
“Yeah, well it’s too late now. I’ll come back tomorrow once I’ve gotten him sorted out and we’ll go hunting together, ‘kay?” Cloud then really rolled his eyes when Fenrir and the rest of the pack perked up excitedly like two-month old pups.
With a last kiss to Fenrir’s snout and a nuzzle to each wolf, Cloud turned to hike deeper into the trees, feet easily travelling through the frozen undergrowth, the man surprisingly light on his back. Cloud walked up and down slopes, around bends and turns, squeezing through closely spaced trees and hopping over frozen creeks until he reached the mouth of a cleverly concealed cave and dropped his cargo onto a bed of soft furs and treated dragon hide. He went deeper into the cave and went about doing his daily routine, picking up a pack of dry twigs from a pile and lit them up with a short Fire in the fire pit. The fire pit had a small opening above to let the smoke out on the opposite side of the rock wall, avoiding attracting predators to his little home.
Cloud started shedding his layers, spreading everything neatly and hanging them in a nook carved out in the corner of the rock face to dry. He dropped the materia from his coat into a satchel with the rest and dug out a Restore, the materia glowing a soft green in his palm. Cloud dragged the man, bedding and all, next to the fire and proceeded to methodologically strip him of his ruin clothing until he was left only in his boxers. He raised an eyebrow at the collection of guns, knives and Shinra-issued phone he found before placing them beside his bag of materia. The ripped clothes were hung up with his. Cloud then got up again to pack a small pot full with snow, heating it above the pit. He left the snow to melt and went about swathing the man in fur pelts, rubbing the man’s hair dry and tying it out of the way with a leather band. Cloud slowly powered up the Restore in his palm, casting Cure on the scratches and Cura on the deeper teeth gouges, watching as the flesh and muscle knit together beneath his hands leaving behind only blood stained skin.
By then, the pot of water had come to a rolling boil and Cloud took it off the fire, placing it on the floor beside the man. Dipping a small towel into the steaming water, Cloud wiped the man down, removing all traces of the dried blood before carefully cleaning the nasty burn and casting a Cura. The wound closed up beneath the spell, but it had gone untreated for so long that Cloud couldn’t heal it completely, leaving a silvery patch skin behind.
Cloud covered the man’s whole body with hot towels, massaging the blood back into circulation in each limb. Replacing the towels periodically, the man’s skin gradually pinked, and even in his sleep the man groaned uncomfortably at the feeling of pins sticking into his skin. Cloud huffed at the good sign, relieved, and removed the towels on his torso and thighs, wiping him dry and tucking the furs in, leaving the arms and lower legs covered in hot towels.
Warming someone up from the brink of frostbite was not easy and by the time Cloud was satisfied with his efforts, he was exhausted. Cloud only had enough energy left to ensure that the man was tucked firmly under layers of fur and to cast a last general Cure before falling asleep under a dragon hide coat, propped up against the wall of the cave, warmed by the small crackling fire.
Tseng woke up completely- all at once, between one second and the next, just as he was trained to do. He kept his eyes closed, breathing even and muscles loose, not giving away the slightest hint that he was awake. Tseng took in his surroundings: soft prickling against his skin- he was half naked, he noted with a jolt of unease, a hint of warm air breezing across his face- a dying fire to his right, soft breathing to his front, a bit to the right- the boy, he remembered. Tseng didn’t sense any of his weapons nearby, but that didn’t matter. He could easily subdue the boy with only his hands. A small shift told him that all his injuries had been healed and all ten of his fingers and toes are in place. The tingling that remained right beneath his skin told him that they were healed by magic and Tseng vaguely remembered that the boy had also cast a status spell on him when he fell.
The rustle of fabric snapped him out of his thoughts- the boy was awake. Tseng heard the boy get up and stretch, shuffling closer to him and small, warm hands pressed gently against his forehead and his neck. Tseng inwardly flinched at how vulnerable he suddenly felt. The hands retreated and the boy walked a few steps away before stopping again, another rustle of fabric and muffled clacking sounds. Then, a soft whisper before the faint warmth Tseng felt against his face suddenly intensified. He barely stopped himself from jumping instinctively into action, his body twitching slightly at the reflex. More muffled clacking sounds and the boy moved around the fire, the shadow covering Tseng’s face leaving with him, and he sat down.
“Mister, are you going to stop pretending to be asleep now?” The boy asked.
Tseng held back his startled expression and opened his eyes to turn to look at his saviour. A young face stared back at him- six, maybe seven years of age- cute, with big, bright blue doe-eyes and chubby cheeks, topped with a mop of vibrant, spikey blond hair that reminded Tseng strongly of the chocobos in the stables back in Midgar.
“Hello, I’m Cloud. What’s your name?” The boy- Cloud- asked pleasantly, like he didn’t just catch a Turk, even a rookie one, feigning sleep.
Tseng decided that there was no harm in playing along and replied, “Tseng of the Turks, nice to meet you.”
Cloud hummed in response, rummaging through the satchel beside him and emerged with a string-tied package that opened up to show strips of dried meat. Cloud picked out three long ones and held them out to Tseng, who sat up smoothly, wrapping the furs around his shoulders to keep the warmth in and gratefully accepted them. A quick sniff ruled out the possibility of it being cow or chocobo meat, and it smelled too thick to be pig or chicken meat. Tseng glanced back up to Cloud who was in the process of ripping his strips of jerky apart and swallowing them swiftly.
“Cloud, what type of meat is this?”
The boy looked up at his question, mouth still chewing the dry meat. “It’s wolf meat.” There was a silent undertone of no shit stupid in the answer and Tseng came to a fast conclusion that his saviour was a bit of a brat.
Still, food was food and Tseng cautiously brought the first piece to his mouth and bit down. The meat gave away surprisingly easily under his teeth and a burst of smoky flavours assaulted his taste buds. Tseng wasted no time in gobbling down the rest of the food and accepted a skin of water from the boy with a nod of thanks.
“Your clothes and other stuff are over there if you wanna get changed. I tried to repair as many of your clothes as I could, but I think you should think about getting a coat or something if you don’t wanna freeze to death out there.” The boy’s eyes were judging him so hard Tseng could almost hear the question: how stupid can you be to come here like this.
What a brat.
Tseng ignored the silent question and sighed, “Thank you.” He got up to put on his clothes. The small, even stitches along the rips and tears were surprisingly neat for a child, but an occasional stitch out of line showed his inexperience in hemming clothing. He went back to sit on the bedding, pulling on his dried boots and sliding his weapons back into place, out of sight. Tseng looked up at Cloud again and decided to ask the question that had been bugging him since he woke up. “How did I get here?”
Cloud raised an eyebrow at him- he sure was a very judgemental brat, “I carried you here.”
Tseng raised an eyebrow in mirror, “You carried me here by yourself?”
“Yeah.” The tone behind that screamed you idiot so blatantly that Tseng felt his eye twitch in annoyance.
“Then how did you heal me?”
“I used materia.” No duh.
Tseng repressed a sigh and continued, “What did you equip it with?”
Now the face got onto a whole other level of judgmental. Tseng could practically feel Cloud questioning his intelligence, which was actually a very novel experience for him. Even as a Turk trainee, he was considered on par, if not better than most official Turks, bar a few- Veld to name one.
“What in Hel’s name is equip? I just cast it like it is.”
The other eyebrow joined the first, “And how does a kid like you get his hands on so many materia?”
Cloud visibly bristled at the insult. “I’m eight years old- not a kid!” He pouted (Cloud would deny ever doing such a thing even years later). “I just find them around.” He paused, turning away huffily. “What’s a Turk anyway? It sounds dumb.”
Tseng smirked in amusement at the pouting face and the childish response. “Turk is another name for the Department of Administrative Research of the Shinra Electric Power Company.” He explained.
Cloud scoffed, crossing his arms. “So what. You Shinra people come to Nibelheim just asking to be frozen to death? How stupid can you get.”
Tseng gritted his teeth at the slight. How does an eight year old rile him up so easily? “I had no other choice.”
Cloud raised a long eyebrow. “No choice? Then you’re stupider than I thought." He paused again, silently deciding between his options before imperiously naming him, "Stupid.”
Impulsively, the word slipped from his mouth in retaliation, “Brat.” Tseng twitched at the sheer immaturity the conversation had been reduced to.
Cloud gave him a disgruntled look and turned his face away, mouth pinched together tightly, evidently not wanting to continue the argument. Tseng took a few deep breaths to calm himself and stood up. Cloud whipped his head back to look at him in alarm.
“You’re leaving already?” He looked reluctant to see him go. Tseng could sympathise. Despite only being conscious for a portion of their short meeting, Tseng hadn’t ever felt this comfortable with someone in a long time, if ever.
“Yes.” He sighed, “I have a mission to complete.”
Cloud scrambled to his feet and bit his lip, looking away. All traces of their earlier argument were gone from the air, instead leaving a sense of dread.
“Fine.” Cloud said shortly, after a pause and immediately turned to rummage through his stuff.
Tseng looked over his shoulder curiously and was surprised when Cloud turned around abruptly, stuffing a drawstring bag into his arms along with a large fur coat. Tseng juggled the items awkwardly before swinging the bag around his shoulder and tugged on the fur coat- it fit him surprisingly well. He looked at Cloud who mumbled quietly at his feet,
“The coat… was my dad’s.”
Tseng noted the past tense and decided not to comment on that, instead ruffling the silky hair and chuckled softly when Cloud glared at him.
“Thank you, Cloud.” He said warmly. For saving my life, for healing me and trusting me with something so precious to you.
Cloud looked away, long bangs hiding his blushing cheeks and Tseng laughed lightly- he had laugh more within the hour than he had in the last few years. How sad was that? Tseng turned to go, footsteps echoing in the cave, quiet, save the merry crackling of the fire. He was just as unwilling to go as Cloud was to see him go, not wanting to lose this feeling of companionship that he’ll probably never feel again, not with Cloud all the way on this side of Gaia. Just as he stepped out into the snow, Cloud called out from behind,
“Wait!” and forced something hard and round into his hand, small fingers closing his much larger ones around the glowing materia. “Take this. Idiots like you probably need it more than I do.” Then he added after a short pause, “Stupid.”
Tseng smiled and ruffled Cloud’s hair again, ignoring the indignant squawk- like a chocobo he mused. “Brat.”
Then he left, steps stronger and surer this time around, fingers wrapped tightly around the soothing hum of magic in his palm- a fully mastered Full Cure if he wasn’t mistaken. Tseng chuckled again. He had a feeling that Cloud would never cease to surprise him. Perhaps after the war was over and he had clocked up a few vacation days he could come back to Nibelheim to visit Cloud again.
Maybe. He couldn’t wait.
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