#Frilly Cakes
raflesia65 · 1 year
prompt 2: Frilly Cakes @aurlyn and I together for the @14daysdalovers event.
Have fun 💖
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emotionalwarmth · 1 year
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Day 2 - Frilly cakes The prompt instantly reminded me of Josie. My boyfriend romanced her, I have no exact screenshots about what his Lavellan looked like but I do remembered her having this kinda skin tone and white hair ^^
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thejabberwokk · 1 year
14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers
Prompt: Frilly Cakes
For @14daysdalovers writing prompts :D
Pairing:  (Bards Drabbles au,) Warden Inquisitor Isabeaux x Solas
Rating:  PG - Heavy Innuendo
Once in the larder, the two elves startled to see Cole already there, his hands opened, daggers falling into a barrel that was formerly the home for pickled herring.
Isobeaux let out a startled laugh, her eyes glittering as she watched the spirit look between her and the flustered man a step behind.
“You better not have taken mine, Cole,” she said with a feigned glare.
“You said your daggers had a flesh sheath, how could I take that? It’s not hurting people…”
Isabeaux turned beet red, then let out a mighty cackle. Laughing so hard she doubled over while Cole looked at her perplexed. Solas, for his own good, kept an air of calm embarrassment while she continued to cackle and shake.
“I knew you enjoyed sparing, but I did not expect you to bury blades into flesh yourself, Inquisitor.”
His seriousious caused her laughter to double, tears streaming down her face as she grabbed his shoulder for support.
“Inquisitor, do you not want to share the frilly cakes with Solas, you thought the sweetness would make the stabbing more pleasant…” Cole’s innocent tone sent crimson across Solas cheeks.
“Oh Cole, your sweet bluntness puts my husband to shame. We most assuredly need some frilly cakes, care to help me gather them up?”
“Of course, Inquisitor! Er, I mean Izou.” He appeared by a cabinet, flinging it open in excitement, plates and cakes floating around him.
Izou watched him fondly, and her smile grew into a grin as Solas wrapped an arm about her waist.
“You truly surprise me, Ixobeaux,” He murmured into her shoulder, lips linger as he smiled
“Because I can appreciate a spirit's purpose?”
“No, because you can turn such an erotic evening into one that is full of laughter and warmth.”
She flushed, her hand clasping his on her waist. As Cole continued to load up plate after plate of sweet confections, Ixabeaux smiled softly, 
“Thank you Solas, you make my time here worth while”
“As does yours, Izou.”
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vivispec · 1 year
Entry #2 for the 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers! Go check out @14daysdalovers if you’re interested in joining, or want to support some amazing artists/writers. Otherwise, I’ll be posting fluff here and there all of February.
frilly cakes
fandom: dragon age inquisition
pairing: solavellan, solas/viera’vun
tags: fluff, teasing, short and sweet, viera pov
"No pursed lips, no wispy prayers, no doubt. As if startled she pulled in a quick breath through her nose, wondering if he knew just how much those words meant. Holding his gaze just a moment longer before her nerve fled and the urge to break away found her instead, Viera’vun smiled to herself, eyes flicking down to—
They never made it to the ground, catching on the curve of his lips and what glistened there, hidden to her all this time with his right side turned away."
Viera'vun has yet to make an impression on the nobility at the Winter Palace. After a conversation with Solas, she has an idea of what to do...as well as something to look forward to, once this is all over.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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...okay, one more, because Epel's white rabbit outfit is SENDING me. everyone in this event looks like a decadent little pastry and I want to eat them all.
(credit: lace stock)
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fanaille · 1 year
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liz lisa & princess cake from @kawaiihimedoll
{ edits by me, op's pic uploaded with credit as requested on their blog, please do not repost without credit }
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shivunin · 1 year
And Eat It, Too
Arianwen had plenty to do; there was no reason to be stopping outside the bakery in Denerim. It was just that—well, she remembered standing here with her mother once. They hadn’t been able to afford such fine pastries then, but now…now she had a belt pouch jingling with the money of dead men and little to buy with it. 
Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to…to buy just a little something? She could even share. Yes; it could be like team building. Or—
“Something you need?” Wynne asked beside her and Arianwen straightened abruptly. 
“No. Nothing. Nevermind.”
“What—” the mage began, but as she spoke a lean girl erupted from the shop, quick as a fox in the woods. The baker was right on her heels, his face red, a cloth waving from one hand. 
“Come back here you—!” he shouted, but it was too late. The little elven girl, blonde pigtails uneven on either side of her head, had already darted around a corner and vanished. 
“Agh!” the man shouted, drawing up short and propping one fist on his hip, “Wretch of a girl.”
He noticed the four of them then, and his eyes narrowed. 
“Something I can help you with?” he asked, his tone suggesting that there was nothing he could help them with. All at once, Wen felt dusty and small again, as small as the girl running away. What was it about Denerim that took away every ounce of her strength? What was it about being home that forced her to remember how she’d been before she left?
“No,” she told the baker coldly, eyeing him in the way most tended to find unnerving, and turned away. The others were exchanging a look; she could tell even without looking. That was not her problem. Let them look however they wanted; she wasn’t going to explain herself.  
It had been a foolish idea anyway. 
Arianwen had a headache, she wanted to go to bed, and she hadn’t seen Zevran in hours. 
How annoying that she’d gotten used to finding him before she went to bed. When had that happened? How had it crept up on her? She scowled at the fire now, aware that everyone else could see her mood very plainly, and abruptly stood. 
“Night,” she spat at the fire, and Alistair, who’d been sharpening his sword on the other side of the fire, winced. 
“Ah—g’night! Sleep tight! Don’t let the—ow! What was that for, I was only…”
His voice trailed off as she walked away, but she’d already stopped paying attention anyway. 
What was the use of a paramour, she wondered sourly, if he wasn’t going to be around when she needed to work out her frustrations?
She thrust the flap of her tent open, ducked inside, and paused. Her tent ought to have been empty. She hadn’t seen anyone go inside. And yet…
Zevran lay over her bedroll, propped on one elbow. He looked entirely too satisfied with himself, his teeth gleaming in the firelight that shone through the open tent flap, one leg propped up at an angle. 
“Good evening, mi vida,” he said, “I expected you a bit earlier, but do not worry; I will not hold your lateness against you.”
Wen stared at him, outraged, and in her shock it took her a moment to realize that the dim thing set in front of him was, in fact, a platter full of tiny, frilly cakes. 
The precise ones she’d been staring at earlier, to be precise. 
“You…? How—But you weren’t even there!” Wen said, eyes skipping between his smug expression and the pile of pink and white cakes. 
“I know,” he said mournfully, “Can you believe that the giant had to tell me about them?”
“Sten?” she said, perhaps a touch louder than necessary because a deep voice answered her. 
“Yes? What is it?”
“Nothing—nevermind,” she called over her shoulder and stepped the rest of the way into the tent. 
“But why?” she said, reaching out to touch the uppermost cake and thinking better of it at the last moment. 
“Because you wanted them,” Zevran said, sitting up and pushing himself back on the mat, “And you did not have them.” 
Wen shrugged off her leather armor, leaving her in only her leggings and tunic, and then she sat across from him with her legs crossed. 
“That’s not an answer,” she told him, frowning. 
In the shadows, it was harder to tell what he was thinking. That was annoying, but not unexpected. She might’ve fetched a lantern from outside—only Leliana had quietly told her that lighting the tent from within meant that everyone else could see their silhouettes quite clearly. The rest of them hearing she and Zevran was one thing—it could hardly be avoided, given the close quarters—but seeing was one step too far. 
That it left her in the dark now, literally and figuratively, was…unfortunate. 
“Of course it is,” he told her, and he moved in the shadows. 
A moment later, something pressed softly to her bottom lip. 
“Try,” he told her, “I ate one on my way back and I feel they were quite worth the trouble of stealing them.”
Wen breathed in through her nose. The cake smelled of berries, of honey and sugar and summertime. It smelled like all the things she’d never had as a child, all the things she’d never thought to seek for herself as an adult. 
Zevran held steady when she opened her mouth and took a bite, her upper lip brushing against his thumb as she did so. It was sweet; almost too sweet, save the burst of tartness from the berries. She made a soft noise, which might, to the lascivious, be called a moan, and heard his answering laugh in the dark. 
“Good, yes?” he asked, “I took an assortment while the man was chasing some elf-child down the street. Any shopkeep in Antiva would tell him the foolishness of such a thing. Why, it used to be my job to annoy the—”
“Hush,” she said, and leaned over the platter to kiss him, her lips still tasting of sugar and berries. After a moment, she felt the slide of his tongue over her lower lip, licking the rest of the sweetness from her skin. 
“Thank you,” she told him, “No—don’t tell me another story. Thank you; you didn’t have to do this, and you did. That means something.”
“I—” he sighed, and his breath brushed lightly over her chin, “Yes. You are…welcome.”
“Mmm,” she said in acknowledgement, and trailed her fingers down his arm to his wrist, lifting the rest of the cake to her mouth. 
“One kiss for every bite,” she told him once she’d swallowed, and felt his cheek curve under her fingers. 
“Is that the price for such things in Ferelden?” he said, his nose nudging hers, “Hmm. Perhaps I might have waited for the baker to come back, then. He was not so bad-looking, after all.”
Wen snorted faintly and pressed her mouth to his again, her fingertips tracing the smile she couldn’t see on his face. It was a good kiss, a long kiss, one or the other tilting their head to go on touching whenever it might have ended naturally instead. When she finally broke away and both of them were breathing a little harder, she felt him shift. 
“You know,” he said, “there are plenty more right here if you would like to do that again.”
Arianwen snorted, but turned to taste the next—and he was right. 
They were delicious.
(For day 2 of @14daysdalovers: Frilly Cakes (prompts here). I want you to know that Zev stole an assortment of flavors, and that when she was done she put them outside the tent for the others to eat....somewhere else. On the other side of camp. c: )
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nirikeehan · 1 year
Happy Friday / DADWC! From the 14 Days DA Lovers 2023 prompts, for your Thalia/Blackwall or Thalia/Cullen, may I submit: Frilly Cakes?
Ha, I love this! I know the "frilly cakes" thing originated with Blackwall but I went with hard mode and wrote something for Thalia/Cullen 😅
Just a lil shippy nonsense for @dadrunkwriting and @14daysdalovers
WC: 781
The buffet table was piled high with with pastries: elaborate tiered trays that displayed the miniature delights. They came in a variety of shapes and colors. Thalia saw square ones dolloped with creme and drizzled with chocolate, round ones crowded with raspberries and dusted with sugar, heart-shaped ones filled with lemon curd, and more. Her stomach rumbled as she stared at them from across the room, over the shoulder of yet another Orlesian diplomat. 
Her smile had been frozen on her face so long her muscles began to hurt. As soon as she bid adieu to one masked noble-person, another took the vacant spot in front of her. She shifted uncomfortably in the pinching shoes she wore under her long gown, but didn’t dare move. Even though she was starving. 
“If you’ll excuse us, Comte,” came a honeyed tenor that made her heart soar, “I’ve need of the Inquisitor for a moment.” 
Cullen appeared in front of her, looking quite fit in the scarlet and gold of the Inquisition uniform. He offered her an elbow, which she gratefully took. If the the Comte thought this behavior strange, the face behind the mask gave no indication. 
Cullen led her into a narrow room adjacent to the ballroom, chillier than the rooms being used for the fete, but quieter and dimmer as well. 
“What is it? What’s happened?” Thalia asked. 
“Ah— well, nothing, per se.” Cullen threw her a secretive smile. “You just looked like you could use a break.”
Thalia let out a relieved sigh. “I do, thank you.” She sat down on a chaise lounge and propped her feet in the air, rotating one sore ankle. “My hero.” 
“It’s the least I could do. Maker knows I’ve felt similarly, in this sea of sharks.” He strode to the ajar door, casting a furtive glance through the crack. “It should be a few minutes before they notices you’ve gone. Is there anything I can get for you?”
“Oh, I’ve been dying for a mille-feuille.” Thalia sighed. “Or perhaps a madeleine.”
A thin line appeared between Cullen’s eyebrows, accompanied by a puzzled silence. 
“One of the frilly cakes at the buffet table.” Thalia forgot, sometimes, low little Orlesian he knew. 
“Ah. Well, that shouldn’t be too hard. Wish me luck.” His grin was quite brave and dashing; it made her giggle. 
“Oh, good luck.” 
Cullen arrived back in record time, with a tiny plate with an equally tiny pastry on it. Neither a mille-feuille nor a madeleine, but it had several delicate layers of pastry and was topped with a generous portion of icing. 
“Incredible,” Thalia said, sitting up. The stay of her dress had been digging into her ribs and she wished for a pair of trousers so that she could be rid of the ridiculous obstacles known as skirts, but this was a worthy consolation. 
She took the plate from him and pressed the cake into her mouth with far less grace than befit a lady, but it was so delicious she did not care. She chewed carefully, letting out a hum of delight. “Mm, amazing. You know, Orlais might be a den of vice and backstabbing, but their food is always…” 
She trailed off, noticing the way Cullen gazed at her, with half-lidded hazel eyes and a jaw slack with desire. Thalia’s cheeks grew warm. “What is it?”
“You’ve, er, got a touch of icing, that’s all.” He motioned vaguely toward her face. 
“Oh, how unbecoming.” Thalia drew her tongue over her lips, which didn’t seem to do anything. 
“No, no, ah— may I?” 
Thalia nodded, and Cullen leaned down, drawing his thumb along the corner of her mouth. Thalia stared up at him, a thud shuddering her heart at the way he hovered, close enough for her to see his individual lashes and the stubble that clung stubbornly to his jaw. His eyes caught hers, and they froze. 
“Hi,” Thalia breathed. 
He swallowed thickly. “Hello.” He cupped her cheek and moved closer. “I didn’t get all of it. I think there’s enough here to… to…” 
“Lick?” Thalia supplied, and they both began to laugh.
“Not without your permission!” Cullen exclaimed. 
“Well,” she said, still giggling, “consider this your license to lick.”
He closed the space between them and kissed her just above the edge of her mouth. She felt the tip of his tongue touch her from between his teeth and let out a pleased chortle. She turned her face, kissing him full on the lips as the sweetness of the icing melted between them. 
“That was pretty good,” Cullen murmured when they parted. 
“The cake or the licking?” Thalia teased. 
“Please,” Cullen said, turning bright red. “I’m embarrassed enough as it is.” 
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
Ok I'm...not saying this is going anywhere but I've been watching ppg all day with my partner and in one episode Utonium mentions that he has a good recipe for pound cake and first of all it's...cute that he bakes >//> and my partner mentioned that baking is BASICALLY science so it actually makes perfect sense
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microwaveexplosion · 10 months
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kumacherry · 1 year
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This print is absolutely everything (^O^☆♪
Angelic pretty- sugar fairy cake JSK in yellow
Please do not re upload
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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
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@awordwasthebeginning tagged me for a picrew game - would you believe it; I actually followed through ^^' (I love being tagged; I'm just kinda stupid with picrews) Thank you!
Here are the rules: make yourself as a kid, teen, young adult and now, using this picrew, use your favorite color at the time as a background, and tag some people.
Except these colors are too pastel for my liking and realistically my faves would be way darker from teenage years onward XD but no matter; I did my best.
Uh. Do I even know people to tag for this kind of stuff? @mutantenfisch @meapi @str4wanzerin @chucklepea-hotpot @cricrithings anyone in the mood?
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talos-stims · 2 years
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otori emu [project sekai] stimboard in pink for @sublimebagelartisanland!
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natsora · 1 year
Frilly Cakes
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“Come on!” Trev called eagerly, gesturing for Cassandra to hurry. 
“I’m coming.” But Cassandra walked no faster to Trev’s frustration. The Inquisitor fluttered from stall to stall at the markets like a child in a confectionary shop, unable to decide because she wanted everything. Cassandra chuckled. She caught up with Trev outside a cafe. The Inquisitor pressed her nose against the display to look at the pastries. “Have you picked?” 
“Yes. I want to try this.” Trev smiled. “Come on.” Without a shred of hesitation, she grabbed Cassandra’s hand and tugged her inside. 
Soon, they both got seated at a table on the balcony. The nobles whispered and pointed at them, but Trev didn’t notice. A child of House Trevelyan, Lexington Trevelyan, youngest child and only daughter of Bann Trevelyan, behaved more like a commoner than a noble. Raised on a foundation of hard work and service, Trev had her heart in the right place — most of the time. 
Trev spoke to the server. After the server scurried off, Cassandra asked, “What did you order?” 
“A little of everything.” Trev replied cheerily. She truly was having the time of her time. “This is my first time here. It’s so clean and polished, but… everything seemed so stiff. I wish everyone would just stop—” She frowned, finally noticing the whispers. That made her sink lower in her chair, hoping to hide. It didn’t work so well with full plate armour. 
“Inquisitor Trevelyan—” Cassandra’s voice boomed. “—appreciates some privacy. It seems it’s not possible here. Maybe we should leave.” 
Trev’s face blanched, but everyone else flinched as one. They all looked away immediately. Trev’s eyes widened, and she mouthed, “Thank you.” 
Cassandra smiled. “My pleasure,” she whispered. 
The food arrived, one after another. It’s a dizzying array of cakes and pastries. Trev split everything in half, so both of them had an equal share of everything. She hummed with every bite. Cassandra watched with amusement. Spoon by spoon, they nearly stuffed themselves till they burst at the seams. 
“Is this a punishment?” Cassandra had to ask. 
“It’s not!” Trev undid a couple of buckles and petted her tummy. “Why did you say so?”
“You’re punishing me with food.” Cassandra pointed out at the stack of dishes on the table. It’s a sizeable one. Her voice trailed off as the server arrived with another plate. 
“Your last order, Inquisitor,” the server announced. 
Trev looked at the plate and groaned. “I don’t think I can eat these frilly cakes.”
“I’m sorry we cannot take these back,” the server explained. 
Trev winced. “Okay…” She looked at the cakes glumly and made to reach for it. 
“Don’t eat it if you can’t have any more. Solas likes these. Let’s just bring it back for him,” Cassandra suggested. 
Trev looked like she could cry with relief at the permission to stop eating. “I’ll never order this much again,” she promised. 
“You had better not.” 
Previous prompts: Hart 
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hoppinkiss · 11 months
I sat in the kitchen licking cream cheese filling off a spatula while I directed my mom cake decorating. and it is Not what I envisioned but I had fun and it turned out better than I thought it was going to!!
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When it all just ties together 🥰🎀🍰✨ satotortedeco.com
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