#Friday the 13th Franchise
shupito · 2 months
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I missed my wholesome buff boy. For all you desperate souls out there 💚
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lace-coffin · 5 months
hellooo :) I love your hcs and I was wondering if maybe you could write like (nsfw??) hcs for lie Jason, chromeskull, and Asa? Like they capture a police officer s/o and how they would treat the s/o. It’s okay if it’s just like one instead, (if you even do this xdd) but overall your writing is so ?? Amazing.
Slashers with captured!police!S/O (Nsfw)
Slashers x gn!Reader
Requests are closed! (For now)
I’m so happy to hear you like my writing omg!! That means so much T T
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Jason voorhees
Jason doesn’t have a set view on police officers, whilst his mother taught him they protect citizens and put criminals away he’s still not fond of them. Considering the police did nothing to help when Jason was essentially murdered he’s not too happy about interacting with them.
Jason was nervous and jumpy in the early days of your meeting, convinced you were only trying to get close to him to turn him in, why else would you ever attempt to bond with someone like him? (Incorrect, I love jay) this meant that your little rendezvous only ever happened in the woods of crystal lake or the campsite, never in Jason’s home, he needed some sort of privacy and to feel like he had some leverage if it did turn out to be a ruse.
Thankfully after weeks of reassurance and even showing him you left your phone in the car when you visited he began to trust you. Learning you genuinely just wanted to know him and there was no ulterior motive opened the floodgates within him. Jason has a lot of love to give once he’s happy to be vulnerable with you. Jason has never had many friends or family in his short life, so the ones he does have are held very closely.
You found out quickly that cuffs weren’t something that would even be helpful against Jason should you want to subdue him for whatever reason. You once put him in them as a joke after he’d been eyeing the shiny metal hanging from your trouser loops. It may as well been string the way he snapped them like it was nothing, hearing one of his traps being set of and instantly snapping the cuffs in his haste to move. Once he’d realised what he’d done his face darkened cutely in embarrassment. The sight of Jason blushing in cuffs is something you could appreciate.
Using cuffs is less of a physical restraint and more of a show of submission with Jason, sure he could snap them and not break a sweat if he really wanted to, but he wants to be good for you, pliant for you. It’s almost like the cuffs signify that he can let go, pass over the power to you for the evening. Watching him squirm under you whilst you work over his cock feels filthy and you can’t get enough. He groans and tugs against the restraints, frustrated from your teasing but not enough to break free and have you scold him.
If it’s been one of those days where Jason is particularly riled up the cuffs might not be enough. Teasing him when he’s already wound up tight may lead to him snapping the cuffs and fucking you into mattress < 3
Chromeskull (Jesse cromeans)
Jesse was less than pleased to see you. Police officers were his least favourite people, always on his trail and in his business though thankfully never quick enough to catch him. Imagine his surprise when he found a police badge in his new piggy’s possessions that he’d confiscated. It made his heart pick up in a strange way, palms sweaty from the danger of it but equally interested in the thrill.
It became apparent he wanted to put you to good use, sending multiple videos of you bound and weeping to the precinct as some kind of sick taunt to the officers you used to work with. He knew it was a risky move but couldn’t care less, to delighted in the idea of your past coworkers opening the file with baited breath, only to see you bound, bruised and totally submissive to the man at large. He imagined it made them sick, seeing you shake as he runs the knife under your chin, boasting how he caught one pig, and soon he’ll have the rest at the station.
Jesse was quick to press you for information when you first came into his possession, wanting any useful evidence the station may have against him. You were considerably less stubborn with a gun pressed into the underside of your jaw.
Unsurprisingly Jesse is partial to weapons in the bedroom, namely the same gun you arrived with. He finds it amusing how the power is literally in the other hand now, gloved fingers gripping the trigger. Some videos he makes are to be kept in his private collection, the camera on his shoulder recording every moan and yelp that leaves your mouth.
Jesse will grab your jaw and manhandle you to look into the camera, prompting you to degrade yourself for his and the imaginary audiences pleasure. “I-I’m a stupid piggy who got caught, now I’m nothing but a stupid slut for daddy” your eyes are wild from the gun wedged into your hole, slowly being fucked in and out by your owner. It’s unloaded but he would never tell you that, loving the pure terror that paints your expression when he adjusts his finger on the trigger.
Asa Emory
Your capture and subsequent placement in the collection were meticulously planned, what’s a better warning/taunt to the cops than one of the head officers on the case seemingly going missing overnight. Originally you were just supposed to be used as bait and discarded quickly after, not a fan of having police this close to his place of operations.
This didn’t end up being the case, Asa fell in love with the irony and power play of it, the head officer once on his case now a mindless pet below him. He took every opportunity to taunt you about this, how humiliating it was that you’d fallen this low, sitting like a well trained mutt at the feet of the enemy.
Asa takes a lot of joy in dressing you up in your blood stained uniform, reliving the moments he spent breaking you down, ripping the fabric and forcing your tie into your mouth to muffle your cries.
On the opposite side of this once he trusts you enough he lets you in on his fantasy of being caught and dominated, finally apprehended and fucked into the sheets like a slut. Cuff his hands and slam him against the wall, tell him he has no where to run and won’t be leaving without being handed to the station unless he lets you use him to get off. Point your gun to his head whilst he chokes you down, thighs crushing his head.
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Jason Voorhees on the Arsenio Hall Show on July 28, 1989 to promote the release of Friday The 13th, Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (989)
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fanofspooky · 22 days
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“No! You can't be alive!”
Friday The 13th Part III
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SUMMARY: Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees return to terrorize the teenagers of Elm Street. Only this time, they're out to get each other, too.
Every single penny of mod Sus' money goes to Jason, GET HIS ASS MY BOY.
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brideofjasonvoorhees · 4 months
F13 Fan Posters!
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The first 4 Friday the 13th movies in fantastic fan poster form! Which of the 4 films is your favorite?
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horrorfixxx · 2 years
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Friday the 13th (2009)
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aesthetictanuki · 1 month
I was reading about Jason's shack because why not, and I couldn't help myself
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Also unedited ver and shack photo (yeah I drew him over the watermark ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧)
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horrorwomensource · 2 years
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AMY STEEL as GINNY FIELD • Friday the 13th Part II (1981)
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texaschainsawmascara · 10 months
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by @digitalmeddle
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 year
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shupito · 14 days
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I saw a girl wearing a Jason inspired outfit (mask included) it looked something like this and it looked really cute. Jason would absolutely rock in skirts. :))
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lace-coffin · 7 months
Hey can I request jason voorhees x reader were the reader is like freddys sister or kid (grown up ofc) and he is protective of em and when freddy tricks jason to coming to Springwood the reader and jason meet at the corn maze rave and fall in love and it upsets freddy more? Thank you
Requests are open!
Thank you for the request! Ngl I had to rewatch the corn maze scene to refresh and I can’t get over how cool the fire stunt is + I love this Jason’s design with the droopy eye hehe
Jason vorehees x gn!reader
Tw for mild blood and violence (very little)
Fluff/wholesomeness, first time meeting, love at first sight
Is this too corny?
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As the younger sibling of Freddy Krueger you know how he is and that things most likely won’t play out smoothly with his new plan. You attend the corn maze rave to keep an eye out for your older brother despite being told implicitly to stay home where it’s safe. You weren’t expecting to meet your soulmate here of all places..
So far things with Freddy’s new idea haven’t been going according to plan, despite successfully deceiving Jason into coming to springwood to do his dirty work he’s not being able to get a good control over him and loosing kills/opportunity to restore his powers as a result of that. Hardheaded as ever your older brother keeps to his idea, detailing how he intends to make the best of a rave that’s being held by local teens in a corn maze.
You however, the younger and only sibling of said boogeyman, were told your not to go and that’s final. As reckless as Freddy can be he cares about your wellbeing, you’re his only sibling and hold a special soft spot in his heart. You feel the same towards him, which is where the issues arises. Things haven’t been going to plan up to this point already, Freddy not being able to control Jason as well as he initially thought and having kills stolen from him as a result. With the situation being as messy as it is there’s absolutely no way you’re letting your brother go alone. Weather he actually knows you’re joining is unimportant, you’re just going to head there, keep your head low, make sure everything goes to plan and then come home.
Everything did not go to plan. Within an hour of being there Freddy has realised you’re here and berated you. He’s beyond pissed since he explicitly told you to stay home, not wanting you involved in the massacre because he knows deep down he doesn’t have a good grip on it right now.
After a few minutes of back and forth arguing he relents and agrees to let you stay. Only because he feels it would be to dangerous for you to walk home in this mess. He can’t bear the thought of something happening to his younger sibling under his watch. He begrudgingly tells you to keep out of the way and lay low until he’s finished and he’ll take the pair of you home. He swears if he wasn’t already dead then the shit you put him through would kill him five times over.
Bitter that you’ve been yelled at for the last couple minuets you make your way into the dense crowd and pour yourself a drink. May aswell, seems you’re going to be here surrounded by dumb hormone driven teens for the next few hours. After finally having enough of the crowd and loud music you take yourself to a more secluded area of the maze, perching yourself on a decorative hay bale and swishing your drink around your cup uninterested.
That is until a corpse covered in glow sticks seemingly falls from no where and slumps down infront of you. Huh. Maybe this will be interesting.
Before you can process what just happened you notice an orange glow emanating from closer to the party, fire. Intrigued and not one to sit idle you follow the haze until you reach its origin. It seems the rave has come to an end as body’s litter the floor, gored beyond recognition. You look over them in sick fascination, quick to realise they aren’t the work of your older brother..the wounds don’t match up.
A rusting noise emanates from the corn stalks and you snap your head around to the source of the noise. Still on fire a hulking 6’5 man? Zombie? Trudges out of the corn maze and pauses to stare you down. Ah, this must be Jason.
Despite your better judgment you rush over to the table to grab whatever liquid you can to douse him in, hoping to put him out. You know he’s important to your brothers plan and your not just going to let him stand there ablaze weather it will actually hurt him or not.
As you throw the (non flammable) drink over him he recoils, albeit a bit delayed to the initial impact. The fire slowly dies down and Jason looks back up to you slowly. Despite the mask you’re sure you can see some gratitude swimming behind his good eye. You rush over to check him over, Jason more than confused but intrigued allows you to once he realises your unarmed and not a threat.
You gently rid him of his jacket now ashen from the fire and tend to any wounds as best you can with whatever is available. Jason is baffled as to why you’re treating him so gently, like you genuinely care about his safety. For most his life all he’s knows is the cruelty of others and the pain he inflicts in the name of his late mother. But you, your so ..soft? Careful and considerate in a way he hasn’t felt in years. He watches you cautiously behind his mask, eye following every step of your movements as you work to patch him up.
You’ve been talking non stop since you started, quickly grasping onto the fact talking wasn’t exactly his forte but enjoying having someone to listen. You explain each step of what you’re doing to him beforehand as not to startle him, Jason gives little nods in response to let you know he understands and is comfortable with you to proceed. Your complete strangers right now but the connection you’ve built over this small period is pleasant and new to the both of you, Jason having someone fawn over him and his health for the first time in years whilst speaking to him normally and considerately is scary but welcomed. You having someone to talk to and make little jokes with whilst not talking over you and giving you room to express yourself is heaven. For what Jason lacks verbally he makes up for in expression and gestures. You notice the way his shoulders bounce as he silently chuckles when you make a particularly cheesy joke, his eyes crinkling under his mask.
Eventually you decide it’s time to bite the bullet and ask if you can take a look under his mask to check if the fire caused any damage that needs to be attended to. Instantly he pulls away. Shit, that’s a no then. You put your hands up defensively and tell him you won’t make him do anything he’s not comfortable with and that you’re sorry for offending him. He shakes his head, wanting to get across that you didn’t offend him, he’s just unsure, you’re a stranger after all, even if he is enjoying your company. After a while of negotiating via head nods you come to the agreement that you can look over the skin visible from behind his mask and no further.
You decide it would be easier to do this sat down so you take Jason’s large leather clad hand into your own and guide him to the floor of the maze clearing. Shuffling closer you ask him again if he’s ready and ok to be touched. Receiving a nod in reply you bring your face up to his. It’s more intimate than you expected considering you just met him and now you’re within kissing distance. Jason snaps his eyes away from yours bashfully but lets you proceed. You run a careful hand over the skin around his mask, miraculously it’s a little charred but already looking better than you expect thanks to his rapid regeneration. Lost in concern and concentrating on looking the visible skin over you don’t realise your effectively petting over his skin softly. It’s relaxing and soft in a way that’s foreign to Jason. You realise the effect it’s having on him once a rumbling content noise similar to a purr emanates from his chest steadily.
You giggle, thinking the noise is cute, especially coming from such a hulking undead being like himself. Jason seizes up at the sound of your laughter, thinking you’re making fun of him like those horrid kids in his past but easily relaxes again when you explain you found it endearing. Your eyes meet and hold contact for a few moments, feeling peacful in each other’s new found company. Without thinking you bump your forehead against his, soft skin meeting plastic. Just resting your head against his and looking into his eyes, it’s intimate but not pushing either parties boundaries. You swear you can see Jason’s skin flush a little darker and the rumble in his chest picks up. After a few moments of shared nuzzling you move back into your earlier position.
You offer to bring Jason back home with you so you can Atleast get him cleaned up and treated with better supplies. It’s not a super smart idea considering you just met him and he’s a 6’3 machete wielding zombie but when have you ever made good choices. He hesitantly nods and agrees to go, he thinks he can trust you after the moment you just shared and to be honest with the way his undead heart is fluttering he doesn’t feel like he could bring himself to say no to you.
You spend a few more moments in comfy silence before your brother emerges from the maze, face splattered with blood. Freddy pauses to take in the scene. You cozied up to the man who’s currently ruining all his plans. Absolutely not. Are you dumb? Do you know what he’s capable of? Did you not just see him slaughter half a student body? Freddy is across the field and pulling you off before you have chance to explain.
Jason, not know Freddy is your older brother and is just being protective, hardens his stance and rips Freddy’s grasp from your arm, machete readied. Freddy doesn’t take kindly to this and snarls at the man, demanding he backs away from his sibling. It clicks that Freddy is your older sibling. Freddy lets go and Jason relents.
Explaining to Freddy that you’re going to take home essentially the flaw within his plan doesn’t go over well. You bicker for a good five minutes, both hard headed and stubborn. Eventually Freddy throws his razored hands up and gives in, telling you that you can patch him up and that’s it, and if he even thinks about laying a hand on you or acting out of line then Freddy will slice him to ribbons without hesitation.
Freddy walks ahead of you on the way home, grumbling to himself about how unreal and stupid this is and how this wouldn’t have happened if you’d just stayed home safe like he told you. You can’t bring yourself to care as you slip your smaller hand into Jason’s, enjoying the brisk night air together.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 7 months
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fanofspooky · 3 months
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Freddy vs. Jason
Dir. Ronny Yu
“I'm dying to see what skeletons are hidden in your closet…”
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SUMMARY: A hiker's survival skills is put to the test when he stumbles upon the remains of an old abandoned camp and discovers its long dark secrets.
Watch the film on Youtube
Mod Sus: *banging all the walls and boxes in excitement* HIMST!!! MY BOI!!!
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