#Fox Spirit Sokka
harleyification · 1 year
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ATLA Au where Sokka befriends a rogue Knowledge Seeker ✨
(More info under the cut)
Side A: Sokka Adopts A Stray Fox Spirit
- After a toddler Sokka gets lost in a blizzard, a Knowledge Seeker that is taking back a scroll wanders upon him. Knowledge Seekers in this world not only retrieve information for the library, but also protect it - sometimes with their life. - This particular Knowledge Seeker feels the need to protect Sokka (who, unbeknownst to them both, is going to be a genius who tilts the world of knowledge on its head), and disregards its former duty in order to make sure the tiny human makes it. - If Sokka dies, then so much knowledge will be lost to the world. The spirit can’t have that. It curls up around Sokka, giving the child warmth and saving his life. - It decides to stick around when it realizes this particular human is rather curious and thus drawn to danger, aiding this one in its destiny. And while spirits don’t need to eat (And can eat just about anything), it’s also a bonus that human treats are really good!! Side B: Sokka Becomes A Knowledge Seeker (or New Spirit Entirely...?)
- Everything is the same as above, except for the fact that young Sokka succumbs to the coldness despite the spirits best efforts... - The Knowledge Seeker, keen in fulfilling its duties, essentially thinks, “Well shit. Can't let this potential go to waste. I'll sacrifice myself in order to heal the world, aid destiny, and ultimately expand knowledge for the world. This human's worth it." - Doggo combines its essence with Sokka’s soul, and gives the child a second chance at life. - Sokka in return gets canine teeth, a bigger propensity for meat, can go Borf, probably has auburn hair (still not set on the design), and has most of the abilities of the Knowledge Seeker. - No ears or tail on a literal level (Maybe...), but these abilities include: enhanced hearing, the ability to innately and uncannily Know Things by accessing his past spirit life memories and having a connection to the library, a 6th sense for danger and spiritual activity, climbing up walls like Spider-Man, and eventually being able to walk back and forth between worlds! As well as typical dog traits, like growling, claws, teef, and a propensity for meat!
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sockfus · 3 months
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deuterosapiens · 3 months
So, Last Airbender. Done, finished, finite.
It's deeply passable. Not great by any means, but deeply passable. Inoffensive, and safe, I think are perhaps the best words to describe this adaptation.
Still, credit where credit is due: Yue's hair does not resemble a giant penis. And of a slightly more serious note, the Moon Spirit's death still brought me intense physical pain (because the Moon Spirit's death has the effect on me regardless of the adaptation, even that one).
I will admit one tiny detail's omission annoyed me more than it should: Admiral Zhao receives the information from the Fire Sages, rather than from Won Shi Tong's library and I'm a sucker for everything associated with Won Shi Tong and therefore not seeing his library brings me sadness. Ignore the fact that we had Wong Shi Tong's actual on-screen appearance like three episodes previous, and an entire season early which I'm not complaining about but that's me seriously digressing.
I want Book Two to happen, and I hope these writers have learned from their mistakes. Unlikely, but one can hope. And the Avatar is all about hope (as the show has reminded me way too damn many times). But, Book Two is full of some of the show's best moments and I want to seem them realized as well.
Ba Sing Se.
And Jet's death.
Lot's of good stuff in Book Two.
I expect Netflix to announce this shows cancelation soon.
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aangarchy · 3 months
Netflix atla live action review ep 4-6
So, they completely ruined Bumi. Spoiler warning.
The more episodes pass by the more confused i get with the choices that were made. I wrote down commentary for the episodes and the thing that i wrote down the most was "why does this happen?". The writing is incredibly confusing and messy, feels too rushed in some spaces and too slow in others. There's just... so much going on and so little at the same time. They brought in elements that in the OG don't get introduced until later in s1, s2, the comics, or even the legend of Korra. The reason these things get introduced so early here is not clear at all, because they don't serve any purpose other than to be an obstacle to Aang, Sokka and Katara on their way to the North.
Mai and Ty Lee are.. there. They get introduced earlier but they don't serve any purpose at the moment other than stand around, watch Azula train, ask questions so that Azula can give us the answers the viewer needs. My guess is they only got introduced for the audience who watched the OG to go "oh we know them!". We get the secret tunnel story earlier too, but it has absolutely nothing to do with love. Somehow "love is brightest in the dark" now correlates to the badgermoles being able to sense a human's emotion. It's a waste of a storyline, doesn't teach us anything about love, gives us Omashu lore which is useless bc neither Sokka nor Katara actually use love to escape the tunnels. Also Oma and Shu are lesbians now, but you only know that bc they changed Shu's pronouns. Wow, so progressive! We have lesbians in the story now! Boy do i feel represented as a sapphic!
We get Koh early on as well, but his entire gig got changed. Now suddenly he doesn't steal faces but he "feeds", and hunts using the fog of lost souls (which is tlok lore mind you) as a tool to trap humans. We introduce the mother of faces (comic book lore!), or rather pendant of her that Koh owns. There's no reason for her to exist in this story though other than to be an easter egg to everyone who read the search (Not even the majority of the fandom!) and to offer a solution to this problem we've created, which is Koh capturing our friends in order to eat them and us not being able to convince him into letting them go. There's no feeling of dread in the Koh scenes at all because the whole problem of not showing emotion is just not a thing now. No suspense, no fear, just a weird cgi clown face worm. The worm doesn't even menacingly circle around Aang to invoke a feeling of being surrounded, it just sits there. I also just don't understand why Koh is here already bc now who is going to give us information about Tui and La?
This decision also creates a problem that Hei Bai's story just isn't about Hei Bai anymore. We get fed a few lines from a talking fox about how the forest spirit got hurt, but there's really no solution? Aang buries a pinecone in front of the statue and tells him not to give up hope but he didn't even really need to do that, because Hei Bai wasn't the one kidnapping villagers! It was Koh. Why did we appease Hei Bai if Koh was the real villain? Hei Bai/Koh's story leads us to Roku, but Roku is completely useless. All he does is undermine Kyoshi's advice to Aang, tell Aang about the mother of faces pendant so he can appease Koh, and then we leave. I knew in advance Roku wasn't going to warn Aang about the comet here bc Albert Kim already told us working with a deadline like that with child actors is just impossible. But with Roku suddenly not being Aang's main Avatar guide he just gets nothing to do. There's no suspense in this part of the story either, bc the time limit of the winter solstice isn't a thing here at all. Aang also ends up flying over Fire Nation borders without issue, and gets led right into the sanctuary without the puzzle of figuring out how to open the door, and without the problem of Zhao's soldiers waiting for him when he comes out. It creates this issue of there not being any excitement, at least for me. I genuinely am getting a bit bored with the show, which was never an issue with the OG for me. There's a reason all of this extra material didn't get introduced until later on. There's too many characters and they all get too little time to really do anything useful, they're not fleshed out, the stories aren't thought through and it ends up getting very confusing and boring. I'm genuinely curious for the perspective of people who have never watched the OG cartoon, bc i wonder if they're even able to follow along without prior knowledge of this universe.
Bumi is just... not Bumi. They completely changed his character to be this bitter old senile man that resents Aang for abandoning the world. This doesn't make any sense because in this version of the story Bumi shouldn't know that Aang is the Avatar at all, because Aang was told right before he disappeared! So why does Bumi immediately know that Aang is the Avatar, and why does Aang immediately recognize him? Also the original point of Bumi's tests is to get Aang to approach fights and puzzles from a different angle, so he can learn versatility as the Avatar. But here the tests are just happening because Bumi is mad at Aang for leaving and wants to get back at him for being gone so long. He says some lines about Aang having to learn to make hard choices and you can't rely on your friends, but Aang ends up proving him wrong in the end! What is even the point of Bumi's part in the story now, except for him just being another obstacle on the way to the North Pole?
There's a lot of instances where I feel like the bond between characters gets completely lost. We barely spend any time with the side characters like the mechanist, Teo, Jet and the freedom fighters, and the people in the spirit village. It makes some scenes feel very out of place. These storylines all happen at once, and they don't get their individual moments to shine. We have no room to feel betrayed by Jet or Sai, because we barely got to know them to begin with. Jet and Sai only spend time with One member of the gaang each, but when their betrayals come to light the rest of the group acts devastated, as if it was their dear friend. Sokka also gets really mad about the Jet thing, but he only met Jet once when he smuggled them into Omashu, and Jet didn't even tell Sokka his name. He said it afterwards when Katara met him again. It makes absolutely no sense why Sokka is yelling at Katara for trusting Jet only bc she finds him attractive, when Sokka wasn't even there during all of that!
The sense of family between the gaang that we get from the original also just doesn't happen here. Especially because these characters so far have spent more time apart than together. Aang constantly gets separated from Sokka and Katara, leaving no room for them to bond. We get Katara and Sokka bonding, but they shouldn't need those types of scenes because they're already siblings (which isn't very clear in the show either btw!). I ended up forgetting that Sokka and Katara were trapped by Koh, bc we spend so much time away from them (a whole episode, which is now an hour!).
I have little to no criticism for the Blue Spirit story. Want to guess why that is? Bc they left it pretty much untouched. We even get a little bit of an extra scene, with Zuko and Aang talking while Zuko recovers after getting hurt during the escape. I liked this choice, especially bc it highlights how conflicted Zuko is.
This is where we get Zuko's backstory. I have one question here: why did they make Ozai more sensible and less ruthless? Was that a Daniel Dae Kim decision? Bc it feels like a Daniel Dae Kim thing to do. They're very on the nose with the way Ozai is abusing Zuko and Azula, but then they turn around and make this man visit Zuko after he burned him and praise Zuko about finding the Avatar. I understand that they did this to show how Ozai uses Zuko's accomplishments in order to push Azula, but even if it were to do that: the original Ozai would NEVER. The problem here as well is that they don't let the viewers draw any conclusions themselves anymore. They're holding the viewer's hand through the whole thing, leaving no room for nuance or doubt.
I just finished episode 7 and 8 and I have Things To Say. None of which are good. Writing it down is challenging so it might take a day or two.
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highfantasy-soul · 2 months
Princess Yue - Netflix Edition
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Yue's character concept is so cool, but in the animated series, like Suki, she was a cool concept that really just became a plot device rather than a full character.
The live-action fleshes her out as a young woman put in a position of authority over a tribe not just as a princess, but as someone with a part of the moon spirit within her, so she chooses to use that to be a spiritual leader of her people as well. She shares how she serves them, not just as a bride to be married off like in the animated series, but as someone who helps make desserts and councils them on spiritual matters. Yue has stuff going on outside getting married to Hahn and it makes her feel like a real person rather than a plot device. She has likes and hobbies and struggles like a whole character - ya know, stuff she can also talk to Sokka about to create a connection rather than just…thinking he's cute, I guess?
I love the additions the live-action gave her due to her having a part of the moon spirit within her! Being able to pop over into the Spirit Realm in her dreams was a wonderful touch and having her meet Sokka there added to their connection - she saw him as he was, not as someone trying to impress a princess. It also makes total sense that she's a waterbender - she has a piece of the moon spirit in her, the first waterbender - why would she not also have that ability? It was a great way also, to show subtly in the finale that her giving her life back to the moon would bring back waterbending as she bends even when the moon is 'gone'.
Her and Sokka's relationship, though still rushed, feels a lot more organic and understandable in the live-action. They bond over being in positions of authority and sometimes wishing they could just be 'regular people' so they both understand at least partially what the other is going through. It's beautiful that Yue falls for Sokka not because of his battle prowess or status as the warrior of his village, but because of his heart - his first words when she meets him are of concern for his friends.
In the battle, Yue takes an active role with Sokka - not to fight, but to help get people to safety - showing that there are many ways to help during a crisis other than being a master in combat. She shows Sokka the hidden oasis not to stand by while Aang meditates, but to heal someone who'd been hurt - even if that someone was 'just a pet'.
Finally, I love giving her the agency to realize that she is the one who can bring back the moon spirit. In the animated series, Iroh is the one who prompts her, but in the live-action, she comes to that conclusion herself. It's just her and Sokka in the end and she makes her sacrifice. 
I couldn't tell you what animated Yue enjoys doing, what she values in a person, or what she did in service to her people. But I could tell you all those things and more about the live-action Yue. Even though she's only in 2 episodes, she's a full person and you know exactly how her loss will affect her people: the Grans will miss the princess coming in to the kitchens and helping with dessert, the people will miss getting advice from her, but hopefully, a silver fox will still be able to roam the Spirit Realm.
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Things that natla did do:
- Katara stealing a water pouch from a merchant shop at night
- zuko draws!
- include pieces from the books and comics (mother of faces, Kyoshi‘s personality,
- „water the most promising seed“
- Katara standing by and smirking as Sokka flounders trying to impress Suki but her not buying any of it
- Katara never letting anyone talk over her once diplomacy fails
- Bumi‘s armpit hair
- Zuko talking about Lu Ten
- Azula learning to use a blue flame and failing
- what can I say, the actors make the show very enjoyable 🤷🏼‍♀️
- Kuruk refusing to take possession over Aang‘s body/ Avatar state
- overall I think they drew info from the books about the other eras
- the sound of Iroh‘s firebending reminding of a dragon‘s growl
- Avatar Roku making fun of Avatar Kyoshi
- Zuko basically enthusing about Kyoshi‘s strength only to then get his ass kicked by her
- Suki (and mom) gushing over seeing their role model Kyoshi in action
- random woman with broom and Zuko letting her hit him
- Aang running away at the end, after the battle. He might not have run from his responsibility but he ran from the consequences
- „have you seen my flying bison?“ which is way better because even less believable
- Katara being bold enough to train her waterbending in the abandoned fire navy ship around Wolf Cove
- emphasis on Sokka‘s inventory skills and by elongation his bad ice dodging skills
- Zuko deciding to stay with/ look for Iroh instead of chasing Aang twice
- Lu Ten‘s theme playing every time Zuko and Iroh confess their love for each other
- Omashu‘s part of the earth kingdom being India coded
- Zuko so specifically being triggered by the word „compassion“ but not „empathy/ emphatic“ because he actually does believe in kindness and much like Azula is still trapped in the pressure of having to represent all his father believes
- Zuko looking disgusted all the time
- 41st division bowing to their prince
- I had fun watching it and most of it makes sense tbh.
What I don’t get (logic mistakes):
- Mai being too openly anti fire nation by saying she wouldn’t ever come back if given the chance
- Iroh finding the Blue Spirit‘s mask in Zuko‘s pile of clothes but maybe that’s not even a negative.
- no talk about the meaning of the necklace
- Gyatso Living in the Spirit World (doesn’t Aang have enough guides with all his previous lives?);
- that assassination attempt on Ozai and Azula infiltrating the plan? Was this meant to show Ozai‘s cruelty and Azula‘s strategic thinking??
- what was Bumi‘s point exactly?
- Yue being a spirit fox. Why? It added nothing.
- „i bet you taste like chicken“ no opossum chicken. just chicken.
- Kyoshi being the narrator
- Aang being able to communicate with his past lives only by visiting their shrines and not in the right order (usually the avatar has to contact every avatar before him in the order of their lifetimes before he can get through to the next)
- Aang being shamed and gaslight by everyone
- confusion over what happened to the villagers as well as Katara and Solla by mixing Hei Bai‘s and Ko‘s stories as well as the Fog of Lost Souls and creating a new loophole into the spirit world when people stand too close to Aang while he meditates? Also, Ko‘s „Magic“ with individuality and his reason for stealing faces when showing emotion is lost.
- with all due love, what was Suki‘s mother for?
- Wan Shi Tong randomly sitting at some wayside
- Why wouldn’t normal people understand Wan Shi Tong? How are they planning for Team Avatar to find out about the solar eclipse if not through Wan Shi Tong‘s library later?
- Iroh suspecting Ozai behind the apparent assassination of Zuko so openly in front of Zhao
- Iroh justifying his war crimes with „I was a soldier“??
- Iroh „sacrificing“ himself in Omashu when the earth kingdom forces were looking for the firebender even though they both would’ve gone undetected otherwise
- Iroh killing Zhao
- does Momo carry the spirits‘ life now?
- the fire nation inventing a solar system model to predict Zosin‘s Comet and potentially the eclipse as well
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hitemwiththeoop · 3 months
i kinda just want someone to write a fanfic about the gaang reacting to the live action, if you want to make it canonesque like, doing it like it was another play like the one at ember island,,,imagine
aang getting angry because he didn't get to kiss katara at the cave and instead they make her more interested in jet and he begins saying things like I BET IF YOU HAD BEEN WITH HIM IN THE CAVE YOU WOULD'VE KISSED HIM. katara angry at her characterization like WHY DON'T I SPEAK UP??? I WOULD'VE THROWN HANDS and to sokka WHY DID THEY MAKE YOU ACT LIKE THE MORE MATURE ONE BETWEEN US, I HAD TO WASH YOUR SOCKS BACK AT THE VILLAGE. everyone absolutely confused at the fact yue was a spirit fox. Zuko criticizing himself ozai and azula like wth and why do i have drawings of the avatars and a journal about them, they make me look so obsessed, and sokka like, actually, i think that was spot on. suki and sokka cringing at the scene where she stared at him shirtless and him getting angry because they didn't make him dress up like a girl
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azulamakesmeblank · 3 months
Bullet point list of things I disliked in atla LA
Katara doesn’t even catch Aang
Kanna is apparently all knowing?
Aang’s lack of boyish humour and playfulness
The lack of emotional reaction at all from anyone (no “omg I did it!! I finally learned the water whip!” Just a smile ??)
So many flash back scenes
Zuko being an angsty artist and having a granny collection of avatar statues
Zuko being a whiney bitch like where is the anger? Where is the evil? Why does he just look like he wants to cry about everything?
Azula doesn’t bend blue fire??? Hello?
Ozai cares more about zuko for some reason?
Azula is WAY too bothered — where is the cold hearted ruthless evil terrifying perfectionist we know?
Why does kyoshi know the future
Why are visions the only way anyone find out about anything in this show
Koh the face stealer
Sokkas issue with his dad? Why?
No sexism for sokkas character development but sexism in the northern water tribe?
The gaang literally never interact
Aang refusing to learn any water bending at all FOR WHAT REASON?
Wan shi tong being in the spirit world
Sokka and katara being in the spirit world too
The secret tunnel butchery
Way way way way way too much zuko iroh stuff WAY too much
Aang shaking his head instead of cheering katara on when she was fighting paku
Aang has to go to a shrine to talk to the past avatars??? Yet Kursk appears all bc zhao has his special knife?
Momo? Dying??
Yue is a fox?
Yue… is wearing the worst wig I’ve ever seen???
Yue is just a girl??? Who is also a waterbender?
Aang was about to be trapped in the ocean spirit forever?? Huh?
Zhao doesn’t even get caught by the ocean spirit are you for real
The only word for word lines of dialogue I can remember being “MY CABBAGES” “throw him a feast!” And “lettuce leave?”
The final conversation between the gaang
All the moments of convenience
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 months
atla live action thoughts: episode 5
tw: opinions
things i liked:
the title of the episode being a nod to ghibli is cute since ghibli was a major influence on the original
jun hitting on iroh is so fucking funny. zuko's reaction is 100% on point it's giving that scene in book 2 where iroh flirts with the ba sing se official to get passports and zuko's all "great agni please kill me now"
guessing this episode is pulling from both the swamp and the winter solstice. not mad about it, they're probably trying to eliminate some of the early filler in s2 to save time in the next season if they get greenlit. this means we're likely not getting aang having his vision of toph though :(
katara actually seeing her mother be burned to death is so much more traumatizing than the original, but i do appreciate the depth it brings to how desperate katara is to learn waterbending because she wasn't able to save her mother when it mattered
koh is just as creepy as the original, but i wish they hadn't taken out that the way he steals faces is by goading his victims into showing emotion
mai and ty lee sleeping next to each other is very cute <3
idk if i was just imagining things but it looked like azula's fire briefly turned from orange to blue at the end. guessing the season is going to end with her getting her lightning and iconic blue flames
aang getting to have one more moment with gyatso to say goodbye and gyatso assuring him the air nomad genocide wasn't his fault... tearbending
things i disliked/am conflicted about:
why on earth would sokka's traumatic memory be nearly failing at ice dodging and having to be saved by bato??? the fact that sokka DIDN'T get to go ice dodging in the original was a great way of showing us what he'd lost without male influences in his life, and his success at it highlighted his quick-thinking and ingenuity. if we needed a traumatic memory, why not use the moment where sokka watches the men sail off to war without him?? especially since the live action is so focused on how sokka grew up too soon by having to be the protector of his village and this was one of the story beats in the original that told us WHY he felt the need to live up to some impossible ideal of masculinity
sokka and hakoda's relationship in the live action is just weird in general. sokka saying his dad didn't really support him being an engineer in omashu as though hakoda wasn't just as resourceful and inventive in the original? i don't buy that hakoda would've EVER spoken about sokka like that to bato either, which also defeats the entire purpose of foiling the zuko/ozai and sokka/hakoda relationship.
fox spirit yue (?) was downright odd
no clue what they're doing with azula's character or if i like it. on the one hand, i do find it plausible that ozai would use the threat of zuko to keep azula in her place, but she feels way too visibly threatened by zuko here when she didn't seem that way up till her breakdown in the original. why would she when she was ozai's golden child pretty much right from the start?
ty lee's wig is god awful
we're more than halfway through and aang has not waterbent ONCE or made any attempt to learn... bombastic side eye
overall episode rating: 6.5/10, mostly for the odd characterization decisions.
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harleyification · 1 year
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Some more doodles of my Fox Spirit AU: Side B, cause I don’t think y’all understand -- Sokka being spirit-touched and Still An Atheist is SO FUCKING FUNNY TO ME
(+ Design Doodles and More Info under the cut)
Sokka in the top-right corner was inspired by This Post Also, I have No Idea how I want Sokka to look, and it’s in between these two ideas:
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I made the sketches before I sat back and came up with the design a bit more, so that’s why it’s primarily short-haired Sokka - however, I went in-between eye color in them to try to figure out which one worked best! I don’t know if I’m going to be drawing this AU too much going forward, so I wanted to lay these out before I just dropped this idea completely, jasdkljaskl
I adore how this AU can play out in so many different ways. I’m already coming up with a Side C (which is Tangled inspired), and I still adore Side A (Sokka adopting a Knowledge Seeker as a PET)! I’ve been writing down all of my ideas for this AU and doodling it ever since then, and it’s just so funny coming up with all of the possibilities!!
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psychicpinenut · 2 months
netflix atla review
i decided that i wanted to see it through anyway so i finished the netflix atla. here are the things that made me want to hurl rocks at my tv (i might not remember a lot of things because i stopped watching after ep 4 and only continued this week so this might get rambly as i try to recall things)
let me start on the cast. no offense to these kids but my god. one of the things i hate the most is when you can tell an actor is acting. the whole time you could see that they walk up to their mark, stop there and recite the lines like they're in a high school play. and i get that they're young and probably don't have too much experience but i just keep thinking about the original voice cast who were children as well at the time of recording and they're some of the most talented actors i've ever heard. but then again i know they had to not only find people who resemble the characters but can do martial arts and act. so whatever, i hope they'll grow more during this. the only actor i liked was dallas liu who is the oldest of the main cast (i believe he was around 20 when they filmed this) which is probably why he doesn't have a chronic case of child acting.
constantly making up and/or changing lore:
why can aang only speak to past avatars in their shrines?
roku is sidelined in favor of kyoshi (who for some reason is extremely aggressive towards him) who can see into the future apparently because she gave aang a vision of the northern water tribe being destroyed instead of sozin's comet coming.
aang somehow being "lost" to the ocean spirit at the end which is ???
sokka and katara can enter the spirit world with aang
koh keeping his victims like some fucking spider and only gives them back after aang gave some stupid totem back. they also brought him so forward that he doesn't tell aang about tui and la which was the entire fucking point of looking him up in the first place
yue is a fox? in the spirit world?
wan shi tong is there also in the spirit world
i'm guessing they're already abandoning the ancient library storyline because they already intoduced wan shi tong and zhao was shown that he found out about tui and la from the fire sages in roku's temple. which is going to be interesting because that's where sokka finds out about the solar eclipse but i guess they'll come up with some other solution like toph can sense the moon moving through her feet or some shit
tui and la becoming mortals for only one night?
zuko having extensive research on the avatars should mean he knows that roku is his great grandfather but we're either leaving that one out or he's just not good at research
they took out sokka's sexism, thus eliminating any chance of character development, in favor of putting in actual sexism perpetrated by the show itself. suki is made into this small town girl, rapunzel type of character who needs sokka, the man, to bring the world to her and expand her mind. and then instead of sokka being grateful to suki for teaching him, she's the one that's thankful for ... going there? and bringing the world to her? because strong women mean they can punch right?
constant references to book 2 in the first season
they made so that aang didn't actually run away from his responsibility as the avatar - which is a pretty important part of his arc as that guilt follows him through the entire series - but that he only took a little trip to clear his head. which makes everyone accusing him of disappearing seem dumb and unfair
which leads me to bumi. why the fuck would bumi be so pissed at him? the whole episode he's antagonizing him and yelling at him to go do his job as the avatar meanwhile he's holding him hostage and making him do his challenges. like let him go so he can do his job maybe?? stupid
the entire ep 3-4. they really just shoved like 5 episodes together into one which i get because they don't have time to do everything but they did it so badly and the messages from each episode disappeared in favor of the CGI fight scenes.
like what do you mean sokka barely even got to interact with jet? that's the episode where sokka is proven to have good instincts and leadership because he saw jet for what he was.
why are teo and his dad here? what about aang's massive grief over the industrialization of his wiped out culture?
why would jet try to kill bumi? they completely obliterated the moral dilemma of jet wiping out a fire nation village because he sees that as justified even though he's killing civilians who happen to be fire nation.
for some reason they had sokka and katara go through the secret tunnel which is kind of fucking weird. i don't mind if they cut the kaang romance line but it is going to be interesting once it comes to the earthly attachments and some plotlines that revolve around aang having a major crush on katara. also what do you mean the badger moles sense "emotions"? toph is about to sense people's emotions in her feet and learn bending that way
they mary sue'd katara. she's bad at waterbending until she isn't and suddenly she's a master just from self taught basic waterbending she learned from the scroll gran gran gave her?? which is another thing they robbed us of because katara going to great lengths to steal the scroll shows how determined she is and desperate to learn waterbending but here she just gets handed the scroll. she's timid and lukewarm the entire season, the only time i can recall her even raising her voice is when she's arguing with sokka over jet. she gets mad at pakku for not letting her fight which is stupid because girl who is gonna stop you? go and fight?? you should be getting mad at pakku for not even trying to teach you waterbending. then she brings the entire untrained female population to the fight because girl power™. despite all of this, she's proclaimed a master without any actual training and beats zuko's ass purely because she's So Good. like at this point she shouldn't be able to hold her own against zuko without the full moon's help because as soon as the sun comes up zuko easily overpowers her ("you rise with the moon i rise with the sun"). which didn't happen here because she's a self proclaimed master now apparently
aang didn't bend a single waterdrop the entire season. it's book 1: water. it's called water. where's the bending aang? too busy doing another stupid walk and talk
stripped of iroh telling zuko he thinks of him as his son
stripped of one of the rawest lines i've ever heard on television: "my father says she was born lucky, he says i was lucky to be born"
which leads me into azula's character. they brought her in earlier just so her role in the whole season can be her groveling at ozai's feet, seeking his approval, trying to outdo zuko. which is insane cause she already outdoes zuko by a mile. she's a prodigy. they make it look like ozai favors zuko over azula which is so fucking insaaaane it made me so mad. she already knows she's better than zuko, she doesn't need her father's approval. also why isn't her fire blue.
iroh being the one who kills zhao. this one pissed me off so badly because in the original, as the ocean spirit takes hold of him zuko reaches out to zhao to try to save him.... that man tried to have him KILLED. and zuko still tried to save him. but zhao's arrogance didn't let him take his hand and that was his demise. that single act tells us so much about zuko and they just??? took that out??? so iroh can just murder him?? instead of it being the ocean spirit's revenge for killing its partner? instead of giving us that glimpse into who zuko is as a person? i'm going insane
don't even mention the fact that zuko fought back against ozai during the agni kai. he was literally banished because he refused to fight him. he got the scar because he refused to fight him. that's who zuko is!!!! and then they show us that he, a 13 year old boy who is still fairly inexperienced at bending, could have defeated ozai but he chose not to?? i'm sorry???
during the meeting where he spoke out against their plan, they made it look like he only spoke up because the general taunted him and not because he thought what they wanted to do was morally wrong.
now tell me which line hits harder: "compassion is a sign of weakness" or "you will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher". yeah...
yue bringing sokka to the spirit oasis to heal momo?? it was so fucking stupid and unserious that they were cradling a cgi lemur that i was in tears of pain. i almost gave up there
sokka constantly talking about wanting to be a better warrior and bossing katara around but doing absolutely fuck all to prove himself was insane. sokka was just standing around the whole season making bad jokes (cause wow they made sokka unfunny somehow) and flirting with women.
there was no goofiness or lightheartedness to aang. he took everything so fucking seriously it actually hurt to watch because they blew things out of proportion that didn't need to be. why was he so afraid of his normal bending power? not even his avatar state power but just his airbending. constantly angsting over his responsibility and how he's failing as the avatar. jesus fucking christ.
since zuko never stole katara's necklace, june had to use some fuckin random fabric she found on one of the trees that could've belonged to anybody??
zuko was able to capture aang after june found him instead of getting his ass whooped and paralysed so when zhao basically forces him to hand aang over to him, it's easier to guess who the blue spirit is as zuko makes a whole scene about it earlier
truly the one thing i really liked was the addition that the 41st division was the crew he protected at the war meeting
circling back to the first episode where we start out in the past and we get to see the whole genocide of the air nomads instead of finding out along with aang. we also get to see how he ends up in the iceberg so we don't get his story paralleled with zuko's backstory like in the storm. i mean whatever but the aang and zuko parallels were always dear to me.
hated zhao's actor. instead of him being intimidating and scary, he was acting like a frat boy and talked like tom cruise's character in magnolia. just simply annoying
jet telling katara to just stop being sad about her mom and she stops being sad and suddenly she can bend again. and later when he tells her she can bend because he helped her, she straight up denies it because it was "all her" like i gotta disagree there cause no, it was definitely him who helped you.
icing on the cake was when zuko walks into a bar and the patrons there reference like 4 storylines that they skipped over
so anyway... that's all i could think of at the top of my head and i hope they fuck up less in the upcoming seasons god willing
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the-sappho-of-lesbos · 3 months
Okay! Overall thoughts of the new live action adaptation of Avatar
- 10/10 costume and set design. It genuinely felt like that world had come alive visually and it was beautiful to see
- The actors all did really well with what they were given and some actors were assigned perfectly for the roles
- SO MANY STUPID AND UNNECESSARY CHANGES THAT DIDN’T NEED TO HAPPEN!!! They had the time and the money and resources to not change them. Changing them was pointless
- It literally starts off wrong. We see nothing of Aang being excluded by his friends because he is the avatar. He doesn’t even run away , he just flys up to think for a bit and gets caught in the storm. We don’t get to see his turmoil over his role and the guilt he feels from wanting to run away.
- Sooooo much frustration at the lost potential of this show.
- The characters felt like flat versions of who they were in the cartoons. Aang is just sort of there. Sokka isn’t all that funny (and he took some other characters’ lines) and Katara lost ALL her spunkiness.
- The change as to who Zuko’s crew were was really good in my opinion
- The small and subtle changes in scenes (like Zuko at the war meeting or how Pakku responds to Katara fighting him) made me so frustrated because it took away from the impact
- The characterisation of Sokka and Katara’s dad was sooooooo off. He’s a completely different character and says things his cartoon counterpart would never. Also the fact Sokka did actually do his ice dodging thing ??? That took away from a pain of his character
- In the original cartoon some of the romances could feel a tad choppy at times but it’s ten times worse in this adaptation. We don’t even get to see Sokka like try to woe Yue. They just like each other
- speaking of why can she travel to the spirit world as a fox. Why did they make it so Katara and Sokka went to the spirit world. Why change that.
- SO. MUCH. TELLING. NO. SHOWING. We are TOLD allllllllll these things about the characters but hardly ever shown it. Even though they had the time to do it !! We are told Aang is a goofy kid wayyyyy more then we are ever shown it.
- removing imperative plot points and shoving them together with other ones. No people living in the air temples. No town Jet wants to let me destroyed. No Pakku recognising Katara’s strength in after their fight , only when she talks to him in the war
- the moon and ocean spirits where just sort of thrown in at the end
- Azula was shown to already have a rocky relationship with her dad which again took away from what happens later when she cracks
-the plot points about Zuko and his relationship to Zhao got all mixed up and weird
Overall I stand by my comment that watching this show felt like eating the world’s most beautiful cake only for it to taste like nothing. I was more frustrated then anything watching this because it could have been good. It could have been sooooo good. The foundations were there. The budget was there. The design was there. But for some reason they felt the need to make all these little changes that made it feel more like someone was inaccurately recounting the show while also striping the characters of what makes them who they are.
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Sokka spoke with a fox spirit, this counts as another notch on that Sokka-Relationship bedpost, combined with the Fire Nation spy he was apparently flirting with before the episode (GREAT STUFF! LOVE IT!), and we're sticking to his Rizz Powers.
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coulsonlives · 3 months
Finished all eight episodes and well, that was underwhelming. Here are my main impressions.
Clothing was too clean and looked like it came out of a cosplayer's closet instead of being actual, lived-in clothes (if there's one thing the failed movie did right, it was the clothes)
Zuko was decent
Sokka had an a+ personality but was missing some nuance
The Sokka and Suki meeting was boring and had typical teen romance cliches galore
Appa and Momo were cute
Not sure how I felt about them starting with 100 years ago, and the cut between that time and the present day was jarring, I feel like the title card should've been there instead to break it up. And just the title card, none of that weirdly glowly, oddly-colored narrative with the bending examples and stuff, it looked so odd
If Katara were a spice, she'd be flour, if she were a book, she'd be two books, where the heck was her fire and spunk and generally just. differentiating traits because I didn't see any and it was so boring to watch her
Like honestly! She didn't have her motherly/parental role thing going on, even in a toned-down way, and she was missing her passion, I just. What else is left
Bumi was scary af man
Lots of the compositing was blurry as shit and it was distracting, probably a lot of newbie, abused comp artists with pay cuts given dneg was working on it
Aang revealing himself all mystically with the intense music, then two seconds later the music stops and he slides down on the ice with a thump made me lol, and I don't think that was the intended reaction
They're in the arctic and you can't see anyone's breath, why is that, tell me
Suki removes her makeup in like 2.4 seconds without missing a single bit of it, teach me your ways gurll
Momo is actually cute and not a demon, praise raava
The fire nation armor is pretty brutal, the shoulder pads are like obvious cardboard that isn't even trying to look like metal (I still can't really tell if it's supposed to be metal? That's not a good thing fam)
Way too much exposition and 'telling, not showing', some of the convos dragged on for wayyy too long
The fox thing was unnecessary, but I liked Yue's added motivation to help Aang as well as her people
What the f did they do to Azula, the foundations of her character are totally different from the og show and she barely even feels like a villain. Some of her lines about being inadequate or 'not good enough' felt really contrived too
Lots of strange cuts and camera work, more than a few times there was a person talking and the camera was looking at their waist or something else for no reason lol, and there wasn't an establishing shot when there needed to be, so things were just disorientating a lot of the time
Lots of things happened but the show just. didn't give any time for them to marinate. Sokka telling Aang he abandoned his people, he knew it, blah blah in one of the early episodes? It's poignant but it lasts like five seconds before the scene totally changes, I got major whiplash, fam
The lion roaring sound effect every time someone firebent, please stop I beg
Azula being defiant was interesting and the lightning scene was cool but I still miss Daddy's Pet Azula
Sokka screaming on Appa was funny
My favourite scene was probably the dude going 'but we're the forty-first!' and Iroh telling them, 'and you're all alive because of his sacrifice'. Like dang that hit hard and I loved it. I liked how they added that
Avatar Roku was like ?? um. I know he and Sozin were goofballs but cmon man
The shots with Koh capturing Sokka and Katara were cheesy as shit especially with the sound effects lmao, it looked like horror movie jumpscares from a b-movie
Some of the acting was hammier than a ham sandwich. Even Zhao gave me that impression at times especially with the dang spirit fish scene
Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the third
I know they had to condense a crap ton of episodes, but it really felt like the show was just checking off boxes at times instead of (like I said earlier) letting anything marinate
The opening scene with the earthbending and firebending was cool, it's a shame the rest of the show didn't live up to that
The bending vfx looked good. The choreography did feel a bit disconnected though, and not as martial arty as I would've liked
I felt like I could blatantly see some of the reasons the og creators left the show
Grumps tbh I'd give it like 4/10.
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fanboyzuko · 3 months
Honestly. I feel like the live action is more infuriating for the tidbits of Interesting they introduce and then FUMBLE by having a horrible script like
I don't particularly LIKE what they're doing with Yue but it could have been really interesting playing into like, the Avatar was missing and the spirits blessed Yue to create another bridge between the spirit and mortal worlds.
And if they were going to go with the weird Sokka and Fox!Yue encounter in the spirit world for FUCKS SAKE why not have it be a bigger encounter to give them more of a connection when they meet in the NWT LIKE FFS she could have tried to break him free from Kohs despair vision or at the bare minimum kept him company in the spirit world some while he was wandering but they got separated like
I'm slamming my head against the wall!!!!!!!!
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
Things I LOVED from NATLA Episode 5 - Spirited Away
Katara creating a water version of the earth disks!
Small moment, but Sokka and Aang don't jump until Katara is there and grabs their hands to lead them off in the jump onto Appa
Love that Momo's the one who picks up the acorn to give to Katara - he's so cute!
Katara calling on Gran Gran's teachings <3
"Seeds for the future, not past mistakes" - bringing back up the themes around needing to let go of past guilt so you can step into the future
Big brother Sokka 😭😭😭😭
Zuko is such a sassy dick to Lt. Jee XD but like, kinda deserved atm as a girl with ice is kinda, really, something that should raise some flags.
But damn, Jee's face - it makes the next episode all the more satisfying
"Water the most promising seed" ooooohhhhh
"Not self-serving flattery and coy whipers" oooohhh BBUUUURRRNNNNNN
Though it burns all the more as we know that children want the approval of their mentors/parents and it's unlikely Azula has ever gotten that organically, so she feels the need to prompt it.
tHiN pLaCeS????? Sorry, Bruce from Dungeons of Drakkenheim has just primed me to fear that phrase and what it will bring.
Jumpscare where I really thought Sokka had just been yoinked into the Spirit World by that tree branch XD
Aang and Sokka bickering because Sokka can't stop talking and Aang is trying to concentrate - love the group dynamic here
Sokka's little "sshhhhhhh" in the back
Katara practicing her forms!!!
Blue Aang!!
Sokka being absolutely not here for a Spirit World journey and Katara quickly accepting it and just enjoying the ride
"When have I ever caused trouble?" 🙄 "When indeed." 😐
The most AWKWARD and NOT SLICK questioning by Zuko 😩 failing to smoothly slide the money pouch over the counter, just…he's SOOO BAD at being 'nonchalant'! He wants to just scream at you and demand you obey his orders, damn it!!!
Just Dallas' whole performance here - so fucking funny
Pirate mention! Canyon guide!! Stopped the volcano from erupting!!!
All those side quests get nice little mentions <3
Iroh's little run as he chases after Zuko throwing his tantrum 😭
Omg perfect. So perfect. Perfection. Gorgeously perfect. Did I mention perfect?
Zuko and Iroh's little slap fight XD
June noticing Iroh is cute 🙌
And Zuko's disgust at that 😂
Love Aang always mentioning Gyatzo and all he taught Aang - and Katara really wanting to soak in the knowledge
I like that they brought the entire Gaang into the spirit world here so we could have a natural in-road to deep character work
Nice birdie!!!!
Also great touch with only Aang being able to understand him here, humans just can't
Pretty eye shot!!
Azula's blue fire!!!!!
Really like the choice to let us see her progression to the blue flame - more character development is always a good thing in my book
"Everyone knows you're perfect" "That's not good enough" - smash cut to Zuko
SOOOOO GOOOODDD - seeding her fear that if she doesn't prove herself adequately, her father will treat her like he did Zuko
Showing not telling, people! This is what that means!!!
Zuzu!! Being disgusted - love it
Love Iroh trying to seed his lessons in with pai sho anecdotes
I'm sorry, this scene is hilarious and I cannot unsee it being Iroh trying to prep Zuko for the news that he and June are a thing XD "I know it's unexpected, and she's much younger, but open up your mind to new ideas! There's much you (I) can learn from a dommy mommy."
Again, reinforcing that Zuko has a strong sense of right and wrong - right now, that's leading him down the path of following the Fire Nation's rules, but that very same integrity will be what makes him change sides
Ugh, Iroh's lessons wrapped in pai sho terminology are soooo gooooddd
Creeeeeepy spirit world!!
Who's a cutie patootie panda bear?? YOU ARE!!!!
Oh no, Sokka!!! He went flying.
Suspicious 3-tailed fox!
Her talk about pain right here is so poignant not only for this storyline, but the future one with the ocean spirit
"Do you always make jokes when you don't want to talk about something?" - cutting right to the heart of a lot of Sokka's humor as a coping mechanism
Just… everything with Katara's spirit vision
Her getting to see her mom again and hug her, the women joking around about braiding and Kya encouraging Katara with her waterbending
The absolute gut-wrenching horror as Katara knows what's about to happen, the viewer knows what's about to happen, but the helplessness you feel as you have to watch it play out
Katara trying to save her mom but not being strong enough - it's so well done and we see why the trauma is so very deep when it comes to her and waterbending
Omg Koh's introduction was sooooo terrifying
The sounds, the way he senses despair - it's everything I love about the spirit world
Hakoda!!! DX
I like how we're getting to see that Sokka's feelings of inadequacy as a leader and warrior aren't unfounded - he DID struggle, it didn’t come naturally
I don't blame Hakoda in this moment - he knows the war is coming and he's going to have to leave Sokka in charge - he knows it's not fair - he knows it's an impossible situation, and he's desperately trying to exert some control over the uncontrollable
It makes sense that he'd want Sokka to be magically perfect, that way he could feel marginally better about abandoning him and the village - it's not like he has a choice to stay, everyone is in impossible situations and wishing your kid could be the perfect leader when you know it's going to be forced on them anyways is totally rational
Love that Aang immediately clocks the vision as not real
Despite wanting nothing more than to go see his home and people again, he's a master of the spiritual side of his nature - he knows how to rein it in.
It hurts all the more when we get to Gyatzo and there's the initial distrust - completely founded
Koh's lair!!!
Creepy centipede boiii
Love their chat and I like to think that Aang's past lives subtly let him know not to show emotions with Koh
The whole situation around Koh's face that opens and closes - thanks, I hate it.
It's well done. And I hate it. Please get it away from me. I do not like. Please, kill it with fire. Thank you.
But Gyatzo!!! He waited for Aang for 100 years!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna say it again - everything with Gyatzo is pure gold. I'm so glad they expanded more with him being Aang's first mentor, even after his death
Gyatzo trying to relieve Aang of his guilt over not being there for the fire nation attack ): It's something Aang really needed to hear and I'm glad it was someone who was present who told him that, not someone just trying to make him not feel as sad.
Aang leaving Appa and Momo in charge of watching over Katara and Sokka!!! So sweet
Gyatzo's monologue is great - how sometimes it feels like we'll always be alone, the only thing keeping you company is your own pain
It ties into every single character of the series and it's such a great through line - they're all suffering in different ways. They NEED people (even Azula) 
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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