#Forest School
deer-knight · 11 months
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rock rainbows, arranged with kiddos at work using rocks of various natural colors found on the beach.
[image description: two photos of a rainbow made out of naturally saturated rocks on a beach. end image description.]
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Book of the day! Today’s book is “Forest School for Grown Ups: Explore the Wisdom of the Woods, by Richard Irvine. This book is stuffed full of forest survival tips, ways you can learn about yourself through the beautiful trees and landscape, and how to live more closely with the land. An asset to any solarpunk shelf!
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mudwerks · 1 year
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Fritz Baumgarten Die Waldschule 1942 ill n
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tamburnbindery · 10 months
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Today is the last day to reserve one of the deluxe leather-bound editions of The Hobbit. We need 4 people to lock theirs in today to launch our project! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tamburngospels/a-very-hobbit-adventure
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gomdanji · 11 months
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Flowers bloom during the rainy season, giving me joy
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Nature Journaling Club Page: Tomato
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View On WordPress
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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rutaecoproyectos · 1 month
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Red de Reservas Kunagua (Waia Sie), Sept – Oct 2023, Colombia
GEN: https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/red-de-reservas-kunagua/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedKunaguaSilvania/
Reserva Waia Sie: https://redkunagua.gaia-union.com/reserva-waia-sie/
Ubicación: CM93+MQ Silvania, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Enfoque: Educativo, Artístico, Ecológico, Medicinal, Holístico
Entorno: Rural
Fundación: 2006
Población: ~80 miembros
Contacto: Majo, Nacho, Laura.
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La Red de Reservas Kunagua es una agrupación de reservas ubicadas en la cuenca media del río Victoria (Vereda Victoria Alta, Silvania, Cundinamarca), que comparten el propósito de cuidar el agua, el bosque que las rodea y los seres que lo habitan. Tras catorce años de constituida, la red está conformada por 30 fincas y más de 80 hectáreas, se ha consolidado un corredor biológico con una gran riqueza natural. La diversidad de prácticas que se realizan en las fincas, pasando por agroecología, permacultura, ancestralidad, arte, bioconstrucción, medicina y pedagogía alternativa, entre otros, hacen de la Red un lugar ideal para adentrarse en la transición a un estilo de vida en armonía con la Naturaleza.
En el proceso de transición a la agroecología, recuperando prácticas tradicionales como los cultivos orgánicos, el cuidado de semillas criollas, la elaboración de abonos naturales, la rotación de cultivos, entre otros. Además, se adelantan emprendimientos para la transformación de algunos de los productos agrícolas cosechados en el territorio, como la elaboración de miel de yacón, los chips de yacón y kale, y el uso medicinal de la marihuana, entre otros. En cuanto a la bioconstrucción, en varias reservas se exploran técnicas y materiales más amables con la naturaleza. Es frecuente el uso de la guadua y la madera -cosechada de forma consciente y racional-, y emergen prácticas tradicionales como el bahareque, antes comunes en el territorio, que están recuperado su valor al ser reconocidos como alternativa ante los efectos contaminates de materiales industriales como el cemento. En el ámbito artístico, sobresale la presencia de varias familias de músicos, formados en distintas regiones de Colombia, en especial en el género de gaitas.
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lead-academy · 4 months
Exploring the Top 10 Benefits of Forest Schools
Forest schools offer a multitude of benefits, including boosted confidence, improved communication skills, enhanced sensory development, increased physical health, reduced stress and anxiety, and enhanced self-esteem. These schools also promote improved motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper connection with the natural world. Here is my blog:https://lead-academy.org/blog/benefits-of-forest-schools/
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deer-knight · 1 year
Do you have any advice for finding employment at a forest school, what they generally look for, etc?
heyo! forest schools, as far as i can tell, are somewhat few and far between. it really depends on where you live. and each one will likely be looking for different things based on their own program. our program primarily looks for past experience with kids. wilderness skills are secondary. if they're willing to put in the effort, we can teach our educators wilderness skills along the way, but basically if there's no background with caring for, teaching, or working with kids, we unfortunately pass on those applications.
obviously any experience or knowledge of ecology, forestry, environmentalism, wilderness skills, etc are also massively important. but in my case, my forest school also places a lot of emphasis on creativity, storytelling, crafting, imaginative play, and magical experiences in nature. my background as an artist, historical sword fighter, player of d&d style tabletop games, and other related stuff was a huge reason for why i was hired. i also had my archery instructor certification, and a degree in education, and experience working for girl scouts, so that covers experience with kids and veeeery basic wilderness skills (like fire building).
but! a lot of things i learned on the job. wood carving, friction fire, flint and steel, animal tracking, lifeguard and WFA training, harvesting trees and wood and being able to identify trees and plants and birds - i learned all of that from my fellow mentors or professional development training or personal practice and study since i started this work.
so, it'll differ from school to school what exactly their requirements are. but everything outlined above is my experience. i wish you the best of luck!!
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lespetitsratons · 4 months
Salut à toutes et à tous,
Bienvenue sur mon blogue qui a pour objectif de partager des activités d'animations en plein air spécialement conçues pour les enfants, ainsi qu'un portfolio nature du quotidien.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter au besoin.
Matériel pédagogique et activités plein air disponible ici.
Andréanne, Les Petits Ratons.
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wally-b-feed · 6 months
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girlshapedforest · 8 months
Frustrating not being able to find vegan candies for edible sensory bins 😩
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lackadaisicalideas · 1 year
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Forest schools
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tamburnbindery · 10 months
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The Tree Root Cottage fur my little guys is just about finished. The earth roof keeps it super nice and cool inside, even in the hot August afternoons.
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gomdanji · 7 months
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