#Foreign Movies
cinnamoniniette · 11 months
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mustang (2015), dir. Deniz Gamze Ergüven
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thehorrormoviechick · 10 months
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Impetigore (2019)
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thatgryffindor · 2 years
German TV-Series you have to watch 🎥🇩🇪
1. Das Boot 
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2. Ku’damm
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3. Schloss Einstein 
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4. Bad Banks 
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5. Charité
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6. Weissensee
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7. Deutschland 83
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8. Türkisch für Anfänger
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Should you think, during the WGA strike, "I might as well go way out there in the search for new media", might I recommend Dutch actor Pierre Bokma, please and thank you?
But Fantine, whoever is Pierre Bokma?
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Pierre Bokma would have been as big as Pacino and De Niro, had he been American. Would have been one of Coppola and Scorcese's leading men. Hell, in a parallel universe, he could have been Ice Pick Joe in Goncharov but didn't find the part particularly interesting. He probably turned down Gangs of New York or something. Too much hooha, sets too big, he dislikes flying, I don't know but the man is phenomenal. He is so good that the Emmys noticed even though it was some Dutch no budget television film. I don't know who paid him to go pick it up, that's how much he didn't care.
He's remarkably like De Niro in that he can't live without acting, because, I think, that's the only way he can relate to the world. He is unlike De Niro in that he doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about money, only the meatiness of the part, but if there's no part to be had he literally does improv and sketches, the way McKellen does panto when he feels like it.
If you want to be the biggest snob in film school, going on about the "greatest actor the world has never seen", whatever - except of course for Dutch people, we absolutely know the guy - watch Cloaca, or Tonio or The Resistance Banker on Netflix or the one Dalziel and Pascoe one he's in, or learn Dutch and come see a play of his but to miss out on an actor absolutely on par with the American greats just because his English is accented and he couldn't be arsed to work on that is a crying shame. Man, he's going to be in a series about the Jewish Council, (Joodse Raad), the Nazi instated council of Jewish men who were trying to save their people's lives but were forced to organise the Holocaust while doing it - a topic so painful and controversial no one has wanted to touch it for decades - and I absolutely know he'll kill it.
I don't normally gush about Dutch series too much, because I feel that our actors sometimes take themselves too seriously.
But this guy, people.
This guy is great.
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stinkingofu · 1 year
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Hedgehog in The Fog, Yuri Norstein, 1975.
little Russian cartoon gem I found today. I know this is totally different than my usual content but I hope some of you enjoy old cartoons/stop motion as much as I do.
This video nearly brought me to tears despite its short 9 min. duration. The musical accompaniment along with the art style of the video, the dialogue of the Hedgehog and overall theme of fearing the unknown while still being drawn to it is so beautiful.
Check it out <3
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gemthegerm · 1 year
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Rare Exports is by far my favorite Christmas movie. it’s got something for everyone. highly recommend it.
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bkenber · 2 years
No, I Haven't Seen It Until Now: Akira Kurosawa's 'Ran'
No, I Haven’t Seen It Until Now: Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Ran’
I pride myself on having a vast knowledge of movies. While my many of my friends stumble across a movie they don’t recognize, I am usually quick to name it even if I have never watched it before. Everyone is amazed at how I could know such things. Still, when it comes to older movies and the great filmmakers who ever lived, there are still many I need to catch up on. One of those filmmakers I…
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retoreview · 2 months
Title: Exploring Global Cinema: The Best 20 Foreign Films from 20 Different Countries
In the world of cinema, borders dissolve, cultures collide, and stories transcend geographical boundaries. Foreign films offer a window into different societies, perspectives, and artistic expressions that broaden our understanding of the human experience. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to....
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quivthearcher · 3 months
Anyone else just finds a random movie thats not of any language you understand, fall in love with it and still not understand said language?
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slowlygoingnowhere · 9 months
Foreign Film Fest reviews
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Earlier this year I queued up a bunch of foreign movies and gave them reviews. It was fun. I should do that again.
Foreign Film Fest series:
Akira | The Medium
To the Forest of Firefly Lights | Atlas
Coven | Decision to Leave
Tigers Are Not Afraid | Corsage
A Classic Horror Story | Troll
The Wandering Earth | Antiporno
The Piano Teacher
I still haven't watched The Wandering Earth II. It's on the list.
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madmoviemark · 1 year
Seven Samurai (1954) Review - The citizens of a town, which is always under attack by local bandits, hire a skilled and seasoned Samurai Kambei (Takashi Shimura) to protect their village. Kambei recruits 6 additional Samurai's knowing that one can't defend the village successfully. Will these magnificent seven muster up enough courage from the village to protect their homes? Or will they fail and be over ran by the bandits? You'll have to tune in to find out!
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tharindumanujaya · 2 years
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
Cinco filmes estranhos de cinco países diferentes
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readlife2010 · 2 years
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974)
Part of the Criterio Collection
German Film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
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Emmi Kurowski: “But when we're together, we must be nice to each other. Otherwise, life's not worth living.”
Emmi Kurowski: "I'm so happy, but so full of fear too." 
Ali:  "Fear no good. Fear eat soul up."
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battle-spectrum · 2 years
Dien Bien Phu (1992) - dir. Pierre Schoendoerffer
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Toshiro Mifune, ca. 1950s
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