#For one: she got harassed off Twitter for no actual reason
coal15 · 1 day
My opinions on the whole multi-shipping Buddie and Tevan situation. But first, [steps up on soapbox and yells into bullhorn] HAVE NO BEEF WITH ANYONE WHO FEELS DIFFERENTLY THAN ME SO I'D REALLY APPRECIATE NOT GETTING ANY "YOUR OPINIONS ARE STUPID AND PROBABLY SO ARE YOU" COMMENTS IN MY REPLIES. **If any such comments do appear in my replies I would ask the rest of you to please simply ignore them. You won't change their minds so confrontation will do nothing but further poison the waters.
Ahem. Carrying on. Warning, this post is LONG. Like, practically a novella.
I'm still a multi-shipper at heart in the sense that I will always love my memories in the Buddie fandom and how vocally we showed our support over the last six years--yes there was a SUPER PROMINENT contingent among us who directly engaged with and verbally disemboweled every actress who played a li on a regular basis, (and who harassed Oliver to the point of him quitting twitter) but most of us had the sense to direct our ranting at the fictional character or writers/showrunner/network with varying degrees of anger or indignation. Now speaking just for myself, in my time as a Buddie fan I never commented on the physical appearance of any li, so seeing a lot of buddie-or-bust folks now referring to Lou as "ugly" "rectangle-faced" "gross looking," etc has been disappointing. I hope they represent the minority. So far it looks like they do.
On to my reasons for and/or role in shutting down non-Buddie romances: While I never took to engaging her personally, I voiced harsh criticism of GW over her "honorary latina" comment, likewise EG for her transphobia and non-apology apology ("I'm sorry if you felt offended). And while I wish bucktaylor had stayed besties (preferably bi besties since there was no reason Buck couldn't have his bi awakening with a woman), my issue with them dating was at first just a lack of romantic chemistry and the fact that Taylor never apologized for what she did to Bobby or even admitted it was wrong. But as the relationship dragged on I watched the life drain out of Buck. They were stagnant as a couple and the look on Buck's face when he said ily back to her was . . . laughably unromantic. The only growth his character got from that relationship was him being the one to end it. As for eddieana, on top of lacking chemistry they were just plain dull. The end.
Moving on to Buck's kiss w/Lucy: I actually like AK and was excited to hear about her coming to 9-1-1. She was fun af as Lexi on VD so I was looking forward to seeing her play a different character. Aaaaannnnnnd then KR immediately ruined her by making it abundantly clear that she was created for one sole purpose: to complicate a man's storyline and spark off a love triangle--and she did so in the most offensive way possible. It was appalling, negatively affected Buck's character, and thankfully KR's response to the intense backlash was to pivot so the love triangle never manifested. But the damage was already done. No one had any interest in watching them poke/flirt for the rest of the season. I was deeply offended by such a misogynistic use of a female character and it still boggles my mind that a woman created her.
Anyhow, all this was a long winded way of saying that my reasons for wanting those li gone went well beyond my investment in Buddie. Though I did strongly believe no romantic narrative for either of them could ever compete w/the Buckley-Diaz Family, at the end of the day those romantic arcs were ruined for me by writing mistakes, problematic actresses, and lack of chemistry (which is admittedly subjective and something we all approach with shipper goggles to some degree--if you think you 100% absolutely don't you're lying to yourself). I stand by a lot of the reasons Buddies were so opposed to those li being endgame. Yes, plenty of us took things waaaaaaay over the line re: direct personal attacks against actresses and/or non-buddie fans, but I think far more of us than not did argue in good faith and toward the right people. We just didn't stand out as much or get as much engagement because . . . well, toxic behavior is rewarded on sm with more clicks, shares, likes, quotes, etc. Attention seekers gonna seek.
As for why it's so hard to ship happily on sm: in my experience a handful of problematic or outright unhinged fans (on both sides) will go around stirring shit, provoking arguments, and soon the dog pile effect kicks in because everyone wants to defend their tribe. Arguments go in circles, spin off, get more and more petty, until most of "us" end up discussing amongst ourselves about how "they" are a bunch of [insert string of negative attributes here], which then in itself provokes a reaction from "them." Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually way too many of "us" are hissing and snarling at "them" more often than theorizing about or celebrating our ship . . . the thing we enjoy . . . and it's really hard to detach from that cycle, especially when things get personal. I recommend total non-acknowledgement, but even I struggle to hold that line when I read something I think is terrible. I'm making an effort these days to just keep scrolling thru my feed until I hit something happy, and if there's a negative comment somewhere in the thread to give it ZERO engagement of any kind. Not. Easy.
Which brings me to where I am today. During my time in the Buddie fandom I assumed that for most of us the actual queer rep mattered more than any one ship. Hell, if Taylor had been the one to wake Buck up to his bisexuality--and admitted what she did to Bobby was wrong--they might have grown on me as an endgame couple. I've accepted "meh" endgame couples before as long as everything else on a show stayed solid. I also thought that Buck could never, ever look at anyone with bigger hearteyes than the way he looked at Eddie, but . . .
. . . Enter Tommy. As soon as they kissed, and in their albeit limited screentime afterward (thanks a lot shortened season!) I learned a lesson: there are different kinds of hearteyes. In my opinion Buck looks at Eddie with complete adoration and love, yes. Total hearteyes. But the way he looks at Tommy is . . . "Oh, that's what Buck looks like when he's absolutely smitten, that's how he acts, that's what a romantic crush looks like on Buck. Wow." It wasn't better or worse than his hearteyes or vibe with Eddie, just conspicuously different. It re-framed the way I see the Buckley-Diaz Family as well, and the way I read their chemistry. As I mentioned earlier chemistry is subjective, and once I actually had something queer to compare with Buddie's chemistry, I stopped rooting for romantic Buddie. I wouldn't exactly be furious if they went canon since I did spend all those years rooting for them and it would still be a high profile queer storyline, but I would rather see the Buckley-Diaz Family and Tevan coexist. I think they can, and I think it would be beautiful.
So here's where I stand with my preference and opinions today:
Falling in love doesn't mean everyone else in your life gets demoted. Feelings aren't like pie. Maddie doesn't love Buck any less since she fell in love with Chimney. Athena didn't love her daughter any less when her son came along. There's not a finite amount of love and you're serving out pieces of it. You can love more than one person with all your heart. And that's how I feel about Buck and the Buckley-Diaz Family. He and Eddie are more than friends, different than brothers, they just . . . have their own dynamic. It's unique, special, and vital to both of their identities. And those facts will not be altered by either of them falling in love w/another person. If anything, the Buckley-Diaz Fam has become more special to me since I started rooting for a Tevan endgame.
Queer rep matters more to me than Buddie. Buck coming out as bi wasn't and shouldn't be seen as a step on the road to "winning" the ship I wanted for years. It is completely awesome progress for us whether they're endgame or not. Ditto for Tevan. Also, at the end of the day I ship Buck+Happiness and Eddie+Happiness, and right now Buck seems to be falling for Tommy. What happens with Eddie remains to be seen.
Looking at the whole picture, I will always love Buddie and kinda wish they'd gone canon in s4 or 5, but I think that moment has passed and I'm not mad or bitter about it. I adore the Buckley-Diaz Family, I adore Tevan, and I want to see them both thrive in s8. Now if you'll excuse me, my fingers have begun to bleed from all this typing.
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theglizzardwizard · 2 months
Ode to the toontown yandere blogger
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utilitycaster · 3 months
do you really think the reason Imogen doesnt get as much meta as Caleb (who got every little detail discussed with thousands of notes!) is because people are afraid of a reaction, when its so obviously sexism?
The same reason she doesn't get the exact number of notes as Caleb? No. There's multiple reasons. I'm sure some is misogyny. Some is probably audience size for the respective campaigns, and some is simply accumulation over time - a post about Caleb from 2019 has had 5 years to gather notes.
But also. Are you fucking stupid. You literally showed up because of my tags to be kind of a dick in my inbox. I and multiple people who committed the grave sin of *checks notes* interacting with me were sent hate messages for hours on a Saturday night because I hinted in the tags that I kind of liked Fearne and Ashton as a ship while not being terribly into Imogen and Laudna, and some absolutely deranged loser decided this was an appropriate response. I was called out by someone who had made a blog specifically to block me when I responded to a reblog from someone else on a post I had made stating that Gelvaan was almost certainly not homophobic in canon and that treating Imogen's psychic powers as a metaphor for queerness has a lot of really unfortunate implications. And this hasn't even touched on that one person whose entire raison d'etre appears to be harassing every single person who doesn't think Imogen, Laudna, and their relationship is perfect; and who specifically made multiple alts to harass me. Like, the "It's Obviously Misogyny" people are genuinely putting more effort into being a dick to me than in writing meta about Imogen. You might be one of them.
I talk to many of my mutuals, some of whom really like Imogen, and yes, people do decide "you know, this could be interpreted by someone as too critical, and I don't feel like dealing with the heat" and keep that meta to the DMs or don't share it at all.
You know that post that Matt liked on Twitter that people have been, let's not mince words, jacking themselves off about ever since? If you actually try to say something with substance and evidence about how Imogen has Liliana's fear (the fear that meant that when Imogen begged her mother to leave the Vanguard, Liliana turned her own daughter down, claiming to need to stay with other children) or Delilah's love (which made her cruel, ruthless, and ultimately all-but doomed her) or Ludinus's desire for power (led him to commit endless atrocities) but resists these things in her desire to be a good person - and frankly, I think painting her with the same brush as Delilah or Ludinus isn't even true but I would love to dig into her similarities to Liliana - some asshole who smugly reblogs that post every time someone says "not to be controversial I think Imogen sometimes says things that could maybe be hurtful to other people I think" will throw a full temper tantrum and might send them an incoherent anon calling them a little hypocrite.
It's also fascinating because a lot of the tantrum-havers who will defend Imogen of even the most anodyne "perhaps this is not the most positive trait" and who will cite harassment Marisha received 7 years ago as a reason to not breathe a word of criticism about Laudna - and many of these people joined the fandom about 2 years ago if not sooner - will do this at the very people who have been supporting Keyleth since Campaign 1 was still airing. I mean, seniority doesn't mean anything but if you're lecturing people about something you weren't there for and they were? Clown behavior. Oh and a lot of those people doing the lecturing? Don't really like Keyleth very much, because she does things like "be angry" and "support Orym" and "have a measured viewpoint that doesn't match theirs" and "pretty clearly, along with Allura, who they also barely ever talk about, is directing Bells Hells along a specific path of that pesky moon plot because contrary to a weirdly widespread belief this is the moon plot campaign and not the baking cookies in a cottage campaign."
I mean, half these people forget about Fearne much of the time. The only NPCs I see many of them even talk about are the Vanguard generals and occasionally Abbadina when she's convenient for an argument. Not a damn word for Orlana or Birdie or Dancer or Weva or Rashinna, and they mostly treated Deanna, Prism, and Deni$e as nothing more than implements to shove Imogen and Laudna together but man do they have mountains to say about Bor'Dor. Hell, go to the blog of someone who whines about the way people treat Imogen and look through their meta, if they have it, and the vast majority of the time it's about Ashton and Orym and Ludinus and then they spend the rest of the time complaining about how The Big Mean Fandom is So Mean to Girls but they sure don't have much to say either because turns out if you can't say anything even remotely critical of a female character, it's really hard to write anything, and that's assuming they actually care about writing about female characters instead of just being an asshole, which as stated above is, in my mind, in doubt.
If you have ever spent a single second harassing actual living women online because you didn't like their thoughts on a pretend woman you are, at least in this specific scenario, easily the shittier person. Personally I am confident in my feminist bona fides through, you know, real world activism and how I interact with and support women and feminist causes socially, professionally, financially, and politically in my actual life, but yeah even I sometimes say "you know, I have thoughts about this thing regarding Imogen...but I've had a rough week and I don't feel like having one of the fandom tar pits on my ass" so I'll send my thoughts to a few friends and then idk, write about something else. And I'm pretty thick-skinned (this is the other problem with this strategy; you filter out the more measured and kind and sensitive people first and you're left only with people like me). A lot of people have flat-out given up writing about Imogen (or Laudna, much of the time) because they don't feel like dealing with backlash over some really mild statements. And because you send kind of dickish anons I suspect that it's more likely that you might be part of the problem than part of the solution. So no, it's not the only reason, but it's absolutely a significant one. Congratulations. You played yourself.
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13uswntimagines · 2 years
Fans or Foe (Rose X Singer!R)
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Request: Part 2 to Hesitate where r meets the team.
Author's Note: Hey guys, I'm sorry that it's been grad school has been kicking my ass. I hope you guys enjoy this.
There was a reason that you were so cautious with how much you shared with the fans and the media. Every move you made was meticulous, calculated to give them the glimpse into your life that they desired, but not enough for them to actually know anything.
Still, they took whatever crumbs you left them, thinking that they had the whole story and running with it.
It was why you had been so careful with the way you came out to the fans, and why you had guarded your relationship with Rose as tightly as you had.
You weren’t ashamed. Not at all, and Rose knew that.
But you had been worried about how the fans would treat her. Sure, she was famous in her own right, but your fans could be intense. You were afraid of them coming after her with hate.
She didn’t deserve to be bombarded by people who had never met her before.
That’s why it had taken you so long to devise a plan to reveal your relationship.
But even with your planning and your prepping, nothing could have prepared Rose for the flood that followed the release of your music video.
It was instant, and overwhelming in a way that she had never experienced for herself before.
The wave of media and fans was one that she had seen you handle time and time again with practiced ease. She watched as you ran invasive reporters around in circles when they asked rude questions and as you smiled gently at sobbing fans, giving out as many photos and autographs as you could.
Of course, you got overwhelmed. 
She had seen the bad days when you couldn’t even pick up coffee without getting mobbed. Where you saw flashes of cameras through every open window. Where you wondered if getting to do the thing you loved was worth the harassment. 
She had witnessed meetings with your publicist, managers, and team (your war council as rose liked to call it) where you strategized how to combat bad rumors and tour drama, or to deal with being linked to every person you so much as looked at (except her funnily enough).
But you handled it all with a nerdy grace that Rose wasn’t sure she was capable of.
She could turn off her Twitter and Instagram notifications. She could avoid the windows and have her teammates shield her from the paparazzi that had set up outside the hotel. She could handle the USWNT media team’s never-ending begging for a segment with her.
What she couldn’t handle was the nosiness of her own team.
They were driving her crazy, and she wondered again how you could deal with it all without losing your smile because she was going to murder her teammates.
“You guys have seriously got to stop,” Rose groaned, running an irritated hand through her hair and dropping her fork, suddenly losing her appetite. “You're giving me a headache,”
“Come on Rosie, you’re marrying The Y/n Y/l/N,” Emily whined, tossing a grape at the midfielder.
“No. I’m marrying Y/n,” Rose said slowly, hoping that they would be able to catch the distinction. She wasn’t marrying the character that you and your team had created. She was marrying the person behind the character, the woman she had known since your junior year of college. “A person none of you cared about until you found out her last name,”
A small grumble of agreement rumbled around the group, acknowledging the point Rose had made just after the video. If they had asked the right questions then they wouldn’t have been so blindsided. It wasn’t like she hid her relationship from them. 
They actually knew quite a bit about you. They knew you liked music, and that you memorized poems and movie quotes for fun. They knew you were a writer (just not a songwriter) and that you were obsessed with rocky road ice cream. They knew more substance about you than most of your own fans did, they just didn’t know they knew. 
“I’m just surprised you listened to us thirst after her as much as you did,” Kelley muttered, taking a bite of her sandwich as Lindsey nodded along with her. 
“I’m not sure I would have been able to reign in my jealousy if I was in your position,”
Rose shrugged. “You weren’t saying anything that wasn’t true. At least you guys were respectful. More respectful than some of her fans,” 
It was the truth. She had learned how to share part of you with the public. That was why she treasured the parts of yourself you didn’t reveal so much. There were parts of you that only she saw. It was a reminder that it was her you called after a show, your voice froggy, and her bed you ended up in as much as you could. 
Listening to her teammates hadn’t bothered her. It had been incredibly entertaining, actually. At least they didn’t talk about you like you were a piece of meat. 
“I deal with millions of people telling her how gorgeous she is every day. She deals with the same,” Rose continued, squinting to try and get the wording right. “You learn to get over it because I know things that everyone else doesn’t,” 
She knew about the smile you saved only for her. She knew about the curl that always popped out behind your ear by the end of the day. She knew all the little things that no one else ever would. 
“Her fans are kind of over the top,” Sam agreed, decidedly ignoring the fact that their own fans also thirsted after them. 
“Like scary over the top,” Mal snorted, flipping her phone and showing a Twitter update on where the fans thought your private jet was. A dangerous game if Rose did say so herself. “Right now they’re trying to track her private jet. They're convinced she's flying into DC right now,”
It was scary how invasive your fans got, and how convinced they were that the crumbs you left for them were the entire picture. 
Your security team had gotten larger as your fanbase had for a reason. Crazy people trying to track the private jet you didn’t own was definitely one of those reasons. 
Rose snorted at the page and all its inaccuracies. 
“She’s not,” She said, shaking her head. “She won't be here until very late tonight probably,”
The table seemed to pause, Emily’s jaw dropping. 
“How do you-?”
“They’re engaged dipshit,” Lindsey cackled, throwing her roll and whacking Emily in the face. 
The defender grabbed the roll, taking a bite as she pouted at her girlfriend. 
“She has an interview with Falon to promote the album, and then she’s going to see Wicked for like the 50th time,” Rose rolled her eyes.  “She’ll Fly here after that,”
She said it casually, like knowing your entire schedule wasn’t a novel thing for the team. 
“She’s actually coming?” Emily asked, practically bouncing in her seat, earning another eye roll from Rose. 
“Yeah, she wanted to see the game,” Rose shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, because to her it wasn’t anything new. “Apparently, watching soccer is relaxing for her,” 
She wouldn’t tell them your actual quote, that watching her ass was the reason you enjoyed it so much. 
Emily’s blue eyes widened, and her bouncing increased so much that Rose was afraid she was going to tip her chair over. “What room are you in?”
Rose’s response was immediate, sharp, and left no room for argument. She knew her friends too well to divulge that kind of information. They could be worse than your own fans at times, and she knew you were going to be exhausted when you got in. You didn’t need any more harassment, not with the way fans were already tracking your every movement.  
“What?” Emily asked incredulously, trying too hard to seem innocent.“It’s just for my curiosity,”
Rose’s eyes narrowed at the statement, as it confirmed her suspicion. 
“You’re not camping outside of my door and waiting for her to get here,” Rose said, leaving no room for argument. “Don’t think about staking out the lobby either, she’s not coming in through the front, and it’ll be hella late anyway. You’ll get to see her in the morning,” 
“Why is she flying in so late?” Kelley asked, ignoring Emily’s pout. “Why not wait until tomorrow morning or something?”
Rose shrugged, unable to stop the small blush that colored her cheeks. “It’s easier,” 
She wasn’t going to tell them that you had trouble sleeping without her. That you just couldn’t wait the extra 12 hours to see her. That she didn’t want to wait to see you either. 
“Yeah, right,” Lindsey snorted. 
“It probably is,” Mal said, her eyebrows furrowed. “The airport is probably less crowded, and there's probably fewer paparazzi to track her every movement,” 
Rose nodded. “There are also fewer fans,” 
The table seemed to pause as it took in the information, and Rose could practically see the wheels turning in their heads. 
“I thought she liked meeting the fans?” Emily frowned, sounding deeply wounded. It was one of the things your fans loved most about you, your commitment to them. 
Rose sighed. It was another difficult concept to explain. 
You loved your fans. You loved giving them special moments, like when you always pulled someone up on the stage for your piano set, or the hundreds of free meet and greets you did, but there was an invisible line that separated your working self from your actual self. The line between Y/n and The Y/n Y/l/n. It was dangerous when your fans chose to cross that line. 
“She does,” Rose hedged, biting her lip, trying to think of how to explain to them that meeting a giant crowd of people wherever you went was not only overwhelming but a threat to your safety. “It just makes things more complicated when a thousand people are waiting for her wherever she goes,” 
“I think that’s understandable,” Sam agreed easily, and the table nodded along with her. “She did get mobbed in time square when she went to pick up her album last night,” 
Rose winced at the fact, silently grateful for the distance between you for once. You had told her that it would have been even worse if she was actually with you. She hadn’t been able to stop herself from scrolling through the thousands of Tik Toks and Snap Stories of the incident, or the way her heart beat a little faster at the nervous smile you had sent to everyone you passed that night. 
They had all deemed that it was a grateful look. That you were happy they had shown up. They couldn’t see the anxiety that was clear to her. 
“And that’s exactly what we want to avoid,”
“So we don’t get any details?” Emily asked again, her pout deepening when Rose shook her head. 
“I’ll introduce you tomorrow, and you can harass her before we leave for the game and after we get back,” Rose said with a dismissive wave of her hand.  “Before that, she’s off limits,” 
“We’ll respect tonight,” Kelley hummed soothingly, sending a look to her fellow chaos defender. “But I make no promises for tomorrow,” 
Rose blew out a breath. “All I ask for is tonight,” 
You were no stranger to sneaking in and out of hotel rooms. You practically lived in hotel rooms 200 days out of the year, avoiding hotel staff and fans for some semblance of privacy. You spent another 50 following your girlfriend around the world. 
You knew how to get in and out without people knowing, and your staff was well-trained in doing the same. 
But you appearing at Rose’s door when her teammates were still texting the group chat convinced your airplane hadn’t left JFK yet, was something that would never get old. 
“Hey,” You smiled softly at the woman, leaning on the doorframe. 
Her nose scrunched at your voice, froggy from too many performances. “Hey you, wanna come in?” 
You hummed, stepping forward and pulling the midfielder into your arms. She melted into you, wrapping her arms around your neck as you buried your face in her hair. 
You held her tightly, rocking side to side as the door slammed uncaringly behind you. “I missed you,” 
It was a soft admission, vulnerable in a way that most people would never get to see. It was an admission that she didn’t need you to verbalize for her to know. She could feel it in the way that you held her, in a way that seeped from your bones into her. 
“I missed you too,” She breathed into your shoulder, holding you just as tightly. She had missed you just as much.  
Despite your ability to write music, she had learned long ago that you were actually rather terrible at putting your emotions into words, but that didn't mean that you didn’t express yourself. 
You just preferred to use bad quotes and physical contact to convey how you felt, and She let you. 
The hug went on for a long few moments, before you pulled away, your eyes tracing over her features. “No, I missed you,” 
She smiled softly up at you, leaning in and connecting your lips. She knew what you meant, that you struggled to show how much you cared for her when there was so much distance between you. You hadn’t just missed being near her, you missed the comfort and stability she brought you. You missed being able to hold her and make her feel as safe as she made you feel. 
The kiss was soft and slow, your tongues gently dancing together in a familiar waltz, your hand tighten around her hips, and her fingers tangled in the baby hairs at the back of your neck, pulling you closer. 
“I know,” Rose smirked, against your lips. “Are we going to make out in the entranceway all night?”
You shook your head once. “That wouldn’t be very economical of us, not when the part we’re paying for is the bed,” 
“Then why don’t we put it to good use?” She wiggled her eyebrows at you, earning a slightly pained smile. 
She frowned, trailing her hands across your neck to cup your cheeks. “Hey, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,”
You leaned heavily into the touch
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” You started softly, biting your lip as the words seemed to get caught in your mouth. You didn’t think there would ever be a time when you didn’t want her. “I’m just-...”
Rose knew how difficult vocalizing your emotions could be for you. How you always struggled to express what you were feeling, but you didn’t have to say it for her to know. She could see the droop in your eyelids, the dark circles that accented your face. 
She ran her thumb over the marks, and you sighed. 
“Completely exhausted,” She murmured, and all you could do was nod. 
You weren’t opposed to sex, but you knew that you would never be able to finish (or guide her to a finish) if you started. You wanted to be present when you were intimate with her, and with how worn out you were, you knew it wouldn’t be that kind of experience. 
“When was the last time you slept?” She pressed, already guiding you to sit on the edge of the bed. She stepped between your legs, running her hands through your hair as your eyebrows furrowed. Your plan had been to sleep on the way to Colorado so you could be more awake for her when you got there, but you had been so totally consumed by a song idea that you hadn’t been able to sleep. You hadn’t planned on staying awake for the entire 4-hour flight, but once you started, you couldn’t stop. 
“I was working on a project on the airplane and I got distracted,” You mumbled in answer, leaning forward and resting your forehead on her chest, breathing her in. You ran your thumb along the small sliver of skin between her shirt and her pants, tapping out random patterns. “I just want to feel you,” 
She hummed, scratching your scalp more deeply. She understood what you meant, you wanted the intimacy that you only got with her, and she was happy to give it to you. 
“Come on,” 
She used the hand in your hair to pull your head back, and placed a very soft kiss on your lips. “Let's get more comfortable and then we can cuddle,” 
Her fingers hooked the bottom of your sweatshirt as you pulled away, maneuvering it over your head and pulling your shirt off with it. 
You let out a low sound in the back of your throat, reaching for her shirt and tugging the hem. “Can this come off too?” 
Rose sent you a small smirk, running her hands through your hair again. “That was the plan babe,” 
You made another low sound, tugging again at her shirt. She rolled her eyes at you, pulling the material over her head and chuckling at the way your eyes roamed over the creamy skin of her chest and down her abs (she wasn’t wearing a bra). 
The way you looked at her never failed to send a shiver down her spine. It made her feel wanted and powerful. She knew that you didn’t look at anyone else like you looked at her. You didn’t look at anyone else with so much love and devotion and want, despite how many people looked at you that way. 
She made more of a show pulling down her sleep shorts, turning away from you to toss them into her bag, and wiggling her ass for you just a bit before turning back towards you and kneeling between your legs. 
“Now, let's get you out of your pants too,” 
You groaned, falling back onto the bed as her warm hands landed on your stomach, just above the button of your jeans. “I want you so bad, but I’m so fucking tired,” 
She chuckled, shaking her head and undoing your pants. “I know. We’re just going to cuddle. You like naked cuddles the best,” 
You nodded, lifting your hips so she could pull your pants off. “They’re the best,” 
“Move to the middle of the bed so we can cuddle then,” She hummed, grabbing your pants and underwear and tossing them next to her own abandoned clothing next to her bag. 
“So bossy,” You grumbled, following her instruction nonetheless, and tucking yourself under the blankets.
She huffed, settling under the blanket next to you, drawing you in so your head rested on her chest. “You love it,” 
“I do,” You murmured, kissing the skin in between her breasts. “I love you so much it hurts, and I’m so happy to see you,” 
“I love you too,” She hummed back, kissing the crown of your head, and rubbing your back. “Now sleep. You’re too sappy when you’re sleep deprived,” 
You hummed back, your eyes sliding closed. There would be time to be sappy in the morning when you were more awake. 
Early morning light flickered through the window, casting soft shadows over the alabaster skin of Rose’s back. 
It would never fail to be one of your favorite sights, her hair spilled across the pillows wild and untamed, the blanket pulled down just below her shoulders, and her hand reaching out and resting on your stomach, where she had drawn circles for most of the night. It was so domestic, foreign, and familiar all the same (That’s what you got with only 60 days a year with neither of you on the road). 
You had never really been a morning person, always preferring the twinkling lights of stars and buildings over the budding sunrise, but Rose was slowly changing that. Seeing her in the lantern-like oranges and yellows of dawn was something to behold. It was better than any painting or work of art you had ever seen.
What you wouldn’t give to wake up to her every day. 
You shook your head, reaching for your bag, but never leaving the bed, and pulling out a very famous little black notebook. 
It always made you chuckle how people freaked out about your songbook or assumed that you only wrote songs on one platform. 
It was a ridiculous notion that your entire musical career was held in a singular bound notebook, but you never felt the need to correct the fans. You always did prefer little black books to write out your song thoughts, and it made you laugh when they went crazy when they saw it. 
You hummed lightly to yourself, opening the book and flipping to the page you had already started on. 
Your eyes scanned the partial lyrics on the page, looking at the little notes you had made about chords and patterns, using your pen to make a few edits and additions. You had the tune in your head, but figuring out how it fit with the story you wanted to tell was always a fun challenge for you. One that sucked you in. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat, Rose’s hand on your abs as you worked through your song before you noticed her fingers moving in slow circles. They trailed up your stomach, to your book, and pulled it down, drawing your attention to her. 
You complied, tossing your book towards the bedside table, before drawing her up in your arms, enjoying the way your skin felt pressed together. 
“How long have you been up?” She asked, her voice groggy, and you squinted glancing at the clock. 
The truth was that you weren’t quite sure. You hadn’t looked at the clock, but the sun had been just barely peeking through the window, and now it was streaming in a constant ray. 
“Not too long I don’t think,” You shrugged, running your free hand through your hair, squinting.“I had an idea and I didn’t want to lose it,”
You felt more than you saw her roll her eyes. “You always have an idea you don’t want to lose,” 
“Guilty as charged,” You chuckled, kissing her head. “It’s just easier for me to think when i don’t have so much music tangled in my head,” 
You knew that she wasn’t a fan of your sleep schedule, but it wasn’t really something you could help. You and sleep had never been good friends, though it had gotten much better when you moved in with Rose, it was still never something that would be considered normal. 
She let out a long breath, rolling over so she was facing you, kissing your lips. “I know, I just worry about you,” 
Your arm tightened around her waist and tilted your head to capture her lips again. 
Rose had seen you at your worst. She had seen you work yourself to the edge of insanity. She had seen you push yourself to please your record label and neglect your own needs. She had seen how self-destructive you could be (the break between your second album and your third had been rough). She would never not worry about you pushing yourself too far. 
“I know,” You murmured, pulling away from the kiss. “But I’m doing ok. I’ve got a better team, and a good balance,” 
She hummed, her lips finding your neck and leaving little kisses there. 
“Speaking of teams,” She muttered, trailing lower toward your collarbone. 
“I have to meet yours don’t I?”
“Yeah,” She sighed, looking up at you and resting her chin just above your heart. “They're going to be invasive and annoying,” 
“They gonna give me a shovel talk?” You asked, chuckling just a bit. “Even though I’ve known you for longer than any of them?” 
Rose chuckled too, pushing herself to a sitting position and essentially straddling your waist (and you tried very hard to maintain eye contact and not be a pervert and ogle her breasts). “I think Emily is going to be more interested in grilling you about all of your music,” 
You scrunched your nose. “She knows I’m not going to tell her any details about who i sing about right?”
Rose smirked. “I think she’s convinced she’s going to get the whole story now that she knows The Y/n Y/l/n,” 
“I think the only person other person who knows the whole story is you,” You grumbled with a roll of your eyes. “I don’t know why they’re so obsessed. Why can’t they just enjoy the music,” 
It was Rose’s turn to roll her eyes. “Because then you wouldn’t have so much fun leaving breadcrumbs for them to piece together,” 
You shrugged. “I leave them breadcrumbs and they were still blindsided by us announcing our engagement,” 
“It’s because your puzzles never have only one answer,” Rose said, slapping your shoulder and pushing herself out of bed. “You design them so they can come to multiple conclusions, so I hardly think that's fair,” 
Your eyes followed her as she bent over, grabbing a towel tossing a shirt towards her bag, your shirt from last night, and heading towards the bathroom to shower. You also knew she was taking every opportunity to tease you. 
It was kind of her MO.
“And what you do to me is fair?” You asked, earning a smirk. “We both have the games we like to play,” 
“At least you actually get satisfaction in the end,” Rose said, raising an eyebrow at you. 
You couldn’t help but nod in agreement, following after her toward the bathroom. 
“I give them so much of myself already,” You said softly, as she turned the water on. “The last things I have are the stories behind the songs. I want to keep it sacred,” 
Rose’s entire body paused, and she very slowly turned towards you, kneeling down in front of where you had sat down on the toilet. 
“First of all,” She started gently. “Your music is not the only thing you have. You have me, and you’re never going to lose me,” 
She kissed your lips before she continued. “Second, you don’t have to give up anything you don’t want to, and I won't let any of my friends force you to, not that they would,” 
You nodded again. “I know you won’t Rosie,” 
“Now let's shower, and then we’ll meet my crazy teammates,”
Your entire life was based around the public’s opinion of you. It was why you were so good at handling people. At painting a charming smile on your face and playing the charismatic singer.
And from the moment you stepped out of the hotel room, Rose knew that she was in the presence of the character you so often played instead of her significant other. 
It was what you knew the team wanted and expected. 
But it wasn’t what she wanted. 
She wanted her friends to meet the women she fell in love with. She wanted them to meet the real you. 
Her hand tightened around your arm, pulling you to a stop before you could hit the elevator button, and she immediately had all of your attention. 
“Don’t do that,” She said seriously, stepping into your personal bubble, her nose nearly touching your chin. 
You frowned, tilting your head at her. “Do what? Press the elevator? Would you rather take the stairs?”
She shook her head, pressing impossibly closer to you. “I want them to meet my fiance, not Y/n Y/l/n Singer, songwriter, superstar extraordinaire,” 
“But your fiance is Y/n Y/l/n - Singer, songwriter, terrible chief extraordinaire,” You smirked. 
She chuckled at how you changed her line, but didn’t move away from you. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I mean,”
You blew out a long breath. It was easier to meet people as your alter ego. People had expectations of her and it was fairly easy to meet them. What was more difficult was actually being yourself. 
Your fans only got glimpses of the person you were underneath the persona, mostly through your songs and acoustic sets. Letting people closer required vulnerability and you didn’t share that often. The only person you felt comfortable seeing it was Rose. 
Your expression softened, and you brought your hands up to very gently hold her waist. “I just know what they’re expecting,” You confessed softly. “I don’t want to embarrass you,” 
“Baby,” She cooed with more gentleness than she usually used with you, her hands sliding up your arms to cup your jaw. “Why would you being yourself embarrass me,” 
You opened and closed your mouth several times, trying to find the words. 
The Y/n Y/l/n was cool. She was suave and dapper and knew how to make the fans feel seen and heard even when she had never met them. She knew how to be charismatic and charming. She wasn’t… you.
You were a dork, obsessed with music theory and chord progressions that made absolutely no sense. You were shy and introverted. 
You were not what the team was expecting. 
You closed your eyes under the weight of her stare, leaning forward so your foreheads touched. 
It was so easy for you to get stuck in your head when you had to be your actual self around anyone who wasn’t Rose. 
Her team thought she had gotten a catch, but in reality, it was her who was so far out of your league. 
You weren’t quite sure how you of all people had become an international pop sensation. You were just an abandoned kid from Kansas who sang about your pain. 
“I’m not…cool,” You mumbled, your fingers tightening around her waist. “Really, I’m a loser who got famous for putting together songs about a fucked up situation,” 
You felt her suck in a deep breath, and the finger on your cheek tapped twice. Your eyes opened to meet her blue. 
“We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.” 
You cracked a smile at the familiar line, shoving her away just a bit. “You know I hate the breakfast club,” 
“Yes,” She hummed, grabbing your belt loops and pulling you back in. “But you gotta admit, it has some good quotes,” 
“Dont forget about me was the only good part of that movie,” You scoffed, shaking your head. “If it wasn’t considered a cult classic, no one would care about it. At least other cult classics have better tunes,” 
“Like Rocky Horror?” She raised an eyebrow at you. 
You shrugged a rye smile etching its way across your features, a sharp contrast to the mask of The y/n y/l/n. “Time warp will never not be good, and really I was talking about Batman and Robin,” 
Rose chuckled at the mention of your favorite campy movie, leaning up to kiss your lips. They weren’t as sophisticated as Christopher Nolan’s Batman, but they were a staple in your childhood. “I didn’t think poison ivy sang in that,” 
“She doesn’t,” You agreed, as she pulled back and pressed the elevator call button. “Mr. Freeze does,” 
She rolled her eyes at your explanation, tugging your hand as the doors popped open. “They stole that from A Year Without a Santa Claus,” 
“I liked that one too,” You shrugged, unbothered. 
The banter with her made it easy for your shoulders to relax. Made it easy for you to feel like yourself, and you knew that didn’t go unnoticed by Rose. 
You just hoped her friends liked the real you. 
You knew that meeting Rose’s team was going to be absolute chaos. 
You had heard enough stories to know exactly how crazy they could be, and you expected the normal questions you were peppered with anytime you met new people. You knew that many of the women on the team were fans, but you hadn’t realized how big of fans they were. 
You hadn’t expected to be swarmed as soon as the elevator door binged open, and it took everything in you not to paint your million-dollar smile on your face. 
“You have to tell us who all the songs are about now that we know you,” 
“What’s it like to sing on a stage in front of thousands?” 
“How do you pick the person you serenade during the love song set?” 
“Did you date Taylor?” 
Their voices blended together in a symphony that would rival even the loudest crowds you performed to, and the sudden attention made the hairs on the back of your neck prickle. 
Contrary to popular belief, you didn’t like attention unless you were on stage. 
“Jesus guys, it’s not even 10 yet,” Rose said, holding up a hand to silence her friends. “Calm your tits,”
Kelley smirked. “You just asked for peace until this morning. That’s all we promised,” 
“You talked about me?” You asked, your eyebrows furrowing.
Rose rolled her eyes, “These looney toons wanted to ambush you outside my door last night,” 
You hummed, noting how her fingers tightened around yours. It told you how much she had stopped her friends as much for her own sake as she had done it for yours. 
You couldn’t help the way your famous smirk danced across your features. “That would tie for one of the craziest things a fan has done to meet me,”
Rose squeezed your hand again. A reminder that she wanted them to meet you, and not who you pretended to be, but it was too late. 
It was so easy to slip into character, and give her friends exactly what you knew they expected. 
“Oh!” Emily’s eyes lit up, and she launched herself at you, pulling you away from rose and dragging you towards the meal room. “Tell me more,” 
“Yeah y/n what’s your crazy fan story?” Kelley chimed in, smirking towards Rose as they trailed after you. 
You glanced behind you, catching Rose’s frown just before she slid her own mask into place. 
It made your chest ache, but the show must go on. 
You wiggled your eyebrows at her teammates. “Well…-“
“So I’ve gotta ask,” Emily said, leaning forward as you finished your chicken and whipped your mouth. “Are all of them about her?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed at the question. “Are all of what about who?” 
Rose snorted from across from you. She had been pouting since the youngins and Emily called dibs on the seats next to you. 
“The songs,” Emily clarified a slight whine to her voice. “Are they all about Rose?” 
“They can’t be,” Lindsey groaned, leaning back in her chair. “There’s an entire set about breakups,” 
You shrugged, smirking as you started in on your rice. 
“She’s not going to tell you,” Rose sighed, shaking her head with a slight smile. At least she wasn’t angry with you, even though you hadn’t been able to keep your promise to her. 
“But why?” Sanchez whined. 
“It would ruin the fun,” Your smirk widened. “Plus, who I think the songs are about isn’t important,” 
The youngins around you gasped like you had spoken the most blasphemous thing they had ever heard. 
“You can’t be serious,” Emily grumbled. “You’re entire fandom hinges on the theories,” 
Rose snorted again, stabbing her lunch.“She’s deadly serious,” 
“I am,” You agreed, meeting Rose’s eyes. “When I put music out, it’s no longer my own. It belongs to the fans. It’s theirs to create theories about or to apply to their own situation. When I sing it at concerts, I don’t sing it to the person I wrote it for. I sing it for the fans, and they sing it about their situations. It’s kinda like inception, a meaning within a meaning,” 
The table went quiet at your explanation. 
“That was deeper than I thought it'd be,” Kelley mumbled.  
You shrugged, just as your phone started ringing in your pocket. 
You glanced down at the device, your eyebrows furrowing. “I’ve gotta take this,” 
You pushed yourself up from the table, waving Rose away as you stepped out to answer, not noticing the little black book you had left in your chair. 
But Emily noticed it. 
She reached for it, holding it up. “Is this what I think it is?” 
“You guys are too much,” Rose rolled her eyes. “Let me have it before she freaks out,”
“So this is what I think it is then?” Emily asked, raising an eyebrow at Rose. “The sacred book that all our theories are based upon,” 
“It’s just a songbook,” Rose grumbled, holding her hand out for the book. “Not the fucking bible. Give it to me,” 
“It’s the Y/fan base/n bible,” Ashley added unhelpfully. “You should see what she’s working on,” 
“That’s a massive invasion of privacy,” Rose huffed, reaching to pull the book out of Sonnett’s hand. 
“But you wanted us to get to know her,” Emily said, raising her eyebrow. 
“And if we just… happened to drop it, and looked at the page as we opened it… it wouldn’t be an invasion,” Ashley shrugged. 
“No,” Rose growled, glaring at the blondes. 
“Yes,” Emily smirked back, holding the book up and casually dropping it, so it landed on the page you were working on, before leaning over and scooping it up. 
The youngins clambered around her to get a good look at your loopy writing, squinting at the page, and Rose sat back in defeat. 
You barely let her read your book as it was. 
“What are the symbols above the words?” Lindsey asked, glancing up at Rose from the page. 
“Those are the notes,” Rose said, her eyes narrowing. “Sometimes she’ll include dots to indicate the rhythm. It’s mostly shorthand,” 
Emily hummed, flipping it around for Rose to see. “Looks like a love song to me. She even said your sleepy smile is her favorite sight in the margin,” 
Rose leaned forward, eyebrows furrowing as she tried to make out your scratchy handwriting. 
Her eyes followed Emily’s finger, making out the sketch of a Rose, and the line right next to the lyrics you were working through. 
“She didn’t say it was me,” Rose huffed, sitting back. “She just likes to doodle sometimes,” 
“The line she wrote next to it is - Doesn't matter if the world falls apart Or whatever comes tomorrow I will always keep you in my heart-. It’s about you,” Emily said, rolling her eyes and pulling the book back. “But I wonder what the little ladder she drew means,” 
“It’s the bridge,” You said, plucking your book out of her hand and pulling it to your chest. “It’s impolite to read things that don’t belong to you, or to show those things to other people,” 
“Oh, it fell,” Sanchez tried to argue, but you held up a finger, silencing them. 
“It didn’t fall into your finger,” You muttered. “She wasn’t supposed to see that yet,” 
You could feel your mask cracking. Your frustration at them showing her the song you were working on overwhelmed the easy-going character you normally played. 
You had been working on the song for months, to surprise Rose, maybe for your wedding. 
You cleared your throat, ignoring the concerned look your fiancé was sending your way. “I need to go meet with my manager. There’s a problem. I just came back to tell you I’d see you after practice,” 
You didn’t wait for a response before you turned on your heel and left the room again. 
“Nice going guys,” Rose muttered, grabbing both of your plates and chasing after you. 
This was not how she expected your first meeting with the team to go. 
You hadn’t been lying when you said you had a meeting with your manager and your publicist. There was an apparent crisis that you had to deal with. It was annoying, but you weren’t sure if you were more irritated by some front desk person posting a picture of you in the USWNT hotel, or from Rose’s team showing her your book. 
Only you got to show her stuff in your book. 
“I literally don’t care,” You muttered to your publicist, sipping your coffee. “I’m wearing her jersey to the game tomorrow, so there’s no need to be subtle,” 
“You don’t need to be snippy,” Kara (your publicist) said gently, pulling the cup from your hand. 
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Sorry, I’m just frustrated,” 
“I thought Rosie would have worked all the frustration out of you,” Lena (your manager) chuckled. “You’re usually a ray of sunshine after spending the night with her,” 
You shrugged, blowing out another breath. “I was in a good mood and then I met her team,” 
“They read you the riot act?” Lena raised her eyebrow at you. 
“No,” You muttered, furrowing your eyebrows. “They read my songbook and showed it to Rose while I was in the phone with you,” 
You ran a frustrated hand through your hair, shifting uncomfortably under the gaze of the two women who had been with you since the beginning. “They showed her the page with the song I was gonna sing during our first dance,”
Lena and Kara shared a long look. They knew how protective you were over your music before it had been perfected. They knew how rare it was for you to show anyone, barring Rose herself. 
“What did Rose say?” 
Your shoulders lifted and fell as you picked your cuticle with your nail. “I didn’t give her time to catch up for a conversation,”
You had perfected the art of disappearing as much as you had appearing. You had slipped out by the time she had made it to the lobby, and you hadn’t answered her text messages since. 
Lena and Kara both sighed, and your green-eyed manager reached out and caught your hand. “I thought the two of you agreed, no more running,” 
“I know,” You ground out, pulling away and meeting Lena’s green eyes. 
It had been one of the most important promises in your relationship. It was hard for you to talk when you were upset, and your childhood had taught you it was better to run than face the consequences. That you couldn’t be hurt if you didn’t talk. 
But you wanted it to be different with Rose. It was different with her. 
“It’s not her fault they read it,” You muttered. “I heard her tell them to stop,” 
“So why not talk to her?” Kara pressed. 
You chewed your bottom lip.“Because she read what isn’t done yet. It’s too raw,” 
“Too vulnerable,” Kara supplied easily. 
You shook your head. You didn’t mind being vulnerable with Rose, she was going to be your wife. You minded that all of her friends had been watching. You worried that one of those pages would wind up on some tumblr somewhere and she would be exposed. That your private thoughts would be stolen from you. 
You already struggled enough with not feeling like a person with how much people felt comfortable taking your privacy away. 
“Rose wanted them to meet the real me, and I couldn’t give her that,” You said slowly. “And now they’ve ruined my surprise for her,” 
“Kid,” Lena sighed. “You know Rose doesn’t care about any of that. She loves you,” 
“But I care,” You muttered. It was a hard thing for you to put into words. That you felt so … violated by something so seemingly innocuous. “I care that I didn’t get to show her my song in my own time. It’d be like… Davinci being forced to put his last supper on display before he was ready,” 
Kara hummed. “Then why don’t you show her in your own way,” 
You frowned, not understanding. 
“The hotel has a piano,” Kara explained gently. “Why don’t you show her the song the way you had planned? The one in your notebook might not be finished, but the one in your head is,” 
You nodded, running a hand through your hair. “I wanted to play to clear my head anyway,” 
“Then I’ll get you set up,” Lena nodded. “We’ll take care of it,” 
Your fingers gently danced across the white keys, caressing them like they were a long-lost love, an old friend that welcomed you with familiar comfort. With nearly as much reverence as you touched rose with.
You had once heard Michael Phelps talk about how the pool drowned out his thoughts. The piano was that for you. The world around you went silent, and you could be at peace, even surrounded by a hundred thousand of your closest friends. 
You sighed, humming along as your fingers pressed out the bridge again. 
It was the one part that had been bothering you. The one part that wasn’t quite right. You squinted, running the same line again, switching out one of the notes, and shaking your head. 
It still wasn’t right. You grit your teeth, slamming both hands on the keys. 
You went to do it again, but her voice stopped you. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Rose asked you, landing a hand on your shoulder, and you gently lowered your fingers to the keys. 
You blinked up at her, painting your famous smirk across your lips. “Sure you won’t sell them for a dollar?”
Her lips ticked up at your joke as she settled onto the bench beside you. “Becky had a long talk with Emily and Sanchez, expect an apology tomorrow,” 
Your shoulders lifted and dropped, and your fingers returned to their starting position. 
You didn’t need team dynamics to get involved in something that wasn’t a team problem. 
You could feel Rose’s eyes on you, trying to read what was going through your mind. 
“I’m not upset that they read my book,” You muttered, your fingers catching on the keys as you played through the bridge again, “they’re fans. I should have expected that,” 
“No,” Rose growled, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at her. “Them being fans does not give them the right to invade your privacy. You being famous doesn’t negate your right to your thoughts,”
You pulled away, shaking your head. It was a familiar argument, one the two of you had had many times over. 
Rose knew how you struggled to separate the parts of yourself. 
“They don’t see me as a person,” You mumbled, closing your eyes as your fingers danced across the keys again, stumbling over the bridge. “To them, I’m just a character on a stage. My book is a part of that. It’s part of their lore. I’m not upset they looked,” 
Rose paused, her eyes searching you. “You’re upset I looked?” 
Again your shoulders lifted as you played through the section again. “They ruined my surprise,” 
Your voice came out soft, and weak, showing the vulnerability that you knew only Rose would understand. 
Rose’s eyebrows furrowed as you played the same riff again, missing the same note that you had several times. It wasn’t like you to miss notes, or to be indecisive. 
Her hands moved to cover yours, stopping you from playing it again. “Baby, look at me,”
You sighed, your finger landing on the wrong note as you looked up at her, finally making eye contact. 
Her thumb traced across your cheek as she searched you. It felt like she was peering into your very soul. “What’s going on?”
“I know you’ve been struggling to pick a song for our first dance,” You said slowly. “I was trying to surprise you. They ruined it. You saw it and now I can’t finish it,” 
You watched as her face morphed from awe to something so much softer, and you leaned into her touch as she pulled you in for a very sweet kiss. 
“Baby,” She smiled gently at you as she pulled away, and you saw the playful glint in her eyes. “They haven’t ruined everything. I may have heard a few of the words, but I can’t put a tune together with a few notes written on a page,” 
You shook your head. “Still,” 
You wanted it to be perfect. You knew your wedding day was likely to turn out like a fucking zoo, so you wanted to give her what you could. She deserved to have her dream wedding, and you hoped that you writing a song for her would help to make it that. 
“I had it in my head, and now it’s just,” You flicked your hand. “Poof,” 
Rose hummed, she knew how finicky your writing could be. How you could so easily be derailed. “You’ll figure it out, and then you can show me in your own time,” 
Your shoulders lifted and dropped, and Rose knew that was all she would get out of you. 
“But what I wanted to talk about more was your disappearing act,” She said seriously, and your shoulders hunched. 
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled earnestly. “It was just too much,” 
She nodded. If anyone understood it was her. You were a flight person more than you were a fight person, but you had promised her you wouldn’t run anymore a long time ago. 
For the most part, you kept that promise. It worried her that today you hadn’t. 
“I know, but pushing me away means I can’t help you,” She said gently. “It would have been better even if you just let me give you a hug before you ran off to meet Lena and Kara,” 
You swallowed hard. You hadn’t waited because you didn’t want to fall apart on her. You needed to collect yourself before you faced her, and your management team always knew how to put you back together. 
“I’m sorry,” Your voice broke as the words left your lips, and Rose pulled you closer to her. “I just needed to… process what I was feeling. It’s not always so cut and dry,” 
She hummed, letting you tuck your face into her chest and just breathe her in. She knew it would comfort you more than anything she could say would. 
She ran her hand through your chair, scratching your scalp, and enjoying getting to have you close. Enjoying that you were allowing her to comfort you. 
You let out a long breath before pulling away and looking up at her. “I’m sorry I made a bad impression on your friends,” 
She shook her head. “You didn't. They were fucking thrilled that you scolded them. Apparently, they think you're going to write a song about this or whatever,” 
She waved her hand for effect, the same gesture you used most of the time when you were talking about the overzealousness of your fans. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her, shaking your head.
You would never truly understand your fans, no matter how much you tried or pretended to. But these weren’t just fans, these were her friends. 
“I hope that someday they get to meet the real me,” You said, squeezing her hips. “Preferably before the wedding,” 
Rose couldn’t help but cackle. “I’m sure we’ll get it all straightened out tomorrow. They were far less excited to get yelled at by Becky,” 
You hummed, squeezing her hips again and just basking in the long moment. You knew you would have to break it. While you were technically on vacation, she was not. 
“You have practice,” You said finally, glancing over at the clock. “And I should really work out this line before I go insane,” 
“I know,” She shot you a sad sigh. “At least I’ll see you later,” 
“I’m here for you all week babe,” You agreed with a nod. “And I’m taking you to dinner,”
She smirked. “You missed dessert last night, so be ready,” 
You wiggled your eyebrows at her. “I’m always ready,”
“You’re too much,” She slapped your shoulder, and leaned in to kiss you, but before she could there was a knock at the door, and Becky’s head popped into the room. 
She send a sorry smile your way, but you waved her off. You understood that Rose had things that she needed to do. You would never stop her from chasing after her dream. 
You pulled away. “Go score some goals for me, I’ll be here when you get back,” 
“Just don’t work too hard alright?” She said, moving a curl from in front of your eyes. 
Your smirk widened. “No promises,” 
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Rose said, her smile never leaving her face as she leaned in a placed a very sweet kiss on your lips. 
“I love you,” You hummed against her, 
“I love you too,” She smiled against your lips, lingering for another long second, her hands accidentally pressing into the keys behind you before pulling away. 
Your head tilted at the sound, even though your eyes didn’t move to the key until Rose was out of sight. 
Your finger landed on the key again, experimentally pressing it. 
The A rang out across the ballroom like the hum of a tuning fork. 
You shook your head, your lips parting. It was perfect. 
Maybe you wouldn’t have to work so hard after all. 
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suffarustuffaru · 2 months
The fanbase is scaring me, the redesigns brought up some weird people that are REALLY passionate about Liliana being half naked
Like theres a whole war going on on twitter rn and the poor character designer got harassed
My problem is with the amount of people upset with this, like i knew we had a bunch of pedos around because of the way tappei writes the girls, but damn i didnt think there were this many of them 💀
yes ive heard about that....... im answering your ask late oops haah but i hope the situations a Bit better..... the toxic parts of this fandom give me a headache but my usual motto is to stay off twitter, touch grass, ignore people, and then hold onto my own viewpoints unless proven wrong alsjdflsdj but like. yeah this fandom is a bit tough to stay in when it comes to certain circles (for example the amount of people low quality shitposting / ranting about the fandom or whatever on rezero ao3 atm in the past days/weeks is. mm. interesting). not my first time being in larger fandoms that make you sometimes feel like youre fighting in the trenches (you could name off a few big fandoms notorious for being toxic that date back to like 2016 and odds are ive been in a couple lajdlf) but yeah seeing people complain about liliana and capella's designs and then overly fixate on emilia's boobs when these three characters have more to bring to the table than just that and theres lots and lots of good things to say about the s3 trailer and their designs..... mm. yeah. im squinting hard at a few of the things ive heard on that. but anyway!!
like the new designs are an Improvement. In General. like ok, as a boob haver myself ("boob haver" is the funniest phrase to me alsdjfls but it is true nonetheless, i am one) i do not give a shit about emilias larger boobs like ok?? her boobs are bigger?? she is still my fav ever and sometimes it just happens when youre still a growing teen/young adult and emilias back to her more revealing main outfit when she wore a different outfit in s2 so the difference in chest size is really not that much. but liliana and capella? those are Improved designs. i think ive talked abt the treatment of underage characters / characters who appear underage on my blog before (and i definitely couldve worded myself better then but i stand behind the fact that some of the stuff otsuka and tappei do regarding this in rezero is just Unnecessary).
could designs like emilia's still be improved on in other ways? yeah 100%, just in the sense that there could probably be changed a bit to fit her slightly more timid and soft spoken personality. or you could take different directions on it in general if you wanted. ive seen some great redesigns of her main outfit!! though her main outfit in of itself is pretty nice to look at imo and its iconic and well-known for a reason. im of the personal opinion that i wish it was a little less revealing in the same vein that her s2 main outfit was (i like that outfit a lot!!) but its still a really solid design overall.
i had some faith after seeing the anime designers fix up typhoon's original design to be More Appropriate, and i love how the essence of liliana and capella's designs were kept the same. like its not just that theyre a little less revealing (and even then, theyre both still showing a lot of skin!!! which is good!!! i like the improvement while keeping the main stuff the same), but stuff like liliana's pants aren't transparent (probably to make it easier to animate?) and the yellow/orange gradient in capella's hair looks great!! they also both look more like grown women which is a bonus. unless youre Weird about this shit which is unfortunately a small percentage of the rezero community. like you cant win with those sort of people ig, bc capella's boobs are bigger too ljasdlfj youd think that win more people over.
also i appreciate capella's sports bra bc unlike elsa's outfit it Actually looks like it's supporting her chest. if youre someone with boobs and you dont have a flat chest, youre gonna need support when being active or itll Hurt. and elsa Does Not have proper chest support okay. ill forever wince remembering elsa's design in that sense HAH....
anyway but i digress. i got no clue what to do with toxic people in fandoms despite spending a lot of time lurking in large fandoms with loud toxic people haah.... its hard to do much about it especially with increasingly declining media literacy rates everywhere.... the notorious misogyny/homophobia/etc that can happen sometimes in anime communities.... that sort of thing. i kinda just avoid it when it comes to rezero in specific, or briefly talk about it on here, or rant about it to myself in my head or chat with pals about it in private if it really frustrates me that much!! and id say im a pretty patient person hah... im not frustrated often. and the fandom is not all weird people of course and i can attest to that as ive chatted with a lot of people here... ive also seen a lot of people leave due to the fandom's Issues which is. totally fair tbh.
and i think rezero is often a "baby's first fandom" so to speak... i dont mean that in a bad way of course but its more like its the first exposure to fandom and fandom etiquette and fic etiquette and that sort of thing when it comes to english circles. or at least its a pattern ive noticed, so my theory is that that occasionally that combines with toxic fans and then you get a few people complaining about the community and how bad our fics are on rezero ao3 ig lajdlfjsdlf. which is false by the way :<< and an annoying misuse of ao3 as a free creative archive :<<
but ultimately i hope the rezero character designer's alright (and honestly theyve done super super great work - like the anime Did Not need to give emilia a bajillion outfits and go above and beyond with improving liliana, capella, giving the suwens and their hometown a whole unique aesthetic, etc). and also while i have stuff to criticize with otsuka and tappei... and the toxic parts of the fandom hah... i still enjoy rezero apart from that and the uproar with the designs has not chipped away at me too much!! ive been in this fandom long enough i guess lmao i just roll with punches at this point T^T but i also just try to look on the bright side a lot in general so ;-;;;
these are the sorts of things i like to be aware about but i dont like to get myself super involved with it (since itll probably make it worse and/or make me stressed for no good reason lmfaoo) and i wont let it enjoy the parts of rezero that i do enjoy a lot (which is to say like. the other 98% of rezero hah). so. getting off twitter is the biggest godsend i promise lajdlsfj.
but anyway!! yeah i dont have much organized thoughts on all of this, this is just me rambling my feelings on it. hope this all makes sense anon <3
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adorawilliams889 · 5 months
Now, I'm not the type of person who usually makes critical posts. All I do is like posts that I think make perfect sense and has good points. You know? I originally joined here because season 2 of Helluva Boss was lacking plot holes and I wanted to see if YOU GUYS specifically have the same issues with Viv's writing and shows. I was literally so happy that I wasn't alone. I was so happy that I wasn't stuck on this alone. I thought I have actually found my people. I thought that this community was chill. I thought we were only criticizing certain parts of Viv's shows and how they could definitely approve. I thought we were discussing things on what we like and don't like. But recently? You guys have been way worse than the hh/hb fans istg on every fiber of my being. You guys are somehow WORSE than Vivziepop. So much unnecessary hate that it's not even called criticism anymore. You guys were wishing for this show to flop and I'm just sitting here feeling concerned the whole time... Why would you guys wish that for a creator? But instead, you bring them down. I barely see good takes anymore because almost everyone here is just a bully. You guys have been leaking dialogues, watching episodes early, spreading spoilers around without any care in the world. You guys have made assumptions of Viv harrasing Gooseworx all because you think she's a legitimate bad person. You guys have been screenshotting harmless photos of hh/hb fans on Twitter who are just enjoying their time watching Viv's shows and then proceeded to shit on them. For no reason. You guys wanna shove 'facts' down people's throats about how Vivziepop is such a bad person but you guys wanna keep ruining the Hazbin show for other people. Do you not know how disrespectful that is? The last straw for me was when I saw that one ask harassing @imab4dbitchucantkillme and mocking their name. That just shows how toxic some of y'all are I'm not even kidding. (Sorry. I had to use you as an example bc that just got me pissed off)
But anyways, fuck this community. I'm very disappointed. This whole community can burn in flames. Come at me in the comments. I don't care. Literally. This is disgusting behavior. It's no wonder why Viv can't take criticism. Because you guys are down right insane.
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opalspring · 1 year
Fuuta used to be bullied theory (+ Fuuta being possibly mlm)
As the title says, this theory will discuss the possibility of Fuuta having been bullied in the past, and why I think this may have happened.
Got the idea for this while looking at Kotoko’s interrogation answers from the first trial. For question 18, she’s asked if she’s ever been bullied in the past before. And her answer was this: “I haven't. Are people with such pasts the only ones allowed to hate evil?”
And this made me wonder if this was a hint from the writers about Fuuta’s character, since it’s been noted multiple times how both he and Kotoko have a particular distaste for evil.
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So let’s get into the theory itself! First, let’s discuss some points that could indicate Fuuta getting bullied at some point in his life.
References to physical violence in the mvs
To start this off, I’d like to point out some of the parallels between Fuuta and Muu. One of the first things we learn about them is that Fuuta was a (cyber)bully and Muu was bullied in school. Then came the second trial and we discovered Muu actually used to be a bully herself (though the tables turned on her). Maybe the parallel goes further than that and Fuuta had a past of being bullied too, to go full circle. This part is just speculation though.
Regarding this, some of the wording in Bring it on and Backdraft’s lyrics caught my attention:
“Eat this! Don’t act like you have no idea!”
“We’re gonna punish you until you cry”
“Explode that counter uppercut”
“Pick up your mouth-piece, grind your teeth and strike a pose”
From these instances it seems like Fuuta sees conflict in fighting (and boxing for some of these) metaphors to some degree. In his head, conflict= physical violence. This makes me wonder if again, he’s feeling this way from experience. Like getting beaten up by some kids in middle school. It would form another contrast and parallel between him and Muu:
-Muu herself was bullied verbally and physically, and she bullied others verbally (It’s implied from her second vd the ones who soaked Rei in water were her friends and not her, though it’s impossible to know for sure).
-Fuuta could have been bullied physically (probably verbally too), and similar to Muu who doesn’t see verbal bullying as such, he started his cyberbullying shenanigans like we see in his first mv, while feeling like he’s not doing anything wrong (at first).
There’s also this line from this second vd we could link to this: 
“Urgh, violent people really are the worst, huh?"
Once again, this could indicate Fuuta experienced violence firsthand in the past and resents people who act that way.
(While we’re on the subject, I have a small theory about Fuuta getting an injury after being beaten up that made him unable to play soccer anymore. Which could potentially explain his pessimistic attitude towards his future, after getting his dream (of being a pro player?) crushed.)
Moving on, I want to talk about the way Fuuta addresses people he dislikes, and how it could fit into this theory.
Liars and hypocrites
We know Fuuta likes to harass people he deems bad on twitter, but let’s take a look at how he verbalizes this in his mvs.
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With this information we can see Fuuta has a clear distaste for liars, one so strong I feel like he was probably betrayed and bullied by someone close to him in the past. 
There's also this part that could tie into this:
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After being betrayed, maybe Fuuta couldn't bring himself to trust others easily again, and began going after people like this online to feel "in control" again? Hmm
Let's move on to the reason I think Fuuta may have been bullied. 
Fuuta's possible attraction to men
I first learned about the gay Fuuta theory with @Moibakadesu's great theory on it (here: A gay little theory about Fuuta (and Muu)). After reading it I felt like it was a cool possibility and started researching it as well. I won’t repeat what’s already written in it so I encourage you to read it too if you’re interested.
This theory could create yet another parallel between Fuuta and Muu, who is strongly implied to be a lesbian. It's unclear whether or not her sexuality was the reason she started being bullied. But if so, it would be interesting to wonder if the same thing happened to Fuuta, making it another similarity between them.
At the time I'm writing this, there's little to no information about Fuuta's life pre-university. We do know however that he doesn't get along with his dad, whom he calls "a weak and pathetic old fashioned guy". The "old fashioned" part is note-worthy, as it could imply Fuuta's dad is homophobic, as conservative people are most of the time.
And since Fuuta was raised by him, he would probably have a lot of internalized homophobia from his education, and would want to keep that part of him hidden if he was indeed mlm.
This next part is just a headcanon but here it is: I feel like Fuuta might have used his twitter account as a safe space to forget about his loneliness at home and implied lack of real friends. And since he doesn't use his real name and photo as a profile picture, he could be semi-anonymous on this account and not hide the fact he's into guys (saying semi-anonymous because it's implied from Bring it on that Fuuta at least knows what Rumerie and his friends look like irl. They, however, don't seem to recognize Fuuta at the arcade so that's the conclusion I came up with).
One thing about Fuuta in Bring it on is how he always keeps a facemask on when he goes outside, with one exception being when he checks his twitter account:
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 If the staff bothered to add this detail every time Fuuta checks his account, I think it may have a special meaning. The mask could be a metaphor for being in the closet, with Fuuta only taking it off at home and when online. This reminded me of the book Confessions of a mask by Yukio Mishima: in it, it’s implied the author discusses coming to terms with his homosexuality in the context of a traditional lifestyle through the eyes of his protagonist. 
Another detail regarding Fuuta’s “double life” theme comes later in the song, precisely during this moment:
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For a very long time I was confused about this part of the song. But one thing seemed clear to me, since this shot was so long and there was so much insistence on it, it had to be important somehow, right?
Their account is now deactivated, but @otums on twitter pointed out a very interesting detail in one of their Fuuta theories, namely the castle we see in the back of the shot being Neuschwanstein castle in Germany. After doing a bit on research on it, it turns out the castle was ordered by king Ludwig II, who was known for his taste for art and… being gay.
You can probably see where I’m going with this. Looking at this shot again with this information, maybe the castle represents both Fuuta’s safe space in his twitter account, and the fact that said account is a place where he can openly be himself.
Plus, in this shot Fuuta is in his everyday clothes and not his rpg armor, and the icons in the corners of the screen are all distorted (plus the selected icon is the healthpack, maybe to indicate Fuuta’s worry at the time?). 
So my theory for this part is that somehow, someone from Fuuta’s life made a connection between him and his twitter account, sending him into a panic, because people could find out he’s into men. I have a feeling it might have been Killcheroy and it could explain why Fuuta targeted her in the first place, even though she seemed to have done nothing wrong. This is kind of a stretch though (plus there’s the whole impersonation theory and how Fuuta probably didn’t write the messages we see on the phone at the end of the mv). We could link this to this line from the lyrics however:
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(So Killcheroy knowing about Fuuta’s real life identity/him being mlm, though how they know each other would have to be explored)
This next shot with Fuuta in his rpg clothes in reality could refer to his online identity having been found out by people he knew irl if we want to push this further.
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Another thing about the Neuschwanstein castle connection: King Ludwig II that was mentioned earlier was known for liking art in general, including architecture with the castles he had made. On the flipside though, some people found he wasn't invested enough in the politics of his country and made him pass for mad. This earned him the nickname "The Mad king". If we compare Fuuta to Ludwig II, this particular line from the lyrics could make a lot more sense:
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In this context, it could be the way Fuuta addresses his detractors. Again, just a thought.
Earlier we briefly talked about the impersonation theory/ the possibility of Fuuta’s account having been hacked during the Killcheroy callout. It begs the question of why Fuuta’s internet “friends”, Rumerie and co, turned against him. It could just be for the simple reason they’re homophobic and decided to turn against Fuuta because of it. That would make it extra painful if Fuuta was already self-conscious about that part of himself before. But since we’re talking about this theory I thought I’d mention this possibility.
And that’s it! If you have thoughts about all this I’d love to hear them.
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Everything posted so far on Twitter re: TMMN Episodes 13 - 14 ✨
Potential spoilers under the cut! I’ll continue to update this post as more info gets posted.
HUGE disclaimer that this is all speculative based off of what is being posted to Twitter from people who saw the episodes firsthand. Not all of this will be perfectly accurate. Don’t come for me if eps 13-14 air and some of this isn’t quite right 🫠
OP/ED impressions:
Sentiment is generally positive saying that both the opening and ending are really cute, but at least 1 person commented saying the animation quality is not as good as the S1 OP, and hoping they’ll fix it up a bit for the broadcast on TV.
More than one person said that Smewthie sounds like they are getting to be better performers. The person who was disappointed in the animation quality remarked that they think the music was the main focus and got better, while the animation got a bit worse.
Apparently there’s a bunch of ship bait in the opening including Zakumint and Tart/Pudding.
Plot beats (in no particular order):
Episodes 13-14 revolve around Ichigo and Masaya being boyfriend and girlfriend, Deep Blue’s awakening looming, a sidebar about Mint and Ichigo’s friendship and Mint’s home life, and the aquarium battle where the Blue Knight shows up.
We get to meet Ichigo’s mom and dad for the first time! Mint runs away from home in episode 14 and has dinner at Ichigo’s house with her parents / has a sleepover with Ichigo while discussing the trouble in her home life. It’s apparently really sweet. One viewer said they cried during this episode.
Ichigo and Masaya kiss at some point — unsure where this is, I’m thinking this might happen in the scene where they’re hanging out after Masaya’s kendo practice and he dozes off in the lawn, so Ichigo goes to pick a piece of grass off his face and they get super close? Totally speculating here, OP didn’t specify.
The Blue Knight has long pants. Yeah, I know. 😭 Pour one out for the bootyshorts.
Mint has a character song! This probably happens in the scene where she’s staying at Ichigo’s.
Some of the Mews have upgraded/new attack styles. Lettuce was specifically mentioned as having a cool new attack.
As I suspected, Quiche has an existential crisis over his mission with Deep Blue because of his feelings for Ichigo, and tells Pie as much. He goes a lil psycho during this dialog and threatens to do something drastic after he’s told not to lose focus on the mission.
The aquarium battle has all 3 of the aliens instead of just Quiche. In fact, Quiche doesn’t participate in the actual battle portion as much as he’s there just to harass Ichigo.
And oh boy, is the “harassing Ichigo” bit way different from the manga AND the original anime. According to one viewer, Quiche fabricates a whole new alternate dimension that kinda looks like the underwater Ryugu Palace from One Piece, and transforms Ichigo into a matching dress for it (a la Labyrinth). He tells her that even if the rest of humanity dies, he’ll save her. There’s something in here about a scene with a merry-go-round. Obviously she tells him to piss off, so the illusion is shattered.
Quiche is livid when the Blue Knight shows up to protect Ichigo, and has to be held back by Pie and Tart at one point.
There’s one line where Ichigo tells the aliens that they’re protecting their Earth, and Quiche laughs and says something to the effect of “you really don’t get it, do you?” So, expect more building on the alien’s belief that they’re entitled to Earth / the reason between their mission.
The aquarium battle is more intense than the original manga battle. One person used the word “murderous.” Battles might be getting grittier for S2.
TMMN gets rid of the scene of Alto showing up to change Ichigo from a cat back into a human before the aquarium scene.
There’s some food for Ryou/Lettuce shippers 👀 It’s not super clear in the post I just found, but Ryou may have a scene where he catches Lettuce from tripping, and in another scene, Lettuce brings him a cup of coffee while he’s working (Ryou takes his coffee with two milks no sugar)
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charleslebatman · 4 months
That "Charles is dating a rich Monaco girl for money and status" is the exact same thing people said about Charlotte and it wasn't true.
To me their relationship seems like a mix of things.
A hookup that got leaked, he made her his gf before he got the fuckboy title. The people who originally found out about her (not the Turkish twitter acc) claimed they saw she was followed by both Charles and Charlotte and decided to follow her and then noticed she was in Charles priv account (the priv account that was created a week before, which means they had to know his priv account existed, know it's name and just so happened to pick the correct girl to follow. The odds of that is almost zero)
Charles being single is more likely to be sexually harassed by weirdos, a gf is like a freak deterrent, for example literally a week after he made his breakup with Charlotte public some girl tried to invade his personal space and she literally bragged on twitter about touching his stomach under his shirt. It's very common for celebs to publicly date friends and co workers because it's just more likely to stop weirdos from thinking they can touch/kiss you because you're single.
APM the brand that has been with Charles and Alex since day one originally had their romance collection for Valentine's day 2023 but mysterious scrapped it October 2022 which wouldn't be weird if it wasn't for the fact that so many people noticed Charles and Charlotte acting very off during that time, people saw her in Monaco with tons of boxes, she posted a bunch in Charles' place everytime the rumour would pop up but everyone knew it was old because Charles had spoken about changing the painting she was stood in front of.
APM again for another reason. They got the exclusive of Charles not being single, Alex was photographed in the APM area amongst the APM guests at the Monaco GP, people saw that she tried to hide her secondary paddock pass because it's not the driver special ones but a brand one (for example Charlotte, Isa, Lily M, Kelly, Carmen, Egle, Louisa etc would have green lanyards and Alex's would have been white as she wasn't a team/driver guest but a VIP brand guest) then there's the whole thing of Charles posting the Malachite collection as promo for their new location opening and literally everyone predicted her wearing the exact same things he was wearing and she did and made sure to get paddock pics of her showing them off, her style pages have got multiple DMS of her saying her jewelry is APM but it's not even visible in pictures, nobody knew she was even wearing earrings let alone them being APM. APM followed her account before following multiple of the celebs they also invited, most of which are actually features in their website and social media.
Sorry I will never thing they're a genuine legitimate couple because of how predictable they have been and still are and how genuinely fucking miserable and weird Charles is when she's around. He's fine and the exact same around everyone else so it's not a him issue.
For example since the New Year he's had the routine of being seen doing things in Monaco, then there's pics of him parked outside the hotel with Alex either getting in or out, they then get filmed driving to the main valet parking, they go shopping(they never buy anything) for an hour then he's seen driving off and she's not seen again but he's seen later in a complete different outfit because he's jogging. It happened multiple times then the second people pointed it out, the pattern rotated and he was seen running errands alone or with someone else all day, then he was seen in workout gear and suddenly she's jogging with him eventhough he's seen often jogging and she's not once been with him (sidenote he's also only wearing headphones/airpods when jogging with her, there's hundreds of videos over 5 years where he's not once listening to music unless he's alone. Clearly he doesn't want to talk to her)
Very good analysis bestie.
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witheredoffherwitch · 9 months
I think a lot of the anon hate you've been receiving is from team black crazies. The Tatemond thing is a meme they've started on Twitter (just search for that term there and you'll see) and it looks like they've moved onto Tumblr to harass people. For some reasons they seem to believe Aemond and Aegon are the Westerosi equivalent of the Tate brothers...
Hi nonnie, hope you're doing well!
I have already made a post on how this notion is absolutely ridiculous but going off from here, I would simply say this to my fellow TG fans: IGNORE these idiots! I received one more ask hammering on that same 'Tatemond' line (I assume it was the same anon from earlier) - and have promptly ignored it after addressing it the first time. These idiots will be laughed off just like that 'pearl of the realm' tweet... BECAUSE literally for everyone else, these claims are downright absurd!
I think most of us fans forget that normies don't consume media like the rest of us who get too deep into the sauce. We barely make 2% of the total viewing class, and these kinds of absurd claims only get circulated amongst us losers who still lurk in these corridors long past the building's been vacated LOL. I remember how some Sansa fans were genuinely shocked at how popular and well-liked her character is during this recent Sophie Turner's divorce fiasco. Similarly, the other side was just as shocked by the pushback when Emilia's old quotes resurfaced where she said that Jon was let go easy because "he literally got away with murder". The common reply on that side was 'Jon didn't do anything wrong - killing a genocidal queen was the only decent thing he did all season.' I think it's important to remember that most viewers don't become so invested in a single character that they forget about the bigger picture.
While Aegon might not retain much favourability with the normies, Aemond is definitely a fan-favourite post season 1. His motives are well established, and unlike B&C, Luke's death followed after years' worth of bad blood and their king's jurisdictional error. Even though we felt Aemond did wrong, we can still empathize with him because of their complicated history.
I have trust in both Ewan and TGC to deliver the most gut-wrenchingly tragic storylines for their individual characters. Despite how Aegon is portrayed, it is fair to say that he is second only to Aemond on the popularity scale from that third-generation line-up... and this guy is shown to be an absolute piece of shit! So let them say whatever they want at this point because we know how the story will actually end during the Dance and for the Targaryen line in general.
That's all! 🤗
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By: Richard Dawkins
Published: Aug 20, 2023
I was about to start work on this commission, when in came an email from Twitter. They’d received a complaint that the following tweet violated their standards.
“Sex is not the same as gender.” But it’s not your gender that gives you the physique to tower over woman athletes & break their swimming records. It’s your sex. It’s not your undressed gender that upsets women in changing rooms. It’s your sex. You can’t eat your cake & have it.
Twitter sensibly over-ruled the complaint and cleared me of the proscribed sins that they helpfully listed for me:
Violent speech, violent and hateful entities, child sexual exploitation, abuse/harassment, hateful conduct, perpetrators of violent attacks, suicide, sensitive media, illegal, private information, non-consensual nudity, account compromise, plus various legal technicalities.
I’m sure the complainant was sincere. And that’s my point. A certain type of activist has a level of paranoid hypersensitivity that almost literally warps their hearing. You can say ,“I disagree with you for the following reasons.” But all they actually hear is “Hate hate hate!” So instead of putting a counter-argument (which I would be interested to hear), they resort to censorship. All too often it goes further, and they boil over in virulent abuse: “Transphobe! TERF!”
At least the above tweet was partisan. But so hair-trigger is the hypersensitivity, a mere invitation to discuss something is enough to set it off.
In 2015, Rachel Dolezal, a white chapter president of NAACP, was vilified for identifying as Black. Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as men. You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as. Discuss.
That 2021 tweet caused the American Humanist Association to withdraw my title as 1996 Humanist of the Year. A 25-year retrospective swipe, which cost them the loss of several major donors. Once again, I have no doubt they were sincere.
On July 26, I interviewed Helen Joyce about her book Trans. The interview is being very well received on YouTube. As it should be, for Joyce is extremely well-informed in her subject and she spoke cogently, soberly, reasonably.
But one of YouTube’s in-house judges heard only hate. And tried to censor the interview.
Short of an outright ban, YouTube has a variety of punishments at its disposal. In this case we got a minor slap on the wrist, a restriction on our video’s licence to advertise. But the real point is, yet again, the ludicrous hypersensitivity of the complainant. Those warped ears heard not reasonable argument deserving a reply, but “hateful and derogatory content”, and “hate or harassment towards individuals or groups”.
Obviously I can’t disprove that here. The interview runs to more than 10,000 words. But judge for yourself, it’s still up on YouTube. I earnestly challenge Evening Standard readers to search diligently for literally anything that a reasonable speaker of the English language could fairly call hateful. Enter it, labelled “Challenge”, in the comments section under the video, and I promise to respond.
I just said “a reasonable speaker of the English language”, and maybe here lies the key: language. If we want a fruitful argument, we’d better speak the same language. In today’s overheated sparring over sex and gender, both sides may appear to be speaking English, but is it the same English? Does “hate” mean to you what “hate” means to everyone else?
Or there’s “violence”. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the deliberate exercise of physical force against a person, property, etc”, and that is certainly the meaning I understand. Advocates of free speech often invoke, as a sensible exception, “incitement to violence”, where physical force is normally implied. But that sensible exception would mean something very different if you redefine “violence” to include the non-physical. If someone calls you “she” when you prefer “they”, I might see it as a mild discourtesy. But if you see it as a “violent” threat to your very existence, then our interpretations of “incitement to violence” — and hence of freedom of speech — are going to diverge sharply.
As a textbook example of incitement to real violence, you could hardly do better than “Sarah Jane” Baker’s speech at London Pride this year, where she told the cheering crowd: “If you see a TERF, punch them in the fucking face”. Or Sky News (January 23) has a picture of two SNP politicians grinning in front of a large, colourful sign depicting a guillotine and the slogan “DECAPITATE TERFS”. They claimed they didn’t know the sign was there, and I sympathise. You shouldn’t be blamed for the company you keep. No doubt I shall be labelled “right-wing” for writing this article — and that’s the most unkindest cut of all.
The Guardian (February 14, 2020) reported that police officers turned up at Harry Miller’s workplace to warn him about his allegedly “transphobic” tweets, such as the obviously satirical, “I was assigned Mammal at Birth, but my orientation is Fish. Don’t mis-species me.” One of them told Miller that he had not committed a crime, but his tweeting “was being recorded as a hate incident”.
Well, if Miller’s light-hearted satire is a hate incident, why not go after Monty Python, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, Rowan Atkinson, Private Eye’s royal romances of Sylvie Krin, the early novels of Evelyn Waugh, Lady Addle Remembers, Tom Lehrer, even the benign PG Wodehouse? Satire is satire. That’s what satirists do, they get good-natured laughs and perform a valuable service to society.
“Assigned Mammal at Birth” satirises the trans-speak evasion of the biological fact that our sex is determined at conception by an X or a Y sperm. What I didn’t know, and learned from Joyce in our interview, is that small children are being taught, using a series of colourful little books and videos, that their “assigned” sex is just a doctor’s best guess, looking at them when they were born.
A provisional guess, pending the child’s own decision (which is what really counts).
Joyce’s comment is: “And what are you meant to make of this if you’re eight? First off, that you’re very boring if you simply go along with what you were assigned at birth”. Her book quotes the boast of a mother of eight children, “without a single boring cis child in the whole bunch!” I recently received a moving letter from a highly intelligent American 12-year-old, worried that at her school it was not cool to retain your assigned gender. Yesterday I chanced to meet an American teacher whose school rules compel her to go along with a child’s declared gender and not tell the parents.
Miller’s case came up before Mr Justice Knowles, who thankfully didn’t mince words when it came to freedom of speech: “In this country we have never had a Cheka, a Gestapo or a Stasi. We have never lived in an Orwellian society”. 1984’s Appendix lays out the principles of Newspeak, the nascent language of Orwell’s dark dystopia. Newspeak was designed to make unorthodox thoughts impossible. There would be no words to express them.
O’Brien, Big Brother’s enforcer, holds up four fingers, and tortures Winston Smith until he really believes that 2+2= 5 if the Party wills it. Is that realistic? Could political power ever make you really believe a logical contradiction? The Times (January 18) reported that “a transgender woman has denied raping two women with her penis”. If “with her penis” is not quite 2+2= 5, it’s getting close. 2+2= 4.5? Joyce’s book quotes Orwell in an epigraph: “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” Are we approaching that point?
But shouldn’t we just indulge the harmless whims of an oppressed minority? Maybe, were it not for a strain of aggressive bossiness which insists, not so very harmlessly and not sounding very oppressed, that the rest of us must humour those whims and join in. This compulsion even has the force of law in some states. And alas, we often zip our lips in abject self-censorship because we aren’t as brave as JK Rowling, and don’t fancy becoming a target of Twittermob vitriol. No, we don’t fear Big Brother or the Stasi. We fear each other.
It's a feature, not a bug.
You're not supposed to discuss, you're not allowed to consider, it's not acceptable to debate - #NoDebate. You're just supposed to believe, based on faith. "Listen and believe." If you question it or doubt it, then it's because you're a heretic with Satan in your heart who wants to lead others to their damnation. Salvation is not up for debate when souls are at risk.
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gascon-en-exil · 5 months
I'm relatively new here, found you through youtube, so I'm curious, what's the story with the Ike/Elincia shipper?
She's very...passionate about a very small set of characters and ships, and has been active in the fandom at least since the Tellius games were current - so 15+ years at this point. The short version is that she's a relentlessly negative individual who seems totally incapable of understanding that other people may like and care about different things than she does.
Oh, and it should go without saying - but please don't go tracking this person down and harassing her. I've blocked out the name for a reason, and anyway that sort of response never turns out well for anyone involved.
She projects hard on Elincia and ships her with Ike, and as you might expect she objects loudly to any attempt to ship either character with anyone else. Technically this includes Geoffrey/Elincia, but most of her hatred is reserved for Ike/Soren or even the barest suggestion that Ike might not be straight.
A few years later she moved onto projecting just as hard onto f!Robin and shipped herself with Frederick, and embarrassed herself repeatedly with the Serenes Forest crowd who are mostly gameplay-focused and thus aren't going to mince words about the fact that her beloved Freddie Bear is a low-tier father, especially for Morgan. She did the same with Ryoma in Fates, although she has apparently never played Conquest and hates the route and the Nohrians in general...presumably because Ryoma dies in Conquest. As with gay Ike fans, her ire extends to anyone who likes the things that she doesn't.
I'm not aware of her doing much in Houses fandom aside from maybe fixating on Sylvain (...sure, why not), which is a bit surprising given how generally loud Fódlan discourse got. With Engage the latest object of her affections appears to be Diamant. All of this has been reflected in her barrage of replies to Heroes updates on Twitter/X, the overwhelming majority of which are negative because they don't feature characters she likes. I just showed off the FE5 banner response, which is in keeping with her particular dislike of the Jugdral games. She either doesn't know how to emulate or refuses to do so for ethical reasons, so anyone from the Kaga games (or most of Binding Blade's roster, I'd imagine) is someone she's never heard of and who thus can't possibly be anywhere near as important as seeing her favorite games and characters get alts ASAP.
And just going back through her other recent banner reactions:
New Year
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Legendary Camilla
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Book VIII Intro + Awakening
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(She does admit to enjoy the free Inigo though.)
This constant barrage of negativity ensures that she manages to get a lot of people calling her out, but she's argued back against even the gentlest attempts at constructive criticism and tends to block liberally if anyone starts poking holes in her complaints, ex. that Engage actually did quite well in 2023 or that Tellius consistently gets one banner ever year for alternating games, or even that her original fave Elincia got two premium alts last year. This all sometimes makes agreeing with her painful. Like, yes, I also thought the winter banner was excessive and would have appreciated a winter Diamant, but I'm not going out of my way to trash it. And anyway, I've been enjoying using my winter Dimitri.
And this isn't even getting into the many years of homophobia, or the substance of her pinned tweet:
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Let's leave aside how cliché and silly this type of response is when someone gets accuses of bigotry. Pinning this to the top of her feed suggests that she's landed in hot water before over something less low-stakes than online shipping drama. One can only imagine unless someone else has receipts.
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bi-sapphics · 1 year
do you remember when people where cancelling domo wilson for saying dyke in the bisexual anthem?
yes ! i pointed it out in a tweet on my bitwt acc before i went inactive for personal reasons but i don't think it got any attention.
it's actually what made me ask back in 2020 about the discourse surrounding bi women reclaiming it and i'll always be ashamed that i just... blindly accepted one of my mutual's responses that "it means lack of attraction to men" without doing any of my own research. to be fair, i had some sort of understanding already at the time that i would have gotten dogpiled for arguing either way lmao.
to me, i think this particular situation had a lot of lesbians mad because the song calls them out for (ironically) weaponizing the word against bisexuals the same way they've always done with 'bihet' and 'halfbian' ─ just ask the twitter user with the latter as their username, they get harassed for having reclaimed it after it was used against them all the time!
it also reminds me of how an old tumblr user, pinkfemme, who was notoriously biphobic for a multitude of reasons regarding keeping bi sapphics out of our own history, was completely fine with an anon in her inbox calling bi women "undyked" without even bothering to say anything about it in the answer post. and then has the audacity to deny bi women ever have the slur targeted at them for being bi from cishets of all people? lol sure
anyways back to the main point, i don't actually know how famous domo wilson is so i don't have a clue how much of the hate and cancelling she even saw, but i like to think that if she did see any then she would have just shrugged it off as proving the point. we get accused of hurting others for speaking up about our own experiences with biphobia all the time, so it makes perfect sense to me.
(^^ tell me if i got wilson's pronouns wrong and i will go back and correct my paragraph. /gen)
(and if anyone reading wants to accuse me of claiming lesbians oppress bisexuals or that 'bihet' is a slur... don't. because i'm not. bigotry ≠ oppression)
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opinated-user · 2 years
you never proved the sankaku accounts from before were lily's
you never proved the ewhatever account was hers
this newly discovered account isn't privated like it would be if it were actually hers and she was trying to hide it
you can't groom an audience
liking stuff in fiction is not the same as liking it irl so even if all of these were actually hers it wouldn't mean anything. fiction is not reality. i want to marry captain picard, that doesn't mean i chase down old men in the streets
my understanding that she's just joking about sex and talks about it sometimes doesn't make her a predator isn't some gotcha against lily that means she's a pedophile
calling trans people you don't like pedophiles is gross
when even the other people who have mindless grudges against a trans indigenous woman think you're crazy, reassess your arguments. if your fellow bigots think you're off the rails it's more likely that you're off the rails than it is that everybody else is wrong and you're the sole beacon of truth
in order for lily to actually groom someone she'd need to talk to them one on one extensively and actually most lily fans i know get total silence from her if they reach out or at best one brief conversation
gee isn't it interesting that when straight guys do everything lily does it's not grooming but when a trans non-white person does it it's suddenly grooming and when they do it it's not pedophilia but when she does it's 100% pedophilia
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i hope you know the only reason i'm not blocking you is because the more time you spend here it's less time that you're with LO. 1. i never said we did. i said that LO has acted highly suspicious since the accounts came out and the timing of them finding out with being eliminated or privated was noteworthy. a troll or an innocent user wouldn't have done that. 2. that actually LO confirmed herself by tangling herself on a bunch of lies that were also debunked before (with IP adresses included).
3. LO's twitter is still privated and was privated literally hours after Brittany posted that first anon. interesting timing, don't you think? 4. you can. how do you think that cults are formed? 5. if 3D hyperealistic porn of little children made by people who uses real childre as references was actually the kind of content that LO enjoys in private... i do find that worth the conercing. almost as much as you thinking that can be compared with you wanting to marry a fictional character. 6. your understanding is wrong. she's primming you to accept sexual behaviour from her so you, or other minors on her audience, won't see anything wrong when she does become more directly predatory. hiding something behind "jokes" doesn't mean they're okay things to do or say. 7. if we didn't had any evidence or reason to believe they're a danger to anyone, indeed, it would be wrong. but calling out someone that has been exhibiting to be an abuser and manipulative predators for years is only fair, regardless of their identity. many of the people she has lied about and hurt were trans. are you going to advocate for them in front of LO? 8. people having disagreements is a normal part of human interaction. i know that hanging around LO might make you forget that since she treats all disagreement as harassment but out there in the real world people talk about things all the time. it's not the gotcha you think it is. 9. no. 10. straight guys have done the same things as LO and you know what happened to them? their platform got shut down and have dozens of videos talking about their misdeeds. if anything it's remarkable that LO has been so gross so openly for so long and yet, very few videos have actually dare to call her out. i wonder if people so willing to use her identity as a shield with her approval, might have something to do with that? edit: had to correct mistake. the favourites are still there, i just payed attention to the bottom part that said "no matching posts" and not the actual favourites.
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patchesproblem · 1 year
I was rambling about this earlier on twitter but it's easier to type and explain myself on here so!!! This is about my AU, so if you're confused that's why lmao.
Rambling mainly about Tesla and Karl tbh.
So with Karl and Welt making their appearance I got to thinking about all of the characters relationships with each other, and I've come to an amazing realization.
So I was thinking.. How would Tesla and Karl get along?
NOW one of the things I want to note before this is that Karl would probably care about her either way. He's just the caring dad figure who never knows what's happening and I love him for it. However, I feel like over time he slowly gains her trust to the point he's basically become Tesla's father figure that she never had.
Like in game Tesla has trust issues, for good reasons. AND just like in game she will relentlessly bully and harass any man in her sights just for the funsies. In conclusion she does not trust any man within a billion mile radius of her. So it would take awhile for her to actually trust Karl enough to actually open up.
I feel Karl was probably extremely concerned about her, and just over time slowly gained her trust enough to where she'd at least kinda talk to him. How he exactly gained her trust, honestly not sure. I feel like she could just tell that he wasn't malicious by the way he acted, and probably what she heard about him from Einstein. I'd say she trusted things Welt said, but honestly she doesn't lmao. Just like siblings they're at each others throats every other day and they refuse to trust a word the other says. (They care about each other. They just also want to kill the other sometimes. Yanno, just sibling things.)
As for their relationship, I feel like he's probably one of the only people she actually trusts. Basically she only completely trusts him and Einstein, to put it plainly lmao. He treats her and Einstein like his own and he'd probably drop anything if they need help or anything.
I think he was probably the first, if only, person she ever fully opened up to about what's happened in her life. Not even in a "lol I have issues" way, but legitimately was actually honest about everything without just brushing it off.
A little idea that I thought of earlier is that Karl was probably the first person Tesla talked too when she finally came to terms with the fact she'd grown to like Ein just because she trusted him enough to not completely ridicule her or shame her. Tbh he probably helped her get through it because I feel like Plancks relentless teasing, although isn't inherently malicious, probably affected her way more than she meant to. Bonus points if Karl never even brought it up to her or said anything about it unless she was talking about it to him, and even at that he never teased or really shamed her.
His first reaction was probably just confusion tbh. Like why is this child upset because they like their friend. Then the realization hit him and he's just like "Oh. You know that explains a lot actually."
Mans probably just pretended it never happened and doesn't even act like he knows anything. Complete opposite of Planck essentially LMAO-
Also just had an idea that he occasionally gets dragged along by Tes and Ein to help them with some experiment. It has back fired a few times, yet he still goes to help them just because. Probably comes to visit them when they go to lab 42 tbh.
None of this probably sounds coherent but also I'm just throwing thoughts into the void so it's okay. End of rant, I'll be back later probably.
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rayinberkeley · 1 year
There’s Simply Nothing Creepier than “Pro-Life” Bitches
Hi, Zelda Gargamel, you little rancid twat fuck, I’m the guy you called creepy. How ya doing? Like I give a fuck. Anyway, as I’m in 7 days Twitter jail because of your mass reporting, like that’s any skin off my back, I figured, since you all said I was "obsessed" with you or something, I thought I'd bring some motherfucking receipts.
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You've a nice act on here and all, or a "brand" as the morons say. You harass people and then pretend they're harassing you when they snap back at your harassment. This oh so clever question you kept asking showed up on my feed at least 30 times:
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I mean over and over and over... till I got sick of it and chimed in. In which case your mob hopped on and all sorts of homophobia followed.
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You see, we all know what your oh so clever as shart question really stemmed from. A notion that women just have abortions willy nilly. In case you don't know, THAT is misogyny. And you are the fucking misogynist.
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It's sick reasoning that your base premise relies on somehow a woman's health having to pass some test of debate with you. It is not Pepsi vs. Coke, Tastes Great vs. Less Filling. It's a woman's healthcare, and fuck you for acting like she must pass your test.
Which your mob thinks is me just being "clever". It is not. It's fact. It'll never be your damn business. And more misogyny... oh dear.
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So then you ducked behind this adorable little act of yours. That I'm giving two shits about your sex life, when in fact, I'm answering YOUR harassment with the insult it deserved. If you were, you'd be out of other women's business.
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You wanna talk about what's actually fucking creepy? It's YOU sticking your damn nose into the business of women at the moment of the hardest choice they have to make. Nobody is obligated to answer to YOU for their abortion choices.
And nobody is obligated to answer your question that YOU think is clever. But you want an answer to your question? Fine, here's some other ways babies are made.
A woman who WANTS children but ends up in a fallopian pregnancy. That fertilized egg will never be a human, but she will die. Ya'll anti-choicers think it's "a baby" and it's "God's will she just die."
Source: CBS
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Ya'll anti-choicers even want to force her to have a fucking funeral for it. THAT'S FUCKING CREEPY.
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Here's another way babies are made. Since sex education is out, boy pressures girl, girl gives it up, girl doesn't know that's how she's preggars. Baby will ruin her life. But who cares, right?
National Library of Medicine:  Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S
Another way babies can be made: boy meets girl, they fall in love, get pregnant, then find out they have the same estranged father. This has actually happened. Mostly likely you'd know, since you look like the product of it.
After 30 Years of Marriage, Couple Discover They Have the Same Father...
Another way babies are made? Drunken sex, consentual but careless from poor judgment, and is simply not ready for a baby. It isn't rape, but it also is still not your business.
There are all kinds of scenarios. These are off the top of my head, and there are endless scenarios I can't know because I don't pretend to be an expert, which is why I DON'T, unlike you, rule a judging finger over abortion rights.
After all, to save those clumps of cells ya'll wanna track little girls' menstrual cycles, but I'm the one who's creepy, huh? (Thankfully that attempt failed)
Source: NBC
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And even fucking social media is turning women in for seeking abortion care now. But who's the creepy one? Of course it's me, right? Suuuuuure.
Business Insider
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What really matters is, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?! I'M ENGAGED!!!! (No, I don't know who the fuck you are, nor do I care, and ducking behind that shit was pathetic.
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"He's sexuwawwy hawassing me!" you yelled, and your little mob of monkeyfucks all fled in to save the poor little victim. 
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First, being cursed out because you won’t mind your own fucking business ain’t sexual harassment.
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But you felt attacked? Good! I'm glad you felt so victimized, because as said in my mission statement earlier, you're part of the mob that harasses innocent women, calling them murderers. I want you to know HALF of what your crusade puts them through.
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I mean ya'll are some sick fucks doing this to women you don't even know, but you act like I should know, or care, you're gettin' some disabled chick sex action?
Hon, I'm disabled. Crippling PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder. I live on SSI. Don't pull that damn card on me. You having your damn mob of people thinking "woe iz me nobody finks disabled girlz get any," girl, I do porn stars.
Think I’m lying? Don’t care what you think. But:
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So you’re getting some. Not good enough to get your nose out of other women’s health decisions. And what a stupid fucking deflection. 
Your act is stale, but you do have quite the mob of SICK-ophants, I'll grant you that. And such a lovely assortment of MAGA and Nazis and transphobes...
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Oh, it kept going...
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And going... and this was but a fraction of your delightful friends.....
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That shit right there? Not even close to the full amount of your little mob that came at me. I’ve had that shit all my life. You got ONE comment at you that made you fucking cry. I want to apologize to you for what I said.
I’M FUCKING SORRY...... i DIDN’T SAY WORSE. I’m sorry I didn’t say something that would rock your entire existence to its core, that I didn’t manage to make YOU experience depression, suicidal thoughts, terror, the likes of which your fucking little sick Nazi mob makes women feel for having to make a choice, or LGBTQ people for any reason. I want you to know a fraction of the pain your kind brings into the world, you skank ass bitch.
I’m especially in love with your minions that screamed at me that there are only two genders. I see what really gets you off. Stupidity!
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But of course, ya’ll have nothing to worry about. Not a one of the idiots on that list "violated Twitter's terms" (even though transphobia very clearly is in the list of things you can report). A fact I've documented quite thoroughly.
Source: My own blog
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Oh you think I care I get penalyzed on Elon’s newly acquired Bird App? Ain't even close to the first time, and I regret absolutely none of it.
Source: Still my own blog.
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Notice that’s a lost account, where I referenced another lost account? Been at this a while, shit-chick, and social media ALWAYS punishes the person fighting back, never the person harassing them.
And we all know WHY they don't enforce actual standards on Twitter anymore. Big billionaire daddy bought ya'll a Nazi safe space to harass and hate with his exploding murder car money. It only cost him a few billion. Worth it, right?
Source: NDTV
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He also lost his daughter. His trans daughter, by the way. He thinks it's due to "Marxism" but it's because she's embarrassed by his disgusting bigotry.
Mercury News
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Any decision from this shitshow site is hardly a football for you fuckers to spike. Gladly be penalized a million times to get in the faces of rancid crotched losers sniffing in other women's business like you. 
Because again, you can cry victim all the live long day, but you ain't the one being forced into this shit. You're just the one hurting these women. 
Which brings me to another of your posse...
Delilah somethingorfuckingother screamed at me to "stay in my lane" (bodily autonomy is very much an LGBTQ issue) and accused me of "White Knighting." Okay, let's talk about that one.
She's right. I totally forgot all about when the German theologist, Martin Niemöller, said:
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I notice she isn't telling THESE men to stay in their lane, right?
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Sorry, but you gotta know, after all that prying into other women's business in such sick ways... creepy takes on a whooole new level with you motherfuckers. I mean, and then there's THIS fact:
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Of COURSE you want everyone to stay in other lanes, so that the women you want to harass will be alone. While you have Twitter as a safe space to harass them. And SCOTUS. And the entire GOP to stay in their crotch.
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And who's white-knighting here? Ya'll are doing all this because you wanna save a bunch of undeveloped clump of cells, thinking you're some fucking hero. 
THAT'S White Knighting.
Harper’s Bazaar
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Just like ya'll "White Knight" saving kids from the horror of "WOKENESS!" but you ain't saving shit. You're just hating on those ya'll already abused, blaming them for your own fucked up shit. Tell ‘em, Shea:
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You don't care about life. You care about control. A clump of cells has no agency and can't tell you dumbfucks to STFU and go away, and ya'll want soooo badly to be heroes about something to distract from:
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Not to mention the shit ya'll do to trans people. You of course think hating on them is some sort of act of feminism. It is not. Trans women are women. You are not, however, cuz you'd have to be human first.
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But you're not. You're adored by MAGA transphobes and love harassing women and assuming if they need an abortion they must just fuck and abort like bunnies. It's what you were implying, which is what started all this, Turnip.
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So in conclusion:
You're the harassing person in all this. You're the creepy one as well. Your back up mob of freaks ain't covering you from wrongness any more than your disabled card did.
You can't play a victim while victimizing other women. No abortion decision is ever your business except your own.
And trans men are men, trans women are women, and don't need your permission to be who they are.
These things are not up for debate and we will not be debating them. We don't have to answer any questions you think are clever but are incredibly stupid, no matter how many times you verbally fart them. And we DON'T have to be nice to you.
And threats of reporting and Twitter jail ain't gonna shake me from it either. Elon may have tried to make a safe space for you Nazis, but NAZIS DESERVE NO SAFE SPACE.
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Now stay the fuck off my feed because you ain't gonna get anything from me but worse than what I said before, and as you did then, YOU'LL DESERVE IT.
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