#Femme forte
perduedansmatete · 11 months
j'ai reçu le plus mignon des messages d'anniversaire mais je ne pleure pas non c'est juste mes allergies promis
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lire1x · 3 months
Une femme debout de Catherine Bardon
“Une femme debout” est un roman portant haut et fort les valeurs de l’autrice Catherine Bardon. Depuis, “Les Déracinés”, Catherine Bardon met en lumière les oubliés, ceux qui ont fait l’histoire sans y avoir laissé leur nom. Dans chaque texte, l’autrice met en évidence la force de la (re)construction, le dépassement des limites imposées par le vivre ensemble ou le pouvoir en place. Ce dernier…
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secondlifep · 1 year
Femme Forte - Recasting femininity
Photographer Sandra Seaton, began her artistic practice by taking images of the world around her, before choosing to control the narrative and setting of her work, focusing on celebrating the world “in its most authentic form.” She is inspired by women and represents both their masculine and feminine characteristics, so as to showcase their individuality, confidence and self-acceptance, and this can be seen in her editorial Femme Forte...
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Source: Metal Magazine
Model: Janni Lima
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mogai-headcanons · 5 months
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ANRI from SynthV is a futch bisexual genderfluid nonbinary woman who uses she/her pronouns!
She's dating Eleanor Forte, a femme egogender lesbian who uses she/her and ey/em pronouns!
ANRI'S alternate counterpart ANDI is a vincian greyaroace trans guy who uses he/him pronouns!
He's dating JUN, a bisexual guy with a male lean who uses he/him pronouns!
dni link
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mabelsguidetolife · 8 months
“how can you be butch if [x]” “how can you be femme when [y]”
how can you be alive without a brain. bitch.
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andreabaideas · 3 months
International Women's Day 8M
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Happy day to all women across the world (that are good people) !!! 💜🙌💪♀️👩‍🏫🎉😊
Also to all men who raises us, helps us, love us the right way, accompany us, uplifts us , befriends us and are our allies too.
Heres to Strong women :
May we know them,
May we be them
May we raise them
Image found in Pinterest but the trilingual texts and the color intensity filter added to It are made by me.
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lilias42 · 11 months
“May I please draw your OC?” réponse
Pour le “May I please draw your OC?” de @ladyniniane avec une Vigdis qui danse !
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J'espère qu'elle te plait ! :D
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29JAN2023, SUN.
It’s been so long since I’ve watched a decent action movie and whaaaat daaaa F!!! This is absolutely good!!! I really loved it!!! Hats off to the writer, director, and of course, Elsa Pataky!! 🙌🏼💪🏼 I googled her and she’s 46??! With that body and physicality to be able to do her stunts?? Not to mention with 3 kids too?! NFW!!!
Watch Interceptor on Netflix you guys!!! Highly recommended!!
PS. Wait for that one arm monkey bars scene!! I’m like, you go girl!!! And oh, Chris Hemsworth’s cameo lololol
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Isabella Bird, femme exploratrice T10 de Taïga Sassa
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abdlrimespotiques · 3 months
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coste hubert
ont oublie
sous un frais vif vent qui frisonne
là le brusque et soudain automne
alors les averses fines de neige
lors de la saison froide et glacée
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frameshiftworks · 9 months
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Continuing my gala dress arc because that's all I've been in the mood to draw.
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lire1x · 3 months
La fille de l'illusionniste de Amita Parikh
Malgré mes privilèges de lectrice Faubourg-Marigny, je viens seulement de terminer la lecture de “La fille de l’illusionniste” d’Amita Parikh, paru en janvier dernier dans la maison d’édition que j’aime tant. Lorsque l’on reçoit un livre en avant-première, on a l’opportunité de le lire avant le déferlement des avis positifs et négatifs. Mon retard dans mes services presse m’a permis de m’en…
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anime-toi · 2 years
Prends soins de toi et de ta santé mentale c'est le plus important
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femizons · 2 years
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bouxmounir · 2 years
avec le Synode, fief des réformes dans l'Église
avec le Synode, fief des réformes dans l’Église
L’exercice a été trépidant, devant l’amplification des attentions, des révélations et des regrets expressifs : parvenir à synthétiser, dans une seule mise en page, les apports remodelés ces derniers mois par plus de 150 000 fidélités mobilisées – en petits groupes, par mouvements, congrégations , paroisses… -, pour faire entendre leur voix sur l’état et l’avenir de l’Eglise en France. Après la…
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
Saw a post somewhere in the Masters of the Air tags that said Bucky Egan is Lewis Nixon if Lewis Nixon gave into his impulses, and I need to respectfully disagree.
Bucky Egan is--to use some broad terms--young, dumb, and full of come. He's not stupid. He's just 25-ish with strict ideas about what it means to be an American (he enlisted when the war broke out, not after Pearl Harbor; which is some truly Wisconsin shit), and he wants to be the coolest, hippest cat in the room (his vernacular is based on loving media about mobsters and trying to emulate them). He drinks and fucks and parties because those are things that the characters in his favorite books do. And those are things he WANTS to do. Because he's 25 and can work the Clark Gable 'stache. In episode 4, when he sits vulnerably naked in front of that big picture window in his hotel room, having bedded a woman with a dark past (again, see his love of mobster stories; she's a femme fatale in his mind), he is shattered at watching the bombs drop on London. He'd known it was happening. But to see it. It's seeing the truth of it. Understanding that he, as a pilot, knows the level of destruction being attempted, and being able to accurately guess how well it went.
There's a moment where Paulina asks why he's all the way out in Hammersmith. It's clearly not central London. When he watches the bombs, they're not close by. But then he's walking down the street in his pilot's uniform in a generally intact suburb. But someone did get hit. One person DID get hit. And she cries and screams for someone whom she can't decide is alive or dead.
That's Bucky's own thoughts about Curt. That's Bucky's own thoughts about the men who flew the day before. That's Bucky's own thoughts about every man in every fort that went down. They're alive. No, they're dead. No, they're alive. No, they're dead.
What we're seeing by the end of episode 4, is Bucky faced with the unrelenting truth of death in war in a way he hid from himself in so many ways for so long. Partly by fucking and drinking and partying.
The difference between Bucky Egan and Lewis Nixon is that Lewis Nixon went into the war believing everything was shit. And he drank his way through the war because everything was shit. And he made a truly heroic attempt to blow up his friendship with Dick because everything was shit.
Lewis Nixon, if being allowed to give into his impulses, would have drank himself to death during the war. I believe that completely. Fuck, we know he had a hard time for several years after.
Bucky Egan, until he sees the bombing in London for himself after one of his closest friends has disappeared in battle (Curt) and another close friend (Buck) goes up without him, he doesn't let the war touch him. He doesn't let the WORLD touch him.
Bucky Egan drinks and fucks and parties because he LIKES IT. And he wants to keep it up because if he can keep it up, things can't be that bad.
But they are that bad.
Meanwhile, Buck Cleven is NOT Dick Winters. He doesn't drink. He doesn't gamble. He doesn't fuck. Sure. But Dick Winters didn't do those things because he was raised in a family where those things were held up as signs of moral fortitude and self-discipline. Buck Cleven doesn't do them because his abusive father did them all and into severe excess.
But Dick Winters would NEVER slow dance with a big dog to make his best friend laugh, and Buck Cleven would. Neither Dick Winters nor Buck Cleven would ever back out of a fight, but Dick Winters would never shame a man for being scared while Buck Cleven did. And rightly fucking so, frankly.
What's so interesting to Bucky and Buck is that "two randos with very different views of the world became the closest of friends" ALSO happened in Band of Brothers (and, in fact, in Generation Kill between Ray and Brad [a reminder I haven't seen the Pacific), and it speaks to how friendship bonds form differently in different situations but there seems to be some proof that people with opposite experiences in life can find common ground with a common goal between them.
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