#Feeling Determined / Undertale verse
captainseamech · 2 years
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             Nope. He’s not going to look. No sir.... he could never by himself.....
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scrappy-urchin · 2 years
Undertale Verses for mobile
Note that some parts are left vague for wiggle room to plot whatever you want with these fishies! Unlike the Deltarune verses, the Undertale verses are literally the same person, just at different points in her character development.
All icons are made by me. Please don’t steal them.
Early Teenage Verse
“That spirited little water SPEAR-it!”
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Age: 12 ~ 13
She’s bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and eager to learn! Being accepted as Asgore’s trainee was the happiest event in young Undyne’s life. She vigorously faces new experiences -- from learning how to conjure magic spears to baking pies -- head-on!
Tagged as #young water spear-it [ ut smol fish ]
Main (default) Verse
“What doesn’t KILL ME makes me STRONGER!!”
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Age: 15
Puberty hit Undyne HARD, and her emotions are running high. Her determination remains strong, but she’s losing sight of her goals since she’s been feeling stagnant in her training. Dumb decisions ensue. Info about her is here.
Tagged as #the scrappy urchin [ ut main verse ]
Late Teenage Verse
“Lose an eye but gain insight.”
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Age: 16 ~ 17
A dangerous turn of events leads to Undyne being injured and losing an eye. However, monsters’ lives were saved! Since then, her determination has become laser-focused as she’s motivated by something bigger than herself now.
Tagged as #eye on the future [ ut big fish ]
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mollythecoatl · 3 years
I feel like Tumblr doesn't want me to make this post
Ok so I wanna say something about Susie and this line from her
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So, I've been thinking about this line from Susie for the past like, 3 days and it's been bothering me with other things I've gathered
So like, at first I thought Susie made this line cause the Deltarune universe is different, and monsters bleed, but then I realized these line practically nullify that theory.
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So that went down the drain, but then someone brought up a theory that was v interesting (and still is! Love this theory but there are some holes), in which Susie lived in a human community before she moved to hometown, but then, if she lived in a primarily human community, then why does she call Kris a freak when she would be more familiar with humans in the first place?
And while I was thinking about this, I realized something that changes everything
Susie would now If she herself bleeds
We know that Susie is a rough and tumble kinda gal, and she has also been implied to self harm in previous chapters, so she would know if she herself bleeds or not
It would also explain why she says the everybody bleeds line, Susie is a recluse, so she's probably never hung around with enough people in her life to realize that a monster that bleeds isn't normal.
It would also explain why this animation with Susie was cut, Susie bleeding could be a big plot point in the story, so it not being used in chapter 2 makes total sense, as Toby probably wanted to post pone this scene for a later chapter, heck Toby has mentioned a time where he had content he wanted to add to the game, but felt it was to early to add to chapter 1.
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Now you may be wondering, why the fuck am I worrying about this and why the hell does Susie bleeding mean anything
Well, it's all about the Soul.
In the Undertale verse, Monsters physiology is what makes them weak compared to humans, and why they dust and don't blood, they are made of mostly magic, almost nothing physical, so they are connected to their souls, and to much determination makes them literally melt.
Now, human souls do work a bit different in the Deltarune universe, as they never mention determination, but they still have the power to control aspects of the game, either it be the game itself (saves) or the characters in the game.
Now how does this apply to Susie?
Well, she's shown similar abilities to these
First of all, Susie is the only character who actually disobeys Kris fully, Noelle disobeys Kris in Snowgrave, but is eventually forced to do Snowgrave, yet Susie is able to fully ignore Kris if she wants to, and heck it's not only ignoring, it's straight up not letting Kris command her at ALL. In these moments you never even get to tell her what to do, she just does this all on her own.
Also, Susie has controlled a part of the game itself, completely changing a core gameplay mechanic. She is able to, without even trying, change how the gameplay works by learning to act by herself, and teaching everyone else to do the same, changing the game as we know it.
Now I'm not saying Susie has a human soul, but I feel something is up with Susie's soul, but it's just something I've been thinking Abt and I think it's v interesting.
(Edit cause this is missing from all the tags vfdvtvtr)
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
hey, so!! i was in the car for a couple of hours yesterday and all i did was listen to music and make animatics in my head. so here are a few songs i thought i could ramble about that fit certain arcs/characters
pitiful children - be more chill
c!wilbur as squip
c!tommy as jeremy
l’manberg as the squip’s influence
l’manberg members as “the children”
c!dream as the confused guy in the background
“then i invaded” because that’s what. yes. c!wilbur moment.
basically, he’s convincing tommy that everyone is “incomplete” or “in pain” because of the “obsolete operating system” that is dream’s “rule”. that’s a lot of quotation marks right there. he’s saying how they’re going to “save” them by making them loyal (“let’s complete their chains”) to l’manberg. “let’s teach the pitiful children, who just haven’t a clue, just what to do” - you know, the whole “you’re naive, that’s good” thing because c!wilbur is scarily smart.
he’s trying to make c!tommy think the world will be better - “shiny happy people singing sweetly, gone is human error and fear” (again, criticizing c!dream) - if they make l’manberg and if l’manberg wins. the usual.
“every issue tucked away so neatly, if you feel a sob or tear, just turn that knob and switch that gear” probably my favorite lyric in the musical. this could be c!wilbur hiding the fact that he has Issues because of the stress he’s putting on himself, as well as the fear of being controlled, via trying to gain more power with the elections and pretending that he is fine and definitely not spiraling.
the next “pitiful children” switches into wilbur trying to convince dream to give him the tnt to “save” people. jeremy changes from tommy to dream; dream sees tommy beaten down and exhausted from the rebellion and does what he thinks is necessary.
the instrumental pause are the events of the 16th, and the next chorus and last upbeat verse is dream thinking everything will be “wonderful” again and no one will feel “left out or unsure”, that he can fix what wilbur broke - that he can have his happy family back, and being determined to get it. “when we rule” refers to the final disc confrontation and the vault.
basically, the song could be used for c!dream and c!wilbur’s parallels.
over all it’s a banger song. yes i did have a bmc phase, next.
unaligned - the undertale neutral route fansong
c!ranboo, 100%. it matches him so well.
“The brave and foolish ones
They walk not on the center
The signs are pointing every way
And I don't know which route's better
Some will take the fall
And some will see tomorrow
I could be the light or darkness
Redemption or sorrow
How could I live on with what I've done?
You took me in, showed me love when I had nowhere to run
You offered me your everything and I threw it all away
My indecision keeps me unaligned”
this could be his regrets for technically “betraying” l’manberg by helping c!techno and c!phil even though they gave him a home when he had no place to stay. could also apply to the community house and c!dream, with him not wanting to believe or “live on” with what he’s allegedly done.
his indecision, not wanting to be on any side, is what keeps him “unaligned”, because he doesn’t know “which route’s better”. light or darkness matches up with his aesthetic as well.
bring that fire - war*hall
looping this song for hours on end is the reason why i made this infamous post.
this is a dream smp army (sapnap, dream, george, punz) song, no questions asked. the freaking hype i feel is exactly the rush i got from seeing them kill it. it being l’manbergians - and, hey, look. i never said dream was some weak-minded woobified idiot, alright? i despise l’manberg with my soul, so that is the true evil, but in the l’manberg war, dream’s a brilliant anti-hero. he did kill people, but he was very fun doing it, and he was in the right, and they asked for it, so. anti-hero vibes.
as well as everyone else - i freaking love them, did i say that yet? yes, so these lyrics really match their ruthlessness and how they were determined to win, taking it further and further to assure victory (beloveds) -
“No stopping me
Breaking barriers
I keep on crushing it till I am done
I didn't get here by accident
No I've been gunning it since I was young
Better believe I'll be standing
There ain't no moon that can outturn the sun
I didn't get here by accident
No I've been gunning it since I was young
Second to none
Been gunning it since I was young
I'm standing at the edge now
It's about to go down
I'm gonna take it higher
It's time for me to light it
So they can't deny it
Bring that fire!”
“If you take a shot, boy, you better not miss
'Cuz it won't ever happen again
You gonna wake up and not even know what your name is or where you have been
Better be ready to bleed if you think that you have any hope for a win”
“I never go dim
'Cuz I only know how to win”
i miss them. bring them back. i want them to fight more revolutionaries. they only know how to win and they Freaking Did LET’S GOOOOOOOOO
song’s a banger idk where or when it’s from but please listen to it.
pity party - melanie martinez
dream stuck alone in prison feeling his sanity slip away from him piece by piece in isolation, wondering where everyone is and why they aren’t coming :)
“did my invitations disappear? why’d i put my heart on every cursive letter? tell me why the hell no one is here?”
like, you know. people who he still cared about. the thank you notes he made. also, exile arc parallels.
“tell me what to do to make it all feel better”
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream went up in flames ]
“maybe it’s a cruel joke on me, whatever”
sam being cruel to him, dream being convinced everyone hates him and he deserves this after all, forcing himself not to care.
“i’ll cry until the candles burn down this place
i’ll cry until my pity party’s in flames”
[ Dream burned to death ]
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
“maybe if I knew all of them well
i wouldn't have been trapped inside this hell that holds me”
pandora’s box - maybe if he had more allies, more friends, more people on his side, they’d not let him suffer like this. they’d come help him, get him out.
“i’m laughin', i’m cryin'”
the whole ‘laughing at tommy’s death’ bit as well as the fact that - yeah, he’s not been doing very well mentally in there, has he.
“it feels like i’m dyin'
i’m dyin', i’m dyin'”
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream burned to death ]
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream tried to swim in lava ]
[ Dream went up in flames ]
that’s all! i don’t know what this post is. feel free to send in songs, i have a playlist.
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starlightshore · 4 years
red souls aren’t determination souls
so we know the colors and souls traits are linked because of the ball game
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but note, red doesn’t get listed as determination.
GOLD is what actually is the color for determination.
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(ignore how things are orange tinted, i have flux on and its 2am) determination is listed in yellow text.
it flat out says you’re filled with determination every time you use it.
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note there are no red flowers, but a very distinct golden flower instead.
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and golden flowers are frequently connected with determination. flowey is one injected with dt, chara is buried under the patch of flowers, they’re here underground purely because of chara’s dying wish and desire to use their will past death. one could say it represents that will to live despite everything else, even death itself. which. again, is what determination is.  The will to keep living. The resolve to change fate.
more evidence DT is yellow:
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selected text is yellow, not red
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as is the SAVE point. hell, even frisk is yellow. the golden heart lockets are yellow. (though, how canon that is up to debate, as we only see it in the collector’s edition as a merchandise, not ingame. but alas.)
yellow/golden is frequently and constantly used to refer for determination. and again, there isn’t a red flower, but rather the golden flower taking it’s place.
now granted, chara does use red text in no mercy and has a red soul judging by their empty casket. but that just means chara had a red soul, not that they were a determined soul! remember, the other humans souls have determination.
“I've extracted it from the human SOULs.”
if you go back without using a true reset, toriel will comment this upon your butterscotch/cinnamon choice. that she feels deja vu with humans, as if shes met them before
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RED souls can’t be determination, determination is a trait shared between different soul color humans. to further this, the red soul we control in deltarune is the one we use yes, but we don’t USE determination to save. we use the “power of” something else, like fluffy boys and mean girls. it’s distinctly not a yellow light, its distinctly not listed as the feeling of determination. now, if the red soul was determination, than shouldn’t the power/save be the same?
now, what is the trait or red souls? i speculate below because this post is already fricking so long. i don’t have a concrete answer, but at least i have something?
so again, we know chara and frisk have red souls. chara has red text in no mercy, (though, not solely red text through the whole run) other uses of red are with sans mentioning LV as Level of Violence and EXP as Execution points. (which matches how chara says they are the stats and numbers of the game, including GOLD and LV and such)
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another mention is asgore, when toriel brings him up as the one who killed the other humans. (there are more uses of red text as listed on this awesome link, however, these seem to be the biggest standouts. not discounting them, but i don’t really feel the need to add the snail race end into this theory)
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now that said i AIN’T saying chara is inherently evil or that red souls being linked to violence/warnings means evil either. afterall, we use a red soul in detarune too, and nothing about the player or kris (tho, kris isn’t likely to be the original owner of the soul) are inherently violent. (and honestly i’m not as well versed with dr as ut, idk if/when red text is ever shown to compare it to.) LV isn’t the ONLY thing chara says they are. 
"HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV. Every time a number increases, that feeling...That's me."
so maybe less so LV and more so the game mechanics and gui??? they are the flavor text after all? that doesn’t seem right either.
so, no i don’t think red = wrath is fully accurate or necessarily bad. the game itself is about choice, defying the status quo and fate itself to get what you want. maybe the use of determination over coming your wrath/violence is the point? i mean, their wrath is what was their character flaw that got them into this in the first place. them overcoming their mistake and growing from that despite their wrath is their character arc!
and to be clear, chara’s anger is honestly valid because humanity has done inexcusable and horrible things to both them and monsterkind. i mean, no, murder wasn’t the solution obviously, but frankly they’re a kid and the mages designed the barrier with death-ultimatums. Also like, Undyne is TOTALLY framed as heroic and in the right for fighting the player in no mercy. you CAN do true pacifist and punch every monster you meet. violence isn’t inherently bad, and can be used for good. self defense is fine, fighting people who wish harm innocents is fine. ideally don’t kill or be killed.
anyway, back to the red soul thing equally danger/violence and such. the link i posted earlier mentions its also with undyne’s speech and theres the red “!” in battle to warn players of upcoming attacks. asgore is frequently used in red and his trident is also red. the color theming is clearly pointing to something here. even if its not necessarily LV, i think its within the ball park. again, it doesn’t fully match because as far as i’m aware DR doesn’t hint towards any of this and doesn’t fully explain everything. AND i think its dumb for chara and frisk’s soul trait to be violence. esp when every other trait got a virtue-like feeling to it. it doesn’t hold up.
perhaps... red could mean heroism?
granted, more of a stretch here, but heros are talked about A LOT in undertale. not so much in words, but thematically. papyrus is based off an obscure super hero, undyne has Battle Against a True Hero in her no mercy battle, mtt uses heroism in his dramas/acting. ect.
now, this one feels too vague and nonsuported but it feels REALLY meta and on point at the same time. i mean. the red soul being the hero, the protagonist? oh my god. thats frickin amazing. on-top of that, heros are brought up ALL the time with deltarune. the heroes of light, ralsei insisting they need to be heroic, augh. it fits!
and heroes are so known for their violence too! heroic violence, sure, but its such a more positive note of it when you think of heroes . and chara’s wrath is in part for a heroic reason! perhaps wrath is the sin of the heroic virtue!
i’m really curious to what other people think!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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Wanted to draw Dark and TOTC Edge's kiddos, but they be a little bit older.
Charlie takes after Dark a lot in terms of looks, power, and silliess with that power. He is sorta more inspired by the movie The Matrix for his actual powers and his outfit. Charlie is an multi-dimensional hopper who both does his best to help others and have fun.
Jess was a sweet skelly, still is but she be damaged. As she wanted to be a part of another au since she wanted to move away from home once she was old enough. Her kindness never faded, but due to her au and what happened in it, she has bad ptsd and conflicting emotions. Like her mom, she can't feel physical pain, but can feel emotional pain. Jess is a ice mage/Rouge/knight a part of an au that is in a realm of DND. 
Max is different from the others, as he does take after Dark's powers, he also is more fond with where his mom came from rather than the Undertale multi-verse he was born in. He greatly admires and looks up to his mom, so much so he stole her old outfit and used his magic to make it fit him so he could wear it. Dark is more than concerned for him since the TOTC Universe isn't at all safe in any case and doesn't want things to happen to him as they did to her in the past. But Max was more than determined to stay with his mom and the TOTC Universe.
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ralexsol · 3 years
On the Subject of Underverse S2
You read that correctly: this is a post about one of the greatest shows ever created, the Undertale animated series Underverse, written/animated by @jakei95​. I have a lot of theories that I’ve been pulling together ever since I watched both Underverse and Xtale (the Underverse prequel series). Maybe one or two have no basis in anything, but for some reason they popped into my head and I’ll stick by them until they’re proven incorrect. I will discuss the possibility of a Geno/Ink fight, Fresh!Ink, XI (you’ll definitely want to read their section!), and the fates of many different characters. This is quite the long post, so buckle up for a long ride.
Let’s begin!
I’m putting this theory first because it is the least important. At some point in time, I somehow got it into my head that there is supposedly going to be a fight between Geno and Ink. I have no idea where I heard about this, and when I searched for any specific videos or posts about the subject, I found nothing. But I personally think a fight scene between Geno and Ink would be pretty cool, so I’m adding this in here.
This is a more relevant theory. Ever since Jakei announced that Fresh!Ink would be a part of Underverse, I have wondered how he would be incorporated. I don’t know if she means for him to be in the future “Beach Episode” or something more serious. (Of course, I know almost nothing about this supposed “Beach Episode”, which is apparently when Epic!Sans will be showing up, so I really wouldn’t know.) But there is an important thing to remember: Ink and Fresh made a deal in the first season.
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Ever since I saw this Underverse - Xtra Scene 2, I have wondered what this “prize” could possibly be. What was Ink’s side of the deal? What did he promise Fresh? Hmm... maybe a new body to take over?
Ink’s body doesn’t have a SOUL- that’s basic “Undertale AU Knowledge 101″. What does this have to do in regards to Fresh? To my best knowledge, the actual parasitic creature True!Fresh feeds off the souls of other creatures to survive. In fact, his soul-feeding would kill his victims if he stayed long enough in one body, but he likes to play it safe and leave his victims alive in case he needs to use their body again. But he wouldn’t need to do this with Ink. Because of Ink’s SOULless nature, Fresh could theoretically feed off his body forever. Some might object that since Ink doesn’t have a SOUL, Fresh wouldn’t be able to feed off him. But then how does Fresh!Ink exist?
So, what was their deal? Fresh watches over the Xtale AU while Ink is gone, and after Cross and X!Chara are taken care of, Ink comes back and lets Fresh take over his body for a little while. There may be something else I’m missing, but the pieces seem to make sense.
For those of you who don’t know who XI is, I suggest you watch this video about Jakei’s Overwrite merch. This is when the character of XI was introduced to us, back on good ol’ April 1st, 2019. Haha, yes, the joke character of XI- funny April Fool’s Day video, a good laugh for everyone. Jakei has made a few comics about XI since then, but overall, XI hasn’t been involved in Xtale or Underverse so far. That has never sat right with me, and I’ve always thought there would be something more to him. I was proven absolutely correct when Xtale - The Movie came out. But before we discuss the little extra scene tagged onto the end of that video, I would like to point out some very interesting facts about XI.
On October 6th, 2019, Jakei posted a traditional speedart. Obviously, the art is gorgeous like always and every time I watch it I wonder if I will ever get to the level of skill she is at. But besides that, there is a very important aspect about this video. In the speedart, Jakei drew two pictures: one of X!Chara and X!Frisk fighting, and one of XI. In XI’s picture, they are depicted in full armor with a magical purple sword & shield.
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Hmmm... I wonder who this could possible resemble?
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Every time XI is shown, whether it be in comics or artwork, their bangs hang over their eyes. Their armor looks exactly like Kris’s from Deltarune. Heck, they both use a sword and a shield! What does this mean? XI is X!Kris. There is no way to deny this. This is why they are X!Chara’s and X!Frisk’s little sibling. I would also like to point out XI’s silver oval locket. I find it interesting how he has a different piece of jewelry from everyone else- all other important characters in Xtale have a matching golden heart locket. Does XI also have people he has given copies of this necklace to? Perhaps X!Susie and X!Ralsei, if they exist? But XI being X!Kris is only the beginning of this theory. Remember how I mentioned Xtale - The Movie earlier? Take a look at this picture.
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This is a five-second frame pegged at the very end of the video, after an entry written in wingdings by Mister XGaster himself. The message is as follows:
Entry Number Eleven: As clear as a reflection in a mirror, I have found the most perfect projection of forbidden visions. Get ready. Your time is coming.
Okay, just whoa. Not only is the entry #11, but the person standing there is XI. Oh, and let’s take a closer look at what they’re holding in their hand.
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I knew that silver locket was going to be important. There is no way that XI is not going to play a major part in either Underverse S2 or hmm... maybe a spin-off about the Xtale versions of Deltarune characters? To my knowledge, Jakei has not said anything about her plans after she finishes Underverse. She has her Metadora project, and I am aware that her husband @nyxtheshield​ is planning out his own Undertale series- someone will need to animate that, and I’m sure she would be able and willing to do the job. She has stated that there will be no seasons of Underverse after S2, and the finale will be 1.0. But that doesn’t mean she won’t make a new series. If she does, will it be about all the Deltarune characters? Will the other Xtale characters show up at certain points in it? Will XGaster play a large part in it? There is no way to know, as the idea of a new show is simply drawn from that there may not be enough time in S2 to fully expand what XI is.
In any case, XGaster states in the entry that “your time is coming”. This could either reference a new show or XI’s appearance in Underverse. I find it extremely interesting how XGaster words his message. “The most perfect projection of forbidden visions.” What does that mean exactly? XGaster has seen something in one of his many visions, obviously. The most perfect image of prohibited sights. XI is a person that stands for something that should not be allowed to exist. That makes sense- XGaster, a man, somehow got pregnant and birthed them, as shown in the Overwrite merch video. The “forbidden visions” might imply that he has seen something quite “cursed”, as us modern Internet-users would say. But then he tells this projection to get ready, because their time is coming. XGaster is telling XI to prepare themself. This just proves that XI and XGaster are tied together very closely, and that if XI does get their own series with X!Ralsei and X!Susie, XGaster will be involved.
Whew! That’s a lot of information to take in all at once. This was the big “theory” I wanted to discuss, so now we will move on to the different fates I believe may befall some of our beloved characters.
Ah, Ink. One of the true protagonists of Underverse. Remember: a protagonist is not necessarily a hero, just one of the leading characters. It has been seen that his story arc is the most important throughout the entire story. He is the one that inspired XGaster. He is the one that made XGaster’s plan succeed. And he very well might be the one to make it fail.
Wait, you’re asking me. I thought he was on XGaster’s side? What do you mean he will make it fail?
I didn’t want to address whether Ink was going to stick with XGaster or flip until a certain song was posted by Nyx two days ago on December 5th, “Soulless Heart”. If you haven’t listened to it yet, go ahead and click that link because the song is beautiful and absolutely necessary to continue on with this theory! The song is the Underverse 0.5 Ending Theme, and guess who it’s about? You guessed it, our good old buddy chum pal Ink. I’ve been listening to it on repeat since it came out, and it really is incredible. (Nyx, if you’re somehow reading this, I would like to personally congratulate you, because not only is the music amazing but mwah! Your voice is a joy, and I would not have any other singer do the vocals.) But the most important thing about the song is the lyrics. Here’s the first verse.
How long have I been longing
to be free and not broken
in this ocean of hollowness?
I don’t want to be forgotten.
Instantly, the lyrics hit you hard. This is about Ink, though, so you can’t expect anything less. Essentially, the song is about the emptiness that Ink feels without a SOUL. This goes along with one of his main aspects in Underverse. The only reason why he worked with XGaster to make sure XGaster’s game worked was so he could feel more emotions. As a chaotic neutral character, Ink literally only cares about himself and his personal goals. But what is interesting about this song is that he addresses the pain he has caused.
Sacrificial lambs
laid upon my path
now are broken worlds
killed by senseless wrath.
Ink knows that he has hurt people. I mean, in the present timeline when 0.5 is to be set, Ink’s actions just caused Error to literally “pull the plug” and destroy all the AUs. (Although, how many AUs were actually destroyed is impossible to determine, because there are still multiple Sanses that will be incorporated into S2 that were residing in their AUs at the time of their supposed destruction.) Ink knows that this is his fault. And now that XGaster has won, Ink will be receiving all those emotions he wanted! In the S2 teaser, which was released on the original Underverse 0.5 release date (the episode was unfortunately delayed due to issues with Nyx’s distributor, RouteNote), shows something very important.
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Look at those vials in his hand. Those aren’t just colored vials. Well, they are, but their colors are especially important. Look at their specific colors: orange, yellow, and amber. Previously, Ink’s vials have been seen as very straightforward: roy g biv, that sort of thing.
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You have one or maybe two variations, although in this picture there seems to be about four different aqua vials. But there certainly isn’t an amber vial. This goes to show that XGaster followed through on his promise, and Ink has a lot more variations in his color-coded emotion vials. The obvious conclusion from this is that he can feel a lot more things than he thought was possible- including guilt. With his newfound feelings, he could realize that what he did wasn’t just wrong, it was horrible. He might start to blame himself for getting all the AUs destroyed, which in turn might result in a betrayal of XGaster. With his emotions, he would become a real good person. But ultimately, without XGaster’s Overwrite abilities, Ink’s new emotions will fade and he will return to be the same old Ink as before. He will no longer understand why he sacrificed his emotions, and the cycle will start anew. Ink will never be truly happy, because being happy will always mean the suffering of others.
Or, Ink will stick with XGaster. It would be the same fate, after all; if the heroes defeat XGaster, Ink will still lose those emotions. This, though, might leave him feeling bitter and even more willing to do anything to get what he wants, which could potentially lead to him becoming a real villain. Perhaps XGaster isn’t the final boss of Underverse. Maybe the one to start everything will be the one to finish everything.
This wouldn’t be a real theory post without discussing our favorite fanfiction writer, would it? And yes, XGaster is literally a fanfiction writer. He has symptoms of OCD concerning the world-building of his universe and he just loves to add as much angst as humanly (or monsterly) possible. It just so happens that he lives in his own created universe, so his creations have the pleasurable chance at getting revenge.
Now, there are obviously two ways that Underverse can go: XGaster succeeds, or XGaster fails. This doesn’t necessarily mean that this will be the ending of S2. As I mentioned above, perhaps XGaster will be defeated at the end of 0.9 and 1.0 will be about everyone trying to stop Ink from taking the Overwrite SOUL for his own, I don’t know. In any case, I don’t really have anything to discuss about XGaster specifically, but I am pretty sure I know what his last scene will be if he happens to lose.
It is shown in the Underverse S2 Prologue - Owners that XGaster and UT!Gaster spent a lot of time together in the Void between the events of Xtale and Underverse. Not only do they hold an entire conversation together in Owners, but in Underverse 0.1 when Sans is hit in the head with a ball, he has a vision of the two of them standing together.
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In XGaster’s and UT!Gaster’s conversation in Owners, UT!Gaster tells XGaster that he will fail in his quest for perfection. XGaster brushes him off because he’s an egotistical prick, yadda yadda. But this conversation is important because I believe it will parallel the ending of XGaster’s quest. In the end, UT!Gaster will approach his old Void-buddy and tell him to just give up on his pointless venture. XGaster will turn to dust after saying something like, “I will never give up”, and then we have Ink going on a rampage. That’s pretty much all I have to say on them, but I thought it would be worth adding.
Lastly, we have the brothers. As with XGaster and UT!Gaster, I don’t have much to add with them. But I do believe they will both play a major role in S2. They will be the overseers of the battle to come. Out of all the characters in the Undertale fandom, they are the most omnipotent. They are the protectors of the Tree of Feelings, which is one of three trees to give the Multiverse life. In Underverse 0.4, when X!Chara accused Nightmare of “watching us all this time as if we were part of a show”, Nightmare responded by saying:
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Of course, Nightmare mostly means himself, Error, and Ink. Dream is much more active in helping people be happy, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t on the same god-tier level as his brother. Dream could sit back and watch the world tick, but he chooses not to because that goes against his morals.
In other words, Dream and Nightmare will probably affect the outcome of Underverse more than any other characters. They’re both pissed about what Error did: all those people that Dream cared about were murdered, and Nightmare can no longer generate negative feelings from innocents. They both have invested interest in this Multiverse war now, and their powers will certainly come to the forefront.
I believe that at the end of the story, the Multiverse will essentially go back to the exact way it was before Xtale was invented. XGaster will be dead, the Xtale characters will be put back in their AU, the other AUs will be restored, and at the end of it all, Dream and Nightmare will be once again pitted against one another. We may even see an alliance between them during Underverse S2 to stop XGaster, but afterwards, they will reestablish their rivalry. Unless the Omega Timeline comes into play, which it very well might, I don’t see the two brothers reconciling.
Thank you everyone who took the agonizingly long time to read this! I hope this shed some light on certain characters (especially XI) and encourages to make some of your own theories. Stay safe and good night!
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cursedstories · 3 years
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This is another art of OD!Sans.
This is an "The Seven Anti-Gods" versions of Sans. OverDoom is initially a skeleton born in a multiverse known as The "Recycle-Verse" a realm where all sorts of mistake, failures, fears, and nightmares all come at once and formed out AUs that he called it "R.A.U" (Rejected Alternate Universes.)
Due to boredom, OverDoom has quit his powers for infinite times and self-reincarnate himself as different individuals in different Omni-universes to start each of his journeys to take back his powers. Through that, OVD (OverDoom) seemingly can now take on even an Omnipotent being while he is powerless since he has been stated to have reincarnated himself as a vulnerable person with no memories of his past-self, who journey their ways to recollect their powers, even when their abilities fall into the wrong hands, they were still able to take it back.
He has battled against all of his alternate universe versions, including his alternate Anti-God versions.
He moves so fast people would misunderstand he is using some time stop.
His intelligence is so intelligent he can even determine what happens in billions, trillions, octillion, zillion, etc., years later. Have a fully beyond the individuals' infinite amount of information by just hearing or not even glancing through their names.
Win All Villain counterparts of himself, even some Overpowered characters in Frans Undetale AUs (Notes: He isn't a fan of Frans, he's just like wayward Sanses.)
Omnipotence^Above Fiction:
Thanks to this, OverDoom became the God of Omnipotent beings. He is the king, the true god of the True-Omnipotent species across the whole Beyond Bubbles.
Omniscient^Above Fiction:
Overdoom's above fiction knowledge allows him to determine people's thoughts, feelings, what happened to them, and what discovery they made even when he has yet to make direct contact with them on high accuracy. The fact is that without even twitched or blink, he has already figured out the answer to all and what move are his enemies are planning or about to make on him. What method should be used on them? Even if he has yet to confront those individuals, he can obtain all sorts of information by just thinking of the name or alias of the person he finds.
Omnipresence^Above Fiction:
OverDoom's has his presence everywhere. However, he prefers to use speed rather than being present across the Omni-universes and what contains it due to having an irrelevant rate. He can move so fast that the word "light speed" is not what describes his speed because he has a pace that is infinite times faster than dark itself. He follows the term known as "the speed of dark" as he is literally beyond unlimited times faster than the speed of darkness, that people would misunderstand that he is using some time-stop ability, but not. It was his usual speed, yet, that was just -above fiction (meaning negative above fiction usage. Which is the lowest of anything in the whole Undertale Aus) of his speed power. His full potentials are unknown.
Superior Adaptation^Above Fiction:
With this, he can developed out new abilities instantly to withstand any threats that can harm him. And if he is defeated he'll come back to life and be immune to the caused of the death whether if its fatal, conceptual, reality, or Omniversal destruction. Even if the challenger is Omnipotent^100 or Omnipotent^1000.
About The Mentioning Omnipotence:
Long time ago, a system is known as the "Levels," the only thing capable of managing Omnipotent beings. Omnipotent beings are divided into categories.
Omnipotence^1 is the weakest of all. They are more robust than Nigh-Omnipotent beings but are not the strongest of higher-level Omnipotent beings. Usually, cosmic entities who wield these sorts of Omnipotence are either in-charge of managing the balance of a certain Omni-universe, as their job is to prevent it from being disturbed by their enemies. They are in charge of managing the so-called "God-Verse," a Post-Omniverse dimension where the beings are known as God/Creator, Destroyer, and Hyperman resides, which are cosmic beings with size and overwhelming powers that only UNLIMITED POWER COSMIC ENTITIES can comprehend their power.
Omnipotence^2 is an advanced version of the Omnipotent^1 as they are given tasks to managed something that contains the Omni-universes itself.
Omnipotence^3 is the true-advanced level of the rest. Let's say that in this, not even existence is what can begin with. Well, story, it is a place where you would learn that even True-Omnipotent beings can have superiors.
However, in this particular system, there is a particular being that have reached Omnipotent^above fiction (beyond unlimited). It is a certain skeleton that only wants to be accepted.
OD!Sans was born and takes the role as The Anti-God of the Undertale AUs. He managed the dark-side of the AUs as the "Recycle-Verse" a place that existed AUs build from the rage, anger, hatred, fear, nightmares, and negative feelings of every beings, although, it is implied that OD!Sans acts as Classic, but he also has a few out of character personality, he is described to be the type that acts before thinking, he can never just sit around upon seeing someone in a pinch and will go to great lengths to protect that person. He would even intervene would current events happening in some AUs in the Doodlesphere to not cause any heartbroken scenes. While being a hellish being, he just wants to have friends and be accepted. He has absolute willpower (unlimited willpower).
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inkperch · 3 years
Some Undertale Musical Notes.
So, I have a few thoughts on the Undertale musical idea, and I’ve been on an Undertale kick recently soo, here:
Neutral Route:
-Abuse the FUCK out of Saves, no saving them for dramatically appropriate moments, Frisk is figuring out things as they go along and it shows- they try to fight Toriel and accidently kill her, they die to Undyne like 5 times and she gets more and more confused each time, feeling like she’s done this before, we get to see Undyne’s really sad Neutral death and Frisk promptly goes ‘haha, NOPE’ and resets.
-Frisk get’s realistic child responses to being told to kill or be killed, they give Mercy as much as they can but fight back when they’re scared- but use their power to undo it, because they just killed a dude. (that’s part of what I meant by ‘abuse the fuck out of Save’s’, Frisk isn’t some unshakeable pacifist or snarky dork, they’re a scared kid trying their best through trial and error.)
-Main scene I have in my head is the Undyne fight, first go through Frisk just runs and gets squewered, second they fight back and nope out as she’s melting, then there’s a kinda montage of the chorus repeating and speeding up, with verses in between where Undyne’s like ‘wait, this feels really really familiar’ as Frisk keeps getting closer and closer to escaping.
-Acidentally kill Tori, when she says ‘be good’ Frisk is staring, absolutely horrified, and goes ‘No.’ before looping and sparing her. Cause, get it? Cause sparing her means not doing what you’re told? I’m a genius.
-Asgore fight is only the Chorus from Asgore- the rest of the song is Frisk looping and desperately trying to figure out how to spare Asgore despite the steadily growing realisation that they can’t.
-Sans judgement is it’s own song, but it’s short and just a very slightly slower version of sans. 
Pacifist Route:
-Direct sequel to Neutral route, but not in a heavily connected way, this Frisk is just more experienced. Less repeats, more time with Goat Bro.
Genocide Route: 
-the Save’s are used very sparingly and dramatically here.
-Frisk is entirely silent the whole time, and completely blank faced. But Chara’s here, starts as just a narrator voice, gradually getting louder and at first is horrified with what Frisk is doing, but gradually realises that it’s making them stronger, and gets a neat little song of them going fully off the deep end (because the complete genocide of their friends and family is bringing them back to life-) and appearing in person.
-Undyne the Undying manages to beat Frisk, and gets a moment where she celebrates, not entirely convinced she actually won, then grabs the human soul as she begins to melt, frantically calling Alphys to come collect it so they can all see the surface... only for time to turn back, all the way back to her first gaining this form. She realises in horror the humans power (Because her Determination lets her remember), but fights on anyway, as the human gets closer and closer to beating her and her determination gets less stable each loop, culminating in her finally losing. 
-Chara is SUPER bummed early on that Flowey thinks this murderhobo is them.
-That changes.
-San’s special attack get’s translated into him still doing literally nothing- see, this is a musical kiddo. But there’s no music right now. see, this is a musical kid. but there’s no music right now. you can’t kill me with no build up, that’d be poor showmanship- you might have learned a thing or two about that, if you hadn’t m u r d e r e d our best actor, y’know? Frisk gets around this because Chara sings for them, mirroring how they do the second attack thingy.
-Chara’s final speech isn’t aimed at the audience- it’s aimed at me. They realise, this wasn’t Frisk’s fault, and it wasn’t even theirs’. It was mine, the writers. And the actual writer, but thats just a given lol.
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Undertale 4th Anniversary!!!! What’s going on/Thank you/Don’t Forget to Stay Determined!
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It's that time of the year again!!!! 
It is amazing to see how far Undertale has come. Toby Fox created another game, us players had some prediction from Undertale, and Sans is in Smash! This just makes the fandom feel determined and filled with hope that things are brightening up.
The GIF above is a small gift that my friend and I created to commemorate the 4th Anniversary. We wanted to do something that involved both Undertale and Deltarune, and we are proud of how it turned out. I am closer to my goal! My traditional art skills have improved and I am determined (Thanks to Undertale) to create animations.
This blog still remains as it is, and YES I haven’t forgotten about UnderForegoingTale, STILL NOT CANCELED!!!! I’m being consumed by my studies and hard times, BUT I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP, No matter how long it takes I will create this AU and bring it into reality!!!! Also I've been working on a few Undertale related ideas with a friend of mine. We are big fans of both UT and DT, And we are going to try to keep you updated about them soon.
Now I want to give a shoutout to all the talented artists that keep this fandom alive. And I’ll be honest I enjoy giving thumbs up, to others everytime I do an anniversary post. So I’m going to make this a “thing”, and motivate others to do the same “thing”!!!! Whether you’ve created countless pieces of art, or reblogged and like other people’s posts, everyone deserves to be loved and appreciated, even if their part of the fandom or not!
@absouuru @absolutedream-undertaleart @accidentverse @aguardiansangel @alainaprana@allesiathehedge @aria-otter @aymar-lounox @ania-da-pez @animatedzorox@antonus-art @apex-knight @ask-ctk @ask-glitch-and-squid@asktheasterfamily @ask-the-candy-skull, @askcomboclub, @askcyborgsans @askfriskandcompany @askmirrorsans, @askouterspacetale @asktylerandfriends @askundernet @assrtdj@assortedjellies @atomi-cat @axetale @azy-arty @banoakira @bd8saku @bente36 @blackholedoodles @blackberrysans @blesstale @blizzardtale@blogthegreatrouge @bluerose099 @bun-bunmuse @butterapplego@calicocantaloupe @camilaart @candyskull-comics @cats-artbag @caretaker-au @chronic-art @clipcode-blog @cocoa-ando @comyet @comanie @corecorruption @corefrisk @crashboombanger @crazy--tale @cybertale-0@crossxdreamblog @crossxdreamfanpage @cursetale @datashift-official @deadpool4ever @devogamer @dolltale @domino-doodles @dra-aluxe @dreemurr-reborn@driftverse @dryeguy @dryemiddi @dustyart @enbyluigi @elchenco @errortaleaskblog @faithtaleau@fatal-error-blog @flavor-text-chara @fluffymilktea @foreverafterall, @friisans @furgemancs @futuretalefan @fwugradiation @ghost-dad-tries-his-best @golzy@gweesundertaleblog @gztale-comic @happykittyshop @heavenfell-au@hiimtryingtounderfell @holloweentwinkie @humancandy-comic @illtrytobegood @insanelyadd@invertedfate @jakei95 @jokublog @kagami-shinami @kaleidraws @kamezaemon @kerolunaticat@kittykatmaniac @kimsinhyul @kriscantspeakgerman @kuttiesstuff @kuwacha @kyzer-aqueron @leafaske @leoyee0w0mainblog @inkling-comic @lionwriters-blog @linssins @little-hoodie-art @little-noko @loverofpiggies @lovecraft-adventures @lunnar-chan @lunaartgallery@lynxgriffin @majikokoko @majoratale @manontheinternet @man-who-speaks-in-hands @maxladcomics @metakazkz @mikoto-tsuki @min-play@missladytale @missholoska @miyako47 @miya-sheep @mnstrcndy @mooncatyao @mudkipful@nekophy @naomyart @natriumsans @nightmaretale-reblog @nixensibrat @noinaedamiiz @nolen-b@not-so-crazy-crazytale-quotes @nvaleeln @nyublackneko @nyxtheshield @onebizarrekai@oraclesaturn2 @otakuconzu @othertale-blog @papercranesnas @paraversetale @parknewna @paurachan @peachskull-art @petite-pumpkin @perfectshadow06 @pepper-mint @potoobrigham @potion-of-absurdity @pshattuckproduction @oooodlesofdoodles @quantumtale @quintilliontales @rainbowchibbit @redkammy @renrink @revolvertaleblog @revolutionale @reyindee @rosuroid @safe-undertale @sansybones@sansserifing @sanstheseraphim  @simakai@shadowart06 @sharaxofficial @shiftsandgears-askblog@shigxx @simonsoys @sindiancoloring @sindianstar @slylock-syl @smieska-draws @smudgeandfrank @salvationfell-au @sanshazard @sori4rt @spacejacket @skesgo @starbotdubs @supershadicx250 @superyoumna @swing-tale @swingtale @tehrogue @the-deltahub-official @the-soulless-universe @thededicatedscientist @thefloatingstone@thefluffyslipper @theegreatpapychu @thegrinningkitten @theskeletongames @time-scar-webcomic @tiny-scientists @tratserenoyreve @twitchytimeloop  @underamnesia-au @undiscoveredundertaleart @underexe @underchaser @undercollide @under-control-exe @underfellfangame @undertaleheadcanons @underheaven-re-verse @underlineau@undertaleau @undertale-aus @undertaleqa @undertaleaumashups @under-nc @undernectos @undertale-over-the-void @undertalecomictv @undertale-predator-au @undertalepositivityproject @underrift @undertalethingems @underweaver @undertalezine @unu-nunu-art @v0idless @walkingmelonsaaa @wilyart @wolf-wrathknight @worldviewfinch @wraithvine @xedramon @xjunjox @xtaleunderverse @xx-avj-xx @xxtha-blog @xxmileikaivanaxx @xxpurple-lovexx @xxtc-96xx @yoralim@yugogeer012 @yuki-akamura @zarla-s @zenoo1 @zenooth @zombie-frisk 
My freind wanted to give a shoutout as well:
Tumblr: @spiritednug / @manwhospeaksinhands I support you no matter what, regardless of if you keep your blog going or not. Remember, you come first. Thank you for the many months of lovable comics and stories
Tumblr: @loverofpiggies Keep up the good work. We all love you.
Tumblr: @askfriskandcompany / @chamomilekitten / @komikatVA Thank you for the years of lovable comics and stories, and I can't wait to see what you do next!
Tumblr: @skelespirit Thanks for all the support and inspiration. Never give up on your dreams.
So, remember this, we shared a common love for this game and lived and enjoyed its characters, stories, and RPG. This to me and many others is a time and space in life that allowed us to enter the imagination of the creator Toby Fox. Thanks to him, we will always come together to relive this and applaud his creations. This fandom has remained alive for so long, and its growing new content for us to explore. So give yourselves a round of applause, and keep the rootin goin!
Stay Determined!
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Main Verse
This is the “main verse”. It’s probably not canon but who knows. There’s multiple canons in the SCP lore, such as the time when they received the distress signals from a cave and upon further inspection, turned out that distress signal was from a cave that led through a wormhole of sorts that landed in a post-apocalyptic timeline where the Foundation was no more due to some X-Class event that was not revealed but theorized to be the end result of SCP-001 or something like that. Note: This wasn’t confirmed canon for the “main” storyline but it is confirmed to be a found anomaly by our universe’s Site-81, hypothetically speaking. And our Site-81 theorizes that the events of that universe’s X-Class event may happen as well to ours. Hope that makes sense. This means there can be multiple instances of what’s “canon” these days.
Tags: #Secure. Contain. Protect.
The SCP Foundation Wiki also has a place where they’ve collected stories written by other community members into one place, on what they call a “canon hub”. Link
A/N: I cannot confirm nor deny the Foundation’s existence in our reality. The world’s so full of unexplained phenomena that at this point if there really is a Foundation out here, then good for them. 
Site-wide Containment Breach
This is just the non-canon plot of what happens in Containment Breach. Undertow Games reassured that the game’s events are not canon and never did happen. Sorry folks.
A/N: I’ll still be happy to oblige to any requests of one of y’all wanting to RP a site-wide containment breach.
And now to explore some fandoms using SCP-049 or Dr. Hughes Johnson as my muse. Because why not? Also, it’s easier to keep track of these kinds of AUs instead of the way I had been doing before.
In Regards To Those Comparing The SCP Foundation To That Of Creepypasta... (AKA “The Parallels Between Creepypasta and SCP Foundation Lore”)
Alright pal, look. The SCP Foundation was originally going to just be SCP-173 and not a community that it’s grown to be nowadays. Amazing, right? SCP-173 was going to be just a Creepypasta originally, but they wanted to expand more on the containment procedures and the company responsible for containing it! So... It’s hand-in-hand with Creepypasta! Hah! Also there’s a Slenderman SCP out there.
And here is Zalgo, or otherwise called “The Scarlet King” by the Foundation staff.
The SCP Wiki itself showcases other users’ Creepypasta stories on their website, here.
This has to do with either 049/Dr. Hughes Johnson falling into the Underground and having a brief look around because they’re both confused either way. Why’s there an entire world full of monsters beneath the ground? So neat. SCP-049 is not missing, stop lying O-5s.
Tags: #Determination Should Be Added To The Anomalies
Gravity Falls, Oregon
Just like all other anomalies out there, I’m very well aware that the Foundation may also be aware of Gravity Falls, Oregon and it’s... Strange occurrences there. In fact, I won’t even make this an AU unless if I feel like making the thread that this occurs on it’s own AU.
Tags: #They Told Us To “Trust No One” , #Reversed Is Just Another Means To Contain (when they’re involved in Reverse Falls)
One Of Them
The one verse in which instead of being deported out to Site 19 to work as an Anomaly Researcher and he accepts a deal with Bill to become one of the demon king’s Henchmen inside the massive pyramid castle, Hughes is a villain in this verse. it’s currently unknown if this Hughes is in a relationship with the demon king Bill, probably not though to keep things simple.
Tags: #One Of Them, #Evil Life Is Just The Way I Like It, #just a lackey to the demon king
The One That Got Away
This is the verse that Lucien is involved most in here. He’s the one instance of SCP-049 that escaped successfully and is now hiding out in a pretty isolated dimensional plane that moves far too frequently for the Foundation to track.
Tags: #verse: The One That Got Away, #Lucien
A verse in which Hughes accidentally uses his magic to defend himself against 049 getting a little too close to him in self defense and then the Foundation contains him as one of their Keter anomalies due to how sudden it occurred.
Tags: #verse: Prisoner, Hughes Johnson
Sexism Is Present In The Workplace
A verse from a long, long time ago where, uhm. I forgot. A lot of things happened in it though. I miss that user...
Tags: #verse: Sexism Is Present In The Workplace
This is a new verse I’m adding because I have no idea where else to put it... It’s where Hughes has this phobia of giving eye contact and/or is generally afraid of being watched. He most likely got this phobia in one of the alternate universes after an incident with SCP-035 (or “Dyo”).
Tags: #verse: The Orbs Are Always Watching...
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captainseamech · 4 months
             -> Semi plotted starter for @vibrantsouled!
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             High Tide may have started to regret his decision when he sent that letter, potentially thinking on a way to possibly get it back or if he could send an apology letter right now... But it was short lived when he peaked at the window and noticed someone placing a letter inside the mailbox. Could that be...? The mech waited for them to leave and stepped out, checking inside the metallic box and... Oh! That pink envelope and heart stamp... It had to be from him!
             He was careful to open it, not wanting to ruin the delicate envelope nor rip the stamp by accident. It was as equally short as his, the message was so straight to the point it made his fans click to prevent an overheat. Tonight?! Goodness, he didn’t have anything to wear or use yet! Well, better run after that then! And quick! He’s got a few hours until their date!
             And then, before he knew, night struck above his helm; or at least, from what he could perceive whenever he looked up to check the time. The bot trailed towards the resort, a dark hand nervously adjusting his tie and nervous green eyes checking if he looked somewhat acceptable. Sure, dress code wasn’t his forte, but he had to trust a bit of his instincts!
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             Dodging the... fountain presented upfront, High Tide made a turn and stopped a few feet away from it while looking around. It was... surprisingly quiet. Not too quiet, of course, but he was expecting some more monsters roaming around. I just hope I’m not late...
             The mech walked some more and stopped by the restaurant portion of the resort, squinting as he once again glanced around the immense place. There was a waiter promptly waiting for his arrival, guiding him towards a smaller potion that seemed exclusive for VIPs and stopping by the entrance, giving a short bow to him and trailing off into the semi-lit place. Weird... High Tide didn’t enter, of course, thinking it was either a mistake or a way to spot him better in this crowd.
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             “Ay, Mettaton! Are ye — you in there?” Didn’t cost to call for his date companion for this night, right?
0 notes
huds-hub · 4 years
Undertale Verses
Note that some parts are left vague because I want to plot RPs around them with other muns at some point. I’m open to different ideas! Unlike the Deltarune verses, the Undertale fishies are literally the same person, just at different points in her character development.
Under the cut is the mobile-friendly version. All puns were entirely intentional.
All icons are made by me. Please don’t steal them.
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Early Teen Verse
“That spirited little water SPEAR-it!” Age: 12 ~ 13 She’s bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and eager to learn! Being accepted as Asgore’s trainee was the happiest event in young Undyne’s life. She vigorously faces new experiences – from learning how to conjure magic spears to baking pies – head-on!
Tagged as #smol fish rp
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Main (default) Verse
“What doesn’t KILL ME makes me STRONGER!!” Age: 15 Puberty hit Undyne HARD, and her emotions are running high. Her determination remains strong, but she’s losing sight of her goals since she’s been feeling stagnant in her training. Dumb decisions ensue. Info about her is here.
Tagged as #teen fish rp
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Late teen verse
“Lose an eye but gain insight.” Age: 16 ~ 17 A dangerous turn of events leads to Undyne being injured and losing an eye. However, monsters’ lives were saved! Since then, her determination has become laser-focused as she’s motivated by something bigger than herself now. 
Tagged as #big fish rp
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minecraftoworymode · 4 years
how did star shield jesse feel when they saw the fred hologram in terminal space or whatever that acid trip was called
in a word, Bad
in more than a word,
so my project changes or tosses a lot of story elements and the gauntlet is one of them bc like
the admins were not created equal in this verse and as far as fred/xara knew at the time the only one that could take/give administrative privileges would be the op(erator), which is romeo, and there also wasn’t (as far as they knew) any way to deop him/op someone else
given what the admins broke up over n how/when it happened here, fred wouldnt have had time in between learning that romeo might actually need to have his silence bought, Permanently and like. dying, to come up with anything
thooough even if they Had known, given their two biggest flaws- their hesitation to act and their determination to see and bring out the good in people- well…,, things couldnt have ended any other way than in their death (or that’s what romeo tells himself for a long time, anyway)
fred never stopped loving and believing in romeo. never. this has nothing to do with whether the gauntlet was made or not i just felt it important to share hhHGLKSHD (also if ur wondering why that last point sounds familiar its bc i ripped some of star shield’s ‘character points’ straight from my list for fred s o.)
HOWEVER to answer your, actual question,
there Is still a ‘hologram’ of fred in terminal space and while all jesses are like “Yikes…” star shield in particular suffers from a very big Oof bc not only is this “hologram” absolutely nothing like fred, but he does NOT want romeo to get better and does NOT want him to lose his powers and it’s not even like seeing a ghost, it’s like seeing a zombie, bc at least ghosts generally act vaguely like how the person did while alive but zombies are just totally fucked up, who the hell is this. oh god that’s someone i once was? ok! that’s cool! that’s sexy! this is Fine
he’s actually the very last boss battle in ng+- jesse fights him alongside romeo (bc u dont have to do things alone and esp not wrestling the personification of all your fuckups and emotional issues for control of the universe) (i kind of envisioned it like the pacifist final boss fight from undertale but tbh i havent rly thot abt this whole thing in a while BUT ANYWAY that is probably another post basically star shield is just feeling not very good about this whole business. it’s tough being a kinnie)
anyway to thank u for sitting thru all that. here are some of my first thots on that whole business
imagining the other admins having jiggle physicsfred solmenly telling ‘xara’ (jesse) how to use the gauntletbut every time they take a step they jiggle and likefred has to repeat the instructions likethree timesbc everyone is so entranced by the jiggle
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leeshuh · 4 years
Thanks for for tag @peachie5000! So I’m supposed to shuffle my entire musical library and share the first ten songs. I have over 1600 songs saved so this is going to be very interesting I’m sure:
1) One Engine- The Decemberists
Ooh this is from the Hunger Games movie soundtrack! It’s a a fantastic album in my opinion, and I find it really captures that dystopian feel with an incorporation of folk rock/foresty vibes. This song is no exception!
2) w.a.m.s. - Fall out Boy
Ah yes, my emo phase comes through here. Actually this album specifically, Folie a Deux, has a very specific nostalgic feeling that their other albums don’t seem to have. Very underrated album. I especially love how funky Patrick’s vocals sound in the verses on this track.
3) Determination- Toby Fox (Undertake Soundtrack)
THIS SONG frustrates me. Okay the Undertale soundtrack is still a complete masterpiece but this song plays when you die and I just think about the two weeks it took me to defeat genocide route Undyne. Goddamn
4) Warrior- AURORA
AURORA always makes me feel like a Norse goddess. Her voice is so melodic and beautiful. This song especially has such a powerful message and energy. She was performing in my city a while back but I couldn’t go and I was sad about that :(
5) Jungle Youth- Young the Giant
I don’t have too many of this band’s music saved, but I was drawn to this song specifically becuase of that BASS and also the dirty, unpolished sound (which isn’t very common in their other music from what I’ve heard?). This song has some attitude and I like it!
6) Every Day I Love You Less and Less- Kaiser Chiefs
My sister introduced me to these guys a while back (one of their songs was in the Dairy of a Wimpy Kid movie- yes you heard me) and this song intrigued me becuase of how absurd it is. But yeah it’s about some loveless relationship. But it’s funny so haha. Anyways Kaiser Chiefs has a very interesting sound but DAMN do they make bangers. And some political commentary peppered in there from time to time
7) Zero Zero- Gerard Way
Wow look Gerard Way’s solo album! Frontman of My Chemical Romance, Gerard turned to some very White Stripes-inspired alternative rock for a bit, which was a very different sound from his band’s earlier stuff. I’ll admit, I’m not super crazy about a lot of it, but this song is quite infectious. Again, it’s got that rough, unfinished feeling I really like to hear in my music.
8) Self-Esteem - The Offspring
Okay a bit of history here- I have played Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock for at least 7 years now. I was always kind of into this song since I was younger. Maybe it’s the ‘LA LA LA LA’ in the beginning of the track? Maybe it’s the fact that the riff is basically the same as Nirvana’s in Smells Like Teen Spirit? Who knows. It slaps
9) Out There- Hunchback of Notre Dame (Musical)
Yeah NOT the movie version except I have that one saved too. I could gush about this musical forever. This is, basically, Quasimondo’s ‘I want’ song (I always joke about how he’s basically a Disney princess) and Michael Arden is such a beautiful singer! It’s just a huge improvement from the movie in every way ugh yes
10) Have Some Love- Childish Gambino
Oh wow I LOVE this album. One of my faves from that year. I feel like this song doesn’t get much praise compared to the rest of ‘Awaken, My Love!’ but it’s one of my favorites on the album. From the beat to the vocals to the production, it’s a fantastic track and one of the more upbeat ones on the album. 10/10
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bonepranks-a · 5 years
* verses
aight so since i put most interactions into their own verses, i have like a million, and oftentimes certain interactions will sorta create new ones. so i’m going to attempt to list all the verses i have. i will specify if they’re with specific people. (i may use the word timeline instead, they are generally the same thing, but sans will always refer to it as a timeline whereas i will usually call it a verse.) also, as you know, i don’t tag my verses -- but it’s helpful to know.
this is well over 1500 words so i’m gonna just stick it under a cut. i listed the people who have specific verses in the tags so u can read it if you want??? i mean everyone is encouraged to read it but yKNOW. up to you guys <3
pre-undertale sans and papyrus grow up in hotland with gaster. sans works as his lab assistant/apprentice. gaster falls into the core, “dies”, the boys leave hotland and move to snowdin.
neutral/post-neutral in the flawed pacifist ending (aka the one that allows you to load from your last save and do the pacifist stuff), sans continues living in snowdin, life continues as normal until a reset happens. for all other neutral variants, see this post.
genocide for obvious reasons, stuff in this verse will only take place during the events of a genocide run, as sans dies. however, in a verse where this is not the first genocide run, certain events may change, including but not limited to an aborted genocide where frisk doesn’t come back after sans kills them, and life continues. this will look a lot like any other neutral run where papyrus is dead, but he’s more fucked up probably.
pacifist/post-pacifist the pacifist route goes as it does in canon. afterward, sans goes to the surface with everyone else. however, he makes frequent trips back underground, both to help other people move, and to visit those who decided to stay behind. 
abandoned pacifist/deltarune in a pacifist ending that occurs after many different routes and countless resets (many of which sans remembers), sans accepts the futility of seeking a real ending of any sort of happiness. he manages to find a way to leave his timeline. he does not believe that this is the end, and is afraid of what will happen if frisk resets again. he has never tried it before, and his method is purely theoretical, but he manages to take papyrus and escape the timeline before anything bad can happen. he leaves a seemingly peaceful and happy life on the surface, and ends up in the deltarune world. papyrus’ memories of their past life have somehow been erased (perhaps for the best), and sans is torn between relief that they seem to be safe now, and guilt for leaving everyone else behind without a word. he actually fakes his and papyrus’ deaths simply so that no one worries about them or tries to come looking. he’s not particularly happy, but he can’t find a way to go back either. he buys the grocery store and tries to find answers about why he ended up in this specific world that is so unlike the one he knows, and yet eerily familiar at the same time.
vertebralheights 001 bo and sans meet as children when her father and gaster worked together. they hit it off, but after all the other skeletons leave hotland, she and sans lose contact. it’s only many years later that they reconnect quite by accident, and they don’t even recognize/remember each other until they find old notes and photos that jog their memories. they meet pre-undertale, and their relationship continues long into a positive neutral ending. as sans learns more about resets and their circumstances, he begins to do research, and bo helps him out. if this is a situation where alphys has disappeared, they move back to hotland and continue work there. eventually, pacifist happens or whatever, maybe they go to the surface, we haven’t really gotten that far.
vertebralheights 002 the origin is the same as in 001. however, it diverges into any ending where papyrus is dead. sans runs away to vertebral heights and stays with bo -- they come to the same conclusions about how they used to know each other. sans is determined to find a way to stop the resets - but only once papyrus is back alive. if this is also an ending where alphys is gone, they eventually go to the lab in this verse too.
vertebralheights 003 after bo’s parents die, she contacts sans and comes back to hotland. she stays with the bros and gaster up until gaster’s “death”, and when they do eventually part ways, they slowly lose touch but don’t forget about each other. they probably reconnect again post-pacifist when sans stumbles across VH.
cynicalborne 001 ( paired with mercy-heart 001 ) post-pacifist, sans and papyrus choose not to stay in the town the monsters have set up (though he and papyrus pay frequent visits), and move to nyc. sans buys a closed down bodega and runs it, living in the apartment above. sans also somewhat accidentally befriends a human named os. they somehow hit it off, and when he loses his job and apartment, papyrus invites him to stay with him and sans. as time goes on, sans and os completely fall in love. other than cryptic warnings from gaster that they should not be together and that sans needs to focus on finding a way to prevent further fresets, life is pretty good.
cynicalborne 002 sans and os still know each other - they’re even friends, but their lives are very separate. os is still working more or less as an arson for hire, and he attacks the monster town that’s popped up. sans finds out, and shit goes down. 
mercy-heart 001 post-pacifist, sans visits frisk frequently, though he does not live in the monster town on the surface. one day, chara manages to take control of frisk’s body and gives sans a cryptic warning about how this happiness won’t last. he laters finds out through them and through dream messages from gaster that the only way to prevent further resets is to take away the vessel the player is using -- aka destroy frisk beyond saving. make it so that they cannot reset or reload at all, by literally erasing them from existence. sans refuses to do this however, and tries to find a way to simply disconnect the player from frisk’s soul, or removing only the ability to save and reset.
mercy-heart 002 more or less the same, it’s post-pacifist, except sans does stay in the monster town and probably ends up getting together with toriel because his love for her knows no bounds. life is good, there’s no players interfering, they can just be a happy family, and sans can just help frisk cope with their own depression without worrying about everything else.
we-believe-in-you-crew 001 sans meets bonny when she arrives in snowdin -- due to his promise to toriel he decides not to hurt her. instead, he helps her as best he can, encouraging her to stay in snowdin with him and papyrus and not to venture too far away for fear she might be killed. they eventually catch feelings for each other, and while they both know it, they never do much about it. everything is very subtle with them - mainly because sans knows they’re living on borrowed time. when she eventually makes it to new home, sans mercy kills her in the judgement hall because he can’t stand the thought of her being killed by asgore. 
primaautomaworld / qvietstcrm 001 (these are just getting lumped together because they happen in the same verse.) sans and mettaton used to be childhood friends, back when alphys worked under gaster and mettaton visited frequently as a lil ghostie. he would often play with sans and papyrus, and he and sans even had lil crushes on each other, not that anything ever came of it. however, once mettaton became corporeal and moved on to becoming a star (and after gaster’s disappearance as well), they completely lost touch. it’s only much later that sans calls up mettaton and invites him to stop by snowdin. the reunion between all three of them is really really good, and mtt and sans start up the flirting hardcore until they finally do just get together. MEANWHILE IN PAPYRUS LAND, he starts going out with a siren from waterfall named storm. sans meets them one day during work, invites them back for dinner, storm and papyrus hit it off really well, and the rest is history. it’s really cute uwu  
fluersamour 001 sans and chara.... knew each other before she died. they would play together along with papyrus and asriel when gaster had meetings with asgore and brought the kiddos. they weren’t necessarily close friends, but they were pleasant. good companions. over the course of genocide routes, they’re constantly fighting and she’s killed sans multiple times. it’s a thing. but eventually, it stops. they reach a stalemate. they don’t want to kill each other anymore. and eventually, they start talking again. about the past. about her time in the void, and meeting gaster. it’s not exactly normal friendship but it’s.... something.
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