#Fannish Fifty
ravencromwell · 1 year
Fannish Fifty #1: “The Ministry’s Man by Musamihi
Tomorrow marks the start of the new semester. Tonight, I'm treating myself to the beginning of my shamelessly self-indulgent fannish fifty
first brought to my attentionbby the incomparable delphi
I've decided to do fifty recs, with the proviso that if I'm short by a lot in November or so, I'll intersperse professional work I think deals especially adeptly with fannish tropes--Naomi Noviks deconstruction of chosen one narratives etc. I'm beginning the festivities with the piece I most dearly wish I'd written; December will be for friends' works, because I want so many of you whose work is as dear to me for instigating our friendship as its theme and content to have the gift of having your art seen and praised throughout an oft-fraught holiday season.
Title: The Ministry’s Man
Author: @musamihi-blog
pairings: John Dawlish/Bartemius Crouch Senior (unrequited), John Dawlish/Rufus Scrimgeour
Summary: John Dawlish has spent his career in the shadows of the Ministry's great men. One of the things they have in common is they never stay for long.
Rufus Scrimgeour is the character I will come back to at ninety, rocking on a porch and ruminating about decency warring with pragmatism in a world where the chickens wrought from generation upon generation of prejudice are coming home to roost. He's Churchill--riddled with trauma from the last great war, certain of his moral rectitude, but also bullish to a fault and embodying so many of the prejudices destroying the world around him--and! disabled, which makes the entire character arc a thousand fucking times better.
I'm not ashamed to admit, here in a circle of mostly mutuals, that at the darkest lows of suicidal ideation after Mom's death, I lived to read and write more fic about the flawed wartime Minister and Thorin Oakenshield--also a deeply flawed king trying to reclaim a homeland and let his better angels triumph (I have a type, y'all)
I can't now recall which HP BeholderMMinistry's Man sprang from (GOD, I miss that fest and at least half the HP fics to be recced by me come from its brilliance) It feels like one of those pieces that is simultaneously a reflection on and deconstruction of canon so perfectly precise it must've always existed.
Of course, I first read it for the Scrimgeour. His portrayal is a masterclass: proud and prickly but also clever and discerning, ruthlessly exacting while being deeply compelling and empathetic in his desire to keep the state afloat. Ironically, though, it's the fic's use of Dawlish to elucidate moral concerns that leave me in awe and writerly envy.
For John Dawlish is a mirror, bland and blank and utterly loyal to the state, even when the state comes to be embodied by Voldemort. He's almost Harry's exact foil, unthinkingly obedient, merely present to be manipulated as greater forces of personality desire. But like any mirror, he's deeply observant, reflecting the question: how do you proceed in a world fundamentally premised on moral decay and prejudice? When the other side is worse, what means are acceptable?
The fic is a philosophical tour de force, with no easy answers, casting as unsparing an eye on Dumbledore's refusal to engage as it does on the excesses of Crouch and Scrimgeour.
Early in the fic, we're treated this haunting dialogue: "It's going to get away from you, Barty," she says, stopping not five paces from me...."Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures." Mr. Crouch looks her square in the eye and starts winding a muffler around his neck.
From that moment, the center cannot hold, forcing us to ask what these world-weary characters should have done, or if the outcome was inevitable all along.
And every time, I'm sucked along with the Ministry’s man
 until I return breathlessly to the beginning, desperate hope this ending will somehow be different.
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ectoentity · 1 year
Fannish Fifty
Hey guys! Just a little announcement to let y’all know I’m gonna start doing this challenge starting January! It’s a Dreamwidth challenge to post 50 fannish things in a year. My plan is to do one post on DW a week, likely crossposted here, related to DP or DPxDC in some way.
If you’re on DW I highly encourage you to join (and also add me, I need DW friends).
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lamardeuse · 3 days
This is not a Wendy's, and my story is not your burger.
A note up front: the following does not refer to the serious issues of racism, anti-Blackness and white supremacy in fandom spaces, which deserves a much more nuanced discussion than a ridiculous food metaphor could ever hope to express. This is a general discussion of fandom standards around tagging and warnings.
Over the three – now nearly four – decades that I've been in fandom, I've seen a lot. I've seen a lot of foolishness, and a metric fuckton of toxicity, and even some good faith, honest debates about how we should conduct ourselves as we move through fannish spaces and interact with one another. So from the start, let me explain that this is not the old lady crabbing at the kids. None of this is particularly new, and fandom culture ebbs and flows. Heigh-ho, nonny nonny, the wheels roll on.
That said, we need to have a talk. Because some people may not be as experienced as the rest of us, and need to understand some fundamental truths about fandom that they may not have picked up, because no one reads Fanlore from top to bottom for fun. That's not inherently a concern. We all learn from one another – I've learned so much from younger people in fandom, particularly here on tumblr – but there are occasions when younger fans could also benefit from some knowledge flowing the other way.
First, fandom is vast. It was huge when I started in the Dark Ages, and it's increased exponentially in the last fifteen to twenty years, since “geek culture” has gone mainstream. That widening of the circle – and more importantly, the naked commercialization of it by media giants who smell our money like vampires in a blood bank – is both a blessing and a curse, because on the one hand, more people who love a thing means more love for everyone! On the other hand, though, I think it's unmoored us in some senses from the fundamental truth that fandom is unhinged, joyful obsession, the fulfilment of a need for communication, creative expression and connection, and most importantly – community.
Yes, fandom is – or should be, at its best – a community first and foremost. And just like any community, it's filled with individuals who form groups, subgroups and cliques. And none of those groups have ever, in the over half a century since the first Star Trek fan made Kirk and Spock fuck, agreed upon one single, overarching view of what 'community' means. Which means the minute you as a fan come striding up to another fan's little electronic nest on the AO3 or Youtube or tumblr demanding that standard X be applied to their fannish creation in the name of 'fandom courtesy' or 'fandom etiquette'? All the old ladies (gn) in fandom realize that you are desperately, painfully new*.
Does that mean that we shouldn't strive to be a community? Of course not. But I would argue that the single and only “rule” of that community is that we make an effort to treat each other, first and foremost, with kindness and grace, and the understanding that the person you are interacting with is not you. They're not even one of the fifty-two people you interact with on Discord who all agree to the same “rules of fandom” (newsflash: they probably don't). And if you come into their fannish space as a stranger demanding they cater to you, you are probably going to be in for a shock.
Commercialization complicates this issue, because I think one element that's new is that some of us have lost sight of the fact – or never learned – that fans do not place their creations in front of you like a server handing you a bag at a fast food drive thru window. They are not producing a commodity to be consumed for which you paid hard earned money that entitles you to certain rights, such as the right to complain if you ordered a burger with mayo and received mustard instead. You would certainly have a right to demand compensation if you're allergic to mustard and had to go to the hospital as a result.
Fandom is more like a potluck, a gigantic potluck with literally millions of dishes. At some tables, there are agreed upon warnings for certain allergens, but others are not required to be mentioned and if you have an allergy, you will need to ask directly. At some tables, you are told that there may be allergens in any of the dishes and you proceed to eat them at your own risk. That risk and your assessment of it is, for better or worse, entirely your responsibility to manage. And your preferences – level of spice, aversion to certain textures and flavours – those are not allergies and there is no prior agreed upon standard to break down every possible element of a dish so that you will always be able to avoid any contact with the foods you personally don't like. There never has been, and there never will be.
The only thing you can be certain of is that on every single table, there are dishes that people have created for you for free with love, effort, experience and care. If you walk up to that table and take a bite and then politely turn down any more, that's fine. If you take a bite, spit it out and loudly tell that person that is not what you were expecting, you wouldn't have tried it if you'd known what it tasted like, and you are appalled that this person did not inform you of every single ingredient before you tried it? You, my friend, are not going to be welcome at the potluck.
Fandom is not a Wendy's. The stories, songs, costumes, artwork, edits that we put out into the world are not mass produced burgers made in a giant factory and shipped to restaurants where you can rest assured that the burger you eat in London will taste the same as the one in Dubuque. And no, the time you invested in reading a fic, watching a vid or contemplating a piece of artwork posted freely on the internet is not something you have the right to demand a refund on either, because again, fandom is not a fast food restaurant, and our interactions with one another in fannish spaces are not transactions. Every creation you choose to put in front of your eyeballs took that person time and energy, and they are putting that out in the world to make a connection with other human beings.
The next time you leave a comment, choose connection. It's easier than you think.
(*I'm going on good faith here and presuming most people who do this are relatively new to fandom. I'm not counting the people who think it's fine and dandy to hurl abuse at strangers for not obeying their standards – those people should be blocked and excluded on sight. I sincerely hope that they get help for the demons that are chasing them and telling them this is an acceptable way to live.)
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muffinlance · 7 months
Weird question but do you think I could put that my art was in Li’s Book of Friends on my resume? Totally cool if not I’ve just barely done anything in my life and I’m rather proud of that lol. You don’t have to answer publicly
ABSOLUTELY. It's on my resume, too!
Potential buzz word vomit: you were a "featured artist" who "coordinated with a grassroots team of over fifty international artists and writers to produce an illustrated fantasy travelogue that has raised over $3,000 USD in support of wildlife conservation."
Always list fannish works on your resume. They sounds AMAZING as long as you talk around the fandom name.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Practical fandom advice question for you.
How do you/your followers deal with it when you write something that the antis seem to like? They keep following and interacting with my (rather loudly "censorship and fascism are bad and fiction is okay actually") fic blog and reblogging my stuff. It's in my bio and title that I'm anticensorhip, I reblog from other anticensorship people, I have my Fandom Philosophy in a carrd just like the antis do, I've written and bookmarked Problematic Filth...and they're still there, popping up infrequently enough to slip my mind between instances, but with enough regularity to be a pattern that's making me twitch.
I block the particularly noxious ones, but I'm still getting really tense about proliferating as a rec in those circles, because hahaha they're not going to be happy when I finally resolve some of the fifty bazillion plot threads I've been foreshadowing and also, more importantly, I don't want to reward awful behavior! It's nice that you liked the toy I made, but if you're going to use it to beat the other children, you can't play with it anymore!
I think they like my stuff because I write flangst with unreliable narrators who are young and prone to flattening issues of morality into simple b&w equations, which might, uh, resonate. I'm building to this being a BAD thing (and have been building for years at this point), but my points of view have no way of knowing that because they're not there yet maturity-wise, and it's taking me a while to get there for unrelated reasons and I don't know how to make it any clearer to these people that I AM THE THE THING THEY HATE SO MUCH.
I honestly debated sending this anonymously because it kinda sounds self-congratulatory to me, and I really don't want to come off like "boo hoo I'm popular" (especially since the idea of being fandom popular gives me hives). The thing is, I think the rrverse fandom in particular skews anti, and our antis can be extremely vicious, as evidenced by that flurry of anons you got a while back from people terrified of going off anon for fear of attracting the hordes. I ultimately decided I'd be contributing to the overall hostility if I went anon just because I was worried about my tone being misread on the How Dare You Say We Piss On The Poor website, lol.
Thank you for all you contribute to building a fannish community I'm proud to put my name behind!
Honestly, I'd probably just carry on as usual but be prepared to block a whole lot of people once the plot finally goes somewhere they don't like.
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alexcat45 · 3 months
Join Fandom 50 for 2024
What are you fannish about? ♥ Movies? ♥ Hedgehogs? ♥ Baking? ♥ Fictional characters?
Why not post about all of them this year? This is a challenge to make fifty posts about fandom things. They can be whatever kind of posts you’d like - movie reviews, recs, a story about meeting a fellow fan, cosplaying … anything! The challenge runs for a year (well, 11 months), so a pace of one post per week plus a couple would do it. .
If you’d like to do a theme, feel free. Some ideas: ♦ 50 fictional characters that I want to meet in real life ♦ 50 fanvid recs ♦ 50 television episodes that were lifechanging ♦ 50 fanfic plots I’ll never write
You don’t need to do a theme if you don’t want to. You can make fifty random fan-adjacent posts.
If you’d like even more structure or if you’d like to share your Fandom 50 with others, you can commit to the challenge by signing up.
To sign up, comment on this post with the following:
Happy Fandom Fun!
Disclaimer: I nabbed this from swannee's Fannish Fifty from 2023 and with their permission.
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fic-history · 1 year
Filing Off the Serial Numbers: Professionally Published FIcs
While texts that we might call fanfiction in the most basic sense of the term have been published in the past (think Wide Sargasso Sea), modern fanfictions have only started to go pro in the past few decades. Fanfiction authors will pull all their fic from the internet, change the character names and other ties to the source media, and publish their works as original fiction. This is a process known in the fannish community as “filing off the serial numbers,” and it’s generated a lot of controversy as more and more fan writers take their work to the professional publishing stage. In this iteration of Fic History, we’re going to explore three of the most well known professionally published fanfictions.
The Mortal Instruments
Cassandra Clare is a household name to any fantasy or YA fiction lover, but you may not know that she also used to be a household name in the Harry Potter fandom. Then writing as Cassandra Claire (peep the i), Clare was a Big Name Fan who was revered in fandom circles for writing The Draco Trilogy, among other fics, which helped to shape how the fandom characterized Draco. She pulled all of her fics from the internet prior to the publishing of City of Bones, but the name of the series that City of Bones belongs to, The Mortal Instruments, shares a name with a Ron/Ginny (yes, incest) fic Clare penned in 2004. 
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I want to clarify that The Mortal Instruments is not officially a published fanfiction, but fans have noticed similarities between main characters Clary and Jace and Clare’s characterizations of Ginny and Draco, and a passage from one of her Draco fics appears verbatim in City of Bones, save for a few name edits. Due to the popularity of the series and Clare’s past as a fan writer, I chose to include the series here.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Starting in 2009, an author going by the screen name Snowqueens Icedragon began publishing a Twilight BDSM AU fic titled Master of the Universe. It was deleted from the internet in 2011, and in early 2012, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James was published to international acclaim and revilement. These two texts are the same story by the same author. While Fifty Shades generated a lot of stir in the media for being a doctored fanfiction (something many people had never heard of before), it generated a lot of stir in fandom spaces for a few reasons. One, many beta readers had worked on the story when it was a fanfiction, and those readers received none of the profit (Jamison 2013). Two, the book was now essentially mainstream media’s only perception of fanfiction, and given that it was being heavily criticized for being a poorly written inaccurate (in terms of the BDSM stuff) smut-fest, it gave fanfiction a bad name. 
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The After Series
The most notable and recent example of filing off the serial numbers I can think of is the After series by Anna Todd, known to the internet originally as Imaginator1D. You may know the series now as a best-selling set of novels featuring college students Tessa Young and Hardin Scott that received a set of movie adaptations starting in 2019, but the original iteration of After was a college AU that starred characters Tessa Young and Harry Styles of One Direction fame. Harry’s then bandmates were featured as friends and stepbrothers of Styles, while Tessa is an original character. The After series also received/receives a lot of flak from fannish communities for not being a very high quality example of fanfiction, as well as glorifying what many viewed as an abusive relationship between the two leads.
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Publishing your fanfic is forever going to be a touchy subject in fannish communities. Some are completely fine with it, and some fans see it as the ultimate fan sin. As Anne Jamison wrote in Fic (see Bibliography page),
“The fan culture tenet that ‘thou shalt not profit from fanworks’ has been, depending on who you talk to, an almost sacred and inviolate, wholly necessary founding principle of fandom. To others within the same community, it’s only been a necessary evil.”
She also notes that the fact that the term fanfiction doesn’t have one solid definition, and doesn’t actually clarify how close the story is to the material it was based off of. This doesn’t even bring into question the ethical dilemma surrounding profiting off of a fic that beta readers worked on for no cost. All in all, filing off the serial numbers will always be hot button issue in fandom, and I’d love to hear what thoughts y’all might have on it!
Happy reading,
Further Reading:
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collsssss · 1 year
Fannish Fifty
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What are you fannish about? ♥ Movies? ♥ Hedgehogs? ♥ Baking? ♥ Fictional characters?
Why not post about all of them this year? This is a challenge to make fifty posts about fannish things. They can be whatever kind of posts you’d like - movie reviews, fannish recs, a story about meeting a fellow fan, the time you tried to bake a cake in the shape of a spaceship… anything! The challenge runs for a year, so a pace of one post per week would get you to the finish line with a couple of weeks to spare.
If you’d like to do a theme, feel free. Some ideas: ♦ 50 fictional characters that I never want to meet in real life ♦ 50 fanvid recs ♦ 50 television episodes that blew my mind ♦ 50 fanfic plots I’ll never write
You don’t need to do a theme if you don’t want to. You can make fifty random fannish-adjacent posts.
If you’d like even more structure or if you’d like to share your Fifty Fannish Things with others, you can commit to the challenge by signing up here on DW
Happy Fannish Posting! 
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westgateoh · 2 years
Look, if you’re a fifty-something who is a fan of twenty-something pop culture, I’m with you. It’s hard.
On one hand, you don’t feel comfortable engaging with the twenty year-old fan regularly because they don’t need an old person in their group, but your fifty year-old peers can’t or aren’t interested in engaging with you about The Thing. There’s no one to be fannish with and so. You’re lonely, and it’s hard.
Fanning alone isn’t nearly as fun as fanning together. I see you.
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What I want to do for Fannish Fifty
I'm not quite sure yet :/.
Might try to do fifty ships, or fics, or fic recs?
I am very 'this is my comfort character' and then ship them with everyone and anyone.
So if I made a 50 fictional characters list it might be quite short though I have dozens of ships I like or am interested in.
So, recs and writing fic I think.
I'll start by making a great OCs rec list. :D
Edit: link in notes.
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giants-club · 2 years
Maybe it’s time for the Furry Irregulars
Recently I posted a deadpan joke on Twitter:
A secret plot to make furries think, eh, maybe the Dorsai Irregulars weren't so bad after all
— Arilin Thorferra (@gc_arilin) July 4, 2022
This was in response to the reports of police aggressively clearing out the convention space at Anthrocon and, in general, having a disquietingly obvious presence throughout the con.
hey @anthrocon im sure attendees would leave your con space with prompting from con staff??? Why do we need to have police corralling us with their hands on their guns??? definitely did not appreciate it in the slightest.
— Kilo/June 🌻 @ Anthrocon!! (@PrismPaws) July 3, 2022
This is not ok. Cops do not belong in many places, but especially not furry events.@anthrocon you need to do better. You're immensely lucky no one got seriously hurt by the police this weekend (that I know of anyway).
— 👑 Mama Sapphy @ Anthrocon (@Sapphykinz) July 4, 2022
Even though not every furry self-identifies as LGBTQ+, furry is a highly queer space, and cops and queer spaces don't exactly have a history of harmonious co-existence. While this didn't turn into the fiasco that it could have, it wasn't a good look for either Pittsburgh or Anthrocon.
As I'm occasionally guilty of, my deadpan tweet probably went too deadpan. If you didn't have the context of both the cops at Anthrocon and their old relationship with a fan-run security group called the Dorsai Irregulars, it wouldn't make much sense. If you knew about the DIs but not last night's AC news, it might seem more of a defense of the DIs than it was.
But I think there's something to the concept of the DIs that's worth thinking about for furry. So, first, what the hell are the Dorsai Irregulars? Here's how they describe themselves on their history page:
At the 1973 World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) in Toronto, the only security force was hired security guards. There was friction between the guards and the fans. The guards did not understand the fannish milieu. One miscreant fan stole one of noted illustrator Kelly Freas's paintings from the Art Show. The story goes that he showed the rental guard at the door a receipt for a piece of much lower value. The guard didn't know any better and let him through. However it happened, it left a lot of people upset and worried about what was happening in the science fiction fan community.
Fandom was changing. There were large influxes of new fans brought in by Star Trek and other media interests. Conventions were getting bigger. They were no longer the small, clubby get-togethers of the ’50s and ’60s. Although there were loud outcries that "Fans don't steal from fans," the fact of the matter was that things had changed.
Robert Asprin realized the need for a corps of experienced fans who could provide security, crowd control, guest escort and other services to conventions. With knowledge of the norms and customs of fandom, they could, in theory, provide these services without the hostility and conflict caused by a clash of cultures between the mundane world and the fannish.
And so the Dorsai Irregulars were born. (The name "Dorsai" comes from a science fiction novel series by Gordon R. Dickson.)
So, I have two takeaways from this.
First, I believe Asprin's insight was smart! Members of a fandom/subculture who know that group's norms and customs are going to do a better job providing services for that group than rent-a-cops (or real cops).
Second, the fannish culture the Dorsai Irregulars came from is…not much like furry.
The chances are a fair number of you reading this don't know who Robert Asprin was, don't know who Kelly Freas was, and/or don't know who Gordon R. Dickson was. There's no reason you should. The "changing fandom" that brought about the Dorsai Irregulars was the science fiction fandom of fifty years ago. Furry didn't organize as a fandom or subculture or whatever you want to categorize it as until the late 1980s.
There's been friction between furries and Dorsai for years; the responses I got to my tweet talking about them were all negative. And, of course, the whole "maybe they weren't so bad after all" part of the attempted joke lies in acknowledging that a fair number of furries thought the Dorsai were bad.
I can't help but think that the reasons for that lie, ironically, in Bob Asprin's insight that a group's norms and customs should be known and respected. While there are some furries in the Dorsai, institutionally the group isn't furry. It's old guard science fiction fandom. Like fandom of that era, it's mostly white, straight, and cis. And, it is worth noting what the Dorsai are named after: a mercenary warrior class from a series whose theme is, as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction puts it, "humanity's ultimate expansion through the Galaxy as an inherently ethical species." One could argue I shouldn't read anything into their namesake stemming from Heinlein-esque manifest destiny military sci-fi, but Heinlein himself was, in fact, a Dorsai Irregular. So I'm gonna read at least a little into that.
Having said all that, my intuition is that the Dorsai have been a net good for furry cons despite the issues, and I don't fault Anthrocon or other furry cons for using them. A security team that comes out of an adjacent fandom and has some overlap and understanding with the group they're ostensibly policing will do a better job than one that doesn't. Anthrocon 2022 was the first in nearly twenty years that had no Dorsai coupled with a police presence---and the first I can recall in which the con had to put out two official apologies about security issues. Maybe that's a coincidence, but, well, maybe it isn't.
But my intuition is also that it may be time for us to look at con safety and security through the same lens that Bob Asprin used nearly five decades ago. If we do, I think we'll find we don't want the Dorsai. We want a furry version of them.
"What's that mean, Arilin? Can't cons handle security without having some kind of separate cross-convention group? Do we even want anything called 'security' at all?" I don't know exactly what it means! But this goes back to what I think the Dorsai got right. Cons need to handle issues ranging from simple crowd management to ejecting harassers, and building up institutional knowledge about best practices specifically for furry spaces strikes me as worthwhile. Maybe that leads to a group similar to the Dorsai Irregulars, but that looks a lot more, well, furry. Maybe it doesn't lead to a group at all, but to a best practices handbook, gathered from many conventions and made freely available to all interested parties, so they can set up their own safety services teams.
I'm not privy to conversations among convention executive staff, so I have no way of knowing if this idea has come up before, if it's still being discussed, or if it's long ago been considered and rejected. But if it hasn't been, it might be time to start---or time to restart it with fresh eyes. Bringing in outsiders was the wrong solution for sci-fi cons in the 1970s; for a subculture like ours, it's demonstrably even worse.
The Dorsai Irregulars succeeded by being uniquely fannish. Can't we make something better for us by making it uniquely furry?
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
So, just to maybe clear this up in my own head and to maybe also help with the non-fannish original work vs fannish original work distinction… is Fifty Shades of Grey fannish original content due to being derivative of the Twilight series? Because I always remember that as like THE big (published) novel out in the world that found its origin in fannish spaces
Like I've been saying, if you aren't culturally familiar with the parts of fandom that have this concept, it will likely not make sense to you.
50 Shades was a fanfic, presented as fanfic. Then it was pulled to publish. It was never presented as original-but-fannish or disseminated in fandom as original.
Fannish original work isn't derivative of a specific canon. That's the whole point. It's like original m/m a/b/o using AO3-y tropes but not the characters or setting of any particular canon.
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sineala · 2 years
If you could assign a comic artist to each of your fics, which ones would it be for which fic? It could like the OG artist for the run who’s timeline you are writing in/making an AU for, an artist that has done a similar story, fav artist, etc
(You only have to pick a few unless you wanna go wild haha)
Also open question to any comics fic writer or anyone you’d wanna tag!
Oh, man, I dunno! Cool question, though!
I suspect my answer to this is a little boring, as mostly when I am writing fic set in a particular run or era I tend to picture the art style of the run -- so, say, Jack Kirby or Don Heck for Tales of Suspense or early Avengers volume 1 or George Pérez for Avengers volume 3. I don't know that any of them would necessarily be the right choice for the subject material, though, hey, Kirby did do some romance comics. But I don't think I have a lot of fic that would go well with splash page fight scenes with fifty characters or anything like that.
A lot of my fic is for BBs/RBBs or otherwise has fannish art associated with it so actually I probably think of fandom because, well, many of my stories have existing art that I am very fond of.
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
a reply-reply!
rhyperographer said:                                                                                                                            That really bites, but dreamwidth is not my jam. :( If you choose to go elsewhere i get it though.                            
Oh, I’ve been on dreamwidth for nine or ten (eleven? 2020-2009 oh yeah that’s 11) years, I’m not going anywhere, I’m just-- also there. With my old LJ handle from my baby days, dragonlady7, which I’ll have you all know was a reference to an original novel I was writing so there.
I don’t post much there; I set up a crossposter from here to there so everything I do is mirrored there, but the formatting is fucking horrible, and I keep meaning to set it up so that instead it crossposts everything from there to here, so I’ll go make my entries there, and then all the weird random reblogs in my queue that get mangled in the reposting don’t keep going over there. But it nearly killed me to figure out the IFTTT recipe (from a fantastic tutorial, it wasn’t even that I figured it out myself!) in the first place, so I don’t know how to a) undo it, and b) set up a different one, so I have not fixed that yet.
I’m not leaving Tumblr particularly, it’s just that as it’s less and less possible to use, I’ll get less and less interaction here, and it’ll meet my needs less and less. I’m also terrified of losing contact with people I care a lot about and people just-- *poof* disappear off of Tumblr all the fucking time and then there’s no recourse. On the one hand I do love that this is like the last bastion of anonymous Internettage where you can have a fannish identity and not worry about your mom reading your furry vore or discovering your uncomfortably self-revealing erotica or whatever. *cough* But on the other hand, that means that when your weird little handle goes dark, the people who came to care about you as a human have no way of ever finding you or knowing what happened to you.
My DW still has a bunch of inactive feeds on it, the Livejournals of the people I lost in that migration. They’re preserved there, just a list of inactive names, who I periodically go back and mourn. A few made it over here, a few are still plugging away on DW, but most of them just went dark, and I’ve lost most of my early fannish Internet context and it’s a lonely, lonely feeling. I genuinely cry about it sometimes.
It’s been so long, and it’s gotten so dark, and I’m so afraid of losing more people. It’s hard to get old, I guess; my grandma used to say that a lot but I understand it now in a way I couldn’t when I was 20. (She died genuinely pumped at the prospect of a reunion with her beloved late husband, who’d died twenty years before. It’s not a bad way to go, whatever you believe; I’ve never known anyone else who died, in the end, as gracefully as she did, though the week preceding the actual event was pretty rough. Ha. No; she complained a lot, but she knew what was coming and she was ready. I hope I can be so graceful. In another fifty-five years, mind; she was 96 and I’ve only just turned 41. No thanks! I just miss some friends, is all.)
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ajoblotofjunk · 4 years
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OKAY. Next set of recs for the week ahead. 😊 I currently have fifty on my list, so I’m going to do these in batches of ten over the next five weeks and hopefully by then I’ll both have more (I’m sure I will) and we’ll need less distraction as a group. Heh.
These are just presented in the order I read them, and I think there are still quite a few fannish “classics” in here but I figure it’s better to point them out in case other people have missed them, too!
This batch are mostly AUs with a few post-S8/fix-it fics (and one canon-divergent AU). (And as always if the authors are here, please let me know their tumblr names so I can tag them!) And if you need someone to flail to about any of these after you’ve commented to the author, I AM HERE FOR YOU.
The opposite of war by Enneara
This is a first time fic written post-803 when all we knew was Jaime and Brienne had survived and everything seemed possible. The author’s Brienne voice is exquisite in this - mature and innocent, realistic and idealistic by turns. Jaime is worn and smug and beautiful. There’s a bath and the memory of a past bath. Surprisingly short for how much the author packs into it. (There’s a second chapter that I always forget is there but it’s a nice little treat, too, and quite sexy.)
Ice by Gwen77
Gwen77 is a top tier author in this fandom for a reason, and this post-season 8 fix it is an excellent example of why. Jaime AND Cersei both live and are brought to King’s Landing for trial. Brienne is hurt and proud and stunning in this fic, and the way the author circles around the metaphor of walls is lovely. The trial scene from this was like a punch in the heart.
Madonna of the Balcony by QuizzicalQuinia
This is a modern AU that feels like it’s set in a place out of time for much of it. Jaime is a sculptor with an injured hand and he spies only a small part of Brienne from the balcony of the room she’s staying in near his own and she becomes his unwitting muse. The writing in this is so full of lush emotion and sensuality and description. There’s really nothing else like it that I’ve read in JB fandom, and it just settles into you like thick, humid air. A treasure of a story.
They Make you Swear and Swear by angelowl 
This is a post-show canon fic that uses time travel to fix everything that went wrong, both in what we saw and the five years after. Bran is not the king everyone expected and Brienne pays the price for her honor and wakes up back in Winterfell before everything starts to go wrong. I adore the way she handles Brienne here, heavy with her knowledge and unable to share it. Jaime is a sharp blade, and their final confrontation over what he did to her helps ease the pain of the show itself.
The Seven Bind Their Fate by RoseHeart
The premise of this fic is “what if Jaime had been Renly’s prisoner, not Robb’s, and had met Brienne there?” The way the author plays that out, the depth of both the larger world plot and the EXTREMELY SLOW burn of Jaime and Brienne’s relationship is stunning. I read this fic over a couple of weeks and it was like dipping in and out of a dream. So many interesting things happen! The moment Jaime and Brienne first get together is SO MUCH. The ending is an emotional wallop. The use of secondary characters and less-used settings is marvelous and  her Jaime characterization in particular is *chef’s kiss*. It’s one of my very favorite Jaime’s in fic.
I'm dying to be born again by @angel-deux-writes​
This season 8 fix-it has everything: marriage of convenience, pining, little spoon energy, bed sharing in increasingly smaller beds. Written with angel-deux’s typical deftly emotional hand, guiding you from drama to humor to sexual tension step by wonderful step. I’ve read this fic a couple of times now, and given how much fic is in this fandom, re-reading is one of my highest compliments.
Shoot the Moon by @hardlyfatal​
This is a modern AU where Brienne is a mystery writer, Jaime is an executive unhappy with his life and they meet at a dude ranch on vacation. This fic felt like reading a romance novel in the best way. The way she uses the other women and workers at the dude ranch is marvelous, Dad!Jaime is VERY attractive and the smut is uh REAL GOOD, my word.
ink on a pin, underneath the skin by @janiedean​
Another modern AU, where Brienne is a tattoo artist and Jaime has a tattoo he’s desperate to be free of. This fic is 15k but it feels like she packs 50k worth of emotional development into it it’s so rich. The description of the tattoos is fantastic, I felt like I could see and touch them. The way she walks Jaime through his emotional trauma is very well done.
This Is The One by disappointed_turtle 
In this modern AU, Brienne is a football (soccer for us US folks) player who lives with girls from her team. It STARTS with her friend Jaime walking in on her masturbating and goes on a wild and at times painfully emotional journey from there. The roommate stuff is excllent in addition to the tension between our two messed up heroes. DT has such a distinctive writing style and this fic is popular for good reason. Reading it as a WIP was at times agony, so please enjoy getting to devour it all in one sitting. :D
Winterfell Sequence series by @kiraziwrites​
This is a set of three show-based fics that starts post-8x03 and diverges from there. They are so happy and warm and (eventually) hot as heck. Reading these fills me with a warm glow, something Kirazi is masterful at achieving. A lovely way to end a stressful day.
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need-more-meta · 4 years
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Hello and welcome. Call me Meta. (Pronouns: he/him.)
I write fics:
MCU, Gen: Give This Man a Hug (~4.5k, #Touch-Starved Steve, #Domestic Avengers)
MCU, Gen: Now We See Each Other (~2.5k,Thor & Loki; #Fix-It, #Sibling Feels)
WinterFrost (T): Midgard Blues (~6k, #Hurt/Comfort, #Loki Feels)
Steve/Bucky (E): When The Line Connects (~45k, #Idiots to Boyfriends, #Fannish Practices as Love Language)
Kylux (T): What a Wonderful World (~3k, #Soft Kylux; #Christmas Fluff)
Kylux (M): We Need to Talk (~2k, #Soft Kylux, #Love Confessions)
Kylux (T): Come Play with Me (~2k, #Soft Kylux, #Winter Fun)
Kylux (E): Botanical Exercises (~4k, #Soft Kylux, #Flower Language)
Kylux (T): I’ll Be the Sun, You Be the Moon (~2k, #Soft Kylux, #DoTF-timeline, #Pretty Dresses)
Kylux (T): My Wave, My Shark, My Demon in the Dark (~1.3k, #Soft Kylux, #Cuddling)
Kylux (E): The Blue Tide Pulling Me Under (~1.6k, #Soft Kylux)
Kylux (M): A Lesson Never Learned (~1.5k, #Angst, #Hard Kylux)
Kylux (M): In the Mood for Murder (~3k, #Cannoli Kylux, #Assassination Attempts)
Kylux (T): Happy Birthday to You (~3.5k, #Soft Kylux, #General Hux vs the kitchen)
Kylux (E): To Clothe You in Crimson Roses (~2.6k, #Dark Side Sex Rituals, #Soft Kylux)
Kylux (M): Under the Stars (~3k, #Soft Kylux, #First Kiss)
Kylux (T): In Your Hand, a Whole World (~3k, #Soft Kylux, #Force-Sensitive Hux)
Kylux (E): No Mercy in the First Order (~2.7k, #Power Couple, #Fuck Pryde)
Kylux (T): Our Story Is Just Beginning (~1.1k, #Techienician, #Moving in Together)
Kylux (E): Alone and Not Alone (~4.7k, #Ashterson, #First Time)
Kylux (T): Wings Spread Wide (~3k, #Clydeland, #Fae!Stensland)
Kylux (M): The Elevation of Ideals (~2k, #Ashterson, #Lingerie)
Kylux (T): The World of Us (~2.4k, #Ashterson, #Growing Old Together)
Kylux (T to E): Fifty Kisses (~35k, a series of ficlets written to a list of kiss prompts)
Kylux (E): It All Depends (~14.6k, #Ashterson, #Fluff)
Kylux (T): The Curse of Blood (~4k, #Secret Crush, #Haunted Objects)
Kylux (T): And We Were Bathed in Gold (~4k, #Duel of the Fates timeline, #Autumn Activities)
Kylux (E): Of Horns and Tails and Midnight Guests (~7k, #Modern Setting, #Demon Kylo Ren)
Kylux (E): Reiniggeist (~7.8k, #Modern Setting, #Ghost Armitage Hux)
Kylux (E): I’m Tired, You’re Lonely (~3.3k, #Classic Kylux, #Angst and Smut)
Kylux (M): Let Me Die in the Morning (~3k, #Classic Kylux, #Post-Starkiller Angst)
Kylux (M): A Place for Us (~2k, #Duel of the Fates timeline, #So Many Plants)
Kylux (E): The Pen Is Mightier Than the Force (~6k, #Crack Treated Seriously, #Kylo Writes a Self-Insert Romance)
Kylux (E): No Matter Where You Go, I Will Find You (~4k, #Angst and Feels, #Post-TRoS, #They Are Both Dead)
Kylux (E): My Perfect Pillow (~6.2k, #Crack Treated Seriously, #Kylo Ren’s Ample Bosom, #Tiddy Fucking)
Kylux (E): Happy to Be Consumed (~4.5k, #PWP, #Bottom Kylo Ren)
Kylux (E): For a While (~4.5k, #PWP, #Power Bottom Hux)
Kylux (T): You’ll Love This Game (~4.3k, #Soft Kylux, #Winter Fun)
Kylux (E): A Comedian and a Life Guru Walk into a Bar (~8k, #Henry McHenry/Billy Johnson, #Crack Treated Seriously)
Kylux (T): Who’s the Fluffiest of Them All (~8k, #Cat Show in Space, #Cat Daddy Hux)
Kylux (E): Two Heads Are Better (~30k, #Venom AU, #Tentacle Sex)
Kylux (E): Suck Me Sideways (~9k, #Huxloween prompt: Vampire, #Humor)
Nabrielise (M): Ease My Mind (~3k, #Post-Canon, #Polyamory)
Kylux (E): How Deep Does the Water Go (~143k, #FBI Agent Armitage Hux, #Cyber Criminal Kylo Ren, #Independent Consultant Ben Solo, #Identity Porn, #Mutual Pining)
Kylux (T): His Milkshake (~2.3k, #Soft Kylux, #First Date)
Kylux (E): Save Me a Murder (~5k, Sam Fortner/Kylo Ren, #Hallucination, #Tiddy Fucking)
Moff Gideon/Brendol Hux (E): In the Light of Our Future Glory (~2k, #Porn Without Plot, #Crack Treated Seriously)
Kylux (M): The Strange Case of Dr. Writer and Mr. Artist (~26k, #Fandom AU, #Humor)
Kylux (E): New Things (~6.6k, #Henry McHenry/Paterson, #Questionable Comedy, #Questionable Poetry)
Kylux (T): A Miracle of the Third Kind (~3.5k, #Benarmie, #Modern AU, #Alien!Ben)
Kylux (T): My Next-Door Nightmare (~11.5k, #Modern AU, #Eldritch Horror!Kylo Ren)
Kylux (E): Ticklish (~5k, #Modern AU, #Nyavka!Kylo Ren)
Kylux (M):  Beyond the Edge of Your Known Universe (~9k, #Post-Canon, #Kidnapping)
Kylux (M): Flickering (~2.8k, #Mothman!Kylo Ren, #Anglerfish Merman!Hux)
Kylux (T): The Heart That Breaks Is the Heart That Lives (~10k, #Canon Retelling, #TRoS Fix-It)
Kylux (E): Who Prays, Who Sins (~3.8k, #Biblically Accurate Angel!Kylo, #Monsterfucking)
...make gifsets:
Loki — I’m Not Your Hero
Thor & Loki — Hey Brother
Steve/Bucky — Five Times and One
Gabrielise appreciation post
Gabriel appreciation post
...do meta:
MCU: Loki & BPD
MCU: Why I Do Not and Will Not Accept the Loki-Was-Mind-Controlled Retcon
MCU: Ready to Comply: The Google Translate Soldier
MCU: Natashlia Romanoffva: What's In a Name
The Devil All The Time and The God All Along
...sometimes craft:
MCU: Loki amigurumi
...flail about ficwriting and flail about fandom life in general.
I also, occasionally, write about mental health (as a patient, not a doctor):
On Kayaking and Mental Health
In this house we love Stucky, worship Loki, sail the little ship that is WinterFrost, scream about Evil Space Boyfriends, and like making friends. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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