#Fairy Tail Lily
Hello! I hope you're having a good day! Would you happen to have any Levy & Pantherlily headcanons?
I literally gush about the way Levy was hugging him during the gmg all the time. They are so underappreciated
Levy is the only person allowed to hold him
He even purrs when she pets him (Gajeel is violently jealous)
Lily is super protective over her. He's always by her side during battles and will kill someone if she asked
Levy really enjoys listening to him talk about his life in Edolas. Besides just genuinely enjoying learning about him, Levy is also a glutton for learning about the world as a whole
Levy reads to Lily during thunder storms. It really helps calm him down
Lily tends to get overwhelmed by all the noise of the guild and will often hide with Levy in the library
He trains with her often. Lily is really adamant that Levy gets physically stronger. Not because he thinks she's weak, but because he thinks she has a lot of potential and would love to see her kick Gajeel's ass
Lily knew Levy was pregnant before anyone else. Including Levy
You know how pets get pretty clingy towards pregnant people? Lily is the scariest version of that. Gajeel tried moving him to sleep next to Levy and almost lost his arm
Lily straight up body guards the room while Levy is giving birth. I'm talking full out pacing with his sword in the doorway
He tries to do the same when the babies are brought home but Levy settled him down and they compromised on him sleeping in the nursery
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fear/trauma headcanons because i want them to suffer
gray and juvia have violent flashbacks whenever they see collars like what invel used
gray is far more violent than juvia
gray is more likely to attack anyone who tries to help him viciously unless its juvia but then hed think she was like the ur that neinhart summoned and will be cautious to the point of weak attacks meant to keep her away
juvia will lash out wildly but eventually will curl into a ball (as a human or as water depends on if she could hear gray) and simply cry. rain is summoned
canonically gajeel views crucification as his worst memories. headcanonically he gets shaky and stuttery and he cant tell if its a panic attack or not but he doesnt really tell anyone bc he thinks he deserves it for what he did to levy jet and droy
natsu gets very anxious around any flame
when natsu was with igneel he would have a complete meltdown whenever he saw fire. made it very difficult to learn yknow fire dragon slaying magic.
after natsu got to fairy tail he was mostly fine with his own flames but like. macao. noooooooo. hell even the fireplace. noooooo no no nonononono
he never knew why until he got some memories unlocked during the alvarez shit. then he still had a fear of uncontrolled fire/his fire becoming uncontrollable
wendy will stay awake all night sometimes, trying to find/cast enchantments that will protect her mind and body from ever being taken over/altered ever again
erza used to get angry whenever she saw any chains. even the tiny ones for a necklace. she got angry to cover her fear of them. a pickaxe also gets her angry
levy will avoid going near long pieces of anything hard. shes scared shell trip and fall and impale herself on them. jet and droy used to be like that but after the 7 years they just became super careful around it
lucy is so close to making a deal with the celestial spirit king to allow gate keys of all kinds to be requip-ible. she doesnt care what the price is she just wants to make sure she will never lose her friends again. unless the price is losing a friend again in which case she might just murder the fucking king
after the last acnologia thing at least gray lucy and happy are afraid of literally Everything when someone's behind them. if the person laughs if they talk if they walk if they trip if they do nothing. they think theyre either being attacked or kidnapped or killed
laxus and erik (maybe sting and rogue too) are scared of lacrima
when the communication lacrima, the only one they ever bothered with, was big enough that youd have trouble carrying it with both hands, they were mostly okay. just had to have it across the room with no one else in the room
after the com lacrima became tiny phones they just. never use it. or if they are forced to then its as far from them as possible. they wont hold it. its great bc if the phone is close to their ear then its way too loud but its terrible bc they have to yell responses unless its another slayer
pantherlily will not go near laxus. if someones holding him and they go to walk past laxus he will get out of their hold and fly in a big circle around him before going back to the persons arms/shoulder/whatever. he knows logically that laxus wont summon thunder just bc lily got close but also big boom noise reminds him of far too many awful things from edolas
carla happy frosch and lector are also scared of thunder. all exceeds are. those four have just been on earth land long enough to know itll most likely be okay. happy has been near laxus enough to know hell just absorb it if it gets close to the guild
cana hates hospitals. even a medical area or something where the injured/sick rest. too many bad experiences there. too much death. it doesnt help that her fortune telling is itching to show how people will be affected by what ails them
all of the dragon slayers have a fear of abandonment. be it their first human families, the dragons (if applicable), the second families (again if applicable), the guilds, the exceeds (you get the gist), friends, whatever. they have been left too often to expect people to stay for any amount of time, but by the gods does it burn when anyone leaves even for a moment
mystogan and porlyusica feared an anima would drag them back to edolas every single fucking day.
now porlyusica fears it, even after they all reassured her mystogan took care of them all.
and mystogan fears that he didnt stop the animas, and hell suddenly have a lacrima of his family back on his doorstep
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swanjiwi · 4 months
I have negative things to say about fairy tail yes
I still like it tho
and it has Erza, and LevyxGajeel, and Lily, so...
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lazy-l · 4 months
Fairy Tail Young Blood AU Ages
Characters who went to Tenrou in the original timeline, but in this AU they are getting old because I say so
Wendy Marvell
Before = 11 // After = 18
I always thought that Wendy was 12 years old until the one-year time jump after the dissolution of Fairy Tail, and then she was 13 years old... No, she was 12 years old after the one-year time jump. Girl never grew up.
Panther Lily
Before = 15 // After = 22
Total age headcanon, but I like the idea of Lily being an older brother to Happy and Charles. Why 15 years old? He's old, but not that old.
And also, Exceed could have a different age to humans, like 30 years in Exceed age is just 15 years in normal age (another headcanon)
Lisanna Strauss
Before = 17 // After = 24
Siblings doomed by the narrative. Poor Mirajane and Elfman, they only had Lissana for a few weeks, and then it was their turn to disappear for 7 years, these siblings can have a break.
Before = 22 // After = 29
Friends doomed by the narrative. The reason he was left in the guild is that he went on a solo mission and didn't return in time.
In the next post, I will talk more about character dynamics and other things.
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doeinstinct · 1 month
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Gajeel- 'You're gonna be my cat!'
Pantherlily, pushing 40 with a mortgage-
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riveluart · 2 months
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Self appointed bodyguards
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floertoer · 3 months
I'm having so much fun with these
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squareksks · 1 month
FT Exceeds !!
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Been drawing so many FT human cast members, decided to shine some light on the ones who carry them 💪💪
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mainlysarcastic · 9 months
One of my favorite parts of Fairy Tail is when Gajeel realizes that Natsu and Wendy both have cats and he complains that he doesn’t have one
And I also love how he sees Panther Lily and is just like- that one, That one is my cat
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beargyufairy · 4 months
They look so good and just for an opening?!
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Every single character cooked!! Absolutely devoured their looks!!
And why is it that Natsu looks the best (in my opinion)?! I love how he’s just casually standing on the seat!! And the glasses with the suit ugh I love it
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cobrakiin · 3 months
lmao Cobra walked in the room and immediately got hit with the "he better not steal MY boyfriend 😡😡😡😡😡😡" thoughts
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my boi stepped in the room and just got CLOCKED in canon
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vaniliens · 4 months
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Divine Gate x Fairy Tail Units [FIRST HALF]
Units #303-329
[Second Half (Units #611-623)] [Bonus]
Reuploading because the ones in my old account were pretty bad in quality!!
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heartonxions · 2 months
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[technically a repost]
I don’t think I’ve ever posted the whole idol sg+honorary sg members drawings together, but i still am very proud of these :3
and a few months ago i even made the backs to the hypothetical idol photo cards bc ive always wanted to try and designing a logo for them but i can never get them right in my eyes !! (under the cut)
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mashimaarts · 9 months
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2013.07.11: 暑中見舞い。
Summer greeting card. (Google Translate)
(⬇️ after all the other tweets & their repetitive captions under the cut)
2013.07.15: 暑中見舞いシリーズはひとまずここまで。本誌の方がFT祭り中なので、さらに楽しんでもらおうと一週間連続シリーズでした。明日発売のマガジンも一挙3話!よろしくです。
That's all for now for the Hot Summer Festival [greeting] series. Since the magazine is currently in the midst of the FT Festival, this was a one-week series to make you enjoy it even more. Tomorrow's magazine will also have three episodes at once! Yoroshikudesu.* (DeepL Translate)
*it's been a pleasure/best regards/etc?
2013.07.12: 暑中見舞い2
Summer greeting card 2 (Google Translate)
2013.07.13: 暑中見舞い3
Summer greeting card 3 (Google Translate)
2013.07.14: 暑中見舞い4
Summer greeting card 4 (Google Translate)
2013.07.14: 暑中見舞い5
Summer greeting card 5 (Google Translate)
2013.07.15: 暑中見舞い6
Summer greeting card 6 (Google Translate)
2013.07.15: 暑中見舞い7
Summer greeting card 7 (Google Translate)
2013.07.17: 暑中見舞いラスト。
Summer greeting card last. (Google Translate)
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acnologias-ass · 9 months
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I was bored and decided to redraw an old picture of Levy 🥹💙
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