#Fabian seacaster i missed you so bad
roll-for-gaslight · 2 months
While I think Sklonda is right to be critical of the Bad Kids and specifically Kristen, I think that a lot of the reason she did so is that she was missing a lot of context the other parents were given. We see in Freshman Year that she’s often given the information about their quests from Riz, several hours after the fact, and he shares clues with her rather than personal things. He doesn’t think the personal bits are what she cares about because, for him, that’s not the problem being solved. He’s happy with his friends and she only really would hear if one of them caused a problem. Her apartment isn’t a hangout like Seacaster Manor, Mordred Manor, the Thistlespring Tree, or even Gilear’s season one apartment were. By the nature of her being a single working mother in a difficult financial situation, she often was left out of extracurricular activities.
For example, Mordred is obviously a place filled with a lot of activity, and plenty of kids to give updates on said activity if something slips through the cracks of someone’s retelling. If Adaine leaves out a personal moment because she’s focused on the case, Fig or Kristen or even Ragh could fill in that blank, plus the fact that the other BKs spend a lot of time there means that Sandralynn, Jawbone, and Lydia are usually getting every side of every story. The Thistlespring Tree is where the Bad Kids go not just because it’s a nice place to spend time, but because it’s often directly tied into a plot or subplot! The power source in season one, the satellite in season two, and Gorgug’s artificer journey + the whole Frosty Faire thing going on now! Besides that, the Thistlesprings have raised Gorgug in a way that encourages open channels of communication about his emotions above all else, so he tells them what’s going on! Fabian’s parents over at Seacaster Manor haven’t been involved so much this season, but Bill Seacaster saw their bond from the start and taught them how to take care of each other and fight as a group, and Gilear has always been heavily involved in their adventures because all of the BKs have been emotionally invested in him as well!
Aside from that, she’s missing the context of actually being able to attend their quests like some other parents/guardians were able to in Sophomore Year! Gilear and Cathilda and Sandralynn all know things like the fact that everyone was worried about Riz and called him their little angel when he was gone and that Kristen saved him almost at the expense of her own life in the Nightmare King’s forest. She never sees them together, the way they’ll risk everything for each other when the chips are down, the way they all show they care in little ways all the time ( like Fig giving him the card or Fabian’s gifts in Freshman Year). She doesn’t understand that while “the Ball” may have come from a bully on the first day of school, it turned into a term of endearment! She doesn’t see how hard they’ve been trying this year to pass their classes and such, not because it matters to them, but because they know it’s important to Riz. He never even explained the whole needing scholarships thing to them! He showed up with folders on the first day, stressed out of his mind about all of them passing together, and basically decided to get their shit together! Sure, it took Kristen and Fig a little while to do it, but that’s because they were struggling to build better habits!
I also understand how she could think Riz does all of the heavy lifting: when he presents the clues to her and he’s their lead investigator, do you think she assumed other people did the finding? Absolutely not! She doesn’t see the way they put things together by focusing on their individual strengths; she only sees Riz trying to put it all together and find the connections. Why would she know that a lot of the investigative work was done by Adaine and Kristen in sophomore year because so much of it had to do with religion? She wouldn’t!
All this to say: Sklonda is a good mom for checking in with Riz, but she also has a narrow view of things that no one else has. If she were to be exposed to the BKs more often and actually pay attention to how things work between them, I think she would be much more understanding.
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ratgrinders · 1 month
Every Rat Grinders/Bad Kids Interaction
Alright, here’s a compilation of every single Rat Grinder/Bad Kid interaction so far this season, mostly made for my own reference. This only includes meetings the characters have directly, either via magical/technological means, talking, or seeing the character face-to-face. This doesn’t include times information about the Rat Grinders was revealed without the Rat Grinders themselves being present, such as times the Bad Kids only mentioned the Rat Grinders in passing. Under the cut, because its LONG.
Episode 3: Not All Who Wanda Are Lost
The Bad Kids meet Kipperlilly in the morning, signing up for class president, where she reveals she had passed rogue classes for the year and that her platform is based on fairness.
She points out Ruben across the courtyard where he is getting swarmed for autographs.
Fig goes to bard class disguised as her new emo girl persona “Wanda Childa”, pretending to have a crush on him. After she gets kicked out of class she comes back in later through the window, this time not disguised. Ruben sneers at her, then when Fig sees he has a call from Lola Embers he says “I have to answer that later.”
Episode 4: Under Pressure
Fabian gets a Nat 20 to search for Kipperlilly in the cafeteria and while he doesn’t see her, gets a “twinge of some kind of sense”.
Mary Ann tries out for the Owlbears, seeming nonplussed. She absolutely demolishes Gorgug with a tackle, made possible through some sort of enchantment magic. She makes the team and leaves unceremoniously, uninterested in hanging out with them further.
Episode 6: Party Politics
Oisin, Ivy, and Buddy are all seen at the party at Seacaster Manor (Kipperlilly is not seen, but the Bad Kids discuss the possibility that she was there, just invisible).
Buddy is off to the side of the party with a cup full of water, “positive but deeply judgmental”. The Bad Kids approach and talk about how Fabian’s father is in hell now, how Kristin was the chosen of Helio and defected, and how Buddy feels about the rest of his adventuring party.
Oisin and Ivy are playing beer pong at a table when Adaine walks up and talks to him, with Ivy occasionally interjecting. They discuss how they shared a glyphs class in Freshman year, how he got buff over the summer and that’s why no one recognizes him, how his family is rich and he could provide her with money if she needed it, and how his tattoos function as a conjuration aid. After Adaine leaves, Oisin misses every single shot, which Ivy makes fun of him for (later revealed to be a calculated ploy, as seen in episode 17).
Ivy calls out to Fabian razzing him about his ping-pong table, and when he says “fuck you” and she responds “is that a threat?”, he runs away.
Fig disguises herself as Lucy Frostblade and hides a distance away, catching the attention of Ivy (but not Oisin). Ivy seems surprised and makes a hand motion asking if they should meet, but when Ivy excuses herself and starts to come over Fig runs off and skateboards away.
Ivy comes up to Fabian’s room where the Bad Kids are investigating, and when Fabian lies about doing snuff asks if there’s any for her. She also asks about Fig’s fishnets and if she skateboards. When Mazey comes up and asks if they should play Twister, Ivy insults her and Mazey looks crestfallen. Fig offers to play Twister with Mazey which intimidates Ivy into silence, while Fabian stays with Ivy and blows off Mazey. While everyone else is downstairs playing Twister Kristin stays in the room with Fabian and Ivy third-wheeling, until Oisin comes up to the room and says that he and Ivy have to go.
Episode 7: Stress Tested
Kipperlilly has hired a bunch of food trucks for her campaign and is giving out food at lunch in the courtyard. She’s standing on a platform with Mary Ann next to her handing out flyers. The Bad Kids walk up and talk to her, with Kristin wearing a salsa hat that Kipperlilly is unimpressed by. Kipperlilly says that she wasn’t at the Bad Kids’ party because she was studying, and when Kristin asks why she was studying since the rogue teacher found her and she passed all her classes, Kipperlilly just stares at her in silence. When Kristin mentions her goddess died, Kipperlilly responds really loudly “how can you cast spells?” in an attempt to discredit her, and the other Bad Kids jump in to cast a bunch of spells on Kristin and counteract this.
Fabian clumsily reaches out to Ivy at school and Ivy is snarky and cold to him, saying “You missed your shot, Playboy” since she knew Fabian has been recently hanging out with Mazey. 
Episode 8: Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival
Ruben is performing at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival, with the other Rat Grinders conspicuously absent.
Ruben disguises himself as an old man in an attempt to get the Bad Kids to do drugs, but is caught. He then leaves to go do his set with his band, “My Clerical Gnomance”. As he is playing however, he is interrupted by Principal Grix showing up and casting disintegrate on him. Ruben continues to play while the Bad Kids fight Principal Grix, giving out bardic inspirations to the Bad Kids, and especially to Wanda Childa who he sees in the crowd. He’s written a song just for Wanda and dedicates it to her in the crowd.
Episode 9: Vulture Clash 
When the Bad Kids come out of the Vulture Dimension Ruben is being kept in a hold person spell by Principal Grix, poised to strum down on his guitar for an incredible piece of bard magic. When the Bad Kids break hold person Ruben strums and gives everyone a bardic inspiration. Fabian jumps up on stage and says “I’m actually a huge fan” before leaping off and destroying Grix.
Fig as Wanda Childa begins to leave in a minor illusion bus, and Ruben frantically runs after her. After this, he is nowhere to be seen at the festival.
The Bad Kids discover the body of Lucy Frostblade near Lake Shimmerstone, with a rune in her chest preventing her from being resurrected. Kristin uses her clerical magic to free her from being trapped in the cursed domain of this deity, and Lucy and Yolanda hold hands as they move on to the domain of Cassandra.
Episode 10: Cursed Out
All of the Rat Grinders are seen at the school assembly talking about the death of Yolanda and how all clerics will be moved to pass/fail. Most are unconcerned and/or bored.
Fig disguised as Wanda Childa catches Ruben on a bus, where she talks to him about a true crime podcast that’s discussing the death of Lucy Frostblade. Ruben really wants to see this podcast and Fig asks for Ruben’s email address so she can email him the podcast using a burner email. Ruben says he has to leave because he’s getting mobbed for autographs even though he and Wanda are the only people on the bus, and Fig dimension doors away. 
Kristin talks to Buddy in the hall about the recent pass/fail news for cleric class and about how chill Buddy is, that he leaves the wrath to Sol. Buddy is concerned about Kristin’s brother Bucky being led away from Helio like she was. He says his grandfather Bobby can come and teach the cleric class so they don’t move to pass/fail. Kristin leaves to go check on her brother and gets protective when Buddy says he can do that if she can’t. Buddy needles her about her dead god, and Kristin responds that she’s coming back for the second time, and Helio only came back once.
Episode 11: A Very Merry Moonar Yulenear
Fig enters Ruben’s dream disguised as Kipperlilly, shaping the environment to look like the crime scene of Lucy Frostblade, and says to him “you need to take the fall for this”. Adaine appears ethereally next to her as the Elven Oracle. After Fig says this, Ruben puts a hand to his mouth and from between his fingers what’s described as blood is squeezing out.
Episode 14: Dawn of Justice
In the cafeteria while Kipperlilly is doing a campaign presentation chants in support of Kristin break out. Kipperlilly walks by the Bad Kids’ table to confront them, and when Kristin needles her about devil’s honey Kipperlilly breaks composure and insults her, “It's really nice how charmed everyone is, by how little you fucking care.” A fight almost breaks out with Fig, Fabian, and Gorgug squaring up while Ivy and Oisin try to calm them down. Riz hisses and Mary Ann comments on it, Fig messages her that she could do better and Mary Ann doesn’t know what she means. She asks Gorgug if he has mango soda and Gorgug gets mad. Buddy tries to calm them down and that they should walk in the light of Helio and Kristin says “he’s almost right”. Kristin tries to give Mary Ann a stuffed squishmallow, but Mary Ann already has that one and that she’ll donate it. Adaine says she thought the wizard was cool, and gets a Message from Oisin just saying “sorry”, and the Rat Grinders leave.
Buddy is the student volunteer proctor for the Bad Kids’ Last Standard Exam, set to revive them if any of them die. The Rat Grinders protest saying he’s biased, but the proctor doesn’t budge saying that Buddy has sworn an oath that will strip him of his connection to Helio should he refuse to revive them.
Episode 15: The Last Stand
Kristin is teleported up on the ledge next to Buddy thanks to Adaine’s Scatter spell. Buddy turns to her and says “This is remarkable”. When Kristin eats the Eye of the Vulture King and is granted True Sight, Buddy asks “Everything all right?”, and behind him, aiming a crossbow at the proctor, is Kipperlilly. Kipperlilly sees that she’s been caught, smiles, and slits Buddy’s throat before being teleported away by Oisin. 
Episode 16: Untapped Rage
10 minutes after the Bad Kids leave the Last Stand, Buddy is approached by a 15 foot tall figure who violently revives Buddy back to life with a red gem in his chest, with Buddy saying he worships a nameless god of rage now. Then both Buddy and the figure vanish.
Episode 17: The Name 
Fig tries to enter Ruben’s dream but cannot interact with him directly, though she does see his house and feels that his dream is violent and enraged, but also scared. She also sees a version of Ruben, before his shift to an emo aesthetic, walking scared into the Far Haven Woods.
Fig, disguised as Wanda, goes to Ruben’s house and knocks on the door. She doesn’t get a response but a window opens, though it is unclear who is in the window. Fig as Wanda gets shot with a crossbow by Fabian and Kristin Two in the bushes and pretends to be dead, and after some time passes Gorgug with Enlarge cast on him retrieves her body.
Fig goes to Porter’s office and attempts to give him a fake version of the dead god’s name, with Riz, Adaine, and Gorgug hiding nearby. Through a combination of Riz’s blindsense and Adaine’s detect thoughts, it is revealed an invisible Kipperlilly had been hiding invisible on the lockers the whole time, the same way Riz was hiding.
At Fabian’s birthday/election party, just as his home and everyone in it are lifted into the sky thanks to a cloud rider engine, Oisin telepathically messages Adaine to say “You didn’t see the storm coming? Must not be a very good oracle”.
Episode 18: Rock the Boat
Oisin is heard in the distance chanting in another language, and soon after multiple dragons begin encircling Seacaster Manor, currently aloft in the clouds.
Oisin's dragon ancestor shows up, with Kipperlilly, Oisin, and Jace Stardiamond on her back. All are invisible, but are seen by Adaine and Gorgug thanks to their See Invisibility and True Seeing respectively. Both Oisin and Jace cast a spell, Gorgug makes two wisdom saving throws, and then Kipperlilly breaks a Rune of Recall teleporting all three of them away.
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taintedges · 14 days
*tiny little polished shoes running across igneous rock* inkblade headcanons perchance?
You can’t just say perchance!
However, I am absolutely honored to be asked. All takes place after junior year.
This one, I thought of after the little epilogue they had. With them hinting that Adaine and Aelwyn will hunt their mother down maybe during summer break, they will probably need a little party of their own to do that.
So the rest of the bad kids are busy. Kristen and her four-god pantheon, Riz trying and failing to de-stress, Fig’s podcast with Sandra Lynn ep. 69, Fabian buffing up to welcome his new sibling, Gorgug probably busy in his new bench with Mary Ann. And going back to the forest of Sylvaire is certainly going to be difficult for just two wizards.
Jawbone trying to both be a helpful parent and school counselor, suggests they bring trg or now high five heroes(?), let's face it they need some practical applications outside school.
Adaine absolutely hates this idea and does not think another wizard would be useful (she strongly emphasizes that Oisin should be excluded)
Aelwyn provides her own sassy remarks but surprisingly becomes the mediator when an argument happens, which is often.. usually when Oisin tries to refine parts of the plan and puts forward his many “better” ideas which, of course, he has.
And even when Adaine admits to herself that his plan makes more sense she doesn’t ever give up an argument. At first, Oisin doesn’t reciprocate but his cattiness comes out and the whole thing just escalates.
During travel when the silence is too awkward, Oisin will start talking about a book he really likes, and Adaine just roasts his taste even though she probably thinks the opposite.
They may have saved each other from dying multiple times in combat and will awkwardly say thank you after.
There are times when the forest gets too dark and Adaine remembers the last time she was there and how scary it was to face her fears alone. She often wonders if it was the same when Oisin died before getting forced with a rage star in him.
Sometimes they stay up talking at night when she can’t trance and finds him the only one still awake.
When they start to become familiar with each other’s magic, they become totally in sync during a battle (the rest of the group pretends not to notice how good they work together).
Sometimes Oisin wonders how Adaine would know something about his magic that he didn’t talk about (in my head, when tbk snooped around Ruben’s house and Adaine was in his wizard’s tower, I think she studied everything she found and probably took some of his stuff too, perhaps his quill and Oisin certainly notice it missing and wonders how it got into Adaine’s backpack. He doesn’t take the quill back after seeing that Adaine likes using it.)
Adaine also would threaten Oisin to teach her how he created the spells inside ping pong balls all while making remarks about what he did.
Oisin carries Boggy around when the familiar doesn’t immediately follow Adaine. Adaine just assumes Boggy always follows her and Oisin secretly likes stealing Boggy, who is just happy to be here because he now has two parents.
I think Oisin’s crush on Adaine dissipates and only comes back 10x harder at the end of their quest when he sees how capable she is.
Here’s a fun one. Coming back after their adventure, a party at Seacaster Manor in anticipation for senior year.
Adaine gets drunk on bad baby milk and insists on playing beer pong with Oisin.
Ivy is teasing because Oisin actually cannot make a shot (for real, not on purpose).
The drunker Adaine gets the more careless she becomes and hurls the ping pong ball at Oisin and boy do they hurt.
Bickering starts and tbk and trg are no help until Ragh intervenes and puts them on time-out upstairs. Bad idea.
Probably for the first time, Adaine admits that she thought he was cute and bluntly asks him if it was all a ruse to undermine her party and WHY HE MESSAGED HER SORRY AT THE CAFETERIA he could have just not said anything and left her alone.
Oisin does admit that he did like her then and he still likes her now, but the rest of senior year is just Oisin groveling.
Adaine has many times placed ping pong balls with spells written in them in his locker so that when he opens it, his things just fly out and he has to clean it up (I rewatched the scene and Adaine’s really disappointed expression tells me she will not let this go). trg finds this absolutely hilarious and are the ones who kept telling her his locker combinations.
Oisin continues therapy sessions with Jawbone and they find each other there after school.
One time Adaine accidentally left Boggy in Jawbone’s office so Oisin comes to her after to return him.
And every single time after that, Adaine just leaves Boggy on purpose. Jawbone notices (because Boggy just stares at him with his big round eyes. Boggy knows what to do even when Adaine doesn't tell him) but doesn’t say a thing.
One time, tbk are outside on one of the benches when Oisin comes to return Boggy, Kristen’s like, "What’s going on are you co-parenting?"
There’s no formal conversation, just a mutual understanding that Adaine isn’t angry anymore and trusts Oisin to always bring Boggy back.
Do they talk during these interactions? Not at first. But after it became a routine, now they hang out in the library, in Mordred Manor, and of course at Basrar’s.
Some days, Adaine doesn’t leave Boggy at all and Oisin just knows to find her at the end of the day.
This might have been too long.
I cannot write romance for the life of me but I try. Perchance these would suffice because this is a crisis and we are in drought!
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honestly qpr bad kids polycule is so fun. Smooch the homies. Adaine is dating Fabian, who is dating gorgug, and Kristen, who with gorgug are both dating fig. Riz isn’t dating anyone but he gets to sleep in the Alaska king bed too
This is how it all starts, post Freshman Year:
- Fig kisses Gorgug on Tour: His lips tingle for days where her enthusiasm pressed against him in the heat of the moment, and she forgets in the chaos afterwards and he never says anything, but can’t stop touching his lips every now and then
- (Fig remembers.)
- [[At the end of the summer, Zelda holds his hand softly, smiling sadly, and says that she needs time to figure herself out before they can truly be together. But they hang out a lot during the school year, one of the 7 maidens always dragging their feet behind Z, the two rolling their eyes at Gorgug’s moony eyes, and the utter obliviousness of the Bad Kids]]
- ((Until Penny catches Adaine and Fabian making out in a hallway and thinks there’s finally been a breakthrough))
- ((,, that blows up weeks later))
- Fabian and Adaine first kiss over the summer after Freshman year, and agree to never talk about it again (though it happens 3 more times over sophomore year)
- First: Fabian, Adaine, and Riz are gathered at his office to discuss the events of Freshman year, Riz is caught up in his board as always, and the argument between Fabian and Adaine devolves until finally (and neither knows who initiated) they’re furiously kissing- more like a battle than a sign of affection. Neither wins. They break away sharply, Adaine wiping her mouth before making a frivolous excuse and escaping. In the aftermath, Fabian smoothing out his shirt, he’s grateful that Riz was preoccupied and missed the last minute of confrontation
- (He hadn’t. Riz saw, a swooping feeling in his stomach, like falling off a cliff)
2. Less than a month into sophomore year, Fabian presses Adaine against a wall in an abandoned corridor, baiting her until she bucks against him, biting his lips more than kissing them
3. Fabian kisses her on the way to practice. She’s pouring over books in the library, and barely looks up as they turn to leave. Rolling his eyes, Fabian bend down and presses a kiss against her cheek. She swats at him immediately and he trots off, laughing. “I’ll curse you, Seacaster!” She yells after him
4. Everyone’s over at Fabian’s, and him and Adaine are alone in the yard. He says something dumb, she rolls her eyes, and he presses a thumb against her lips before leaning in. Just as their lips touch, Gorgug opens the door and calls out to them
- (He saw, and he’s worried. The two fight like cats and dogs.)
5. She’s studying in the Library when Fig and Fabian come to harass her. They tell her she’s taking this too seriously and she snaps and says they’re not taking it seriously enough. When she storms out, Fabian follows, pulling gently on her arm and trying to tuck her into an embrace. As his lips brush against the curve of her ear, Adaine pulls away and sneers at him. “I won’t be a standin for my sister again”
- (They don’t talk for awhile.)
- Adaine barges into Kristen and Trackers room later that day to ask K about something, interrupting something intimate, and just loses it. Kristen immediately runs after her and Tracker knows
- Adaine is a mess™️ but Fig and Kristen make sure to pull her out of her over-studying-self-harm sessions and the three of them hangout a lot more. One day they’re busy and shove her at Gorgug- who ends up being incredibly soothing to Adaine’s nerves so they start hanging out a lot. She comes over and studies at the Thistlespring tree. His parents love her
- Gorgug is in love with Fig. Still hung up a bit on Zelda, but he’s starting to see why they broke up (why are all his friends in love with each other and why is he the only one to see it). He doesn’t feel that way about Adaine. It’s different with her. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her into his side one night, when she starts sniffling after bringing up her family, and he knows he loves her, but he’ll never be in love with her. But that’s okay, because this is great too.
- With the girls busy and Gorgug blowing him off a lot of times at/after practice, Fabian starts hanging out with Riz more
- (Gorgug is rage. And he tries not to be, especially to his friends. So he avoids Fabian for a bit, until he can have a conversation with him without spitting at him that he is hurting Adaine constantly)
- (Fabian is hurt too. He thought him and Adaine were getting closer, he doesn’t understand what went wrong, why she’s so mad. So he starts bringing up Aelwyn again. It doesn’t make him feel better)
- Riz is,, not thrilled. (he doesn’t want to be a replacement) but he likes hanging out with Fabian. It takes time away from the mystery, but they go out and get shakes at Basrar’s and mini golf. And it’s so nice (too bad he doesn’t want you that way)
- A week before spring break Fabian jokes about getting his kisses in and Riz slams a book way too hard onto a desk
- Fabian dreams about his friends, in a circle, passing a bottle of elvish wine around a fire. In it, Adaine licks the wine from his lips before leaning to settle in against Gorgug, Kristen and Fig are wrapped together in a blanket, with Fig holding Gorgug’s hand, and Riz is leaning his head against his shoulder, and as Fabian leans down to kiss his forehead- he wakes up
Spring Break Happens. It changes everything and nothing at all (they spend way too much time being messy and misunderstanding each other, but it works out eventually)
I could keep going but I shouldn’t this is already so long lmao, canon-compliant except for Zelda and Gorgug but I could easily adjust that for a long term realization on Zelda’s part over Sophomore year / explains her jealousy yk, and then this doesn’t account for junior year much but it easily could be extended, esp bc they’re on the road so long for the night yorb… the drama continues
To recap:
Fabian is dating Riz and is also with Adaine
Adaine is queerplatonic with Gorgug, has her thing with Fabian, also has a hard-to-explain thing with Kristen
Kristen is with Tracker- who’s cool with the poly stuff (obvi they break up junior year tho so readjust that), Adaine, and Fig (esp with their connection junior year, it’s almost like soulmates who’re dating and primarily with other people)
Fig has Ayda, her and Gorgug do eventually figure it out, and Kristen (Ayda thinks it’s only fitting her paramour is with the greatest wizard of this age and someone who is the cool twilight to Fig’s burning day- if only she knew how right she was)
Gorgug’s with Fig and queerplatonic with Adaine, and knows he’ll find another partner comfortably in the future
Riz is dating Fabian, and that’s all for now and that’s okay (in another version of this him and Gorgug are together as well but that’s not what I envision. Though… hmm)
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fillingthescrapbook · 4 months
Let's Talk About: Fantasy High Junior Year and Not All Who Wanda Are Lost
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This is the first time I'm watching a Fantasy High season as it airs, instead of binging it--and I hate it! I am itching to see what happens next. Itching. Like I can't focus on anything else without having that itch scratched.
Also: two things right off the bat:
One. The bitch is back. This is not a drill. THE BITCH IS BACK.
Okay, now that I've calmed down somewhat. The episode is also a bit of a breather after the high-octane and high-emotions of the first two episodes. We do get some answers to some questions, like: yeah, Gorgug and Zelda are indeed broken up. Cathilda is at Leviathan, which is why Fabian is all alone at the Seacaster Manor.
And, yes, the projections are very much alive. Which I love.
There's an energy surrounding the Intrepid Heroes that really makes their seasons engaging even when their characters are doing bits I don't agree with. I guess because we've seen them play the most in Dimension 20, we trust that we know where they are going. And that's really the main part of why their seasons work, isn't it? We trust them. Even when they make mistakes or flub a deception that Brennan can then use against them, we trust that they mean well. That they have a story to tell.
That's one of the reasons why I've held on judgment with what seemed to be a repeating storyline for Kristen in the first two episodes. Now that we've seen the third episode, it does make sense for Kristen to enter a cycle. It does make sense for her to treat Cassandra the way she treated YES!. And, of course, Brennan is going to use this to fuck with the Bad Kids.
And Brennan is setting up so many villains, and maybe some red herrings… But it's hard not to panic. It's hard not to go into a worry. Because, yeah, I am going into a worry.
I guess, though, this season's biggest villain is real life. Not real-real life. But real life for our bad kids. Reality isn't cut-and-dry. We don't defeat monsters and then get to live happily ever after. Because life continues. And consequences matter. So of course Gorgug doesn't get an approval to multi-class as an artificer. Because of course it doesn't make sense.
We got a taste of the financial villainy last episode when Sklonda and Riz discussed how good grades might not be enough for him to get into a good college. And now Adaine is facing the reality of what being a wizard with no rich parents means. While, on the opposite side of the spectrum, Fabian is realizing how having money might get you perks but it still doesn't shield you from getting bombarded with other problems.
And then there's Fig. Our beloved wild child whose past actions are now, quite literally, chasing after her. And the poetry of Ally setting up a Hilda Hilda callback just as Brennan reveals an investigation about a missing person's case at 22 Hilda Boulevard.
If you're reading up to here, you probably understand my reason for hating having to watch an episode at a time, right? Because I am itching to find out what happens next. For each Bad Kid.
Especially after that revelation in the end.
One last thing: I laughed way too much at Riz using the term "constituents" when referring to the student body of Aguefort Academy.
Also: is Brennan intentionally letting the Intrepid Heroes go off tangent so he could get his almonds in?
I guess that's last two things. Oops.
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revivif-y · 2 months
Also posted on ao3.
Fabian doesn’t know when it started to hurt.
It’s the little things, you know? The stupid things that feel like nothing to everyone else but feels like iron weights to him. Things like Sklonda mussing up Riz’s hair with a grin, the proud look in Sandra Lynn’s eyes when she looks at Fig, the way Gilear worries and worries and worries and the way Jawbone hugs Adaine.
It feels scalding to look at, sometimes. Boiling hot water poured down his throat that he’s forced to swallow down. There’s a deep, roiling shame that reverberates through him in these moments– a feeling that cooks him alive and leaves him thrashing for escape. He can’t stomach it, can’t swallow back the acid and the jealousy and the jagged bitterness that threatens to cut through.
He reigns it in, best as he can– averts his eyes when Ragh and Lydia share a look, focuses hard on his breathing when Gorthalax says “That’s my girl!”
He digs his nails into his palms when the Thistlesprings fuss over Gorgug, tries his damndest not to stare when they pull out bandages for his scrapes after practice. He leaves, mentally, checking out every time because the affection feels like thorns, gnarled and tearing at him if he thinks about it for too long. 
(Because he wants it. He wants it so, so bad that the absence feels like it’s eating him alive. Chunks of flesh torn away as his bones flake and crumble, a void where his chest should be.)
(It doesn’t hurt, most days.)
(But other times it’s all he can feel.)
Fabian breaks, sometimes. Only sometimes, not all the time– only when he’s fallen far enough that he thinks he can change anything.
When Fabian breaks, (chest heaving with stuttering breaths, palms clammy and his mind swimming) he calls people. A truly pathetic display he’s glad only he can witness.
Calling his Mama is one thing: Fabian lets it ring, feels the droning ringtone vibrate in the air, the sound measured as he dry heaves in his room. Calls once, then twice, then three times. Over and over until the sound lulls him to sleep or he’s worked up enough that this makes him shatter his phone against a wall.
She always apologizes for missing them, after. There’s always something– another stroke of good luck for Gilear, she was asleep, she was partying, she was sunbathing, she was drunk– always, always something, but when he checks her Crystalgram it says she posted it while he called and that. That.
It breaks him. Chips away at him further, shards shattering into splinters pulverized into dust. It shatters him, eats at him, rends him limb from limb as he screams in his empty manor and wonders why.
He thinks of calling his Papa, sometimes. At his lowest, at his darkest and most wretched. He thinks of broadcasting his misery onto all of Hell for even the slightest chance that he will answer– that Bill Seacaster will race to his voice like a beacon and tell his son that everything will be okay. That there is nothing wrong with him and that he loves him and that he is never, ever alone.
…It’ll never happen, though. Contrary to popular belief, Fabian knows how to be realistic.
(His Papa loves him. He does. Fabian knows he does.)
(Just not that much.)
He tries not to put too much stock into these one-sided calls– tells himself that no parent would drop everything for their kids, would come running if they called, kill the Devil just to return home. No parent would do that, it’s unrealistic and certainly not for someone his age.
He’s the man of the house. He’s the man of the house.
(“I told my dad about you guys,” Riz told them, once, his voice soft yet so happy. “He said he listens, you know, every time I go to his grave and talk. I only really tell him the cool shit, but…”)
(Riz grins, wide and toothy.)
(“He told me to tell him about the mundane, too.”)
It takes a few seconds for Fabian to realize that the wheezing, ragged breaths in the room are coming from him.
The thing is. The thing is.
The thing is that Fabian doesn’t know what’s wrong with him.
Harsh, ragged crying spills past his lips, spikes of pain blooming from his palms. They’re reddened and his nails are bloody but he doesn’t care– Fabian rips off his eyepatch, stares at scarred skin and an empty eye socket and cries.
The noise he makes is broken, almost animalistic as silver hair covers his face, sticking to his skin. He feels like a wound, oozing and raw and searing with pain. He feels broken. He feels like something unworthy of love, the kind that stays hidden in the basement because the rot of him is too ghastly to stomach.
Questions rattle and whirl around in his head– a hurricane of sinking ships and splintering wood, blood pooling in the waters.
Questions like why and why not and why can’t I have that. Questions like is it me, is there something wrong with me, is it something I’ve done wrong. Questions become statements become I would change myself if I could. I would mold myself into what you wanted if I could. Teach me how teach me how teach me how teach me how.
I would if I could and I want to be loved. I want to be loved and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I wish that I did because then I could fix it and I’ll be worthy I’ll be loved and I’ll be wanted.
There are sharks under the water in his mind, sharp teeth and smelling blood as Fabian bleeds, bleeds, and bleeds.
Why don’t you want me? He wants to scream. At the grey, thundering skies, at the endless, unfeeling torrent of rain. He thinks of his Father, battling devils in the fiery realm of Hell. He thinks of his Mother, lounging in the sun and giggly with wine, relaxed and happier while Fabian’s at home. He thinks of them, and he thinks of Sklonda, of Gorthalax, of Sandra Lynn and Gilear and Jawbone and Lydia and all the others that love their children like they’re gifts and not a curse. 
He thinks of the way his Mama looks at him and his chest rips wide open as the sharks rip and tear at his flesh. He thinks of how far away her love feels and how he misses his Papa and he’s drowning, drowning, drowning.
Fabian wakes up. He looks like a wreck.
He pushes himself to his feet. His palms sting, his throat dry and raspy.
It’s just another bad day, Fabian tells himself, dull-eyed as he drinks mouthfuls of water, wiping at his lip. It’s just another bad day.
Fabian wakes up, just as alone as when he passed out.
…It’s okay. It’s okay.
(That’s the only thing it can be.)
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jq37 · 2 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 12/13 A Moonar Yulenear Miracle
Welcome back to Fantasy High where last week, I was MIA because I was on a girls trip–a reason I think the Bad Kids would very much approve of. 
Luckily, we can easily gloss over what we missed in a quick series of bullet points because, while it was an absolute banger of an episode (eat your dice Brennan!), it was fairly straightforward plotwise:
The Bad Kids were dropped into a creepy, dreamlike version of Mordred Manor which was created by a semi corrupted Cassandra who was trying to create a safe place for the Bad Kids to escape but having her intentions warped.
The Bad Kids did a fetch quest, fighting monsters and dodging Baron while they found the pieces of the pride armor curse. Once they got them together, they had a hefty piece of free infernal magic that Adaine could use as a spell component for a major thing–maybe even freeing Lydia from Bakur.
Cassandra assured Kristen that as long as Kristen is alive and believes in the Cass version of her, she can’t be fully corrupted (which is seemingly what Baron was trying to do–kill Kristen so Cass could comeback as his “stark father” the Nightmare King)
Cass also sent Kristen images of her wedding–where she got Kalina as a kitten as a present. Kalina once again reiterated that Ragh is the only name she can say before breaking her own neck so she wouldn't attack Kristen. 
Got it? Good. We reconvene with the Bad Kids as they’re escaping this briefcase dimension and all of their loved ones are calling out for them, but they all decide to take a brief detour to hell to get some answers about the pride armor first–just what every parent wants for their kids! Adaine stores the infernal energy in the Sword of Sight and Planeshifts everyone to hell.
They pop into Fig’s Hellish Recording Studio and slurp down some boiling hot grapefruit seltzers before recruiting Baby to help them find the research books they need. Baby trashed them all and, unfortunately, it’s trash day so they all have to book it as the dump truck ambles towards the dumpster. It looks like it’s gonna be a close call but then–BLAM! The dump truck is vaporized by a plume of fire from the Goldenhoard! Yup, Bill Seacaster is here and he’s tattooing one of those cheesy bumper stickers onto his ship's ass: My son is a Maximum Legend at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. He got Fabian’s message after all! 
Father and son are delighted to see one another but there’s still a lot of research to do so Kristen goes dumpster diving for books. She gets a 25 Religion and then a 20 (not nat) History while Adaine gets a 22 History and Riz gets a 27. Here’s what they collectively learn about the armor they came to research:
The sin armors were collected by Gorthalax as trophies for his hall.
Each was created by a different infernal deity to punish a mortal for the associated sin.
The armor of Pride was created to punish an elf named Athrenriel.
The Armor allowed him to win tons of battles but every battle ruined his reputation and the happiness of his family.
Eventually someone gave away the armor (maybe directly to Gorthalax, it’s unclear) but that caused the curse to move to the bloodline of the family itself and it’s been passed down patrilineally since.
The curse is known as the “curse of humiliation” and it usually affects the oldest boy in the family once their dad passes–which is why Gilear was a stud as a younger man and then he morphed into the yogurt man we all know and love. 
The best that they can tell, some combination of Gilear putting the armor back on and Fig calling for the power in the Night Yorb fight/being an archdevil had some weird magical effect that pulled the curse back onto the bloodline and got her involved despite her not being blood related to Gilear. 
This is just my interpretation but what makes the most sense to me is that because the armor was meant to help you win battles at the expense of your family’s rep, once Gilear put on the armor and rebooted the curse to its default state, he got really lucky and Fig, as his family, suffered for it. 
Anyway, the party catches up Bill on the whole Kipperlily situation (he thinks Kristen should just kill her and Kristen isn’t NOT thinking about it), the shrimp jump, and the Cloud Rider (which he doesn’t know much about but he does use it as an opportunity to teach Fabian a fun way to threaten his banker). He also gives them all guns–much to Adaine’s delight.
Fig remembers that she has to figure out her pact and asks Bill, a Warlock patron himself, for help with that. He’s happy to help her cheat at school and for 40 gp (borrowed from Fabian of course) writes her an agreement on the back of one of his crewmembers and flays it off (nobody liked that). Somehow, I don’t think Zara–who wouldn’t even let her be a Warlock of Cassandra because that didn’t feel right–is gonna let this slide but hey, it’s not my grade in jeopardy here. 
On Kristen’s suggestion, Fabian also gets a touchup on his Maximum Legend neck tattoo. He barely manages to stay conscious (truly so barely–Riz is so anxious about Bill using a dragon-sized tattoo gun on him that he gives Fabian disadvantage while trying to be supportive) but with the help of his friends he succeeds and, for his troubles, he now has a gold tattoo that allows him to safely handled cursed gold–no more dragon madness for him!
That super important business out of the way, the group splits up. Fabian and Gorgug stay with Bill so Bill can prove a point about the wisdom of buttering up ramps (just go with it) while everyone else goes further into the Bottomless Pit to continue investigating the armors of sin–this time in person. There are high rolls all around so here are the highlights again:
The Armor of Pride looks elven in design but it also feels fundamentally infernal. Riz wonders if that means it’s something maybe summer Eladrin related and Brennan says that would check out.  
The other armors don’t really feel seasonal in any way (the Lust armor is a full Gimp suit lol).
When Riz turns on Detect Good and Evil, he can see the weird rune from the dead bodies on the Pride Armor which now also pings as the word Anakarna. It’s the arcane mark on the armor which means that Ankarna is the one who made this armor. 
As he does this scan, he gets a call on his Spy Kids watch–it’s his dad! Just like Fabian, he’s super thrilled but he tries to keep it profesh. His dad (Pok Gukgak, secret agent angel) is understandably concerned that his son is randomly in hell as well as the fact that a god whose name hasn’t been said in a thousand years just had their name pinged by angelic spy tech (the necktie Riz used to cast the spell–all info gets routed back to the home office in heaven). Riz explains everything and his dad offers to help if there’s anything they want him to look up. They ask him to look up Athenriel and Ankarana and Pok is able to do that because he’s freed from the bonds of Oblivati Mori since they found the name themselves. So that’s a new fact we just learned: O.M. applies to celestial and infernal agents too, not just gods themselves. With Pok no longer bound by celestial silence, we get a bunch of info about Athenriel:
He wasn’t a follower of Ankarna as far as they know.
He’s older than the Court of Stars (the government of Falinel).
He’s not in any of the heavens they know of.
He was a druid and built many of the standing stones in Falinel (very probably including  the one they triggered two episodes ago. 
Gilear is related to him patrilineally. 
They also tell Pok about Kalina and Spy’s Tongue Curse and Riz asks Ragh if he’s under that with anyone. Ragh says no adamantly but Pok points out that he wouldn’t be able to say yes even if he was. Pok says that in order to get around a Spy’s Tongue Curse situation, the best strat is to find someone just slightly outside of the group of covered people to get you in the right direction and here’s where I want to cut in really quickly to drop the piece of info from Sophomore Year that I said recently was a loose end which was bugging me and might be relevant. This is a screengrab from the recap I did of SY Ep 4:
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So that’s suspicious as hell and also a possible reason that Kalina would want to say Ragh’s name to alert the Bad Kids to someone else. Anyway, back to the story in progress, Riz wonders if Athenriel is Bakur and asks his dad if there's anything connecting the armor being cursed and the Ankarna being corrupted/if Ankarna had a previous form. Pok starts looking it up and is a little confused because Ankarna’s file is a bit weird. It says she (we get the pronoun she in this ep so I’ll be using it now) is associated with the 9 Hells and it says that she doesn’t have any active divine domains (which isn’t weird because she’s dead) but the file is corrupted so he can’t see what the domains are supposed to be (though it seems like there are multiple). 
Riz thinks that maybe Sol could have pulled some shenanigans to snag the sun domain for himself and Pok lays down some facts about gods. Gods–even good ones–are playing a different game from everyone else. They have to when their very existence depends on having worshippers. And gods generally hate collabing with a deity that shares their domain because they were explicitly the competition. 
As they’re having this conversation, they’re exiting the pit and they make it in time to watch Bill hurl Gorgug up a giant ramp in some kind of insane and ultimately inconclusive science experiment. Pok says hi to him via the watch and they make quick plans for Bill to sell criminal secrets to heaven in exchange for gold (what is he even spending it on???? It’s hell!!!). Fig asks one last important question. Is this a Night Yorb situation? Now that the cat’s out of the bag, is it OK to say Ankarna’s name? Pok says it should be fine. The only problem will come if anyone actually starts worshiping her. (Did you hear that Fig?) 
Kristen Planeshifts everyone out of hell before Fabian has a chance to say goodbye to his dad (entirely for the bit) and all of their parents are so relieved that they’re OK. Gilear is even more excited when he learns that his good luck has been nullified and his life can suck again. He feels at peace being back in his comfort zone and firmly believes that he doesn’t deserve good luck AND the best daughter in the world. Fig is worried that Hilariel might leave him now that his luck is bad again but Hilariel was into him BEFORE his glow up so they’re all good. Possibly better than just good if Adaine’s teasing prediction of a baby on the way is more than a bit (Fabian demands she undo it with a div roll and plans to give Gilear a vasectomy with his sword). 
Lydia rolls up and asks what the hell happened because Bakur just tried to jailbreak harder than he has in ages. They start filling her in and offer to try the ritual they talked about in an earlier ep but she says they’ve been through a lot and it’s Fantasy Christmas tomorrow so they should get some rest first. Riz asks if Tracker is OK and they confirm that she and Nara both are when they give her a call. Zayn and Aelwyn are also both fine. Tracker and Nara were, as Fabian suspected, thrown out of the circle as protection by Gal from the pride armor situation. 
Kristen explains to Tracker everything about Ankarna and the corruption and Bakur. Tracker is honestly really sympathetic to Adaine saying the name out loud and triggering everything in a, “Well if you find a dead god’s name you GOTTA say it” kind of way, like it’s as irresistible as popping bubble wrap. 
They talk to Gorthalax who, surprise surprise, ALSO was being tongue tied by Oblivati Mori and can now spill some info. Lotta helpful dads in this episode! Here’s what he’s got:
Ankarna wasn’t a fiendish entity to start with. She fell, just like he did (you’ll recall Gorthalax went from being an angel of temperance to a devil of gluttony). He doesn’t know what her deal was exactly pre-fall though (which seems to be a running theme).
Post fall, she was all about rage and fire and conquering and Bakur was her right hand. Unlike her, Bakur wasn’t Celestial previously.
She had a set of scales that she turned into a warhammer (sounds like justice to war–also, doesn’t Porter have a warhammer? Suspicious).
She took artifacts from other pit fiends about conquest to study them which Gorthalax says is a super weird thing for a god to do. 
Bakur referred to her as a “Mistress to her people” which Gorthalax also finds weird because, generally speaking, gods are more the ones making requests not taking requests as she seemed to be doing (the Bad Kids think this might mean there was an as above, so below situation where her followers morphed her into what she is now).
She was very touchy about her relationship status and once almost merc-ed someone who made a pass at her and had a snide comment about her being married still.
Before everyone goes to bed, Tracker checks in with Kristen and offers to help in any way she can. Kristen asks her to ask Gal about Ankarna and her OG domain and Tracker promises to follow up–now that Oblivati Mori is out the window, she can bring it up during their weekly Zoom meeting no problem. Tracker, like Pok, warns Kristen to be careful to avoid allowing this goddess followers and belief because now that this name is out there, it’s only a matter of time. (FIG, ARE YOU LISTENING???) Kristen thinks maybe it wouldn’t be that bad if they can revert this goddess back to her original, presumably less destructive domain.
While the above conversation was happening, Nara was around so Adaine steered her away from it from getting her to take her and a disguised Aelwyn (“Roma Childa” which Fig shoots down with bazooka level force) to the Court of Stars where her dad apparently works (Note: Her parents are supposed to be clerics, right? I guess they just have no separation of church and state in Falinel, lol). Adaine tells these immortal elves with no concept of finances that she can’t afford to be the Elven Oracle and she’s tapping out because she’s working as an ice cream waitress to scrape together enough money for her basic needs. Nara both vouches for her skills as an adventurer and asks her dad to let her have the 10 barrels of diamonds that are just lying around their house that they don’t have any use for. After briefly clarifying that she (Adaine) was *not* in fact declaring war on Falinel (exhausting, high elves are exhausting), the Council says they’ll convene in a month to discuss whether Oracle should be made a paid position. Their first thought is lawyers but Adaine gets it changed to a dance battle and she gets Fabian assigned as her champion. Fabian agrees, though the text asking him if he’s down stops him from completing his sword vasectomy on Gilear. Better luck next time buddy. 
The next day, it’s the Moonar Yulenear and game time re: the gem in Lydia’s chest. Adaine is going to use the energy in her sword plus Contact Other Plane to make a viewing screen to talk to Bakur. With the spell, they get 5 questions and, of course, being the Bad Kids, they immediately waste two just asking “Sup?”. Riz yells at everyone except for Adaine (and maybe him) to shut up and the real questioning begins.
With their first proper question, they ask Bakur if he was Athenriel. He says yes. They guessed it in one. Second question: What was Ankarna’s previous domain before she was all about conquest? He starts crying scalding tears at hearing her name–the kind of crying that you do when you haven’t heard a loved one’s name in a really long time. He says she was the goddess of giants, long days of plenty, clarity, discernment, judgment, justice, righteousness, clarity, and the conviction to act with the force of the sun. So a serious slide from pretty chill to pretty intense. He also says that her sister was the light of her life and that she was fiercely protective of her. Final question: Was Sol involved in Ankarna’s corruption? Bakur, instead of answering, asks a clarifying question: Do they mean Sol himself or his followers?
At that, Adaine has to make a Charisma save. With help from her friends (including Gorgug’s new Flash of Genius Artificer ability) she just barely makes it. Bakur is going off about gods and followers and weapons and who wields who and Lydia is starting to not feel good so Adaine shuts down the connection right away. Lydia has to make a save and also just hangs on so it’s time for that gem to come out of her chest. 
When they reveal that they have the power to get the gem out properly, Lydia is taken aback and Ragh is in tears, soulfully pleading that they do anything they can to help, and of course they do. Adaine uses the energy stored in her sword from Fig’s curse to gold-seal the gem so it’s no longer in contact with Lydia’s skin. Inside the gem, Bakur reverts back from devil form to being a high elf that looks a lot like Gilear and is terrified of yogurt. 
Fabian volunteers to do impromptu surgery because he has the new anti-cursed gold tattoo and clearly the dice know he’s not anything close to a trained medical professional because he rolls TWO NAT ONES and KILLS LYDIA. But luckily, there’s no I in Team and the other Bad Kids are there to bail him (and, more importantly, Lydia) out. Adaine swoops in with a 13 Portent roll so she doesn’t just pass away on the spot and then Kristen, surprise surprise, casually pops out a Nat 20 to remove this enormous, chronic, burden from Lydia. Saint Kristen does it again. 
Lydia, free from the need for her constant rage for the first time in years, instantly falls asleep. Fabian keeps the gem because of his cursed gold immunity and Adaine uses Nystul’s Magic Aura to make it magically ping as an empty palimpsest to anyone who’s being nosy. 
And with that Fantasy Christmas Miracle, vacation is over and we move into downtime.
Fabian first!
First Track Popularity: 18. Wild success.
Second Track Bard: 23: A+ AND Brennan lets the Dance Battle for Adaine be a school project so he crushes his competition and gets her salaried! Even though he’s wildly wealthy and doesn’t need more money, Adaine declares him her champion for all future dance battles and demands that the position comes with a stipend as well. He’s named the Oracle of Dance and Adaine gets her extra credit from predicting that he becomes the future of dance. Way to pay off a bit.
Third Track Owlbears: 27. Big success!
Fourth Track Fighter: 32. Another A+!
Fifth Track Job: You might be wondering what a job roll is for Fabian since he’s, as I said before, fabulously wealthy. Well, he’s keen to threaten his banker life his dad showed him and with help from Fig as backup (and Adaine telling him where the banker is hiding) shakes him down. Brennan, who I assume is making this up on the spot, says that it’s written in Fabian’s trust contract that he gets a 200 gp advance every time he finds and threatens his banker. Adaine offers to locate him every day if Fabian will split the gold with her. Fig is down to tag along for free.
Adaine’s next–though we’re not going to resolve all of her rolls this episode. 
Now that she’s getting paid, she gives Basrar her two week’s notice and he’s sad to see her go but happy that she’s doing well. Adaine says that she’ll maybe come back to get a summer job for fun and he gives her a Fudgie the Whale cake to celebrate. Aelwyn’s sister senses go off and she can instantly sense that Adaine is having a nice thing without her. Adaine, who wanted to stuff her face with ice cream cake in private, is baffled at her non-divination specialist sister’s sudden supernatural intuition, but invites Aelwyn over to have cake with her. 
Also, with the Oracle job being paid now, Adaine gets to roll 2d10 GP and even if she fails her Oracle track, as long as she rolls for it, and her financial situation will count as Well Off which is great because it was really screwing with her school rolls to not have her finances in check.
First Track Wizard: Dirty 20. A+! And without having to worry about her supplies, she now has time for research and projects and stuff. 
Second Track Spells: This is a wizard mechanic that allows her to get new spells from her spellbook. With Help from Boggy, she rolls high enough to get a new 7th, 6th, 5th, and 4th level spell!
Third Track Mystery: She wants to Investigate Kipperlilly and on an 18, Brennan says that they’ll resolve this at the end of downtime, but she’s starting to put together where their hideouts and meetup stops are. Let’s put a pin in that until next episode. 
Fourth Track: Relaxation Fabian is surprised and honestly adorably thrilled when Adaine shows up at his little relaxation nurse spa day thing. And, this time, it actually takes! Adaine is able to relax so well that she removes 2 stress tokens (which allows her to get rid of two negative stat effects–she’s now down to only 1 stress). I guess money solves all your problems after all. 
[NOTE: Relaxation is supposed to be your last track but, in the AP, Brennan lets Shiv roll Oracle track and she gets a NAT TWENTY. Brennan flavors this as her issuing a ton of new prophecies while she’s at her spa day, haha.]
She closes off her downtime rolls with a sweet scene with Jawbone where she’s finally able to open up to him about the trouble she’s been having because she’s fixed it herself. Jawbone really wants her to know that she can come to him with problems and that she doesn’t have to fix things herself and when she says she likes solving her own problems and that she can still get discounted ice cream for everyone since Basrar let her keep the discount, Jawbone gently rebuffs her. He’s the adult, he buys the ice cream. (And Aelwyn steals the ice cream. Adaine catches her creating a portal to steal more whale cake from the mini fridge because she’s a menace even when she’s not actually there).
Finally for the episode, we move on to Kristen who is back in cleric class after a harrowing break and, as she steps into the classroom she sees an even more harrowing sight: In an all white suit with a Kentucky-fried silver tongue is the new Cleric teacher. None other than Buddy’s grandfather–Bobby Dawn. 
Fabian for Killing Lydia
I mean, come on? Double Nat ones? My guy. 
Honor Roll
Kristen for Saving Lydia
The reason Kristen can be such a chaos generator is because and everyone just deals with it is because, at the end of the day, she’s also the best cleric ever hands down. Honorable mention to Adaine for her arcane assistance. 
*I want to give Bobby Detention just for existing but I’m gonna wait for him to do actually do something out of pocket. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll have to wait very long. 
Random Thoughts
Just a few quick notes this week! I haven’t been including this section consistently because I tend to get a lot of my random thoughts out in answering asks that people send me and also I’ve been so busy that by the time I get to the end of the actual recap I’m often like, OK I’m done, lol. But I wanted to take a few minutes this week to include a few thoughts.
Love Pok being just not happy that Adaine has a gun but not being able to say anything because his son is literally wielding his gun. Also lol at Murph saying, “It feels less weird when you call it an arquebus.” That’s why I love referring to it as a glock whenever I can.
I didn’t mention it in the recap proper but, in case it matters, Fig uses her blood to create a…Copy? Clone? Child? Romance Partner?...for Baby named Baby Baby. Truly not sure what their deal is. 
Riz has a thought about whether they can use the power of music to uncorrupt Ankarna and, honestly, not even remotely the craziest possible idea. They have a rockstar on the team and last season a viral shrimp party was an important strategy.  
As much as Fabian is protesting, I think he’d make a great big brother. Also, he’d have a full house again! I think he knows deep down he’d be the most ride or die big bro ever. Did you see how outraged he was last ep upon hearing her hurt Adaine?
I wonder if Gal throwing her clerics out of the circle had more to do with the general badness of the pride armor or her recognizing Ankarna’s mark specifically. Glad Tracker is going to question her. I think they should be exploring all their godly options at this point now that OM is gone. Hell, Kristen should try and ask Helio if he’s still taking her calls. 
We need eyes back on the Rat Grinders ASAP. I’m glad Adaine took initiative there because we still have so many loose ends with them. We did a lot of macro investigating this ep but I’m itching to find out about the BS happening closer to home. What is Kipperlilly up to? Why did Ivy react the way she did to seeing “Lucy”? Is Oisin evil or not and can Adaine date him? All equally important questions. 
If Brennan bided his time and let Emily rage about Porter for two seasons only to lull her into a false sense of security and reveal that he was involved in secret machinations this whole time I’m gonna laugh so hard. 
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genderliquid-witch · 2 months
What are the Bad Kids' favourite Death Grips projects? (Fantasy High)
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I've been having a blast watching Fantasy High: Junior Year, and I have also been relistening to a lot of Death Grips' discography. So, like I do with most of the fandoms I'm in, I'm going to guess what I think each of the Bad Kids' favourite Death Grips project would be. I will give reasoning for each one, but be warned that they are almost completely arbitrary.
Adaine Abernant: n-ggas on the moon
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While on one hand I feel like Adaine would find some of the band's heavier albums a bit startling, I think she'd love n-ggas on the moon. It's got this whimsical atmosphere that I think a wizard would really vibe with, and I can see drunk Adaine wilding out to the more high energy tracks like Have A Sad Cum BB and Billy Not Really. Not to mention she'd have a great time deciphering what are arguably Death Grips' most cryptic and mysterious lyrics. This is a party wizard album for sure.
Fabian Aramais Seacaster: Fashion Week
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As we all know, Fabian indulges in the finer things in life, and I think his taste in experimental Sacramento-based hip hop would be no different. Fashion Week is the closest Death Grips has ever come to luxury and I'm sure that would attract a young Seacaster. He's totally the type to brag about how refined his taste in music is, evident by how he chooses one of the band's more obscure, instrumental projects over the mainstream slop that is The Money Store. As for the music itself, I feel it's perfect for some wild interpretive dance, and I think Fabian would agree. I can already picture him doing some crazy sheet dance to Runway E.
Fig Faeth: Jenny Death
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Jenny Death is the heaviest album in Death Grips' discography, almost acting as fully fledged psychedelic, punk metal album, so I can't imagine why Fig wouldn't adore it. The loud, abrasive guitars, the hypnotic production, the drums that practically punch your ears; it all just screams Fig to me! I mean when I saw the band live the songs from Jenny Death were easily the ones that caused the crowd to go completely wild, and we all know Fig loves a wild crowd. Even the names of the songs are perfect for her: I Break Mirrors With My Face In the United States, Centuries of Damn, Beyond Alive, and The Powers That B all sound like they came right from the Archdevil's own mind.
Also yes, I'm aware I missed an opportunity to assign her Bottomless Pit, but these are the sacrifices I make for accuracy.
Gorgug Thistlespring: Exmilitary
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For a barbarian drummer, I can see no better fit than the band's debut mixtape, Exmilitary. This mixtape is so raw and primal, I mean the drums sound like war drums. We already know that Gorgug loves heavy, intense music, so I think he'd totally rock with this. I also think that the tape's unique, grinding production would appeal to his artificer side; it's a perfect mix of rage and technology, and I can imagine him blasting something like Takyon or Guillotine as he hacks through some enemies.
Kristen Applebees: Government Plates
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For someone who's constantly riddled with feelings of doubt and confusion while also maintaining a general aura of weirdness (affectionate), I think Government Plates is a good pick for Kristen. It's the kind of album that you have to sit down and listen to a couple times before you really vibe with it; it doesn't want to be understood, but that doesn't mean you should stop trying! Not to mention the pure emotional intensity of tracks like You Might Think He Loves You... (I'm not writing the full title.), Two Heavens, and Bootleg (Don't Need Your Help) suit Kristen very well imo. An underappreciated album for an underappreciated character.
Riz Gukgak: No Love Deep Web
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And for everyone's favourite little weirdo is what I consider Death Grips' certified weirdo album (They're all weirdo albums, but this one especially so). Though my reason for choosing No Love Deep Web as Riz's favourite Death Grips project isn't because of the music itself, but rather the history surrounding this album. If you didn't know, this album was released through a secret Alternate Reality Game on the deep web where fans had to solve incredibly cryptic puzzles over a few days in order to gain access to a link that allowed them to torrent the album, and I think that Riz would be all over that shit; I can imagine him setting up a little cork board with all of the clues and whatnot strung up. I don't even know if he'd even like the music, I think he's just invested in the mystery!
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figgybeans · 6 months
FHJY trailer frame-by-frame
because i love these freaks. ok lets get into it (this is gonna be long)
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love the dome this season !! the backgrounds are beautiful. the steps up in production across FH is amazing
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ADAINE !! JAWBONE !! BOGGY !! i think her splash art is my have from the six. i have no clue what ESF stands for so anyone lmk
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her mini is also i think my favorite, the pins on her leather jacket really sell it. minus points for boggy's HUMAN ARMS though, theres a clearer shot later on
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fabian time ! love the blanket. bill seacaster art as well ! god hes terrifying. the doodles on the owlbear stickers are cute too
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apples bee ! plus some art of cassandra. kristen is in her strong arc, which the world is all the better for. i think its also important to remember that from the start of the series kristen has always had a higher strength score than fabian (ignoring her 4 dex)
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ignore the phantom riz mini, the trailer hardly stayed on his intro art for long. which is a shame cause LOOK AT IT !! the kalina picture, fuckin baron, the corn cuties, so much night yorb, bizz in the corner, captain whitclaw, coach daybreak - the man riz shot through the head in cold blood, the bardy boys !! its perfect.
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fig !! sad theres no ayda art in here but theres gotta be in the series. "-and a wizards paramore, YES its part of my identity, thank you" iconic. glad her mini has a custom bass. also gilear <3<3
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gorgug my boy. with his giant fuckoff axe. so happy his mini is including his artificer level, PLUS that probably means he takes another level in it, and unlocks infusions >:)
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this two headed dragon guy. red dragon can always mean some Kalvaxis callback, but we never know. i DO know that there's a statblock for two headed dragons in Monster Manual Expanded III, so maybe brennan uses that ? or just gives a regular dragon two breath weapons. we will see
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this was one of the clearest frames i could get for this art, but what we can see is still cool. love kristen in her kill bill jumpsuit. as an aside im still a riz-has-a-tail believer
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now THIS is a battlemap. im like 99% sure that that's the Thistlespring Tree in the background, and the Sig Figs are having some kind of concert here. HOWEVER, if we zoom in, it doesn't look like any of their minis are on the stage. intrigue.
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the internet mall ! or something. i have no idea who the minis could be, BUT the IDK-wearing purple one in the middle could be some Guardian of Faith representing cassandra. also adaine and boggy have matching berets in the wide shot
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this set i think is a gladiatorial arena of some kind? because we see a bunch of monstrosities and aberrations with this in the background later. also the big gates and monster-keeping pens are a clue.
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BOGGY ARMS. BOGGY ARMS. adaine is covered in blood. but fig looks to have some kind of ghost opossum familiar. BUT, my friend pointed out that it could be edgar, zayn's ghost rat ! so maybe we have him return for an episode. this house looks spooky enough. maybe mordred manor gets infested by demons or something
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otyugh spotted !! my favorite monster of all time
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this roper-looking thing. it overlays when brennan says "an eldritch beast that threatens all of the denizens of this world," so im really thinking there's gonna be an overarching Aberration theme in these combats
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also this guy. i have no clue what he is honestly. the rectangle in the background could maybe be a mirror or painting, so this might take place in the mordred manor-looking set from before
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purple worm, in the gladiator arena !
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some sort of ghost ship? doubtful that its bill seacaster's ship again, and the mist could mean the ethereal plane
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the bad kids !! just noticing that fabian's eye patch is either missing or on the wrong side
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im pretty sure this is an umber hulk, also in the gladiator set
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skateboard fig mini. also, this could be the hang van (?) but it also could be too long and be some kind of ghost limo. idk
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graveyard ! maybe they team up with zayn here
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a blue dragon, which makes me think the red dragon from earlier isnt kalvaxis related and is just a dragon
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more POV arrow shots, but this one's going into a fucking hydra. which looks like it grows three heads instead of two ? if that's what the attachment on the right side means.
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this could be the red wastes ? back on the kalvaxis theory.
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a wider shot of the internet mall. note the "YARRRRbucks" behind lou
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aaaand the final art frame !! fig finally gets her license (or not)
all in all 10/10 frothing at the mouth till jan 10
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vultures-yay-or-nay · 14 days
Award for Best Parent Per Fantasy High Junior Year Episode (as decided by me a biased freak)
Please keep in mind that this is who I thought brought the most value to their kids (or the bad kids collectively) in each episode and not who the actual best parents are, I love all of the ones who scored in the positive pretty equally. Some parents did not get mentioned who deserved to be on this list but such is life.
This took all season to make so I hope you enjoy my efforts, it's long and it has a whole scoring system so all that's below the cut
Episode 1 - This one is pretty parent-less but I gotta give it to Balthazar who is probably a better parent to parrots than Duggan is to actual children. Also in later episodes it's stated he has actual children
Episode 2 - Tie for Sandra Lynn and Jawbone for making the girls a lovely little birthday cake! Honorable mention to Sklonda for doing her absolute best in the face of some serious injustice.
Episode 3 - Lydia Barkrock for making lunches for the Bad Kids. Dishonorable mention to Mac and Donna for making things hard for Bucky and Kristen
Episode 4 - Gorthalax for being there for his daughter and his team
Episode 5 - There's not anyone close to being a parent here but dishonorable mention to the mall cop who was the most unhelpful
Episode 6 - Lydia Barkrock wins once again for loving her son and the bad kids and for making just the best Chicken Parms. Honorable mention to Jawbone for being there for Kristen and making sure everyone's parents knew they were alive
Episode 7 - Giving this one Sandra Lynn and Jawbone for supporting Fig as she finds an academic pathway that works for her, Honorable mention for Gorbag and Roz for supporting their son in his artificing endeavors and making an effort to be in his life (And Wilma and Digby's lives but that's a matter for the next episode lol)
Episode 8 - Lydia for helping the Bad Kids with the mystery even though it's probably hard to dig through her past like that. Dishonorable mention for Gorthalax by crossing a boundary with Gorgug by using Fig to spy on him
Episode 9 - Sklonda for making time for her son who is so busy and so tired. Of course they can talk about the case! Everything is going to be okay :3
Episode 10 - Sklonda for checking in on Riz and defending him even when she was a little bit wrong about who she should be defending him from. Dishonorable mention to Hallariel who has never had a conversation with Fig before and won't stay on the line to talk to Fabian
Episode 11 - Sandra Lynn for listening to Fig and being there for her as her curse and identity crisis comes to a head, even if it's hard for her to watch her daughter struggle. Honorable mention to Sklonda for bonding with Riz and Fig at Loam Farm (technically she's still dating Gorthalax so it's probably nice for her to get to bond with Fig)
Episode 12 - There was only one parent in this episode but even if there were more Gilear would win for his tearful "Daughter!!!"
Episode 13 - Lot of good dads in this episode but I have to give it to Gilear for his touching speech to Fig (and Fabian). Honorable mention to Bill Seacaster who loves his darling boy
Episode 14 - I have to give it to Jawbone for continuing to show Adaine that she doesn't have to go through life alone. Dishonorable mention to Mac and Donna who can go to hell
Episode 15 - "There were no parents in this one" false this one goes out to Fig's future father-in-law Arthur Aguefort for believing in them specifically and saying fuck you to authority. Honorable mention to Gavin Pundle who may or may not be a parent but is at the very least a decent adult which can sometimes be hard to come by in Elmville
Episode 16 - Another Sandra Lynn win for being there for Adaine as much as she could be.
Episode 17 - Sandra Lynn for helping out with the quest and stepping in as the adult when things got too heavy. Honorable mention to Wilma and Digby for working on the van with their son (they missed him!!!) (If this happened in episode 16 I'm sorry. They are the same episode, to me)
Episode 18 - Jawbone for steering the boat and the vote in the right direction. Dishonorable menrion for Grandma Dragon
Episode 19 - Jawbone for protecting his kids (including Ragh) and their home even though he absolutely would have stayed and fought his interim boss if they'd asked him to
Episode 20 - It was a close race between winner and honorable mention but this episode we will give it to Bill Seacaster for choosing his son (maximum legend or not) over all of his wealth and glory. Honorable mention for Sandra Lynn who was there for Fig in the way she needed to be, while also learning from Fig, helping them both move forward.
Point check! 1 point per win, .5 points for honorable mention and -.5 points for dishonorable mention
In the negatives we have
Mac and Donna with -1
Mall cop with -.5
Grandma Dragon with -.5
Hallariel with -.5
In the positives we have
Gavin Pundle with .5
Gorthalax with .5
Roz and Gorbag with .5
Wilma and Digby with .5
Balthazar with 1
Arthur Aguefort with 1
Bill Seacaster with 1.5
Gilear with 2
Lydia with 3
Sklonda with 3
Jawbone with 5.5
And Sandra Lynn with 5.5
Thank god Sandra Lynn and Jawbone both won bc they have the most children lol. I almost miscounted and thought Sandra Lynn won but turns out they're perfectly matched
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stardewin-it · 3 months
Bucky Applebees Goes to a Party
Bucky didn’t think he’d get this far, he was sure someone would have turned him around but here he was standing on Fabian Seacasters front lawn as his sister rode a demon motorcycle dressed as a shrimp into a pool of tartar sauce that she somehow lit on fire. He listened as people chanted her name and called her a legend. He watched as teens all around him split off to drink, dance, talk, or … well other activities Bucky wasn't sure he was even allowed to think about. 
The night whirled by him but he was always searching for Kristen, finding her in different crowds of people usually with one of her friends by her side. He watched her from afar, watched as she laughed and joked, as she drank from a solo cup, as she talked to Buddy Dawn of all people, and just couldn’t help but question it all. His sister had been the chosen of Helio and she had left all that, left him and his brothers for this? For these people, she called friends? He didn’t understand it but he also couldn’t stop watching, so he stayed and watched. 
Eventually, the party started to slow down and people started to go home but not Bucky. Instead, he sat out on the lawn and watched the dawn come not knowing what to do but knowing that he would be in trouble when he got home and that he had found none of the answers he was looking for. 
“Bucky?” Suddenly Kristen was standing next to him, a solo cup in her hand and a crooked cowboy hat on her head. 
“Um, uh hi … I’m not meant to be here.” He stumbled out. 
“No you’re not, you are out waaaay past curfew.” Kristen smiled as she sat next to him. 
“I know, I’m going straight to hell.” Bucky said sadly after few quiet moments. 
“No, you’re not. It takes a lot more than breaking curfew once to go to hell.” Kristen told him taking a large swig of her drink and grimacing. 
“How would you know?” Bucky almost spat at her but his curiosity came out instead.
“I’ve been to heaven and I’ve been to hell. I’ve met Helio and Sol, I’ve created a god, killed a god, and saved a god. I know some things.” She gave him a hard look before looking back at the horizon. 
“I … I didn’t … when did?” Bucky could barely comprehend what she was saying. 
He’d heard rumors about Kristen of course both at church and now in the halls at Auegfort but all of that had to be nonsense, none of it sounded like his older sister. Kristen didn’t kill dragons and date werewolves, she made friendship bracelets and healed bruises. She wasn’t some big hero, she was a sinner, an apostate. She was just a teenage girl, just his older sister. There was no way the rumors at Auegfort could be true about her, he would know … wouldn’t he? 
“I’ve been busy these last two years.” She winked at him. 
“Right. Busy.” Bucky’s voice hardened again as he thought of her absence. 
“I’m sorry Bucky, I’m sorry I left you and Bricker and Cork. Thats not what big sisters are meant to do, I … miss you all so much every day but I had to leave.” Kristens voice wobbled as she spoke. 
“Because I lost my faith in Helio and I knew I wouldn’t be welcome anymore. Our parents are not accepting people and they would not accept me, my beliefs, or my life.” Kristen explained. 
“How could you lose your faith? You were chosen!” Bucky is almost pleading with her. 
“When I died I asked why there was so much suffering but Helio didn’t answer me instead he sent me back here. After that I … I’ve been searching for meaning, why things happen and I think I’m awfully close to knowing that we … well that we will never know why there is suffering but that's not a bad thing. Doubt is okay, the unknown isn’t always terrifying and it's perfectly fine to just not know.” Kristen is staring at the horizon now and a tear is on her cheek but all Bucky feels is disappointment, confusion, and anger. 
Bucky shakes his head, “Faith is what matters.” 
“Faith in what?” Kristen asked him, her voice harder her eyes looking at him now. 
“Faith in Helio.” 
“Only faith in Helio matters?” 
“What else is there?” Bucky asks quietly as if the very question itself would hurt him. 
“Everything. There is a whole world out there Bucky, there are planes of existence that would blow your mind, and faith in Helio is … if it's something you truly believe in, something you study and know with all the good and the bad then that is your faith but I … well I believe in something else.” She told him. 
“I don’t understand how two years at High School can change someone so much.” Bucky said after a few moments of silence. 
“One day it’ll be the first weekend after your first week of Junior year at Auegfort and we’ll see how much you’ve changed.” She smiled widely at him. 
“I love you Bucky, and I love Bricker and Cork. You can always come to me if you need help, or someone to talk to or a place to stay. I’m still your big sister, nothing can ever change that.” She gave him a side hug before getting up, dusting off her wranglers and walking into Seacaster Manor. 
Bucky stayed where he was for a few more minutes before finding his bike in the bushes he’d hid it in on the way here hours before and rode home. The lights were still off and Bucky let out a grateful prayer as he managed to slip in through the back door and up to his bedroom his parents none the wiser that he’d been to his first high school party and talked to his big sister. 
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2, 6, and 10 for your ask game!!
2. Rec an incomplete fic
@aelwynabernantsorb is a fantastic writer and really shines in this story about Adaine getting a divination flu in the first year of highschool.
I adore how the Abernant family is written in all their horribleness and the descriptions of the illness Adaine is undergoing is so trippy.
(ace please please please finish I'm beggiiiiing)
6. Rec a fic that made you laugh/cry
Let me tell you. I was sobbing.
@pawpunkao3 when I get you. When I catch you.
This story is Garthy saying goodbye to their mother and watching her die. It is tender, it is sweet, it makes me weep. Garthy you are so strong
10. Fic in a series
This is technically the main story with a series of one shots but that counts! That counts
Bill Seacaster never retired so Fabian grew up as a pirate and never met the bad kids
This changes a lot of things. Most notably that for the past rough decade no one besides the bad kids and Aguefort knows that Adaine is the Oracle.
In this grand epic Adaine and Riz agree to help Fabian find his missing father. (And maybe find love?)
Literally has me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I wait patiently for it's return
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Episode four! I missed the bad kid’s insanity so much <3
Episode four of every season they’re shy!
In space no one can feel you dying 💀
“What’s the drinking age?” “You guys have murdered SO many people”
Oh she’s an actual cat now!
She/they pronouns for Cassandra are back!
Kristen’s middle name is on her character page now!! Kristen Chilis Applebees!
Catchin me on my left foot hereeee gato.
Ooh they’ve got other offers
Why would you SAY that
That definitely circumvents the truth in a cool way……
When your only two followers fight :(
Just stop saying it pleaseeeeee
Say a n y t h i n g other than that
Oooh the mall!
Why would you SAY THAT
So many of them have stars in their hats! And I have stars in my body! :D
I love Cassandra so so much
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Kristen when you’re in the dark she’s there holding your hand. She gives you forehead kisses
Oh well that makes it all okay then!
Oh my GOD
What the fuck Bill
God the fucking. D20 directly reflecting my life experiences.
Simeon du Vayne the new lunch lad. What’s your vibe
Ooh third eye is sick
I love that they’re never gonna say her name right
Gorthalax! Hi!
On my first day of high school this guy yelled fresh meat at all of us and he continued to be a pain in the ass all fucking year
Fig. Fig no.
It does seem like the rat grinders might be direct foils to the bad kids. Let’s see how this goes!
Kipperlilly did not come at y’all nearly as hard as Kristen went aggro at her
Is it the sack of rats trick?? Is that where they got the name???
I love how pissed they all are about this
THIS is what riz has never been more mad about ❤️
The bad guy this season is just xp leveling 😭😭
God how high level are they????
Kindlesnap Whatsherface
He’s just a guy!
Please please nat 20
Crushing. That’s crushing
I love ripped jeans gorgug <3
That is SO much
Corsica Jones is HOT
Kristen and Riz dynamic duoooo
Riz Gukgak character of all time
Archaeologist Siobhan Thompson!!
Really emphasizing the ‘sorry what’ thing that post was talking about
Fig barbarian level!
That energy is more intense than anything fig tried to imply from goldenhoard
If the cig figs break up I’m gonna be fucking devastated
Oh yeah the junior year eggs. Okay.
Can I have some of your girlfriend’s hair? I need it for school.
I love that we all called the kill mum idea
She really should get paid for the elven oracle shit
Inclusive kinggggg
Ooh maybe I’ll wear my owlbears sweatshirt tomorrow. (Best holiday gift I got!
Ah the epic highs and lows of high school bloodrush
Max Durden!! He’s so cute.
Love that for him tbh
Who is this motherfucker
What the fuck are you doing
(Zac wheezing in excruciating pain)
Don’t align yourself with her Riz
I love that everyone is going so aggro on the buttcrushers. Absolutely demolish their asses.
“You don’t have to call me coach” oh OUCH
Bucky Applebees!!!
Love the paladin repppppp
Oh kiddo
Oh Kiddo :(
I’m not trying to be cool I’m trying to be president
She’s had a lot of jobs but not that many of them were… legal.
Fabian’s so lonely :(
Bad kids study party!!! Real and confirmed!!!!
Aww I was so excited for Adaine to work at Basrar’s but the mall is fun too
Hmm. Sketchy!
German shepherd mode <3
Emily and Ally are having SO much fun with this
The procrastination is so fucking real
I’ve deeply missed you
WHAT what does that mean why is this the case
Oooh okay I’m really getting the sense that that blue mall battle set is the Synod
Sunglass kiosk. Palm tree. Mall things.
Ooh I just noticed seacaster manor in the background of the dome art
Strudel dimension, don’t put your hand in it. Don’t! Put your hand in it!
We don’t know if the strudel is infinite it just hasn’t ended yet.
I’m obsessed with this guy.
I’m so obsesssed
Mazey Phaedraaaaa
Oh my godddddddd
“I’m from hell” girly I love you to death but you are from downtown elmville
Ooohohohohoh she’s good at this
I love dnd mechanics manifesting as real elements of life within game
I don’t know as much about warlocks as I should really do this is great
Babe you cannot make student government cool. You just can’t.
What is this energy
Crab kinggggggg
We’re so fucking back
I’m Christian Delnore and I have Children!
Kristen’s energy is SO wild this year. She said she was trying to move past chaos and then came out the gate with This energy
Tracker’s dating the fucking Princess. Of course.
Messy high school relationships :)
That’s how it goes!
The intense side eye I am giving the whole situation
Kristen do you wanna fuck Kalina
What do you want with the president??? (To say hi)
Hell yeah gsa member Kristen Applebees
Torek with the button press!
I love them SO much I missed the bad kids SO FUCKING MUCH
Ohhhh this is the backstory of that button from the merch drop ok
They’re so unhinged
Torek Railgrinder Theater Kid!!
Oh noooo
Oh fuck
Why would you volunteer ANY information
She was a fucking turncoatttt
The name keeps getting further and further from anything
Stone cold
So excited for the party
Oh god
Zero separation of church and state
What oh no oh god please no
AAAAAAAAAAA okay I guess next weeks is the mall fight!
I am so scared and so excited.
It’s our time! It’s our year! It’s all gonna be okay!
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fabrizqueersubtext · 7 months
Who could care about me?
For SJ! Thank you-- your donation will be sent to the Palestinian Social Fund.
Prompt: the bad kids, mordred manor, group hangout
You mentioned not being pressed for details, so I moved it to Riz's office between S1 and S2. I hope you don't mind!
You can read all of the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Kofi4ACause Request a fic at Kofi4ACause: https://ko-fi.com/omgpourquoi
TW: Disassociation/Derealization but his friends show up to help!
Riz Gukgak isn’t one to rest on a case. He’s not even sure what that means, actually. He’s staring at his case board, red string blurring together to the point he wonders if he should start again with a new color. Maybe a gray?
He’s been locking himself in his new office as much as his mom will let him get away with and drinking coffee as fast as he can make it. Once he had gotten his murder board through the door, the Nightmare Crown theft consumed him fully; even when he was away from the board, he was thinking about it. It was easier to just stay here with the board. The thing is that he's close. He’s so close— he must be. It’s been a little over a month since the Nightmare Crown went missing from Principal Aguefort's office during the fight. He’s still trying to connect its theft to the last case. To Kalvaxus. To the Seven. To the Abernants. To Aguefort. There’s something he’s missing, though, there must be something else—
His thought is interrupted by a loud banging on the door. In a second, he's up from the desk, goblin ears pinning back to his head with a hiss, gun pointed towards the door. There's another banging.
“The Ball, open the door,” comes the muffed voice of Fabian Aramais Seacaster from the other side. Riz realizes the banging must be Fabian's version of a knock. 
Riz takes a breath, trying to regulate his racing heart. He slowly replaces his gun in its holster. Apparently, though, he's not moving fast enough for his friends, because he hears an impatient sigh that can only belong to Fig.
“Move over, I’ll just kick it down,” he hears Fig offer.
It’s enough to get him moving towards them. He likes his door as it is, without Fig's bootprints on the front.
"I'm coming, don't break your foot or my door," he says as he drags himself away from his desk to unlock the door. It flies open to reveal his friends. And not just Fabian and Fig but Gorgug, Kristen, and Adaine as well. They’re dressed like it's warm outside and vaguely he remembers that it is summer.
The stand there and look at him blankly for a moment, before Fabian break the silence. "Oh, uh— we brought Chinese food?” 
Just before Gorgug asks, "Are you okay?" 
Both of them are outshined by Kristen though who, at the same time, raises her arms and yells, “This is an intervention!"
"Um," Riz doesn't know what to say. He settles on an answer to all three, "Okay."
They push past and pile into his small office without invitation. Suddenly, Riz feels tired. His legs are aching and his face feels sweaty and his head hurts. Gorgug pushes his old pizza boxes into the trash so that he can sit in the chair they’d been occupying. Kristen pulls the blinds and opens the window, letting in a light breeze. Vaguely, he wonders what time it is. He’s startled to realize he hasn’t had that thought for days.
"Hi, Riz. We're here for lunch," Adaine says, as she reaches forward to places a hand on his shoulder. Lunch. Huh, so it must be around noon. He feels the familiar rush of her magic, like summer rain and the faint smell of a library. His clothes unrumple, his face ungreases, his hair feels clean and he feels more present than he has in weeks.
"The Ball, we got you chow mein," Fabian says, pulling out boxes and placing them wherever he can find a spot on the desk.
Fig leans over and pushes some of the files and post-its off the desk and to the floor. Before he can protest, Kristen plops down into his desk chair and grins at him.
"It really is a nice office," she says, spinning in his desk chair.
Beside him, Gorgug lifts up a plastic bag.
"I bought a Cola, but, uh, we thought you should drink water. So-," Gorgug says, shoving a water bottle into his hand.
"Oh. Okay," Riz says, taking a sip. Someone hands him his food, he takes a bite and his stomach growls. Huh, when did he get hungry?
He looks at his friends, who've come into his office, interrupting his investigative brooding and taken up all his space. They're infuriating and chaotic and loud and overwhelming and here. They’re here.
Riz feels like he’s coming back from the dead. They sit in various part of the office, eating Chinese food and bickering about how much coffee is actually too much coffee. Riz just listens. He eats. He drinks. It feels like he's settling back into his skin. Into himself. Eventually, as always, they turn back to the case.
"Okay, what'd we got?" Fig asks as she kicks at his board. It rattles from the force, shaking all of his string. The vibrating strings look a lot like his brain feels, shaky and uncertain. Although, he is starting to feel better. More like their Riz, the Riz he is actually starting to like to be, instead of a hyper-fixated goblin in his room all alone. 
"You know, I think we need a new perspective. New string," Adaine says. She reaches in her jacket, which is currently tied around her waist, and pulls out a fresh ball of string. It's gray.
With a sudden clarity, Riz realizes that his friends are, each in their own ways, caring for him. Riz Gukgak isn't used to being cared for. He's usually the one doing the caring. Sometimes he thinks he cares so much that it'll kill him. Sometimes he hopes it does.
But his friends are here. They're here and they care. They think he is worth caring for.
Thinking about it, he gets a little choked up and has to drink more water to cover it up. Then he actually does choke. Fabian moves to his side and pats his back a little too hard. 
"Breathe, the Ball. Dying from drinking water would be a stupid way to die," he says. 
"Yeah, you have to die in a cool way," Kristen chimes in. 
He lets out about little cough and air returns to him. He turns back to his friends and they look at him expectedly. Right.
"Here's where we are-" he starts.
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fandom-panda · 4 months
Liveblog-ish Dimension 20 S1 Ep14 & 15
(time stamp of slightly after what im talking about) my thoughts/questions/reactions. just so its easier for you to read/know what im talking about
(15:50) yooooo fig has dimension door?!?!? :DDDDD
(1:03:33) im so proud of riz, good job my guy on overloading the downloding thingy
(1:26:17) oh thank god riz is safe (or… well… his palimpsest is no longer in the machine). i feel bad for zelda and the rest of the girls :,(
(1:31:01) fig, ily, but please dont kill biz. you might need him to get riz free, and possibly the other trapped kids too
(1:39:22) ajdhjd biz: “im cool too” adaine: *doubt*
(1:40:27) ohhhhh shit. all there families are threatened. i mean, adaine’s family, i don’t particularly care about, but everyone else!
ep 15 (12:36) ohhhhhh shit theyre under arrest for killing a bunch of people. i was wondering when this was going to bite them in the ass but like,,, why now??? why couldnt it have been after they solved this mystery and saved everyone?
(28:39) oh man i feel so bad for fig 🥺
(33:25) oh no why does bill seacaster have a palimpsest???? please tell me this is just a coincidence and hes not actually a bad guy
(35:00) …ok that does not feel good. like, bill might not actually abuse fabian, but that feels like its toeing the line at the minimum. like oh my god dont fucking shove your son!!!
(43:40) ohhhhhh my god those cops are SO incompetent
(47:15) omg they’re missing prom!
(48:30) oh my god those fucking halflings /pos
(58:30) ohhhhhh shit. kalvaxis cant touch that book and the only reason why adaine removed the book was bc aelwyn told her to
(1:00:30) oh my god is adaine the next elven oracle?!?!?!
(1:06:00) ok ill be honest, ive seen the clips of the finale(?) so i was just waiting for them to notice something was off about goldenhoard, sorry, goldenrod
(1:13:50) NOOO THEIR FAMILIES!!!! well ok i dont care about adaine’s family, bUT EVERYONE ELSES!!!!
(1:25:30) oh kristen 🥺 she saved adaine’s family
(1:32:50) oh thank god gilear is ok!
(1:33:50) AJDHSJDJ “do you want to go to prom with me mom?” “kiddo i was so afraid you would ask”
(1:36:35) oh my god gorgug’s parents 🥺😭🧡
(1:49:01) oh no brennan why’d you have killed off one of the parents?!?!?! 😭
(1:52:30) that was a really cool way for him to die but bill dying makes me so sad :,(
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sumersprkl · 2 years
List of the Bad Kids, from most to least mortal:
1. Gorgug
I feel like Gorgug dies and is sent back to the terrible Orc Heaven he hated because he lacks any other allegiances, and there’s a whole adventure that is one-half Heaven Heist and one-half College Tour where the Bad Kids team up and assemble a crew to steal him out of there and find him an afterlife option he’d actually enjoy.
2. Riz
Riz probably dies before Gorgug, but since he already has an afterlife job lined up, he’s still kind of around? He’s definitely dead, though, in a pretty permanent way, so that’s why he’s this high on the list.
3. Fabian
(I know Kristen should be next but shh hear me out.)
I feel like Fabian, much like his beloved Papa, creates a merry band of death pirates that rivals Bill Seacaster’s hellish crew. But I don’t think he gets sent to the Nine Hells? I feel like he’s out there terrorizing Heavens instead. Maybe once he dies he gets together a crew of the allies they assembled in the Gorgug Soul Heist, and he becomes their captain. He occasionally gets together with Bill to have dramatic pirate battles, but I feel like they mostly operate on different turfs.
4. Adaine
Adaine is functionally immortal, but she very much does still die if she is killed, especially if she’s out alone without her friends and gets assassinated by elves who would REALLY VERY MUCH LIKE THE ORACLE BACK, PLEASE. She’s an incredibly powerful wizard, but shit happens sometimes. I think that as she’s fading out, she gets to pick the next oracle, and chooses someone who is NOT AN ELF to have one last “fuck you” to Fallinel and to preserve the legacy of the “People’s Oracle” rather than the “Elven Oracle.” She watches over the next oracle for their lifetime, and laughs when that oracle says that Adaine was probably not very good at her job if she couldn’t see her own assassination coming.
5. Kristen
Kristen is a plain unmodified human, so she dies before half-elf Fabian. But she’s also the saint of a god who probably doesn’t remember how afterlives are supposed to work. I feel like Kristen dies of old age, in her bed, surrounded by friends. And then Cassandra gets handed the soul of her greatest and dearest worshipper, and is like “???!!? What do I do with this???” So they create a perfect replica of Kristen’s body on the day they met, down to the missing finger, and they shove the soul back into it, and Kristen has to be a teenager again. I think that if Kristen ever wants to actually die, she’s gotta help Cassandra with planning and creating an afterlife first.
6. Fig
Fig probably has the functionally immortal elven lifespan from her mom’s side of the family, but she’s also an Archdevil? If she dies, she gets sent to the Nine Hells, which is where she lives. The other Archdevil we’ve seen is Gorthalax, who seems pretty unkillable, because his enemies keep trapping him in things instead of ending his life. So like. CAN Fig even be killed? UNCLEAR.
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