nocasdatsgay · 5 months
Guys idk if this person is on tumblr but if you want a long slow burn of Elucien with Elain being high lady of spring please go read this. It’s so good. It’s completed. I attached screenshots of the info. It’s a beautiful story and just -slams my fist on a table- 10/10.
Springtide by CLARAFAE 32 chapters, 150k~
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abyssboo · 2 years
All is lost
I think this is the rapture..
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bew-berry · 1 year
Yoooo Mitsuri Kanroji is bae!
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ewicomkicks2point0 · 4 months
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I spent 22 hours on this,, tf2 fans.. I know I’m new here but please don’t let this post flop pleeeaasse prettyy pllllleeeeease
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thottybrucewayne · 4 months
People get so pissy when they're told to be mindful not to overstep when discussing the oppression of a community they aren't a part of and it's sooooo obvious too like, how are you being supportive if you can't take criticism from the group of people you're "supporting"
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charliesgayhead · 6 months
Playing DnD with a lot of gay furries and our DM has set up a “horse drag race” and we all deadass thought it was gonna be anthropomorphic horse men preforming drag when it was just a horse race omg
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Some more thoughts about Dungeons and Drag Queens (D20), especially Brennan’s presentation as DM
Brennan spent a large chunk of his life attending or working at a LARP camp. He’s no stranger to dressing up for games. He played a space wizard on Ultramechatron Go. He’s no stranger to dressing up on camera.
But in Dimension 20, he is resolutely Some Guy™️ and honestly it feels like he is doing that to make D&D and other TTRPGs as approachable as possible. You don’t have to go over the top. You don’t have to dress up. You can just be Some Person™️ and let your imagination do the heavy lifting
Which brings us to D&DQ. Brennan is full glam. And people are Horny™️ for it. But I think a lot of people might be missing the point. Doing an all Drag Side Quest is a political statement in America right now. And if Brennan was just Some Guy™️ he could potentially give fuel to folks (who don’t actually know anything about him) to say “look at what the dropout sjws are forcing on this poor cis-het dude”
So Brennan cheerfully dons A Lewk™️. For the first time, Denise the super talented makeup artist gets a crack at his face. And yes, he’s meeting his players where they are. And he’s doing his best to let the spotlight shine on the Queens. But. He’s visible. He’s (intentionally or not) telling the world “If you want to come for them you’ll have to come through me”
Don’t get me wrong, I love the “Brennan hotboi!” takes. And maybe I’m reading too much into it. But I love the feeling that this cis-het white boy got sprayed with glitter, tossed on Eursulon’s pauldron, and said “I got y’all. It’s safe here.”
In a world where it is very much not safe to be trans right now, that means a fucking lot
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fuckmeyer · 10 months
if smeyer wasn't a coward vamp!Bella would have immediately eaten her daughter Rensesmem whole-hog like Saturn Devouring His Son
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anarqueeen · 1 month
If you're not lording the fact that you beat her high score at her favorite game over her, are you even dating?
Find what your partner loves and beat them at it, and be a total asshole about it the whole time. That's how you win at the relationship.
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waltricia · 22 days
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Yeah, she’s a bitch, but she also has her iconic moments, let’s bffr
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arsonistmoth · 2 months
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Aight takin a quick com break to share my ideas on the KITTY FAMILYYYY <3 (aka my take on Forneus and her kits) Headcanons under cut cuz some of them are sAD and also I tend to blather on.
Forneus has always wanted kits of her own, though perhaps not a Tom in her life to get them (She is content as she is, a traveling merchant who sees so many faces, so many stories in a day). So, by the power of a one-night stand with some dashing tall tom, she gets her wish. Albeit bittersweet when her kits come stillborn. She prays and prays to the god of death, begging, pleading for her babies to come back to her but its not Narinder that hears her fervent prayers first. She's given a choice by the god of war...Bury them as is her right, or give the kits to them. They will take them to death's gate where they just might know a shadow of life. She leapt at the chance. Not one day goes by where she doesn't think of her two little toms and how they must have grown. She knows, in her heart, they will return to her somehow..and she will know them by sight and scent the second she sees them. Aym and Baal grew up in the gateway with their master. They were a gift to a lonely god and in them he found some semblance of company and...love. Of course we all know Narinder is not the besssst of influences and it shows in the two young toms. They are fiercely loyal, quick to temper (in aym's case), and deadly in combat. Though it wasn't always so. Kits must learn and they must grow... Accidents are bound to happen- (perhaps like being given a new sharp pointy weapon only to hurt yourself immediately thereafter and have the god of death pinch your scruff between two claws to make you stop squirming as he heals you) Though their cloaks are nice and warm, the pair have only ragged tunics beneath it. After all, not many dead arrive with a) nice clothes and b) clothes big enough for the toms. Its fineeee. they're fineeee. After the events of the game, Aym and Baal choose to stay with the cult to be close to their mother and Master. Baal eventually finds himself a mate and even settles down, having a litter of twins with his orange tabby queen named Fion <3 Aym is content for a time, staying with his family and his new niece and nephew...but eventually wander lust grips him as it gripped his mother. He heads out into the world and, though he sends a sparse letter here and there, he has not been seen since. Lamb think's he's crossed the sea. Hopefully he finds whatever hes looking for. to end this on a happy note: Forneus loves her grandkits and would die for them. She has also slapped Narinder. Once. (you dont call yourself a poor father figure to kits you took care of. not around her. "You were all they had! They love you and cherish you do NOT spit in their faces so!"
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all-lee24 · 5 months
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Elden ring sketch - cursemark 1/2
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adriancatrin · 10 months
sketches from the cave of two lovers aka the boys are GRUMPY
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secondary-colorentimy · 5 months
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i just be drawing you know how i be
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nat-20s · 3 months
People ask Donna why she's NOT into the doctor and she's just like "????. Have you seen him? No tits no ass no nothin he's more useful as a bookmark than a boyfriend"
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Horizon fandom please accept this offering
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