deadaccount6978 · 2 years
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Here is my cat for you :]
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sekiumiarashi · 1 year
Went swimming for the first time in years yesterday and I’m still riding the serotonin
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lochnessmister · 2 years
worlds finals are making me autism so hard dude
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lostcybertronian · 3 years
I’ve submitted my application for Boston University’s Graduate program for Medical Sciences! WISH ME LUCK PRAY FOR ME
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if i could get a request for Shoto, Bakugo, or Shinsou. With a reader that has two sets of wings on her back that she can set on fire? The story would go she overused it in training and now has some small burns on her legs and arms but they dont notice it and when they do they gently scold her. But then they help her treat the burns?? And they notice she has a lot of scars from her wings. Just some fluff with worried boyfriends no angst unless you want to do that. Thank you!!
I went with Shoto for this! MHA Masterlist Main Masterlist
Experience in Burns - Todoroki
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2133 words
Warnings: mentions of injuries...not much else.😆
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Ringing was the only thing I could hear for a second. Hands clasped over my cars, trying to gather my bearings and get my head straight. I got straight just as Bakugou tried to attack again. I dodged to the right and flew away a few feet. I shook my head.
"What's the matter? Too scared to hit back, flappy bird?" He smirked as he walked towards me confidently. I laughed before brushing the hair out of my face.
"Oh no, Bakugo." I gave him an innocent look. "Just waiting for the right moment."
"Ah!" He launched himself with his quirk. I smirked.
"Bingo." I lifted my bottom set of wings up and ignited them. As Bakugou reached out to set his quirk off, I swung my wings under and forward. The flames flew and extended past me towards him. The moment my flames licked his palm, the nitroglycerin in his sweat was set off.
"Ugh. Shit!" He was thrown back by his own quirk and slammed into a wall on the edge of the training area.
"Hell naw!" The class erupted in whoops and hollers. Shouts of disbelief and amusement alike.
"Haha. She handed you your ass Bakugou!" Sero laughed, throwing his head back and clapped his head. Bakugou slowly sat up and glared at the black haired male. I slowly descended and softly touched down.
"Shit." I hissed under my breath as the stinging started on my skin. I grimaced as I pulled down my sleeves on my hero suit. I looked up and smiled as Uraraka and Midoriya came running up while Todoroki walked up slowly.
"That was awesome!"
"Using Kacchan's quirk against him, that is genius!" I chuckled.
"Thanks, Midoriya." I said softly. Todoroki stood next to me. He grabbed my hard and leant down to nuzzle my hair.
"Good job." He whispered. I blushed and went to say something but was interrupted.
"Hey, Burnt Feathers!" Bakugou yelled. We looked over to see him stalking towards me. I saw Kiri begin to move to intercept him but Bakugou stopped. He crossed his arms and just stood there, glaring.
"What?" I said. His face morphed into a smirk.
"At least someone here knows how to bring their A-game." He shouted. "Just know that next time I am beating your ass into the ground." He turned and stomped off. I paused in shock. I looked at the others before looking at a just as shocked Kiri.
"Did he just..compliment me?" He looked at me then looked in Bakugou's direction before answering my question.
"I think so." He said unsure. "But that was... that was something else. A very Bakugou way of doing it. " He walked off too.
"Ooookay. That was Weird." I turned back to them. Uraraka nodded in agreement while Midoriya and Todoroki just stayed silent.
"Let's go. I want a shower and fast." Uraraka grimaced as she looked down at her mud covered self. I giggled and followed, still holding Todoroki's hand. I flinched as the stinging intensified on my legs. I absentmindedly tightened my grip on Todoroki's hand.
"Are you alright?" He asked. I blanched but covered it up.
"Yes Roki. Don't worry, I'm just a little sore." He didn't look like
he believed me but didn't push. The four of us split ways to go to our respective locker rooms. I sat down while the other girls started to get changed and/or go to shower.
"Y/N? Aren't you going to get cleared up?" Momo asked. I looked up to see her and Jiro watching me.
"Yes. I'm just going to rest a minute first. A bit sore." I partially lied. Jiro snorted.
"Don't blame you girl. That was an intense spar with Bakugou." Momo nodded thoughtfully. I sat there basically until the rest left with Uraraka still there. I got up, grabbing my shower stuff.
"Well, I'll see you back at the dorms. I'll tell Todoroki you're going to be a bit if I see him." She told me as she went to leave.
"Thank you!" I called after her. Once she was gone I walked over to the showers. I stopped at one of the benches to set my stuff down. I stripped down and went to take my undergarments off when I caught sight of my reflection in a mirror. "Shit."
New burns were now present on my arms and legs as well as my side. They were red, angry, and almost blistering. I grimaced and looked away. I turned on the cold water and quickly got under. I flinched as the water ran over the wounds but continued on. I carefully washed up before getting out. I dried off quickly, shook my wings out, and grabbed some burn salve to apply. After it set, I got dressed and quickly walked to the dorms, flinching every now and again. After a minute, I decided to fly the rest of the way.
"Took you long enough, dumbass." Bakugou looked over his shoulder at me as I walked in. I paused before forcing out a chuckle. "Was starting to wonder if your fight or flight instincts did a switch after our match."
"You wish Bakugou but I'm not the one who ended up flat on the cracked concrete. Now am I?" I teased. He growled and went to climb over the back of the couch if Kiri hadn't stopped him. He had his arms wrapped around the squirming blondes waist. My wings flapped in amusement.
"Alright time to calm down there, Bakugou. Todoroki went on upstairs. He asked us to let you know." I nodded and moved away from the door.
"Thanks Kiri." I walked across the room to the elevator. "Bye Self-explosion boy."
"Why you little!" I heard him scream as the elevator doors closed. I shook my head and waited for the 5th floor. I walked towards Todoroki's door and knocked. After a moment, he opened the door. A gentle smile came over his face.
"Hey there." He let me in. He took my bag from my shoulder and set it aside. I flinched slightly as it dragged across the burn.
"Wow, has it been a long day." I stretched before sitting on the edge of his bed he had pulled out. I crossed my legs and looked up at him. He was watching me with keen eyes. A slight chill went up my spine.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked while kneeling in front of me.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled.
"I'm not sure. You've just been acting strange today. Especially after training. I'm just worried." He set a hand on my knee. He placed his hand right on a burn. I jumped in pain before freezing. We looked at each other in shock before his eyes traveled to my knee.
"Roki...It's nothing." I tried to deter him but he was lifting my part leg before I could say anymore. He sucked in a heavy breath when he saw the wound.
"Love..." He looked up into my misty eyes. I tried to push my part leg down but he grabbed my hand. His gaze flickered down to my arms. I went to scoot away from him when he gently grabbed my wrist and pulled up my sleeve in the same movement. "Y/N!"
"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, wings shaking haphazardly.
"For what?" He exclaimed back before taking a breath. "Darling ..." He set his head down in my lap, composing himself. "If anyone should be sorry it's me for not noticing." He shot up and went to one of his chest of drawers. He pulled out some medical supplies and walked back over. He held out his hand with a silent question. I laid my arm in his palm with a little hesitation. He gently examined the burn. "How many more and where?"
"Only two more outside these two. One on my other arm and my left side." I avoided his eyes. I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. He started with my arms before moving to my knee. He looked up at me after he finished wrapping my knee.
"I will need you to lift your shirt so I can get to your side. Please." I blushed but nodded. I laid back, wings spread out underneath, and lifted my shirt just below my bra. I could see a faint pink live go over his cheeks. He gently dabbed the burn and I hissed in pain and followed it with a whimper. "Sh, I'm sorry. It will only be a little longer."
"Okay." I said a shake in my voice. I closed my eyes but felt him cup my face in comfort. He finished up as quickly as he could.
"Here." He called softly. I sat up and he handed me some medicine and water. I took them as he sat next to me. "How did you get these?" He asked while taking my hand.
"Overuse of my quirk." I said as he started rubbing circles in the back of my hand. "When it gets to be too much, the durability and flame resistance my body has is little to none. So it results in burns. A lot of them sometimes."
"I see." He said while his fingers trailed up my wrists and arms, tracing the scars. "So that's where all the scars have come from."
"Yep." I said. "It's gotten better since we started school and training. When I first discovered the flaming part of my wings, I used to get massive burns easily. So we basically had a corner in my home that was a Triage center."
"So I'm not the only one with experience in burns. " He looked at me through his eyelashes. I shook my head before letting it fall to the side. I examined his face for the Umpteenth time in my life. He was busy tracing patterns into my skin while I watched him.
"I just noticed your eyelashes are bi-colored too." I reached up and ran a thumb under his eye. He chuckled as his hand traveled up my arm, avoiding the burn, and settled it behind my elbow. He pulled me forward, setting his forehead on mine.
"And you wrap your wings around yourself or in this case, us, when your lovey and comfortable." I peeked and saw in fact my wings were loosely wrapped around the both of us. I giggled and tightened them a little around us. "Come on. Sit in front of me. Your wings are an unruly mess."
"Okay." I maneuvered myself around and he began preening my wings. I shivered a bit at the feeling before relaxing at his touch. "Where did you learn to do this, Roki?"
"I looked it up." He said without shame. "I found out it not only helps wings stay neat and tidy but also helps the being with said wings feel better. So, I thought it necessary. " He held up a stray feather.
"You're taking lessons from Midoriya, aren't you?" I felt his hands leave my wings and pulled me back by my shoulders. I looked over my shoulder to see his innocent, confused face.
"What do you mean?" He asked. I just giggled and nuzzled under his chin.
"It's nothing, baby." I shifted and seized up at the pull on my side. A small groan escaped my lips and then I sighed. Most everything was a dull ache now.
"Hmm." He shifted behind me and got up. I watched him as he walked around the room grabbing his laptop, turned off the light, and opened the shoji screen to let the dusk light in. "I know we were planning on doing some light studying but I feel like it's more of a movie night. What do you think?" He looked at me as he powered on the laptop.
"Yeah. Sounds good to me." He smiled and pulled up a movie. I cuddled back into his pillows and he joined me not a minute later. He laid down next to me and pulled me to lay across his chest.
"Y/N?" He spoke up after a bit and I hummed in response. "Will you come to me when this happens again? I don't want you to keep this from me anymore."
"I will. I promise, Shoto." I hugged him tight. I felt him smile into my hair. We watched silently for a while longer until I heard a tiny snore. I looked up at him and saw he was asleep. I giggled before reaching to close the laptop. I moved it aside and laid back down. I draped my wings over us and cuddled in. I shut my eyes and relaxed into him, slowly being lulled to sleep by the warmth of him.
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corpsedaydream · 4 years
hiya!! would you mind doing a fic where corpse and reader are just being really cute while they're cuddling?? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
i got u, i hear u, i see u. here u go!!!!!!!!!!
warnings: mention of sex but its literally just a line
word count: 650-700 i can’t remember exactly lmao
flappy bird
Today was a quiet day. In the most comfortable way possible.
You and Corpse had woken up about half an hour ago, but neither of you had made any effort to get out of bed. You were simply enjoying each other’s company too much. And you really didn’t want to move, anyway.
Last night, you’d both had your fair share of wine, and what started as slow dancing quickly became a heated make out and groping session on the bench top which then progressed to pleasure in the form of him being buried inside of you in bed. So today, you were both a little more slower, a little worn out and no longer drunk on wine, but still drunk on each other.
The two of you were facing each other, both pairs of legs a tangled mess beneath the blanket. His hands had made their way under the shirt you had on when you’d both woken up. Corpse loved to feel your soft skin, you always were so warm in the mornings. His head was nestled in your neck, warm air feeling comforting as it hit your skin while he took in those post waking up, quiet, slow, deep breaths.
Pillow talk had become your favourite time with him, being in bed with him felt like you two were in your own universe. Everything else didn’t exist, it was only you and him and that was all you really needed.
“Wait, what?” You paused your movements of your hand combing through his bed hair. He only let out a low, inward growl as a response, wanting your hand to continue the relaxing motion. “No, no,” you continued, you went to move back to look at him, but one of his hands suddenly gripped your hip and his other hurriedly crept further up your bare back, wanting to keep you exactly as you were in that position.
“Stay there.” He told you stubbornly. He didn’t want his morning peace disturbed yet.
You sighed and relaxed back against him, but you couldn’t move past the information you’d just realised about your boyfriend. “But as if you don’t remember Flappy Bird.” Your brows furrowed, in thought. An easy morning conversation topic had been apps that either of you had become really obsessed with at one point in time. 
“Must’ve been shit.” His lips were moving against your neck as he spoke, seeing as he had kept his face firmly planted in it’s place.
“It really was,” you agreed with him, “but that’s what made it so good.”
“What?” He laughed, “what was it?”
“Now you want to know.”
“I’ll download it later.”
“You can’t!”
You huffed and he laughed, he loved when you would be talking about something really not that significant, but you would act like it was the most important thing in the moment. “See, this is why I don’t get why you can’t remember. It was, like, only on the app store for a little bit and everyone downloaded it, hated it, but still continued to play. Then suddenly it was just gone.” You exclaimed, pausing your story for some response, but he remained quiet. “But, the thing is, that people who had it on their phone when it was deleted, can still play it.” This time, you thought you’d get a reply, but he stayed silent. “Are you listening?”
“Of course, baby.” And he was, kind of, but it was more that he was just comforted in simply hearing your voice. It was all about being in your presence, listening to you, holding you in his arms, breathing you in, he was happy.
“I’m gonna show yo-”
“No.” He cut you off, once again the strength of his hold on you intensifying as your effort to make a move was halted. “Told you to stay here.”
“Fine.” You let out a deep breath, but it was content, because a smile was on your face. How much you loved when all he wanted to focus on was you.
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noodles-07 · 4 years
So uhhhhhh you know that among us screenshot that you posted (I think yesterday? Idk time doesn't exist) with the caption 'It’s free gender euphoria'? So uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what would you do if I told you I drew it bc I got inspired 👉👈 like I turned it into a human and made a drawing of it what would you do
(yea it was yesterday and yea time doesn’t exist anymore)
I would probably just... *hand flappy intensifies* :D
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
Can I just... You're such an amazing author??? I just am in awe??? I am enthralled with your Vamp AU and your characterization and I know I wrote the novel but I sat and thought on it some more and I just CANNOT get over how amazing that was!!! My mind is REELING with thoughts about it. Like, what IS gonna happen once Dark wakes up? What went on in Doc's mind when Dark was passing out? What did Actor hear and think during this all? JUST AHHH! So! Fricken! Amazing!!!!!
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belzinone · 4 years
@mckeitbeautiful​  ::  “ Alright, what kind of twisted toys do you need me to make now? We going with the usual 20 pieces? “ // decim
“I’m sorry…?” The exchange had happened countless times within his time as an arbiter. Nothing felt out of the ordinary upon greeting her. She would work on repairs and discover new ways of intensifying the games… Although, something was odd. The question wouldn’t have caught him off guard, had it not been phrased in such a newly-discovered negative way.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by calling them ‘twisted’.” His admission rooted in curiosity, he couldn’t help but think that there should have been some other word to describe it. The supposedly ‘correct’ term escaped him… had it really been so long since he last shared a memory with the doll seated by the bar?
For a moment, Decim relied on his silence to cover what words may have tried to force themselves into the open. It was one thing to feel the guilt pinching nerves in his chest, but another to say something about it.
He forced his hand to another glass, lifting it from the dishpan before drying it. It was all he could do to not grab his chest while waiting for the pain to subside; teeth gritting enough to escape his ability to notice that gesture went along with it. After all, seeing that from one of the freshly deceased came from a physical pain.
The bartender wasn’t known for suffering those.
“If you’ll excuse any further interruptions,” he said, hearing the clean glass squeak against the cloth. “Please let it be this one: I would like to ask you what YOUR thoughts are on the games played here…” He already knew where so many of his co-workers stood on how things were run. Another point of view could very well replenish his understanding of others again.
Oh no, she wailed sarcastically in her mind, This is unacceptable. How dare you keep me from the deafening silence that fills these corridors? Bel canned herself with a smirk as she sat herself at his bar beside the doll, respectfully acknowledging her timeless inanimance with a short dip of her head before crossing her legs.
“ I sat in on one of Ginti’s trials. You know, your biggest fan? “ she said, her eyes appearing unable to leave the doll beside her as she rested her cheek in her chin, “ Sadistic motherfucker. “ Her tone was already leading into her opinion. “ I’m usually proud of my work, but the way he used the software... I witnessed a pair of siblings nearly rip each other apart over a game of Flappy bird... They walked in the sweetest things, had each other’s back all their lives. It was as if he wasn’t searching to expose any darkness to judge but was... creating it... “
The conflict hit a nerve she didn’t know she had. Furthermore, she didn’t know why she was upset. Like the others around Quindecum and Viginti, she awoke atop a bed of ivy with no prior knowledge, no memories, and was told that was the way she was meant to be. For some reason however, she wasn’t given the role of arbiter before graduating to the other occupations. Instead, she was promptly given the memories of an engineer and put to work creating the delicate links between players and the game.
A quiet, some may even say excessively subordinate character, Bel had no reservations keeping her thoughts to herself around Decim. He did invite her, after all. And if he tipped her off to someone? Nona, maybe? Oculus? What could they even do to her? She didn’t like the increasing unease it brought her to be catching feelings over these humans.
“ ... She’s cute... “ she said idly through their silence with a tone that didn’t necessarily ask for a reply or acknowledgement, “ I like her sweater... Even if she can’t respond, she’s good company... “ Carefully, Bel reached out and smoothed a wayward strand of Chiyuki’s hair, gingerly adjusted a wrinkle in her sleeve before returning her attention to Decim, or rather, the glass in his hands.
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lesbianpikachuu · 5 years
[flappy hands intensifies]
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autism-asks · 7 years
I just wanted to ask if it is a normal (well - autistic) reaction: I just saw a video of my Special interest and it excited me so much, that I had the urge to vomit? I actually had the taste in my mouth. This never happened before, but I was so so happy and I even did the flappy hands and rolling around which felt amazing! But is it normal to have such extreme reactions? (could I be tagged as #hedgehog please?)
Autistic people tend to have very intense emotional reactions. This can be even further intensified when we are interacting with our special interests. While I’m not sure how common your experience is, it’s definitely a possible autistic reaction. 
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Mommy’s Little Game
“Larry, GET YOU ASS IN HERE!” I wake startled by my mother’s sudden scream. I rush and get dressed knowing that if I’m even a second late the consequences will be dangerous. I fling myself out of the room and down the hall practically running.
“Yes Mother, I’m here.” I scramble, to catch my breath.
“I told you last night everything had to be perfect for my friends to come over today.” She slurred the stench of alcohol rolling out of her mouth and right into my nose. She grabs my hair and slams my head on the counter.
“What the fuck is this!” She growls under her breath pointing to a cup that was not there last night. I recognized the dark amber liquid at the bottom of the cup. Whiskey. I hadn’t forgotten it, she had it was hers most likely from this morning. Knowing if I say anything about it not being my fault I would be locked down in the basement again so I try the only thing that ever works, apologizing.
“Mommy, Mommy please you’re hurting me, please I tried my best.” She lets go of my hair a little bit and pulls my face off the counter.
“Awe, I’m hurting you!” she says with fake concern just to smash my face down again, all I felt was pain and then nothing.
My head throbs as I open my eyes to see complete darkness. The basement!I can hear laughter coming from above me, my mom’s friends must have made it. Confusion still eats at my brain I did everything right how did I end up here. I fell liquid trickling down my forehead I reached up to wipe it away but realized my hands were chained down to something. What the! I’ve been down here before, sometimes days at a time but I’ve never been chained up like an animal.
“MOMMY!” I scream with everything in me but as I hear the laughter stop immediately I realize it was a mistake. My heart began to flutter as I hear angry footsteps getting closer than they suddenly stop. I can hear the creak of a door and then blinding lights beat down on me.
“See I told you he’d be crying, like a baby!” Mommy says to her friend’s their drunken laughter filling the quietness in the room. I try to reach my eyes to wipe the tears away but again the restraints hold my arms perfectly in place. They all stumble down the stairs making their way to me I take this time to look around.
There’s a metal table in the corner of the room next to a smaller table with what looks like the knives from the kitchen along with the scissors, a stapler and from here what looks like duct tape. My mind racing tears start pouring faster. They finally all got to me my mother front and center looking down at me.
“How old is he?” asks a man with a wicked smile spread across his face. My mind yells at my mother yeah mom how old am I?
“I don’t know 15, 16?” she says slurring her words.
“I’m only 11!” I say with desperation in my voice begging each and every one of them for sympathy. I stare into their eyes I know it’s no use their eyes are all glazed thick with alcohol.
“Don’t speak!” my mother yells striking down and connecting with my cheek a yelp escapes my lips. The drunken adults all burst with laughter one of the woman closest to the smaller table grabs a knife.
“Here, Diane use this!” the woman says handing the knife to mom. My mom’s eyes widen and for the first time, a flash of my old loving mother peeks through. When everything was good whenever everything was simple. When daddy was still here but, since he left, it’s never been the same. She says all I do is remind her of him. As quickly as the old her came it was gone just as fast. She grabbed the knife and without hesitation, she penetrated my skin crimson liquid came pouring out.
“Ahh, No, please no, please."I try backing up my eyes burning as tears spill faster making my vision blur. I see two blurry men walking toward me they pick me up and what I think is my mother undoes my handcuffs. I struggled to try to get free but it’s no use. I cry my mouth forms words I didn’t even know were being spoken.
"Please don’t do this don’t, please.” pleadingly I beg as they slam my body on the cold metal table my brain rattles as my head smashes down. I hear them pulling the tape and feel it as they tape my hands and ankles down to the table.
My vision still blurry as I try to make out what they are doing I look around at them they’re blurry smiles and loud laughter makes me sick how could they get joy out of this. I want to scream and run and hide but I can’t. I want to cower and cry but there’s no point they’re going to kill me. So I close my eyes and lay there waiting for death to take me. I give up what else is there to do.
“Are you fucking sleeping? What is this boring you?” My mother screams down at me my eyes instantly popping open.
“No, no mommy.” she looks over at the stapler and reaches over and grabs it.
“I’ll teach you to fall asleep while mommy’s playing with you,” she says with an evil look in her eyes. I know that nothing I say or do will change what she’s about to do to me so instead I close my eyes and send a silent prayer to whatever God may be listening.
Please just don’t let me die, please. As I finish praying a terrible pain rips through my cheeks. What is happening? My eyes pop open to see one of the men that looked familiar maybe one of our fellow churchgoers slicing through my cheek. The sharp knife inch by inch cutting through layer upon layer of my skin slowly. Blood begins filling my mouth the taste of rusty pennies devours my taste buds. I swallow not knowing what else to do the warm liquid filling my empty stomach. I move my head to the side to move away from the man I feel my skin flop splashing blood into my eye. I gag my blood choking me tears flowing faster as the pain continues to spread. I try speaking but the man moves on to my next cheek then slowly starts cutting through it, I make the terrible mistake of touching my tongue to the new wounds the pain is unbearable. He finally finishes seemingly pleased with his handy work as if I was nothing but a piece of art. The woman who originally gave the knife to my mom brought a mirror so I could also admire the man’s handy work. A smile was cut into my face he made me look like the Joker from Batman and then that’s when my memory recognized him he was the preacher he always told me I should smile more that my life could be worse.
“There see now you will always be smiling.” The preacher said the stench of alcohol radiating into my nose. Why, why me? I asked God but why do I ask him. Look at my face! Is there a God? Tiredness takes over my body from the lack of blood but the pain keeps me wide awake.
“What getting tired know?” says mom her voice sounds fading away. Is this what it feels like to die? It’s not too bad maybe death would be better than living in this torturous hell. I let my eyes close but seconds later I felt them being pried open. Two new men stand over my head holding my eyes open. My mother looks down at me and smiles like a real mother would if their child made them proud or happy.
“This will keep your eyes open honey.” she’s in the sweetest fake tone she could muster. I scream as she uses the stapler to staple my eyelids to my eyebrows I feel as the cold metal pierced my skin, She then does the same to my bottom eyelids to the top of my cheek.
“Why, why me?” I scream my voice sounding odd as my cheeks flap around. My vision disorientated because of the thick red liquid making it impossible to see. I scream, my mother’s hand flies down to muffle it but as her dirty hands make contact with my fresh wounds it makes me scream louder. The pain indescribable my eyes fill quickly with water because they want to close but can’t. The sound of duct tape ripping draws my attention I look over at a woman with worry in her eyes.
“He’s screaming too loud, he’s going to attract unwanted attention!” she said as she began covering my Joker mouth with layers of tape. I continued screaming not knowing how big of a mistake it would be as the same woman began ripping the tape off. Blood and tears became one after about the third layer of tape I could hardly keep from fainting as my floppy skin began being pulled apart along with the tape. The tape causing my skin to tear more apart and then blackness.
“Whats… whats..goin’…on?” My voice weak my eyes stinging with pain.
“Mommy and her friends are playing with you.” mommy says as I try blinking but soon give up as my memories come flooding back to me. My mother standing above me smiling down. For 2 blissful seconds, I thought life was normal or at least as normal as it was before but as all the pain came bubbling up to the surface.
“Mommy, please stop. I’m sorry, I love you.” the words leave my flappy mouth but as the anger, in her rises in her eyes I register it wasn’t the smartest words to say. She grabs one of the sharpest kitchen knives we own and looks down at me with an evil look in her eyes.
“Stop speaking, shut up, SHUT UP!” She yells at me the smell of alcohol fading away. I looked around to the other people I could see them slowly beginning to sober. There was actually a few of them asleep on the floor. I looked back to my mom she was hovering over my stomach with a weird concentrated look in her eyes. She twirled the knife in the air as if she was trying to figure out how to spell words. My face numb with pain and my eyes burning wanting desperately to close. I try with all the strength left in my body to close them but all I was doing was ripping my skin open where the staples were. I give up and just focused my eyes on the ceiling.
Tears streamed out of my open eyes and slide down to my cut up cheek stinging the fresh wounds. I just wanna die, I thought I wanted to live but how could anybody live like this. Just as I feel the same blissful fading away as earlier my mother slicing through the skin on my chest bringing me right back to reality. I yell the pain intensifying as she cuts deeper into my skin twisting and turning making ragged angels with the knife.
“What.. are you doing?” I yell heavily breathing through the pain my flabby skin flopping all over the place as I speak. I scream louder as she saws through my lower abdomen it feels tight as the blade slices through my skin. The woman from earlier that was complaining about me screaming stuck her face right in front of my face.
“Shut the fuck up little brat! You’re killing my head!"She says as she uses her hand to rub at her temples.
"Sorry for inconveniencing you!” I say with sarcasm thick in my voice after the words come out of my mouth I let out a high pitched scream because at that moment mother decided to stab the knife right through my leg. I felt as the cold metal blade connected with my bone sending a shooting pain through my whole body. Anger takes over the woman’s expression as she reaches over and grabs the stapler. She moves the stapler up to my face with a wicked smile.
“You’re going to wish that you just shut the fuck up!” She says as she grabs ahold of both sides of my cut up cheeks bringing the stapler closer and closer until she has it pressed down against my cheek. She then proceeds to push the stapler down. I feel as the little metal staples pierces and wraps themselves around my skin.
“Please, stop I won’t scream anymore! Please?” I beg but I see it’s no use as she moves on to the next little bit of my cheeks, pinching my skin together sending another rippling pain through my cheek. As the cold metal pierced through another section. I cry tears flowing down right into my open joker mouth. I feel blood trickling down my sides from the cravings made on my chest. I pick my head up and try looking down at my stomach but I can’t make out any distinctive wording or picture. I could tell the markings were not random it looked like it had some sort of pattern. I tried lifting my head higher to get a better glance but the woman with the stapler slammed my head down on the table. I felt my brain rattle as I cried out from the pain.
“What did I fucking tell you about keeping that fucking mouth shut!” she says angrily looking tired and aggravated. I try to stop crying but the pain and fear kept tears flowing. She then begins pinching and stapling faster. I fell the staples with my tongue. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six Staples! I feel little drops of blood hit the back my throat creating a puddle of blood in my mouth. I try calming myself down by breathing through my nose just as she staples another pinch of my cheeks together.
“There little brat now try opening that fucking mouth!” She says with a sigh obviously relieved that I couldn’t scream anymore. Tears fall freely out of my open eyes, my body shaking I hadn’t noticed how cold I was until right now probably from the lack of blood coursing through my body. The woman walked towards the group of others that have gathered by the stairway ,I could tell the alcohol had began to leave most of their systems because their eyes were wide and they look as if they’re going to be sick when they glanced towards my disgruntled body. My eyes flash back to the ceiling I could feel my blood pooling underneath me, my tears mixing in. I could hear soft footsteps walking up to me.
“Larry……” I looked into her eyes, the eyes of the monster that did this to me. She was staring down at her hands they were covered in my blood. “What have I done?” She whispered single tear falling from her eye. She looked in my eyes tears fell from them consistently. She looked down toward my legs reached over ripping the knife from my bleeding leg. I felt as the blood began to pour out faster and faster. I let out a muffled scream and shifted an inch making my body jolt upwards causing all my wounds to come alive. It felt as if fire spread through my body my mother’s hand rested upon my head. She began gently stroking my hair she smiled down at me with pity coating her eyes.
“Don’t worry, Larry your pain will end soon.” Her eyes turned from sweet and gentle to the crazed monster she was before. My eyes widen I begin shaking my head violently as she brings the knife above my chest. I beg with my eyes for her to not stab me but, there was no point the knife was already breaking into my skin. I felt as the cold metal knife penetrated my chest. My breath became ragged and short. I could hear my heart pounding faster and faster fighting hard to survive but as it began to slow I realized this is how i’m gonna die. So I lie there with my eyes to the ceiling and waited until the last tear streamed down my face and all that was left was a blissful emptiness.
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