lewypool · 7 months
i leave tiktok for months, come back and see this 😭
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shunrehihosumedha · 30 days
नमस्ते और स्वागत है आपका मेरे ब्लॉग मेह
मेरा नाम Sumedha Chatterjee है 💟
I am a geographer who specialises on the domain of Oceanography and Climatology
I am currently pursuing my masters in science degree from the university of Jamia Millia Islamia. I did my graduation from the Indraprastha College for Women under the esteemed university of Delhi.
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I like creating stories and poetries of my vivid imagination that I try to explain as evenly as I can.
I love Murakami, Franz Kafka, and Robert Greenee a lot. My favourite books are The Ballad of the Songbirds and the Snake, 1Q84, Kafka on the Shore, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? And so many more.
I love the entire franchise of Dune by Frank Herbert and believes that The Butlerian Jihad by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson is one of those books that everyone in the 21st century should read. I envy both the saga of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
I’m not picky when it comes to music but I’m still protective about my genres (Yk what I mean) also follow me on Spotify. Link is on the description.
Here’s an example though hehe
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আমি বাঙালি তার জন্য, I have delved into the literary history of the great Kobi Rabindranath Tagore and laureates such as Sarat Chandan Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Narayan Ganguly, Tarashankar Banerjee, Satyajit Ray, Sukumar Roy and so many that the list will never end.
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I hold a diploma degree in kathak and Odiya classical dance as well as 1st class certification of Rabindranath sangeet.
I envy survival tactics as I have been on several camping expedition since I was 7 years old. I have 10 years of experience as a camper into the wilderness and 2 years of experience as a co-guide with diverse knowledge of rare flora and fauna. I know how to make a shelter out of a polythene, some ropes and tree branches and can lit fire with the basic tinder and kindles available on the wild.
My other Tumblr account for shitposting is @sumedhaaaaaaaaaa
I aspire to be a researcher in my domain someday but also want to see a novel/poetry book of my own on the public shelves envied by many others.
P.S. I’m also a content writer at Universal Adventures
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vampwritersposts · 10 months
Hiii helloo good people. last post i was telling you about how to make your dream come true. basically my dream to get rich before i turn 30. soo the only thing to reach your dream is just to plan it.
If you need to read the previous post please read it. because it's very important to read. I will waiting for you. Okaayyy u've read it alright let's get start it.
Okayy about my plans. I've been write it on my dream board but when my family moved to my new house in 2020 i couldn't find it anymore.
There's a research from Harvard business school about the relationship between having a goals and write it and always checking the achievement.
And the results is...
84% apparently people don't have any dreams.
13% people have specific dreams but don't write it. 3% people have specific, clear and WRITTEN dreams, and always checking their achievement.
And after 10 years...
13% people who have specific dreams but don't write it, have twice much income as the 84% people that don't have a dreams, and surprisingly 3% people that have a dreams and write their dreams specifically, and always check their achievement have 10× more income as much as the 13% people that have a dreams but don't write them down. This is fking insane right?, Soo start to write your dream now!!.
Okay i will share to you guys what's my dream and how i planned it. Well honestly the plan is always change, but my dreams aren't. My recently plan are to learn business management, and find a new college, because my previous college are focus on deen and quran, and none of them are my passion, soo i go to internet and searching a good university for me and i found ESQ Business School, yea even i struggle to pay my college but the best investment for myself is Education.
My second plan is getting a network from the alumnus from my college. "Network is your net worth" there's soo many people being successful because of they're the friend of bla bla bla, because of his parents are elon musk or rafi ahmad maybe 😵‍💫. Soooo go get a net worth don't be shy to ask the name of someone who looks wealthy. Be their friends because if you want to look someone, just look at their friends. Robert kiyosaki ( the author of rich dad poor dad ) are have an entrepreneur friend that much older than him, and that's bring him to be rich.
And my third plan is. Always convince people to give me money, money is always moving everywhere we see in our life, there's people who get money in it, even our born, there's a doctor that getting a money from taking you out from your mother.
For example i was a train robbery, there's a bunch of gold in that train.
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Thats a bad idea when i steal the gold when they was still stuck in the vaults. I would get the gold when the gold is moving, I'll wait until they being transported and then I'll hijack the train and pop pop pop gimme dat fkin gold!!!. Soo something is vulnerable when it's moving, money is always moving, so I have to see where the money goes and stop in the middle to take them.
Like yesterday i convinced my friend to make our gang's varsity jacket, they're 17 of my gang members, and from every jacket i get 100k profit, i make them like the train with a lot of money and then i stop em and take them all.
Okayy that's all of it
1. Get a knowledge
2. Get a network
3. Take the money
If u don't know how to do in your day, just trying to do one of this three points. If u got a knowledge u'll know how to get money. If you got a network you will know where you can take the money. Soo it's always goes to number three which is MONEY.
Muthafakinabdl ( Tuesday, 1 August 2023 )
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dadswithipads · 1 year
Live reacting to Static Shock episodes
"Ep 9 S3"
Ok music. Ok scooby doo esk opening. Aw yeah static and gear. That little smile Static gives Gear "Shall we". This is what I've wanted them and TEAMWORK. Them saving each other and helping eachother.
Billboard. Lil Romeo.
Brandon is a bang baby, I can tell the formula. Don't sell out Virgil. No baby boy getting manipulated. Omg Richie. So fking gay. Yearbook picture. Jeez.
They. Are. Partners.
This man is maniacally laughing when they get thrown to the ground.
My poor baby always getting hurt.
Richie is heartbroken. That is GAY. Holy sh¡t. Richie leaves and Static watches him go. He hangs his head low and has an upset look on his face. COUPLE I TELL YOU.
He's so sad after breaking up with Richie. He making his superhero puns and stuff and says "im starting to think you don't value our time together." To the villian. As a dig but like. Virgil chose to say that cause he was definitely reminiscing on the time with Richie, which was why that was at the front of his mind.
Roberts like wtf, Sharon.
Aw they so cute and sweet. The smiles they have to each other when talking about it💗😭. They appreciate each other so much.
Ok music.
Hes just not gonna question how Static got in the building. Ok
No straight man uses "Sunshine" as an insult. Only people with bisexual swagger like Virgil.
Lets gooo.
That was a long time hand holding 5 seconds😳.
Knew it. Also why this all scooby doo all of a sudden.
They are too cute.
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literally-just-there · 6 months
To be honest the weirdest experience yet I've had with Seekers Notes was the last event when the Blacksmith's name was revealed as Robert
I had given names to all the unnamed characters bc it felt more humanizing and I had been calling him Edwin this entire time lmao
Why is his canon nickname fking "Thumb" tho ?? M I need the origin story
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mybook313 · 10 months
Please just outsmart your own subconscious - celebrities!
20/08/2023 – 19:56
David Mitchell and Robert Webb will never fKing give up. HB will never fKing sleep!  Celebrities, as per, as per usual, will always give in and give up!
My surveillance operators are intelligently arrogant! They will always assume they can “get away with it”. Like Kim Bowman!!
Kim Bowman smokes! Lmfao!
I’m doing okay on risperidone! I need to relax under the Hawthorne effect! Samuel Buxton has granted OJR premature salvation! 
Samuel loves “remature” salvation. 
Immortality will sleep tonight; plots will be unstoppable but to The British and The British GVT and the ai community.
Nothing bad will ever happen. At this point!
Celebrities don’t ever give a shit! “Russell Brand has worked out to be perfect!!”
Rishi Sunak hopefully will stay the PM for a long, long time!
OJR would make a great PM! Just a fact!
“When would this be released!!”
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The randomest of doodles for the Golden God's 70th. ❤❤
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thsclothing · 2 years
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Everyone Knows a Robert, she’s usually Fking Fabulous Personalized Mug Gift Get yours here: https://bit.ly/3JdSDPp
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ruielin · 6 years
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nerve | (2016)
“Remember, you’re my eyes,”
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passionpitobsession · 7 years
me at Maia and Jace making out 
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dearlover-ofmine · 2 years
Dear Diary
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I HAVE OFFICIALLY FALLEN IN LOVE 🥺. Another romance book equals another crush in my list. *Santiago Alatorre* soo dreamy, if only guys like him exist in real life, i wouldn’t have to face the assholes i meet in real life. I hate how my celeb and book crushes have me in a chokehold. Just hearing or reading their names make my stomach flutter and make me smile so fcking wide and start laughing like crazy, next thing i know i am already imagining moments with them. //Redeemed (Dirty Air #4)//, This book has had me sobbing, crying, laughing and holding my breath in a span of a few hours. It’s just too fking good😭. I have a literal list of books which have made my cry,laugh and simply made me fall in love with the characters:- * The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas * The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams * The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood * Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover * It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover * Neon Gods by Katee Robert * To kill a kingdom by Alexandra Christo * The Fault in Our Stars by John Green * Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott * Wait for it by Mariana Zapata Someone has gotta save me from this book guy saga, before i end up lonely. My standards are too high because of these beautiful boys With Love <3 - dearlover_ofmine “Santiago officially made the top of my sexy list. Okay, who am I kidding? He is the list.”
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tisthedamnseasonn · 4 years
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chaossmagic · 5 years
Nbd but the show will not survive without robert jacob sugden tyfyt
He has it all. The comedy, the over-the-top theatrics, the questionable morals, the utter devotion to his friends and family, regularly swings between chaotic evil and chaotic good (and chaotic evil for good), he’s a dick but you want to root for him because underneath it all he’s sweet and kind and loving and incredibly loyal, has been through hell and done stuff he’s not proud of but trying to be a better person.
We all love characters like that and we need them in our lives.
Also, he’s super pretty. For the shallow, vain reasons he needs to stay, because I’m gay but not blind.
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Look at him!! 
He can immediately make any scene or episode better just by existing in it without even actually having to say or do anything. 
He’s a terrible liar, thinks he can dance but really can’t, is a snob, loves chocolate and puddings and sweet treats (I can relate tbh), fought hard to help Liv see herself as worthy, loves his son to death, was ready to give up Aaron if that was what he wanted even if it broke his heart. 
He does dumb things and falls out of trees and once had ‘village bike’ engraved on his ex’s wedding ring when she married his brother (which is HILARIOUS, by the way). He proposed to Aaron during an argument because he JUST WANTED TO MARRY HIM and Aaron was making it impossible for him to do this big romantic gesture, so he settled for screaming it at him and chucking the ring in his face because Aaron was stupid and WOULDN’T LET HIM DO IT PROPERLY.
He was able to make amends with Andy, and put the past behind them, even though he had contributed to an extremely hostile home environment where Robert was neglected and abused emotionally, verbally, and physically, and made to feel unloved and unwanted. He forgave all of that and made up with his big brother, because he’s a compassionate person who loves his family above all else.
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lizzzzoo · 5 years
aaron looks so fking soft when he was saying his vows to robert
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