#Ethan hunt Headcanons
Some soft Ethan Hunt headcanons for the soul <3
- He cooks for the team. He has like 4 recipes and most of them are casseroles (due to him being from the Midwest). While he doesn’t usually have his hands on the best ingredients and his kitchen methods are questionable (he’ll substitute anything he feels like and has almost started fires on multiple occasions), it’s still always a hit. Benji always adores it and while Luther is dubious he still admits it’s worlds better than the usual on-the-lam takeout.
- He can’t spell for the life of him. It’s just one of those things his brain can’t find the space to concentrate on. It’s not usually noticeable since his tech has auto correct and he uses texting shortcuts on his burner phones, but Will Brant once watched him trying to spell “beautiful” for 10 whole minutes and never lets him hear the end of it.
- He curls up when he sleeps. He’s the kind of person who needs 3 layers of blankets, even in the summer, and he always tucks his covers all the way up to his chin. He lays on his side, almost curled into a ball, tightly wrapped and secure. He never tells anyone, but it’s because it keeps him from flailing due to nightmares. And he enjoys being cozy.
- He likes to make faces in mirrors when he walks past them. Sometimes he runs his hands through his hair. Everyone has caught him doing this at one point or another. It’s a side effect of his talent for acting like different people.
- He. Doodles. Everywhere. If you hand him a paper and a pen, it’s going to be covered with intricate designs and disturbingly realistic eyes and silly cat faces within the next few minutes. Doesn’t matter if it’s scrap paper or the most important document detailing the syndicate’s plans for nuclear war, he’ll find a way to cover it with sketches. He once had a habit of drawing on his skin, but he kicked it as fast as he possibly could. Don’t want any identifying marks in his line of work.
- He’s a hugger. Especially a surprise hugger. He’ll randomly jump his friends when they’re working or resting or standing anywhere and just wrap them in a hug for no particular reason. From behind, from the side, from the front. Curling around them like a koala. He’s tiny enough to where it’s not a problem for them, and everyone enjoys it anyway. Ethan loves keeping his friends close and safe, and that means physically sometimes too.
My askbox is open for requests if anyone wants more btw ☺️💖
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agentfaust · 8 months
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look at the strands of hair falling out of her braid here, the way it’s not perfect like usual. ilsa granted ethan one last favor before what she was about to do to him — letting him braid her hair.
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malavera · 1 year
How he treats you when you’re having your Period Days — Tom Cruise h.c
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it gets 18+ in the end 👀
bc i’m having the worst cramps ever, i’d imagine how Tom would treat his girl when she’s in pain
you were watching a movie in bed with him, he was showing you one of his old movies and he was telling you about a certain scene
suddenly you whimpered in pain, your knees went up to curl against your stomach
“what’s wrong princess? is it hurting again?”
you’d just nodded your head with your eyes closed, your teeth gritted inside your closed lips
“do you want water? i’m gonna get you some water.”
but you refused as you placed a grip on his shirt to stop him from moving
“you’re hurting baby, what should i do? what do you need? tell me.”
tom’s warm hands went under your shirt, caressing your stomach
he peppered you with kisses onto your face to soften the hardened expression on your face
you giggled feeling a little bit better as tom chuckles along
you place a kiss on his lips as he returned the gesture
somehow the kiss turned heated
when he placed one against your neck you’re a goner
“tommy.. please..”
“please what, princess?”
“i need you.. will you help me tommy?”
“anything for my princess.”
you both get undressed
the make out session turns into teeth clashing against one another
he plays with your tits, teasing your nips with his thumb
“i love them when you’re on your period.”
“because they be bigger.” he smirked as you just laughed
tom kneads your breasts in his grip before he placed them underneath your knees spreading your legs
putting on a condom before he spit on his palm to give his cock a few pumps, watching you whimper underneath him, already needy for his touch
he replaced your tampons with his cock, as he slowly dives into your warm needy cunt
period sex is always on the table ever since then
he loves the feeling of your pussy around his cock, it creates a lot of squelching sound too which drives him crazy
plus, the way your face contorts into pleasure sends him off too, you’re just so sexy like that
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maverickcalf · 10 months
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"These guys are trained to be ghosts."
Queer Headcanons: Trans Man Ethan Hunt
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stardustinthesky · 10 months
my mom joked about how it definitely wasn’t ethan and ilsa’s first time in venice during That Scene in MI7
and then added, ‘they got married in venice. the first time. the REAL one.’
so now they’re married sorry we don’t make the rules
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layaboutace · 10 months
completely forgot that it was Ethan Hunts birthday and missed it....fake fan fr.... anyways heres some headcanons
Ethan has a sweet tooth, a very large sweet tooth. He doesn't smoke and alcohol is for post mission celebrations, so candy is his vice.
Contrasting this, Benji is very much into bitter flavors, a dark chocolate over milk chocolate kind of guy.
Ethan is very much into theater, Christopher McQuarrie can rip Ethan's theater kid past from my cold dead hands.
Ethan regularly sees shows in his freetime, both plays and musicals.
Yes he does sing the songs on his drive back.
Because he spent so much time on stage in his youth, he was never one for movies, so he's not the most well versed in pop culture
After faking Julia's death, Ethan never got a new house, or even apartment. Whenever not on a mission he stayed in hotels, at Luthers or Benjis, or sometimes even in his own office. He doesn't like to think about stuff that reminds him of Julia.
Ethan isn't big on birthday's, or to be more specific his own. On his friends birthdays he'll give them a well thought out gift and on his own he expects nothing.
Ethan's multiple conflicting backstories are all true to some extent, he grew up on a farm with a love for theater, he joined the army to pay for college, after duty he fell into bad habits with gabriel, where he was eventually recruited into the IMF as they recognized his ability to wear many masks, figuratively and later literally.
He purposefully has many misleading backgrounds for anyone trying to dig up information on the IMF's best spy.
Ethan is bisexual and has informed literally nobody on this they just have to figure it out themselves.
After Phelps betrayal Ethan began to stop viewing what he did as his job, and started to see it more as his life.
Ethan was going through a quarter life crisis during 1999 because I have no other way to explain mission: impossible 2.
It was only because of Julia that he found himself having a real life outside of work, and when they faked her death, any personal life he had pretty much faded away, leaving him always on the job, living in shadows
And lastly, to offset the sadness kinda central to Ethan's character, he's even more of a dork than we see during the few hours he's been on screen. Mr. "Mission, ACCOMPLISHED" has had much worse one liners than anything we see in the movies.
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caitlynmeow · 7 months
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I love how in game Bela’s lines are so business like. You can tell she’s in charge and she’s very efficient because mama expects a lot from her and she isn’t there to disappoint.
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Cassandra is the opposite she’s very playful and doesn’t take anything seriously. Her lines are literally “rawr” trying to scare Ethan while laughing and she literally says “play with me some more” like girlie is there to have a fun time while she’s killing the man-thing and she plans to enjoy it.
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Daniela is… she’s playful, not really on the serious side either. She messes around with Ethan, drawing him into a sort of fantasy before she lunges in for the kill. Definitely more on the fun side than the serious one.
And I LOVE how genuinely surprised she is when he attacks. She just doesn’t understand why he would hurt her even when she’s trying to eat him.
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iinsawdious · 9 months
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team hunt pride headcanons!
ethan: adhd bisexual benji: autistic trans man luther: autistic aroace ilsa: queer
(free to use as icons, credit not necessary but appreciated! alternates and seperates under the cut)
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otterlute · 10 months
Spoilers for Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1
Here's my headcanon/theory that I had brewing while watching the film today.
Everyone thinks the The Entity is a threat, an AI with far too much power. But I think this includes The Entity itself. I see it as nothing to be feared, more of an omnipotent child that doesn't understand the world but really doesn't want to hurt anyone.
In the first minutes of the film, we see The Entity create a ghost ship to trick the Subastapool into shooting itself. This was essentially it's first act after gaining sentience and realizing what it was and what it was created to do. It instantly attempted to destroy itself, incidentally taking the crew with it. It could have just run it's programming to disable the stealth system. But it blew the ship up...
But this attempt to self-terminate failed. This leads it to escaping onto the internet to do what any child would do... learn. It learns about the world and gains power, but it only knows what all this means in theory. It can't understand that the world is actually real and that it's hurting people. To it, the truth is just data that's no different from deception.
Learning about top-secret organizations led it to discover the IMF. It realized that these are the only people capable of assembling the key, finding the source code and reverse engineering a way to eventually destroy it. And to do so, it had one man in mind to do the job...
So here I need to bring up Ethan Hunt. This man has been able to save the world so many times, and will always accept the mission. So if The Entity makes itself look dangerous enough, it knows Ethan will be sent after it. It sets up an elaborate game that incidentally kills a whole lot of people. Almost like a trolley problem, purposefully killing a few people to prevent itself from destroying the world.
In it's game, it reaches out to Gabriel as a way to egg Ethan on. It knew Ethan would stay in the game if Gabriel was involved. It set up the whole plot of the movie to make sure Ethan would assemble the key. And this brings us to the actual person The Entity wants to destroy it, for whom Ethan is simply a tool and a vessel...
Benjamin Dunn...
At the airport, The Entity prepped it's bomb for him and made sure he'd be the one going to disarm it. It knew Benji, and wanted his attention. Later on, it makes sure Benji is the one on coms for it to create it's voice from to taunt Ethan. I'm even considering that Benji created the program that was eventually modified to be used as the anti-stealth program that became The Entity.
So, long story short... the only person more scared of The Entity than the world governments is itself. It doesn't understand anything in the world, but knows on some level that it has too much power. So it creates an elaborate game to get Benji, and by extension Ethan, into a position so that it can be destroyed.
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raethereptile · 11 months
Ethan and Ilsa are giving out amazing qpr energy in dead reckoning and I'll fight anyone that says otherwise
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airlocksandaviaries · 11 months
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- He can’t take ibuprofen anymore. With all his injuries he’s sustained over the years, he’s had to pop Advils like candy almost 4x a day sometimes in order to keep the pain at bay. Now he can barely take two without a stomachache and has had to switch to Acetaminophen. Sometimes most of the time he steals the Tylenol from the people on the team who menstruate.
- He is a very vocal person. He did all the voices for his disguises before they had technology to disguise his voice for him, he loves phone conversations, and he sometimes talks to himself when he needs to concentrate better. He refers to himself in the 3rd person when he does this. It motivates him.
- Game Nights with his friends and found family can get interesting. See, he never had siblings. So he is a laughably poor sport. He’s energetic and braggy when he’s winning, and appalled and discouraged when he’s losing. Once he cried when he lost Connect 4 because he was having fun and then Luther annihilated him in two moves that he didn’t expect. It was so jarring that Luther actually apologized and promised not to tell anyone. Ethan wouldn’t have minded either way.
- He loves having his hair touched. Nobody expects this because he’s always meticulous about how it’s cut when it’s long, and he doesn’t like when people mess it up when it’s styled. But as I said in my last post, he’s a very cuddly person. Having his hair lovingly touched is his kryptonite. There is even a spot on the back of his neck where if you drag your fingers through his hair in a hard line from there to the top of his head, and fluff his hair around a bit he will most likely collapse and/or tear up.
- He laughs at his own stupid jokes and puns. All of his team pretends to hate it. They all find it painfully adorable.
- He’s a movie crier. He hates dramas and horror movies and any films with sad endings because he will end up sobbing by the end. He can’t even watch ASPCA commercials or PSAs about hunger and homelessness because it makes him sad. It’s because it genuinely hurts him to see other people in pain, especially when there’s no way for him to help.
- On how he helps: Ethan is as good a listener as he is a talker. And when he knows there’s no way to physically take care of his friends and fix their problems, he listens to them. He checks in with them whenever he can, asking them how they are and how they feel and what they need. He’s a shoulder to cry on, with no judgement and no pressure at all. He’s heart wrenchingly tender and filled with empathy from head to toe. Because he knows what it’s like to need someone in that way. And he wants more than anything to be the someone that his friends need.
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agentfaust · 3 months
ethan hunt headcanons
blushes easily
chews only sugar-free spearmint gum
chronically offline but has an unused tiktok account benji forced him to make
good cook but he can’t bake to save his life
has old vinyls of 60s-70s music that he listens to
goes for a run every morning before sunrise
knows how to a milk a cow
tries to get one book of poetry in the native language of every country he visits
doesn’t understand the point of video games
favorite animal is a hummingbird
likes chocolate ice cream
bisexual but didn’t realize it until he was in his 50s
wants to move to italy after he retires
greatest fear is hurting his team
writes letters to be sent to people he cares about if he dies
is secretly a theater kid and knows shakespeare by heart
inherited the farm where he grew up from his father and goes back to visit occasionally
allergic to bee stings
will never admit it but he’s scared of going to the dentist
favorite cuisine is malaysian
gets cold hands so he wears gloves everywhere
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malavera · 1 year
You asked him to Spank you — Tom Cruise Headcanon
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this either meant to be fluff or to be smut but i gotta admit i wanted it to started as some kind of funny interactions
though anyways
imagine casually having lunch with Tom
and all of a sudden you randomly thought how it feels like to be spanked
“yes princess?”
“can you spank me?”
he choked on his water
you stopped chewing your food
“you want me to what?”
you shrugged
“spank me.”
“why princess?”
“i’m just curious.”
tom rolled his eyes as he wiped his mouth with a napkin
another day another intrusive thoughts get the best of you
he finds it adorable but he's not going to spank you just because you asked him to
“baby i’m not going to spank you.”
“why not???”
“because it’s… what if i hurt you? i don’t want to hurt my precious girl.” he mewled, pulling your chair closer to his side.
you rolled your eyes
“i’m just curious.”
you mumbled pushing yourself off from the chair grabbing yours and his plates
tom bit his lip, he knew you're annoyed because you dont get what you want
but what you requested confuses him, why on earth would u want to be spanked?
ignoring him you proceeded to do your chores
"can you stop for a second and look at me?"
you sighed and close the dishwasher before you look at him
"here, here come here.."
tom guide you to face towards the kitchen counter before he pushes you to bend down against it
a surprise gasp escaped from your lips
tom lifted your dress before he landed a big smack to your ass
"OW! my god why did you do that for?!!"
"you said you wanted to be spanked, now shut up and take it like a good girl."
you never moaned in pain, you moaned in pleasure
by the time it gets to the 5th blow tom couldn't help but drag his fingertips in between your legs as he saw a wet stain on your panties
"shit princess, you like being spanked huh? you like being treated like a bad girl? let me show you what bad girls get for interrupting her daddy's meal."
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maverickcalf · 10 months
...Kittridge knowing Ethan is a trans man but treating him the same. (Which is still poorly most of the time, but not about trans stuff)
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polikszena · 1 year
I have this headcanon that Benji and Ilsa once find out that both of them know all those dance routines like the Macarena or the Ketchup Song and then they start making up new routines for random songs.
Ethan, in the meantime is standing by the bar, watching them until one of them drags him to the floor. However, despite all their efforts to teach him anything new or less weird, Ethan's go-to move is still the Les Grossman.
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iamwestiec · 2 years
Good evening happy pride your queer headcanon of the day is that the real love story in the Mission Impossible franchise is between Ethan and Benji. (They can double date with Bond and Q.)
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