#Emperor Yao
pitch-and-moan 1 month
Gun-Me?! No, Gun-Yu!
A poorly-considered slapstick retelling of the Great Flood myth of China in the third or second millennium BCE.
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dejahisashmom 1 year
Chinese New Year and the Legend of Nian | Ancient Origins
Chinese New Year and the Legend of Nian | Ancient聽Origins
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poorly-drawn-mdzs 6 months
Imagine if Jin Zixuan DID yeet his brother from another mother (馃ゲ) down the stairs.
Meng Yao: I'm your brother. Happy birthday! 馃グ
Jin Zixuan: There can only be one. YEET
I am truly sad he didn't; think of the 'No Doubles' memes that we could have had...
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the-pudding-is-a-lie 7 months
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I am once again down with a nasty cold but today I felt well enough to colour this one. :)
I was thinking about the background of this one and I think it fits my Imperial AU quite well but can be a stand alone as well. Maybe canon universe, maybe canon divergence where things turn out a lot nicer and better for everyone because I want these two to be happy. That's all. :)
Image description in alt text.
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peonycats 3 months
Look dude, I was once a preteen/teen who fancied myself a Hetalian who took history *seriously* and *accurately* and showed the real brutality and blood tm of what nations would actually be like, and don't get me wrong, it's still important to strive for accuracy and to consider the sensitive and dark nature of history, but like... at some point, we all need to stop making everyone 2014 edgy sarcastic greyscale scumbags who always have a witty remark to snark back with. We need some levity and whimsy in our scumbags and we need to stop taking ourselves so seriously
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janirah 1 year
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Hard kitty, cold kitty, Little ball of steel. Evil kitty,聽angry kitty,聽Kill,聽kill,聽kill.
Do you hear that hssss-s-s-sound?XD
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When will someone finally write a post-canon fic where Ling and Lan Fan actually grow closer together after he becomes Emperor because the Court is a den of snakes and they can only trust each other and Lan Fan becomes Ling's ghost advisor and rumours spread that to win the Emperor's favor you must first win over his Shadow?
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kezokinos 5 months
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Happy Holidays @scarlett-hofferson from your @fmasecretsanta2023 !!!!!
Ever since I first read "dual emperor Greedling" I was so fascinated by this idea and it was so much fun! Sorry for posting it such a longer time after Christmas and wishing you all the best and a great start to the New Year!!
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korallion 7 months
Loose threads and various trivia from the Poppy War series that I can't stop thinking about
I'm writing this because I have very little time to write at the moment so I won't be able to fit all these elements into the Poppy War fic I'm writing but I still have to get it out of the system because the amount of detail is insane.
Ancient Chinese medicine in general is full of hallucinogenic and poisonous plants that were dosed very carefully, but shamans used them to talk to the gods, and the most common ones were:
The fly agaric mushroom: the mushroom that Chaghan and Qara gave to Kitay and Rin for the anchor ritual.
The ephedra plant: it was generally drunk in the form of tea and I think it's the liquid from the flask Jiang gives Rin in the first book when he sends her to meditate in the forest since Rin describes its effects not as a high but more as the beneficial effects of the plant in question.
The datura plant: it's extremely poisonous and was used in small amounts for its powerful hallucinogenic effects and sometimes its flowers are a blue-violet so I think it's the famous blue powder that Chaghan carries around in a small bottle although I couldn't find anything claiming it was used in that form. On that note, one of the candidates for Chaghan's drug is also cannabis, which was also used by Taoist monks and nomadic peoples from which I assume Hinterlands are inspired and, although they are modern hybrids, there are blue variants of this plant so it could be an artistic license from Kuang.
Betel nut tree: as Shiro experiments on Altan and Rin rants that the introduction of the Speerly to opium was an idea of the Red Emperor to make them addicted to Nikan and that previously their people used the bark of a tree without specifying which one. I think this is the tree in question although in reality, it is the nuts that are consumed because in addition to being the fourth most commonly used psychoactive substance after tobacco, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks, according to the World Health Organization, it energizing effects prevent fatigue and thirst so the famous fame of the Speerly warriors, at least those in Tearza's time, perhaps also stemmed from this as well as the brutal training regime and the legend of its origin is also very much linked to the Speerly eyes.
2.The Different Peoples of Nikan
I will only talk about Speerly and Hinterlanders otherwise I will never stop writing.
Speerly: As I mentioned above, the Tiwanese legend of the birth of the Betel Tree is linked to the inspiration for the red eyes of our phoenix warriors. According to the legend of the Paiwan tribe, one day a child with red eyes was born in a village, who killed any living thing with a glance. In the end Pali, this is the child's name, after finally integrating himself into the village and using the power of his eyes in wars between the other tribes, will be put to death after accidentally killing children but a friend of his notices that a betel nut tree was born on Pali's grave, the fruits of which are as wide and red as the boy's eyes that will protect the people of the village from then on. Now, what do you do with an intriguing legend about a red-eyed boy whose death essentially gave rise to a light drug tree? Apparently Kuang's answer was an entire red-eyed people reaching out to their murderous goddess via a drug of the colour of their eyes. I love this woman.
Hinterlanders: Rather than being one of a single people they are a sort of confederation of clans inspired by the Huns and the Mongols but I find it fascinating that many have light eyes and hair isn't an artistic license by the author to make them more 'shamanic' like most fantasy writers do because apparently a lot of ancient nomadic Asian ethnic groups had light eyes and hair. I used to think it was incredibly rare and more a thing of the descendants of peoples who lived near the Silk Road or the European border.
3.The Dragon
The Dragon is a Yao not a God.
I know Chaghan has already explained this, but many seem to forget about it, while I who had read Poppy War because I was in abstinence of Wuxia like MoDaoZuShi started shouting IS A FUKING Yao! and suddenly Nezha's whole speech about how it's not like Rin suddenly makes sense. Because Yao are often confused with Magical Beasts or Gods but Yao is a broad term for any animal, plant or even inanimate object that has gained spiritual awareness and magical powers. In this case, as Chaghan explained, an animal has absorbed the power of the Caves (if we want to speak in terms of theology or even Wuxia it would be Qi or even Mana if you prefer) which are one of those places where the veil between the two worlds thins and supposedly filled with the power of the real Rain Dragon and has become the 'Dragon'. But he is not a god because, as has already been said in the trilogy, true gods do not have material bodies. This can be confirmed in the story Vaisra tells Nezha about the shaman Yu who suggests that he has turned into the Dragon when in fact he may have been eaten and absorbed into the 'collection' of the Yao because in The Nine Curves River, a story by Kuang in the collection The Books of Dragons, she suggests the Yao existed before Yu's time because she makes no mention of Yu's legend but instead it is a fisherman who becomes the dragon in one of the versions.
The Dragon (Yao) is a Yinglong
The story of the Cave Dragon that Vaisra tells Nezha is inspired by the story of the legendary King Yu, founder of the Xia Dynasty who, according to the story, controlled the flooding of the Yellow River thanks to a Yinglong a very powerful water dragon that had lost its wings to kill a drought demon. This dragon is also related to the eels, through a connection that I honestly didn't understand, at least as Wikipedia explained it, and it relates back to how Rin sees him when he attacks the cave, because at least to me he reminds me of a giant eel.
Maybe the Yin sacrifice their children to the Yao
Okay I know, it sounds absurd, now I'll explain. Also in The Nine Curves River it is understood that it is set before the reign of the Red Emperor (the monks still operate) and the people of Arlong sacrifice the most beautiful people they can find in times of severe drought. Now there is no reference to anything like this in the era in which Poppy War is set but something may have changed when Yu was the one bound to the Yao in Dragon form, because in the story it is referred to that Yu would not allow anyone else to suffer, and in The Nine Curves River the Yao can cause an abnormal and prolonged drought until the sacrifice has been made but not in the times we are shown. So Yu did something that kept the Yao at bay for over a thousand years after his death or the Yin family sacrifice their children in secret. I have this theory that the Yin took it upon themselves to nurture what they thought was a God for the sake of their people after all forms of worship had been banned and, since in The Nine Curves River it is specified that the sacrificed people must go there voluntarily (perhaps a limitation imposed by the fact that even real gods cannot invade the minds of shamans unless the latter want them to and so a Yao who feeds on their power cannot go out and eat whoever they want whenever they want) the Yin Lords of the past would have piqued the curiosity of the sacrificable children to make them go to the Grotto voluntarily and the Yao would accept them as offerings and prevent the drought. So Vaisra knew that one of his sons would be eaten? Hell yes. Or at least he hoped that Yu's legend had some truth to it (knowing Riga) and that he would end up with at least one son turned into a Dragon to use for his revolution. As they say, be careful what you wish for.
Mingzha was not devoured by accident
Of course the whole theory above is dismantled when Nezha tells Yao that he was so hungry that he hadn't even thought of keeping Mingzha for himself and had devoured him straight away and that Nezha would go with him, presumably to do what Yu did (perhaps he had intuited something that is not told) to keep him at bay for so long. But hunger may not have been Yao's only reason for choosing to eat the child. Mingzha is presented to us with gold bracelets and anklets that are good luck charms for children, and so far nothing strange apart from the potential to be a heartbreak parallel for Nezha's handcuffs. But in The Nine Curves River the author implies that all Dragon sacrifices are marked with gold bracelets and anklets, so when the Yao chose Mingzha it was because he thought he was a sacrifice to be devoured.
The Red Emperor and Yu were like Nezha and Yin.
Me with a really crazy theory? More likely than you think.
So from what I understand even though it's not specified, the Yao doesn't eat all his sacrifices otherwise people like Yu and Nezha and the Fisherman wouldn't exist, even in legend. Maybe he plays with his food or maybe he has to give a fraction of his power in return, unfortunately we don't have enough elements to determine this but in Yu's legend there is a reference to the fact that the Dragon Province had become unlivable due to the currents and climate towards the end of the Red Emperor's reign, giving us a very specific time window in which to place the tale, which is strange in itself, but also makes a heavy implication (at least to me) that it was the Emperor's presence that made Arlong prosperous and, towards the end of his life, the work of his 'sacrifice' tapered off until Yu took his place.
Now, why do I think the Red Emperor was a Yin? Because Kuang loves to make us suffer and since Rin is Tearza's descendant it would make sense for Nezha to be a descendant of the Red Emperor but also for a few other reasons: Kitay says that the aunts and cousins of the Yin Clan were chosen as concubines of the Emperors and if the intrigue of the Harem didn't go out of fashion it wasn't just because of their beauty, women related to Kings and Emperors were a useful chess piece in political machinations. The coat of arms of House Yin is a dragon and speaking of historical reality the only ones who could wear the dragon on their robes or as a family crest were the Emperors and his family. Reference is made to the fact that there were no survivors of his lineage almost too insistently, just as there is no reference to Tearza's lineage until she calls Rin my blood. The Yin have the Imperial Seal that was thought to be lost. I'm pretty sure the Red Emperor is historically the equivalent of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, whose birth name was Ying Zheng and well . . . I know the Ying character and the Yin character are different but they sound similar and from a plot point of view the Red Emperor's remaining descendants could have hidden themselves by changing surnames but still one that had a resemblance to the one of origin or a side branch of the family, the possibilities are many. Lastly, he might be right about the Yin feeding their children to the Yao in Dragon form.
As for Yu, I think he was another yin descendant because, at least in the Italian version, Nezha seems to know that Yu is his ancestor.
That's all for now, at least until I find the rest of my notes. If any of this inspires you to write something I would love to have a little credit, even a small one, and oh. . .I definitely want to read it, or if you want to go in the rabbit hole with me don't be shy
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waitineedaname 9 months
more ling and mei thoughts. I find it interesting that even though they technically have the same goal, they present it differently. ling is always presenting it as "I need immortality to become emperor" while mei presents it as "I need immortality to save my clan." the implied element behind it comes out to have the same meaning ("I need immortality to become emperor to save my clan" and "I need immortality to save my clan by becoming empress") but it's interesting to see the way they prioritize those statements. obviously ling wants to protect his clan, but he's approaching it through the mentality of "I will become emperor, and through that power I will save my clan," meanwhile mei's emphasis on saving her clan makes her situation seem much more dire, because she is focused on saving her clan first and foremost, and the leadership perspective comes second
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moth-time 2 years
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Some years into Ling鈥檚 reign, Mei sits him down and insists on re-piercing his ears. Can鈥檛 be Emperor and not have at least some bling, after all.
Not pictured: Greed (alive and well) walking directly into a wall.
[ID: A semi-realistic three-quarter-view portrait of Ling Yao from FMA. He is wearing a light blue hanfu with a white and pink collar embroidered with clouds, and a black coat with red and gold dragon embroidery. His one visible ear is pierced twice in the lobe, with one simple stud and one dangling red teardrop-shaped garnet. His hair is up in a bun and he is smiling cheekily.]
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drowthelynes 1 year
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Commission for @moth-time MY LOVELY MOTH. The greedling obsession with doppelganger crunchiness is TEW MUCH.....brain big!!!!!
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riku-dawn 1 year
Jin Guangyao: Tell us where the Yiling Laozu is, and we'll burn your sect to the ground!
Su She: Uh... Don't you mean "or"?
Jin Guangyao: *aggravated sigh* Tell us where the Yiling Laozu is, *glares at Su She* OR we'll burn your sect to the ground!
Lan Xichen: Well, which is it? That seems like a pretty crucial conjunction.
(I really hope this hasn't been done yet! 馃槀馃ぃ)
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hulijingemperor2 2 months
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This is a continuation 馃専鉁笍
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laarbybarbtbox 7 months
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The crisis in Amestris has spread across the Eastern Desert towards the country of Xing.
Many of the clans have fled. Some have been seeking out aid, and some for their own wellbeing.
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Adding a bit more to my au! I鈥檒l probably post summaries of the characters and plotlines sometime soon.
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kdram-chjh 7 months
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Cdrama: The Snow Moon (2023)
The snow moon #cdrama #viral #update
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VRlA__l2IWw
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