#Ella draws stuff
peterpcrkcrs · 17 days
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Just a little kiss by the fire escape.
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inastarlesssky · 5 months
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Another doodle of Newt and Pickett bc I love him in his case.
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bensiskos · 12 days
Ough forcing myself to do more drawing but the only things I can draw are either naked women or sick ass robots . I'm embodying a male 1970s sci-fi artist for real
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sunshinesdaydream · 3 months
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Thank you @lightspringrain she is absolutely amazing!
Ella Orunitia- Jedi Archeologist turned Indiana Jones type during the Clone Wars.
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whack-patty · 1 year
So I might be working on writing something with a Sneep Snorp, Buster and one of my oc's Ella interacting. Because of this I have to ask, what would Sneep Snorp's reaction be to a puppet that suspiciously looks like him with over sized eyes? Ella being the puppet maker because she is really, really good and fast at making puppets quickly.
I also have this scene in my head.
Buster: Ah yeah, Ella's got this talent when it comes to making puppets. The one she did of me- Sneep Snorp: oh, I have to see that one.
Ella: Oh I have that around. And for copyright purposes I've named it Muster instead of Buster.
Buster: I don't know what she means about that and I'm afraid to ask.
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He can Dish the weird staring but he cannot Take the weird staring at aaaaaall
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sleepybunnymel · 1 year
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Welcome to the new year
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stellorc · 2 years
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BEHOLD a wip of my child that's rotting in a folder for months now.
So, a lot of shit happened in the last 2+ months and I've been trying to deal with it. Like a shit cake layered with piss. Fortunately, I have a wonderful group of friends and two awesome parents, so it's been easier to endure the tides.
At the end of May, our elder dog passed away. He was a handsome and loving pitbull, who loved car rides and eating fruits with our mom. We were so lucky to had his wonderful self with us for ten years and we miss him so much. His name was Tabasco and he was the most stubborn and spoiled lil shit I've ever met.
Some other stuff happened as well, and I had to stop to work on my relationship with life in general. I was feeling off for a awhile, so if anything, this all helped me change for the better. I still have a long way to go, but the hike doesn't feel impossible anymore. On a lighter note, I finished a sketchbook and started a new one and I will die for the paper. It's so soft and texture and creamy, I love it. I'm back at painting with oils too. It's hard as hell and so messy, but it's been a gentle way to have fun and remember why I love art so much. I also want to thank everyone who's sticking around. I don't deserve any of you and hopefully I'll be leaving my cave to throw art at your faces. I still feel a bit scared sharing stuff, but I miss being here more. So yeah, thanks and lots of kisses for you <3 Stay safe, folks!!
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soapkaars · 1 year
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It’s so good to draw these two again, and write their snarky, cutesy dialogues! I was afraid I’d ruin their looks by using a paintbrush, but I think they turned out very well
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crown-ov-horns · 3 days
Not me liking gifs from Fallout when I haven't seen it, because Lucy looks so much like my Good Omens OC.
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elecman108 · 7 months
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Incomprehensible long image? Sounds like all the Animatronics in my FNAF AU have their line arts done!
...God this took a while. I think I'll take a break before doing all the flat colours of these guys.
Oh, yeah, there's more than just the full body refs on here, so that tiny incomprehensible image is probably hard to read. Here, I've split it up a bit:
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Each Character is named as such: Name - Series (Location). Example being Bonbon - Fazbear (Circus Baby's Pizza World). There are several series, being Fazbear, Popgoes, Rachel's, Candy's and OC. Human characters outside of a set series (Eg. Gregory) just have Name - Full Name.
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Additionally, the colour after each name denotes who "made" them, which only applies for Animatronics*. There's four main builders - Afton Robotics, Henry, William, and "Goldie". Non-Animatronics with the colour after their name are who caused them to become "undead" in the sense of they died and are now not quite human.
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The shortest Fazbear Animatronic is Helpy, the tallest being Nightmare. Nightmare's really tall - most of the rest of the Animatronics are between 5'0" and 6'8", while Nightmare is about 8'0". Helpy's... around 4'2". Monika is the shortest overall, being exactly 4'0" - she's the boss of the OC series, hence her name being on the sign. The OC series are the most recent, being built shortly after the Pizzaplex went up.
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The series with the shortest Animatronics overall is Candy's - since Blank isn't in my AU, they're all at or under 5'6". The series with the tallest Animatronics overall is Popgoes - Popgoes, Blake, Sara, and Saffron are all around the same height as Monty, and Stone being about an inch taller than DJ Music Man. A lot of the humans in the series are short though - Mike is the tallest and Cassie is the shortest. Cassie and Gregory are around 16yrs in my AU - still kids, but older now.
There's a bunch of subseries within them (eg. Roxy's Wolf Pack, the Golden Years, Thieves and Rogues, etc) based around this and that, which I might make up when I colour more of these. Some of them are more concrete (eg. Golden Years are Animatronics from pre-FNAF1 in the timeline) and some are less so (eg. Roxy's Wolf Pack are Animatronics that Roxy has adopted into her wolf pack).
Either way... This has been worked on for MONTHS. I may still redraw some of these later - not as much of a fan of Orville or Mr. Hippo right now, and I've already redrawn Stone, Fen, Katlynn, RXQ, Shadow Freddy, and Bidybab/Electrobab before this. I also partially redid DJ Music Man (fewer arms now) and might redraw Foxy, not sure.
...This COULD be Drawtober given I've drawn at least 1-3 of these per day this month, but... eh.
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peterpcrkcrs · 8 days
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My attempt at a drawing. I suck at likenesses so ofc it doesn't really look like Tom but I think it's cute.
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inastarlesssky · 5 months
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I'll give you everything I have, I'll teach you everything I know I promise, I'll do better I will always hold you close But I will learn to let you go And I promise, I'll do better. I will soften every edge, I'll hold the world to its best And I'll do better With every heartbeat I have left, I will defend your every breath
'Cause you are loved, you are loved, more than you know. I hereby pledge all of my days to prove it so.
Just a silly attempt at drawing Newt and Tina from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them aka my new fixation.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
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faesaga · 2 years
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hi im alive, have some ella content
  dont rb.
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ellaenchanting · 3 months
One misconception that I often hear amongst hypnosis geeks is that "mindfulness" is basically a normie-safe word for "hypnosis"- that hypnosis and mindfulness practices are essentially the same thing.
This is a hard misconception to disprove- in fact, "hypnosis" and "mindfulness" are often defined really vaguely and in different ways by different people so- they could often very well be refering to the same thing!* I know when I first learned about mindfulness practices, I dismissed them as "just" repackaged hypnotherapy- something I already knew a lot about. However, in doing so, I was neglecting ideas that turned out to be a really useful self-improvement tools.
If you're of a similar mindset, drawing a distinction between the two may also be really helpful for you.
So, the end goal of mindfulness is learning a kind of grounded way to self reflect. It's a potentially really helpful skill for people who get caught in thought spirals** or overwhelming emotions. A big goal for people learning the skill is to be able to observe thoughts and emotions without entirely buying into them OR dismissing them. Let's say I have a train of thought that keeps looping in my head- I'm worried about something stupid I said yesterday at work, for example. Imagine that train of thought is an ACTUAL train- maybe a toy train running on a looped track. Normally, when you're having the work worries it's like you're on that thought train- riding it around and around in circles while you're getting increasingly anxious and kind of limiting yourself from doing other things. With mindfulness practice, the goal is to get you OFF the train- it's not gone, but you're kinda watching it from the sidelines instead of ON it. It's still happening but with a bit of distance you can see the thoughts more clearly and better take care of yourself while that thought track is running.
Another example- let's say I have a big feeling. I'm going to pick overwhelming shame***. In mindfulness practices, the goal is usually not to ignore the shame or entirely give into it but to be able to sit with it and understand it without DROWNING in it. So, in that state of mind, I might sit with the shame and kind of question why it's there and what it wants from me. I might find some kindness for myself as someone who is experiencing shame (which is harder to do when I'm more inside it). I might work to conceptualize the shame differently- what does it look like, what sounds does it make, etc. In that way, I'm paying attention to an emotion that might be helpful- but not overly giving into it.
If I were teaching someone mindfulness techniques, the goal there is for them to be able to use the techniques entirely on their own whenever they need to. I'm not really trying to overly influence or control what's happening for them- I'm keeping my language as permissive as possible and encouraging them to accept whatever comes up. "Notice what's there without feeling like you need to change it" is a common mindfulness instruction. The practice encourages curiosity and bravery in the face of the overwhelming STUFF of life.
There are lot of different ways people do and experience hypnosis- and I'm definitely not going to be able to address all of them here. But, at least in kink, my goal in hypnotizing someone is to directly influence their thoughts. In fact, when I'm hypnotizing someone, a lot of my "induction" is convincing someone that I'm already in their head- that they're responding automatically to my suggestions. There's the kinky control fun of that and also the mutual shared feeling of intimacy- we're so close we could be one. (Or, in more D/s-ey terms, we're so close that now you are an extension of me!) In 101 classes you'll learn about the pacing and leading technique- basically matching your subject's experience and then taking them a step further. (Ex. You're reading my words and focusing on the screen and that reminds you to take a deep breath NOW.)
Explaining it by cold control hypnosis theory****, during an induction I'm helping someone kind of flip OFF their awareness of their agency- creating the illusion that things are happening internally because I'm MAKING them happen (and disguising the part where they're in complete control of their actions).
Especially in kink, what we're doing in hypnosis play is often a really conscious power exchange. You're giving me power over your thoughts because you want me to have it. I direct them where I want them to go and away from where I don't want them to be (ex. the actual reason why you're relaxing is, in part, because that's a natural thing that happens for most people when they close their eyes for more than a few seconds). (That's an excellent babysitting/parenting pro tip from me to you btw.) It's not that subjects aren't actively contributing their own images/ideas/metaphors/desires to the suggestions and play (really often they are!) but usually their whole goal is to be directed.
Even in hypnotherapy, that directedness and control is implied. You're not coming on (nearly) as strong as you would in kink, but your goal there is usually more in direction (with teaching self hypnosis techniques as an added bonus).
Sometimes the hypnosis and mindfulness methodologies can be incredibly similar with really subtle differences! For example, I might start a mindfulness-teaching body scan in the same way that I might start a progressive muscle relaxation induction- "Go ahead and get into a comfortable position and close your eyes". But continuing with the hypnosis induction, I'll usually be more directive ("Notice your feet. As you're noticing them, imagine sending a wave of relaxation down to your toes.") whereas with the body scan I'll be more exploratory. ("Notice your feet. What do they feel like? Are they hot or cold? Do they want to move or stay still? Whatever is happening for them right now is fine- just notice them") The pmr induction is intended to move someone into a suggestible state, the body scan is intended to teach someone a particular mindset and focusing skill they can use later. *****
Like I stated before, things that I consider "hypnosis" ideas and techniques and "mindfulness" ideas and techniques get mixed up all the time- with both lay folks and the actual professionals who teach them. There's a lot of surface similarities. "Mindfulness" has become such a therapy and corporate buzzword that it often DOES become synonymous with things like guided relaxation. Both concepts are vague enough that there's a lot of things that can easily be either/or- I'm thinking self hypnosis specifically here******. But- I hope if you're curious about mindfulness at all, you'll find this explanation useful and will maybe go out and explore some helpful resources for yourself.
Good mindfulness 101 books:
Full Catastrophe Living- Jon Kabat Zinn
The Mindful Way Through Depression- J. Mark G Williams et all
Just an FYI here at the bottom- like all self-help techniques, mindfulness stuff can be extremely helpful to some and not at all helpful to others. If it hasn't been personally helpful to you that's fine! I hope you've found some other things that are. Also, you can feel free to take my self help advice just as seriously as you would of any other kinky fetish blogger. :p I'm not your therapist, feel free to check in with them about things that might help you.
*I think people expanding the definition and ideas around both of these can be really helpful, in fact!
**Of the not-fun kind
***You know, like I normally do
****One of many hypnosis theories! And often not the best one for kink! If hypnosis doesn't feel like this for you, that's perfectly ok!
*****OK, in actuality both probably do both things! But the emphasis is different.
******A big difference in my mind- if you discover pain or discomfort, hypnosis-style techniques are usually directing you away from that while mindfulness-style techniques are usually directing you towards curiousity about those things.
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cosmic-c-kiddo · 6 months
Cg! Lucifer Morningstar headcanons (pt2)
These are some more headcanons <3
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⭐- his Cg nickname is papa!
⭐- he would be a chaos cg! Who cares about rules! He doesn't! The only rules would be there to keep you safe!
⭐- your his prince(ss) so he will treat you with royalty!
⭐- he carries your drawings with him in his pockets.
⭐- he's old fashioned and has a wallet photo album and he would definitely show it off to praise you/show how adorable you are! (All filled with discrete pictures to be safe)
⭐- he is really dramatic! And it would always make you giggle
⭐- he's way to protective it's actually cute! He would make sure nothing sharp is near you and his heart always jumps whenever you trip a little or gets little to close to sharp corners
⭐-he would never talk you down when you get hurt and is always gentle. After he patches you up he would carry you (even if you feel all better)
⭐- when you babble he always responds with flare.
⭐-when you tell him drama from your stuff animals. He acts all offended like "how dare Mr. Sniffles push Mrs. Bunny!"and would ask if you wanted him to show them a lesson (which makes you giggle)
⭐- idk if I put this is part 1 but he spoils you.
⭐- he now sports painted nails thanks to you and he loves it!
⭐- in public he allows you to hold his hand(or finger) and finds its adorable
⭐- if someone is being mean to you he fiercely protests you then takes you out for ice cream
⭐- he would spoon feed you if you say please and don't stop asking him! (He rolls his eyes when he does so but has a tiny smile because he feels needed)
⭐- he would make sure you are always drinking water
⭐-if hes at work while you are small he would text you a lot! And he would tell you to do things! Like get dressed, eat, drink, and watch tv or color or play!
⭐- he would allow you to join him in pranking Dan (or if it's season 3 Marcus) but takes all the credit so you don't get any heat from it!
⭐- he would wear any friendship bracelets you make him even if it doesn't match his outfit because he knows it would make you sad if he doesnt
⭐- he loves to tell dad jokes and puns!
⭐- if he really needed someone to babysit you the people he would most prefer in order would be: Ella, Chloe, Linda, Maze, Amenadel
⭐- he gives out sticker rewards! Rewards for what? Whatever he deemed good! Finished your food? Sticker! Finished your water? Sticker! Wasn't being a brat? Sticker! Was being a brat but apologies? Sticker! Being adorable? Sticker!
⭐- he starts trying his best for you.
⭐- he would remember every stuff animal/toy you have
⭐-loves to play pretend with you
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