Do you like the taste of dirt or sand
answering honestly, dirt is a no, but fine clean sand would be a yes actually. I wouldent eat it but as a kid i would just put sand in my mouth because the texture and rock taste was 🤌
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rogersstevie · 6 months
omg perhaps new favorite coffee place
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mazojo · 1 year
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secondplayercanada · 1 year
Send me a + and my character will rate yours in terms of:
Attractiveness: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Amiability: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Fashionability: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Battle Skills: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Threat Level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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sombredancer · 2 years
How to fight your doom (Pt.1)
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Episodes 1-7 I LOVE how this story starts (because the beginning circles up with the end like Ouroboros)! The Girl breaks the Heavenly rules to save her beloved one and changes his fate, so he wouldn`t die from Devil`s shattered primordial spirit attack. Because of that she falls right into the arms (and onto the lips) of the Worst Monster in Three Realms. And CURES him.
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She gathers his shattered in 7 pieces soul (it`s very Chinese thing, I often see in novels that immortal beings have 7 souls and 9 spirits or something like that), puts it back into his body and heals even those injuries that were caused by his father long before his "death". This beginning feels right. Their journey starts with curing and IS about curing each other in different ways.
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Devil is allpowerful and fearsome but also feral and broken, so the only way for him to accept his chance to be cured is to put him into the situation when he is forced to behave in another, unfamiliar way. So there is a curse that helps him to understand feelings that he`s gonna be able to feel for the first time in 38 thousand years and prevents him from his standart way to solve problems (such as to kill the girl).
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(Btw I LOVE how this show is accurate to the details: if she is injured, the same bruises we can see the whole day on her as on him.)
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Forced to take care of Girl`s safety and mood, he (with the great killing intent) learns how to do nice things to others and to be empathic.
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But he is not thrown out into the endless sea of feelings without lifebelt, Girl guides him, explains to him what`s going on with him (and he can`t even kill her for that, LOL). And some feelings he needs to learn by his own. (Later we will see that he is an exellent student and embraces his ability to feel and to love fully).
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I like how entangled the most part of their relationship look like: he is forced to do nice things to Girl and in process starts to ask himself, why does she feel what she feels and why does he feel something about it. Why does he care if she is happy not to see him again ever in her life? Why does she blush when she speaks about her dream beloved? Why does she drink his flower soup when it tastes awful? We can see even tiny green sprouts of jelousy start to grow in his heart little by little (it`s not so much about romance, but about his warrior`s fame at first). Only by force he could begin to think about it and the curse helps him with that a lot.
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On the other hand, Girl is very naïve, she doesn`t understand that Devil is Devil indeed and that he forced to be nice to her, so she supposes that he really likes her. Her soul is injured too: she has been bullied by other fairies, she lives all alone, no one takes her words seriosly, she is quite ordinary, quite invisible. And Devil gives her (against his will at first) opportunity to feel how it is when someone cares. It could be wicked cheating of fate if Devil would not be so fluffy and soft in his soul. But he is.
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siriuslystarbucks · 1 year
if Lily fell for Sirius, i think James would take it Badly™. But Sirius is half of his soul he cannot be resentful of him, it would feel too wrong. And after all, Evans has exellent taste goddamn it, between them two he'd choose Sirius too. XD Maybe it could get James to be more mature, even without polyamory. But i'm weak, i'm always for that option 😊 through I agree Sirius would aggravate Lily FAR less. James aggravates Sirius too but Sirius secretly loves it 😆
James: Wow, I can't believe Evans chose Sirius over me. Actually I can believe it, because Sirius is awesome. If I had to pick between Evans and Sirius, I would choose Sirius. Hell, if I were in her place and had to choose between me and Sirius, I would also choose Sirius. He's awesome. And I can't possibly be upset with Sirius over this. He didn't do anything, he was just being his usual wonderful self and Evans happened to notice and fell for him. You might say the same thing happened to me. I mean, one look at Sirius on the train and I knew I was in it for life. I can hardly blame someone else for doing the same. He just has this way about him...
I don't think I've written it before, but I really like the idea of Sirius dating James and Lily both, without Lily and James dating each other at all. They both fall head over heels for Sirius. Each other? Eh, they could do without.
Sirius isn't really aware of any of this happening at first, he thinks he's just hanging out with James like always and oh, okay, they're kissing now, he's cool with that. He agrees to help Lily out with her homework when she asks, which he doesn't realize turns into study sessions, and uh she's sitting on his lap now?
He wasn't really paying enough attention while James and Lily were negotiating this between themselves, but they thought it was obvious what was going on
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finduilasclln · 6 days
Hi, hello, I am inquiring about somekind of compensation. I was supposed to go to sleep about 2 hours ago and just when I finally got to it you reblogged your fic-rec list and now I have 20 tabs open and will hate past me when my alarm goes off in the morning. But really you have exellent taste, thanks for the recs! 😁
Hahahaha, omg, this message made me so happy.
I'm so sorry about your sleep time though! Blame all those incredibly talented writers, not me. ;)
I know the feeling though. I'll tell myself I need to go to bed, and then I keep reading fic instead. I feel your pain.
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listenupcupcakes · 3 months
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they are excellent builders as seen here
so no doubt they probably got explosives
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scytheral · 1 year
{🎐} . . NO ! ! you already had pancakes .. (( ... on another silly note .. some of your rentry images seem to have been broken unless things aren ' t loading properly for me .. ! ))
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He did Already .. however , Dolls dearly Theme seems Consumable enough && Very pleasant To look at .. It ' s taste Might be Good ! ! >:) .. Don ' t be Mean to His exellency .. /silly
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( It is Not broken for The fairytale Prince .. Try re-loading ? Maybe it is Actually not Showing up for Others. This is what It looks Like : )
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edatheowlmilf · 9 months
saw your url and was like "oh they must have good taste" and within an hour of following u youve proved me correct, exellent work, keep up the top notch blogging
thank you so much ❤️
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maguro13-2 · 1 year
Miku.EXE Origin : The Revenge Pt.5
"Early this morning..."
[Ochanomizu-tei Kinrin (Hiru) - Mariko Nanba]
Miku.EXE : Sister! Rise and shine! Father and I are gonna make breakfast today! Zatsune, you awake? Up and at em!
Zatsune.EXE : [while sleeping, mumbles] Just give me five more minutes.
Miku.EXE : (pouts) Hmph! Maybe this will help you to wake yourself up. (Does her powers to create an airhorn, she put on her earmuffs) Here goes nothing.
Zatsune.EXE (wakes up) AHHH!
Zatsune.EXE : Okay! I'm up! Geez, sister! Do you really have to do that? Well, Good morning to you.
Miku.EXE : And good Morning to us. Now then, time for us to eat our breakfast that I made. I hope you're gonna enjoy it!
Zatsune.EXE : Sweet! What is it?
(cuts to the dining table)
Zatsune.EXE : Wow! You made this with dad? It looks super tasty for me try to it. (Takes a bite of her food) Wow! This does tastes great! (Starts eating her food) I mean, you're skills of cooking just total match my style. But this is great! I'm totally proud that you did so much around the place. You're one smart thinker to help with anyone. But there is so much more to come. When you used that airhorn to make me wake up in the morning, how did you make it?
Miku.EXE : Easy! I used my powers to create something in good use. It's like magic from father's hands. So I wanted to give it a try.
Zatsune.EXE : Wait a sec, did you use your powers to wake me up in the morning? How on earth did you do that? And did you say it was "magic" from dad's hands?
Miku.EXE : Quite certainly! But, umm... Don't you remember? Father told us that we've been practicing on how to use our powers gifted from him. Last night, we used our powers to cook the food to prepare a feast after getting the ingredients from the garden.
Zatsune.EXE : [thinking] Hmmm...
Miku.EXE : Well? What do you think?
[PigeonBlood OST : Discretion]
Zatsune.EXE : Come to think of it, you're right sis. Although, we were created in the Cyberspace in the same year father traveled through the via network system, he told us that using our powers would be the ultimate source of God. But it's good that I was once trained by him to use the powers he gave us.
Miku.EXE : Trained by him? You did it once when you were like this at my age.
Zatsune.EXE : Yes. I did follow dad's steps when he told me the ways of becoming the "God" we know. I did my efforts my to master the powers and gave this kind of my own. Blessed and gifted from him after the data he extracted from Miku.
Miku.EXE : And my suggestion is that, people are spreading rumors about this Xenophanes creature.
Zatsune.EXE : Yeah. Our dad was. He was Xenophanes that was only a legend to him and we know about his past.
"Long ago in the cosmos, Xenophanes was an unstoppable and powerful being that ruled many worlds and killed countless lives by Devouring souls. He was determined for planetary conquest and gave the title of his own, The Demon or Destruction or otherwise known as God Himself."
"The many people known that Xenophanes would be also the God of Destruction, in which his enemy Exeller would stop the chaos if he and his brethren would be able to defeat him, but he was no mach for the ultimate source power that is capable of him being a God-lilke creature."
"However, in a strange events, Xenophanes came to this planet, Earth, to be hidden from Exeller and his breathen to start a family of his own. Then until one day, Xeno was stopped some how stop by one person named Pulseman and imprisoned him in a computer where he would not be forgiven one day. Thus, Xenophanes the legendary demon has became the father that he was, the one and only Sonic.EXE."
Zatsune.EXE : And Xenophanes remains in the form of dad.
Miku.EXE : So you're telling me..."father" is really the demon named "Xenophanes"? No one in the world would ever face a powerful being like him, but could you remind me if he was the demon that gave birth to us in Cyberspace?
Zatsune.EXE : Yes, perhaps it's true. But of all that is now in secrecy that Xenophanes would remain forever as a name to "God" himself, after all, he is dad.
Miku.EXE : I see that. Maybe father could teach me how to use my powers to unlock my full potential as a "God". I wonder where he is by now?
Zatsune.EXE : He's probably at a meeting with friends, to tell them how great we are. He promised that we would able to achieve the title as "God" himself! Heh, pretty cool I might add that to myself! Hey, sis. Have you ever thought about me teaching you of how to use your powers properly? Heck, you would become even stronger just like me, your sister!
Miku.EXE : [thinking] Well, ummm...[determined] Okay! You can count on me if you want to! But I must master my powers even more advanceful! I will prove to you that father will show us how powerful a God can be! That's our ultimate achievement!
Zatsune.EXE : Same to you, sister! Let's show father what were made of becoming the God there Is! Here I come, dad! You're about to face a powerful being that is to become Gods ourselves! (Miku holds onto to Zatsune) Hang tight, sis! You ready to experience the dazzing sky waltz you never seen before?
Miku.EXE : Mm! Then let's go sky high! (Both teleports away before Kuchisake-Onna appears)
Kuchisake-Onna : [thinking] Hmmm...Were those two of his daughters just here a minute ago? I better let Jeff know how things are doing well at the place.
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A box of chocolate covered strawberries, arrangement of 13 blush pink roses, and small, oblong jewelry box are delivered to her. The attached note says
I forgot what month we were in. But better late than never, right? Thanks for the drink. Happy to share if you ever feel inclined. —Stark
The inside of the jewelry box contains a ruby and diamond tennis bracelet. One he bought back in 2010. Not that he’d ever tell her.
Natasha sat inside the designated office at Avengers Tower when a delivery guy knocked at her door. She cocked her head, surprised at the things he was carrying.
With a kind 'thank you' she took the items, putting them down on her desk, abandoning the survailance footage she was currently looking through. "Tony..." Left her lips softly as she red the card. A quick shake of her head still left her smiling. "I have to admit. He does have exellent taste."
She found a vase to artistically arrange the flowers in and set them on the edge of her desk to display their bloom. The bracelet remained inside the box, but Natasha did have the perfect outfit to wear it with to his next outing. Work continued, but the soft smile wouldn't leave her lips until she turned off the lights that evening.
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shyujikl · 2 years
MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filter
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MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filters are reusable pipe filters that are chic, beautiful, and cute. For smoking lovers, it is a great gift. Product name: Muxiang 10-piece tube filter Model: FD0011 Size: 3mm tube pipe filters Applicable: Suitable for pipes, such as heather, rosewood, ebony, pear Tip: Please check the tube filter size before placing an order The total length of this metal filter is 28.8mm, the diameter is 4mm, the length of the part inside the tenon is around 10.6mm. This sort of filter same as this type filter (pick up the front filter element), is exellent for Briar Wood Tobacco pipe, Rosewood Tobacco Pipe, and it is reusable. Also very environmental friendly. However, this metal filter got another advantage that it is much fexible and it fit in 3mm or 4mm pipes, great on cooling the temperature, Use these metal filters, the tobacco pipe users will enjoy cool, dry and aromatic smoke pleasure, cuz they preserves the original tobacco taste, Read the full article
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dhbfgchf · 2 years
MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filter
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MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filters are reusable pipe filters that are chic, beautiful, and cute. For smoking lovers, it is a great gift. Product name: Muxiang 10-piece tube filter Model: FD0011 Size: 3mm tube pipe filters Applicable: Suitable for pipes, such as heather, rosewood, ebony, pear Tip: Please check the tube filter size before placing an order The total length of this metal filter is 28.8mm, the diameter is 4mm, the length of the part inside the tenon is around 10.6mm. This sort of filter same as this type filter (pick up the front filter element), is exellent for Briar Wood Tobacco pipe, Rosewood Tobacco Pipe, and it is reusable. Also very environmental friendly. However, this metal filter got another advantage that it is much fexible and it fit in 3mm or 4mm pipes, great on cooling the temperature, Use these metal filters, the tobacco pipe users will enjoy cool, dry and aromatic smoke pleasure, cuz they preserves the original tobacco taste, Read the full article
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frjdtf · 2 years
MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filter
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MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filters are reusable pipe filters that are chic, beautiful, and cute. For smoking lovers, it is a great gift. Product name: Muxiang 10-piece tube filter Model: FD0011 Size: 3mm tube pipe filters Applicable: Suitable for pipes, such as heather, rosewood, ebony, pear Tip: Please check the tube filter size before placing an order The total length of this metal filter is 28.8mm, the diameter is 4mm, the length of the part inside the tenon is around 10.6mm. This sort of filter same as this type filter (pick up the front filter element), is exellent for Briar Wood Tobacco pipe, Rosewood Tobacco Pipe, and it is reusable. Also very environmental friendly. However, this metal filter got another advantage that it is much fexible and it fit in 3mm or 4mm pipes, great on cooling the temperature, Use these metal filters, the tobacco pipe users will enjoy cool, dry and aromatic smoke pleasure, cuz they preserves the original tobacco taste, Read the full article
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sgvdhgfh · 2 years
MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filter
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MUXIANG 10Pcs Filters 3mm Metal Filters are reusable pipe filters that are chic, beautiful, and cute. For smoking lovers, it is a great gift. Product name: Muxiang 10-piece tube filter Model: FD0011 Size: 3mm tube pipe filters Applicable: Suitable for pipes, such as heather, rosewood, ebony, pear Tip: Please check the tube filter size before placing an order The total length of this metal filter is 28.8mm, the diameter is 4mm, the length of the part inside the tenon is around 10.6mm. This sort of filter same as this type filter (pick up the front filter element), is exellent for Briar Wood Tobacco pipe, Rosewood Tobacco Pipe, and it is reusable. Also very environmental friendly. However, this metal filter got another advantage that it is much fexible and it fit in 3mm or 4mm pipes, great on cooling the temperature, Use these metal filters, the tobacco pipe users will enjoy cool, dry and aromatic smoke pleasure, cuz they preserves the original tobacco taste, Read the full article
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