#DrStrangetober Day 7
fanartka · 2 years
DrStrangetober Day 7: What if one of the Stranges was a teacher, trainer, coach.
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Oh, dear Hermione, be sure, professor Strange can do it 😏
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fanartka · 2 years
DrStrangetober Day 14: Daddy Strange
This idea also applies to Day 7: What if one of the Stranges was a teacher, trainer, coach.
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From the few minutes that Defender was on the screen, many people formed their own vision of this character. In many ways, my vision was formed thanks to tender arts and fan fiction, full of love for this hero and sympathy for him.
I see him as a gentle kind person, ready to come to the aid of anyone, maybe too honest sometimes, and at the same time obsessed with the good shape and health of his body, because now not only his life depends on his strength, but also the life all in the universe, which he protects. His body is the most necessary instrument for him, which he learned to appreciate very much when he was helpless after the accident and his mind and knowledge were powerless.
So I guess we can forgive him for going off the chain at the gym again
This is for you, my dear @mrs-cookie best daughter-America in the entire Multiverse😉
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fanartka · 2 years
This picture is one of several (7-8) others I drew for DrStrangetober Day 11. Its an IronStrange funny (at least it seems funny to me😅) comics.
I think i will finish it today, post it tomorrow and paint it in November. So it looks like October is a black and white Inktober, and November will be multi-colored Colorember 😅
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@sinisterstrange616 I told you I told you I told you I need it just for reference!! 😉😂
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