#Dimi the Princess
waeziverse · 2 years
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Art by @myriamsaviniart First time Aura came to watch one of Dimi’s matches. It was also the last time...
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ghostibus · 2 years
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Been a while, Finally got to post the commission for @waezi2 ! I hope you like it ^^
Sometimes parental figures are... old. And hut our feelings, sometimes the thing to do is try to reason with them, sometimes you just need to go apeshit, sometimes you just need to leave. I wanted to post this earlier but at least is still Pride month.
I crige a bit reading it tbh but it's because they're the same words spoken by my mother when I told her I was Bi. I just never answered back like Dimi.
I like in fact both man and women. Had some girl crushes and occasional flirt. Now I have boyfriend. but I'm still very much Bi.
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okkennymay · 1 year
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That one commission I managed to organize and complete since I posted last, I fought my body all the way but you bet your butts I never let it affect the quality! 😤💖 Thank you again as always, especially for your patience @waezi2 getting to draw, and now read Royal Punch has been a privilege and a delight!
This right here is the leading lady herself, Princess Dimicatio, aka, Dimi, who hides and trains relentlessly for the chance to win back her kingdom and save her father, the King, from his fate in the dungeons. Orc customs allow anyone to prove their might in a boxing match against their own Orc Princess, once she reaches 18, for the right to rule the Kingdom! 
Ding, Ding!
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wizardpigeon · 2 years
Joe from the princess diaries and Dimi from Jim Chi Asmr have the same energy I will not be explaing further thank you
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muffinsin · 3 months
How do you think the dimi sisters would navigate having an s/o date all of them? Like- a polycule not cheating obvi
Like- I feel like bela would come up with a rigorous schedule but cass and Dani would be jealous as fuck whenever it’s someone else’s day? They would never have sex with their s/o together obvi but I feel like they would try to make each other jealous by rubbing their scent off on the s/o right before they went to another sister? Idk I want them all so bad it kills me- fluff and maybe smut?
- 🪶
This is interesting! I’m surprised I’ve never had a dynamic like this in a request👀🙌
Let’s get into it! :)
It’s originally Daniela that discovers you along the staff. And, unsurprisingly, she takes an immediate interest towards you
Your relationship with her starts very soon and fast
Within the first day of seeing her, she asks you out and unintentionally lets on: the poor thing is desperately looking for romance
With this useful piece of information, you easily woo her during your first date in the opera hall
With her hand clasped in yours, both of you move to the light music. You tell her, she looks beautiful in the dress she has put on
To this day you often lay it out for her, but truly? You think your girlfriend looks good in anything you give her at all. Or nothing, for that matter
You bring her a bouquet of beautiful flowers from the gardens, and even dedicate a small poem to her
Daniela still swoons when she thinks of it all
You treat her like a princess, and she can’t get enough of it. Each day you remind her what she means to you, and each day you are reminded of what you mean to her multiple times a day
However, even with your quickly developing relationship, you catch another sister’s eye: Cassandra
You’re completely caught off guard when she corners you one day and flirts boldly
And while you are certainly not unaware of your growing attraction to Cassandra, you shoot her down in an instant
You’re with her sister! Shouldn’t that be enough?
You like Daniela. A lot. You just can’t help but feel so curious about Cassandra, and Bela for that matter, too
At first, it makes you feel incredibly embarrassed and ashamed. Could you really tell Daniela you fancy her sisters as well as her?
Could you ask of her to share you between them?
You yearn to do so
One day, it all seems to spill over and you confess your thoughts
Daniela is- hurt- at first. Isn’t she good enough? Why do you want her sisters too? Are you like the last lovers she’s had, who, despite being with her, truly only wanted one of her sisters?
No. She realizes, you want her too
You…want all three of them?
Truly, she has never been good at sharing
Still, as you reassure her you love her, and want to be with her too, she begins to develop an open mind as it comes to the idea of sharing you between her sisters
It’s certainly not uncommon for the three to share someone. Still, these are usually pets. Meaningless flings, little servants made to pleasure one of them whenever they felt like it. You’re different
She’s a little scared you will leave her behind for her sisters, or “realize they are better”, according to her
You spend every day showing her how much she means to you, even as Cassandra comes around
She is the first to add to the relationship
The three of you decide; you are to be shared between both. Sometimes you get time with one sister, at other times with the other sister
In the beginning, any type of marking is strictly forbidden. It only leads to whines and tears, growls and poutines when a sister finds you have been marked by the other
Alas, the three of you manage. While jealous, sharing often works out
As such, you’re all Daniela’s when Cassandra is busy hunting or “playing” with maidens
And you belong to Cassandra as Daniela is out hunting, reading, or napping throughout the day
You make sure to spend time with them both, reading, cuddling, kissing, staying in the bedroom, showing your love and appreciation, even hunting and watching Cassandra as she explains her weapons
And it all works. Not perfectly, yes, but certainly without all that much fuss
Then, however, the third sister very obviously catches your eye
From your relationship with both sisters, you have grown confident
You don’t even notice you’re practically ogling the eldest whenever she is near
Both sisters are incredibly jealous of this at first. How come Bela always gets a person’s attention?!
You remind them, they got it first, and it soothes them. You’re right. They were here first
Bela’s the last of the sisters that takes notice of you, yet wants to claim you immediately
As the eldest, she is all too used to getting things she wants. The first bite, namely
She is, however, not at all oblivious to Daniela’s scent all over you. She notices the subtle scent of Cassandra linger too, but shrugs it off for the moment. As far as she knows: you’re all Daniela’s lover, made known by the many public displays of affection
Now, Bela isn’t the type to steal partners from her sisters. Not intentionally anyway
In fact, when she notices your growing attraction to her while you’re with Daniela, she is furious!
How dare you treat her little sister this way!
At first she ignores your glances across the room, then returns them as glares. She knows, you’re with her sister. And she won’t stand for disloyalty!
However, then she is visited by both, you and Daniela, in her office
Her surprise only grows when Cassandra swarms in as well, standing on your right whereas Daniela is on your left. She growls quietly when you wrap your arm around Cassandra’s midsection
Aren’t you with Daniela? What have her younger sisters gotten themselves into?!
Her confusion is easily written all across her face, and as such, she only rolls her eyes when Daniela coos at her expression
It is explained, that you’re with both of them. Bela raises an eyebrow, and you’re quick to assure her: no, you aren’t taking advantage of her precious sisters
She doesn’t quite understand why you’re telling her this, though. Are the…three of you…worried she will kill you should she catch you with Cassandra without knowing you’re with her, too?
No, not quite
Bela’s face heats up nearly instantly when you boldly reach forwards and cup her cheeks gently
She hears her sisters scoff and whine, as though demanding your attention back. Alas, it is set on her
Your eyes find her bright golden ones, and Bela feels her face only burning hotter when you stroke your thumb along her soft cheeks gently
She shivers when you voice your thoughts and admit your adoration and attraction to her
She gulps when she is asked to join what relationship you seem to have
And with your beautiful eyes staring into hers, she can’t help but agree. She’s had her eyes for you for so long, she can’t help but moan when you lean forwards a little more and push your lips against her plump ones
“Don’t get your lipstick all over them!”, comes Daniela’s immediate whines, whereas Cassandra sticks to mocking gagging
As such, your relationship with all three sisters blooms
The beginning is, rocky, to say at the least
Neither sister wants to share when it’s the time, truly, despite their agreement to share you between them
They all want their turns with you, and are reluctant to let go of you
Aside from this, all want to spend the nights with you
This leads to large cuddle piles most days, where you are all in someone’s bed- usually Bela’s, as it’s the largest. With two sisters at your sides and the other on top of you, you’re content to sleep
However, the bickering already starts in the morning, when all three insist, they want to join you in your bath
Of course, this doesn’t work, space wise. You know you cannot fit four people in a bathtub, no matter its size
As such, bickering begins of who gets to join you
Often, it ends up being Bela for the simple reason that she pulls back to sneak into the bathroom with you while her sisters bicker back and forth about who gets to join you
Quite early into Bela adding to the relationship, rules are established
Such as no snatching you when you’re having time with another sister
There is, of course, poor time management. All want you. None want to share
It’s settled- in most mornings you belong to Bela until breakfast. The other sleep in anyway, and while both would rather wake up to you by your side, they agree with only minor annoyance lacing their words
You usually get to be with whoever of your girlfriends isn’t busy
Often, Bela is occupied by her work. Sometimes, you decide to distract her
You’re a big fan of teasing her when she is meant to finish up the paperwork sitting on her desk
Even more so as you find out very fast: Bela is the most sensitive out of your girlfriends
She trembles beautifully for you and gasps at the smallest of touches you inflict on her
She is also the most jealous underneath the mask of maturity and tidiness, and is often irritated when you show up in her office reeking of her sisters and their scents
You often make your precious blonde feel better. Or at the very least add her scent to the mix
She moans beautifully for you when you easily push her over her desk and shivers easily when she hears you take off your clothing
You always take your time with her, and love to slowly pull her dress up her smooth legs and stroke, squeeze and kiss her thick, soft thighs
With her pushed on her back on her desk, your favorite way of treating your girlfriend is by eating her out
Bela grows incredibly at this. Her clit is the most sensitive part of her, and you’re often able to make her cum even without penetration. This can be particularly embarrassing to her, though the moment you lower yourself between her legs, all words slur or die on her tongue
She moans and whimpers loudly for you, so much so you often see it only fit to gag her
The last thing you need is someone walking in on you because of the loud noises you draw from her, after all. Still, you know, and always note with a coo, your precious Bela just can’t keep quiet no matter how hard she tries
You simply make her lose her composure
You make her cum on top of her desk often, though often enjoy kinkier uses of her as she works, too
Namely to visit her with an innocent-looking bag, then demand she stands and place a long, slightly curved toy on her chair
The blonde blushes hotly, the gorgeous woman now struggling not to squirm as she slides down on the dildo and you tuck her closer to the desk with a reminder to finish up her work
Occasionally, you like to check whether she still straddles it, and you’re never disappointed
Bela is such a good girl for you when she wants to be, after all
With Cassandra, there are harsh contrasts
You often find yourself the one dominated by her, snatched as you work with the only justification being that she’s here now and craves you
How could you deny her?
Her personal favorite is to tie you up and inflict pain and pleasure upon you
With a vibrator want taped to your thigh and your arms and legs tied as you stand, she stalks you like prey
You feel fear, and pleasure given to you by the toy. It works against your privates perfectly, and she knows it
It feels so good, you almost forget the pain she yearns to inflict on you
“Now scream for Mommy”, is her personal favorite, you believe
Often, it serves as your only warning before the pain follows
Usually, in the form of bites and knives, whips bruising your skin, or cruel slaps hitting your backside and striking your ass relentlessly
She draws all kinds of noises from you, and prides herself on it
Another thing she secretly enjoys, is to mark you entirely in those times
Restrained and often even gagged, you’re helpless to her lips and teeth dragging against your skin and digging in lightly
You’re covered from head to toe in her marks and scent, and it makes her feel lightheaded as though the vibrator was against her clit, and the whip hit her creamy, pale skin
At other times, it’s you marking Cassandra
While you like to opt for sweet movements with Bela, you know this sister requires a firmer hand
Cassandra loves nothing more than to let you fuck her like a mere slut
You usually need to break her into this role, and neither of you mind
In fact, she’s ecstatic when you force her down on her knees and fuck her face until she begs for you to allow her up again
Cassandra is incredibly flustered as it comes to submitting as a whole. Any act of dominance of yours has her get wet already, much to her humiliation
You, of course, love to take advantage of this. Especially when you merely grab her face and pull her in for a kiss, yet notice her thighs push together already
You like all things that really get her going as a submissive. Most of all, this is pain and humiliation
Both is brought together, sometimes, when you have her in a sweet, by far too sweet for her, dress as you drag ice cubes across her thighs
The poor thing is crying and squirming non-stop, cumming fast and hard with no end in sight
Her cheeks always flush bright pink when you have her wear a cute looking dress, certainly too girly and innocent for her tastes
Matching this with stockings and a little bow to her head, Cassandra feels right on edge
You never get tired of seeing the gagged brunette watch pitifully as you adjust her stockings and lift her skirt
You are both capable of taking such good care of one another ;)
Then, of course, you have Daniela
The sweetest, yet perhaps kinkiest of the three, as you’ve come to find out
While only sometimes, she too enjoys to control you from time to time and bring you pleasure
Here, she especially likes to tie you up at a chair or so, with your thighs apart and your clothing torn off you
She struggles with sharing you with her sisters and becomes incredibly jealous at their scents sticking to you
She does, however, love to “cleanse” you of them
With her head moving between your legs, she first ensures their scents are covered by your own again
She could work her mouth on you for hours, and almost always does
You’re just too cute wiggling and whining for her when you’re so sensitive already and cant even grab onto her to steady yourself
She savors your tastes each time, and likes to place her marks on your thighs or so. A little bit of pettiness, perhaps. Something for her sisters to see and get jealous over
She loves the thought. You’re all hers, in her mind, after all. As such she loves seeing her older two sisters get jealous whenever they see she’s claimed you
But that is hardly all
Aside from this, she greatly enjoys to tease you while she’s on top of you
You see stars when your seemingly innocent girlfriend easily ties you to the bedposts and straddles your naked body with hers
Soft skin drags along you as she moves, and you feel lightheaded when her lips and tongue returns to your overly sensitive privates
And Daniela? She’s absolutely soaked, just as she likes it
She doesn’t intend on taking care of it just yet, however. She’s very possessive and shameless. She wants her scent all over you
As such, she does just that
Only afterwards and judged by Bela and Cassandra’s disgusted grimaces and urges you please get a bath, do you realize what your not-so-innocent Daniela is doing
She’s grinding on you as she pleasures you, her wet pussy and warm body dragging along your front as she rolls her hips
You only feel the wetness, yet Daniela feels more and more aroused the more of her scent is rubbed off on you
As a submissive, things aren’t all that different
However, Daniela allows for some kinkier plays. Especially as she is the sister capable of being the quietest as you pleasure her
Often you draw little, quiet whimpers and mewls from her, which allow you to take her just about wherever you want
And Daniela loves it
She only giggles when you push her up against walls and reach underneath her lace panties already, her arms over your shoulders as you begin with her clit and two fingers
It doesn’t take a lot to have this one submit, yet you know Daniela can be a little bit of a brat sometimes
Namely, when she keeps snatching you from her sisters on purpose, or keeps putting obstacles in the way to ensure you have less time with them
You realize often: the poor thing is so lonely and pent up when you aren’t there to take care of her
With her arms and legs tied and a vibrating dildo buried inside her velvet core, you often ensure she is prevented from snatching you again
Instead, you shoot her a dirty grin and smirk when you return hours later, your precious brat squirming on the bed and begging for forgiveness after being forced through orgasm after orgasm
You know, even tied up Daniela can swarm out of her restraints at any time. The tears of overstimulation and her bright pink pussy tell you she stayed in place like a good girl
You trace your fingers alongside her trembling form, her perky breasts and little nipples on display for you
She groans and whimpers as you tug and spank them, the toy in her mercilessly bringing her pleasure
She’s utterly soaked for you, and you’re mildly surprised the thing hasn’t slipped out of her yet
Just when she believes you fill free her of this sweet torture, though, you merely lower yourself between her soft legs and lick broadly across her warm pussy
She’s trembling and moaning, her own arousal clinging to her and the sheets between her legs
Her eyes practically sparkle, despite her exhaustion, you reveal the strap/cock between your legs, and with a simple tug, the toy slips out of her with a wet sound
She is only granted a moment of peace before you thrust between her southern lips already until she’s lubricated you enough
With no issue at all, she takes you in and squirms beautifully when you begin thrusting right away
Her skin is flushed and warm, her thighs tremble and her pussy is soaked for you
With hard thrusts, you push her up on the bed, before your hands at the rope adorning her hips pull her downwards again
It seems, this is a perfect way to make your little songbird sing for you
“Will you take more hours, or have we learned our lesson, Daniela?”
She always assures you, yes! She has! She will behave! She will be good!
For a time being, the brat in her is fucked out, and you’re all too happy to reward the good girl squirming and clenching around you
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elliots-an-idiot · 3 months
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Dimitrescu Sisters comforting dysphoric trans masculine s/o and reacting to him coming out!
My first dimi sister work inspired by @muffinsin :3 I’m a transgender man so this is mostly self indulgent lmfao, I hope you enjoy!! I’ll do a smut version if anyone’s interested!!! (@muffinsin has the best stories ever!!!)
“Love, baby, what’s wrong?” Bela wipes the tears from my face as I wept, feeling so wrong in my own body, “little one, come here.”
I lay on the bed and curl into her arms sobbing, my dysphoria had already been kicking my ass today but with the dance coming up it was getting worse. The crimson dress Bela had chosen made her look effervescent, even more than usual. I haven’t seen the dress she chose for me yet, but the pit in my stomach told me it was similar to hers. Her dress, one suitable for a princess, and mine? I sobbed at the mere thought of being stuck in one for the night.
“B-bels I can’t-“ I took a shaky breath, trying to calm myself, “I can’t do this anymore.”
“What?” She looked down at me with a pained expression, “what are you saying love? Are you brea-”
“No! I can’t do this anymore, I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not. ” I grab the material of the skirt I’m wearing and feel more hot tears stream down my cheeks, “Bels I’m not a girl, I’m sick of trying to be one and I-”
“Love, I know, I’ve known since we met. You have the body of a woman but, your blood, it’s not female. You’re a man my love, a real man. No matter what anyone says.” She grabs my face before I can speak and gently kisses me, “I love you nonetheless, if you’re worried about the dance, stop. I chose your outfit for you remember? Do you want to see your outfit for the dance baby?”
I nod, shocked by her love and acceptance. We stand and approach her closet, I turn to her as she grabs the most amazing tux I’ve ever seen. It perfectly matches her dress.
“Bels, darling,” I feel more tears well up in my eyes, “I fucking love you.”
“I love you too my pretty boy.”
“Hey pet- oh shit you’re crying,” Cassandra swarmed over and plonked on the bed in front of me, “who do I need to kill? What’s wrong doll?”
“Cass-” a sob cuts me off and I curl into her lap, the fabric of my bra digs into my back again and I claw at it to take it off.
“What are you doing? Why are you crying?! Also, what the fuck is going on!?!” Cassandra is practically fuming at this point, concern etched into her face. She grabs my hands and takes a deep breath, “Doll please talk to me, I’m here.”
I look up at her and tears well in my eyes, waves of fear and sadness crash onto me as I take a deep breath. Then blurt everything out at once, “Cassieimaboy”
“What?” A smile spreads on her face and she laughs, no, cackles at me, “Fucking-”
“Cass I'm so sorry I've known for a while but I love you so much and I didn't want to ruin anything and-" She purses her lips and puts a hand over my mouth.
“As I was saying, fucking finally dumbass, no shit.” she smirks down at me, and all I can do is stare back in shock "Are you almost done crying? I have a surprise for you and- hang on what?"
"Y-you love me?" She practically whispers the words before looking into my eyes with a mixture of confusion and glee. I get up and kneel above her, straddling her hips. I take her face in my hands and gently kiss her.
"How could I not?" I stare into her eyes awaiting her response Instead, she reaches into her pocket and grabs something.
"Um. I didn't really have anything planned but, uh, well. I made you this." She hands me a small box, a promise ring with the words I love you doll lies inside. "I'm not good with words but, uh, yeah.... I love you too, doll"
"Hello, my love!" I hear Dani enter my chambers and call out to me in a sing-songy voice, before throwing something onto the bed "Are you excited for our date?"
"Y-yeah, I'm excited." Im lying, god I feel so shitty! My day was bad enough since the headmaid caught me out of uniform and practically forced me back into a skirt. Right now the last thing I want is for Dani to choose something overly feminine for me for our date today. I only really agreed to let her choose because I don't have anything other than commoner clothing. She comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist as she kisses my neck.
"My love, something is different about our date today. I chose your outfit again, but, I couldn't decide between these two! Which one do you like more?" She spins me around and grabs two outfits off of the bed, and I gasp. The first is a brown tux with a vest and the other is similar, except it is black with green specks of something shiny. The dress she's wearing is form fitting and gods she looks amazing in it "I figured since you are a man, you wouldn't want to wear a dress or anything, so I chose these! I like the brown on because it-"
"The black one. Please." I step towards her and press a kiss to her lips, "and thank you love, for everything. You look stunning by the way!!"
"Thank you my handsome pet." she giggles and hands me the tux before swarming away.
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lucidmagic · 10 months
i opened tumblr today and checked the donna tag for the first time in months AND SEE THE UPDATE, when i tell you i screamed i’m not lying, this is the happiest i’ve been in ages, almost two years is crazy 🤨 let me tell you that but i never lose hope and waited patiently AND THEN FINALLY HERE IT IS, the chapter was chef kisses as ALWAYS meeting the dimis and mother miranda oh jesus poor reader 😭😭 i was laughing so bad, also reader at the castle simping KAJDKSJDK 😭 reader went full romantic compositor about donna it was so beautiful oh fuck my miserable gay life, and donna my baby my angel my little princess pookie bear honeypie she’s so precious the dinner oh what a beautiful chapter tears in my eyes rn thank you for such a beautiful chapter and fic 💕🫶🏽❤️
Not the Donna's noodles emojis 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 remember that chapter of the Donna fandom????? damn, it was like another life... almost like it's been nearly two years.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. Not gonna lie, I was feeling the pressure about chapter 9 and wondered how people will react to it after about two years. Plus wondering if I was rusty with writing the characters and story. BUT I ignored it and sent that damned post button and so far people are loving the update. Unless I get inundated with hate mail later this day lol.
But yes, the reader simping with a castle full of women is just me whenever I'm around women soooooo I wrote what I knew
Donna during the date was adorable to write--the entire time I was giggling and kicking my feet.
Again I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter, especially given you're such a staple of the donna fandom!
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rattlebear25 · 5 months
Headcanon Timeline Past SPM (31/12/23 UPDATE)
• So my Headcanon version of Dimentio was the son of the Phanto King and Queen in Unknown Realm. Him and his Sister Dimania had a more arrogant and dictatorship behaviour unlike their parents. Dimentio was really affectionate to his mother while the Dimania was really connected to her father. Suddenly, Bonechill appeared trying to conquer the Overthere, hurting Dimentio and his mother. The mother was deeply injured and died while Dimentio was slighty damaged. Dimania went ill after her mommy's death and her father did everything to bring her back. He saved her and Dimentio thanks to his magician powers but his sons were mentally destroyed by the tragic event, developing a sort of PTS Disorder. All of these events happen simultaneously at Ancient's leadership on the whole universe. Phantos are normally the ones who control and own the keys of the doors that separate the Normal Life Realm from the Afterlife one (the Underwhere, Overthere.) When Dimentio and Dimania became adult and their father died, Dimi ruled as the King of Phantos while his sister like a Deputy Chief. They wanted more power so they discovered from an old dark book (the Dark Prognosticus) the existence of the Chaos Heart that can be brought alive by a forced union bewteen a monster and a princess. This Heart function is like a Big Crunch and the Chaos Heart's owner can redesign the Universe from zero. So Dimania and her brother team up to get the Chaos Heart but first they have to destroy the Pure Hearts, that can destroy the Chaos Heart forever. So Dimentio created a fake identity for himself called Dimen and tried to woo Merlumina, one of the Ancients who own the Pure Hearts. So he marriaged her and can have access to Secret Chambers to destroy the Pure Hearts. But Dimania betrayed her brother to get the power and the leadership of the universe just for herself. So he tried to manipulate her showing that the Ancients' creations (Pixls) can make her more stronger than the Chaos Heart. Dimania abused of the Pixls' powers becoming the Pixl Queen but the Ancients killed her in time and her ambitious goal failed. Her rests became Shadoo. Dimentio was exiled by the Ancient Church after the leader Merloo discovered his plans.
• The Tribe Ancients old generation died and the descendants splitted in two different bloodlines. The Pure one took the Light Prognosticus wrote by Merloo while the Dark Bloodline, commanded by a young Nolrem (Noirebert's father and Blumiere's grandpa) took the Dark Prognosticus (the dark book readed by Dimentio). Since this the story goes like Canon Super Paper Mario.
I was inspired by the Carson's stories in the game but i don't think they are completely canon. They are theories, nothing confirmed about them.
Maybe i will do short comics of this stuff of 3 shots for each page idk bye
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monocryl · 1 year
The Knight and The Dragon
Prompt: "That's how the story goes."
When Childe's daughter arrived home after playing outside with her friends the whole afternoon looking forlorn, he knew trouble was at hand.
If someone made his daughter cry, oh, he’ll make them regret it.
“And what if it was other children?” Zhongli asked.
Well, Childe was definitely going to have some WORDS with their parents, he answered his husband. 
Childe scooped his daughter up, “What’s the matter princess?”
“Well, Lulu’s baba got her a storybook from Fontaine…”
If Childe’s daughter wanted a storybook from Fontaine, or from any other nation, he’d buy and give her one in a heartbeat. 
“We read the book it a while ago…” she continued, “And… and…”
Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes, as she let some of her adepti features appear. Two small amber colored horns materialized at the side of her head at the same time, a long brown scaly tail with a soft puff at the tips similar to Zhongli’s very own, wrapped around Childe’s arm like a snake. 
Childe wanted nothing more than to ease whatever problem his daughter was having.
“I don’t want to be a bad dragon and I don’t want to eat other people!” She shouted then tucked her head on the side of her father’s neck. 
Meiling then told him about what they had read about on the storybook. How the dragon kidnapped the princess, ate the people and reigned terror on the town until a brave prince slayed the dragon, saved the princess and the town. 
“But my Baba said dragons are friends and they protect the people!” She told her friends. 
“Not in Fontaine, they’re not. They have evil dragons that eat people!”
Then her friends started to role play the story and that had made her a lot more upset so she ran back home. 
Childe was scratching his head after his daughter recalled the events that afternoon. But at least, she looked calmer now.
“Is me and Dimi gonna eat people someday?” She asked in a small voice, looking at her father, worry evident on her eyes. 
Now, Childe knew he wasn’t a bad father at all, but THIS was Zhongli’s forte. He would know how to explain to their daughter about her own adepti heritage, how different and similar she (and her baby brother) was with other children her age in a way a child could easily understand. 
But Zhongli was currently asleep in their room after nursing their infant son. Dimitri had been fussy all night. He told Zhongli he’d take care of it, but his husband insisted that Childe just go back to sleep as the baby was probably just hungry again. Although, he was pretty sure Zhongli would definitely not mind to be awakened for this scenario.
No. He doesn’t want to bother his tired husband. Childe can do this. He had listened to Zhongli’s lessons about the nature of Liyue’s dragons to at least soothe his daughter’s concerns. 
“Baba is a dragon too… just like you and Dimi, isn’t he?”
She nodded.
“Liyue’s dragons are different from Fontaine’s. They’re… special!” Child said, “They’re very kind, very gentle and they protect the people they love.” He tapped Mei-Mei’s nose with his index finger, “Just like Baba, you and Dimi.”
Mei-Mei sighed, “I wish I have a storybook about dragons being friends with people.” 
“A storybook, huh…” The Traveler once mentioned making a story for the Yuheng so she’d pause being a raging workaholic for the Lantern Rite. Maybe…
One day, a handsome knight came across a large castle. He said, “Oh! This is the place the townsfolk where talking about! Now’s my chance to save the Princess and finally fight a worthy opponent!” So he bravely marched inside, sword on hand.
The castle was gorgeous and was decorated in gold and red, but was totally empty! With no other people on site to talk to, the knight continued his search inside and around the castle. When he finally reached the big courtyard, there it was… the dragon! It was finally the knight’s chance to fight it! But sadly, the large dragon was sleeping soundly and the knight thought it wasn’t very knightly of him if he attacked it while sleeping. 
The knight walked towards the sleeping dragon, “Hey! Mister Dragon! Wake up and let’s fight so I could save the princess!”
The dragon woke up with a big yawn and stretched its long body, “Oh, but Mister Knight, there are no princesses here, but…” The dragon glowed gold and when the bright light disappeared, there was a very beautiful prince on its place instead! The knight fell in love at first sight and decided to stay so that the dragon won’t be alone anymore. 
One night, the knight and the dragon noticed that the town was glowing orange… it was on fire and was being attacked! They quickly went to the town and defeated the bandits trying to burn the whole town down. 
And that was when the townsfolk realized that the dragon was actually really kind! They thanked the dragon and the knight for saving them all and haled them as heroes. 
“And that’s how the story goes!” Mei-Mei finished her story with a large grin on her face, blue eyes shining brightly. 
Zhongli chuckled and kissed his daughter on the forehead before tucking her in bed, “Its a beautiful tale, my dear. I’m sure your friend would love it.”
The girl beamed, “I hope so! Papa said its from Snezhnaya! I’m so excited to tell it to them tomorrow…. Do you think Dimi would love it too?”
“I’m sure he’ll love it as well.”
“Goodnight Baba, I love you.”
“Sweet dreams, I love you too, dear.”
“The Knight and The Dragon, hmm?” Zhongli sat beside Childe on their bed.
Childe rubbed the back of his neck feeling a little bit shy now that he heard his made up story from his daughter, “Ahahaha, I swear, I could’ve done better if there was more time.” His daughter did put him on quite a spot after all. 
Zhongli shook his head, “No need to be embarrassed, Ajax. It was very creative, in fact, I enjoyed it. You have a talent for storytelling.”
“Eh,” He shrugged, “I did something similar for my younger siblings when they were still little.” 
The two silently relaxed on their bed cuddling, enjoying their alone time and basking on each other’s presence.
“So… for the story continuation… what if the knight and the dragon decided to make little princesses and princes, what do you say?”
Zhongli raised a brow.
“I’m just kidding!” 
Or was he? 
7 notes · View notes
cum-villain · 8 months
My darling
My betrothed
My fiancé
My beautiful princess with many disorders
I care about you and respect you and adore you :3 💚
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2 notes · View notes
waeziverse · 1 year
Royal Punch (chapter 19)
Dimi was still locked inside the ruined office, trying to break the planks that covered the windows with one of the legs from a broken chair. It did not work and only resulted in her sore hands feeling worse. Dimi threw the piece of wood at the floor and made an angry almost animal-like growl. She scowled at the window as blood still dripped from her head wound and greased her eye. Even if she could somehow remove the wood that blocked the window then it was unlikely she could squeeze herself through it or at least not in a way that wouldn’t result in her getting hurt. But the only other way out of the damn room was through the door and that was locked most likely guarded. It wasn’t like whatever goon who worked for Veronica would just open it for Dimi.
Dimi sighed. She took a glance at the bookshelves in the office. Then she began to pull them and move them around as well as she could. Because she realized that Veronica’s goons WOULD open up the door for her.
The parrot-harpy known as Sweeper had just gotten a massive cut on her face as the bison-type minotaur Claressa had rubbed her in the face with the laces from her boxing gloves. This furiated Sweeper who then dug her talons into the leg of her opponents, making the ox-girl’s leg worse for wear.
Veronica clapped while the rest of the creatures around the rind roared in approval. She adjusted her sunglasses while while watching Sweeper and Claressa being separated by the referee as well as their corner guys since the two pugilists kept battering each other despite the bell signaling the end of round three.
It had been a good night so far. Everyone in the room had witnessed one slugfest after another, Veronica knew she had made a lot of money tonight. But as her snake hair started to hiss, she turned her head to see that Corny the Goblin had just appeared in a puff of smoke. “Boss, we got a problem. Some bull knocked Gon’s lights out and he looks like trouble.”
Veronica groaned. “Lousy wolf. Alright, Mez and Goz. Go get the... wait.” Veronica adjusted her glasses. “This minotaur... he has a broken horn?”
“Yes, boss.”
Veronica couldn’t help but make a goofy grin. The night was gonna be much better than she had hoped for. “Is this my birthday? I expected him here at least tomorrow! Mez, Goz... Take a hike. My guest are gonna need your seats.” The two onis stood up and were about to leave. “Oh and Goz!” The blue oni turned around. “You better get changed. Ivan is here and you are gonna break him in half.”
Goz made a grim grin and nodded before leaving.
The diverse group of creatures who stood up to watch the fight inside the ring all parted to make way for a very angry looking minotaur with one of his horns being broken. Few wanted to mess with minotaurs, and no one was gonna be in the way of this particularly angry looking and broad shouldered one. There were murder in his eyes as he was looking for the creature that had ignited his rage. Behind him was some sort of foreign creature with traits of a lion and wings on her back. She snarled as her eyes turned left and right while her unsheathed claws were practically itching after tearing in something.
Veronica had the same effect on the spectators as Ivan had as they twitched when she stood up from her seat and waved at Ivan.
“Ivan! Sweetheart!” Veronica smirked while her hair aggressively hissed at the minotaur. “This is nice! Your human pet told me you wouldn’t get home till tomorrow.”
“Say the word, Ivan.” Aura narrowed her eyes as she she stepped to Ivan’s left side. Her tail was swinging in an aggressive manner as she cracked he knuckles. “Say the word and I will tear up this whole joint!”
“You will do no such thing, sweet cheeks. Sit.” Veronica pointed at the empty seats next to her.
“Where is Dimi?” Ivan glared at Veronica while he tightened his fists so hard that his fingernails were practically digging into his flesh. He did his best not to explode as he knew that one wrong angry word could be fatal for Dimi.
“I said sit.” Veronica pointed toward the the two empty seats one more.
Ivan did as he was told. Auraraised an eyebrow at her husband who just nooded. She rolled her eyes as she sat down.
“What have you done with her?” Ivan asked, his hands itching after getting around Veronica’s neck.
“Me? I ain’t done nothin’! You little human pet though? WOW! You should have seen her in the ring tonight.” Veronica made a nod toward the ring where the harpy and minotaur were at hard work rearranging each other’s faces. “She was vicious! I was surprised she let the other guy live. Or I assume he is. Damn ugly fight, I tell ya. Ugly!” She patted Ivan on the shoulder. “And she came all by herself. That’s why you are here and not the city guard, right? You know the penalty for participating in these events.”
Ivan’s nostrils expended. “Where is she?”
Veronica shook her head. “Wrong question, baby.”
“Is she okay?”
Veronica clicked her tongue. “Wrong again.”
Ivan closed his eyes and sighed. “Okay... What do you want?”
“Finally! Right question.” Veronica patted Ivan on the shoulder once more, as if he was a kid she had assisted with doing homework. “See, I thought you would arrive tomorrow and I had make all sorts of arrangements. But since you are here now, I can save time and resources on advertising your return and instead let you be an extra surprise for my fine customers.”
“You want me to fight?”
“No, I want you to sell nuts and snacks to the audience.” Veronica snickered. “Yeah, I want you to fight, you big beef. I want you to step inside that ring over there as soon as those two are done.” Veronica turned to look at the fight. Sweeper was practically toying with Claressa who was unable to defend herself after her arm had been broken. “Hmm, shouldn’t take long, so you have to make up your mind quickly, honey.”
“And if I win, you will let Dimi go?”
“What?!” Aura looked at Ivan with disbelieve in her eyes.
“Sure thing, beefcake. And you don’t have to worry about gloves or nuthin’, I feel in a nostalgic mood for some bloody knuckles.”
“And if I lose?”
Veronica tilted her head as she made a broad grin that made Aura uncomfortable, even slightly startled. “I don’t think I can do nothin’ to you if you lose. Nobody can. You dig?”
Ivan shallowed. “Okay. Deal.”
“Then take your shirt off and wait for when I call you up to fight. By the way, see that big blue bastard over there?” Veronica pointed toward the big blue oni who was half naked and gave Ivan an almost hungry glare. “That’s my boy Goz. He’s the one who’s gonna make sausages out of ya. Excuse me.” Veronica stood up and left Ivan and Aura to talk to Goz.
Aura who looked at him with disbelieve. “What the hell, Ivan?!” She elbowed him and slapped him on the back of the head with one of her wings. “Why not let me go monster on her ass? Tear that stupid smug smile off her face?”
“I have three good reasons to agreeing to play ball with her.”
Aura rolled her eyes. “Only three?”
“First off all, I know you could turn this whole place into a pile of broken bricks and wood stumps, but we are outnumbered. Second, this is the best way to make sure Dimi won’t get hurt.”
“IF that slimy snake can be trusted.” She looked past Ivan’s shoulder to see Veronica step inside the ring while the minotaur girl was being carried out of said ring. “And the third?”
“Well...” Ivan took a glance at the blue oni with a massive bulky body. He then looked at Aura and smirked. “Are you telling me that I can’t take that punk?”
Aura blinked twice. Then she snorted and made a small laugh. “Knock his god damn block off!”
The satyr twins Angel and Ben tapped the floor with their hooves impatiently.
“This blows.” Ben picked his nostril. “I can hear the fights next door and we are wasting our times keeping an eye on a human who has already been beat up.”
“The boss lady says she is important.” Angel spit out some loose-leaf chewing tobacco as she leaned against the door. Her horns scratched the wood. “But yeah, when Biff said he could get us a job, join a real gang, I had hoped-”
They heard the sound of glass shattering.
“What th-” Ben opened the door. He saw a hole in the window and and a tumbled over bookshelf that had been the reason for the broken window. But most importantly, he saw no human girl. “Shit! Angel, the human escaped!”
Angel looked at the window. Then she smacked Ben in the back of his head. “Moron, that hole is too small for that! Unless you think she can shrink.”
“I mean, maybe she can?” Ben looked terrified as he shrugged. “Humans can do all sorts of magic BS, right? And I can’t see her.”
“She is probably hiding, dummy.” She slapped him again. Go in and look for her, I will guard the door.”
Ben did as he was told. But as the young satyr entered the room, an arm came that had been hiding behind the now open door and grabbed Ben by the horn and pulled him away from Angel’s sight. Angel heard a heavy thud and a groan from her twin brother.
“Hey! Come out here you-” Angel realized too late she had made a mistake as she entered the room and had a massive bookshelf fall on her.
Dimi loosened her arms she had locked around Ben’s neck and let him drop to the floor as he groaned. She checked that Angel was barely conscious as she was trapped under the heavy piece of furniture. She waited to see if anyone else would come, but she had apparently been so lucky that Veronica had thought two guards would be enough.
“Shit, that hurts...” Dimi nudged her sore hand. She was still in no condition to fight, but she had to get out of this damn place.
As Dimi stepped out of the room to try and see where the heck she were and how to get home, she noticed someone at the end of the hallway she had just stepped into.
“What’s going on, I heard a- HEY!” It was an eagle-styled harpy in a sleeve-less blouse. She was apparently part of security and she held a lease. At the other end of the lease was a three-headed monster. It looked like a hound from hell. It was twice as big as a normal dog, had dark-brown fur and six red eyes. It growled and bared its razor sharp teeth. “I don’t know who you are or what you are doing here, human!” The harpy yelled. “But you are not allowed here. BITE!”
The harpy let go of the lease as the cerberus leapt toward Dimi, snarling and drooling.
Nora had managed to crawl up and sit on a wooden beam below the roof of the building. She had her bow in one hand and a quiver on her back filled with arrows. She unfortunately had not had time to enchant them. She looked down toward the arena where Ivan and Ivan stood, waiting to see if there would be trouble.
She saw that Ivan had taken off his shirt and Aura split the ropes of the rings to help him inside it. Aura blinked. “What kind of macho BS have you agreed to, Ivan? God, you suck...” 
Veronica stood in the middle of the ring next to the referee. She held a megaphone and smiled satisfied. “That’s right! No reason to leave just yet! We have us a surprise matchup tonight! And, for your entertainment, they will duke it out with their bare hands! And EVERYTHING GOES THIS TIME!”
The audience approved loudly.
“In the blue corner, we have a former pugilist of a higher degree! He was contender of the year, has fought professionally as well as duked it out in the blood-stained world of underground boxing! Heck, this bull has been in jail! They call him HAMMERHAND IVAN!”
The spectators cheered, few because they recognized the mostly obscure former boxer, most because a huge minotaur with a broken horn had stepped inside the ring, that was always promising. Ivan acknowledged the crowd with a nod, then rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck
“And in the red corner we have an orca from the East! He-” Ivan didn’t really listen to anything Veronica said as he studied his opponent in the other end of the fight ring. The big blue oni stood on the lowest ropes and raised his fists in the air with his back against Ivan’s direction. After a quick scan of the naked over body of the big fella, Ivan could spot some scars. But they were few and they were old. But he could also see on his knuckles that they were used quite often. Meaning he was often in fights but rarely got hurt. Either because he was an excellent hand-to-hand fighter... or more likely, he hadn’t been in a fight where it was fair for the other guy. Veronica kept on. “- skin often more red than blue, they call him GOZ!”
Goz turned toward Ivan and cracked his knuckles. Veronica stepped out of the ring while Goz’s brother split the ropes for her.
“Hold on, I have a question.” Ivan said to Veronica. The gorgon turned her attention to him and leaned against the ropes of the ring. “You said that anything goes in this fight?”
“Sure.” Veronica took a seat at ringside. “Do whatever. Just keep everyone entertained.”
“Good.” Ivan raised his voice so he was sure Goz could hear him loud and clear. “Good to know that I can go for the SOFT PARTS!”
Goz lost his confident expression for a second and blinked nervously.
The spectators clapped and awaited the fight to start. Veronica cut the end of a extra special cigar she had saved for a special occasion. She held the unlit stogie up to her nose and enjoyed the sent of fresh tobacco, leather, wood, cinnamon and salted peanut.
She enjoyed the delicious smoke as well as the sweet revenge. She had a front seat as she would watch Ivan’s brain and face be turned into mashed potatoes. And she didn’t even have to spend a single coin on it, she would even make a profit from the bets on the fight. Ivan was past his prime and Goz was young and in great shape, he couldn’t possibly win. And even if he did win and somehow didn’t get permanent brain damage, then Veronica still knew where he lived as well as his family. She owned his ass. There was nothing he could do to ruin that for her.
Or so Veronica assumed.
The room practically exploded as the bell started the fight. Veronica was about to place her cigar between her teeth...
... but then her cigar dropped to the floor as Goz fell to the canvas.
The entire room went silent. The fight had lasted less than half a minute.
Ivan looked down at the oni who coughed and groaned. Ivan had always been surprised by how few realized that it was the throat, not the crotch, that was the most vulnerable part of most creature bodies.
Aura couldn’t help it but laugh.
Ivan nudged his fist. “Man, that’s gonna smart. Welp, glad that’s over with.” He smiled as he waved at the dumbfounded spectators. “Well, show’s over, everyone. Get home safe.” He then bend down to get through the ropes and join Aura.
Once again, the room practically exploded. Not from cheers, but from yelling and boos.
Veronica looked horrified as her customers started a riot, kicking chairs and pushing her staff who tried to keep them calm.
See, the problem with running a business the way Veronica does is that you have to keep your customers happy. If they are not... well, calling the authorities is not an option.
She was shocked... then she was pissed. “HEY!” she yelled at Goz who leaned against a corner of the ring while nudging his head and throat. “Get up you fat loser! Go kick his ass!”
Goz didn’t reply due to a mix of feeling dizza and having a swollen throat.
“Boss?” Mez the Oni looked at Veronica, then at the chaos around them as the security Veronica had hired were outnumbered ten to one by the angry mob of unsatisfied customers who threw and broke chairs. “Let me get you out of here-”
“No.” Veronica grind her teeth as all of her snake heads hissed aggressively. “No, go find Gon, tell him to do his damn job.” As the red oni left to find the bouncer, Veronica took off her shades.
“Ouch! Stop! Mercy!”
“What the heck?!” The eagle harpy was confused as she watched her guard-dog cerberus not only NOT attacking Dimi, it licked her.
“Ouch, easy now! I’m not in my best shape.” Dimi giggled as all three heads of the monster-dog used their tongues to kiss her. She nuzzled the ear of the head to the left while scratching the beast’s back. “But you are a good girl, aren’t you?” Dimi kissed the middle head. “Yes, you are! Oh, yes you are!”
“Dumb mutt, I paid good money for you!” The harpy practically screeched. “You are not a pet, you are a killing machine! Now bite already!”
Dimi smirked as she patted the cerberus on the back. “You heard the lady. Bite.”
The eagle harpy could feel her heart jump up in her throat as her vicious three-headed guard dog started to bark at her.
The doorman Gon nudged his eye. Getting suckerpunched by that minotaur had resulted in him getting a black eye. “Son of a cow...” he mumbled for himself. “When I get my claws on him-”
“Gon!” Mez the Oni opened the door to the building filled with angry creatures. Gon almost got a bottle thrown in the head but managed to dodge. “Everyone are pissed. The boss tell you to do something about it!”
Mez gulped as Gon transformed before him and lept though the door and howled.
“Man...” Mez gulped. “Werewolves still gives me the creeps.”
“Well, that was kind of stupid.” Aura rolled her eyes. “Badass.. but stupid.”
“I ended the fight quickly.” Ivan got dressed again. “We made a deal so Veronica-”
“Veronica is royally pissed, Ivan. You think she is gonna keep her promise now that you made the place go crazy?”
Ivan opened his mouth. Then, closed it. “Um... she might?”
“I lost 200 coronets because of you- AARGH, MY LEG!” A satyr who was about to sneak up on Ivan to smash a bottle against the back of his head fell to the floor as an arrow penetrated his left leg.
“Your welcome.” Nora mumbled as she fetched a new arrow from her quiver, still sitting on a beam right below the roof.
Ivan and Aura noticed how creatures who were angry seconds before now ran toward the exit filled with fear. It was soon clear why as Veronica walked toward them. Her now exposed eyes glared at them as her eyes began to glow and the veins near her temples bulged. “You son of a bitch! What was that?!”
“A deal is a deal.” Ivan made sure to evade eye contact and instead looked at Veronica’s neck. “Now tell me where my... where Dimi is.”
“Oh, the deal is off, shit for brains!” All of Veronica’s snakes stretched as far as they could, itching to get their fangs into Ivan’s flesh. “You just cost me a fortune. You think you get to walk away from this? I’m gonna kill you now with my bare hands, should have done so from the start!”
“DON’T GET NEAR HIM, YOU BITCH!” Aura turned into her monster form, stepping in front of Ivan.
“Shit...” Nora mumbled as she pulled the string of her bow with an arrow. “Aura, move. I can’t get a clear shot.”
Veronica made a very satisfied smile as Ivan and Aura turned their head to see the guy who guarded the door when they had arrived.
“Gon, about time you showed up.”
The room was almost empty now, most had fled in fear. Gon had that effect on creatures. Ivan’s eyes widened as he saw a monster on all four legs with fur as black as the night all over it’s enormous body All the hair on it’s black tail were spreading so it looked like he had a black cactus attached to his behind. It’s five red eyes glared at Ivan. “You! Minotaur! You think you get to suckerpunch me and get away with it!”
Ivan gulped. “Crap, you are the doorman, aren’t you? I just make so many smart decisions today.”
Gon the Werewolf answered the question by leaping toward Ivan, only to get tackled by Aura who roared as she dug her claws into the beast who was about the same size as her. Ivan was so confused, and Veronica jumped him, wrapping one arm around his thick neck while her legs got around his torso. Her limps were strong and flexible, Ivan felt as if he was being squeezed by a python as he tried to pull the gorgon off himself.
“Great!” Nora slapped her forehead. “Now I can’t shoot the evil snake woman without shooting Ivan. Perfect!” She instead took aim at Aura’s new opponent. The lion beast and wolf monstrosity were locked in mortal combat. Nora fired three arrows toward the back of the black werewolf.
It looked like three toothpicks had been stuck to his back.
Nora sighed. “Well, that did jack shit...”
Dimi and her new three-headed animal friend entered the room where the fights had taken place, hoping a match was being held so she could sneak unnoticed out.
The room however was practically empty as a completely different fight was taking place.
She spotted Ivan who slammed himself against a wall while Veronica had wrapped herself around him and dug her teeth and nails into his flesh. And she spotted Aura exchanging clawed slaps with a dog-monster even more scary-looking than her. But then she heard a whimpering and noticed that someone were hiding behind a desk that had been used for bar.
The whimpering was made by Sticky the Dwarf who had served as Dimi’s corner guy.
“YOU!” Dimi grabbing the dwarf by the collar of his clothes as he had noticed her too late to make a run for it. “You little bastard! You gave me bad instruction during my fight on purpose, didn’t you?!”
“Nothing personal, human!” Sticky blinked frantically Dimi lifted him him up and sat him on the desk as if he was a child she was about to berate. He noticed the cerberus that growled at it’s new friend’s object of wrath. “I just did what I was paid to do! I really have no beef with humans, I was against it when dwarves decided to join with the orcs, I never-”
He did not get to finish his load of BS as his nose was violently introduced to Dimi’s forehead. Sticky fell from the desk and landed on the floor as he groaned and tried to fix his bloody nose.
Dimi gave him a glare but decided she couldn’t waste more time on him. Her... family needed her and she had two thirds of an idea.
She got on her knee and ruffled the middle head of the monster dog. “You poor thing, all they did to you. Go to the forest, I have some friends there who will look after you until I find you a loving home.”
The cerberus ran away to do as it was told. Dimi stretched her very sore body as she was about to do what she should have done the moment she had seen Veronica’s carriage.
Nora aimed her last arrow at the back of the head of the werewolf Aura was fighting. The black beast buried his fangs in Aura’s shoulders as she made a roar of frustration and agony. “Shit, I made an oath to never take a life...” Nora narrowed her eyes as she prepared to fire an arrow to penetrate the skull of the werewolf. “Well, I’m technically not a healer anymore...”
But her moral dilemma didn’t matter much as three red eyes appeared on the back of the black monster and they looked directly at Nora. The short elf got so startled by this that she let go of the arrow that instead penetrated the werewolf’s left foot.
Meanwhile, Ivan screamed as his rips popped. Veronica had to let go of her hold on Ivan as she had been squeezed between the minotaur’s back and a wall that now cracked as the wood was rather old and worn. They both fell outside the warehouse and landed on the wet dirt. Veronica let go of her grip around Ivan so she could push him away from her before she was crushed under the weight of the massive bull-man. Ivan stood up quickly and took a couple of steps away from her and turned around with his fists raised. Some torches placed around the building made light enough so they could see each other, if barely. Ivan still tried to look past her to evade eye contact while Veronica’s eyes gloved in the dark, she had removed her high-heeled shoes so her naked feed were planted in wet mud. She was now armed with a brass knuckle.
As Dimi hurried out of the front door, she could see a lot of carriages had either left or started to get moving. No one was apparently gonna stick around as two massive monsters tried to maul each other.
But Veronica’s carriage was still there. More importantly, the hippogriff that pulled it was still there. The fact that it was extremely calm despite the ruckus made Dimi sure that something was wrong with it.
Corny the Goblin, the coachwoman of Veronica’s fancy carriage, had been hiding inside said carriage when creatures had left the closed-down workshop in haste. She stepped outside as the noise had died down and noticed that the human her boss had brought to the fights was about to approach the animal used to move the vertical. “Oy!” Corny stepped out and gave the human a glare. “Step away from the critter!”
“Piss off.” Dimi looked at the bald goblin-woman with contempt. “What have you done to this beautiful creature?”
“None of your bloody beeswax. Now step away.”
Dimi narrowed her eyes. “Make me.”
Corny accepted the invitation and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Dimi was unfamiliar with goblin magic and was confused, then in a lot of pain as corny appeared behind her and stabbed her in the thighs. Dimi kicked backwards and turned to get her hands on her assaulter, only to get smoke in the eyes as Corny disappeared again.
Dimi coughed as she looked left and right to spot the bald goblin. Said goblin had hid behind the carriage. The hippogriff was still alarmingly calm.
Dimi’s eyes turned left and right. She then heard the small poof the goblin made when making her disappearance act and a second later got a knife in the lower back of her back as Corny appeared again. Dimi once again did not get a chance to attack as Corny disappeared before she turned around.
Dimi was starting to get dizzy from the pain. But not dizzy enough to not be able to make a fight plan. She raised her fists and panted, going around in a circle.
As soon as she heard the poof, she threw herself backward and planted her entire weight against Corny who too soon realized that attacking from behind was not as sneaky as it were predictable. Corny got an elbow in the face, breaking her nose and lost the hold of her pocket knife.
Aura got a paw in the face that could have shattered her jaw if she had not rolled with the strike. Gon roared furriously as the lion-eagle woman slashed his face, temporarily blinding three of his nine eyes. He grew two more on his forehead to not lose to make of for the vision he had just lost.
Nora, being out of arrows, decided to get down as she had spotted Dimi leave the building and went to look for her. She found her outside, bleeding from the back and the leg as she stood triumphant over a goblin woman who covered her face.
“Dimi, you little shit!” Nora felt so relieved and so furious at the same time. “What the world happened to you?!”
“Nora!” Dimi turned around to see the short elf. “I’m so glad to see you!”
“For crying out loud!” Nora grimaced as she saw the poor state of the human girl’s face. It looked like someone had used her head as punching bag. “If I were taller, I would put you over my knee and spank you. But I guess I have to tell Ivan to do that. Get on your knee!”
Dimi did as she was told, letting Nora take a bottle from her purse and pour it over her back. It felt like acid but also somehow relieving. “I’m sorry...” was all Dimi could say as Nora less than gracefully wrapped bandages around her waist to cover the wounds she had just received.
“Sorry?! SORRY?! You are not a little kid, you are sixteen!” Nora tied a knot on the bandage. “You can’t just say sorry and think that fix-”
“I know it won’t fix anything, I’m still sorry.” Dimi blushed. She then turned her attention toward the half-horse-half-bird creature. The red gem-stones attached to the collar around the hippogriff’s neck made an ominous light.
Nora raised an eyebrow. “What are you... HOLY SHIT, DIMI?!”
Dimi wrenched and took a step backward as the hippogriff had tried to slash her arm off, instead leaving a big rift on her left arm. The poor creature was in so much agony and so scared that Dimi’s animal empathy didn’t work right away.
“Heh...” Corny the Goblin had managed to lift herself up and looked at Dimi. “That monster has been trained to attack strangers who get to close. I don’t know what you try toooOOOOAAAGH, MY FACE!” She fell to the ground after Nora had splashed the healing salvia in her face.
Nora smiled. “It should heal your broken nose, but too much juice stings like seven kinds of hell. My bad.” She then looked worried at Dimi. “Kid, what are you doing?!”
“Getting the collar off!” Dimi licked her bleeding arm. “I know what I’m doing!”
The beast opened its beak and made a terrifying noise that could be similar to a mix of that of a bird of prey and a horse. It scratched the ground with the left talon and tightened its hind legs as it looked at Dimi with burning hate.
“I know some animals like you.” Dimi said with a calm voice as she held her hands up to show she meant no harm. She took half a step closer. “I bet you are like them. Proud. You wouldn’t let anyone boss you around.” Dimi pointed at the hippogriff’s collar. “So they put that thing on you. It hurts you if you don’t do as you are told, right? They forced you to pull a wagon like a lowly mule.”
The hippogriff flapped its wings in a threatening manner.
“And they even made you scared of any creature who might want to take that stupid collar off of your neck.” Dimi was unsure if she was shedding a tear because it was awful what had been done to the hippogriff or if her eye was just watering because she was generally feeling less than great. “Trust mmmnnnNAAAARGH!” As Dimi had taken a step closer, the hippogriff lashed out for her. She managed to step back, but the back of her hand received a wound.
“Dimi, you dump brat!” Nora bit her lower lip.
Dimi sucked her wound. “I know you are only attacking me because the collar makes you feels like your neck is on fire. But I can take it off. Trust me.”
It had taken longer than Dimi had expected. Animals normally heard her almost instantly. She swallowed as she slowly tried to get closer to the beast.
The hippogriff growled. Its head hurt like hell but it could understand Dimi. It could feel she wanted to help, but it did not want to believe it, not after the awful month the goblin and the gorgon had used to make it tame. But then it looked at Dimi’s bleeding hand.
Then, it lowered its head.
Aura and Gon were moving in a circle as they glared at each other. The werewolf had more bite wounds and claw marks than the sphinx. But the winged lion-woman was not as young as the many-eyed canine creature.
Aura could feel that she was getting thirsty. She had used so much magic that she would end up dehydrated pretty soon. There was one way she might win this fight, but it would reacquire that she killed her opponent. And she was not sure she could make herself do that as her past in the Sun Kingdom still haunted her.
She stopped up and dug her claws in the wooden floor and scratched it as hard as she could. Small pieces of wood flew around as she glared at the werewolf. She growled as her tail and wings moved aggressively. And then she spoke with a voice that could make a mountain shake. “I USED TO BE IN THE ARMY, YOU LITTLE PUNK. YOU SURE YOU WANNA SEE HOW THIS ENDS?”
Gon bared his fangs as he bend all four of his knees, getting ready to throw himself at the sphinx.
Their eyes were locked for a moment. Gon could see the promise in Aura’s eyes that whatever would happen next, it would make the rest of the fight seem tame.
And then he ran away. Aura roared and stood on her hind legs and flapped her wings for the dramatic effect.
But once she was sure Gon had actually left, she turned back to her humanoid form. She still had some of the wounds she had received in monster form and she gasped after air and was as thirsty as if she had been in a desert. “I’m too old for this shit...” she gasped as she leaned against the boxing ring. “God damn... Everything hurts...”
Some might think that the exclusion of gorgons from the sport of boxing might be due to bigotry.
And sure, that is probably the main reason. But gorgons also had a couple of advantages in unarmed combat.
Ivan, while still being slightly disoriented from the pain of having broken ribs, had given up trying to connect his fist with Veronica’s face or throat as he tried not to look too closely at her face since her eyes were there. Safe to say, his aim was off. Not to mention that the snakes attached to her head would bite his hand if he got too close.
Ivan instead sent a solid punch against Veronica’s stomach, making her gasp for air. He then caught her in a clinch and tried to squeeze the life out of her. He knew that the snakes would burry their fangs in his shoulder, but he hoped to win an endurance contest, that Veronica would black out before he would be overwhelmed by pain.
But Ivan underestimated the gorgon’s flexibility as Veronica managed to free her arm and slam her brass knuckle into the side of his torso. This resulted in Ivan coughing blood.
Veronica grabbed the big minotaur by his horns and pulled his head to hers so he would look her straight in the eyes. Once eye contact was made, the big bull-man was trapped. His entire body was frozen despite his brain sending signals to every single fiber of his body to move, to do anything to get away from the snake-creature who had petrified him.
Veronica’s eyes were still gloving and veins still bulging. “You know, when I was forced to leave this kingdom, my travels proved pretty, shall we say... enriching. I managed to learn that even though us gorgons can’t turn creatures into stone, our eyes have other abilities besides making you stiff as a board.” Veronica let go of Ivan’s horns and dried her nose for blood with the back of her hand. Ivan could still not move an inch. “Like this fun little trick I managed to master two years ago. I can hypnotize you, make you my slave for a couple of mins. Nifty, eh?” Veronica cracked her neck. “I can make you do anything, such as... stick two fingers inside your mouth.”
Ivan did as he was told.
Veronica tightened her fist. “Now, shove them down your throat.”
Ivan obeyed the order. The result was not pretty as he began gagging and throwing up.
Veronica crossed her arms as her snakes studied the minotaur. “And now, before I kill you, how about-”
Veronica blinked and turned her attention toward the hole in the wall that allowed entrance to the old workshop. The human girl stood near it. She looked angry and she looked awful. Her face was still bloody and her arms had new wounds. “Leave my... leave Ivan alone!” Dimi tried to make a threatening fist, but her hands hurt too much. “Or you are dead!”
“Oh, this is rich.” Veronica stepped closer to Ivan who was on his knees after throwing up. She kicked him in the stomach, making him fall flat. She then looked at Dimi again, not even bothering to activate her eye. “Alright, human. This should be fun. I just hurt the bull. What are you gonna do about it?”
Dimi placed two fingers on her lips and whistled.
Veronica was startled as the hole in the wall got larger as a massive talon ripped in the wood as if it were paper. The hippogriff screeched and slowly walked toward her.
Veronica felt afraid for the first time since she was a kid as her eyes were glowing again. “What the f-”
“You didn’t bother naming her, so I call her Sarah. And she told me everything you did to her so your carriage would be pulled by something fancy. She is a little pissed off.”
The hippogriff neighed and roared as it lept toward her abuser. Dimi went to Ivan and helped him up as well as she could.
“Ivan, I’m so so so SOOO sorry!” Dimi looked at her godfather with concern and guilt as he cradled his ribs. He looked grim. “I just thought I could make-”
“Not now.”
“I said not now.”
Dimi opened her mouth, then shut it immediately. Something about the tone in his voice made her feel like she was six instead of sixteen. She then realized that she no longer heard the roars of an beast getting revenge but instead heard the sound of a wounded animal. Dimi turned to see the hippogriff alone and with blood near its neck. There was plenty of blood, but it was not all hers. Some of it belonged to the gorgon who had managed to get away from the beast’s rightful furry.
Veronica had disappeared into the night.
The hippogriff had agreed to pull the carriage to get Dimi and the others home after having her wounds treated by Nora.
The trip home was rather awkward as Dimi looked at her toes, Ivan looked gloom and Aura and Nora didn’t do much but cough awkwardly now and then. No one said a word during the ride besides Ivan who shut down Dimi before she could open her mouth with a stern Not now.
Ivan who had the worse injuries got out of the wagon to find a healer when they reached Orangestone, a village about five kilometers. “Don’t think about me, I will go home once my rips have been looked after. A good long walk might...” Ivan shrugged. “... clear my head.”
“But Ivan-” Dimi practically whimpered.
“Not. Now.” Ivan closed the door to the carriage as he left.
Once they reached Aura’s farm, the sun was about to rise. Dimi removed the harness from the hippogriff and scratched the beast’s beak. “You can stay for a while, I’m sure the griffins here won’t mind you if they know you are my friend.”
The hippogriff stretched its wings and lied next to the house instead.
“You want to be alone? Sure, that works.” Dimi nudged her head that still felt like shit. She went inside the house and found Aura in the kitchen. She sat on a stool and let Nora remove the bandages she had tied around her in a hurry after the fight and the elf was now treating her wounds properly with salvia that smelled like something had just died.
Dimi blushed and could feel that she started to sweat. “So...”
“How can you be so god damn stupid?! OUCH” Aura’s tail twitched as she glared at Dimi with anger. “Underground boxing? Haven’t Ivan told you how dangerous that is? Not just because of the actual fighting?”
“Well, he only said I weren’t allowed to try getting in those fights, not why or why they-”
Aura growled. “Don’t try to be cheeky.”
“And try to stand still.” Nora groaned as she got a wing in the face. “But she is right, Dimi. You suck.”
Dimi closed her eyes as if that somehow would make the situation less terrible. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m so stinking sorry! Veronica played me like a sucker, she told me I was tough and offered me five-thousand coronets to fight, so I thought-”
Aura flapped her left wing. “I don’t care if she offered you a basillion coins, you are not a little girl and... wait hold on.” Aura blinked. “Did you say... Five-thousand? In cash, or OUCH.” Aura could feel Nora punching her on her side. The elf gave her an annoyed glare. “Which is completely besides the point!”
“I was stupid, okay? I didn’t mean to get you guys in my mess-”
“How about you go to your room?” Nora tied a knot on Aura’s fresh bandage. “I will come up and give you a looksee, see how many bruises you actually managed to get yourself.”
Feeling defeatist, Dimi groaned and left the kitchen to go and feel sorry for herself.
When Aura and Nora were the only creatures in the kitchen, the winged lion-woman coughed. “So... you think Dimi was paid upfront, or-”
Nora slapped her face. “For crying out loud, you suck!”
“I’m just saying that five big ones is a lot of money.”
Dimi couldn’t sleep. She lied on her bed and scratched the bandages around her head. The healing salvia itched. Being tired of not being tired, she stood up and looked out of the window to see that the sun was about to get up.
She heard a knock on the door. It was opened by Ivan. The middle-aged minotaur looked tired and stern, making Dimi feel even smaller than she already did, as if she was six, not sixteen. “Okay...” He crossed his arms. ”Now I will listen.”
Dimi felt great relief to finally get her apology off her chest. “I was stupid, I should have known she was super shady! No, I knew she were shady, I just really wanted to fight again! And she flattered me and offered me money and I fell for it like a sucker! I got the worst beating in my life and I got you guys involved and I’m so so SO stupid! I’m super sorry...” Dimi practically gasped after air as she had finished the apology she had waited hours to be allowed to give her father figure.
“Yes.” Ivan closed the door and stepped inside the bedroom. “Yes, you were stupid. I’m glad you admit that without trying to excuse it. And you know why you were stupid?”
Dimi looked at her own feet as she shrugged.
Ivan went to Dimi’s bed and sat on it. “Because you are sixteen years old. That means you do stupid things thinking you are an adult.” He patted the bed, signaling to Dimi he wanted to sit next to her. She did as she was told, still looking at her feet and blushing.
“So...” Ivan continued. “You could say you... sort of... are excused being stupid.” He patted Dimi on the head. She normally hated it when he did that, but this day it felt reassuring. “Teenagers get suckered by scumbags like Veronica, it happens. Me though... I was in my twenties, I should have known better.”
Dimi blinked and stopped looking at her feet and instead looked at the bull-man next to her. “What? You fought for Veronica once?”
Ivan groaned. “Saying once could mean I did it one time. I did it many times.”
Dimi was confused. “But... why? I don’t get it, you fought professionally. Why would you do underground fights?”
“Because I was vain and wasteful. I never wanted to tell you this because...” Ivan nudged his eyes. “Because I don’t want you to stop respecting me.”
Dimi didn’t say anything.
Ivan sighed. “We have never talked about my boxing career... it started pretty well. I was newcomer of the year, I got some great fight offers and I even fought against the famous Devil Daisy in her last match and won, making it her only defeat in her twelve years as the national champion. Money was not a problem and I was... well, full of myself. So I spent a lot of money, sometimes even spent money I didn’t have yet. That ended up biting me in the ass.”
Dimi couldn’t imagine Ivan being full of himself or that he would be financially irresponsible.
“Long story short, Veronica learned about me being in debt. She talked me into fighting for her to make some extra on the side so to say. I was... easy to convince. I actually thought it could be kind of fun, to be allowed to fight rougher, be allowed to fight dirty... but it was not so fun after I sent a guy into a coma.”
“Holy shit...” Dimi covered her mouth, and blushed over her comment.
“Yeah... holy shit, that about covers it... I realized how wrong these sorts of fights were as my opponent was a bloody mess and he didn’t get up. Not to mention that no one would get him to a healer since that would mean risking their own skin. I went to the city guard and confessed everything because I hoped it would shut down Veronica’s fights. It did, Veronica had to leave the kingdom since prison is not a nice place for gorgons. I should know, I had to spend some time there.”
“Wait... That’s what dad helped you with, right? Aura told me he helped you once at your lowest. right?”
Ivan made a meek smile. “I was sent to prison for planned assault, but it could have been much worse. Your dad used his influence as prince consort to make the judge be less harsh. He even offered me to make the whole thing just go away, but... I didn’t feel like I deserved that. Though there were some things about jail I would have liked to evade...” Ivan pointed at his broken horn. “But all in all... Prison gave me a big bite of humble pie. Anyways, after I got out, I lost my license to fight professionally.”
Dimi felt like she had lost her breath. It was quite a lot to take in.
Ivan gave her a stern glare once again. “One thing is you could have gotten hurt. REAL hurt. But what if you had been found out, if you had been arrested. The guards would have to get some actual documentation on who you are. Forget prison, you might have been exposed as Dimicatio, the human princess who the orcs assume have left the country. And what about me, your pseudo parent who had an enemy of the state in his home? And what about Aura? Do you realize how much trouble not just you but the creatures you care about could have been in?”
Dimi heard about half of what Ivan said as she were in her own thoughts and held a firm grip on her bed sheet she sat on. “I’m so sorry...”
Ivan sighed. “I’m not sure if an apology is gonna cut if after what-”
“No, not that.” Dimi interrupted him. “I mean, that too. But, like... I’m so sorry that happened to you. That you lost everything.”
Ivan blinked. “Oh. Well, it was my own fault-”
“You got tricked and manipulated. Veronica took your career away from you. You didn’t have someone to come save your ass, I did. That’s not fair...” Dimi looked at Ivan with a mix of regret and pity.
Ivan tapped the wooden floor with his one hoof and scratched his hair. He felt a bit embarrassed. “Well... You know what? Don’t be too sorry.”
Dimi was confused. “What? Why not!?”
“Well, you are right, I could never get in the ring again to fight, I had dedicated a lot of time to become a good fighter... but looking back... I don’t think I liked the creature I was back then.”
Dimi tilted her head. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, I told you, I became full of myself, I was... not a good man. I had fame, money and...” Ivan remembered his first wife. “Well, other things. But I was obsessed with what others thought of my, part of why I spent so much money on myself. Despite the bumps on the road, despite prison and shame... I’m happy about, you know, the end result.” Ivan placed his hand on Dimi’s head and ruffled her hair. “I like who I am right now. And the life I have right now? I wouldn’t trade any of it.”
Dimi smiled awkwardly. “Seriously?”
Ivan nodded. “Yeah. The last couple of years have all in all probably been the best of my life.”
Dimi blushed.
The Ivan gave her a stern look. “But I’m still VERY angry at you.”
Dimi made an awkward smirk. “Yeah, makes sense-”
“You are going to work an extra hour in the forge every day till I say you don’t.”
Dimi blinked. “Ah, that seems a bit...” She paused as Ivan raised an eyebrow, somehow making his glare worse. “Um, that seem... totally fair.”
And then Ivan gave Dimi a hug, practically squeezing her with his massive arms. “Do you have any idea how scared you made me?”
Dimi locked her arms around her godfather’s neck. “I was stupid, I am so so so so soooo sorry.”
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kmp78 · 10 months
Just 1 good reason. 🤔. The one good reason why they went their separate ways is simple and obvious. Jared was being true to himself (that is not selfish or self-absorbed but the way we all have to be in order to be happy personally and to be able to make those important to us happy).
He does not want to get married, settle down and probably doesn’t want kids, at the very least, now. VK has known this for years (as we all have, right?) so don’t say YOU know he lied to her and was just saying “yes I do but not just yet.” It is likely VK, like most women, thought she could change this about him or convince him or wait it out. But as we know, she couldn’t. JL was being honest with her and true to himself. He loved her and liked things the way they were. But he too knew it wouldn’t stay that way forever. She loved him too but being true to herself, she wanted the life she dreamed of. Different dreams. “Bright Lights, Big City.”
If you know anything at all about real relationships and not what tv, movies and sm call love you know that many times, love does NOT conquer all. She hung on and around NY where J was through the Summer and into the Fall, then Vegas and LA, likely to get her things and then was off to Europe. By Dec or before she was into her new Dimi relationship and vacationing with him in Jan.
This was no contest with a winner or a loser as you so desperately want to believe but simply the sad natural end to a long relationship between two real people who loved each other but had irreconcilable differences. Try listening to the lyrics in “I Wouldn’t Change A Thing”, the Illenium song Mars (Jared) sang that year. You make fun of his lyrics and regardless of whether he had help writing it, it’s obviously about his life and his message.
Make JL out to be a monster or a loser or Val some poor hurt angelic princess or heroic winner but in the real world, neither is so.
So your "ONE GOOD REASON" why JL got rid of VK is...
What, exactly? 🤔
Being true to himself?
SHE wanted something more so SHE left.
HE would have been more than happy to keep things as they were since he was just "being true to himself" as he had been for the past decade, but SHE WASN'T ABOUT TO SETTLE FOR THAT ANYMORE.
So SHE left.
How in the name of everything holy is this so difficult to comprehend?! 🤨
Isn't it painfully clear also from the fact that she moved on and grew up, while he regressed and resorted back to being an overaged teenage dirtbag?! 🙄
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okkennymay · 3 months
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When you've commissioned me as many time as @waezi2 has I can't help but go the extra mile, this was a birthday present for him featuring Ivan and Dimi!
Listen when you were raised a Princess and had all the finest luxuries avaliable and now live with a Minotaur Blacksmith in hiding from orcs that invaded you kingdom, wouldn't you go bonkers for a nice cake?
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raesreadingcorner · 2 years
Anastasia F/F retelling
Something people should know is that one of my favourite musicals is Anastasia. And after having ‘In a Crowd of Thousands’ stuck in my head, and knowing I need to get back into writing, I came up with this! (Instead of working on my WIP... but hey, writing is writing!)
I also haven’t shared my writing on tumblr since like 2016 so... be gentle lol
Word Count: 1,116 (Didn’t look over so there may be spelling errors) Song: In a Crowd of thousands from Anastasia the Musical (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWYpXfAzbrc)
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In A Crowd of Thousands
“It was June,”
Dimi spoke softly after wrapping her companion back in the abandoned blanket. She picked up the pillow from the ground, where it must have fallen after Ana’s disturbance and placed it back on the bed.
Nightmares. It was always nightmares. Dimi was surprised that Ana woke her instead of the other way around. Her delirium lasted only seconds until she heard the crying, recognising Ana’s voice beneath the whimpers. 
She held Ana closely. Closer than they’d ever been on their journey. They were never so close except for the colder nights on the train and abandoned buildings they hid and slept in. 
When Ana calmed down, cries and whimpers falling into steadied breathing and tired hums, she lulled Dimi into a conversation about the lost princess.
The main reason for their journey, but something both parties evaded talking about. Dimi paused her stroking of Ana’s hair at the question, glancing down at the woman in her hold to make sure it was what she really wanted to talk about. When Ana held no worry or unease, Dimi settled and nodded,
“What would you like to know?”
Ana’s gaze travelled down to a sly piece of hair that fell from Dimi’s braid resting against her cheek. It curled and moved as Dimi’s head tilted when she asked the question.
“When did you first see her?”
Dimi’s gaze drifted away as she stared out into the night sky through the broken window of their room. She could picture the day clearly. The summer heat was just about right. Warm enough that the water was the perfect temperature to dip her toes into. She didn’t need a jacket either, which Dimi preferred. Her mother scolded her earlier that day when she all about ran out of the house without her shoes on. Her bare feet padded towards the lake close to their home as she grabbed their woven basket and started her chores. 
She rushed to do it all; the washing, the hanging, sweeping their house and helping prepare the vegetable for their dinner later. Her mother smiled at her eagerness to get things done, even if it wasn’t for her love of the chores themselves.
The princess was passing through their town, and Dimi was determined to see her. Just once.
“I was ten,” Dimi tried to continue but paused as Ana raised her hand, catching the thread of hair between her thumb and forefinger and threading it behind Dimi’s ear,
“I’m sure you were a troublesome ten-year-old,” she giggled and Dimi smiled, rolling her eyes,
“I thought you wanted to hear this,” she softly scolded. Ana zipped her mouth shut. When she knew that Ana was listening once again, Dimi continued, “anyway,”
“I was dressed in my best clothes, a deep blue dress that my mother made and boots that I despised but I didn’t want to be stopped from leaving, so I put them on to keep my mother happy. I ran through the town, dodging carts and people carrying loaves of bread, cheese and all other kinds of delicious foods that I didn’t have the money for. The smells were wonderful, sweet and savoury, I could almost taste the food in the air and I found my hand nabbing a pastry when no one was looking.”
Ana smirked, “Thief.”
Dimi shrugged, not denying the title.
“The further I moved into the town, the crowds grew bigger. In my eyes, I thought there had to be at least a thousand people here in my small town. It sure felt like it. I was dodging and pushing past so many eager people. My heart leapt when I was able to see the princess's cart moving closer to where I was standing, and I don’t know why, where I was would have given me a place to see her, but I was drawn closer, I needed to be closer.”
Dimi’s hand stilled in Ana’s hair as she gazed off into the empty room. The tattered piece of fabric that acted as a lame curtain flittered softly in the night breeze. Dimi felt herself shiver. Ana began tracing shapes on the hand that wasn’t in her hair. Feeling this new sensation, Dimi looked down realising she stopped talking out of nowhere.
“I travelled further into the crowds, ducking beneath elbows until I looked up and I saw her.”
Ana held her breath, “Princess Anastasia?”
Dimi nodded, “She sat straight as a queen,” she marvelled at the memory, “only eight but just like her siblings, she looked so proud and serene. All around me people were cheering, and clapping as her older siblings waved to the crowd, but all I could do was stare. At her. I was caught in a trance, surrounded by a crowd of thousands.”
Dimi’s eyes flashed back to that day, watching as the carriage moved along and she started to run, to call out Anastasia’s name as she tried not to get stopped by the crowds around her. She told all of this to Ana, but no words could properly describe her feelings at that moment in time, the adrenaline, the hope that the Princess would see her, notice her, and she did. Dimi made sure that she did.
“Anastasia looked around at the crowd until her eyes met mine. I was out of breath as I tried to keep up. The crowds were getting heavier as the carriage moved, and I started to lose my footing, I couldn’t keep up with the carriage or its passengers any longer. I reached out with my hand as if the Princess would grab it and take me with her, away from the town that I called home. Away and to something else entirely new and spectacular. I didn’t want to see her go.
But as my hand was reaching out at this impossibility, I looked up and saw Anastasia.
She smiled at me.
And then I-
And then I left.” Dimi ended, hand moving from Ana’s hair to pick at the barely-together threads of the mattress.
“You left. Just like that?”
Ana asked curiously and Dimi nodded not meeting her eye.
“I got my wish, I was able to see her, and then, I had to go back to my normal life.”
“And now you’re here, with me. The not-so-real but pretending to be real Anastasia.”
Dimi hummed.
“I wish I could have met you then,” Ana mused trying to catch Dimi’s eye, “I would have whisked you away like you wanted, even if those pesky guards that I’m sure were protecting us would have tried to stop me.”
That brought a smile to Dimi’s lips, “You would?”
“I would.”
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infpsagittarius · 1 year
2023 Easter Holidays (11 days)
1-2/4 (Sat- Sun) I did nothing much. Spent the weekend with Dim as usual.
3/4 (Mon) Nothing much, being lazy in the name of having period.
4/4 (Tue) Wrote my essay in the library where Dimi studies. I reached out to a friend Princess in our friend group who works in the uni and we had lunch nearby. For some unknown reason, the conversation was kinda forced. I was trying hard to avoid the dead air. She wasn't giving anything much. She told me she just finished the confirmation interview of her PhD. We only had lunch for 45 min and called it a day. She went back to her work and I went back to the library when none of us were in a hurry. Maybe with some people, it just doesn't work. She is just a few years younger than me but she's the Disney princess type and is a lot younger than me in the soul I guess. Anyways, it was like our second meal date and it didn't go well.
At night I invited another girl Rose from our friend group to go on a day trip to a city near us the day after the following day and she was looking forward to it. I was very excited too when she expressed that she would love to go. I was a bit afraid of rejection since we have never hung out one on one. What if she didn't want the one-on-one right? So we chatted and planned for a hot spring. She asked me if I mind naked hotspring??
5/4 Another day to study for Dim.
6/4 I met up with Rose at 11am at the train station near us. We chatted non-stop with very natural flow. We talked about her parents' love story in the train. She told me she doesn't want long-distance relationship like her parents had. It was so easy to talk to her. We reached the city and we got into a mall and another mall in order to find our target roast fish restaurant. We talked a lot through out. And then we went to the spa place for hot spring. She was more inclinded to getting fully naked than wearing the one-time bra and panties that the place provides. Afterwards we went to the snacks and drinks bar in the spa. Hot spring, unlimited coconuts, non-alcholoic drinks, fruit and ice-cream were provided. We laid around on the sofas there and chatted a lot. We mostly talked about our boyfriends. We are both in the intercultural / interracial relationship, where our guys are from the Slavic cultures so we had a lot to talk about. Then we went to have dinner and then got back to HK.
What I like the most from the trip wasn't the activities or the food, it was the feeling of friendship. I have only had maybe one close friend to go on a girl trip with in that city before. But we are now only distant friends. The experience with Rose let me realise that I can still have a friendship like that. Just two girls enjoying each other's company. I felt that I could really be fully open with her. And she's the sweet and thoughful type who would not be as selffish as the distant friend that I had. We also had the chemistry. It has been a while to be able to have that chemistry with a girl friend. I decided I should show more affection unlike before. So I hooked my arm around hers. Before it was always the other girl hooking her arm around mine. But I don't want the stagnant progress with girl friends anymore. If I find someone I like and we have the chemitry, I should show more affection I think.
7/4 I had dinner with my ex-colleagues. With this group of funny people, we meet up say one a month and we do talk about our personal things. I found out that after I got the confidence in friendship, I was not afraid to ask more personal questions even in a group setting. So I like that I could eat nice food with them and also exchange more personal things with one another.
8/4 I had lunch with Dim and then I got the message from Rose saying that she misses that city and wanna go. I am totally spontaneous so I said let's go! We were gonna find a cafe and spend some time working. The outdoor cafe was fine but no wi-fi no power socket, I didn't get any work done. But it was ok. We went to have dinner. We talked a bunch again and I feel really close with her.
9/4 Dim invited his classmate and the classmate wife to come over to our area for lunch and visit our building. It was an eye-opener to see how his classmate is just like Dim, ready to study anywhere anytime, feeling guilty to relax for 2 minutes. The wife is like me a bit, always cooperating with husband's study plan but also wants attention. She is like me a bit growing up with gender inequality in the household.
10/4 We had lunch with buildingmates and played VR and then had dinner with one of the mates. I think this kind of gathering is good, although it takes me to plan...
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chasani · 1 year
Guys if I WAS going to post about my SPM Ability Swap AU then who's designs would you wanna see first
The Heros (Mario, Princess, Bowser, Luigi)
Or the Villians (Bleck, Anastasia, Dimi, Mimi, and O'Chunks + Maybe Mr.L)
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