#December Carnival
dae-at-night · 3 months
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i finally started playing NuCarni myself back in december after being an olivine enjoyer from the sidelines for years lol. sadly that means that i will never be able to have his beautiful xmas alt so i drew it to make myself feel better 🥲
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an-albino-pinetree · 6 months
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Cursed Carnival
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fuitsalad · 7 months
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some extra edmond sketches!
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viatrix-glow · 6 months
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merry switchmas !!!!!!
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cressida-jayoungr · 6 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
Carnival Row (s1 e5, "Grieve No More") / Tamzin Marchant as Imogen Spurnrose
This may be my favorite of Imogen's gowns in season 1, but I was never sure what color to call it--gold? Brown? Yellow, even? The material has a sheen, and I've included a close-up to show the floral design and the contrasting texture between the dress and the edging at the neck.
The dress also marks the transition between the pastels that Imogen wears in early episodes and the deeper, mostly red tones she wears in the second half. You can literally see the red emerging from underneath. And this episode is the midpoint of the season.
One other interesting detail is her hair ornament. I thought at first that it was made of thin metal, but looking at its thickness and translucence, I now think it is some sort of horn. A subtle connection between Imogen and Mr. Agreus, perhaps?
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pwurrz · 3 months
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sunlessea · 5 months
25 + vlad
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ms plenty's carnival is ... overbearing. it doesn't often go out in london, but when it does, it tends to stray far from places like this. people everywhere, dazzled by fortune tellers and stalls selling odd consumables ( not all ... food, necessarily ), and clowns walking around on stilts. it's out of place, a large curator hunched over, covered in cloaks, bat ears pressed to its head. it thinks a few of the carnival goers mistake it for a master of the bazaar.
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☛ have you ever been on a ferris wheel? ☚ it glances at her, then towards the very ... very tall contraption going 'round in a large circle ahead of them. that's why it'd come here. to see from the top of it, for something or another. but it looks so ... untrustworthy. ☛ it doesn't look very stable. ☚
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send a number 1 - 100 , spotify starters / comics / @reapcrbunny
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
My D&D friends had a new person join us recently and nothing filled me with more joy than seeing said new person post Art she drew of our characters we played during our “Let’s meet the new person!” starter adventure this past weekend. Everyone looks perfect, and it’s wild to see how she successfully Filed The Serial Numbers Off for the 2/5s of us who just stole pop culture images for our Roll20 character tokens (I took a screenshot of chibi Oberon and another friend got Assigned The Joker By DM because clown). I keep scrolling back up to look at it in discord because seeing our characters in the Safety Conga Line we formed in-game to keep new person’s character from getting lost fills me with so much joy and makes me smile.
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sephirothmon · 3 months
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vedanyaschool · 6 months
Magic Of Christmas and The Joy of Giving
Come and Spread the magic with your kids, our kids and the first generation learners of Jagriti Public School 
Here's everything you can look forward to:
A Nativity Walkthrough
Christmas Carol Band
Games Arcade
Art Adda
Sustainability Corner
Food n Fun Corner
and lots more! 
Join us
On Saturday, December 9th
From 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
At Vedanya International School, Central Park Resorts, Sector 48, Gurugram
Register Now at https://forms.gle/ou3qKPUkFSwkz7FT7
Visit Website: https://vedanya.edu.in/
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cetoddle-archive · 1 year
so i’m planning on tiering three more events this year because i guess i hate myself but the good news is i don’t rlly feel the desire to tier any other events after that 
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an-albino-pinetree · 6 months
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idkimnotreal · 2 years
can we talk about how the southern hemisphere year feels different because winter is the literal middle of the year and so it feels VERY short in comparison to summer, which is full of memories and holidays and vacation season on top of it (and carnival month for brazilians!).
so when you’re in like may january feels like actually 4 months ago but now that we’re in november i’m thinking about july and where did all that time go??? you know. bring me back my cool/mild weather because the heat is again creeping up on us and i don’t like it, i don’t like it at all.
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
youve probably explained this before but why is one of them pink /genq
I have but I'll put it here too just so it can go under the tag AGAJSHS. It's common for vendors here to dye chicks for fairs and carnivals to sell, especially during the holidays, because the bright colors attract kids. My old school holds a fair annually around December and one of the games always includes these chicks. Unfortunately a lot of them also get left behind because parents realized they didn't want to have chicks at home or the kids leave them around after getting disinterested. Caesar I brought home after I found him lying around in a tiny cage, and Brutus I got from a lady who presumably also won him in exchange for some game tickets. Thankfully I don't think Brutus is dyed, but he was freaking out from being in the tiny cage and the lady was also freaking out so I brought him home with me
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thatswhywelovegermany · 3 months
Frau Gauden
In the German region of the Prignitz, Frau Gauden (Mrs. Gauden) is the leader of the Wild Hunt. She leads this army of supernatural hunters together with her 24 dog-shaped daughters.
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The Wild Hunt, also known as the Wild Army or the Wild Ride, is the German name for a folk tale widespread in many parts of Europe, particularly in the north, which usually refers to a group of supernatural hunters who hunt across the sky. The sighting of the Wild Hunt has different consequences depending on the region. On the one hand, it is considered a harbinger of disasters such as wars, droughts or illnesses, but it may also refer to the death of anyone who witnesses it. There are also versions in which witnesses become part of the hunt or the souls of sleeping people are dragged along to take part in the hunt. The term “Wild Hunt” was coined based on Jacob Grimm’s German Mythology (1835).
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The phenomenon, which has significantly different regional manifestations, is known in Scandinavia as Odensjakt (“Odin's Hunt”), Oskorei, Aaskereia or Åsgårdsrei (“the Asgardian Train”, “Journey to Asgard”) and is closely linked to the Yule season here. The reference to Wotin/Odin in the name Wüetisheer (with numerous variations) is also clear in the Alemannic and Swabian dialects; In the Alps, people also speak of the Ridge Train. In England the train is called the Wild Hunt, in France it is called Mesnie Hellequin, Fantastic Hunt, Hunt in the Air, or Wild Hunt. Even in the French-speaking part of Canada, the Wild Hunt is known under the term Chasse-galerie. In Italian, the phenomenon is referred to as caccia selvaggia or caccia morta.
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The Wild Army or the Wild Hunt takes to the skies particularly in the period between Christmas and Epiphany (the Rough Nights), but Carnival, Corporal Lent and even Good Friday also appear as dates.
Christian dates have superseded the pagan dates, which see the Wild Hunt moving, especially during the Rough Nights. This period of time is assumed to be originally between the winter solstice, i.e. December 21st and, twelve nights later, January 2nd. In European customs, however, since Roman antiquity, people have usually counted from December 25th (Christmas) to January 6th (High New Year).
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The ghostly procession races through the air with a terrible clatter of screams, hoots, howls, wails, groans and moans. But sometimes a lovely music can be heard, which is usually taken as a good omen; otherwise the Wild Hunt announces bad times.
Men, women and children take part in the procession, mostly those who have met a premature, violent or unfortunate death. The train consists of the souls of people who died “before their time”, that is, caused by circumstances that occurred before natural death in old age. Legend has it that people who look at the train are pulled along and then have to move along for years until they are freed. Animals, especially horses and dogs, also come along.
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In general, the Wild Hunt is not hostile to humans, but it is advisable to prostrate yourself or lock yourself in the house and pray. Whoever provokes or mocks the army will inevitably suffer harm, and whoever deliberately looks out of the window, gaping at the army will have his head swell so much that he cannot pull it back into the house.
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The first written records of the Wild Hunt come from early medieval times, when pagan traditions were still alive. In 1091, a Normannic priest named Gauchelin wrote about the phenomenon, describing a giant man with a club leading warriors, priests, women and dwarfs, among them deseased acquaintances. Later references appear throughout the High and Late Middle Ages.
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cranberrymoons · 6 months
have a cup(cake) of cheer
prompt: cooking together (@steddieholidaydrabbles) rated: t word count: 668 tags: future fic, rockstar eddie/teacher steve, evil pta moms notes: this one is part of the future fic series! it stands alone, but just for context, corroded coffin exists and is very successful! steve is a teacher and they have four kids 🥰
welcome to Day 6 of the fic advent calendar – bite-sized fics posting every day during the month of december. enjoy!
“Give me the –” Steve says, gesturing at the pastry bag on the counter. “The that.”
He pushes his glasses up the end of his nose with the back of his wrist and shakes his hair out of his eyes, frustrated and sticky and – Eddie glances up from where he’s diligently adding glitter sprinkle snow to the top of the iced cupcakes. He makes a face.
“You realize we could’ve just bought these,” he says under his breath as he hands it over. “No one would have even known.”
Steve lets out a hollow laugh. “You clearly haven’t met Jackie from the PTA.” He squeezes out a dollop of chocolate icing. “Sorry, Jaqueliiiine , even though everyone knows she’s not actually French. She’s from Texas.” He ices another cupcake. “Jackie from Texas who’s out to get me.”
“Baby, come on,” Eddie says. “I doubt she’s harboring some secret vendetta against you. You just don’t like her because she put you on ticket-taking duty at the start of year picnic.”
“She told me to buy the cupcakes,” Steve says. He widens his eyes. “Because she was – how did she put it – ‘just so concerned about how difficult it must be to manage a family and a career with a partner who’s always leaving on tour’.”
Eddie snorts. “I take it back,” he says. “She sucks.”
Steve looks up from his cupcakes. “Right? Thank you. Robin said I was overreacting.” 
He squeezes the pastry bag again with more force than necessary, and the icing comes out faster than he means for it to, drooping down over the sides of the cupcake.
“Does she realize who she’s dealing with?” Eddie asks, shooting Steve a sideways glance. “I mean, you’re not being nice to her, are you?”
“No, but I’m biding my time,” Steve says. He finishes with the tray he’s working on and sits back in his chair, watching Eddie work. “I just need to figure out how to hit her where it hurts.”
Eddie lets out a laugh as he pulls Steve’s tray of cupcakes toward himself to start adding sprinkles. 
“Run against her in the next board election,” he says. “That’d show her.”
And he sort of sounds like he’s joking, but Steve frowns as he turns it over in his mind, staring out the darkened window at the shadowy shape of the lemon tree in the backyard. He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of it first.
“That might actually work,” he says after a moment.
“I know,” Eddie says. He glances up, flashing a smile. “That’s why I said it.”
Steve gives his ankle a little kick under the table. “Don’t be a dick.” He squints. “Do you think I’d win?”
“You’re the only hot dad on the PTA, and you have a very famous rockstar for a husband,” Eddie says. “Just tell them you’ll get Coldplay to do the winter carnival next year or something. They’ll vote you in for sure.”
“Isn’t that kind of cheating?” And then, maybe more importantly because he doesn’t actually really care about being fair, “Can you actually get them to play?”
“Please,” Eddie scoffs. “They owe me a favor after that thing at the VMAs last year. This is worth cashing in for.”
“I love you,” Steve says. He hooks his foot around the back of Eddie’s ankle. “So fucking much.”
Eddie grins at him. “As if I’d let King Steve go down to Jackie from Texas without a fight.”
Steve laughs and reaches over to snag the over-iced cupcake. He peels off the paper and breaks it in two, taking a bite as he passes the other half to Eddie. 
“Jackie can suck it,” he says. “She doesn’t even know how to make her own cupcakes. Did you know she brought store bought ones to the Thanksgiving bake sale?”
Eddie looks genuinely scandalized as he takes a bite of his own cupcake half. “She didn’t.”
“She did,” Steve says. “And they weren’t even good ones.”
[also on ao3]
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