#Danny is the ADHD twin
thewritingowl · 1 year
Danny and Damian are just ADHD vs Autism
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adhbabey · 1 year
Anyone else having second hand hyperfixations, where the source material is mid or you haven't seen much of it, but every single time someone makes an au or fanart or whatever about it, you latch onto that shit real hard.
That's me with Danny Phantom. Add yours in the reblogs or comments.
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stealingyourbones · 5 months
I just finished reading the chemistry teacher Danny phantom post and saw you and your twin mention a really chaotic chemistry teacher you had
It's fine if not, but I was wondering if you had any more stories about that teacher?
They sounded really fun and I am now curious what other antics they got up to.
Sorry if I'm asking too much.
Oh no absolutely I can! That man was my chemistry teacher for two years and was my favorite teacher of all time.
Ok sO.
- The Fume Hood Incident (twin shall explain @bonebrokebuddy)
- making an absolute SHIT ton of thermite when we couldn’t inhale boron gas as our last chemistry club experiment. We initially wanted to melt a hole in a junk car with it but the dude who offered his car backed out :(
- did the “exploding gummy bear” experiment that made a lot of very toxic gas for shits and giggles. We had to stay in another teachers classroom for the next class period because the room had ventilate for a while.
- once burned some extra magnesium for fun DIRECTLY UNDER THE FIRE DETECTOR and made the entire school leave because the fire alarm got set off in the dead of winter. Things akin to this happened two more times.
- since the first incident, he found out how to TURN OFF the fire detectors in his room whenever he’s doing experiments involving fire. Evidently he failed twice in this exercise.
- self medicated ADHD with coffee and drank at least 3 pots of the stuff during school hours. He had his own coffee machine in the classroom. Once did a presentation on potency stuff and brought in espresso for the class to drink. That man drank a whole pot of it before the end of the school day.
- during said coffee drinking experiments, he broke his one mug he used and used a new beaker for 2 weeks until he bothered to get a new one. Rinse and repeat this exact scenario from the beginning of his teaching until he left.
- would buy pure chemical or whatever un watered down esque chemicals are and would lower the molar count himself because “he didn’t want to pay for water” and did it IN THE CLASS ROOM BY HIMSELF WITH NO FUME HOOD. (Chemistry terms are bad I haven’t had a chem class in 5 years)
- this man is now a college professor I think. Where he rightfully should be because there is no way the experiments we did with him were given a green light through the wavers we signed.
- he bought the school a blast shield with the rest of the chemistry club funds to encourage the next chem teacher to do more dangerous experiments. (They never did :( )
These are just annecdotes. If @bonebrokebuddy wants to add onto it they’re free to do so :)
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Last review! I’m so sad to see it end but from what I’m hearing, it ended beautifully.
Danny didn’t have chance from the beginning. He got a silent mother; abusive stepfather, abusive alters, and a lawyer with an addiction, I see why he thought suicide was his only way out, even without knowing about Stan’s addiction���Candy was the icing on the cake.
Ray’s boss annoys me. “Good girl”??? Such misogyny! And it hasn’t gotten better either, men still act this way.
Tom did his big one with this role. Like does Stan believe Rya finally when he heard Jack speak? Jack is the evil within this whole entire time. He made Danny leave for London to look even more guilty. If he left at all. Jack is horrible. I don’t even know how his alter was created.
Also, I love how the closed captions say normal voice when he’s speaking with an American accent when we all know Tom’s normal voice is British 🤣
Never heard Jason’s American voice ever, that’s amazing! And how Tom’s American accent changes to match Jason’s is SO FUCKING AMAZING! You hear the struggle of trying to keep his British accent at bay while trying to sound like Danny but it’s not Danny’s voice, which is much lighter in tone.
Now Jack came out lol and had the other lawyer looking at him crazy lol. I’m so glad Danny broke free so that Adam/Danny could finally speak. And I hope the alters finally see how destructive Jack is.
Danny finally coming to terms with Adam not being his actual brother but another alter (it’s funny how alters don’t age when you do, like what if you’re in your 60s but you have an alter in their 20s and they try do a backflip? That’d fuck you up)
Adam came before Marlin entered into their lives. Imagine all the abuse he had to deal with before that in order to create Adam? That’s sad. And the fact that Adam let marlin do whatever just so that candy wouldn’t be alone is heartbreaking. She put all her hurt and emotions onto Danny, allowed him to see her that way, and that made Danny/Adam decide to put up with whatever abuse he had to to keep her happy
And now the other lawyer is crying. I understand it’s her job but she pissed me off. I’m glad Danny won. And Danny being in shock—the emotions from just his eyes alone?? Unbelievable.
This new wig don’t look bad, I just wish they filmed it different so they could allow him to cut his hair cause I know he was over it at that point.
Love how Rya became the mother figure he needed. Candy knew that his biological father had been molesting him but because memories don’t develop until after four (sometimes early but the brain is so traumatized, it’ll black out anything, trust me—half my childhood is gone and I don’t remember anything) that’s when he created Adam and she let him believe that Adam was real and off with their biological dad like some parent trap shit—what parent willingly separates twins?! Seriously!
I’m so happy Danny didn’t forgive her. She the victim and the villain; instead trying to make the situation better again, she just stayed and allowed it to continue. I truly thought she was gonna say his father had DID, not that he was a pervert. And I just don’t understand how she couldn’t leave again if she did it the first time.
Tom’s cold icy stare is both sexy and heartbreaking, he gives tortured artist. Emmy looks like Mila Kunis to me. (Sorry it’s the ADHD)
So now that fusion therapy is working (a better outcome than the person this was based on) does this mean that Danny’s bisexual 👀 (do not come for me, it was an intrusive thought!)
Love the paintings are exactly the one from the intro; I wonder what debt Danny’s talking about. We’ll never know; the show’s over and it’s an anthology 🙃. It was beautifully written and so well taken care of. I’m sad that Tom can’t express that anymore cause of the strike but hopefully he sees how much this show means to us
Never mind I think I know what the debt is:
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Danny has to now fuse Adam. His inner child that he has to protect, or be a guardian Angel for.
This show has made me appreciate those who struggle with mental health (like myself) and those who never stop helping them. And it also made me appreciate the cast’s acting, especially Tom’s; this shit was difficult and hard and I’m sure he will never do another difficult role again and I hope he never has to.
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bunk12bear · 2 years
Steddie Kids
I've been stuck with the random urge to imagine Steve and Eddie's children/future for some reason. These are written with them both being cis but can be adjusted accordingly if you want one or both of them to be trans.
Steve and Eddie both end up being teachers and end up settling in Chicago using government hush money to buy a nice duplex with Robin and her partner( when people ask how they can afford it they just shrug and say that Steve had Rich parents). I fell in love with Jewish eddie so the kids grow up celebrating both Christian and Jewish holidies.
They all have Eddie's last name because I love the idea of Steve not wanting oto taint something as precious as his children with everything the Harrington name represents or contribute to his Dad having any sort of legacy. Does that make sense logistically I don't know and I don't have any particular urge to figure that out at the moment so 🤷‍♀️
Sarah Munson
Born May 11th 1995( did I make their eldest born in 95 because that was the year I was born, yes yes I did)
Born via a surrogate with eddies DNA and a doner egg
Named after the protagonist in The Labyrinth( Steve and Eddie went to see it on their first date)
Dark curly hair and big brown doe eyes like Eddie but tan skin and a fuller figure from her bio mom
5' 7"
Whether it's nature or nurture she ends up taking after Eddie loving all things fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons. She also falls in love with alt music/style but ends up going more of a punk/Riot grrrl direction much to Eddie's horror( to be clear I don't think Eddie would super buy into the punk metal rivalry but I love the idea of them getting into albeit friendly arguments about the merits of each genre)
Anthropology PhD student(studying the effect of American mass media on global cultures) and activist
ADHD/Autistic but doesn't struggle in school the same way Eddie did because he and Steve pushed to get her diagnosed when she's little so she has an IEP from kindergarten( to be clear I also think Eddie is ADHD autistic and that's why he struggled so much in school)
Daniel "Danny"Munson
Born july 2nd 1998
Born via a surrogate and a donor egg like Sarah but with Steve's DNA this time
Named for Danny Zuko( I have completely fallen in love with the idea that Steve loves Grease)
arro ace
Ends up looking like a near carbon copy of Steve except for with black hair and gray eyes from his bio mom
5' 11"
Is athletic like Steve but also follows in his aunt Robin's footsteps and joins the marching band so he only plays sports that don't conflict. Despite for taking in to school activities that put him in a bit of a spotlight he's actually rather shy and soft spoken often having to have his big sister stand up for him. Struggles with reading but still loves discussing books with Eddie and his aunt Nancy. Pretty simple style-wise jeans and a t-shirt kind of guy.
Started a program abused neglected under privileged children both to teach them practical life skills like cooking in taxes and applying for a job but also to offer a warm supportive environment( inspired by learning about how his dads grew up)
Dyslexic; was also diagnosed Young
Charlotte and James Munson
Twins born January 31st 2000
Adopted after a younger coworker got pregnant unexpectedly and realized that she couldn't mentally be a mother but wanted them to go to a good home( birth mom is still heavily involved but fills more of an aunt role)
Named my their birth mom
Both Bi( had a crush on the same guy once it was a problem until they realize he wasn't interested in either of them)
she/her and they/them
Both have red hair and freckles( their aunt Max is delighted to have more redheads and the weird family all the upside down crew have formed over the years) but Charlotte has green eyes and James has brown
5'2" and 5'6"
both theater kids( once try to switch rules before realizing that only works with identical twins) and mischievous( yes they've been compared to the Weasley twins yes they were devastated when they found out what happened to Fred) Charlotte falls in love with Fiber Arts after helping their Middle School Drama teacher create the costumes for one of their plays. Mostly designs sew and clothing but and also knit sew and embroider. James is a writer. The twins used to put on little plays and he'd write the scripts but mostly sticks to poetry and prose as he gets older. James is an ideas guy where is Charlotte is more practical and helps him bring the ideas to life. James is more spontaneous where as Charlotte likes to stick with a routine. Charlotte style is rather eclectic and tends to shift around is mostly comprised of clothing she made or altered herself. James is one of those people that went full vintage day to day he looks like he stepped straight out of the 1920s
costume designer( Charlotte) Author/retail until his career takes off
I considered adding two more kids but I figured four was a big family while being a bit more manageable then six. However the absolutely do road trip like Steve was imagining. I could probably do a bit more to separate the twins but to avoid cliche I didn't want to make them complete opposites or exactly the same so I tried to balance the two.
Also none of them are straight because that's just how I roll is it statistically likely no do I care also no.
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remitiras · 4 months
Welcome to my garbage blog ^-^
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About me:
Remi ┇ 20 ┇ ace, bi, aro-spec, enby ┇ they/them ┇ Jewish ✡️ and proud
This is my personal blog. It doesn't have a theme, I use it to post my random thoughts and reblog some fanart. Sometimes I make image ids.
Would really appreciate if you introduced yourself when following me!
I also have a shared sideblog with my twin (@justasunflowerseed) that's ROTTMNT themed, with some other tmnt related posts.
The blog is @twin-disaster-tutel-brainrot
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My hobbies:
crocheting ┇ writing ┇ fanfiction ┇ my art ┇ drawing & painting ┇ cooking
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My fandoms:
Danny Phantom ┇ Ace Attorney ┇ Gravity Falls ┇ The Owl House ┇ TMNT ┇ ATLA ┇ Percy Jackson ┇ Spider-Verse ┇ Anime ┇ Undertale/Deltarune
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────•°•𖥸•°•───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
Other tags:
random thoughts ┇ reblog ┇ image id ┇ alt text ┇ lgbtq ┇ adhd ┇ jewish stuff ┇ asks
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────•°•𖥸•°•───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
Made the navigation system mostly for myself to find posts I made/reblogged more easily.
more about me under the cut :)
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Like I mentioned, I have a twin. We're identical twins. Their blog is: @justasunflowerseed
I love coffee. Mostly black coffee. Coffee >>>>>
I like cursing, I'll admit. I use curse words quite often. If I reblogged your post with a curse word and it bothers you feel free to lmk and I'll edit it out.
I have undiagnosed ADHD and looking to get it diagnosed. gonna be real awkward if I don't actually have it lmao
I'm half Yemeni half Ashkenazi :)
I'm not really a religious person but I'm getting into Jewish customs and traditions more, like keeping kosher and celebrating holidays properly :)
Obsessed with animation!! love love love the medium 99% of the fandoms I ever entered were animation based
Top 3 favorite animation movies: Big Hero 6, The Emperor's New Groove, Howl's Moving Castle
This blog is a safe space for Queers, neurodivergent people and disabled people of any kind, Jews, people of all racial, ethnic and religious background, etc.
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idioticsky · 6 months
Shhh I have yet to figure out everything, but I'm getting there-
Buuuuuuut, I will give some basic info if you wish my dear friend Cherry :]
Oldest out of him and his brothers (17)
Florida softshell turtle
The technical team leader, but Leo just says everything that he says but louder (he doesn't really care too much tho-)
Still got his low empathy from rise
Still the tech genius of the team, spends most of his time in the lab
5'9 (tallest he'll get is like 5'11)
Still uses his Bō staff
Really hasn't been the same after the "incident"
Second oldest (16)
Painted turtle
The team parent, he's trying to keep everyone together and stop Leo and Raph from fighting 24/7. The one making sure Donnie gets some food most days since he never leaves his lab
Draws and cooks to help relax after a long day
ADHD baby
5'5 (tallest he'll get is like 5'9-5'10)
Still got his nunchucks
Doesn't like to think about the incident
Middle child and twin with Raph (both 13, will explain the middle child bit in a sec after I get done with Raph)
Still a Red-eared slider
Still the face man and "team leader" but bro's just a goof who tries to show off to every cute guy or girl he gets the chance to talk with (he's a horrible flirt)
team medic as well since I love the idea of him being all jokes then serious when someone gets injured pretty bad
5'6 (tallest he'll get is like 6'3)
Also got ADHD baby
Still got his katanas
Really too young to remember the incident other than bits and pieces
Middle child (13)
Green sea turtle
Really nice and kind to people who aren't family, but he can be a menace to his fam
Likes to cook with Mikey and take care of his pet cat that his little sister promptly names Snickers cuz the cat constantly made the sound when they found them
Loose canon on missions sometimes
ADD boy
He got both his tonfa and sai
With Leo on barely remembering the incident
Now, explaining the middle child nonsense. I have an oc that I made a bit ago names Amelia (named after Amelia Earhart since I really liek the history with her), she's the turtles baby sister. Do I have a drawing of her? No- no I don't. Will I have one at some point? No idea man, anyway info time for her
Youngest (8)
Cape dwarf gecko/common dwarf gecko
Really sweet and loves to tinker with things, she'll soon become the mechanic and works on anything that Donnie doesn't have time for (*cough cough* turtle tank *cough cough*)
About 2'5 (so smoll, tallest she'll get is about 5'5)
She'll learn hand-to-hand combat when she's older, like boxing and stuff
Girl got a NASTY right hook
She was a baby when the incident happened
Now, this little incident that happened is the reason we don't got info for Splinter. What happened was Donnie and Mikey were out grabbing some groceries and were followed home by Bishop and his crew. They had gotten a few reports of turtle kids roaming around and needed to check it out. Needless to say, Splinter was captured and killed that night, but at least she (yes in this iteration she's their mom and not their dad) got her children out safe. They've been living in their new lair ever since.
But yeah! This is the basics! Hope you like em Cherry! :D
(Don't mind me also writing headcanons for Danny and Leo that I'll post later)
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gvftea · 7 months
Ok I feel like the boys try too hard to seem Intelligent. The use of big unnecessary words all the time like w ig captions or stuff they write to fans. Even speaking. Its like they study synonyms for simple words and pack as many as they can into one long ass sentence. I love them I really really do but its the most. Danny is fr the only one I dont think does it, its the kiszkas. Specifically the twins. Jakes the worst at it. And you all throw up their adhd and having learning curbs growing up and maybe now theyre comfortable with using and learning new words but its SO EXTRA. like bro you do not talk like that on the daily, its so pretentious. Like it reminds me of someone who is in college and you cant stand them in class bc theyre always tryna seem smarter than you and like they know more than you bc they use big words, or their point is more valid than yours bc they use a bigger word or 3. Idk. Its been on my mind lately. Maybe its part of the “vibe” theyre going for as a brand or something. Ik jake has the whole pirate facade maybe that plays into it. But goodness.
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wyn-n-tonic · 2 years
I got a lot of really lovely asks about Frizzy last night and I've been having quite a few really lovely conversations about them and how the book is going for a while so I wanted to talk about them for a minute to, just like.... give you guys the proper update you deserve.
Long post so... behind the cut.
First and foremost, I'm really grateful to everybody for the patience you've given me as I work through this. Not only has it been difficult and blocking to walk away from what their story was in order to turn their story into what it is becoming but I've had a lot going on. My depression sends me into really horrible bouts of writer's block and between a really stressful job and moving and other stuff, the thought of writing at all has been terrifying because I don't want to mess things up. But especially these idiots because I love them so genuinely. So... let's get into it.
Lizzy is staying Lizzy, 26 - 27 over the timeline. She's 5'6/5'7 and still feels awkward in her body. She had these big plans for herself that got derailed and she ended up in a not great situation and ended up calling her brothers to come get her. She's been back in Raleigh, NC, for two years at this point to get her life back on track and, despite formerly being really great friends with Frankie, that's no longer the case. She doesn't know him. She doesn't speak to him. The only time she sees him is when he's around her twin brother since her older brother lives in Washington DC.
Danny (26 - 27), Lizzy's twin, is a firefighter by day and a cagefighter by night (literally what his Tinder profile says). Ladies man but not really. Kind of comes off as a douche but in that goofy, endearing way not in the predatory, frat boy way. He likes baseball and bad beer. Extremely unmedicated ADHD.
Robert (Rob/Bo) (32) is Lizzy's older brother. He works for the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Loves dinosaurs, books, grilling, a nice cocktail and his husband.
Leo (33), Rob's husband, is an anesthesiologist who does Doctors Without Borders now that he meets the requirements. His hope is to take two to three months (minimum requirement of availability for anesthesiologists for DWB is 8 - 12 weeks) every year or two to put forth his services.
Gabriel Francisco (30 - 31) is Rob's best friend, how he met Lizzy and Danny and Leo. He always wanted to be a pilot like his dad and grandfather who were in the Air Force but they both made it clear to him that they would not accept him joining the military because, "What would our sacrifices have been for if you just repeat the cycle?" Went to school for aerospace engineering, works in aircraft design. His grandfather, Emilio, died and he's been struggling a lot with that as well as having just broken things off with his girlfriend a few months previously to the start of the book. Feels an intense amount of responsibility for everybody around him but doesn't ever really let anybody else in.
New characters:
Matt (Lizzy's ex boyfriend. Danny stole every remote to every device in the house when he moved Lizzy out).
Jen (Frankie's ex girlfriend. She hated his connection with the Millers and called them bad influences on him. Called him Gabriel or Gabe even though he hated both of them because, 'Frankie is so juvenile and you're a grown man.').
Frankie drives a 2008 Ford F-250 (dark blue) and, yes, there is a certain scene in the back of the truck that is staying.
Story starts with a certain kiss in the kitchen.
Frankie's house is pretty bare, no decorations or paint. He only has it because he wanted to show his grandfather, who was dying, and his father that he had 'made it' and could take care of himself at a very young age without struggling the way they did so that when he does have a family, he doesn't have to struggle more.
Currently being written in first person with half of the chapters following Liz's thoughts and half of them following Frankie's because the story is both of theirs.
I'm making really good progress on it now and I'm doing my best to get this to you guys in 2023.
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00qad-fandom · 2 years
00QAD - Escort Danny AU Headcanons
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Crowdsourced in our July 17, 2022 annual 00QAD Chat Night on our Discord server!
***if you are collecting points for 007 Fest, please contact your captains to ask about counting your contributions here***
Danny doesn't meet Alex because he's an escort. Alex helps Danny after Danny is locked out of his flat, maybe after Danny gets back from work - @kmk1701d​
danny meets so many people as an escort that he thinks that maybe there's no other way of forming a connection with a person. maybe this is it. maybe he can't get away from all this - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
Or it could be that someone else hires Danny for Alex - @kmk1701d​
frances be like "alex why can't u be a hoe like regular boys" - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
but all they end up doing is talking - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
and in fact it's danny - the professional - who is nervous AF cause he keeps waiting for the moment alex comes onto him but he never does - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
Or, Danny works for that agency. And he doesn't think too much on tricking scrupulous people who are likely playing their own games. But its different when someone is just ... uncomplicated... not duplicitous, they're just trying to trust, to find love, and he wants to help - @ignaciosanchez1701​
danny ultimately confesses to alex that he needs to get out, but the escort agency is run by a mob. once you're in you owe them forever - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
but Alex might know a few people - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
JAMES?! - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
and maybe James is sent to see if Danny is on the level. or if he's trying to turn Alex. - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
To test if Danny is trustworthy, he takes him and locks him in a dark room, telling him if he survives the hour, he's good. Danny, panicked, pounds on the door, begging to be let out, when a soft thud sounds behind him. He spins round, staring wide eyed into the darkness, and can barely see movement in the shadows, slowly stalking closer. He sinks down as it nears, coming close enough for him to make out white fur, and the glint of a diamond collar. - @ignaciosanchez1701​
james has to turn to Q. Q's not in contact with his twin brother who has fought substance abuse and was a child with ADHD whom no one gave guidance to - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
so while Q was a precocious nerd Danny was a precocious tart? - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
pam runs the escort agency it's cover for human trafficking, and she threatens danny with alex’s life. meanwhile in q-branch Q tells james there's only one person in the world who can make her pull back - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
but maybe Pam is trying to recruit Danny for her high class escort ring - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
The semi/dubiously legal kind. Once Danny's out of the agency, it's James who relates best to Danny's experience as an escort - @kmk1701d​
Cue  make over montage with Pam teaching him about manners and class and james teaching him about clothes - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
[with the track] "Non-stop" from Hamilton. Danny's also very good at reading people - @kmk1701d​
whereas pam isn't because... she refuses to surround herself with peasants. alex sees danny all made up and made over and... - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
danny is crestfallen - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
Or it's Alex [looking like] 😳 - @kmk1701d​
a little bit of both! but he knows this do-over is as fake as danny "pretending" to be an escort - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
will danny become a super spy or a super slut? - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
well there's always a thong under his dress pants - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
I think the agency Danny worked for catered to people who wanted a bit of discretion - @kmk1701d​
but didn't wanna pay too much. danny doesn't know what it is but... he still isn't fulfilled. he's all pretty and made up and high end and getting paid so much more at a LEGAL and above board escort agency but it just doesn't feel right. besides, he needs therapy. always has, but never committed to going. one night he's taking a late walk by himself and it starts to drizzle, and he spots a smol kitty on the side of the street looking quite forlorn and wet - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
Alex who has never been given anything to love [looking like] 🥲 - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
[in Turing’s 00QAD bio it says] “Could officially apply to be a 00 as he has two kills but those were accidents” WHAT - @00furby​
Turing [said] they were accidents, [he] was a kitten [he] didn’t know - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
he... accidentally... killed two people on the street, believed to be experiencing homelessness and substance abuse i think. he ain't proud - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
Turing [said he] just wanted them to be warm - @lapsang-and-earlgrey​
HE LIT THEM ON FIRE?! - @00furby​
He snuggled them too much - @kmk1701d​
he suffocated them with cuddles until they suddenly went cold and limp and turing thought he just needed to warm them up so he lit a fire, burned their bodies, and nobody cares about ashes of homeless people, so - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
Maybe he needs a therapy bear - @melynen​
What if Turing had a therapy mouse and Pam ate him - @00furby​
🎵 paddington 🎵 paddington be-aaaaarrrr 🎵 paddington 🎵 paddington be-aaarrr 🎵 he came from peru 🎵 to help you overcome the murders you committed cause he's way more chaotic 🎵  - @a-forger-and-a-point-man​
BONUS ART FOR THESE HEADCANONS created in real-time by the amazing @3nigm4art​!
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thank you all for making this years chat so much fun
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mostlikelynothuman · 2 years
Um so you mayhaps have any more recs for danny phantom fieldtrip fics? Or perhaps some more school revelation fics 👀👉👈
A few? The issue with field trip fics is that its a super old trope so there’s not many new ones, and a lot of them were abandoned years ago. The section in my reveal fics list kinda covered most of the ones I thought were good
Previously included in my reveal fics list:
Stranded With My Class by RedHeadsRock1010
Strength by WildFireBurnsTheForest
Backpack by CoronaIgnis
Of Field Trips and Phantoms by Ironinkpen
A Phantom Marooned by LordPugsy
Field Trip by Destiny Obake
Journey of Secrets by WolfKael
The Elevator Game by Raina Wolfe - Lateraina
Freeze Out by Raina Wolfe - Lateraina (Sequel to The Elevator Game)
Entering The Mind Of An Unsuspecting Halfa by I heart the Hitachiin twins
Personify: Into The Mind by NoSignalBlueScreen
The Survivalists by Unlucky Alis
Accidental Portal by Emmazippy577
Misery Island by lilyt789
Additional stuff I’ve read:
The Reality of Virtuality by Artgirl4
Trapped in the Ghost Zone by ghostgal4
Stuff I haven’t read:
Mortified by FiveRivers (over 600,000 words and I have adhd)
A Field Trip To Remember by TheCastorbean
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nephilimeq · 3 years
Favorite Teen Wolf characters (and why)
Yay! Love this! Okay, here we go:
Stiles - It goes without saying! He is sarcastic, smart, and ADHD (as well as autistic) coded. I identify with him quite a bit. But he is also acted amazingly well and given such an excellent backstory. In a lesser actor's hands, this character wouldn't have been as amazing, so I have to thank Dylan for that. Stiles' loyalty, in spite of rejection, and his love for his father makes him feel like a real person, and not just a character.
Derek - He constantly shows how hard he is trying to live up to the legacy that his mother left behind. Though he messes up from time to time, he tries to learn from his mistakes and that's what makes him such a compelling character. A true alpha if I've ever seen one. And Tyler really brought a world-weariness to the character that made him incredibly compelling on screen. Would have loved a spin-off show just about him.
Peter - Yes, he's the villain from time to time--But he is always a man with a plan, a man who knows what he wants and exactly how to get it. This is why I love his character! He's sarcastic, wise, dangerous, and very obviously a Hale. Ian did such justice to the role.
Isaac - I have so many feelings for this boy, and he is one of the characters that just looks like someone that could be a werewolf, if you know what I mean. Again: sarcasm, tragic backstory, and street smarts. Something about these three things make compelling characters for me. He survived a physically abusive father and went through some great character development on the show--until the writers were done with him and just dropped him off in London.
Argent - Where do I start? He had an amazing storyline of redemption amidst tragic loss, and was acted so perfectly by JR Bourne. He brought a gravitas to the character that very easily could have been camp if done by another, less experienced one. Though Zuko from AtLA has the best redemption story ever, Argent comes in a close second.
Sheriff Stilinski - Now this is a man that feels real. From the first moment I saw him on screen, I knew I would love his character, and I was right. He is a dedicated father, a brilliant sheriff, and it's obvious from how they wrote the show that Stiles got his smarts from his father. A great mix of sarcasm, tragic backstory, and a smart mind.
Melissa - The McCall family has one claim to fame: Melissa. She is a strong single mother who not only holds down her job, but manages to deal with her son and his werewolf problems, as well as a social life. She stepped up to the plate and became an amazing asset for the werewolves and I fully support her in everything and do not blame her one bit for how her son turned out.
Now, before you start saying "What about Coach or the twins or Danny or Cora?", just hear me out. Yes, we all love them, but I am writing down characters that I love for specific reasons, mainly around the fact that they don't feel contrived. All of them fall under the category of three-dimensional, well-written and acted characters that step outside of a standard form sheet.
*Reminder, this is just my opinion. Don't agree with me? Then keep scrolling and move on.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Will be the Best Years of My Life
Ch 3: I'll Stay Behind to Stay with You
Middle school came with his teachers trying to get him to go the way of Connor. They figured bumping him up a grade would help with his ADHD; that having a challenge to pit his boundless energy against would calm him down. They didn’t listen when he told them it wouldn’t work. That if they just put him in Daniel’s class he would be fine. The school didn’t believe him on that either and decided to go over his head and call his dad. So the next Monday found him in his guidance counsellor’s office with his dad. Understandably, when he’d first gotten the call his dad assumed Silas had gotten himself into trouble again. Silas watched with some amusement as his dad got gradually more annoyed as his guidance counsellor talked at him. “That isn’t going to work.” His dad said bluntly and cut the counsellor off, “Just because their twins doesn’t mean Silas has the same needs as Connor. If you shove him into a new class he’s only going to disrupt more because he’s going to be on his own in a new environment.” The counsellor tried to pipe up again, but withered under his dad’s glare, “Did you even bother asking Silas what he needed or did you ignore him because he’s a child?”
“Ah, well,” He scrambled, “We just thought this would be a better fit for him.” “Than what exactly?” His dad pressed. “He asked to be switched into the same schedule block as Daniel Pealeson.” He explained, “We didn’t think placing him in a class with someone he had history with was a good idea.” “So let me get this straight.” His dad leaned to his full sitting height before he continued, “And correct me if I’m wrong; but instead of putting him in class with the one person known to keep him focused, you want to pull him away from his peers and into a classroom full of strangers?” “Well when you put it that way-” “Do you have any idea how ADHD actually works?” His dad continued, “Routine and familiarity work best to keep these kinds of things to minimum. If you put him in Daniel’s schedule block things will go better. If you don’t believe me you can ask his elementary school teachers. They found this out on accident.” “Alright.” His counsellor said after a long silence, “We’ll make the change as soon as we can.” His counsellor clearly didn’t expect his dad to be as well informed as he was; he was out of his depth and he knew it.
They were dismissed after that and Silas smiled as his dad ruffled his hair on the way out. It was nice to know that even when no one else would, his dad would always be there to make sure the right thing got done. It was tiring to always be ignored and talked over just because he’s a kid. “Sorry you had to get called in just to tell them the same things I have been for weeks.” He said when they got into the hall. His dad just shrugged, “It’s not a problem Sixer, that’s what Dad’s do.” He pulled Silas against his side in a tight half hug, “Sorry it had to come to me being called in just so you could be heard.” “Its just so frustrating.” His voiced wobbled with tears. He always hated that his first response when he felt anything in excess was to cry. He was angry, “I’m the one dealing with this. They should believed me when I say I know how to make it better child or not!” “Shh Six, I know” He pulled Silas into a full hug and ran his hand through his hair to soothe him, “Let’s go home for today, and you can try again tomorrow.” “Okay.” He sniffled, “I don’t think I can concentrate like this.”
Silas was in a relatively low mood after that. He just wanted to be heard and listened to by the adults around him. Why was that so hard? They listened to his twin, so why not him? Was it because Connor’s Autism showed more than his ADHD? If he had a meltdown would they listen to him then? “Hey, come back to me Silas.” His dad’s gentle voice pulled him out of his head and he realized he was crying again. “Sorry,” He mumbled as he wiped his eyes. “Want to talk about it?” His dad prodded gently. Silas heaved out a wet sigh as they pulled into the driveway, “I just don’t get it. They will listen to Connor when he needs special requirements, but whenever I need help they ignore me. Why?” His dad was quiet for a long moment and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he looked for his words. “You and Connor present differently. His Autism comes through more than his ADHD so the school tends so see him as a small child, like he can’t function properly without his accommodations. Your ADHD comes through more, and that’s been reduced to you simply having too much energy instead of what you actually deal with. They think that if they can make you tired you’ll behave in the way they want.” He paused, “It’s not so much that they see Connor and don’t see you; but more that they see you in two very different lights.”
Silas sighed again, “Why can’t they just listen to us? It can’t be that hard.” “Because they’ve gotten it in their heads that they know what’s best, even when they very clearly don’t.” His dad replied with a level of exasperation that Silas felt down to his bones, “Take today to try and decompress okay? And if you want you can invite Daniel over after school. Alright?” He gave slow nod, “Okay.” They got out after that and went inside. Silas changed back into his pajamas and climbed back into bed. He pulled out his phone to message Daniel, but his exhaustion pulled him under before he could get that far. When he woke up a few hours later his dad had left to go back to work. So Silas more or less had run of the house. Any other day he would have seen this as an opportunity to cause trouble. Instead he dug in the fridge for his leftovers and put on cartoons. He didn’t really want to be a person today. The morning had been draining and he was still feeling sour about it. He checked his phone and found a couple of messages from Daniel.
Danny: R U ok? Danny: Silas? Sixty: Had some issued so I’m @ home. Sixty: You can come over later if you want Danny: Of course <3 see you after school Sixty: See you then <3
He smiled slightly as he picked through his food. Talking to Daniel always made him feel better. Daniel didn’t always understand what he was going through, but he always tried his best to be supportive. Silas always appreciated it. When it became clear that he actually wasn’t hungry despite not eating anything all day, he put his food back in the fridge and went back to watching cartoons. Eventually he went to grab his Switch so he had something to keep his hands busy. That was how Daniel found him when he came in through the front door with Connor and Cole. They shared a look and Silas grabbed his things so they could head back to his room. He didn’t have the energy to deal with everyone today. “Pajama day huh?” Daniel asked lightly as they settled on his bed. “Something like that.” He replied as he leaned his head on Daniel’s shoulder, “How was school?” “Pretty boring, like usual.” He said and shrugged his free shoulder, “How was your day?” Silas huffed, “Tiring. Dad had to come in and rescue me from being bumped up a grade.”
“They’re still on about that?” Daniel groaned, “They know it won’t work right?” “They do now.” Silas laughed, “I’ve never seen someone look so scared of my dad. The good news is I should be getting moved to your class soon.” “That’s great.” He grinned at Silas. “You know I did think about it right?” He said eventually, “Moving up a grade.” “Why didn’t you?” He asked. “I looked at Connor and how he’s always reaching back for Markus, and I realized that wasn’t what I wanted.” Silas explained, “I’m happy to stay behind because that means I get to stay here with you.” He was met with a bright smile, “I’m glad you chose to stay then. It would have been lonely with out you.” He took one of Daniel’s hands in his and intertwined their fingers, “Attached at the hip remember?” He squeezed Silas’s hand in return, “Attached at the hip.” He echoed. Silas smiled, he was happy to stay behind if it meant he could stay like this.
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cal-a-bungaa · 3 years
I totally get if you don't want to talk about this but I just wanted to say, I don't get why so many people think we're trying to diagnose them with something when they have been diagnosed with something. I don't know why people expect 2 men who have adhd to act like they have it less then your average adhd having person. I get it if it's not some bodies cup of joe but I really don't understand the stigma that not ignoring the existence of their behavior is bad
There are plenty of people of there that are trying to diagnose Sam with stuff and the twins as well (I haven’t seen anything related to danny in this case), but I have yet to see anyone actually try to diagnose them on here. It is confirmed that two of the four are ND, that’s been clarified by their own mother. Their behavior defines them, especially when on stage because that’s majority of what fans see of them.
I understand that people can take offense to such things, but at the same time I feel as though it’s harmless to point out the behaviors that are presented. It’s fairly obvious that they stim. I also feel like pointing out these stims have shed a new light for a lot of people on what ND is and how it affects people, if that makes sense. But as previously stated, everyone stims, it’s a natural thing but it does occur more often in ND individuals.
I’m also confused why people are jumping into my inbox saying I need to stop diagnosing the guys and such, I’ve never done so.
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lazyvoidbird · 3 years
I have an OC of the YPH series if it's not too late to submit.
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Name: Daniela Victoria Kagutsuchi
Nickname: "Suchi" or "Danni"
Race: Japanese Hispanic
Quirks(s): Pryokinese and Regeneration
Age: 14-15
Likes: Food, rock alternative or Latin music, fireworks, working out, guitar, switch games, ps4, and her cats.
Dislikes: Dad, racism, sexism, Mineta, sugar of any kind or form, homophobia, and transphobia.
Sexuality: Masc Lesbian
Astro Sign: Taurus
DOB: May 17th
Hero Number Rank: Pro #45 The Enternal Flame Hero: Phoenix
Mental illnesses: Adhd, ptsd, anxiety, and Social anxiety.
TW: (Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Trauma, Sexual assault, divorced families, body insecurities, and mental insecurities.) You have been warned.
Appearance: Danni is a 5'9 1/2 ft tall girl with tan skin red hair, golden yellow eyes, with several face scars (left eyebrow, left side of her cheek, one under her right eye, and one on the right side of her lip.) She also has several scars on her body due to childhood accidents, past self harm, and work.
Background origins: Daniela and her brothers were children out of a quirk marriage, their father was a traditional Japanese man and had married a semi traditional woman from Mexico which make Daniela and her brothers Biracial.
Daniela is the youngest and only daughter of the Kagutsuchi family. Sadly however... Her father had abused her and her family for decades before and after she was born. Leading her to rebel against him at 11 years. This also caused her to run off and was found by the hero Comissionary, where she met a boy named Karul Begend who was also in the commissary.
Family: Homura Kagutsuchi (Father).
Marceline Kagutsuchi (Mother).
Imelda De León (God mother and Marceline's best friend).
Caroline De León (Imelda's daughter and Danni's friend).
Serigo Kagutsuchi: first son and Danni's brother.
Aitor Kagutsuchi: second son and Danni's brother.
Venice Kagutsuchi: third son and Danni's brother.
Kai Kagutsuchi: Serigo's only son and Danni's nephew.
Unnamed Sister in law: Sergio's ex wife and Kai's mother.
Bestfriend: Karuk Baygend (former).
Girlfriend: Hanayo Momoka.
Twin Older Cousins: Adelina and Lupita Ribera In Oxcana Mexico who are pros themselves.
Grandfather: (on mother's side.) He shown her how to use her Regeneration quirk as her own and taught her to make it powerful and trained her in a certain time in her life.
Aunt (Unnamed): Was a strong willed woman with twin daughters and a strong will of her own.
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Updated list of the bitches in this system because Gods know we needed it, go!
• Fae- Actual owner of the body. Has not been fully “themself” since they were like 6 (when Harl got here). Always co-cons with someone because they can’t stand being out alone.  Doesn’t know or care what we do with their life. Terrified of people. Has left us alone for extended periods of time. If you think you’ve talked to them, there’s a 99% chance it was actually Claire, Amanda, or Becky.  Actually a very sweet kid, but very hurt. Will go to the end of the world for their friends. Can hold a grudge like nobody’s business. Paints themself as a bitch but is a softie. Their mom cannot tell the difference between them and Becky. Diabetic, to Nidia’s displeasure. Closet Gryffindor turned Slytherin in order to survive.
• Amanda – Our system’s “guard dog”/Head Bitch in Charge. Much more complicated than that. The real author of Fae’s thigh scars (barely visible now), and maybe the only reason we made it through high school. The little voice that says “kill everyone and blame it on me”. Zero concern for consequences for herself. Impulse control consists of “Jail is awful and Fae doesn’t deserve it”.  She’s over 30.
• Lisbeth (Sally)- Just…Sally. The other voice that wants to kill everyone but doesn’t because she actually thinks about the consequences of her actions. Max is technically her partner, but we don’t talk about that (you can ask). I think she’s 30-something, but might as well be Fae’s age.
• Claire- Possibly Fae’s projection of herself into different universes. She can be 6, 17, 24 and 35. Last name Constantine. From Liverpool. Awful accent. Please don’t call her Australian. Another closet Gryffindor turned Slytherin.  Most of Fae’s friends are actually hers. Has been Fae for longer than Fae has been Fae. Likes soccer and we’re sorry. Punk. Hella Punk. Also hella broke.
• Mara- Claire’s sister (maybe twin). Approach with caution. (One of the several sexual alters, can be the same ages as Claire) Responsible for most of Fae’s awful dating decisions.
• Valentina- Rarely comes out, but she’s apparently God? We don’t know. Seems like she knows everyone, though. She always looks 20-something, but we know she’s older.
• Nidia- Claire’s daughter and the pure incarnation of Fae’s ADHD. A Jedi. Weirdest kid EVER. Super compassionate. Wears heart on her sleeve.  Can be 5, 9, 16 and 21. Impulse control is 100% artificial, but existent. Can, like Amanda, drink up to 3 cans of Monster Energy Drink in a row without batting a lash. Will eat ALL THE CANDY. The reason we need to carry an extra insulin syringe with us most of the time. Pours fun dip and sweetarts into her drinks. The kind of kid child leashes were invented for.
• Hellena- Mara’s daughter. STAY AWAY. Evil incarnate. Abusive A.F. Can and will destroy you. In her 20’s
• Christine- Hell’s identical twin. Remember that girl in Mean Girls who wants to bake a cake out of sunshine and rainbows and smiles? Christine is that cake. Rarely out. Same age as Hell.
• Evey- Hell and Chris’ big sister. That one kid with the pink hair and lots of tattoos. Zero impulse control.  Always looks like a teenager for some reason (not over 25)
• Vlad- Agender/Genderqueer mystical creature of the forest. Valentina’s child. Awesome person in general. Permanently 17.
• Harley- Yup. THAT Harley. You know the drill. She’s actually the one who makes all the fun plans because she’s the one who has the energy for it. Gets along with everyone until she doesn’t. Can drink us all under the table. Can drink you under the table. Has been Fae for longer than Claire has been Fae. Was the first one here, so she has tattoo privileges. And dating privileges. And everything privileges, basically. If I say how old she is, I may not live to see another day. Fae’s real mum. Will take you to Petco on exam week to pet puppies. Will yell “doge!” out loud.
Pets every dog. Will steal Teddy from Max.
• Edward- Mr. Nigma, sir. Somehow has better makeup skills than all the girls here combined.  If his attitude was as nice as his eyebrows, he’d rule the world by now. EVERYTHING HAS QUESTION MARKS. Knows more than anyone.  Is actually a genius. Wastes his time trying to school the little ones (and trying to get Naya to use proper words).  Smug bastard. Probs 40-something.
• Cass- Also from comics. EVERYTHING IS YELLOW (yiyo). Doesn’t talk much, but is always fun to have around. Will make you watch animated movies and take you to Starbucks. Will also make you work out. Can be 5, 9, 18 and 25. Smol Cass is a fan of pokemon. If it’s yellow, it belongs to her.
• Naya- Cass’ child. Has her own language, featuring words like “kaijukata”, “pakato”, and “omashii” (“Kaiju attack”, an insult of her own invention, and her word for “mother”.) There are no sidewalks, only pedestrian lanes. Biggest Kaiju Enthusiast. Wants to be Mako Mori.
• M.J.- Has been here for as long as Harley has. Isn’t around as much. The difference between her and Claire is that you can actually understand what MJ says when she gets mad. Probs 25 forever.
• Danni- Amanda’s daughter. Will also fuck you up. Has the weirdest kinks.  23
• Miranda- Danni’s daughter. Don’t ask. Also a sexual alter. 21
• Martha- Miranda’s sister. Level-headed.  A psychiatrist. 21. Actually the most mature person in this head, along with Tári.
• Alice- Nidia’s daughter. Also a psychiatrist. Likes psychoanalyzing people. Type 1 bipolar. Thinks all Arkham inmates are humans and wants to help. Will probably end up as an Arkham Inmate herself. Age slides. Toddler Alice is the devil. Can be 5, 9, and 21
• Alyssa- Mara’s best friend. Take Alice out of wonderland and teach her ballet, then add a sprinkle of Luna Lovegood. Permanently 17-ish.
• Robin- Alice’s little sister. Wants to be Carrie Kelly when she grows up. Terrified of squirrels. Can be 5 and 18. Lesbiab. Lesebeb. Girls. Yes.
• Tári- Alice and Robin’s eldest sister. Autistic. Genius extraordinaire. Loves to talk to Eddie. Often one of them leaves the conversation feeling stupid (it isn’t Tári). Loves Legos. REALLY LOVES LEGOS. Forensic Anthropologist/ wants to be Bones when she grows up. Vegetarian. Can be 12/17/21.
• Frances- Harley’s kid. Don’t ask, this was super weird. Frances herself is super weird. She hears voices. The voices tell her to do things. She rarely listens. Actually super polite. Has “opal” hair. 18-20. We don’t really know.  If we’re gonna have a sub-system, it will probably be because of Frankie.
• Shilo- Shilo Wallace. Infected by her genetics. Her nightmares are the worst. Once made Amanda and Sally fight over a pair of combat boots just so she could get to keep them. Probably Becky’s best friend in here.
• Bellatrix- That one got here on her own. Over 50. Still looks great.
• Azula- also got here on her own.
• Cassiopeia- Bella’s biggest mistake. Best teacher ever. Resident hipster chick. Is actually here to keep a little group of alters from causing too much mayhem.  28.
• Ascella- Lesbian extraordinaire. Sees dead people. I’m not even kidding. Permanently 23.
• Jamie Moriarty- Another one who got here on her own. Our self confidence boosts and power trips. Will maybe kill someone. Better than you and is not afraid to let you know.  Fae’s teachers were terrified of her.
Everyone’s terrified of her; I don’t know who we think we’re kidding. 32.
• Lestat- Fae’s gay vampire boyfriend. Is rarely around anymore. Probably for the best. 260-ish years old. Prick.
• Lindsay - THE definitive Sexual alter. From a comic book oneshot. Amanda on steroids, but if Amanda knew how to socialize. Loves horror, movies, photography and monsters. 26. 
• Becky - Called “morbid” for a reason. Disabled as all fuck. Autistic/ADHD, connective tissue disorder. A lawyer. Loves to argue. Jon Crane’s wife (at least here). 30ish. Always cold and always in pain. If we cancel plans, it’s most likely her fault and she’s sorry.
• Liliana - Necromancer. Big Titty Goth GF. We love and cherish her, alcoholism and all. Will never be over Jace and she knows it.
• Chandra - Pyromancer extraordinaire with severe ADHD. A lot like Fae in a lot of ways. Decidedly Pansexual, thank you very much. 25.
• Vraska - Ravnican to the core, but also a fantastic pirate. Great leader, good friend, fun to be around. Has the huskiest voice in the system. Has the worst flashbacks out of all of us. Can be 19 and 29. • Kari - Vraska and Jace’s kid. Hypermelanistic gorgon, telepath like her dad. Fun to be around. Can be 7, 12 and 25.
• Ral - Very very Izzet, and very very gay, and we love him for it. Very intelligent, good at fixing and making things with his hands. Confident, charismatic, and a workaholic. Tomik’s husband. Sometimes with Max. In his 40’s
• Tomik - Ral’s husband. Quiet, but very caring and polite.Also very smart and hard-working, always loves to learn new things and meet new people. 27-ish. Very gay, too. Makeup skills up there with Eddie’s.
• Teysa - Tomik’s boss. A Boss Ass Rich Bitch, and we love her lots for it. Very polite and interesting to be around. Could buy us all and our families ten times. Old, but looks to be in her early 30’s.
• Avacyn - An angel from Innistrad. Here to protect us. Really likes listening to old pop-punk and emo music with Max. Very sweet to be around, although she can be a little literal-minded.
• Olivia - A Vampire and a bitch. Liliana’s...ex? Something. A lot like Teysa, but much more fun-loving and impulsive.
• Nahiri - Doesn’t come out much. Stern but caring, very savvy, doesn’t take anyone’s crap. Can hold on to grudges like her life depends on it. 
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