#Daidokoro Kitchen
avomagazine · 2 months
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Every week, we bring you a treasure trove of captivating music videos from lesser-known, new and intriguing Japanese artists who deserve your support! Join us on this extraordinary musical journey as we shed light on the artists who often go unnoticed but leave an unforgettable impact. We also maintain a YouTube Music playlist!
This week we highlighted music videos from: 🍙 Carpenter’sBlue 🍙 Futures 🍙 台所きっちん (Daidokoro Kitchen) 🍙 Burst Blue 🍙 のろゐみこ (Noroimico) 🍙 CLAN QUEEN 🍙 短編画廊 (Tanpen Garo)
Find the article here.
Enjoy the music!
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idleminds · 8 months
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"What about your specialty rice ball? We got chicken too, that'd be nice. I want to eat that." — Tengu no Daidokoro, Episode 2
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bellepark · 5 months
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Tengu no Daidokoro (2023)
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connorjesup · 6 months
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Is it difficult to distinguish weeds and herbs? Did I… mow the edible ones? They're all grass anyway. Indeed. TENGU NO DAIDOKORO (2023) — EPISODE 1
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jdramastuff · 7 months
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Komagine Kiita & Shiono Akihisa - TV Guide Dan Vol. 49.
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dearrevs · 6 months
It was a nice comfort show, lots of delicious food and great cooking with amazing scenery. Even the cinematography was so beautiful. 10/10
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apocalypticvalraven · 1 month
Dungeon Daidokoro- Delicious in Dungeon in The Kitchen #2
(Daidokoro is kitchen in Japanese)
Ok, so the last one got 90-ish notes. Close enough.
I am going to open this one with a request for tips and donations if you like my work. I'm looking at, like, $350 to get my car re-registered because of DMV bullshit that I can't really fix. I have some money, but if people could help with this, I'd be eternally grateful.
So, please, if you can, if you like my work with this, my cashapp is $ValravenApocalypse, my paypal is paypal.me/korbl, my Venmo is @ Valraven. Anything would be a big help.
Man-Eating Plant Tart
In chapter two, Team Laios ventures into the second layer of the dungeon, a large apparently open-air space full of trees and lush foliage. The first meal they eat here is a tart made of man-eating plant fruit.
Which is a difficulty here.
First, there are no man-eating plants. Obviously. Like, we're not even dealing with something like "there aren't giant scorpions (but there are large crustaceans)" or "there aren't walking mushrooms (but there are big mushrooms)." This is just... this thing doesn't exist. There are carnivorous plants, but they're rather small and, to my knowledge, don't really fruit.
There are giant (non-tree) plants, but, to my knowledge, they also don't fruit, and they tend to be in the realm of "pollinated by carrion insects, so they smell like rotten meat." So, even if that giant flower that smells like corpses has fruit, I doubt anyone would want to eat it.
But, let's start by looking at the recipe-
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So, to start with, you need some leftover "scorpion hotpot." Which is to say Lobster Portabello Soup, and some Slime Gelatin--which is maybe jellyfish, but I don't think you can really get anything like gelatin from a jellyfish (at least that you'd want to eat), so we're probably looking at agar agar (a gelatin-like substance from seaweed).
Baraselia, Mearauk, Betahn
It's difficult to really figure out similar real fruits to these. In fact, it's not even particularly clear which fruit is which in the manga. But, I did find Ingredients on the wiki, which makes it more clear-
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(minor transliteration differences aside)
Baraselia is interesting, its seeds seem similar, broadly, to a pepper's, and led me to initially think it might be basically a bell pepper-
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But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that a bell pepper's flesh wouldn't stand up to heat the way the baraselia's does
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On further thought, I think the baraselia is a bit more like a squash. Thinking about it, pumpkin seeds also cling pretty tight to the stem, but I don't think the baraselia is a pumpkin exactly.
I think a Cassabanana is probably pretty close-
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And, while I'm completely unfamiliar with this plant, I saw notes online that the unripe fruits can be cooked like a vegetable. So, I think cassabanana is probably a good candidate for "Baraselia."
I think the betan is the chopped fruit that gets mixed in. It's an interesting looking fruit, particularly in the anime-
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It has a vaguely chili-like appearance, which it could well be, but I'm also struck by the visual similarity of the inner nodes of jackfruit-
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Jackfruit is noted for it's "meaty" texture, and is used in several savory dishes. I think jackfruit is probably a very good candidate for a Betan stand-in.
Which leaves Mereoak/Mearauk-
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Honestly, they look a lot like cherries or tomatoes, and tomatoes used in savory tarts are just, like, a thing. I think you could very well use a mix of cherries and cherry tomatoes for mereoak.
"Man-Eating Plant" Fruit Tart
~7 oz Leftover "Scorpion Soup
~3 oz Agar Agar or Gelatin
~1 lb unripe Cassabanana
~10 oz jackfruit, roughly chopped
5-6 cherry tomatoes, 3-4 cherries
Salt to taste
Dash of pepper
Lightly steam the fruits and let cool until you can safely handle them. Cut open the cassabanana and remove the seeds, then the skin from the flesh. Mold the skin into a shell for your tart, outside against the plate.
Mash the cassabana flesh, and add the gelatine and soup, stir until slightly thickened. Taste, adding salt and pepper as needed. Add the chopped jackfruit and the rest of the soup, stir till well combined and pour into tart shell.
Put in oven at 400 degrees. Check for setness at 15 minutes, and give an additional 5 minutes if needed.
Remove once set, let cool slightly, serve.
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mofffun · 5 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.19
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
timeline: ep5 (Toufu ch1)
Rita and Kaguragi test each other on what the other knows.
contains TV SPOILERS past ep5, assumed reader is up-to-date at ep43
*If you are a newcomer and wanted to read the manga along with its corresponding episode, you will only get context for what's hinted in this chapter much later in the show.
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p4: This bugnarok is pronounced "by-EH-jim" not "bae-jim" ... based on a fly (ha-EH)
Kaguragi addresses everyone as "-dono" but sometimes Rita as "Sovereign Rita". I'm putting Rita-sama and Rita-dono both as "Justice Rita". Normally I'd be inclined to keep the honorifics but since I already used the English form before I should stick to that and subs group conventions. ("-tono/-dono" is an antiqudated suffix that is only used in official documents nowadays. In history, it meant respect for those above you but nowadays it's used by the higher-rank to address those lower politely. Genderless, lower than '-sama'.)
Something about Rita's speech pattern is they tend to use a lot of kanji, as part of their solemn personality and regular legal jargon. I lack the context to evaluate how advanced Rita's kanji are to the average Japanese but the general sense of Rita having a more archaic/complex vocabulary is evident.
holding my urge not to put a ! in every Kagu speech bubble
p14: Kagu's reation to hearing Rita saw Suzume's figure: ……はて? -> long pause, [lit. 1. well; let me see; now​ (used before sentences expressing a doubt) 2. dear me/good gracious]
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t/n part 2:
p9: わざわざお出まし恐縮(きょうしゅく)です [lit. my apologies for making you come all this way.] -> What an honour to have your persence!
Here it is! the east/west cultural difference! Keigo is a big challenge for me as a learner already, let alone a translator. There's no direct dictionary substitution and it really depends on your intuition with usage in either langugaes. The keigo here is humble-type, while to make it sound natural in English, instead of reflecting your own incompetence, you are flattering the other party. In the next line, Kaguragi says because Rita came unannounced, they were inadequate in failing to preapre a welcoming committee. I think the scarcasm is there in English too, but I just feel it's more insulting to imply Rita is not exactly welcome while initiatively taking the "weaker" side (Kaguragi's gaslighting, what's new).
p13: learner's note: the royal kitchen is called 厨房(chuubou) while the word for kitchen I knew was 台所(daidokoro). Research shows 厨房 is a professional kitchen like in a restaurant and 台所 is the one at home. Katakana Kitchen is also in the vocabulary to mean a modern, western-style industrical kitchen. Chinese has lost the distinctioin and uses 廚房 (note!: an extra dot above 厨) for both home or workplace.
p16: I interpret Rita's first concern is in maintaining equality between the kingdoms. A duo alliance between ❤🖤 is only detrimental to a five-kingdom one they are working towards: small circle, and increased hostility from 💛💙 if they believe ❤🖤💜 is their small clique. Yet it is interesting Rita raised the question out of personal curiosity. Remember in the beginning there was this, feeling, ❤🖤💜 are seniors and they've known each other for longer? Now we know Kaguragi is actually Rita's junior in terms of order of sucession. Now they could've what he was like prior to taking the throne. Notice how they never describe him as a liar. Maybe Rita does find it odd a man of his capability feels the need to bootlick Racules.
Onomatopoeia words this week:
スッ(Suu) an action done suddenly without sound
ボコボコ(boko boko) 1. sound of hitting a hollow object 2. uneven (surface) 3. to cause damage with full force
バキバキ (baki baki) hard objects shattering/breaking/cracking ポカ(poka) 1. repeated hit with something heavy i.e. fist/bat 2. feeling of warmth
よろよろ (yoro yoro) (adv., not a sound) staggering
もがく (moga ku) (v.) struggle/wiggle impatient -> here means eating frantically (because food is too god)
ずいっ (zui) (adv.) straightforwardly, readily, without hesitation
alternate translations:
p9: No careless msitakes… -> Better keep my guard up… / Better stay alert…
p11: No way any of that is true. -> What a load of crap. (intuition lol)
p1 (18lp) p2 「バサッ バサッ」 「ガクン」 すみません~… バエジーム お騒がせしております~ 「ゴゴゴ…」 くそ… バグナラクめ… どこにでも湧(わ)いて来る… p4 うるさくてすみません~ そして… 「ブ ブゥン」 死んでいただけると助かります~ 「ス…」 「タッ」 p5 「ガッ」 「ボコ ボコ ボコ」 待ち伏(ふ)せていたのか p6 「ドドド」 「ガガガ」く…つ 「バキ ゴ ポカ」 p7 ギヤ 「ズンッ」 トウフ国の黒子軍団…! 今だ! p8 撃(う)たせていただきます 「パ パ」 「タ ドッ タ ボッ ボ」 「タッ」 ギャ 「よろ よろ」「ブブブ」 てっ… 撤退(てったい)です~!  p9 いやいや… 素晴らし腕前 さすがリタ国王 わざわざお出まし恐縮(きょうしゅく)です 前もって言っていただければ迎えの用意いたしましたのに カグラギ‧ディボウスキ… こいつはラクレスと通しているようだが… 油断(ゆだん)は禁物(きんもつ)だ… p10 p11 して ギラという男 強盗団(ごうとうだん)の親玉(おやだま)という噂がありまして 毒虫(どくむし)食にしている化け物なんていう話も もういい そんなわけないだろ もしやそのご様子まさかギラの正体(しょうたい)をご存じで…! 調査(ちょうさ)中だ たとえ王でも外部の者に話すわけないだろう p12 さすがは絶対中立の王 素晴らしい! 察しますに最高厳罰(げんばつ)処分(しょぶん)ですね …ただ一つ言えるのは…… おお!?言えるのは!? —いや 調査の結果は法廷(ほうてい)で明らかにする 危ない…どうもこいつの前でもしゃべりすぎる… ラクレスに感づかれては厄介(やっかい)だ うまい… 「もが」 はっはっは そうでしょう! このトウフには世界中のあらゆる食が揃っております p13 ただ… 聞いたことない食事は出ませんが … そういえば リタ殿 以前(いぜん)コーカサス城の厨房(ちゅうぼう)で 調べごとをされていた…とか 調べもの見つかりましたか? 個人的な調査だ 結果を話すつもりはない そういえば あの時… p14 お前とよく似た着物を見たが ! ……はて? ラクレス殿にご挨拶にうかがったときでしょうか? p15 いや… もっと小柄(こがら)な… それはリタ殿の見間違いでしょう なにか 隠しているな… お前はなぜラクレスに付き従う(つきしたがう) ラクレス殿は素晴らしい志(こころざし)をお持ちの方 であれば協力するのは当然です それにしてはまるで主従(しゅうじゅう)のようだ p16 国同士は対等(たいとう)な関係のはず… それに前王イロキの悪政(あくせい)から解放したのはお前の独力(どくりょく)だ それは… リタ国王! これは仕方がないのです…!
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ninelanguages · 24 days
Kanji for "think", "consider", "study", "investigate"
考 = kou/ kanga•eru
考え込む- kangaekomu - to ponder/ to brood - かんがえこむ
考える- kangaeru - to consider/ to think (about) - かんがえる
よく考える- yokukangaeru - to think hard (carefully) about a thing -よくかんがえる
参考にする- sankounisuru - to refer (to)/ to consult - さんこうにする
考える- kangae - thinking/ (a) thought/ an idea/ a notion - かんがえ
考慮- kouryo - consideration/ careful thought - こうりょ
Kanij for "copy", "duplicate"
写 = sya / utsuru/ utsusu
写真 - syashin - a photograph/ a photo/ a picture - しゃしん
写る- utsuru - to be reflected/ to be mirrored/ to be projected - うつる
写真をとる- syashin (w)o toru - to take a picture - しゃしん を とる
写生する- syaseisuru - to sketch/ to paint (draw) from nature- しゃせいする
移す- utsusu - to copy/ to make a copy of/ to reproduce - うつす
複写- fukusya - reproduction / duplication/ a copy/ a facsimile- ふくしゃ
Kanji for "place", "hall", "grounds"
場 = ba/ jou
ゴルフ場- gorufujou - a golf course/ golf links - ごるふじょう
売り場- uriba - a selling area/ the counter/ the department - うりば
場合- baai - a case/ an occassion/ circumstances - ばあい
会場- kaijou - a meeting place/ an assembly hall - かいじょう
駐車場- chuushajou - a parking place - ちゅうしゃじょう
飛行場- hikoujou - an airfield/ an airport/ a flying field (ground) - ひこうじょう
Kanji for "place", "spot", "point", "part", "counter for places"
所 = shou/ tokoro
所- tokoro - a place/ a district/ a room/ one's house - ところ
事務所- jimusho - an office - じむしょ
洗面所- senmenjo - a bathroom/ a washroom - せんめんじょ
短所- tansho - a fault/ a shortcoming/ a weak point/ a defect - たんしょ
所々- tokorodokoro - here and there/ in (some/several) places - ところどころ
場所- basho - a place/ a location/ a spot - ばしょ
Kanij for "meet", "assembly", "society"
会 = au/ kai/ e
会う- au - to see/ to meet/ to meet with - あう
機会- kikai - (an) opportunity / a chance/ an occasion - きかい
会釈- esyaku - a salutation / a greeting/ a bow - えしゃく
展覧会- tenrankai - an (a public) exhibition/ a show - てんらんかい
会議- kaigi - a meeting / a conference/ a council/ a congress - かいぎ
会社- kaisya - a company/ a corporation/ a firm - かいしゃ
Kanji for "combine", "unite", "fit", "suit"
合 = gou/gatsu/ katsu/ a•u/ a•wasu/ a•waseru
似合う- niau - to suit/ to match well/ to be suitable - にあう
都合が悪い- tsugou ga warui - be inconvenient - つご が わうい
具合- guai - a condition / a state - ぐあい
合う- au - to meet/ to come together / to match/ to fit/ to suit -あう
合わせる- awaseru - to put together/ to join - あわせる
割合- wariai - a rate/ a ratio/ percentage/ proportion - わりあい
Kanji for "stand", "platform", "base"
台 = dai/ tai
台風- taifuu - a typhoon - たいふう
アイロン台- airondai - an ironing board - あいろんだい
一台- ichidai - one (machine)/ one (vehicle) -いちだい
土台- dodai - the foundation(s)/ the base - どだい
台所- daidokoro - a kitchen - だいどころ
Kanji for "begin", "start", "open"
始 = shi / haji•meru / haji•maru
始める- hajimeru / to begin (a thing/ to do/ doing) - はじめる
始まる- hajimaru / to begin/ to start/ to open/ to break out - はじまる
始まり- hajimari / the beginning/ the start/ the opening - はじまり
開始- kaishi - a start/ a beginning/ the onset - かいし
始発駅- shihatsueki - the starting (train) station - しはつえき
始めに- hajimeni - first of all/ in the beginning - はじめに
Kanij for "third person pronoun", "the other party", "he", "she"
彼 = hi/ kare/ kono
彼岸- higan - the equinoctial week (of Buddhist observance) - ひがん
彼女- kanojyo - girlfriend - かのじょ
彼- kare - he/ one's boyfriend/ one's lover/ one's husband - かれ
彼の本- kare no hon - his book(s) - かれ の ほん
彼氏- kareshi - he/one's boyfriend (man)/ one's lover - かれし
彼等- karera - they - かれら
Kanij for "week", "weekly"
週 = syuu
一週間- issyuukan - for one week - いっしゅうかん
週末- syuumatsu - weekend - しゅうまつ
先々週- sensensyuu - the week before last - せんせんしゅう
今週- konsyuu - this week - こんしゅう
来週- raisyuu - next week - らいしゅう
週二日- syuufutsuka - two days a week - しゅうふつか
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idleminds · 8 months
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bellepark · 5 months
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Tengu no Daidokoro (2023)
Dedicated to @colourme-feral
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 months
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Daidokoro no DRAGON[台所のドラゴン]
Dragon in the kitchen
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veelight · 6 months
Tengu no Daidokoro (2023)
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Tengu's Kitchen , てんぐのだいどころ
At 14-years-old, Izuna On discovers he and his brother Motoi are both descendents of Tengu (flying goblin-like creatures of Japan folklore). Motoi has wings, which is somewhat rare among Tengu descendants, while On has the ability to communicate with animals. Due to their heritage, the two brothers live together, separated from normal society, and the story focuses on their everyday lives.
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662lab · 2 months
Tbh the funniest thing about Duolingo moving towards using automated translation (I don't wanna use the term "AI" as that's really an easily digestible marketing term for what it *actually* does) is how for Japanese, it started presenting the "Engrish" version of words as the correct answers for questions.
Like, sure, キッチン (kicchin, "kitchen" translated into the Japanese alphabet) is...technically correct, but the word for kitchen in Japanese is actually 台所 (daidokoro). Why that stopped being presented as an option to choose for questions is beyond me but it does really highlight how human input is needed for certain tasks.
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