#Cryptid college stuff
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Fanart I did of Henry Jekyll dying in a glue trap
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electro-sweaters · 10 months
I love men kissing (Jekyll and Utterson)
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Jekyll and Hyde's so good, I wish gay people were real :/
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internetwerewolf · 10 months
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Good afternoon tumble I was told to post this cunty creatures design update for our silly comic peacea and love 🫶
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 231
Y'know, I bet in a world where DC and Marvel are in the same world, I Bet Bruce Wayne knows Matt Murdock. I bet they went to at least a couple same trainers and I bet Bruce invites him to a gala at some point.
No one would bat an eye at Bruce knowing another lawyer, he was already childhood/school friends with Harvey Dent.
And honestly, let the grimey cryptid boys be friends. Make Gotham and Hell's Kitchen WEEP at the thought of the 'living shadow creature' and the 'demon pretending to be human' working together.
Even if they're both completely human. Let them fuck with people as a treat.
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cryptid-college · 11 months
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Thanks for reading our goofy comic! There will be a short hiatus before the start of chapter 2, and in the meantime if you have any questions or comments about the comic you can send them to @electrosweaters-arts!! (we'll be returning in august! :3c we'll be switching off again and I'll be illustrating the pages. Hope you enjoyed the chapter -Electro)
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yknow shout out to Indiana University at Bloomington's hold music. This constant loop of a staticky/distorted FULL-ORCHESTRA COVER OF *BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY* that sounds like it was composed by a sadist makes being on hold actually enjoyable through sheer "wtf" factor.
the "mamma mia" part, and much of Freddie's vocals, are replaced with a trumpet & trombone. a TRUMPET. and TROMBONE. 90% of this is as off-key as possible. there are many points where every single instrument is plays at once, in no particularly organized manner, for a few notes.
...I genuinely want an mp3 rip of the Indiana University at Bloomington's fucked up hold music
-oH GOD WHY ARE THE VOCALS FOR THE "so you think you can stop me and spit in my eye-" etc etc part COVERED BY A FULL VIOLIN QUARTET WITH *BACKING TROMBONES* THIS IS *ILLEGAL*
update: the "I see a little silhouetto of a man, scaramouche, scaramouche" part is done by a.
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cryptidafter · 11 months
I really have a knack for watching movies that align perfectly with whatever struggles I’m having at that point in my life.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
In regards to University/College- how far away is the Institution? I’ve had a similar issue of changing majors through email, and had to physically go to the counselor to get them to change my major. Of course this took… two? Three? Tried before they actually changed it. But sometimes with counselors you have to physically be there for them to finally go and do the thing.
Ya I may have to go into campus T-T , the reason I havent done that yet is I cant drive (I have a fear of driving LOL) and I do most everything online :P
Im going to contact a different councilor who seems more open to taking first, just to get her opinion on the situation. Im hoping she can tell me where I would need to go on campus to contact someone...
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heyits-nessie · 2 years
long skirt, sweater, docs, baggy jacket, hair half up, rainy evening, Holsts The Planets blasting in your ears, lamps flickering around campus, a bottle of cream soda
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paintalyx · 2 years
at what point is one expected to stop calling something a "humbling experience" and accept that they're just getting dragged through filth at any given opportunity asking for a friend
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vampcubus · 1 year
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Roommate!Kyojuro who’s been your best friend since Pre-K. You know each other inside and out, down to your usual orders and all your favorite restaurants. 
Roommate!Kyojuro who brings you food whenever he stops to grab takeout, always thinking of you and what you’d want. Haven’t eaten lunch yet? He’s driving up to your work so you can eat in his car. Falling asleep during college classes? He’ll show up with your favorite coffee order.
Roommate!Kyojuro who can read your mood with a single look and knows exactly what to say to get you cracking up. He’s emotionally intelligent and gives you massive side eye if you try to lie and say you’re feeling fine when you’re clearly not.
Roommate!Kyojuro who makes you do silly TikToks with him and has countless random pictures of you doing the most mundane shit in his camera roll. Most of the photos he takes are ruined somehow; there’s always a glare of light or you move at the last moment. Among those god-awful cryptid pics are albums upon albums of pictures of you two together. All photos from trips you’ve taken, those impulsive 3 am outings, and movie nights with you passed out on his shoulder.
Roommate!Kyojuro who sends you a meme when you’re both supposed to be asleep just to hear you laugh through the wall separating your rooms.
Roommate!Kyojuro who pokes his head into the kitchen the moment he hears pots and pans being moved around. “What’re you cooking?” 
Roommate!Kyojuro who relies on you for meals that aren’t takeout since he’s a pretty crummy cook, and though you’ve made progress teaching him, his rice still comes out crunchy and he overcooks most other things. Whenever you’re away for a few days he sends you pics of the meals he attempts by himself seeking your approval. Pls tell him his grilled cheese looks amazing, he’s so proud of it.
Roommate!Kyojuro who will actually RKO you if you even try to do the dishes. “You go through the trouble of cooking for me every day. I don’t want you to even look at those dishes, you hear me?” And if he finds out you did them, you’re in for an earful.
Roommate!Kyojuro who would never force you to come to the gym with him but always insists that he come along when you go. His close proximity wards off creeps and he’s an amazing hype man so you never complain, but he genuinely just wants to make sure you’re safe while you’re there.
Roommate!Kyojuro who cuddles with you on the couch and gets sucked into your tv dramas. He has the funniest reactions to shady moments and fights. He never fails to fall asleep at integral moments and needs to be briefed again, but acts so betrayed when he catches you watching them without him.
Roommate!Kyojuro who gets into crochet and makes you cute little plushies and socks. He’s SO proud to present his first full blanket to you and melts into a puddle whenever he finds you snuggled up with it.
Roommate!Kyojuro who has a bit of a “stray problem” and is always feeding the stray cats that roam around your apartment complex. At least two or three of them have become 100% indoor cats and he considers them his children. Takes them to get all their shots, sends you clips of them doing silly stuff while you’re at work, and crochets toys for them. He tears up when the most aloof kitty starts batting one of the crochet mice around. Sends you a frantic text of “HE TOUCHED IT!!!” 
Roommate!Kyojuro who mindlessly tosses your laundry in with his if he sees it building up.
Roommate!Kyojuro who sneaks your shampoo because he likes the way you smell and acts dumb when you complain about running out so fast.
Roommate!Kyojuro who respects you too much to steal your panties when they get mixed in with his laundry but desperately humps into his fist later that night to thoughts of you filling them. A hand clapped over his mouth to smother his loud whimpers so he doesn’t alert your sleeping form through the paper-thin wall between your rooms. 
Roommate!Kyojuro who wants to tell you how everything you do inadvertently turns him on, but would rather die than risk fucking up your friendship.
Roommate!Kyojuro that always cums with your name on his lips without fail, golden-red eyes rolled back as he fantasizes about your hands replacing his own. 
Roommate!Kyojuro who never forgot the time you were dared to kiss at a party in high school. The soft press of your plush lips against his trembling ones has been burnt into his mind, always surfacing when he’s rutting into a pillow, pretending it's you. He imagines kissing you so often it’s a wonder you don’t see the way his eyes stare at your lips when you drink from a straw or chew at a pen.
Roommate!Kyojuro who would do anything for you, but selfishly wishes you'd see him as more than a friend.
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electrosweaters-arts · 5 months
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Crying over this image. POV you are Adam trying to get him to smoke for the first time
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electro-sweaters · 7 months
you should draw more men kissing 😡😡😡😡
(this is definitely not Zonk)
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Haha yea I'll do that
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internetwerewolf · 1 year
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This is a little old but i don't think i'll EVER get around to giving it a proper background and it looks nice enough So! CC Adam and Hyde drawin
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the-au-collector · 5 months
Linked Universe College Radio AU
Since I recently got some motivation to work on this one, I figured I would brain dump a little about my LU College Radio AU. It's basically a college/university AU but each of the main LU Links are somehow associated with their college radio station at Kakariko University.
Why radio? I was listening to The Oh Hellos when the idea struck me so each of the works are hopefully going to have titles taken from Oh Hellos songs. This will, hopefully, just mostly focus on the Links + the radio station but who knows? I added way too many characters to this braindump but oh well
The Links
Staff coordinator for the radio station
Broadcasting professor
Usually gets stuck teaching the freshman and sophomores
Married to the zoology professor, Malon
Taking care of Twilight's dog, Wolfie, until Twilight finds a dog-friendly place. Acts like he hates it, but he actually loves it
Infamous for being a hardass
"Call me Time. Don't call me Link, that's my nephew. Don't call me Professor Lon, that's my wife"
Has done just about anything and everything
Knows everyone, but just because he's been here so long and has done so much
Has officialy been an agriculture major, a meteorology major, a humanities major, a fine art major, a fashion design major, and an engineering major in the past
Has finally settled with being a broadcasting major after doing the Jaded Boys radio show with Wild
Part of the Jaded Boys with Wild, then is part of Triple Threat with Wild and Hyrule
Lives off-campus with his current partner, Ravio
Also lives with Warriors
Used to date a girl named Marin from Mabe City. No he doesn't talk about it
Does not like driving. Or storms.
Has a cane
Even in an AU he can't escape the Koholint Trauma
Campus cryptid
Everyone knows him. No one knows what he's studying
(It's engineering. He, Purah, and Fauna are a terror to the school together)
Addicted to energy drinks
Never studies, always passes exams
Always socially overbooked
Has amnesia and bad scarring from a house fire
Was adopted by Teba and Saki after said house fire
Has a twin brother named Age. Most people think Age is older but Wild's actually older
Was the one who coerced Legend and Hyrule into radio
Lives in a house off-campus with Twilight, Age, Sidon, Yunobo, Mipha, and Revali.
Has committed arson before
Has gotten arrested for committing arson before
Zoology major
Is the reason Wild's still alive
Used to be roommates with Wild in the dorms when they were freshmen
Took a gap year between high school and college
Has a dog named Wolfie
Regular guest on Triple Threat
Runs the Helpful Paws club, which is a club all about service dogs. Ilia helps run said club
Works on Legend's uncle's orchard during the weekends
Computer science major
Technology director at the radio station (yes this position only exists because of Wild)
Friendly rivalry with Wild because Wild breaks everything
Shadow is his step-brother
Fashion design major
Joined Legend and Ravio's lease at the last minute because of stuff that happened between him and his other roommates
Has a restraining order against Cia and doesn't talk to Lana
Is currently dating Artemis, a fashion merchandising major
Met Legend when Legend was doing fashion design. No one knows how they're friends. They fight all the time.
Legend forced him to make his own radio show when Wild roped Legend into doing the Jaded Boys. So now Warriors has a show called Wednesday With Warriors
Senior aviation major
Runs The Loftwings with his fiancé, Sun, and his best friend, Groose.
Has a bad habit of sleeping through his alarm
Currently taking care of his older brother's mouthy parrot, Crimson.
Also lives with Groose and Sun
Freshman metrology major
Super friendly
Cares more about the college experience than learning
Hyrule's roommate
After Hyrule starts doing Triple Threat, Wind gets the idea to do the Wind Waker podcast with Tetra where they sing sea shanties and tell pirate stories
Spirit is his introverted cousin and he's made it his goal to get Spirit to get out more
He also does the same with Hyrule
Freshman undecided major
Joins Triple Threat under Wild's insistence
Very shy
Grew up in a really small town
Wind's roommate
Is regularly forced out of the dorm by Wind but prefers to just wander around town and campus
Childhood friends with Dawn
Wid's twin brother who is very different from Wild
Business major, accounting minor
Dating Mipha, a senior nursing student
Rarely goes to parties, but plays damage control when Wild hosts them at their house
Does remember his and Wild's past. Wild's amnesia caused a rift to form between them for a while, but they're working on getting past that now
Was also adopted by Teba and Saki
Four's step-brother
Vaati's his dad, but he's cut Vaati out of his life now
Theater major with a minor in set design
Got his nickname from no one being able to see him onstage when moving props around
Everyone is convinced he has some sort of magical powers
A bit shy, and a bad boy
Dating Dot
Freshman engineering major
His roommate is Niko
Wind's introverted cousin who's often dragged out of his dorm by Wind
Would much rather spend time with construction documents than people
Sky's older brother who's not around a lot since he's in the military (he's a doctor)
Married to a woman named Hylia
Has a parrot named Crimson that he's trusting Sky to take care of
The Zeldas
Works at Kakriko Univeristy as a broadcasting professor
An old flame of Time's, but they've both moved on by now
Usually teaches upper division classes
Legend's older sister who lives in Castle City
Already graduated with a business degree
Comes around for the holidays and drops in occasionally to see how Legend's doing
Constantly overbooked with school
Double-majoring in anthropology and history
Part of hundreds of different clubs and student organizations
Hard to get a moment alone with her at all
Has recently gotten close to Rauru and Sonia, who are both anthropology students
Fauna's twin sister. Flora's younger, though
Political science major
Knows Twilight through Midna but since Twi and Midna broke up, Dusk doesn't really talk to Twilight anymore
Roommates with Midna and Artemis
Political science major and Four's childhood friend
Hopes to get into law school one day
Dating Shadow (her dad isn't too happy about this)
Lives with Aurora and Dawn and used to be roommates with Aurora when they were in the dorms
Fashion merchandising major
Warriors' girlfriend
Used to also be his housemate, but after things happened with Cia and Lana she moved in with Midna and Dusk
Still occasionally talks to Lana
Senior aviation major and Sky's fiancé
Runs The Loftwings with Sky and Groose
Also lives with Sky and Groose
Appears to be very level-headed on the outside, but is secretly kind of crazy
Ecology major with a minor in biology
Eventually becomes close friends with Wind
Roommates with Phantom and they get along like fire and gasoline
(seriously do not let either of those girls near a lighter... or boxing gloves)
Part of the Wind Waker podcast with Wind
Senior political science major
She, Dot, and Dawn live together
Dawn is her younger sister
Is going to move to Castle City after graduation
Refuses to go home after having a horrible falling out with her brother
Freshman early childhood education major
Wants to teach kindergarten and preeschool one day
Lives with her older sister, Aurora, and Aurora's roommate, Dot
Doesn't plan on returning to her hometown either
Childhood friends with Hyrule
Flora's twin sister who's majoring in engineering and minoring in biology
Best friends with Purah and Impa
Closer to Age than Wild, but she's in a lot of classes with Wild
It is a horrible idea to leave her, Purah, and Wild alone in a room together
Has a cat named Terrako, who hates everyone except for her
Her father puts a lot of pressure on both her and Flora, but Fauna feels it the most since she's the oldest
Freshman communications major
Tetra's roommate
She looks like any old upperclass girl but she is always ready to throw hands
Somehow becomes friends with Spirit
First's wife who's a doctor at a local hospital
Keeps an eye out for Sky even though she knows he doesn't really need it
Will bring Sky and his friends food and snacks
Absolutely willing to drive Sky and his friends home when none of them can drive
Very motherly and open
Some Others:
Time's wife who's a zoology professor
Twilight has started a protection squad for her (all the Links are part of it. Even Time)
Everyone loves her
Legend's partner
Business major
Has a bird named Sheerow who poops everywhere
Despite this he is the cleanest one in the apartment
Constantly roping Legend into new business ideas
Used to run a shop out of his and Legend's dorm room when they lived in the dorms together. Legend's pretty sure it was against the rules. Ravio doesn't care
Acts greedy, but is actually living off his loans
Never goes home. He goes over Legend's Uncle's house for holidays now.
His younger sister, Hilda, often sleeps over and Legend and Ravio's
Has a horrible relationship with his father, Yuga
Sidon, Mipha, Revali, Yunobo:
Wild's housemates alongside Twilight and Age
Revali claims he's the only reason the house hasn't burned down
Revali is also one of Teba and Saki's adopted children, and had a bit of a superiority complex over being adopted first (he was there first) when they were kids. He's gotten better, but he's still a bit of a jerk to Wild. He and Age have bonded over Wild constantly giving them heart attacks
Sidon is a sophomore political science major who is super friendly, but has a hard time stopping conversations. Head over heels for his girlfriend, Yona. Is also super tall and often mistaken for being the older sibling
Mipha is a senior nursing student. Sidon's older sister, Age's girlfriend. If there's a medical emergency, chances are the Links are calling Mipha first even though they really should go to the hospital instead
Revali is a senior aviation major and hopes to join the air force after college to "get away from the filth" (meaning Age and Wild. He would never call Tulin filth)
Yunobo is a sophomore geoscience major. Works at his grandpa's coffee shop, Goron City Coffee
Urbosa, Daruk, Riju:
Urbosa is Riju's aunt and and mother figure to Flora and Fauna. She lives in Castle City, but often comes to Kakariko to give guest lectures. She's a businesswoman
Daruk is Yunobo's grandpa who owns Goron City Coffee. He often lets the radio host events at his coffee shop, and acts like a father figure for Wild's friend group
Riju is a freshman business major who wants to be like her aunt, Urbosa. Flora and Fauna see her as their younger sister.
Teba, Saki, Tulin:
Revali was adopted first, then Age and Wild
Teba is retired from being in the military
Saki teaches private singing lessons
Tulin is the Baby of the family and is in middle school. He is an absolute terror. Never let Wild babysit him, they will both get into trouble. Tulin is everyone's favorite and Tulin will use that to his advantage
Twilight's friend who helps run the Helpful Paws club
She has a huge crush on Twilight but doesn't want to overstep, especially after the bad break up with Midna
Rusl, Uli, Colin:
Twilight's family in Ordon who adopted him when he was about 8
Colin's just starting high school and is dealing with a lot of bullying, so he calls Twilight often for help
Rusl is a detective, but he's on paternity leave right now since Uli just had their daughter
Grandpa Smith:
Four and Shadow's grandpa
Took them both in after their mother died and Vaati went to prison
Four was usually a good kid, but Shadow was a little terror
Lives in Kakariko City so he gets to see his boys often
Cia and Lana:
Twins who both had huge crushes on Warriors
Cia got jealous when Wars started dating Lana
Cia is a psychology major, but now is largely known as the campus creep
Lana was a fashion design major, but changed schools after the drama with Warriors happened
Sky and Sun's roommate and fellow host of The Loftwings
Proudly boasts that he's their best man
Also a senior aviation major
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crazylittlejester · 11 days
Daily brainrot and today I've got a load of headcanons I've been mulling over because they won't leave me alone.
I know we've all done a college AU at some point in our lives, but I was up at like 3 am last night debating over which academia aesthetic each Link embodies because I may have spent way too much time on the aesthetics wiki recently. Did I procrastinate for an hour to work on this? Yes. I have no regrets. YOLO and all that.
Sky -- Definitely has light academia vibes. The man does not own a single dark piece of clothing, and everything in his closet is very soft and cozy. He double majored in aviation and environmental science, but he's debating transferring over to the biology department to pursue grad studies in ornithology.
Time -- He is not in charge of his own wardrobe, okay? Malon picks out his outfits. They match. It's always something tasteful and neutral with a little bit of color, but nothing that marks him as belonging to academia. He's part of the philosophy department and a strict teacher, but the students all love him because he genuinely wants them to do well and lets them know. Most of his work is writing for philosophy journals when he isn't teaching.
Legend -- Has more of a general/miscellaneous aesthetic that leans hard into gender non-conformity. He takes his work with him everywhere and whenever someone asks about it, it goes completely over their heads because they have no idea what he's talking about. There's an ongoing bet about whether his dissertation is about linguistics, sociology, or both.
Hyrule -- I don't think there's a word for his aesthetic, he just gives off "outdoors creature" vibes so hard. He's a cryptid and rarely in the classroom because he's always out doing field work. The most human contact he has is outreach programs with the environmental science and biology departments. No one knows exactly what his grad work is supposed to be because it's incomprehensible combinations of wildlife photos half the time and the other half the time he's off the grid.
Twilight -- This is what happens when cowboys and gothic academia have a kid. It's really freaking weird, but somehow he makes it work, so nobody questions it. He technically works for the agricultural department doing research and outreach programs, but he also haunts the English department and occasionally teaches 100 level literature classes online. The freshmen like him because he rounds grades up.
Four -- An unholy combination of academia and his unique color coding system. You don't know what you're getting until he shows up. He generally wears neutral stuff, but his socks and ties are color coded, much to everyone's chagrin. He's got multiple projects going at any given time and helps out the other departments when they get stuck on details. He's really cagey about his dissertation, but he practically lives in the science & engineering building, so he can't exactly deny that he's doing something in STEM.
Wind -- He tried being fashionable, but as soon as he decided to major in oceanography he was swept away by ocean academia. The amount of blue clothing he has is frankly horrifying, and Warriors is trying to get him to branch out into less garish shades of gray and stop wearing almost exclusively rubber boots as footwear. It's a work in progress.
Warriors -- I think he'd fall under general or queer academia because he'd be fashionable in a mostly-normal-but-also-queer sort of way. Stylish, and fruity. Definitely prefers autumn/winter because that's peak scarf season. He's the kind of guy who manages to casually slip representation into any curriculum you hand him and makes it look natural. He got an assistantship with the history department because the professors love him.
Wild -- 100% chaotic academia and doesn't even have to try. Everything is a mess, but it's his mess, he knows exactly where everything is, and to be honest it's not a safety hazard, so it's fine. Besides, he dresses appropriately for department events, and he's the only grad student that Flora hasn't scared off. No one actually knows which department he belongs to, but he knows something about everything.
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