#Cod live
wombywoo · 6 months
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black tie ♛
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wispscribbles · 7 months
MW3 spoilers / MCD ‼️
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temeyes · 1 month
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nibble (photo ref here!!)
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newgroundstier · 4 months
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idiot baby kill credit fight
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forsworned · 2 months
quick appreciation for johnny's thighs
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okay carry on🫡
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azucarera-art · 9 months
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when u, a queen, come across another king, & u discuss how best to maximize ur joint slay 💅🏽✨
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deunmiu-dessie · 2 months
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price, after seeing you with kids, vows to himself that he'll get you pregnant.
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  "i'm so happy you guys could make it!"
    john watches fondly as you smile. it's wide and genuine, the action making your nose scrunch up; your head tilting to the side to mimic the woman's excitement─ and john can hardly take his gaze off of you. your eyes glimmer at the sight of your heavily pregnant best friend and the woman watches with a soft smile as the two of you make your way up their driveway. 
 your body is tucked away underneath john's arm, the usual warmth of your perfume; a sweet and spicy blend of saffron and sugared vanilla, has him unable to keep his hands off of you and he makes it obvious with the way his thumb rubs back and forth over your bare shoulder. and you're just as guilty as he is, with the way your hand is nestled snuggly in the back pocket of his jeans, the other stationed right atop his hand that rests affectionately on your shoulder. 
when the two of you can make it to gatherings in your neighborhood, there's bound to be talk and swooning about you and john the next day. most women were envious that even after being together for years, it seemed like the two of you were still in your honeymoon phase.
 "jas! babe, what are you doing up?" your voice is a teasing lilt as you shimmy your way out from under john's arm, looking back at him briefly to flash him a pleased smile. however, it's different from the one you sent jasmine earlier, it's softer, intimate, and familiar and it warms his belly better than bourbon ever could; his eyes soften and he smiles back, the crow's feet around his eyes deepening. 
despite john only having a few days off until his next mission, which he had wanted to spend with you, cuddled up next to the fireplace and watching movies, or perhaps cooking and baking with each other, all lovey-dovey and tête-à-tête─ you had instead asked if he could spare a day and go to a cookout hosted by a mutual friend. 
of course, he couldn't say no to you. not when you looked so reluctant to ask in the first place, with your eyebrows furrowed and a small frown marring your lips─ the same lips he had languidly kissed until it flipped right side up, with gentle murmurs of reassurance. besides, john didn't mind jasmine's husband. tom was a retired colonel of the army and they had hit it off quite quickly, especially given john's position. 
  reluctantly, john's eyes drift away from where you stand hugging jasmine, immediately spotting tom who is situated with a few other men at the grill. sucking in a breath, john made his way over to them, a smile splitting his cheeks when tom notices him, his tongs clanging against the metal. "well i'll be damned, if it isn't john, fucking, price." 
 the two men join hands briefly, "tommy, i've been gone a few months and she's already pregnant again." john chuckles softly at tom's sheepish look, the man's cheeks pinkening. "m'surprised y'r balls haven' shriveled up yet." john finishes, dropping into a squat to pluck a lone water nestled amongst the beers. “well, what can i say? she’s all over me!” tom, through his boisterous laughter at his own joke, notices the bottle and sends john a smirk, "you gone in a few days?"
 john grunts, hoping to save himself from the conversation, talk of work right now would only annoy him. tom clasps him on the shoulder firmly and sends him a mocking grin, perhaps this is why john liked tom, banter flowed naturally between the two of them. john was reminded of gaz time and time again when holding a conversation with the retired colonel. "it's as i said before. maybe it's time for you to settle down, you're not getting any younger."
  john grunts at that one too, eyes scanning the bustling cook-out to look for your comforting presence. he immediately finds you amongst your group of friends, a newborn babe nestled in the crook of your arms delicately and other children playing a simple version of tag around your legs. you're gazing down at the baby with envious adoration, eyes sparkling with awe and something akin to being maternal and it knocks the breath from his throat, his heart swelling within his chest at the sight of you. 
   and for a moment, he pictures that you're holding his child in your arms and that those are his kids circling your legs. and it's when your eyes somehow find his, your smile shy and your eyes almost pleading, that he swears to himself that he'll get you pregnant. and an ache to see your belly swollen with his child starts in his chest before traveling straight to his cock. tom chuckles, it's a knowing and judgment-free look. "i guess your mind is made up, huh captain?"
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connected with this post!
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beautifulsenpai · 2 months
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random horny thought:
men who will kiss, and mark your neck possessively, and lovingly. their cock deep inside of you, pounding into you with cum dripping from your pink puckered hole, and legs from the first orgasm. they murmur against your neck, repeatedly saying how “you’re mine” or “my good boy”.
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katsuki bakugo, dabi, tomura shigaraki, keigo takami, sanemi shinazugawa, doma, gyutaro, roronoa zoro, vinsmoke sanji, donquixote doflamingo, dio brando, joseph joestar, kars, jotaro kujo, yoshikage kira, ghost (simon riley).
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valkyrss · 4 months
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Captain & Commander
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sky-is-the-limit · 5 months
One big thank you to Elliot Knight. Thank you for playing Kyle and thank you for looking like a fucking Greek God and being the hottest MW character and though the Gaz nation isn't as big, we're definitely the luckiest bc GOD DAMN BOY I'M GOING FUCKING INSANE-
(I'm literally Greek so I can confirm, I sacrifice goodies to him every good ol' Tuesday evening)
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wombywoo · 3 months
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retired 🩶
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wispscribbles · 5 months
I was listening to it and nearly started TEARINF out my hair I need to go to
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u are so correct. they find each other in every life. they make me ill
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temeyes · 2 months
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im asking the important questions here, shut up!!
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deathblossomm · 3 months
he was so insane for this
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onlyree · 4 months
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Simon Riley who loves your kisses.
Can’t be anywhere without kissing you, literally. On the street, he’ll ask for one. “Love, can I get a snog, yea?”
And you can’t say no, like ever.
At home, it’s him just asking for kisses.
He’ll come up behind you and wrap his hands around you while you’re doing something and be like— “Hun, can i just kiss you again, yea?” And when you say yes, he just turns you around and locks you between a surface.
But when you pull away, he just asks for another. “Wait, no- come back, luv. Gimme some more?”
It’s pretty hard for him to stop. He just can’t. You have to tell him that you have stuff to do and he just ends up hugging you instead. <3
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s0fter-sin · 4 months
“simon riley’s dead,” ghost chokes out; bitter resentment coating his tongue. “i’m just wearin’ ‘is corpse.”
mactavish doesn’t shy from his venom; sees through his hiss and doesn’t fear his rotten-fanged bite. he reaches out, pressing the flat of his hand to his breast and ghost damns himself for the way his breath catches; for the way his shoulders curl in around it in a silent plea for it to stay.
“that’s no drum in your chest,” he whispers defiantly.
his hand slowly drags over his chest, coming to rest over his sternum and he feels its possession like a brand against his skin.
“it ain’t bellows inflating your lungs,” he dares and he involuntarily inhales; his body longing to rise to his challenge.
mactavish pushes and he rocks back on his heels just to sway in closer; just to beg for the pressure to chase the phantom weight of six feet of dirt from his bones.
“you’re far from rigor mortis, riley,” he promises and there’s air at ghost’s back instead of decaying wood and infested flesh. “i won’t let the earth take you from me yet.”
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