#Chloe the pupper
terriblysims · 1 year
Andrés Legacy💟
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Valerie's Baby Shower~
*Ass quality photos, that I desperately tried to save with photoshop, beyond this point*
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quirkykaty · 1 year
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Y’all shut up and look at how cute my girls are.
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caemthe-a · 5 years
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     “Pocky day? Never heard of it!”
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karleeroyek · 6 years
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Bechloe Fic Preview
So... I wrote a thing. It’s kinda long, so this is really only the preview. The rest I will link to my FanFiction/AO3 accounts for the rest of your reading pleasure. Let me know what you think, yeah?
"You know what you need? A dog."
Beca glanced up from her phone, mouth still full of chicken burrito goodness, giving Stacie an eyeful when she mumbled, "Whhaa?"
Stacie shrugged, taking a sip of her water. "I said you need a dog."
"I know what you said, Stace. I meant it like 'what the hell do you mean I need a dog?'"
"I think you should get a dog because it'd be good for you."
Beca snorted. "Yeah, no. Not gonna happen."
"Aw, c'mon Becs!"
Beca shot her a warning glare. "I don't do animals." Her tone implied it was the end of the conversation but Stacie paid no head to the shorter girl's stink eye.
"Hear me out, okay? You just moved into your first condo-"
"Correction: I've been living there for almost three weeks now and I had an apartment before-"
"Well sure, but you were living with Jesse then, and now that you're single and alone in that big ol' condo of yours, you should get a dog to keep you company. You know, for when your best friend ain't around!" Stacie shot her a wink.
Beca smirked. "Really now? I didn't know Fat Amy was in town." Stacie's jaw dropped and Beca laughed.
"You cut me deep, Becs. Real deep."
Beca shrugged, shaking her head. "But really though. No dog."
"But Beca dogs are so cute! They're cuddly, friendly, fluffy, total sweethearts…" Stacie insisted, twisting her lips in thought. "Yeah you could definitely use a dog to mellow out all of this," she said, gesturing to the frowning musician. Beca flipped her off in return.
Stacie snickered. She leaned forward suddenly, lowering her voice to a husk. "Plus, chicks dig puppies." Stacie winked again, laughing when Beca's cheeks grew ruddy. Beca threw her face into her palms with a groan.
"Stacie, you're my best friend whom I love like 'the sister I never wanted'," Stacie reached across the table to slap Beca's arm. "But I'm not getting a dog just to find myself a girlfriend. Jesse and I broke up like a month ago and I just…I'm not looking for a relationship right now."
Stacie Conrad (self-appointed best friend and unofficial "sister from another mister") was no stranger to the ways and wiles of Beca Mitchell. They had been best friends since birth. They grew up together, watched out for each other, and had one another's backs all through high school. Beca had been there for Stacie's pregnancy scare back in sophomore year and Stacie had been there for Beca when the tiny deejay started to question why she found the girl in her trig class more attractive than James Jackson, the (questionably) hottest guy in their school.
She had been devastated when Stacie moved down to Georgia for college while she was shipped up to Boston with her father, but they never lost touch and spent every summer together. Back when she told her best friend she had feelings for a guy named Jesse (even when Beca had spent her senior year of high school finally some-what comfortable being known as the 'mysterious gay alt-chick with the awesome mixes') Stacie just took it all in stride. Then again, Stacie was bisexual and knew what it was like to occasionally bat for both teams—once at the same time, or so she had bragged to Beca the morning after. Beca had hung up mid-conversation when she heard someone moaning in the background. Seriously, Stacie had no shame.
"Who said anything about a relationship? Like I always say Becs, the best way to get over someone old is to get under someone new." Stacie wiggled her eyebrows, sporting her signature toothy grin. "But if you're not interested in chasing tail, so to speak, I'll be more than happy to step in for you."
Beca groaned. "Jesus dude like what the hell? You want me to get a dog so you can use it to find your next… sexcapade? No, just- just no. That's like, animal cruelty, or something."
Stacie huffed but finally relented, leaning back into her seat and grabbing her fork to finish her salad. "Fine. Just so you know, you're the worst wing-woman ever, Becs. Like… ever. But that's alright because I love you."
Beca rolled her eyes and the two went back to their meals in silence. After a minute Stacie looked up through her long dark lashes and grinned. "I still think you should get a dog."
It was true when Beca had said she "didn't do animals". Or rather animals just didn't do her. Perhaps both.
Her mother had a cat when Beca was younger (meanest bastard alive), and after being attacked by that goat at the petting zoo when she was ten, she had essentially sworn off all animals in general.
And really who could blame her? Animals were messy and smelly. They needed to be trained (unless you wanted poopy carpets and chewed up shoes) and constant supervision lest the damn thing wander off and get stuck under the bed or something. Not to mention dogs basically barked all the time and Beca valued her silence more than anything, especially when she was mixing.
If she wanted to deal with all of that then why not just adopt a toddler for crying out loud!
So no, she wasn't getting a dog. Stacie could suck it.
It would seem, however, that fate had other plans.
She was walking home after her shift at Residual Heat, the record label she had just started working for, still without a car and having decided against the bus to avoid any more potentially fatal run ins with the crazy old lady she had sat next to that morning.
She was wearing her headphones, more focused on the mix currently playing than what was in front of her. When she rounded the corner her nose nearly kissed the pavement tripping over some kind of animal cage. Luckily the cage was empty and Beca managed to stay on her feet (granted her big toe hurt like a mother), but the noise had caught the attention of the two employees standing in front of the pet store. Furthermore, now one of them was walking her way.
Despite her dark appearance, perpetual scowl, and "don't fuck with me" attitude, Beca did in fact possess the ability to be polite (really only when necessary), and she knew it would have been rude to just ignore this girl.
Damn. She'd been less than ten minutes from home too.
Beca begrudgingly pulled off her headphones to dangle loosely around her neck and gave a tight-lipped smile to the grinning blonde striding up to meet her.
"Hi there!" (Oh dear god, one of those people? Should she just keel over now or suffer through attempting to talk to this girl and ultimately die from her own awkwardness?) "Would you like to hear about our adoption program today?"
Beca would have answered that no, she did not want to hear about their adoption program today or any day or anything regarding animals for that matter, thank-you very much. But, as per usual and because she was just so excellent talking to random people on the street, her words jumbled around inside her mouth before she could even get them out. Which was fine because the blonde was pressing on with or without Beca's approval.
"It's national Adopt a Pet Day, but here at Barden's Pet-a-Tete we've turned it into Adopt a Pet Week!" She gestured to the various cages and dog pens before turning back to Beca with a sad smile. "All these little guys here come from a pound in Atlanta. They need good, loving homes, otherwise the pound will take them back to be euthanized by the weeks end."
The blonde suddenly looked at her, all big doe eyes and pouty lips, silently begging the question Beca was hoping to avoid. She gulped, palms sweating, suddenly nervous this girl could see straight into her 'non-pet-loving' soul.
"Jessica, please, I doubt she needs to hear all that," the second girl said, wandering over to Beca and Jessica, carrying two puppies in her arms. The brunette smiled politely at Beca and handed the bigger puppy to Jessica who at least had the decency to look apologetic. Beca was thankful for the interruption.
Despite her aversion to animals, Beca was indeed a sucker for pouting puppy-dog eyes (how ironic). It was pretty much how Jesse got her to go on a date with him way back in their first year of college. That big dope just had to have the sweetest looking pout she'd ever seen and after she eventually caved and went out with him, he knew he could get away with so much because of that look. (That bastard.)
"Sorry, Ash. I know we still have time and more than half of the dogs have been adopted already, it's just that I want these guys to go to awesome homes. Like now! Aw Ashley, can we keep this one? Please!"
Jessica's puppy was some large breed dog from what Beca could tell and was happily licking the blonde's face into slobbery oblivion, waving his tail back and forth in a mad blur. Jessica started giggling when the pooch began nipping at her hair, trying to climb up her chest to get better access with a surprising amount of success.
Ashley shook her head with a small smile, turning to Beca. "Would you mind holding this one while I pry my girlfriend free?"
Beca, who was watching Jessica being (gently) mauled by the beast in her arms, nearly jumped when a tiny bundle of fur was stuck under her nose. Ashley was already turning to help Jessica and Beca had no choice but to grab the puppy from her unless she wanted to be responsible for dropping the poor thing.
She wasn't all that familiar with dog breeds (she could at least tell you the difference between a black lab and golden retriever) but she was pretty sure the little pooch in her hands was a beagle. Its underside was white with a mix of tan and black patches on its back, and two black ears that were far too large and floppy for its tiny head. Beca tried to adjust her grip and was suddenly nose to wet black nose with the pup.
"She's the last of her litter." Beca glanced over at a messy-haired Jessica, having been freed from the puppy's assault while Ashley put him away with two others that looked just like him. She smiled at Beca.
"The littlest one there was. She can be a little shy and timid, which is probably why she hasn't been adopted yet, but she's an absolute sweetheart and just loves her teddy." Jessica grabbed a tiny teddy bear from a nearby cage and handed it to Beca as little puppy teeth gently latched onto the bear's ear.
The beagle growled playfully when Beca gently tried to tug the bear away. Had she been aware of it, and not giving her fullest attention to the fuzzball in her arms, she would have felt her lips twitch with mirth… as if she were about to smile. (Oh dear god, the horror. She was so screwed.)
"What's her name?" she asked.
Jessica's smile widened and Beca realized her mistake, too little too late. "Whatever you want it to be."
Beca sputtered. Struggled to say something, anything. To give the dog back and run away as fast and as far as she could. She told Stacie "no dogs" and damn it, she meant it!
Ashley, almost nonchalantly, called over her shoulder, "You know, all store purchases are 50% off with every adoption. And you get an additional discount on every bag of dog food you buy from here for the next three months."
Beca could practically here the smile in Ashley's voice and if it was anything like the one Jessica was beaming at her then it was hopeless.
Well fuck.
So much for her "no pets" policy.
Read the rest here or here and let me know what you think. Here’s to 2017 Pitches!
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i-m-snek · 7 years
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castleoflions · 7 years
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Spot the difference.
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promisedneverwrite · 3 years
Taglist:@ashleyfenner @veenast @simpforolderwomen @shrzdm @maskedalienfreak @plutoscape @shows-simp-card @baexpoppy @iamsimpforpoppy @dreamofyouu @feliiix @thescarycatishere @xryu-minx @tragic-tm @stanzoeywade @sister-solaris @starofeden @kamilah78taeko @calraquin @t4nuk1 @soft-round-bees @mysel08 @noixngn @readerlovers @camisstee @somewillwin @wolfietheduckyou @calraquin
Previous chapter
Chapter VII
Like she predicted, it hurt. Zoey had taken her to the ER the next morning, her wrist had swelled really bad and she was given a cast and some pain medicine for it. 
“I left you for a day with Poppy and this is what happens.” Zoey had coddled her making sure she drank her medicine before leaving to meet up with Poppy again. 
“I didn’t do it on purpose Zo.” Zoey frowned and pulled her into a hug petting her head. Bea snuggled into the affection as they sat on the couch.
“You need to take better care of yourself babe, are you sure she didn’t push you.” Bea shook her head. 
“No she didn’t, said something about not wanting to be a culprit to my demise or whatever.” Zoey snorted and patted her head. 
“Of course, the queen never gets her hands dirty. The convenience of minions." She sighs squeezing Bea in a hug one more time squishing her cheek on the crown of her head. "Try not to strain yourself, and text me if she tries to pick a fight, I'll come running.”
“Yes mum.” 
Bea gets to the shelter a bit early to play with the little cuties. Bea didn’t know if it was her meds but when one of the shelter workers handed her one of the puppies Bea felt like crying. 
“I’m so happy. But I don’t have enough hands to hold them.” The shelter helper had laughed holding the other animals for her. Bea sniffled pressing her face into the soft fur of the puppy. “Thank you.” 
Poppy was waiting for Bea to arrive having gotten there on the dot to see if everything was set. She had gotten up early today smirking at the girls who caught her gaze as she went down for breakfast, who blushed and avoided her gaze. Veronica had grimaced at her as she sipped her coffee, she had the room on the left of her to her so of course she had heard. Chloe had the one on the right of her and she still didn’t show her face to her. 
“Nice to see so many new additions. I guess that means a lot of these little guys are being adopted?” 
“Yes, Ms. Min-Sinclair. We have a ten percent higher adoption rate than last year.” That was good, these babies needed a good home. Poppy looks down at the little puppy in her arms softly scratching its tummy. 
“I’m glad to hear it, Julian. Hopefully, this project we’re doing will get us some good press for you, and we’ll get that rate up to 20 percent this year?” 
Poppy catches Julian looking behind her and she turns finding Farmsville and her expression sours marching over to her. 
“You’re late.” Bea gives her an infuriating smile.
Poppy glances at her outfit and like always wearing that same,  but different, colored henley her eyes however stop at the cast wrapped around her arm and her eyes narrow. “What happened to you?” Bea looks down to where she was looking. 
“Oh this? Turns out you didn’t need to push me off the balcony to kill me, I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself.” 
Bea snorts at Poppy’s disturbed look as she stares at her.
“There’s something seriously wrong with you.” Bea just shrugs. “You’ll be okay with holding a puppy though right? You won’t drop them?” Bea purses her lips.
“So long and they don’t squirm.” Poppy’s brows furrow.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Bea hums as Poppy leaves. She didn’t know if concern was what Poppy was exuding but it could be a possibility. Not concerned for her mind you, but maybe for the puppies. She couldn’t really be sure with her given the mixed signals she was feeling.
Poppy raised her brow, impressed by Farmsville as she watched from the sidelines. Farmsville was a natural charismatic on camera, even adopting a little pupper. In the end Poppy was just happy that this would bring publicity to her little shop that could, that’s all that mattered to her anyway. 
“Congratulations on not being completely useless today.” Bea turned to Poppy seeing a look of appraisal in her eyes and Bea smiled.
“Thanks, you too.” And just like that the look was gone in a split second after she said that. Poppy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“I’ll see you in class, Bea. Champ, come.” Bea just watches her go looking down at the little pup in her arms. She still had to find a name for the little bug, maybe Zoey could help name him. 
“I think she’s a real softie don’t you?” Her puppy barked cradled in her arm. “For sure, let’s go home and see your auntie hm?” Bea had called a cab as she wouldn’t be able to drive for the foreseeable month or so.
Bea had sprained her left wrist so she wouldn’t be playing at the port club, she had called Crystal about it. There was some argument about her to just sing but Bea declined. She also called the cafe owners and they understood and wished her well on her recovery. It was a small blessing in disguise for her to relax and distance herself from Crystal. But while she injured one of her playing hands, her writing hand still had other work to do, like grading papers and such. 
Bea had gotten home midafternoon to Zoey screaming excitedly at the dog carrier all but hogging the little dog to her just as the little pup waddled out of the carrier. 
“Wait, this isn’t a therapy dog is it, you didn’t sprain your wrist that bad did you?” Bea blinked. 
“They have those?” 
Suffice to say, when she got the text from the professor, Zoey kicked her out taking the newly named Beppy on a shopping trip to the pet store. Zoey though did make sure Bea took her pain medication before kicking her out. 
Bea stayed late grading papers diligently in silence with her earbuds in to concentrate and focus on anything else other than being in the same vicinity to a teacher who had almost kissed her at the bar. It was awkward as hell, and she didn’t do well with awkward confrontations. 
“Thank you for your help Bea.” Bea just nodded as she packed her things and quickly left. It was around 12:47 when they finished up and Bea trudged home tired and hungry. She silently opened the door to the dorm and went to her room finding Beppy in her room napping on a doggie bed surrounded by many toys, Zoey had already gone to sleep it seemed. Beppy seemed to wake up from his power nap sensing her as he skidded to her legs jumping up and whining.
“Hey buddy.” Bea dropped her bag by the foot of her desk and scooped up Beppy and brought him to the bed as she changed her clothes before laying down on it. Beppy seemed content to lay flat on her stomach looking at her, tail wagging as she pet him absently. Such a sweet boy, Bea remembers the dogs she raised in the farm to shepherd the sheep. The puppies always dug into her hair when she laid down and all but ripped her hair out, they did grow up to be obedient though it was just the beginning stages that were the struggles. 
Bea laid there for a moment just thinking over the past two days with Poppy. When a text alerted her and made Beppy jump and look to the ground tapping in place. Bea let him down and he went to his toys rough housing them. Bea chuckled then looked at her phone seeing a notification from Poppy. Must be awake scheming, Bea chuckled at her own idea of what that looked like as she opened the text.
Poppy sat lounging on her faint couch while listening to her recording of Robin’s songs in the security of her room. She had been planning since the start of Chloe’s reign, and made up her own plot of killing two birds with one stone. She would be the mastermind, Bea would be the stone, and Chloe and Bradley would be the birds. It was no secret that Farmsville had a heart of gold, she could use that to her advantage to make the blow to Chloe less hurtful knowing Bea would take pity and warn Chloe of her impending doom. But it was up to Chloe to trust her or not. Bradley could die in a ditch, she didn’t really care for him.
With Bradley sliding into Chloe’s dm’s for the past week she’d think he was into her. Chloe was a sucker for romance, well any romance really so she’d fall for Bradley’s attempts at flattery. By Friday she’d have Bradley tell Chloe to meet up at Club Malibu and to wait for a special announcement. Poppy and Bea would keep tabs on Chloe with Poppy taking the left and Bea the right, knowing that Chloe, for some reason, liked being on the right since shes known her. Bea would work her Farmsville charm and hopefully Chloe would listen, and take charge of the situation. And Bradley would be labeled a dick giving her the means to break up with him from the bad PR he would get from an attempt at humiliating a St. James. And viola, problem solved. She’d regain her status and get rid of that ass kisser fake boyfriend of her’s. It was fool proof.
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vaspider · 3 years
i've got three puppers for you!
first is jersey!
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she's beauty, she's grace....
sometime she make a funny face
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and then there's Holly, who has eternal puppy face even though she's started to grey
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and chloe!!! :D our oldest dog! she's mostly blind and deaf now but still loving life
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I love all of them eternally
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Bring Your Pet to Work Day
Characters: Aguni Morizono, Hatter, Niragi Suguru, Chishiya Shuntaro, Ann Rizuna (Briefly), Fanta, @niragis-right-hand-rabbit, @a-simp-20, Niraffi
Genre: Crack. Just animals. Most of which aren't mentioned, but trust me they're there.
830 words
Could've done better, but oh wells.
Also, I hope I used your name right @niragis-right-hand-rabbit Please tell me if I messed up- I went according to what @a-simp-20 told me once.
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Hatter calls his meetings whenever he felt like it. Usually it was for important reasons, like the status of the cards, how to manage the Beach better, how the general population was doing.
Today, he calls one with an added instruction: Bring your pet to the meeting.
Simple enough, right?
Well, apparently not.
“ Niragi where did you even get that-“ Aguni asks the moment Niragi comes waltzing into the meeting room with a whole lynx by his side, Niragi grinning.
“ Isn’t he so cool!” Niragi gestures excitedly to his lynx. The lynx merely pads off and lays down against a wall, chilling. “ I’m pretty sure Hatter said a pet. You don’t mean to try to convince any of us that you had a whole lynx this entire time?” Chishiya asks. He didn’t seem to have any animal with him, but there was a high chance his was just hiding.
“ It totally is!” Niragi argues, Chishiya raising an eyebrow.
“ Okay. Then what’s the lynx’s name?” “ That doesn’t matter! Besides, you look like you came empty handed! What, you don’t have friends?” Chishiya just remains silent, staring at Niragi. Niragi glares back, until Aguni ushers Niragi to his seat, Hatter starting the meeting. It was actually fairly normal business, with the added bonus of animals roaming about and greeting each other in their own ways. Hatter’s duck remained on his lap the majority of the time, quacking at random intervals. Occasionally it would hop off and try to eat people’s ankles, mostly Niragi’s, the man hissing and trying to kick the duck away, always missing. The duck was smart, at least, never waddling anywhere close to the lynx over in the corner, which obtained a companion in a small brown dog.
Nobody questioned about the dog, and during a brief break, Hatter even came over to pet the dog, the pupper happily enjoying the attention. In fact, Hatter went to pet all the animals with an enthusiastic air to every interaction. A few liked the attention, the other immediately running away from Hatter’s hyper energy.
At one point Hatter just pets Aguni’s face. “ What are you doing.”
“ You really need to tell me what face mask you use! Your face is so soft today!” Hatter praised, Aguni staring at Hatter in silence. “ Come on, tell me! I’ve been keeping up with my skin care, but your face is so soft!” He pats Aguni’s face a few more times. Aguni just continues to stare at Hatter, who smiles eagerly as he waits for an answer. Before he gets an answer, a gentle bump against Hatter’s leg makes him look down, the little brown dog just pawing at his legs. Hatter grins, bending down and picking up the fluffy bean. “ Hello! Who do you belong to? Aguni, is this cute dog yours?” “ No. Mines over there.” He points to a sleeping dog nearby, Hatter humming and petting the dog.
“ Well! I guess this belongs to someone else?” He looks around the executive table, everyone denying ownership of the dog. Hatter blinks, and looking more, pausing at someone sitting with Niragi’s lynx, happily petting the giant cat. “ Who are you?” “ Oh! I heard we could bring pets, so I brought Fanta!” “ So you’re the owner of this fine specimen!” Hatter holds Fanta up like Simba, the woman shaking her head. He tilts his head in confusion. “ Then…. whose is it?” “ Dori Sakurada’s! He let me bring him along as he went to grab something!” Hatter nods, setting the dog down, Fanta happily running off to bother Niragi. “ Ah! Is that all? That’s alright!” The woman smiles. “ Oh, that’s not all! Chloe, open the window!” “ Got it!” A second person pops out from behind Niragi, who was very focused with staring at Mira’s cat during the break, wielding a hairbrush and heading to the window, wretching it open.
A head pops in, Chishiya looking over in mild interest and pausing. “ Oh.” Niragi looks up, and nearly falls over, Fanta happily by his side. “ What is that?!” “ One, rude, this is Niraffi, he’s a precious asset to the squad.” She pats Niraffi’s neck, Niragi just staring in concern as his own face looks around the room casually. Even Ann was a little intrigued, pulling her shades down a little.
“ I was promised leaves, where are they.” Niraffi mutters. “ That thing speaks?!” Hatter shouts, tone excited. Both women nods, smiling. Niraffi just silently bumping the top of Chloe’s head. “ I’m hungry. Feed me.” Niraffi asks, and she nods, looking at all of the other executives, grabbing onto Niraffi’s neck. “ Well! You heard him, bye!” She grins, Niraffi pulling out from the window and taking her with him. The other women chuckles, going right back to petting the lynx. Niragi just stares at the opened window, then at Hatter. “ What *was* that?!” Hatter grins happily. “ An absolute gem!” “ You think everything is a gem!” Niragi angrily shouts, Hatter just shrugging.
“ But it’s true~ Now, who wants a giant animal cuddle party!”
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terriblysims · 1 year
Andrés Legacy💟
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Emi and Zeke won't let Samuel Rest | Valerie is making breakfast | Chloe is begging for breakfast | And Karissa came over to walk to school with Zeke and they took a goofy selfie
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gregjnell · 7 years
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Commissions from this year's Rage Expo
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Chloe: It's my turn to go over to Marinette's as Honey and get pets. Juleka: No, it's my turn to go over to Marinette's as Black Licorice and get pets! *Marinette walks by with a familiar grim dog in her arm* Everyone, look! A new fluffy pupper came over for pets! Her name is Chocolate Chip and she's adorable!
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risithecheetah · 7 years
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A little doodle for @iamaneagle Chloe is cutest puppo All she needs is a crown and you got yourself a portrait
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i-choose-satogou · 4 years
I thought I’d be annoyed by the lack of Ash and Goh this episode, but it was actually really touching to see Chloe’s relationship with Yamper develop.
Plus, who doesn’t love a cute and shocking pupper like Yamper?
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chibisithlord · 7 years
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this is my dogg. look how fucking happy she is
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