albinoasriel · 6 months
how was the fall
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silentdude01 · 3 months
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elvenladysakura · 11 months
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Nandhini Devi when she realized how she'd been played, was a mighty dangerous thing to survive. And the truth was dawning to her fast, if Vandiyadevan read those signs of fury and simmering fire in her eyes correctly. She was recalling each moment leading to this snap of trap jaws - if they had long known the Pazhuvettaraiyar's league was infiltrated with enemies - Karikalan’s announcement that she was under his protection, a particular favour to her brother in the secret service for the crown prince - then having her trailed by Vandiyadevan who is under command to protect her - protect her from the danger only he himself had set in motion. 
Karikalan! Nandhini seethed inwardly. How she could strangle him with her bare hands! 
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: பொன்னியின் செல்வன் | Ponniyin Selvan (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Adithya Karikalan/Nandini Characters: Adithya Karikalan, Nandini (Ponniyin Selvan), Veer Pandiyan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Historical Inaccuracy, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst with a Happy Ending, War, Political Alliances, Misunderstandings, Enemies to Lovers Summary:
Some fates are written in Stardust And some are written in Blood Theirs was Neither For it was written in Fire
Aditha and Nandhini were childhood sweethearts, a lifetime ago. Now when they meet again, in the battle field of Pandiya Chozla war, one is a celebrated warrior and the other a princess of a fallen nation. Most importantly, she'd been sheltering his enemy and his hands are stained with her father's blood. It is a firey chasm between them, to cross or drown is hardly a choice. A what if - take on the entire "he killed Veer Pandiyan" angle, which hopefully leads to less heartbreak than what you've already experienced.
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everytadashi · 5 months
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immortalpark · 2 years
Chapter 5: Eye for an eye - 10
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BEBE: … Wha— ?!?
WENDY: Bebe!!! Holy shit, are you okay?!?
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BEBE: Ohmygod, Wendy?! You scared the crap out of me! How did you even– how did you find me?!
WENDY: I was just walking past, and I got a bad feeling, and then I heard noise, and… I’m so glad I found you in time.
WENDY: Are you okay?!
BEBE: No! I’m covered in mud and I'm soaked! That dumbass Clyde got me into this mess!
WENDY: Wait, Clyde?
WENDY: I didn’t just shoot Clyde, did I…?
BEBE: No, I have no idea who that was!
BEBE: Jeez, I didn’t think you’d ever shoot someone… aren’t you like, about gun control or some crap? Where’d you even get that gun?
BEBE: You’re the last person I’d imagine shooting someone.
WENDY: You’d be surprised at how easy it is to get a gun in this town.
BEBE: No, I wouldn’t.
WENDY: Are you sure you’re fine, Bebe?
BEBE: If you weren’t there, I would’ve—
WENDY: It’s okay, it’s dealt with now.
BEBE: I’m sorry for being a dick, Wendy.
WENDY: Yeah, I kind of over reacted too.
WENDY: I’ve just had a lot on my mind.
BEBE: I’m still not telling you about the photo though, you’re still a skank for asking me about it.
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BEBE: What the hell is that.
PIP: I-I’m very sorry, but I must return home… I think I may be coming down with an illness.
WENDY: Oh, um, okay. Sure.
WENDY: Come on, Bebe, I’ll walk you home.
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BEBE: CLYDE?!??!?!?!??
CLYDE: uff….., nfrh,m..
BEBE: Jesus christ, what happened?!
CLYDE: hhffggrr,.... gfh,...
BEBE: Are you okay?!?!
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BEBE: I’m going to take Clyde home or to the hospital, I don’t know… See you later Wendy and uh… uhh…?
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PIP: My name is Philip, but everyone calls me Pip bec—
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BEBE: Sorry, I don’t understand your speech impediment. Bye.
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antiqueginger · 2 years
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Times Touch chapter 5 is ready!!!
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inkypawprint · 10 months
Ink demonth day 16 (legacy)
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A very important crusty chair
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xxkookiexx · 11 months
A Glitch in the System [Part.5]
𝙈𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙊'𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝙎𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨, 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩, 𝙈𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙗𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮, 𝙈/𝙣 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩💕
"No, no, no-M/n! M/n! M/n? Just breath, you're alright. We're gonna fix this and you'll be fine. Okay? Everything will be fine."
"Miguel...You can't."
"No, no, no, no-NO! M/n, don't say that! Jess, we have to do something!"
"𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰."
The Spider-society created by Miguel O'Hara is an elite group that assists in the capture of strayed anomaly's and returning them to their rightful dimension. M/n L/n has been with them since the beginning and has helped the group as much as he could, even with his questionable relationship wth their leader, that doesn't stop him from protecting others in need.
After Miles Morales finds himself at Headquarters, he's stuck with the choice of doing what's right and what he believes in but with the small support he's shown, he doesn't know who to trust.
M/n wants to help as much as he can, but whether or not he survives long enough to help the boy is the real question...
part.1 - part.2 - part.3 - part.4 - part.6 - part.7 - part.8 - part.9
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"Well, that was another easy adventure for spider-man—"
"No, no, no, no, no!"
The machine exploded and sent a wave of force all around the area including hitting the four spider-men and Miles was struck with a vision of Spot as he tumbled back. Waves of images including how Spot became who he was, the destruction he was going to bring to dimensions, and his father and inspector Singh running to a child flickering like two simultaneous scenarios.
Miles grunted as he landed harshly on the floor and tried to push himself up to look up at Spot. "What was that?" He whispered to himself, watching Spot hover in the dark black cloud.
"Our future. I'm going to take everything from you. Like you took everything from me."
They all watched in fear at Spot who spoke his threatening goodbye to Miles and vanished. The lab now destroyed and debris began falling down from the roof, Miles left in a daze at what just happened when Gwen came into his view.
"—Miles! Miles!"
"We gotta go!" Hobie clapped his hands and Gwen hauled Miles up as they started running towards the exit making sure to dodge anything that was about to crush them. Gwen held Miles' hand along the way as they finally made it out and ran to the railing.
The Alchemax building had a line break around the whole thing, its weight not being held up anymore as it slowly started to fall forward. "We'll clear the path," Miles gestured to him and Pavitr and the four jumped off together, "You slow down that building."
"I'll do it. But not because you told me too." Hobie backfired and the four separated, Miles and Pavitr working together to grab any civilians in the way and Hobie and Gwen forming lines of web to attempt to hold the building up.
They worked in harmony, trying to do the best they could until the web Gwen and Hobie had made snapped and the four went wide eyed. But with the hundreds of lives on the line, they couldn't give up so now they all began swinging through the buildings underneath and grabbing people out.
Miles shot through a room and used his web as a lasso to throw five people out and his spider sense forced him to turn and break a large piece of concrete that followed them. Pavitr and Him worked together to haul the people to safety then all four of them shot themselves further down to the bridge where more people were running away in fear.
Hobie grabbed two people and ran with more following while something smashed a hole right under a bus and it started falling into it. Pavitr swung over the bridge and went wide-eyed at seeing a bus fall through a hole but worse at seeing his girlfriend, Gayatri panicking on the back of it.
"Gayatri! No!" He shot web to pull himself faster just to catch the bus and held onto a wire broken from the bridge and groaned from the weight.
Meanwhile Gwen helped two people into a balcony when Lyla popped up on her watch.
"Gwen, markers are predicting an incoming canon event. So tred carefully." She warned and Gwen swung off replying as she grabbed another man. "I'm on it."
Hobie guided people off the bridge in a hurry when a little girl remained on the ground and cried, gaining the attention of inspector Singh who changed his course of direction and hurried over to the crying child. The debris fell around them and pavitr saw them and tried to yell out to the inspector whilst still holding the bus.
"Inspector Singh!"
He tried to pull the bus up more and wrap the web around more metal bits. "I can do both!" He convinced himself.
Miles and Gwen got civilians onto another bridge when Miles' spider sense went off and he saw Inspector Singh dodging debris with a child. "I got him! I got him!" Going to jump off but Gwen held him back and he quickly tried to reassure her.
"Don't worry, thread the needle, ring the bell, right?"
"It's too dangerous."
"I'll be okay, I promise." He jumped but Gwen still called out to him. "Miles, no!"
The boy ran fast and grabbed the man and kid, putting them on his back and Miles started running forward as fast as he could whilst the building got closer and closer until Miles was forced to stop and that's when it finally slammed down onto the bridge.
Dust flew everywhere and Hobie and Gwen jumped onto a wall to look down.
The pair jumped down and Hobie hit the bus to land and shot web on the bus to help Pavitr pull it up leaving Gwen to yell Miles' name in a panic. "Miles! No, no, no, please." She pushed up a piece of metal, no sign of him so she jumped and picked up another piece, gasping at the sight of Miles pushing the large debris to protect the small child.
"You're alright." She gasped out in relief.
"I promised." Miles spoke with reassurance to the girl, holding the kid with care and they turned when Inspector Singh pushed himself up in their view.
Pavitr and Hobie got the bus up and people started flooding out including Gayatri, pavitr instantly ran to hug her. "You okay? I was so worried—" but he quickly backed off upon realising she didn't know who he was and tried to cover that up.
"Ahem! I mean, you seem like a nice young woman that I do not know." Putting his hands on his hips when Gayatri saw her dad and ran over to him in a hurry. "Papa!"
Gwen and Miles stared at each other in a daze when Miles spoke up. "Not bad right?" Gwen's watch buzzed and she saw the warning 'Canon Event Disrupted'.
Her eyes went wide as she replied. "Right."
Pavitr shook hands with Inspector Singh and Gayatri observed with her hands over her mouth. "I have never seen him so emotional." While Pavitr was frozen in shock.
"Excellent job."
Miles watched them all, seeing Pav nod his head in gratitude at his action of saving Gayatri's father and he gave a small nod back.
"Man like Miles, my guy!" Hobie cheered and smacked his hands on Miles' shoulders. The four stood together as the whole city started cheering for the four spider variants at their action of saving them and their city's people.
"So, what do you think?" Miles asked Gwen.
"What I always think," she smiled at him, "You're amazing."
"We make a good team. Yeah?"
Gwen was silent for a moment. "Yeah." She repeated.
A sudden noise caught their attention and a building falling down and glitching made them all walk to the edge and stare at it. "Guys, what's that?" Pavitr asked in a worry while Hobie checked over the edge.
"Isa metaphor for capitalism."
They all saw a large black hole seemingly spreading across the city while Gwen counter replied to Hobies statement. "It's a lot worse than that." She winced at the sight.
They looked up when a huge portal appeared in the sky and this massive white machine with legs crawled down carefully. The front had opened as it landed and out walked Jess and a bunch of other spider-men.
Including M/n.
"Alright guys, secure the area, clear all civilians, and let's contain this quantum hole." She ordered, followed by M/n who had his mask off and his eyes glued to Miles who walked up to them.
"Hey, I'm miles." He greeted the two. "We've actually met before when I was invisible." He got out of the way innocently when Jess kept walking with a straight face.
"I know who you are."
Miles tilted his head at the disregard she had for him and turned to M/n who smiled softly. "Nice to meet you, Miles." Gently placing a hand on the boy's shoulder and walked forward to stand next to Jess as they all leaned over the edge.
"Is everything going to be okay?" Pavitr questioned quietly but didn't get an answer while the variants jumped down with suitcases to try to contain the hole, a large laser like shield covering it. M/n went beside him and laid a hand on his back to give a small bit of reassurance.
"Everything will be fine. The guys will contain it before it gets out of control."
Jess turned away and Gwen started trying to explain what happened in a panic. "Okay, let me explain-"
"Miguel wants you back at HQ." Jess told her blankly and Gwen pointed to Miles, "Miles was just about to head out—"
"All of you." Jess corrected and turned back around.
"I don't follow orders, neither does he." Hobie stated and swung an arm over the boys shoulder who was caught up in the fact he was invited to HQ. "I'm invited to HQ? Woo!" He clapped his hands and Hobie slapped his hand on his face in disbelief while M/n chuckled at his excitement.
They all followed Jess who opened the portal and each jumped in to make their way to Earth-928.
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moontheshining · 1 year
god, just finished chap 5 of xenoblade 3 and it absolutely killed me. Never have I cried so much for a game. And the song just hit me right there in the heart 😭
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Why the fuck does tetta kisaki look like and alien wearing a tennis ball
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douceschizophrenie · 11 days
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twes2363a · 22 days
This video is from one of my stories called Demon in the Closet that is now revamped. This is the full episode of Chapter 5 of Demon in the Closet. Synopsis: Debby's life is changed forever after the sudden disappearance of her parents. She must find them before it's too late.
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3schia · 2 months
“Chapter Closed. The Beginning” 
As time passes, the lessons are becoming harder.  
So, I have to study more. Luckily, I now have my study buddy, Faith.  
So, studying is getting way easier, and I’m having more fun.  
We help each other a lot, so we’re able to perform better in class.  
From being regular students in the previous semester, we’re now able to have the dean’s list award.  We treat ourselves to different restaurants and travel a lot every time we pass the exams and have other awards.  
What’s best is that Auntie also surprises us with gifts. 
Despite being busy with my studies, with charitable activities, and with my friendship with Faith, I make sure that I also spend some time with my family and Bruce as well.  
I visit home once a month, and I keep having dates with Bruce on some weekends. We tried to become more understanding of each other as we now have more responsibilities in our studies.  
We kept giving presents every time there was an occasion.  
And this has been my life for a couple of years. 
[JULY 2011] 
Tadaaa! ~ 
Here’s the day of graduation!  
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We’re reaping the fruits of our labor.  
Thanks to my professors and friends, especially to my family, Bruce, Auntie, and Faith, for making this journey even more meaningful.  
Most importantly, thanks to the Man from Above for the guidance and strength given to me all throughout. Chapter Closed. 
[SEPTEMBER 2011]  
And we are now working professionals.  
Yap. That quick! 
Welcome, Faith and self, to GT Blue Corporación. ~ 
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We’re so lucky! It’s one of the best companies for finance graduates!  
Here in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. 
New apartment, new environment, and new people.  
Again and again. 
New experiences are approaching. 
At first, I couldn’t find any satisfaction in my job. 
But I tried to enjoy this new chapter of my life by traveling to different places, either alone or with my friends, such as parks, museums, libraries, malls, bars, and restaurants.  
We even went to high class hotels just to take some pictures there.  
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A point in my life came when I felt too occupied.  
I didn’t know what to do first. 
I am finally earning my own money, but the work didn’t give me any satisfaction.  
Since many people say that it’s really a good company for finance graduates, they recommended that I stay here, so I did. 
Then, I felt so lost. I didn’t know what I really wanted in life.  
So many problems arose. I realized and remembered a lot about my past...  
There were pains still hiding, which again came out. There were things I couldn’t accept. Until a time came when I finally broke up with Bruce because I wanted to be alone this time. 
E n d  o f  o u r  l o v e  s t o r y . 
After almost a year of working here, a time came when I finally decided to resign.  
I have my savings anyway.  
[AUGUST 2012] 
Then, I looked for some other companies to apply to. 
I made sure that this time I would be liking the nature of the job.  
It took me only two weeks to find this one.  
Hola, ZTN Corporación! Just here again in Castellón.  
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What a lucky girl! The salary is just as good as the benefits. 
I was doing well at work for a couple of months.  
So, I got a lot of praise from my employer, managers, and a few coworkers. 
One day, I’d received a message from Hernan, a schoolmate who’s also working here in Castellón. 
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HERNAN: Buenos días 
ISLA: Buenos días también 
HERNAN: Are you working at ZTN Corporación? I saw your stories. 
ISLA: Yes. 
HERNAN: Nice. It’s a good company. 
ISLA: Hehe.  
HERNAN: I’m also working here in Castellón. 
ISLA: In what company? 
HERNAN: Viola Corporación 
ISLA: Nice. 
HERNAN: Can we meet sometimes when you have time? 
ISLA: Yeah. 
After a couple of months, Hernan and I fell in love with each other.  
So, he became my boyfriend.  
We traveled a lot after work.  
We usually go to coffee shops.  
And we tried eating a variety of foods at different restaurants. 
After a few months of dating Hernan,  
he asked me if I could lend him money for his mother.  
I didn’t hesitate to lend him.  
Another week has passed, and he asked for more money.  
He told me that there’s just an emergency.  
Because I really care for him, I lent him money again. 
I notice that he dates and updates me less often.  
I thought he’d just been busy these past few days, but something is bothering me. 
So, I decided to go near his office after work.  
I saw him with another woman, so I followed them, and they ate  at a restaurant. 
I gave him the benefit of the doubt by asking him... 
ISLA: Hi, love, can we meet today? 
HERNAN: Hmm, let’s just meet tomorrow. I’m busy right now, so much work. 
ISLA: Okay. Love you! 
I didn’t even receive a response to that last message.  
So, I guess something is wrong. 
On the next day, I went again near his office. And guess what?  
He’s with that woman again.  
They even eat at a fine dining restaurant with so much sweetness, like a real couple. 
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Then I messaged him... 
ISLA: I’m here now at Viola Park. 
HERNAN: Wait, I’m still at work. 
ISLA: Okay. I’ll just wait. 
What a liar!  
Let’s see what I can do. 
ISLA: Love, where are you now? 
HERNAN: I’m on my way. 
Then here he is... 
ISLA: I guess you’re doing great in your job. 
HERNAN: Not really. What makes you say that? 
ISLA: Because you seem busier now. 
HERNAN: Oh. There’s just lots of work this period. 
ISLA: Alright, let’s eat? 
HERNAN: Yeah. 
Hernan, the liar cheater! 
But yeah, not my loss.  
He’s not that handsome, lol. 
[JUNE 2013] 
And then here’s the weekend.  
Due to boredom, I replied to random men on my dating app.  
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And here I met the libra man, Apollo Gray. 
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GRAY: Ughhhhhhhhhh!!! 
GRAY: I’m  c ü mm!nğg ... I’m  c ü mm!n ğ g ... 
ISLA: Boooooogshhhhhhhhh! 
GRAY: My turn! 
ISLA: Ughhh... Right there, right there... 
GRAY: Yumyumyumyumyum... 
ISLA: Yamete kudasaiii... Yamete kudasaiii... Yameteeeeeeee 
GRAY: Hi, I’m Gray. 
ISLA: Is that your real name? 
GRAY: Yeah. How about you, Miss Pisces? 
ISLA:  Yeah. I’m Isla. 
GRAY: So, why don’t you have a boyfriend? 
ISLA: I have. 
GRAY: How many? 
ISLA: Just one. And you? 
GRAY:  Just two. Can you be the third? 
ISLA: HAHAHA. Cheater. 
GRAY: If I’m a cheater, then what do you call yourself? 
ISLA: I have a reason why I’m here. 
GRAY: What? 
ISLA: He’s the one who cheated first. 
GRAY: So, that means you’re not looking for someone else. You just want a revenge. 
ISLA: Hmm, maybe. But I’m also a bit bored. 
GRAY: Alright. I’m actually a polyamorous person, that’s why I have two girlfriends. 
ISLA: Really? Why?  
GRAY: I’m tired of getting jealous.  
ISLA: Me, too!  
GRAY: Oh, you’re also a poly?  
ISLA: Nope, I mean, I’m also tired of getting jealous... But I think it’s better to have a relationship with only one person. 
GRAY: That’s how most people think about it. 
ISLA: Maybe you’re just bothered by jealousy. 
GRAY: Pros and cons of both, I don’t think one is inherently better than the other.  In my opinion, it’s more on the people involved. 
ISLA: Well, it depends on every person. 
GRAY: Like if you’re with one person who abuses you, that’s bad. But if you’re with two people who actually love you, that’s good. 
ISLA: It’s a matter of perspective and experience. But yeah, that makes sense. 
GRAY: Mhmm! 
ISLA: Are you happy with that? 
GRAY: Of course! So, can I date you?  
ISLA: Let’s try! You’re easy to talk to. A Sagittarius zodiac sign suits you better. 
GRAY: How did you say? 
ISLA: Straightforward! LOL. 
GRAY: HAHA! When and where can we meet?  
ISLA: You choose.  
GRAY: Okay. Where do you live? 
ISLA: Here in Castellón. And you? 
GRAY: I’m here in Barcelona. Okay, let’s meet today, 3PM at Castellón Park. 
ISLA: All right! 
GRAY: Ughhhh. See you, honey! 
While riding in public transportation, going to our meet-up place. I texted Faith... 
ISLA: Hey, got a soon-to-be boyfriend! 
FAITH: Again? When did you guys break up? 
ISLA: I'm not breaking up with Hernan yet. 
FAITH: Why? 
ISLA: He cheated on me. 
FAITH: Oh. That’s why you have another date? 
ISLA: Yap. But it’s not a serious one. 
FAITH: Just a play again? 
ISLA: Mhmm! We’re going to meet today. 
FAITH: Alright! 
I honestly feel a little bit nervous. He’s quicker than me. 
Here he is...  
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Relax, Isla... He’s just a person......  
Yeah, so why would you be afraid, Isla?  
He’s just a person, and you’re a demon. XD 
GRAY: Honey! 
ISLA: Hey! 
GRAY: How are you? 
ISLA: I’m good. How about you? 
GRAY: I feel so good. So, where do you want to eat? 
ISLA: Anywhere you want. No problem for me. 
GRAY: Hmm. In the Victory Hotel? 
ISLA: Oh! 
GRAY: Don’t you want to eat there? 
ISLA: What are we going to eat there? 
GRAY: What do you want to eat? 
ISLA: How about you? 
GRAY: You answer first. 
ISLA: Of course, food. 
GRAY: Yeah, but what food? 
ISLA: Hmm. 
GRAY: A hotdog? 
Then, our laughter just exploded.  
Like wtf? The connection is just so strong XD 
GRAY: Let’s go? 
ISLA: Let’s go! 
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While going up to the floor where our room is... We’re still like...  
holding our laughter while looking at each other. 
We really have the same vibe.  
Like yeah... This is it. 
Then here we are, inside our room. 
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He ordered the food via phone... 
“Hi, sir. May I know your orders, please?” 
Before making our orders, Gray looked at me with a smile on his face. 
“Two jumbo hotdogs... two large eggs... two rice... and two beers” 
“Anything else, sir?” 
“Okay, sir. The waiting time is about 30 minutes.” 
“Okay. Thanks!” 
GRAY: Have you heard of that? 
ISLA: What? 
GRAY: The waiting time is about 30 minutes. 
ISLA: Then? 
GRAY: What can we do while waiting? 
ISLA: Hmm. What do you want? 
GRAY: Can I hug you? 
ISLA: Sure. 
Then, we hugged each other. It’s weird, but I really felt a kind of connection. 
Then we e a t... e a t... and  e a t... 
... our ordered foods. 
Then... We drink the beer while having long, deep talks about Hernan and his two girlfriends.  
We stared at each other for so long... 
“Say sexy things.” Gray said 
“Cum with me.” I answered. 
He slowly kissed me on my cheeks... 
...then on my lips.  
I sucked his tongue... 
... Then, he sucked mine. 
I left a mark on his neck... 
... and on his chest. 
We slowly touched each other... 
... from top... 
.. to bottom. 
And then... 
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I t   h a p p e n e d . 
Then, we woke up...  
ISLA: I have not been like this before. I really am not. But pain really changes people.  
GRAY: How’s our night to you? 
ISLA: It’s wild. I will never forget that night. 
GRAY: What comes to your mind? I thought we’re just joking about doing it? 
ISLA: I don’t know. How about you?  
GRAY: You don’t have to ask, of course I want it.  
ISLA: That quick? 
GRAY: Yeah. I already imagined that when I saw your profile.  
 ISLA: You seem used to having one-night stands. 
GRAY: Yeah! Why not break up with your boyfriend? You’re done.  
ISLA: I have something to do first. 
GRAY: What? 
ISLA: I want to get back my money first, plus double the interest. He owes me more.  
GRAY: Did you lend him money? 
ISLA: I cared for him, that’s why. He said that he just needs it for his mother. 
GRAY: I will help you with your revenge. 
ISLA: This is not revenge, only justice. 
GRAY: Then I’ll help you get your justice. I want to be useful to you. 
ISLA: Up to what extent? 
GRAY: I will be an accessory to it. I will make you win... no matter what. 
ISLA: How can I return the favor to you? How much do you want? 
GRAY: Nothing, just you. 
GRAY: So, what’s the plan? 
ISLA: I feel like he has no plan of returning my money. We have to think of an idea of how I can get his money in his apartment. 
GRAY: Yeah... Why not try to live with him? 
ISLA: I can do that, but if he discovers that his money is missing, I’ll be the only one he will suspect because he’s the only one who has the key to his unit. The custodians don’t have it.  
GRAY: You’re right... Hmm... 
ISLA: But I can consider your idea. 
GRAY: How? 
ISLA: I’ll try to live with him, but I’m not the one who will steal his money. 
GRAY: Then, who? 
ISLA: Is there anyone else here? 
GRAY: How can I? 
ISLA: You have to pretend. 
GRAY: As? 
ISLA: Like a visitor... But you must cover your face because there are CCTVs outside his unit. 
GRAY: A visitor? 
ISLA: Not really a visitor. Like... We must make a scenario so you can enter his apartment with a purpose. 
GRAY: I get it! 
ISLA: I will act like I’m in a hurry to color my hair for the next day’s occasion at work. Then, you’ll act like a parlorist doing home services.  
I will act like I have a cough, so you can wear a face mask without making you look suspicious. 
GRAY: You’re wise, huh? 
ISLA: Also, wear a volumized wig with a bang, eyeglasses, and girly clothes. Don’t forget gloves. 
GRAY: When are we going to do that? 
ISLA: It must be on a Friday night, after our work, so he would be tired. He told me that he’s just resting during the weekends, so he won’t need the money to buy anything. I just have to make sure that he has a lot of stock in his apartment, so he won’t buy groceries that coming weekend. And he just often watches TV every night, so he won’t be noticing you that much. Then, on the next day, after the made-up occasion, I will distract him more, so he won’t immediately find out that he lost his money. 
GRAY: Alright. 
ISLA: Don’t have your car on that day. Book a taxi, and don’t get off near his place. So, if he ever tried to detect where you came from, no vehicle would be reported. Come at around 8:30 PM, so the guard is not in there anymore. Then I’ll just open the main door for you. 
GRAY: How about my record on your phone as a parlorist? 
ISLA: I’ll just tell him that I only got your details through a printed ad I saw somewhere here in Castellón that day when my friends and I are roaming around after work. I’ll just tell him that I suddenly got an idea of coloring my hair when I saw that printed ad. Then, I’ll tell him that I saved only your number and then just read your other details, which I’d tell him I couldn’t remember anymore since I’m tired and in a hurry. Then, you just have to deactivate that number after, so if he calls, the number will be unattended. With that, you’re the one he will only suspect. 
GRAY: You’ll also be a little bit suspicious with that. 
ISLA: I know, but if ever he finds me suspicious, he won’t have any evidence that I’m guilty. To make me look less suspicious, I have to live with him for about a month before we do that. His savings are just inside a cabinet. 
After a week, Gray introduced me to his two girlfriends, Raquel and Cherry.  
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They both look gorgeous and have so much resemblance. 
Fast forward ~ 
[JULY 2013] 
*The Day of Revenge* 
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ISLA: Love, a parlorist will be in here in a few minutes.  
HERNAN: All right.  
I opened the main door for Gray, then we went straight to Hernan’s unit... 
I tried hard to hold my laughter after seeing Gray dressed like that. XD 
Hernan was just so busy watching TV.  
A few minutes later, he went inside his bedroom to sleep. 
So, this is it... 
Hernan, the stupid bch. Here we goooooo... 
ISLA: It’s just there inside the cabinet. 
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GRAY: Gotcha! 
After stealing the money, Gray immediately went outside.  
Yap, that quick. ~ 
On the next few days, after the made-up occasion, I distracted Hernan.  
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The enemy has been slayed XD 
Victory! ~ 
That was a mission accomplished, tho 
Then again, it’s Monday... 
After work, we celebrated the victory.  
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We went to a resto bar. Danced.  
Went to my apartment and slept together.  
“Small World” 
*5 missed calls* (from Hernan) 
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ISLA: Hey, why are you calling? I’m still at work, celebrating a coworker's birthday. 
HERNAN: My money is missing. 
ISLA: Just look around. It’s just there. 
HERNAN: I did. But it must only be here in the cabinet. 
ISLA: Wait. I’ll get there later. 
ISLA: Hey, what now? Have you found it? 
HERNAN: No. It must be stolen 
ISLA: Ha? Maybe it’s just here in your bedroom 
HERNAN: I already checked it there. 
ISLA: Maybe an apartment’s cleaner went inside here 
HERNAN: No, the custodians are cleaning just the outside, they don’t have the key. 
ISLA: Oh. 
HERNAN: Wait, it must have been the parlorist last week. Have you observed him the whole time when he’s here? 
ISLA: Hmm. Yeah. 
HERNAN: Haven’t you gone to the comfort room while he’s here? 
ISLA: Just once, when I had to po*p. 
HERNAN: It must be him. 
ISLA: How much money have you lost? 
HERNAN: Almost €3,000.00 
ISLA: Oh, sht. 
HERNAN: What’s his name? Can you show me his details? 
ISLA: I only got his number. 
HERNAN: How about his name? You must know it. 
ISLA: I only got his details through a printed ad I saw somewhere here in Castellón on that day when my friends and I were roaming around. Then, I saved only his number. I just read his other details. I couldn’t remember it anymore since I’m tired and in a hurry on that day. 
HERNAN: Try to remember his name 
ISLA: Hmm... It’s like... Ra... 
HERNAN: Ra... what? 
ISLA: I really couldn’t remember because I wasn’t myself that day. 
HERNAN: Wat da fvk, Isla?! 
ISLA: I’m sorry. 
HERNAN: Show me his number. 
ISLA: Here. 
Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt...Trtttt. 
“The number you have dialed is now unattended. Please try your call later.” 
HERNAN: Tsk, tsk, tsk. It must be him. Do you remember his face? 
ISLA: He’s wearing a face mask since I told him I was coughing. 
HERNAN: Tsk. I’ll check his face on the CCTV recording. 
HERNAN: Tskkk. He was wearing it all along. 
ISLA: Oh no. What if you try to see his car plate number on the CCTV record? 
HERNAN: I checked the record outside the apartment. He was just walking when he was nearby. I’ll try to look at the other records on the other streets. 
I texted Gray... 
GRAY: What? XD 
ISLA: Hernan is now in so much distress 
GRAY: Dasurv! 
ISLA: Em0tional Damage! 
GRAY: Double kill! 
Two hours later... 
HERNAN: I’ll check again tomorrow. 
ISLA: But you have work. 
HERNAN: This is more important. I’ll just be absent tomorrow.  
ISLA: Okay. Let’s sleep now, I’m tired. 
HERNAN: I’ll also try the DNA test. 
ISLA: It costs a lot 
HERNAN: Yeah, I know. But if there are no records of him that will show his face and where he came from, it will only be the last solution I can use to find him. 
A few weeks later... 
CCTV records failed... 
No other fingerprints were detected... 
So, Hernan finally gave up finding the culprit.  
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->>> First blood! <<<- 
[AUGUST 2013] 
Fast forward... 
Gray and I were watching a movie at my apartment when Faith called... 
Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt  
FAITH: Hey, can we go outside? 
ISLA: I’m with Gray right now. 
FAITH: Where? 
ISLA: Here at my apartment. Wait for us outside, then let’s eat somewhere. 
FAITH: Alright! 
GRAY: Who is Faith? 
ISLA: My best friend since college. She’s the daughter of this apartment’s lessor, Auntie Mercedes. She’s working at GT Blue Corporación. 
GRAY: Oh. 
ISLA: Let’s go! 
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ISLA: Hi, Faith! 
FAITH: Hi Isla! Is he the one you’re talking about? 
ISLA: Yeah. He’s Gray, my boyfriend. And Gray, she’s Faith. 
GRAY: Hi, Faith. Nice to meet you. 
FAITH: Hi, Gray. It’s nice to meet you, too. 
GRAY: So, where’s your province, Faith? 
FAITH: At Toledo. 
GRAY: Oh, we also lived there before. 
FAITH: With whom? 
GRAY: My family. 
FAITH: Where are they now? 
GRAY: My parents are now living in Seville. And my half-brother is in Córdoba. 
FAITH: You only have one sibling? And just a half? 
GRAY: I actually have an older half-sister on my mother’s side. 
FAITH: Oh. Both are half siblings. 
GRAY: Yap. But it’s fine. 
FAITH: Where is your half-sister now? 
GRAY: On my biological father. He and mom got separated when I was two, and my sister was fifteen at that time. So, yeah, I was raised by a stepfather. 
FAITH: How about your real dad? Is he not visiting you? 
GRAY: Mom said they were visiting me once a month when I was a child. But a year after they separated, he died of lung cancer. 
FAITH: How about your half-sister? 
GRAY: Hmm, she’s still young back then, so maybe she didn’t know how to get to our home. 
FAITH: Have you asked your mom about your sister? 
GRAY: She doesn’t want to talk about it. So, I couldn’t do anything. She didn’t even tell me their names. So, I hated mom for that. 
FAITH: That is similar to mom’s case. She also has a half-brother on her father’s side. They were visiting him after her dad and stepmom got separated. But when her father died, she couldn’t see his half- brother since then. She couldn’t know where his half-brother now is. She couldn’t find it on social media either. 
GRAY: What’s the name? 
FAITH: Apollo? 
GRAY: Apollo, what? 
FAITH: Hmm. 
As I remember, the surname sounds like a restaurant... Apollooo...  
Gray and I were both in shock.  
Like... We literally stared at each other for almost fifteen seconds... 
FAITH: Hey! 
Are you guys, okay? 
GRAY: Where’s your mom? 
FAITH: At home. 
FAITH: Hey, what?! 
ISLA: Wait! 
FAITH: Why did you react like that? 
When we arrived at their home...  
Gray suddenly knocked at the door... 
Then Auntie Mercedes opened it... 
GRAY: Do you know Elizabeth Mcdowney? 
AUNTIE: She was my stepmom before. 
And Gray immediately hugged Auntie... 
Faith seems to finally understand what’s happening. 
Auntie seems really confused. 
GRAY: I will explain everything 
AUNTIE: What? 
GRAY: You have a half-brother on your father’s side, right? 
AUNTIE: Yeah! 
GRAY: He was two and you were fifteen when your dad and stepmom got separated, right? 
AUNTIE: Yeah. How did you know? 
GRAY: Elizabeth Mcdowney is my mom. She told me I have a half-sister. 
Then, Auntie just had a reaction that I couldn't explain.  
Like... She’s confused but is laughing and has teary eyes. 
AUNTIE: So, that means... You are my half-brother? 
GRAY: Yeah. Mom didn’t tell me your names, that’s why I couldn’t find you on social media. And I hated mom for that. I did everything to convince her to tell me. But she just didn’t want to because they were not on good terms when they got separated. 
AUNTIE: I also tried finding you on social media.  
GRAY: I’m sorry, but I’m not a fan of it. I’m just using dating apps. So, yeah. That’s where I met Isla. 
Then, we all just laughed. 
And... They hugged again.  
Gray also hugged Faith. 
“My niece!” 
“My uncle!” 
I was so happy for all of you. 
“Hey, were you just chatting random girls in dating app?” I asked. 
“Nope. I’m choosing, of course.” Gray answered. 
“So, why did you chat with me?” 
“Well, I find you attractive, but there’s a deeper reason why I chat you.” 
“What is it?” 
“Your zodiac sign.” 
“Oh. Why?” 
“Well, I usually like Pisces people.” 
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