#Cg! Moonknight
slasherbabi · 2 years
Steven Grant/Marc Spector X Age Regressor (Fem, nameless)
The little one laid in bed, all wrapped up within the sheets, wearing Stevens Sweater as pyjamas, knees tucked beneath the materials, she chewed on the sleeve absentmindedly in her sleep, her other hand reaches out to the empty side of the bed, eyebrows scrunching when she felt nothing in it's place.
"Dada?" She whines softly. Her eyes open slowly, rubbing them before sitting up, cuddling her hippo plush from the museum. Tired eyes drifted over to a figure slumped at the desk. "Daddy... You s'pose to be sleeping..." Bare feet hit the cool wooden floor, waddling over to him.
"Hmm? Oh, sorry love did I wake you?" Steven yawns as he spoke, he leant back, showing he was reading again. "You know I don't like to sleep... I don't want to do anything weird with you sleeping over..."
The little feet stepped into the sand crossing over towards his desk before climbing up into Stevens lap, his arms wrapping around her waist, her arms going around his neck and her cheek resting on his shoulder.
"I don't mind daddy... maybe I'd help..." She felt his chest rumble slightly with a chuckle "I'm serious!" She whines and pouts at him.
Steven smiles down at her, kissing her forehead "Oh, so so sweet..." he coos cuddling her closer. "But, you're supposed to be sleeping buttercup." He checked the time "I put you to bed hours ago." He sighs softly. Her eyes went down, fidgeting with his shirt.
"Not without you."
Steven chews on his lip nervously and looks down at her. "Okay little one... I'll try sleep." He stood up, holding her up around his waist and carrying her to the fridge, refilling her sippy cup with milk and warming it up. A tired smile crossed her face and she snuggled more into his neck seeing what he was doing
"Thank you dada..." He smiles and kisses her head again before carrying her to bed, he strapped his ankle to the post before reminding her of the rules to not unstrap it no matter what. She nods softly before cuddling up to him, he brought the bottle to her lips cuddling up with her and humming.
"Laters Gators Hun, love you..."
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Sleepy dada Steven^
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thorin-baby-bear · 1 year
AHH! You write for Moonknight omg that’s amazing! I’ve been searching for a good Cg!Steven Grant and little!reader fic and your stuff is great!
If you don’t mind could I please request a fic where Steven comes home from work and is absolutely exhausted but still continues to play with the reader and watch tv even though he’s really close to falling asleep and the two end up napping together? Thank you :D !!
Hi there! I don't know if this is my best work, so if you would like anything different please feel free to shoot me an ask or a message! Regardless, I hope you enjoy :))
Nighty Knight
A Moonknight agere fic
Tags: Cg! Steven, Little!Reader, GN!Reader, references to The Princess Bride
Cw: A little bit of endangered reader as they climb on a counter top
“Papa!” You cried as Steven walked through the door. The bags in his hand were drooping low, full to the brim with groceries as he stumbled his way in. “Hi there love, you mind giving me a quick hand?” He chuckled, holding out one of the bags to you. You rushed over and grabbed the bag, running over to set it on the dining room table before rushing back to grab another and almost knocking Steven over in the process. “Whoa, slow down there little one, don’t wanna be takin’ a spill tonight.” He sighed, stretching slowly as he brought the last bag over. 
“Mhm, sorry Papa, I’ll be more careful.” You said, bouncing up and down as you watched him start unpacking the bags. Steven had mostly gotten normal food things, probably just whatever he thought could fit in the fridge, but at the you saw an odd brown paper bag stuck in amongst the plastics. You reached out to grab it, feeling the paper curiously. 
“Ah-ah,” Steven tisked, picking up the bag gently. “That’s for later, after we put away the food.” 
You pouted and crossed your arms, watching as Steven placed the bag on a higher shelf he knew you couldn’t reach (as he had to stand on his tiptoes to reach it himself) and went back to putting away the groceries. He yawned, rubbing his eyes as he glanced at your pouty face. “You know, this could go twice as fast if you’d take some of this.” He gestured to the bags. You rolled your eyes, but there wasn’t any real annoyance as you grabbed a carton of eggs. 
Steven was right, working together you were able to get everything packed neatly away, and Steven even pulled out a couple Ramen cups he had picked up for you both, as it was a comfort food for you both. You squealed in delight and hugged him tightly, giggling at his playful protest. “Oh, you’re crushing me love! You don’t know your own strength!” He cried before wrapping his arms around you tightly. “But two can play at this game!” You laughed harder as Steven lifted you up and spun you around in a circle, groaning a bit as his back cracked. He set you down gently on the counter, rubbing his back with a tired sigh and going to start up the ramen. You watched him putter around with wide eyes for a while before your mind turned back to the bag. You looked up and, seeing it now within reaching distance, began to lean towards it. 
It was a normal, boring brown bag with brown tissue paper spilling messily out of the top, and you could just see something poking out of the top, something gold and soft and oh so tempting, if you could just get a little higher– 
“Y/n, careful!” Steven said, his voice panicky as he saw you teetering dangerously on your knees. You looked back at him, caught red handed as he sighed and rubbed his eyes before walking over to help you down. “Go sit in the living room please, I’ll be right in.” You nodded and shuffled your way guiltily over to the living room, where a nature documentary had begun to play. You plopped down on the floor with your stuffies, picking them up and dancing them around halfheartedly as you waited for Steven to bring the Ramen.
Eventually Steven entered, hissing quietly as he rushed the hot bowls over to the coffee table. You scooted over, not making eye contact with him as you blew on your soup. After a few minutes of silence, Steven cleared his throat and reached across the table, gently resting on your hand as you wiggled uncomfortably. “It’s okay, love.” He murmured. “I’m not mad, I promise.” You glanced up at him and saw only honesty and worry in his eyes. “ ‘m sorry.” You said. “I jus’ wanted to see…” Steven rubbed your hand comfortingly. “I know baby, I just need you to be a bit more careful and talk to me, if you can. Does that sound fair?” You nodded, smiling up at your Papa, happy to have a fix for the issue. 
After that dinner passed quickly, and Steven smiled as you sat patiently on the floor with your stuffies, smiling up at him. “My, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were waiting for something.” He teased. You giggled and nodded. Steven laughed and stood up, walking over to the shelf and pulling down that brown bag, shaking it at you as he brought it over. You grabbed it excitedly looking at him for permission before pulling the tissue paper out quickly and gasping. In the bag, a round, squishy hippo face stared back at you wearing an ornate golden headpiece. You lifted it out of the bag reverently and smiled at Steven with wide eyes. 
“Taweret?” You asked. Steven nodded with a gentle grin. You laughed in happiness and pulled the stuffie tight to your chest, twisting back and forth energetically. You scurried over to your other stuffies and looked them over carefully before grabbing a big crocodile and scooting back to Steven, holding it out expectantly. Steven raised an eyebrow. “Is this for me?” You nodded, eyes bright. He looked at the stuffie hesitantly, tiredly, before shrugging and taking it. He moved over to your pile of stuffies and beckoned you to follow, setting the stuffies up neatly. 
“Now, let’s see what these little guys are up to…” 
The two of you played for a long time, setting up grand stories with funny voices as the sun got lower and lower in the sky and your yawns got deeper and deeper. Eventually, Steven sat back and stretched, looking at the clock with squinted eyes. “Oy, it’s late… Want to watch a movie before bed?” He asked as he stood. You nodded, rubbing your eyes sleepily and sinking deeper into your hoodie. Steven rifled through his dvds, taking a moment before eventually pulling out one that looked familiar. He put it in the player, picked you up and walked over to sit on the couch. You yawned again and wrapped your arms around his neck, whining a little as he repositioned himself to lay more comfortably with you on his stomach. The familiar opening scene of The Princess Bride flashed on the screen, and you smiled at the choice.
“Guess what, your grandfather’s here…” 
Clutched against your chest, the Taweret plushie sat comfortably and comfortingly against your stomach and you hugged it even tighter. “Nigh’ nigh’ Papa…” You whispered. Steven kissed your forehead gently. “Good night, little one. I love you so much.”  You cuddled down into the warmth and babbled sleepily.
You tried to stay awake for the whole movie, but with Steven rubbing your back and whispering facts about the movie in his quietest voice, you found yourself falling asleep before they even got to the epic sword fight between Inigo and Wesley. The soothing rumble of Steven’s voice under you was comforting, and before you knew it you were out for the count. You both slept late, sprawled out cuddling on the couch, snoring and comfortable as the movie played quietly in the background. 
A/n: I don't know if it's my best work, but still; any chance to include The Princess Bride is a win for me lol
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feeling small and not very good and all i want is to cuddle jake 🤧
physical touch isn't his favourite but he'll do anything to keep you safe and if that means holding you close then he'll sit you on his lap and hold on to you all day. and he'll quietly tell you that everything's okay and that you don't have to be upset at all because he's here. and he's big and scary and will scare all the bad things away
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littlespacereader · 4 months
Hiii, if your requests open was wondering if you could write a Caregiver Moonknight fic. M not really sure on a plot idea just kinda seeking some comfort.
Hope you having good day/evening/night!!!
I loooooovvvvvveeee a comfort Moon Knight Fic!! Especially with some CG Steven love🥰 You’ve got it @aew-kun-age-regression ! I hope you enjoy this fic!!
And the Lights Will Flicker
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Caregiver!Steven Grant & GN!Little Reader (SFW)
Tags - crying, stuffie, hurt/comfort, cuddles, storytime
Nicknames - Darling, little one, sweets
London was known for its rainy and overcast weather, but nothing like this. This was a fullblown thunderstorm and a bad one at that.
What started as a simply rain storm soon developed into a tropical storm night. Rain whipped back and forth, thunder roared outside and lightning flashed. Just terrible terrible weather for London.
Steven looked outside with sigh. Today he had planned to try out a new park to read some of his favorite books at. But the weather wouldn’t allow anyone to do much of anything today.
So inside he stayed, reading on the couch, reading at the table, reading pretty much everywhere.
His reading was interrupted temporarily by the sound of knocking at his door…or so he thought.
He set his book down and unlocked the many locks on his front door to find it empty. But a look down the hall answered his questions.
His neighbor Y/N, was trying desperately to get their stuck key out from the keyhole. The banging was a result of this problem.
“Need a bit of help there Y/N?” Steven asked as he walked over.
“Steven, hey! Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.” They said a bit shy.” Y/N is one of you only people Steven knowns that says his name properly…unlike the people at his job…
“These stupid old locks never work. I’ve already put in two work order and I haven’t heard anything back from anyone.” They said with a sigh. They were soaked head to toe, having got caught in the storm without realizing no doubt.
“I don’t blame you my keyhole does the same thing. But usually when I do this,” Steven wiggled the key just enough that the key unwedged itself from the door, “it does the trick.” Steven smiled.
Y/N smiled back as Steven handed them the key. “Thank you. It’s been a long day and this door isn’t helping.”
“I can see that. Got caught in the storm?”
“Yeah…I didn’t know it was going to be so nasty.”
“Neither did I. But it’s a good day to stay in and read a nice book.”
“I think I might take your advice. Thank you again Steven.”
“Of course. If you need anything feel free to pop over.” Steven offered. He knew they lived alone and were, for the most part, on their own. So he always offered a lending hand, being the good neighbor he always is.
“I will. Thanks again.” And with that Y/N entered their apartment.
They sighed, throwing their wet belongings to the side before dragging themselves to the bathroom for a nice long and warm shower to take the chill out of their system.
They were definitely regressing tonight. If there was ever a night they needed regression, it was tonight. With the stresses of school and family pressuring them, they needed the escape regression always brought them.
So after their shower they pickled out their favorite pjs, grabbed their stuffies and sippy cup and climbed into bed. The storm went on outside, but inside surrounded by fluffy blankets, Y/N laid peacefully reading one of their favorite children’s books.
It started to get later into the night so Steven called it for himself. He got dressed into his pajamas and was just starting to brush his teeth.
The storm outside was getting worse and worse by the minute. But maybe it would lull him to sleep?
Just as he spit out his tooth paste and wiped his mouth, the lights started to flicker.
“Marc is that you?” Steven asked as he looked around worried.
“No it must be the storm.” Marc replied internally.
Suddenly the lights and power went out. Steven jumped but quickly recovered. No power…guess he should grab some candles.
Usually the power would come back on soon after but it seemed to be staying off for longer this time. Steven crossed his apartment and grabbed the supplies.
He lit two candles and placed them on his table. He was about to light the third one when…
Knock, Knock, Knock.
There were three frantic knocks at his front door. Maybe it was the landlord explaining the situation? Or maybe…
Steven didn’t stand around pondering. He rushed to the door and quickly unlocked it to find Y/N, holding onto their stuffie, crying.
All at once Steven froze with worry and shock. Y/N looked so young and afraid. It broke his heart. “Y/N, are you okay darling?”
They shook their head as more tears escaped their eyes, “’m scared! No light!”
“Did the storm knock your power out too?” Steven asked getting a nod yes from them.
“Well there’s no need to be scared. I’m sure the power will come back on soon-.”
“Can…can I tay wit you? ‘ill its back?” They asked so timidly.
Steven smiled, “Of course you can! Please come in, make yourself at home.”
Y/N walked into Steven messy apartment, but not too far in. Steven could see they wanted to hang out around him instead.
“Would you like some water or juice?” He offered as he closed the front door.
“Juice please,” They replied.
Steven nodded, “Well how about we get comfortable for the night? Have a seat on my couch over there and I’ll go grab you a cup of apple juice.”
They nodded back and walk towards the couch. Steven came over and set two of the candles on the coffee table infront so rheum would have some light in the makeshift living room.
On his way into the kitchen, Marc started to speak up, “Steven…your friend…are they a-.”
“Regressor? I believe so.” Steven replied internally.
It wasn’t like Marc and Steven were new to the idea of regression. After all what they went through themselves, they were no stranger to coping mechanisms. Steven could recognize it right away, from the moment that door opened and he was met with Y/N’s eyes.
He felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him as he turned back to the living room, plastic cup of juice in hand. He always protected Marc, so what more would it be to protect Y/N too?
“Just makes sure they’re okay and comfortable. I’m worried about them.” Marc replied.
Marc wasn’t one for emotions so hearing and feeling his other self so worried for the Little made him feel a little better. Like he wasn’t the only one who was concerned. Almost like another person was there to help him along.
“Don’t worry, I plan on taking good care of them for as long as they need me.” Steven replied.
“Here we go. One cup of juice for you and a cup of water for myself,” Steven said taking a seat on the couch next to Y/N, “Now I must ask, did you friend want something to drink? It slipped my mind to ask them earlier.” He asked gesturing to their stuffie.
They lifted the stuffie to their ear as if they were whispering a secret to Y/N. Then they shook their head, “They aren’t thirsty.”
“Oh well that’s a relief. But if they need anything you be sure to let me know. That goes for you too.” Steven winked, getting a small smile from Y/N.
Another particularly loud thunder decided to strike at that moment. Y/N instinctively reached for Steven who gladly opened his arms to the scared Little.
He wrapped his arms around them, bringing the Little in close. Y/N grabbed his shirt and hid their face against his chest, tucked away under Steven’s chin shaking like a leaf.
Steve lightly rocked them and shushed their worries away. “It’s okay darling it’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you, you’re safe now.”
They stayed like that for a moment together, just the two of them holding onto one another with all of the love and warmth there could ever be in this world. After a moment he could feel the little one start to relax and settle down in his arms.
They lifted their head and looked up at Steven with a small smile. “Tank you.” They said in a voice so small and innocent.
“Of course darling. It’s really scary outside but you don’t need to worry anymore. I’m right here.” He replied placing a small kiss to the top of their head.
“How about a book while we cuddle for a bit?” He asked getting another smile and nod from Y/N. They needed a distraction from the storm or they would be upset all night.
Steven picked Y/N up and into his arms, resting them on his hip as he went around his flat in search of a good book for them. The problem was…most of them weren’t for someone as young as Y/N.
“Most of these are on Egyptian mythology. Do you want to hear about that?” Steven asks.
Y/N looks at the book curious but shrugs. “What’s it ‘bout?”
Steven face lit up to see the little one’s curiosity. “It’s about the Egyptian gods. What the Egyptians believed was each of the god purpose.”
“Woooowwwww!” Y/N eyes lit up as they listened to Steven enthusiasm.
“How about we settle in for the night, cuddle up and start this book together? Sound good sweets?” Steven asked getting a sleepy nod and a small yawn.
So back to the couch they went. Steven sat them down and wrapped the two of them up in a big soft blanket from his bed.
“Okay, where should we begin?” The book opened and pages started to turn. Y/N cuddled into Steven’s side and listened as Steven started to read along.
“Taweret is the Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility. The name Taweret means "she who is great" or simply "great one".” Steven began to read.
It was last midnight when when power resumed itself in the apartment complex. The storm still raged outside but inside was nothing but blissful peace.
Y/N was fast asleep, one around wrapped around Steven and the other around their stuffie. Their head rested on Steven’s shoulder as they dreamed away.
Steven was in a similar position. He was fast asleep as well, one arm wrapped around Y/N’s shoulders holding them close to himself, the other held onto the open book. Steven’s sleeping head rested on top of Y/N’s.
While before they were just neighbors, after tonight they might’ve just become something a little more special.
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hihi ! i was wondering if i could request something for moonknight. i don't mind what it is just anything with cg! moonknight system and that's comfy and cosy. because i've had a hard time redressing lately and they make me feel so warm and fuzzy <3
Hiii!!! Absolutely!!! I hope you're okay with just a Moodboard for now - I wanna write but I'm so tired atm and I'm currently already working on a marvel fic and I'm trying to get into the habit of if imma write multiple fics at once at least only one from each fandom lol 😅😭
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berrymoos · 8 months
Hi! I don't know if you're still interested in agere moonknight, but i just want to share a separate bodies and regressor!marc being scared of the dark during thunderstorms and always regressed after trying to handle it on his own. But Steven and Jake are always there to comfort him 🥺 steven, hiding them under the blanket, and peeking up at the glow-in-the-dark stickers they have on. The ceiling and Jake singing Spanish songs throughout the night.
I really like your agere fics. My favorite is cg!Jake and regressor!Marc where marc runs to Jake for protection 🫶
fun fact i actually added a new addition to that fic collection yesterday so i am VERY much still into moon knight jshdjajdk (๑'ᴗ')ゞ also im so glad u like my fics, tysmmm WAAAA - my fave is the rg marc & cg layla one <33
i can't remember if ive ever said this anywhere but i hc that marc is afraid of storms too!! the dark + thunderstorms = a very, very distressed little boy trying to tough it out all on his own - spoilers, hes too scared to do that :(
OUGHHH WAIT okay literally the moment the first lightning bolt strikes jake & steven are dropping everything to focus on marc. doesn't matter what it is, bc nothing is more important than their baby brother. steven gathers every blanket, every pillow, every strewn stuffie laying around in the loft while jake locates where marc's gone — typically he hides in a dark corner or in someplace where he can close himself in — & cuddles him close until steven gets to them (T^T)♥︎
it's js one big cuddle pile fr!! marc is swaddled in a fleece blanket with his favorite paci & miffy, sitting in jake's lap but leaning against steven's shoulder, moon-shaped nightlight glowing dully in the corner while those glow-in-the-dark stars capture the baby's attention <33 OUHHG i luv them so so much they make my heart FULL
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tinysharkzz · 4 months
Hiii, I was wondering if you would be willing to make a CG Steven Grant (From Moonknight) Moodboard..?
Completely fine if not!!! <333
Have an amazing day/evening/night!!!
hiya ^^ sorry for the wait, but here ya go! enjoyyy :D 🫶 and i hope you’re also having a great day/night! <3
(paci credits: i can’t find the creator but i did not make this paci !! if anyone knows who made it i am happy to update this tho)
cg!steven grant moodboard:
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@wilmaslittleflower @koithelittle (if anyone else would like to be added, let me know! <3)
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dffect · 2 years
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Sunday! Bloody Sunday!! Anti-Hero has been out there days already. Have you listened yet? linktr.ee/Dffect #dffect #rapsuperhero #rapantihero #antihero #maskedman #KCLevelUp #kansascity #kcmo #kck #rap #music #undergroundhiphop #unsignedartist #indie #instagood #insta #instadaily #instapic #instagram #incrediblehulk #instakc #techn9ne #moonknight #comicbooks #comics #eminem #marshallmathers (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-jBERrK2Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gvk2012 · 2 years
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We Do Come as like a package deal now. Just got my glow in the dark Mr Knight and he looks amazing. #Moonknight #mrknight #MarcSpector #Stevengrant #JakeLockley #oscarisaac #marvel #khonshu #fistofvengeance #mcu #fistodkhonshu #funkopop #funkpopvinyl #popsofinstagram #funkofunatic #toyphotography #photography #toysarehellasick https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-wHWVsllj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I’ve heard people complain about CG batmans style before and Ive only seen Harvey and that guy that looks like FOK Moonknight so I was prepared to be like ‘yeah its kinda cool I dont get the issue with it’ and then I saw a image of Batman. 
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🐶 & 🐙 for the fictional caregiver post? Xx
ty for asking !! i love talking about them <3
🐶. Who are your fictional caregivers? Do you have a 'main' one? my main fictional cg's are robbie paulson and the moonknight system ! 🐣 i've been wanting some comfort from softer characters recently so steven has been my go-to this week. i love him so so much 💖
(and some of my others are kate laswell, basil stitt, and joel miller)
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🐙. Do they have any nicknames for you? Is there meaning behind them? i really love nicknames so they would use them as much as they can. they all use general ones like baby, love, and sweetheart, as well as more special ones💌
i think robbie would start out using 'little bea' because he still wants part of my name to be in the nickname. and that kind of transforms into just 'bee' which then turns into 'bug' and 'baby bug' 🍀🐝
marc, steven, and jake all have their own nicknames for me. marc wouldn't think he's very good at making up nicknames so he mostly uses general kiddy ones like 'tiny' and 'bubba'. but after a while he slowly starts so use 'little moon' and he gets so happy that i like it since it's special just for me🌙 steven would like to use animal nicknames like 'koala' or 'duckling' because i like to cuddle up and cling on to him like a koala and follow him around like a duckling 🐨 and i think jake would use more teasing nicknames like 'shortstack' or 'peque' but he uses the sweetest tone while saying them that i don't even notice the teasing 🌨️💗
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littlespacereader · 9 months
Hi hi hi!!! I'm back with another Moonknight request!!! 😅 I was wondering if you could maybe do something with Caregiver!Steven Grant. (or if you'd prefer it Steven as like an older sibling???) Maybe little!reader has a nightmare or something and doesn't want to go back to sleep so reader and Steven play with Legos (or another activity of your choice) until reader is tired enough to try and sleep again???
Completely fine if not!!!
Hope you're having an amazing day/evening/night!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!!!
@aew-kun-age-regression Thank you for another Moon Knight request! I literally love writing them!!Caregiver Steven Grant owns my heart!🥺💞 I am so for this idea! Instead of a older sibling I wrote him as a Caregiver because I love me a gentle CG like Steven! I hope you like this fic! Enjoy!
Protector of the Night🌙
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Caregiver! Steven Grant & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags- nightmare, hurt/comfort, building legos, stuffie, cuddles, storytelling
Nickname- Darling, Little One, Sweetheart, Little Moon
It was a rainy night in London. The type of night where the rain gently hit on the window panes. The type of rain storm that would put anyone in a gentle sleep.
The rain seemed to have that effect on Steven Grant and his Little Y/N. The two were sound asleep next to one another while the rain fell outside.
Y/N had their head resting on Steven’s chest and Steven had his arm securely wrapped around them. Whether he was awake or asleep he is always a protector.
Steven used to sleep horrible. Terrified of sleeping walking which he later learned was him swapping heads with Marc. But now, with his little one wrapped around him. He’s never slept more peacefully.
But he sadly couldn’t protect his little one from nightmares. Y/N squirmed and jolted in their sleep until suddenly they jumped up gasping for air. “No! No!!!” They yelled out.
Steven quickly woke up, realizing what happened to his little one. “Y/N! Y/N darling it’s okay! It’s okay! You’re here with me. You’re okay.”
It took Y/N a moment to realize what was going on and where they were. “Steven?” They cried before they practically tackled Steven into a hug. They collapsed into his arms and started to cry. Steven’s heart broke seeing his little one so upset from the nightmare.
“You’re okay darling. You’re okay. I’m so sorry you had such a terrible dream sweetheart. But it’s all over. Nothing can hurt you now. I’ve got you, I’ll protect you.” He pulled his little one into his lap and started to rock them in his arms.
His little one cried into his shoulder, muttering little things here and there to explain what happened in the nightmare. This nightmare was a reoccurring dream that Steven was dragged away from Y/N and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
It was no secret that Marc Spector suffered from DID. Before meeting Y/N it was something he couldn’t control. But now Marc and Steven were on the same page with their time shared in the body. The only thing the two of them argued about was who was going to spend time with their shared little one. Both absolutely head over heels for their little one Y/N.
But the horrors of being locked away not only scared Steven and Marc, it scared their little one too.
“I’m not going anywhere love. No one will ever take me away from you. I’ll always be right here by your side.” Steven said before placing a small kiss to his little one’s head. One hand was wrapped around their back for protection, the other carded through their hair.
They looked at up him with teary eyes, “Promise?”
The question broke Steven’s heart. His little one dealt with rejection and abandoned before. The question came from sad past of being left too many times. If Steven could track down every person who ever hurt Y/N, he’d let Marc take them all.
“I promise from the bottom of my heart.” Steven held his pinky up and the two wrapped them around each other. They both shared a sincere smile.
“It’s really early in the morning Y/N. I say we try to settle back down and go back to sleep.” Steven suggested.
“No! I’m not even tired anymore!” Y/N tried to say, but no one isn’t tired at 3am, especially a younger Little such as Y/N.
Steven could obviously tell his little one was tired too. But he knew that they wouldn’t sleep without getting their mind off that terrible nightmare. So he devised a plan.
“You’re not tired anymore? Well then I guess we’ll just have to get up and start our day.” Steven suggested. He hoped out of bed and took Y/N’s hand in his.
“Are you hungry darling?” They started to walk toward the mock living room Steven had in his small apartment. Y/N shook their head no.
“Alright then how about we spend our early morning playing some games. Wanna play with some legos?”
Y/N smiled and nodded. Steven sat on the rug in the middle of the living room as Y/N ran over and grab the container of legos pouring them onto the floor between the two. They dropped the container and took a seat shoulder to shoulder with Steven.
“What are you going to build?” Steven asked as he started to take a piece from here and there.
“I’m going to build a tall tower!” Y/N said as they grabbed their pieces.
“A tall tower? Well, surely it’s not going to be bigger than my tower.” Steven said smirking to himself. If there’s one thing his Little loves is a friendly competition.
“No way! Mine is going it be the biggest!”
Soon the two of them were in a heated battle building their Lego towers on the rug. Y/N eagerly grabbed pieces left and right trying to have their tower built taller.
Steven happily watched, putting pieces together here and there on his tower, but mostly watching his little one build. He loved seeing their creativity and enthusiasm. Soon Y/N had to sit on their knees to continue to build their tower higher and higher.
“Wow! Now that is what I call a skyscraper! Mine barley look like a building.” Steven joked. The two looked at his tiny Lego house and laughed.
“I like it! It look like our home.” Y/N sat beside him, abandoning their project. “Maybe we should make a backyard or a garden!”
Steven smiled at the idea. “I think that would be lovely!”
The two started to build their Legos working together with each other. Y/N started to build onto Steven’s Lego house a little Lego garden while Steven build them a little Lego backyard.
As the night, well…morning, dragged on with their Lego game Steven started to notice his little one leaning against him more and more. Eventually it got to the point of Y/N resting their head on Steven’s shoulder while they lazily placed Lego pieces one by one.
“Alright darling I think we’ve had enough fun playing Lego. Let’s continue this in the morning.”
“I’m not tired.” Y/N tried to protest but their half open eyes said differently.
“How about we try to rest at least? I can read you a story?” Steven added as he picked up a book from their bookshelf, holding it up to show Y/N.
Y/N nodded their head and held their hand out to Steven to be picked up. So much for not being tired. Steven smiled nonetheless, he put the book under his arms and walked over to Y/N, picking them up and into his arms.
Then the two walked back to his bed. He settled Y/N on their side of the bed before heading to his own. But he stepped on something on the way.
“Now what is Taweret doing on the floor?” He lifted the hippo stuffed animal up. “She must’ve left and went on an adventure while you were asleep.”
Steven walked around to his side of the bed and handed Y/N their Taweret stuffie before he got himself settled in bed next to his little one. Y/N held their stuffie tightly to their chest.
They snuggled closer to Steven as he put his arm around their shoulders. Steven opened the story book in his lap and began to read. Steven is always the best at storytelling! He makes funny voices for all the characters and points out different things on the pictures.
They were about half way through the book when Steven looked down and noticed Y/N fast asleep against him. He smiled to himself and closed the book, setting it on his end table, before wrapping his blanket around Y/N and himself.
Steven glanced at the alarm clock that now said 5:30 am. He sighed, he definitely isn’t making it to work this afternoon. He leaned over and grabbed his cell, sending a quick text to his boss before he settling in for the night…morning actually. Today was definitely going to be a lazy day for the two.
With one arm holding onto Y/N tightly, he kissed their head. “Good night my little moon.” He whispered before resting his head on top of his little one. The two slept peacefully together for the rest of their morning, the protector of the night and his little moon.
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
saw your recent call for moonknight content - could i request a Marc CG board with themes of young stim toys (rattlers, teethers, etc.) ? :0 thank you so much!! [asking anonymously because my main blog is not agere, this comes from @baby-ram !]
HI HI HI!!! YES ABSOLUTELY YES!!! LOVE CG MARC!!! I hope this is okay and what you wanted!!! 😅
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berrymoos · 11 months
Any Moonknight thoughts?? I'll take anything 😂😂
YOOOO moon knight my beloved!! i rewatched the show for like the 1 millionth time the other day so ive still got some ideas (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)♡
tawaret LOVES to babysit and otherwise just dote over the moon system when they're small. she thinks they're the cutest little guys ever. steven's always super psyched whenever tawaret (or tarry, as he calls her) is over!
tawaret also loves watchin over layla when she's small! like, layla doesn't necessarily need a cg (and besides, she's got marc, steven, and jake by her side!), but given she's the avatar of the goddess of mother & children ... there's like, no escape from her care. mwahahahaaa >:3
marc throws the most tantrums out of all of them; after all he's been through, how he's bottled it all up over the years, he needs to have that space to scream and cry and kick and bite – just let loose. also lots of reassurance afterward to let him know he's not bad for having tantrums 🫶
^ fic / concept idea: in ep 2, when marc smashes the mirror during his argument with steven, he vent regresses and has something of a breakdown right there for a little bit. maybe khonshu appears afterward n says smth like “great heavens ... you lose the scarab, can't keep your worm under control, then proceed to throw a tantrum about it? perhaps it is time for my new candidate to take the suit...” – yeah a little sad but angst rocks! /silly
jake suppresses regression a lot, constantly throwing himself into the cg roll, but when he drops, he drops hard.
flip cg-lean steven <333 flip no-lean layla, flip (with regression suppression problems) jake, and regressor marc. babysitter tawaret & "i have no clue what's going on but trying my best, kinda" post-show khonshu ISKSNJW
khonshu has ... barely any idea what regression is so tawaret has to be there to help him unless she wants to come back to find the place on fire. idk i rlly like the idea of khonshu trying to be better to the system after he finds out about what they have going on, especially since jake is still his avatar!!
not rlly regression-related but once they meet jake they get another fish! she's a girl
jake's super-duper attached to his hat when he's small; mega comfort item bc it's easy for him to hide his face in it when he gets shy / overwhelmed
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सुनी रबने मेरी फ़रियाद ... गली में आज चांद निकला #moon #moonlight #moonphotography #moonlovers #moonwalker #moonphases #moonwalkers #moon_awards #themoon #moonknight #skyphotography #sky #skydiving #skyporn #skyline #skypainters #clouds #cloudporn #cloudphotography #natgeoyourshot #shotoniphone https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-Izt6pUjp/?igshid=qdrs2ek5pxme
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
Mm watchin Moonknights agains an talking to CG AI bots!!! Makin me fells real smalll
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