#Cersei and Jaime
shipcestuous · 3 months
A few song recommendations for you:
Only Us, by Miracle of Sound, is about Cersei and Jamie Lannister
Perfect, by Miracle of Sound, is about Jinx and Vi (and a little bit about Jinx and Silco)
Homesick, by Maki Yamazaki, wherein the singer seems to call her sister "lover"
Thanks for these great song recs!
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
"Instead of it being two disaster siblings latching onto each other out of genuine affection, codependency, obsession, narcisism and because it made narrative sense"
I can see how Jaime's affection for Cersei was genuine despite everything else that made it toxic, but did she ever really love him? To me it always felt like it was all about her ego
While Cersei's ego was part of it, I really don't believe it's fair to say she didn't truly love Jaime, and when you look through the scenes that highlight their relationship with an open mind, that becomes pretty easy to see.
In some of his POVs, Jaime remembers how he could never stand to be away from Cersei for too long, and they’d sleep with their arms entwined, and in a few chapters they recall dressing up as each other, Jaime daring Cersei to kiss Tyrion, They genuinely liked each other’s company and were absolutely inseparable their whole lives - to the point that they’re basically treated, both by the people around them and by Martin, as identical twins. Is it that hard to believe two people who are this close could fall in love?
And fall in love they did. Pretty damn fast, because Jaime says he can’t even remember when he and Cersei started to kiss, and they used to copy animals mating from a very young age - before Tyrion was even born - and it led to their mother trying to separate them. Jaime is Cersei’s first love, and said love last up until their adult lives.  
While Jaime was never allowed to (or too interested in) be a proper father to his children, the fact still is that he IS the father of all of Cersei’s children, as she proudly said, that he was there by her side when she was giving birth - even going as far as threatening that guards that tried to keep him away from her - while her husband was out hunting. She’s even happy when she thinks Tommen is taking after him, and almost lets the secret out because she just had to gush about that. 
Since I mentioned Robbert, let’s not forget that on top of being a shitty father (and having zero excuse for it) he was also physically abusive to Cersei, cheated on her too many times to count and even said Lyanna’s name on their wedding night, and Cersei was expected to just put up with it. Meanwhile, here’s Jaime again, being faithful to her his whole life (and even taking a celibacy vow that also included losing all of his claims), and Cersei straight up said that Robbert would have been fucked if Jaime knew about how he mistreated her. And while Jaime could be sexist every now and again, we cannot forget that he used to be totally okay dressing up as Cersei when they were little and just let her take his place as Tywin’s son, and even said the words “If I were a woman, I’d be Cersei” - can you seriously tell me that would not win him a ton of points with a woman that was constantly screwed over because of her gender?
And let’s not forget about the other men in her life - she clearly didn’t give a shit about any of her lovers, was insulted when Rhaegar rejected her but didn’t grieve for him when he died, and straight up tried to have Robbert killed. And while she was offended by the fact that Robbert didn’t give a shit about her, she was never jealous of his whores, or of his love for Lyanna - who was also one of the women Rhaegar chose over her. Meanwhile, she gets mad just remembering the time a former childhood friend asked “When am I going to marry Jaime?” and it’s even implied she was the first person Cersei killed, and she was just a young girl, and she CONSTANTLY says things like “We are one person in two bodies”, “I’m not whole without you”, “We came into this world together, he would not leave without me.”
There’s also things like her only showing her tears to him, canonically only enjoying sex with him, genuinely believing that either their love will make him able to save her in a trial by combat or that they’ll die together as she always believed it was supposed to happen, thinking about how he loved her hair and about him kissing her thighs when she’s being prepared for her walk of shame, and thinking about how he always said she was beautiful to try and be strong enough to face said walk. She even believes the obvious lie that Loras is sleeping with his sister and joined the kingsguard to be near her solely because that absurd scenario is her own story with Jaime. She is absolutely in love with that man.
Jaime is not just her twin and her lover, he is Cersei’s real husband in all but name and she absolutely thinks of him as her other half, her soulmate, the love of her life - she even has dreams of their relationship being public, and truly feels like there’s no point in living in a world where he doesn’t exist. Even George R.R. Martin said so, and confirmed she loved him, when he was talking about that insane scene of these two fucking next to their dead son (how romantic):
“In my mind, she’s clearly thinking that Jaime may be dead. The only person she ever truly loved besides her children may be lost to her forever and suddenly there he is before her—but shockingly maimed and transformed. There is a mutual passion for each other. And it’s like if you get a cable that your husband has been killed in war, and then suddenly there he is—he’s not killed in war.”
So yeah, their relationship might be super unhealthy and Cersei might have made a fuck ton of mistakes, but she DID love him.
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twoswordsoneheart · 1 year
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riocat01 · 2 years
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braimeisotp · 2 years
The number of people on Tumblr following each topic!
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😆😂🤣 SUCK IT, Twincesters! 🤣😂😆
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kudriaken · 6 months
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House Lannister. My fanart series for the Great Houses from the ASOIAF. I wanted to make this for the longest time.
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greenbloods · 23 days
honestly hilarious that the lannister siblings are all history freaks in different direction. cersei rolls her eyes that jaime doesn't know what the second blackfyre rebellion was about while he rattles off the tale of ser luthor pisseryon of daeron i's kingsguard, who served for all of seven moons before he died shitting himself en route to dorne. meanwhile tyrion's sitting in the corner reading maester leomore's neo-myrxist critique of archmaester hargreave's account of the Storming of the Dragonpit (The Warrior Himself: Examining the Dying of the Dragons in the Light of the Seven) and not paying attention to it one bit because he’s moping about how everyone in kings landing hates him, the imp, because he’s ugly and rich, and not because he’s a feudal overlord who is fundamentally detached from the immediate concerns of his starving subjects
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francy-sketches · 1 month
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cringe ass family ❤
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shipcestuous · 11 months
Cersei/Jaime fan song by Karliene and Miracle of Sound.
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knightsickness · 6 months
‘if joanna had lived the lannisters would have been normal/nicer’ WRONG i think she would have married cersei off as geographically far away as possible and then started doing some the lion in winter shit with jaime. she refuses to acknowledge tyrion because in surviving his birth she’s gone from a victim of tywin’s imp to his mother an accomplice there must have been something wrong with her to birth him like that. do not fall into the all dead mothers were really soft and niceys fallacy
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twoswordsoneheart · 1 year
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riocat01 · 2 years
Nik even said Jaime was done with Cersei. That Jaime didn’t love her anymore and that’s how he played it. He also hints that he played it that way whether the show runners wanted it or not!
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ilynpilled · 10 months
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lannister sibs
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can't believe it's canon that in the last season Jaime was chilling with his brother then Brienne entered and Jaime jumped on his feet murmuring my lady like a Jane Austen's hero and Tyrion was like damn bro, someone is smitten, isn't it?
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mormontdacey · 2 months
oh to be tywin lannister in agot…
your son and presumed heir what’s-his-name has been kidnapped and is still at large. last you heard he was in the vale maybe? but you haven’t checked and you’re not planning to
this is low priority because your daughter (derogatory) has launched a coup to kill her drunk husband the king and seize power. she accidentally gets a two-for-one deal when her impulsive and suspiciously blond son has the second most powerful man in the country killed for shits and giggles on the steps of the westerosi vatican. now your house is fighting a five-front war.
your favorite child—who is both the best swordsman in the realm and a national disgrace—is leading your far superior armies but he’s getting his ass kicked by a high school freshman and his pet dog, so you’ve got no choice but to head to the riverlands to clean up the mess. but zero worries because nothing EVER goes wrong in the riverlands!!!!
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shipcestuous · 8 months
I think it was interesting seeing people's reactions to the Lannister's in Game of Thrones. Like really? With all the evils that are going on you choose to focus on incest being the worst? People trying their hardest to not sympathize at all with the Lannister's was also funny. But ultimately you could see people get over their shock of incest, sort of towards the end.
It didn't help that Jaime pushed a child out a window in the same scene that we find out he and Cersei are in an incestuous relationship.
But a lot of people continued to characterize the Lannisters as villains even though they are multilayered characters existing in a world without many black and white lines. Imagine what the consequences for them would have been if someone had found out? Of course, Jaime/Cersei shippers are also some of the people on the front lines reminding you that Jaime Lannister is not a good guy in search of redemption. It's never that simple with the Lannisters, and isn't that lovely?
Reactions to Dany and Jon were a lot more mild. Of course they aren't twins who were raised together, but it's still incest. The run of the show definitely acclimatized people a little.
In many fandoms we see people treating incest between two adults in love as a crime on par with murder and whatever else. How? I. don't. understand.
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