#Cartoon yourself
awbwi · 1 year
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Just another normal day at the park I work at
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flittermouseart · 9 months
Let's play a doodle-game!
Can you guess who this doodle-me's dressed up as?
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Here's your hints!
• My favourite 90s anime!
• Also known as the pretty guardian
• "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"
Have you got it yet??
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Photo reads: This Doodle-Me's dressed as SAILOR MOON! Is there any silhouette more iconic than everyone's favourite Sailor Senshi?
FUN FACT! : Sailor Moon had a HUGE influence on my artistic journey. Like a lot of 90s kids, I was lucky enough to grow up fighting the negamoon alongside this iconic magical girl. I had a poster of Sailor Moon above my bed, and drew her in my sketchbook over and over (and over and over and over). I was obsessed! I think I still have that poster somewhere ... I should totally put it up again, this time in my "grown up" studio space :)
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3elmy3elmk · 10 months
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propalitetz · 1 year
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just some lil guys
tag urself im the one sitting down with a blep
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cartoon237 · 2 years
Use Thecartoonist.Me To Make Your Photo Appear Cartoonish
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Cartoons are a popular art form that people of all ages appreciate. We've always been amazed by their vibrant worlds and larger-than-life personalities, so we're excited to tell you that you can bring these stories to life. You can now take the next step in self-expression by creating your very own cartoon version with Cartoon Me - thecartoonist.me!
The cartoonist.me website is like no other! You can upload a photo of yourself and get it drawn into a hilarious, custom-drawn animation by expert artists in a day or two. There are endless options for customization, including hairstyles, clothing items such as shirts & hats, glasses types—even accessories!! Plus, they'll send your masterpiece directly to your email once everything's perfect.
By using thecartoonist.me, you can make:
A Personal Caricature that     is ideal for email signatures, social media avatars, and profile images.     It is a clever approach to express your individuality to the world without     saying a word!
A Company Caricature, a     well-liked present for staff members and customers, using     thecartoonist.me. If you're looking for the perfect personalized gift to     give to your friends, homies, family, or coworkers, a custom cartoon photo     from TheCartoonist is always a good choice.
A pet caricature is ideal     for pet owners who wish to showcase their canine companions humorously and     originally.
A cartoon portrait is ideal     for couples, family photographs, and pet shots. If you're looking for a     cartoon logo maker for your business, a special project, or an online     persona, thecartoonist.me is the website for you. Send them your ideas for     a cartoon logo so that you can proudly represent yourself!
Making a wedding or     anniversary caricature is a lovely and interesting way to remember the     occasion. The hand-drawn cartoon can be used as a save-the-date card or     event decoration.
There's never been a better time to be you. Thecartoonist allows people of all ages and backgrounds to become the stars in their own Cartoons! Now it doesn't matter what country or corner on Earth you're from because, with this site, we'll turn your selfie into an animated character that will bring joy wherever they go. If you're interested in creating your cartoon-like image, thecartoonist.me is a great website. So get started now.
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comradekatara · 7 months
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“the desert” is katara’s most quietly admirable episode; she manages to guide and protect the rest of the gaang while they are in precarious states under unimaginable pressure and with very few resources. katara’s tireless endurance this episode culminates in her bravery as she risks her own safety to comfort aang in the avatar state.
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for an audience upon first viewing, her ability to thrive under pressure here may seem like a surprising departure from the impulsive, reactive, sensitive girl we’ve been accustomed to over the past 1.5 seasons. but sokka’s admission in “the runaway” reframes katara’s behavior in this episode.
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we know that while the rest of her family was a mess, katara stepped up and gave them hope. she refused to sink into her grief—to abandon the site of her trauma like hakoda did, to give up like kanna did, or to repress and depersonalize like sokka did. she may have a temper and she may not always think things through, but she is able to communicate her emotions and refuses to cut herself off from feeling and processing her grief and rage, which is more than can be said for her brother.
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and upon learning this piece of her history, you realize that her indefatigable, relentless hope and care that she displays in “the desert” is actually a pattern of behavior for her that is being repeated. when all hope seems lost and everyone in her life has abandoned faith, katara finds purpose and meaning in being the glue that holds everyone together, even when she is as grief-stricken and exhausted as the rest of them.
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in moments of abject despair, katara guides her loved ones and herself out of there desert, both literally and metaphorically. and that is why she is the narrator and the catalyst and the hero of this story of a revolution that successfully destabilizes an oppressive paradigm in the eleventh hour, because she represents the power and importance of organized resistance when all hope is lost, of refusing to give into despair, of continuing to believe in love even in the bleakest, most desperate circumstances, and envisioning a brighter future even (especially) when no one else can.
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monerelluvia · 16 days
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🩸 I ask god to send a swordsman, and god says "look at your hands"
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dumbledorathexplora · 6 months
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😃ferris buelers day off energy..but the better version
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xoxojuniper · 11 months
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KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bixels · 9 months
I'm so in love with everything about your art!! I wanted to ask something about your MLP human designs in particular. all of them have really lovely and interesting face shapes/details. even though all the pony designs have the same head molds (save for eye shape), all the unique characteristics you gave them just... look RIGHT. is there a particular method or design principle you used? thanks for your time!! I can't wait to see more of your work!
It's all about shape language and how they inform a person's read on the character.
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I talked about this before, but each of the Main 6 were paired together so I could design them in contrast with each other. For RD, I wanted her short hair to have a wind-swept look, as if she's constantly running. So bare forehead and hair spiking out at the bottom. She contains lots and lots of sharp lines and shapes to give her the look of a speeding arrow.
Felice, on the other hand, droops down a lot to reflect her solemn, shy disposition. I didn't want her hair to be perfectly straight though, as that'd suggest she spends a lot of time fretting over it and isn't outdoorsy, so I made it a bit of a tangled mess too.
In short, RD's features are sharp and point upwards, Felice's features are round and droop downwards. (Think Joshua tree vs. weeping willow.)
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For these two, I specifically wanted to include non-Western facial features, as I found I haven't really included them in my character designs up until now.
Pinkie's bold and loud, so I gave her bold eyes, bold eyebrows, a bold nose, etc. I worked on Thea's nose for quite a bit and ended up abstracting the shape a bit to look more cartoony, borrowing from Pixar's Soul's character design notes. In cases like these, I recommend finding ways to simplify features and break them down into easily-recognizable shapes and forms (Cartoon Saloon are masters at this). The less visual noise, the easier their expressions are to read! And it's generally more fun to draw.
In short, diversify, exaggerate, and simplify. Figure out what works for you and get a little wacky with it. Character design is all about finding a balance between maintaining your voice and vision and creating something unique and lively.
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tomicscomics · 7 months
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Another quote from "Story of a Soul"!
And so ends our little October of the Little Flower... but St. Thérèse will return!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: This cartoon is based, one more time, on a passage from "Story of a Soul", St. Thérèse's autobiography.  In the book, Thérèse responds to her father by saying that, if he entered politics, he'd be made king, but be miserable, so she's glad he doesn't.  In the cartoon, I've used those same lines but made it seem like she's debating with herself.  Holding one opinion very strongly, then talking yourself into the opposite opinion, is larious of the absolute HIGHEST order.  HIGH-larious.
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awbwi · 2 years
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I MADE A PATREON! I have a LOT of things in my files that I never show online, so even donating $1 a month will get you access to all my sketches. c: Also you'll see updates to my webcomics earlier than others, answer polls, get free art, and postcards sent to you! ^^ https://www.patreon.com/Blobri
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flittermouseart · 10 months
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The best part about “zombifying” people is how much fun they are to draw! I share a lot of faeries and flowers, but this creepy-cute style of doodling is totally my jam. I love adding anime-esque hairstyles, the button eyes, and goofy grins (save for when the grins are stitched shut, of course!) I draw a lot of these goobers off the top of my head, but sometimes I flip through magazines or pause a movie and draw a cartoony caricature or three.
Speaking of caricatures … I’ll be at The Pas’ (Manitoba) Street Festival next weekend with some pencils and a stack of 5x7 paper. If you’ve ever wanted to get your face stolen by an artist, stop by and get a mini-cartoon version of yourself, drawn by me! 
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lolathepeacocklord · 1 month
goodness gracious lola speedpaint !!!!!!!!!! in the real !!!!! ive been on a real kick drawing lately (or at least have been trying to) and ive gghuyuughgughtguthgutghtugdhudhgjdhgsjdf become really autismed about these messed up creatures from tee eff ayyyyyy animated 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰im almost at season 2 gang im going to become even more grotesquely into these beasts very soon !!!!!! heart emoji !!!!!!
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Tom and Jerry cartoon embedded with masonic rituals, devil worship and the all seeing eye 🤔
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cartoon237 · 2 years
Spice Up Your Photos and Give it A Cartoonish Look!
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Cartoon art has had a profound and continuing effect on culture, whether in the form of your favorite comic book or graphic novel or the pop art movement that emerged in the middle of the 20th century. You may give your pictures a one-of-a-kind twist by applying cartoon effects, whether you want to create a poster of your dogs or give your profile photo an illustrated look. If you’re seeking a fast and easy way to change photographs into pieces of art in a retro, cartoon style, you don’t need to go any further. This tool has everything covered!
Step By Step Guide on How to Use This Tool:
Here are a few tips you can use to create your masterpiece:
Launch the     application, then hit the plus sign at the bottom of the screen. You may     choose a picture from your camera roll to turn into a cartoon, or you can     browse the free-to-edit photo library using the search box at the top of     the page.
Select     Effects from the toolbar located at the bottom. You may access a wide     range of creative effects by scrolling over the board and tapping on the     Magic or Artistic button.
To save     your newly created cartoon picture effect, use the Apply button. Then, in     the upper right corner of the Editor, choose the Next button to save and     share your cartoon image.
Use your Imagination and Enjoy!
Don’t exclude your pets from the enjoyment! There are several cartoon pet filters available, making them the ideal tool for creating original cartoons from your pet images, like the cartoon filter on a cat, which does wonders in making your pet even cuter. It will resemble a Disney film, but with your favorite animal buddy playing the lead role! For more info, come visit us at Cartoon Me.
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