catzgam3rz · 2 years
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More Empires Season 2! Take the colourful llama man
Haven't caught up with Scott's POV yet but I couldn't not draw his design next
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echolocati0n-art · 1 year
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tumblr gets this early as a treat because you guys are nice to me/j /lh @smajor1995
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synesthete-sylke · 4 months
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some of my fav scotts !! yall should give me more to draw hes fun and there are So Many
its into the smajorverse out here
(reblogs very appreciated !!! love reading y'all's tags even when it's just a keysmash pfff)
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friedfriedchicken · 3 months
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mono-chromia · 9 months
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Team Sport
A Drarry microfic//oneshot by mono-chromia
Cover illustration by my beloved @basiatlu (alternate versions can be viewed here)
Word count: 1.015
Read under the cut, or on AO3
Draco hadn't understood, but as he comes to find out, Hermione's words had made perfect sense. Harry Potter makes a sport out of sleeping; commiting to a nap the same way he does to a game of Quidditch.
'Mione had once called Harry a "hard sleeper", whatever that may be.
"A heavy sleeper?" Draco had asked, unsure if he was missing some muggle turn of phrase. It comes up when they are trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements in the shared hotel rooms for Luna and Neville's destination wedding.
"Oh, no," she says. "Well, that too, I suppose, so he won't mind if you get back late, but he sleeps hard. I can't quite explain it." Draco doesn't mention the undiscussed assumption that he and Harry are apparently to bunk up together. "You know how he always tries to carry all the plates and cutlery to the table in a single go? Even if there's sixteen people dining?" Draco nods. "It's kind of like that."
Draco hadn't understood, but as he comes to find out, Hermione's words had made perfect sense. Harry Potter makes a sport out of sleeping; commiting to a nap the same way he does to a game of Quidditch.
Their portkey takes them from 5 A.M. in London to 11 A.M. somewhere in the Mekong Delta region, so when they arrive in their room, Harry immediately crawls into the pristinely made hotel bed, nesting the crisp duvets and the pillows into an iceberg-like structure and sleeps. Hard. Sprawled on his belly with his clothes still on (he's wearing sweat shorts at least, not jeans, thank Merlin) but with his feet sticking out for temperature regulation. He looks like he knows what he's doing. Draco watches him fuss and clumsily toe off his socks (because what lunatic wears socks to bed? Ridiculous) and then doze off immediately, squeezing in a highly efficient, half hour kip before they are expected for their lunch arrangements.
Harry seems more affected by the jetlag than the rest of the company, so Draco finds him, not unlike a cat, sleeping in strange places and at odd moments during the entirety of their stay in Vietnam.
For instance, on a couch in the hotel lobby one early morning, while Ron and Hermione argue with the clerk over the tour reservation that Ron definitely made correctly, with his head in Luna's lap, hoodie pulled low over his eyes, and his arms hugged around his chest.
Or, on the lawn chairs by the pool in the middle of the day. Which, Draco supposes, isn't that strange a place to sleep, but Harry's commitment to the activity is once again proven when Hermione ambles over to rub sunscreen on his back and place a sunhat over his head, all without as much as a twitch.
It's really quite fascinating to watch (though no one else seems to think so) and Draco finds himself somewhat jealous, because even when he diligently works through his own list of requirements for a good sleep (freshly showered, moisturized, teeth brushed, clean sheets, glass of water on the side table, window open for airflow, access to his own pillow) he still doesn't often manage to make eight uninterrupted hours, let alone any misguided attempts at a restful nap. When Draco naps it means the situation is dire, that he is unwell, that he feels like something has crawled up his ass and died there, and it usually only exacerbates his condition instead of having the much desired effect it seems to have on Harry. That effect being that he wakes up content, mellow and sleep-soft (objectively) and exists like that for five minutes or so, before moving onto stage two of his post-nap euphoria, which includes but is not limited to; a general lust for life, toothy grins, silly jokes (objectively), and a propensity for affection towards whoever is nearest to him at any given moment.
Which means that Draco finds himself subjected to the feeling of gently excited hands on his wrists and back as they ooh-and-ahh at the view on their hike, and a chin hooked over his shoulder as Harry feigns mild interest in the book Draco is reading, before asking him to come swim.
Apparently, it also means that, when Draco is keyed up with homesickness on the third of their eight-night stay, Harry invites him into bed.
"You okay?"
Draco looks back from where he has his head stuck out the window, spooked and feeling slightly caught. He stares at Harry in his bed, making up the shape of his body under the sheets from his feet (sticking out from under the cover) to his rumpled head that's more under the pillow than on top of it. Harry's voice is thick with sleep and so, so soft.
"Oh," says Draco. "Yeah. Um. Just— a bout of insomnia."
Harry just hums, low and noncommittal, and for a moment Draco thinks that he might be sleep talking. But then Harry shifts and lifts up the duvet, wordlessly and casually extending an invite towards Draco, and waits for him to get in.
Draco would object, but maybe Harry's bed is just that much more comfortable, maybe that's why he sleeps so well, and well— truly it looks much too inviting to resist. So Draco doesn't object, and quietly pads across their room to slip into bed with Harry. The blanket is bunched up and skewed, there are more than enough pillows, yet none of them in the right spot to actually fulfill their intended purpose, but Harry isn't fussed in the least, and wastes no time snaking an arm across Draco's middle and slotting his head under Draco's chin. Harry seems to fall back asleep pretty much immediately, and Draco is suddenly surrounded by an aura of sleep-warmed sheets, skin-on-skin contact and a bouquet of powdery scented curls, clean skin and sweet spearmint breath. It would have been overwhelming if it wasn't so blissfully sedative.
A robust dose of Dreamless Sleep has nothing on the deep rise and fall of Harry's chest, the dozy twitch of his toes against Draco's leg, the blooming warmth in all the spots where their bodies are touching. Draco dreamily wishes he could bottle it. Who knew that sleeping was a team sport.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
More Incorrect Quotes from FNAF!
Andrew, having just lost his glasses: “KILL THE BUG!” Cassidy: “...Brother. Dearest brother beloved. That is a gecko.”
William: “...Elizabeth just threw a tantrum about a chair.”
William: “I just won Elizabeth Tantrum Bingo.”
Evan: “Gender roles are naught but a social ideal you fools bound to mortal flesh continue to worship and consequentially fuel. I’ve long since severed ties to such petty and trivial restrictions.”
Elizabeth: “...Is that why you’re wearing one of my tutus?”
Evan: “An oversimplification of the truth behind my actions. But yes.”
Elizabeth: “How do you do these kinds of things so easily?”
Michael: “I’m fearless.”
William: “I saw you run from bees yesterday when I was trying to exterminate the hive in our front yard. You flailed around and tripped over a fire hydrant. It was both hysterical and pathetically sad to watch.”
Michael: “...I’m MOSTLY fearless.”
((if the missing kids were reincarnated into the present era as close childhood friends)):
Gabriel: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?  
Jeremy: >:O language  
Susie: Yeah watch your fucking language  
Cassidy: 'The fuck word'.  
Charlie: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time  
Susie: Oh my god she censored it  
Cassidy: Say fuck, Charlie.  
Susie: Do it, Charlie. Say fuck.
Michael: “I am a creation of God to be feared.”
Michael: “I put the ‘sexy’ in my dyslexia, and nothing is hetero about me- not even my chromia.”
Gregory to Vanessa out of genuine curiosity: “Oye, Michael, what happens if you press the breaks and the acceleration in the car at the same time?”
Freddy: “What- that’s extremely risky, please don't d-!”
Vanessa, jokingly: “The car takes a screenshot, I suppose.”
Freddy: “...Let me call your therapist again.”
Gregory: "Yes, provided they had not been brutally slaughtered in a pool of their own mangled body like the last ones had been."
Freddy: "...I'm sorry- what?"
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hikarihikkikomori · 11 months
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Chromia my beloved 🤍🖤
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Also what the hell the para did idk-😭
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hihimissamericanbi · 5 months
WIP Tag Game (with a sexy twist!!)
YALL. I have been tagged in this so many times (beloveds @kaleidoscopexsighs @wolfpadx @strezzlecki @thisliminalspacedaydreams @spookymoonie) but I do not have WIPs in my folder. :( I write until it's done then I send that shit before letting myself plot bunny hop away. The only WIPs I have are already on AO3.
HOWEVER. I do have. A document called. Smut ideas. Most are generic so can be turned into any pairing.
So, gaydies and gentlethems. Here are the first several words of each bullet point idea, just to tease. LMK if there is one that catches your eye and give me a pairing. Let the games begin.
1. That jegulily threesome orchestrated by pandora=foursome. 2. Classic window sex, showing off. 3. Organized orgy for the birthday girl ft friends fucking. 4. CUM RACE. a classic. 5. Medical examiner/surgery theater viewing thingie but at a kink club. 6. Make your fuckboi jealous at the club. 7. Tied up, blindfolded, gangbang. 8. Peeping tom/neighbor situation, all consensual. 9. Haven't tried enemies to lovers, plus only one bed? (ya'll I suggest you let me take this one if you want to see more bc i have a very very fun idea for it) 10. Maybe time for some suffocating roommates to lovers tension solved via a stubborn ass game. 11. Kidnapped, fall in love? 12. Common enemy– have to fuck to fuck them over. 13. Lost in the woods, have to sleep naked.
Tagging more smut enthusiasts @emeryhall @we-are-swearwolves @lunarlivs @moongays @basiatlu @mono-chromia @theresthesnitch
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Besides the code names, do the TTB characters have any other nicknames or terms of endearment for each other?
I can’t do a detailed list but off the top of my head;
Bumblebee/Benjamin: Baby Boy/Leprotto (Sunstreaker, ie. ‘little bunny’), Ahrairah (Jazz/Prowl), Benjie/Benjie Elliot (HotRod ie. his name + Billy Elliot)
Ratchet/Ronan: Ratch, Doc, Blackjack (Windblade, who introduces him to the show), Patch (Dinobots ie. skin graft on his face), Assclepius (Sunstreaker)
Prowl/Preston: Baobei (Jazz, ie. 'babe), Prick (Basically anyone not on good terms with him), Capn’ (Hotrod, respectfully after Prowl loses an eye and saves him from the Functionist Universe)
Jazz/Jace: Jayzee (Hotrod, from his initials 'Jace Zayden'), Jinwu (Prowl ie. ‘Golden Crow’ East Asian myth, meant to represent the sun)
Springer/Spencer: Hu Zi (Prowl/Jazz, ie. 'little tiger'), Spence, Mametaro (Windblade ie. 'bean boy' referring to his cuteness as a kid, bight green hair + unique origin), Cabbage Patch (HotRod ie. green hair + little fella + unique origin)
Mirage/Meirion: Merry (Hound), Casper (HotRod)
OP/Omar: Aul Man (HotRod), Glowstick Prime (Whirl), Al-Khattab (Shockwave)
First Aid/Fatima: Nightingale (Streetwise, referring to Florence Nightingale due to her bedside manner compared with Ratchet)
Alpha Trion/Aillard: Gandalf (Hotrod), Pagemaster
Arcee/Ai Xia: Aikira (HotRod/Windblade because GRANNY DOIN BIKE SLIDES BABY), Pohpoh (Younger folks, 'granny')
Sideswipe/Sergio: Fratellino (Sunstreaker), Tweedledee (Ratchet), Saif (First Aid, ie. 'Sword', as he's a frontliner), Enjy (HotRod ie. his 'Enjolras' coat), Barricade Boy (Mirage)
Sunstreaker/Serafino: Fratellone (Sideswipe), Tweedledum (Ratchet), Shamsir (First Aid ie. 'Sword', but also 'Sham' ie. 'Sun'), Lucifer/Lucy (StrongArm ie. his name, 'Angel' and his terrible demeanor)
StrongArm/Stella: White Dwarf (Sunny ie. her name--'Star'--her white hair and her short height), Evenstar (Sideswipe)
Kup/Kopisha: Bajyai (Springer, 'Grandma'), Harisa (Shockwave, ie. 'lioness')
Windblade/Wariko: Riko, Cara Mia (Starscream)
Chromia/Carina: Rina, Dora Milaje, Grace Jones
Drift/Dai: Deadman (Sunstreaker, his body count + ghost-seeing ability)
Starscream/Stefan: Red Baron, Pretty Bird (Shockwave), Uguisu (Windblade, 'Bush Warbler'), Pet (Windblade, not the way Tarn uses it but the way folks in Northeast England use it)
Ravage/Ramiro: Rami, Elskede (Laserbeak, ‘Beloved one’), Lapcat (Tarn), Bagheera (HotRod)
Laserbeak/Lara: Hot Topic (Hotrod), Mi Sol (Ravage, ‘My Sun’),
This is not comprehensive at all! I do have a cast of 40+ and the tangled relationship lines they weave between each other after all :'3 If you'd like to know about a specific person not named here, feel free to ask for that person specifically!
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64oakbuttons · 2 years
quick guide to Empires, for HC viewers
yes im sure someones already done this
ruler of chromia
trades dyes/colors
has too many llamas
kissed one the other day real not clickbait
ruler(?) of cogsmeade
trades iron
just woke up in this world one day and no one knows why
lots of clocks
ruler of the goblands
trades copper and rocks and has too much pork
the goblin guy
claims to be law enforcement, kidnapped a guy
rides a giant hog
princess of dawn
trades honey and golden carrots
doesnt fight mobs
my beloved
joey graceffa/pirate joe
ruler of eversea
trades fish and prismarine
captain skeletron is his sworn (homoerotic) enemy
piratesexual, claims to be engaged to “pirate” princess katherine
princess of glimmergrove
trades wool and leather, also makes everyone their clothes
secretly a monster hunter at night
wants nothing to do with pirate joe
mayor of animalia
trades amethyst
secretly a cat
collecting items stardew valley-style
kidnaps people and turns them into animals (dubiously canon tho)
ruler of sanctuary
trades wood
on the run from his past
frequently flashbacks to previous seasons, oh god so much lore
has a spirit guide named bubbles, his dog
pixlriffs (recap guy)
architect restoring the ancient capital
trades froglights
focuses more on other player’s backstories rather than his own lore
lives in a crypt, built that giant bridge
has dodos
witch in the evermoore
trades potions
still learning witchcraft
dont go in the evermoore or you’ll probably die or worse
has a big hat and a frog
in love with princess katherine
god of stratos
trades gold and also sometimes toys
claims to be 11 ft tall, may or may not be so
also building an empire on the ground beneath stratos
solidarity/jimmy/the sheriff
sheriff of tumble town
trades gunpowder supposedly
often called a toy, specifically woody from toy story
corrupt but wont admit it
gets antagonized by joel and/or fwhip every episode
ruler of the olipeligo
plays music to pay off his kidnapping debt
got comedically thrown into this world then kidnapped for 3 weeks
has the dragon egg
special mention: hermes
sausage and joel’s son
armor stand with shulker head
special mention 2: pearlescentmoon/pearl
was in empires 1 as a sunflower lady
known to season 2 sausage as his patron saint
one of joel’s pantheon is named after her
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part three of my etho stratos au except today we are looking at jimmy and what he’s been up to through the eyes of a very confused joel.
this is a mix of an actual written story and just headcannon so it’s not gonna be very good.
the first time it happened joel didn’t pay much attention to it. he was picking up hermes from sausage’s empire as he noticed jimmy had landed near by calling out for sausage. joel would’ve loved to toy with the sherif but him and etho had plans to teach hermes to use wings today so he bid sausage goodbye. as he left he saw sausage wrap and arm around jimmy’s waist kissing him. that’s fine sausage can be with whoever he wants even if it was that annoying sheriff.
the second time it happened joel had stoped by chromia for some dyes. he was searching for scott wanting to make a large order for some while he was here. what he did not want however was to see scott pin a very disheveled jimmy against the side of his house, making out with the very much out of breath sheriff. was jimmy with scott too? he decided that he’ll come back for that custom order some other time.
the third time it happened it was after the bloody sheriff had won his lawsuit against him and his toy shop. joel could only watch as fwhip practically launched himself at jimmy hugging his the best he could. the sheriff merely leaned down pressing his lips against the goblins. fwhips face lit up as he jumped excitingly muttering “oh my, oh my, the leaders given me a kiss! the sheriff gave me a kiss.” their attention was soon turned as the judge cleared their throat stating that there was another case to be solved. one about is the beloved sheriff was a toy or not. joel immediately snapped out of his downward spiral of thoughts and started taunting jimmy as the poor sheriff and his deputy ran off.
the fourth and hopefully final time it happened joel had been relaxing while etho constructed his newest redstone farm. his comm had pinged with the distinct sound of a newly whitelisted player joining the world.
*tangotek joined the game*
what? neither of them had heard news of anyone new joining soon. and why tango of all people he doesn’t seem like he would be suited to run an empire without risking it burning down. joel looked up at etho who was just as confused. as quick as the two could they headed over to spawn, only to watch as jimmy threw himself into tango arms. tango looked different; his hair was now a blue color almost looking frozen, his eyes were now blue but still just as warm, even his clothes changed he was now wearing a dark blue almost black cloak, with a royal style suit like thing under it. jimmy didn’t seem to care placing kisses all over the new players face as sausage, fwhip, and scott arrived quickly surrounding the two seemingly just as excited as jimmy about tango arrival. WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON?! just as he was about to head down and start demanding answers etho placed a hand on his arm shaking his head. “just let them be for a while we can just ask sausage when we pick up hermes again.” joel sighed before nodding following etho back to stratos.
wooo i’m done this is not beta read at all because i don’t want to. hope y’all had fun with this i’ll get back to boat boys next time i just thought this would be fun to write. any way bye bye!
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sm0lcatfish · 1 year
i made my own empires swap au bc i thought it would be fun and it was!! it’s more based on the concept behind undertale storyshift
Sheriff Joey - A once lost individual who was taken in by a sheriff and trained to be the successor. He still keeps to himself, finding secrecy to be the best way to take down illegal activity. He can’t help but to get lonely, especially after demoting Shrub as deputy and giving the position to a cat instead.
Goblin Shrub - The last goblin and self promoted leader as there is none to compete in height, she hid into the caves when a strange glowing corruption took over her people and remained down there for years until eventually being found by Sheriff Joey, who she worked to impress and befriend before being rejected by him and being left to cure her people alone.
Great Witch Scott - A once beloved prince of a grand magical empire, of which created an ancient glowing corruption by sheer accident, being brought to this area to scout in secret so it could take over the entire area including the empires within it. However, he didn’t enjoy the idea of being spent to spy on the people he’s grown so close to, and instead chose to help them with his ice magic as best he could. The royal council declared that if he reared his head in their direction, he’d be executed with no hesitation.
Grand Architect Gem - An amnesiac who’s only true memory is the importance and safety of amethyst crystals, alongside mysterious signs that warn her of night. Later found out that she was once from a world where the moon tore through the earth, and she forced herself to forget due to the trauma, and left herself with no direction but a desire to feel a sense of family again.
God Fwhip - A lone, fanged god who tries to recreate what he once thought was a perfect world, creating pools of red and stone spires from the ground. If anyone dares to question him, he hopes they won’t miss their blood.
Protector Jimmy - Living in the ocean with his people, he was attacked by an evil tyrant of a salmon who chased the cod off and rejected him from his home. The cod have evolved to have the ability to move on land and took refuge in a seaside village, Jimmy promising to protect them all, and choosing to ignore the visions of red murderous magic.
Princess Pearl - Someone who works as a tailor and shows herself to her kingdom as a princess at day, she is under the cover of night spars with both her allies and enemies. After her loyalty was questioned by finding herself working with those revealed to be enemies, she’s forced herself to work harder both as a leader and a protector.
Chromia Pix - After leaving his home at a time of destruction, he traveled across the world and investigated skeletons and the like, always protecting their spirits and helping them live on as a ghost with his multicolored candles. These efforts, however, came to him losing his eye, of which he doesn’t regret.
Mayor Katherine - Living in fear of what others would think of her, Katherine lives in secrecy pretending to be a human while in reality she is a cat. She wants her animal-based society to remain in peace, and tries to keep positive allyship with all of the empires, trying to ignore the stress weighing in on her.
Pirate Saus - A proud captain whose ship and crew were overtaken by his enemy, a rivalry only started by their petty thievery to each other, and he found himself washed up on the shore. He’s made an attempt to build himself back up and even has begun learning magic from other empires in an attempt to prove himself, unaware about how this magic could overtake him.
Archeologist Lizzie - With no memories left, Lizzie found herself drawn to history to look for answers, feeling closer to herself with every artifact and structure she uncovers.
Prince Joel - A man who believes in nothing but your own self worth, and the sun. He doesn’t think anything could be wrong as long as the sun still rotates around, and despite his desire to stay under his rays, he can’t help but be drawn to the underground with it’s bright, unnatural fire.
felt silly and goofy, what do u think
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k----a27s · 11 months
Chromia and Ironhide shippers come get your juice! (Thought of this at around 10:35 P.M)
(While listening to this)
As someone who doesn’t really like canon ships in some shows Chromia and Ironhide are canon and i am a multishipper so Chromia and Ironhide start off as friends because they are both trigger happy and somehow after a rough start they end up civil. And when they got separated they didn’t realise their feelings yet but they did miss each other and no matter what they promised to always come back to each other. Chromia meets him again once on Cybertron and on Earth (for whichever continuity) and she says, ‘Hey there cannons, been a while huh?’ because I headcanon their interaction started off rocky because he accidentally almost offlined her with his precious cannons that she threatened to strip from him.
Then another conversation, ‘Good to have my best friend back’, she says as she looks at him.
He responds with a raised optic ridge, ‘I thought Elita was your best friend’ either that or
‘Damn, ’Hide. I surpassed Prime?’, one way or the other one of them says the best friend line first and the other responds in turn.
This hints to Camiens starting off asking their beloved to be their Amica Endura then Conju(n)x Endura. After a while, they ran to each other and embraced as the others were suprised at Ironhide hugging someone like his life depended on it. Then at their ceremony, they dance and kiss and he honours her with a dance as Camiens grew up dancing despite her disliking the ruling of her former planet. (I think she's secretly a really good dancer to get lost in her movements)
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insomniaruler · 1 year
Part 1 ^
~Bound to come together once again~
“Wha’s your name lil’ lady?” The Sheriff asked. “I’m Cindy.” Cindy said smiling her broad proud smile. “You’d fit righ’ in in Tumble Town. But you might get smoted by a god so maybe you don’t want my job kid.” The Sheriff said pushing up to his feet. “Nah I do.” Cindy insisted. “Yea Yea, do you know where I can find Scott? I need to ask him something.” The Sheriff asked. Scott blushed seemingly impossibly harder. “He’s probably in the flower fields, come on I’ll show you.” Cindy said.
Scott realizing he was at least a 3 minutes walk away took off in a run into the crowds that Chromia boasted.
“An’ this is the last field?” Scott had been standing in the farthest garden trying to get himself to stop blushing for the last 10 minutes. “Yep!” Cindy affirmed. “Great, I’ll find ‘im, you should run home now, it’s sun down.” The sheriff said with a hint of exasperation in his tone.
“Scott ya’ here?” The sheriff asked wandering through the roses. “Hm? Oh yes I’m over here! North west corner!” Scott called and then he took a deep breath this is just a meeting between empires nothing more.
“Ah there y’ are!” God that southern drawl was so cute. “Heyo sheriff what can I do for ya?” Scott asked totally ignoring the fact that they were sat between roses and the sun was shining and making the sheriff’s eyes shine causing the golden flecks in them to glitter. “Well I got distracted when I was doing some sewing and completely zoned out and when I zoned back in I was half way through making an extra sweater.” The sheriff blushed pink. “I know it’s not really your colours but hey I thought you might like it.” The sheriff held out a soft looking patchwork sweater. He was right there was no sign of Scott’s beloved teal in the thing any where.
“I-I thankyou?!” Scott stuttered through his words sure he was bright red. “A-alright.” The sheriff stuttered and then shot him a smile that made Scott blush harder “thanks, I didn’t want to end up wasting that much fabric, it’s really expensive for some reason.” Jimmy shook his head and smiled before he took off into the sky. Scott looked at the sweater taking in the careful stitching and he smiled a huge lovestruck smile.
He was in his house now looking at the sweater in the mirror. When he put his hand in the pocket he pulled out a note. He didn’t think that the Sheriff meant to leave the thing in there.
Petal, if you’re reading this I’m so sorry I keep getting you killed. It has been my fault time and time- the words were messed up by tear splatters -I’m sorry love. Please forgive me- more tear splatters -forgive me forgive me please I know I’ve made too many mistakes for you to ever love me again. Forgive me forgive me Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryforgivemeforgiveme please
the note cut off. Scott reread the note twice with his hand over his mouth. The sheriff had made a mistake? That got his lover killed? Possibly. Turning these thoughts over and over again in his head Scott fell asleep.
He woke up but he wasn’t in his bed he was in a room that smelled of cold wet earth. Someone was next to him breathing slowly. They were asleep. Peeling back the blankets he saw the softer, stubble speckled face of The Sheriff. And over his heart hovered three glowing green hearts. Blushing bright red Scott accidentally rolled out of the bed. “Petal? Why are you on the floor?” The Sheriff no the man? His heart sang “Jimmy” woke up with bed head that was adorable. “I-I was just-“
and Scott woke up he was in his bed in Chromia. Dashing to the window he saw the kingdom waking up with the pink rising sun.
Shaking Scott crawled out of his warm bed and tried to go about his day without thinking of how happy he felt sleeping next to the blond man. Like he would love the rest of his life hand in hand with the man with bed head.
That night he struggled to sleep again but when he fell into sleep he found himself resting against a chest watching the stars but he couldn’t turn his head to see who he was leaning against but the soft laughter that was shaking the chest made him feel safe and content.
Over the next weeks he kept getting the dreams until he had had enough taking off towards the mesa town. He saw the Sheriff working on the railway and his golden wings were used as ballast goddamn he was really hot. “Sheriff.” He called, landing on the dunes. “Oh hello Scott how are you doing?” The Sheriff asked smiling a smile that he had seen almost every night since he read that note. “Can we talk?” Scott asked. “Sure my office, tavern or…” the sheriff trailed off. “Taverns good.” Scott said tiredly. Scott followed the sheriff into the town.
“Water? Beer we have both?” The sheriff offered. “Nah.” Scott shook his head. “Could I have a beer please Andy?” The sheriff asked the bartender. “Comin’ right up sheriff.” “Thanks.” The sheriff nodded. “Alright Scott are you okay? You’re not talking as much as you usually do.” The sheriff asked tilting his head. “What’s your name?” Scott asked looking at the sheriff with tiered eyes. “Oh nobodies asked that in years… um th’ name’s Jimmy.” The sheriff smiled apprehensively hunching his shoulders and his wings huddled around him.
“What aren’t you telling me?” Scott demanded standing suddenly. I’ve been getting these dreams, and you are always there but-“ Scott ranted, his exhaustion showing. “Dreams?” Jimmy asked. “Yes. Dreams. Always you and me. Once we were stealing cows for some reason.” Scott ranted tugging at his ear. “But I know I love you-“ Scott shoved his hands over his mouth eyes wide. “Scott. It’s okay you’re okay.” Jimmy stood up reaching out a hand. “I got those dreams when I was figuring it out too. Everything will fall into place, it’ll be okay.” Scott slowly took Jimmy’s hand.
“Those are visions from past lives your aunt was a smart woman she got all the facts right.” Jimmy smiled softly and shook his head. “But it’s always been my fault when you die so if you just want to pretend that this conversation never happened I wouldn’t blame you.” Jimmy said quickly. “Jimmy. Look at me, I can’t remember everything. But I know I’ve loved you for a while even when I wasn’t getting these dreams.” Scott said. “Really?” Jimmy asked incredulously. “Really.” Scott affirmed.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
And The Clock Keeps Ticking A Limited Life fic, 5k words AO3 Link
Chapter One: Fourth Time's the Charm
When Scott woke up on a new server, he felt a lot of things
The first was dread. He knew the moment he spawned what this was, where he was. They were back in the dastardly games of life and death. One glance down at his shirt confirmed his instincts. His usually blue jacket had turned into a bright, pleasing to look at green. The multicolored stripes on his white t-shirt were now once again replaced with a green heart. If he could see his reflection he felt sure a familiar green stripe would now be through his cyan bangs. 
The second thing he felt was..indescribable. When Last Life started they had discovered something quite interesting. Players only remembered the games while they were in them. For example, when Scott had gone back to Empires after Third Life he’d remembered nothing, except a weird pull towards Jimmy. Additionally, in the games other servers became a fuzzy memory, especially on red life. The second he’d woken up Chromia had become nothing but a vague recollection, something he had to dig further into his brain to get a clearer image of. He couldn’t even remember his beloved llamas names. 
Every life series he was hit with the sudden memories of the last games. Scott felt sick to his stomach, the ending of Double Life seemingly on repeat in his brain. He didn’t want to remember how he’d blown up Pearl, how she’d screamed in terror. The feeling of explosions igniting at his feet. He’d be glad when he’d exploded both of them, knowing he wouldn’t remember it when he woke again. One minute in and Scott was already longing for the ignorant bliss that came in between seasons. 
The third feeling was a sick kind of excitement. Part of him, the part that never quite stopped being red, wanted to feel the bloodlust of a red life. He wanted blood under his fingernails and a sword in his hand. The fourth feeling was guilt at the mere thought of the third. Scott blinked, shaking his head and any other feelings that had been stirring in him. 
It was then Scott realized he’d just been…laying on the ground for a few minutes. He also realized what he was laying on wasn’t grass. He sat up slowly, taking in his surroundings. Scott had spawned on a small island by himself, with the mainland presumably just over a small stretch of water. He thought that was the mainland, it certainly looked big enough. 
Scott stood, a bit quicker than he had sat, and dusted sand off his clothes. The scottish man huffed in annoyance. Yay, sand in my hair. He ran his hands through his cyan hair, trying and failing to remove some sand. That would be a pain to get out later. 
It was then that Scott noticed he was alone. No one else had spawned around him. This had happened the past two times, Third Life was the exception. After that they’d known the drill, and Scott still did. Meet with the others in the middle, then let the games begin. 
A few minutes later Scott had crossed the stretch of water separating his island and was now walking through a forest. He walked in almost a straight line towards the middle, as if he’d lived in this area his whole life. Getting used to the terrain wasn't a bad idea, though. 
As he traveled, Scott noticed something felt..off. In the past games he’d felt his heart beating, more clearly than he’d ever had in his life. It was a constant reminder. He only had three chances, to get it right or die. He’d gotten it right once, but death had still come swiftly. There was no getting it right here. 
In Double Life he’d felt Pearl’s heart beating in tandem with his, a constant tug that he’d become begrudgingly familiar with. He’d hated it. The way he felt her heart rate increase, usually a sign she was about to hurt them. He hated that he’d grown to hate it. He hated that he wished to feel Cleo’s heartbeat instead. He hated that he’d grown to hate Pearl. 
Now he didn’t feel either of those times. The fourth time it was different, it’d never felt like this before. It was like his heart had been replaced, like a clock had been shoved inside his chest in its place. He felt a constant ticking, like it was a timer. Like his lifespan was being timed.
Oh Scott thought. He’d figured it out. He knew the theme of this game. 
Their lives were on a countdown
This time, Scott realized, there was no arguing that someone could make it out alive. They all had a fixed amount of time, and then it was over. There were no if, ands, or buts about it. You had a timeframe. A timeframe to win, to get it right. He knew no one truly made it out of these things alive, if his former victory held true for the other winners. But this time everyone knew, and denial had been made impossible. And Scott wanted the denial back. It had been his safety net last game and he wanted it back. He’d denied and denied and denied and denied that everyone in Double Life would die, no matter how strong the soulbonds were. Before there’d been some sort of hope, that maybe if everyone else died one person could make it and then all of it would have been worth something. But he’d gotten it right two games ago, and his hope was gone, and now his deniability was gone. And Scott didn’t want to get it right again. He really really didn’t want to get it right ever again. 
As these thoughts ran through Scotts head, of countdowns and soulbonds, his appeared through the trees. He turned his head as a familiar accented voice called his name. It filled him with dread and joy. Pearl!
“Scott! Scott!” The aussie waved, the biggest smile on her face. Her hoodie was black again, not red. Like the blood from last time had been washed away. Her eyes were a light blue once more. God, he never knew how much he missed her eyes being blue instead of red. He’d almost forgotten what it was like to see Pearl without a wolf by her side twenty four seven. Almost. 
“Pearl!’ Scott exclaimed, letting his joy seep through. 
“How's it goin mate?” She asked, giving his shoulder a friendly bump as she came to walk alongside him. It was as if they hadn’t seen each other in several months. And to them they hadn’t, their two servers dip in multidimensional travel now buried deep in their memories. 
“Well, it’d been going great before this.” Scott responded honestly. 
“Yeah, me too…” Pearl trailed off, slowly and suddenly moving out of his personal space. Her gaze filled with guilt, moving down to the grass beneath her feet. Ah, right. Last time. He guessed Pearl thought he was referring to them in the last game, when he just hated this whole ordeal in general.
Scott moved into her space this time, giving her shoulder a return bump. His way of forgiving her, of saying Sorry, I was a huge jerk last time. Pearl understood it perfectly, he could tell by the tiniest of smiles that spread across her face. She bumped his shoulder in return, and stopped looking quite so guilty. Sorry about the powdered snow. She seemed to say. Scott’s response of It’s fine didn’t need to be spoken. 
In one moment they’d understood each other wordlessly, easier than they had in two months of sharing a heartbeat, and the months before that of being Gatekeep and Girlboss. They would have never worked as soulmates, but it took being bonded for the world beneath them to realize that. 
The universe seemed to breathe in relief with them. The past was the past. And Scott couldn’t forget for the time being, but he could forgive. 
They found the middle of this small, new world in almost complete silence, enjoying the ambience of the forest and the presence of the person at their side. At the center was a Woodland Mansion, and Scott knew that was going to kill so many people as soon as he saw it. It’d definitely get Jimmy if he ever went in. He loved his blonde friend, he really did, but the universe was very much not in Jimmy’s favor during these games. 
“Scott, over there! Look!” Pearl said, shaking his arm. Scott blinked, dragging his gaze away from the Mansion. Pearl was pointing to the top of a nearby mountain. Scott squinted, shielding his eyes from the midday sun with his hand. He saw the figures of a few people at the edge of the mountain, one was waving down towards him and Pearl. Pearl waved back, her wide smile returning once again. Scott thought it was Bdubs waving, based on how short the silhouette was. The person next to him was significantly taller, with trademark bright red hair. Excitement buzzed through him as he recognized his former chosen soulmate. Cleo!
They began climbing up the mountain, almost forgetting to be careful. If Scott almost slipped and fell and died first because he was practically running to the top, well that was between him and the mountain. 
"Pearlie Pop!" The warm voice of Skizz greeted them as they reached the top. Scott had guessed right, Bdubs and Cleo were also there as well, with Skizzleman standing behind them. "Skizz! Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" Pearl exclaimed, running over to hug the taller man. They hadn't seen Skizz since Last Life and hey, this might be a death game, but this was the only time most of them saw Skizzle. Any feeling of "Oh God I'm about to kill my close friend" was overridden by just seeing the man again! 
"HI Skizz!" Scott called his own greeting a moment after Pearl, walking towards the two of them as Skizz excitedly yelled his name. 
"Man I haven't seen any of you in forever! This is great!!" Skizzle was his usual cheery self, his familiar smile planted over his features. Pearl was right, he was a sight for sore eyes.  
"I see how it is, not excited to see Ole Bdubs" Bdubs scoffed lightheartedly from the side, crossing his arms. 
"I see you every day, Bdubs! We live on the same server!" Pearl retorted, rolling her eyes 
"Yeah well they don't!" The shorter gestured at Scott and Skizzle. Cleo just laughed beside him. 
"You know I missed you buddy!" Skizz said, wrapping his arm around Bdubs shoulders. 
"I missed you, too" Scott rolled his eyes fondly. 
"Why thank you!" Bdubs crossed his arms again, this time triumphantly. 
"And I guess I missed Cleo as well." Scott said a moment later, giving the undead woman a teasing look.
"I'm flattered." Cleo deadpanned. 
"This the middle of the server?" Pearl asked, arms behind her back as she surveyed the area surrounding the little mountain. 
"Yep, Woodland Mansion right in the middle." Cleo confirmed. 
"Oh that's gonna go great." Scott said sarcastically, having unconsciously stood beside Cleo. He crossed his arms over his chest. 
"Oh Scar's gonna burn that down to the ground. I'm bettin' on it." Bdubs said. 
"He'll probably sell tickets to it." Skizz joked. Bdubs snorted in amusement. 
Pearl glanced behind her, her eyes flashing with something at Scott and Cleo standing together once more. He gave her a reassuring blink. Something that said It’s not like last time, I promise. If Cleo noticed the exchange, she didn't let it show, they just kept watching Skizzle and Bdubs. 
Before Pearl could respond to Scott a voice came from behind him. Scott turned, seeing a Tango quickly approaching. The blaze hybrid's tail was swishing happily against the stone. Etho followed behind him slowly, hands in his jacket pockets. Scott swore the white haired man was wearing a new jacket every time he saw him. 
"Tango! Etho!" Pearl waved vigorously. 
"Etho!" Bdubs yelled, running over to the taller man. Scott always thought the height difference between them was funny. "HI Bdubs" Etho laughed in return. 
More greetings were exchanged, and a lot more Skizzleman hugs. Scott didn't mind the Skizz hug he eventually got, the other man gave really good hugs. 
"There's only seven of us." Etho spoke up after a few minutes of no one showing up. "Surely there's more." 
"Where G?" Bdubs asked. "He's usually one of the first people here." 
"Am I Bdubs? Am I?" As if on cue, the avian was suddenly behind the other. Scott giggled as Bdubs screamed and jumped at least four feet in the air. “How do you always do that!?” Bdubs shrieked at the other short man. 
Grian ignored him with a roll of his eyes. "Anddd I have a BigB with me!" He exclaimed, gesturing behind him right as the aforementioned person walked towards the group. 
"BigB!" Scott greeted the other man happily. B was another person he never saw outside of the games. 
"Hi guys." BigB said, smiling lightly. The other six greeted him with enthusiasm, Skizz giving another hug. Scott made a mental note of how Grian arrived with his "Secret Soulmate" from last game. It probably meant nothing, knowing Grian, but it was a good thing to keep note of. It might come back later. 
It wasn't long after that Martyn joined the party, Jimmy in tow. Joel ran in a moment after them saying how he'd been trying to catch up for ten minutes and how rude it was for the blondes to leave him behind. Martyn offered no sympathy, remarking, "Well you shoulda ran faster then mate." That got him a light punch on the arm. 
They decided to catch up while they waited for whoever else might be here. It would be nice to have some down time to catch up with each other. Jimmy went to talk to BigB, clearly missing his old friend. Cleo had left his side at one point, going to talk to Martyn. Scott was glad they’d gotten along better as soulmates then he and Pearl had. 
Speaking of Pearl, she had just sat down beside him. Scott blinked, greeting her with a grin. They were slightly away from everyone else, backs resting against a small rise in the mountain. 
"Hey" He said. 
"Hey" Pearl responded. 
They lapsed into comfortable silence, watching the others converse. Pearl giggled beside him as Bdubs fumed. Someone had probably made a short joke again. Cleo's laughter boomed through the clearing. Etho kept edging the shortest one on more by making the two's height difference obvious. If Bdubs was an anime character he'd most likely have a little anger symbol on his forehead by now. Scott snickered at the thought. 
Scott looked at Pearl, watching the way she laughed at their friends' antics. He missed seeing her happy, he realized. He missed being her friend. 
Pearl glanced at him after a moment, her eyes holding a question. What? 
Scott looked back at the group for a moment, trying to figure out how to word what he wanted to say. It'd been on his mind since they met up in the woods. He decided finally to just be blunt with it. 
"Sorry for blowing you up" 
Pearl inhaled sharply, she probably wasn't expecting that. 
"It's fine, I kinda deserved it." After a moment she added, barely audible. "You didn't deserve to win again anyways." 
Oh shit. She won. She won. It dawned on Scott suddenly. Back then he hadn’t thought what the explosion meant for his soulmate, just that he couldn't win again. Not a second time. 
Pearl had lost her mind for nothing, and it'd taken him this long to realize. 
Scott said nothing, just leaned against her. He hoped it was comforting. He hoped it said. I know I didn't deserve it. I'm sorry. 
The moment was soon broken by Impulse, who was about ten minutes late to the party, showing up. Impulse said he'd been near Skizz at one point, but had gotten slightly lost trying to find him again. 
"Aw, sorry buddy." Skizz gave his old friend a pat on the shoulder. Impulse just rolled his eyes. 
"Now who're we missing?" Martyn asked, looking around. 
Grian, who they learned somehow had admin powers in these servers, pulled up a player list. Grian acted like he had no idea why he had admin permissions, Scott thought he was lying about that. Grian knew why, he just wasn’t telling for whatever reason. At the end of the day it didn’t matter, since Grian couldn't affect the actual game after it started. Well from what they’d been told anyways. The avian scanned the list of players quickly, counting the names and the number of people around him. “We’re just waiting on-” 
Joel cut the admin off. “Scar” He said, guesting towards the scarred man as he finished Grian’s sentence. The brunette walked into the group, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry I’m late.” He apologized. 
“Scar!” Grian’s feathers fluffed up slightly. “What took you so long?” 
“I got lost.” Scar said, voice getting smaller. The group reacted with a mix of giggles and eyerolls. Scott assumed he got lost in true Scar fashion, probably getting distracted by a woodland creature. Scar was endearing like that. 
“Well,” Grian said, his feathers smoothing again. “Now that everyone here, i guess we can get started” 
The mood dampened slightly at this. Grian grimanced, as he did at the start of every game. No one wanted to do this a fourth time, and no one wanted to be the one to start it. Participating in a death game is bad, but being the one to truly start it is a million times worse. If this was any other group, Scott would be expecting them to blame the whole thing on Grian.  
The group began walking towards the middle of the little clearing on their mountain. Scott took a deep breath, getting to his feet. Beside him Pearl did the same. She unexpectedly grabbed his hand, slowly pulling him forward as she walked. Scott blinked in surprise, glancing down. Pearl squeezed his hand reassuringly. Scott looked at her face, it was expressionless. Scott squeezed back. 
Pearl let go, going to stand beside someone else. Scott stood on the opposite side of the circle the small group was forming. He looked at Grian, who was standing at the head of the circle. 
“..Well” The admin began. “We’re back” 
“Yeah, and what’s different?” Martyn spoke up, a hand on one hip. “I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.”  Small murmurs of agreement followed his words. Scott looked around his friends, the rest doing the same. Something felt wrong. It felt like they were missing one piece to whatever puzzle this situation was.There had been a similar feeling last season, when Lizzie, Mumbo and Skizz hadn’t started with them. It also came with a small feeling of relief, that a few of them had been spared for a minute. But this time Scott felt like something, someone, very big was missing. 
“Well, Ren isn’t here” BigB spoke up. 
It clicked in Scotts head what was missing right as B spoke. Oh, Ren. Ren was definitely a pretty big puzzle piece to be missing. The feeling felt worse now that it was a consistent member actually, worse than it had for Skizz’s departure last season. The dog had made a constant impact on whatever game he was in, in a different way each time. Scott was irritated with himself for not noticing before BigB said something. Ren had a pretty loud presence, so someone probably should’ve noticed before now. 
When he looked at his fellow players' faces again, some had a look of guilt. Scott was glad to know he was one of many to not notice poor Ren wasn’t here. It made him feel less like him specifically was being a jerk. 
“Why isn’t he here actually?” Martyn piped up again, looking at Grian. The blonde was now a tad restless, shifting his weight from foot to foot. A wave of sympathy for the man ran through Scott. Martyn and Ren had been inseparable in Third Life, and their bond had persisted into the other games. They were clearly still very connected to their first real ally. Scott could understand, he didn’t know how to feel if Jimmy wasn’t here one day. Even if he hated Jimmy dying first every single time, he’d rather have his former husband with him than being God knows where. 
“I don’t know, Martyn.” Grian gave a slightly exasperated sigh. “Just like I didn't know where Skizz,” The avian gestured to the suited man across the circle. “Or Mumbo or Lizzie were last time.” Martyn just narrowed his eyes at the admin. If he were a dog hybrid like Ren he would definitely be growling.  “I guess they-the universe wanted to see how a game goes with Ren.” Scott narrowed his own eyes as Grian stumbled over his words. 
“Anywhere’s better than here.” Cleo muttered after a moment, breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the group. That seemingly made Martyn forget whatever he was going to retort with, as he stopped giving Grian a death glare. “Yeah, I guess you're right.” The blonde mumbled with a glance at Cleo. He stopped being visibly antsy, now standing still. It was kind of unnerving how still actually, he was almost as still as a statue. 
“Right.” Grian began, clearly wanting to get back on track. “We missing anyone else?” When no one responded the avian seemingly decided it was time to start, once again pulling up some sort of weird admin panel. He scrolled for a bit, fingers playing over the hologram. Scott assumed that it was a hologram, for his own sanity, because if that was something else he’d never seen before he might lose it. 
“What's changed this time?” Jimmy asked after a moment of Grian just scrolling and reading something. No one else could read it, as the text was in galactic. Scar, who was standing beside Grian, peeked over his shoulder at the screen regardless. 
“You haven’t noticed?” Tango looked at his rancher--well former rancher. 
“Noticed what?” Jimmy asked, oblivious. Tango’s tail curled up in amusement, and Scott snickered to himself . Typical Jimmy. 
“The ticking, Tim.” Martyn spoke once more, seemingly over his previous funk. He pointed at his chest, and Jimmy seemed to get it. “Oh, I just noticed it.” The latter said sheepishly, and Scott couldn’t hold back a snicker. “You’ve been here for half an hour and just noticed with ticking in your chest?” He teased. In Jimmy’s defense, it was a really quiet sound, but teasing Jimmy always gave everyone a good laugh, even Jimmy himself laughed at his own stupidity. 
“I bet Scar hasn’t either!” The other defended himself lightly, glaring at Scott. 
Unfortunately trying to take Scar down with him wouldn’t work for Jimmy. Scar was oblivious, yes, but half of that was just an act. And Scar broke Jimmy’s little defense when he said, “Oh I noticed it  as soon as I woke up.” The man’s voice was laced with fake innocence, his little trickster smile across his features. Scott laughed, and beside him Tango let out a snort of his own amusement. Joel quickly joined in the laughing at Jimmy party, the brunette’s booming laugh filling the forest below. Jimmy just gaped at Scar, before huffing and turning back to Grian.
“Alright, enough taking the mick out of Tim.” The avian said, closing his little admin panel. He whacked Scar in the face with a wing, shoving the other man out of his space. Scar spluttered, blinking as loose feathers got comically stuck to his face. Grian gave a quiet apology chirp, as he probably only meant to nudge the taller a little bit, not ya know whack him in the face. Scar accepted the apology, shaking the loose feathers away and standing beside Grian again. 
“The ticking is the first change” Grian began what Scott called the beginning speech. It was an overview of all the game's new changes before the countdown happened. “Everyone has twenty four hours to live, and we’re all on a timer.” Scott felt his stomach plummet. He hated the idea of knowing how long his life was. 
“So we have a day to live?” Impulse asked nervously.
“Well, we were supposed to.” Grian’s face warped into a shit eating grin. “The timer says twenty four hours, but it actually spans about twenty four days. Maybe more.” That made Scott feel better, it was a similar length to the other games. Twenty four days, he could work with that 
“Oh thank Jesus.” Bdubs sighed in relief.  
Grian continued explaining. “If you have more than sixteen hours on your timer your name will be green. More than eight hours makes you yellow, and under eight hours means you’re a red name. If you kill someone, you get thirty minutes back, and they lose an hour. But if your timer reaches zero you die, permanently. Oh and yellows can attack greens this time..” 
 Grian suddenly pulled up his admin panel again, searching once more. The others took this time to talk quietly amongst themselves. Eight hours on green. Scott thought uneasily. The new concept gave them a little more leniency with death, but also gave them a time limit. You had to face the fact that your time was running out, even on green. In previous games only the reds really had to worry about that. Scott thought it made this game unusually cruel. 
“This kinda feels like Last Life.” He faintly heard Pearl remark to Skizz. Scott then decided to ignore the conversations around him and the sick feeling in his stomach at the thought of Last Life, his eyes going to watch Grian instead. What’s he looking for? He knows how to start a countdown. 
“Ah-hah!” Four former Southlanders snickered when Grian spoke again. The Ah-hah joke was still funny to that lot, apparently. “Found it!” The avian closed the panel again, his eyes scanning over the galactic text one last time before he did. 
“The Boogeyman curse is back.”
The sick feeling for moments earlier returned, and Scott was sure he visibly went pale. One sentence had sombered the mood further, the group going quiet. Anyone who had been subject to curse looked unwell, and Scott guessed he didn’t look any better. Being boogey was one of the worst feelings he’d ever felt, and he’d felt a lot of fucked up things in these games. It was constant bloodlust, a never ending need to kill. It was everything about being a red life, which Scott already hated, but turned up to ten. 
The people who hadn’t been boogeyman, Grain, Impulse, Skizz, Tango and Cleo, just looked a bit lost at everyone else's reactions. Of course they didn’t get it, they’d never known what it was to know that if you don’t kill someone you were going red. All five had been red lives, but on red the universe wasn’t making you slaughter your allies, the choice to end someone's life was in their hands at the end of the day. When you were boogey it was you going to red, or you could bring some poor green life down a singular color. And Scott had done both. He wasn’t even thinking when he’d done his first and only boogey kill back in Last Life. Something in him and told him to kill Impulse, and he’d obeyed before he even knew what was happening. But the second time he didn’t, he hadn’t wanted to hurt the little alliance he’d made. He couldn’t do it again. 
Part of him, the part that had been hardened and made cold from these games, wanted the other five to get boogey this time, just so they could get it. 
“What-what are the requirements?” Jimmy asked softly. The man looked like he was going to throw up. Scott felt so bad for him. Jimmy never liked senseless killing, and he’d been forced to it once before, and was being forced to possibly do it again. 
Grian resumed his explanation, very tentatively. “Well, if you’re killed by a boogeyman you lose two hours off your timer, and the boogey gets once added to theirs. And if the boogey doesn't get a kill by the end of the week, they lose a color.” 
Scott took a breath, trying to calm himself once again. He could just, not kill someone if he got boogey on green. This wasn’t as bad as Last Life. It wasn’t. Just as long as he never got boogey, Scott would be okay. 
 “What about the enchanting tables?” Pearl asked, clearly trying to change the subject. 
“Oh! Yes!” Grian was glad to move on. “We can have more than one, but we’re still limited to low level enchantments!” 
“Aww, I can't have a monopoly on the enchanter anymore.” Scar pouted. Grian lightly glared at the other. “Yes Scar, that’s why we get multiple.”
“It’s a good thing Ren isn’t here then.” Joel joked. “There can be no Dogwarts without the dog, eh Martyn?” 
“Without my king I am not even a hand, just a lowly man without a kingdom to call home.” Martyn said dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. Etho let out a giggle at the two’s antics, and Scott honest to god hadn’t even noticed the masked man standing to his right before now. 
“One last question!” Pearl was smiling widely again. “Are diamonds gonna be a pain in arse to find, like last time?’ 
“Nope!” Grian responded. “Diamonds are easier to find, and there's also no Wardens. Now,” He pulled up the admin panel again, triple checking everything. “That’s everything new this time!” 
Scott took another deep breath, trying to shake away his remaining nerves. It’s time. The mood dampened a bit, but only for a second as Grian started the short countdown. Scott felt it when the timer in his chest truly started counting. It felt like the ticking out louder, less of a gentle, barely noticeable noise and more like it was blaring in his ears. 
“Okay, you have twenty-four hours left to live. Good luck!” Grian began to run down the side of the mountain, laughing as the others began to do the same. Yells of lighthearted panic filled the air as the fourteen friends started their fourth death game. 
Scott laughed, getting swept up in the misplaced excitement. His worries dispersed as he ran down the mountain he’d climbed before. And this time Pearl was not with him. 
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yoshiintheweb · 10 months
top five empires, both seasons combined [:
Lore wise or build wise?
Well Lore wise it would be
2. Grimlands+ Crystal Cliffs (i cannot seperate them they are one to me)
3. Mezalea <333
4. Gobland
5. Tumble Town
Build wise?!
3. Gobland
4. Chromia
5. Ancient Capital
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