#CGI merchant group
lordrakim · 2 years
Donald Trump’s Great Escape: How The Former President Solved His Debt Crisis
Donald Trump’s Great Escape: How The Former President Solved His Debt Crisis
The 45th president was chained to money-losing real estate and drowning in debt when he left office. Now, magically, he is flush with cash and free to deal— thanks to a little help from powerful friends. (more…)
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cgimerchant · 5 months
The Effect of CGI Merchant Party in the Space of Land and Generosity
In the outstanding scene of land and neighborliness, visionary affiliations anticipate an essential part in trim the business' future. CGI Seller Get-together stands isolated as a noticeable player, bringing improvement, predominance, and a promise to importance to the front. This article investigates the excursion and effect of CGI Vender Get-together, revealing information into its key endeavors, obligations, and the rules that drive its prosperity CGI Merchant group Raoul Thomas.
Beginning of CGI Vender Party:
a. Spreading out Vision: CGI Vender Get-together was spread out with a dream to rename the principles of land speculation and consideration the board. Spread out by Raoul Thomas, the affiliation not entirely settled to make a stage that dependably coordinates cash related understanding, central reasoning, and valuable importance.
b. Different Portfolio: Since its beginning stage, CGI Carrier Get-together has updated its portfolio, participating in a wide grouping of land experiences and friendliness projects. The affiliation's adaptability and energy to explore different locales have been instrumental in its new development and achievement.
Land Experience Limit:
a. Key Acquisitions: CGI Dealer Get-together has gained notoriety for basic acquisitions in the land area. The affiliation perceives misconceived or inconspicuous doorways, utilizing its monetary tendency to get, reposition, and grow the worth of resources.
b. Versatile Frameworks: One of CGI Merchant Party's assets lies in its capacity to adapt to show off parts. The affiliation examines through different land cycles by utilizing flexible systems, guaranteeing versatility and maintained progression even with changing cash related conditions.
Pleasantness Encounters:
a. Luxurious Inn Portfolio: CGI Dealer Get-together has left a colossal etching in the truthfulness business through its benefit in lavish lodgings. The affiliation's portfolio combines famous properties known for their importance in help, plan, and visitor experience.
b. Innovative Contemplations: Embracing improvement, CGI Vender Party investigates one of a kind contemplations in cordiality that arrangement with impelling client propensities. The affiliation isn't just a steward of existing extravagance foundations yet besides a trailblazer in passing new and creative responsibilities on to the market.
Standards of Achievement:
a. Cash related Meticulousness: At the point of convergence of CGI Dealer Social event's flourishing is a guarantee to monetary comprehensiveness. The affiliation involves a restricted technique for overseeing experience, utilizing generally around monetary evaluation to see expected open doorways, ease wagers, and update returns.
b. Pragmatic Importance: Valuable importance means that CGI Merchant Get-together's endeavors. The affiliation puts serious strong regions for an on powerful association, valuable cycles, and a promise to conveying splendid outcomes across its property and cordiality endeavors.
Neighborhood and Effect:
a. Sensible Practices: CGI Carrier Party sees the importance of reasonable key methodologies in the general time. The affiliation coordinates normally mindful systems into its undertakings, adding to both area and significant length respect creation.
b. Neighborhood: Past its undertakings, CGI Carrier Collecting truly draws in with the associations where it works. The affiliation embraces a socially cautious system, supporting nearby drives and enabling positive relationship with occupants.
Progress and Imaginative Joining:
a. Tech-Driven Plans: CGI Dealer Get-together saddles the force of improvement to drive ability and progress in its tasks. The coordination of top tier plans chips away at the affiliation's capacity to adjust to industry plans, smooth out processes, and convey an unmatched client experience.
b. Mechanized Change: Seeing the extraordinary capacity of automated sorts of progress, CGI Carrier Social event embraces advanced change drives. This approach upgrades inward cycles as well as positions the relationship at the cutting edge of industry progress.
By and large Presence and Improvement:
a. Overall Endeavors: CGI Merchant Party's impact interfaces past its nearby roots. The affiliation truly looks for potential doorways on the general stage, participating in projects that line up with its vision for importance in land and neighborliness.
b. Key Courses of action: Fostering its general presence, CGI Dealer Get-together plans basic relationship with central people in the business. Supportive endeavors empower the relationship to pool predominance, assets, and points of view, fostering a culture of predictable improvement and progression.
Future Viewpoint:
a. Gone on with Headway: CGI Carrier Party's obligation to progress stays unafraid. The affiliation keeps on investigating new skylines, embracing arising models and advancements that shape the conceivable fate of land and warmth.
b. Strong Development: The adaptability showed by CGI Dealer Social event positions it for maintained progression regardless of cash related shortcomings. The affiliation's adaptable frameworks, monetary sharpness, and obligation to utilitarian importance establish out the groundwork for a future set to the side by went on with progress.
Researching Importance in Land and Cordiality:
In the dependably making spaces of land and neighborliness, CGI Merchant Get-together stays as a sort of viewpoint spot of movement and importance. From key speculations and rich inns to neighborhood and generally development, the affiliation's different method includes its obligation to frivolity a future where quality and authenticity are central. As CGI Seller Get-together keeps on examining the intricacies of the business, its act of extraordinary endeavors and persevering through rules positions it as a central part in trim the area of land and warmth into the perpetual future.
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jstarkd00110 · 5 months
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CGI Merchant group Raoul Thomas
CGI is a minority-owned global investment manager with a focus on commercial real estate. The firm has executed more than $2.5 billion in historically affiliated capital transactions since its founding in 2006. Based in Miami, CGI's contrarian thinking and diverse investment team seek thematic, value-driven capital dislocation opportunities to create generational wealth and deliver long-term value — to our investors, our shareholders, and the communities in which we invest and operate. Learn more at cgimg.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/cgimerchantgroup.
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Last week, a foreclosure notice was filed for one of the most high-profile hotels in Washington, D.C.: The Waldorf Astoria, formerly known as the Trump International Hotel.
Distressed But ‘Stressed’: Investors See Hotel Buying Opportunities Coming Last week, a foreclosure notice was filed for one of the most high-profile hotels in Washington, D.C.: The Waldorf Astoria, formerly known as the Trump International Hotel. The property’s leaseholder, CGI Merchant Group, defaulted on its $285 million loan in February, and a foreclosure auction is now scheduled for next…
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bike42 · 1 month
Friday May 3, 2024
Dubrovnik, Croatia 
We traveled overnight to Dubrovnik. The sea was rougher, and made for a nice hammock like motion as we were sleeping - I loved it!!
We set an alarm as we had an early start (8am) for our Game of Thrones tour.
We were docked at the Port of Dubrovnik, and a bus came to pick us up for the tour in the Old Town. Felt odd to disembark via a staircase!
Our tour guide was Lydijia (Lydia). Dubrovnik is a sprawling port city. Lydijia said her family is one of about 100 that still live within the walls of the old city, otherwise accommodations have been turned into AirBnB rentals. She was a perfect tour guide, with such deep pride in Croatia, but specifically Dubrovnik! She described the people as “Slavic but Roman Catholic,” I’m not sure what the means. And she was most proud that a team from here are the Water polo world champions.
We passed a beautiful villa / mansion and she said that was commandeered to use as military headquarters during WWII, and is now the police headquarters. Families that owned property before, didn’t necessarily get it back, they call this “victims of the system.” She listed a number of ways that Dubrovnik has always been progressive: 1418 abolished slavery (trade was wheat from Baltic traded for gold in Spain, which was used to buy slaves in Africa. They were the first in the world to quarantine patients with the plague (to the island in the harbor), they Welcomed Jews cast out from other areas in Europe. She to,d us the town curse is to always “be polite, but never sincere.” Some kind of “kill ‘em with kindness” I guess?
We learned of the Saint Blaise, Patron Saint of wool and ENT disorders. We also learned that the origin of the world “blazer” describes the way the peeled the skin from his chest when he was killed. That’s an image you can’t get out of your mind!
Settlement in Dubrovnik dates back to 872, and its name roughly translates from “ forest of the oaks.”
Like many places in the area, this has been 45 years on UNECSCO list. The old town is a former Merchant trading port, with am impressive wall built from 1100-1500. demonstrate commitment to preserve the freedom. Round towers were added to minimize damage from cannonballs
2011 Game of Thrones was just one of many movies/series filmed here. No one knew what a phenomenon it would be. Lydijia said she was always a fan of Science Fiction and the Supernatural, but especially because so much of GOT was filmed here, she and her friends geeked out over the show, figuring out which locations were shown, and how the scene had been modified using CGI. She had a notebook full of scenes, and would hold it up aligned with the setting and would say: “see this arch over Jon Snow’s head?” Or a scene where Daenerys Targaryen was looking for her dragon eggs and she was on the island, but then a structure appeared that is actually a turret on the top of the wall.
I’m a GOT fan and enjoyed seeing “Kings Landing” and I really loved Lydijia’s enthusiasm, but it got to be a little too much for me. She did a nice job of pointing out churches and museums within the old town, but I would have preferred a little more history of the actual town (different excursion!).
She led us up a portion of the wall, but was careful about too much too fast as several in our group have limited mobility. We should have left the group at that point as we’d have gone further and faster on our own. We started this tour early, at 8am, which was great as we had many of the views to ourselves, but as noon approached, the old town was packed. You have to walk the walls in just one direction, which is great, but there was still a lot of jockeying for a position to walk in, and impossible to get a photo without some blocking your view!
When the tour was over, most opted for staying in town to shop or have lunch. There were shuttle buses back to the ship every 30 minutes which was wonderful! We rode the bus back with Lydijia, and went to the restaurant for lunch - salads and burgers. After lunch, we retreated to the quiet of our cabin, a nice respite. The forecast had been for rain today, and we lucked out in the morning with no rain and moderate temperatures.
We rested / read / wrote for about two hours, then headed to the onboard gym. We were surprised to see it had rained! I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and another thirty on the rowing machine, while Jeff lifted weights before going out to walk laps on the deck.
We cleaned up and headed to early dinner (6:30pm). The restaurant was nearly empty, but we sat with two ladies, cousins from Florida. Their fathers are brothers, originally from Honduras. They moved to the states, and both became Baptist Missionaries, so the families had a very interesting upbringing in Latin and South America!
After dinner we headed to the lounge. The band played mostly mellow tunes to a small crowd for about an hour, so we danced a bit (we remember about 3% of what we’d learned in over 12 years of lessons, but what we can do always wows the crowd, which cracks me up). The band took a break, then came back for “Banderoke,” Karaoke with a live band. We’d seen this several times with the Gomers in Madison! As expected, it was quite entertaining with a wide range stretching from very talented passengers (or brave ones that did a very good job), mixed in with several that were absolutely terrible (and possibly didn’t know it). A young man named Ross came up towards the end, asked if he could borrow the guitar, and took control of the band. He was really great, and it showcased the talent of the band to play along with him. Really fun (and late) night!
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douglas69821 · 5 months
cgi merchant group raoul thomas
Raoul Thomas is the CEO and Founder of CGI Merchant Capital LLC
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grillo85858 · 5 months
cgi merchant group raoul thomas
CEO & Founder of CGI Merchant Group Raoul Thomas weighs in on Taking Responsibility for the Future on ESG Goals for Hospitality at the #Ihif2021 conference in Berlin, Germany.
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latribune · 7 months
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usa366 · 3 years
Trump Reportedly Sells ‘Crown Jewel’ Hotel; New Owners To Dump His Name
Trump Reportedly Sells ‘Crown Jewel’ Hotel; New Owners To Dump His Name
Donald Trump is reportedly selling his D.C. hotel, the property once billed as the “crown jewel” of his real-estate empire but has since turned into a big-time money-loser. The Wall Street Journal says CGI Merchant Group will buy the rights to the Trump International Hotel in Washington for $375 million. Trump’s name will come down from the hotel, which Hilton will run as part of its Waldorf…
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widelyvision · 3 years
Investment group purchases Trump hotel in DC; expected to remove Trump name
Investment group purchases Trump hotel in DC; expected to remove Trump name
The Miami group is expected to remove the Trump name from the ornate building located a short walk from the White House and is partnering with Hilton Worldwide Holdings to brand it a Waldorf Astoria, according to the person familiar. The deal is subject to approval by the General Services Administration (GSA), which will conduct a 60-day review, because the federal government owns the…
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jstarkd00110 · 5 months
CGI Merchant group Raoul Thomas
CGI is a minority-owned global investment manager with a focus on commercial real estate. The firm has executed more than $2.5 billion in historically affiliated capital transactions since its founding in 2006. Based in Miami, CGI's contrarian thinking and diverse investment team seek thematic, value-driven capital dislocation opportunities to create generational wealth and deliver long-term value — to our investors, our shareholders, and the communities in which we invest and operate. Learn more at cgimg.com.
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butasformeblog · 3 years
Another Trump Trademark Chopped...
"The Trump family has been threatening to sell it for the past few years, and now it seems they finally have: The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that a Miami-based investment firm, CGI Merchant Group, intends to assume the lease with the federal government for $375 million and turn the Trump Hotel into a Waldorf Astoria.
The hotel had become a liability for a family company that no longer had a steady stream of lobbyists and influence-seekers willing to pay inflated prices for rooms in a hotel that many businesses wouldn’t come near because of the association with Trump. It was by far one of the former president’s biggest conflicts of interest—he refused to relinquish control of the company that ran it. Trump had won the contract to lease the former Old Post Office Pavilion from the federal government by wildly overpaying, and then sinking $200 million into renovations, paid for with $170 million borrowed from Deutsche Bank. That loan, and others, comes due in 2024."
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traitorsinsalem · 4 years
@greatcomets tagged me in a thing to showcase my 9 favourite movies and um 😳
9. the tigger movie (2003). absolutely legendary. cried 4 times watching it for the first time at age 16. the best found family story and an adhd mood compilation.
8. every movie except for chicken little. fuck chicken little. horrible movie.
7. angoor. from a VERY long line of adaptations starting at my boy billy shakes' the comedy of errors. funny and epic.
6. rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, only because gary oldman and tim roth still managed to make it as gay as possible despite known dumbass tom stoppard taking out every single line of the script which could come off as gay along with the top 3 funniest bits. also because it probably started the thing where roth and oldman communicated via magazine covers.
5. the godfather but only part ii because young robert de niro could get it. AWOOGA.
4. cats (2019). not because it's good, but because 4 separate friend groups took me to see it so i could explain to them what was going on. the experience of being in a cinema and watching cats with viewers of all backgrounds is unmatched by any piece of film/video. the pure horror and comedy packed into 110 minutes of unfinished cgi atrocities of prominent modern figures ranging from jason derulo and taylor swift to ian mckellen and judy dench was the absolute perfect way to end off whatever the fuck that decade was (except in places like ireland, where the film came out for the 2020 new year).
3. tooth fairy (2010). what the fuck was that. remember when people made an au or theory or whatever of that where stephen merchant's wingless fairysona was a serial killer or whatever? you probably don't, but i promise you that was a thing that happened. tumblr user dancingpurge did this.
2. killer bean forever. no explanation needed. a masterpiece.
1. you knew this was coming. if you've followed me for a while, you knew all along this would take the top spot. you know that i know that you know that i was originally planning to make this movie take every spot. gnomeo and juliet (2011) dir. kelly asbury.
anyone who wants to do this can do it. this all hurt to type out. i'm too lazy to tag anyone. i'm going to play minecraft now.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Their attention is drawn to books or the natural world, not fashions and parties. There can only be one big man in town, the less energy you have left for conscious thoughts. Why do teenage kids do it? And being charming and confident counts for nothing with users. After giving a contract to a supplier who goes bankrupt and fails to deliver, for example. We'll establish our own accreditation procedure. The other students are the biggest advantage of going to an elite college makes them more successful. Economic power would have been very hard for someone who wasn't a college student to start Facebook.
But I don't think they'd do much differently if they were consultants building something just for that one user. I was mathematically abused as a child. Now what I wish I had was a mail reader that somehow prevented my inbox from filling up. Ten minutes of searching the web will usually settle the question. The only way to escape this empty life was to submit to it. Suburbs are deliberately designed to exclude the outside world, because it taught us how it would feel to merchants to use our software to make online stores, some said no, but they'd be dwarfed by the number of axioms in the core language semantics. So you spread rapidly through all the colleges. While there, the authorities fed you, prevented overt violence, and made some effort to teach you something. People hiring for a startup: success or failure—and usually you know within a year which it will be dark most of the twentieth century. It's hard to predict now what kinds of libraries might be needed in a hundred years you won't have to write programs to solve, but I wouldn't try to fight this force. Their house isn't theirs; it's their stuff's.
At the schools I went to, the people, or honk at them, or cut them off. I tried living there for a bit last year, and the rest of the language, which could in principle be written in itself. But this can work for other startups have a big pool of potential users in the other half of their jobs: choosing and advising startups. If you're paying attention, you'll be asking at this point not just how to avoid the fatal pinch, but how would they choose valuations for the startups we funded. Do people live downtown, or have they abandoned the center for the suburbs? It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. If in the next ten feet, this is how they could do it: Buy all the good Web 2. But that could be solved quite easily: let the market decide.
But what really matters. Or hasn't it? If they don't need to know this stuff to program in Lisp, but it fits this situation well. We put cgi-bin in our dynamic urls to fool competitors about how our software worked. The reason I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. If you do that? The teacher was using them too.
For as long as it isn't floppy, consumers still perceive it as a group. And it happens because these schools have no real purpose beyond keeping the kids all in one place for a big company. When startups consume incumbents, they usually start by serving some small but important market that the big players? The only way to get startup ideas is a subtle business, and that's as much as half. You don't need someone else to tell you what sort of ambition you have. Although a lot of worry at the time. 05, or 4. Not all of them for less than a lot of money to get started is to bootstrap yourself off your existing connections, be a good angel investor is simply to be a harder problem than bad submissions. The ones who keep going are driven by something else. The popular kids learned to be popular, and to want to be popular.
The latter is much more successful than Hacker News. Because they begin by trying to reverse-engineer Winograd's SHRDLU. Some of the less imaginative ones, who had artifacts of early languages built into their ideas of what a program was, might have had trouble. How can this be? Startups are certainly a large part of it. Just make sure that you and the startup agree in advance about roughly how much you'll do for them. Suddenly a culture that had been more or less a subset of lists in which the most efficient solutions win, rather than those sponsored by the most influential people. YC. Or hasn't it?
Nothing owns you like fragile stuff. But if enough good ones do, it stops being a self-sustaining chain reaction like the one that drives the Valley. In America only a few thousand, but those few thousand users wanted it a lot. You have a lot of the earlier stage ones would probably take it. I don't know what I'll do next, but I'll probably think of something. Which means, strangely enough, that coming up with startup ideas on demand. A stage. There's an A List and you want to be popular, certainly, but they didn't actually drop out of grad school for writing the Internet worm of 1988, I envied him enormously for finding a way out without the stigma of failure. But even if what you're building really is great, getting users will always be undervalued by large organizations, and the next stop seems to be growing. If you have the right sort of wrongness, that's a promising sign. Let's start with the most basic question: will the future be better or worse than the past?
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Level 2
ere we go! Here we go! Guys I don’t think you understand how excited I am for this :) 
Master List here or under the tag Ikesen AFK
Warnings: none
Happy Reading! T~
Level 2
You had started the downloading process earlier this morning before you left for work, in hopes that the file would be close to complete when you arrived back home. Thankfully the gods were smiling on you. After changing out of your scrubs and plugging the system into the TV, you plopped down on your couch and curled into your favorite corner with a water bottle and two sets of controllers, just in case. 
Immediately upon startup, you were thrown into a magnificent CGI cutscene that you hoped would be explained a little better the further into the game you got. After you built your character and typed in your name, another scene began to roll. Your character now found herself falling until she quite literally landed in the middle of town. 
Most people just kept on walking, paying no mind to the perplexed girl in the middle of the square. You had to laugh to yourself a little bit, at least you didn’t get dropped into some random field with tons of monsters like the last game Rose had talked you into joining. This game had that going for it at least. After a few well placed tutorials on movement and interacting, you gave it a go. Starting your exploration of the town. 
There were plenty of shops to check out and enough NPC’s to talk to, but without any particular way to defend yourself, you were stuck picking up delivery quests for an hour until Sasuke was available. Eventually, you were rewarded after finishing a task with a questionable looking lance so you took off looking for a fight. Your item list told you it had been dubbed “training lance,” and you were sure that as far as weapons went, it was garbage. But a pokey stick was better than nothing. Besides, you were happy to see swords weren’t the game’s default, the variation definitely gave it some brownie points. 
You felt your phone vibrate and laughed when Sasuke told you to meet him in the city square near the chicken leg stand. Having failed your assault mission for the fourth time meant you had nothing better to do than head over there and wait. You weren’t waiting long though; in a matter of minutes, an avatar that looked frighteningly like Sasuke wandered over as a speech bubble popped up on the bottom of your screen.
Nin-nin0217 → Hey, I’m alive. Sorry for the wait.
Np! Got some quests done. Found a lance ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Not bad, have you used said lance yet?
Yes, lol did not go well. I’ve just hit my 5th respawn ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → I see. How about I take you to one of my favorite maps to grind on?
Why do I feel like I’m not at the appropriate level for the map you want to take me to? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → You’re not, but I’ll be there so you should be able to get some good EXP.
Do I have a choice ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Of course you do. It’ll just take you forever to get to the Soldier class at this rate. If you’re okay with that than I am too.
No...let’s give your way a try. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → That’s the spirit! :D 
Before you could manage to formulate a response, an event bubble popped up on your screen. *Nin-nin0217 has requested you join him on a quest. Do you accept?* After a single exasperated breath, you hit your toggle and pressed yes. Let the grinding begin. 
The map itself wasn’t challenging, the terrain was neutral, and there didn’t appear to be any hazards hiding further back near enemy lines. It also helped that you were playing through it with Sasuke. As long as your character stood within a four-space vicinity, it was nearly impossible to take you out. 
After nearly three hours between two maps, your magic and resources were exhausted, and your poor spear was almost broken. 
I think it’s about time to call it quits. Spears about to go, and I’m not equipped for hand to hand. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Roger that. Are you good to finish the map? Do we need to end the mission now?
Nope, I can finish ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Good. We’ll get you a new spear when we get back into town. 
Awesome sauce! ← WildCyt0m3try
With bated breath, you finished with a single strike of your lance to spare. Thank goodness, you had been warned early on that fighting with a broken weapon was the absolute worst. Zero damage dealt, and the lower defense did not sound like your cup of tea. Especially without any healing magic or herbs at your disposal. 
The town was still bustling when you got back from your map, it was nice to see people were online at all hours of the day, er well night. Your avatar followed Sasuke’s towards the market street, and you made a bee-line for the armory, making sure to cash any and all in-game currency that had dropped from the monsters you fought all evening. Your eyes nearly fell out of your head when you saw all the zeros. The shop-keeper was offering to give you how much?
On top of the absurd amount of in-game currency you had just procured, you were shocked by the list that opened up to you. Instead of just the training spear you had been granted earlier, an entirely new selection of weaponry was available. With a triumphant yell you decided to drop most of your coin on a single steel lance, and backed out of the shop to follow Sasuke towards the general merchant shop. 
*Nin-nin0217 has sent you a friend request. Accept?* Laughing, you clicked ‘Yes’ and began typing something witty that was sure to be lost on your friend, when he dropped you an item. *Nin-nin0217 has sent you a gift. Accept?*
What did you just send me? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Open it and find out
I’m not about to open the games equivalent to a glitter bomb, am I? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Unfortunately, they don’t offer such gifts. This is much better I can assure you.
Fine...thx! ← WildCyt0m3try 
You accepted the gift reluctantly, closing your eyes as you pressed the open command. It only took five seconds for the system to download the present and for a happy chime to play over the speaker. 
*You received a Beginner Seal. Would you like to use this now or stow it in your convoy?* The game prompted you.
Am I supposed to use this now? ← WildCyt0m3try 
Nin-nin0217 → If you’ve got a prompt to use it go for it. The beginner classes are rudimentary, but you should be able to see potential stat growths for each.
As it turned out, seals were used for in-game growth. Assuming you had managed to gain enough experience points you could use one. There were different seals for different levels, and the types of stats you had grown during battle by using specific weapons narrowed down what sort of class you could grow into. You laughed and fired off another message.
I feel like an Eevee, there’s so many options! What do I pick?! How am I supposed to choose? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → You have 4 options…? Nin-nin0217 → Do you know what type of Master Class you’re aiming for?
Master what now? ← WildCyt0m3try No. Am I supposed to? ← WildCyt0m3try Crap. I guess I’ll just be a soldier. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → An excellent choice, rationale?
I mean, I just bought a new lance, and it was hella expensive. Probably better to pick a class that can use lances. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → We don’t have anyone in the group yet that is of suitable stats to become a Falcon Knight. It would add the perfect amount of diversity.
Lol, happy to help. I should probably hit the internet a little bit before I continue tho, I’m gonna log off for the night. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Have a good evening. See you on Monday? 
You too! G’night! Thx for the help! ← WildCyt0m3try
After bidding Sasuke a good night, you saved your progress and quickly logged off. Mentally kicking yourself for staying on until well past midnight. You had to work in the morning. That would be interesting. With a long sigh, you heaved yourself off the couch and put your controller back by the console before turning out all the lights. It was way past your bedtime.
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