#But yeh I had A LOTTA FUN WITH THIS!!!!
dobythealpaca · 2 years
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@mxttellion may the sexiest man win
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pluralcultureis · 10 months
followup as the uhh ex-who-treated-their-alters-as-characters person. (it was us whoops 🏠🔥) like genuinely its so weird when another system does it? like we're a system who roleplays and has madd n genuinely rps and bits/skits n shit genuinely help us n its fun but. we're not characters n when we like r havin fun with ourselves n stuff its like lol what if i was here n not lol what if i acted like i was me n i was here. but like its weird seeing how some systems jus treat their alters like characters n something 2 mess around with n not like? other people? like genuinely our ex was so disrespectful to his alters n other ppls alters n like tried to force exomems on ppl. (which also as someone who has a lotta exomems wit a couple other systems its not something you can force on ppl youve only known for... say... 3 months? that shit needs like genuine love n connection 2 form.) -🏠🔥
Yeh we had an ex who was also a system who treated their whole system and ours like a roleplay. They did this weird thing where they would try to pair each of our alters with one of theirs
And we told them multiple times it made us uncomfortable but they just didn't listen :/
There was so much else they did too that made us realize that they just didn't respect their system as people, and didn't respect us. We hate it and it's so disheartening when other systems do this :(
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leagueofdccm-togo · 3 months
‘  heaven is a place on earth with you.  ’ // negan
some meme || @depictedblue
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💥⋆。˚⁀➷FLASHBACKS OF LUCILLE COMING DOWN ON GLENN'S HEAD , HIS BAT ALREADY DRENCHED IN... What was his name again ? Oh yeah Abraham's BLOOD. BRAINS SCATTERED , UNRECOGNIZABLE TO THE MAX. MORE BODIES ARE PILING. ONE AFTER ANOTHER. VICTIM ONE, VICTIM TWO, VICTIM THREE AND FOUR.... Who knows how many really ? Some of them are just fogged up memories he pays no mind to, some were members of the Saviors who just didn't live up to his potential. Some were for the fun of it, hell he admits that. And the rest... well shit happens don't it ? In the world they live it's a living hell... unless you're the leader and taking over everything then yeah... sure. It is somewhat heavenly. Though it's a fucking cruel, fucking jacked up world.... Ain't nothing nice about this world, not the dead, the horror of it all.
GOD must be punishing them, now.... Negan ain't much of a GOD believer.... but if he was he'd say that yeah, fuck yeah God was punishing them. Why let the world come down to this horror show? Using his own creations to kill his creations seems fucking sick, but yet.... poetic as fuck. They took the world for granted and didn't enjoy it, didn't take care of it like they should... didn't give enough fucks to take in your family, your life, the air they breathed... their fucking world. So what did GOD do ? He said... fuck it ! And everything went to shit. He lost so much..... the one thing that mattered to him and he had lost her. It leaves in ache in his chest, one that feels forever empty. And he tried... GOD.... he fucking tried to fill up the agony.
All these women couldn't do what she did for him..... make him feel how she made him feel.... till he came across a beauty that.... felt almost unreal. She was no Lucille. Of fucking course. But she was patching something up inside of him.... she has this glow that surrounds her. When she would grace him with her appearance he couldn't help but watch her as she made her rounds. The smile on her face, the laughter leaving fast her twin flesh that BOOMED with delight. She is something else, she made his heart twist in..... ways he hadn't felt in a long time.
He invited her for dinner. As the leader it was easy to get his way... though of course, he wasn't forcing her to come. He did leave it up to her if she wanted to come down and meet him or not. Well, she didn't have to but at the same time he expects a yes every single time. Negan always gets his way. He poured her some wine, him... well he decided to have some gin for himself. Another night alone the two of them. He wasn't asking for much, just for her company. She wasn't one of his wife's.... but could it hurt to tell the other ladies to fuck off and just take Cassie as his ? He winces at those thoughts and brushes them aside. She speaks, her voice smooth.... so sweet he might get a fucking cavity. A slight smirk curls at the corner, raising a hand as a single finger begins to rub up and down against her exposed arm. He hums sweetly, their eyes locked as he cocks his head to the side. Watching her for what seems like forever. He hasn't spoken a single word, just.... staring at her. What was he doing ? Trying to read into what she said.... how sweet she can be in such a disgusting place.
❝ I think you got it all wrong, doll. Shouldn't I be tellin' you that ? How do you do it, hm ? You must not be real lemme tell you. You ain't like anyone I ever met. And I've met a lotta people during these fucked up times. You.... fuck... you are... I don't give two shits about GOD.... but I'm started to think may be real cause I got somethin' as sweet as you here with me. You are like some fuckin' angel aren't you? Should I? I should... ❞ He clears his throat, leaning closely to so the gap between them is only mere inches apart. ❝ Did it hurt ? And then you say... What? And then I say... Did it hurt when you fell from heaven. Eh ? Hot stuff right there don't yeh' think doll ? ❞
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pagesdiary · 2 years
Diary Entry #36
Date: 04/22/2011
Location: Back at home
 So as promised, here’s part of the interview I gave to Mr. Ember Skyes.
 Me: What is your name and profession?
 Ember: Well...any newspaper can tell ya that miss Page...buuuuut since it's on record...
 Ember Skyes, my Friends call me  Charcoal, on the team I'm better known as: 'Bombshell Skyes'.  I'm in a word, Lead coordinator for the Pegasus Sky Fighting competitions that happen all across Equestria!!
 (I’ve heard of that sport before. A fairly new sport that has quickly been gaining notoriety)
 Me: What drove you to choose that profession?
 Ember: Hm...well...BESIDES being super popular and being a cool athlete...flying runs in my family!! My mom was a famous uh...what she call it? ...fearless flying? And my brother does stunt shows too...I almost did as well but...I learned I was a natural flank kicker long as my hooves weren't touching the ground...so I began thinking up this like...way to coordinate that with flying...after a while I made a sport outta it.
 Me: What is Flash Wind's relation to you?
 Ember: He's my brother!! Or uh...well adopted brother I guess is the right term. We met when I was kinda young, I helped em out with some country guys who were giving him a hard time then let him stay with me and my mom and dad, and he became a member of the family after that!!
 (Well then, more context to what Mrs. Skyes had shared with me)
 Me: Any fun memories you have with your brother?
 Ember: OH a bunch actually!! Me and Flash did all sorts of stuff together, more often tho it peeved off mom cause the trouble was my fault heh
  Their was this one time I taught him one of my moves, the Free-fall Corkscrew, and he was just so eager to learn it!! One day while I was training him he accidently bumped me and threw off my concentration and I broke some farmers barn...mom uh...she wasn't too happy bout that... probably cause she had to pay the damages...
 But it was a blast!!
 (Hehe! Sounds like something teenage colts would do)
 Me: Did you help train Flash in his flying, and any signature moves you invented that Flash Wind uses?
 Ember: Oh yeh DEFINITELY!! He's a great flyer on his own but he has a tendency to bank too hard and his weaving is a little shaky, he always taps training poles, I taught em a few tips and tricks to help em out.
As for signatures...well...I came up with this move right? You fly super super high in the air, so high breathing gets a bit hard, then...you just PLUMMET to the ground, put the audience on edge. Then, just as you near the ground, you put a spin and launch with the momentum, puts a lotta speed on ya...I add a spin to it...I call it...the Corkscrew nosedive!! Fillies always go nuts over it, took Flash some time to get it but he got a handle on it real well...like he's made for that sort of stuff!!
 (That must be what Flash did for the closing act in his air show I watched. Very daring!)
 Me: Any sort of trouble you and your brother gotten into in your time of youth?
 Ember: Uh...well me and Flash have gotten into a lotta things...mostly my fault since uh ..mom says I'm the Daring one between the both of us...but uh their um...was one moment
 We visited some place a bit outta the ways of town and we ran into a winged lion den, the alpha attacked us... specifically me and Flash took the hit for me...ahem...nothing I couldn't handle though...it was strong but I was fast, a few well placed jabs sent the little kitty cat flying but uh...Flash nose dived into the ocean and um...I...couldn't save em...
 (He must be referring to that winged lion that Mrs. Skyes mentioned to me. I assume Flash was rescued if he’s still alive. I wonder who saved him. I’m also noticing a bit of discomfort in Mr. Skyes expression. Maybe I should avoid asking further questions about that)
 Me: What do you think is an interesting fact about Flash?
 Ember: ...an... interesting fact? Hmm...
 ... interesting...fact...OH I got one!!
 He's probably the bravest pegasus I've ever met!! I mean I'm no coward when it comes to facing something dangerous but...hey even I've got my limits...but Flash? He goes above and beyond for just about anypony who asks!! And don't get me started on some of the moves he's done during his shows.
 (Wow! He keeps on reminding me of his father so much! This is exciting!)
 After a while longer, I was able to gather all I needed. He was very curious as to why I had such an interest in Flash.
 I wish I could tell him, but I don’t want to accept the risk of my Napfény finding out. I had to stay silent.
 As for now, I must end here.
 I made it home, and I have many things to write.
 With Love,
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Puzzles & Pleas
A JSE Fanfic
A new part whoooo! As I’m writing this description I’m very tired so I’m not sure what to say. We’re basically following up directly from the last part, like literally only a few hours later. Chase and Marvin are having a nice visit with Jack, and at the exact same time, their other three friends are having a variety of bad times with Anti. Fun fun fun! Well, not for the characters, but probably for us. Enjoy :)
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
“You look nervous.”
“I’m not.”
“I mean, it’s understandable if you are—”
“I’m not fucking nervous, Chase.”
The elevator doors opened, forcibly stopping the brief exchange. Chase stepped out onto the third floor, glancing back over his shoulder at Marvin. “Well, if you were, I was just gonna say it’s okay to be. Now c’mon.”
Marvin hesitated. Despite what his protests would indicate, he did look rather anxious. He kept twisting the edge of his shirt around. But he took a moment to steady himself and followed Chase out of the elevator, saying nothing.
“It’s just the same room,” Chase said, gesturing down the hospital hallway. “Let’s go.”
They walked in silence for a while, passing by closed doors, each with a room beyond. Chase kept looking back towards Marvin. This would probably be the first time he’d left his house in a couple weeks, something that Chase knew from experience wasn’t good for your health. Marvin looked fine, physically. His hair was combed and pulled back in a ponytail, his shirt and pants neat. But he just seemed...not as energetic. If that made sense. Hopefully, this would be good for him.
They soon reached the room they were looking for. Chase was about to knock on the door when Marvin suddenly asked, “Do you think he’ll be mad at me?”
Chase blinked. Then laughed, in an effort to lighten the mood. “Why would he be mad at you?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I hardly ever went to visit him.” Marvin continued to twist the hem of his shirt. “A-and I haven’t seen him at all since he woke up.”
“Marv. Trust me. Jack wouldn’t be mad at you for something like that.” Chase instinctively went to pat him on the back, but Marvin leaned away, so he dropped it and settled for a reassuring smile. “He’s not that type of guy.”
“Would he be...disappointed?” Marvin asked tentatively.”I-I don’t want to make him feel bad, he probably has enough to deal with—”
“It’s going to be alright, Marvin. Jack knows you didn’t mean to hurt him by not visiting. And besides, you’re visiting now, aren’t you? So it all works out.” Chase waited for Marvin to say more, but he just nodded, breathing out slowly. “Alright, we’re gonna go in now, okay?” Marvin nodded again, and Chase knocked on the door before slowly opening it. “Hello? It’s me.”
Jack turned to look towards the door. The moment he saw Chase, he smiled, and reached to the side and adjusted the controls of the bed to a sitting position. “Hii Shhays.”
“Hey bro. Look, I brought a friend.” Chase stepped into the room, allowing Marvin to take his place in the doorway.
Marvin froze for a moment. He stared at Jack, taking in the bed, the wires, the oxygen tube. Then he waved. “Um...hi.”
“Mahfin!” Jack grinned even wider. “‘S good t’see yuh!” He waved Marvin over.
“Ha. Y-yeah, good to see you, too.” Marvin stepped inside. “Oh, uh, d’you want this open?”
“Alright, then.” He closed the door.
“Hey, c’mon, Marv, sit down.” Chase walked over to the side of the bed, indicating one of the nearby chairs. “Get comfy in the plastic hospital chair.”
Marvin laughed, and followed Chase over to the bed. They both sat, and Jack leaned over to pick up his communication board from the nearby table. He pointed to the How are you? box. 
“Eh. We’re alright, I guess,” Chase said, glancing at Marvin.
“I...well, I’ve been...” Marvin stopped, the words getting caught in his throat. “It’s fine, though. Probably nothing compared to what you’re going through.”
Jack frowned. It was a small, awkward gesture, something his facial muscles were still having trouble with. He indicated the I don’t think so box.
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” Marvin asked, confused.
“It means he’s doubting you,” Chase explained. Jack nodded.
“Well, I mean...it’s fine,” Marvin said slowly. “Honestly, I’d rather talk about you. Like, how are you doing? What are you doing? It can’t be too fun being stuck in here.”
Jack still looked unsure, but he shook his head, and tapped a box labeled I agree.
“You’ve got a TV in here now, though,” Chase said, pointing to the corner. A big box television sat on top of a wheeled cart. “It looks like the ones they used to bring into classrooms in elementary school, y’know?”
Marvin and Jack just stared at him. “I think that’s an American thing,” Marvin said. “Or at least, something that wasn’t common where we were from.”
“Ah. Well, they did it all the time. A couple classrooms had them bottled to the ceilings in the corner and you watched movies on it, but you were always too far away to see it properly.” Chase laughed a bit. “But still, there’s probably only so much TV you can take.”
Jack groaned, rolling his eyes. He emphatically tapped the I agree box.
Marvin smiled a bit. “Well, don’t you have hospital stuff to do? Like, examinations and shit?”
Jack pointed to the Yes box. “Therrs...th’rapy. Lotta it.”
“Yeah, like speech therapy, physical therapy, probably a million other kinds.” Chase nodded. “Oh, speaking of which, you sound much better! Good job, bro.”
“Thnkss.” Jack smiled a bit.
“Y’know, I did some, uh...I don’t know if it was physical therapy exactly, but I did some exercises as a kid,” Marvin recalled. “Because I was severely uncoordinated. Tripped over my own feet to the point Grandmam was worried about it.” He paused. “I don’t know what I mean by that. I guess I’m just saying I relate a bit. It’s probably not the same thing, though.”
“Nnoh, ‘sfine,” Jack assured him. “I geddid. Ah.” He made a face. “I. Get. It.”
“Good, then.” For a moment, there was just silence. It stretched long enough to get awkward, and just when Chase was about to change the subject, Marvin blurted out, “I’m sorry I never came to see you, Jack.”
Jack blinked. “Hm?”
“Well I did but—it wasn’t that often. A-and not since you woke up, and I’m really sorry about it, it’s just—I’ve been having...a...moment.” Marvin clenched his fists as he tried to find the words. Sign language wouldn’t work here; Jack couldn’t understand it. So he was stuck with verbal speech. Not always his strong suit. “You know, when you have...a moment? When it’s hard to do anything because you...don’t...really...feel like anything?” Chase nodded encouragingly, and Marvin took a deep breath. “It’s not because I didn’t want to come see you. I really did, I-I’m really happy you’re awake again! It’s just...my fault. I put it off for so long, and then I got nervous about it, like, that it would be weird to suddenly show up and start talking like nothing had happened—I-I do that a lot, y’know, that’s why I don’t really talk to anyone besides you guys—and it’s not you, it’s me, and I’m sorry.” He finished with a rush and then stopped, waiting, his posture stiff and tense.
Jack was quiet for a moment. Then, he leaned closer, reaching out and putting a hand on top of Marvin’s own. “Mahfin...Mmmahrf...Marrrfvin.” For a moment, he looked frustrated at his inability to pronounce his friend’s name properly, but then he took a deep breath, and moved on. “Mahrfin. ‘S not...yoh fahlt. Thin’s happen. ‘S alright. ‘M happy t’see yuh—yyou. Yohr herre now. An’ tha’s what’s...i-im....important.” And he smiled.
Marvin’s face swelled with a mix of emotions. Relief, hesitancy, joy. It brought tears to his eyes. “You’re sure?”
“Yeh. O’courrrse.”
“I...good. That’s...good.” Marvin wiped his eyes. “Y’know...if you’re having trouble, you could just call me Muffin or something, for the time being.”
Jack laughed. “Shurr, Maffin.”
The moment was interrupted by a faint buzzing sound. Chase jumped a bit, feeling something vibrate in his pocket. “Oh, uh, sorry guys.” He took out his phone, face turning red with embarrassment as the other two watched him. “I didn’t think anyone would be calling me.” He glanced at the screen. “Huh. I don’t recognize the number.”
“It’s probably spam,” Marvin dismissed.
“Maybe. Or it could be important. Like, the kids are in school now, what if their teacher’s calling?” Chase hesitated. “I’ll just—just see if it is spam, really quick.” He tapped the Accept button and pressed the phone to his ear. “Hello? Who’s this?”
He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe. Something was squeezing his chest, his lungs—something was inside him, it was—no, no it wasn’t. This was panic. That had to be the explanation. He had to calm down, and—and do...something.
Schneep had woken up a few minutes ago. It took him a while to remember what happened before that. How someone had been in his room. No...not just someone. He knew—it was him, it was—there was no escape, there had never been any escape—
Okay. Calm down. Breathe. Focus on the facts. He was lying on the floor. In a strange room that he didn’t recognize. Near the wall. And he wasn’t alone. But he couldn’t focus on that fact now, it just made it hard to breathe again, thinking about being watched, being stared at, being—stop. Calm. Breathe.
Maybe if he looked around, it would help. But there wasn’t much to see in the room. The walls were dark gray, the floor was rough white carpet. There was a circular black rug in the middle. And a window with blinds. Besides those features, the only thing of note in the room was...a desk. And its chair, with someone sitting in it. But he didn’t want to look towards that. What about...the window? Was there anything outside?
He hesitated, and briefly glanced back towards the desk. It looked like the chair’s occupant was busy, attention fully focused on the computer monitors on the desk’s surface. But he knew he was still being watched. Perhaps...if he moved slowly, then it wouldn’t be too strange? It would be natural?
Deciding that was worth a shot, Schneep cautiously sat up. His head was still a bit dizzy, and heavy, too. He grimaced, then glanced out the window. The glass was a bit dirty, and looked unusually...thick, if that made sense. Outside, he could see a street corner, and houses. This room was in a house like that, then? And it was at an intersection, with a pair of street signs marking the roads that crossed here. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make out the street names this far away without his glasses. But one of them had some graffiti on it, a spray-painted square with a diamond inside it, and a black dot inside that. It might’ve been more elaborate than that, but again, he couldn’t quite make out the details.
“I see you.”
Schneep yelped, pressing against the wall as he turned to look towards the desk. Anti. He’d turned around in his desk chair and was staring at him now. Staring with those mismatched eyes that haunted his nightmares.
“Enjoying the view?” Anti nodded towards the window. “Sorry, not much to see. Nothing particularly helpful. Especially since you can’t read the street signs from this distance without your glasses.”
He knew what he was thinking?! Was he in his head again?! Schneep squeezed his eyes shut, shook his head, and opened them again. No, that wasn’t true. Anti was human, he’d never read his mind, humans couldn’t do that.
“What? Do you think you’re safe up here?” Anti tapped the side of his head and grinned. “Don’t be so sure. You’re so easy to—”
“Shut up, you are lying,” Schneep interrupted. “You—you cannot do that anymore. I know it’s a trick.”
“You don’t know anything,” Anti said, still grinning. “Because I’ve been watching you. I know you’ve heard me. And I know you’ve told others about me. Don’t you remember what I said about that? The more people know about me, the stronger I become.”
“That is more lies,” Schneep insisted, pressing his back to the wall. 
“I’ve never lied to you. And I’m not about to start now. I’ve been watching you. I know you’ve seen my shadow in the corners, and my eyes in the ceilings.”
“How do you know about that?!” Schneep shrieked.
“Because I sent them, of course. To keep an eye on you, make sure you didn’t break any rules.” Anti sighed dramatically and shook his head. “I hoped it wouldn’t be needed, but I thought, better safe than sorry. And it turns out I was right.”
Schneep pressed his hands to his ears, trying to block out Anti’s words. They had to be lies. He knew that Anti wasn’t some supernatural creature, he was just a man. Anti had to be guessing about the things he saw. Though...how did he guess about the eyes in the ceilings? Schneep couldn’t remember telling him about them, and that had to be a fairly specific hallucination. Maybe he really...? No, there had to be another explanation.
Anti laughed, and Schneep flinched at the sound. His eyes darted around the room once more. There was a door, but it was on the other side of the room, and he was willing to bet it was locked. Same with the window. He could try to break the window, but there was nothing to break it with. Unless he wanted to try and grab one of the computer monitors and throw it through the glass, but he knew he’d be overpowered if he tried.
“That’s right, you’ve got no way out,” Anti said, leaning back. “You’re lucky I haven’t tied you to a chair or anything. The only reason I haven’t done that is because you know it’s hopeless, anyway. Unlike certain others...wearing red jackets.”
Schneep felt a chill pass over him. Jackie. Of course. Anti still had him captive. “I-it’s different, now,” Schneep protested weakly. “They know about you, a-and me, and that we are not the same. They will be trying to rescue me this time.”
“Probably,” Anti admitted. He grabbed something off the desk and stood up, approaching. Schneep’s eyes widened, and he pressed further into the wall, pulling his legs and arms close. “That is, they’ll be trying a search and rescue as long as they think I’m involved.” Anti stopped, standing over Schneep, and leaned down. “So here’s what’s going to happen.” He showed him the thing he’d grabbed from the desk: a phone. “You’re going to call the lovely Dr. Laurens and tell her you left on your own.”
“What...wh-why would I do that?” Schneep stammered.
“Because you got scared. Because you didn’t feel safe in that hospital. Because you told her you saw Anti in the hospital rec room, and you think that he’s real, and that he can come after you.” Anti smiled. “It’s built on truth, isn’t it? Because you told her you saw me, didn’t you?”
Schneep stared at him in disbelief. He had told Laurens about seeing Anti in the rec room. At the time, he thought it was just him seeing things, but...had it been real? The whole time? And how did Anti know he’d told Laurens about that?
Because he hears your thoughts. He can twist them to control you.
No! No, that wasn’t real. But...the idea still lingered.
“What are you waiting for?” Anti held out the phone, staring at him. Staring, staring, staring. Always staring.
Schneep swallowed a sudden lump in his throat. “..okay. I will call her.”
Anti didn’t say anything as he took the phone, still watching him as he dialed the phone number. Schneep tried not to think about it too much as he held the phone to his ear and listened to the call connect.
The other end rang for a long time, and Schneep swiftly grew afraid that nobody would pick up. But just when he thought it would hang up, the ringing stopped. “Hello? Who’s this?”
“Um. Hello.” Schneep reminded himself to breathe. “It’s me, it is—well, you can probably tell by the voice.” The voice that was shaking quite a bit.
“What the f—Schneep?!” The voice on the other end shouted in disbelief. “Why are you calling me?! No, wait, how are you calling me? I thought you weren’t allowed to have a phone there.”
“No, I—there is—something has happened,” Schneep said carefully. “I-I am not at Silver Hills anymore.”
“Well then where the hell are you?!”
“I am...I am somewhere...else,” Schneep said slowly.
“Yeah, where?”
Anti narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Get to the point,” he hissed.
Schneep froze for a moment. He needed to speak freely. “It’s because of—of him,” he said carefully. “You know who I mean, yes?”
“You mean...Anti?” The other end went silent for a minute. “Schneep where are you? Can you tell me, give me a clue or something? I-I’ll call the police, but if you could tell me anything—”
Anti frowned. “Put it on speaker,” he said.
Schneep’s heart sank. Impossible. Anti would immediately know that he hadn’t called the right person. He had to do something drastic. “Er ist es, er hat mich mitgenommen,” he said, speaking quickly. “Ich weiß nicht wo ich bin.” Anti’s eyes widened, and he lunged forward. Schneep cried out, and rolled to the side, just avoiding him. “Ich weiß nicht wo ich bin! Ein Haus an einer Straßenecke—Ich kenne die Straßennamen nicht! Das Schild hat Graffiti, es ist ein Kreis in einem Diamanten in einem Quadrat—”
“You little—!” Anti grabbed Schneep’s wrist and twisted the phone out of his hand.
“Bitte komm—!” Schneep didn’t manage to get the rest of the sentence out before—
He fell to the side, half of his face suddenly alight in pain. For a moment, he was too dazed to respond properly. Then Anti grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him upward. He instantly started struggling.
“You worthless little fucker,” Anti hissed, grabbing a handful of Schneep’s hair and pulling his head backwards. “Can’t believe you did that. Fuck. You deserved that. Your friend’s gonna have worse for that stunt you just pulled.”
“N-no!” Schneep gasped. “Leave him alone!”
“No, you know the rules. You know how this works.” Anti glared at him. “You’ve just gotten cocky. So you need a reminder.”
Schneep felt a tear trickle from his eye. He hoped that call was worth it.
“Schneep?! Henrik?! Are you there?!” Chase shouted into the phone, but got no response. There’d been a rustling sound, like a struggle, then Schneep had shouted, and then there was—there was another sound, a sound he’d most often heard when his kids would fight each other, and he had to scold them. That sound was a lot more sinister in this context. Especially considering the call had apparently dropped after it. “Fuck!”
“What happened?!” Marvin asked, shaken by the half of the conversation he’d heard. “Was that really—?”
“H-hang on, I’m gonna call his doctor first,” Chase said. He hurried to dial the number for Dr. Laurens, misdialing at first because of his rush and entering it a second time.
The call was picked up surprisingly quickly. “Chase? Is that you?” Laurens’s voice came through loud and clear.
“Yeah, it’s me. Listen doc, is...is Schneep okay?” Chase didn’t know how else to ask.
“Is he—oh, Chase,” Laurens said softly. “I was just about to call you. We...we don’t know where he is.”
“You...don’t know where he is?” Chase repeated, feeling the bottom of his stomach dropping out. He heard Marvin gasp, and saw him squeeze Jack’s hand, who was now sitting up as straight as he could. “What do you mean?”
“He never showed up to dinner. When Oliver went to check on his room, he wasn’t there. We’ve been searching the building and the grounds, but he’s nowhere to be seen. I thought—since you’re his friend, a-and his emergency contact—wait a minute.” Laurens stopped, realizing something. “Why are you asking?”
“Because he just called me,” Chase explained. “From some number I didn’t recognize. He said that—he said that Anti took him.”
“Shit,” Laurens cursed. “Chase, I need you to hang up right now and call the police. We’ll keep searching the nearby area, just in case. I-I’ll call you if we find him.”
“Y-yeah. Okay. And I’ll call you again after I talk to the cops.”
“Great. Go do that.”
“I’m doing it. Talk to you later.” Chase hung up.
“So he just disappeared?!” Marvin whispered harshly. “Just—just like that night.” He glanced over at Jack.
“Wh’s happennin’?” Jack asked, his features drawn.
“You guys heard that call, right? Henrik called me, h-he was speaking...haltingly, I think, with a lot of pauses, I think that’s the word.” Chase squeezed his phone case. “Then he freaked out and started shouting in German—I bet because Anti can’t speak it.”
“What did he say?!” Marvin demanded.
“I don’t know all of it, it’s been a while since I—give me a second.” Chase opened up a translation app on his phone and quickly typed in a few words, trying his best to match the spelling of the things he thought Schneep had said. He had to fill in the gaps. “Okay. He said that Anti took him, and that he didn’t know where it was, but it was a house on a street corner. He couldn’t see the street names, but mentioned some sort of like...graffiti? On the sign? A circle in a diamond in a square.”
Jack’s head shot upward, and he cried out.
“What?! What is it?!” Marvin leaned forward, checking all the wires and monitors.
“Nn—noh that!” Jack clumsily pushed him back. “That sss...ssymmbel. Know it.”
“Wh—you recognize the symbol?!” Chase repeated in disbelief. “Square-diamond-circle?!”
Jack nodded. “H-he...fffakes. Th’ fakes, th’ one...prtendinn tuh be yuh two. I...rmemmber now.”
“Huh?” Marvin asked, utterly confused.
“Right, you don’t know,” Chase realized. “Jack, he—he’s said some stuff about fake versions of us visiting him. Anti, in disguise. I-I know, I ran into him pretending to be you one time, and I heard about an imposter me from Dr. Emerson another time. Apparently Anti talked to him, said some freaky stuff.” He gasped. “You mean—he told you about this symbol?”
“Symmbl. Symbel to...to haf others recogniss him.” Jack pressed his hands to his forehead and leaned forward. “Put outssside...places he...h-has? I don’...don’ rmemrrr.” He fell silent, squeezing his eyes shut. “On a sighhn...steet signnn...ffahk. Fahk!”
“I’m gonna call the police,” Chase said, already dialing 999. “I’m gonna tell them everything, a-and meanwhile, try to remember anything else.”
Jack nodded, eyes still shut. Marvin squeezed his shoulder, an anchor to the physical world. He could hear Chase’s voice relaying what happened over the phone, but the words were indistinct as he tried to concentrate on his memory. Everything was all mixed up and blurred. None of it made sense most of the time. He remembered hearing voices, but he wasn’t sure when it was Chase, when it was this Anti, or when it was just a dream. But he’d definitely heard that description of a symbol before. When...when had he...when...when......?
“It’s a calling card. Or a warning, if you want to think of it that way...simplified version of my...”
The man had no eyes. Or maybe he was just missing one eye. A blank, dark spot in the middle of a white face. He looked like a friend, but that dark spot was wrong. It told him it was a lie.
“Most people don’t know what it means exactly, only that it’s trouble. The area...claimed.”
And the voice was wrong. It...it sounded a bit like his own, actually? Was this...him?
Was that why he couldn’t move? Why he couldn’t look away?
“...outside safe houses, where I store my...and other equipment. They’re also secondary bases. Just in case...never know in this line of work. I don’t want...caught. Living...prison...just be the worst. You have no control.”
The man was smiling. His teeth stretched...his skin was melting. He—he couldn’t understand. What was happening? Who...was this man...? Was he him? Who are you? Who am I? Are we the same? I can’t understand. Something...something is broken up here. My thoughts...they’re scattering. Like throwing paper in a bowl of water, watching it soak it up, then stirring violently. Everything came apart.
“I’m never going to let anyone control me. No. I am in control. Everyone else...my little puppets. I like watching the shows.”
The white ceiling and walls were burning his eyes. It was curving, like a bubble. They were in a bubble. He was floating. He couldn’t feel anything.
“...times I worry about you telling people. But then I—” Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. “I remember you’re a veggie. People rarely wake...after something so severe. So...doesn’t matter. Maybe you can hear me. Maybe you can’t. Doesn’t...”
Green line. Up and down. Up and down. Crossing the man’s face. Cutting him in half.
“Why am I even doing this?”
Green light. Everything is green.
“I don’t even know. It’s a waste of time, a waste of resources, and a risk. Maybe...need it? I’ve never talked so freely. Not even to Jamie. He...a kid, you know. Always will be.”
Light is gone. Everything is black.
“...it doesn’t really matter what I say. I can tell you about the marks outside the houses. Ha. Hell, I can even tell you where they are. Like, for example, on the corner of—”
Jack’s eyes flew open. “Ah!”
“Wh—?!” Marvin jumped a bit. “Jack?”
“Th’ steet! Strreet! Is—is—” Now the problem was just getting his mouth to form the sounds properly. “Ay...airrr...loom.”
Marvin blinked. “Air loom?”
“Hhay. Hhhhair loom.”
“Oh, heirloom? I don’t know that street, uh...” Marvin turned to look at Chase. “Did you catch that?”
Chase nodded in response, still on the phone, then returned to his conversation with the emergency line. “Um—maybe try on one of the corners of Heirloom Drive? My friend thinks that might be it.” A brief pause. “Uh, I don’t know.” And he looked over at Jack, pulling the phone away a bit. “Hey bro, do you...remember the other street? It’s at an intersection, right?”
Jack closed his eyes again. But this time, the memory wouldn’t even come to him. “No.”
“That’s fine.” Chase returned to the phone. “My friend doesn’t know, but on the phone call he said—my other friend—said that there was some sort of graffiti on the sign, that was a uhh square around a diamond around a circle. That probably helps right?” He paused. “No, I don’t think he’d see them. He’s near-sighted, and I don’t think he has his glasses. That probably means that the graffiti description is pretty vague, but it’s an idea.” Another pause. “Yeah, that’s it. Oh, wait, uh...I think Detective Nix was involved in this case? Can you tell him?” And another. “Yeah, his name’s Henrik.” And one last, long pause. “Alright, thank you ma’am. I’ll wait.” And he hung up, letting out a long exhale.
“It—it’s going to be fine, right?” Marvin asked anxiously. “They’ll find him?”
“It might take a while, but I think so,” Chase replied. “God...Hey, uh, Jack? You’re sure about this?”
Jack thought about it, then nodded slowly, head bobbing. That memory was a bit weird, but Dr. Emerson told him it was common to have dream-like memories, with everything that had happened to him. He was confident that the conversation was real. He couldn’t forget the times Anti came to visit, just because of how deeply unnerving his words always were.
“Alright. Well, they’re going to call me to update me on what happens,” Chase said. “Uh...not sure how long this’ll take. Visiting hours might end before they sort everything out.”
“Mm.” Jack shrugged. He picked up the communication board again—he’d just done a lot of talking, and needed a moment—and pointed to the I’m okay box.
“You sure?”
Yes box.
“Well we’re not leaving until they kick us out,” Marvin asserted, folding his arms. “If they call us back, you need to hear it. You just helped out a fuckton.”
Jack smiled, a bit lopsidedly. Thank you box.
Chase laughed, but it quickly faded. He looked down at the phone in his hand, already anticipating the call. “I guess...we just wait now.”
There were footsteps passing by outside the room. At first, Jameson had tensed, waiting for the door to open and Anti to walk inside. But that didn’t happen. They just kept passing back and forth. You hear those, right? JJ asked.
Jackie didn’t respond, so JJ looked back over at him. He was lying on the bottom bed of the bunk and staring up, eyes glazed. Something he’d been doing quite a lot, JJ noticed. When he asked about it, Jackie always said he was daydreaming, which would be fine normally, but JJ was pretty sure that he was doing it too much. Well, he couldn’t blame him. But still, it would be nice if Jackie would look at him when he was signing.
Jameson walked over and, after a moment’s hesitation, shook Jackie’s shoulder. He blinked, made an odd gesture like he was asking someone to wait, then looked at JJ. “What?”
Have you been hearing the footsteps outside? JJ asked.
“Huh? Oh, uh, sorry. No. I wasn’t really paying attention,” Jackie admitted. “What do they sound like?”
Like someone’s running up and down a hallway outside, JJ described.
“Really? Well...I mean, I can’t really think of anyone but Anti who’d be doing that.” Jackie’s face scrunched up in thought. “Maybe he’s...doing something? I dunno. Running, though...it must be important.��
Jameson frowned. That was a good point, why would Anti be running about? I’m going to try to look outside, he said, walking over to the door.
“Look outside?” Jackie sat up, turning so he was on the edge of the bed. “You mean, through the gap?”
JJ nodded. He got down on his hands and knees and pressed his head to the floor, peering through the gap under the door. Nothing much to see. He got to his knees and was about to stand up...when he heard the footsteps again. Wanting to see what happened as they passed by the door, he quickly peered through the gap between the door and the doorframe. The steps were approaching—
Then the door slammed open, directly into Jameson’s face. He cried out as he fell, clasping his hands to his face.
“Oh my god, Jamie?! I’m so sorry!” Anti covered his mouth, staring down at him in shock. “It was an accident, I didn’t expect you to—are you okay?!”
Jameson didn’t answer. His face was in pain, and his nose in particular was throbbing. He pulled one hand away and saw it covered in blood, felt it trickling from his nostrils and soaking into his mustache.
“Shit. Fuck! I-it’ll be fine, I can—i-is it broken?” Anti bent over, grabbing Jameson’s head and trying to inspect the damage. But Jameson pulled away, waving at him to get back. “Hey, I just—okay, fine. This isn’t the time. We can look at it later.” Anti took his phone out of his pocket and checked the clock. “We need to go.”
Go? Did he say go? As in, they were leaving? Jameson stood up, keeping one hand on his face, trying and failing to stop the bleeding from getting everywhere. Why did they have to leave? More importantly, why was Anti trying to move the two of them? Unless...something happened that meant he had to move them. Like...the police coming. At that thought, Jameson started backing away.
“Jamie, this isn’t a joke, we need to leave now.” Anti insisted.
Jameson shook his head. He glanced over his shoulder at Jackie. Judging by the wide-eyed expression on his face, he’d come to the same conclusion as him. It was strange to see the glimmer of hope in his eyes. And that thought made Jameson’s heart hurt.
“Are you going to—?! Fuck, I don’t have time for this.” Anti rubbed his eyes, then adjusted the strap of the bag hanging off his shoulder. He stared at Jameson for a moment. Then followed his line of sight over to Jackie. For a moment, he hesitated, thinking about something. And then he made a decision. “Okay, fine.” Anti pushed past Jameson, reaching into his bag as he did so. He grabbed Jackie, yanking him upwards to a standing position, and pressed a knife to his neck.
Jameson gasped. “A-an!”
“I’m going to kill him,” Anti said calmly. “I’ve been thinking about it, and I can’t handle three of you after all. And he’s the most useless.”
“A...aan.” Jameson shook his head slowly. He didn’t dare to take a step forward. Jackie had looked terrified when Anti grabbed him, but the moment he said he was going to kill him, all emotion seemed to drain out of him. Now he was slumped, eyes blank, not there at all. Please, Jameson simply signed.
Anti looked him in the eyes. “The only way you can convince me not to is if you come with me right now.”
So...that was the plan.
Jameson wasn’t sure why he wasn’t more shocked. No...no, actually, he knew why. But somehow, it surprised him to feel this lack of...well, surprise.
But in any case, he couldn’t let Jackie die. Alright, he signed slowly. I’ll go with you.
“Good. Follow me.”
Anti walked out of the room, right through the door, and Jameson followed behind him, quietly. He tried to catch Jackie’s eye, but Jackie wasn’t paying attention to anything at all. He just let Anti pull him along with the blade at his throat.
They went down a hallway and arrived in another, which they then walked down to arrive at a door. Anti pushed it open with his shoulder, and then they were in a small backyard, hardly more than a strip of grass. Jameson glanced at the neighboring houses, but they looked empty. But...maybe someone could see them? Maybe someone would call the police, if they hadn’t already been called.
There was a car parked in the gap between their house and one of the neighbors. It didn’t have anything distinct about it, a simple, gray, four-door car. But the trunk was a bit open. Jameson caught a glimpse of some sort of suitcase—maybe multiple suitcases—before Anti kicked the lid closed. “Stupid boot,” he muttered. “Jameson, get in the passenger side. Leave the door open.”
Well, he didn’t have much of a choice, did he? Jameson walked around to the passenger side and got in, sitting stiffly on the edge of the seat. He wiped his face, clearing up blood from his nosebleed.
“Good.” Anti nodded once. He then shifted his knife to his other hand, still keeping it pointed at Jackie, and used his other to rummage around in his bag until he pulled out a small bottle. He popped the lid open. “Hold out your hand.” When Jameson did, Anti shook a few small pills out of the bottle and into his palm. “Swallow three of those.”
That was the part that got Jameson to finally say something. Or, try to, at least. “A-annn? Yuh...c-c-cannn’...beee sss—”
“Don’t do this, Jamie,” Anti said through gritted teeth. “I know what you’re trying to do. Just eat them, okay?” He put the bottle back in his bag and switched the knife between hands again. He pressed it firmly into Jackie’s neck, causing a drop of blood to trickle down from where the blade met skin.
Jameson nodded, and hurriedly threw the pills in his mouth. Anti watched him closely, making sure they were eventually swallowed. “Good,” he said again. Then he closed the car door. Immediately, Jameson heard the clunk of the lock. He was expecting that...but he wasn’t expecting Anti to walk back towards the back door they’d come from, taking Jackie with him.
“Hhh—!” Jameson pressed his face and hands to the window. “Aaaan! N-nuh!” He banged a fist against the glass. “Nnnuh! Nn—n-n-no!” He screamed. But Anti didn’t even look towards him as he disappeared back into the house with Jackie.
He tried pulling at the door, but of course, found it useless. And looking around the inside showed there wasn’t a way to open the car from the inside. That was probably a safety hazard, but Jameson was willing to bet that Anti had the car modified. He spun around in his seat, looking for anything that would be of help in the back. But there was nothing. Except for...a man. Asleep, sitting in the back seat. Pale skin and brown hair, with a yellow-purple bruise forming on his cheek. Jameson was confused for a moment, until he noticed the plastic medical bracelet around the man’s wrist and remembered. That was Henrik, wasn’t it? Schneep? He hadn’t recognized him. Of course, they’d only met once, and Schneep had spent most of it freaking out, thinking that Jameson was Anti. He looked unharmed, but he was clearly unconscious, and therefore couldn’t help them get out of the car.
Frustrated, Jameson started kicking at the door, leaning back to build up as much force as possible. He tried hitting the window. But it felt as solid as the actual door. This went on for a few moments, until he saw the back door opening again. And Anti came back outside. Alone.
That made him stop, fear shooting through his heart.
Soon, Anti sat down in the driver’s seat. “Alright, finally,” he said under his breath, glancing up at the dark, early-night sky. “We’ve wasted enough time—”
Anti was too surprised to even cry out as Jameson’s fist connected with enough force to whip his head to the side. “Y—you just—” He pressed his hand to his cheek and looked at Jameson in disbelief. “Jamie, you hit me.”
Don’t fucking call me that! Jameson threw his hands in Anti’s face, almost hitting him again. Not after all that! You don’t deserve it! You’re the most horrible person I know!
Anti glanced back towards the house. “He’s not dead.”
Well I don’t trust a word you say!
“Just...” Anti sighed, and rubbed his cheek. “Just go to sleep and be quiet, Jameson.”
Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Jameson seethed. You’d like to have a perfect, quiet, naive kid brother that you can protect and therefore feel good about yourself for once. Well he doesn’t exist. Not one of those words describes me. Jameson turned away. Don’t ever call me your brother again. You make me sick.
Anti didn’t say anything in response, and Jameson refused to even look at him. The car started, then pulled out of the driveway and onto the street.
As the house on the corner faded into the distance, Jameson’s anger lessened, overtaken by the fear and all-consuming worry he’d felt before. He could only hope that Anti wasn’t lying about Jackie. And he didn’t like that. He didn’t like relying on this...person for anything. But, unfortunately, he was at his mercy for the time being.
He had to find a way out. Not now, though. He could already feel the sleeping pills starting to take effect. But as Jameson closed his eyes, he swore that he wouldn’t let Anti be in control of anyone ever again.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
In their Place Ch. 1
Chapter 1: Fixation
Summary: The heroes think they know Damien, but the Mayor of Egoton and his magical sister are keeping many secrets from them.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Dark was actually having a bit of fun. She was standing next to Illinois, her sweet Illinois and overlooking a shipment coming in when the heroes attacked.
Normally if her blue soul had more control, Dark would have rushed to remove Illinois from the situation, overprotective until the end.
But with her red soul, Dark knew the boy could handle it. He was the most magically proficient out of all of his siblings, he was Wil’s boy. He and his siblings deserved the world.
Something that Dark was more than willing to provide in any form.
“Hey, Dark,” Silver shouted as he flew in. “We’re ready this time.”
“Are you?” Dark arched an eyebrow, her arms crossed in front of her.
Illinois glanced at her, braced to get pushed into a portal but it didn’t come, and he looked excited, sticking his hands into his pockets.
Marvin was flying overhead, magic at his hands and excitement on his face. Marvin and Dark had been having magic duels lately. Violent shows of magic that Dark had never engaged him with her blue soul. Behind the two Illinois saw Jackieboy Man and Captain Morality. But behind them Illinois took a second to recognize his fiancé because he was in a new suit.
“Part the seas, boys,” Illinois motioned with his hands as he smiled at Eric. “Hey Explosion Boy, new suit I see?”
Dark glanced at Illinois, rolling her eyes, “Go take care of your fiancé. I have the others.”
“If you’re sure?” Illinois smirked, not taking his eyes off Eric.
“I fail to see how you would do anything other than fixate on him,” Dark chuckled, pushing him lightly with her aura, “go.”
Illinois began to walk to the side and Eric mirrored him. Dark and the other heroes watched them before Dark’s aura twisted around her hands and she flew towards Marvin who summoned up a shield to take most of the force.
Silver flew after them while Jackie and Patton followed after on foot.
“Is this what your former apprentices are worth these days?” Dark told Silver, firing a couple bolts of red aura at him and Marvin. “Distraction detail?”
“Keeps your kid’s luck magic off of us, and ours doesn’t have a panic attack trying to fight you,” Silver told her.
“Fair enough, I suppose,” Dark shrugged, and then she began throwing bolts of magic at them. Marvin being the primary target.
“Where’s yer[1] brother?” Marvin baited. “Come on, we haven’t seen the two ‘a yeh together in o’er a year. Let’s have a nice family reunion so I can cast Dark off ‘a yeh.”[2]
Dark brought her axe into being and Marvin’s smile widened.
“Yeah, let’s fookin’ do this, yah surly demon,”[3] Marvi yelled as a huge feline magical construct was summoned around him and magic cards poured out of his sleeves to swirl around him.
When the two of them flew at each other the magical blast knocked Silver back a little bit, almost making him collide with Jackie.
“That’s a hell’uva lotta magic,”[4] Jackie realized.
“Even Dark can’t hold out forever,” Silver commented.
“But neither can Marv,” Patton reminded. “Get me up there.”
“Yeh[5] can’t fly,” Jackie denied.
“If I can’t touch any part of Dark’s aura I can influence it,” Patton told them.
“Nah, Cap,” Jackie shook his head. “Not happening.”
“Last time we had to restart Marvin’s heart from his last fight with Dark, he’s not gonna stop fighting her,” Patton reminded.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Silver decided. “Jackie be on standby for a catch.”
“Hey, I can’t fly either,” Jackie commented.
“You can slow his fall a bit,” Silver told him. “It’ll give me or Marv a chance to catch him.”
“This is a bad idea,” Jackie told him.
“If any of us dies, J.J or Host would stop us,” Silver reminded.
Jackie sighed, “Yeah, yer prolly right. Okay, let’s do it.”[6]
Silver picked Patton up, bridal style so Patton could keep his hands clear and then in one of the craziest stunts he’d ever tried, the flying hero dropped Patton and flew around to try and pin Dark in place.
Thankfully Dark was too busy focusing on Marvin’s constant magical barrage. Silver could see Marvin was starting to get tired.
Dark’s attention was split between the two heroes when Patton just landed on her. His aura dug into hers as Marvin threw the most powerful attack he had. It hit both Dark and Patton, and blew a hold in the building under Dark.
Silver dove in immediately to catch the unconscious hero as the Entity began to fall.
Dark was trying to surge her aura back when she was hit by Marvin’s cards and Silver slamming into her and forcing her towards the ground. Dark felt the last of her magical reserves give in and in a fit of self preservation she leaned back into her blue soul who was still exhausted and drained. Dark was out before he hit the ground.
Silver watched Dark slam into the ground, expecting her to teleport away but her form seemed to shift back to looking like Damien before he hit the ground with a violent THUD.
Confused at the shift, Silver flew into the building. It was definitely Damien and he was just lying there, unmoving.
“The hell did you come from?” Silver asked.
Silver heard the shifting of movement behind him on the upper floor of the building.
When the hero turned to see what the sound was he saw someone with a sniper rifle standing on the second floor, the silver brass clubs symbol on his chest. He raised the gun and fired it. Silver, who had been shot with all types of bullets just tanked it, he’d wanted to confront one of the Suits up close.
But the instant the bullet hit him he felt the magic course through him and the superhero felt so drowsy that he collapsed. Right before he completely blacked out he saw a flash of movement coming towards him.
Accessibility Translations
1. Your
2. Come on, we haven’t seen the two of you together in over a year. Let’s have a nice family reunion so I can cast Dark off of you.
3. Yeah, let’s fucking do this, you surly demon
4. That’s a hell of a lot of magic
5. You
6. Yeah, you’re probably right. Okay, let’s do it.
14 notes · View notes
chrospw-doodles · 3 years
When the Ink doesn’t flow
So... for starters this is a rant I wrote somewhere between september and november of 2020, it was intended to be posted in my main blog @chrispriceway back then, but I decided to put this here to avoid being too too personal there, I mean it is supposed to be a happy place to goof around and show you cool stuff, that’s why I made this side blog, to be more personal and less awkard so, yeh.
What's up everybody, I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I wanted to adress my abcense and some other stuff that I wanted to talk about but never knew how to bring it up.
So, to those who follow me and dont really know who am I as a content creator:
hi, the name is Christian, you can call me Chris, I'm somewhat of an artist and like to post my stuff here.
Now, even if you have been following me for a while you may have noticed that I really don't post very often and that I haven't been around for a while even if I claim that I'm trying to be more active, well I think it's about time to talk about the issue and make some big changes around here.
But first of all, why does it even matter?
Well, to be honest the past three to four years I haven't really seen my online connection as serious business since I am primarly a student, and school does suck all of my time, the problem with that is that I really feel like I havent been respectful to you, the audience, not that I owe you anything but since I am now trying to make a living from my art, it is necessary to take this connection between the audience seriously and with a bit more respect.
In those three years all I've ever did was too much talk and too little deliver, so I apologize to those people who were really invested into the stuff I do, I really appreciate you guys.
So with that aside...
I wanted to talk about mental health.
well MY mental health
I know what you may be thinking, "what the heck Chris? What does this have to do with you being a lazy ass biss?"
Well, it's kinda simple as it is complicated so I will be putting here some bullets to make it easier to you to navigate through and to let you know how long it is going to be to those who really really just want to skip this post already
Danplan Drama
College is a biss
When job becomes priority over school
How did all of this affect my mental state
And how I feel about it
Final thoughts
I'm not okay
Well, was, not anymore (mostly), or at least not as serious as I was some monts ago. Listen, shit went down, it's 2020 and that was inevitable, but I really want to go trough some points to give you context.
This year has been specially rough to me because of some circumstances that a few may know, but for context I'll be telling you about it.
The danplan shit did a lotta damage my bros
Ah, yes, long story short, I was an animator in that channel before the figgin drama
But it wasnt really that bad, you see, I really think that it was inevitable that it was going to end like that because of how are those two, but at the time I had to shut a lot of stuff because I didn't wanted to make it worse as the other animators did... but in retrospective, If we had talked about how we felt about the issue in that moment maybe it could have been better, or maybe not, I don't know and maybe I'll post a rant about it some other time (or maybe I wont), the point. is.
It was emotionally taxing, and to be honest it screwed me very bad. You see, I know I am not that good of an artist in comparisson to the others, nor have the best management of my social media, or another project to keep me on the public eye for a while, and since I went back to school I couldnt possible be hired by another channel because of my lack of time; so loosing my job at danplan was a HUGE deal to me because I knew that none of the jobs available in my country could pay off as good nor be as flexible as being an animator was, so that whole ordeal was really, really frustrating.
Then school became a living hell
Since I escentially lost that job I did try desperately to find anything as good to fill the void (it sounds dramatic but believe me, it felt really bad fam.) So the opportunity presented itself and I took a bone in stephen's channel.
In all honesty it was a good job and it was quite fun, but I didn't really stayed as a full time animator, I believe it was due lack of time or maybe my style wasn't really what they were going for, and tbh fair game... but it was still bad news for me because I was that desperate to find a new job, and I was so inmersed on doing that so I wasn't taking good care of my grades.
So now I had two problems, no job, and I was doing terrible on school because of my obsession with the job hunting.
And at the time I was still part of the community...
I was very active in the dp community and in Pau's server, I found great people and did some art because I really felt happy about it...
But honestly, that didn't last long.
School started to be a real problem and I did fail two of my school subjects, at the end of the semester I was burned out, and sleep deprived, so there was that.
One of my finals was a video talking about the drama and stuff and I've never finished it because I ran out of time and eventually I didn't felt it right abaut it, because it was like opening a grave again, like it was something too disrespectful even if it was originally intended for the sake of the animators, to give them, us, some justice at the end of the day... but I couldn't do it. It wasn't fair to everyone else because they moved on.
Tumblr media
And that was the beginning of this crappy thing I've been carrying around.
I just. Can't. Finish. Anything.
I just overthink everything and fail before I begin any of the pieces, or Im about to finish but change my mind because Its. Not. Good. Enough.
I have a TON of pieces that never saw the light of the day BECAUSE I'm not in the right state of mind, and it is painful, because I love doing art as much as I love engaging with you guys, even if you are a few to maybe 10 people, I enjoy it. And It sucks to not be able to do stuff because I feel crappy.
And I know for fact that feeling crappy it's a crappy excuse to not do anything
But I don't mean that to anyone else but myself, because I feel like I could be better and do better, but... it isn't working, the global situation did some damage too, and I've been manageing, still, I haven't been able to finish a lot of stuff and honestly, I just want to come back before I become a ghost account.
So what's up? What's poppin'?
The plan is to try to force myself to finish at least one piece per week to keep this alive until I find the will to work normally again.
Maybe it's not the best solution, but I think this will motivate me a little since I really want to materialize some projects that I have had on the back of my head for a long time now, and I really want to start em' and share it with you along the way... so yeah, that's basically it.
Well, that was a long one, and if you happened read this far, thank you, I really appreciate it.
I hope I will be seeing you soon...
Stay creative, my dudes.
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manabingu · 4 years
IT MIGHT TAKE ME A WEEK TO RELEASE PART 5 OF ANIME BINGO HELL! But seriously y’all are troopers! I am happy we got to connect and go on HELLA nostalgia trips together! It’s a lotta fun! Also definitely recommend a good chunk of those, except for Piano... you know what you did Piano... nothing. Which is the reason why I was like !?!??? XD
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But yeh! Hope y’all had a good Easter and I hope you enjoyed playing Bingo this evening uwu!
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ofgeneration · 5 years
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━ ✧ ( nico mirallegro, 26, he/him ) did you hear about generation’s new record ? it’s totally bitchin’ ! isaac carberry was killing it as lead vocalist. people who have interviewed him say they’re really quixotic & convivial, but they can be sort of impish & ungovernable if you catch him at a bad time. a mischievous grin, northern grit, your ex-record label’s offices looking like a jackson pollock after getting your revenge in the form of vandalism.
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hello, my loves! — i’m jess, i’m 22 and over in rainy england. i’m recently done with university which gives me a lot of downtime until i find a job so hopefully i can dedicate a lot of that downtime to this fuckin’ rp because it’s gonna be lit i just know it. i’m a huge stone roses fan and 80s/90s-music-obsessed in general so getting to play this character is super exciting for me, so without further ado, meet my trash son: mr isaac carberry. PLEASE HMU FOR PLOTS!
born 14th april 1960 in manchester, england to a normal working-class family, isaac was the first born child of james & rose carberry, with a younger sister coming along a few years later. the little family of four lived fairly happily, but struggled financially just as many people did in northern england at the time. 
when isaac was five, his father lost his job as a result of coalmine closures, and times were tough. however, the family kept their spirits high by keeping close-knit, as well as listening to a whole lotta’ music. music was key in the carberry household. it was all around you at all times.
when times would get particularly bleak, his dad would pick up an guitar and play to the kids. he wasn’t very good but watching someone play an instrument and have fun with it sparked something in the eyes of isaac carberry.
tw violence, corporal punishment — during his teenage years, he was a problem child. he was the kid that always got pulled out of class by the headmaster to receive the cane in his office. he could never sit still, was always cracking jokes when he should’ve been doing his schoolwork, etc. it wasn’t talked about at the time, so it went unnoticed, but what isaac was probably dealing with was undiagnosed ADHD. despite this, though, he was a clever child. he had a way with words and looked forward to english class every week, where he would take great pleasure in writing exercises, especially poetry. 
writing was a dreamy, escapist haven for isaac, and this extended to his life outside of school, too. the works he was producing were mostly tongue-in-cheek, light-hearted stories and poems with a recurring “stop taking life so seriously” theme. when he turned 16, however, these poems began to turn into songs. this started to take up a lot of his time especially when he finished secondary school at 16 and went onto sixth form college, where he took music alongside english.
isaac desperately wanted to learn to play guitar, so that he could form some structural melodies to these songs, but struggled with honing the skill of learning an instrument. luckily, when he was 18, he made three friends who could do just that. the four kids would bounce ideas off of each other and hold jam sessions in the tiny little basement of isaac’s family home, but things never went much further than that (at least not yet, anyway.)
isaac decided against going to university, mostly since his family lacked the funds, and instead picked up a full-time job in a grocery store to help out his household’s shared income. 
in 1979, margaret thatcher came into power as the UK’s prime minister, and times got even bleaker. money was even tighter and the working-class situation became an even harder one to be in. the carberry family started sending isaac out on the street after work to sing some of his songs for tips. 
in 1983, aged 23, isaac was in a dark place. no opportunity, no degree, no wealth in the family to fall back on. he ‘rallied up the troops’ so to speak and practically begged his friends to start a band with him. he had plenty of material, after all.
to his relief, they said yes, and were determined to make it work. they were hungry for attention and throwing themselves at any gig opportunities they could get, to get them a bit of money into their pockets. that was it, GENERATION was truly alive and kicking.
at a show supporting another band, generation were noticed by a fellow musician, who took a shine to the band and booked them to support his upcoming uk tour. thus, the band were rising to prominence. fast forward a year and before isaac even had the chance to process it, generation were shaping up to be the biggest band in the uk. isaac could finally give his family everything they needed to better their situation and was having the most amazing time ever doing what he loved.
after independently releasing their own singles, the band got themselves a record deal in early 1985 and released their first full record, a self-titled album. their management wanted to introduce them to US audiences, and thus — that’s how we find ourselves here. 
ok sorry for that LONG ass background here’s the nice lil fun part where we can just dick around lmao hey meet my baby boy chaotic aries who is a lovable mess and i will protect him at all costs
literally so much of his personality is inspired by myself lmao we love an aries legend with ADHD but also i owe some of his characterization to the stone roses’ ian brown so if you ever want a look into isaac, watch some interviews or smth because Big Isaac Mood. the last aesthetic in his app references this video
nice, but a fuckin firecracker of a man. intense boi!! he’s a Lot
on first impressions he’s cool and collected and laidback but when you get to know him he can be very exhausting to be around, talks a lot, never tires of energy, etc
has that lopsided, wonky grin that you can’t help but love
lowkey isn’t really overwhelmed by the fame at all, he’s kind of narcissistic in the fact that he??? just feels like it’s really deserved? he knows hes talented jfjhgfjkghf
lowkey maybe highkey a sweetheart
a favourite with the ladies but not good w commitment
has slept around a lot. ladies, fellas, you name it. probably has it in him to settle down someday since he likes the idea of falling in love, but just hasn’t found it as of yet 
charisma literally oozes from him
tw drugs & alcohol / dOeSnT LiKe To sHoW eMoTioNs but then will literally cry w u and pour his heart out if you’re close enough to him or if he’s hella drunk or high on ecstasy 
Reyt fokin’ northern accent, yeh get meh?
man i dont even know can i just post this dumb shit already because this is getting LONG
ex-girlfriend / groupie — i have this as a wc on the main
best friends will prob be taken by his bandmates but at the time of writing this only one other spot is taken so maybe ill branch out
give me some ppl who just DONT fucking like him
hookups / ex-hookups
someone he can be a bad influence on
someone who is a bad influence on him
someone he’s had beef w in the industry, maybe they said some shit about his band in an interview or something
a slow burn love interest plot................. listen.... gimme the one person he’s falling for and would consider being tied down for. i’d be so soft for that
gimme anything and everything my babies
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 6 years
Meet the Character: Vila Tadmhe
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► Name ➔  “Vila Tadmhe!”
► Are you single ➔ “No, I’m happily in a relationship!”
► Are you happy ➔ “I mean… yes?  I’m not unhappy.  But… yes I think I’m happy!”
► Are you angry? ➔ ”… There’s someone I’m angry at but I don’t think she’ll be a problem anymore.”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “M’parents were never married.  I don’t even know who my dad is.  An’ Mum’s been dead for about ten cycles now.  Soooo, no.”
 ► Birth Place ➔ “The Twelveswood.  Specifically, East Shroud.  But we moved around a lot.”
► Hair Color ➔ “I don’t think anyone could tell yeh m’hair’s anythin’ but red.”
► Eye Color ➔ “Red.  But I’m told that my eyes are ‘striking’.”  She dissolves into giggles.
► Birthday ➔ “16th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon.”
► Mood ➔ “… Hungry, anyone got anythin’ t’eat?”
► Gender ➔ “I’mma girl.”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.  I don’t like cold much.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon ‘cause that’s right before all the fun shit starts!”
 ► Are you in love ➔ "I mean… I ain’t been in love before but I’m pretty sure I am right now, yeah.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “… No I don’t think so.  I think yeh kin be attracted to someone, sure.  But yeh gotta trust someone t’love ‘em.  An’ I don’t trust easy.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Um… it was me.”  
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ "I uh… I think I might’ve… but I think ‘e’s doin’ alright now.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I mean… I used t’be… but I… I think I’m alright with ‘em now.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Um, yes!  I like hugs.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Vila barks a laugh.  “Not likely!”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’t… understand how anyone could do this but no.”
 ► Love or lust ➔ “As nice as lust feels, I definitely prefer love.  I like feelin’ safe with someone.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Can’t I do both?  No?  Then iced tea I guess.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Dogs!  I mean I got two of ‘em now!”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I prefer havin’ best friends but since I ain’t got a lot of those… uh… the second one I guess.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Wild night out with m’boyfriend.  That’s my favorite.”
► Day or night ➔ “Night.  That’s when all the fun shit happens!”
 ► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Nah, I ain’t needed t’sneak out.  Sneak in maybe, but not out.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Um… when I’m drunk, sure!”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “… there’s somethin’ I want more ‘nn anythin’, yeah.  Don’t know if I’ll ever have it though, so I try not t’think about it.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “I spent too long feelin’ invisible t’other people.  It sucks.  So no.”
 ► Smile or eyes ➔ “I like eyes that smile.  Eyes that show yeh when someone’s real happy.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller!  I’m real short.  Unless someone’s a lalafell, ain’t getting’ shorter ‘nn me.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction.  As evidenced by the men in my life.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ "… I only had one hookup in my life an’ I regret it so definitely checkmark on the ‘relationship’ one.”
 ► Do you and your family get along ➔ “Um… well, the only family I got left is m’brother. We spent a lotta time away from each other but we’re gettin’ close again, I think.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I mean… it definitely ain’t typical… but I ain’t say it’s a bad life, so no, I wouldn’t say it’s messed up.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No, I lived in the middle o’ the woods.  Ain’t no place t’ run to.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Nah.  If Mum wanted t’punish me, she kept me in, not kick me out.”
 ► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Why in the hells would I be friends with someone I hated?”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Um… no, I wouldn’t.  There’s maybe one or two good friends, but most of ‘em are jus’… y’know… friends.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Um… Sawyer.  But if I gotta pick someone who ain’t m’boyfriend, I’d pick Sehn, probably. She lives next door an’ I see her all the time.  Jamie’s a pretty close second though.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Um… I guess prolly Asher?  I mean… we’re twins, we’ve been close our whole lives.  We ain’t so much anymore but he still seems to know me better ‘nn anyone.”
Tagged by:  @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat
Tagging: @bexli-nelhah, @thebaileymail, @missmeela, @passage-of-arms, @kailani-ffxiv, @meandering-mind, @passage-of-arms, @roegadynlibrarian, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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rfsak2 · 7 years
Cactus, Part IV
I hope you like it!
Cactus, Part IV Summary: Damn if he didn’t know what he was doing. Harry/Jamie Warnings: Talking about past tramas. Hopefully nothing too triggering though.
Mitch sipped his cocktail and hit her thigh with the back of his hand. She jumped a bit, pleasantly buzzed on a mixture of whiskey and Harry, and said man grumbled from where he leaned against her, prickly cheek against her forehead.
“What about you, Jamie-Wamie? Any great stories from your extensive tenure in the music industry?”
“You get verbose when you’re drunk, Mitchy-moo.” She grinned, one hand idly carding through the hair at the nape of Harry’s neck.
Jeff grinned. “Oooh… verbose. Big word.”
“Thanks. Took a lotta doin’ to educate the white trash outta me.”
Harry chuckled against her hair. “I think yeh sound very educated, love.”
“Thanks, Haz.”
Mitch smiled against his glass. “No, but I’m serious. You’ve been doin’ this for a while now..”
“Now you’re callin’ me old?”
Harry snorted. “Yer like twenty-two. Tell a story, girl!”
“Okay.. Okay.” She sighed. “Lessee… One time, I walked in on the drummer from a band I was working with doing lines of coke off a prostitute’s breasts.”
Harry stiffened beside her and Mitch breathed out a shocked ‘fuck’.
Jeff nodded with a small smile, sitting across the table. “I remember you telling me about that. You were what…. Eighteen?”
“Sixteen.” She let out a breathless little chuckle.
Harry straightened suddenly. “Wha? Sixteen? Wha’ happened?”
She shrugged. “He’s just casually doin’ lines, the prostitute was moaning like.. Well, she was moaning and I just say ‘hi’.” She paused and rub soothingly at Harry’s shoulder. “He grins, but then if the number of little, plastic bags on the floor are to be taken at face value, he’d probably done 200 bucks in blow so I’m not sure he really knew what was goin’ on anyhow. I’m just frozen. I had no idea what to do. He grins and waves me over. ‘Ya want some?’ I stutter out, ‘No, sir’ and grab my guitar and run.”
Jeff huffed. “This business, man.”
“It gets better… or worse. I had a supervisor, I guess he’d be called… He was the one I ‘reported’ to with the label as far as the government was concerned. I went to him to tell him that this happened. I mean it’s illegal, right? And dangerous, he could’ve OD’d or… Like fifteen different scenarios had run through my mind by that point. Anyway, he just laughs, calls me a prude and then quirks my chin like I’m just some silly, little girl. Tells me to toughen up.”
She smiled. “Then he sends me back to the studio, because if I’m so worried then I should go check up on him. Make sure he don’t OD.” Harry made a noise deep in his chest and gathered her against his side.
“I hesitate as one would expect and he asks me if ‘it was going to be a problem?’” She smiled at Mitch. “I say ‘no’ and go and check up on him, because I really was worried. He’s passed out and the lady is gone. I call my boss and he says to just turn him on his side so he doesn’t choke.” She sneered. “‘We’ll cancel work today. See you tomorrow. Go get a pedicure or whatever it is broads like you do.’ I just stood there and stared down at him for a solid hour, trying to figure out if I should call the cops.”
“But you didn’t.” Jeff wet his lips. “Call the cops I mean.”
She shook her head. “No, of course not. How could I? And flush every dream I had ever had down the toilet? Get myself in some deep shit with a label that literally owns me and my music?  I could only imagine what they’d do to keep that shit quiet.” She sipped her whiskey. “Anyways, I’m apparently maudlin when I’ve had too much to drink. Sorry for being a buzzkill. Jeff probably has better...funnier stories than I do.”
The conversation took a turn and she quieted, relaxing back against the couch. Harry sighed. “Tha’s mad, monster.”
She smiled and settled against his chest. “I definitely was. But then you’ve probably seen as much as me. This industry doesn’t let people stay young for very long.”
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s fair.” He sighed and favored her with a crooked smile. “The album is done…”
She smiled. “And now, the end is near…”
He grinned. “And so I face the final curtain.” He chuckled. “Yeh have a lovely singing voice, love.”
She shrugged.
“Yeh should tour wi’ us.” She breathed deep and Harry booped her nose. “Yeh thought I’d forget, didn’t yeh, love?”
She smiled. “I was hopin’ so, yeah? Don’t like disappointin’ people.”
“Then don’t.” He pulled back and caught her eye. “Look… I don’t want this to be the end of this-” He motioned between them “-I know it doesn’t have to be and ‘course, I have no intention of ending it because yeh say no, please know tha’. But it will get harder when I tour. I just want t’spend time wi’ yeh and I wanna keep makin’ music wi’ yeh.”
“I don’t want this to end, either.” She smiled and shifted so she was sort of half in his lap, one hand coming up to run a thumb over his chin. “But, Harry, I really… I shouldn’t.”
“Why?” He shrugged. “I know yer probably too talented for it-”
She shot him a look. “That’d be a real bitchy thing for me to think.”
He winced. “I don’t mean it like that...Obviously.”
“Why do you think it is that I don’t tour?”
“I assume it’s because yeh only tour when it’s something ye’re proud of.”
She smiled and grabbed his face, staring him down. “I don’t tour for a reason.. A reason I may one day tell you, but I’ve been a bit too much of a downer today as it is, so not tonight. I can tell you that it has nothing to do with being proud or not being proud. I love what we’ve done here. I really do. Aside from having more fun then I have had in years, I am immensely pleased with how your album turned out and I’m proud to have worked on it.”
He nodded, eyes on hers. “Okay… I have an idea.” He grinned. “Do th’promo performances wi’ us. Be there for tha’ and we’ll shelve the tour shite for a later conversation.”
She sighed around a smile.
He smiled broadly, dimple appearing. “Please, love. Yer such a fantastic guitarist and I want te share it wi’ yeh.”
“Alright. Fine.” She pressed a pert kiss to his cheek. “That dimple can get you whatever you want, honestly.”
“No I dig it, babe.” She traced one of the big black buttons on his romper with the tip of her finger. “It...it works for me. It really does.”
Almost absentmindedly, she licked her lips and Harry sucked in a breath. “Tha’s no’ fair, love.”
“Hmm?” She didn’t look up and he really didn’t think she was aware that she was doing it. “What was that, Haz?”
He leaned into her space, fingering the gold lace of her skirt. “Yeh shouldn’t lick yer lips like that when yeh look so pretty. ‘S no’ fair, love.”
She blushed, hand flattening against his ribcage. “Oh!... Sorry.”
“Yeh haven’t put lippy on yeah?”
She frowned. “What the fuck is lippy?”
He grinned and decided to test for himself.
She hadn’t.
She gasped into his mouth and he wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her into the kiss. “Pretty little thing, aren’yeh?”
“Shit.” She laughed against his mouth. “Who’s not being fair now?”
He chuckled and leaned in for another kiss. Someone knocked on the door and he just managed to stifle the groan.
They stepped away from each other and she coughed. “Yeah? What’s up?”
Jeffrey popped his head in. He glanced between the two of them. “Really?”
Harry flicked him off. “Can we assist yeh?”
Jeffrey stuck his tongue out. “No, I don’t need yeh. I need your girl. Jamie-Wamie, you or Mitch for solo?”
“It’s Mitch.”
“Okay we’ll set Mitch closer to center and then you next to him, yeah?”
“Base in the back?” She nodded. “That should work. What do their sound guys say the acoustics are like?”
“That’s how they said they preferred to do it.”
“Sounds good to me.” He left, closing the door behind him, and she chuckled. “I pretty sure he just wanted to interrupt. He didn’t me to answer any of those questions.”
Harry nodded and leaned in to kiss her again. “It’s probably for the best. Can’t get to worked up just yet.”
She smiled. “I need to put lippy on.”
“Not yet.” He kissed her once more and then set his hands on her shoulder. “There now.”
He was phenomenal.
It was silly to feel so damn proud of someone who’d been doing this and doing it well for seven years, but she was so bloody proud.
There was so much joy in every bounce and pace. He was energetic and charismatic and the crowd was feeling him and he was feeling the crowd.
She was feeling him and his damn romper. He just looked so good.
Every time he turned her way, his smile was wide and contagious and she just couldn’t help returning it.
She had to admit, he knew what he was doing when he asked for her to do this with him. She honestly couldn’t see herself doing anything else right now.
She couldn’t miss this and have to live with the regret for the rest of her life.
He held the door for her and motioned her into the restaurant. “M’lady.”
She stuck her tongue out.
“Not very lady-like.” He winked at her and she rolled her eyes as she indicated to the hostess that they needed a table for two.
The girl gaped, but nodded. “Yeah, course.”
She led them to a table, glancing back at Harry every once and awhile on their way through the crowded restaurant. Harry, for his part, pretended to not notice that everyone’s eyes were on him, his hand firm in the small of her back.
When the girl had left, Jamie smiled. “Everyone is so aware of you. Are you sure that you don’t want to go somewhere quieter?”
He shook his head, looking down at the menu. “Yeh said this place reminded you of home. ‘My favorite restaurant in LA, Haz,’ yeh said.”
She nodded and did the same. “Right then.”
“It’ll be the same no matter where we go. This is just how it is.” He glanced up. “Does it bother yeh?”
She shrugged. “I don’t think so. If it doesn’t bother you-”
He snorted. “It does bother me, of course it does, but I’m not going to hide away and I’m not going to act like I’m ashamed of myself or of yeh.” He looked up and she was smiling at him. “Wha’?”
She shook her head. “Nothing.”
He grinned, blushing. “Wha’ do yeh ge’ here, monster?”
“Fajitas usually. That’s true Tex-Mex there.”
“Wanna share, then?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Wanna share a coronarita?” He grimaced. “That sounds...interestin’.”
She made a face. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear you say that.”
He laughed. “Why?”
“Corona? Really, baby? If we gonna go Mexican beer, it can’t be that. It tastes like piss.”
“Can I get you two some drinks?”
The waiter smiled a bit too broadly. He’d obviously been sent out to avoid the inevitable catfight over who would wait on Harry fucking Styles.
She smiled. “D’ya have Victoria on draft?” The waiter nodded. “Two of those, please and some water.”
“Sure. I’ll be back with those and some chips and salsa for you.”
“Thanks, mate.” Harry grinned at her. “You look beautiful tonight.”
She scoffed. “I didn’t even bother to put my contacts in today and my hair is stiff with hairspray from last night.”
He shrugged. “Big hair, don’t care and I like you in your specs. You’re cute, plus you have a hickey just there.” He poked at her collarbone.
She started and attempted to pull at her shirt. “Harry! You didn’t tell me!”
“How did yeh miss it, love? It’s dark.” He grinned. “It’s alright. I like my marks on yeh.”
She blushed, but didn’t say anything, waiting for their approaching waiter to set down their drinks and take their order. “You’re oddly okay with this. Shouldn’t you be more worried about the media gettin’ wind of all this?”
“What? Of us?” He shook his head. “If they do, they do. As long as they don’t run yeh off, I’m not sure I care anymore. They’re gonna do it anyway, right? Normally with women I’ve never even bloody met. If they’re gonna do it, I’d prefer for it to be real. I’d prefer it to be with someone I am fond of, someone I want to be in a relationship with.”
She beamed. “I don’t think they could beat me off with a stick.”
He threw his head back against the booth. “They shouldn’t do tha’ either, love.”
She sipped her beer. “So is this…” She winced. “I don’t know how to say it.”
He grinned, munching on a chip. “I want yeh. I’ve wanted yeh since I met you last year, love. Committed Relationship or Secret Lovers. As long as I have yeh, I don’t care. Whatever yeh want.”
“You can have whatever you like.”
He laughed. “What d’yeh say, monster? What is this?”
“I say Committed Relationship. You?”
“You can have whatever you like.” He smiled. “Yeh’ve always been m’girl, y’know tha’, yeah? Up here,” he tapped his temple, “whenever I thought about yeh, yeh were my girl.”
She blushed. “Same here, pretty boy. I was all in from day one.”
“Good.” He leaned over the table and kissed her, aware that someone was likely taking a photo.
Their food came and she grinned at Harry as he gaped, watching her throw a couple jalapenos onto her fajita. “That’s intense.”
She snorted. “No what’s intense is that that girl over there is definitely snapchatting this. If we’re lucky her friends aren’t saving it.”
He sighed. “Are yeh okay?”
She shrugged. “I’m okay with you. I don’t particularly like feeling like I’m being watched, but I’ll deal with it for you, because I’m okay with you.”
“Is that why you don’t tour?” He winced. “I mean because you don’t like being watched?”
She froze, fajita half-way in her mouth, before forcing herself to relax. “No. I mean I like performing as much as anyone else.”
“Wha’ happened?” He stilled, almost as if he was forgetting to breathe. “Yeh don’t have to say if yeh don’t wan’ te. Sorry. Dun mean t’make yeh feel uncomfortable, love.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s fine. I wanted to tell you anyways really.” She smiled. “But first I want you to know that I had so much fun doing the promo stuff. I’m glad you convinced me to do it and if the offer is still available, I’d love to tour with you.”
He sighed in relief, hand over his heart. “Thank God. Of course it is.” He reached for her hand. “Now what happened, love? I have a feeling that it wasn’t pleasant.”
She sighed. “My parents weren’t comfortable with me going on tour until I had turned eighteen for obvious reasons and even then they still weren’t really comfortable, but when the band that I had been working with that summer asked me to tour with them, I jumped at the chance. I was going to be a background guitarist, nothing flashy, for the opening act, but I was so excited. I was going to be going on my first tour, I’d be getting some great experience and I really thought that I was going to have fun.”
She sipped her beer and Harry felt a pit in his stomach.
“The first ten shows, we’ll say, they were fine. I was having fun, I clicked with the band, and I got to have all these little jam sessions with the guitarists from both bands. I was learning so much. I learned to play Voodoo Child on that tour, in fact. Then one day, the tour was in Austin and my family came up to see me. I had gone out to dinner with my family and I returned to the hotel we were in late. I…” She smiled and took a deep breath, Harry squeezed her hand.
“I had to walk past the pool.. spa thing to get to the stairs. The lead singer of the main band must have seen me. He...uh… he grabbed and he tried to drag me into the changing rooms, but he didn’t know that my brother, Ryan and my father were following me in. I was running up to grab something from my room for them to take back home with them. Ryan saw me get pulled into the door and he has...had anger issues back then, he’s a lot better now. You can imagine. I had just managed to jump away from him when Ryan bursted through the door. If he had still had his hands on me when Ryan got there, Ryan’d probably be in prison.”
“Fuck.” He pressed a lingering kiss to her hand. “I… Shit I wish I hadn’t asked, baby. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I wanted to tell you.” She covered his hand with her free hand. “I stayed on the tour. My parents didn’t want me to obviously and Ryan was livid that I would even consider it but I wanted it so bad and I was so stubborn. I just I couldn’t let it go, but then the rest of the tour was miserable. I chose to keep it quiet. I think the singer thought I didn’t say anything because I was ashamed.. or afraid. I managed to convince myself that I just didn’t want him to be able to take it away from me. Anyways, he kept trying to corner me. The drummer from the opener started to notice. He’s a nice guy. I’d say four shows after the pool incident, he pinned the lead singer to a wall and threatened him.”
“‘She’s barely eighteen, ya disgustin’ old fuck. Ya-’ He’s from Boston, I think- ‘Ya touch her again, I kick ya dentures down ya throat and make you beg for her forgiveness. If she don’t want ta forgive ya, Imma bury you in so much litigation you’ll owe ever’thin’ to ya lawyers.’” She smiled. “At the end of that tour, I was pretty happy to never have to tour ever again. I tour with my band, because they’re my brothers, literally and figuratively and I trust them.”
He nodded. “Yeh don’t have to tour with us, I promise. Yeh can say no.”
“I know.” She kissed his knuckle. “I know. That’s why I want to do it. I trust y’all. I trust you and I want to share this with you. Besides I can’t afford to miss the possibility of you wearing that romper again.”
“You liked it then?” He grinned slow around his glass.
“You don’t even know.”
Part III Up Next: Part V
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pastelpolitoed · 7 years
Fairy lights, converse, oil paints, pastel, bands, space, beaches, painting, love!! (This one had a ton of good ones!)
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? I would wanna know what happens in/if there is a afterlife~ That or like. where in a 100 mile radius I can go to get the best bowl of pasta cause rn that’s all I want
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? Yeh yeh, I have before and prolly will again. It’s easier to get deep with a stranger who you probably won’t see again.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? Gay Lil Happy  Accidents: Actual Anxiety from Your Local Homosexual
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? Uhhh neither tbh? Prolly leaning more towards pastel? If I had my way, I’d be right down the middle, pulling both off at once. But a lotta stuff doesn’t allow me to have that kinda aethetic~ :D 
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. My dude, Green Day p much got me into music back when American Idiot was released. They were technically my first live show (aside from my parents dragging me to Brittany Spears), and American Idiot as an album will always hold a special place in my heart? Like I don’t listen to them nearly as much anymore, but godDAMN they really spurred my thoughts and love for music. I mean I had Pokemon compilation albums before that I carried with me everywhere, but Green Day was like. my first real people band.
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised? LOL I have. My bed. and that’s it. and my bedroom is an organized mess that I have to tidy up every week. I really want a desk and a set space to do everything, but no such luck yet.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? I ahve no idea how I would style it, but I always wanted to try like a blue color or a teal color~ I’m not sure if it would look good on me at all tho, and from what I hear red-ish hair color is hard to work with when it comes to dyes, so I kinda stay away from it ;~ ;
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. Like best as in objectively looked the best, or best as in the one I had the most fun in? I loved being an emo kid years ago, and I really wanna do it again but really do it properly one of these years and go a l l  o u t  for the costume. But objectively the best? One year I was like. A demon, and had the red face paint, made a medallion for it, made some cool looking horns and stuff and it was kinda eh but yeh~ 
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love. Nope nope, I haven’t. Thank you for the questions, my dude
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fertsza · 4 years
Urban english
Hi there / Howdy
wack - lame - shitty
what could u possibly have done to it, its all the way up there
I’m down for whatever
deadass - i shit you not
he just showed up holding it like this is a normal thing
Sorry ass
dickhed - dumbass - jerk - cunt - motherfucker - douchebag
GPA = moyenne
now we’re talking
tbh = ngl
GOAT = greatest of all the time
Gucci = cool
FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
JOMO = Joy Of Missing Out
Hang up = raccrocher
Stud = bg
I don’t buy it = i dont believe it
That was messed up
Badass - lit - dope
Soon or later = tot ou tard
ur having fun w this, dont even lie
9 = ya un parent autour, fo faire attention a ce qu’on va dire
Having a hard time
Not only are you...
As long as...
Get over that
Can’t handle
Make sure to
As if
how about
get yo arse right back here
It was a pleasure
Lets pass on those
Stop being dramatic
This creep me out
Thanks for coming / thanks for having me
Awful / terrible / horrible
Choose someone over...
Those days ( passé)
These days (present)
always thinking he’s right no matter what
5 seconds rule
Run out of smthin
stone = fonsdé
How about (one beer)
What about
What if
i have a v fast metabolism so i can eat a lotta food n i actually struggle to gain weight lol #blessed
Its not what it looks like
Catfishing = essayer de séduire qq1 sur internet avec un faux cpte
Ghosting some1 = disparaître de leur vie
Slow fade = un peu moins violent que le ghosting
Go to Dutch = chacun s’occupe de soit, genre le resto, chacun paie son repas
To have a lot of baggage = qq1 avec un lourd passé
To Hit it off = ya eu un bon feeling avec cette personne (amicale, business, amour)
On again/off again = selena & justin
To break it off = larguer qq1
Did you get some sleep ? a couple hours
You already mentioned it
Hell yeh
In terms of...
Then once you get that
Borrow = prêter mais pas que l’argent
In my opinion
Over a night
Check it out
Little does he know
My pleasure, any time
It was the other way around= l’inverse
So happy to have you both
We don’t talk about shit that matters
But not lately = pas récemment
There’s a lot going on
Leftover = des restes
Easy ! = doucement
I see that for sure
Fair enough
And how about lunch
Have a great experience w the company
And stuff = et tout
Hi this is levik speaking w honeybelle, ...
Can we make it ? = c’est faisable ?
We’re working on it = qd on mange qqchose au resto et qu’il nous demande si on a fini alors que nn
How it turns out
It takes too much room
Later on
Limited knowledge
Dump = larguer
Let’s just say / what it does
From what i know
If doest that make sense
Let me get..
Can i have some = casom
Can u spot me
No shit who even...
Piece of shit
Movie theater
Eventually = ... finit par
You’re trying to go out tonight
Screw it
Knock out
Speak for yourself
Give it a year and you’ll see how it used to be
How did u find out about us
Get a refund
How long is the wait
Pull up = se garer
Knock on the door
That’s rude
bitch wtf
Processed food
Hangry = slang word for hungry
Yeh so what ?!
Camera rolls = galerie
I woke up to a pimple
bet = ok
cheeks = bad
u cheeks at smthin
wig = crazy
wig flew
Tea = true
spill the tea = tell the truth
Yack /puke= vomitar
Busted = shitty/bad
Busted a nut
Cake = big butt
DTF = down to fuck
For here or to go
Neat = soigné/bien rangé
Live up to = être a la hauteur
Starting off
Crackhead= drogué
looks like she went through a lot
Scratching all the way down
don’t work too hard
bitch u got me fucked up
You brought it up to someone
In my defense
To make sure
How am i gonna do that you may ask
I am bullied
Thanks for having me
It rlly do be like that smtimes
How do u feel about me giving u a tattoo
Fair point
In terms of
It just got to the point where it was simple
I couldn’t cope w being at
What is it like
Instead of = or else
Wasup - not so much
i wish i was out there
Want him to give you his bank details while he's at it????
It tastes like ass
u had one job
fuck smthin up = merder
i mean like i j didnt think i was gna get to this point so fast
Thats kinda fucked up
Idk thats magic
Yeh that hurtED
Have fun bitch a$$
she looks like shes been through a lot
Weird flew but ok
Clear my schedule
Get off my arseee
As you wait, you can..
my dumbass knows only one
Shut up u didnt do that
Meaning that
What am i hearing is that
Thats a gr8 question
When it comes to
Lowkey this is fire
At such a young age
Just give it 4 mins
Stop exposing/bullying me
Did i ask, mind yo own business
How about...
I lost my shit when he said
I never pooped b4 but This shit has me weak asf
i think its sensational
sorry i don’t normally have anger issues
ur peepee, ur perfect personality
Ur 12
I did a oopsie
Although I’ll never get married
We’re gon make this shit happen
My ass
Dont get me wrong
How do u guys feel abt that
sorry im being v negative, i feel like im negative a lot n im worried abt it
Im flipping my shit rn
No wonder why
Next thing u know
I’m a pacifist but u would pass these fists
Someone get their man
Running out of words
Im not fuckin around
I hate bitches
Run at me = run that shit = fight me
Let me be red a little quick
Lets bounce = lets dip = on se tire
That was my shit
Damn shortie okey
To shove = foutre/mettre
Expel = exclure
I said what i said
lay over = escale
ew why am i being cringey 2day, who told me it was okey to say things like bae
for a hot minute
I dont want u to make a face at me/to be mean to me bc im sharing w u bc i think its funny
To shit (past) = sharted
Stop being a stubborn piece of shit
Bitch you’re tripping
What is he on abt
The water got run
Its like one of of those things that sounded a lot better in my head and i said it and im like im fking stupid
Cmon make up ur mind
Im j kidding u dumb bitch i know u cant read
clingy = collant
ok im done overreacting
Ok Picture this
Kenny smells like meldoo
Chips u owe me a drink
They wanna hate everything that i do n that i make for them bc they wanna bully me bc its fun for them
U lost ur shit like big time
When you’re gone, everybody gets used to you being gone bc u cant j mourn for the rest of your life
i want my brain to get constipated so my ideas aint leaving my head
if i leave, im scared that u gon get used to forgetting abt me, u gon get used to me not being here
they dont deserve my funny ass
Okey fire
they aren’t playing around
0 notes
inkribbon796 · 3 years
Egotober 2021 Ch. 13: I’m Supposed to Be on Vacation, Mate
Summary: Philza is supposed to be in retirement, recent events and reputation notwithstanding.
Prompt: Relax
Characters: Michael McChill, Philza, and Mad
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Philza was a simple man, he really was. He liked collecting powerful magical weapons, bothering the rest of the Server and just kicking back. A book in his hands.
300+ years was a long time, perhaps a moderate amount of time for a demon, but absolutely a long time for a human. Philza had helped build monuments to gods and men. He had waged wars, some for his own sake and many for others. The avian had even settled down a couple times to raise a fledgling or two.
Point was, Phil had done a lot and been a lot of things. He didn’t think some “me time” was too much of a request.
Everyone else, however, took any physical sighting of him as some plan on his part so what started as him sunbathing on one of Brighton’s many beaches turned into more than a bit of a hassle.
“Pssst, hey Phil,” Michael whispered, he was one of Dream’s close Server associates, had tried to creep up close to him. “What’s the plan?”
“The plan is for you get the fuck outta[1] my Sun,” Philza told him. “I’m sunbathin’[2].”
“It’s October,” Michael reminded, sweeping his dark hair out of his eyes.
Phil lowered his sunglasses, “And?”
Michael shrugged, and stepped out of the way.
The avian demon turned and looked over, “Hey, shitebag! I can hear yeh breathin’.”[3]
Mad came out of hiding, being able to stay safe in the city thanks to the heroes was making him a bit braver, even when he wasn’t hanging around Mare. He was admittedly taking too many chances, but Phil wasn’t in too charitable of a mood to teach the young demon a lesson for his own good.
He’d leave that to Dark or Anti or probably Dream. Philza was supposed to be relaxing.
“It doesn’t look like you’re doing anything interesting, I’ll go,” Mad decided, jabbing his thumb behind him.
“Nah,” Phil told him, lowering his sunglasses back down. “Take a seat, in front ‘a me, though, just ‘cause yeh can’t kill me doesn’t mean I trust yeh.”[4]
Mad rolled his eyes and walked around, looking at the beach. He stayed standing. “It’s almost sunset.”
“Yeah? And?” Phil repeated. “I didn’t live fer[5] 300-plus years to burn through my hosts with skin cancer. I’m just gettin’[6] some Vitamin D, or whate’er[7].”
“Where’d you get that thing, by the way?” Mad commented. “Is it still alive?”
“Nah, got it from some prison morgue, I ne’er take somethin’ that’s gonna be missed,”[8] Phil shrugged.
“That thing is from a prison?” Mad commented.
“Well yeah,” Phil commented. “It’s harder to take ‘em from a battlefield these days and I don’t want somethin’ that has ta be retrained how ta fight. It’s annoyin’ and I hate it.”[9]
“Okay, that makes sense,” Mad agreed. “You have a laundry list of features you like?”
“Nah,” Phil corrected, turning back to his book. “I’m not picky, I just need some blue eyed, blond haired fucker. That’s it.”
“You’ve just been doing that for 300 years?” Michael asked.
“More or less, I’ve taken captains ‘a[10] the guard, knights, highwaymen,” Phil admitted. “I like this one I’ve found, but I give it another five years before I have ta find a new one. Look, while I’ve got you two, try to enjoy yer time. You’re not human, you’ve got a long time ta do what you want to in life. So have some fun, go out to the middle ‘a nowhere and just chill out fer twenty years. Seen a lotta demons die from wantin’ ta get too big too fast.”[11]
“So this is like a retirement plan for you?” Michael asked.
“Mate, I just wanna[12] relax,” Phil sighed. “Last couple ‘a years have been a bit much and I just wanna fuckin’ kick back ‘fore I start my next project.”[13]
“What’s that going to be?” Michael asked.
“This city lacks a good altar ta[14] Death,” Phil smiled. “Gotta[15] make a lady feel invited.”
“Death? Didn’t take you for the blood sacrifice type.” Mad was just staring at him.
“Nahhh,” Phil smiled. “It’s been a while since she’s seen the boys, but I gotta[15] make sure she doesn’t start a fight with some ‘a[10] the boys around here. And that she’s got a nice place ta14] stay while she’s in town.”
“I gotta[15] go,” Mad decided.
“Have fun, kid,” Phil said. “Gotta[15] enjoy the Sun while I can.”
Mad left and Michael hung out with Philza for a bit before the both of them went back to the Server.
Accessibility Translations:
1. out of
2. sunbathing
3. Hey, shitbag! I can hear you breathing.
4. Take a seat, in front of me, though, just because you can’t kill me doesn’t mean I trust you two.
5. for
6. getting
7. whatever
8. Nah, got it from some prison morgue, I never take something that’s going to be missed
9. It’s harder to take them from a battlefield these days and I don’t want something that has to be retrained how to fight. It’s annoying and I hate it.
10. of
11. I like this one I’ve found, but I give it another five years before I have to find a new one. Look, while I’ve got you two, try to enjoy your time. You’re not human, you’ve got a long time to do what you want in life. So have some fun, go out to the middle of nowhere and just chill out for twenty years. Seen a lot of demons die from wanting to get too big too fast.
12. want to
13. Last couple of years have been a bit much and I just want to fucking kick back before I start my next project.
14. to
15. Have to
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manabingu · 5 years
Does Fuya become friends with Yuma’s other friends post series? Does Fuya invite them to be on his show? Is Fuya the kind of celebrity to sign as many autographs as he can or does he turn them down most of the time?
((THANK YOU FOR YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT FUYA QWQ! I shall do my best to answer! ))
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1.Does Fuya become friends with Yuma’s other friends post series?
 I believe since they had a huge, incredible adventure fighting the Barians, even though Fuya only thought of Yuma as a close friend, I’m sure in the aftermath, Yuma would introduce him properly to everyone else he didn’t meet ((aka everyone who wasn’t Tetsuo,Kotori or Anna cuz Fuya met them already…kinda briefly but yeh??)) I’m sure Yuma is the kind of person that just wants everyone to have a fun time together so he’d find a day to just have a Numbers Club hang out day ((with Mrs. Okudaira’s consent of course. Yuma does NOT wanna face her wrath if something happens to her baby. Honestly she might lowkey station bodyguards around the area without telling the kids XD)). And I can definitely see him being EXTREMELY shy at first ((especially with the girls cuz from personal experience- he never knows how they’ll react to him. Especially being an actor and all)) but after a few hours of getting to know everyone, I’m sure he’d get along with them :) ! I think he’d have a lot of fun dueling and learning new tactics, maybe even trading cards or just eating granny Tsukumo’s riceballs ^w^
2. Does Fuya invite them to be on his show?
I’m sure that the thought has crossed his mind. He’d have to REALLY convince his mom & the other producers though. I think the ONLY way they’d actually MAKE it to be in ESPer Robin is if they were background extras. But them landing an ACTUAL huge major speaking role is highly unrealistic because that’s just not how Hollywood works irl. Every character who has a speaking role needs to have an agent and go through the auditioning process. Even if someone is your friend, they can’t just randomly be in a show XD! BUT there is a MAJOR possibility of seeing the Numbers Club being background extras in an episode or even an ESper Robin movie/ OVA ^^
3. Is Fuya the kind of celebrity to sign as many autographs as he can or does he turn them down most of the time?
Fuya is definitely not the kind of celebrity to turn someone down. He’s a very kind boy & he understands that the fans of his work are happy that his character or the show itself brings them some kind of joy. He KNOWS how important his role of ESPer Robin is & how even a work of fiction can have a major impact in somebody’s life no matter how big or small. He was spoon-fed all these ideologies by his parents since he was old enough to understand that concept & he IS trying his best to live up to this image of chivalry & compassion. Once ESper Robin began to gain a huge following, he realized truly how important it was, in a way he had to grow up QUITE a bit faster in some areas of his life faster than any normal kid. Child actors have lotta different problems they deal with  than other kids QuQ! But I’m so proud of him for tackling all these crazy things at such a young age & I know he’s got a better support system now ^^. It may sound cheesy but BECAUSE he plays a tokusatsu superhero, he kind of feels like he has a duty to be a good role model especially for young people.
The ONLY time I can see him turning down an autograph would be if he felt he was in danger or in the presence of a crazy fan who had malicious intent. But aside from that, he will sign if he was asked politely. As long as they respect him & treat him with etiquette & boundaries, he’s ok ^_^b 
Hope I answered your questions! ^_^ Thanks again!
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manabingu · 6 years
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Had a lotta fun celebrating my lil sis birthday today and yesterday ^.^/✨
I love my sis, I would protect her from anything ever. We're sisters but moreso I feel she is like my best friend, she's always there for me when I need her the most, she constantly looks out for me like a little angel. She is kind,thoughtful,selfless & adorable. Some people actually mistake us for twins sometimes cuz we so in sync lol. But yeh! We had a lotta fun!
We had Korean BBQ for the first time, we went to karaoke, she got her free birthday boba tea today from Chewy's, she absolutely adored all her gifts 🎁 ^_^ I'm happy I could make her smile by getting her the SHINee lightstick! And she got herself a galaxy 3Ds (yo that thing is gorgeous) so now she has a buncha cute stuff,clothes from my family & she had a good time ^^/ I rarely speak up about all this stuff but she is very dear to me. So I thought I'd share 💖
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